#trying to keep her off the field is a top secret op in and of itself
sullustangin · 2 years
F & S for the fanfic ask game?
thanks for asking!
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
I’ve stated previously that I do really enjoy trope inversions. Give me a trope to write, and I’ll spin it on its head.   Or try to in an amusing way (disclaimer: at least, amusing to me)
I also like “Everyone is the hero in their own story” -- every character perceives themselves as the main in their lives.  Not everyone knows the same secrets or has the same agendas....this is why I need a chart at times to keep track of who’s doing what where.  
I also love competence in my characters; they’ve survived this long in the story as part of a team, so as inept as they may be perceived, they clearly got something going on.  I don’t like dumb characters or fodder characters.  I do love writing heists/capers where we have multiple moving parts and everyone has to be good at their job.  Sometimes, the least experienced person is the best at their job.  For example, Talos Drellik ends up being the MVP in a heist fic to acquire the holocron of Darth Nihilius; he’s not a criminal or a spy at ALL, but his competence in archaeology plus his connections in the field ultimately cause the op to be successful. 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
In terms of my SWTOR stuff, there’s an exchange that occurs between Theron and Eva at least three times.  The first is during “Love in the Time of Technoplague,” then again in future fics dealing with the long term relationship they enter into, eventually.  In each appearance, they banter back and forth with each other, trading lines. 
It’s still a gamble. 
The opportunity.
The risk.
The test of skill.
The thrill of a little victory. 
The rush of more as the games go on.
The danger of losing what little you have.
And then the big win.
It fits the dynamic of Eva as a gambler and as the Voidhound, but also Theron as a spy and agent of the Republic.  There are some risks that one has to take to win... and then there’s another layer on top when it comes to love for both of these people.  They are risky for each other.  She is a criminal, and Theron has some law enforcement authority, based on the comics; he can detain or arrest someone.  In turn, Theron has a professional reputation he’s risking due to her activities, not to mention what he turns a blind eye to. Then we have all the personal issues that make relationships difficult for them (which are essays I’ve written elsewhere, haha).
As challenging as it can be to write, I try to create dialogue where the two opponents are equally matched.  Everyone sees themselves as the hero in their own story, and that other guy is wrong and their logic sucks and they’re stupid.  It’s easy to write a one-sided argument where the hero is 100% correct.  I’m also a fan fic writer from a time when anything remotely approaching a self-insert/Mary Sue/Gary Stu was anathema, so I try not to make my OC characters ‘too powerful’ or ‘too correct’ all the time.  They lose arguments.   And my arguments tend to be long and loud, so ‘snippet’ probably isn’t the best word to describe the except below.  It’s from  “A Breach of Professional Boundaries” where Eva and Theron disagree about what Theron and his implants are allowed to do on her ship. 
Placed below a cut due to length.  By this point, Eva has already thrown Theron off his game by flirting with him, and she’s leveraged their agreement to remind him that it’s supposed to go both ways -- now Theron wins a tilt:
“Right, business first.  Implants off.”
Theron studied her carefully.  “I won’t be as useful.”
“That’s part of the point.  I don’t want you to be too useful to the Republic right now.  Just me.”  Eva leaned against the ladder, an arm looped through it.  “I know you will turn the implants back on once we get to Port Nowhere to access the sound file you have.  Is there any way for you to avoid ‘going online?’  I don’t want some satellite to trace you there.”  She pursed her lips and waited for his response.
Something wasn’t sitting right here.  “The Republic already knows that Port Nowhere is mobile again.  That’s old news – people on the dark net couldn’t stop chatting about it. I’d look as if I was on a random slow-moving freighter in space, if they decided to check up on me.”
Eva was already shaking her head. “It’s other things that your implants would record that I don’t want getting back to Pub space.  People exist that shouldn’t.  My business operates in ways that I don’t think Pubs or Imps have considered.  My crew – I don’t want them at risk in the future.”
Theron mirrored her positioning, leaning on the ladder, one arm looped through it.  “Listen, we have made a partnership.  I admit, I didn’t initially think I’d be as useful to you as you were to me, but here we are.  This won’t get back to SIS.”
“You may be your own man, but your implants are SIS-issued.” She almost immediately changed her posture once she realized he was mirroring.  Interesting.   Now she leaned back against the wall, hands behind her.
Theron allowed himself a small bit of humor.  “Despite the stories, SIS agents don’t have self-destruct mechanisms that go off for disloyal or impure thoughts.  Especially the second one; I know one guy who would have dropped dead at graduation for eyeballing the Director’s ex-wife.”  He managed to get a ‘heh’ out of her.  “Seriously though, SIS can’t access my implants unless I let them.  I don’t plan on being conspicuous, so nobody will see Theron Shan there – they won’t have a reason to ask me.”
Eva remained stubborn.  “I’d still prefer it if you turned them off, as agreed.”
Theron remained equally as stubborn.  “How would you know if I even turned them off anyway?”   She frowned, and Theron found some dark pride in finally playing the role of the fox rather than the hound.  “Whether I turn them off or not, whether I spill my guts after I get back, whether I’m actually in this with Darok – it’s all a matter of trust.”
Eva’s anger simmered as she drew away from the wall to come closer to Theron.  “Port Nowhere is under my rule.  What happens to you there is completely in my hands.”
“Hell of a trump card.  But you’d only get to use it once.  Better make it count.”  Theron pulled his arm free from the ladder and straightened up to his full height.  “I trust you’ll make the right decision for you and your crew.  I assume my stuff is this way?”  He pointed down the narrow hallway, the only way one could go.
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luminarai · 3 years
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andy, through the earpiece, obnoxiously slurping a baja blast: ask him about the machete nile: machete??! nicky: hm? oh yeah here you go :)
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five-rivers · 3 years
@lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks came up with this op!Danny/Marvel AU!
BTW I need help naming this newest proof that I can't keep anything to a short little one-shot.
Loki was not, and never had been, a good man. For that matter, whether or not he’d ever been a good boy was debatable. His mother would argue that he had, but she would very likely be the only one. Well, except for Thor, perhaps, but that was because he was an idiot who could drown in three inches of nostalgia. Like he didn’t remember every time Loki had humiliated him. Maybe he didn’t, for all that he kept falling for the same trick over and over again.
It made Loki’s late nights studying the arts of illusion, misdirection, and lying seem redundant. Almost. Not everyone was as dense as his big brother.
No. Loki had never been a good man. He had, however, been a free man.
Free to run or hide. Free to explore the nooks and crannies of Asgard, to uncover her secrets in ways few cared to do. Free to walk hidden paths between the Nine Realms and even farther flung territories, where his people did not and had never ruled, to play games, make deals, have adventures, take risks. To be. To exist as his own creature.
He had been free. He had.
But on one of those little secret excursions, he had discovered something that had made even his flippant, slippery heart clench with fear. A ravening plague, spreading across the stars. The death of half of everything on the horizon.
Loki was not a good man. What cause did he have to care for all the sundry others in the universe? There were too many. It was too much to ask.
But Asgard—His home, even though the had long ago realized the blood in his veins originated on very different soil. That was different.
Asgard, he could help. Asgard could survive.
But it had to be strong. It had to have strong allies. None of this barely-held peace, this enemy eternally at their gates. It needed strong leadership. Not his brother’s simplistic view and longing for the glory of war.
Loki was not a good man. But he was one who could get things done.
Before he knew it, he had burned all his bridges behind him. In one case, a literal bridge that was literally broken.
And he fell.
And he fell.
And he fell right into the hands of the one he had feared enough to do this. Broken enough for poison to drip into the cracks. No one knew where he was, no one could know where he was, except, perhaps, Heimdal, and Loki sincerely doubted Heimdal cared. No one was coming for him. No one was looking for him. No rescue was forthcoming.
He was alone.
Asgardians were considered gods for a reason. Their bodies and minds were much more resilient than the average mortal’s. But Thanos’s people had been titans, and there was a reason for that, too.
Thanos enjoyed breaking him.
And Loki turned his lies on himself. A skilled master of games always had one gifted opponent, even alone. Hadn’t he wanted to rule? To command? To see a world, any world, prostrate at his feet? To be given the recognition and praise of which he was so worth?
To pull something, anything, out of the fire?
(If he had spent less time learning how to spin lies and more on how to see the truth, he might not have believed it. A better, wiser, man would have. But Loki was not a good man. And he was very skilled in his craft.)
So, his new master put a weapon in his hands, and he went off to conquer a world.
Danny was used to rude awakenings. He was used to those rude awakenings being full body chills and ghosts, not someone knocking on his door.
Blearily, he pulled himself out from under the blankets. Quasi-military government facility or not, the beds were comfortable. Maybe Mom or Dad had gotten themselves locked out of their room? Or Jazz—No, not Jazz, she hadn’t come with them. She was at college, not being flown places by Mom and Dad’s suspiciously generous new consulting job.
At least it wasn’t the GIW.
He stood on tiptoe (curse his perpetually short body) to peer out the peephole. His parents’ buff, one-eyed, and incredibly imposing new boss stood in front of the door, hands on his hips, slightly sweeping back his long dark coat. If Danny listened carefully, he could hear two other people near the door, and… was that an alarm? Yes. Faint, but present, was a warning klaxon.
Okay. Danny would bet his right arm that something had gone horribly wrong with whatever his parents were consulting on. Didn’t explain why the boss was in front of his door.
Unless they’d gotten the rooms mixed up, somehow?
Ugh. Danny wasn’t paid enough to deal with this.
He opened the door. “What-?”
“Phantom,” intoned eyepatch guy with great solemnity.
Danny immediately tried to close the door. The guy stuck his foot in the jamb, and, sure, Danny could have crushed it, but that would be a jerk move. He didn’t think this guy was going for a pirate look, after all.
“We need your help.”
“I’m not sure what you think I can help you with,” yelled Danny over the beating of the helicopter blades. He’d remained stubbornly in human form. “My parents are the scientists. This sounds like a science thing. Not a punching-people thing.”
“We spoke to them earlier,” said Fury, “and we have plenty of scientists working on the theories they brought up. You’re the one with practical experience.”
“Practical experience in what?”
“Interdimensional portals,” said the woman, who had yet to introduce herself.
As if this whole thing wasn’t already giving him a bad feeling. “My parents built an interdimensional portal. Again, you should be talking to them. They’re the ones you’re paying.”
“We could pay you, too,” said Fury, “but we assumed you would want to avoid letting your parents know about this, as you’re still a minor and they have control of your bank accounts.”
Danny stared flatly. “This is blackmail.”
“We aren’t threatening you,” pointed out the woman.
“Emotional blackmail,” said Danny, glaring, daring her to challenge him on whether or not he actually knew what blackmail was.
In the meantime, the helicopter landed. Danny unbuckled and hopped out, trailing slightly awkwardly behind Fury and the woman. He didn’t want to stand out, but he suspected that, being the only kid here and being in the general vicinity of Fury, who radiated authority, that was a lost cause.
“This is Agent Coulson. Coulson, this is Phantom.”
Danny’s mouth went dry(er) at how casual the introduction was. His eyes went nervously to all the other people running around the field. With all the noise, it was unlikely anyone had heard, but still…
“Can you not? Secret identity and all? Unless you’ve told everyone herealready, which, rude.”
Fury sighed. “How bad is it?” he asked Coulson.
“We’re not sure,” said Coulson. “That’s the problem. Big fan of your work, by the way,” he added as an aside to Danny. He glanced at the woman. “Agent Hill.”
“Background?” asked Fury as he led the way into the building.
“The first energy surge was four hours ago. Dr. Selvig’s equipment picked it up – He’s the head scientist on this project.”
“Dr. Selvig isn’t authorized to test,” said Fury. “We wanted to run his plans by the Fentons.”
“He wasn’t testing. He wasn’t even in the room. He called it ‘spontaneous advancement.’”
“It turned itself on?”
“What are the energy levels?” asked Fury before Hill’s question could be answered.
“Climbing,” said Coulson.
“Mr. Fenton,” said Fury, “any comments?”
“Look, I don’t even know what this thing that you built looks like or what it’s a door to.” Danny frowned as a thought occurred to him. “You’re not expecting me to fight whatever comes out of it, are you? Because, unless you’ve got a ghost portal down there, I can’t make guarantees.”
“It’s called the Tesseract,” said Coulson. “It’s supposed to be a connection to the other side of space. A source of unlimited energy. At least,” there was a note of humor in his voice despite the evacuation taking place around them, “that’s what the scientists say.”
“A door to space?” asked Danny, firmly shoving down his excitement at the prospect. “Like, a Stargate?” It was no good, he could practically feel himself sparkling. He took a firm grip of his core and reminded himself he might need to fight before the end of the day.
“Well, no,” said Coulson. “It’s this little… cube… thing.” He made a shape with his hands.
“Oh,” said Danny, mind still whirring. “You know, if it’s really a tesseract, it isn’t a cube in just three dimensions, so bigger things could come out of it than you’d think.” He’d seen some weird portals in the Ghost Zone.
“Well, right now, we’re just getting energy.” They entered a large room with an extremely sci-fi setup. It looked like they were planning to shoot some kind of laser across the room onto a platform surrounded by strange-looking panels. There were men with guns scattered around in what was probably a well thought out formation Danny couldn’t see. There was also a dude with a bow sitting up in the rafters. He frowned down at Danny as he noticed Danny noticing him.
“Dr. Selvig!”
“What do we know?”
Danny allowed himself to be distracted by the centerpiece of the room, a piece of machinery built around what was indeed a little cube thing. He tilted his head and approached, trying to get a better view of it around the people in lab coats and protective gear currently swarming it. He caught mention of radiation a grimaced.
It was unlikely to kill him, but, really, everyone here should probably be wearing more PPE. You never knew what was going to come out of an interdimensional portal, after all. Except trouble. Trouble was a pretty safe bet.
It was pretty. Blue. Reminded him a little of a blue raspberry ice pop. Part of him wanted to lick it. Which was stupid. He didn’t want to wind up half what-ever-lived-on-the-other-side on top of his regular ghost nonsense.
“Mr. Fenton?”
Danny jumped and turned, refocusing on the adults, who had multiplied while he’d been daydreaming. The guy with the bow had joined them.
“Mr. Fenton? Like the Doctors Fenton I spoke to earlier?” asked Selvig.
“Yeah, it’s—”
This, of course, was when everything decided to explode. Sort of.
The blue cube shot out a beam of energy that had more than a little in common with the Fenton Bazooka’s portal setting. The beam terminated on the platform, a portal rapidly forming.
Danny slid into a fighting stance, and barely even noticed as blue energy washed over the room, throwing many less-prepared people back.
Something shaped like a man stepped through the portal.
Danny did not break his stance. Still. “An alien,” he whispered, eyes wide. If they were friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space. If they weren’t friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space after Danny beat them up.
(Danny did not go ghost. Did not even think about going ghost. There were too many people here, and the space was too open.)
Fury attempted to negotiate. Danny approved. Not everything that came through an interdimensional portal was necessarily evil.
Except this guy apparently was. Go figure. He could also deflect bullets and was very good with throwing knives, which led to Danny having to pull several of the gun guys out of their own line of fire as well as the alien’s line of knife. Who would have thought an alien’s weapon of choice would be throwing knives? The energy-blasting spear was much more in line with his expectations.
The bow guy proved to be more competent than the gun guys. This didn’t really surprise Danny. Bow guy sort of had to be competent. Otherwise, no way would they let him go around with a bow. Like, seriously. A bow.
Even so, bow guy was fighting an alien and—
“You have heart,” said the alien, raising the spear.
Danny pushed bow guy out of the way, and his mind fuzzed out.
(The human part of it, anyway.)
Loki didn’t know what a child was doing here, and he didn’t particularly care. The boy would do for a hostage, at least. He had a mission he had to fulfil, or else…
Or else.
“Please don’t,” he said turning with a shadow of his usual lazy affect, vaguely insulted that the human thought he could be sneaker that him, “I still need that.”
The human went on and on, apparently burdened with the delusion that he was on the same level as Loki.
Loki was burdened with other things. A glorious purpose. Glad tidings. Freedom. What could be better than freedom?
“A world free from what?” asked the human.
“From freedom,” said Loki, and wasn’t that what he believed, now? Wasn’t that what he’d been shown? “Freedom is life’s great lie.” He would know. He was an excellent liar. “Once you accept that, in your heart—” He batted away an arrow and tsked. “Shield me, boy,” he demanded. Had Thanos misrepresented the scepter’s powers? Or was the boy merely—
A dome of green surrounded him and the boy, thrumming with magic the likes of which he had only seen once, in a tome thrice forbidden.
“Oh,” said Loki, almost purring. “You are interesting. What are you?”
“Half human, half ghost,” replied the boy, tersely.
Loki had never heard of such a creature. No matter. He’d be sure to make good use of him.
“Grab the scientist,” he said, nodding at the balding man who had been with his brother when he’d fought the Destroyer in the desert.
Loki wanted the archer. He seemed interesting. Useful.
Fenton was under thrall. Phantom knew what that felt like. A hundred feet under red water, trying not to drown, whispers everywhere. Pulling. Pushing. Prodding.
This was different, but the principle was the same.
Neither half of him could truly ‘fight’ the other. Fenton and Phantom were a single entity. Not two in lockstep. Even so.
Fenton grabbed onto Dr. Selvig, as ordered. Phantom made sure that was all they did.
“What are you doing, boy?” snapped Loki. “Follow me! Bring the scientist.”
And so, they followed.
Loki breathed. Acquiring Barton had been the right choice. The boy was powerful, but, perhaps because of his unique biology, did not have Barton’s presence of mind, and couldn’t have led him to such wonderful allies.
These weren’t truly his allies. Nor were they subjects. They were…
Loki forced himself to breathe. He just had to follow the mission. Follow the mission, let Thanos’s army through. He’d been promised this world. He would have this world.
And then he could be… His mind stuttered over the next word, and he shook his head, trying to drive out the painful buzz of Thanos’s herald and mouthpiece trying to contact him.
He looked up at the drones bustling around, all according to his will. Except the boy, who stared at him, somehow managing to be both utterly blank and challenging at the same time.
He was alone, here.
He was alone.
But what did it matter? Bad men always wound up alone, and Loki… Loki could never be a good man.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
PLEASEEE write more for august walker! i'm in love with the banter in "welcome home, walker" and how he's grumpy but has a soft spot for the reader. LOVE UR OTHER WORKS TOO <33
Aww, I love Auggie! And it has been a bit since I wrote for him. Soooooo...
Pairing: August Walker x fem!Reader
Words: 2145
Summary: You and Auggie go out with the graduating cadets to celebrate your new assignment.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (innuendo, teasing, sex in a public place, fingering, unprotected vaginal sex), violence (fistfight, implication of gore and death), betrayal, protective!Auggie, TW- implication of impending date rape/mentions of drugs, SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!!!
A/N: This got away from me a bit if I’m being honest. I was just gonna do the teasing in the gym but I couldn’t stop myself, so please enjoy this little impromptu fic! And please feel free to send me an ask if there’s a character or kink or anything you’d like to see more of! 
Check out my masterlist and join my taglist here if you want!
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You didn’t know how he got you in this position. You could practically feel him beaming over you as you struggled to get out of the hold he had you in. 
“You keep moving like that, you’re gonna make me hard, sweetheart. You want me to fuck you right here on the mat?”
August ground his crotch against your ass to illustrate his point and you let out a moan. Your arms were bent back at your shoulders unnaturally as you scrabbled for some purchase to get out of his grip.
“Fuck off, Auggie. You know the only reason you’re on top right now is because I didn’t get any sleep.” Maybe if you arched your back a little...
August groaned in your ear as your ass rubbed against his growing erection. 
“Shit, Y/N. The director is right there.”
You turned your head as much as you could to see Sloane standing at the gym entrance, surveying the cadets as they practiced their sparring. You wiggled your ass again, making Auggie growl at you.
“You’re not giving me a lot of options, baby. You know my brain doesn’t work when I’m sleep deprived.”
He grumbled and you felt him start to loosen the hold he had on your arms. You grinned to yourself as you wrapped one arm behind his neck, gripping the hair at the base of his scalp and rolling forward. You heard him give a small sound of surprise as you flipped him over, knocking all the air out of his lungs when you slammed him into the mat and wrapping your body around his shoulders, stretching him to the point of pain. 
“Damn it, I thought we were done.”
“I don’t remember tapping out, sweetie.” You gripped his wrist and stretched his arm even further as you squeezed your thighs around his neck. 
