#tomita miu
storge · 2 years
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He really ditched us like nothing. The fact that he was a pretty boy... I think I'm feeling my blood boiling again!
Tabi Suru Sandwich (2022)
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movielosophy · 2 years
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Tabisuru Sandwich (2022) ~ A short story about two girls selling sandwiches using locally grown ingredients they found on their travels.
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Today's disabled character of the day is Zenko Umine from Switched (2018), who has depression
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Photo of Miu Tomita playing Zenko. She has short black hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a grey button up with black buttons and light pink lipstick.]
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lamangasserie · 1 year
Rouge Éclipse (Shiki Kawabata): du manga au drama
Ayumi Kohinata est une lycéenne dans la norme: elle a de bons résultats, elle est jolie, elle est bien intégrée au sein de sa classe et vient d’une famille unie et heureuse. Alors qu’elle se rend à un rendez-vous pour rejoindre son petit ami, Koshirô Mizumoto, elle reçoit un appel d’une camarade de classe. Au bout du fil, Zenko Uminé: elle va se suicider et Ayumi ferait mieux de ne pas la quitter des yeux. Paniquée, Ayumi n’a pas le temps d’intervenir avant que Zenko ne commette l’irréparable. Sous une mystérieuse lune écarlate, Ayumi se réveille dans la peau de Zenko Uminé. Ayumi est désormais moche, la risée de sa classe et se voit contrainte d’habiter un foyer chaotique. Malgré tout, Ayumi trouvera un allié dans son ami d’enfance, Shunpei Kaga, qui s’aperçoit rapidement de l’échange de corps entre les deux jeunes filles.
Rouge Éclipse est un manga de Shiki Kawabata, pré-publié dans le magazine Margaret (Shûeisha)  en 2014 et compilé en 3 tomes. Chez nous, le manga est publié par Akata, pour un prix de 6,99€ par tome. En 2018, Rouge Éclipse est adapté sur le petit écran par Netflix. Avec Hiroaki Matsuyama à la réalisation et Michinao Okada au scénario, Kaya Kiyohara campe le personnage de Ayumi Kohinata, Miu Tomita celui de Zenko Uminé, suivi par deux membres du groupe d’idols Johnny’s WEST, Tomohiro Kamiyama et Daiki Shigeoka campant respectivement les personnages de Koshirô Mizumoto et Shunpei Kaga.
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L’œuvre de Shiki Kawabata s’articule autour de la thématique de l’envie. Dès le premier chapitre, on apprend que cet échange des corps n’est pas un accident, que c’est le fait d’Uminé. Envieuse de la condition de Ayumi, de sa beauté, de sa popularité ainsi que de son petit ami qu’elle aime secrètement, Uminé est décidé à laisser tomber sa vie pour vivre celle de Ayumi. Ayumi, elle se retrouve prise au piège dans un corps et une vie qui n’est pas la sienne. Cependant, cet échange des corps la met face au calvaire que pouvait subir Uminé au quotidien: regards malveillants et remarques blessantes concernant son apparence, venant aussi bien de ses camarades de classe que de sa propre mère. Mise plus bas que terre par ces attaques, Uminé s’était muté, à l’image d’un chat haret, en un être fragile, craintif dont le mécanisme d’auto-défense n’était qu’agressivité. Au fil des chapitres, Ayumi (dans le corps de Uminé) gagne en popularité. Tout d’abord auprès de Kaga, secrètement amoureux de Ayumi depuis toujours, puis auprès de sa classe. Révélée par Kaga, la nouvelle Uminé est soudainement plus accessible, et même mignonne, dans les yeux de ses camarades. Uminé se rend compte que malgré l’échange des corps, Ayumi reste populaire. C’est la beauté intérieure de Ayumi qui la faisait et la fait encore rayonner dans son entourage. Malgré son nouveau corps, malgré sa nouvelle vie, Uminé reste rongée par ses vieux démons. Hargneuse et ne supportant plus de voir le bonheur de Ayumi dans le corps qu’elle a rejeté, elle s’enfuit. Le manga atteint son apogée quand elle se rend à l’évidence: c’est la beauté intérieur qui compte. Plus que de l’avoir protégé, la hargne de Uminé, bien que légitime, n’a fait que l’isoler davantage des autres. 
