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uwmadarchives · 4 months
50 Years Ago: APA Removes "Homosexuality" From DSM Diagnoses
Written by Bailey Watson, LGBTQ+ Archive Student Processing Assistant
December 15, 1973 - By a vote of 5,854 to 3,810, the American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in the DSM-II Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Content advisory: This post discusses the history of homosexuality in Western psychiatry and may contain offensive language or topics.
Last Thursday marked 50 years since the APA (American Psychiatric Association) removed “homosexuality” from its list of mental disorders. This change was made to the DSM-II Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the current edition as of 2023 is the DSM-5-TR). The long history of homosexuality being included with physical and mental disorders dates back to the 19th century with Western European theorists working towards an understanding of same-sex attraction, leading to the coinage of the term “homosexuality” or “homosexual.” While these early theories positioned same-sex attraction or desires as unnatural, other theorists of the same decades aimed to prove that homosexuality was not abnormal but instead a natural variance of human sexuality.
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Photo Dr. Franklin Kameny from David Carter papers, Collection no. uac 183,  Box 5, Folder 49. 
The conversation around homosexuality as a disorder took a turn during the post-WWII period in the United States, during a phenomenon referred to as the “lavender scare.” This period, parallel to the “red scare” was a reaction to the Cold War policies and politics, resulting in the massive purge of homosexuals or suspected homosexuals from the federal government, and even further down to local governments (see here for information on UW-Madison’s history with the gay purges). Similarly, communists and suspected communists were also barred or purged from public service and government-contracted sectors. 
In response to these purges, the early gay rights movement, then known as the homophile movement focused on organizing and protesting the conditions that made up the lavender scare. These conditions included the DSM’s classification of homosexuality as a diagnosable disorder. To the early homophile movement, as to some early theorists, homosexuality was perfectly natural, and therefore they could not pose a threat to national security. 
One aspect of activism from this period was addressing the DSM's use of homosexuality as a diagnosable disorder. The homophile movement argued that sexuality had no bearing on mental health, and by stigmatizing the gay community, the DSM and APA were adding to the problem. Furthermore, by diagnosing people as "homosexual" the APA created a way to dismiss those voices and placed a barrier on the conversation on who was fit to participate in society freely and who was not.
Finally, in 1973 after years of protest and activism, the influence of activism, including the voice of Dr. Franklin Kameny (pictured above) and internal changes led to a new definition of mental disorder within the APA and thus removed homosexuality from diagnoses. A win for the homophile movement and a change that brought lasting and positive impacts to many people's lives, even 50 years later.
References and for further consideration:
Drescher, Jack. 2015. "Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality" Behavioral Sciences 5, no. 4: 565-575. https://doi.org/10.3390/bs5040565 (open access)
For more on Kameny and the early homophile movement, explore the David Carter papers, uac 182, located in the Madison LGBTQ+ Archive (housed at the University Archives, Steenbock Library)
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sleepysnk · 1 year
Ship ur mutuals with tr characters??
@marsbutterfly - BAJI KEISUKE
i love mars and baji and maybe i’m being biased, but i just know baji would treat mars so right. i feel like they’d have those cute small dates at home and they’d obvi share a yakisoba with one another. he’d also be the type to take her on rides on his bike 😁 it’s super adorable and i love them sm.
maybe i’m being biased again.. but i feel like tsuki would be such a great gf with kazutora. SHE KNOWS HOW TO COOK AND HE’D LOVE HER COOKING!!! i also feel like the two would get along really well with their humor?? IDK IT’D BE SUPER CUTE AND THEY WOULD KNOW HOW TO COMFORT ONE ANOTHER.
@kxmisato - HANMA SHUJI
i’ll say this once, and ima say it again, this man is just so damn tall that i can see ren dating this man. he’d take ren out on some really nice dates and he’d probably buy her an album because hes a sweetie like that. i also feel like he would treat her like a princess. hes a good man for her 🫶🏻!
