#too bad i didn’t grow up with an adora and have a massive falling out because of our shared trauma and gay repressed feelings
adorascake · 3 years
hot take she ra is catgirl propaganda
proper gander
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catracorner962 · 3 years
The Nine Lives of Catra Applesauce Meow Meow Ch. 7 Destiny Part 2
Ass fatally kicked by Hordak in Destiny Part 2
Warning for suicidal ideation
“AAAAAHHHH!!!!” A scream broke through Catra’s hardened resolve when she found herself being slammed back by the blast from Hordak’s cannon. Heat singed her fur, body arching through the air like a hapless rag doll.
Catra  twisted mid-air, arms and legs splayed out, claws instinctively flashing outward the second she connected with the ground.
“Ughhh,” her chest pinched, her words tight. “H...Hordak...whatever you’re doing….”
“I know about Entrapta,”
A cold numbness flooding through her body as Hordak loomed over her, his weapon aimed between her eyes.
You’re in too deep now. There’s still a chance….he could believe you.
Catra held her breath, right arm tingling in pain. Swollen and bleeding from a gash down to her elbow.
Must’ve broken it…
She held the limp limb at her side, left eye squeezing shut in pain.
“Entrapta…” she sucked a thin breath, throat caked with smoke, “was a traitor. What else is there to know?”
Hordak glared, red pupiless eyes teaming with bloodlust.
“I. Trusted. You!”
He seethed, voice breaking but for a moment. Any discernible amount of hurt was quickly laced with hatred. The cannon on his arm spun, whirling red energy all around it.
Well, who’s fault is that?
Catra gasped, flinging herself away from its' aim just in time. The blast of fire and smoke nearly caught her as she dashed down the hallway, faster on four limbs than two, despite the one that cracked in pain each time she attempted to move it. Catra grit her teeth, surging forward in any direction, anywhere away from Hordak’s relentless wrath.
“Your days we're numbered the moment you crossed me!” He shouted, the weapon already recharging.  Catra’s heart pummeled against her chest, each beat crushing. Still she fled.
You did it now you insolent child!
Did you really think you could lie forever? How long did you think you could keep this up?
No...I...took over the Horde...I did! I’ve been running things for awhile now I…
“Ahhhhhhaa!” Catra stumbled, agony in her side caused her to crumple momentarily. She glanced down, hissing at the thick red blood oozing from some unseen wound, through her clothes.
W….when did that ha...happen?
She tried to focus, eyes blinking slowly. She picked herself up, running with a limp now, through another set of doors. The fiery blast sent her forward, her back scalding in agony. The smell of burnt flesh and fur assaulted her nose. This time she tried to land on her feet, but missed, her broken arm hitting against the hard floor. She tilted her head just in time, the side of her mask taking the brunt of the impact.
Breathe….breathe...just stand. That’s it...go... She coached herself through each stab of pain, talked herself through every bruising breath. The same way she’d done as a young cadet when Shadow Weaver would beat her. Even when she’d past the point of fighting, she could endure. That was not nothing. That was what she was best at.
Look around….y...your i...in the B...black Garnet Chamber…
She blinked again, focussing on the fixed point of the large stone for a few dizzying minutes before it came into focus.
“And after I’m through,” Hordak’s estranged threat mounted louder with each step. “You can’t even begin to imagine the punishment’s Horde Prime will inflict upon you.”
Ha! No one’s better at punishing me than myself, she thought bitterly.
Catra ducked behind the massive stone, crouching in the shadows, pressing one hand to the wound at her side. Her fingers instantly growing slick and sticky with red.
“Oh because he’s going to swoop down and fix everything for you at any moment right?”
Fucking idiot...lazy creep! We don’t all have a big brother to come save us! You’re the worthless one! The one who needs saving!
“You’re lying to yourself now!”
