#tomioka x shinobu
subjectsmile · 6 months
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I love this scene, so I drew it
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solangeivy · 1 year
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“I see you. Do you see me?”
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ayatherandom · 9 months
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check out my demon slayer digital planner! i have 10 images plus a video on my etsy store!
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emosquirt · 2 years
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GiyuShino by feedmetrash
reposted with permission
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freak-it-net · 2 years
AU Shinobu lives (being saved by Tomioka, Kanao and Tanjiro during this fight)
Summary : Shinobu is kind of traumatized by embraces and all kinds (she almost met death during her fight with Douma by he last words), she's going through a lot of panic attacks because of that, so Giyuu is trying to be closer to her in order to make her used to it again :
# Therefore, it leads him to live with her, since they could now that the Slayer Corps didn't exist anymore (as friends at first)
# Which she's very grateful of, Giyuu being the one who could help her going through those panic attacks
# She's even unable to fall asleep on someone else's shoulder, fearing that they would put their arm around her shoulders (and she can barely bear all kinds of embrace)
# But there's THIS time : she fell asleep on Giyuu's shoulder while they were drinking some soothing  tea and enjoying the sweet air outside. The former Water Pillar had a small smile and just spend some time looking after her during the evening before taking her to her futon (he didn't lost his amr in this AU)
# He tried to explain her what happened this night (Shinobu had a hard time believing it tbh) and had a plan : practice embraces (they both find this "mission" name ridiculous if you ask)
# He tries to embrace her by asking her how she felt when Douma almost killed her so he wouldn't so the same thing
# When this is about to happen, he always gives her littles warnings  "I'll be gentle", "tell me if I must stop", "If you don't want to, that's okay",.... You name it
# When having a panic attack, Giyuu tries to be near her, and is holding her hand as a support, recalling her how strong she really is, deep inside, and she's always been a fighter
# Especially mentionning the now permanent scar on her chest, placing a hand on it, proving that her heart is still beating
# Shinobu felt her tears falling hearing those words, and without second thoughts, she buried herself between Giyuu's arms, crying, and thanking him gratefully before they shared a sweet kiss
# Her now favorite hugs are the Giyuu-Brushing-Her-Scar-Across-Her-Chest-With-His-Fingers ones, since it recalls her how much she fought and that, in the end, being still alive is priceless
God I find it kinda cringe, but don't give a heck x)
My third written post hooray \(*0*)/
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zowenryu · 1 year
Giyyu x Shinobu - Match Iconos
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adilay-ackatery · 21 days
The Chronicles of a Butterfly in the Sea | [Giyushino Fanfic]
Shinobu: Come, I'll take you to your room. You should rest. Kanae: Yes, yes. I can alone, I can. Shinobu: I'll accompany you. Kanae: But, sister, you have visitors to attend to. Shinobu: I think Tomioka-san already finished his tea. So he can leave. Giyuu: I don't want to leave. Kanae: He doesn't want to leave. Shinobu: You will leave. Kanae: You must go, Tomioka. Giyuu: I will not leave. Kanae: He won't leave, Shinobu. Shinobu: Sister! Please. I'll take care of Tomioka later, first, you go sleep in your room.
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⚠️Google Automatic English Translation.
⚠️Originally posted on Wattpad, FF, Ao3.
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kiraincel · 1 year
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finalmente organizei essa parte!! | capinhas para doação s2 para adotar uma capinha, leia esta seção do meu carrd!! vou adicionar um "continuar lendo" para o post não ficar gigantesco!!
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eu ou um pc gamer? ⬪ eunrin ⬪ capa disponível
mudo o título
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melting ⬪ yoonmin ⬪ capa disponível
mudo o título
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dona de mim, mas toda sua ⬪ joygi ⬪ capa disponível
mudo os personagens e o título
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dangerous ⬪ yoonseok ⬪ capa disponível
mudo o título
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mrs. perfectly fine ⬪ wenrene ⬪ capa disponível
mudo o título
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gatinho raivoso ⬪ douaka ⬪ capa disponível
mudo nada
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ko ko bop ⬪ lawlu ⬪ capa disponível
mudo o título
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quando a lua aparece ⬪ giyuushino ⬪ capa disponível
mudo título
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dumb dumb ⬪ nezuko centric ⬪ capa disponível
mudo título, talvez adicione um personagem, mas só se não transformar em fanfic +18!
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extra-v1rgin · 4 months
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So this isn’t technically a genderbend? Hence the femish lol. Tomioka changes sex but I still use he/him pronouns and mostly refer to him as a man besides a few jokes here and there. So he goes from a male body to a female body but his gender remains the same. You don’t have to think too hard about it but I enjoyed writing this lol.
“What’s wrong with you Tomioka-san?”
“H-huh? Can’t you tell? I thought it was fairly obvious.” His voice came out in a softer tone than usual, higher too. It made sense considering the circumstances.
“That’s not what I’m talking about! You’re acting so calm right now. Doesn’t being a woman bother you at all?”
“Can’t you cure the blood art? I felt confident in your abilities.”
“Of course I will. I’m just surprised you’re so nonchalant, most would be panicking in your situation.”
“I feel mostly the same I guess. Though I don’t enjoy how small I feel.” He demonstrates the point by kicking his feet, which can’t quite touch the ground. Though the examination table isn’t too high, Tomioka had to hop lightly to make it onto the cushioned seat. Annoyingly he still managed to gain a few inches on Shinobu.
She tries not to let her own irritated state show. “I don’t think that should be a problem. It’s not as if you’ll have to fight in this state.” While she talks the woman quickly draws a blood sample from Giyuu. “But I’ll have to do some testing. In cases of physical transformation the effects usually wear off on their own, but that doesn’t mean that the duration will necessarily be short. I can still figure out something to speed up this if we’re lucky.”
“Alright, will I stay here?”
“That’s probably best. You seems to be stable at the moment but it’ll be good to have you nearby should anything change.”
“Thank you for the hospitality.” With the formal statement Giyuu hops off the table and leaves the room to find his accommodations.
He bothers her again the very next day. Shinobu’s sleep schedule isn’t exactly predictable, but he does knock on her door early in the morning. Kocho is miraculously awake, but dressed in her pajamas still. Her hair is undone. It barely brushes against her shoulders.
“My uniform doesn’t fit anymore.”
“Can’t you wear the linens provided?” It’s too early to be distracted by something so minuscule.