Avec Rouge Éclipse, Shiki Kawabata nous livre un message plutôt ambigu: certes c’est la beauté intérieure qui compte, mais ce serait donc de la faute de Uminé si elle se faisait harcelée ? Son mauvais caractère n’est que le résultat des brimades infligé par ses camarades. Peut-on reprocher à quelqu’un ayant subi autant de dégâts de ne pas s’ouvrir aux autres ? Contrairement à l’héroïne de Life (Keiko Suenobu), Uminé n’est pas une battante. Finalement, si Uminé n’a pas réussi à voler la vie de rêve de Ayumi, c’est grâce au temps que cette dernière a passé dans son corps qu’elle peut désormais s’intégrer dans sa classe. Grâce à la gentillesse de Ayumi, Uminé peut désormais laisser s’exprimer sa véritable personnalité, la hargne en moins. Bien que la mangaka utilise le harcèlement scolaire pour construire le personnage de Uminé, on peut regretter que la thématique ne soit pas plus exploré et que, par conséquent, le propos soit quelque peu expédié et bancal.
Quid du drama ? C’est une bonne adaptation, le duo formé par Hiroaki Matsuyama (réalisation) et Michinao Okada (scénario) a bien compris ce qu’était le manga. L’histoire, les personnages, les évènements ainsi que l’ambiance, tout est fidèle au manga. Plus qu’être fidèles au manga, ils en repoussent les limites jusqu’à s’en émanciper. Quelques évènements sont remaniés pour que l’histoire soit plus cohérente et des scènes sont même ajoutées pour rendre le propos plus profond et plus saisissant. Par exemple, la mère de Uminé a bien plus de lignes dans le drama que dans le manga. Elle est plus négligente et bien plus acerbe envers sa fille que dans le manga. En résulte une scène de rédemption en fin de récit bien plus convaincante que celle dépeinte par Shiki Kawabata. Le montage vidéo se montre aussi plus efficace que le découpage des cases de l’autrice. Le montage très saccadé ainsi que les différentes prises de vue permettent de faire ressortir la hargne, la colère et les angoisses de Uminé de manière bien plus vivante. De plus, Kaya Kiyohara (Uminé dans le corps de Ayumi) pousse son personnage à son paroxysme en y ajoutant un TOC et une démarche de brute enragé, qui paraîtra peut-être un peu too much pour certains. Toujours sur l’aspect technique, le drama sublime le manga grâce à une colorimétrie maîtrisée, notamment avec des couchers de soleil chaleureux lors des quelques moments de grâce entre Ayumi et Kaga. Côté acteur, Daiki Shigeoka est une vraie bouffée d’air frais dans ce drama. Non seulement, il campe merveilleusement bien Kaga, mais il l’emmène au sommet. Il retranscrit avec brio le caractère enjoué, franc et impulsif de son personnage, et insuffle une énergie débordante de vie à ce drama grâce à son large sourire et son accent du Kansai. 
Cependant, le drama choisit de s’éloigner de deux éléments secondaires, mais non moins intéressants, du récit. Tout d’abord, pour interpréter le rôle de Ayumi, Kaya Kiyohara n’a pas eu à changer de coiffure. Alors que dans le manga, l’héroïne est blonde aux cheveux courts, Kaya Kiyohara est restée avec ses cheveux naturels: longs et noirs. Dans un soucis d’être davantage proche de la réalité, ce choix n’est pas surprenant. C’est même un choix assez courant que l’on retrouve dans de nombreuses adaptations de shôjo. Puis, un autre choix de la production, un peu plus curieux: le personnage de Mao Ukon. Outre son changement de style vestimentaire d’un médium à l’autre ; dans le manga, avant d’échanger de corps, elle était un homme, tandis que dans le drama, elle était une jeune fille pauvre enviant une camarade de classe riche. On peut s’interroger sur ce changement minime mais néanmoins significatif. Était-ce dans le but de s’identifier plus facilement à ce personnage secondaire ? Ou bien était-ce dans le but de ne pas retranscrire une histoire de changement de sexe ? On peut d’autant plus se poser la question que le personnage de Mao Ukon est plus présent dans le drama que dans le manga. La question demeure.
En définitive, Rouge Éclipse n’est pas un indispensable. Le point de départ n’est pas très original et le manga manque de quelques chapitres pour étoffer son propos. Cependant, il reste agréable à lire avec ses quelques moments de fulgurances. Le véritable point fort reste les personnages, et particulièrement celui de Zenko Uminé, emprunt d’un certain réalisme dans sa défense agressive qu’elle n’abaisse que très tard dans le récit. Pour un Rouge Éclipse plus fort et plus en profondeur, il est peut-être plus judicieux de se pencher sur son adaptation disponible sur Netflix.
