#toby gives us a crumb on this mystery but not enough to know the pastry it came from...
vero-valzer · 3 years
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This convo is missing bits of it (like Susie standing up for Kris by scaring off these two who didn't realize she and Kris were there eavesdropping while the two were bad-mouthing Kris) but we got a bit more info on the spooky and secluded bunker in the woods that's making vaguely Gaster-ish distorted noises if you listen closely post-main-game???
Seems like there's a bit of history between this bizarre bunker and Kris... Did they go into it at some point in the past? Was it on a dare? Who else was around to have heard about this or seen it happen to tell others about it? Did this place already have a "reputation" before Kris' experience with it? Must've been quite some time ago for vines/roots to have grown over the door a fair bit since then? What's Kris' connection to this place? Most pressing, WHAT HAPPENED???
From the way the other monster-teens here talk about it, it sounds like rumors or a sort of ghastly urban legend spread and they told a tale about Kris and this bunker that isn't a pleasant one... Hmmm...
This is an interesting nugget of information on this particular place... but it also definitely raises more questions!
What do you all think?
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