Hordak spun, firing off another round from his cannon. Catra shrieked, adrenaline pushed her through the scalding pain, making her dash out of the room once more. Another blast, this one larger, knocked her from her feet, sending her soaring through the air in free fall off one of the Fright Zone’s main buildings. This time she channeled her misery, flipping, feet first, arms spread and stuck the landing.
“Uuuuhhhh, fuck...f...fuck,” Catra half crouched, half fell to all fours.
Run, run, run, just get out of here. GET OUT...go...go….go! She ran forward, towards the forge.
That will buy time, he’ll have to go around the longway.
Catra stopped, panting for breath, large pools of the molten rock below bubbling. The heat wafting towards her from below. She glanced up, towards the massive clawed machines.
I can make it….it’s just a...just a little higher than usual….th...that’s right...I can..d..do it. Even if I don’t...it doesn’t ma…
“Aaarrrhh!” Hordak’s ruefully cry echoed down the hall.
Now or never,
Catra steeled herself from the agony of it and crouched, aiming for her landing point. She pounced, holding her breath with panic before landing clumsily. She rolled, cursing as her arm and side split in agony.
He’s….a failure! I should be the one Prime rewards! I’ve done more to crush the rebellion then Hordak ever has! Yeah….hahaha! She giggled, for a moment, then straightened, watching Hordak below who had now entered the forge searching for her.
“Why would Horde Prime care about you?” She held her arm tight for fear of crying out in discomfort. “You’re a defect!” She screamed, “a mistake!” He turned, looking up at her with unrivaled hate. “HAVEN’T YOU NOTICED I’M RUNNING THINGS HERE!”
Beyond words, Hordak swung his cannon, firing another blast toward her. Catra’s heart caught in her throat, letting out a small exhausted gasp before jumping from the platform. She reached out, claws catching on the large suspension tubes. Giddy with wrath Catra somersaulted through the air,  towards Hordak. Coming down fast she seized the arm cannon in one claw, using it to gain purchase and momentum, striking out with her fist, slamming gloved knuckles into Hordak’s face. He groaned, head knocked back. She jumped off his chest and swung around, kicking one leg up and then bringing it down upon the weapon with such a force it split and shattered. Hordak reeled, eyes red and wild, intent to kill. Catra snarled, fangs bared. No matter how hard the Horde had tried to purge her of her more feline instincts, it was a part of her and in her fire tinged wrath Catra now hissed and clawed.
That will show him! Show all of them! He’s no match for me. He’s weak! A weak, lying, fool! He’s not worthy of anything! I’m the one who’s worthy! Ten times stronger than he is!
She landed on two feet again, just in time to jump and smash her foot into his side. Hordak screeched, stumbling backward. She smiled through her misery, watching him slip and slide across the metal floor. Catra huffed for air. Her back still radiated with raw agony, her flesh scrapped and bubbling, her fur burnt. The wound at her side now dripped onto the floor. Still, she stood tall, defiant. They always thought she was a nuisance, a trouble maker who wouldn’t go away. Indeed she was. She’d be a thorn in the side of the Horde until they were all destroyed.
“Now we can fin...finally end...end this! I didn’t need Entrapta, I didn’t need Adora or Scorpia! And….I...DON’T...NEED...YOU!”
Hordak made to regain his footing, but she didn’t let him. Catra lunged, claws out. She leapt on him, yanking out the first one's data crystal with a satisfying rip. Horak backpedaled and she kicked him again once more in the chest for good measure, standing back and watching him falter. He glared at her, clenching his fists. She only stood tall, masking the throbbing in her side
I win
She smiled, cathartic. Sweet dripping satisfaction, shallow but defiant spread across her face.
Let him try me.
Her ears twitched,
Something creaked above them, Catra’s eyes snapped up. Watching as one of the large beams above was pulled taunt and snapped, falling instantly, crushing Hordak where he stood. The whole floor vibrated, a plume of smoke enveloping her for a moment. When it cleared, Catra could only stare.
I...I did...it...I won….