Mot de la fin
Et voilà, c’était le premier article de 2023 ! Merci de m’avoir lu jusque-là. Je crois que je suis un peu dure avec Rouge Éclipse mais j’espère que ça ne vous empêchera pas de lire le manga ou de voir le drama. De plus, il y a tout un pan du manga que je n’ai pas abordé ! Si cet article vous a plu, n’hésitez pas à le partager autour de vous ! En attendant, on se retrouve sur Twitter. Portez-vous bien.
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whumpetywhump · 3 years
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6 From High & Low: The Worst - Ep. 4
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Movie- Kiss Him, Not Me!
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Kae Serinuma is a BL fangirl, otherwise known as a fujoshi. Chubby and invisible in the presence of her classmates, she lives in a world of delusion as she and her best friend secretly ship boys in their school. But when her favorite anime character dies, Sae hides herself in her room refusing to eat or bathe for a whole week. When she emerges like a beautiful smelly butterfly, she is gorgeous and suddenly popular in the eyes of four handsome boys, who accept her fujoshi side to stay close to her. I like how they utilized the two actresses who played Sae, both very funny and having the same vibe whenever they switched. However, they didn’t include the part where the boys act out her fantasies until much later into the film (which were easily the best parts). While casting for the boys was a hit or miss, they were a funny contrast for how over the top Sae could be (and I’ll admit, I was shocked at how good Yoshino was as Mutsumi). The story was a mess, but overall I found it hilarious and have a reason to rewatch the anime. Also the theme song is a bop.
Spotlighting: Miu Tomita, Nonoka Yamaguchi, Hokuto Yoshino, Fuju Kamio, Asahi Ito, So Okuno, Miku Uehara, Mio Yuki
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jdramaconfessions · 4 years
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blrush · 3 years
Kiss Him Not Me! (2020)
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Full title: Boys! Please Kiss Him Not Me! Native Title: 私がモテてどうすんだ Based on popular shōjo manga [x] and anime you can watch here [x]
The beautiful, amazing, talented, rjgman56subs has subbed the full movie and you can WATCH IT HERE: https://www.rjgman56subs.com/post/kiss-him-not-me-is-up
Within shōjo manga, there is a trend of stories focused on fujoshi/fangirls and some of them have been questionable and some are good. It’s a pretty touchy subject and so I think it’s pretty hit and miss when they adapt them. Personally, for example, I did not like Fujoshi, Ukkari Gei ni Kokuru (2019) as I found it got pretty dark and twisted and I didn’t love the politics, I also didn’t love The Shipper (2020) and found it uncomfortable to watch. Personally I prefer the older movie Fujoshi Kanojo (2009) which is cute and wholesome. That’s probably why I enjoyed Kiss Him Not Me! it had similar vibes. Those vibes = the boys are like “oh you like boys kissing boys? no worries babe lemme kiss this boy for you.” I like the politics of these confident, kind, wholesome boys who just throw themselves enthusiastically into the wacky fujoshi world for the sake of the girl they like, regardless of their own sexuality etc. WHOLESOME. (and, as far as I understand from tiktok, a fairly accurate representation of genZ boys in general).
Also, this movie was DUMB and SILLY and FUN and STUPID with those chaotic manga vibes and a musical number - and I live for that shit!!!
It may or may not have been fat-ist, or it had a good message about fat-shaming....? I couldn’t decide because they leave it kind of ambiguous. I’m pretty sure it had a good message, but it could have been clearer. Either way, the lead Tomita Miu (who was also in the much darker Netflix series, Switched (2018)) was ADORABLE and I loved her in this.
Also it had Nakayama Satsuki in it who is non-binary LGBT+ icon !?!??! SLAY!
Overall it “could have been gayer” ~ a review. (But I feel like they were leaving it open for a sequel).
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crazyasianlove · 3 years
Nemesis Ep. 6 (Sub. Esp)
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midget98 · 3 years
make sure you check out ‘switched’ on netflix. 
●  ko-fi  ●
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cietsutsu · 4 years
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Parody movie posters for the fic, “Off the Record.”
