#translated from the subtitles btw
obihoe · 4 months
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madara is mentioned literally in the very first episode of shippuuden. i like how kurama immediately recognizes sasuke's sharingan, its unique ability to restrain and/or communicate with him as a bijuu. sasuke enters naruto's mindspace and he can talk to him and he holds him back here. kurama recognizes his chakra .. and tells him that its even more "ominous" than that of his own and its similar to that of madara uchiha ... i wonder if he can maybe feel the fate connection between them. since sasuke here, as a transmigrant, has the same chakra that madara had when he controlled him
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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“I finally managed to protect you...”
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piningprecussionist · 4 months
Sounds like fun for when you do find a 'gem' of a trash film. Do you keep names of any of the gems you do find?
Also for no evil reason or so, do you by chance like gifts?
-✨ Anon (Sparkles Anon)
Nah, not really. I used to have a list, but it got tossed out when I moved apartments I guess.
We probably still have them in the back, though. It's extremely rare that someone comes in asking for something that isn't just on display already.
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A lot of them were foreign films, so some of them are probably a lot better than I'm giving them credit for. Visuals are important, but the writing is what I enjoy most in a good movie. If the movie has subtitles, which most don't, then usually they're really off, from what some of the people who HAVE actually rented them tell me. Stuff like that can really color your interpretation or general enjoyment of the media, depending on if it's just clunkily translated or outright altered.
Otherwise, there are some really terrible horror flicks I like to put on- those would be easier to name, and probably more recent, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. Maybe I can come back to you on that.
I like the ones that are either just really, unforgivably bad, ones with really horrible special effects for the gore, and ones that are just kinda brutal, admittedly. I like to see a good rampage, now and again.
As for gifts...
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I mean, I'm alright with them. It's a bit disconcerting when you mention them with the word "evil" in the same sentence, though. So you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little wary of that...
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stardustfoundations · 2 years
These amazon prime subtitles are giving Japanese fansub vibes lmao
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fluffykitteninabox · 6 months
so for the next 6 months I will exclusively be reading Shakespeare and ao3 fics and nothing else
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biantianyang · 10 months
A 20 minute interview with beety can be watched on weibo here!
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Watched the first episode of 1899 and fact that the captain looks kinda like my dad which makes it borderline unwatchable i like it, the pacing is good which is the most important thing ever to me, and the characters look interesting. A bit too supernatural for my taste, won't lie, but that's fine.
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bookishdiplodocus · 1 month
A longread on writing comedy
This is what I do to research writing comedy:
What helped me most was analyzing a lot of jokes: "It's funny. Why is it funny? How does this joke work?" Usually it's something that subverses the expectations in a specific way or an unexpected collision of two things. (Like a pun is a collision of sound and meaning.) For my analysis, I wonder: "What is the expectation after the set-up? Why do I have this expectation? How does the pay-off subverse the expectation? Why does it still make sense in relation to the set-up?"
For example: I unleashed this kind of analysis on the movie George of the Jungle. It has a surprisingly high hit rate, I think around three jokes per minute in the first one third of the movie, and it still manages to get the story going and the characters introduced. I’ve mentioned this before, but I don’t think I gave examples, and you know I’m all about the teaching.
I found at least 17 types. Heads up, this is going to be a longread.
Type 1: Puns
Narrator: “When they finally beheld the mighty Ape Mountain…” [They see a mountain shaped like a gorilla head.] Narrator, cont’d: “… they reacted with awe.” All: “Aww.” Narrator: “I said ‘awe”. A-W-E.” All: “Ooh!” Narrator: “That’s better.”
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The pun lies in the fact that “awe” and “aww” sound the same.
There is a visual type of comedy as well that we can’t effectively reproduce in writing: the mountain is shaped like a gorilla head.
BTW: the narrator defies genre expectations by interacting with the characters, and the characters defy genre expectations by being able to hear the narrator.
Type 2: Tone of voice
Narrator, about the main characters: “Scraped and boo-booed, they searched high and low.
“Boo-booed” is a children’s word, not the tone you would use for a hero. Compare “tummy” and “stomach”.
Type 3: Defying genre expectations
[The guide falls off a rope bridge into a deep chasm.] Narrator: “Don’t worry—nobody dies in this story. They just get really big boo-boos.”
The narrator is breaking the fourth wall.
Again: tone of voice with the “boo-boos”.
Contrast between the boo-boo and the injuries one usually suffers after falling into a deep chasm.
Type 4: Not defying genre expectations
[A lion appears from the bushes. A baby monkey makes a sound like “uh-oh”.] [The baby monkey does the Tarzan call and bangs its chest.] [The lion flees.] [The monkey giggles.] [The monkey gives George a thumbs up.] [From the bushes, the lion winks at George. George winks back.]
Expectation: the lion is a danger to the baby monkey and George will need to fight it to save the monkey.
Defying expectations: the monkey and the lion are in on the plan.
Not defying genre expectations: George of the Jungle is clearly based on Tarzan. George doesn’t refer to that fact, but the monkey does, by doing the Tarzan call and banging its chest.
Improbable: monkeys who giggle and give thumbs up.
Impossible: lions who wink.
Type 5: Contrast
Narrator: “Meanwhile, 43 vines away, George’s kingdom is being threatened by a terrifying intruder.” [We see the adorable Leslie Mann, who plays Ursula, smiling and talking to the camera.] Ursula: “Hi! It’s me again!”