He wheezed for a second before a wicked grin spread over his face. “Y’know, when you get me in these holds, I can smell you, and it drives me fucking crazy.”
You almost loosened your hold at his admission but caught yourself at the last second. “August...” you growled in warning.
“I know you’re soaked under these sweats, sweetheart.” He turned his head as much as your hold would allow, running his nose along the inseam of your sweats until you released him with a hiss.
“Fine, it’s a draw.” You mumbled, drawing yourself to your feet as he chuckled darkly. “Equipment room in 5?”
“Walker, Y/L/N, with me.” Sloane gave a beckoning motion and the two of you moved to follow, sighing with frustration. 
You moved with the director as she marched back towards her office, shooting each other apprehensive looks as you considered what she may want to talk to you about.
“Good news you two.” Sloane announced as she closed the door to her office behind you. “We finally managed to get the heat off you from Interpol, and you’re set for a new assignment in Brazil.” She handed you your files detailing the op. “Looks like there’s a Syndicate group operating there, moving weapons through the black market there. You ship out in two days. Please do your best to remember, Syndicate members are assets, not targets.”
“Right, boss.” You murmured, flipping through your ID docs. August just grunted beside you.
“Alright, I heard the two of you are going out with the graduating cadets and trainers tonight to celebrate the end of the course. Don’t overdo it.” She gave you a knowing wink before you turned to leave the office.
“I think she knows about us.” August whispered as the two of you headed to your lockers.
You just laughed at him. “Auggie, honey, we’re the worst kept secret at Langley.” 
“Y/N, Walker, I hear congrats are in order! We’re gonna miss the two of you in training!” Melissa managed to find out everything as soon as it happened, you didn’t know how she got stuck in training instead of the field. “I’ll make sure everyone buys you a round at the club tonight.”
You groaned at that, those goddamn trainers would have you passed out if they got their way. You slammed your locker closed and turned back to August. 
“Meet you at the club, baby. Make sure to do your reading first!” You called over your shoulder as you headed out.
You arrived at the club 4 hours later to see August looking incredibly uncomfortable in the middle of a group of rowdy cadets. You tutted to yourself as you approached him, he always had a stick up his ass.
He saw you then, and his face relaxed as he walked to meet you.
“You’re late.” He grumbled as the two of you headed to the bar. “You know how much I hate talking to these kids.”
“Relax, grandpa.” You smiled before turning to order yourself a gin and tonic. “You gonna dance at all tonight, or just stand there glowering?”
He scoffed into his scotch as you grinned at him, moving closer and rubbing your foot over his calf suggestively. 
“Don’t you start something you’re not prepared to finish, beautiful.”
Just then, Melissa arrived with a tray full of tequila shots, and you let out a groan. This was the second time you got cock blocked today, and you were starting to get frustrated. 
“Look what I’ve got for you!” she said gleefully as the two of you winced at her.
“Melissa, I’ve told you a million times, I don’t do tequila.”
“C’mon, it’s your last night with us, just a couple.”
You took a deep breath and grabbed a shot for yourself, giving August a shrug before tossing it back. He hissed between his teeth as he downed his own.
“Fuck me, you sure this isn’t rubbing alcohol? Jesus, Melissa!”
She just handed the two of you two more with a giggle, and clapped her hands when you swallowed them. Before you knew it she was dragging you towards the dance floor, your head fuzzy from the tequila as you instructed August to watch your cocktail. He gave you a grin before turning back to the bar, but that quickly changed once he noticed movement in your glass.
August clenched his jaw as his arm shot out to grab the cadet that was wandering away from the bar, wrapping his fist around his upper arm with a vise-like grip.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” He growled, a menacing glare taking over his face.
“Get your hand off me, man.” The frat boy idiot actually looked offended as he glanced down at August’s hand.
Walker just tightened his grip as he patted the asshole down, cocking an eyebrow as he pulled a tiny baggie of tablets out of his breast pocket.
“Graham, right? What’s a senator’s nephew doing with… what is this? GHB? Molly?”
“Look, buddy.” The moron gave him a grin like he was his friend as August stared him down. “That piece of ass needs some loosening up. I bet she’s a tiger in the sack.”
August threw your drink in his face before hauling him outside. He considered letting you handle it yourself, but he wanted to let off some steam.
He didn’t say anything, just punched the smarmy bastard in the face. The idiot didn’t even try to defend himself, pathetic.
“What the fuck?! You broke my nose!” Graham held a hand to his face as he stared at Walker in disbelief.
“Yeah, that’s not all I’m gonna do to you.” He growled as he set to work.
Five minutes later he stood over his handiwork, wiping the blood off his knuckles as he let out a sigh. That had gotten a little out of hand.
“Fuck.” He muttered, pulling his burner out of his suit pocket and dialing. “Yeah, this is Lark. Send a cleanup crew to the alley outside Sketch. Yeah, some senator’s nephew.” He frowned over the phone. “Because it’s a fucking order.” He hung up, not bothering to wait for the Syndicate’s sanitation team before heading back into the club to find you.
He found you on the dance floor and a hungry sneer came over his face. He strode toward you and wrapped a possessive hand around your throat from behind, drawing you fast against his chest and growling into your ear. You whined as he pulled you away from the group, Melissa beaming at the two of you like an idiot.
“Have fun you two!” She called as August steered you around a corner.
He pressed you into the wall behind a column, his mouth devouring yours as he slotted his knee between your legs. You whimpered as he shoved a hand in the front of your blouse, squeezing your breast viciously before tweaking your nipple to the point of your pain as you arched into his hand.
“Fuck, Auggie. What happened?” You were panting with need as he moved his face down to bury in your neck, his teeth scraping over your throat.
“I’ll tell you later. Are you still drunk?” He moved his other hand to the apex of your thighs and groaned against your chest when he felt your slick coated folds. You weren’t wearing any panties.
“No, the dancing burned most of it off. Shit.” You hissed as he inserted two fingers inside you, stretching you open as he fumbled with his zipper. “Can’t even make it to the bathroom, huh?”
“Sorry sweetheart.” He mumbled as he freed his dick from his slacks. “Sure seems like you were expecting this, though.”
He moved his lips to yours and swallowed your cry as he dipped his hips and plunged into you. His hands wrapped around your thighs and lifted them to wrap around him as he started to move his hips. He tried to move slow so it wasn’t obvious what the two of you were doing, but those goddamn tiny whimpers you were making into his mouth were making it hard for him to control himself.
“God, this cunt feels better every time I’m in it. Fuck.” You were clenching around him with each thrust and your breath was coming in ragged gasps, letting him know you were close. “Jesus Christ, it’s barely been a minute. You’re so fucking sensitive.” He nipped at your bottom lip and stilled his hips for a beat as he teased you.
You slapped his bicep playfully and whined. “Shut the fuck up and move, asshole.”
He braced one hand on the wall and drew his hips back slowly before slamming into you. You buried your face in his neck to muffle your scream as you came apart. Your pussy fluttered around him as every muscle went rigid. He felt you sobbing against him as your muscles quivered in your release, his hips still setting a punishing pace as he fucked you through it.
“Shit, honey.” He murmured against your cheek as you came down. “You make it so easy.”
Your snort turned into a whimper as a particularly deep thrust had him kissing your cervix. “Fuck, Auggie.”
“Yeah, right there?”
You nodded vigorously as your face screwed up in bliss, leaning it back against the wall as he picked up the pace.
His cock was dragging against that sweet spot inside you with each thrust and it was all you could focus on. Your thighs squeezed around him as he brought you closer and closer to another orgasm. He loved watching you take it, getting completely lost in your pleasure. And knowing he was the one doing this to you was just icing on the cake.
“You close, gorgeous?” He asked, feeling his own imminent release looming.
“Shit, shit!”
He was extremely grateful for the loud music as you screamed in your release. He swallowed a shout of his own as his cock twitched and his cum spurted into you, painting your insides as his hips faltered and he collapsed against you.
“Jesus.” You whispered as you set your feet on the floor, August still sheathed in you as he softened. “Public sex, who knew?”
You felt his chest rumble against you as he gave a low chuckle, sliding out of you gently before he tucked himself back into his slacks. He ducked his head to give you a tender kiss as he drew down the hem of your skirt over your thighs.
“We should go back to your place.” He whispered after he released you, leaving you breathless.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you tonight, but I’m totally fine with it. Lemme just say goodbye to Melissa.”
He grinned as he watched you saunter away, your gait a little wobbly as you tried to keep his cum from leaking out of you. He was really looking forward to your new assignment. The thought of being cooped up with you for several months was making him hard already.
@slothspaghettiwrites @stargazingfangirl18 @starlightcrystalline @jack-skellingtons-stuff @drabblewithfrannybarnes @captain-asguard @harrysthiccthighss @bonkywobble @dslap65 @stanallstarks @macgruberrr @blackestpinkworld @wanderinglunarnights @sebslut @allinhishands
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explosionshark · 3 years
31 the I cant keep kissing strangers one for jack/Miranda. U know, if u want to
I’m gonna cheat bc I remembered the prompt wrong and already wrote half of it in my head while I was showering, so
It’s years of experience, it’s meticulous and brutally honed control of her body, it’s her genetic predisposition to deceit and manipulation that keeps Miranda from reacting when her the alert pings, a brief series of flashes on the corner of her ocular overlay. S.O.S.
Dupont’s hand is on her thigh, just under the material of her dress, grip damp and too tight. He’s leaning in close, under the auspice of speaking into her ear in the crowded club, but she recognizes the clumsy excuse to peek down her dress for what it is. It takes every ounce of restraint not to shove him bodily away and rush straight for the rendezvous waypoint blinking on her display -- a maintenance closet beneath a stairwell at the back of the club. There’s a thrum of panic in Miranda’s chest that she squashes with a deep, subtle breath and a careful flick of her hair. She drags a teasing finger down Dupont’s chest as she leans back.
“Excuse me a moment,” she pitches her voice low, breathy, the way she knows he must be imagining it sounds in bed. She shoots him a smoldering look over her shoulder before she leaves, adding a bit of whine to her words. Desperate women are, to men like this, honey to flies. “Don’t go where I can’t find you.”
She’s careful as she slips into the crowd, gait controlled, face expertly molded into an expression annoyed enough to ward off potential interruption from men, yet still bland enough to fail to catch the interest of anyone watching.
It’s torture, keeping her pace unhurried as scenario after gruesome scenario of what could have gone wrong plays out in vivid detail. Jack wounded, bleeding out among the bleach bottles and filthy mops. A Cerberus trap, Jack captured, bait to lure her to the same fate. Dozens upon dozens of equally vivid, equally terrible possibilities conjured with each leisurely step, all laying the same accusation at her feet: Miranda’s mistake, with Jack paying the price.
Jack hadn’t been Miranda’s first choice.
Miranda’s list of trusted contacts is smaller than it’s ever been and shrinking by the day. Trusted and available? Smaller still.
She had wanted Shepard. Or, better yet, Kasumi. But Shepard was wrapped up on some affair on Tuchanka and Kasumi was running a different op for the Shadow Broker, out on the edges of the Terminus.
Jack had been an indulgence - and one that was proving to be foolish and selfish.
She was humanity’s strongest biotic and one of the most capable operators Miranda had ever known, but her strength lied in frontal assaults. Massive destruction, flamboyant, devastating attacks with lots of collateral damage. Not delicate infiltration missions like this.
She should have been safe with her students on Grissom Station, not here dying for Miranda’s cause, not--
--Grabbing Miranda roughly by the hips, slamming her back against the shelving unit along the wall hard enough to rattle the metal, laying the flat of her arm across Miranda’s chest, just under her neck, to pin her there.
“What do you think you’re doing?“ Miranda hisses. She can’t see any obvious injuries or damage to Jack in the dim light of the closet, not held in place like this. When she raises her hands to pat down Jack’s body there’s a flair of shimmering blue light in the air, and then the always disconcerting staticky sensation of stasis fields pinning them in place at her sides.
“What am I doing?” Jack huffs, fists still bunched in the material of Miranda’s dress. A shame - it had been nice. Expensive. She can feel the material ripping under the strain of Jack’s grip and despite everything, she finds it distantly erotic. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Miranda, for all of her considerable intellect, feels like she is at least three steps behind a conversation she doesn’t remember starting. She shakes her head, twisting as much as she can with her hands pinned. “Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m not fucking hurt,” Jack snaps, hips jolting forward to slam into Miranda’s rattling the shelf again. This time she hears the fabric of the dress rip in Jack’s hands, can’t contain the shiver it sends down her spine that Jack absolutely notices. “I’m fed up. I can’t keep watching you kiss strangers.”
Jealousy? Miranda doesn’t bother trying to hide her laugh. “If you’ll remember, my kissing a stranger was a key part of the plan you agreed to. I was supposed to be doing that while you were--”
“Keep him busy,” Jack growls, “You were supposed to keep him busy while I did all the hard work. You never told me your plan to distract the guy was to let him put his big stupid gorilla hands all over your--”
“Someone was taking their time ‘doing all the hard work,’“ Miranda sneers back. “I had to improvise. He was losing interest.”
“Hey, it’s your stupid hack module that wasn’t working,” Jack accuses.
Of course, at that exact moment, Miranda’s display pings again. The tracker she’d slipped into Dupont’s jacket shows him leaving the bar, headed for the elevator to his suite.
“Jack, let me go,” Miranda says quietly, urgently, and to her credit Jack does so immediately without arguing. “He’s on the move. I can try to head him off in the lobby, but-- Look, this is very important. Did you leave any evidence you were tampering with the safe or anything else in his room?”
“Uh, yeah,” Jack snorts. “I think he’s gonna notice his top secret Cerberus Reaper hacking plans are missing.”
“But you said the module--”
“Yeah, total crap. Useless. I just blasted the ever-loving shit out of the safe.”
“Anyway, if he’s on the way up there he’s gonna notice uh. Pretty much right away. We should get out of here.”
“We should have been gone the moment you compromised the plan,” Miranda hisses, following Jack out of the closet, wincing at the sudden too-bright light of the hallway.
“Nag, nag, nag,” Jack drawls, throwing open the emergency exit door to the alley behind the hotel with a truly unnecessary flair of biotics.
“We went over the codes before we even got here,” Miranda reminds her. In the back of her mind, she’s counting down the seconds they have before Dupont realizes he’s been robbed, before he puts together she was involved, before he decides to come after them for the data (bad) or alert Cerberus to what happened (worse). She figures in how long it would take to stop running and strangle Jack in one of these dank Illium alleyways and realizes, regrettably, she can’t afford the slowdown. “There’s one for emergency exit, one for mission compromised, one for package acquired. Any of those would have done. S.O.S. is emergency only.”
“Well, it was an emergency, okay?” Jack says, stopping short at the curb while Miranda calls forth the skycar she’d arranged with a flick of her omin-tool.
“How so?” Miranda demands, shoving Jack into the back of the skycar first and clambering in gracelessly after her, ruined dress gaping open in the front. “This is coming out of your pay, by the way.”
“It was a pre-emergency--”
“That’s not a thing.”
“If his hand got any higher up your skirt I was gonna blow both of our covers by ripping his arms off in the middle of the bar.”
Miranda should still be mad -- furious -- that Jack had scared her so badly. Should be angry for the terribly botched mission as well, the absolute flouting of her discreet and effective plan.
But they’ve lived. Another day in a galaxy torn apart by war on multiple fronts, another day outmaneuvering the Illusive Man himself, another day Miranda gets to find herself in the company of this beautiful, blunt, maddening, impossible woman.
And they had gotten the data, despite everything. A success, however unconventional.
And if all she has to show for it is another burned identity and a ruined dress, Miranda finds she doesn’t mind as much as she might have in any other circumstance besides this -- in the backseat of a skycar with Jack, genuinely irritated to have seen someone else touching Miranda, a torn dress, the thrum of adrenaline still rushing through her veins.
“Never figured you for the jealous type, Jack,” Miranda says, relenting, twisting in the seat to pin Jack with a simmering look.
“Yeah, you did,” Jack mutters. “Were probably counting on it when you asked me to do this thing with you. Probably got off on it. Control freak.”
“Why would I do something like that?”
“Probably has something to do with you being an arrogant psycho that’s obsessed with keeping me under your thumb.”
Miranda pauses in the dark of the backseat and stares Jack down. She’s tense, pupils blown wide, breath coming in gradually quickening gasps.
Miranda has seen Jack scared and angry and hurt before. She’s seen her wound up tight on adrenaline, turned on to the point of recklessness too. Knows well enough the difference between the two to recognize this for what it is.
It’s that confidence that draws Miranda across the space between them, shrugging the straps of her dress down her shoulders in a movement that allows her to reach the zipper in the back and slide it down immediately after. Jack doesn’t move to stop her when Miranda drops a hand to Jack’s thigh, a more elegant parody of Dupont’s boorish groping earlier. The higher Miranda’s hand ventures, the further open Jack spreads her legs, nostrils flaring as Miranda leans in close, whispering into her ear at the same time as her hand slips past the waistband of Jack’s pants, to the soaked front of her underwear.
“Funny, Jack,” Miranda says, mockingly, stroking her slowly. She’ll draw this one out, as a lesson. “Under my thumb seems to be exactly the place you’re always so desperate to be.”
“Fuck,” Jack groans, a low hiss of air from between her clenched teeth.
Miranda grins in the dark. She’d been wrong, before. Jack had definitely been the right pick for this mission.
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piratefalls · 4 years
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A McDanno rec list for a new friend. (These are also authors I enjoy, so consider this a blanket rec list.)
The Bareknuckle Poet by pleasebekidding
After a serious accident left Steve temporarily wheelchair-bound, working towards his recovery, he enrolled at Rutgers for a year. He met Danny Williams in his criminology course, wearing pride pins and chipped black nail polish, so sure of himself that Steve found it breathtaking. What happened next redefined Steve's sense of self, his ambitions, and many of his priorities.
Tax Benefits by renecdote
“Everyone already assumes we’re married so maybe we should just...” Danny gestures broadly with his beer. He’s maybe a little bit… Not drunk, but definitely tipsy.
“For the tax benefits.”
Danny gives him an aggravated look. “Yes, Steven, for the tax benefits.”
Danny (jokingly) suggests they should get married. Steve takes him seriously.
ua kaha aku la ka nalu o kuu aina (the surf has pressed upon my land) by icoulddothisallday, TetrodotoxinB
Steve knows, he learned, how a man behaves. He can play his part. Danny, who is a good man and great father, looks nothing like what Steve was taught. Reconciling the two means giving up everything he's clung too for the last two decades, and there's nothing about it that's easy.
*potentially triggery AF (deals with effects of conversion therapy) but beautifully rendered
the art of leaving and saying goodbye by Verasteine
2007 is the year Danny learns that choice can be the worst kind of heartbreak. AU.
*warning for infidelity (not mcdanno)
in jest by apathyinreverie
“No, babe,” Danny shakes his head with a grin. “If the apocalypse were to go down while I’m elsewhere for some godforsaken reason, then you stay put and I’m coming to wherever you are.” His grin widens. “And I expect you to have cleared any aliens or zombies or whatever else might be messing with us off the island and to have set up a nice, comfortable military dictatorship for us to rule over by the time I get back.”
It’s a joke.
Of course it’s a joke.
Until it isn’t.
(A the-day-after-tomorrow-style apocalypse AU, where the world decides to end right when Danny is visiting one of the other islands with Grace. Because, of course, it does.)
not just friendship (romance too) by earthquakedream
Steve's gone and gotten himself a boyfriend. Danny's not sure what worse: the fact that he's stupidly jealous or that he actually likes the guy.
All I Ever Wanted (It Comes with a Price) by leviarty
Steve gets shot. Again. Danny is not okay.
* warning: a young grace shoots someone to protect both herself and a gravely injured steve
After All Our Troubles, We Have This by Banshi13
"I'm ending this," McGarrett muttered after a few moments of silence. "I'm not coming back until Wo Fat is in the ground. I'll dig his own grave and bury him myself if I have to, but my father is dead, my mother is running all over the world in hiding, my sister and I were uprooted from our lives, and now he's got Danny locked somewhere in a basement in the middle of Japan." He looked both Chin and Kono in the eye, deadly resolve in his eyes. "This ends. Now. This is the absolute last time that man interferes with my life and my family."
The Other Guy by haldoor
Danny tells Steve what he thinks is a funny story from when he attended Grace's school play. Steve doesn't think it's so funny; in fact, it makes him jealous.
Strapped by stellarmeadow
Steve's determined Danny's going to be prepared next time.
