#tobi was NOT planned to feature as prominently in Plasticity or else i would NOT have named the main character Tori fhsk
mixelation · 3 years
Character in your ask: Obito
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with:  Deidara, you cowards. Kakashi is an obvious ship. And apparently also Madara based on that last ask??
friendship them with: Let Tobi and White Zetsu be dumbasses together while Black Zetsu and Obito make Convoluted Evil Plans. Also Team Minato fluff fics.... why not more?
general opinions: I didn’t really care that much for Obito, but then I started writing him and... having him switch between Tobi and magnificent bastard mode is kind of fun? Plus I’ve read a few Obito-centric AUs that I enjoyed (the most recent being Ser Serendipity’s Obito-Sensei). so he gets bumped up to “like” LMAO. I always liked Tobi as a side character for slapstick, so I do wish people would lean into explorations of Tobi-is-Obito-fucking-around more often. 
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