#tmj headcanons
fantasmadaagnes · 7 months
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Esse post foi inspirado por @princessjaehaera
A culpa é totalmente delx por colocar essa ideia na minha cabeça. De repente eu tinha escrito 2.7k palavras sobre :/
Aviso: Não tenho direitos sobre nenhum aspecto da Turma da Mônica Jovem. Todos os direitos reservados à Maurício de Sousa Produções.
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Foi o Toni. A péssima influência do Toni.
A culpa era toda do Toni.
Ninguém em sã consciência seria amigo do Toni, então é claro que o DC era.
Apesar dos vários avisos de várias pessoas diferentes de que “O Tonhão da Rua de Baixo não é flor que se cheire”; “Ele é um delinquente”; “Vai te levar para o mau caminho”.
No fim o Toni realmente o levou para o mau caminho, mas Do Contra duvidava que fosse da forma que os outros estavam esperando. Para o crédito de todos os bem-intencionados que o aconselharam contra essa amizade, o Toni era sim uma má influência, assim como um delinquente; um vagabundo; um bully; um meliante; violento; um babaca… assim como tantos outros adjetivos pouco lisonjeiros. Mas ele era também um maria-fifi de primeira.
DC geralmente só deixava o cara falar, sem dar muita importância, afinal todo mundo naquele bairro curtia uma fofoca. Não é à toa que o blog da Denise tem tantos seguidores, ele pensa.
Mas ele, sendo Do Contra, obviamente não era fofoqueiro.
Se todo mundo gostava, por via de regra, o DC não estava nem aí. Por isso ele não ficava sabendo do novo escândalo que geral estava comentando, ele não seguia o blog da Denise, e ele não escutava o que o Toni dizia.
— …Não que eu ache errado, é claro — ele comentou — na real, a mina tá é muito certa mesmo!
— Uhum. — DC só concordava, sem prestar muita atenção.
— Nem eu já fui cuzão assim! — Do Contra ergueu uma sobrancelha — Tá, eu fui, mas aquilo era diferente. Era vingança! Mas esse idiota realmente acredita que tem razão.
Do Contra virou mais uma página do seu mangá.
— Enfim, esse cara tem que ser muito enrustido.
Aquilo fez o DC olhar para o Toni.
— De quem você tá falando? — Não que ele estivesse interessado na treta de sei-lá-quem com fulano-de-tal, mas Do Contra sempre ficava de olho aberto para qualquer cara LGBT por aí.
Ele secretamente esperava arrumar um namorado para o Nimbus, ou apenas a possibilidade de um. O irmão estava dolorosamente solteiro.
E talvez, só talvez, se Nimbus arrumasse alguém, a Ramona perceberia o porquê de o crush dela nunca poder rolar.
Do Contra adorava a Ramona, e detestava vê-la sofrer, mas não podia contar que o irmão era gay. Não até que ele mesmo assumisse publicamente.
— Daquele projetinho de Leo Stronda — falou o Toni num tom irritado — Tô resmungando aqui faz uma meia hora. Você não ouviu nada?
— Quem? — O Toni quase nunca chamava as pessoas pelo nome, só pelo apelido que ele mesmo dava. Alguma coisa a ver com a pose de durão dele, tipo: “eu-não-ligo-pra-você-o-suficiente-para-lembrar-o-seu-nome”.
— O Titi. O Marombeiro. O Rato de Academia. O Ex da Mina da Chapinha — essa, DC presumiu, devia ser a Aninha na linguagem do Toni.
Nada de namorado pro Nimbus então.
— Ele não é enrustido — DC debochou — O Titi é a definição de um hétero-top. Se você pesquisar “hétero-top” no Google vai aparecer uma foto do Titi.
— Exatamente! — Toni bateu com o punho na palma da mão — Aquele nível de filha-da-putisse tem que ser porque ele é reprimido! Ninguém precisa provar que é macho tanto assim! — Ele fala com a convicção de quem defende uma tese de doutorado — Ele é viado, tô te dizendo!
Importante dizer que o próprio Toni era “viado” (da mesma forma que era uma má influência, por isso o Do Contra jamais cogitaria juntar ele com o Nimbus).
Pra quem olhava parecia que o DC saía por aí arrombando as portas dos armários, já que todo mundo se assumia pra ele e mais ninguém: O Nimbus e o Toni são gays, a Ramona é bi, a Sarah ace… 
O próprio DC é LGBT, mas isso é outra história.
— O que tem o Titi então?
— Cara, você realmente não estava ouvindo — Toni olhou com raiva para o mangá, agora fechado, no colo do Do Contra — Eu disse que a Miss Meio-Período — a Aninha — tava certa em explanar o cara.
“A da Chapinha tava trabalhando na cafeteria do shopping, e viu o Garoto Propaganda da SmartFit em dois encontros com duas minas diferentes, em horários diferentes, mas no mesmo dia. Daí ela falou a verdade pras pobres coitadas, e explicou exatamente a história dela com o cara, e como ele é um bosta.”
Certíssimo, pensou DC. O Titi era, de fato, um bosta.
— Enfim, é óbvio que ele ficou puto e descascou a mina no meio da praça de alimentação do shopping. Alguma merda sobre ela ainda estar interessada nele, já que fica se metendo nos “namoros” dele — Acrescentou Toni olhando o celular — Agora eu tô esperando a treta toda sair no blog da Maria-Chiquinha — Denise —, com certeza ela vai ter mais detalhes.
Foi só quando ele mencionou o blog da Denise que o Do Contra se ligou que aquilo era uma fofoca. E ele não ligava pra fofocas, isso era modinha!