Contrast between what the narrator says and what we see.
The narrator isn’t lying. He refers to Lyle and the poachers who will be introduced in this scene.
There’s also humor in the phrase “43 vines away”, because of the overt specificity and because a vine is not a measure of distance.
Type 6: Oblivious character
[Lyle takes a Polaroid picture of one of the guides.] Lyle: “Do you like it? Magic picture. Yet another gift from America. Here you go. You’re welcome.” [The guide replies in Swahili. There is no translation in the subtitles.] [All the guides laugh.] [The guide continues in Swahili. Only the last few words are in English: “35 mm.” The guide takes his own camera and snaps a picture of Lyle.] [All the guides and Ursula laugh.] Lyle, not amused: “Translation, please.” Other guide: “He says he likes your magic pictures, but he prefers the resolution of the Leica 35 mm transparencies.” [Everyone but Lyle laughs.] Other guide, cont'd: “He also says your lens is dirty, but he has the equipment to clean it for you.”
Lyle doesn’t understand Swahili, while the guides understand everything Lyle says to them in English.
The fact that Ursula, Lyle's fianceé, understands Swahili and laughs along with the guides, is adds contrast to his obliviousness.
Lyle is the butt of the joke. He humiliates the guides and now he’s humiliated on his own turf while the guides don’t stoop down to his level.
This joke is threefold: 1. The set-up: Lyle is the arrogant asshole who thinks he’ll show the locals about technological development. 2. The guide is not only not impressed, he knows Polaroid and has a camera of his own, and is knowledgeable. 3. And he demonstrates his superiority in a (more or less) polite way.
Type 7: Slapstick
[George is swinging on the vines.] Narrator: “He is swift. He is strong. He is sure. He is smart.” [George hits a tree and falls.] Narrator, deadpan: “He is unconscious.”
Slapstick is another type of humor that barely translates to written fiction, when the actors behave silly, for example by falling over, hurting themselves, or others. It's often over the top. Laurel & Hardy is a well-known example of slapstick.
Type 8: Alliteration
Narrator: “The tired trekkers trudged on feverish footsies over perilous paths.”
If several words in each other’s vicinity start with the same letter, it’s called alliteration.
Note that "footsies" is another example of a contrast in tone of voice—it’s another children’s word.
Type 9: Improbable things
[George spins a lion over his head.] George: “George not even trying hard.”
While not impossible, spinning an actual lion over one’s head is improbable and thus goes against real-world expectations.
Type 10: Impossible things
[A gorilla called Ape enters George’s tree house and scares Ursula.] Ursula: “What does it want? What does it want?” Ape: [points at a big book] “It wants its Physician’s Desk Reference, if you don’t mind, unless you’d rather die of dengue fever, of course.” [Ursula faints again.]
Gorillas can’t talk, can’t read, and aren’t usually well-versed in curing tropical diseases.
Type 11: Breaking social norms
[Ursula is unconscious. George licks her face, clearly meaning well.]
In our society, it is not only considered impolite but also gross to lick the face of a stranger. The fact that George does this anyway, clearly not realizing he does something wrong, is a subversion of what we’d expect of social norms and behavior.
Type 12 and 13: Hyperbole and understatement
[Earlier, Ursula fainted when she saw Ape talk and do human things.] [Ape is reading when he sees Ursula look at him. He panics, throws the book away, starts grunting, and bangs his chest.] [Ursula faints again.] Ape: “Eh.”
Ursula fainting again is a hyperbole: a reaction that is stronger than expected.
Ape saying “Eh.” is an understatement: a reaction less strong than expected.
Type 14: Obvious repetitions
Ursula: “… And I didn’t want my fianc—Um, this guy I was with, to worry.” Narrator, a few moments later: “George and Ursula set out on a desperate search to find her fianc—Uh, that guy she was with.”
Type 15: Stating the obvious
[We see the guide’s hand, pointing at a really big footprint in the mud.] Narrator: “Meanwhile, back at the really big footprint in the mud, (...)”
Stating the obvious can be funny because the audience doesn’t expect you to do or say this because it is so very obvious.
Type 16: Adult humor
[George watches Ursula sleep.] George: “George having stirrings of special feelings right now.” Ape, drily: “I see.” George: “Good thing she same species, huh?”
Ape’s reply, “I see”, could be an innuendo, but it doesn’t come across as a joke (to me at least). Maybe it’s downplayed because it’s a children’s movie.
If this is an innuendo, it’s a play on words. “I see”, figuratively, for “I understand”, or literally for “Yes, I can tell from your erection.”
“Good thing she same species” because George shouldn’t have stirrings of special feelings for animals.
Type 17: Rhyme
[George is swinging on a vine.] George: “Look, like this!” Song: “He flies through the air with the greatest ease.” Song, cont’d: “Our daring young man on the flying trapeze.” [George hangs upside down from a vine.] George: “Look, no hands.” Song, cont’d: “His movements so grateful, all girls he could please.” Song, cont’d: “And with love he is swinging away…” [On the ground, gorillas frantically run back and forth with a safety net.] Song, cont’d: “He flies through the air with the greatest of ease.” Ursula: “George, watch out for that—” Song, cont’d while George yelps: “Our daring young man on the—” [Song stops abruptly.] [Thud] [George grunts.] Ursula: “… tree.”
When words end in the same sounds, we call it rhyme.
It’s physically impossible to hang from a vine with no hands.