“I’d feel more comfortable in something familiar.”
Kocho opens her door further, allowing the (former) man in. “Such a difficult patient. My own will be too small on you, but I might have some spares in your size.” Shinobu lets Giyuu hover in the corner while she roots through her closet. Though Mitsuri insisted she liked the current uniform she owned, the younger woman kept spares should she ever change her mind. Tomioka isn’t as… well endowed, but their heights match up fine enough.
Right before she hands over the suit the woman pauses. “Wait, you’ll need undergarments too right? I’ll have one of the girls check the laundry.”
“My own fit fine.” It’s probably a lie to save the embarrassment of extending the visit. Shinobu is much less bothered by sensitive topics than the average person. She’s quick to bite back.
“Unless you’re dick grew back overnight I doubt that. You should accept the help you’re given.”
Giyuu’s face goes a beautiful shade of pink but he nods in defeat. He takes the set of clothing into his arms. “Can you just have them sent to my room?”
“Sure! I can tell you don’t wanna be here any longer.” His face can’t grow any redder but the embarrassment lingers.
“Thank you.” Shinobu wonders if being a woman has given him manners. She can’t recall the last time Giyuu has managed to hold a proper conversation. Though asking for a favor hardly counts it’s still progress compared to his usual state.
Shinobu goes about the rest of her day normally. All the other patients have lower-level afflictions, a twitching nose or scrambled language. It’s easy to brew up an antidote for these sorts of side effects. They’re sad attempts at demon-blood arts, too weak to properly debilitate most slayers. These kinds of ailments are often cured within a day or two.
Transformations like Tomioka’s often take longer. Once Mitsuri grew a longer lizard-like tongue that took two weeks to get back to normal. The worst case was when Kyojuro grew a beard that couldn’t be cut, which lasted nearly a month.
So as soon as she finishes the work required as the head doctor Shinobu does some testing on the previously acquired blood sample.
Though she barely gets to mix up the first attempt at an antidote before Aoi is knocking at her door. It’s not Kocho for her to be interrupted, and she always treats her apprentice with kindness, but the action never gets less annoying.
“I’m sorry for barging in Shinobu-sama! But Tomioka-sama is requesting your help.”
Before speaking she wipes the negativity from her tone. “Help with what?”
“Well, um. Sh-he wouldn’t tell me, but he sounded very distressed, distressed for Tomioka-sama I mean. When I tried going in he said I shouldn’t bother.”
“Right, I’ll see to it.”
It’s not often Giyuu actually asks for her presence. His unique new state seems to have softened his worst qualities as a patient. Usually he’d have attempted to leave several times by now, and when that didn’t work he’d remain silent and solitary save for the checkups Shinobu insisted on. She couldn’t gage how desperate the situation would be if he had willingly requested her.
Making her way to the room she considered whether or not she should knock given the strange circumstances. Deciding to appeal to Giyuu in hopes he might continue with this helpful behavior she tapped against the door gently.
“Aoi-chan said you needed me, can I come in?”
“Yes.” His voice was high even considering the circumstances. “But don’t open the door too wide.” He attempted to stay nonchalant when adding the odd ending.
Curious she slides herself through an opening barely big enough to allow her in.
“I can’t seem to get it on.” The problem is immediately clear. Tomioka looks pretty, leaning back on the bed with a hand covering his chest. When she had given him the undergarments instructions had not been included. The bra was both too loose and too tight, handing oddly on his body. For what it’s worth the fabric does manage to cover the majority of his newfound breasts. That doesn’t cure his embarrassment however, a soft pink blush highlighting perfect cheekbones.
“Stand up, and turn around.”
Some of the buttons have been hooked into place, but they’re not aligned properly. Kocho undoes the clumsy work.
“Next time you back put it on backwards, do the buttons first, then flip it around and slide your arms through.” Her slim fingers work quickly as she helps right the back of his bra.
“Wait one second.” She pulls off the straps tight so they cling to his shoulders properly rather than having them slip off constantly. “Does that feel better?”
“Sorry, that’s just how it is. Now you know the horrors of womanhood.” Despite her light tone Tomioka nods solemnly.
“Thank you.” Shinobu takes it as a dismissal and leaves him to finish getting dressed on his own. Hopefully he doesn’t need anymore help getting dressed. Mostly because he’s grown and should be able to figure it out on his own but also because Shinobu can’t forget the slope of Giyuu’s breasts as they settled into the stiff cups.
Tomioka has always been pretty, but as a woman certain features have been softened in just the right ways to further compound his beauty. It’s bothersome for him to be so attractive yet have such a rough personality. If he wasn’t horribly obtuse there’d be a line of women chasing after him, Shinobu included.
But now isn’t the time to entertain thoughts like that (or imagine what Giyuu’s chest looked like bare, if his nipples matched the soft reddish hue of his lips) and she focuses on getting back to her actual duties.
The blood seems resistant to higher doses of wisteria. Shinobu can only add so much extract before it starts to do more harm than good. Still, putting him on a mix of wisteria, vitamins, and various other herbs will help strengthen the fight against whatever’s going on within his physiology. Sometimes demons can be weakened from exposure to other elements, but at that point it’s just a guessing game.
That’s a lot of different ways to say that she hasn’t figured out anything, but phrasing it so plainly just frustrates her. Even after years of studying it demon blood art often offers little answers. Annoyance runs its course through her veins until she’s doing more damage to her studies than good. She’s spent too much of the day pouring over texts that haven’t served her at all. The younger girls have left her alone which means too much time has slipped by without her noticing. It’s later than she realized (though Shinobu has never been able to keep proper track of time) and in the morning she’ll be tired and agitated. That’s not particularly rare for the woman at this point but it’s another step back on the promise that she’d try and take care of herself. (Kanae should’ve known better than to expect that from Shinobu. She’s always been self-destructive in one way or another.)
But Kocho is eager to abandon her pointless work and is able to move away from her desk with little difficulties. If she had found something worth looking into she would’ve stayed there all night. Her exhaustion isn’t what pulls her away. Shinobu moves through the motions of getting ready for bed, but when she finally lays down on her futon it’s clear sleep won’t come soon. She’d be happy to fall asleep if she could (and finally get rid of the bags under her eyes) but her brain has grown too used to functioning until it can’t anymore.