Summary:  Yoshizawa Ryo and Sugisaki Hana are known as the golden pair of the acting industry, their on-screen chemistry evident in the many hit romantic films they've released throughout the years. But there's one thing their legion of adoring fans don't know about their favorite ship: The two absolutely hate each other. When a special request was made for "Japan's sweethearts" to lead yet another movie, the two artists agreed under the condition of never having to work with each other ever again. Will they be able to put aside their differences for the last time without killing each other? It seems freedom is finally at the tip of their fingers... but only if they don't wrap them around each other's throats.
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storge · 2 years
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I see a car!
Tomita Miu as IMAMURA KAEDE Ito Marika as ENOMOTO KURUMI Tabi Suru Sandwich (2022)
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mostlyfate · 4 years
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Who are you? I’m Rokuro.
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yuuki-1821 · 4 years
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lifes-a-simple-plan · 5 years
Anyone else remember that one time....
...I wrote an essay about a Japanese drama on Netflix called Switched?
Yeah, me too. In case you don’t, here’s the link to it - if you were curious. Or if you were insane enough to dive into a 20 minute read about a television show wherein I just talk about everything I loved about it. Either way, it’s at your convenience now:
Roughly, it has been one year since I first watched the show and I thought it would be fun to revisit my old post and re-watch Switched (yet again; because I genuinely do have a problem)
This time around, I learned how to make a fucking “keep reading” link, so everyone who wants to can pass on by without spraining their scrolling-hand. But for anyone who just feels like they want to spare the time - thank you!
Now that that’s done, I guess I’ll just get started! Last time, I spoke of what I felt the show did right, my favorite moments and quotes, character analysis, shipping, my thoughts on the ending and what I wished had been in the show.
Really, not much has changed about my opinions regarding those subjects. If anything, I feel them stronger. How Kaga is the light in this world, Ayumi is just the most pure bean, Kaga is the only one on earth to deserve true happiness, Umine needs a therapist, Kaga is my One True Love, Koshiro should really express himself better, and did I mention that Kaga is the absolute best?
I do think I’ve discovered some things deeper than I had in the multiple times I’ve watched it in the past year (I’m at 15 now y’all, and it is not looking like I’m going to stop any time soon (I’m literally fucking watching it right now)). So I would like to touch on that.
Things I hadn’t noticed before
Another working title for this section is “things I thought I saw but are definitely canon for me now”
- In the second episode, in the scene where Umine is walking with Koshiro telling him not to talk to other girls and then Ayumi is like, “let’s talk, yo.” This felt like the biggest discovery since ever for me. It dawned on me that it is the first time Koshiro and Ayumi, in Umine’s body, are facing each other - KNOWING the entirety of the situation. This is the first time he has to conceal his true feelings from her. When I watch it now, I get a little glimpse (or think I see a glimpse) of the moment Koshiro shoves it all away. His expression turns completely blank and he just starts playing her right then and there. She has priorities, and therefore didn’t even look at him, but he shut it down at that moment I believe.
- Koshiro didn’t take Umine very seriously until their walk in the blue lights. I think he didn’t want to think of her as a real threat, or as someone who was in as much pain as she was. But when she openly admitted to wanting to commit suicide is when he started thinking of her in a new light. He started asking questions. He started to see her as a real person who needed help. I really love that she was finally able to open up to someone. This scene also gave us an idea about who Umine is as a person, when no one is teasing her, when she doesn’t have to worry about her mom, or think about her dad. I said it last time, that this was probably the best day of her life, and I feel like it’s the first time in a LONG time that she could let go of her worries. That’s the part of her that reached out to the good parts of the other characters and earned their ability to forgive her.
- When we get to the scene in episode 3 where Kaga is overheard confessing his feelings about ‘Umine’ to Maria and Ritsu, I think Kaga fully realizes that his classmates were all dicks. And I think we see here within that realization that Kaga might’ve been a dick too. Not as much as the rest of the guys, who are all making the actual jokes about Umine and the idea that she could be liked by someone like Kaga. But most definitely in the way where he just goes along with the jokes. Accomplices are still guilty, after all. I feel like this might have been his flaw. A good friend of mine and I had a wonderful conversation not long after I posted my first review. It was about how she wished we could have found something wrong with Kaga so that he might actually seem human, and not like the perfect Godsend he really is. Well, with a year passing of considering this convo, I feel like this is it. The thing that makes him human. We know without a shadow of a doubt that Kaga stands up for the people he cares about - seeing as he does it for Ayumi right there in the scene I’m talking about. But I think before he was directly involved with the person being teased, he laughed with the rest of them no matter what the situation was rather than stand up for them. This really is just a guess from me, but it feels like canon simply because of the hesitation before he tells the class how cute ‘Umine’ is now. Almost like the look on his face was saying, “This was me at one time.” I hate to think it, but it feels right to me.