The gorillas with the safety net imply that they expect George to fall.
Also, it’s improbable that gorillas would do this.
Slapstick: George hitting the tree.
Comedic timing: Ursula being just too late to warn George about the tree.
Song + Ursula: “Our daring young man on the—tree.” Because by then he is literally stuck to the tree.
Or throw everything at the audience, whatever.
[George has a pet elephant, Shep, who behaves like a happy doggy.] [Shep is chewing a humongous bone.] Narrator: “Later, they rested, while the tired tusker teethed on a… Wait a second, the dog bone is too much. Lose it.” [The dog bone disappears.] Narrator: “That’s better.” [Shep whines.]
Improbable: Pet elephant who behaves like a doggy.
Alliteration: “tired tusker teethed”
Fourth wall: the narrator comments on the story while it is going on, and edits it.
*** Here are some other funny situations from the movie. Try to analyze what’s going on. Usually you can spot several types.
Situation 1
Narrator: “Meanwhile, at a very big and expensive waterfall set, Ursula was amazed that she was lost in the wilderness with a jungle man.” Ursula: “And here I am, lost in the wilderness with a jungle man.”
Situation 2
Narrator: “The guides came dangerously close—” Narrator: “That is, dangerously close to shove a coconut up in Kyle’s—” Narrator: “Sleeping bag.”
Situation 3
Lyle: “I am the richest, handsomest, smartest guy here, so I get to go first!” [Lyle pushes past everyone, trips over a tree stump and lands face first in a steaming pile of elephant poop.] Lyle: “There’s an elephant here.” Guide, while looking straight into the camera: “Bad guy falls into poop. Classical element of physical comedy.” Guide, cont’d: “Now comes the element where we throw our heads back and laugh.” Guide, cont’d: “Ready?” Other guides, while also looking straight into the camera: “Ready!” [All the guides throw their heads back and laugh.] [Monkey laughs and points at Lyle.] [Off-screen, other animals make laughing sounds.] Lyle, spitting out poop: “Those are nowhere near properly digested.” Lyle, cont’d: “In case anyone is wondering, I’m okay.”
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Situation 4
[Cliffhanger: it looks like Lyle has shot George from up close.] Narrator: “Whew! Okay kids, let’s settle down and review the important information. Lyle is a big doofus. Poor George was actually shot but can’t die because, let’s face it, he’s the hero. So, the naturally concerned and preternaturally wealthy Ursula Stanhope whisked George away on a private jet bound for the country of his birth—” [George has a tiny band-aid on his forehead.] Narrator, cont’d: “—where he’s gonna get the finest medical treatment available!” Ursula: “I’m gonna get you the finest medical treatment available.”
Situation 5
Narrator: “Well, Ursula […] could use a best friend now.” Best friend: “Hi!” Ursula: “He’s in the shower.” Best friend, distracted: “Not anymore.” George, naked: “Bad waterfall. First, water get hot—” [A sexy saxophone plays] George, cont’d: “Then George slips on this strange yellow rock.” [Perspective: the camera looks at the two women, seen from between George’s legs. They are clearly ogling his crotch.] [Ursula swoons.] George, noticing the friend: “Hi! George of jungle.” Friend, eager: “Charmed, I’m sure.” [Ursula hands George objects that barely cover his crotch. The camera switches back to a frontal view of George. The friend is still ogling George.] Best friend, mumbling appreciatively: “I see why they made him king of the jungle.” *** I hope this was helpful. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions, and happy writing!
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pommunist · 14 days
Thoughts on Quackity’s stream
Q saying that he’s doing the stream in english instead of spanish and saying it’s because people were upset that the previous statements were in spanish. Obviously I’d like for him to speak about these important things in the language of his choice, but I feel like he misunderstood that the issue most people had was actually not the language but the lack of subtitles + official translation. And this issue still stands when he speaks english btw.
Now, and I believe that’s all that need to be said about this : Anyone who goes out of their way to spread Q’s personal information and/or uses it to threaten and harass him are proper freaks and I will never stand for that. I’m sorry that he is fearing for his safety, no one deserves to go through that.
I know that there are many people who perceived him stepping down from his position as a way to avoid his responsibilities and I can definitely see where they’re coming from but I personally see it as a good thing. Obviously because safety comes first and if taking a step back can stop him from being put in harm’s way, absolutely a great decision. And also because this may allow people who are more capable of handling this position to be put in charge.
I’m also glad that he’s taking actions against the people who were misusing his funds and who enforced a toxic work environment. We don’t know anything about these people so I won’t talk much about it but I hope they face the consequences of their actions.
Also good that it was clarified that that one problematic person has not been involved with the project, I think everyone is relieved to know that someone unsafe was not a part of it. Although, while he was right to warn people not to spread misinformation (this is true for everything btw do your research !), I don’t like how he said to be mindful about the intentions of people who raised the question, because a lot of them had genuine concern about it being a possibility and this could have been a very serious and dangerous thing if it had been true.
It’s good that he acknowledged that he didn’t properly address the issue of xenophobia against brazilians the first time and apologised for it. However I don’t like how he took the time to address that it was specifically brazilians who were being targeted, but didn’t address that it was mostly his own community who was responsible for it, which led to another wave of hate and bigotry towards brazilian fans on twitter. However I’m not brazilian myself and it’s only up to them wether they choose to accept his apology or not.