Her arm ached with discomfort. Catra adjusted her footing, her vision beginning to darken.
I...won, I won...I won….
Whether she was trying to convince herself or relish in it. She did not know.
I won… I show them...it...it was worth it….no matter what. It was… I...I’ll…
“Hey Catra.”
That voice...no…
Catra stiffened. All fragile confidence diminished. She turned towards that voice. The wound in her side throbbing. Her vision continued to blur in and out. She stumbled forward, listless.
Blonde hair...red jacket…
“No! You...c..can’t do this!” Indignation swelled in her chest. “You can’t come in and take this from me now!”
“Woah!” Adora gaped, “I knew this would get a rise out of you but still! You really are obsessed aren’t you? Kitten.”
Double Trouble threw Adora’s head back in laughter. Catra watched, trembling. The rush of excitement and fueled drive to subdue Hordak now evaporated. Overcome by exhaustion.
“You know, it took me a while but I finally figured out your character.” They transformed once more, this time into Catra herself. She shivered, stomach threatening to wretch. Her arms and legs were so heavy….
“You try so hard to be the big, bad villain.” They circled her in her own form, leaning against her nonchalant. Catra flinched as her...Double Trouble’s tail flicked at her nose. “But your heart’s never been in it, has it?” They cocked a brow, inciting a weak fury in her.
“W...what are you…” her voice cracked, trying to keep her eyes open. “Stop! Stop it!’ In blind rage she lashed outward only for Double Trouble to catch her wrist tightly in their grip, pulling her inches from her own blue and yellow eyes.
“People have hurt you, haven’t they?”
Yes, a small childish voice whimpered.
Double Trouble pressed forward, even as they transformed. This time into Shadow Weaver’s omnipresent terrifying form.
“They didn’t believe in you,” that deep voice that had wormed its way into Catra’s soul and burrowed there now bit at her. Catra sniffed, her skin peeled and still radiated heat, each breeze sending searing pain across the bubbling wounds. Double Trouble did not relent, continuing to hold her grip tightly as they pressed forward. They transformed again, this time into Hordak.
“They didn’t trust you.”
Hordak…is he…
Catra tried to glance back over her shoulder to where the Horde Commander now lay but her head spun. She wrapped her free arm around herself, trying to cover her wound. Her knees now quaking.
P…...please...s...stop….stop it. P...please…
Hordak dissolved, changing back again into Adora. Those brilliant blue eyes, even when they weren't her own, starred into Catra cruelly. Double Trouble took her hand pressing it to the side of Adora’s cheek.
So soft….gentle...no NO! Stop it!
Catra let out a weak breath, with no strength to summon tears behind it.
Resentment and rage and grief mixed in her stomach. Longing and loathing in equal measure, indistinguishable.
She let out a choking breath, blood sputtering onto her lips. With the last of her strength she wrenched herself free from Double Trouble’s grip, tipping backward onto the ground with a sickening thud, the breath snatched from her lungs.
She tried to get air, desperately, but the wound in her side still leaked. The burns on her back still fresh, each movement sending them splitting open. Her chest threatening to crack.
“But did you ever stop to think maybe they’re not the problem?” Double Trouble’s shadow enveloped her. Catra, heaved for air, trying to look at them with any shred of dignity she had left. They only frowned down at her, before transforming once more. This time she watched in abject horror as they grew larger in stature, shoulders spreading out, tail curling. The shadow overwhelming her now stretched.
If Catra had not already been dying. This sealed her fate for the seventh time. Scorpia’s ever kind, gentle face. A face she herself had brought to tears many times, those large forgiving eyes now sealed...not with contempt but with disappointment. And her words, her voice….
“It’s you. You drive them away, Wildcat.”
“W...why are you doing this?”
Catra begged, breathlessly. Her head was truly sinking now, barely able to  hear Double Trouble’s voice. How much blood had she lost? How deep had her burns gone?