Warm to the Touch by veronicaluv
Danny didn't think twice about going to North Korea to find Steve. He just didn't know everything would go to hell when they got back.
Me and my heart (We got issues) by SquaresAreNotCircles
“I’m in love with you, Steve,” Danny says. He does it softly, quietly, laying the words into the darkness of Steve’s backyard like they’re something breakable, something to be tiptoed around. “I thought you should know.”
Steve’s heart jumps. It rams against his ribcage so hard it’s going to leave bruises. So hard he startles awake, and he almost yells before he realizes he’s outside because he fell asleep in one of the garden chairs in his backyard again.
how to be gay for your best friend in ten easy steps by commatme
See, the thing is that Danny doesn’t really do gay sex, what with being straight and all, but when Steve says I love you he sounds so earnest he makes Danny want to consider it. Which is crazy, right? He’s pretty sure that’s crazy, or at least a little unhinged.
It’s Not So Easy Caving In by paradis
The one where Danny used to be a heroin addict.
blame it on the ocean view by carryokee
Danny gives in, freaks out, and comes to his senses.
So Have I Loved You by Brumeier
In which Grace has a surprise for Steve's birthday and there's not a dry eye in the house.
take it back to a couple years yesterday by itsrosencrantz
Danny really, really doesn't want to go to his twenty year high school reunion.
Steve decides they're going anyway, and Danny takes it about as well as you'd expect.
View From The Shipwreck by flowerfan
Danny Williams isn’t in a great place – he’s a reluctant transplant to Oahu and an outsider at HPD. Former Navy SEAL Steve McGarrett isn’t doing much better, having suffered a career ending injury. When Danny’s young daughter Grace wanders into Steve’s bar after getting lost on a school field trip, Danny is drawn to Steve, somewhat against his better judgement – he’s got enough on his plate. He’s not exactly sure what Steve sees in him. As they spend more time together, Danny learns how Steve’s injury has changed his life in many ways, but not the most important ones. As one thing leads to another, Danny realizes that things might be looking up after all.
True North by lavvyan
“Tell you what, my dad’s throwing his annual Christmas Ball on Saturday. It’s not a trip to Aspen or anything, but it is nice. Fancy food and everything. You guys should come!”
On the trail of a suspected war criminal, Steve and Danny have to go undercover at a fancy ball. The sacrifices they make for the job.
Oh, and Steve's pining like the taiga. Nothing new there.
outside the lines by withoutwords
“I’m Detective Williams.” Danny says, not trying too hard to keep it smug free. “This is my partner, Detective Mackenzie.”
Ken Doll keeps his arms up, his eyes flickering between them all as if he's only seeing police for the first time. “Good cover,” he tells Danny, and it sets Danny’s teeth on edge.
“This is the part where you say sorry for assaulting a police detective, for compromising an investigation, and for acting like a complete asshole while doing it,” Danny growls, about to change his mind and cuff the guy himself.
“Sorry, Officer.”
The bastard is still grinning.
Boys Like Me, We Try Too Hard by romanticallyinept
Steve's always wound so fucking tight.
And Danny's worried about him. Legitimately worried about him. Because maybe Steve always lays into the perps a little hard, and maybe he follows his own rules and his own morals and doesn't stop to sleep unless his body's actually shutting down around him, but usually, Steve's okay at the end of the day. Usually, Steve's not leaning against the wall of the alley they're in, eyes closed and shaking, with the perp he'd cuffed a minute earlier lying on the ground and crying about his broken nose.
Steve keeps a secret, and Danny does his best to patch him back up when it comes to light.
Transformative by boxparade
“You know, I’d heard you’d changed a lot after high school, but I’ve gotta admit, this is a little weird.”
* trans (FTM) Danny
All the Way by VictoriaAGrey
Danny has lost count of how many times he and Steve have used the sexual tension between them for undercover work, only for it to be bottled away after the op is over. With Saint Michael as his witness, that ends tonight.
Nocturne in C# Minor (featuring Stevie Ray Vaughn) by minor_demimonde
So, to recap, Danny has beautiful eyes, great shoulders, a pleasantly-shaped butt, a delectable mouth, expressive hands, and he smells good.
You know, Steve has gone to bed with women who didn’t have that much going for them.
seen it in the flight of birds by Siria
AU from the beginning of Season 2. The Five-0 task force has been reinstated, but the new governor's determined to shake things up. Facing changes and unexpected betrayals, the team has to work together to face new challenges.
It Ain’t Me Babe (Nah), It Ain’t Me You’re Looking For (Babe) by tourdefierce
A story in which Danny makes lists and can't find his heterosexuality underneath all his homogay, Steve has a lot of faces, Kono is perfect in every way and Chin continues to keep Hawaii safe from the Five-O's general disfunction—Or, a story about Kono being awesome and how she likes her men with hearts in their eyes for each other.
Ratios, Decimals, and Percentages by fuchs
In which Steve takes an internet quiz and slowly loses his mind. Danny's okay with it.
Let’s Dance Like We Used To by AndreaLyn
There isn't a world in which Danny wouldn't go after Grace. So when Rachel moves the family to California, Danny goes with. Steve gets left to process life without Danny.
Gunfire, Rainfall, and Beach Erosion by thegrrrl2002
Steve and Danny are kidnapped. After which there is too much swimming and too much rain and it's all very romantic. If you are Steve, that is.
Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning by westgirl
It felt wrong for Steve to sound unsure of his place in Danny’s life. His place in Danny’s life was at Danny’s side, driving him slowly insane. Steve should feel secure about that.
Always Known What I Wanted To Be by mickeysixx
Grace Williams has always wanted to be a cop.
The Taper Phase by popfly
It’s like being run over by an armored car, like the impact of gunshot to tac vest. The pride Danny feels for his daughter and something else, something about Steve’s tank top sticking to his stomach, the way his shorts stretch across his thighs. The goofy grin that lights up Steve’s face when he sees Danny and Charlie, waving one hand while he nudges Grace with the other.
Pitching Woo by SBG
In which Danny pitches (and then accidentally catches) woo.
clue: four letters, ‘is a many splendored thing’ by armillarysphere
“Crosswords? What are you, sixty?”
“They stimulate brain activity, Danno. You ought to try it sometime.”
Steve doesn’t even look up from his newspaper, half-chewed pen resting at the corner of his mouth in an entirely too distracting way.
That’s Not Just Friendship, That’s Romance by thismuchmore
Danny and Steve start out accidentally dating each other, and it turns into something more.
it’s not what you’re sure of (it’s what you don’t know) by somehowunbroken
Art thief Steve McGarrett and his team come up against FBI Special Agent Danny Williams, and things spin wildly out of control from there.
Same Deep Water by JiM, kalena
This isn't the first lifetime Danny's been in Hawaii. When the stress ratchets up, the dreams get more and more real. Turns out Danny has some unfinished business . . . with Steve.
Warning: Ambien use may lower inhibitions in a wakeful state.
Curiosity Didn’t Kill This Cat by unadrift
"I'm confused," Rachel says. "Are you two dating or not?"
Danny sighs. "You remember that thing with the cat in the box? The one that's both dead and alive?"
"Schroedinger's cat?"  
"It's kind of like that."
"Okay," Rachel says. She clearly has no idea what he's talking about.
2727 Piikoi Street by imaginary_iby
The ways in which Danny makes himself at home by Steve's side, and the family he gains as the years go by. (Featuring Steve in Timberland boots and little else, and happy goofs who like to make out against the front door).
All The Earth Awaits Thee by Portrait_of_a_Fool
Steve knows all about war and willpower, but this is still the hardest battle he’s ever had to fight.
* warning: life threatening illness, no MCD
The Vertical Challenge by AlamoGirl80
Five times Danny thinks about his height, and then realizes that being "not-tall" doesn't really suck at all.
Some Things to Think About When You Decide to Be an Asshole by sutlers
Steve gets high and tries to fuck Danny; things devolve from there.
Inked by thehoyden
Of course Steve is enjoying himself. They're bait for a serial killer who has some sort of serious hangup about tattooing loved ones' names on their skin -- of course Steve thinks this is practically like a vacation, but better, because the chances of collateral damage are higher.
This Thing Of Ours (It Needs a Better Name) by leupagus
Cosa Nostra: (kō'sə nō'strə) etym: Italian n. The branch of the Mafia operating in the United States. Literally, "our thing" or "this thing of ours."
Ho’oponopono by ember_firedrake
Groundhog Day AU. Danny finds himself trapped in the same day over and over again.
Swim for Brighter Days by zarah5
Danny kisses Steve late on a Tuesday, early on a Wednesday. Steve punches him. (Set vaguely post-finale, so spoilers for that.)
All My Guards Away by sheafrotherdon
Tag to episode 1x18, with all the heartache that implies. Now with bonus fixes. With thanks to dogeared for all her suggestions and edits.
Let’s Take it from the Top by pterawaters
Steve goes along with the bachelor-party-in-Vegas, because he chose Danny to be his best man, and that's what Danny wants to do. Unfortunately, the things that happen in Vegas don't necessarily stay there.
How to Keep Your Mouth Shut by primetime
Danny’s sometimes gay. Gay, sometimes. Does dudes. He doesn’t know how to say it right. He doesn’t know how to say it at all.
Don’t Turn Me Home Again by gyzym
After a rough day of island living, Danny wakes up in New Jersey and learns the hard way to be careful what he wishes for.
End-Around by t_fic
Steve hesitates with his hand on the doorknob, looking back over his shoulder at Danny and nodding once before disappearing inside, and yeah, Danny is going to be so fucking lucky to get through this night without a coronary event.
Lonely People Do Stupid Things by waketosleep
Danny decides to show Steve the true meaning of Christmas, and does it by dragging him to New Jersey.
Down Beneath the Waves by samjohnsson
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it takes another thousand to explain it.
Love’s a Battlefield (and the Navy Did Not Train Steve for This Shit) by cyerus
The Kalakaua-Kelly clan are determined to matchmake Steve. Out of desperation, Steve makes up a boyfriend named Danny.
It doesn't quite go according to plan.
put your mind at ease by eleanor_lavish
Somewhere in the last year, while Steve was busy killing bad guys, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell has been erased from the books and guys like Jeff can marry whoever they damn well please.
You’ve Got Hawaii (and all I’ve got is you) by queenklu
In which Danny has issues, presents, and Steve fleas, not necessarily in that order.
Jaws by JoeLawson
Danny has a secret.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 3 』
· Sept. 27th → Irresistible Force ·
Characters: Karasuno team
Prompts: A. favourite team + B. crossover/AU
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, crack, a teensy bit of angst (because who doesn't love a sad superhero backstory), headcanons, AU, superheroes, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: Again, I love all the teams and didn't want to pick, but life is cruel, so here I am. This is headcanons about my fav team (Karasuno) in an AU (superheroes). I was thinking of a Hero Association, kind of like in 'The Boys'? But less corrupt... Maybe more like in 'One Punch'? I think you get me.
All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have NFSW content on my blog if that butters your biscuit. Feel free to check it out! Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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Karasuno / Superhero Association AU
☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Powers: nigh invulnerability, super strength, enhanced healing
If he's not the ordinary cop that somehow befriends the heroes I was tempted then he's definitely the leader of the superhero group
Kind of like Superman in the old-school Justice League, just not as OP lol
Looks damn good is spandex those thighs *sweats*
Cape!! so ✨majestic✨
Probably wears dark-ish, neutral colours with a dash of blue
A bit serious. Not the kind of hero to go around making quips all the time, but will make light of his own suffering like Captain America
Takes younger heroes under his wing like the true Dadchi he is
Strong moral compass. Unbreakable
Won't hesitate to lay down his life for others
Who am I kidding. He's basically Captain America with a cape
Poster-boy for the Hero Association
☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
Powers: telekinesis
A soft, pearly aesthetic with his suit, hair and skin. Lots of white and silver
A favourite among the ladies he's just too pretty, damm it T T
Very plucky and adorable
People in the vicinity will literally faint when he goes all serious to concentrate and use his powers
Has a duo move with Daichi where he literally throws him like a missle YEET
Has the most followers on Twitter and TikTok and his fans can be pretty nuts
Has a perfume line named after him and models for the adverts
Will smile like an angel right before bringing a building down on top of you fuck, I find this one really funny
☆ Azumane Asahi ☆
Powers: regeneration, enhanced stength
Kind of like Wolverine or Deapool but, like, much, much softer on the inside uwu
Wears green and black
Messed up big time back in the day and dropped off the grid out of guilt some people died :(
Was convinced to come back when his old teammates finally found him again because they needed his help in a crisis
Literally shed tears of relief when heroes and citizens alike welcomed him back instead of hating him mah heart *sniffs*
Can withstand seemingly anything and fully heal within a matter of days
Doesn't know the full extent of his powers himself. How exactly do one test it? 🤔
Still has to psych himself up for a fight, though big softy, really
☆ Shimizu Kiyoko ☆
Powers: electrokinesis, flight
Powers like Storm from X-Men, and kicks ass like Wonder Woman
Refuses to wear a revealing suit, but looks bomb af anyway
Kiyoko = absolute queen
One of the most powerful heroes, but doesn't throw her weight around unless she's kicking bady-guy booty
Stella gynamast, and has mastered several martial arts
Can literally throw a guy three times her size, all without any strength powers Tanaka: 👁👄👁
Somehow has perfect hair all the time secret superpower??
Is active on the political stage as a human rights activist, headlining women's rights yes, yes yes
Will strike you with lightning for sexual harassment
Comes up with really good mission plans
Is a soothing balm for Tanaka when he loses it
Black and gold aesthetic✨
Asymmetrical cape! super fashionable
Poster-girl for the Hero Association
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☆ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ☆
Powers: fire generation and manipulation
Tanaka brings the heat literally
A bit of a chaotic-good, but what's new there?
Can get out of control if he loses his focus, so his friends have to keep him grounded Kiyoko is a literal angel when that happens
Kiyoko: Sun's getting real low...
Bonus points if you get the reference
Is terrified of hurting innocents if he gets out of control
It rarely happens, but if he loses his self confidence, his powers don't seem to work
Shouts cringy lines at the villains before roasting their asses lmfao
Wears a black and orange flame-retardant suit, and actually looks pretty fine in it 😌👌
Literally head over heels for Kiyoko just imagine it. Biggest hype man
☆ Nishinoya Yuu ☆
Powers: animal metamorphosis, enhanced speed
Think Beast Boy from 'Teen Titans', but less green he's more likely to be yellow or orange, lmao
Handy in lots of different situations. Very versatile
Incredibly cheeky and joins in with Tanaka's cheesy jokes and one-liners
Absolute maniac, but the people love him, especially schoolkids lmao
Has his own energy drink flavour, and he's STOKED about it
Yellow and black suit, kind of like his hair
Has a surprisingly large following of fans
Laps up the attention, but it doesn't really go to his head
Quiet and serious when he's on a mission/fighting
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Powers: self replication, super speed, levitation
His powers took a while to properly manifest, which left him feeling isolated as a teen
Was pretty lost until Ukai helped train him
Got into a fight with Kageyama in an alleyway when he first met him MET HIM IN THE STREET, LMAO
Argues with Kageyama a lot at headquarters, but they work together like a dream when taking down bad guys
Has a heart of literal gold precious baby
Is contantly amazed when he helps significantly
Was inspired to become a hero by his idol, the Little Giant and it's his dream to inspire someone else 😭😭
Uses his replication ability to confuse the bad guys ULTIMATE DECOY
Levitates around the room when he's excited like Aang from ATLA, hahaha
Wears an orange, white and yellow suit with little wings on his heels cuuuute
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Powers: water/ice generation and manipulation, breathing underwater, superhuman reflexes
I was tempted to give him fire/ice powers like Todoroki, but I didn't want to detract from Tanaka
Has problems focusing his powers, and can be quite turbulent in the heat of battle
Finds it hard to work well with others initially, but really makes an effort
Has hurt people close to him by accident before and never wants to do it again it would tear him apart
Becomes a power duo with Hinata when Ukai helps train them, even though they don't seem to get on well at first
Broody boi on the surface, but a cinnamon roll deep down
Wears a dark blue and deep purple suit that has fins to assist in underwater escapades which are his forte
Freezes Hinata's feet to the floor when he pisses him off or anybody's feet, tbh
Can dodge almost anything because of his reflexes don't ever try to punch him. You'll look stupid
Is surprised by the number of people in his fan club especially the number of women asking to marry him??
☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Powers: telepathy, superhuman intellect, mind control on weak-willed individuals
Prefers to outwit his enemies rather than getting into a brawl
But his self-designed gadgets and tech help him out if he has to a bit like Tony Stark, wink wonk
Sometimes makes you question if he's really a hero or not Tsukki, please
Doesn't take orders well
Baits villains by insulting them and getting the better of them with his words it's hilarious
Comes up with good plans, but improvises well with whatever he's got
Probably wears suits over his spandex most of the time fancy shmancy
Is prepared to die to protect Yamaguchi waahhh
☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Powers: invisibility, force fields, teleportation
Susan Storm with added teleportation, lol
Often finds it hard to value his powers because they're not as visually strong and impressive as other people's
Rather than squaring up to a battle, he often has to 'hide' from it by literally going invisible
But he gradually becomes aware of how vital his powers can be, and learns to control them and make them as advantageous as possible
Is a highly important and valued member of the team
Soft bean that gets nervous and throws up before a fight
But he's hella determined and won't back down
Honestly, just wants to protect Tsukki and make him proud PROTECT HIM
☆ Yachi Hitoka ☆
Powers: size manipulation
She can shrink and enlarge herself and objects she touches at will, including other people
Sometimes shrinks really small to avoid social situations she doesn't want to be in samez, honey
The clumsiest and least experienced on the team
But she tries her best, gradually getting to grips with her powers
Sometimes uses her powers by accident, like when she's nervous
Once touched a watermelon slice on the refreshment table and accidentally blew it up to the size of a car Hinata, Kageyama and Noya fully dug in with their faces 😭😭
Nearly passed out when Daichi, the literal god of the Hero Association, told her she had great potential
Don't worry, Yams teleported and caught her
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☆ Ukai Keishin ☆
Powers: laser vision, metal mimicry
The has-been hero who lost his enthusiasm for hero-ing and retired some years ago
Was really cool back in his hayday. Big hot-shot with a fan club
Has been working as a convenience store attendant to pay the bills and is bored out of his mind but refuses to admit it
Was convinced to get back in the game when he found Hinata and Kageyama fighting, both struggling with their abilities. He broke up the fight and agreed to coach them
Doesn't do much of the flashy hero stuff anymore, but will occasionally get stuck in when he's needed must protecc his children
Is only, like, ten years older than the other heroes, but they treat him like some fossilised sensei out of Natuto, or some shit
Tbf, he has the back problems of one 😭😭
☆ Takeda Ittetsu ☆
Powers: power absorption
Transferred from being a hero to hero management after having having issues with the effects of his powers he has a conscience :(
He felt guilty and responsible for permanently taking the powers of others, even if they were criminals
It was like removing a piece of their souls it kind of broke him
These days, he makes sure nobody knows about his powers, so it can't be used against him
He helps in any other way possible
He would only use his powers again in dire circumstances he knows he'll eventually have to
Is generally chipper and good natured, though
If he was ever captured by a villain, they'd probably send him back because he talks too much omg, hahaha
Helps gather info for the team and direct them on missions and in fights
Gives bomb inspirational speeches ✊
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did not sign up for this part 6
this part was broken in two for my sanity.
first part here previous part here ao3 here
Bruce is many things, including Batman. He is currently trying to figure out how to launch a search party for his daughter’s missing magic jewelry and to find the thieves. (god, he hasn’t even met her yet and she has so many problems. She needs him there already and he isn’t). He is a father to many children who are currently searching for her, and who only just thought to inform him of this fact. On top of that, he is Batman—Justice League, cases, and keeping up his aliases on top of managing his possibly injured son.
What he is not expecting is a call from Hal when he is mid-way through a case while keeping Red Hood down. He is not expecting for Oracle to patch him through, nor is he expecting it to include Diana and Arthur—granted they all know each other’s identities at this point, but still. He would like to be uniform when his allies call him for work. Instead, he’s in civvies, in Jason’s room on his laptop keeping his son in place by sitting at the foot of his bed and shooting him looks on occasion. The only mercy was it being audio only.
“Batman we need to have a talk,” Hal stated.
Jason decided to make a break for it while Bruce was distracted. Bruce tackled his son and dragged him back to bed. “Little busy. Someone with Pegasus’ abilities dropped Hood into the harbor and he’s on bedrest.”