He talked about how he is usually a private person regarding these situations and to be honest I’ve always admired the fact that he doesn’t engage publicly with drama. Drama, except this isn’t drama, it goes way beyond what this word means.
Him saying he was ready to handle it privately but that it was made public before that is just so hypocritical to me, because we know from the many admins statements that they had tried to bring attention internally to some of the problems but it was either ignored, or actually impossible from them to have communication with the higher hierarchy. So saying what he said just puts the blame on the admins who came out with their stories for this whole situation taking the proportions it has taken.
And great that he’s saying that there has been some restructuring made within the team, and hopefully these changes will only leave the studios with competent people who are good intentioned towards everyone involved. I won’t like though, I fail to see how asking for everyone’s feedback and taking it into account to make these changes wasn’t an option. Also the fact that this restructuring ended up causing them to massively letting go of all the twitter teams as well as some other admins is still an issue.
Like he can deny that he purposefully put his stories above those of other ccs, say that he does have passion for the project and was involved in its creative development, which I’m not trying to imply he’s lying about btw, but not address the main issue of the admins situation ? Not a word about or for them ? But instead you use your plateform to talk about your role in the lore knowing these are talking points discussed by the admins and community. What good does that do except for your own image ? What do you think your fans are going to do if not go and harass the people who have made these claims ? Meanwhile people will discuss these topics that are so far removed from the main issue and focus less on what the admins went through.
I’m not saying this was intentional, I’m not saying he’s directly guilty of any disgusting behaviour that some of his fans are guilty of, but as an influencer with an audience as large as his is, you have a certain responsibility to try your best to prevent these things happening.
If you think I’m exaggerating, that it couldn’t be that bad, just know that since the stream :
Admins who spoke up are receiving hate again and Léa is getting the worst of it as you can imagine. Like I mentioned before, there has been a resurgence of xenophobic tweets against the brazilian community. French qsmptwt accounts and others who took a stance for the admins are also being insulted/harassed again. Léa, Lumi (Pomme admin) and Shade (Dapper admin) have all had some of their private info leaked. There has even been a call to mass report Nat_Ali’s, the streamer who conducted Lea’s interview, twitch channel.
And because still he didn’t do it and I want to end on a positive note, some thanks are in order
Twitter admins, thank you for making every stream accessible to everyone, allowing us to follow what went on when we could watch and to rewatch the best moments. Thank you for adding your own comments to the clips, and for making all the funny memes, you gave a heart to these accounts. Thank you as well for being the ones to collect fanarts for the museum, for giving many people an opportunity to appreciate the wonderful talent of the community.
Writers, thank you for coming up with such amazing and intriguing stories, and making us pull our hair out theorising about them ! I wish you were given the space and creative freedom to develop them more and make them flourish.
Roleplayers, thank you for having done such a wonderful job giving life to all these characters I hope you know how deeply they are loved by us the viewers. Mentions spéciales : Lumi, merci pour Pomme, merci pour avoir représenté notre pays, notre langue et notre culture pendant tout ce temps, on aurait pas pu rêver d’une meilleure ambassadrice 🍎♥️. Léa merci pour tout ton travail, tes illustrations, tes personnages, et aussi toutes tes refs purement fr ahah. Merci et bravo d’avoir osé parler surtout, on est avec toi 🐰💓.
Thanks to all the builders, devs, artists, translators, sound designers, everyone who has been a star in the qsmp constellation and has worked to make it such a great time for us viewers.
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notfreetoday · 7 months
MPW: Segasaki & Yoh - Language Analysis Part 1
Subtitle Corrections: EP 1 || EP 2 || EP 3
My Personal Weatherman is a story about the relationship between Segasaki and Yoh, so rather than being introduced to the characters, we the audience are dropped right into the middle of their relationship, and the only way we learn about the characters as individuals is through the way they interact with each other, and how that contrasts with how they interact with the people around them.
The show does an incredible job of keeping the portrayal of their relationship consistent across the use of character design, wardrobe, lighting, cinematography, acting choice, directorial choices and of course language use. But not everyone who watches has equal access to that last one, so I try to be as detailed as possible in my subtitle corrections posts. I'm also a bit of a language nerd. Now, I want to get into their actual relationship, because I think there is a lot of information about how they feel towards each other that's just getting missed. Also I love them and this is how I spazz.
This post is the first of four in which I hope to show how the dynamic between Segasaki and Yoh is reflected in the way they speak - specifically, in the way they address each other, and the style shifting, or speech level shifts that they both demonstrate with each other, using scenes from Ep 1 - 3. I'll be using my own translations for this, some of which differ from the Eng subs. (Please bear with the nerdiness - I don't want to assume how much people know about Japanese)
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Prefacing this by saying that this language analysis is made specifically in the context of Segasaki and Yoh's relationship. There is a power imbalance here both in terms of social hierarchy (senpai/kouhai, age gap, successful/non-successful) as well as self-image (self-confident/self-conscious). Now, most of the time we see this manifested linguistically as the party with more social power using casual language forms, whilst the one with less power remains polite or formal. However, there is much more to human interaction than that, as we see in MPW where both Segasaki and Yoh shift in and out of Speech Styles often, depending on what they want to say and accomplish, as well as their emotional state.