Ele abriu o mangá de novo.
Duas semanas depois, e tão pouco interessado em fofocas como sempre esteve, um outro segredo caiu no colo do DC. 
Ele estava saindo da sala do diretor com um sorriso satisfeito no rosto, andando pelos corredores com a presunção de quem havia vencido uma discussão. 
O professor Rubens tinha encrencado com a redação de biologia dele, alguma besteira sobre como “não se pode escrever uma redação ao contrário”, ao que DC replicou, Rubens treplicou, até que o professor decidiu levar a questão ao diretor Licurgo, e foi aí que Do Contra percebeu que a batalha estava ganha. 
Rubens deveria ter previsto que Licurgo aprovaria o texto muito original de DC, tanto que chegou ao ponto de prometer que daria sua próxima aula escrevendo ao contrário na lousa. 
Cara, ele amava aquele velho! 
Estava pronto pra ir embora, passando pelas salas de aula vazias, já que quase ninguém ficava na escola depois do horário, a não ser para fazer hora na biblioteca ou praticar algum esporte.
Mas aparentemente a Cascuda também estava lá, parada no corredor com a cara enfiada no armário dela, sem fazer parte do grupo da biblioteca ou da quadra de esportes.
No seu bom humor, DC a cumprimentou animado. 
— E aí Cascuda! 
O que ele não estava esperando foi o gritinho que ela soltou, se virando com os olhos arregalados. OK, eu não falei tão alto assim. Ele pensou, surpreso com a reação. Sem falar que as mãos dela estavam tremendo.
— Aconteceu alguma coisa contigo? 
Ela abriu a boca para responder, mas não saiu nada. 
Ai não.
Cascuda caiu no choro, balbuciando alguma coisa que ele não conseguiu entender. DC, levemente desesperado, colocou os braços ao redor dos ombros dela e abriu a porta de uma das salas vazias. 
— Calma, calma… — O que ele devia fazer? Considerando o seu histórico de pessoas chorando, era possível que a Cascuda estivesse prestes a sair do armário pra ele — Quer que eu ligue pro Cascão? 
— NÃO! — DC deu um pulinho pra trás e Cascuda desatou a chorar de novo — Ele não pode saber! 
Será que tinha rolado uma traição? Aquilo podia ser uma coisa grave! O coração do Do Contra estava acelerado de curiosidade. 
Controle-se homem! não é hora de ficar fuxicando a vida dos outros!
Mas é óbvio que ele tinha que perguntar o que aconteceu. Ele tinha que ouvir os problemas dela, certo? Não era assim que se consolava as pessoas? 
— Quer me contar o que aconteceu? — Perguntou com delicadeza. 
Cascuda olhou para ele, e depois em volta, para a sala vazia, como se para ter certeza que a Denise não estava escondida atrás de uma das mesas, farejando algum “babado”. Então ela olhou de volta para a expressão preocupada de DC, puxou fôlego e…
— Eu trapaceei na redação de biologia — Confessou — eu copiei da internet.
E voltou a chorar.
Do Contra jogou a cabeça para trás e começou a rir. 
Ela olhou pra ele, ofendidíssima, soluçando um “não tem graça”. 
— Caramba, Cascuda! Eu achei que alguém tinha morrido! — Ele segurou os ombros dela — Tá, mas e daí? 
— Ahn? Como assim “e daí?” — Ela chiou indignada — Eu trapaceei! Se o professor Rubens descobrir acabou! Minha vida acadêmica, meu histórico escolar, tudo! Então adeus faculdade… Ai meu deus! Eu não vou conseguir trabalho se não tiver curso superior. Vou ter que morar embaixo da ponte, ou no esgoto… Vou ter que entregar currículo pro Capitão Feio…  
Ótimo, ela estava entrando em pânico agora.
— Ei! Calma aí! — DC segurou ela pelos ombros — Vamos começar com o fato de que o Rubens não vai descobrir. 
— Você não pode ter certeza disso. 
— Mas eu tenho. Ele não vai perder tempo colocando todas as redações manuscritas da turma num site anti-plágio — Cascuda começou a respirar mais devagar — Sem falar que só a minha redação vai levar a tarde toda pra ser corrigida, já que são quatro páginas frente e verso escritas ao contrário.
— Você entregou uma redação ao contrário? 
— Sim, e o Licurgo aceitou — Ela abriu a boca para reclamar — Mas esse não é o ponto. Cascuda, na moral, você podia plagiar todas as redações até o resto do ensino médio e se graduar com honras. Você tem reputação! Ninguém nunca vai desconfiar. 
Pronto. Ataque de pânico evitado! Ela tinha parado de tremer. 
— Acho que você tem razão — ela esfregou o rosto — Mas você precisa saber que eu nunca faço isso! É que eu estava tão estressada com as provas das outras matérias e o cursinho e os treinos pro vestibular que eu não consegui… 
— Relaxa, eu não ligo. Eu não acredito nos métodos do sistema educacional mesmo — Do Contra abre a porta pra ela — Então vai lavar o rosto pra gente ir tomar sorvete.
O sorriso da Cascuda quase não coube no rosto. 
— Valeu DC!
Enquanto ela corria pro banheiro, Do Contra encostou na parede do corredor para esperar. Ele foi sincero quando disse que não era nada de mais, mas, ainda assim, a sensação de saber um segredo, uma coisa que ninguém mais sabia, era muito boa. 
É óbvio que ele não ia contar pra ninguém, aquilo podia dar problema pra Cascuda, então, como ele não ia contar, aquilo não era fofoca. 
Claro que não.
Fofoca, conclui Do Contra, é um termo malicioso, que não condiz nem um pouco com a realidade.
