#tnis week
tricks-n-illusions · 6 months
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Happy Halloween From Tricks N' Illusions!!
Hope you have a wonderful Halloween full of many tricks (and treats)!
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willshaper · 2 years
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yuquiitas · 2 years
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speculative tni art maybe
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companionwolf · 27 days
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GOOGLE DOCS !!!!!!!!
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longingforacultparty · 6 months
i was having a panic attack but i looked at some clothes and im ok now :)
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stardust-make-a-wish · 9 months
anyone else in this chat like NATSUME YUUJINCHOU
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nautilusopus · 1 year
The Number I
Chapter 62: No One in This Story Hydrates Enough for the Amount of Crying That Gets Done
Hi! I really hate this one and I feel like it was a lot of the holdup! However, it is DONE and frankly I haven't known what the fuck I've been doing since day one so...
Some trivia: This chapter is, chronologically, the very last thing written for TNI (most of the big important stuff, which is pretty much everything beyond this point, was prepped a long long long long time ago in advance). As such there's probably a bunch of typos in this one that I won't catch until two weeks later.
Thank you to the beta team for beta-ing this entire last leg of the story basically all at once.
Cloud hallucinates. Voices sometimes, or music – it’s hard to tell. It’s just another consequence of Jenova’s encroaching presence in his DNA, and four years after Meteorfall everyone’s more or less adapted to it and other oddities associated with being not quite human. Mostly.
What begins as a chance encounter with something that isn’t Jenova soon leads to a fight for survival that can no longer be contained in the spaces between numbers, as Cloud tries to keep himself together and finally put his past behind him.
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 month
Finally, outdoor run!
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Rencana lari hari selasa tadinya mau abis subuh gt sekitar jam 5.45 ternyata tadi masih ngantuk haaaaaa.. Trus mikir lg duh pgn lari tp kemana, kepikiran di jalan komplek AU dpn sekolah nemo sepanjang jalan menuju bandara husein kan teduh bgt. Baiklah~ disana aja.
Suami udah pergi duluan tadi janjian sama bapak di kantor ngambil tas yg ketinggalan di rumah uber jadi lebih pagi lg skalian pergi kerja. Anaknya ngarep dianterin ayahnya soalnya lagi ngerasa cantik pake baju muslim dan kerudungan. "ayah bisa ngga anter nemo, ayah harus liat aku cantik ke sekolah" hahahaha gakuat pgn diliat ayah akutuuu begitulah nak gadisnya ayah. Tp ya gmn gabisa, lalu anaknya kecewa.. Tadi aja nanyain pas bangun ngga ada ayah krn udah pergi kerja. Msh ngarep bisa dianterin ayahnya kaya biasa, pgn disebut "cantiknya anak ayah" mreun yaaahh. Sabar ya naak, ibu kirim foto ke ayah ko kata ayah, cantiiikk cenah..
Loh jadi ngomongin si nona manis~
Yaudah deh dress up in dulu nemo baru aku mandi ganti baju lari, pake outer panjang biar ngga malu pake legging. Warm up dulu di rumah, udah pake sepatu lari jg. Pas nyampe sekolah nemo gamau dianter smpe kelas sampe gerbang aja katanya "sok ibu lari aja nemo sampe sini" wkwk si pengertian. Outernya dititipin di pos satpam digantung haha. Lsg lari aja~
Sepanjang jalan lurus menuju bandara husein teduh dan rimbun pohonnya enakeun bgt mobil2 jg jarang. Palingan ada bbrp gerombolan tni junior gt apayah yg msh sekolah da tp berseragam. Beneran menghalangi itu ada 3 rombongan, 1 rombongan ada kali 15 org huft. Bolak balik aja disitu, tiba2 uminya ana lewat menyemangati hahaha si umi kerja di yayasan AU jadi lewat situ. Ada jg yg olahraga di critical 11 kulihat tadi, ada pasutri lansia jg lagi jalan kaki sama kaya aku bolak balik disitu haha.