1) Quick & Dirty Guide To Speech Styles/Formality Levels
Formality/Politeness is a spectrum and is expressed mostly through grammar and tone (sorry for the shitty word doc screencap):
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1) desu/masu = formal/polite. Standard go to with the anyone you meet. 2) Generally speaking, the longer the sentence/the more syllables you hear, the more polite the sentence 3) The less direct you can be, the more polite you will sound 4) Word contractions (tsuzukereba -> tsuzukerya) = informal + impolite (but not always rude) 5) Slurred end vowels (iranai -> iranee) = informal + mostly rude, but not always (you just sound uncouth) 6) Most words have "formal", "informal" or even "rude" variations 7) CONTEXT DETERMINES EVERYTHING Btw when I say "speaks roughly" or uses "rough speech", I mostly mean (4) + (5)
2) Speech Styles and Shifting Between Them
tl;dr Japanese Speech Styles function like the verbal equivalent of personal space - the more formal/polite the level, the bigger the circle of personal space you maintain. Shifts in speech styles indicate: 1) perceived changes in vertical and/or horizontal distance 2) the assumption of a position/role of the speaker in relation to the listener 3) changes in emotional state/the desire to convey emotion 4) the consideration of "polite company" In this post we will look at examples of the first one - Vertical and Horizontal Distance.
Speech Styles: The Long Version (English Speaker POV)
Consider the way you speak if you were to say, give an important presentation in front of potential clients, versus the way you'd speak to an acquaintance you ran into on the street vs the way you'd speak to your closest friends. Different situations call for different ways of speaking - you're more likely to speak in full sentences and pronounce your words clearly for the first situation, and say "yes" instead of "yep" or "uh huh". You're also more likely to be blunt/direct with your friends than you are with clients - "You know ILU but do not under any circumstances buy that ugly ass shirt".
These context-dependent changes in speech patterns are similar to the changes in speech styles/formality levels in Japanese. Think of speech styles as the verbal equivalent of personal space. The more formal/polite the level, the bigger the circle of personal space you maintain. Dropping a level when you shouldn't is the verbal equivalent of invading someone's personal space and can make people uncomfortable and sometimes even angry. In Japan, the baseline "distance" with the average person is the way you would speak as if you were giving a presentation. Dropping to casual/informal speech might be tolerated (just like how you can tolerate someone sitting close to you and asking some questions, but it's uncomfortable), especially if you guys are around the same age, but dropping to "what's up bitcheees" when you should be at "hey how're you doing" basically tells the other person "I don't have even the basic level of respect for you".
In the same vein, the closer you are to someone, the more welcome you are in their personal space, and thus the lower the level of formality/politeness you'll keep with them. You trust that even if you speak bluntly, they'll understand you aren't trying to insult them. When and to what extent you drop a level is usually negotiated between individuals (either directly or indirectly). Once a level of casualness is established, your friends are going to look at you funny if you suddenly get all formal with them. They might even come ask if anything's wrong, or if you're angry at them or why you sound "cold". These shifts in speech levels therefore mark more than just the vertical distance between two people (ie, differences in social hierachy), they mark the horizontal distance (ie, how close people of the same "in-group" are to each other) too.
Having said that, there are times when you will shift to a more formal tone even with your friends or family - for example, when you're hosting a game at a large party and want to explain the game rules to everyone, you might enunciate your words better or keep the jokes to the minimum in order to convey the information is clearly and efficiently as possible. Similarly, if you've been appointed the leader in a group project and need people to pay attention and listen, you might change your tone of voice to command attention. In other words, when you assume a particular position, the way you speak changes too.
Finally, the way you speak to your friends/family in the presence of others (or "polite company", as they used to say) might also change - you might have no qualms cursing up a storm with your best buddy at the bar, but you might do your best to avoid being too vulgar when you're in front of their parents or your boss/university professor.
3) Segasaki and Yoh: Vertical & Horizontal Distance
Segasaki and Yoh are part of the same "in-group" in that they are in a relationship, so the horizontal distance between them is very small and before sunny days it's a negative distance - this is shown in how both Segasaki and Yoh use informal speech with each other (they generally omit the desu/masu forms aka use plain forms, and both use the informal pronoun "俺/ore" for "I" with each other).
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That said, there is also a hierarchy within that relationship (though their individual perceptions of that vertical distance differs) which stems not only from the nature of their living agreement, but also is likely to have carried over from their university days, when they shared a senior/junior relationship. Thus, generally speaking, Segasaki speaks quite roughly with Yoh whilst Yoh tends to use polite forms more often. Keep in mind however, that Japanese is a gendered language, and "rough speech" tends to be seen as a masculine speech pattern and can sometimes be normal between close male friends/family (otherwise, it is the verbal equivalent of getting up in someone's face and pushing them). The key here is that Yoh sticks to an informal, but more polite level than Segasaki does, and it is that difference that shows the power differential.
Horizontal Distance aka "We're Very Close"
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Despite Yoh's very valid complaint that Segasaki takes "man-of-few-words" to the next level (itself a liberty you'd only take with someone close to you), Segasaki only drops to rude forms in Ep 1 once:
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晩飯いらねぇ(banmeshi iranee) - slurred vowel [literally - "dinner, not needed"] Banmeshi is a more informal way of saying dinner (normal = yuu gohan). Despite the slurred vowel, this sentence is not dismissive nor rude - it's what you'd expect between close friends/family.