- Ukon and Amagase scenes were utterly of no importance. They literally get less and less significant every time I watch this damn show. Like, I understand that they are there for informative reasons, but if Kaga had been just a little bit better with the Google search he did early in episode 3, he could’ve found that research paper Koshiro was annotating in his room in the dead of night. And that could have been his source of information about how body switching happens, and how Ayumi can never go back to her body. Ukon could still have had her name on the paper, and been part of the show that way. Really, her scenes just took up time that could’ve been saved for MORE KAGA. If only Ukon and Amagase had been more like their characters in the manga. I know that that would have significantly altered the drama aspect of the show, but it would have been better than what we got.
- I think Koshiro wanted to get punched by Kaga. Just a little bit. He felt he deserved it. And in my opinion, he definitely deserved it.
- Ayumi was never going to meet Kaga’s feelings halfway. Had things gone differently that day (ie. meeting Kaga instead of Koshiro), she might have started dating him. But it would have been because she didn’t want Kaga - her biggest supporter - to be sad or disappointed. SHE. REALLY. COULD. HAVE. LOVED. HIM. but she never gave herself the opportunity. Kaga was going to fall more completely for her, but she would’ve only broken his heart later because she doesn’t really love him. (*Edit: this was made right after a food binge in that halfway-sleepy/full mood and the weight of this truth was overwhelming at the time).
- Umine’s mom definitely blames herself for the dad leaving. Maybe that’s obvious to some people, but it took me a few times to really get that feeling from her. I believe that she believes he would have stayed if she’d been more beautiful. Which, honey, it’s really not your fault. He left for reasons that were unexplained (but I am making a fanfiction that will cover that more, if anyone’s interested in that). I just wish that she didn’t have to take out her insecurities on Umine.
- Koshiro’s kind of a dumbass for telling Umine he never actually loved her on the roof. ALL SHOW LONG  she’s been telling you she’s suicidal. She jumped once, she’ll do it again. Really just a huge lack of foresight there.
- In Kaga’s memory montage, he is most definitely feeling the pain of having to give up Ayumi. Those were probably the best times of his relationship with her. Not having to share her with anyone, not having the attention he was getting diverted by her feelings for Koshiro. I know Koshiro was being an ass when he said that the switch benefited Kaga the most, but he was right about it. And, OW, my heart.
Feelings towards the characters - one year later
Koshiro, Koshiro, Koshiro...How do I feel about him? Even though I KNOW he’s good, I can’t freaking help but hate him for most of the show. It’s as intended by the creators of this magnificent piece of art, but I just can’t really stand the guy sometimes. This man is practiced at lies. I’m going to pretend that he’s in drama classes, on top of everything else he does. Koshiro is already good at every damn thing he does (much like Tomohiro Kamiyama - fucking ridiculous how talented he is). Truly, I don’t hate him. I just can’t help but think that his “ends justify the means” personality is wrong on so many levels. And I feel like his actions shouldn’t have earned him Ayumi’s love more than Kaga’s should have.The more I watch it, the more I think that he really didn’t deserve Ayumi in the end. And while I KNOW she already loved Koshiro, I’M. STILL. NOT. OVER. IT. Clearly I still have some feelings about this. Maybe I’ll add in a paragraph specifically about this.
I kinda like her more than I did a year ago. And, honestly, I liked her a lot back then. I’m not denying that she made a whole hell of a lot of mistakes. Switching bodies and threatening people is not how one usually makes friends. But it was interpreted as a cry for help that went on to entirely change her life for the better. I’m just so happy that her actions led her to Ayumi, Koshiro and Kaga. Because literally anyone else would have been too pissed to reconcile once everything was said and done. I’ve had this idea in my head that maybe she was jealous of Ayumi for more than her looks, or her boyfriend. I think the biggest underlying reason that Umine chose Ayumi was her ability to be open to people. Making friends is really hard for her, and they just seem to flock to Ayumi without her even trying. I can truly understand why she dislikes Ayumi, even if I can’t agree with it.