Ele era adepto às novidades.
Não era culpa dele se o Toni era incapaz de calar a boca, ou se as pessoas desse bairro faziam tanta coisa estranha. A verdade é que lutar contra o instinto fofoqueiro se mostrou inútil, já que, aparentemente o DC exerce um magnetismo sobrenatural nas pessoas, que só chegam nele pra contar as coisas.
Por que, em nome de deus, a Carmem achou que ele era a pessoa certa pra contar sobre como os boatos de vandalismo no bairro eram mentira, e na verdade foi tudo culpa dela?
Aparentemente o tio dela, que trabalhava no gabinete do prefeito (família Frufru, é claro) foi quem começou a campanha enorme que estava acontecendo ultimamente, e foi tudo por causa da Carmem, que furou os pneus do Rolls-Royce do cara.
Que tipo de pessoa tem a droga de um Rolls-Royce? Porco capitalista.
— A questão é que ele soltou um comentário super transfóbico na cara da Luísa — comentou a Carmem do nada, vinte segundos depois de sentar do lado do DC na arquibancada da quadra — então, enquanto o Felipe se segurava pra não quebrar os dentes do tio Gérson, eu fingi que ia no banheiro e furei os pneus do carro dele.
“Eu usei a tesourinha do meu estojo de manicure, sabe? E até fui pelo canto esquerdo da garagem, pras câmeras de segurança não me pegarem… Não me olha assim. Eu moro naquela mansão desde sempre, eu conheço os ângulos das câmeras. Daí eu furei três pneus, eu vi na internet uma vez que o seguro só cobre se furarem os quatro…”
Do Contra lembrava vagamente do Toni falando alguma coisa assim.
“...E no fim eu tava certa! Nada de cobertura de seguro e a manutenção precisa de peças importadas, ele vai gastar uma grana. E a melhor parte é que o tio botou na cabeça que o Bairro do Limoeiro é violento, dá pra acreditar? Todo mundo aqui tem tanto medo da Mônica que nem atravessam fora da faixa. Ele disse que não vai voltar aqui tão cedo. Bem feito!”
Bem feito mesmo, bom pra vocês. Antes que ele conseguisse abrir a boca para comentar, a Carmem continuou:
“Eu só não esperava que ele fosse reclamar com o prefeito para ter mais policiamento por aqui. Não que seja problema, tipo, o bairro é muito pacífico. Bom, tem o Capitão Feio explodindo uns bueiros de vez em quando, mas a turma sempre dá uma coça nele. Então acho que todas essas palestras que a gente vem tendo sobre vandalismo e má conduta são meio que minha culpa.”
Ela levantou e foi embora.
...Então tá.
Ele se perguntou por um tempo se a Carmem especificamente escolheu ele pra desabafar o drama familiar por alguma razão específica.
Bom, ele é explicitamente LGBT. E contra os ricos. E amigo do maior delinquente do bairro. E não tinha tantas ressalvas assim contra vandalismo, desordem pública e tal. E a pessoa menos provável de fofocar por aí (há!).
A questão é que, novamente, uma fofoca despencou do céu bem nas mãos dele.
Que droga de karma.
E esse segredo, ao contrário do da Cascuda, ele contou sim para o Toni. Não é como se o valentão fosse espalhar pra alguém, ele só curtia saber das coisas.
E Do Contra estava tendo a sensação muito ruim de que ele compreendia o sentimento.
— CA-RA-LHO você tá zoando! — Esse era o Toni, aliás — A Barbie meteu essa?
— Foi o que ela disse.
Toni jogou a cabeça pra trás e começou a rir tão alto que assustou os pombos do parque. A velhinha sentada no banco ao lado do deles olhou feio para ele, e parou de jogar as migalhas de pão no chão.
— Meu deus do céu, virei fã dela agora — Ele enxugou uma lágrima, recuperando o fôlego depois de alguns minutos daquela gargalhada maníaca — E quem diria, o famoso Do Contra me trazendo uma pérola dessas. Você finalmente entrou para o caminho maligno da fofoca e fuxicagem?
— Cala a boca.
Não é como se ele saísse procurando essas coisas, interrogando qualquer pobre coitado que cruzasse com ele no corredor. O pessoal desse bairro só tinha a boca frouxa mesmo. E, assim como ele era um farol pra pessoas gays, parece que ele também atraía fofoca.
O universo estava claramente de sacanagem com o Do Contra.
Afinal, por qual outro motivo ele teria o Cascão como parceiro de laboratório nas aulas de química?
A beleza do Cascão é que ele pode ser a pessoa mais sensata e lógica quando a situação pedia, mas, ao mesmo tempo, ele é dolorosamente lerdo. Tão lerdo que ele nem sequer percebia que os assuntos que ele puxava nas aulas de química eram verdadeiras minas de ouro no ramo da informação privilegiada.
Os “eu ouvi dizer”, e “eu vi enquanto fazia parkour” do Cascão traziam algumas das melhores fofocas que o DC já tinha ouvido.
Tinha algumas que ele já sabia, tipo o fato de que o “namorado” da Isa, na cidade de onde ela veio, era na verdade uma namorada, mas ela escondeu porque quando chegou não sabia como o pessoal da Turma se posicionava.
Isso o Do Contra descobriu na primeira semana da Isa no colégio. Sério mesmo, será que ele liberava algum feromônio especial que atraía LGBTs?
Outras fofocas eram material novo e muitas vezes surreal.