“I object to this treatment! I’m fine!”
“Not until Agent A clears you.”
“Fuck you B.”
Jason stuck out his tongue and relented for the moment.
“So you’re aware he pulled a gun on a kid?”
Bruce choked at that.
Jason sat up. “First of all, dart gun with knock outs thank you very much, second of all, kid clearly stole Ladybug’s whatever that lets her transform, same with the girl using the cat that clearly has a lot of anxiety and definitely should not be in the field if she’s hyperventilating!”
Bruce could feel Diana being held back by someone. Possibly Hal’s ring, or Arthur.
“That was a teammate certified by the Ladybug and Chat Noir as allowed to use their miraculous given that Ladybug was needed on another mission at the time. Mr. Bug has appeared once before when Ladybug was unable to appear, and Chatte Noire is usually for solo stealth missions but was called to handle this particular akuma.” Arthur explained. “Your son attacked Ladybug’s team and has only made them all more unwilling to allow any contact after Sandboy.”
Bruce froze. His daughter needs help, and is denying the league the right to after Jason’s (well-intentioned) actions.
“Are they—”
“Ladybug has stated that the League may not approach her team during patrol, which was our main contact point. Miss Sting has become their representative for any and all contact, save one Amazonian historian,” Diana hissed. “She is convinced your whole family is trying to kill her now. You are to keep your house out of Paris until this is handled—if it wasn’t for the team being convinced that Red Hood was one of Sandboy’s creations, we would not be allowed to contact her at all!”
Bruce froze. His daughter is terrified of his family—of her family. She thinks they are out to kill her. He need to have a family meeting, now.
“I’ll check their locations and bring them back.”
“You better!”
“It is not wise to anger the Savior and Destroyer, so do so as quickly as possible,” Arthur stressed.
“Seriously Bats, get your house in order.”
“Hey, he’s not in charge of us anymore,” Jason tried to defend, only his voice wasn’t all there. “We’re our own people here. He just makes sure we don’t bleed out at this point.”
“Might want to work on that too.” Bruce wasn’t focusing enough to tell which of them said that.
Jason was shockingly quiet after that, typing absently on his phone.
Bruce needed to fix this. He turned on his kids trackers, only to find they were already in Paris, or… moving toward it. And comms were down.
“Oracle, report.”
“Sorry B, but I think they found her and we may have pinned down Hawkmoth.”
Bruce wanted to scream. He didn’t. “Report the identity to the League and leave Paris, now.”
“… Tim isn’t responding, Cass has plans with a family, and Steph is part of those, so you’re going to have to wait a day or so.”
Jason typed harder, but said nothing. Bruce could feel the self-recrimination and knew better than to intervene just yet. When he put down the phone (and when Bruce finished his own investigation on this matter) they would talk. For now, he had to wait.
Nino is a lot of things. Amazing director (albeit a tyrant as one), a top notch dj, and a superhero. He is also smart, charming, and very good at reading people and knowing when something is up. Perks of being Carapace and having Wayzz all the time—people’s weaknesses are a lot easier to spot now, and any fronts they try to put up, he already sees right through them. Especially when its someone he’s known forever.
Marinette has been on edge, around the same time as Ladybug started acting up. Granted, finding out she has a pen knife last year by her accidently using it to draw in class that one time did give him a wakeup call on Marinette having a paranoia streak on top of her anxiety, but usually the girl calmed down during school or when she was designing during breaks.
This time, that wasn’t happening. He’s… not sure how to get her to open up on this one. Looking over her shoulder and the constant twitching meant she was probably hit hard by Sandboy last night, and hadn’t recovered yet. He really wished he got a few hits in himself on the akuma—it always messed up everyone afterwards. And Marinette didn’t need the extra stress with her new designs for the Worst Father Ever’s company and tests that week.
And yet here they are, with her on edge. Most of the class was hit, and no one was at a hundred percent and all, he got that but…
“Sandboy?” Nino started, hoping it was casual enough that Marinette didn’t catch how frustrated he was with all of this. Ladybug was missing last night so Mr. Bug was there, Chatte was filling in for Chat and had an anxiety attack, the battle took way too long and it was so painfully clear that Chatte isn’t a hitter and that Mr. Bug is no strategist. Viperion stepped into that role with ease when he managed to get there, but still. The whole situation was messed up and he couldn’t fix it. Even when its hurting his friends.
Marinette let out a shaky breath. “Yeah.”
“Wanna talk about it or…”
“NO! I—I never wanted to, I…” Marinette was at a loss for words again, tugging at her hair.
“Its okay dudette.” He made sure to take her hands out of her hair before she knotted it like she did when they were kids. She hated getting them out after, always cried a bit from how much it hurt with how big her knots would get and how uncooperative they were. “That bad?”
Marinette nodded, curled in a bit. “I never want it to happen for real.”
Nino wasn’t sure what ‘it’ was, but it couldn’t be good. He know how bad some of Sandboy’s nightmares were—getting chased by his own fear of absolute failure being voiced by his idols still stung to this day.
“Hey, if it tries to, you got us—me, my bro, your bestie and let’s not forget Miss “I am the storm” will be there.”
“And Kagami!” Alya added with a grin as she came over with his bro. “She’s already claimed the right to destroy anyone that hurts you.”
Adrien’s grin may as well have split his face. “She has, hasn’t she.”
Marinette turned to fight with Adrien, as something was going on between those two, Adrien clearly had an idea what it was, but given the whole thing with Luka’s fans getting on her back about using him to get famous and the fall out…
Nino shook his head to banish that particular akuma—fans are the worst kind of akuma. Love akuma are really annoying in their abilities, but he can defend against all of their power-sets so far. Fan akumas are always wildcards and he’s usually not the most helpful against them.
He hopes he can keep Ladybug and Marinette safe. His job is to defend and shelter—in and out of the mask. That’s what he’s decided to do, at least.
“Aw, look at them. Now if only they were like this back when operations secret garden was a go.”
Nino raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing you need to worry about, before we got together.”
“Uh huh.” Nino could and would worry about it. Was that a ‘get them together’ operation or a ‘teach Adrien and Marinette how to be people and no run from the sight of each other’ operation?  First year ops outside of the mask were weird and he wasn’t in on them until a few months after he and Alya finally got together (at his best bro and favorite dudette’s brand of meddling).
Adrien is glad for many things since getting the ring. One of them is his partner and after finding out who she was (post-‘oh my god she hates me as a civilian’ episode), her brand of scheming. Which included (after he got her to conceded that his father may be bad but he is not Hawkmoth level bad) her managing to end up as his Father’s current ‘mentee’ of choice after she won the hat competition, and he showed off the scarf she made him last year. Gabriel had a rule of not working with designers that hadn’t made a name for themselves already—Marinette had by the time she was fourteen as MDC—Jagged Stone and Clara Nightengale’s joint-custody personal designers.
Father only found out MDC was Marinette from the scarf. He’d met Clara again at an event and she had the same style of embroidery and threading. Only it was after Adrien got his scarf.
Marinette plotted this--down to the fashion week event and Clara going to talk to Gabriel about his opinion on the work done to her scarf and how long he thought it would take MDC to make the same thing on a dress, roughly, since the designer does the embroidery by hand instead of letting Clara’s seamstress handle it given the intricate lace-like pattern.
Gabriel had called Marinette on the landline—the landline—that night and offered to mentor her on how to broaden her work for the masses, without taking away from her school and downtime, or interfering with MDC’s work.
So far, Marinette has gathered them a pool of seventy two people, name and contact information, that Markov, Max and Alya are co-investigating as Hawkmoth.
The trade off to all of that is “Marinette” brand consultation under the Gabriel brand, a studio with walk-in and appointed consultations, and being there on time.
Adrien managed to get them there a half hour early, and she still wasn’t relaxed. The unofficial appointment is in twenty minutes, and Marinette is shaken from Sandboy, but doesn’t want to talk about anything Miraculous, and he hasn’t had time for videogames lately, so. Distraction time.
“How did you get into fashion again?” Adrien toyed with his phone, knowing damn well how she ended up this far into fashion, but he did love watching her get worked up and go off.
“First of all, this industry doesn’t make anything for you if you’re short that  isn’t petite, and that’s a nightmare to look for as a kid. Then there was Maman having trouble finding things that fit her nicely and from there looking for women’s or girls clothes is just disappointment after disappointment.”
“How so?” Adrien hid his grin behind his phone.
“How—how so! Your father keeps wanting me to keep pockets out of designs because real pockets aren’t ‘in’ for women’s fashion. Lies! They are always in, women always want pockets and real pockets! Pockets are wonderful and the deeper the better.”
“Mh hm.” Adrien knew that from previous rant sessions.
“Then there’s the whole lack of body types and fits and don’t get me started on every white shirt being seem through, or a button up that doesn’t button right, or both. There is a reason why I make clothes for Mylene and her mom since I started doing commissions in the first place, and that is only one of them!”
Adrien leaned forward then. “So anything else?”
“Fix the sizing system already—using measurements that we already use when getting clothes online for conversion charts, only no ‘small, medium, large’ just the amount of fabric at each measurement and a rough of how it fits on different sizes where from there!”
Adrien checked the time. Ten minutes to, and this guy sounded like the early type.
“Alright, better now?”
Marinette blinked a few times, rage vanishing as she processed what happened. “… yes.”
“Good, feel ready to work out a rough?”
Marinette smirked. “They won’t know what hit them!”
Tim walked in and decided this candidate was high on his personal choice of who he’s like to be baby bat. The girl had cookies at the ready with coffee (real coffee, making her much better than Marie Ann) and didn’t bat an eyelash at the Wayne name. So either cool under pressure, or doesn’t care for celebrity status, either way a bonus in his books.
Then came how she just… had that same look Bruce gets when working out one of Riddler’s puzzles, only while she was working out a suit for him. She was just in charge of the design portion—Gabriel assured him he’d check over the whole thing and handle production and all. But this suit she worked out in minutes—even grumbling about making sure his pockets were at easy access level for him to grab his phone in case of emergencies and checking over his phone to shape the pocket and cut with that in mind—he likes it.
Given her features, she wouldn’t be out of place in the family—blue eyes and black hair for the win once again. And she clearly understood professionalism, even if she was being monitored by Gabriel’s son who seemed content to let her operate without asking any questions beyond asking him if he had any fabrics he didn’t want or any skin sensitivities.
Her measurement taking was faster than he was used to with tailors, and she admitted it was a double check and checking the fits he already uses to further incorporate it into the design.
No matter how this pans out, he’s decided he’s keeping her on as a designer at the very least. And that Janet’s DNA test comes back negative. This Marinette is his new favorite pick, and she wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Plus, she already wears her hair like Ladybug and turned that into a casual nickname, so extra bonus on secret identity keeping cred if she is.
Now he just needs to find out if she really is and then drop the bomb on her while working out if she’s undercover working Gabriel/Hawkmoth, or not. If she is, damn. If not, he’s giving her ‘spot the bad guy’ lessons, price—one cup of coffee.
next part is in the works, its just a lot lore-wise and detective-wise with bats talking to Baby Bat with No Idea its Baby Bat until whoops, too late. Oops
anyone knows how to add the readmore, feel free to comment or message me
@heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace @jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04
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agl03 · 4 years
Final Predictions:  How did I do?
What I got will be in BOLD and if I feel I need to add notes they will be in italics.  Might have to toss in a keep reading line because it is long.
Everyone’s favorite villains, Nathaniel, Kora, and SIBYL will all make it to the finale while Garrett will be killed or locked up by the end of the first hour (and it will use some of Fitz’s tech).
SIBYL will eventually get herself a new body.
Nathaniel will turn on Kora and try to take her powers and/or kill her.
Kora has already turned on him and he/we just don’t know it yet.  Either betrays him and helps her sister or tries to kill him herself in revenge for her mother.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  
Daisy will be the one to end Nathaniel and it will be oh so satisfying giant fight scene….even if we have to wait until the second hour for it.  Bonus points if Sousa get a hit in first too
Coulson, May, and Elena are able to get to space thanks to Coulson’s new computer Genius Super Power OR Garrett is ordered to bring them so they can lord their victory over them all.  
Even though they have pretty much ended Shield and Hydra in the “hot mess” timeline SIBYL and Nathaniel set their sites on the OG Timeline and/or Fitz once they realize he has come into the mix and ruins their plans in the hot mess timeline..   As they are both aware he is the one who ends their little party.
The Chronicoms will not all be super thrilled with what SIBYL has been up too or her methods.   This could be another thing that drives SIBYL into the OG Timeline.  
The battle between SIBYL and Coulson seems to have gotten a bit more personal so my money is on Coulson being the one to take her down.   Close second goes to May and Fitzsimmons.
Diana didn’t only block Memories of Fitz it took out the memories of people associated with him.  IE she is not going to remember her friends or Deke.
Deke will earn her trust quickly and be an A+ overprotective grandson of his Nana as they are rescued and get back to the team.
The team will rescue Deke and Jemma, take out a few Chronicoms, and Independence Day their way out of there.
While it won’t be the romantic Philinda some fans want we will see some quality Philinda banter over the finale as it seems they’ve settled into a good place between the two.   Coulson has also passed the torch of “team parent” onto her.
Philinda will not end as a couple.
At some point Sousa is really going to question what is going on and his life choices.  AKA He looks around stunned at what is going on.
More quality Dousy flirting and banter….they will kiss again and I do see them being a couple when things end.
Fitzsimmons family feels just a lot of them over the whole finale.  Iain and Elizabeth are going to murder us with feels.  I mean Fitz with his little girl.  I shall perish.
Despite not knowing everyone Jemma is going to be super insistent on building or activating a device (that has been stashed on the Zephyr) that she doesn’t know what it does but just knows she needs to build and activate it.  She will be the only one who can activate it and possibly it will take something very personal of hers to turn it on.  IE how she was hiding Fitz’s ring/necklace in Season 6 she might have the key hiding again.  But lets all freak out that Jemma will literally be the key to getting Fitz.
We won’t see Fitz until near the end of 12 if he is not the cliffhanger.  
That Bar place in the promo pics is either Keonig’s Bar or the Playground of the hot mess Timeline.  Seems to be some sort of secret Shield Base or what is left of them after the big attack as there are some random Shield agents milling/wth/who are these people in the background.  We know The Playground was off the books in the OG Timeline and would make sense it was also in the Hot mess.
Jemma will have her memory resorted relatively quickly after Fitz Kool Aid Man’s in all Star Lord from the portal thing Jemma activates.  And it’ll be the freaking power of her love for Fitz/her Family that overloads her (Gimme my Framework fix here).  Or Fitzsimmons have a fail safe password.  BUT GIMME TRUE LOVE.  Okay I’m calling this one close enough!
CUE THE SECRET CHILD REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!   Yes, I will be screaming.  The team will be stunned.
I’m sticking to my theory that they will give their daughter a “celestial” or astronomical name to pay off “One of these days we’ll find something magnificent out in space,” thing from Season 3 (especially if she was conceived on the way back from Kitson).  Or a name that is very reflective of their Scottish/English roots.  
Everyone needs to hold onto their hats because once Jemma has her memories back it will be because they are gonna want to get home to their Little Girl like yesterday and have one hell of a plan that involves saving the world and taking care of Nathaniel, SIBYL, and the Season 6 Finale attack on the Lighthouse.
This is likely where a ton of the Flashbacks come in.
Where has Fitz been?  He’s been back in our OG Timeline.  The finale confirmation for me came last week when Nathaniel revealed that SIBYL’s time stream couldn’t see him….or their daughter, and that thing sees EVERYTHING in the HOT MESS Timeline.  This would also be why Jemma’s messages didn’t reach him, she couldn’t get them to cross into the OG Timeline and this was something she would have known but Diana blocked as part of hiding where Fitz was.
How has Fitz been watching the Chronicoms?  Insert incredibly complicated timey whimy thing the writers came up with that me and my Marketing degree can not fathom so just go with it okay, via the using the Framework in the OG Timeline to get into the Chronicom’s system.  Little pay back for what SIBYL has been doing in the Hot Mess Timeline.  Him being connected to the Framework explains why he was so exposed.  Because when someone is hooked up to that thing they can get their heads cut off and not know it.
Now reunited and having dropped the baby announcement Fitzsimmons will present the plan for the “Final Mission” the team must embark on to save the world….again.  
And oh baby is it complicated.  
Part of said plan will have them back at the Lighthouse during the Chronicom attack.
The dudes that showed up with Jemma at the Temple will be explained.  IE I think its some of the team and they cleared out of the Zephyr before the time travel party got started.  They also may have grabbed other hunks of the monoliths.
The fight will take place in both the Hot Mess and OG Timelines  
We have not seen the last of the Monoliths.  The fact we are jumping timelines and have Flint in the mix over in the OG timeline makes me think they are gonna need Mr. Swirly’s help in doing said jumping (Mr. Swirly is the Grey Monolith).  Or they really go with the OG and its Harold (Black Space one) that allows for it.  Kind of fitting the Monolith that tore Fitzsimmons apart is now the one that reunites them.  
We will for sure see Enoch (via Flashback), Davis (please not by Flashback #davislivesagain), Piper and Flint as returning Favorites.  
If they have Davis back to life I just gesture exhaustedly at the Monoliths again.  Not even gonna try to explain it.
Small chance we run into the Hot Mess’s Timeline Enoch but he will have no relationship or connection to the team and will make me cry.  
Top Picks for SURPRISE not on the Press Release faces to pop up if we get them:   Ward (I mean really how have we not seen him again yet), Mace, Robbie, Bobbi, Hunter, Koenig (any of them) and Mike.    REALLY WANT IT BUT WON”T GET IT!   Dadcliffe  But YOUNG VICTORIA HAND HECK YES!
Who was keeping Fitzsimmons Daughter safe:  
Top Pick:  Piper and Flint:  Given Fitzsimmons would have run into them picking up the Zephyr and they could have been the “we had help” they talked about.
Second Place Because I Badly want him back:  Uncle Enoch 2.0
Left Field Surprise Option:  Huntingbird
We will get a lot of really fun callbacks to past stories or even lines IE “I’m just the Pilot” For May.
“What We Are Fighting For”:  Family.  The team family….and the Fitzsimmons family.  Also they will have gone 13/13 in that someone will say the titles name at some point in the episode.
We will see old weapons and tech from previous seasons make one last appearance, we’ve seen 2 so far in promos and will see more.
Shotgun Axe gets a proper send off in battle (this one is for Kiddo 3)
Bear will deliver the most amazing soundtrack that we’ll never get to buy.
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story (Sorry Couldn’t Resist)
Nathaniel:  Dies, and we will all cheer.
SIBYL:  Dies, and we will all cheer.
Garrett:  Dies or locked up, won’t make it to the second hour.
Kora:  Toss a coin.  If she dies she killed for trying to take down Nathaniel.  If in her betrayal of Nathaniel she helps Daisy get Jemma and Deke back that could be a good starting place for the sisters to work thing out.   Starting place, she has a long way to go to get in good with Daisy and setting up an 11th hour redemption arc.
Mack:  Still so nervous for him based on how he has been in interviews, especially the SDCC ones last year.  He was so clearly upset by it.  So Mack either falls or does something so out of character (Bails before the finale battle which just is not making sense to me Mack is in such a good place right now) for Mack that Henry was upset by it.  Essentially I am very confused because what I am seeing on screen now isn’t matching with how Henry was talking as Mack has really come around since his Endgame stage.   Henry really I have no idea why you were so upset!
Elena:   Easily lives.  If Mack doesn’t die, wherever he lands she’ll be with him.  They’ve been a steady ship all season and I see no reason for them to break up outside of death.  And while I have a mountain of concerns for Mack, I have none for Elena..   I also see her still being a presence within Shield, she’s become a good solid agent, and bonus points if she keeps Flint with her….and he gets all the tacos he wants.  
Sousa:   Totally lives (they might give us a good fake out though because he and Daisy are becoming a thing)I can still see him being Director of Shield if Mack falls or steps down.   He’s a good Agent in a new time but he said he is right where he is supposed to be, at Daisy’s side.  Where she goes he goes.  IE he’s not letting her get away and will always be there after she runs into a wall.  So if Daisy leaves Shield, so will he.  If she stays so will he.  If she opens a coffee bar he’ll learn to make an espresso.  