I really adore her character so so so freaking much. I know I talk a lot about how she didn’t make choices that I would make *cough cough KAGA* but I can’t fault her for making them either. She just always chooses kindness. She always chooses compassion for others. This girl is like, 16, I don’t know how she can be so forgiving. I genuinely admire that in her. I am far too petty, so I really think she is a hero in her own right.
I. cannot. stress. enough. how. much. i. love. this. character. Kaga is the kind of man other men should watch to figure out how they should act. I swear to god. I love him more than I did a year ago. AND I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. His chivalry, his ability to put others before himself, his never ending optimism, how he can see what people need, how he acts on his emotions, HIS FUCKING SMILE. He is altogether otherworldly. Kaga is the sun, and we’re all just the planets revolving around him (I have dibs on Mercury; y’all can get in line). I wouldn’t change a damn thing about him. He is so so so valued and appreciated. My god.
While I still have you (if I still have you), I’m just gonna circle back to that bit about Koshiro not really deserving Ayumi in the end. I got all kinds of worked up earlier (as per usual), so I think it should be addressed. So why? Why do I feel like this? A year ago, I was perfectly satisfied with the ending. But now I’m just not so sure. Koshiro lied. A lot. And I know WHY he did it. And I know that he apologized. And I know that he didn’t WANT to do it. But he did. And while he expressed genuine guilt, I can’t help but be uneasy. I think it’s because of Ayumi. Not once did she have a face-to-face conversation with him about how messed up he was acting. Not just as his girlfriend, but as his friend. They were CHILDHOOD FRIENDS and she just sort of....let him treat her like that. I also understand that Ayumi had a whole bunch of stuff going on in her life. Switching bodies could not have been low on her list of priorities. But I really just need to see a time when she looks him dead in the face and asks him why. Why he said he only cared about her face. How he could stand there next to someone who ripped the two of them apart. How he could care less about the way she was feeling. Even if he only lied again, I wanted her to stand up for herself. Just a little bit. I can think of several occasions where she had the opportunity. And maybe she just didn’t want to hear the answer, or really believed in him because she knew him that well. I don’t know. I’m just upset that she didn’t blow up on him a little bit (also, just imagine that Kamichan has to be stoic and passionate in that scene and you’ll wish you could watch it too). Honestly, I still would have gone after him even learning the truth behind his actions. He hurt her feelings, and he should be told that (I know he knows that already, I’m just saying that more words could have been said). So, the point: The ending. I think Koshiro could earn her (in my eyes) if we saw something more than a montage of Koshiro-behind-the-scenes that expressed his guilt.
And truthfully, I am still ok with the fact that Ayumi didn’t choose Kaga. She really just wasn’t in love with him. She loved him. But platonic love does not a relationship make. I desperately wish that Ayumi’s heart could have changed, but it was enough for me that she was willing to give up on Koshiro just to spare Kaga’s feelings. I’ll keep telling myself that until someone loves him back.
Changes this show has made in my life
That sounds really fucking corny, but I’m not kidding you when I say that after watching this show my life was altered. It was the very first Asian drama I watched, and honestly it was a very good thing that I waited until I was older to start on this journey. My personality is kind of obsessive when it comes to bands or television shows, and I was WORSE in my teenage years. I’ll just keep reiterating that hey, at least it’s not drugs. Since my first dive into Switched, I have:
- Started painting again. I used to love art and making drawings. I don’t really remember why or when I stopped doing it, but it was almost a constant. Art supplies for birthdays and Christmas presents, my room covered with all of my artwork, handmade birthdays cards given out to EVERYONE. I knew I was never very good, but I loved doing it. And Switched gave that back to me.
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- Started learning Japanese. You see guys, you give me an Asian show and I just drop everything to learn a new language. Why am I like this? Oh right, I’m obsessive and need to better understand things that I love so that I can love it harder. Ugh. I hate how much effort I put into things. But really, I can’t help but put in the effort. I bought books and practice daily. I write diary entries in Japanese in a notebook. I highlight. I have apps that I use on the go. During lulls at work, I practice writing the hiragana. I repeat phrases in my head ALL. DAY. EVERY. DAY. because they get stuck in my brain like a loop. I make my friends make quizzes for me. i pester the internet people with questions about certain words. I have a problem. But I do it because one day I could watch the show without subtitles. Or hear a Johnny’s West song and know what it’s about without asking for a translation.