“It’s for your own good darling,” Double Trouble crouched down, mercifully changing back to their own form. “We both know this was never what you really wanted.”
The only thing Catra wanted in this moment, she would get soon enough.
She groaned, glancing at the fingers that still pressed into her bloody wound. Vision clouding a final time, barely able to focus on the screen Double Trouble held before her.  
Tanks, bots, ships, troops, all of them destroyed. Brightmoon was nothing but defenseless. I failed after all.
“Y...you...be...betrayed me,” she gasped through bloody lips. Double Trouble only stood.
“It’s nothing personal darling. You knew how this ended.”
Whatever else Double Trouble meant to say was lost to the erratic beating of her heart. It’s frantic pumping noise rushing through her ears.
She knew the signs by now. Not too much longer…
Double Trouble crouched down before her once more, one long finger flicking her nose.
“End scene,” they pushed her nose and Catra teetered backward, watching them through the haze of her vision as they disappeared down the corridor. She managed to scoot herself backward, sitting up against one of the slabs of metal debris that had come crashing down. Several feet away, Hordak lay still under the rubble.
It’s better this way….Adora….why couldn’t you just stay? None of this would’ve happened if you just...if I had just…Scorpia...I never should’ve...and Shadow Weaver never believed in me. I was a fool to think she ever would. Hordak….Entrapta...i...it’s better like t...this….yeah…..b...better for e...everyone...
Thoughts sloughed together, her vision clouded, she leaned her head back against the hard metal, each breath catching. Catra folded her arms over her middle, trying to curl up, and close her eyes.
Please…..j...just let this be the last time… I don’t want to do this again...please just let me go. I don’t want to...I don’t want to get hurt again… that small girl inside her shriveled and not yet avenged pleaded.
But Catra rarely got what she wanted.
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“Aftermath” - Glitra Fanfic Part 5
Alright, this is the final chapter. Thank you to everyone who has liked the fic so far. You're all awesome!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 
    “And I’m sorry,” Catra finishes. “I know that words don’t fix anything, but I need you to know that I regret everything I did. I wish I could take it all back.” 
    Adora sits back. Her face is calm, but her eyes are narrow and alight with the pain of memories past. Catra remembers when those pale blue eyes were bright and happy, when training was the only combat the pair saw and war hadn’t turned them into hardened soldiers. In the past, the thought of simpler times sent a pang of longing through her, but now she only felt hollow. 
    “I don’t know if I can forgive you,” Adora says. Catra lowers her head. “I still have scars from our fights. I tried to get you to come with me all those times and you never listened.” 
    “I needed to make my own way out,” Catra says. “I have that now. I just… I couldn’t keep following after you. I was your responsibility our entire lives with Shadow Weaver and I couldn’t keep going along with you just because it was what I knew. If I was going to get out then I needed it to be because I learned to be better.” 
    “Going along with me?” 
    “Adora, she treated me like your pet,” Catra bursts out. Adora startles, and Catra ducks her head. “And even if you never saw it, you started to believe it too, and I just… look where we are now.” 
    Adora sighs. “I know now that Shadow Weaver was evil. I had to be away from her to understand it, but I know. I’m just glad she’s gone now.” 
    Catra shudders. They told her what happened to her former keeper after the fall of the ship, how she lost it when her plans to regain control failed and let the demon possessing her magic take over entirely. That night, Catra screamed and laughed and cried all at once. Almost every soft surface in her room was shredded by morning. 
    “I don’t want to talk about her,” she whispers. “This is about what I did and how you feel about it.” 
    Studying her, Adora clasps her hands in her lap as her brow furrows. “You really have changed, haven’t you?” 
    “I tried to tell you that!” 
    “Well how was I supposed to know you were telling the truth?!” 
    “I… that’s fair.” Catra stands as Adora steps around the table. She takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, but will you at least stop hating me?” 
    Adora pulls Catra into a tight embrace. “I never hated you.” 