Daisy:   Totally Lives, but there will be something about her ending that some fans won’t like and some fans are going to love.   Staying with Shield or no whatever she does will involve Inhumans be it the Secret Warriors are up and running again, she is mentoring and training new Inhumans coming into Shield, or my favorite option still is she reopens Afterlife.  I’ve been feeling that option for most of the Season and feel like it was really set up with Jaiying as was Daisy looking out for her little sister should the chips fall the right way.     The SS Dousy will be sailing right along.  IF Kora survives I can see her being in Afterlife as well, Daisy taking her mother’s passion that Kora has a good heart to heart herself.  
Deke:   Okay this one is weird because I feel like we are going to lose him somehow, but he won’t die.  I didn’t get the vibe from Jeff, Elizabeth, or Iain that he died and those three are pretty tight.  However,  in that I don’t think I’m going to get my Fitzsimmons Family all settling down in a giant castle in Scotland together.  They set up for him to make a sacrifice, he’s grown, and has something he’s really truly fighting for.   I have loved seeing how close he and Jemma have gotten and how fiercely he’s protected her and her secret.  Even in the face of torture he didn’t betray her.  It will come as no surprise if he doesn’t sacrifice himself somehow.  Either in taking a hit for his family or doing something similar to what he did in Season 5 to make sure they got home.  Bringing things full circle.   He also expressed that he wouldn’t mind being stuck in the hot mess timeline in ‘83.  He built himself a nice life there and Nathaniel did a pretty good job of taking out Hydra…with just a bit of Shield hanging on.  So if it comes down to it I don’t see him minding if he gets stuck there.  Sure him saying goodbye to Nana and Bobo is gonna hurt like Hades but if he ends up alive, I’m good.  
Fitzsimmons:  Both live, yes they will scare the crap out of us more than a few times especially after we know about the daughter, but they will live.  Totally peace out, we’ve done our time, leaving Shield with the adorable daughter and its Perthshire or Bust.   They’ve sacrificed enough and will not be willing to risk it again.
May:   Lives and reminds us all that she is one hell of a pilot.  If Mack decides he wants to step down, dies, whatever I’ll throw her back in contention for Director, especially as I see Sousa Following Daisy if she leaves.  Coulson seemed to have set her on that path and at the very least passed the “Team Parent” torch onto her, that it would be her job to give the Coulson talks to those who needed it.  If she’s not Director, she’ll be whomever is right hand, or I still have that option for the Academy being up and running and she’s running that, training the next generation.
Coulson: Lives.I know SHOCKING.   I think he was very ready to throw in the towel after spending 20 months in the TV but then Enoch’s moving words in his death were what changed his mind about ‘powering down” when this is all over.  Coulson realizes that yes, while it is hard to be the one to leave it is harder for the ones that are left behind but it’s also necessary that they move on, and live for those they have lost before.  Like Sousa and Fitzsimmons, he’ll be another that they’ll fake out death a few times.   I see him leaving Shield though, taking Lola and finally just going and seeing the world, watching the history he loves so much happen.  We get to see him driving around or even off in Lola for the last time.   Other options include he does something that will allow him to totally run with his new super computer super power.  The final thing I can see him doing is being the coolest professor at the newly rebooted Academy.  
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 207 prt 1
Lotor was still a sack of shit. Keith managed to get him pinned, then the arsehole had pierced his side with his nails, fangs bared and irritation in his eyes as he stared down at Keith. The pain causing him to shift back, Lotor finding it amusing in causing him to yield, but he’d get him back. Dragging himself to the showers, the amount of blood running down the drain was alarming. Keith really wasn’t used to these kinds of wounds not being fatal. It was tiresome to have to spar in cheap shorts because the moment he shifted his clothes were ruined. Lance had taken him op-shopping. Proud that he was getting the hand of letting the shift happen. Keith didn’t think he was getting the hand of it. He only seemed to be able to shift when he was training... and then it’d taken days to be able to do it again after his first wilful shift... that he didn’t remember.
Leaving the shower, still bleeding, Keith nearly had a heart attack at Krolia sitting on the bench in front of his locker. His mother were a concerned look, that took a long moment for Keith to work out. A hot shower on top of blood loss was a silly idea. Instead of feeling clean, he felt faint
Lifting the first aid kit beside her, his mother was creeping him out with her concern
“I thought you could use some help with your wounds”
“Oh... uh, they’ll heal”
Krolia sounded almost disappointed in him as she pointed to the spot next to her. He wasn’t getting out of this
“Humour me”
Be fussed over by his mother was different to being fussed over by Shiro or Lance. Lance kissed his wounds, before he cleaned them up and told him he was proud that Keith was making progress, even if he hated seeing him coming home bleeding. Shiro went to fretting and wondering if he needed stitches. Krolia went to the alcohol wipes that made him yip
“Sit still you big baby”
“Stop poking at them. They’ll heal”
“You’re very lucky you’re a wolf. You’d be dead if you were still human”
Rolling his eyes, he knew that. He knew that a hundred times over. The fact his body healed was so damn weird
“Tell me something I don’t know”
Dropping the wipe she’d been assaulting his right hand side with, his mother pulled him into a hug that left him still. He didn’t move to return the hug, nor did it feel like a nice loving hug... No. This was the kind of hug he’d gotten from Lance after his accident. The “I’m worried about you” hug that made his heart race
“I want you to stop training with Lotor”
She what now? Blinking half a dozen times, Keith wrinkled his brow
“Mum, you know I’m okay...”
“I know, but I can’t stand it. I’ve been watching your training sessions with him... Keith, it scares me. I don’t want that kind of violence for you”
“We’re training...”
“You’re fine the way you are. I know you’re a skilled hunter, but every time I see you covered in blood, it hurts. I know it hurts Lance too. He called me in tears the first time it happened. He’s very proud of you, and he’d never tell you not to train. I’m very proud of you. But I think you need to take a break for a little while. You can go on patrol with Shiro, just... please... I know you heal, but I’m scared you’ll go too far”
Keith was shaking. He’d worked his arse off for this. He had yet to actually beat Lotor, but he was getting to know how his wolf. He was getting to be less scared about what he was now. Now Lance was having secret conversations with Krolia, while telling him to his face he was proud of him... and his mother was telling him not to fight? She’d fought every day of her life in more ways than one...
“I don’t get it”
He simply didn’t. He was strong. He was fast. The wounds healed. And his ego agreed with him. They could do this
“Keith... I overstepped. Just... I want you to be careful. You’re my son. I am so proud of you”
Why did it feel like there was a “but” to that?
“I know I was never a good mother. I guess seeing your father again reminded me of a time when I didn’t have to fight... Let me finish cleaning you up”
“Mum, I’m okay. Training with Lotor is helping. It means I’ll actually know my limits in the field and be able to protect Shiro and Curtis”
“But who’s going to protect you?”
He didn’t have an answer for that. His ego said he didn’t need protecting. That they were better than those humans. The thought upsetting him as soon as it crossed his mind. Shiro was his brother. His pack. He has his back more times than Keith had hot dinners. Maybe... maybe he was getting too cocky? Maybe... he was being mean and didn’t know it? He and Lance hadn’t been very intimate since he’d started training with Lotor... Was Lance thinking he didn’t want to touch him?
“I’ll think about it. You don’t have to worry about dressing the wounds. Lance will take care of it at home”
He wanted to go home to his fiancé and talk this out. He thought Lance had been proud of him. Not running to his mother because he couldn’t face him. Lance said he understood Keith’s fatigue... He’d said he was proud... Honestly, Lance not being honest upset him far more than Krolia telling him to stop
“About that. Yeah, Lance isn’t at home right now. I picked him up earlier and now he’s with Curtis and Shiro”
Had he fucked up? Why wasn’t Lance at home
“What do you mean he’s not at home?!”
“You don’t need to yell. Rieva was a little worried about him, and I wanted to borrow him anyway. He’s fine. Rieva couldn’t very well to his future mother-in-law needing to borrow him, not when I said I’d bring him to Platt”
Rieva was Lance’s babysitter. He’d lapsed back into barely being able to keep his eyes open again. The female werewolf was sure labour would be coming on soon, Lance cut her down by saying he was exhausted from her and her birthing plan. Keith was exhausted from hearing about the birthing plan... and he wasn’t the one doing any of the hard work. Frankly she was slightly scary
“Again with yelling!”
“You can’t go stealing Lance”
“I didn’t steal him. Anyway, he’s safe. I needed to borrow him for the afternoon, actually, I needed to borrow both of you. Preferably for the night according to Matt”
Matt couldn’t go kicking them out their own home. Frankly Keith had enough to deal with. He wanted to hurry up and buy Lance the engagement ring already, but the engagement ring had to be the right ring. It had to match his plans for his replica of Mami’s ring. Lance never mentioned it, but he’d noticed that his fiancé had had a sad look on his face as he looked at Rieva’s new bling. They still hadn’t told anyone... and for Keith, the novelty had started wearing off. He wanted to scream and shout they were engaged... but until he got a ring for Lance, they’d only cop judgment from their friends.
“He can go fuck himself”
Three werewolves were not meant to live together when they were all worried over Lance. Matt had ever started trying to feed Lance, sacrificing his precious food to Lance who only felt worse and worse each time he did
“Don’t be like that. He’s planning Lance’s surprise baby shower. Pidge is in charge of the entertainment and drinks. Hunk and Shay are doing the catering. Rieva is decorating, and Matt is providing the muscles. Allura and Coran are going to drive down in the morning. Thankfully I had a valid reason for needing the both of you, so it all worked out rather nicely”
“Do I get to know what this reason is?”
“I think it’s better I show you rather than simply tell you”
His mother was enjoying this. Keith huffing at her in annoyance. Now his talk with Lance would have to wait, and his stupid ego would be all bent out of shape as it did. He really missed being a human.
Krolia sprung another surprise on him. He’d thought his mother had her own apartment in a seperate part of the city. Not her own apartment a floor below where Shiro’s apartment was. Confused at why they’d gotten off a floor early, the only thing that kept him huffing about it was subtle traces of Lance’s scent in the hallway. Lead down to one of the anonymous doors, Krolia took delight in opening it
“Welcome to my apartment!”
The place was decorated the same as theirs. The same primary colours, accented with black and white. Her sofa was black, instead of red, but for the most part it was disorientatingly similar. Sitting on the sofa, Lance was asleep against next to Curtis who had his arms around the vampire’s shoulder
“Hey, Keith. Come on in. Lance’s been out for about half an hour now, and Shiro’s upstairs”
Curtis’s familiarity with the apartment annoyed Keith. As Krolia’s son, he didn’t understand how he was the last to know she lived right below him. He didn’t want to deal with her shit
“Fuck this. I’m going to get my bike”
As he turned, Krolia sidestepped. Grabbing him by the wrist, he was propelled into her apartment and the door closed behind the pair of them. The look in his mother’s eyes told him he had to stay, no matter how he might feel about it
“Thanks, Curtis. I’ve got it from here”
“No worries. You know, you could have told us you actually lived her”
Kroli shrugged, smug as she did
“I would have, but none of you thought to ask”
Why did he keep letting Krolia do this to? He’d never understand her sense of humour
“Mum, you... why do you do this to me?”
“I’ve got 20 years of mum jokes to make up for. I can, and will, have this. Can I get something you something to drink?”
“Can it be alcoholic?”
Something strong. Something that burned on the way down. Something that’d make him forget his weirdo mother’s excess of weirdness and soothe his annoyance with the situation. Krolia laughed far too hard
“Keith, you my son, are a funny one. Go save Curtis from Lance and I’ll whip up something up to go with our drinks”
Taking Lance from Curtis, Lance barely stirred. Slurring his name, he smiled at Keith as if he hadn’t seen him in years, not a few hours. Snuggling into him, the vampire sighed in content. Lance wouldn’t lie to him, Krolia had to have misunderstood. Stretching, Curtis shot them both a smile. Keith not matching it as his lover smelt too much like everyone else
“He’s had some blood from a bag. He felt a bit warm earlier, so I don’t know if he’s coming down with a fever, or if he’s just super tired. One moment we were discussing our show, and the next he’d fallen asleep”
“He does that. Thanks for watching over him”
“It’s fine. He seems a bit stressed about what’s happening at home. When you’re done here, come on up. I’m going to grab some blood bags before I go home”
“Thanks. That’d be handy. How big is the party going to be?”
“Not that big. Pidge has been warned against loud noises. Hunk was having a nervous breakdown over the cake, but I think he’s got that sorted now”
“As long as he doesn’t go overboard”
“With three werewolves to feed, I don’t think even Hunk can over cater. I’ll give you our gift when you come up”
“Nah, save it until tomorrow. Lance will get suspicious if you’re suddenly giving us gifts”
“Provided he can stay awake long enough. Is he okay to be sleeping?”
“Yeah. From what we can tell it’s a pregnancy thing. I’ll keep an eye on him and call Coran if he does develop a fever”
“Okay, then I’m off. I’ll see you tomorrow, Krolia!”
“See ya, Curtis!”
Left alone with Lance in his mother’s den, Keith stroked his fiancé’s hair. Fresh blood would help perk Lance back up, but his mother seemed uncomfortable when he fed him, plus he’d kind of lost a fair bit thanks to Lotor. He could imagine Coran in there scraping his blood off the training room floor for testing, the werewolf’s nose wrinkling at the thought of it all. Lance could have told him if he’d acted out, or if his ego had been being mean to him. He could have told him if he was scared of who, or what, Keith was becoming. He’d nearly given up, then Lance had encouraged him to keep going... Maybe it was a hormone thing? Like when Lance had cried over the puppy in a TV commercial the other day...
Attempting to be civilised, his mother brought him out of his thoughts by placing down a serving tray with two coffees, a tea, and an unopened packet of biscuits. Squeezing herself onto the sofa, Krolia slung her arm over Keith’s shoulder
“This is nice, isn’t it?”
“That you’ve been hiding you’ve been living here? Or that I’ve got no idea what’s going on?”
He and Shiro might be hopeless decorators, but they’d managed to make the apartment feel like theirs. Krolia’s apartment lacked all the personal touches he’s become used to... plus there was a disturbing lack of fur over everything
“Both. Both is good. Now, I know I’ve ruined your plans, but I’ve got something to show you”
“It better be good. Lance should be sleeping in a proper bed”
“You can put him in mine, if you want”
“Lance is fine right here with his Keith”
Poking Lance in the side, Keith kissed Lance’s hair as he did. Mumbling Lance was a sleepy Lance
“You’re supposed to be sleeping”
“I am... can’t you tell?”
“Oh, yes, babe. 10 out of 10, best sleeper”
“I feel sick... you smell like blood”
Lance must have felt too sick to praise him for his monster dick. Thank god they weren’t having that conversation in his mother’s apartment
“Lotor got me again”
Lance huffed, nosing into Keith’s chest right near where Lotor had got him in the left side with his thumb nail
“He sucks... get it, because he’s a vampire and a wanker”
“I get it. Do you want to wake up for me? Or do you want to sleep some more?”
“Cuddles and awake”
“Okay. You going to sit up?”
“Nope. Sorry for interrupting you”
“You’re fine, babe. Mum was about to cut the crap and tell me what she wanted to show me”
“Oooh... I wanna see. Can I see?”
Krolia tried to crane past him to see Lance, Keith shifting slightly to angle his back more towards her as a barrier between the pair of them
“I thought it best that you were to see it with Keith. Are we ready?”
“Yes, please”
“Hiiiiiiii, Keith. Hey, mummy’s big boy... Hello my love. Joe, he looks just like you. Look at him. He’s got your frown. Aw, Keith. It’s okay. Daddy isn’t very scary. No, he’s not”
“Krolia, I think you’re scaring him with the camera”
“You shouldn’t have let me buy it if you didn’t want me using it”
As his father laughed, baby him let out an unhappy cry. His father rushing to hush him as Krolia’s laugh crackled.
Bundled in his father’s arms on screen, Keith had to keep blinking away the tears in his eyes. His dad. His dad was there... The camera footage was old and grainy. He looked thoroughly unamused at Krolia poking the camera so close, but... it was him. Him and his dad. His dad...
“After Lance had cleaned I managed to find these in Joe’s closet. They were down the bottom in a box without any labels. I didn’t know what was on there until I dropped the tapes in to be put on DVD... You always hated having a camera anywhere near you when you were a baby”
“They could only recover footage from two of the tapes. I kept the lot, in case one day they find some way to pull the videos off... You were such cute baby. You never liked having your nappy changed. The moment the cloth touched your balls, you’d scream and scream as if I was trying to murder you”
“You would too if someone was putting a cold cloth on your balls. I didn’t know you and dad had a camera”
“It was a gift. Nothing fancy and certainly not new... I’d forgotten about it. I didn’t see it at the house, so I’ve got not idea what happened it to. Things weren’t like they are now. We didn’t have video cameras in our palms”
He and Lance agreed to keep photos of the twins off social media. Lance had seen a really messed up case during his last time through university. How the law failed parents who posted photos of their children online where they could be seen by less than desirable people. The thought revolted him
“How old was I?”
“I’d say you’re about a month or two. You got a lot more photogenic as you got older. The other video is when you’re 4”
The first video was only 5 minutes long. A really silly video of his dad trying to settle him while Krolia laughed at all his fussing.
“Keith. Hey, Keith, what are you doing?”
Younger him gave the camera a toothy grin, missing his front two. He was so small. His eyes as purple as ever
“You came off your bike and knocked them out. Joe rushed you to the doctor. You were more concerned with not being able to have homemade lemonade than about losing your teeth”
“Keith, I’m talking to you”
Young Keith was as done with Krolia’s crap as he was. Holding his purple hippo, he was twisting himself back and forth, showing off for the camera as he whined directly at the lens
“Mum, I’m waiting for dad!”
“You’re waiting for daddy? But he’s at work”
“I know he’s at work. I’m not dumb”
Huffing, young him pouted, stomped his foot and crossed his arms.
Lance snorted at him, his hand squeezing Keith’s gently
“You haven’t changed one bit. You’re so adorable”
“Wasn’t he? He loved that hippo so much...”
“Guys, I’m trying to watch the video”
He didn’t want to watch himself, but he did hope his dad would be in it. Having been warned, Lance and Krolia shut up.
“I didn’t say you were. You can do just about anything, and I think you should take me on a tour of our house so I can show daddy later”
Young him huffed again
“That’s dumb. Dad knows where everything is, mum. He’s not like you”
He was a vicious little shit
“You’re really mean to me. Don’t you love, mummy?”
“Not when she’s asking stupid questions...”
Oh god. Keith’s cheeks were flaming with embarrassment. Krolia laughing on the video
“Okay. Okay. Mummy obviously doesn’t know best. Why don’t you do a dance and I’ll film you?”
To his horror, young him shook himself out and danced on the spot. Lance laughing at his “dancing”. Finishing, he stared up at the camera, when Krolia didn’t say anything, he did it again. Parents shouldn’t be allowed cameras
“That’s my boy. Are you sure you don’t want to show me around?”
Pushing his finger to his cheek, he twisted it on the spot as if he was thinking “seriously”
“Are you going to get lost if I don’t?”
“I might”
Sigh dramatically, young him rolled his eyes heavily
“Fine, but you’ve got to remember this stuff, mum. I can’t remember everything for you all of the time. It’s too much”
Young him took them on a tour of their home. Bragging about his dad being a firefighter who rode in a huge truck. His favourite toy being his hippo, but he also loved his toy cars and had kicked a hole in the wall of his room when he’d been put in a time out. He sounded like the spawn of Satan. He definitely had far too much sass for a four year old. Krolia repeatedly scolded for her questions, laughing at him every time he got cranky with her. Seeing the house lived in, he could see the love. His things were everywhere. His “art” pinned to the fridge. Krolia slipping on his discarded skateboard, swearing loudly as she caught herself, young him happy to parrot the bad word then question why it was a bad word if mummy was saying it.
As young Keith concluded his tour, the door to the shack opened. Krolia forgotten
Rushing to his dad, the camera was placed down, the video slipping sideways as his father scooped him up.
Keith’s heart ached. His dad was everything he’d hoped he’d be. Everything he’d said he was as he passed from home to home. Yet he barely remembered him. The sound of his voice filled with so much longing to reach through the screen and hug his dad.
“Hey, kiddo! Did you have fun with mummy today?”
“Mum said “Fuck””
Young him giggled at the word as his father huffed
“I’m not surprised. Hey, hun. I see his fever went down, he’s still a bit a warm”
Krolia entered the video, his father wrapping his arm around her and kissing her on the top of her head
“Yeah. You wouldn’t have known he sick last night”
His father hiked him up on his hip, kissing Keith’s forehead
“He takes after you. Don’t you, kiddo?”