Você sabia que a Mônica conseguiu arredondar a nota dela em matemática depois de ajudar a professora com o carro enguiçado dela? O que, para a Mônica, queria dizer que ela colocou a caminhonete nos ombros e levou até a oficina. Bom, o DC com certeza não sabia, mas descobriu pela boca do Cascão.
Também teve a enorme treta que aconteceu quando o pai do Franja viu a Marina e a Milena se beijando no parque, e armou um barraco achando que a Marina estava traindo o filho dele. Isso tudo antes de ficar esclarecido que eles eram um trisal.
E quem esqueceria o momento em que vazou que a Sarah tem um crush num cara morto.
Quando o Cascão falou isso, DC caiu da cadeira no meio da aula, em choque.
Primeiro: Como o Cascão sabia disso? Segundo: O QUÊ?
Deus do céu, essas fofocas vão acabar comigo.
Maldito Toni.
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Do nada, o Toni aparece em todas as fanficzinhas que eu escrevo... Fazer o quê?
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specterofyou · 6 months
Important announcement: Mint's ears bob along in-time to music.
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qwuilty · 1 year
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i do not have the brain power to like make these like Proper Drawings but i want to get him out there so. what would you do if you saw him press X if you would slap his shaved head and press O if you would slap his shaved head
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
Uma hora eu crio vergonha na cara e posto as coiseiras todas que planejava postar aqui, com tags, foto e tudo
Só não vai ser hoje
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emsgoodthinkin · 5 months
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smut-fluff-angst [MDNI]
Never did this before - virgin Eddie x virgin reader after weeks of flirting and crushing on each other, you finally pop a serious question into your bestfriend Eddie’s head, and he has a hard time providing you with an honest answer
How he fucks - experienced Eddie x perv reader
Subconsciously you’ve always been unaware of how obliviously perverted you are, and Eddie finally takes matters into his own hands
King Steve doesn’t exist - (steddie)
Steve Harringtons deepest secret gets revealed, but will the freak accept him? Will he runaway from him like everyone else? Does size really matter?
The band-aid to my wounds - Older!Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington x Kurt Kunkle x reader
After stumbling into an old barn after being stranded by your freshly new ex boyfriend, you wake up strangely in a room..that isn't yours..
Headcanons/ blurbs
Eddie gets off watching you lick a lollipop
UPS!Driver Eddie
Eddie admiring ftm bf Steve
Physical therapist Eddie
(Joe Quinn headshot)
(Naughty Poetry for Joe)
GOth eddie moodboard
(Joes an ass man)
You’re a creep for Eddie too
Biker Eddie admiring his stripper gf
Forced to watch jealous Eddie jerk off
Eddie loves a fat 🐱
Toxic fuck boy Eddie
Virgin you needs Eddie NOW
Obsessed with Eddie’s BALLS
Struggling to get wet (steddie)
Mean Eddie still being nice with your TMJ
Pissing off dom/ switch Eddie
Eddie watching his black gf dance
Eddie loves Doja Cat
Eddie fucking you to Enter Sandman
Eddie watching his gf get off in her wheelchair
Eddie’s soft fem black gf
Gangster Eddie / pt 2
Eddie steals you in the night
Hippie Eddie moodboard
You and Eddie are big pervs
Eddie talking himself towards an orgasm
Eddie licking your cum
Gross virgin loser Eddie does porn pt 2 gross Eddie
(Steddie) helping chronically ill reader feel better
Older Eddie cumming struggles
Older Eddie loves all your holes
Hot and bothered by their black gf (steddie)
Butler Eddie
Street dancer Eddie
⤬ reblogs, comments & likes are appreciated ⤬
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iamthecomet · 8 months
-enters your askbox like I'm sitting down in a confessional-
Dew who can't suck dick to save his life paired up with minute man Rain.
-steps out of the confessional-
Oh man, I always headcanon Dew has having immaculate head game, however, I will indulge you for this. Because I really love it. Dew with an intense gag reflex. Dew with a small mouth. Dew with no idea what to do with his tongue. Dew with TMJ, aching jaw, unable to keep it up for long. Dew who's always struggled to suck anyone off to completion. Usually opting to move on long before they're close. It's just what he's used to. Sure he'll put it in his mouth but he's not very good at it and he doesn't really enjoy it. But Rain? Rain asks him for it and Dew isn't going to say no. He'll give it his best try. He'll go as long as he can before he has to tap out. He'll give Rain something at lease, a few moments in the wet heat of his mouth. And then Rain loses it. A handful of seconds in already whining, dripping like a faucet. Only the head pushed past Dew's lips. Dew sucks a little harder and Rain unravels. Pushing just deep enough to be uncomfortable, savoring the feeling of Dew's mouth around him. He cums in under a minute the first time. And Dew is...shocked. Ego boosted. Now all he wants to do is suck Rain off, to watch him unravel. To see how fast he can get Rain to cum. And Rain? God Rain's happy to oblige him, to press his dick against those pretty lips and just let go. They make one hell of a pair.
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helioshellion · 1 year
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hi im bucky and welcome to my long list of kiryu and majima headcanons mostly revolving around health related stuff bc that interests me. ive talked about it before but ive been wanting to reveal my mastermind plans for them. ive vaguely alluded to these all in my fics like friday night and phanto. anyways heres a list. may range from mildly nsfw but in a more medical way not a sexual manner since idc about that sort of thing
So for Kiryu he is a trans man who forgets his t injections every day of his life. every time he gets out of prison he has to restart on it and every time he has to go through all the initial stages once again like an evil cycle of hormones.
He has extreme nerve damage in his hands/fingertips due to severe hypothermia suffered at the end of Yakuza 5, and therefore cannot feel in his hands anymore.
Also suffers from a migraine disorder.
