#tran coy manh
why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Love Unlimited: Infinity Comic #34 - "Karma in Love IV" (2023)
written by Trung Le Nguyen art by Trung Le Nguyen & Triona Farrell
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sambaldyke · 1 year
dc 🤝 marvel
naming vietnamese characters chinese names
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gerrysherry · 5 months
Xuan Coy Mahn’s journey from one shot guest star to Xavier alike to her own woman
Xuan Cao Mahn is introduced as Xi’an Coy Manh and is an untrained mutant telepath with the power of possession who works as a secretary to support her younger siblings after the murder of their parents. Born in South Vietnam, the children are orphaned escaping the Vietnam War. Her twin brother Tran, who left for America years earlier, uses his identical power to serve in their uncle’s gang, mind controlling people into submission. By contrast Xuan is happy to subsist on her meager paycheck and never use her power, which she sees as monstrous. That is until her uncle kidnaps his youngest niece and nephew in order to blackmail Xuan. With the help of Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, she rescues her kidnapped siblings. However, this comes at the price of stealing her twin’s mind and life force. There is something tragic about the scene, how she must kill one sibling to save others. Sensing this duality, Xuan chooses her codename  - Karma. As she has now become the sum of good and evil. One could interpret this as the sum of her good and her brother’s evil, but I choose to see it as the duality and moral grey of both the twins instead. A great comic that shows Mutants outside of X-men comics and is fair for its day.
Note: Xi’an (pronounced Shan) isn’t a real Vietnamese name. I assume that Claremont wanted his good mutant character to have a name starting with ‘X’ to compare her to Xavier. When a Vietnamese-American writer finally got a chance to write about Karma he revised her name to the Vietnamese name Xuan (pronounced Swun). In the comics, it’s revealed  Xuan’s name was always Xuan, she was just too nice to correct anyone. This is sadly plausible for her character. 
Work-Study-Battle program with the New Mutants
Xuan joins the X-men team called the New Mutants. Xavier even gives her a stipend for a work study program so she can support her siblings while learning to control her powers. 
She quickly becomes the New Mutants’ woman in the chair, with her teammate Danielle “Dani” Moonstar as field leader. The relationship of Xuan and Dani archetypically mirrors that of Xavier and Scott, with Xuan being calm and collected and forgiving and Dani wanting to show villains their greatest fear and be done with it. Dani has also been compared to (the then late) James Proudstar (thunderbird) and perhaps that comparison is more apt.
When Magneto takes over as headmaster he’s close to Xuan because of her mix of combat pragmatism but also his respect for her strong moral compass. And of course, while he survived World War Two (and the Holocaust) and she survived the VietNam war, they do occasionally connect on being war orphans. There is a famous panel where he brings a brooding and underdressed Xuan in from the freezing cold. When Xuan remarks her body has survived worse ‘during the war’, he grows pensive and reminds her that doesn’t mean she doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve good things now. It’s implied he’s had this conversation with many others and possibly with himself. Great character studies all around. But all good things come to an end as Karma’s siblings are kidnapped again and she goes off to search for them, again. 
Finding her family and herself…..over and over again
Xuan fights the Shadow King and… falls under his thrall. Xuan’s other nemesis is Viper, the former Madame Hydra. So she’s shaping as a foil to Captain America and once again Xavier. But a Xavier who is untrained and one who fails in fighting off the Shadow King and must be rescued (which would make an interesting ‘Marvel what if’ comic).
Xuan often holds back but when she doesn’t we see how truly messed up her powerset is: She can mostly possess people or force them to tell her things, the more she possesses someone the more she becomes them and she can only do this to the weak willed. And she’s aware of her powers and calls them ‘monstrous’. She’s a hero with a super villain powerset and so she uses her powers sparingly and mostly to protect her biological siblings and her found family - the New Mutants. 
Dark Phoenix shows us this true of more standard telepathy as well. Let’s look at Charles and Jean. What sets Charles apart is that through his wealth he can carve out a niche for himself that he actually likes and that makes society accept him and see him as harmless (the prejudice we hold about wheelchair users, seeing them as weak and harmless, might sadly add to that). 