Huawei health error gabisa record, jadi ngerecord yg otomatisnya aja itu yg diatas. Kesel ah.. Strava bisa ngerecord akhirnya this week ada recording olahraga lg hehe walaupun cuma 4k 30 menitan cukup lah yaa slow run aja~ finished di 4k, lupa cooling down kan duh, soalnya bingung dmn itu mayan banyak mama2 jg yg nungguin wkwk. Geng yg nungguin kek kemarin jadi nambah mama kembar, mama jav, bubu zafran, mama freiya ttp ada, aku nyusul kesana ternyata nyumput nunggunya di tmpt makan mie kocok. Gaberasa ngobrol2 dikit, eeh dah jam 10an anak2 udah wkt pulang~
Btw, mama2 ngeliat aku olahraga meni pada emejing gt pada nanya apa ngga haus blablabla, meni hebat cenah, rata2 mama2 teh mageran cenah hahaha padahal seginimah ngga ada apa2nya ya dibanding yg 10k, ada apa2nya sih dibanding ngga gerak samsek haha. Aku tau rasanya kemageran itu buibuuu tp akupun udah tau nikmatnya lariiii jadi udah terbiasa.. Begituloh hihi.. Alhamdulillah~ anti depresannya lari bukan obat kimia dong hehehe
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wipsbymor · 8 months
hey! this is chance & here’s this week’s prompt. pick one of your ocs. how would they react if they suddenly appeared right next to you, in the modern world? what would happen?
hi chance!!!! and omg let's see
i can't really do this one for the tni! characters since they live in the real world, just in a different decade (they'd be like. sixty or so by 2023), so i'll do this one for adriana & the undead instead! specifically adriana :)
i think adri would initially kinda freeze up in confusion (think a "deer-in-headlights" type look lmao) and she'd definitely just turn to me and be like "who the hell are you?" but as soon as she gets her bearings i think she'd probably just bolt and look for some mischief to involve herself in, and then eventually try to figure out a way to get back to her world once she gets bored
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Hi Dani,
How are we at the end of tnis gorgeous-infuriating-confusing-sad-angsty-yet-so-satisfying story ?!?!?! I remember reading the first few chapters and being like how will they find their way back together?! And now you have brought us to the end of this amazingly crafted story. Kudos to you once again 🧡
There were so many parts of this chapter that was just pure poetry, and melancholy but also so satisfying 😌. I cannot begin to thank you enough for the brilliant storytelling you give us all every week, and yet your cup keeps running over. I'm excited for the epilogue but also sad because omg what will we do without IALS NOW?!?!
Also special shout out to YOU for the Dubai mention. I mean it's always fun and amusing to read about my city in thw world/on the internet/ in pop-culture (which you will be always a part of in my brain)
I need to stop gushing now haha. I always commend all the people here who take the time to list out their feelings and thoughts and words so eloquently. Makes me jelly but then I'm so glad someone out there gets my feelings and puts it into words. So, I'll just wait for someone to express what I cannot in the next few days 🤞🏼😄💕
Love your writing and forever grateful for you,
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Sanj! Hello! Hope you had a good week <3
I remember so many people saying they could never see mavid getting back together. As a writer, it's so gratifying to see this journey!! It couldn't have been easy at all. Thank you all for trusting me with this one.
I squeal whenever SL is mentioned so I totally get you hehe. I can see Lance loving the UAE (i think he'd love a desert safari) and wanting to visit Dubai at least once!
Your feelings and thoughts (however you express them) are so valid and very much appreciated. Trust me.
Forever grateful for you too!!
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miserye · 2 years
SHOW THOSE TESTS WHO'S BOSS😩 you got this bestie, how many tests are left??
This week I baked a pumpkin chocolate chip bread loaf and it was s o t a s t y. Last week it was lemon bars. Next week? Who knows😩
Chainsaw man is very good, it has a lot of similarities to JJK but WOW it gets dark LOL there's also a character thats a LOT like megumi👀 so 10/5 on the emotional damage scale- i do recommend🤭
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maybanksbabe · 7 months
more additions to your hcs:)
-r sleeping out on the porch with the kids for like a week after big john leaves bc they’re so worried about him, he’s flighty but he’s never been gone this long
-i feel like pope or kiara would be quicker to notice that she’s struggling bad after big john leaves and step up to help. it’s not that JB and JJ aren’t worried about her, but they’ve both already got so much going on in their brains that it’s hard for them to help much. pope is helping the kids with homework (and maybe writing an essay or two for JB) and Kiara’s always bringing bags of food from The Wreck to try and ease the burden a little
-r definitely would hold a little resentment against jb for a while after big john left, because to some extent he still gets to be a kid, be taken care of, and no one’s doing that for her
-idk she definitely has the wildest taste in music and is always surprising everyone with her picks
-was the main driver until JB got his license, constantly making him drive for ‘practice’ even when he’s long past an experienced driver
-jb taking over w the kids some nights so she can either go out or just sit on the porch in silence for a while 🫠
-R HATES when any of the pogues are fighting, even if her brother isn’t involved, and she’s immediately going out of her way to play mediator (she’s such a libra idc if that’s self serving)
-i could also maybe see her being a capricorn or a scorpio, or maybe those could go into her moon and rising?? sry i love applying astrology to characters
-john b is a leo in my head no questions asked
-and kie is a gemeni if you’re curious
(i got a little carried away in tnis one hehe)
She's trying so hard and you're so right!