    Pressing her hands flat against Adora’s back, she feels the scars she left during the battle of Brightmoon so long ago. She buries her face against Adora’s shoulder. “I was miserable when we fought. No matter how many times I won, it never made it better.” 
    “I never wanted to fight,” Adora whispers. “I’m sorry I didn’t see what was happening to you, Catra. I’m sorry I never stopped it.” 
    “I’m sorry I took it out on you.” 
    They break away from each other, and Adora tries at a weak smile. “Can we go back to the way we used to be?” 
    Catra bristles.
    “I… n-no,” she stammers, and Adora’s face falls. “I don’t want the way we used to be because we’re just going to make the same mistakes again. I’m going to make the same mistakes. I want to start over.” She takes Adora’s hand. “I want to be friends, but I never want to be anything like the person I was. Is that… okay?”
    “Yeah, it is.” 
    They give each other one last quick hug before Catra heads for the door. She pauses in the doorway, looking over her shoulder. “Adora.”
    “Talk to Sparkles again. She doesn’t need you protecting her.” 
    Adora frowns and rears back. “That’s not your business, Catra.” 
    “Adora,” Catra hisses. Adora freezes. “I c… Glimmer is…”
    “I care about Glimmer. When we were on that ship, the way we fucked up with you was one of the few things we knew we had in common to start with. Maybe the way we ended was all my fault or maybe it wasn’t. I don’t care. But you and Glimmer both drove each other away. If you’re her friend then you need to put work in to fix it just like she is.” 
    “What do you know about working to fix things?” 
    “Do you think this is easy for me? After everything, do you think I like rolling over and begging people to forgive me?” Catra snaps. Adora purses her lips, and Catra sighs. “We just made up and I don’t want to fight with you. Think about what I said.” 
    “I’ll see you later, Adora.” 
    “See you.” 
    A weight slips from Catra’s chest as she finds her way to a balcony. Adora doesn’t hate her, and that is enough for her now. She can breathe again. Looking out over Brightmoon and relishing the feeling of the wind in her hair, she allows herself a smile. 
    She turns at the sound of footsteps. Glimmer steps onto the balcony with Mermista beside her, and the princess glares at Catra. 
    “Catra, you know Mermista,” Glimmer says. 
    “Yeah,” Catra mumbles. “I’m glad you-”
    A massive jet of water knocks her flat on her face, and then another shoves her down when she tries to rise. 
    “Mermista!” Glimmer exclaims as she grabs Catra’s arm. She helps Catra to her feet as she coughs and shivers, soaked to the bone. 
    “That’s for attacking my kingdom,” Mermista says. “Twice.” 
    “Okay, yeah, I deserved that,” Catra says between coughs. She steps away from Glimmer and holds her hands out to the side. “I’m sorry for everything I did to your kingdom and I deserve what I get for it.” Mermista doesn’t react. “Can I do anything to make up for it?” 
    Mermista’s face twists in contempt. “Help Bow plan his aid missions. Do not go on them, but help him plan. And you are not allowed to even think about Salineas unless you’re under Twinkle’s strict supervision.” 
    Glimmer rolls her eyes at the nickname as Catra nods. “I can do that,” she says. 
    “Good.” Mermista pats Catra’s shoulder before flipping her hair and stepping back. “Okay, I won’t try to drown you now, don’t make a big deal about it.” 
    “You’re welcome.” Mermista and Glimmer exchange a quick goodbye before she leaves. 
    Catra shakes the water out of her hair. Smiling, Glimmer takes her by the arm and leads her back inside. “Come on, you should get changed and then we can go on a walk.” 
    Catra smiles. “Okay.” 
    After changing into dry clothes, she follows Glimmer into the gardens that wrap around the base of the castle. With some help from the local villagers, Perfuma expanded them into sloping terraces that lead down the mountainside to the lake. It’s quiet and tranquil among the flowers and fruit trees. Better yet, the two of them are left alone. 