Jean struggles with just settling down and being wife and mother and being Phoenix. Both extremes are something she is caught between. Before she can reconcile this she dies again. Not that Xavier hasn’t died a lot but his death serves a different narrative meaning - the death of his dream. 
But again look no further at constant kidnappings of her siblings to see that Xuan doesn’t have the privilege or safety that wealth and whiteness grant Xavier. Xuan has tried to leave the New Mutants and sticks around New Salem for her stipend and the protection that being close to a bunch of other well trained mutants offers her and her family.
However Xuan is often given leaves of absence or given her ‘woman in a chair’ role because otherwise she’d be overpowered and make the stories uninteresting. Hence she’s constantly trying to find her siblings, finding herself (and discovering she is a lesbian along the way) or fighting a supervillain who wants to use her possession powers for his (or occasionally her) own ends. Throughout this, Karma keeps her nice and forgiving attitude knowing there isn’t a villain she can’t forgive, redeem or shoot (or more hypocritically, mind control into submission when all else fails). So far, so good. An interesting foil to Xavier and fascinating character in her own right. 
Even when she’s the student advisor and French teacher and librarian she gets some good scenes such as when she begs her teammates to help her or she’ll burn out (something Charles would never admit to). Another interesting moment comes when she comforts  the young Anole, who feels like the only openly gay mutant at the school since (the openly gay) Northstar died.  While Karma doesn’t come out to him, she assures him he’s not alone. This makes sense as this was an era when discussing one’s sexuality with a student was considered highly inappropriate. Moreover, despite being telepath with a teaching role and too many responsibilities, Karma doesn’t come off as ‘Xavier but female and Vietnamese’. She feels like her own woman. 
Two steps forward, three steps back
This is changed by the more recent utopia and schism storylines where among other things, the death of Xavier has other characters take up his dream. While the series focuses on Scott and Wolverine (notably making the ‘by the book’ idealistic Scott more militant and the more trigger happy murderous Wolverine more merciful and pacifist) it also recasts Karma as more similar to Xavier, to the detriment of her character. It starts during a fight against a right wing anti mutant organization called simply ‘the right’ (sometimes Comics aren’t subtle), the writers had Xuan lose her left leg. Karma now joins a slew of characters with cool prosthetic limbs. Since robotic limbs look cool and can do COOL THINGS we don’t think of them as mobility aids the way we do with crutches, scooters or wheelchairs. The former along with canes are seen as ‘cool’ and ‘classy’ while the latter  are seen as shorthand for ‘this character can’t walk’ or ‘a quick ways to make a character visually striking’. In fact the last one is my personal theory as to why Kirby drew Xavier as a wheelchair user in his  X-men run. However, cybernetic prosthetics are mobility aids and quite expensive ones when your friends aren’t rich heirs, tech billionaires or high tech monarchs.
I’m not complaining in the slightest, the more disabled representation the better. Especially when her journey of acceptance is well written (although she’s very on the ‘Safe, Virtuous, Inspirational Disabled person’ side of things like Charles before her). While Karma has her allowed issues of mourning her new state ( likewise, Xavier angsts over his paralysis for a while in flashbacks before starting his school), she quickly bounces back. In a way, she spends more time mourning her body when the Shadow King forces her body to gain weight while possessing her (in an issue that did not age well) than when she loses her leg. Karma is back to her nice forgiving self with a flavor of ‘I can and will possess/shoot those who hurt my loved ones’. She’s not seen as tragic for being an amputee and once she gets over the prosthetic being heavy (remember her problem with weight) and ‘unsexy’ (Xuan’s words, not mine), she moves on. 
She accepts her disability to such a level that when she gets resurrected post Krakoan age into a perfect version of her body she’s resurrected WITH her leg missing and calmly reattaches her old prosthetic. Apparently that’s how her mind/soul imagines her perfect body to be, although it’s never explained exactly. Also she does this to free her twin Tran from her mind so he can live again, because everything Xuan does is for her family, both blood and found.