He deals with a very prominent compartmentalization problem stirred by his ever-changing life stages. A sort of out-of-sight-out-of-mind mentality born out of his fear of losing absolute control over his life. This goes hand-in-hand with general low empathy.
This also results in an extremely flippant attitude towards both sex and romance. He is not committal at all and does not imagine himself settling down. He is a reserved person, but he doesn’t shy away from sex. He lives in Kamurocho, after all. He’s just mostly desensitized and is mostly neutral towards it as he gets older.
 Yes hes bisexual love wins. But he has a low opinion of the men in his life thinking them callous and more difficult than he wants to deal with. This increases with his age and the worse the villains get. He almost has a mentality of needing to Win and Be Won in regards to romance. He must Prove Himself, or someone else must prove themself to Him.
Oh yeah and TMJ sorry to his jaw.
His life is in constant disarray and his self-contained environments reflect this. His living spaces are messes. Ashtrays filled with countless stamped cigarettes and shelves lined with half-eaten food and beer cans. He doesn’t want to be regarded as sloppy but theres something in his brain that makes him struggle with Cleaning his own spaces. There’s something about his mind that likes the control he has TO mess up his own space.
He has several single-tooth partial dentures mostly in his molar area. he has one prosthetic canine tooth.
He is no-op in regards to his transition. T has shrunk his chest enough that it sags loosely. If you’re curious, he’s dry as a desert down there. sorry.
He doesn’t exactly have a circadian rhythm. He sleeps and wakes up whenever he wants, and his brain does not register Night/Day. Meaning he could sleep through an entire day and his brain will not register sunlight. This results in getting him up to be extremely. Extremely difficult.
Big one, he lives with something like CTE. (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (double parantheses because this condition cannot usually be diagnosed while someone is alive)) Which exemplifies his already present suicidal ideation and depression. Out of anyone in the series Kiryu has taken some of the Worst bodily trauma over a LONG period of time. It has taken a toll on his body and mind.
Oh boy!
Majima has a hormone imbalance ever since the hole. if you remember in my fic Phanto I alluded to him being completely impotent and sterile due to a castration in the hole. He has gynecomastia and hypothyroidism but has no qualms about it. He’s not dysphoric about it at all, and tries to stay extremely vigilant about his testosterone intake (tgel, needles scare him).
Because of the above he has little to no sex drive, not to mention the extreme trauma relations to it. He has complexes on top of complexes about it. So he just doesn’t do it.
He has a weak right knee, which is the one he uses to kick/attack as he’s able to use his stronger leg as support. His arms and legs are longer than his torso, and he has an extreme slouch, which presents itself as a very permanent slouch crease on his stomach fold.
He has a distrust of men, mostly older than him, and is not a cis man, although he doesn’t have the language to describe himself or his sexuality. He’s old and doesn’t feel the need to.
Blatantly, not even just a Me headcanon, but Majima does have a mentality of needing to be beaten in order to fall in line. In relation to pretty much everything in his life. It’s much stronger the younger he is, and weakens as he gets older, aided by his improving mental state. By 7′s time, and he is an emotionally healthy person. Hiccups are to be expected, but they’re nothing to shame or be ashamed for.
In Dead Souls he discusses needing to keep his hair cut at an exact measurement. He is a massive micromanager in regards to Anything at any given moment. His living arrangements are extremely empty and uncreative.
The younger him was extremely flippant about caring for his eye, which resulted in several infections and close calls. It’s one of the reasons he decides to get his eye exenterated when he’s older. Somewhat of a symbolic thing as he works through his trauma, letting go of this thing that has clung to him, Literally an Infection. He changes things up, and lives happier for it. He wouldn’t have been alive it hadn’t been for Nishida.
He is one of the most intelligent people in the. Yakuza Team or whatever. Regardless of his deteriorating memory issues, he reads like a motherfucker and can beat anyone in almost any mind-game.
This is a byproduct of not considering the Kiwamis (majima everywhere and majima construction) as canon, but my Majima is very heavily inspired by 1, 2, and the movie iterations of Majima. Meaning, he is not a generally “nice” person. He is extremely empathetic, and reads people very well, but he tends to hold these qualities over peoples heads when he’s younger. As he gets older, these qualities shift to more. Altruistic purposes. He isn’t nice, but he is an understanding person.
I also shift the timeline around to place his marriage with Mirei before the events of 0 to allow better, smoother story progression. And I’m not going to handwave away anything he did because oh yeah did he fuck up.
Speaking of relationships, if Majima were to ever, he would be Very Attached. He is monogamous by heart, and is more about mental connections over inherently sexual or romantic. He is a One-and-Done person. He isn’t flippant like Kiryu, and holds an extreme amount of value in loyalty and love. He is not one for more monetary romantic gestures. He values touching a lot more, but discourages touching HIM. He’s stone. He feels love in being the one to touch, and for his partner to Be touched By Him. And I’m not talking about sexual practices or anything. But if that did progress to that, expect similar results.
However, adding to that, he is not going to try to “make things work” in any way. He will walk away if requested, and he will walk away at the inclination of things Just not working out. He jumps to conclusions quickly, but it is for good reason. Knowing when to bow out keeps him alive.
Back to body stuff. He has dentures along his entire bottom jaw. His top teeth are very discolored from smoking, resulting in a visible difference between his top and bottom teeth.
And whatever here’s Kazumaji bullshit too because I am predictable.
They’re more friends than lovers, if that makes sense. Regardless of the amount of love shared between them, their lives are a long string of boats passing by. Their loyalty for each other is extremely strong, and underlying love does carry this, but they can’t exactly settle down anytime soon. Majima talks to him as a confidant, not as a lover, and Kiryu speaks to him the same. It’s almost more intimate in a way. Neither of them put up fronts when they’re alone. They are both private together, speaking to each other ways they’d never speak to anyone else.
