#transmed discourse
sophieinwonderland · 8 months
can you PLEASE stop tagging your dumb bullshit “syscourse” posts with lgbt tags. i’m begging you.
I mean... when you put it like that...
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I think I'll do it more.
This was a post directly about how the "sysmed is transphobic" talking point harms transgender systems by branding transgender systems who have been harmed by sysmeds as transphobic.
This topic is every bit as much of an LGBT issue as it is a syscourse issue.
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rxgeryoxng · 1 year
Kinda don't wanna see passing women while I scroll. It's not a dysphoria thing I just find them hopelessly boring. Like bitch you had two surgeries and took five years of estrogen to be a boring ass pick me named Kate that works in STEM and goes to Starbucks alone everyday!? Ew gross you had to choice to revamp yourself and you picked the most boring option...
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nullsexducks · 2 years
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casperthemainecoon · 10 months
Critizeing Transmeds as a Transmed:
Btw some of this is pointed out to radmeds and I know that not all transmeds do this its just that I've seen these problems in the community before:
Stop judging random people online: This is a thing that I've done before and this is the most common thing I see in the transmed community. You don't know someone's entire life or story based on a few photos or videos, just because they look like a cis person claiming to be trans you don't know that. Some people can't transition at the moment because of living somewhere unsafe or anything like that . And btw transition takes time so if someone doesn't seem to be transitioning that isn't always the case. I don't pass at all but I am transitioning because I've gotten a haircut, got a binder, told some people close to me my chosen name and pronouns (although they're not being used at the moment) The best example I could use for this is when I was arguing with someone online because they said they were a trans men yet looked completely female (not even GNC, they looked completely cis) I called them cis and said they weren't trans because they didn't experience dysphoria or a desire to transition and they told me that they DO experience dysphoria (social dysphoria) and desire to transition and the reason why they didn't want to transition at the moment was because they wanted to have biological kids and didn't want to mess up their body until they had at least one biological child which is completely VALID. Every trans person is different and their journey is different. Unless someone straight up says they have no dysphoria and have no desire to transition then don't judge because you don't know them or their life or their current situation.
Not everyone has to medically transition or do all the surgeries: This is more directed to the radmeds of the community and I know it is a small minority but I would still like to point it out. Anyways, as I mentioned before, EVERY TRANS PERSON IS DIFFERENT which means that their transition journey will be different. That would include some people not deciding to medically transition. Someone may not medically transition for many reasons, they may already have features of their desired gender and pass with just social transition, their dysphoria isn't that severe and they already feel comfortable with just social transition, etc. Now for surgeries, there are some trans people that will medically transition by taking hormones but they don't want to have any surgeries and that is completely valid. Again, no trans person is the same and people will have their reasons not to get any surgeries. Some trans people will be fine just binding/tucking and don't desire top or bottom surgery, some don't have dysphoria with certain parts of their body and don't need top or bottom surgery (for FTMs with no top dysphoria would probably mean they already have a small chest or no chest at all which is valid for them not to want top surgery), some people just don't want to risk surgery complications, some trans people already pass without surgery and don't feel the need to have surgery, etc. Transmeds belive that to be trans one must have gender dysphoria and a desire to transition and transition is different for everyone, some will only socialally transition, some will medically transition without having any surgeries, some will medically transition and have some surgeries, some will have all the surgeries and everyone's transition journey is VALID :)
Stop supporting right winged transmed creators like Blaire White just because they have a good point sometimes: The right hates ALL trans people, even us transmeds trust me I've tried arguing with transphobes using transmed logic and they were still transphobic. People like Blaire White not only makes the transmed community look bad because she is the root of most transmed stereotypes and strawman arguments (like how all transmeds are miserable, all transmeds are right winged cis bootlickers, all transmeds hate non binary people although Kalvin is also somewhat responsible for that stereotype) but also people like Blaire White have a lot of internalized transphobia as they side with the right which we all know that most of them are transphobic TERFS and transmeds shouldn't associate with these people as they still don't realize that transphobes are after all of us and you can't be a "good" trans person in their eyes. Just because these right winged transmed creators have good takes sometimes doesn't make them a good representation of our community, these people are usually fuelled by negativity which leads me to my next point
Just be more positive guys: Everytime I go on the truscum subreddit all I see is just vent after vent after vent and people complaining about tucutes. Although I do belive that trans safe spaces should allow people to vent, Jesus Christ its all I see, no wonder tucutes think we're all miserable. It wouldn't hurt us to be a little more positive, yea I understand being trans isn't the most positive thing ever, I get it gender dysphoria fucking sucks. But try to focus more on the positives of your life, like how you had a pretty nice day, you passed well today, how therapy is going really well for you, etc. We should have a community where people feel safe to be sad and vent but let's try to be a little more lighthearted :)
And that's all I can think of for now, if you disagree or think I've missed anything I am definitely up for debate and discussion :)
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random-schit · 2 years
Block people if they're affecting your mental health. Don't read comments if they'll affect your mental health.
Internet discourse is just that- on the internet. Half of this shit people argue about online really doesn't matter in the day-to-day or presents completely different.
Echo chambers aren't healthy but if interacting with certain groups of people is causing you serious anxiety or stress, you are under no obligation to engage, to answer their demands, or to fall into their pleas for attention.
Prioritize your own mental health first before you worry about making other people feel better.