I also think she'd have to be the one to teach JB (and JJ) how to shave because Big John has disappeared again and quite frankly the chin fluff they call facial hair is embarrassing 😂 she watches a handful of tutorials before trying to tackle it and after a few attempts, they're Pro👍🏻
Also fully agree with the astrology JB is a Leo for SURE 😅
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a3veen · 7 months
Klimaatactieconferentie 1 oktober: programma bekend📢
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al meer dan 170 mensen hebben zich opgegeven voor de actieconferentie volgende week zondag in Utrecht! Dit zijn mensen die actief zijn bij uiteenlopende klimaatorganisaties. Dit is erg goed nieuws. Samen willen we namelijk de balans opmaken over de klimaatbeweging.
We hebben als beweging de afgelopen jaren namelijk stappen gezet. De blokkades van XR hebben bijvoorbeeld fossiele subsidies bovenaan de agenda gezet. Maar hoe gaan we verder? Wat voor lessen trekken we uit de strijd de afgelopen jaren? Op wat voor punten kunnen we de krachten bundelen?
Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:
12.00 - 12.30 inloop met koffie en thee
12.30 - 13.00 openingspanel: terugblik op het afgelopen actieseizoen
Sieger Sloot (XR), Andy Palmen (Greenpeace), Charlotte Braat (oa. XR, Reclame Fossielvrij, Netwerk Klimaat FNV)
13.00 - 13.45 ronde 1 workshops
14.30 - 15.15  ronde 2 workshops
16.00 - 17.00 slotpanel: rond welke thema's gaan we de druk opvoeren?
met oa. Danielle Hirsch (Both Ends), Donald Pols (Milieudefensie), Anne Kervers (XR) en Liset Meddens (Fossielvrij NL)
17.00 borrel
Het is nog steeds mogelijk om je op te geven via het formulier op onze website.
Programma workshops
We hebben de afgelopen maanden veel voorstellen in inzendingen ontvangen voor de workshops. We hebben hieruit een selectie gemaakt van acties die vaak al door verschillende organisaties gedragen worden en potentie hebben om meer mensen te activeren. Hiernaast houden we ruimte om op basis van actualiteit nog workshops toe te voegen. Er is ook een tijdlijn waarin verschillende organisaties hun acties kunnen aankondigen. 
Ronde 1
De grote mars voor klimaat en rechtvaardigheid op 12 november in Amsterdam
Jeugd/Jongerenbeweging van Tegenwoordig (en de toekomst)
Gratis, bereikbaar, goed, lonend en groen OV in publieke handen
Hoe klimaatrechtvaardig is kernenergie? Wat is nodig om nieuwe centrales tegen te houden?
Klimaatstrijd & Agro-industrie. Strijdbare allianties met groene boeren
Ronde 2
Help, mijn universiteit zit in fossiel! Tactieken om banden met fossiele bedrijven te verbreken
Klimaat & Gezondheid, tijd voor een een Conference of the People
Hoe verbreden we de strijd tegen fossiele subsidies?
Stop de verslaving aan gas, geen nieuwe LNG-terminal in Rotterdam!
Klimaatrechtvaardigheid = noodzaak van een wereld zonder grenzen
Kijk voor meer informatie over het programma en de inhoud en organisatoren van de workshops op onze website.