@tsvkkisworld - RAN HAITANI
i think ran’s nature would be so lovely for bug. he’s such a lazy boyfriend so that means endless cuddles 24/7. i feel like ran is a very good listener at times too so bug would have no problem ranting or telling him about shit going on her life. he’d also spoil her rotten 😁 so it’d be a good ass match imo.
@porcalinecunt - CHIFUYU MATSUNO
being biased! LMAO. i really like how soft chifuyu can be, so i think it’d fit toni really well imo. he’s also very caring and that’s something i feel like toni would appreciate a lot of. chifuyu would also be a good listener like ran, so he’d definitely hear him out on shit going on. he would also take him on some fantastic dates <3!
@youngblood-182 - KEN RYUGUJI
this one is kinda a shocker, but draken was the first person i thought of when i thought of skylar. he’d honestly treat her so well and probably take her out on lots of nice dates. I ALSO FEEL LIKE DRAKEN IS A GOOD PERSON TO RANT TO?? SO WHEN SHE’S UPSET HES THERE W THE SNACKS AND FOOD. he’d also gift skylar flowers <33. i love that about him.
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wisteria-aa · 1 year
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I posted 1,511 times in 2022
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#he gave takemichi a note that said and nothing else when they were trying to convince mikey to not let hakkai join bd
My Top Posts in 2022:
Why HANMA SHUJI is the worst TR character
Sike happy April’s Fool
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130 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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Found this on Pinterest and decided to make an hc:
Both her and Rindo read Jojo. The met at the manga shop when there was only one copy of the last volume they both needed and resolved to the only solution: a fight. Senju won and Ran is happy to have an embarrassing story about Rindo to use against him when he brings up the time he closed Kakucho eyes
162 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
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My brain is making connections
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In another timeline Emma hits Kisaki with a bat and Hina drives her off with a motorcycle
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My actual reaction on how are they dressed:
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436 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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capitalflutuante · 3 months
Com o objetivo de impulsionar a indústria nacional até 2033, o programa Nova Indústria Brasil, lançado nesta segunda-feira (22) pelo governo, usa instrumentos tradicionais de políticas públicas, como subsídios, empréstimos com juros reduzidos e ampliação de investimentos federais. O programa também usa incentivos tributários e fundos especiais para estimular alguns setores da economia. A nova política tem seis missões relacionadas à ampliação da autonomia, à transição ecológica e à modernização do parque industrial brasileiro. Entre os setores que receberão atenção, estão a agroindústria, a saúde, a infraestrutura urbana, a tecnologia da informação, a bioeconomia e a defesa. A maior parte dos recursos, R$ 300 bilhões, virá de financiamentos do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), da Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep) e da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (Embrapii). Os financiamentos do BNDES relacionados à inovação e digitalização serão corrigidos pela Taxa Referencial (TR), que é mais baixa que a Taxa de Longo Prazo (TLP). O mecanismo de compras governamentais provoca certa polêmica, por representar um entrave nas negociações para a adoção do acordo comercial entre o Mercosul e a União Europeia. Os empresários europeus defendem condições de igualdade com as empresas brasileiras nas licitações para a compra de bens, a realização de obras e a contratação de serviços pelo governo brasileiro. Principais medidas anunciadas hoje Nova Indústria Brasil Missões para o período de 2024 a 2033: 1. Cadeias agroindustriais sustentáveis e digitais –    aumentar para 50% participação da agroindústria no PIB agropecuário; –    alcançar 70% de mecanização na agricultura familiar; –    fornecer pelo menos 95% de máquinas e equipamentos nacionais para agricultura familiar. 