Staring up at the ceiling she fights with herself. The woman could try warm tea or simply drug herself but despite the fact that she can’t sleep her muscles still yearn to rest. The separation between her mind and body is a frustrating prison.
But she’s nothing if not a genius and there are still ways she can tire her head without getting up.
Shinobu loosens her robe until her front is exposed. It’s annoying to move under the sheets but the cold air is unwelcoming. So she lifts her knees to create a small tent of space and plunges her finger between her legs.
There’s not much fanfare in her actions. Kocho slides smooth fingers over her clit until she finds whatever motion will suit herself tonight. Letting her eyes slip close the woman falls into the pleasure that radiates from her core. She paints on hand over her breasts and hips while the other stays glued to her cunt. The two work in tandem to spark real pleasure within her.
It’s hard for her mind not to wander as her fingers dart down and then back up to spread wetness over her clit. With such attractive coworkers it’s an impossible task to not wonder about them. Especially with previous encounters feeding deeper into her imagination. She can remember Mitsuri’s large chest pressing up against her back, small pants accompanying their gentle movements. The first time she met Tengen’s wives everyone was pleasantly drunk, letting hands brush up against bodies. Uzui himself was annoying, but he was damn attractive and had good taste in women.
And of course she imagines Giyuu. She keeps the touches of awkwardness in his behavior, it’s part of the charm. He’d be so easy to tease, a pretty pink falling over his features.
The line between his male attributes and his current ones is quickly crossed. She’s already caught a glimpse at his chest. It’s easy to imagine that she’s undoing his bra instead of putting it on. His breasts would fit so perfectly into her hands. Tomioka would gasp and pant until she finally reached between her legs to grace the man’s newly formed cunt.
Images grow fuzzier. She doesn’t know if he’d be hairy down there (a mirror to her own pussy) or neatly trimmed or even completely bare.
She’d touch it either way, tease him by straying away from his clit to focus on the precious petals surrounding a molten core. Shinobu would dip her hand inside until she could lure out the wetness inside, spreading over-
Arching her back Kocho shakes as she comes undone. Her thighs burn as they stiffen and point outwards. The woman’s cunt clenches and pushes out more slick. She tries to keep most of it off her sheets, though they’re already soaked in her sweat. Shinobu should change them and sleep on something cleaner but instead she wipes her moist fingers on the blanket and turns over.
In the morning Shinobu wakes up still nude. Her girls know not to barge into her room unprompted so she moves slowly while she works to get presentable. Any shame about her fantasies last night is buried underneath the fact that they are just fantasies. If the thoughts occasionally permeate her regular life they certainly don’t persuade her actual actions.
Outside everything functions as normal. The rest of the girl’s are well trained and are smart enough to disregard rules during a real emergency. Though by the way Aoi immediately rushes to her side not everything is running completely smoothly.
“Shinobu-sama I uh- I’m not sure how to say this but I found something in the laundry last night.”
“Was it dirty clothes?” The opportunity is too good to pass up and though her gentle tone downplays the corniness Aoi still rolls her eyes.
“There was blood on… on a pair of panties.” She’s whispers the last word, young enough to feel embarrassed by it.
“Menstrual blood?” Shinobu already knows the answer, Aoi wouldn’t bother her over something like that.
“It was too high up to be from that, unless someone really didn’t know what they were doing which-“ The girl’s face turns pink though she keeps her hard tone. “I think they might have been Tomioka-sama’s.” She whispers the last part again.
“Oh.” That does sound like something worth bothering her. “Well I’ll have a talk with him. Thank you for telling me Aoi-chan.”
She bows curtly and seems rather excited to remove herself from the situation. Shinobu feels for the poor girl but there’s a little humor in the situation too.
Kocho isn’t too worried, but considering that she doesn’t have any other pressing matters she decides to pay the man a visit. The woman pockets some menstrual products and a bit of disinfecting alcohol in case he really does need some sort of help. She hadn’t given him any sort of exam because of how out of sorts the man already was, but she assumes that his body has proper… equipment alongside the changes that were already clear.
She finds the man in his room still. With a light knock she’s granted entrance. Giyuu is totally oblivious to the reason for her arrival, shooting her a questioning look.
“How are you doing Tomioka-san?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you? Aoi-chan told me something very interesting.”
The man doesn’t respond to that. He’s still clueless to whatever she’s insinuating.
“She told me she found some blood on a pair of undergarments. Isn’t that interesting?”
In lieu of another answer he turns around to avoid the question. He stands with his back turned towards her, absolutely still. Shinobu is patient but as the minutes stretch onward she gives him a gentle prompt. “Were you going to tell me anything or do you just enjoy wasting my time?” She takes a step back to tease a departure.
“I cut myself.”
“And you decided it’d be best to stay silent about it?”
“It was a very small cut.”
Kocho doesn’t allow him to get ahead of her. “Considering your condition you should disclose any injuries, especially when you take in account the location. Most people don’t go around slicing such delicate areas.”
“I was trying to shave.” Clearly he admitted it thinking he was proving the woman wrong, but now all she can think about is the fact that he shaves regularly. She tucks the thought away, but it’ll make an appearance the next time she can’t sleep and needs entertainment.
Shinobu isn’t surprised that he’d brush something like this to the side. He’d barely get treatment if he was sliced through. “Of course a pretty boy like you would care about something like that at a time like this. Why don’t you show me and I can disinfect it for you.”
“It grew hair when I- You aren’t being very professional right now.” He doesn’t seem too angry but rather annoyed.
“Sorry! You should be fine yes but, it might be good to take a closer look considering the unusual circumstances.” The suggestion feels obvious but Giyuu is caught off guard by what she is technically suggesting.
Still she’s seen him in all sorts of conditions so eventually after Shinobu makes it clear she’s not leaving the man slowly pulls down his pants. He looks ridiculous with the fabric pooled around his ankles. Much slower he undoes the bottom few buttons of his shirt before, finally, taking off the underwear given to him.
And it’s true that the cut isn’t particularly large or nasty, but if he were to transform back soon Shinobu isn’t entirely sure where it would end up. “Let me disinfect it and we can be done with this.” She motions towards the bed and waits for Giyuu to sit.
Kocho tries really hard to keep her mind focused on the task at hand but as she kneels between Tomioka’s legs all she can think about is that she’s kneeling between his fucking legs, pussy spread right before her. Keeping her eyes above the bush of black curls she lightly pushes the cut with her finger. It’s a clean cut, made from a razor if Giyuu really did cut himself shaving.