Here’s where the foil stumbles. It’s around this time she takes in Face, a mutant child who can blast energy from his entire face and is left blind, deaf and devoid of taste and smell from a combination of his powers and the evil government right wing group who want to recreate weapon X. Xuan frees his mind from the brainwashing, helps him free everyone else in the facility and becomes his guardian. In fact, she becomes his interpreter and savior, going back to the rebuilt Xavier school, now run by Wolverine, to teach Face and help him re-adjust. While. 
They have shed the foil to Xavier to essentially make her Xavier lite. Which, while frustrating, could have worked. An arc where she helps Face gain independence and pairs him off with some other telepaths to act as interpreter, would have worked. Depending on how they wanted to play it the team could have five members and all be foils to the first class. It sort of worked with Hope’s team in ‘Messiah Complex’. Face and Karma could have an arc where he grows to resent her and feels that she’s been using him. Considering Karma’s powerset is to literally use people like puppets, it’s easy to come to that conclusion. Alas that’s the last we see of her in that role. Frankly, I’m glad the arc ended but I would have liked to see more of the sensory deprived foil to Scott that is Face. Sadly, Face is never mentioned again. 
Digging up old ghosts
We next see Karma in Astonishing X-men where she’s given some girls to have one night stands with, a pinup of her doing maintenance on her leg and and a friendship with fellow gay X-man Northstar. This is the story that lets Northstar marry his boyfriend on page, by the way. 
Karma then loses control of her powers because of (bear with me) parasitic mind worms embedded there by Xuan’s evil half sister Dao. Turns out her father cheated, killed Dao’s mother and sold Dao to a sweatshop. Xuan knew this but since Dao had started a business empire, Xuan assumed that like Tran and their uncle, Dao would leave her alone. Like in her debut issue, Xuan is sorely mistaken. 
Just when the new team and all of Madripoor and possibly also NYC are slated to be blown up by Dao’s wrath, Xuan regains her powers and steps in. Xuan is able to show her long lost step, er, half sister, that they’ve both suffered and that violence isn’t the answer. We have a splash page of their fates to compare and contrast. Dao is affected, hyperventilating and crying but we never show if Xuan’s psi attack of compassion sticks because their father (who is long thought to be dead but is somehow alive) shoots Dao in the head. 
Ignore all the cliches and plot holes and can we see that story clearly harkens to X-men 12 where suddenly our leader has an evil step-brother that the team must fight. In order to make Karma be conflicted about family again they completely retcon her backstory to essentially make her fight Tran again. However, the triumph is that Xuan’s typically villain power is used for good and it works! Dao hesitates upon being shown compassion. And the reason this works is because Xuan and Dao have so much in common besides ethnicity, powerset and father.
But also when Xuan inherits Dao’s corporation and suddenly she’s rich. Xuan tells her siblings about their sister they never knew while eating sushi and taking off her leg.  Again potential for Karma to be her own character and not just another Xavier-alike.
Sadly this arc goes nowhere and instead of codedly bringing back Tran with Dao, they literally bring back Tran as mind controlling Xuan. The terrible idea is given a terrible execution and is best forgotten. Comics writers would rather retread a good comic instead of moving the character arc along and if they have to resurrect dead family members to pull that off, they’ll think of any excuse to dig up old graves.
New life on other planets
Finally, the Krakoan age gives the New Mutants something to do, but it also give Xuan an actual girlfriend. Xuan agonizes that she might accidentally mind control her crush Gabrielle ‘Elle’ Diwa into liking her. (Can we just pause for a second to notice that the one love interest who Xavier is worried about manipulating with his telepathy is also named Gabrielle? And unlike Karma, he does so AFTER his relationship with Gabrielle Haller is over.)
Everyone thinks this is silly and Illyana Rasputina (her name in proper Russian) tells Karma to ‘Mutant up’ and ask Elle out. Xuan asks and Elle says yes. Even if their romance isn’t meant to be, it’s great strides for the character.
Xuan finally confronts the Shadow King who claims that he’s reformed. Karma says she forgives him only to move on but if he harms anyone else  like Kinneys or Rathe she’ll show him the true meaning of her codename. This is the Karma I love!
