#troll is an option every single time
kittyball23 · 5 months
Hi kittyball, did you read the trolls band together junior novelization? Does it include deleted scenes from the movie? I heard there was a scene cut with velvet and veneer buying yachts 😆 and another scene with velvet spraying veneer with troll without warning him.
Hi, I sure did! I do remember that there were scenes and/or little details that differentiated from what was seen in the actual movie, and I’d be happy to share them:
John Dory in the beginning was being a little more critical of Clay’s dance moves
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“C’mon, Clay,” John Dory said. “They’re Funderdrawers! Underwear, but seventy-six percent more fun! Now let’s see those dance moves!”
“Fine,” Clay said with a sigh. He did a quick series of dance steps, naming them while executing them perfectly. “Rusty robot into a wiggle worm, and end on caliente puppet.”
“Not bad,” John Dory said, stroking his chin. “But your robot could be rustier. And your worm wigglier.”
Clay looked annoyed. “Don’t you want my puppet caliente-er?”
“I wasn’t going to say it,” John Dory said, “but yeah. Definitely.”
‘Bro-Time’ happened in both the beginning and the end, each brother doing a hands-in-the-middle thing
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“If we can’t hit the Perfect Family Harmony, we aren’t perfect,” John Dory insisted. “And if we aren’t perfect, we’re NOTHING! Being nothing is definitely not an option. So just follow my lead.” He stuck his hand out, palm down. “Let’s do this!”
Each of his brothers piled their hands on top of his. Together, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and Baby Branch shouted, “IT’S BRO TIME!”
Smiling wistfully, Floyd said, “I can’t believe we almost missed out on all this.” It had been a long time.
“We shouldn’t have let our differences break up our family,” Clay put in, joining them.
John Dory walked up. “That’s right. Because we don’t have to be perfect to be in harmony. We just have to be together.”
Branch started to point out that he had told them exactly that, but he changed his mind. “You’re right,” he said. “Good point, bro.”
Standing in a circle, the brothers each put a hand in. “On three,” Branch said. “One… two… three!”
“IT’S BRO TIME!” they all said in unison, lifting their hands.
Baby Branch was supposed to make his entrance suspended on a wire
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“And making his first live appearance, the Baby!” Glitter burst over the stage, revealing Branch suspended on a wire.
“Awwww!” the whole audience said, charmed by the adorable sight.
BroZone rolled right into their first song. Cool, calm, and collected, John Dory danced up a storm. Spruce blew another kiss, and the fans went wild. Clay added a little goofy touches to the dance steps, getting lots of laughs. Floyd shed a single tear as he sang. And Branch flipped down off his wire, sticking the landing perfectly, nailing every move and every note as the five brothers came together.
As the Family Harmony started to happen, glass broke and a lightbulb shattered
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The five brothers hit a chord and held it. Offstage, a water glass broke. KSHHH! Overhead, a light bulb shattered. SHHINK! The brothers looked at each other. It was happening! They were achieving the PERFECT FAMILY HARMONY!
Smead, Gristle’s Aunt, was supposed to be the officiate instead of Miss Maxine for Bridget and Gristle’s wedding
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Gristle’s Aunt Smead, a tall Bergen with goggles and hair that stood straight up, was in charge of leading the happy couple through their wedding vows. She leaned over and joked, “Hey, Bridget, you still have time to run for it!”
Poppy and JD went through with the whole hug, fist-bump, and wave thing she suggested when meeting him
Poppy rushed over and introduced herself to John Dory. “Oh my gosh, I was being so rude! I’ve never met anyone from Branch’s family before. I’m Poppy. Branch’s girlfriend. Should we hug? Fist-bump? Smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us?”
“All of the above!” John Dory said, hugging her, bumping her fist with his and waving and smiling.
Crimp was supposed to be shown cleaning up the chair before Velvet and Veneer made their entrance on the Mount Rageous show ‘The Bop on Top’
In a TV studio, the pop duo’s put-upon assistant Crimp swept off a chair, making sure it was immaculate before one of her bosses sat on it. Crimp resembled the head of a straw broom, with green eyes, white glasses, and a purple hair bow scrunching a bun of papery hair on top of her head. She was much shorter than Velvet and Veneer, but was still at least three times the size of the average Troll.
Ignoring their assistant, Velvet launched herself onto the chair, squashing Crimp. FWUNK! “So,” Velvet said to Kid Ritz, “what do you wanna know? I’m an open book.”
You are correct, Velvet did spray Floyd’s essence at Veneer without him expecting it lol
Grabbing the perfume bottle, she squeezed the bulb, giving herself a big spray of Troll talent. SHHFFT! Floyd groaned as the energy was sucked out of him. Velvet tested the results, opening her mouth to sing. She let loose an impressive cascade of notes. Satisfied, she smiled and aimed the bottle’s nozzle at her brother’s mouth. SSSHHFFT! “Your turn, Veneer.”
Veneer coughed. “Ack! You’re supposed to say it before you spray it, remember?”
There’s a quick moment where Floyd sympathizes with Crimp
Rolling her eyes, Velvet said, “Ugh. I’m exhausted by this drama. Do you wanna go buy a yacht?”
“Oh, good idea!” Veneer said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s buy matching yachts!” They left the dressing room without another word.
"Can I come out of the corner yet?” Crimp asked.
Floyd looked at her with pity in his big violet eyes. “Girl, you need a new job. I should be the saddest one in this room.”
A small moment where Bruce and JD hug
Seeing an opportunity, Poppy decided to give Bruce a little encouragement. “Prove it. Prove it,” she started chanting. Bruce’s kids all joined in, balling their fists and pumping their arms in time with the chant. “PROVE IT! PROVE IT!”
Bruce took up the challenge. “Oh, I’ll prove it,” he said confidently. “I’ll prove it right now.” He took a deep breath and let it out. Then he hopped up onto the stage and stood next to John Dory.
“Yes!” John Dory cheered. “Bring it in, brother!” They hugged.
More of Velvet being a jerk
A stage manager popped her head through the dressing room door. “Knock, knock, knock – it’s ‘we’re ready for you’ o’clock!”
Velvet faked a super-sweet manner. “Look at you, making your job fun. Good for you! Just give us five minutes. We’re still working on our routine. Okay, doll?” She closed the door and muttered, “Loser.” Then she picked up Floyd’s bottle, planning to take in another spray of his Troll talent before the day’s singing began.
Veneer making a reference to a meme
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Floyd cried, holding his hands up against the inside of the diamond bottle. “Come on, it’s just dress rehearsal. You don’t need me for a dress rehearsal!”
Ignoring his protests, Velvet grabbed the golden spray bulb between her fingers and pointed the nozzle at her mouth, ready to spritz her vocal cords. Her brother spoke up. “Wait. Maybe he’s got a point. Do we even need a dress rehearsal?”
“Obviously,” Velvet said, making a face. “That’s why we’re getting dressed.”
“I’m just saying he doesn’t look so great,” Veneer pointed out. “He has, like, sad Troll face.”
Velvet shrugged it off. “He’s fine.”
Velvet’s suggestions for how to make Floyd better
But Velvet wasn’t overly concerned about Floyd’s see-through hand and overall paleness. “Oh, he just needs some blush,” she suggested. “Or is there a mini tanning bed we can jam into the bottle with him?”
More back and forth with Velvet and Veneer
Veneer paced the dressing room floor, clutching his head. “What are we going to do? We obviously can’t even rely on the Troll to get us through this dress rehearsal, let alone the Rage Dome show!”
Looking annoyed, Velvet said, “How come I always have to come up with something?”
“Because you’re the mean one!” Veneer told her.
“I’m not mean – I’m ambitious!”
Floyd having been conscious while Velvet was shaking the bottle
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Picking up Floyd’s diamond prison, she said, “Maybe we should just try shaking the bottle.” She shook it. Floyd ricocheted around inside, banging against the hard surface.
“Ow! Ouch! Ooh, my knee! My other knee!” he cried.
Lonely People having been sung later on in the movie, after Floyd makes a ‘philosophical’ statement
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Floyd looked at his body, becoming more see-through by the minute. “Well,” he said philosophically. “I lived, I loved, I lost.”
To the accompaniment of gentle ukulele music, he sang quietly to himself. He looked and saw that it was Crimp who was playing the ukulele.
Bruce’s response to learning about Velvet and Veneer’s song
On an empty road that night, Bruce steered Rhonda, listening to Velvet and Veneer sing one of their pop hits on the radio. “My kids love these guys!” he said. “We’re a total Veneer household.”
“They’re the ones who are holding Floyd prisoner,” John Dory called from the back of the van.
Bruce looked shocked. “Wow, everyone’s getting canceled these days.”
A little more Clay and Viva friendship displayed
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Viva put an arm around Clay’s shoulder. “Yeah, I’m the face of the operation, and Mr. Clay takes care of the boring stuff!”
“Guilty!” Clay admitted. He and Viva tapped elbows and laughed. 
Branch and Poppy having a short exchange after leaving Putt Putt Village
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Heartbroken, Poppy watched as the gate closed. She leaned her scrapbook against it for Viva. Branch ran up behind her. “You were right, Branch,” Poppy said. “Family is… complicated.”