The man hisses at the pressure against the injury. Though his noises get only louder when she swipes alcohol over the wound.
“Sorry, I can’t do much to help with the pain. It’s a rather large cut. Can you still feel any pain when I press over here?”
This time she moves upwards. He lets out a gruff noise that’s probably meant to be affirmation. She dances around the wound seeing how far the pain goes. For a bit Shinobu moves left and right and upwards. After she’s measured the distance in nearly every direction her fingers of course slip down. They feel over rough hair, warm skin buried underneath. “Can you still feel any pain down here?”
Tomioka is looking down at Shinobu (though he still avoids eye-contact) with a touch of shame. “Just a bit.” His words are very quiet now.
It’s dangerous to move much lower but she does anyways. Pale skin turns pink as it curves downwards. If she followed the bend she’d be welcomed to the feeling of hot slippery skin.
“Here?” She looks up into the man’s eyes.
“I-I’m not sure.” Tomioka’s voice grows even higher, it’s probably an octave or two above his usual tone.
Shinobu doesn’t pull away, but doesn’t drift lower quite yet. “Should I keep checking?” If he says no then this memory can go with all the other embarrassing moments (like when she caught Uzui and one of his wives doing very inappropriate things on one of the hospital beds) and she’ll draw a proper line between doctor and patient.
But Giyuu doesn’t say no, he nods gently. Without exposing her eagerness she suavely inches down towards his newly formed clit. It’s large, already visible beneath the hood. She wonders if that somehow translates to an above average dick or just means that this is what a dick-turned-clit would look like.
“Does it hurt here?” Kocho jabs it in just the right way that she knows she’s following the trail of nerves upwards. The level of stimulation goes up exponentially, so fast that Giyuu can’t even cover his mouth before a loud moan rips from his mouth. It’s high and melodic and definitely noisy enough that a passer-by might’ve heard (if the whole estate already hasn’t). Pulling back for only a brief moment the woman gives him quick instructions to cover his mouth and doesn’t even wait for a response before her fingers are moving again.
This time Shinobu takes it slower. She rubs Giyuu’s clit in gentle circles until the man is curving over her head. The hand that’s not covering his mouth slips down to dig into her hair. It’s not controlling or demanding but a quiet plea for merch. Shinobu has none.
Tomioka’s hot and hard clit has more nerve endings in it than his entire dick. It’s likely that he’s never felt this amount of stimulation before. Kocho can bring more pleasure to him with the tips of her fingers compared to what an entire body might usually do. The rush of power accompanies a rush of blood until her own cunt is just as wet as Tomioka’s. She was trying to keep some level of coolness but her desperation might even outweigh the man’s.
“Lay down for me?” When he scoots to spread across the bed properly she takes the moment to shed her haori and start the top buttons of her uniform. Kocho’s never been patient though and before she can finish she’s crawling on top of Giyuu.
Now she focuses on his face. It’s mostly the same, maybe his eyelashes are shorter and maybe his nose curves a little more but the changes are negligible. What she really looks at is his red lips and rosy skin. The man barely makes eye contact in regular situations but now he doesn’t even blink as he looks up at her.
“Can I kiss you?” Shinobu is first to break their standoff. She cups his chin and resists moving forward until she has a proper answer despite how alluring he is.
Though it seems like Giyuu’s resolve has weakened too as he tugs her forward. His lips move softly with clumsy movements exactly like she’s imagined on a million lonely nights. Her own devour as tongue and teeth collide with his gentle motions.
“You’re beautiful.” She doesn’t even know if Tomioka can hear the words through skin and muffled moans. To be sure the woman shows her appreciation in other ways. Her hands grab at his covered chest and toned stomach and soft hips. Shinobu presses their bodies together like stars colliding. She’s about to swallow him in a black hole.
Finally after a few minutes of kissing and breathing and more kissing she’s satisfied. Not for the whole night, but enough to negotiate this properly.
It’s hard to ignore the way Giyuu looks though. He’s panting with wet lips that are parted just the tiniest amount. Shinobu could slip her finger in-between and-
Asking about this, that’s what she was doing. “Can I keep touching you? All of you?”
“Sure.” Even through the cloud of lust Shinobu can tell he sounds off.
“Are you?” Her hands settle gently on his hips. They don’t dig into the skin, just cradle the soft outline of curves.
Giyuu looks embarrassed, not in the way he looked embarassed when Kocho was rubbing his cunt but embarassed in a sad way that makes her feel guilty for even looking at him.
She forgets about sex for a moment and gives him a real kiss. There’s no hunger in this one though desire still rolls within her gut. “We don’t have to anything. I-I shouldn’t even have suggested it. That was inappropriate of me.”
The man’s hands curl around her waist. She can feel them shaking. “Do you just want me because of this body?” The sounds fall sweetly from his mouth despite the harsh innards.
“No! I wouldn’t do this with just anyone. Though I do admit your recent transformation may have… prompted me.”
Tomioka huffs like somethings been confirmed but Kocho isn’t so easily silenced. “It’s not like I’ve had an opportunity like this before either. I can’t imagine what sort of situation you’d let me fondle you in other than this one.” The words sound like excuses but it’s the truth. Giyuu knows it too so he relaxes into the sheets.
“I would’ve let you if you had asked earlier.” Even coming out of his mouth he knows that there’s no time or place she could’ve, would’ve, asked other than right now.
“Hmm well next time I’ll be sure to read your mind.” It’s full of her usual teasing tone as her hands sink deeper into his skin.
Tomioka scoffs but it comes out quiet.
“Now, while I’ve already violated all kinds of moral rules can we keep this going?”
The man has no choice but to agree because despite his reservations he wants this just as badly.
This time a perfect balance between soft and rough is found. Shinobu’s lips still move like they can devour his skin but her focus is drawn over his whole body, dampening the earlier ferocity.
The woman’s hands are a lot less nervous than Giyuu’s. They dance over his hips and chest and then back down to cup his cunt and feel the heat radiating from it.
All the sensations are different. Kocho’s hands over his core feel nice but don’t inspire immediate arousal the way they would if someone skimmed their fingers over his cock. Everything feels drawn out, his breasts and collarbones and thighs soaking in the pleasure alongside his fragile center.
Then she skims over his clit again, rubs a slow circle and pushes her fingers upwards, and he lets out another lewd noise. All the sensations focus on a single spot until she moves away and they spread back out to the rest of his body.