I only hope this run will show her dealing with the newest fall of the mutant homeland with the same grace and optimism she handled Utopia. And this time by contrasting her to Xavier whose become quite the monster in recent stories. Let Xuan escape Xavier’s shadow like the First Class did. Let her marry her girlfriend (or even break up with her) instead of killing off Elle. I don’t want her to necessarily be happy but I want her to move on and define who she is for herself.
P. S.
(I use ‘Mutant’ when writing from the perspective of or  about Magneto and ‘mutant’ for when writing from the perspective  of or about Xavier. The basic idea is that Magnus sees Mutants as an ethnic group and Charles sees mutants as a subtype of human that could have assimilated if not for pesky anti-mutant rhetoric. Obviously the ‘you’re not really an ethnic group/minority’ is something I, as Jew , hear all the time. But it must especially grate for Magnus who lost his family because they as Jews were seen as an ethnic other to be killed. 
Xuan is mostly apolitical on mutant rights herself, but since I posit here that she’s a foil to Xavier, I use terminology typical of Charles. Maybe that’s unfair to Xuan. Also hello new readers to me using capital ‘M’ Mutant. It’s a thing. )
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drjohnnychenbvhh · 9 months
Tac dung cua sua tuoi
Sua tuoi khong chi la nguon thuc pham hang ngay ma con la mot thanh phan khong the thieu trong nhieu cong thuc lam dep don gian nhat la lam mat na duong da Voi nhieu thanh phan duong chat duong am va acid lactic sua tuoi co tac dung tay te bao chet dong thoi nuoi duong lan da khoe manh min mang va giam thieu nep nhan giup da tro nen tran day suc song
Mat na sua tuoi co cac tac dung nhu sau
Cung cap vitamin giup lam giam sac to dam mau lam mo cac vet tham do mun va tan nhang Cap am cho da han che tinh trang kho da va bong troc Tao lop mang bao ve da giup chong lai tac dong xau tu moi truong ben ngoai Khoang chat va canxi trong sua giup nuoi duong da tu sau ben trong tai tao nhung te bao gia coi va thuc day qua trinh san sinh collagen giup da luon tuoi tre va dan hoi Nho vao nhung cong dung tuyet voi nay mat na sua tuoi da tro thanh mot trong nhung phuong phap cham soc da tu nhien hieu qua giup mang den lan da tre trung rang ro va tuoi sang hon Hay thu su dung mat na sua tuoi thuong xuyen de tan huong nhung loi ich tuyet voi ma no mang lai cho lan da cua ban
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sekaithemystic · 2 years
I'm still trying to figure out how Claremont came up with "Xi'an Coy Manh" because that, at any level, doesn’t make any sense and my conclusion is that her name was drawn from her brother's name, but in the incorrect way
tldr; Claremont got the right resources, but didn’t even check how to use it.
Tran Coy Manh or Trần Khôi Mạnh (if I have to guess) is actually a viable name, but in Vietnamese, Tran/Trần is the surname, not the first name. Unlike western rule (?) which goes like this [Given name] [Middle name] [Surname], Vietnamese names are on the opposite. It’s [Surname] [Middle name] [Given name] instead. So, assume that I am right on the case of Claremont saw the name Trần Khôi Mạnh and decided to make other characters based on that, all of their surname should have been Trần, not Mạnh. He picked the correct Vietnamese name, but he applied the Western rule on it, which just messed up every later part. The surname turned given name, and the given name now turned into four other characters’ surname.  
So overall, I don’t know which is more tragic, Xi’an’s current fate that she is likely to end up in the no-use characters box, or the fact that her creator got it so close to actually giving her a proper name only to fuck up at the last second.  
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comicwaren · 3 years
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From New Mutants Vol. 4 #018,“Homecoming”
Art by Rod Reis
Written by Vita Ayala
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Just out of curiosity, who would you cast as the New Mutants?
If given the opportunity to redo that movie and make it more accurate, who would you cast in the parts of the new mutants and the villains that were planned?
Reblog or hit up my inbox. I'm curious.