If we’re on a scale, Kiryu is the more romantically affectionate one. He’s the one who thinks of dates, who thinks of kissing, who thinks of whatever else. Majima doesn’t initiate any of this due to his before-said complexes on top of complexes.
Yet, on the flip side, Majima is the one who could most easily fall into domesticity. It’s something he’s fantasized for himself ever since he was a boy, and something he cast aside immediately following the hole. He imagined a family impossible for him, and has attempted to cast aside that part of himself. But there’s no destroying Who you Are. He wants to be a tender person. Once Saejima, his strongest familial relationship, returns, he lets that side of himself regain a foothold in his brain.
This is both supported and contradicted by canon depending on the game, but I’ll settle on one. Despite Majima’s reservations and trauma, he is more trusting than Kiryu in a lot of situations. (In Yakuza 2: “There’s nothing wrong with putting your trust in a guy...”) Kiryu will tend to be cynical and have to be “won” in order for him to put his trust in you. Majima, however, will put his trust if he feels he can, but is very liberal with rescinding it.
Kiryu goes through a phase in his romantic relationship with Majima where he feels unwanted due to Majima’s low intimacy drive. The only way that’s resolved is by talking. There’s a lot of things they cannot get out of their relationship with each other, and that’s absolutely fine. They find other things to make it work.
On the flip side....... Kiryu’s revolving-door life results in Majima feeling cast aside again and again. It’s not that Kiryu thinks of hurting Majima, but his idea of romance is very different to Majima’s. He thinks he can just put on a new skin and live out an entirely different life as a different person. This is what causes their relationship to fizzle out time and time again. Their relationship is a very, very unstable wave. It’ll be strong, weak, whatever. The bottom line is that they’re never going to be able to reach that Perfect Meeting Point.
BUT this is all from Yakuza 1-6....Post 7, and I have no idea! Maybe they can try again and see themselves more successful due to their Very different life circumstances. Without the clan to hold either of them back, maybe they can make things work. However, I can’t imagine them ever making anything “”official”” as in calling each other boyfriend Or getting married. Their relationship is strange and tumultuous but they genuinely. wholeheartedly Love each other.
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ihavemanychickens · 1 year
Call of duty chronic pain headcanons
- this man was literally tortured and traumatized as a result of that, so he probably has fibromyalgia
- For those who don’t know what fibromyalgia feels like, it’s this feeling of tenderness all over your body, like when you get a bad sunburn (at least that is what it’s like for me)
- There’s a little to no treatment for it but ghost finds that hydrotherapy really helps
- He’ll switch between really hot and really cold showers depending on what he feels he needs
- Although we don’t know his official age we do know he’s been in the military since he was 20 and is at least in his 30s or 40s. Meaning he’s been in the military for 10+ years.
- Do you know what being in the military for that long does to your body?
- He most certainly has some form of chronic pain, but this also means he’s had plenty of time to test out pain relief methods
- He’s tried it all: joint braces, magnesium and CBD lotions and oils, hot and cold compresses, yoga, etc.
- Sadly, he kind of forgets that he has pain relief options, so usually he just toughs it out
- he probably holds a lot of tension in his shoulders, neck, and jaw
- So he most likely is prone to TMJ and tension headaches
- He’ll use those neck pillows that you can heat up or put in the freezer to cool down
- And when his jaw is hurting really bad, he’ll stick to soft foods and take an anti inflammatory
- injured his knee once, and it has never been the same since
- He’s got a drawer full of knee braces but he really only uses like three
- He probably has some with cool designs too
- But when the pain is really bad, he takes a pain reliever and alternates between hot and cold compresses
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coyotecam · 2 years
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Raph definitely needed this actually I think everyone needed this… anyways headcanon time!
Before the end of season 2, I think April and the boys had almost constant spa days where they would all dote over each other which kinda fizzled out due to Leo and Raph's tensions over leadership anyways...
April is in charge of nails, masks, and makeup, and is the resident snack and board game provider.
Mikey would be the activity planner, pillow fort captain, and replacement nail painter (definitely adds cute little designs)
Leo would be the massage guy, calls dibs on the picking the 1st movie they all watch, and pillow fort builder co-captain
Donnie is the DJ(or Sheldon if ever fixes him... please your son is dead sir) and the actual pillow fort connoisseur.
Raph is the fort... no but seriously I think he would just love being pampered and would be asleep 70% of the time and every pile/fort would just be kinda around him. Raph would sneakily try to play his personal playlist over Donnie's "BootyyyShaker9000s Top Greatest Spa Hits" or "I mixed everyone's songs in here except Leo's" --- Speaking of Raph he has TMJ cause I said so and my ouchie jaw syndrome needs sharing... Everyone helps Raph with his jaw when it gets really bad but Leo puts full attention on it during these Spa Days :D I would love some more cute stuff to draw cause I need more fluff in my life or I will continue to draw gore and crap till I die. -- BTW this is after the movie and they would invite Casey but I am struggling to even draw April so like no...
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fantasmadaagnes · 2 years
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DC - Headcanons Aleatórios
O que são headcanons? Headcanon é um termo utilizado por fãs que indica uma crença pessoal sobre a história ou os personagens que não foi confirmada oficialmente.
Ou seja: Tudo o que for escrito a seguir é de minha autoria, não foi confirmado ou negado por nenhuma fonte oficial.