In Ep 2 we hear Segasaki speak a lot more roughly to Yoh, as below, and of course during the almost-argument. But though his words are rough his intonation is often soft and he's quite tender with his touch. So, we can see that Segasaki isn't being disrespectful per se - he's not speaking roughly because he sees Yoh as beneath him in the social hierarchy - rather, he's demonstrating intimacy, familiarity and possessiveness, all at once. In fact, the more possessive he feels of Yoh, the more he drops his levels. As mentioned earlier, you only do this with people in your "in-group", with whom you know will understand you aren't insulting them.
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遅くなるからいらねぇっつっただろう (osokunaru kara iranee ttsutta darou) - slurred vowel, word contraction, informal end particle [I told you I wouldn't need it cause I'd be late right?] Though somewhat in keeping with Segaski's curtness, this is still a pretty harsh sounding line - but note how Yoh doesn't seem offended or intimidated in the slightest - he understands that Segasaki is tired after a long day, and in return Segasaki softens his tone when he next asks "What did you make?"
Vertical Distance
It's easy to focus on Segasaki's use of rough, assertive langauge as an indicator of vertical distance, and I pointed out quite a few scenes in Ep 3 where he ends off what is essentially an order with assertive sentence-final particles. But focusing on this alone gives the mistaken impression that relationships with vertical distance go one way only - down - when in fact they are bidirectional. There is a mutual dependency between both parties, as we see clearly in MPW. Linguistically, this is portrayed through Yoh's choices to shift up a speech level.
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Just like how Segasaki is introduced to the audience through his proposal direct, informal and very forceful speech style, the first interaction we see Yoh have with Segasaki is a proper, standard greeting:
おかえりなさい (okaerinasai) [Welcome back] Okaerinasai is the full, proper way to say this, but a more casual and common way to say this would simply be "okaeri". See Ep 3 for discussion on standard greetings.
When Yoh thinks about Segasaki in his head, he often uses rough speech the same way Segasaki does, including the rude pronouns "aitsu/koitsu (that guy/this guy)", and yet when he speaks directly to Segasaki, he maintains an informal but still polite/neutral speech style. He rarely shifts down to rude forms, barely coming close even when drunk and emotional, but he does often switch up to a more polite level. In the above example, Yoh uses the full standard greeting in response to Segasaki's unspoken request:
俺、帰ってるんだけど (ore, kaetterun dakedo) [I've already come back, you know] Ending with "dakedo" implies that speaker is going to follow up with something, usually a request or a question. In Japanese, this request/question is often left out, because the context given prior to "dakedo" is usually enough for the listener to fill in the gaps themselves. In this case, Segasaki might want a greeting or dinner, but at the very least, it's clear he wants Yoh's attention.
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We know the standard greeting earlier was a style shift upwards because later in the episode, when Yoh says good night, he uses the casual version "oyasumi" instead of the full "oyasuminasai".
Even outside of standard phrases, Yoh's baseline is informal but not rude:
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あ、いま準備する (Ah, ima junbi suru) - plain form [Ah, I'll prepare it now]
Probably the most telling is in Ep 3, when he's caught off guard whilst folding laundry.
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あ、なに? (Ah, nani?) - plain form [Oh! What?] He answers Segasaki naturally, with just a word, as opposed to a proper “Hai/Yes?”, which he’s done sometimes when he’s unsure of himself, or if he's addressed directly.
So, we've established that Yoh’s baseline with Segasaki is informal but not rude - he feels comfortable enough with Segasaki to default to casual speech, but he acknowledges the power differential between them by simultaneously accepting Segasaki's rough speech as well as not dropping to it himself. This also tells us that the shifts up to formal/polite speech are deliberate and mean something. In EP 2, the shift demonstrated his insecurity surrounding his jealousy and their lack of physical affection, whereas in EP 3, he does it as a way to convey his gratitude.
In the next part, we'll look at how both Segasaki and Yoh use speech style shifts to convey emotion as well as to assume a particular position. Hope you enjoyed this!
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dropthedemiurge · 2 months
Love for Love's Sake final episode BTS were released, and I really don't want to let this story go x) But I loved watching cast play around and tease each other. And in this particular video, everyone went really heavily on flirteasing and especially... on joking about Myungha's drowning scene x))
(tw suicide for following translations)
We saw on IG that Joowan (Yeowoon) and Minsoo (Sangwon) were playing and throwing flip stones on a beach. While fans joked Taevin (Myungha) would get jealous, he actually was watching them from behind xD He was preparing for diving, and those two played around.
PD: It's the day of Myungha submerging, any words? J,M: *said they were gonna go home but since they were worried for him so they stayed.* PD: But I saw you having a lot of fun throwing stones right now? J: Well, if the atmosphere is happy and playful, Myungha will have a hard time dying:D
Then they came back to Taevin.
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T: You two are having so much fun playing with stones... M: We laid down stones so you would die a little bit later~^^ J: It's too sad I really won't be able to live! Т__Т
And then Myungha went into the water, and after the first take everyone shouted that it was perfect (for real! it looked so good! woah!) I think it means they got this long difficult and emotionally heavy shot on their first try? Taevin, you should really keep being an actor!
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Taevin arrived to the underwater filming set.
T: It looks fun! Woah, it's deeper than I thought so I'm a bit nervous. Today is the day when Myungha dies... I'll do my best dying!^^ (/I'll be diligently dying!)
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After practicing swimming, rehearsing and dressing up:
PD: Say something before you go? T: Let's die well! Fighting! (i can't with his excitement for emotional scenes lmao)
My comments: Woah, Taevin actually is such a pro at swimming! Especially lowering yourself in the water, I wonder if the water for such shoots have some special addition to make sinking easier.