“You need to be quieter.” Shinobu’s lips move over his neck. “Do you need help with that?” He can’t imagine what she’s implying and isn’t sure if he should be aroused or frightened (and aroused).
“Maybe.” Giyuu tries to make it sound sexy rather than unsure. It’s not clear if he succeeds.
She laughs which is maybe a sign that failed but regardless her tone remains the same. “Why don’t you do some work now then? It’s rude to leave me to do everything myself.”
“Sorry.” It’s an empty apology to buy time while Tomioka considers the fact that he doesn’t know how this kind of “work” works. His hands skate over her hips and up to her shirt that’s still partially buttoned. It’s a weak move but one that can’t be wrong.
Still he undoes it easily and within a few seconds is met with the slope of her neck as it morphs into her chest. Even though she wears a bra the sight is still beautiful.
So without thinking he moves below the padding, pushed open by gravity, and cups her chest. It’s a warm weight in his hands and Shinobu makes a pleased noise that urges him onwards.
He gropes the skin and grinds his palm over her nipple. The woman gives another affirming hum though it seems like his actions aren’t particularly arousing.
Instead he guides her back upwards so they can sit on even ground. This way he can move lips over her neck and collarbones without straining. As an added bonus they can shrug off unwanted bits of clothes.
When he moves further downwards however he is met once more with the barrier of Kocho’s bra. Giyuu can’t slip his lips beneath the padding the same way his hands could and is faced with the daunting task of undoing her bra.
His hands slip around her back until they find the claspes that keep the whole thing stuck together. It takes several clumsy attempts to undo the wiring but thankfully he doesn’t need any help.
When he is finally met with the sight of her breasts there’s an awkward moment where he just stares. Giyuu has spent plenty of time observing his own breasts but there’s more appeal in looking at someone else’s. He cups them again, feels the soft weight, and then moves forward with his lips. The man tests out her reaction when he sucks or kisses or even skims teeth gently over her flesh. When he finally makes it to a hard pink nipple he opens his mouth wide and drags his tongue over the area. He’s finally gifted with a true moan as she leans into the action.
Pleased, Tomioka repeats the motion several times, alternating between licking and sucking. Shinobu is probably making as much noise as he was earlier but he’s much less inclined to tell her to be quiet. Instead his actions grow a bit bolder. His hands, which were previously lying gently against her hips, move to grope her ass. Though he has a desire to explore her cunt in turn, he has no idea where to even begin there. So for now he settles for feeling the weight of her body as her hips subtly sway.
Finally he pulls himself away from Shinobu’s breasts, which are now covered in spit and hickies. It’s attractive enough that he wants to dive right back in, but for now he finds some restraint in order to look towards her face.
The woman has pink cheeks and her eyes are shut in either embarrassment or from the lingering pleasure. When she feels the stimulation stop for more than a few moments she’s forced to meet Tomioka’s gaze.
“What do I do now?” There’s no point in hiding his uncertainty.
“Hm?” Kocho is caught off guard by such a direct question. “Well there’s lots of ways to do this though I’m sure you’re not aware of them. But you seem to be very good with your mouth.” With that she unbuttons her pants and starts to slide them off. After a pointed look Giyuu shimmies his own uniform the rest of the way off.
They face each other, both nude in their entirety. Giyuu wishes he had a way to do this more smoothly but there’s not any excuse that could justify how his eyes immediately point to her uncovered cunt.
There’s a wild bush of hair in front, mostly black with tinges of purple further down. The shocking color makes him briefly consider what the rest of the hashira with their vibrant hair might look like, but he can’t stay distracted for long when Shinobu is pushing him back and swinging her hips over his.
For a moment they return to gentle kissing and groping. Giyuu relaxes in the sheets as his nudity becomes irrelevant. Most of the feelings are the same except for her bare breasts pushing against his own. The weight of them is less obvious when he lays back like his.
But eventually Shinobu gets rough again as her hands drag over his skin. She draws her mouth back, lines of spit connecting them. “Are you ready?” Tomioka doesn’t know what he should be ready for, but he nods anyways.
In a moment she spins around and plants her thighs on the sides of his head. Now he can stare all her likes because her pussy is right below his eyes. It’s pink and shiny with slick. When he breathes heavily the muscles contract and twitch right above his mouth.
After a second of silence and stillness Giyuu realizes he’s probably supposed to be doing something. Bringing his hands back to her waist he drags her cunt to his lips. He repeats some of the same motions he tried on her breasts earlier. The kitten licks and gentle sucking draw out more moans, but eventually he figures out how to plunge his tongue inside of her which brings out real noises. More than that there’s the wet sounds of her pussy moving against his face. It’s more erotic than even the sight of her pink insides so close to him.
Tomioka is happy to eat the woman out even receiving no stimulation of his own. In fact he’s almost surprised when she shifts to mirror his position. Almost tenderly the woman presses a kiss to the small cut on his pelvis. From there she follows the same path as earlier. Though this time she has to pry his legs apart to insert her fingers back inside his cunt. It’s a lot harder to keep his pace even when he’s constantly interrupted by his own moans, but he manages to stay consistent with his motions at least.
It gives him a good way too to figure out what else he can do to pleasure her. Getting a hand in the right spot is difficult but he locates her clit and figures out how to rub in a way that breaks the woman’s focus.
From then it becomes almost a game. He’ll push her further into pleasure until she finds some new way to tease him and his pace is interrupted with several moans. Then Giyuu moves in with more vigor until she is interrupted in turn.
Of course, unused to this sort of pleasure, Tomioka cracks first. He practically lunges into Shinobu as his back curls.
Lengthening his orgasm the woman continues to spread her fingers inside her and swirl her tongue around his clit. Right before he can relax she wraps her lips around the engorged bud and sucks hard. It tumbles over from to pleasure to overstimulation and Tomioka cries out beautifully until she finally releases him.
He flops down for a second to gather his senses. The man’s whole body has gone limp as all his muscles relax.
Thankfully Kocho gives him a few minutes to breathe and rest before she sits up and more of her weight shifts to Giyuu’s face. He’s exhausted but owes the woman (though he’d do this either way). It’s much easier to stimulate her when she can rock her hips along with his movements.