“I wanna be like daddy. Mummy is weird”
His father laughed, Krolia moving away from them
“She might be, but if you keep saying that you’re going to make her cranky”
“She’s scary when she’s mad...”
“I can still hear both of you. I think this means no dessert for either of you tonight”
Krolia moved back to the camera, the last shot was of him throwing up on his dad and bursting into tears.
A long moment passed into two. Lance grunting as he wiggled himself forward on the sofa
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soaronmywings · 4 years
Princess of SAMCRO (Juice x Reader)
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“Jaxy!” You whine from the leather black couch in the living room of your mother’s house. You’re Jax’s sister, Gemma’s only daughter and the princess of the SAMCRO. Gemma has been raising you after her own heart, teaching you not to take any shit from anyone, especially the boys in the club. You’re about 4 years younger than Jax, which meant you barely got to know your father, John Teller. He still haunts your memories, his bike crashing into the semi when you were a little girl. You were 12 when he passed, and he was even coming to get you from school. It was a special day for you since you almost never got to ride with dad on his bike. It was when Opie’s dad Piney came up on his bike, you knew something was wrong. You could see Piney holding back tears as he dropped down on one knee, opening his arms welcoming you in. He was the one who broke the news to you. You were heartbroken and all you wanted was your mom and Jaxy. Now, you’re 26 and have Jax wrapped around your little finger, and you keep that boy in line as best as you can “What do you want princess?” He exasperated, crossing his arms, looking down at you with a warm smile. You were the princess, and everyone treated you like one. “Can we go for a ride of your bike?” You looked up and him a big smile on your face. You begged Jax to let you get your own bike, he just repeats every time “I won’t let you taint such a pretty thing with pink like we all know you will”, you wanted to be apart of the club, but the whole no girls rule held you back from it, and Jax would never let you go in the line of danger. “Alright I guess.” He says, defeat in his voice. He could never say no to you. You were his weak spot in the metal armour, he always kept you heavily protected, always made sure at least one person was with you at all times. It usually consisted of Opie, Happy, Tig, Juice, or Chibs. Jax wouldn’t trust anyone else with his baby sister. “Yay!” You jumped up into his arms. “And Jaxy?” You take his hands into yours with a pouty face. “Can I please get my own bike?” You looked up at him with a puppy dog face, just begging him to let you fit in a little bit with the guys. “That’s up to mom Y/N.” He shook his head at how ridiculous his sister was acting. You smiled, letting go of Jax’s hands before heading to the garage to get your helmet. Jax bought you one since you’ve been begging him to take you around so much. “Oh!” A lightbulb just went off in your head. “We should go visit the club!” You said with a grin and you picked up your helmet, turning around to face your brother. “If you say so.” Jax ruffles your hair before exiting the garage. That made you grumpy and you tried to fix your hair without a mirror. Jax just threw his leg over his bike laughing at how vain his sister is. God is she beautiful. He thought to himself, see his mother in her. Jax neglected to put his own helmet on, and Gemma Teller was on top of it. “You better put your helmet on boy.” She hollered at him from the from door as she leaned into the door jam. Jax shook his head smiling as he reached behind him to get him helmet. “I’m 30 mom, I think I got this.” He says with a shit eaten grin on his face as he strapped in on underneath his chin. Gemma went back inside, but not before blowing a kiss to her daughter. “Bye mom!” You yelled into the house. You walked over to Jax who was on his bike. You strapped your helmet on just as Jax started the bike, revving the engine. You throw your leg over the bike, feeling the vibrations go through your bones which gets your adrenaline pumping. You grab onto Jax’s leather kutte loosely, loving the freeing feeling. -Something happens at around 92 miles an hour - thunder-headers drown out all sound, engine vibrations travels at a heart’s rate, field of vision funnels into the immediate and suddenly you’re not on the road, you’re in it. A part of it. Traffic, scenery, cops - just cardboard cutouts blowing over as you past. Sometimes I forget the rush of that.- Jax pulled up to the club, backing into the first spot in the rows of bikes. You take your helmet off, leaping off the bike before Jax even turns it off. The boys just got back home from a very long run, to Las Vegas, and you missed all of your boy.! “Ope!” You beamed as you leaped into the big bears arms. He’s basically a second brother to you, and you loved him and his kids were amazing. “Hey there shorty.” Opie smiled. Jax stayed back, lighting up one of his cancer sticks that you hate. You wished that he would just stop smoking. You still want a brother in 20 years, but he can’t get that through his thick skull. You said your hellos to everyone else, having drinks with everyone catching up and laughing like you haven’t seen each other in 10 years. The last one was Juice, who you didn’t see in the clubhouse. He must be in his dorm. “I gotta go pee.” You blurt out before hopping off of the bar counter and down the long hallway that holds all the dorms. At the very end, you even have your own dorm. Because when it comes to lockdowns, you’re the first one to be brought here. The third door on the left. You repeat in your head. Being one of Jax’s watchdogs, Juice and you have become very, fond, of each other. Even though it breaks one of Jax’s forsaken rules, you’ve started to fall for Juicey. You give a light knock on the door before slowly opening it. “Juice?” Your voice is barely a whisper. You’re so nervous, and you can’t place why. “Hey, Y/N.” Juice greets you and he appears from the bathroom, a towel around his waist and hot water dripping all over his built chest. You close the door behind you, locking it. You rush over to Juice pressing your lips to his. Juice melts into the kiss, his hands resting on your waist. You press your forehead to his with a big smile spread across your face. He’s made you the happiest girl ever, even if your relationship is kept a secret, and Juice could tell. “I missed you baby.” He whispers before kissing your nose. “I missed you too Juicey.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. “What was your excuse this time?” He asks you looking into your eyes. You giggled thinking about it. “I just kinda.. Blurted out that I had to pee.” You giggled out. Juice started laughing at you. “You might be the most blunt girl I’ve ever met.” He says and kisses behind your ear which is your sweet spot. You bite your lip smiling. “I actually do have to pee, but then I should get back out there before someone starts getting suspicious.” You softly kiss his lips one more time before going into his bathroom shutting the door, sitting down on the toilet to pee. Once you finished doing your thing, washed your hands and walked out. Juice now had a pair of jeans on but no shirt. You make your way over to him, kissing his forehead. “You should go out first, then I’ll come out in a minute or two.” Juice gives you a big hug and a final kiss behind the ear. You nod, sighing. You honestly hate keeping this a secret. But you knew that if Jax found out that he would probably kill Juice. You looked down at his back chest, finger tracing over his tattoos before unlocking the door and walking back towards the boys. You sit down next to Chibs, laying your head on his shoulder. “You need to let yer brother know lass.” He says, with lots of consideration in his voice. You just nod, trying to get yourself back into the mood. You took one of the shots that was sitting on the table and down it, the alcohol burning your throats but you love it anyways. Juice comes out, with a plain black shirt on and his leather kutte lying on top. You don’t know how, but over time, Chibs eventually found out about your secret relationship with Juice, but you both knew he would never spill the beans about it, that was your job, not his. You all sat and drank, some of you playing pool, for a few hours before Jax cleared his throat to speak. “Well, as fun as this is I think I should be heading home. I need to tuck Abel in. And Wendy would hate me if I came home late again with nothing going on.” Jax stated, looking over to you. “I think I can get a ride home from one of the guys. Please? I miss them!” You begged and pleaded. Jax became father-like to you whenever Gemma wasn’t around, it didn’t matter if you were 26 fricking years old. “Alright I guess, don’t stay out too late.” He mumbled with one of those stupid cigarettes in his mouth. Tig and some of the other boys started laughing. “Boy, she has you whipped, wrapped around her little finger.” Happy grinned over at him with a whiskey in his hand. Jax flipped all of the boys off shaking his head. “Your helmet will be on Chibs’ bike.” Jax told you. You nod, giving him a sweet smile in thanks. Jax walked over to you, placing a kiss on your head before walking out toward the bikes. All you heard was the rumbling as he started it, before it faded into the distance. 6 hours later For the most part all the boys cleared out, either had to get back to their ol’ ladies or needed to sleep the alcohol off. It seemed that whenever you came to the club, drunkenness always followed. Ope was about to head out, he grabbed his kutte from the back of the chair he was sitting on. “Do you need a ride?” He asks you. You shake your head before placing it on the table. You were sleepy, and you thought about just crashing here. “I think I’m gonna stay here. I’m too drunk to move.” You groaned before letting out a cute, high pitched hiccup. Ope shook his head at you. “Alright, you should give Jax a call, he’d probably want to know.” Ope says before heading toward his pickup truck, starting it up and going home to Donna and his kids. Chibs sighed, crossing his arms as he looked at you. “Yer gonna stay here with Juice aren’t ye lass?” He raised his eyebrow at you. “I never get to spend time with him, and I’m wasted. My luck I’d fall off the back of a bike.” You giggle at the thought of that one. You’re a very clumsy being. You trip on flat ground, hit you elbow or hipbone or toe on furniture all the time, you walk in to walls. Not a good sight, and it gets even worse when you’re tipsy, and when you’re drunk that’s a whole other story. “If ye say so love. Just be careful, ye don’t want Jacky finding out on his own. Yew should be the one to tell him.” Chibs gives you yet another one of his lectures. You nod. “I’ll talk to Juice, maybe we’ll tell him tomorrow.” You looked down at your hands as you spun your thumbs around in circles. “Alright lass, I’m gonna head home. I probably have an impatient Jarry waiting on what’s taking me so long.” You both laughed at that. You got up, stumbling down the hall. “Juiceyy!” You whined, holding yourself up against the wall. You press you back against the wall as a mean of support as you take off your heeled boots. Juice steps out of his dorm, leaving his door open. “Hey, what’s up?” He asks rubbing his face with his hand. You clearly just either woke him up, or stopped him from trying to sleep. You extend your arms after you get your boots off trying to get him to bring you to his room. Juice walks up to you and picks you up. You immediately wrap your legs around his waist. He could smell the alcohol radiating off your skin but he didn’t care. This wasn’t the first time he got to spend the night with you, but it was the first time with you this drunk. “Hey, hey. Lay down babe.” He cooed in you ear as he laid you down before going back into the hall the grab your boots. He came back, setting your boots by the door. You unbuttoned your white jeans and tugged them off. Juice went into his drawer and pulled out one of his white SAMCRO shirts for you to sleep in. You tossed your jeans by your boots, or as close as you could get them before lifting up your turquoise crop top and tossing it by your jeans. You happily took the shirt from Juice and slipped it on. “Thank you.” You whispered looking up at Juice. He gently took your face into his large, calloused hands before kissing your lips. You kissed him back placing your hand right on top of his “son” and “shine” tattoos that are on his chest. Juice pulls back and looks into your eyes. “There’s no need to thank me Y/N, I’d do this for you any day. Now cmon, lets lay down” Juice pulls you back onto the bed so you’re laying down. You both get under the sheets before snuggling into each other. Juice didn’t want to take advantage of you tonight, you were too far gone. So he just cared for you and let you stay in his bed. Soon enough both of you drifted to sleep. The Next Morning The light shined into the room. You grunted as you sat up, your head pounding like a bitch. Blinking and looking around you realized you weren’t in Juice’s room, you were in your own. He must’ve carried you into the room this morning, he’s always been an early riser. Some knocks on your door and it makes you groan. “Come in.” You barely manage to get out. God you drank way too much last night. Jax walks in with his arms crossed, looking at you with a disappointing look on his face. You pull the comforter higher up to cover Juice’s shirt that you were planning on keeping hostage. “Mom said you didn’t come home last night. And you didn’t leave either of us a phone call, nuthin’.” Jax explains to you. You nod. “I stayed here. I figured I was way to drunk to sit on the back of a bike and I even have my own bed so why not?” You say looking down. “Hey, hey. I’m not mad darlin’. I just wish you left us a message. Mom was worried.” Jax rests his hand on your leg. You nod. “I was wayy too wasted for that Jaxy.” You giggled. He smiled laughing at the thought of the message you would have left either of them. “Alright, well I gotta take the boys to school. But I just wanted to stop in and check in on you.” Jax says patting your leg before exiting your room. You lay in your bed thinking to yourself. Maybe it’s time I move out and get settled in my own place, maybe even get a job. You gross yourself out at the thought of that, but you wanted to become more independent. You’re 26 still living with mom. But then again, your situation isn’t exactly the same situation as normal girls. You were the princess of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club for Christ sake. You sigh to yourself. You know you need to get out of bed eventually. You toss the covers off and walk over to your closet, rummaging through the clothes you have there. You pull on a pair of black activewear shorts and leave Juice’s shirt on. Peaking down the hall, you make sure the coast is clear before top-toeing down the hallway in case any of the prospects or the other guys are still in their dorms. The wooden flooring beneath you creaks, and you bolt. Going into Juice’s room. You know what door that was, Happy’s, and you know if he found out about you and Juice he would feel obligated to tell Jax. And you couldn’t have any of that today. Not unless you were the one to spill it. “Easy there tiger.” Juice laughed. You just sigh sprawling yourself out on his bed. Juice was wearing his boxers and nothing else, you caught him in the middle of changing. But you didn’t care, all you cared about was the conversation you needed to have with him. “So, I don’t know if you know. But Chibs somehow knows about us.” You started. You sat up, propping yourself up on your elbows. “We were talking last night. And it’s kind of fuzzy, but I still do remember a little bit. He thinks we should tell Jax.” You finished you sentence looking up at him. He puts his jeans on before sitting down next to you. “Is that what you want?” He asks. “And I mean you. Not Chibs. And not me. You.” He clarified. You looked over at him. “Yes. I don’t want this to be a secret anymore. It’s been going on for 4 years Juicey. I just want to be able to be in the same room as you and everyone else, not worrying about showing too much feeling towards you. I’m sick of the croweaters being all over you, And I don’t want someone else spilling the beans either, he’d disown me.” All you can do is choke up at the thought of that. “Don’t think like that baby. I’m perfectly fine with it.” He looked down at you, wrapping his arms around you pulling you against his chest. You kiss his jaw lightly before standing up. “Thank you babe.” You thanked him, running your hand over his freshly shaven mohawk. Juice gently pushed your head up and pressed his lips to yours. His kisses were so soft and sweet, it warmed your heart. You kissed him back, moving onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing yourself closer to him. You hear the roar of a single motorcycle from outside Juice’s window, Jax must be back. You hop of Juice’s lap. “I need to change my shirt so he doesn’t flip his shit right off the bat.” You smiled, blowing a kiss to Juice before rushing down the hallway into your room. You grab the closet thing you can find which happens to be a white tank top. It’ll have to do. You walk out of your dorm, down the long hallway into the clubhouse. Jax walks in just as you do. You look over at him before walking over to him. “Hey Jax, can I talk to you for a minute?” You ask him trying to mask just how scared you are. “Yeah of course you can sis, what’s up?” He drapes an arm around your shoulder as you walk back outside to sit on the picnic table. Your heart is racing, about to beat out of your chest. Jax sits down, his back facing the door to the clubhouse and you sit on the other side of him. You look behind Jax to see Juice, now fully clothed, leaning against the doorframe. Chibs comes behind him, patting him on the shoulder. “How’d you find out?” Juice asks him. “She’s always sneaking away while you’re gone. And it doesn’t take 20 minutes to take a piss last time I checked lad.” Chibs grinned chuckling at how stupid you two must think he is. “So, Jax. I don’t really know how to put this. I want to start off with please don’t get upset with me.” You start off, looking down at your hands. “For the past 4 years- I’ve been.. I’ve been kinda seeing Juice secretly. And, I really like him Jaxy..” You trail off, not knowing what else to say. Hesitantly, you look up into Jax’s eyes not knowing what to expect. Anger? Sadness? “I had one rule Y/N. Don’t date a patch.” Jax’s voice was barely a whisper. You nod, looking down again. You began to feel disappointed in yourself. “I’m sorry Jaxy. You just don’t understand..” You tried to explain. You couldn’t form the right words anymore. You were so close to breaking down right there. “What do you mean I don’t understand?!” He starts raising his voice. “Having someone watching you 24/7? Always having someone right there behind you. Shit I can’t even go to a store to get personal shit on my own Jackson! You would never understand that!” By the end of your sentence you were crying, the dam broke and you couldn’t handle it anymore. All that was left to do was walk away and let Jax take it all in. You slipped out from the picnic table and went to go back inside, but Jax grabbed your arm stopping you from doing so. “Don’t you understand? All I wanted to do was keep you safe! You know the risks that come with this shit.” He was still yelling at you, but not for the same reason anymore. Now, he was hurt. You could see the sadness in his pretty blue eyes. “I know you wanted to keep me safe Jaxy. But you have to let me be a big girl. I love Juice.” You looked over at Juice, who was in the same spot you saw him in last. He knew this was hard for you, but he also knew this had to happen. Jax let go of your arm and sighed pushing his hair back. “I need to ride and clear my head.” He says walking over to his bike. You go over to Juice and Chibs. “He probably hates me now.” You sighed out as you wiped your eyes of the tears. “I doubt he could ever hate ye lass.” Chibs rubs your shoulder, trying to let you know that he’s here for you. You just shrug, it’s been a really emotional day for you and it’s only noon. Well, now that your relationship with Juice is out in the open, you don’t have to hold back. And that feels great. Juice wraps his arms around you, hugging you. You hugged him back pressing your face into his chest. Tig walks in with a raised eyebrow looking over at you two and then Chibs, who took the hint and walked away. Tig leaned against the bar looking at the two lovebirds. “And what the hell did I miss?” He asks Chibs pointing over at you guys. “They’ve been together for years, they just broke the news to Jax who didn’t take it so well. I had to keep Juice from interfering. Y/N and Jax needed to yell it out which turned into riding it out and in Y/N’s case, cry it out.” Chibs explained to Tig. Tig nodded, understanding the situation. “I never want to leave your arms.” Your voice was muffled by Juices white shirt, which now was stained with tears. Juice guides you back down the hallway into his dorm, knowing you don’t want an audience to watch you have a breakdown. You sit on Juice’s bed, with your back pressed up against the headboard. “Do you want me to get you a change of clothes from your room babe?” He asks sitting in front of your curled up legs, rubbing your bare leg. You nod wiping your eyes of the tears. “Just get me a pair of grey sweatpants, and a set of bra and panties if you would.” You ask him sniffling. He nods before heading out of his dorm to head down to yours. You go through his top drawer and find your favourite long sleeve SAMCRO black shirt of his. It smelled like him, and you loved it. Juice comes back in with exactly what you asked for and his shirt that you tried, and obviously failed, to hide from him. You just want one shirt of his, but now that everything is out in the open he might not have an issue with it. “I think I’m gonna take a shower, if you don’t mind.” You put down the shirt of Juice’s on his desk chair. You walk into the bathroom, nudging the door shut with your foot which in turn meant it didn’t shut all the way. You start to strip, taking your tank and shorts off, followed by your bra and panties. You grab your kimono that you have behind the door and put it on tying it around your waist. Juice had always let you leave little things in his dorm. Like your kimono so you can take a bath or a shower, a toothbrush, a brush and shampoo and conditioner since he damn well doesn’t have any hair. Just small things. You turn the shower on, letting it warm up before you get in. Juice sneaks up behind you without any warning and puts his hands on your waist, which scares the shit out of you. You jump, turning around and smiling realizing it was the one and only. “Don’t do that!” You scold him and slap him shoulder. He laughs a little before kissing your lips. His arms go from around your waist to gripping your ass. Your bodies pressed so close together you can feel his bulge start to grow. He moves one hand up your back, his fingers leaving a trail up your spine before he settles on the back of your neck. He uses it to pull you into a deep kiss, biting your lower lip softly. You pull his shirt over his head and toss it out of the bathroom and you place kisses down his neck and chest before sinking to your knees. You undo his belt, and unzip his jeans tugging them down a little. You pull down his boxers and his member is proudly protruding in your face and lick the tip of his cock. You suck on the tip, teasing him with it. Looking up you see Juice biting his lip and throwing his head back. You take the base of his cock into your hand, pumping slowly. Taking in more of his dick is when he began to moan, putting a hand on the back of your head. You hollowed your cheeks as you took in more of him, with his hand holding you there. As you came up, you dragged your tongue along the underside of his cock, which always turns him on. “Fuck Y/N.” Juice was barely able to get that out. You went back down, taking his entire, very large, length into your mouth with hollowed cheeks and keeping it there with the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat .”Jesus Christ.” He moans louder. Juice can’t help but grab ahold of your hair, he does that when he’s close. That’s when he takes control. He begins to fuck your mouth, thrusting in at his own rhythm each time his tip hitting the back of your throat before his letting his hot seed shoot to the back of your throat. Juice slowly stopped, before pulling you up and kissing your lips. He untied your kimono, leaving it on the floor as he grabbed your boob. He took your other boob into his mouth, his tongue swirling around your nipple. You moaned loudly, grabbing the back of Juice’s neck. He pinched you nipple as he bit your other nipple, causing a gasp to escape from your lips. You took Juice’s face into your hands bringing him up and kissing his lips. “So how about that shower?” You ask Juice with a wink. He couldn’t get his pants the rest of the way off quicker. You get get into the shower first, letting the hot water wash over you. Juice gets in behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He pushes your hair out of the way before kissing your shoulder. You put your hands on top of his, moving your head to the side for easier access. Juice turned you around, pressing your back against the cool tiles which makes you arch your back. He grabs his own dick, pumping himself a few times before lifting one of your legs with his free hand and slowly inserting himself into you. Juice starts a slow and steady pace, stretching and filling you perfectly. You grab him face and give him a sloppy kiss, which make him increase him speed. You moan against his lips, biting down on his lower lip and tugging. “You’re so tight baby.” He moaned into your ear. You dug you nails into his shoulder blades in pleasure as you ached your back, pressing your chest closer to his as the hot water flowed between the two of your bodies. Juice groaned as his thrusts became faster. You dragged your nails down his back, leaving red scratches all over. His hands grabbed your waist as he brought you down one last time, both of you reaching your climax. Juice comes inside you, his pace slowing down but not stopping as he helps you ride out your orgasm. He presses a soft kiss to your lips, so warm and gentle. “I love you Juicey.” You mumble against his lips. A big, goofy smile spreads across his face. “I love you too Y/N.” He whispers. Juice pulls himself out of you, letting your leg fall back down to the bottom of the shower. The hot water continues to run over you both. Juice grabs the body wash and starts to bathe