Anyway, there were cute scenes as well and I'm annoyed I can't understand 100% Korean because it's too noisy or quiet and I wish I knew what their banter was about. But Taevin just casually joking and then easily crushing his suicide scenes while the viewers were all emotionally suffering for days... I can't with him xD
Btw, guys, I also started writing notes while I was watching their livestreams, does anyone need brief translation summaries of LFLS lives? There are edited videos on youtube that put together well the funniest moments so idk whether anyone needs other casual comments but I have them partially in my drafts. But it'll take a lot of effort to finish %)
Or let me know if you want me to translate some other moment from BTS (I'm not really good with translating by ear yet but I can try my best, at least these videos have Korean subtitles xD)
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 2 months
Link Click Musical update 141 🥳🧡💙
(it's Shu Rongbo AND Wu Yihan's birthday! Have trivia abt them)
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Check Encore Musicals weibo for the birthday clip 🥳🌟
Since you were curious about Shu Rongbo & I already had Wu Yihan trivia on hand, I thought their birthday would be a perfect time to share it all 💙🧡
Big thanks to my sweet @chocolatexiaoshi who researched Shu Rongbo on my request 💗
(side note: srb is a young, rising actor, so sorry that the amount of information I have here isn't proportional :< )
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Shu Rongbo (23 yo)
Born in 2001, March 10th, in Leshan in Sichuan Province
Graduated from Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts in 2018
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audience members compliment his beautiful voice and acting skills that noticeably improved over the course of LC Musical
since he's from Sichuan, where the earthquake actually happened his CXS is praised for wanting to 'fullfil regrets very conscientiously'; meaning his performance during the earthquake plotline feels authentic for the audience
he used to play Stevie in Mio Fratello musical (the mafia one where WYH plays Sonny Boy & lady Florence), turns out the picture below is from his last performance of that character (not a uni graduation like I thought first ^^')
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Intermission: This glorious pictures are from srb's weibo. It was a photoshoot for 'Love' /#音乐剧致爱# musical. They (and Bai Zhuoming too btw) play the same character.
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Wu Yihan (27 yo)
his mbti type is INFP
Wang Haonan, friend from Mio Fratello cast, did a Q&A with him. Through an abysmal method of screenshotting chinese subtitles and image translating I've learned that: he isn't fond of doing 'stage door (sd)' interviews and usually prefers to go home immediately after the performance (I'm not 100% confident what he said, I'll link the video so you can try fact check it)
he has a cat named Yǎo咬 (which I think means 'Bite'); wyh's friend was catsitting him once and posted those pictures, saying the cat sleeps just like his owner.
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to which WYH replied with this:
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+ other actor friends commented these:
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(idk I just loved this exchange)
he smokes (don't smoke kids, it'll never be as aesthetic as WYH anyway)
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Okay, so atp there aren't many posts from their March 10th night performance, bc it ended not too long ago and now it's a late night in China >< I'll make another post about it when I gather enough materials o7
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ellsieee · 7 months
These episodes of Kiseki need to be longer! I almost screamed at where they ended episode 6. I enjoyed this episode a lot. It had a good mix of angst and humor.
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This is one of the oldest confession tropes there is, but that didn't stop me from giggling. Zherui didn't even apologize for spitting in Zongyi's face and Zongyi wasn't at all fazed by getting a face full of beer! 😂
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Three different licenses, three different subtitles. Gaga's is sending me but I think it's the most accurate. Ai Di calls Zongyi 小鮮肉 which literally translates to little fresh meat, which is close to twink though there aren't necessarily any gay connotations with that term. Teenager doesn't quite capture the meaning and young boy sounds too pedo. Btw, how do you screencap off Viki or Gaga? I only get a black screen. 😭
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I love our gay mafia uncles.
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Eating your feelings is so relatable. 😭
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Ai Di goes through so many emotions. First shock, then confusion, then longing, and finally frustration. Chen Yi's hands look so big around Ai Di's neck. The UST in this scene was just chef's kiss.
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This has got to be one of the worst wigs ever. Only the ones from Remember Me might be worse. 🤣
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I like that Zongyi is very straightforward and honest about his feelings. He told Zherui directly that he was nice to him because he liked him and told Zherui that he couldn't be his brother and needed distance to get over him. It's refreshing to see a character that is very clear with their communication.
This series started off a bit slow, but now I can't wait for the next episode.
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lopposting · 1 month
There's a really interesting line by Gemini that is being interpreted, it's during the alchemist tower climb before the manus fight where he says:
"Did you feel that? It's like someone walked across my grave."
Gemini mentioning his physical "grave" piqued a lot of interest for some, while others think that the line is an expression only. I wanted to check what the korean text was to see if the grave mention still exists (because then we might assume that the grave mention is an idiom since it appeared from conveying the meaning of the text, right?)
It doesn't really prove anything, but it's an interesting thought experiment or whatever. Here is the quote in korean:
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Gemini's line read in the english version by Rasmus Hardiker:
Did you feel that? It's like someone walked across my grave. I sense Ergo everywhere. I mean, this place is saturated with it... like what you'd expect from a mountain of dead puppets.