Given the fact that her thighs bump into his shoulders and partially pin him down it’s hard to move his arm properly but he does find a way to move it upwards and sneak a few fingers into her cunt. While she fucks herself on them his tongue is free to focus elsewhere. He doesn’t have many tricks or knowledge that can give her as good of an orgasm as he got but Shinobu’s own excitement might make up for that as her pussy constantly leaks. There’s virtually no friction in their movements between that and the sweat.
Tomioka needs a little edge to bring her all the way to the end though and while he might be killed for this he lets his teeth grab at her clit. He doesn’t bite, just holds the bead in place while his tongue laps at it. Internally he prepares to be smacked or something worse but thankfully he succeeds in this mission and Kocho suffocates him while her cunt pulses around his fingers. He happily drowns in her, an object until she’s satisfied.
When she finally relaxes and moves to the side Giyuu doesn’t release his hold on her. His arms tie themselves around her waist as he drags her back towards him. He claims his place, face buried in the softness of her stomach. Kocho’s hands are quick to start combing through his hair. Giyuu’s bangs are stuck in awkward positions from the earlier pressure against them.
“You were awfully good at that. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” Her tone at first is so honest it’s hard to tell if she’s joking or not. The soft kiss she places on his head afterwards only confuses him more.
“I haven’t.” He pulls back to look her in the eyes. “You have though?” Shinobu seemed awfully confident in her actions earlier.
“Ah well-“ She goes bright red. It’s maybe the most embarrassed she’s been throughout all of this. “Just a little.”
Tomioka is curious and while he’s socially inept enough to have asked the first question he does know not to ask the others on his mind. The silence lingers for a second though until he can think of something else to say.
“Well you were very good too. It was different than how I thought it’d be…” He mumbles the last bit.
“Were you thinking about this?” Again it’s just a gentle poke but Tomioka freezes like he’s been caught. It’s so obvious she can’t help but laugh. She bends down to press another kiss to his head. “I’ll pry those thoughts out of you one day.” Maybe when she shares her own late night fantasies (maybe if she gets drunk enough).
Instead of responding he holds Shinobu closer, pulling her down so he can nestle his head in her shoulder. His sigh is maybe too heavy, with a taste of that familiar annoyance, but with their bodies intertwined there’s no room for true animosity.
It’s only midday so really they don’t have time to nap. Any moment a new patient will come in or the silence will dare Aoi to wander towards their room just to check in (Shinobu regrets having such attentive aides). They pretend for a few moments though. Kocho pets Tomioka’s head and he breathes deeply into her skin. The woman even lets her eyes slip shut for a minute or two. Most nights she barely gets sleep at all, she can’t remember ever having taken a nap once her life as a slayer started. It’s a slippery slope and when her eyes are harder to open than they are to close she knows it’s time to get up.
With a heavy groan she pushes herself upwards. Tomioka received a private suite given his condition which means Shinobu can clean herself before returning to her duties. When she slides off the bed long hands trail after her. “Are you leaving?”
“It’s barely past noon.”
He looks towards the sun streaming through the slats of the window. “Oh.”
She huffs. “You can join me if you’d like. I don’t expect you to stay nude in bed all day.”
That draws a very soft smile from Giyuu. He trails after her, hands gravitating back towards her body. Meeting him halfway she pulls his arms around her middle. Kissing his fingers she tastes her own spend and lets her tongue dive between the digits. They pause the journey for the lewd display. Tomioka watches from over her shoulder, rocking gently against the woman’s back. “Can we go back to bed?” He already knows the answer.
“No… but a bath might be good. I probably don’t smell good. Perfume can only be used so many times before the stink just has to be washed off.” Perfume doesn’t really cover the smell at all but when she hasn’t showered for days or weeks it’s better than nothing. Tomioka nods dumbly and so Shinobu tries again. “You can join me if you’d like. It’ll save water.”
She watches the realization paint over the confusion. It’s so obvious that it draws a smile from her own lips. “Okay.” The answer isn’t very elegant but she can’t expect much else.
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iluvgenya · 2 years
i cant stop making thesee
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pjxd23 · 1 year
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° Autor/a: ベベ (x) ° Pareja: Tomioka x Shinobu GiyuuShino ° Serie: Kimetsu no Yaiba KnY (c) Koyoharu Gotōge
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kursed-arcana · 2 years
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giyushinoph · 2 years
GiyuShino PH zine activities have resumed! Sign-up as a contributor now!
The GiyuShino PH zine is back!
After putting the activities of the zine on hold, we are now back, and even more ready to create an amazing zine for all GiyuShino fans!
Have you already signed up as a contributor for the GiyuShino PH zine: Himig at Ritmo?
The sign-ups have been extended to until June 7th!
Join us, as a writer or an artist, for a chance to win one of these items!
Yes! There will be a giveaway for those who will sign up as contributors. Further details about this giveaway will be announced after the sign-up period.
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Click this link to sign-up: http://bit.ly/gysnph_signups
For more information about this project, please check our our carrds:
http://gysnph-himig.carrd.co (SFW zine)
http://gysnph-ritmo.carrd.co (NSFW zine)
You can also send us a DM on our Twitter account (@giyushinoph), or ask us your questions on Curious Cat http://curiouscat.live/giyushinoph
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Puts their face in your chest on purpose:
Douma/Doma - it's a funny pastime to him
Sanemi Shinazugawa - you're comfy
Mitsuri Kanroji - Listen, you can face plant into her chest too so she takes the opportunity whenever she can
Accidentally trips and lands face (or hands) first into your chest - yes they scream in shock:
Uzui Tengen - Yes he screams, yes his hands are still firmly on your boobies and no, he's not let go yet
Rengoku Kyojuro - although he promptly backs away and apologizes in a very fast way
Akaza - Makes very disgruntled noises until he pulls away with a very high pitched screech
Accidentally trips and lands face (or hands) first into your chest - they accept their fate and don't move:
Giyu Tomioka - gives you a thumbs up when you ask him if he's okay and he just stays there for a while
Obanai Iguro - contemplates taking a nap between your boobs
Shinobu Kocho - she's tired and you happen to catch her, you won't mind if she takes a quick nap, right?