- Made an internet friend! I was always taught that the internet is a really scary place where no one should be trusted. And I still feel that way. NEVER GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET (had to get my PSA out of the way). But my experience with my internet friend has been so so different from many other experiences. She first reached out to me after she read my review about Switched a year ago. Her sister had found it and told her about it. When she read it, she told me that it was nice to find someone who loved the show with the amount of passion I expressed. She also offered me a genuine gift: Johnny’s West. It was maybe a couple days after I had posted the review when she reached out, and at that point I had given up on the band. I wanted to know them, because Shige and Kamichan were my babies from Switched, and I’d seen all seven of them in Blazing Transfer Students (sidenote: if you want to laugh until you cry or pee yourself, watch that show- it’s a hot mess of hilarity). But it is damn near impossible to find their music anywhere. That makes sense, because it’s America, and they don’t have the access to Japanese music the way that Japan does. But I couldn’t find music videos, or songs ANYWHERE. Youtube has some clips of live performances, but live performances are not for Abby’s unless the music has already been listened to. I had been doing the deep internet searches for a little over a week and come up empty-handed. And I wasn’t about to drop over $50 to ship an album from Japan to me without having heard them first to know if I actually liked their music. So my internet friend sent me the entire discography. My mind was blown. Music is no joke to me - it is and always has been the source of my happiness. To just share it like that for nothing in return was a fantastic gift. And she didn’t just stop there. I wanted more (to fuel my obsession, of course), and she delivered. Music videos, behind the scenes of music videos, television shows they’ve appeared in, concert dvds, interviews, skits, radio shows, news, pictures, blog entries, EVERYTHING. She was like an angel from above. But beyond what she’s given me in Johnny’s West, she’s just an amazing person. She is kind and generous, and funny. We can talk about anything from work to periods to bands to religion. I really never thought someone from the internet could be such an important person in my life, but I love her as much as any of my friends that live close to me. If you read this, let me tell you how much I love you for the millionth time!
- Started listening to Johnny’s West. Maybe that doesn’t seem like such a big deal. People find bands from TV shows all the time. But I always HATED music that was in other languages. In my head, if I couldn’t understand what they were saying and tried to sing along I might say something offensive or vulgar without knowing it. And even though I sing that kind of stuff in English, doing it in a language where you don’t know you’re doing it feels wrong to me. I still feel that way a little bit, but it helps that I’m learning Japanese. Johnny’s West also makes all the difference though. My love for these 7 boys is unreal. Akin to how I feel about Kaga, and if you’ve come down to this part of the post or have read my other review, you KNOW how I feel about Kaga. They make me feel so good about myself. I don’t even know how they do it. They say or do things that fill me up with such a warmth - it makes me feel like I can accomplish things, because I have their strength with me. I go without listening to them for a time, and my body just kind of aches to have them back. I had a similar feeling with One Direction back in my teens, but the extent is VASTLY different. In this past year, I’ve probably gone only a handful of days without listening to them. For me to choose one band, every day, for an entire year is very very very not like me. I have more than 200 CD’s that I consider my children; that I protect more sacredly than anything else I own. But now I only choose any of those other bands when I’m on a road trip, or feeling a random day where I need them. I can’t seem to burn out on Johnny’s West, but all of my friends who ride with me are. I don’t even have a favorite member. Each and every one of these 7 men are so worthy of being a favorite that I have to love them all equally. Which should say something to you, because Shige played KAGA - one of the greatest fictional characters to ever exist! If he isn’t my favorite, that should tell you how wonderful the others are. I just can’t really fathom my life without them now. I hope and wish for all great things for them for the rest of their lives. Putting that into the internet will make it come true, won’t it?
That’s really all I have to say. Wow, it was shorter than last time, but it took so much longer to write. This show has made an impact on me that changed a lot about how I view the world. I just really really loved it. With my whole being, I adored it. Thank you to anyone who decided to read this much for something that really isn’t important in the grand scheme of things. I wrote it for me, but I appreciate anyone who enjoyed my words enough to waste their time on them. I hope you all have wonderful days!
ありがとうございます !!!!!!!
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betsunibitch · 5 years
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宇宙を駆けるよだか | Sora wo Kakeru Yodaka (Switched)
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