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truestscum · 2 years
slay anon uwu/s
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lgbtdebate · 2 years
looking for an lgbt debate server?
consider joining lgbt+ debate, a server geared towards all audiences interested in debating lgbt topics, either in general or in regards to niche discourse.
are you a conservative or someone who aligns with right-wing beliefs? this server is available for you and welcomes anti-lgbt or lgbt critical stances.
on the other hand, people on the left may join as well. liberals and centrists are also welcome.
truscum or transmed? this server has a place for you!
do you identify as gender critical or as a radical feminist? you're free to debate trans topics here. we also have channels that may be suited for other radical feminist discussions.
we only forbid certain groups of people such as n*zis and p*doph*les from joining.
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riseandshineace · 2 years
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tea-and-nuance · 1 year
A disorder is something, that if left untreated will negatively impact your qualify of life.
Years ago it was pretty well understood that gender dysphoria and being trans was a disorder - that if ignored, if resources for social and medical transition weren't made available it would negatively impact transpeople's quality of life. That suicide rates of transpeople were high because of the lack of resources and social support for treatment- which is to transition.
It made sense to me as someone with a number of physical and mental illnesses/disorders. It seemed to make sense to a lot of people who previous had no understanding and little exposure to transpeople.
Now there's this constant narrative that it's transphobic to compare it to or call it a disorder. That you don't even need gender dysphoria to be trans. People get angry at the idea of trans-medicalism which wasn't even a thing until the "not a disorder" idea came about. But why would you need to transition if your life wasn't negatively impacted by not transitioning? People aren't taking lithium and dealing with the side affects just for shits and giggles - but because it'll improve their quality of life by treating their disorder.
So why is it hurtful to even consider gender dysphoria a disorder? Maybe it's because, like most people, they see 'disorder' as a dirty word. They look down on people with disorders. They think it means less than and unacceptable. Celebrate being different unless it comes with a scary label. As if having disorders shouldn't be normalized.
Seems abelist to me.
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Who Counts as Trans? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Trans Tumbr Posts
by Kai Jacobsen, Aaron Devor, Edwin Hodge
August 16, 2021
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
Hitting back at people who actively spread hate against you and support oppressors isn't lateral aggression.
Just because all women may be subject to sexism doesn't make it "lateral aggression" for transwomen to call TERFs out on anti-trans bigotry.
Even though all systems face pluralphobia, it's not lateral aggression for endogenic and mixed origin systems to call out sysmeds on their bigotry.
And even though all trans people face transphobia, it is not lateral aggression to call out the bigotry of transmeds.
We who have to constantly fight for recognition of our struggles are not the aggressors against groups who attack us at every turn. Literal communities bound together solely by their hatred of us.
We didn't start this conflict. We merely sought to exist as ourselves. We are not being aggressive by defending ourselves and calling out exclusionism and hate.
If we ever want to build safer communities for marginalized people, we cannot afford to tolerate intolerance, no matter from whom it originates.
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rxgeryoxng · 1 year
don't call trans men or trans mascs theyfabs!
Just because a ftm is is transmisogynistic doesn't mean he's any less of a man (or masc)
Trans men are men first and should have room to fuck up without being reduced to they're AGAB
If you wanna call out an afab enby out for being transmisogynistic that's fine but If your gonna weaponize that language against trans men (and transmasc) just keep in mind that your actively misgendering them and your being really transphobic.
Two wrongs don't make a right! Hope this helps!
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void-spells · 2 years
Thanks for fighting back in the trusc vs tocute days
There will never be a moment when I will accept someone telling people they aren't the "right" kind of queer. Looking back though, I can see the impact these interactions had on my mental health. I was just a teenager, and where I should have found a welcoming environment encouraging my exploration of gender and its relation to my being a lesbian, I found attacks on anyone like me.
Now, I will admit I am a confrontational person, and I will readily defend myself and others who are being hurt. This led to waves of anon hate at a very young age. Of course, none of this made me realize I was actually cis and just trying to be "trendy," instead I realized gender is so much more complicated than I had previously believed. I don't really have a word for my gender identity other than dyke. I gained a much deeper understanding of myself, but it was at the expense of not being able to fully trust my own community.
I wish I could say this issue is over, but I still see transmeds scattered about. And the very unfortunate truth is that many OLD transmeds became terfs. I learned that if I was vocal enough, sometimes their attention would shift to me instead of a trans woman they otherwise would have attacked, and I used that. I still do, sometimes if needed.
Don't ever let someone tell you that your relationship to gender is wrong, or attention-seeking. Don't accept people telling others this. Don't let young queer kids get brainwashed if you can help it.
If you ever need someone to talk to about this, I'm here. If any kids are questioning their gender identity and need the support I had such a hard time finding, I'm here. Know that I will never quietly accept the bullshit.
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textk4kira · 3 months
I've noticed a trend behind the use of the label "transsexual" vs. "transgender".
Oftentimes transmedicalists use transsexual to differentiate themselves from the rest of the trans community.
It's disheartening and quick frankly, appaling.
You will not achieve acceptance in a cisheteronormative society by distancing yourselves from the "bad" or "confusing" trans folks.
Transsexual is a wonderful label, and we cannot allow transmedicalists to take ownership of it.
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truestscum · 2 years
i was looking at the ask someone sent out about if they have dysphoria or not and i’m confused because that’s true for me (like i feel terrible being referred to as my agab) but i’m worried i’m faking it. also i don’t feel entirely like the “opposite gender” and i feel like that leads to nowhere so. any advice???
Hey Anon, in simple terms I would have to say: you arnt faking to yourself. So if you feel dysphoric while alone then yeah you might have gender dysphoria. If you feel uncomfortable with being called by either gender you could be NB. For now, I would recommend using different pronouns online intill you find something that sticks.
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hiriamcdaniels · 9 months
Don't make me tap the sign
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