2. Forte complexo econômico e industrial da saúde: –    atingir 70% das necessidades nacionais na produção de medicamentos, vacinas, equipamentos e dispositivos médicos, materiais e outros insumos e tecnologias em saúde. 3. Infraestrutura, saneamento, moradia e mobilidade sustentáveis: –    diminuir em 20% o tempo de deslocamento de casa para trabalho; –    aumentar em 25 pontos percentuais adensamento produtivo (diminuição da dependência de produtos importados) na cadeia de transporte público sustentável. 4. Transformação digital da indústria: –    digitalizar 90% das indústrias brasileiras; –    triplicar participação da produção nacional no segmento de novas tecnologias. 5. Bioeconomia, descarbonização, e transição e segurança energéticas: –    cortar em 30% emissão de gás carbônico por valor adicionado do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) da indústria; –    elevar em 50% participação dos biocombustíveis na matriz energética de transportes; –    aumentar uso tecnológico e sustentável da biodiversidade pela indústria em 1% ao ano. 6. Tecnologias de interesse para a soberania e a defesa nacionais: –    autonomia de 50% da produção de tecnologias críticas para a defesa. Recursos para financiamentos: R$ 300 bi até 2026 –    Crédito: R$ 271 bi –    Não reembolsáveis: R$ 21 bi –    Equity (investimentos na bolsa de valores): R$ 8 bi Fonte dos recursos: BNDES, Finep e Embrapii Desse total, R$ 77,5 bi (28%) aprovados em 2023 Eixos: Indústria Mais Produtiva (R$ 182 bi) –    Expansão da capacidade e modernização do parque industrial brasileiro; –    Novo Brasil + Produtivo: financiamentos com Taxa TR (juros reduzidos) para digitalização e financiamentos não reembolsáveis para até 90 mil micro e pequenas empresas; –    R$ 4 bi do Fundo de Universalização dos Serviços de Telecomunicações (Fust) com Taxa TR para expansão da banda larga e conectividade. Indústria Mais Inovadora e Digital (R$ 66 bi) –    Financiamentos do Programa Mais Inovação: Taxa TR para apoio à inovação e digitalização pelo BNDES e pela Finep; –    Financiamentos não reembolsáveis definidos pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Industrial (CNDI);
–    Criação do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Industrial e Tecnológico (FNDIT); –    Ampliação do uso de instrumentos de Mercado de Capitais (recursos levantados no mercado financeiro) para as seis missões industriais. Indústria Mais Exportadora (R$ 40 bi) –    Criação do BNDES Exim Bank: versão do BNDES voltada para apoio à exportação; –    Linhas de financiamento do BNDES para pré e pós-embarque de bens e aeronaves; –    Redução do spread (diferença entre os juros cobrados do tomador e as taxas de captação dos bancos) nas linhas de preembarque. Indústria Mais Verde (R$ 12 bi) –    Novo Fundo Clima: projetos de descarbonização da indústria com juros a partir de 6,15% a.a; –    Instrumentos de Mercado de Capitais voltados para transição energética, descarbonização e bioeconomia; –    Fundo de Minerais Críticos: fundo para alavancar recursos para a pesquisa e a extração de minerais usados em baterias de energia limpa. Outras medidas –    R$ 20 bi para a compra de máquinas nacionais para a agricultura familiar; –    R$ 19,3 bi do Programa Mover, para estimular tecnologias menos poluentes na indústria automotiva e desenvolver novas formas de mobilidade e logística –    R$ 3,4 bi do Programa de Depreciação Acelerada para a modernização de máquinas e equipamentos; –    R$ 2,1 bi em isenção tributária para estimular produção de semicondutores e painéis fotovoltaicos; –    R$ 1,5 bi em incentivos tributários à indústria química; –    Antecipação do calendário de