you, letting the suds form around your whole body. He takes his sweet time, enjoying every part of this. You grab your shampoo and wash your own hair as Juice caresses your breasts. You take what’s left of the shampoo on your hands and rub it through Juice’s mohawk. You finish up bathing each other before getting out, wrapping yourselves in towels heading back into the room. Drying yourself off, you slip into your panties that Juice brought, which are his favourite pink lace ones with the matching pink lace bra to match it. Juice sits on the bed with his black boxer briefs on watching you get dressed. You slipped on his shirt before going over to him, straddling his waist. You give him a sweet tender kiss on the lips before you’re rudely interrupted by a knock on the door. “Jax is back.” Tig gave you both a heads up just before you could hear his boots walking off in the distance. You toss your head back grunting. “My brother has to ruin everything.” You say sliding off of Juice’s lap getting your sweats on. “He’s just being protective of you, and I can understand why.” Juice says from behind you as he gets his jeans and boots on before putting on a fresh new white shirt. Your subconscious was telling you that you shouldn’t wear this shirt, that it would upset Jax, but you didn’t care. It gave you comfort. After you were both dressed, you lead the way down the hall to see a still rather pissed Jax standing there with his arms crossed, waiting for you. Everyone cleared out, except for Chibs who sat at on a bar stool. And you stand in front of Jax with Juice behind you waiting for whatever is going to happen. “I understand that you have feelings for each other. But, I just can’t handle my baby sister dating one of the patches.” They’re my brothers Y/N. Jax explained to you with a raspy voice. “I’m not a baby Jackson! I’m 26 years old, I think I can make my own choices, and Juice is my choice. Take it or leave it.” You barely stood your ground, your voice had a slight quiver to it. But you didn’t cry. “I’m gonna leave it then. For now at least. I can’t handle it but I’m not gonna make you two break up because of it.” Jax turned around and walked back out. Chibs got down and followed him out and you could tell he was upset with Jax. You turn to Juice, truly saddened by everything that went down today. “It’s gonna be okay baby.” Juice stepped forward taking him into your arms. Chibs jogged over to Jax, who was sitting on his bike smoking a cigarette. “So what? Yer just gonna disown yer own sister? She’s in dere heartbroken because of ye.” The scot scolded Jax for his behavior today. “She’ll survive. She’s just like her mother. And she brought this on herself.” Jax spat taking a drag of his cigarette, the smoke filling his lungs. Chibs wanted to smack him for that. “Ye know son, keep talkin’ like that and yer gonna get yerself a beating one of these days.” Chibs finished before walking away towards T.M. Jax didn’t know what to do anymore. He should’ve known this was going to happen, but he was oblivious to the fact. Juice sat on the roof with your head in his lap, your body stretched across the couch. “I don’t know what I’m going to do anymore Juicey.” You sniffled. You hadn’t been crying in a little bit, but you always had the sniffles after you cried. “Come stay at my apartment. Get away from Jax and Gemma for a little bit.” Juice suggested as he stroked his long fingers through your hair. You shifted your body so you were now laying on your back and looked up at Juice. “Really?” You asked him. He nodded. “You’re always welcome at my place Y/N, you know that. You need a break from family for a little bit. I can see it in your eyes.” Juice told you. He was amazing. You sat up and kissed his lips and he kissed you back. He pulled away and stood up offering his hand out to you. You take it and let Juice pull you up. You both walk over to the latter that leads back down to the hallway. Juice went down first and then you followed after him. Juice got a nice look at your ass as you carefully climbed down. As you walked down the hall he slapped your ass, which you turned around and gave him a glare for. “Babe, do you have a bag that I can pack stuff in? I don’t have anything here and I don’t wanna go to moms house. She asks too many questions.” You asked Juice as you both walked into your room. “Yeah, I have my backpack that we use for runs. I’ll go grab it for you.” Juice offered, grinning from cheek to cheek. You’ve never stayed at his place, yeah you’ve hung out there with him but you’ve never spent the night there before. This was a big leap for you two, and you were as happy as you could be about it. Rummaging through your clothes, grabbing only the bare necessities knowing you could come back for more. Juice walked in, with the black backpack that had the Sons patch right on top in hand. “This should do.” He tosses it on your bed before sitting on the edge. You finish packing, putting a pair of black sneakers on. “I’m ready Juicey.” You smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips. Both of you head out, walking down the hallway. Juice lead, with you following but your hands laced together. You had Juice’s backpack on your back, which caught some glances. “What was Y/N doing with a Juice’s backpack on her back?” Was the thought going through everyone’s heads. But some knew. They heard everything that went down today, it’s kind of hard not to when two siblings are screaming in each other’s faces. You both ignored the stares and the whispers. Your secret was out, and you didn’t want to waste any more time hiding your love for your Juicey. You did catch one particular persons eye. Jax, who still sat on his bike pissed at the whole situation. And now what? Juice was taking his sister to live with him now too? That angered Jax even more, as he took a final drag of his cigarette. He threw it on the ground, crushing it with his foot. “I’ll go get your helmet off of Chibs’ bike. Just go wait by my bike.” Juice nods over to his Harley before walking over to the bike that just had to be next to Jax’s. “If you hurt my sister I swear to god-“ Jax had full blown anger in his voice, but was cut off by Juice. “Looks like you’ve already hurt her enough.” Juice told him, looking dead into his eyes. Jax curled his hands up into fists, snarling, before reaching up and knocking Juice in the face sending him back a couple feet. You drop the backpack next to Juice’s bike before running over to Juice, as Jax just punched a second time. Juice socked Jax in the face right as you got there. You stood between them, trying to keep them from ripping each others heads off. Tig and Happy came rushing over to see what the commotion was, noticing a bloody Jax and Juice. “Enough both of you!” You snapped. They looked at you with disbelief. You shook your head in disgust at your brother, whose hair was a mess. Grabbing Juice’s arm you yanked him away from the group of guys and back to his bike leaving Jax to get cleaned up by Chibs most likely. “Will you be okay to ride?” You ask him sighing at how childish he was acting. “I’m fine baby.” He smiled looking down. He had a cut on his eyebrow and one on his lip. He was most likely going to have a black eye. “Okay sweetheart, I’ll clean you up when we get to your place.” You whisper placing a kiss on his nose lightly careful not to hurt him. Juice got on his bike, starting it up. You put his backpack on your back, and grabbed your helmet, latching it on tightly under your chin. You throw your leg over the bike, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your head to his back as he pulled out. The roar of the bike filled your ears, as Juice drove away. *** Juice pulled up to his apartment, the rumble of his bike softening and he kicked out the kickstand letting his bike stand up on his own. You got off the bike and unstrapped the helmet still letting it sit on your head. Juice also got off and grabbed the keys of his bike which also had his house keys on it You both walked up the stairs before getting to his apartment. “Home sweet home.” He smiled before opening the door. You set your helmet on the table and the backpack right next to the door. “Lets go get you cleaned up.” You tell him, looking up at his face which had blood running down it. Grabbing his arm, you dragged Juice into the bathroom. “Sit.” You command. “Love a girl who can take control.” He mused with a grin spread across his face as he sat on the toilet seat. You rolled your eyes at the comment. You went back into the hallway of his apartment and into the small closet to grab a rag. Going back into the bathroom you wet the rag begin to lightly dab the blood off of his face. When is he going to stop getting beat up? Is all you thought yourself as you cleaned up your beaten boyfriend. The head wound now has a bandaid on it, which is good enough, and there wasn’t anything you could really do for the cut on the lip. So you just lightly kiss it better. “Do you want something to eat?” He asks you, changing the subject off of him and onto you, nothing new for him. “I’m not really that hungry, do you wanna play video games?” You offered as an exchange. He smiled standing up as both of you walked out of the room and over to the couch. You were a girl of his own heart. Juice turned on his PlayStation and put in Mortal Kombat for you two to play before walking back to the couch and sitting. You loved playing with Juice, you both were very competitive with your video games. The princess never liked to lose, and Juice didn’t believe in letting people win. Juice had one leg on the couch with the other on the ground, bent sitting comfortably. You sat down in front of him with your legs crossed and your back pressed to his chest. This is how you two always sat while playing video games, until one of you were on a winning streak and the other thought you were cheating so they moved to the floor. After hours of kicking each other’s asses, with you both having small winning steaks, you yawned loudly starting to get tired. You paused your current match and turned your body around so you were facing Juice. “I’m tired, can we watch movie or something?” You asked resting your head on his shoulder.”Of course baby.” He kissed your cheek before slipping out from underneath your body to go glance at the movies. “What movie do you wanna watch?” Juice asks you. You didn’t even have to think twice about it. “Star Wars!” You giggled reaching in front of you to get a sip of water. He smiles to himself as he puts the new Star Wars movie into the DVD player. Juice walks back to the couch. “God I love you.” He said with a smile reaching his eyes. “I know.” You said back. It was a cheesy quote, but you knew Juice would love it, and he did. He bent down and gave you a kiss on the lips. You get up, letting Juice spread out on the couch so you can lay on top of him. The movie started and both of your eyes glued to the screen. You both were huge nerds, something you had in common. Jax always made fun of you for it growing up. As the movie went on, you found it hard to keep your eyes open, your eyelids feeling heavy. You finally stop fighting it and close your eyes, snuggling closer into Juice’s side.Juice had his arm around your waist, rubbing small circles into your lower back. He grabbed the remote and turned the movie off. Carefully, he picked you up and you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as he carried you to his bedroom. “Y/N, baby. Let go and lay down sweetheart.” He cooed in your ear. He gently lowered you onto his queen sized bed. You took your sweats off, tossing them by the wall and took your shirt off doing the same. Juice took his pants and shirt off, leaving both of you in your underwear. You got under the covers, you might have struggled being half asleep but you managed, and Juice did the same He spooned you, wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you as close as possible to him. You shoved your cold feet in between his legs, startling him slightly but he let you keep them there. Eventually, you both slowly drifted off to sleep. Your eyes flutter open at the sound of birds chirping outside of the window. Juice’s arm is still locked around your waist, with his warm breaths on the back of your neck. You turn around so your facing him, his eyes still closed. “It’s rude to stare yknow.” Juice mumbles, his voice heavy from sleep. You smile and placing a kiss on his nose. “How’s your head?” You question quietly, gently grazing your finger over the bandaid on his eyebrow. A light shade of purple started forming under Juice’s left eye. You sigh typo your spelt in disbelief. Why did they have to fight? You thought to yourself “It hurts, but I’ll be okay baby.” He reassures you, placing a kiss to your forehead. “Do you want me to make breakfast?” You ask him looking up into his eyes. “That’d be great babe.” He agreed and slid out of the covers. You take in his body, like you do every time you see him with his shirt and pants off. You bite your bite smiling as you watch him get dressed. “Enjoying the show?” He walked over to your side of the bed and leaned over you, kissing your lips. “You bet I am Juicey.” You grin as you get out of bed yourself. Juice playfully slaps your ass as you walk by him. You turn around and blow him a kiss before walking out, heading towards the kitchen, not bothering to get dressed. Juice knew what you were playing at. He knew you were trying to drive him nuts walking around in only a lace bra and matching thong. And god was it working. He followed you out of the room and into the kitchen sitting down at the dining table to observe you as you cooked. You went into the fridge to see what you had to deal with. Juice kept a fully packed fridge, full of healthy and fresh food. Everything in his house was spotless, all organized perfectly. Juice’s phone rigging from the coffee table takes his attention away from you, and sends a wave of confusion over you. Juice walks into the living room grabbing his burner phone. “Hello?—“ He asks. The answer he got caused him to furrow his brows. “Hang on.—“ You can hear the seriousness in his voice and it worries you. Juice walks into back into the bedroom and grabs his kutte, coming back out and stepping outside to have the conversation in peace. You begin to hyperventilate at the thoughts running through your mind. Did something happen to Jax? Or your mom? Or Abel? You try and shake the thoughts out of your head as you walk into the bedroom grabbing one of Juice’s shirts. Putting it on, you take a inhale deeply into the soft fabric. It may not be him, but it always stopped a panic attack in its steps. “Alright.— I’ll get us there as soon as possible.—“ Juice’s voice came back into the house as you heard the door close behind him. With the click of his phone, footsteps came towards the room. You turned to him waiting to see what he has to say. “What’s going on Juan? Who was that?” You start to panic. He walks over to you, making shushing sounds as he takes your hands into his. “Shh, babe calm down.” He runs a hand through your hair. He knows your triggers, you have always had issues with anxiety. After you two got together though, his OCD tamed down and your anxiety did the same. But you still had your flair ups, like you were having right now. “The clubs in some deep shit with the Irish. We’re going on lockdown. That was Tig on the phone and Jax told him that he wants you there right now. He’s pissed about a bunch of shit right now.” Juice finally explained to you what was happening. Juice wrapped his arms around you, seeing that everything he just said made everything worse for you. “We shouldn’t have told Jax, this probably just made stuff worse for him.” You mumbled. You were feeling so weak right now. If your mother saw you, she would be disappointed. She raised you better than to cry at everything that came your way. “It’s gonna be okay babe. Everything is gonna be okay.” Juice whispered, his words covered in love and kindness. He slowly slid down onto the floor bringing you down with him. He pressed your back to his chest, with you sitting in-between his legs. His arms were tightly wrapped around you as you brought your legs up to your chest. This is how you got your anxiety to pass, and it almost always worked. Your breathing started to regulate after what felt like hours of being curled in a ball hyperventilating, and your heart rate slowed to its regular pace too. “You okay now baby?” Juice place a soft kiss on the back of your neck. You nod getting up and taking one last deep breath. “Do you think it’s gonna be a long lockdown? I don’t know how long I can take of an enclosed space with my mother.” You offer Juice a hand to help him up, trying to be kind even though you both know if you really had to do that he’d pull you down before you’d pull him up. He takes it, and pushes himself up while using your hand to pull you into a hug. “It’ll be okay Y/N, you’re always able to get through it. You sigh in defeat, nodding as you pack up what small bag you had. “You might want to get some pants on though, everyone is gonna be at the clubhouse.” Juice winks at you. You just roll your eyes. Yeah like I’m gonna go there like this. You thought. You pulled out a pair of black jean shorts, putting them on and putting the backpack on your back. “Let’s go back to see the wrath of my brother.” You grumbled as you walked out of the house, both of you hand in hand. Juice pulled up to the clubhouse and the prospects had to open the gates. Slowly pulling in, you see the loved ones of all the bikers gathering in and around the club. He parks his Dyna and you get off, placing your helmet on the back of the bike. You see Jax leaning against your mom’s office door, smoking a cigarette. Should I go over there or wait for him to come to me? You were repeating your options in your head. Juice snakes an arm around your waist which brings you out of thought. “They’re probably going to be calling us to church soon.” He warns you as you both walk up to the crowd of people. “I know.” You say placing a kiss to his cheek. Before walking off to say hi to the old ladies that you’re going to be stuck with for who knows how long. Juice and yourself parted ways as Juice went to go talk with Chibs and Bobby about club stuff most likely. You did however catch the eye of Gemma who came over to you, bumping into people along the way. “And where the hell have you been, sweetheart?” Your mother demands, crossing her arms and tapping her foot. You give her a grunt at her actions. “Didn’t Jax tell you?” You answered her question with another question. She just shook her head and grabbed your arm pulling you outside of the club so you could have a private conversation. “Tell me what?” She raised her eyebrow at you. You sighed. Of course he didn’t tell her, you had to. “I was with Juice.. At his place.” Your voice trailed off as your rubbed your arm uncomfortably. How was she going to take it? Was she going to be like Jax? Or was she going to be like Chibs? A grin spread across her face. “So you two finally came out, huh?” She said smugly. You let out an uneasy laugh, it seemed almost awkward. “Y-yeah. Jax didn’t take it so well.” You stammered over your words. “Of course he didn’t baby, you gotta give him some time. You press him too hard and you both will end up more hurt than where you started.” You nodded at her response before giving her a kiss on the cheek. You walked back into the club to see the boys make their way into church. Juice looks over his shoulder at you and you give him a wink before going to see where your little nephew got into. You see Wendy sitting at the table with Abel on her lap coloring in his superhero coloring book. You sit down across from them with a smile on your face. “Hey there little man, whatcha doin’?” You ask him as you peer over his crayon. “Just coloring, why were you with Juice Aunty?” He asks you as he switches out colours. Your smile widened at his question. You loved Abel to death, you were there when he was born and you helped her get clean after that. You even helped the two stay together. Not only for Abel, but because you knew how much they loved each other. You were both of their sound boards when they had a thought day, and they’d talk about each other nonstop but refused to say it to the other’s face. So you made them, and look where that got them? The two of them a happy family with Abel. “He’s Aunty’s boyfriend.” You looked down at Juice’s shirt as you said that. It’s the first time you’ve called him your boyfriend out loud, and you loved it. Wendy looked at you with happiness across her face and in her face. “So Y/N finally found someone.” She giggles out. You couldn’t help but laugh with her. She was happy for you because she knew how much of a pain your brother was, how he scared off anyone you dated growing up. Hell, he even got Ope and Happy to join in sometimes. “I did. And I’m gonna go grab a beer, do you want one?” You offered her as you stood up. “Sure hun.” Wendy ran her hands through her sons hair as she answered you. You nodded as you walked over to the bar. Phil the prospect was standing behind the bar serving the drinks out to the old ladies that had to stay here for the next few days or weeks. “Hey there Phil,” you start with a smile. “Two beers please love.” You asked him as you took a seat in the booth. Phil was one of the prospects that they called in when they made Half-Sack a full-patch. He gave a short nod before going into the fridge behind him, and handing you two cold beers that are already opened. He never did talk much, he still was shy even though he’s been a prospect for almost a year, so you always tried to be as sweet as can be with him. “Thank you.” You thanked him before walking back over to Wendy and handing her a beer. You both took a sip out of your beer before all of the guys walked out of church with Jax proudly leading the pack. “Alright everyone. We’re sorry to inconvenience you, but if you’re here you probably know why. You’re important friends and family to the club and we don’t want you getting hurt.” Jax explained to everyone in the clubhouse, he says the spiel every time we go on lockdown. “Bad stuff is going down right now, and we have a target on all of our backs. So we ask you to be patient while we sort this out, but we don’t know how long this will take.” He finished before walking off to do god knows what before the club goes out to risk their lives. 5 hours later This was always the hardest part of lockdowns for you. When the boys, who you considered either brothers, best friends, or father figures, went out to do who the hell knows what, killing who knows how many people, for who knows how long. Within the past for years on lockdowns you only got to say goodbye to Jax and the rest, maybe a vague goodbye to Juice and every time it killed you. What if he got killed? And you didn’t get to give him a kiss goodbye. Just a good luck and a pat on the back. You two were extra cautious, never wanting to show too much emotion. Your anxiety always skyrocketed when your boys left. You often ended up locking yourself up in your room with a bottle or two of booze waiting for them to get back to you safely. You were in Juice’s room, strapping on his bulletproof vest with your heart about to beat out of your chest. “Promise me you’ll be safe, I can’t lose you.” You mumble as you strap the last piece of velcro to the vest. Juice turns around and takes your face into his hands. “I promise baby.” He places a kiss on your lips. You kissed him back and placed your hands on top of his vest. “I love you.” He whispers against your lips. “I love you too.” You place another light kiss to his lips. A loud knock on the door interrupts the two of you, starling you at the same time. “Alright lovebirds, hope you have your clothes on.” Tig jokes as he opens the door with his hand dramatically covering his eyes. “You’re all good Tiggy.” You laugh. “Well sorry to take your boyfriend away from you doll, but the guys are going to start heading out.” Tig says. You give Juice one last hug, before going over to Tig and hugging him. “C’mon babe, let’s get you back home as soon as possible.” You beckon for Juice putting your hand out for him. He takes it interlacing his fingers as he leads the way out into the clubhouse. You see all of the guys saying there goodbyes, before your eyes land on the one you were looking for. Jax. Who is saying goodbye to Abel and Wendy You slowly make your way over there, hugging everyone goodbye as you get over there. You finally reach him. “Hey, can I talk to you?” You ask Jax. He places a kiss on Abel’s head before stepping aside with you. “Look, I’m sorry for everything that happened yesterday. But can we put both of our thick skulls aside for a moment so I can make sure you don’t run off and get yourself killed because of everything that’s going on. I love you Jaxy.” You wrap your arms around his neck bringing him down for a hug. Jax gripped you tight and you couldn’t help but smile. “I couldn’t have said it better. I love you too Princess.” He whispers in your ear. Juice and Gemma stand across the room watching the two siblings make up. “If you hurt my daughter I’ll cut you. But I don’t think I have to worry about that, you two seem to make each other very happy.” Gemma warned Juice. He nodded, looking down at his feet with a smile. Gemma didn’t know just how happy Y/N made him. She quieted the voices in his head. Her smile made him forget about a stressful day at the club. Her hug made him feel like he wasn’t alone anymore. She made him feel like he was worth something. And he loved her with everything he had. She is what made him get through these life-threatening situations, she made him want to survive. He saw a future with her, finally someone wasn’t going to leave because he’s too clingy. She loved how clingy he was. “I promise to love her with everything I have Gem, trust me.” Juice said before he was distracted from the conversation. Jax was calling the guys to their Harley’s, to go put an end to the Irish threats. You gave Jax a final kiss on the cheek before shooing him off. All of the guys parted from their Ol’ ladies or their kids and walked out of the club. You, Gemma, Wendy, and Lyla were all standing right outside the club blowing a kiss to whichever biker had their heart. In your case, you had two. A brother and a boyfriend. It was nearly 4 in the morning when the boys got back. Juice quietly opened the door to his dorm, not knowing if you crashed in here or in your own room. As he walked in, he saw you on his side of the bed, hugging his pillow. He also spotted bottles in front of the bed, from wine to beer to whiskey, you drank when you got worried. Juice got undressed as quietly as possible, leaving himself only in his boxers as he got into bed. Even though you were on his side, he made do. He pulled the comforter over himself and wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer.         