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dailydamnation · 5 years
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“I hope you understand why I need you dead now.”
From New Mutants: Dead Souls #4, by Matthew Rosenberg, Adam Gorham & Michael Garland
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hank-mccoyed · 3 years
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New Mutants #18
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wherethedragonends · 3 years
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New Mutants.18/Vita Ayala/Rod Reis/Travis Lanham/Tom Muller/Christian Ward/Jonathan Hickman/Nick Russell/Annalise Bissa/Jordan D White/CB Cebulski/Marvel
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ndscottsummers · 5 years
msramrimrmmrrwmiomrmmsrpafk replied to your post “OH xi’an’s trans”
i mean not canonically but her twin brother has the exact same mutation as her and i refuse to believe that means anything other than they’re identical twins
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sniperct · 6 years
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I see we get Kitty's harem!
Realistic:  She suffers from PTSD. I mean, there's a lot of trauma from her time as a New Mutant, so it's not just her leg. Nightmares are a frequent thing for her
Hilarious: That said, she sometimes pulls a Yang and disconnects her leg as a prank.
Heart crushing: She and Kitty have agreed that if anything happens to her, Kitty would take care of the twins.
Unrealistic: Xi'an gets to be happy and have a girlfriend.
Realistic: She's head over heels in love with Kitty, and doesn't even fully realize it herself.
Hilarious: The mullet was based on a bet she lost with Kurt.
Heart crushing: She was there when her parents died, and the only reason she survived was because the Phoenix Force left Jean at Jean's request to protect her. Which means, that was also the reason Jean and Scott died.
Unrealistic: Rachel is the one that objects at Kitty's wedding.
Realistic: She knows she's a monster, and she actually likes it.
Hilarious: Remember that time she suggested that they rearrange the underwear drawers of the Avengers? She and Scott actually went and did that.
Heart crushing: Illyana knows she's a monster, and she actually hates it. Not exclusive with the above. She's very conflicted on it, deep down. Not that she'd changer her actions, but there's a part of her that wonders what it would be like if she'd never gone to Limbo.
Unrealistic: Leah finds Illyana and Illyana remembers her and we get the Rapsutin wedding we really deserve.
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cykelops · 3 years
Dude whenever I see Karma, I get so conflicted. Like as a queer woman I love her as a lesbian character. But as a Vietnamese person... God I cringe almost everytime I see her. Like Xi'an Coy isn't even a Vietnamese name?? Like we don't use apostrophes. And Manh is a male name. And her brother is named Tran when that's a last name? Like people ask me all the time how to pronounce her name and I'm like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it isn't even Viet. But I do still love that they have at least SOMEONE who is Vietnamese. But idk are there any poc/queer characters you have mixed feeling on?
That is a completely valid feeling, there are plenty of characters across Marvel and DC who are similarly poorly designed to represent the communities they’re supposedly for. Yara Flor is an example, X-Men’s Trinary has no actual name at all. These are characters by white people for white people, they’re not really for us.
Fans of color do so much work to make characters of color significant figures in online spaces because canon does not!
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queerism1969 · 3 years
Marvel Queer Heroes 🌈🌈
From top left to top right in a U shape
- Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar), Marvel's first openly gay hero
- Bobby Drake (Iceman), who's gay
- Akihiro (Daken), Wolverines son who's bi
- Christian Frost (White Bishop), who's gay
- Roxanne Washington (Bling!), who's lesbian
- Cessily Kincaid (Mercury), who's bi and dating Bling!