aumento de mistura do biodiesel ao diesel: 12% em abril de 2023, 14% em março de 2024 e 15% a partir de 2025; –    Reservas para compras governamentais: indústrias nacionais terão vantagem em licitações; –    Exigência de conteúdo nacional: percentuais mínimos de compra de produtos nacionais em obras do PAC, definidos por uma comissão do governo. Instrumentos 1. empréstimos; 2. subvenções; 3. investimento público; 4. créditos tributários; 5. comércio exterior; 6. transferência de tecnologia; 7. propriedade intelectual; 8. infraestrutura da qualidade; 9. participação acionária; 10. regulação; 11. encomendas tecnológicas; 12. compras governamentais; 13. requisitos de conteúdo local; Fonte: BNDES e MDIC Com informações da Agência Brasil
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photos-car · 6 months
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imoim36news · 1 year
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Cuốn tản văn "Bắt đầu bằng để lại" của nhà báo Dương Thành Truyền. (Ảnh: ST)Hai chữ "để lại" ở tên sách đọc vào sách rồi mới thấy nghĩa là gì. Đầu tiên để lại có nghĩa là "gác lại". Gác lại những nỗi buồn, nỗi đau để bắt đầu đi tới và đi tiếp. Như chính tác giả đã vượt qua nghịch cảnh của gia đình mình khi người cha từng có trong tay một đời gây dựng một khối tài sản lớn tính ra "ngót nghét cỡ cây vàng" hồi những năm 1970, nhưng "đến năm 1982 thì cha tôi trắng tay". Ông bị thu tiền, bị thu đất đai, phải bán nhà cửa, cho đến khi không còn gì để mất. Đối với đứa con, bi kịch của người cha thật khủng khiếp, có thể bẻ gãy cuộc đời mình. Nhưng người con đã biết gác lại quá khứ đau đớn đó của nhà mình nhờ được thừa hưởng gia tài tinh thần của chính cha mình để lại. "Cha tôi đã từng phá sản, đã từng trắng tay. Nhưng của cải đã bị mất không đánh gục được sức mạnh tinh thần của ông. Ông gan lì đối diện với số phận, bình tâm vượt qua nghịch cảnh bằng một sức mạnh nội tâm phi thường! Và đó cũng chính là tài sản vô giá mà ông để dành cho chúng tôi như một giá trị sống được đúc kết không phải bằng lời, mà bằng một chuỗi những tháng ngày sống và làm việc không mệt mỏi, không ngừng nghỉ, không buông tay" (tr. 182). Bài viết này của Dương Thành Truyền có cái tên thật ý nghĩa: "Tài sản của một người bị phá sản". BẮT ĐẦU BẰNG ĐỂ LẠITác giả: Dương Thành TruyềnNhà xuất bản Trẻ, 2023Số trang: 194 (13x20cm)Số lượng: 1500Giá bán: 100.000đ Và đó là nghĩa thứ hai của từ "để lại". Trong cuốn sách ở chương 3 "Chuyện người" tác giả dẫn người đọc gặp gỡ những con người đã để lại cho anh, cho những người khác, thứ tài sản giá trị sống tích cực. Đó là Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp trong niềm cảm phục của cô gái Nhật Bản Ueno Miyuki khi biết tin ông qua đời. Đó là chị Yến, một nhân viên đánh máy bình thường ở cơ quan mà khi vào viện được đông mọi người quý mến thăm nom...
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nipun11 · 1 year
FEMA Compliance - Overview
India adheres to strict compliance standards when conducting cross-border business. The majority of businesses must go through a lengthy and demanding process when doing cross-border deals or transactions. The amount of compliance checks in the foreign exchange setting has also increased as a result of an increase in the outward and inbound flow of money transactions or funds. In order to avoid legal troubles and severe fines, the corporate must keep an eye out for trade exchanges that take place outside, in an environment of sectoral and investment peaks.FEMA compliance is crucial to the expansion and development of India's numerous commercial sectors. The introduction of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA), which helps to maintain a healthy foreign exchange business operations in India and also emphasizes the significance of balancing payments, made external trading relatively smooth.
FEMA Compliance Guidelines and Features
One of the characteristics of FEMA is that it views all violations of the law relating to foreign exchange as civil offenses as opposed to criminal offenses.
