#trans nora
madeofvoid · 1 month
I have to get it out. It's been like 9 months since my binge rewatch of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'm not going to say that transitioning would've 100% saved Shinji, but it would kill Gendo instantly. Just, the thought of that dense motherfucker being confronted by the fact that his own son, testament to all of his imperfections, would suddenly start to resemble his wife-- which he cannot handle outside of Rei-- would make him tweak into oblivion and I think that's very funny. just. *Enter stage left, Shinji being forced through the doors of Gendo's office by Asuka and maybe Misato* Shinji: Father, I- Asuka: Just say it! Shinji: Father, I'm a girl.. I'd like to start hrt immediately. Gendo:
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toytle · 3 months
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to be loved is to be changed
a spinoff of my t4t halbarry au where everything is the same except now it’s yuri
[ID in alt text + read more]
IMAGE 1: Fan comic of Barry Allen and Hal Jordan in a trans WLW AU where “Berry” is a transmasc butch and Hal is bigender. They’re on the couch together with Hal lying her legs across Berry’s lap when she asks, “Hey, Ber’? Did you really never date a guy before me?” She lies back smugly on the armrest with her hands behind her head. “What, was I so special that you let a man break your gold star streak?” Berry gives her a humored smile. “Maybe.” He shrugs. “Or maybe I could tell you weren’t just a man, even before you did.” Hal sits upright, equal parts flustered and flattered, before settling into something more flirtatious. “God, I don’t know if it’s hotter if I turned you or if you turned me.” Berry gives a questioning yet amused look and says, “Not sure it really works like that, Hal.” She puts a finger up to his mouth and scrunches her face into a faux-annoyed grin, all while being swept into his lap. “Hush, Berry, let me have this.”
IMAGE 2: Chart comparing Barry between my two trans AU’s where he’s a transmasc bi sapphic in one and a bisexual trans man in the other. Yuri AU Berry has a crewcut (with a lightning bolt in the lineart of her temple) and very slightly softer features. OG AU Barry has longer hair with wing wisps behind his ears and very slightly more angular features. They’re both making confused expressions as Yuri Berry asks “…’Soft butch?’” in quotes, and OG Barry asks “…’Malewife?’” in the same way. Yuri Berry’s full name is Bernadette “Berry” (with an E) Nora Allen and goes by he/her pronouns. OG Barry’s full name is Barrholomew “Barry” (with an A) Henry Allen and goes by he/him. Yuri Berry doesn’t view himself as much of a woman except in the context of relationships, while OG Barry always envisioned himself as the “perfect husband” in his “perfect nuclear family” dreams. Both thought they were only attracted to women for most of their lives. Yuri Berry started HRT for specific goals like voice drop but stopped once goals were met. OG Barry continues HRT but has to upkeep in bulk to compensate for superspeed.
IMAGE 3: Chart comparing Hal between my two trans AU’s where he’s pretty much the exact same. Yuri AU Hal has longer hair almost to his shoulders and wears earrings, while OG AU Hal has short hair and pierced ears but isn’t wearing earrings. They’re both making a playful expression, but Yuri Hal looks more fond and amused as she says, while OG Hal averts his eyes like he’s playing off a joke, as they both say, “C’mon, you know know what I’m talking about…” They’re both bisexual male/female bigender, though Yuri Hal uses she/him pronouns and OG Hal uses he/her, which are swapped just to differentiate AU’s (also, Yuri Hal mirrors Berry’s pronouns!). For both AU’s, Hal doesn’t use labels (I say bigender to communicate my headcanon, but genderfluid works too). Hal doesn’t care for gender neutral terms and prefers being called either/or but ESPECIALLY both (ex: “He’s my wife”/“She’s my husband”). Yuri Hal also realized earlier than OG Hal.
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dalmatianfourtyfour · 3 months
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just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark
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overallsonfrogs · 1 day
My favorite thing about TSC is that this alternate version of 2007 has boba tea
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punkeropercyjackson · 14 days
Reblog this to make the person you reblogged this from Spiderman
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detectivebambam · 3 months
trans!neil josten makes so much sense though
by the time his mom ran off with him, he was probably already feeling uncomfortable as a "girl". he told his mother it would be easier to hide if she started dressing him and treating him like a boy, and she agreed. if Riko was able to find him from his fingerprints, then maybe there's a reason that nobody else thought to fingerprint him. they couldn't fingerprint the Butcher's son, because they were looking for the Butcher's daughter. this also explains how Kevin and Riko and Nathan and everyone was fooled by some box dye and colored contacts. that's not all that changed since that night. Neil obviously knows that he is truly a man, that it's not just another way to hide, that this is really who he is. and Andrew and Kevin know, too. this is who Neil is, runaway or not.
oh but Bam-Bam, what about The Shower Scene™️???
nothing changes, hope this helps
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bisexualchaosdemon · 4 months
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Nora just confirmed that there will be a trans character in tsc!!!