Aviso: Não tenho direitos sobre nenhum aspecto da Turma da Mônica Jovem. Todos os direitos reservados à Maurício de Sousa Produções.
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O DC DESPREZA a cultura do TikTok.
Gosta de Nietzsche. É o filósofo preferido dele.
“As pessoas não têm filósofos preferidos, DC”.
Tem um grau bem alto de astigmatismo.
A única vez em que ele foi visto usando uma roupa colorida foi quando o Nimbus usou mágica para trocar os guardas roupas dos dois.
Quando ele ouve uma música tocando, o DC tende a batucar os dedos junto com a batida.
JAMAIS tente discutir política com ele.
Ele é fã da Billie Eilish, mas prefere morrer a admitir,  já que ela é “muito modinha”.
Aprendeu a embaralhar cartas profissionalmente só de observar o Nimbus.
Sabe jogar pôquer MUITO BEM.
Se encaixa dentro do Espectro Autista, e foi diagnosticado quando ele tinha nove anos.
Conhece os fatos históricos mais aleatórios de todos, e só joga eles no meio das conversas.
"Aliás, sabia que o p**** de Napoleão Bonaparte foi roubado durante a autópsia, e hoje em dia é um item de coleção?".
"...DC, mas que porr-".
(Isso é verdade, não pergunte como eu sei).
Depois de toda a treta da edição 86 o DC doa sangue sempre que pode. Ele fica feliz por poder ajudar, especialmente com a falta de tipo -O.
E faz campanha nas redes sociais. (Doem sangue galera!!).
Atende as ligações de telemarketing só pra bater um papo com os atendentes.
O DC curte usar esmalte preto e vários anéis prateados (ele e a Sarah sempre emprestam os anéis um do outro).
É anarquista (canon).
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doctor-loboto · 1 year
rambling headcanon thoughts that are ALMOST a fanfic, call it a fictoid and also can’t decide who the pov character is:
Crispin is really good at psychological manipulation. Not because he’s like some mastermind abuser but just because he grew up in unforgivingly harsh circumstances in the shitty school system of the Psychonauts universe’s equivalent of 1940s England. He’s tiny and his eyes aren’t good and he’s always just been kind of sickly and weird so he learned these skills to survive.
He didn’t MEAN to make Fred have a psychotic breakdown. He just… may have trash talked him a little aggressively for getting his ass kicked by someone who just came out of a prolonged catatonic episode. But he couldn’t have known that Fred had a huge inferiority complex from his overbearing parents who forced him to go to French camp all summer without doing anything about his panic disorder, among other sins. In Crispin’s opinion, it’s mostly the hospital’s fault for allowing a nurse to do one-on-one care with patients when he had a history of trauma.
Conversely, he’s also discovered that he knows exactly what to say to comfort Loboto when he’s triggered or having a meltdown. He knows to appeal to Caligosto’s ego as a scientist and his desire to be loved, which isn’t difficult because he’s been kind of obsessed with Loboto since they were in the hospital together. He was supposedly violent but usually acted like a sedated puppy except for the rare occasion that he had to be restrained. He was tall, and if Crispin got very close to his face he could just barely tell that he had deep scars and two different colored eyes, like a white cat. It made him look rather dashingly villainous (for the record, about a fifth of the androphilic staff thought he was handsome, three fifths thought he looked like an unsettling failed taxidermy project with too many teeth, and the other fifth thought it was gross to view patients through a sexual lens).
He gathered from their interactions that Loboto claimed to have been the only child in an incredibly abusive family who dug out his brains with an ice pick, that he had been in the system since he was eight years old and had been institutionalized more times than he could keep track of, that his parents forced him to have so many surgeries to correct his scoliosis and TMJ (he wasn’t sure what that meant and Caligosto’s explanation wasn’t terribly coherent), he got kicked out of dental school for his revolutionary ideas and then he started putting weapons in people’s teeth for crime syndicates, he had removed his own appendix and one of his toes while living in a trailer, he knew how to build military vehicles out of scrap metal. It all sounded like the ramblings of a schizophrenic, which wasn’t a deterrent. Crispin had become infatuated with less functional men; at least Cal didn’t have a debilitating drug addiction or a secret wife, as far as he could tell.
Then he talked to Fred during one of his lucid periods and, because Fred was highly medicated and not technically bound by medical confidentiality anymore, he learned it was all true. Or at the very least the ideas Loboto was trying to express were true. Apparently he had been a sort of celebrity in northern Oregon, a human cryptid who traveled between vacant storefronts and had a garage somewhere in the woods full of surgical equipment and half-deconstructed junk vehicles. He was known for posing as a licensed dentist and also for digging through landfills in rain boots and a stained floral sundress.
The two of them became as close as patients in a mental hospital are allowed to be, especially after Crispin displayed his ability to mortally psychologically wound any aggressive inmates with a tactically aimed insult. People, generally other men, would sometimes threaten or harass Loboto when he was too sedated to object. Maybe it was because he was visibly effeminate or just because they perceived the destructive force of his outbursts as a threat to their masculinity.
So obviously, Caligosto chose his favorite fellow patient to be his chief of staff when he became the new Head Doctor. He presented Crispin with a fresh extra-small floor nurse uniform from one of the only supply closets that hadn’t been burnt or flooded and put it on over his straitjacket, which he still needed to wear to discourage him from chewing his fingers (Loboto knew this was the best course of treatment because he was the Head Doctor and he had a lot of experience with compulsively ripping out pieces of his own flesh).