Velvet and Veneer having labeled bottles for the rest of the brothers
In Velvet and Veneer’s Rage Dome dressing room, Floyd’s diamond bottle sat on a shelf next to four empty bottles labeled Heartthrob, Fun Boy, Old One, and Baby. Floyd’s bottle was now labeled Almost Dead One.
Branch’s line about the diaper slightly differing
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They tried singing one of their old songs, but John Dory soon cut them off. “Stop! Stop! Time-out. Let’s take it from the top. Spruce, I want some smolder in those eyes. Clay, you’re being too stiff. We need some sillier robot moves. Branch, maybe a smaller diaper.”
“Or some clothes not from the toddler section,” Branch grumbled.
Clay’s line about his CPA position replaced with this:
Bruce got right in his brother’s face. “This isn’t going to work if you keep being the same old John Dory.”
“Yeah,” Clay agreed. “We’ve all changed. Bruce settled down. Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses. And I’m not the guy who shoots milk out his nose and smiles through the burn!”
“Yup,” Poppy said to herself, remembering past milk blasts through her nose. “Been there.”
Crimp also confronting Velvet and Veneer when Poppy and Branch do on the red carpet
“You’re stealing BroZone’s talent because you have none of your own, you big PHONIES!” Poppy said, pointing her own accusing finger at them.
Crimp popped up out of the van. “They’re MEAN!” she shouted. “And I was their assistant, so I KNOW!”
The fans, listening to this exchange, started whispering to each other. Could what the little Trolls and the papery mop with glasses were saying possibly be true?
An extra line JD said when the talent was being sucked out of the four brothers
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Velvet lowered herself back down through the sunroof and punched a button on the car’s dashboard. The roof folded back, clearing the way for a metal arm to rise out of the car, holding an entire round stage. Velvet and Veneer both hit the buttons on their shoulder pads and inhaled big whiffs of Troll talent. The four brothers winced in pain.
“Floyd, why didn’t you warn us about how uncomfortable that is?” John Dory asked.
Slightly different lines when Poppy, Branch, and Viva arrived at the yacht
When she saw Branch, Poppy, and Viva on the deck of the boat, Velvet wasn’t dismayed. On the contrary, she was delighted! “More Trolls!” she exclaimed happily. “This will last us a lifetime!”
Velvet trying to sing after she and Veneer came out of the river that they had fallen into, and Crimp calling the two out again
The yacht came to a stop, wedged diagonally across a narrow passage in the river. Velvet climbed out of the water, turned the camera on herself, and tried to sing.
She sounded awful.
The crowd gasped. “Hey, what happened to your voice?” a fan shouted.
Veneer decided it was time to come clean. “Okay, fine,” he said. “Listen up, Mount Rageous. We are FRAUDS! And we’ve been literally torturing little Trolls!”
The fans were horrified. One yelled, “My illusion of celebrity has been shattered!”
Crimp stepped in front of the pop duo. “It’s true,” she confirmed. And they’re mean. Not ambitious, but just plain MEAN!”
Veneer having put the handcuffs on Velvet instead of Crimp
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“Oh, give it up, sis,” Veneer told her. He faced the cameras. “We just wanted to be famous. Honestly, my sister wanted to be famous, and truly, I was too afraid to stand up to her.”
Disgusted by her brother’s admission, Velvet said, “It’s like I don’t even know who you are.”
“Yeah, you do,” Veneer said firmly. “And you asked me to change anyway. Which isn’t okay, family or not.” He snapped a pair of handcuffs onto her slender wrists. She held them up, asking, “Veneer, what have you done?” Then she admired the shiny cuffs, saying, “Oooh, are these real silver?”
And the ending scene, in which Kismet is not mentioned, and Branch and Poppy have one last exchange
Over the loudspeaker, Crimp announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, you know ‘em, you love ‘em – give it up for the Trolls Kingdom’s very own… BROZONE!” She opened the curtains revealing the five brothers in sparkling new costumes. The crowd went wild!
In the front row, Poppy cheered along with them. Branch offered her his hand. “Poppy,” he said. “I have a small proposal. Will you – “
“Join the band?” she interrupted, bursting with excitement. “Of COURSE, I will! I thought you’d never ask!”
“You know me too well,” Branch said, grinning. “Now get up here and sing with us!”
“AAAAHH!” she squealed, leaping onto the stage. She extended a hand to her sister in the front row. “Viva! Viva, get up here! We’re in the band!”
“This is my dream life!” Viva cried, joining her and whipping out a pair of castanets.
The seven Trolls joyfully sang and danced together, and the audience absolutely loved it. The concert turned into an epic dance party. Fireworks exploded, lighting up the night sky.
Poppy turned to Branch. “I love you, Branch!”
“And I love you, Poppy!” Branch told her.
“Would it be weird if I fainted?” Poppy said. “Oh, I’m gonna faint right now.”
And she did. But Branch caught her. He would always be there to catch her when she fell, and she would do the same for him, no matter what.
Those were a majority of the main differences I could find in the junior novel. I think most of it stayed true to the movie, but some little details I would’ve liked to have made the final cut (the Cliva friendship stuff, the extra Broppy exchange and, while I understand the purpose of NSYNC’s cameo, I think the movie would’ve worked just fine without it)
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thefandomexpert · 28 days
ok. i see u complaining about how long it takes to get to shb, how are you supposed to get your friends into the fucking WONDER that is shb when they have to get through all of The Other Stuff First
I used to have this problem with Homestuck, people who wanted to skip to the trolls, or pass on the intermissions. I will repeat what I said then now:
The later stuff is mind-blowingly good BECAUSE of the setup slog. which is also fun btw, you’re having trouble selling it because you keep saying it’s a slog. it’s good storytelling! yes even arr and sb (i didn’t say it was the best storytelling!! but i’ve seen way fuckin worse!!!). You need to spend 300 hours with the characters and to watch them grow gradually for a LOT of the little character moments to even register later on, and i’m not even talking about the ascian reveals. estinien is a completely different character. thancred’s deep-seated issues have been brewing subtly since 1.0. the socio-economic political climate of the universe is SO important and SO well set up by the arr random task/fetch quests (BABY INCONSEQUENTIAL QUESTS. YEAH THE STUPID ONES IN THE INTRO PRE-SASTASHA SEQUENCES WITH THE NPCS YOU DONT REMEMBER. THOSE.) and that info is integral to character decisions made in every expansion afterwords, and is built upon consistently. the consistent build-up of the lore is, in my opinion, almost entirely the reason ffxiv’s writing stands out against other games of the genre. and it’s BOLSTERED by the fact that it’s a live service game with a shit ton of expansions you HAVE to play through single file when you start fresh. narrative games are usually 15-20 hours. ffxiv is giving you 500+ in msq alone (won’t get into how much the optional and side quests support the storytelling as well).
It’s like one of those long-running book series. you can’t ask someone to read Just the last book of animorphs and expect them to understand the narrative implications of what’s happening, or to get attached to the characters enough to care. that attachment and understanding is built by spending time and reading the other 1500 books prior. shb should not be treated as a stand-alone. in fact it’d be a bad standalone. it’s good BECAUSE there’s 500+ hours of playtime required to get there.
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alastrrz · 2 months
headcannons for getting drunk with tgc?
like how high their tolerance to alcohol is,
what they usually have,
and stuff similar?
ignore my 'ideas' if you dont wanna do them <3
🫧 anon
absolutely!! i love making hcs like this (i also won't be including larry bc he isn't of legal age to drink :P)
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 drunk ; tgc boys
genre/type: fluff/humor, headcanons
read below!
absolute unbeatable tolerance. insane tolerance. dude can take 6 shots of everclear and still walk a straight line.
you've only seen isaac blackout ONCE, and it was complete accident. you hadn't seen isaac drinking that much, but he was actually borderline drunk. he asked you in a pretty sober sounding voice, "how many drinks have i had? should i stop?" you say, "i've only seen you take like 2 shots. drink some more!"
horrible move. he blacked out and also woke up with the world's worst hangover.
ever since then though, his tolerance, like i said, is rock solid.
he likes the classic drinks, so i'd say he likes a good screwdriver.
super clingy and COCKY when he's drunk.
drowning you in kisses and hugs, and he goes, "babe, i'm soooo hot. i'm soooo hot and sexy.."
"sure you are."
your two options are to kill his ego or boost it, but it kills you too much to deflate his ego.