    Glimmer slips her hand into Catra’s and intertwines their fingers. Catra smiles and leans into her. She’d stopped shaking since their talk with Micah, Bow, and Adora, but she still holds onto Catra when her mind gets the better of her. 
    “You look better,” Catra remarks as they sit beneath a blossoming tree. 
    “I’ve actually been able to sleep,” Glimmer says. She paused before continuing, “Being back in the same bed with you has been helping.” 
    “It’s helped me, too.” Catra frowns. “Did you want to stop, or…?”
    “No!” Glimmer says a bit too quickly. “I mean, uh, not if you don’t want to.” 
    “I don’t want to.”
    “Okay.” Glimmer leans her head on Catra’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” 
    “Yeah. I’m better than I have been in a long time. The nightmares are gone.”
    “That’s good.”
    “I still dream about you, though.”
    Glimmer sits up. “Good or bad?” 
    Glimmer nods, gazing up at Catra. Their arms are intertwined, touching from shoulder to ankle as cherry blossoms flutter down around them. Catra’s stomach twist with butterflies as she stares into Glimmer’s violet eyes. Glimmer is warm pressed against her. The world is calm and quiet. The word perfect comes to Catra’s mind as her face grows hot. 
    Glimmer looks away and clears her throat, and Catra takes a deep breath as she finally remembers how. “So, um,” she begins. “Now that Bow is back and the aid mission to Salineas is done, the princess alliance is planning a big party that’s going to happen tonight in the ballroom. I only have, you know, princess prom to go by, so I don’t really know if parties are your thing, but do you want to come?” 
    Catra suppresses a shudder at the mention of the dance and shakes her head, leaning away. “I don’t know. I don’t think I should be celebrating the end of the war with all those people. I may be on better terms with the princess alliance but that’s only because I saved you.” 
    “Oh. I didn’t think about that.” 
    “Are you sure? If you stay with me, people won’t go after you or anything.” 
    Catra tries at a smile. “Maybe next time after I’ve fixed things. Everyone is still healing.” She takes Glimmer’s hand and intertwines their fingers. “If things were different, I would go.” 
    “Okay.” Glimmer squeezes her hand, sidling up to her. She has that fluttering feeling in her stomach again but ignores it. 
Catra rests her head on Glimmer’s, and they sit in silence amongst the cherry blossoms. 
Catra sits on Glimmer’s couch later that night, flipping through a fairytale book about two people from enemy families falling in love. Glimmer suggested she take up reading when wandering the castle and napping in sunny windowsills grew tiresome. The library was one of the biggest rooms in the castle, filled from floor to ceiling with stories. Catra liked seeing how high she could get on the ladders before one of the guards called after her. 
    Glimmer comes out of the bathroom attached to her room. Catra glances up, but the fleeting glimpse draws her full attention. She lifts her head, eyes wide as Glimmer stands before her. 
    The frilly tutu from princess prom is gone, replaced by a sleek deep purple dress with lace sleeves. Glimmer’s face is free of makeup besides a touch of purple eyeshadow, but her face glows regardless, bright and cheery and full of life. The bruises and marks are gone; only a small scar under her left eye remains. Her crown glitters as she gives a spin, showing a laced up back and her tattooed wings. Catra swallows hard. 
    “Does it look okay?” she asks. 
    “Yeah, it looks great,” Catra rushes out. 
    Glimmer giggles, blushing as she tucks her hair behind her ear. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” 
    “I’m sure. Maybe next time.” 
    “Okay.” Glimmer reaches out and squeezes Catra’s hand before leaving. “I’ll be back later.” 
    “See you then, Sparkles.” Her eyes trail Glimmer until she’s out of sight. 
    She spends the night reading, curled up by the fire with her tail wrapped around her. Halfway through the night, Adora steps into the room wearing the same red dress as princess prom. Catra’s ears swivel towards her as she stands in the doorway, but she doesn’t look up. 
    “I thought you would find you here,” Adora says. 