But! Crispin had other duties as the Chief Orderly besides watching the patients and guarding the elevator. They were implied. Loboto didn’t actually feel comfortable making them official, or mentioning them. It was just understood between them that Crispin would help him if he asked. Which was ideal, because Caligosto didn’t need help all the time, but he sometimes had bad days. He would usually have a dream he couldn’t really remember clearly and then as he woke up and went on with his life he would start sweating and trembling and feel unbearably sick and scared. It had been happening to him for his entire life, and he usually hid inside all day and maybe drank or took nitrous oxide and mostly just rocked back and forth a lot.
Now, however, he had a good hospital staff. Crispin slept on a mattress on the floor in what Caligosto called his bedroom, so he was usually already there when these incidents would take place. Otherwise he would ring an extremely grating alarm that he had salvaged from the administrator’s office. The volume felt appropriate for the intensity of his feelings.
Crispin was highly skilled at his job. He called Loboto “Doctor” and held his hand and let Cal lean against him even though it was awkward because he was such a large person, especially compared to Crispin. He reminded Loboto that he was safe and things were okay and he was the doctor now and was in control. It didn’t completely slow down his heartbeat or make his anxiety go away, but it made him feel a lot better, usually enough to eventually fall asleep from emotional exertion.
Even after getting “arrested” and readjusting to normal life as disabled adults (well, if one of the disabled adults is an extremely part-time technician for a government agency), Crispin still uses his abilities to comfort Loboto and encourage him to take care of himself. Cal is arguably less functional than him, and living together has made his issues with memory and executive functioning very obvious. But Crispin honestly doesn’t feel like the relationship is unbalanced; Cal needs a little extra help in daily life, but he’s incredibly protective of his Chief Orderly who has been promoted to Administrative Boyfriend and is always supportive. Thanks to Loboto, his finger tips look normal for the first time in decades. When he tells people about it he always says that the best doctor on the Pacific coast is in charge of his treatment and Loboto is always very flattered.
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I’m no good with motivation myself but! I have over the years created a cult for my cat! For some reason people love my cat (as they should she’s a princess) I could send pictures of her! Somehow, I don’t know how I’d be able to do that. Also if you prefer dogs I have two cuties as well!
I know this won’t magically fix anything but who doesn’t need a little bit of happiness in the form of adorable animals
stopp ur so cute i absolutely love both cats and dogs!!
my jaw is totally killing me today since I got some nasty tmj so I haven’t gotten down to writing much. I have a few drafts I plan on finishing and some headcanons as well! Im gonna try to actually sleep tonight since I got an orientation for that new job at 12!
I really appreciate the positive messages I get from u guys 💜💜💜
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Something I noticed about Adler here is that if you look closely he is moving his jaw a bit, and I swear it looks like his jaw is crooked at some points in his animation but I can't really tell.
I want to headcanon that he has TMJ which is temporomandibular joint dysfunction, pain and compromised movement of the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles.
The temporomandibular joint or TMJ acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. Dysfunction can lead to pain and discomfort.
Given how it's obvious that he took serious damage to his face I would say it's likely he suffers from TMJ and the cold weather is definitely bothering him. I came up with this because the movement is something I do with my own jaw when the cold weather is messing with my TMJ.
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headcanons-blog · 2 years
Hi guys! My TMJ has been feeling a little better and I'm seeing a dentist that specializes in treating TMJ! I'm on the right track to, at least, managing my jaw pain.
This isn't me officially coming back, as I don't have a schedule for how often I write, but(!!) I plan to post some headcanons from time-to-time. It'll be very irregular for the time being, but I'm really committed to this blog and miss posting here.
Also, I'm going to update my fandom list shortly! I know a lot of you are here for SDJ but if you could take a look, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks guys!! :)
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ihugkenma · 3 years
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aenaxes-moved · 3 years
miscellaneous headcanons on tbb (no spoilers):
tech spends his stipends on specialty caf beans and hand-grinds them himself (strong preference for percolation brewing)
tech also has absurdly terrible posture and will not sit properly on a chair unless he's manning the helm
crosshair has tmj and has to sleep with a mouthguard
crosshair collects small mementos from each mission in a lockbox (e.g. droid fingers, small rocks, gifts from natives)
hunter has auditory and tactile hyperesthesia and got his blacks refitted offworld to a less triggering texture (he'll rarely take off his gloves even around his brothers)
hunter keeps a picture of his brothers tucked under his chestplate
echo does, in fact, have a functional prosthetic arm/hand, but he generally avoids putting it on because he's more comfortable without
echo plays negotiator for the few actual arguments that arise (aka he smacks the boys upside the head and chews them out for an hour)
wrecker knows how to safely crack spines to relieve tension and is incredibly knowledgeable about kinesiology/pressure points
wrecker's the most sensitive to the emotional signals of his brothers and can easily pick up on when one of the boys is feeling off (though he isn't the most tactful about it)
body temperature-wise, wrecker and crosshair run hot, and hunter, echo, and tech run cold
hunter and wrecker wake up ridiculously early, crosshair and echo wake up at normal hours, and tech sleeps in because he stays up all night
echo’s a better splicer than tech, and tech will wake him up at ungodly hours to bother him about lines of code (sometimes echo calls him fives in his waking disorientation)
echo’s implant ports ache when it gets cold/dry and wrecker will massage any pain out for him
hunter and wrecker have a secret handshake (they all do, but they're the only ones who live by it)
crosshair and echo can have the pettiest, snarkiest exchanges that go on for hours, but it's all in good fun
tech has medical know-how but crosshair’s the one with steady hands, so tech dictates medical procedures to crosshair for minor excisions and stitches
the boys all pitched in to get hunter one of those fancy soundproof headphones and now he won’t sleep without them
when no one’s looking, they all babytalk the gonk droid
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