"how cocky was i last night?"
moderately normal tolerance, maybe a TINY bit lower than the average person in their mid-20's.
like, if we're measuring in shots of vodka again, like 4 1/2 shots he'd be gone. not black out gone, but "i'm gonna talk about every celebrity i could probably pull" gone.
he's such a YAPPER when he's drunk dude.
will probably do the trend of writing fake band names to try and make you laugh
he's dancing around to loud ass music in the kitchen, invites you to dance with him, he immediately starts shoving himself against you
he won't shut up about how much he loves you
he's definitely got his head in your lap and he's making you play with his hair and listen to him talk
however you have to stop him talking at a certain point, because he'll just start having a crisis and making himself sad.
he's never blacked out, but he has terrible hangovers.
favorite drink? he strikes me as a daiquiri kinda guy. he'd love them.
but if it's more casual drinking at home, he's happy with some soju.
literally AVERAGE tolerance.
about 2-3 shots of vodka has him tipsy, 4-6 has him drunk, and don't give him more than 8, he might start drunkenly making an album.
he's not a clear liquor guy, he prefers browns like brandy or scotch.
there is almost ALWAYS a bottle of whiskey in the fridge for nick, he never runs out.
he drinks regularly, but he doesn't HEAVILY drink on those nights.
he's super sleepy when he's drunk. he could literally fall asleep anywhere if given the opportunity
he could be laying on the floor to "stretch his back" he's asleep 10 minutes later
you have to carry this dude to bed (and if you can't do it alone, isaac helps you)
like i said he prefers drinking brown liquors, so i think he'd maybe like a tequila sunrise or just straight whiskey
"i have a ROCK SOLID tolerance!" dead in 3 shots. don't listen to him lie to you
every time you and the guys go out for dinner at like chilis or something, blake orders a margarita and everyone sighs in unison
the margarita gets him on the verge of drunk. just a little past tipsy.
he can HARDLY casually drink with anyone because his tolerance is just THAT bad
you constantly pick at him for it but he's just accepted it at this point
he's so SILLY when he's drunk man
cracking jokes that do NOT land at all and are not funny unless he's talking to a bunch of drunk people
"so the.. uh.. what? yeah.. uh.."
he suddenly forgets english
he can barely formulate a SINGLE sentence and he's basically speaking in mumbles
he's like speaking in fancy or speaking in riddles like a troll under the bridge or some shit
you have to baby him while he's drunk or he won't know what the hell is going on
i think he honestly.. just likes whatever he can get his hands on.
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ramshacklerumble · 19 hours
can I see an ashi and gigi interaction <//3 look she even has an emote 🌺
KIDDING!!!!!! BUT HI I WANT MORE GIGI CONTENT 🫶 really curious about 🦐🦑🍄 octotrio? this is my attempt at more unagi crumbs BUT!!! I AM GEN CURIOUS ABOUT OCTO INTERACTIONS 🫣 don’t think I’ve seen gigi interact w the other two ssssso 👁️👁️
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in a nutshell?
if these three carked it right in front of them, gia would at long last repent and hole up in a nunnery like the good lord intended.
jk. (kinda)
on paper, gia is the octotrio’s personal henchboy as payment for a “favor” floyd does them a little prior/early into the events of book 5. (currently working on a one-shot that goes into this) originally gia’s tenure under the mostro lounge was only meant to be for a few weeks, but it’s made readily apparent once the octotrio finds use in something they are not about to let it slip through their fingers.
so begins the trio's pattern of finding even the smallest infractions on gia’s part as cause to extend their servitude under them. this is, understandably, why there's little love lost between them. i’d say gia prays for the trio’s downfall, but gia isn’t religious and far too proactive to wait around for that to happen.
they’ve made it their personal mission not to leave nrc until octavinelle is burning at their feet.
in reality, gia’s relationship with the octotrio is quite complicated.
they’ve been an absolute pain in the neck in every single encounter, but it doesn’t take gia long to realize the octotrio is their speedrun towards getting some REAL power in their hands. proud and hard-working they may be, gia is ultimately a pragmatist at heart.
though a bit of a showman, azul IS an undeniably powerful mage with many a tentacle in many a pie. the twins are nothing to sneeze at either.
as much as gia hates their guts, these three are their chance to make it not only to graduation but to actually make something of themself when staying at night raven is no longer an option.
and that’s not even getting into the growing familiarity between gia and the trio steadily murking the waters…
🦑 AZUL ASHENGROTTO: (tagging @thehollowwriter since you also sent an ask for azul)
perhaps the most subtle dynamic of the three (making it the hardest to explain) gia's view of azul can be largely inferred by their joke-title for him: boss.
if azul wants something done, then gia gets it done. gia proves themself an incredibly adept asset to azul and it's why azul pulls whatever strings he can to keep them under his thumb.
that said, while gia puts up with much of azul's overworking and respects they are indebted to the trio by not putting up much of a fuss-- azul is aware he occasionally has to sweeten the pot if he wants to keep it that way.
he'd be a fool to forget this was the same person who got all his original contracts turned to dust. and besides: what good, gracious employer doesn't reward his employees for their hard work?
so azul doesn't mind giving gia access to a few of his private merchandise channels, maybe even some of his more advanced grimoires and alchemy notes, etc.
this dynamic remains largely unchanged for a while, though if one were to squint they might catch a degree of casualness peppering their interactions over time. they indulge in subtle sniping-- even minor trolling-- namely from gia who finds azul an easy target.
they are not fully aware of how things have changed until @cyanide-latte's chrysanthos shroud makes quite a bitter impression on them both. in a low moment surprising even azul, he admits to gia that shroud makes him feel inadequate as a housewarden-- made worse by the fact azul knows it isn't shroud's intention. shroud, in his own way, truly embodies the spirit of benevolence an octavinelle housewarden should be and it's something azul wonders he'll ever be able to do himself. (you can read more on this in cy's post: here!)
gia, in an attempt to give azul the peace of mind that they won't try to use this moment of weakness against him (and bolstered by the knowledge this could come in as blackmail should he think to use what they're about to tell him), shares a bit of their own worries shroud managed to jar loose.
working for the trio is hard, however, it's also been the path that's given gia the most opportunities. but, with the trio being a year ahead of them, gia is well aware their time with them is limited. they can’t help but mull over what is to become of them when the trio leave for their senior internships. gia will likely never see them again and likely be nothing more than a footnote from the trio’s school lives. a strange, magicless weirdo from another dimension, wasn’t that a fun little story?
gia’s probably going to have a lot of free time as a junior and who knows how they plan to go about senior year, frankly, they’re a bit at a loss with themself…
anyway. if it weren't for azul """kindly""" giving them the chance to gain what they DO have by working for him (or whatever), they'd probably be even more lost than they are now. he's a pain and a half, but he's probably not the worst housewarden in octavinelle history.
at this, azul reminds gia he's made his plans to branch out the mostro lounge to the public quite clear. gia wouldn’t be bound to them anymore, but it'd be a shame to let their experience at the school's location go to waste, wouldn't it?
gia's relationship with jade is probably the strangest because despite jade being the one that wigs gia out the most, he is also the one gia openly gets along with the best.
fun fact: gia opened up their own club. the biking club. they are the only person in said club because, for some reason or another, they reject anyone who tries to get in. it might have to do with the fact the reason the club exists is because they needed an excuse to have a bike on school grounds they are allowed to ride anywhere unquestioned-- such as for personal errands or scavenging for potion ingredients. this includes up in the mountains.
y'know who else is often in the mountains..?
because of this little coinkidink, jade found a very weak and fevered gia struggling to get off the ground because they'd stupidly decided to go out foraging while sick. and of course, what good, gracious vice-housewarden of octavinelle wouldn't lend a hand to a poor, unfortunate underclassman in need despite their fervent protests? they're obviously, deliriously ill and are unaware of what's best for them…
indebted to jade on top of the octotrio as a whole, gia lost what little personal time they had as president of their own one-man club. now the biking club is (semi-officially) affiliated with his mountain lovers' club-- meaning gia accompanies him whenever he goes and bikes him around trails whenever he feels like it.
in theory, being alone up a mountain with jade leech should be terrifying, but gia sincerely enjoys these outings. jade is not only incredibly well-versed in mountain flora but a skilled potionologist in his own right.
honestly, it’s not bad.
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they're friends :)
@inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @jovieinramshackle @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk (lemme know if anyone wants to be included in tags)
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ltleflrt · 1 year
This whole backlash against printing fics irks the fuck out of me, and I got some shit to say about it. Mostly "Fuck You" but here's some nuance:
On the surface, I understand where the naysayers are coming from. It's a legitimate fear that making a profit from fanworks will bring down the C&D Hammer on fandom. I get that. Do not put on the One Ring, or you'll risk the Eye of Sauron.
But here's the thing. Fuck capitalism. Fuck digital only. We're living in the digital dark ages, and 100 years from now huge swathes of our history, fact and fiction, will be lost to our descendants because there will be no physical copies of our lives for them to find in old libraries and boxes in the attic, etc.
Creators deserve physical copies of their creations, and so do the other people in the world who love them.
I don't want to profit from letting people print my fics. That's why I use Lulu, since they have an option to set zero profit and make the links hidden so only fans in the know can get a copy. Other printing sites I've looked at in the past don't have those options. In fact, the first time I ever even thought about printing one of my stories was when I won NaNo for the first time and one of the prizes was a coupon for 3 free printings of your story. HELL YEAH, that's a copy for me, a copy for my beta, and a copy for the artist who made the cover for me. Perfect! But I ended up not using that coupon, because the site required I set a profit margin, and did not have an option to make it private. Ummm, no thanks. Not worth the risk. And even though the profit margin could be set as low as ten cents, I did not want to make ANY money from my fic, because I know that would be breaking Fair Use rules. I found Lulu instead, and decided to let other people get copies too, because I'm nice. And if I don't, it's not like I can stop them from doing it themselves, no matter how much I'd rather they not do that.
But that's not good enough for the Reporting Trolls. Their argument is that it's not possible for it to be completely profit free, since Lulu makes a profit on the printing costs and the shipping carriers make a profit off the shipping costs. Someone is making a profit, and that's unacceptable, even if that someone is not Me, The Person Who Made The Printing and Shipping Worth Paying For.