The additional key elements and rules of FEMA Compliance are as follows:
Foreign-based Indian citizens are not covered by the FEMA. When determining an Indian citizen's residency, a standard technique is used that counts the number of days the person spent in India during the previous fiscal year; if the total is 182 days or more, the individual is deemed to be a resident of that location. To determine Indian residency, a branch, office, or agency may be treated as an individual.
The central government is given permission by FEMA to impose limitations on three crucial factors and to oversee those crucial factors as well. The three most crucial items are currency exchange rates, international security transactions, and payments made to or received from someone who lives outside of India.
It draws attention to the areas where purchasing or retaining foreign currency necessitates the express approval of either the government or the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
List of significant compliance which has to follow as per the provisions of FEMA
Annual Return on Foreign Assets and Liabilities
External Commercial Borrowings
Annual Performance Report (APR)
Single Master Form (w.e.f 30.06.2018)
Advance Reporting Form (ARF)
Form FC- TRS
Form ODI
Annual Return on Foreign Assets and Liabilities
All Indian-owned businesses who have already received FDI or have made ODM in any of the prior financial years, including the current year, are required to submit an Annual Return on Foreign Assets and Liabilities. The Indian entity is exempt from submitting the FLA Return if it makes no investments in ODI or FDI by the end of the current year. The FLA return must be submitted by the Indian entity every preceding year if there are any pending ODI or FDI.
External Commercial Borrowing
Those who have made an overseas direct investment who are residents of Indian Parties present the Annual Performance Report (ODI). Annual Performance Reports for Joint Ventures and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOS) outside of India are submitted in Form ODI Part II to the AD bank before or on December 31 of each year.
Appropriate To Software Companies
Purchasing capital shares of Promoters Company abroad offers specific benefits to company employees and directors (JV or WOS).
There is a cap on the amount of shares that can be purchased, and it is $10,000 for five fiscal years.
These shares are limited to 5% of the emerging company's paid-up capital.
The pre-allotment holding cannot be higher than the post-allotment holding.
Single Master Form (W.E.F 30.06.2018)
The CN, LLP-I, LLP-II, FC-TRS, ESOP, DRR, DI, and InVi are to be entered and filed in accordance with the head of the Single Master form FC-GPR. The Reserve Bank of India (abbreviated "RBI") released a client manual known as the SMF Manual on September 1 to clearly outline the procedure for submitting a single master form (abbreviated "SMF"), which it did on June 7 to incorporate the current particularization standards for foreign investment in India.
Advance Reporting Form
An Indian company which is enjoying the advantages of receiving investment from foreign for the issue of investment or shares or other qualified sureties as per the FDI Scheme needs to submit the subtleties of the amount of consideration to the authorized Regional Office of the Reserve Bank through its AD category bank within a month or 30 days from the date of granting offers.
In accordance with the Foreign Exchange Management Act of 1999, the Reserve Bank of India offers this form. When the corporation obtains the foreign investment and issues shares to outside or foreign investors in exchange for that investment. It is now the organization's job to inform the RBI of the specifics of the allocation of shares within a month or 30 days, and to do so, the business must use the FC-GPR (Foreign Currency-Gross Provisional Return) form.
When shares or exchangeable debentures of an Indian company are transferred from a resident to a non-resident/non-resident Indian or vice versa with the intent to sell, Form FC-TRS, which is used for foreign currency transfers, is filed.
Form ODI
If an Indian citizen or an Indian corporation want to invest in a foreign market, this Form must be filled out and filed. When they get a share certificate or other proof of investment in an outside JV or WOS, they must provide an equivalent within a month or 30 days to the authorized AD.
FEMA classifies foreign exchange transactions into two categories:
To adjust the liabilities and assets of a person who lives outside of India, whether they are located inside or outside of India, a capital account transaction is required. Any transaction that alters the foreign assets and obligations of an Indian resident in a far-off country, or the other way around, falls under the heading of a capital I account transaction. The term "other transactions" refers to any other kind of transaction.