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zhou-enlai-fanclub · 7 months
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In case of emergency, tell the truth. "Oh god, we have so little time." Truth does not understand shame. "I am so sorry." Truth and shame do not speak the same language. "I love you." Truth is a confession. "I wish this world could hold us. I wish it could carry our weight."
Airline Safety Placard (A Prayer) by Nora Hikari
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
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Diversity win!Spiderman is in love with Spiderwoman who is also another Spiderman!
@leo-thecactus @toasty-self-shipping @cottoncandyteeth
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lunartflare64 · 10 months
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I can't draw full pictures right now because I'm trying to take it easy, but luckily I'm also trying to teach myself to let messy doodles happen, so this is good practice!
Okay! The Leos! (I should have numbered this, oh well)
The height one belongs to @probably-not-a-rutabaga, the one right under it belongs to @rizzonardo (I want your girl to enjoy herself with us!), and the one on the right could be either of the eggs actually, @less-depresso-more-espresso's and @clicky-buttons' girls aren't there yet, I imagine Nora would check on how they're doing a lot
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that-vampire-loser · 5 days
Jean wants to throw Jeremy into a wall 👀
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apparentlyautistick · 6 months
New AU for the pile!
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I know this probably constitutes as going off the rails like a crazy train, but I do not care!! I love Venus and I love transfem 2012 Leo so I smushed the two together and created this! I’m writing a whole bit for it so I’ll post something about it once it’s up on ao3 :D
Tcest dni 🔪🤭
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feelingthedisaster · 2 days
im kinda curious what people headcanon, i read fics with a lot of different headcanons about his gender identity. please reblog for sample size
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viveela · 2 years
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Some tomfoolery with the early svtfoe art style
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
So basically,here's why Miles and Peter B worked and Spiderson and Irondad and all those 'Batman adopts [crossover kid]' stories don't:
Peter B didn't overshadow Miles-Yes,he's a vital part of his character and had a lot of screentime too but Spiderverse is always MILES' MOVIES.Peter B was not his co-star but his mentor so they didn't share the spotlight and this was a wise choice on the writers part because it would be very unfair on black superhero fans to claim it as Miles' debut only for it to be another Peter Parker movie(Wayne Family Adventures:Take notes)
While yes,Peter B was lowkey an asshole in the beginning,he was never outright cruel.He was literally just snarky and bitter and Miles snarked back at him so they were equals instead of a grown ass man picking on a lil boy and being rewarded for it
Jefferson and Rio weren't demonized or downplayed to prop Peter B up-They got plenty of time with Miles too and it's very clear that while Peter B acts like a parental figure to Miles,Miles views Jeffrio as his only parents while Peter B is more like his way older brother that defaults to acting like a dad due to their age difference(Speaking from the experience of an adult with only kid siblings and a good amount of teen friends that i've gotten close enough to consider we consider eachother siblings too,this is 100000% accurate to how it works)
Peter B dosen't baby Miles-He just teaches him the best he can but believes in him enough to try things out for himself and do his own thing so he's a genuinely good teacher for him in addition to a positive adult figure like his parents and Uncle Aaron but again,they're not blood related and they both act that way and that is appropriate due to the differences in their heritage(Peter B a white jewish person/Miles an afrolatino person.Again,realistic rep and i'm Miles this time)
Peter B also genuinely cares about Miles feelings and thinks extremely positively of him as a person instead of just another crime fighter and provides him comfort and safety instead of traumadumping all over to him and placing the responsibility of caretaker on him like a discord mod LMFAO
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detectivebambam · 2 months
(this was not proofread, and I wrote it at 1am while zoinked on my meds so if it's not good who cares)
"There's nothing there that would excite you."
Andrew cocked his head in silent question.
"I was not born a man."
"Another lie, runaway?"
"No. No, this has nothing to do with my lies. This is a genuine part of who I am." He waited for Andrew's lightbulb to go off, but the moment never came. "I never felt like a woman. When my mother ran away with me, I thought it would be a good opportunity to become who I really was. She thought it was a good idea to hide me from my father-"
"-but that's not what it was about. Not for me. I know who I am, at least in this sense."
"I don't expect you to understand. But this is not a lie. You wanted a truth, and this is what I'm giving you. If you're disappointed, fine. But I will not change and you will have to get over that."
(also if i spelled excite wrong don't @ me okay i hate English)
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