I would like anyone who thinks that to delete your accounts where you read fanfiction. AO3, Wattpad, FFNet, LJ, Dreamwidth, hell even Tumblr for the short ficlet stuff that only gets posted here. Because even if the website it self isn't profiting, (AO3 for example), the companies that sold them their server hardware made a profit. Since utilities are privatized, the electric company that runs those servers are making a profit. IF YOU PRINT IT ON YOUR PRINTER AND PUT IT IN A 3 RING BINDER, the paper, printer, and ink manufacturers made a profit from your dinky little print out. The companies that build all the parts for your computer or your smartphone made a profit on your portal to the internet, who profits from your monthly subscription, just like your electric company profits from the power it takes to run your pc or charge your phone battery. IT'S A SLIPPERY FUCKING SLOPE, AND YOU NEED TO LEARN WHEN TO BACK AWAY FROM THE LEDGE.
We live in a Capitalist Hellscape, and if a company could figure out how to charge you to breathe and for every single beat of your heart, they'd fucking do it. So get off your goddamn high horses with this "wELL SoMEonE iS makINg PrOFit" bullshit. Or if you truly believe that, shut off every account you own, turn off your utilities, and go live in the woods and make up your own goddamn stories, which you can only share orally to the local wildlife. They give kudos by biting you and giving you rabies.
(not to mention; these assholes don't go after fanartists who are ABSOLUTELY making a profit off their work. but noooo, Flirty can't format a fic for print and allow other people to pay for the printing service and shipping, while never seeing a penny of that herself, despite all of the GODDAMN WORK I HAVE PUT INTO IT, WRITING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE INCLUDED FUCK YOU VERY MUCH. fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufucky--)
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Hi! I wanted to say, I read that you are a professional editor, and think it's amazing! You also give very logical and well explained advice. I was wondering; would you say being an editor is a job you can support yourself with? I actually aspire to become one someday, but I'm not exactly sure if it's a good plan.
Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a good day/night
Hey there. Great question. It's totally possible to support yourself as an editor. I've done it, and so have other editors I know. However there are a few important things to consider before choosing editing as a career path.
Your chances of being a self-employed freelancer are extremely high. The number of in-house editing jobs in publishing are low and getting lower. While being self employed can give you a certain amount of flexibility, it also comes along with a lot of hustle and hassle, namely fluctuating income, a stupid amount of confusing tax paperwork, and the need to constantly promote yourself to clients in order to maintain steady work.
You probably won't make as much money as you'd think. Editing is one of the many skilled jobs that suffers from market saturation, which has sadly driven down the price the average client is willing to pay for editing services. I can't tell you the number of overqualified editors I know charging barely more than minimum wage for their work. Personally I've stuck to my guns about charging what I'm worth, but I've sometimes suffered by not having as much work as my colleagues who charge less.
Robots have already chipped away at the future of editing as a human occupation, and will continue to do so at exponential speed in the years ahead. They will never obliterate the job completely, as there will always be humans who prefer to work with humans instead of machines. But the outlook will become ever bleaker as more humans compete for fewer gigs, which in turn will drive down prices even further.
If you are also a writer, editing may adversely affect your writing. I don't mean that you'll become a worse writer, quite the opposite. My editing work has brought new depths to my writing, and I'm grateful for all I've learned by working with my clients. However, editing takes time, uses creative energy, and requires staring at a screen (or paper), and personally the more I edit, the less time/creativity/screen-staring capabilities I have left for my own writing.
If you mention you're an editor, someone will troll your post for a typo, grammatical error, or misused word, and then triumphantly point it out to you in the comments. This is mostly a joke. But it does happen every single time.
I hope this hasn't been too discouraging. If you feel a true passion for editing and really enjoy the work, none of the above should dissuade you. However, if you think you might be happy in any number of occupations, I'd honestly advise you to explore other options. Choosing a career path at this point in history is a gamble no matter what, but the outlook for editors is especially grim.
If you'd like to work with writers and aren't attached to being an editor, there are a few jobs (still freelance) that I believe will survive the coming robot apocalypse. Do a little Google research about "book coaches," "writing coaches," or "book doulas." These are people who act primarily as emotional supporters and logistical helpers for writers who are trying to get their book published or self published. Some of them do actual editing, but many do not, and due to the therapeutic nature of their work I believe they will flourish longer than editors in the coming robot apocalypse.
If you do explore editing as a path, the further away you can lean from spelling and grammar (e.g. proofreader or copyeditor), the longer your skills will be useful when competing with robots. AI still struggles to offer the same kind of nuanced, story-level feedback that a human can give. (Speaking from experience here--I'm a developmental editor and have yet to see a dent in my workload because of robots.) They'll catch up eventually, but it could be a while, and as long as there are human readers, there will always be humans who are willing to pay for a human perspective on their writing. Human spell checkers maybe not so much.
Hope this helps!
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nekropsii · 4 months
people want a gay male version of the dancestor poll???? like one guy there would be able to have a good relationship with another person and most certainly not with any of the other male dancestors. (hint: its mituna)
Yeah. I love the Alpha Trolls, they��ve been my jam since I first got into the comic, like, 10 years ago, but… Look, man, you can like the Alpha Troll guys all you want, they are interesting characters in their own right, but I am pretty sure Hussie explicitly wrote them to be honest to god nonfunctional in shipping contexts.
This even includes friendships. The only exception is, as you’ve said, Mituna, who is literally the only male Alpha Troll I could easily see in functional relationships- platonic, romantic, and otherwise- but genuinely none of those good possibilities are with any of the other male Alpha Trolls. Mituna is the only male Alpha Troll that’s capable of having a normal, functioning relationship, especially on a long term scale, just… Not with any of the other men here. Mituna can have great relationships!! Just only with the female side of the Alpha Troll cast.
Acting like gay male Alpha Troll ships are anything of substance- especially functional, stable substance- just feels like major copium. Sorry to my followers for using the word copium, I couldn’t think of any other way to put it. Literally none of them work. None of them are something that should spark joy. The only times they do work in some degree, it’s only as a god damn case study, and shouldn’t really be included under the label of “shipping”, in my opinion. It’s really fucking funny.
The male Alpha Trolls are absolutely fucking unshippable. Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop people, and a good 95% of the time I see some ship involving an Alpha Troll guy, I just pull out a gun. Sorry, not sorry.
So, yeah, no M/M version of the Alpha Troll Yuri Poll. The men get too much attention for all the wrong reasons, and every single god damn combination of them is terrible.
Plus, I wouldn’t be caught dead putting Cronus or Kankri as options in Best Ship polls. Ew. Ew ew ew. I’d rather set myself ablaze.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK's White day live, JM's Angel pt. 1 and all that's in between...
I keep coming back to this clip today.
This is the third time I'm sharing it here today, lol.
But you see, the brain is working, wheels are turning, old and squeaky but still at work.
JK did this, we all know it.
White day live, while JM was in the US, doing who knows what (we will talk about that in a sec).
He got super excited when JM showed up and didn't want him to leave, but JM had work to do (and like I said, we will be getting there in no time).
JK set up the mood. Played songs from his playlist, one being, surprisingly or maybe not so much, There for you by Troye Sivan. The song that happened to be the soundtrack of GCFT. The singer that happens to sing Angel baby.
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Then JK plays Golden Hour, by JVKE, who happens to have recorded a song together with JM, who happens to be in the US at the time. We are talking 14 March 2023, song to come out on 18 May 2023. A song that has long been recorded, which means JK KNEW very well at this point that these two are connected.
JK stages the table and camera to showcase the JM, and then sings "your the love of my life" with the song. He knows the song, he knows how to time it perfectly. You can see the wheels in his mind working to time it just right.
So let me put this all together for you:
JK came on White day playing a song that he used for his own soundtrack, GCFT, sung by a singer that has a song called Angel baby (which has been linked to Jikook by many Jikookers), GCFT being a showcase for JM, then played a song by JVKE, showed the JM tattoo and sang "your the love of my life".
All this while knowing that JM is collaborating with JVKE on a song called Angel pt.1 and is in the US, and this last part is an assumption on my part, shooting the MV to said Angel...
JK, the spoiler king was doing his thing here.
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This is a hill I am willing to die on.
And you know what else?
JVKE was trolling us all, lmao.
TKKs and JKKs and solos alike. Everyone was dreaming of any option possible, except for one that was JM alone.
Joke was on us, and I have zero hard feelings, lol.
I'm loving every single minute of this.
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18 May 2023, if you haven't already, put it in your calendars.
Who knows, maybe JK will come around to remind us... fingers crossed.
Oh, and one more thing...
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Knowing everything we know today. Do we still think the J over the M still stands for Jungkook???
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staycorpse · 8 months
how do you think corpse would be with a tall gf??