Anyone who disregards the directives, standards, and rules of FEMA risks punishment and legal repercussions. The fine might be up to twice the amount at issue in the dispute, or up to Rs 2 lakhs. Additionally, the fine, which after the first day the violation continues, can be as high as Rs. 5,000 per day. Therefore, it is wise to abide by the directives, standards, and rules of FEMA.
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Research and Planning For Trailers: Part 4- Second Trailer Screenplay
For our second trailer, we decided that it would be longer and the tone would be serious as compared to the first. After researching multiple trailers for inspiration we got an understanding of how we wanted the trailer to look. The trailer would begin with a slow pace and gradually pick up with intense music and fast cuts. Then it would slow down again to give a creepy and eerie feeling.
The vision I had in my head as the director was to start the trailer with a pool of blood on the floor and then the camera slowly tilts up and we see a photo of a girl with a bloody knife stabbed in her face (to not reveal who was killed). Intense eerie music will be playing in the background and then we hear a girl scream and cut to black. We then hear a school bell ring and we cut to the group of friends having a conversation about what costume they are going to wear at the Halloween party. This way the beginning of the trailer is still slow but the pace will gradually pick up and the audience will be curious to know more as there is a sudden switch from the pool of blood scene to a normal conversation among friends. After the conversation we have a title slide with ‘This Halloween’ and then cut to a shot of them entering the Halloween party. Another title slide with a catchy line ‘friendships take a deadly turn’. This helps the audience as there are breaks between all the visual scenes. The music intensifies and we see Isha screaming “But we are all responsible!” and the trailer starts to go faster. We see fast cuts of random scenes from the film such as Sushant being handcuffed (we don’t see his face), Isha throwing her phone across the room, the characters being interrogated at the police station, Suhana slapping Sushant, Suhana crying, Naisha and with a knife in her hand (face not shown), Sushant banging his hand against the wall to corner a girl at the party, Varun being pushed to the ground and Isha screaming. We thought of all these scenes which are apart of the story to add to the fast cuts as they are the most intense parts of the film. These random shots for the fast cuts would be shown for just a few seconds in order to build the audiences curiosity and give an ominous feeling as the genre of our film is a thriller school murder mystery. During the fast cuts, intense and suspenseful music will be playing and on each beat of the music, the random fast cut shots will cut to the next shot and eventually cut to black. From the fast pace the trailer will gain slow down as we see Sushant and Suhana slow dancing at the Halloween party with eerie but happy music playing in the background. Then we cut to Suhana’s bloody corpse in the classroom and off-screen we hear Isha saying “ Nothing is as it seems”. Then cut to the title of the film ‘Case 182′ . Cut to black and then reviews of the film by famous film critics followed by the end slate with the credits. We knew that we wanted to start with Suhana’s bloody corpse and end the trailer with it as well. 
The point of our trailer was to make the audience engaged and curious so that they want to see the film. We did not want to give out the entire story and we also wanted to create misdirects. For example, we decided that Suhana would also be shown in the interrogation scenes as she went to the police station to report Sushant for sexually assaulting a girl but ends up not being able to. The suspects (the four friends) are being interrogated by the police after Suhana was murdered and therefore they are at the police station. In the trailer, we show all five of them in the interrogation room to create a misdirect and confuse the audience. While watching the trailer they will think Suhana is not the victim but a suspect until they see the end of trailer with her bloody corpse that is brutally stabbed. 
We also had a few filler shots that we made a note of in case we wanted to add more scenes.  
Image of us writing the second trailer screenplay-     
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Links of the trailers we watched to gain inspiration or ideas from:
Stranger Things Season 4 Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQEondeGvKo
Don’t Worry Darling Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgmnKsED-jU
One of Us Is Lying Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWVMBfMpFiU
The Glory Part 2 Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkoNedWGel0
Link for Final Second Trailer Screenplay-
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Uma série exclusiva com a apresentação de alimentos "in natura" e a respectiva tabela de nutrientes oficial TBCA.