- Julio Richter (Rictor), who I believe is gay
- Gaveedra Seven (Shatterstar), who's bi and along with Rictor was the first male-male gay kiss in Marvel
- Raven Darkholme (Mystique), who's bi
- Irene Adler (Destiny)'s mask is being held by Mystique, she's bi, and apparently, they wanted Destiny and Mystique (transformed as a guy) to be Nightcrawlers biological parents but the Comics Code Authority at the time prevented that
- Xi'an Coy Manh (Karma), who's lesbian
- Victor Borkowski (Anole), who's gay
- Brandon Sharpe (Stryker), who's gay
- Julie Power (Lightspeed), who's bi
- Tong, who's a trans woman
- Avril Kincaid (Quasar), who's lesbian
- Heather Douglas (Moondragon), who's bi
- Phyla-Vell, who's lesbian
- Hercules, who's bi
- Noh-Var (Marvel Boy), who is bi and currently dating Hercules
- Teddy Altman (Hulkling), son of Mar-Vel and gay
- Billy Kaplan (Wiccan), reincarnated son of Scarlet Witch, gay and married to Hulkling
- Tommy Shepherd (Speed), reincarnated son of Scarlet Witch and bi
- David Alleyne (Prodigy), who's bi
- America Chavez (Miss America), who's lesbian
- Ramone Watts (Alloy), who's lesbian and dating Chavez
- Johnny Watts (Fuse), who's bi
- Aaron Fischer (Captain America of the railways), who's gay
- Victoria Montesi, who's lesbian
- Viv, Visions daughter who's lesbian
- Charlene McGowan, who's a trans woman
- Nico Minoru, who's bi
- Karolina Dean, who's lesbian
- Toni Ho, who's lesbian
- Aikku Jokinen, who's lesbian(she's the one in the robot body)
- Raz Malhotra (Giant-man), who's gay
- Ayo, who's lesbian
- I think this is Aneka, who's lesbian
- Felicia Hardy (Black Cat), who's bi
- Dennis Dunphy (D-man), who's gay
(not sure who the two with the axe and armor are)
- Aldrif Odinsdottir (Angela), Odin's daughter who's lesbian
(Correct me if I got anything wrong, I'm only familiar with the Old Avengers so I was using the wiki for help)
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xaviersrpg · 3 years
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XI’AN COY MANH is the daughter of a colonel in the Vietnamese army. Xi'an and her twin brother, Tran, both had the power to take mental possession of the minds of others. While still a child, Xi'an saw an enemy soldier threaten Tran. Not realizing she had a superhuman power, Xi'an acted on impulse, taking possession of the soldier's mind and stopped him from killing Tran. Tran then successfully attempted the same feat and forced the soldier to kill himself. But while Tran took great delight in this use of his new-found power, Xi'an was frightened of her ability. Xi'an kept their powers secret, but Tran told their uncle, a general in the Vietnamese army.
General Coy later arranged for Xi'an's family to leave Vietnam, which was now entirely under a Communist government, but only Tran was sent abroad. Eventually, the rest of the family left Vietnam on a small, crowded boat. Xi'an's father was murdered by attacking pirates; her mother died the day the survivors were rescued by the United States Navy. Xi'an, her younger brother, Leong, and her younger sister, Nga, were sent to the United States to be reunited with her Uncle Nguyen and Tran. General Coy had become a powerful and prosperous criminal in the United States (although he was publicly known as a businessman), and Xi’an learned that Tran was using his powers in his uncle's employ.
When Coy asked Xi'an to use her powers in his service, she refused. Xi'an sought help from a Catholic priest, Father Michael Bowen, whom she had known in Vietnam. With Father Bowen's aid, Xi'an secured employment and an apartment and enrolled her younger siblings in school. But Xi’an’s uncle didn’t take her refusal lightly, instead kidnapping Leong and Nga in an effort to blackmail Xi’an into working for him. Desperate, Xi’an sought out the X-Men and asked for their help in rescuing her siblings, and they accepted. In the fight, Xi'an was forced to kill her brother by absorbing his life essence into herself. Xi'an was then reunited with Leong and Nga.
Xi’an was then invited to live at Xavier’s School, but she denied them; however, she did take up the role of the school’s librarian and French teacher, a significant pay increase from her previous job. While Xi’an doesn’t live at school given that she takes care of her younger siblings, she’s a prominent member of the faculty, and she’s happy that her life has turned out for the best... despite her brother’s death.
Xi’an’s face claim is CHANTAL THUY and she is OPEN TO APPLICATIONS.
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comicwaren · 6 years
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From New Mutants: Dead Souls #006, “Something Must Break”
Art by Adam Gorham and Michael Garland
Written by Matthew Rosenberg
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