Corpse x Tall! Gf 🖤
author’s note: that’s all i can think of at the top of my head rn 🥹🫶🏽 thanks for requesting this! hope you enjoyed! 🫧
not me forgetting how tall this man is 🥴
it’s a mix of him being your biggest hype man nd being a troll
right off the bat, just want to clarify: i don’t see him having a preference over his partner’s height. honestly i see it as something he doesn’t give a fuck about. he loves you for you, period. whether you’re taller or shorter, it doesn’t matter to him.
if you are confident about your height, best believe that both of your feeds will be of the two of you slaying fit checks like it’s nobody’s business!
every post on his platforms will be of him hardcore simping over you, how such a baddie you are- becomes a whole stan acc
best believe you will be the album cover or single cover on any of his music projects
if it’s something you are insecure about, he’ll go out of his way to hype you tf up! every. single. time 👏🏽
like for example, you’re planning on going out nd dressing up. nd you’re debating between wearing those cute heels/platforms or some regular flats
the correct option is to wear those cute heels/platforms 🤷🏾���♀️ especially if it’s what you wanted to wear in the first place!
will end up making you late bc he’s trying reassure you that you look great in the heels/platforms. doesn’t want you to leave the house without wearing what you actually wanted to bc you were worried about being taller than everyone else
ngl corpse likes it when you’re even taller bc of the shoes you’re wearing (i didn’t forget him simping over lady dimetrescu from re8 so… 🫠 don’t @ me)
he gets pouty bc you don’t understand how being taller makes you even more beautiful to him
will always compliment you and tell you how beautiful you are
every time you enter the room, you hold his attention without even trying nd you’re just subjected to constant love, praise nd support
he could be on a stream/call with his friends nd will pause for a moment just to tell you that you’re hot af nd that he loves you
whenever his friends ask him if he feels a lil insecure himself about being shorter than you, he shuts that shit down IMMEDIATELY
will always let it be known that it’s never a problem, just an added bonus bc its you
he could get teased himself for being shorter than you nd he doesn’t hesitate to hit anyone back with his sass/put them in check
to him, it’s such a nonissue nd it sometimes makes him laugh that people will find the time to talk shit about your guys’ height difference
will share stories with his friends where he does tease you a bit bc of your height
like for example, you both are in the kitchen and he asks you to get him something from the top shelf
even though you know he’s more than capable of doing it himself, when you do entertain him by grabbing the thing he asked for, he’s just gets giddy about it
like wow is this how girls feel when it’s the other way around? 🤭
one time you thought it’d be funny to pin him against a wall to see his reaction nd he got so stunned! he was a stuttering nd blushing mess 😂 lowkey likes it when you do it to specifically put him in his place when he gets too bratty or sassy with you
if you want to know the quickest way to get him to fold, slowly pin him against the wall without breaking eye contact. you’re welcome 🤪
expect a lot of back hugs! he just can’t help himself. you could be cooking or streaming nd he’ll just hug you from behind. he lives to be the little spoon when you two cuddle.
nd if his head is not laying on your chest so he can hear your heartbeat, he will throw a pouty fit 🤧
he’s really just living the girl fantasy nd he wouldn’t trade it for a second. like he’s so baby girl coded when it comes to you
will sometimes ask you how the weather is up there 😭 which results in a swift ‘stfu babe’ but!!! if you do decide to entertain his bullshit, it’s usually followed up with a sarcastic answer
“currently a thunderstorm rn..” or “pretty cloudy today.”
“aww babe,” he’ll coo, “c’mere, let me make it better.” you lean down to his level nd he’ll just kiss you
even better if you’re standing over him, he’ll just motion for you to lay on top of him or sit in his lap nd he’ll just shower you with kisses
after of giving you your very much deserved love nd affection, he’ll see the smile on your face nd say, “hmm, i think there’s a 100% chance of sunshine today~”
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icedragonlizard · 20 days
I headcanon that Susie Haltmann sometimes dyes her hair color.
Pink is what she mainly sticks with, as that's her default. But there are occasions where she'll decide to dye it a different color temporarily until she turns it back to pink later.
Other colors that she's dyed her hair to include: purple, green, blue, yellow, red, orange, brown and black.
Yes, she's dyed it many different colors! Susie is a decorative person that loves to try out many different styles and fashions.
Purple is her second main after pink. This is because purple is actually Susie's natural hair color (matches her dad). Pink became her favorite color at the age of 4, and that's when her dad dyed her hair pink as that's become her default hair color since.
But despite pink being Susie's main, she sometimes decides to dye it purple and have it stick for a few days until she goes right back to pink. She does it to honor her dad sometimes.
She dyes her hair green on Saint Patrick's Day every year.
Blue, yellow and red? Bruh, those are the mage sisters' hair colors! It's okay lol. Susie has received their permission to do it on occasion.
Catch her being blue-haired and doing gun stuff with Francisca. Or catch her being red-haired and engaging in trolling matches with Flamberge. Or catch her being yellow-haired and teaming up with Zan to make fun of people on the internet.
Also hilarious that red is one of the hair colors that I headcanon Susie sometimes dying it to, because Parallel Susie has that LOL.
Orange, brown and black are just other colors that Susie decides to occasionally resort to. What can she say? She tries out many options!
How do Susie's friends react to her various different hair colors?
Taranza sincerely compliments her every time, as he well and truly believes she looks beautiful in any hair color. Kirby gets surprised each time he encounters her hair color being different, but still cheers to be supportive. Magolor has found jokes to tell about every single different hair color she's done, as that's his way of being her friend. The mage sisters enjoy it all too.
Don't be surprised if there's comical discussions when the mages catch her hair color being one of theirs. Especially with Flamberge. Susie's dynamic with Flamberge is pretty similar to her dynamic with Magolor: the two love trolling each other for enrichment.
Anyways, yeah, that basically sums up this little headcanon. You're still going to see Susie in her usual pink hair most of the time, but she's a girl of various styles.
She doesn't tell her friends in advance when she dyes her hair color, so she catches them by surprise when they see her hair dyed. Although they already know some of her patterns at this point, including Saint Patrick's Day where her hair's gonna be green.
That's it! Thanks for reading.
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pip-n-chips · 11 months
how (some) DoL characters play Minecraft
Mainly sticks with the easy difficulty
Likes building things in survival mode instead of creative for the extra challenge
Has keep inventory on + mob griefing off
Plays multiplayer a lot (sometimes with local orphans, sometimes online), and can get quite competitive during minigames
Parkour is the bane of their existence
Has like 46 dogs in their main survival world
Scared of Herobrine (they know he's fake, but...)
Has thought about streaming their gameplay, but they need some encouragement from you in order for them to go through with it
The peaceful music from the game paired with Robin's commentary is calming, you might take a nap...
Griefs your base with TNT and lava buckets, initially
Starts getting more creative with ways to fuck with your shit, you'd be impressed if you weren't so pissed
Got a friend of theirs to help them use cheats, but brags about it + takes the credit for themself
Has been banned from a handful of online servers, takes pride in the ever growing list
Builds,,, questionable sculptures
"lmao get good bro"
Basically a big troll lmfao
Throws their controller/hits their keyboard when raging (they strike me more as a console type of person, though)
Has a dog/cat/horse they name the same thing every single time (perhaps in remembrance of an old pet or stray)
Almost exclusively* plays modded singleplayer
* Maybe they used to play with Robin or other orphans (before life got so much more complicated, anyway,,)
Has made their own mods + add-ons but hasn't posted any online
Fond of mods that add RPG + fantasy elements to the game (especially DRAGONS!)
Pretty good with redstone, they like making weird contraptions
Has a complicated + organized base
Sets up traps, hidden compartments + other secrets in their base even though they're the only one who'll see it
Tries to get all the achievements (vanilla + any that mods add) + collects and frames special items
Has a lot of commands memorized + knows how to use command blocks
You introduce them to the game and they like it a lot!
It's funny watching them learn more about the game and what to do/what not to do
Punched a bee once and fell off a cliff trying to run from it
Dies a lot tbh, and you see death messages you've never seen before because of that lol
Corrupt!Sydney makes their character twerk (crouch, un-crouch, repeat), laughs at it every time
Surprisingly good at building, recreates locations from their favorite books
Only really plays it when you guys play together, though
If you're gaming together at their house, Sirris pops in to check in on you guys at some point and pauses to smile at the heartwarming sight (as embarrassing as it may be for Sydney)
"What if I put my Minecraft bed next to yours? haha jk... unless?"
Has the most OVERKILL gaming PC setup you've seen (way too many screens, everything has lights, etc etc. looks pretty dope tbh)
Likes designing Minecraft skins! (there's like 10 separate skins of you in different outfits)
Plays heavily modded Minecraft, but will play vanilla or lighter mod packs with you
Definitely tried that one Girlfriend mod at some point
Has attempted a few speedruns (in the Top 10s for some of them!)
Gets SO excited when you tell them that you like Minecraft too (but it's not like they didn't know that already)
Doesn't have much time to play with their current workload
When they do, the most they do is play it as a farming sim (???) (you get them to explore more options to do in the game)
Becomes a BIG fan of parkour!