Faça o seu pedido do prato funcional que desejar e o prepararemos com todo o carinho e profissionalismo. Acompanhe as nossas publicações com nossas sugestões. Não receitamos cardápios específicos para tratamentos com alimentos funcionais. Preparamos o cardápio SOMENTE com a prescrição do SEU NUTRICIONISTA ou MÉDICO. PORÇÕES INDIVIDUAIS CONGELADAS QUANTIDADES: SEMANAIS QUINZENAIS MENSAIS ENTREGAMOS EM TODA A GRANDE SÃO PAULO ATENDIMENTO PERSONALIZADO WHATSAPP OU SIGNAL: 11-988.976.743 E-MAIL: [email protected]
Conheça a nossa programação semanal nas principais mídias sociais com a apresentação de alimentos saudáveis: YouTube: @fattodacesarefuncional https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBeJgrGAZejZn8QtqVZmlGg Facebook: @fattodacesarefuncional https://www.facebook.com/fattodacesarefuncional Instagram: @fattodacesarefuncional https://www.instagram.com/fattodacesarefuncional/ TikTok: @fattodacesare.funcional https://www.tiktok.com/@fattodacesare.funcional?lang=pt-BR Tumblr: @fattodacesarefuncional fattodacesarefuncional.tumblr.com Twitter: @fdcesarefunc https://twitter.com/fdcesarefunc
O Cesare é Pre-Commis Chef pelo World Chef's Academy, 2019. Cursou "Food & Beverage Management" pela SDA Bocconi em 2021. Cursou "Alimentos Funcionais" pelo SENAC em 2022. Participou em diversos cursos de Gastronomia nos últimos anos. Atua como personal Chef, food services e em eventos na grande São Paulo. Focado em gastronomia funcional. Estudamos parcerias com nutricionistas, médicos, restaurantes e bares.
Obrigado pela leitura! Copyright©2022
Esta tabela possui informações relativas às quantidades de calorias e nutrientes contidas nos alimentos alem da % do VD (Valor diário) ideal para consumo.
Componente Unidades Valor por 100g Pedaço/ Unidade/ Fatia (M) (100 g) Energia kJ 182 182 Energia kcal 43 43 Umidade g 88,3 88,3 Carboidrato total g 10,1 10,1 Carboidrato disponível g 7,80 7,80 Proteína g 0,77 0,77 Lipídios g 0,49 0,49 Fibra alimentar g 2,34 2,34 Álcool g 0,00 0,00 Cinzas g 0,30 0,30 Colesterol mg 0,00 0,00 Ácidos graxos saturados g NA NA Ácidos graxos monoinsaturados g NA NA Ácidos graxos poliinsaturados g NA NA Ácidos graxos trans g 0,00 0,00 Cálcio mg 1,39 1,39 Ferro mg 0,15 0,15 Sódio mg 2,92 2,92 Magnésio mg 9,94 9,94 Fósforo mg 15,4 15,4 Potássio mg 121 121 Zinco mg 0,09 0,09 Cobre mg 0,07 0,07 Selênio mcg NA NA Vitamina A (RE) mcg 17,4 17,4 Vitamina A (RAE) mcg 8,69 8,69 Vitamina D mcg 0,00 0,00 Alfa-tocoferol (Vitamina E) mg NA NA Tiamina mg tr tr Riboflavina mg tr tr Niacina mg tr tr Vitamina B6 mg tr tr Vitamina B12 mcg 0,00 0,00 Vitamina C mg 257 257 Equivalente de folato mcg NA NA Sal de adição g 0,00 0,00 Açúcar de adição g 0,00 0,00 http://www.tbca.net.br/base-dados/int_composicao_alimentos.php?cod_produto=C0049C
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