🏢 Locatie: Het Huis, Boorstraat 107 Utrecht (op loopafstand van CS) 🇬🇧 Translation to English is possible 👶 Kinderopvang voor kinderen vanaf 4 jaar. Opgeven van te voren
🪧 Informatiemarkt waar je als organisatie je campagne en acties kunt toelichten 🎟️ Toegang is gratis, maar een vrijwillige bijdrage van 5 euro wordt op prijs gesteld
Meld je aan
Over ons
De klimaatactieconferentie wordt tweemaal per jaar georganiseerd. Doel hiervan is om activisten uit verschillende organisaties en campagnes samen te brengen, strategische discussies te voeren en samen nieuwe initiatieven te nemen. De conferentie wordt op het moment georganiseerd door activisten die onder meer aangesloten zijn bij End Fossil Occupy,  Internationale Socialisten, Scientist Rebellion en Wise. Zij doen dit in samenwerking met Fossielvrij NL, FNV, Greenpeace, Milieudefensie, TNI en XR.
Voor updates kun je ook ons Telegram kanaal volgen.
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melanesianews · 1 year
West Papua Tensions Building
19 APRIL 2023 The long-running conflict in West Papua has slipped from the headlines in recent times as other regional issues took precedence in many newsrooms. But this week it’s back on the news agenda – so what’s going on there? Separatists in Indonesia’s Papua region say they have killed nine Indonesian soldiers in an ambush, as the Indonesian military (the TNI) continues to search for…
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ramseyswanson18 · 1 year
Id and Appearance Single profiles associated with 18 Odorant-Binding Necessary protein Body's genes Through Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae).
To reduce the actual intra- as well as interobserver prejudice, the proportions have been used two times through orthopaedic cosmetic surgeons for those patients. Results: Interrater along with intrarater reliability have been decided 2 times simply by 2 orthopaedic surgeons. The particular intrarater (3.Eighty-eight along with 0.93) and also interrater (3.79 and Zero.Seventy eight) contract ranged coming from Zero.79 to be able to 2.93. One of the 18 patients showed comprehensive break with the 2 combination pinastre Two months right after surgical treatment, even though the pinastre were unchanged 4 days postoperatively. Via an analysis of the outstanding 18 sufferers, there wasn't any factor in the coronal as well as sagittal measurements used with postoperative Several days and 8 weeks (R Equals .170-.737) and all sorts of personal instances revealed only a millimeters slipping. Conclusion: The event device in the corner flag works well was developed healing period. Even so, even more research for the long-term final results are needed. Moreover, more study on great and bad this particular fixation method is necessary since One of the 20 patients revealed broken pin.Release: The actual way of measuring involving cardiospecific troponins can be crucial inside the analysis and prognostic method involving individuals using thought serious myocardial infarction (AMI). Nevertheless, simply no info is on the particular commutability involving results relating to the book highly-sensitive (HS) troponin Big t (TnT) and that i (TnI) immunoassays. Materials and techniques: The analysis population comprised within 48 successive sufferers showing on the urgent situation office (Erectile dysfunction) of the Educational Hospital involving Parma together with suspected AMI. TnI has been tested together with the book prototype Beckman Coulter HS-AccuTnI immunoassay upon Access Only two, whereas TnT has been measured using the Roche HS-TnT immunoassay on Cobas. Results: Ten out of the Forty seven sufferers (17%) had been lastly diagnosed while having an AMI. The overall connection among TnT along with TnI regarding full individual class had been satisfactory (third Is equal to 3.944; P < 0.02). Nonetheless, if the analysis of information was completed in separate groups in accordance with the closing carried out AMI, 2 diverse formula outcome was acquired, my partner and i.at the., HS-TnT = HS-AccuTnI times 3 Avapritinib .349 + Twenty (3rd r Equates to 3.823; G <Zero.02) inside non-AMI individuals, as well as HS-TnT Equals HS-AccuTnI by 0.134 + Sixty seven (3rd r Equals 2.972; G <2.02) in those that have AMI. Conclusions: This research implies a good a couple of natural interactions between TnI and TnT throughout plasma tv's, based on the method to obtain launch from your myocardium. In addition, the actual non-commutability of information in between HS-TnT and also FIS-AccuTnI jeopardizes the scientific selection, helps it be not possible to compute your delta or perhaps reference point alter worth using the two biomarkers also to lastly begin a trustworthy kinetics involving troponin release in the injured myocardium.As a result of gamma-mutagenesis involving Trichoderma longibrachiatum TW1 along with the up coming collection of improved suppliers, the sunday paper mutant strain, TW1-59-27, effective at efficiently secreting cellulase and xylanase was acquired.
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nautilusopus · 1 year
tni to resume updates in a couple weeks
mark your calendars
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