Downloads parkour + adventure maps so they can play it offline (farm WiFi can be unreliable)
Learns some basic redstone, mainly to improve their (in-game) farms
Automatic farms + mob grinders, though they still like the experience of doing it themself
Builds a Minecraft version of their real farm, excitedly shows it to you
Names some in-game farm animals after their siblings as a joke
Only plays offline because they live in The Forest ™️
Loves potion brewing! (they don't have an internet guide so they experiment with different combos all by themself, gets quite good at it)
Hoarder. Has so many items scattered across their chests, they forget what they do and don't have
Aesthetic matters to them a lot when choosing where to put their base + building it
Went to the End + defeated the dragon just to get the blocks there + the egg for decoration
1.17 (first part of the Caves And Cliffs update) is their favorite yet, all the new blocks and cave biomes make them go aaaaaaaaa
Felt so bad when they had to kill animals for food in the beginning, has a good farm system now though
Definitely keeps mobs you can't tame as pets
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not-goldy · 5 months
Oh Goldy I've seen literally every explanation and excuses from this 'fandom' on why Jkk decided to enlist together
They've tattoos, they are same hometown, they didn't had option, it's fanservice, it's because Jin is there, JK is forced, they are real brothers
"Do you think it's a gay bar for gay couple to go together ? If anything this canceled Jikook ship as a whole as a couple in homophobic country won't enlist together"
How shitkookers feel after saying this: 🤡💪
If 2017 GCFT was what made them mental retraeds for 1st time... this enlistment is making them totally lose it. I hope bt travel show coming out they'll consider jumping off the cliff 🥺🤞🤞🤞 because it's better not to be alive as a tkkr to face post military jkk lmao...
They are grasping at straws because they have nothing to stand on. The best they can do is troll. That's all they doing is trolling 🤣 😂 💀
They sound as if Gay men don't go to the military together all the time. It's mandatory service they won't be exempt just because they are queer.
And yes, they are going to be under close scrutiny especially on mere suspicion of their sexuality- their privacy will be violated, people will be suspicious of them- unfortunately all that will happen because that's just what homophobia is and from what I hear it's quit prevalent in the SK military and even straight dudes who get suspected of being queer get burned.
The difference here is, Jikook have some clout and some privilege going in there. I don't expect them to be given special treatment just because they are the most successful boy band on earth right now but that type of success comes with social clout and currency.
Unfortunately they won't tell us the struggles they face in there because of their fame, looks, sexual orientation, skintone, height, features- even if we know they do face these micro discriminations- I mean we know they make fun of eachother jx because they get tanned etc.
I'm being sensitive because I find a lot of these things triggering for me. It's giving boarding school all over again.
We might wait have to wait for their memoirs and autobiographies for their honest thoughts and experiences of these things in their lives.
Whatever it is, I still stand with them.
But for me, being queer, having experienced bullying, homophobic violence and knowing the grave danger queer people face in certain unwelcoming spaces I wish people would understand just how terrified I am for them right now. And it's not just for them, but for every single queer individual that has to mandatorily serve. The stories that come out of there is brutal.
This is the most stressful moment of my life in this Fandom. And I think some of us are rightfully concerned for their safety- as any one who thinks they are queer should. Hopefully, nothing happens to them. At worst, they get outed for being queer and get prosecuted for having gay sex while in the military.
And what these dummies don't understand is- its immaterial whether they think Jikook are a couple or not. What is at stake here is, even if they should individually have sex with their "boyfriends" off duty off base- they will still be prosecuted for having gay sex while serving.
So yes, even if you think Jikook are not a couple- if you believe they or anyone in BTS is queer at all- you should be very much concerned for their safety and human rights regardless.
If they are queer, them enlisting will not make them straight and is certainly not evidence of they are straight because there are gay men, Trans and non-binary individuals in the south Korean military. Enlisting into the military is not some magical test of straighthood. All that enlistment means is enhanced risks for the queer individuals who actually enlist- but no, of course that's not what people are concerned about.
Like I said in an earlier post, I haven't come across any gay law/ regulations that prohibit queer couples from enlisting together or at all. If there is then Jikook would be violating those laws as closeted gay men which only put them in graver danger.
If such a law exists at all its cruel, draconian, machiavellian, and outright discriminatory and I don't know why people would use that as plot device in fan/ship warfares. It's downright stupid and insensitive, and oppressive against LGBTQIA's.
In times like this I think we can appreciate the privilege of silence, of being closeted, of being straight passing- because it becomes easy to move through a world that caters for straight people and is designed for them.
Not gonna lie, I find the minimalizing and trivializing of the risks Jikook face IF THEY ARE INDEED QUEER, insensitive and disgusting.
Because I'm sure parents siblings and friends of actual queer men- shit their pants, pour ash on their heads and quiver at the knee at the thought of their gay relations going into the military.
Some of you will never know how it feels and to that I say, it's not fair😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The fact I even have to explain the reason for the fear anxiety and worry makes me sick in the stomach 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I don't hate straight people but also I do😭
Hate you all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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strqyr · 3 months
ngl they were so rude with not showing qrow or even hinting at his presence on patch during the flashback even tho like, yeah, qrow doesn't know anything about summer's missions but it's not like raven can't open portals far away from the other person, so. the option is there, for it to be to qrow. and it keeps haunting me every single time i'm thinking about who the portal is to bc it was kept a secret for a reason—maybe. possibly.
but they could also be really really trolls about it, ya know? like yeah that portal is a real cliffhanger, who could it be to :) and then it's just. qrow.
but THEN. maybe that's part of it. leave qrow out of the flashback so people will think the portal is to him and thus the eventual reveal who it really is to will hit harder instead of being obviously someone unknown.
maddening, it is.
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hyperfixated-fan · 2 years
Hello, Ninjago fandom, while we impatiently wait for the second half of Crystalized to be released, may I interest you in some good old nostalgic shows with familiar Canadian voice actors to pass the time. Ironically, Sam Vincent (Lloyd’s VA) is in every single one of my suggested shows and in 3 of the 4, he’s got a lead role. XD
Also, I need more people to revive some of these old fandoms! Please hear me out while I info dump! The options get better as we go along since I firmly believe in saving the best for last. I hope you like my long ramble.
First off, we have Slugterra:
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This show had a pretty good run with multiple seasons and specials. It’s a good action show and enjoyable for passing the time. I binge watched it while reading through my driver’s training stuff. A solid Saturday morning-esque show.
As far as notable characters and voice actors go, we’ve got:
Eli Shane voiced by Sam Vincent (Lloyd’s VA): he’s the main guy and very comparable to Lloyd since he’s got daddy issues. Poor guy spends forever trying to locate his dad while at the same time filling the role as hero and protector of the Caverns. Also, he’s the reason this show got so many female viewers. Those simps.
Dr. Thaddeus Blakk voiced by Mark Oliver (Garmadon’s VA): he’s the typical big bad villain type. A bit bland but it’s hilarious to listen to if you’re a Ninjago fan because all you end up hearing is Lloyd vs. Garmadon half the time.
Kord Zane voiced by Andrew Francis (Morro’s VA): he’s a troll and the muscle and mechanic of the main group. Not much to say about him. He’s a sweet, protective dude. Also, I just like that he’s got the name Kord Zane since I’m a huge Zane fan.
Trixie Sting voiced by Shannon Chan-Kent (Racer Seven’s VA): she’s neat and seems to be the second in command to Eli. She’s you’re typical strong female character type. Good news is that there’s no annoying trope that she is in love with the main guy though.
Pronto voiced by Lee Tockar (Borg’s VA): he fits the comedic relief trope really well. Unfortunately, he’s borderline annoying for me. I don’t have anything really notable to say about him. You just gotta tolerate him. Occasionally he has his uses.
Junjie voiced by Vincent Tong (Kai’s VA): he’s not a main character but I really love him and the Asian influence the show goes through when he’s around. Cool dude that also has so much trauma packed into him when you think about all he went through. You’ll understand if you watch.
Burpy is the iconic slug of the series. A 10/10 character. Loyal as ever and super adorable. Sassy when he wants to be.
Pros of this show:
Adorable side character slugs with awesome powers
Elemental slugs!!
a whole arc about trying to free a place from an evil emperor (sound familiar?)
Teaches against animal cruelty.
Shadow creatures that for once aren’t evil villains.
So many other familiar side characters with Ninjago VA’s. It’s honestly just fun to see how many familiar voices you can pick out.
Interesting concept, lore, and world building if you dig deep enough and overanalyze everything.
Cool fights and slug shootouts.
Action with a side of found family is always a plus.
Solid team dynamics and brotherly teasing.
A bonus is that there’s very little romance in this show. Very refreshing to see.
Next we have a forgotten classic, Class of the Titans:
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This show had two seasons and had a decent ending. It definitely deserved more run time because there really aren’t that many animated shows about Greek Mythology that are kid friendly. A big main crew with a few familiar Ninjago voice actors sprinkled in for the fun of it. Another Saturday morning-esque show but with a better feel of having an overarching plot than Slugterra did in my opinion.
They have so many character tropes that create the whole main crew so I’m going to try to go through them quickly.
Jay voiced by Kirby Morrow (Cole’s VA): the level-headed leader. Very similar to how Cole started out as team leader. Also, it’s just funny for Ninjago fans to see a character named Jay be voiced by Cole’s voice actor.
Theresa voiced by Kelly Sheridan (Gayle Gossip’s VA or better known for playing Barbie): a psychic seer who is Jay’s love interest (reminds me of Barbie and the Nutcracker solely bc of the voice actors). I wish I liked her more, especially since she’s a seer like Zane. Honestly, neither girl characters really stand out to me but they’re nice to have around.
Atlanta voiced by Meghan Black in season one: the action archer girl who has super speed. She’s neat and very strong-willed. (Side note: I find it funny that every main character girl I’ve mentioned so far are all redheads.)
Odie voiced by Doron Bell Jr. (Griffin’s VA): the smart tech guy. He has his uses and sassy moments. It’s also funny to see what was considered high tech back in the mid 2000s.