Stiff as a fucking board if they even BRUSHED against your chest:
Genya Shinaguzawa - ...... He's only just become confident in looking you in the eyes
Kokushibou - Your very pretty and his head starts to go places..... Will be thinking about his near chest experience
Gyutaro - he always has to be looking in your eyes when speaking, any sign of boobies and he dies on the spot
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yuki2sksksk · 7 months
Listen, KNY Mermaid/Pirate AU but the men are the mermaids and the women are the pirates --
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Edit: Giyuu got saved yay
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
No Nut November Hcs With The Hashiras
the title says it all!! (i didnt include muichiro for obvious reasons)
🥀Cw: smut, dirty talk, praise, degradation, breeding kink (rengoku + sanemi), squirting (mitsuri)
🥀minors dni
🥀Pairing(s): Hashiras(minus muichiro) x reader (seperate)
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when you first suggested the idea of NNN to giyuu, he was kinda confused
why would you participate in a competition not to have sex? did you just not want to have sex with him?
after some gentle reassurance and explanation however, he agrees surprisingly quickly
not only is giyuu ridiculously patient, he also has incredible self restraint
he would make it to the end of the month, but i definitely think he would have "almost" moments
when the month is over, hes begging you to fuck him
claims that hes waited so long, why should he have to do any work?
the minute it's december first hes waking you up, mewling and grinding on your thigh half-delirious as hes whining in your ear, begging you to take control
teasing him throughout the month will only make him more determined to last longer, if only to inflict the same suffering onto you
giyuu is very, very sensitive and you can use that to your advantage in a variety of ways
he gets really blushy when you tease him, and its only amplified during NNN considering he can't even get himself off
he also has a tough time ignoring it when he gets horny, he just feels like the type to be soooo sensitive and it's torture when he can't even jack off to relieve the painful ache in his pants
Giyuu pinned you down, his chest flush with your back as his cock rubbed against your hole. He was a panting mess, shaking above you as he pushed inside slowly. One of his hands tangled itself in your hair, forcing you to look over your shoulder as he began to thrust into you steadily. Soft moans and whimpers filled the room, accompanied by the sound of skin slapping again skin. You could feel your orgasm building as a coil tightened in your stomach, and Giyuu let out a soft groan, signaling he was close as well. You clenched around him tightly, your release ripping through you as you clawed at the sheets. Above you, Giyuu tossed his head back and whispered your name like a prayer before cumming as well, filling your hole with his dripping seed. "Giyuu- ungh- wha-" you gasped, drool spilling from your lips as he sped up the pace. You had no time to catch your breath, and your hips jerked from overstimulation. "baby, i've waited a month, please?" Giyuu whispered in your ear, eyes blown wide with lust. You knew that you probably weren't going to be getting up anytime soon.
im sorry but he is not making the month
he'd last two weeks at best
you and his wives would probably all team up against him, and this man is unable to restrain himself when it comes to you
quickest way to get tengen to fold? lingerie
just the sight of you in some flashy, lacy undergarments has him practically dragging you to bed
teasing him while wearing lingerie? hes gone.
"fuck the stupid month," he'd grumble, throwing you over his shoulder and slapping your ass for good measure
tengen would be rougher than usual, hes pissed at you for teasing him after all
"hey!" you gasped, squirming in Tengens grip as he practically dragged you inside of the house. You and the other wives had been been training outside when all of a sudden Tengen had snatched you up, throwing you over his shoulder as the other wives followed behind you. Your husband ignored your indignated cries as he brought you to the bedroom and tossed you unceremoniously onto the mattress. Maki, Suma, and Hinatsuru joined you on the mattress, and you turned to look over your shoulder at Tengen. "giving up already?" you giggle, crawling over to the other wives at the head of the bed. Tengen Tengen smirked and slid up to you, pulling your undergarments off in seconds as your head rested in Hinatsuru's lap. Maki and Suma began to grind against eachother to your left as Tengen's breath fanned over your bare skin and thighs while Hinatsuru ran her fingers through your hair. The five of you were in for a long, long night~
Shinobu is definitely making it, no questions asked
she's patient enough to wait the month, however she will be pissed when you deny her
would totally try to get back at you, Shinobu would wear lingerie under her uniform and flash you when nobody was looking
she would run her hands up and down your thighs during hashira meetings, fingers ghosting so close to where you want her but not quite
she would enter a room and sit on your lap, kissing you senseless until your grinding up against her and then walk away like nothing happened
she's teasing YOU
i don't think theres any way to get her to give in, but at 12:01 on December 1st your waking up to her head between your legs
she would make you work for every orgasm, edging you until your sobbing
"you made me wait for so long, shouldn't i make you wait a little too?"
Shinobu smirked, gently swiping away the tears streaming down your cheeks. She placed a finger on your tongue so you could taste the salty drops, and you let out another needy sob. "Are you getting desperate already, little butterfly?" She cooed, thrusting her fingers deeper inside of you. Another mewl escaped your lips as she fucked you dumb on her fingers, stretching you open and prodding the place inside you that made you see stars. You could feel the coil in your stomach tightening, and you whimpered. "Pl-please Nobu, 'm gonna cum, please lemme cum-mgh-" Shinobu smirked at you, smacking your core lightly as you squirmed beneath her. She leaned down to whisper in your ear, caressing your sides slowly. "Shh, c'mon doll, I know you can take it. You made me wait a month to ruin you, didn't you? You can handle waiting a little longer to come~" Your body quaked at her words, soft sobs and pleads filling the air as you begged her to let you cum this time. Shinobu only shook her head, smirking and removing her hand as your orgasm begins to fade.
i went off there for a sec omg
i think he would make it without too much trouble
i really don't think his sex drive is super high, and hes pretty patient as it is
so yea i def think he'd make it
unleeeesssss you teased him
listen, Rengoku LOOOOVES to please you
if you bat your lashes and play your cards right, he'll fold you in half and fuck you senseless less than a week into november
it would be the roughest, sloppiest sex yall ever have bc once Rengoku is done, hes done
He'll fuck you every day of the damn month just because he wants to, and be prepared bc this man has STAMINA
normally rengoku focuses solely on your pleasure, hes def the service dom type, hoowwweeeeverr, depending on how much you teased him, hes gonna be sm rougher
i also think rengoku would last the entire month just to irritate you because, lets face it, hes much more patient than you
just imagine begging him to fuck you at the end of the month, pleading with him to pay attention to you after he's deprived you of pleasure for so long... how could he say no to you?