    “Have been since I got here,” Catra replies. 
    “You’re not coming to the celebration?” 
    Catra turns to her. “No one but Sparkles wants me there, Adora.” 
    “I want you there,” Adora says. Frowning, Catra looks down. “I’m sorry about getting hostile after our talk this morning. You’re right, I need to talk to Glimmer more, I just didn’t expect to hear it.” 
    “Tell her that.” 
    “You really care about her.” 
    “I… y-yeah. She helped me with a lot of shit.” 
    “Yeah. She’s good at that.” Adora turns away. “Everyone’s moving out the gardens if you want to come.” 
    “Maybe next time. I’m going to let some wounds heal before anything else.” 
    “Okay. I’ll see you later, Catra.” 
    “Bye, Adora.” 
    Once the warrior is gone, Catra closes her book and sits up, blowing a long breath out through her nose. She runs her hands through her hair, leaving the room and making her way to a balcony overlooking the grounds. Throngs of people crowd the pavilion below, dancing and socializing beneath the bright, colorful lights. She smiles and leans on the railing. Next time, she tells herself. 
    Purple light flashes beside her. “Got bored?” Glimmer asks.
    Catra jumps, chuckling as Glimmer bursts out laughing. “A little,” she says. “I thought the queen would have to be down there the entire time.” 
    “I gave a speech and said my hellos. I’m free of my obligations.” She leans on the railing and bumps her shoulder against Catra’s. “I wish you were there.” 
    “I’m here now.” 
    Glimmer hums and glances at the party as a slower song comes on and the dancers pair together. “Did Scorpia teach you how to dance?” 
    “For princess prom, yeah.” 
    Stepping into the center of the balcony, Glimmer extends a hand to Catra. “Will you dance with me?” 
    Catra freezes. After a moment, she smiles and takes Glimmer’s hand. Her hands shake as it rests on the queen’s waist, but as Glimmer wraps her arms around her neck and smiles up at her, she relaxes into the warmth of her touch. She briefly thinks of how absurd they must look together, with Glimmer in her fine gown and Catra in a tank top and trousers, but it pushes it away. 
They sway together to the beat of the music, watching the stars in each other’s eyes. Catra pulls her closer. Glimmer rests her head against the taller girl’s chest and closes her eyes. 
    Catra turns her gaze to the newly glittering sky. “Glimmer, can I ask you something?” 
    “Go ahead.” 
    “Do you remember when we were first on the ship, and you asked me if winning was the only thing that mattered to me?” 
    Glimmer stiffens a little under her touch. “Yeah?”
    Pulling back, Catra cups Glimmer’s cheek. “I was wrong. It’s taken me awhile, but I finally learned that all I ever wanted was someone to show me I can be good. You gave me that, Glimmer. Thank you.” 
    Catra can’t tell who leans in first, but she doesn’t care. The kiss is gentle and warm, and Catra sighs as Glimmer melts into her. She runs her fingers through the queen’s soft, sparkling hair, pulling their bodies flush together. Glimmer tangles her fingers in the locks at the back of Catra’s neck. Catra wishes the moment could last forever. 
    They pull apart, breathless and clinging to each other. Glimmer’s face is flushed. Catra swipes her thumb across the sweep of the queen’s cheekbone. 
    “Wow,” she whispers. 
    A whistle draws their attention. Bright bursts of light go off above the castle, drawing the attention of the partygoers. Catra laughs as Glimmer leans into her. 
    “That was perfect timing,” she remarks. 
    “Yeah, no kidding.” Glimmer looks up at Catra. “We’re going to be okay, right?” 
    “Absolutely,” Catra purrs. She kisses Glimmer again, warm and passionate, loving the way it leaves the queen stunned in her embrace. “After everything we’ve gone through? We’ll be just fine.” 
    “I’m going to hold you to that.” 
    Catra laughs and pulls her closer. They spend the rest of the night in each other’s arms. 
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