The subtitle lines I found from a korean playthrough, with a translation:
느꼈어? 여기 오싹한데... Feel that? It's creepy here... 수많은 에르고들이 느껴져. ��치 시체의 산처럼 가득…. I feel so many ergos. Like a mountain of corpses…
I don't know if a similar expression (walked over my grave, as in a paranormal chill or feeling that is said to be a premonition of walking over ones own future grave in english-language folklore?) exists in korean. [Also, Gemini saying "dead bodies" instead of "dead puppets"!]
btw, I think it's more than valid if people think that the korean version doesn't matter at all, since the official language is english, and the devs still chose to include the grave line in one way or another. I thought I'd share for what it's worth, take it for what you will.
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cinnamonspicevanilla · 6 months
Coquette Brazilian Midia. pt 1.
Hilda Furacão
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- The miniseries tells the story of Hilda Furacão (Ana Paula Arósio), the most desired prostitute in the bohemian area of Belo Horizonte in the 1950s. Daughter of a traditional middle-class family, Hilda scandalized Minas Gerais society by breaking with her family and conventions, running away on her wedding day and taking refuge among prostitutes and transexuals. It is told by the point of view of a writer, since his childhood with his friends Malthus (Rodrigo Santoro, a big faunlet inspo btw), a bona fide seminarian, known by the population as The Saint, and Aramel (Thiago Lacerda) an aspiring Hollywood actor trying to learn English.
Their lives change when they see Hilda for the first time and witness her change from a fearless but rich and traditional lady and model, to the most sought after and scandalous prostitute in the entire city.
After being popularized in the city as the most beautiful and popular prostitute, Hilda is accused of being possessed by demons and Malthus decides to try to exorcise her in the Church square, only to discover that he would not be able to resist Hilda's charms, she would become his greatest object of desire and guilt.
This story is full of sensuality, anguish, Catholic guilt and other popular tropes on the community, if you like erotic dramas and thrillers, you will love it, and if you like vintage fashion, you will love it even more. If you are from a Spanish-speaking country you can most likely find the series on the internet, as it was super popular throughout Latin America, and if you speak English, I can make some episodes available via google drive, however the person who subtitles the episodes is translating one at a time, so be patient, maybe the wait will leave you wanting more ;)
I decided to make a series of posts giving recommendations about brazilian coquette/faunlet media, i felt that something about Brazil was missing, im very proud if my country's culture and media and think that it should be spread and appreciated more.
Also, aren't her outfits just so cute?
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perplexingly · 4 months
just so you know you are the reason I watched almost 1 hour of a polish musical despite the fact that I don't speak a word of polish because I liked the songs and the actors looked like they were having fun. didn't even have subtitles :(
Anyways to be fair this isn't the first time something like that happened I'm just weird sometimes.
I enjoyed it, btw, in case that didn't come through in all of this. (haven't got a clue about the plot tho)
SFDGFJFK I admire the dedication bless you !! I think I’ll try to translate it, I’m very slow at making subs though so I don’t know how long it will take 🙈
About the plot, it’s a rather fictionalized story of Mieszko I, who became the first king of Poland. But for now a summary:
Mieszko’s father announces that he retires and Mieszko shall now rule over the tribe of Polans, and orders him to conquer. So Mieszko does, he conquers the nearby slavic tribes, each time marrying someone from them. Then Hodon enters the stage and introduces himself: he’s the markgraf of the Saxon Eastern March, a devout Christian, and although he used to be friends with Mieszko, campaigning together, Mieszko „took something close to [Hodon’s] heart” (a piece of land neighboring his) and therefore must die.
The ending of Hodon’s song introduces another conflict: Mieszko, a pagan, falls deeply in love with Dobrawa, the Christian princess of Czechia. Mieszko tries to convince Dobrawa’s father to allow their marriage but to no vial. (That’s why there’s this dance between Dobrawa and Jesus - to show that Jesus is in the way lol).
Then Pope has a song about teaching the pagans with sword and fire and sends Hodon - his bulwark of Christianity - against Mieszko. Then Hodon challenges Mieszko to a rap battle and wins (Mieszko’s lines are objectively better tho 😞)
Later Dobrawa and Mieszko have a romantic picnic but she asks him to convert and it ends up in an argument because he will never. Anyways, the time skips to Mieszko’s christening. (Hodon has a fun scene where he tries to sneak in but Dobrawa doesn’t let him and when Mieszko comes in they have this exchange „Excuse me” „I won’t”)
The Pope is delighted how big the Christian lands have become and how there’s a new bulwark of Christianity. Hodon still wants to fight Mieszko and the Pope doesn’t understand why, now that Mieszko is a Christian. No matter, Hodon’s army goes to attack Mieszko’s (in his song, Mieszko tells Hodon that he’s attacking the bulwark).
In the meantime Mieszko’s father dies, and Mieszko informs us that the final battle will take place in Cedynia. Hodon sends him a letter asking him to settle this with a duel (using sabres) and Mieszko agrees. Dobrawa is worried but he remains unmoved.
The time for the duel comes, and Mieszko asks Hodon to explain himself, now that the earth will be soaked in one of their’s blood, which Hodon does: “You took everything I wanted” “All of this is because of a piece of land?” “Not that, you Pope’s shameless pet. Don’t be daft, it’s about the bulwark. It’s that the markgrafs won’t be counted among the saints. It’ll be your fault if all that history remembers is that you defeated me in Cedynia”
Mieszko dies in this musical but it’s completely not accurate lol the battle (which indeed Hodon’s army lost) took place 20 years before either of them died.
Sorry for this wall of text 🙈
Also for these who haven’t seen the context, it’s this:
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