the sound of skin slapping against skin and muffled groans filled the room as Rengoku pressed you down into the mattress. Rengoku leaned down, close enough to whisper in your ear, "fuck baby, can i- can i lift your legs up higher?" you nod, head foggy as he tossed your legs over his shoulder. Rengoku adjusted for a second, folding you over and beginning to thrust slowly. Your hips rocked against his as you clawed at the mattress, the new position allowing him to go so much deeper than before. "mhm baby, just like that. gonna make you feel so good after you waited so long, gonna fill you up so nice.."
i think Mitsuri would last ab a week before crumbling
She'd be so embarrassed about it, all blushy and shy
you haaave to tease her ab quitting so early, you'll get the most delectable whimpers from her<3
Mitsuri folds from MINIMAL teasing its almost like she wants to lose
once she gives in tho, please pamper her. teasing is okay but PRAISE HER‼️
shes a pillow princess at heart and will def want u to take care of her after u made her wait for sooo long
she cries sm more easily during sex after being teased for so long, and it's impossible to NOT overstimulate her (she loves it)
tease her and praise her, overstimulate her and watch as she falls apart~
fat tears streamed down Mitsuri's pink cheeks as you pumped your fingers in and out of her slick heat, mesmerized by the sloppy sound it made. her legs trembled and her lip quivered as she sobbed from the overwhelming onslaught of pleasure, and you leaned up to kiss her on the cheek. "d'worry baby, im gonna make you feel all better," you coo, smiling as she whimpers. your fingers are coated in her slick, and her hips grind down onto your fingers with every thrust. "need you.." she whispers, reaching out to pull you closer. "kiss..?" she whimpers, large, teary eyes staring into yours. You chuckle, unable to deny her. "Of course~ how could i forget?" you kiss her slowly and sensually, running your tongue along her bottom lip and gently grabbing her jaw as you pushed your tongue inside her mouth. Mitsuri whined at the feeling, clenching ariund your fingers as her tongue collided against yours. her chest heaved, perky breasts bobbing as the coil in her stomach tightened. you could tell she was close, and moved the hand holding her face to massage one of her breasts as you deepened the kiss. your fingers curled inside her, pressing against her g spot as your thumb circled her clit. instantly, Mitsuri squealed, gushing around you and squirting onto your hand as she writhed in pleasure. "t-too much!!" she gasped, pulling away from the kiss as a thin trail of spit lingered between your mouths. "was that worth the wait baby?" Mitsuri blushes, nodding profusely.
i genuinely think obanai would last like
a week at most
im sorry but this man worships your every move, and theres NO way he can deny you anything
you tease him once and hes already bending you over, fucking you senseless as he bites harshly into your neck
or hes whining, dragging you on top of him and begging you to fuck him just right, ride him until hes a sweaty, needy mess
sex with Obanai after NNN would definitely be much rougher, he just cant hold himself back
he NEEDS to ravish you
you gasp as Obanai's cock sinks into you, his thick length filling you up as he spreads your legs. one hand rests on your inner thigh, the other entwining your hands together as he presses hasty kisses to your collarbone. your back arches off of the bed as he bites down hard on the sensitive skin, a dark hickey left in its wake. Obanai travels upwards, his teeth grazing your neck and shoulders as he kisses and nips at the exposed skin. his warm breathe flushes against your beck as he begins to thrust in and out of you in a brutal pace, the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, accompanied by your moans and whines. Obanai pants, his hand moving from your thigh to fondle at your chest. "can't believe you made me wait this long, bunny.." he murmured softly in your ear, nipping at your earlobe. "fuck, i missed this pretty hole..."
he likes to think could make it the whole month but "doesn't care about a stupid ass challenge"
he cant make it the whole month hes too whipped for you
i think he would either last like. 15 minutes or two weeks theres no in between
Sanemi would either fuck you out of spite immediately after november starts or genuinely try but give up pretty early on and make up some bs excuse ab how he "doesnt even care"
either way, hes not making it 💀
prepare yourself, cuz the sex is gonna be ROUGH
Sanemi totally has a breeding kink, and the thought of NNN definitely ignites a feral need to fill you up- not a drop of his cum is wasted, hes bringing you to at LEAST 4 orgasms, and hes coming at least twice as well. hes also gonna finger fuck his cum back inside you, maybe he'll use a plug too just for the satisfaction of knowing that your filled up to the brim with him...
congrats!! u have a feral boyfriend
"s' too much!" you sobbed, tears streaming down your face as Sanemi fucked into you harshly from behind. his hips snapped against yours as you whimpered, face down in the sheets. Sanemi gave a swift slap to your ass and you sobbed, mewling as he fucked into your weeping hole even harder. "oh yea? shoulda thought of that before tellin' me about this stupid challenge," Sanemi hissed, thrusting deeper into your cervix as you keened. "im- m' close-" you hiccuped, warm, wet tears slid down your face as he looked into your glossy eyes. "oh yea? i thought it was t' much, doll- fuck-" he gasped as you tightened around him, the sound of his hips slapping against your ass was amplified even more as you came with a squeal. you came hard, coating Sanemi's cock and the bed below in your juices as your eyes rolled back into your head. "fuuugnck- doll your so tight- im coming too, don't waste a fucking drop of this- its what you get for makin' me wait.."
i think Gyomei would make it
honestly i dont think he has a super high sex drive, and as much as he wants to please you, i think he would make it through the month with ease
hell at the end of the month hes praising YOU for lasting so long eithout him (in a genuine way, not in a condescending way ofc <33)
hes pretty chill when it comes to sex, but after NNN Gyomei might be a little rougher
he has STAMINA tho
prepare to be overstimulated bc he is MAKING SURE you are blissed outt af by the end
if your not a whiny mess in subspace then Gyomei's not having it
hes praising you for lasting so long, making you feel so good while bringing you to climax after climax for HOURS
he miiiiight fold if u bEG him but its a small possibility.
Gyomei held you in his lap as you squirmed, fucking yourself on his cock as you buried your face into his neck. "mnghh- forget how big you were.." you whine, grinding your hips sensually against his. Gyomei chuckles, brushing the hair off of your forehead and kissing you gently. "do you remember how many times you've come, little one?" your brow furrowed, your head felt foggy as you tried to remember. one of his hands squeezed your thigh reassuringly, and you whimpered, eyes rolling back slightly as you tightened around his cock. Gyomei hummed, taking in your overstimulated state as he brought you closer to release. "im so proud of you little light, you lasted the entire month," he cooed, rubbing soothing circles on your back as the coil in your stomach tightened. "let me reward you, my precious dove~"
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