Herry voiced by Ty Olsson: your typical strong, protective, big brother guy trope. He’s got a really awesome, scrappy grandma.
Neil voiced by Ted Cole: the self-absorbed guy who serves as comedic relief a good portion of the time. Some might find him annoying but he has his high points and is genuinely funny. He’s not a fighter at all and is dubbed “the lucky one.” And boy, is he lucky indeed.
Archie voiced by Sam Vincent (Lloyd’s VA): my personal favorite. He’s an occasional jerk but he’s genuinely an adorkable guy. I relate to his whole “wonky ankle” thing, but he’s a great warrior regardless (and the second fastest on the team? How?). He’s got a huge crush on Atlanta which is amusing and sometimes cringy to watch.
Cronus voiced by David Kaye: the main villain of the show. Typical wicked guy who wants to end the kids who are prophesied to defeat him. I know there’s a good number of simps for him. It’s hilarious how much this god loathes this group of kids but is also genuinely terrified of them, especially Jay.
If you’re missing Cole’s voice actor, this is the show to watch.
The entire show is free on YouTube Very imaginative spin on some of the Greek gods like Dionysius to make it kid friendly. And wait til you see Hades.
Still, they aren’t afraid to show the gods can be petty and vengeful.
Greek mythology! What more could you want?
I personally love the way they showcase so many Greek characters and creatures. Is it sometimes off? Yes. Is it still enjoyable to watch? YES!
Interesting battles and solutions.
Will show death and the occasional bloody injury. (Not overtly graphic though so don’t worry.)
The poor kids, similar to Lloyd, are prophecy bound to defeat the evil villain and thus have their lives turned upside to become heroes fighting monsters. Theresa eventually throws a somewhat justified hissy fit over this.
Enjoyable characters and team dynamics. So much sibling teasing between everyone and it’s so relatable to watch.
Also, they’re just teens being teens so they do stupid stuff sometimes and that just makes it all the more fun to watch.
A bonus, there’s two girls on the team rather than your stereotypical one main girl trope.
A big favorite of mine, Storm Hawks:
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Oh look, another red head character with green eyes. And he’s the lead character voiced by Sam Vincent! XD Here me out though, this show is actually great. If you can get past the funky character designs and animation, it’s a genuinely fun show. It’s so imaginative and for me, it ticks all the right tropes. I would like to say that if you’re a Ninjago fan, you just might be able to like Storm Hawks. It’s a show that I rewatch again and again and still enjoy it. Fans of it will say it ended to soon with only two seasons and an open conclusion that leaves room for more adventures. I wish there was more. The flow was good and I felt it followed a decent overarching plot with quirky filler episodes thrown in to establish the characters more.
Now as far as main characters go, we have a good mix of interesting ones. Yes, they fall into stereotypical archetypes but for some reason, I really like them:
Aerrow voiced by Sam Vincent (Lloyd’s VA: the young, ambitious Sky Knight of the Storm Hawks. He’s your typical, altruistic hero/leader/chosen one. I love how you can really see how much he cares for his team. He’s got a big legacy to live up to and you know what, he’s absolutely demolishing everyone’s limited expectations of him. This boy survived multiple fights with the supposedly deadliest warrior in the world.
Piper voiced by Chiara Zanni: she’s the intelligent one of the bunch and typically possesses the one brain cell they all share. She’s the navigator, crystal expert, and the second in command. In short, she’s an adorable nerd and my favorite despite having some out of character moments. I also like the little something something she’s got going on with Aerrow. Yes, it’s cliché but it’s open enough that you can interpret it romantically or platonically. And honestly, the way Piper is written, you could almost say she’s bi. But holy cow, that finale with her and Aerrow was everything! Love it.
Junko voiced by Colin Murdock (Ed’s VA aka Jay’s dad): the stereotypical gentle giant type. He’s sweet and strong but constantly doubts his ability because he was bullied. He’s similar to Kord from Slugterra in that he’s got muscle but also serves as the airship’s mechanic. He has a couple of spotlight episodes that do his character justice.
Finn voiced by Matt Hill (Hyper-Sonic’s VA aka that random disco head racer from Prime Empire): on the outside, when paired with Junko, they typically serve as the meat headed comic relief. However, when it comes down to it, Finn is selfless and will make the right choice as episodes have shown. He can get annoying but I highly appreciate that he knows how to buckle down and get a job done and he truly is a great sharpshooter.
Stork voiced by Scott McNeil (VA for many villains in Ninjago): one of the fan favorites for his doom and gloom sort of attitude. He’s the pilot and gives off emo vibes to me. A very relatable character for most pessimists. He’s the oldest of the crew full of kids but he sticks it out through all their wild adventures even if he is completely terrified while trying to survive. Still, he’s got a beserk button so don’t you ever think of touch his precious ship, the Condor. He can and will take out a complete armada.
Radarr voiced by Asaph Fipke: he’s Aerrow’s co-pilot and animal companion of the show. He’s very scrappy and has good intuition. A valuable member of the Storm Hawks. He even gets a couple of his own episodes to shine in.
Now, I gotta mention the villains too since there is a quirky handful of them:
Cyclonis voiced by Lenore Zann: she’s the lead villain and ruler of her kingdom at just 14 years old. She’s very powerful and very intimidating when she wants to be since she’s got a bunch of wacky crystal powers like Piper. I find her interesting just because she’s a young girl who serves as the main big bad villain versus previous shows where it’s a broad-shouldered middle aged guy in a black suit. I wish they showed more on her backstory but a decent villain nonetheless. Comparable to Harumi in that she’s a female kid villain who is deep down broken and lonely and in desperate need of therapy and a friend.
Dark Ace voiced by Sam Vincent (Lloyd’s VA): is the second in command to Cyclonis and is extremely loyal to her. He’s constantly getting beat by Aerrow and can never manage to exterminate him much to his annoyance. It’s hilarious watching their fights because it’s just Sam Vincent alternating between tones. He’s got cool red eyes and I do believe he also has a bit of a following among the female fans.
Ravess voiced by Cathy Weseluck (Patty Keys VA aka that random sales lady): she’s an archer who has a penchant for the violin. I love her leitmotif whenever she comes onscreen. Ambitious but still scared to turn on her 14 year old boss. She does play a helpful role I towards the finale.
Snipe voiced by Colin Murdock (Ed’s VA): he’s the brother of Ravess and serves as the big dumb muscle guy. I don’t really care for him but his sibling interactions with Ravess are funny.
Raptors voiced by a bunch of familiar VAs: I just had to mention this reptilian group because they are reminiscent of the Serpentine from Ninjago.
Great side characters and fun episodes.
Good action and adventure vibes
The whole show is free on YouTube.
Again, world building and lore is very imaginative. It deserved a larger budget and more seasons.
Has your typical chosen/prophesied one narrative that we’ve all come to either love or hate.
Crystal magic (kinda like how we’re now on the season Crystalized)
Adorable main cast who all get a chance in the spotlight, and even the annoying ones do have their high points like I mentioned.
Ninjago VA’s are everywhere in this show too. And with the limited voices they have, they really make the most of it but it’s hilarious to see VA’s essentially talking to themselves onscreen.
And once again, there’s top notch team dynamics in this show with good sibling-like interactions between characters. They squabble but still make up and really care for each other’s wellbeing.
Found family trope is in this and it’s great and I’m a sucker for it. It’s heavily implied the three human kid heroes are orphans so there’s that lovely dose of angst I always love.
Something about Aerrow being a leader just hits right. He’s a great one even if he is just 14 years old.
Good balance between high stakes and humor. The main characters are kids and heroes and it shows with all the shenanigans they manage to throw themselves into.
Great finale. Trust me. The show gets better as you continue to watch it and the episodes get less disjointed.
Friends to lovers or just really close friends trope between Aerrow and Piper. I cannot stop gushing about how natural their dynamic feels and how they play off each other’s energy beautifully. They communicate openly and really well with each other. And if romance isn’t your thing, their bond can totally be seen as platonic.
Cyclonis is a curious villain character that is different from your stereotypical guy cartoon villain. I like her and her powers.
Huge bonus that Ninjago has struggled with doing well, love triangles. Storm Hawks has no place for that. In fact, it subverts that trope entirely! Piper does not act all jealous whenever there is another girl character around and this is a huge breath of fresh air from the pettiness many shows contain. Aerrow occasionally acts wary and annoyed when Piper gushes over stuck up guys, but it’s proven justified and he isn’t overprotective or obnoxious about it. Just cautious and comforting when things do go south.
And lastly, this underrated masterpiece, The Deep:
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Great news, this show is still ongoing and recently released their 4th season. It’s got a decent overarching narrative of searching for a lost underwater city Lemuria. There are many filler episodes, but trust me, they are fun. Not gonna lie, I’m a huge sucker for any ocean animated shows. This one is just so funny and relatable. It’s got great family dynamics with many familiar Ninjago voice actors. The adventures and creatures are all so cool! It ties myth, mystery, and science all into one great show. The sci-fi fantasy vibe is amazing. But basically, my liking of this show is hugely centered on not just the creativity of it but the strong family dynamics that glues the entire show together. Unlike most shows where parents are absent or there’s only one, this cartoon portrays a lovely married couple and their kids. Seriously, how often does the chosen one/protagonist of the show actually get a decent childhood with loving parents?!
With characters, we have a small main cast with a handful of recurring side characters. This means, you gotta love the main characters:
Antaeus Nekton aka Ant voiced by Vincent Tong (Kai’s VA): he’s the excitable main protagonist child and chosen one of the family. He’s extremely curious and gets into trouble often, but fortunately for him, he’s got an intelligent engineering mind that helps him get out of trouble… most times. Fortunately for him though, he’s got a great family backing him up. I find him to be a likable character as far as protagonists go and good representation of annoying younger siblings.
Fontaine Nekton voiced by Ashleigh Ball (Sally’s VA aka that pink-haired girl from Crystalized): she’s the older sister character. Sometimes she acts as the only voice of reason onboard the ship. I find her extremely relatable. It’s clear that although Ant annoys her, she still very much loves him and will do anything to protect him and that is so wholesome. She’s got a crush on Finn who’s a slick teen pirate voiced by Sam Vincent (Lloyd’s VA) and most of the fandom really loves the flirty dynamic they have. I gotta admit, they are pretty cute together.
William Nekton aka Will voiced by Michael Dobson (VA for many Ninjago side characters): he is the dad and the muscle of the crew. Still, like everyone else, he’s smart. He’s super reasonable and a really great example of a good father and husband. He has his funny moments and craziness too though.
Kaiko Nekton voiced by Kathleen Barr (Misako’s VA): this woman is my personal favorite and I could gush on and on about how totally awesome she is. Unlike Misako, Kaiko is the most awesome mother ever to her kids and is fiercely protective of them. She has a wide skill set from being a submarine pilot, mechanic, and marine biologist. In short, she’s amazing and I’m a huge simp for her.
Jeffrey: he’s the adorable animal sidekick. He’s an intelligent, expressive fish and has helped saved the Nekton family on multiple occasions. Very relatable because he is cookie-motivated. Smarter than your average wannabe pirate.
Nereus voiced by Lee Tockar (Borg’s VA): he’s your typical mystical old dude with a long white beard. Essentially he’s the Wu of this show. Funny but infuriatingly cryptic at times.
This show was based off comics so you can go read those. (Kaiko gets an awesome moment in those that I really wish they would have kept in the tv show.)
Vaguely based off the Incredibles.
Non-absent parents who are top notch and actually parent their kids fairly.
Submarines and marine life are always a plus in my book.
Family dynamics are on point. Seriously, this is top notch stuff right here. Also, sibling dynamics are so sweet.
Representation of a good solid marriage. Bonus points because it’s interracial, making their kids mixed. All-round good representation.
Good musical score. (Not as good as Ninjago’s but still pretty good.)
The whole family is smart and super skilled but it shows that they still make mistakes and are flawed humans just like everyone else. Even the parents aren’t shown to be completely infallible and land in their own sticky situations plenty of times and I find that super neat and good of the writers to do.
Great mind-boggling adventures.
The villains are wacky yet endearing sometimes.
There’s villain that is reminiscent of Morro. He’s even got the same voice actor and goes through the same arc of being all jealous of the chosen one.
”Have faith in the fish.” Jeffrey is great animal companion. Who knew you could actually make a fish work as a good character.
Just huge bonus overall with this show because of the solid family representation we’ve got going on here.
Basically, to sum everything up, GO WATCH THESE SHOWS! And let me know if you enjoy them, I would love to hear your thoughts on them.
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fictofaggot · 1 year
alright, i'll bite. what's so bad about beforus?
there's quite a lot bad about it! it's interestingly often referred to in fanon as the utopia to alternia's dystopia... i can understand where that idea comes from of course! having a society that is relatively peaceful compared to alternia + one that allows trolls to be the eusocial insects they are (compared to alternia which thrives from forcing isolation) can obviously make it seem like a utopia from an outsider's view
however like. if we stop and think about the beforan culling system in particular... of course its not alternia's... we're not murdering trolls for being weak here, which makes it definitely the better of the two unfortunate options. however the beforan culling system quite literally involves owning weak and lowblooded trolls as if they're pets (others have said this before, but it is basically just petstuck but with other trolls instead of humans). it is so fucked up! it is normalized so much in society that it's not only seen as the right thing to do in every situation but directly influences literally every single interaction between any beforan troll with anyone else ever (obviously lol...it's a society thats how it is :P but still this is just a transition)
beforan highbloods are supposed to be like.. super overbearing "autism moms" (closest comparison i can make to humans honestly).
they're supposed to see lowbloods as incompetent, and they're supposed to compensate for that, to treat them as children incapable of fending, thinking, and speaking for themselves. and then they're supposed to feel good about themselves for it! they feel as though in doing that and removing any autonomy from those lower ranked than them they've fulfilled their societal duty, because they have.
i can see groups of highbloods talking amongst themselves about how muched they've helped lowbloods recently and how well they've treated them and oh, i met such a sweet rustie the other day and it was just so darling how quiet and gentle it was.. etc etc.
acknowledging lowerbloods' existence is seen as this brilliant upstander move that makes you a wonderful, wonderful troll being who deserves praise. you're supposed to treat lowbloods as pets who need to be coddled and protected, and even just treating them like people would likely be seen as very strange... like a human treating a dog as a person, for example. just very very fucked up
this is shown particularly nicely, i think, in the majority of the lowblood dancestors' personalities. we have kankri, who clearly overcompensates for never having been treated as if he can fend for himself. we have damara, who's snapped at this point, reacting with extreme anger (rightfully so!) and rebellion towards all those who've treated her like shit this entire time. we have rufioh, who's rebellion is more quiet (running away to live with a group of other misfits). mituna does not conform to the passive, docile lowblood trope whatsoever (mostly due to his disability, but i believe that's just part of who he is), which gives him this reputation amongst his fellow beforans as a horrible, unpleasant troll to be around. (i'll elaborate on these in a different post)
and don't even get me started as to how meenah and cronus's behavior (towards karkat in particular) implies the ways lowbloods are treated sexually on beforus. the implications are awful.
there's definitely more that's implied, but i would honestly have to go back into the text and search for the full scope of it. basically, beforus is fucked up bruh
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ase-trollplays · 2 months
==> Corali: Check your phone
(Arriak belongs to @cloudbattrolls )
It was mid evening now, and Arriak just left not too long ago after doing a welfare check on you. Although he didn't know the recent stress you've been under, not hearing from you or seeing you at your job was enough to set off red flags in his mind and force him to follow up on your sudden disappearance. The look on his face when he saw the deep bags under your eyes, the light gone from your exhausted expression, the disarray of your hair, and the nights-old rumpled and stained clothes you were wearing would have broken your heart if it hadn't been so thoroughly demolished already. He didn't give you the option of turning him away.
You told him everything about the stalker, Thiomi's likely kidnapping, the loss of your job, and the subsequent relapse when the stress became too hard for you to bear anymore. You clenched your fists tightly enough for your nails to puncture your palm and bit your lip until you drew blood as you forced yourself not to cry in front of him. What little stubborn pride you had left in you forbade such a show of weakness. You would allow yourself release only when you were alone, and you were quick -- Perhaps a little too quick, not to mention sharp -- to silence him when he attempted to coax you into letting out your very obvious stress. You should have apologized when he flinched at your harsh refusal.
You should have, but you didn't. Stubborn as ever even in the midst of your anxiety at the worst it's ever been since you were five and being subjected to enslavement and constant abuse.
At the very least, he did you the kindness of confiscating what little of your alcohol you hadn't consumed. Which you thanked him for only to snap at him even more aggressively when he offered to help with your situation somehow and demanded he leave you to your misery. As if there was anything he can possibly do to un-fire you from your job and un-kidnap your would-be moirail and make you un-relapse. Any protest quickly died when you ejected the retractable blade from the back of your cybernetic arm and gave him a glare that could curdle milk.
You should have apologized for that, too, but you didn't.
After he left, you blew off steam by beating your punching bag in the garage until you had no strength left in you. You didn't have a choice. If you didn't completely deplete every ounce of anxious energy you had, you would have started throwing and breaking things.
By the time you thought to check your phone, the newest text message was fifteen minutes old. It's from Thiomi. You couldn't open the message fast enough. It was a video, but the thumbnail was a little bit blurry. It looked like the camera was facing Thiomi and someone else, which was odd, but you were just relieved to finally hear from her.
That relief immediately vanished when you watch the video.
With every word the disguised troll said, every cut made on Thiomi's body -- The poor girl was stripped of her sweater just to allow access to her arms unimpeded -- every drop of blood and tears from your pale crush, the tone her tormentor used when speaking directly to you
You could feel a fire light in your very core, a violently raging, swirling, erupting inferno that consumed your every thought. You crushed your phone in your hand, and you could feel your entire body suddenly feel like intense, almost maddening static like you were covered in poking and prodding pins and needles, the telltale sign that your secondary psionics were triggered. Suddenly the anxious energy you burned off came back one hundred fold, and you felt like you could take out an imperial drone with a single punch.
You stormed outside and let out a deafening, primal, enraged shout that you swear caused ripples in the once silent night air. You took another breath and screamed again, and again, and again until your throat was raw and your voice ragged and hoarse. Then you screamed again, one last time.
This was fucking war now, and you were a one woman army.
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