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brideofedoras · 4 years
Under Covers, pt 2
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Rating: 18+
Warnings: mentions of masturbation, arousal and sex dreams
Word count: 2900+
Under Covers
Thank you all for the lovely responses to Under Covers, I know that surprise twist was evil of me (but I don’t regret it, it just felt right!).  I received a few requests for a part two, and a suggestion for it to be Cooper’s POV.
So... here is Uncer Covers, as told by Cooper...
And, because I’m just as horny for William Cooper, there will be a part three!  Mwuah!  Love all of ya!
@urban-trek-thru-middle-earth​ @emily-strange​ @nora-hewlett​ @to-boldly-nope​ @pandaqueen7799​ @bakerstreethound​ @portals-to-a-new-world​ @below-average-fangirl​ @writerdee1701​ @ladyreapermc​
Cooper reached for the travel mug in the console… but his fingers curled around nothing.  A quick glance away from the early morning traffic showed an empty cup holder.  “Well, that’s just typical,” he snarled grumpily.
His morning was off to a fan-fucking-tastic start, with a burnt Hot Pocket, his much-needed second cup of coffee forgotten on his desk at the office, and a restless night filled with some incredibly hot dreams of the only person he could one-hundred percent trust at work.
She was a blessing, whether she knew it or not.  Quiet, intelligent, efficient, with an uncanny ability to anticipate his needs.  Beautiful.  Sexy.  A big flirt who had done a lot for his ego and self-esteem these past few months, and making him remember he was still a red-blooded man.
Last night’s solo sex on the back deck with a cigar and bourbon, fantasizing about having her on the glider swing or spread out on the patio table… bent over the deck railing…  
“Down, dammit,” he glared down at his crotch when he felt that familiar stir.  
Evidently that quick wank in the shower earlier hadn’t helped.  
God, he hated waking up horny.
It was going to be a dreadfully, painfully, long weekend, he thought as he signalled to pull into the parking lot for Ember’s apartment building.
When the file detailing the op landed on his desk he had immediately known he would assign Ember as his partner.  She did not have a lot of field experience, and had zero undercover experience, but she was a quick learner and self-sufficient.  He’d seen her wipe the floor during hand-to-hand combat training under Kordesky (he was supposed to be teaching that course, but at the time he’d been recovering from busted ribs from an op gone wrong).  Men three times her size hadn’t stood a chance.
It had both terrified him and turned him on.
But an entire weekend, maybe a tad longer, pretending to be a couple on a romantic getaway to nail a bad guy, with her…
Fuck, I’m screwed.
With a frustrated sigh he plucked his phone from the holder on the dash (strictly for GPS reasons) and pulled up the last text thread.
I’m outside.
His hazel eyes flickered to the old limestone building built in the ‘30s and remodeled, what, twenty years ago, into an apartment complex, wondering which part of the structure her apartment was in.  
His phone chirped in his hand.
Be down in a minute.
He groaned, his eyes dropping to his zipper once more.  I won’t.
If he survived the weekend, it would be a miracle.
He started to put the phone back on the clip when he realized he needed to tell her he wasn’t in his SUV.
Black Mercedes sedan.
Her response popped up a second later.  No Porsche?
He chuckled.  “No, no Porsche,” he mused out loud.  He’d thought about it, the sweet little Roadster the CIA had confiscated a while back.  Gorgeous car… but not ideal for a six hour drive to North Carolina.
Didn’t want to look like a man going through a midlife crisis, he texted back.
A classic sports car and a sexy young woman would most definitely make him look like he was.  Well… so would the Mercedes, but it drove like a dream and wouldn’t kill his back or ass for the long trip.
You’re too young for a midlife crisis.
“Oh, you’re flirting, Sweetheart,” he groaned.  He shook his head to clear it before pressing his hand hard against his crotch.  “Behave, dammit, stay down.”
He had no idea when he’d find the opportunity to handle that particular issue.  The little bungalow on the beach they’d be calling home for the next few days only had one bedroom.  Light, airy, lots of windows and a door opening out onto a veranda, a king size bed--
He pulled himself from his thoughts when he saw Ember step out of the building.
God damn was he screwed.
Ember was dressed in a snug, scoop neck tank top and cutoff shorts that showed off her long legs.
Legs he’d dreamed of wrapped around his hips.  Draped over his shoulders.  Hooked over his elbows.
“Now is not the time to rehash your favorite fantasies, William,” he scolded himself as he climbed out of the car.  He took the opportunity to adjust himself and straighten his plaid shirt to try to conceal the ridge in his jeans before he walked around to the trunk to open it.
Did she nearly trip over her own feet?
He kept that question to himself as he took her suitcase from her and stowed it next to his.  He carefully shut the lid before turning his attention on Ember.
“Get in the car, Kid.”
She immediately bristled before storming off.
Oh shit, he sighed heavily as he watched her yank open the passenger door.  He quickly rounded the car to climb into the driver’s seat.  “Easy there, Tiger,” he looked over at her.  “You okay?”
She shut the door and buckled up before taking in a deep breath.  
Yeah, Cooper, you hit the wrong damn button by accident, he realized.  Better salvage this and fast!
“Yeah.  Sleepless night.”  Her smile was faker than the phony IDs his buddy had made for them in high school.
Yup, wrong button.  
He frowned in sympathy.  “Worried about the op?”  He was giving her a bullshit excuse for her temper flareup and he knew it, but he also knew Ember would not admit him calling her “kid” had upset her.    
Her smile fell, allowing him to see how tired she was.  “You could say that.”
“You’ve got the easy job,” he reminded her as he started the car.  “Look pretty, flirt, be coy.”
Inwardly he flinched.  Wow, Cooper.  That was smooth.
“You call that easy?”  The blush staining her cheeks was downright adorable.  “I can’t flirt my way out of a paper bag if I tried!”
He grinned.  Either she’s in denial about flirting or she’s clueless that she’s a natural.
“‘Your tie brings out the gold in your eyes, Boss’ ring a bell?  Or ‘You’ve got a bit of powdered sugar on your cheek’?”
God, he could still feel her hand cupping his jaw and her thumb brushing over his cheekbone.
Her blush grew brighter.  “A compliment and a gentle warning before a meeting are hardly flirting!”
“You were flirting,” he grinned even more.  “And the plate of extra cookies left over from your Christmas dinner?”
“Figured your kids would like some cookies, and I had more than enough left over!”
Uh-huh.  A whole plate piled high with monster cookies, his favorite fucking kind?
“That’s what break rooms are for,” he couldn't help but chuckle.  “Pretty sure Sanderson would ask you to marry him if you bring baked goods in.”  
Please forgive me.
Ember shuddered and turned a little green.  “Pretty sure he lives in his parents’ basement.”
“Yeah, he has that personality,” he slowed for a stoplight.  “Not your type, then?”
Please say no.  You deserve so much better than him.  Or me.
“Have you ever heard me flirt with him?”
He busted out laughing at her sassy rebuttal.  There’s my girl, he struggled to get the mirth under control so he could speak again.  “No, no, I haven’t,” he shot her a look.  “You can give Wilkes a run for her money in the ice queen department when you’re dealing with him.” 
She finally smiled.  “I hope you’re giving me a compliment and not calling me a frigid bitch,” her own voice was laced with a touch of humor.
“She’s the frigid bitch and she wears that badge with pride,” he pointed out.  “She made Sanderson cry a couple of times.  You’re at least polite.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t be,” she mused.  “And I don’t flirt.”
Oh, Honey.
“‘You’re too young for a midlife crisis’?”  He struggled to keep another grin at bay.
“Not flirting!”  She twisted away from him.
But not before he glimpsed the splotching blush dotting her chest.
His mind went south before he could stop it.  Does she blush like that after an orgasm?
God dammit.
“What is it, then?”  He mentally shook himself to get his mind back on the conversation.  He winced when her head thumped against the window.
“The truth.  Thirty-five is still young,” she sighed.  “Age is only a number.  What matters is how you feel inside.  Take Grandpa-- er, Henry, for example.  He’s eighty-five, still working downstairs, running circles around the younger desk jockeys.”
“I need to find out what his secret is,” he joked.  Sometimes he needed more energy to make it through the day.
“No!”  Her voice squeaked.  “You don’t want to do that!”
His jaw dropped as he looked at her.  “Wait, he really has a secret?  What is it?”  He needed to know.
She blushed again.  “Nope,” she shook her head as if she were trying to shake off an unpleasant thought.  “It was bad enough overhearing it.  I’m not telling you.”
Must’ve been something dirty if she was blushing like that.
“H-how long of a drive is it again?”
Did her voice just crack?
“Six hours if the traffic isn’t bad,” he answered.
“Straight through, no stops?” 
He chuckled.  “I’ll make a couple of stops, I’m not a monster.  You have breakfast yet?”  He glanced over to see her shake her head.
“There’s a coffee shop up ahead,” she pointed out.  “They have donuts and breakfast sandwiches.”
His stomach grumbled quietly.    “Any recommendations?”
“The omelette sandwiches are to die for,” she paused to cover her yawn.  “They come with sausage and cheese.  You’ve already had their donuts.”
His mind tripped back to the massive powdered sugar donut that had led to her soft touch that fateful afternoon.  His unintentional groan at that memory bordered on sinful.  “Might have to order a dozen for this weekend.”
“Better make it two dozen.  I’m not crawling out of bed before ten a.m. this weekend.”
No, down, he stubbornly told himself off at the images popping into his head.  “You’ve already claimed the bed, huh?”  He inwardly grimaced at the husky and teasing tone in his voice.  Who’s flirting now, Cooper?
“Figured it was a given since I’m a woman and you seem like the kind of guy who would take the couch.”
She had his number.  Damn, she really is good.  “Sweetheart, my back can’t take sleeping on couches even for a little catnap anymore,” he signaled to turn into the lot for the coffee shop.  
Liar, he ratted on himself.  He’d spent too many nights on the couch before Michelle asked for a divorce when she finally decided she couldn’t take being a CIA agent’s wife anymore.  If it weren’t for his kids he would not have gotten the couch for his new place.
“The bed’s a king, isn’t it?  We could share it.  I promise to be on my best behavior.”
He coughed to cover a strangled groan.  Share a bed with Ember?  All weekend?
“What?”  She asked.
“You’re flirting again.”
“No, I wasn’t,” she frowned at him.  “My brain loses its filter when I’m running on very little sleep.”
“Always an excuse,” he rolled his window down.  “What kind of coffee?”
“Just ask for the Emberleigh special, they’ll know.”
Cooper was pretty sure the barista, Tomer, was eye-fucking him.  Not the first time that had ever happened, but it sure as hell was the first time a guy was so bold about it.  And the not-so-subtle looks he was giving Ember were poorly hidden.  
Oh, yes, I’m gonna be the topic of conversation the next time she stops in, he chuckled to himself.  It was both amusing and flattering.
By the time they hit the freeway his two breakfast sandwiches were demolished and she was barely finished with hers.  He shifted to get comfortable.  Long trips by car were never fun, the miles monotonous and the seat unforgiving.  
Flying had not been an option.  The department could not justify using the jet for a weekend op, which left commercial flights.  He personally hated that option.  Checking weapons and other tools of the trade through security was a headache he did not want to deal with.  It was easier to drive.
“Should we go over the parameters again?”
It never hurt to go over plans a few times, and with this being Ember’s first undercover op he wanted her prepared.
The breathy “no” from her caught him off guard.
He shot her a quick glance.  “Seat reclines if you want to take a quick nap,” he swallowed the groan at the mental images of her stretched out on her back in that leather seat, him leaning over her…  He shifted in his seat when his jeans grew a little tight again.  “If you want to turn the radio on, go for it,” he cleared his throat (and his head).  “I listen to just about anything.  Except for the new crap.”
“Yeah, I can’t listen to that stuff, either.”
Thank god.
“I can Bluetooth my phone if that’s okay?”  She asked softly.
“Go for it,” he nodded.
When the opening guitar licks for one of his favorite songs began to play he grinned.
God, if this song wasn’t the ultimate euphemism for sex.  And the tempo.  Jesus Christ.
And the fact that Ember had the Scorpions on whatever playlist she had?  His crush on her grew that much more.
It reminded him of his high school days, his first car, T-tops off and cruising the strip rocking out to AC/DC, pretty girl in the passenger seat.
Sometimes he missed those days, not having any responsibilities other than keeping his grades up for football.  
He drummed his thumbs on the steering wheel and sang along off-key.  He found himself really getting into the music and tried to tone it down, but after catching Ember trying not to stare he decided to put his all into it.
And all bets were off when his favorite Def Leppard song came on.  
They played random road trip games when he wasn’t rocking out.  Counting state license plates.  Slug bug (or punch buggie as his little Katie loved to holler, especially when she saw the blue ones).  Billboard alphabet.  Count the road kill (gruesome but it worked).  I spy.
When she yawned for the tenth time in about as many minutes he realized why she was playing the games.  She was trying to stay awake despite repeated suggestions to recline the seat back and take a nap.  He even threatened to sing her to sleep.
She stubbornly insisted she needed to stay awake to help him watch traffic.
Somewhere along the way she did fall asleep.  He smiled to himself when she sighed in her sleep and shifted to get comfortable in her seat.  As carefully as he could he reached over to slip her sunglasses off and laid them on the dash.
No way was he waking her up any time soon.  She needed to rest up.  
He was humming along to “In The Air Tonight” and miming the drum solo above the steering wheel (it was a federal offense to not perform the drum solo) when a soft whine came from the passenger seat.  He quickly glanced over at the distressed sound.  “You okay over there?”  He pressed the button on the steering wheel to turn the volume down even more for the radio.
She shifted in her seat, head lolling toward him before a quiet snore reached his ears.  He chuckled and shook his head before he turned back to watch the road.  They were ten minutes from the nearest fast food restaurant and despite still being full from breakfast he needed to go to the bathroom and stretch his legs.  He just didn’t have the heart to wake Ember up quite yet.
A few minutes later she drew in a deep breath and moaned.
That moan sounded suspiciously like his last name.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened.
Ember shifted and moaned again.  “We… shouldn’t…”
He felt his cock begin to stir at the soft little sounds coming from her.  Sounds he had fantasized about more than once.
“Oh… god…” she squirmed.
Fuck, his jeans were uncomfortably tight.  Cooper flipped the turn signal and checked his mirrors before exiting the freeway.  
Her moans and gasps were more frequent now, with his name whined out a few times.  He drew in a shaky breath, that last guttural moan damn near making him cum right there.  
It would be cruel to wake her up, he thought as he pulled into McDonald’s parking lot.  But he could not sit in the car and listen to her have a sex dream about him.
“Oh… god… Cooper…”
The way she was panting.
The way his cock was throbbing dangerously.
He hated himself, for having no choice but to listen to her pretty little sex dream sounds and for waking her up before she could…
No.  Do.  Not.  Think.  About.  It.
“Ember,” he gently squeezed her shoulder before he chickened out.  “Wake up, Sleepyhead,” he murmured gruffly when she blinked her eyes open.  “We’re stopping for lunch.”
She looked disoriented, and he kicked himself for interrupting that dream.
He pulled away, breaking contact before his body could overrule his brain and pounce on her.  “I’m surprised you fell asleep with my singing.  Never worked on my kids when they were little.”
When she remained quiet he looked over.  “No comment?”  
“No!”  Damn, that blush was beautiful on her.  “N-no, I… I guess a smooth car ride combined with a sleepless night put me to sleep.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it,” he agreed as he pocketed the keys.  “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.”
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sorabeebb · 4 years
After reading a lot of fics and imagines, I decided to write and post something about my Oc and Reno during the events of Before Crisis 😊
Hope you like it! And I’m sorry if Reno is out of character and if there’re mistakes, english isn’t my first language.
Pairing: Reno x Oc (Neila)
Warnings: swearing, blood,torture, mentions of dead.
Word count : 3024
The deafening sound that was being made by the chopper’s propeller didn’t give a chance to strike up a conversation. The long ride to the proximities of Nibelheim was spent in complete silence between the two Turks and the SOLDIER. It wasn’t uncommon during war times that the brute-strength from SOLDIER and the slyly approach, a Turk’s trait, were paired up when required. Although the built-up rivalry between the two sections could be almost touched. 
Tseng ,on one of the two pilot seats, never took part in these meaningless arguments. He thought both divides had their purposes to benefit Shinra interests. The Turks were more suitable for works which didn’t need a straight strike like  SOLDIERs were. Of course they had to deal with more or less undesirable tasks but Turks were more refined than that. 
However Reno at his left, on the other pilot seat was everything a Turk shouldn’t be. He had got a big mouth, usually tried to pick up fights with SOLDIERs, with obnoxious ways of doing missions but he was good accomplishing them nevertheless. Tseng had to give that to him. 
On the other hand was Neila, a second-class SOLDIER,  at the back of the chopper. Tseng had scouted her some years prior in Junon, dragging her out of that fortified  town straight to the SOLDIER tests. He had seen potential into that teenage girl, which soon was proved. She had a way with magic and an extraordinary stamina. Perhaps she didn’t demonstrate a powerful brute force or strength as most SOLDIERs did, but in reality she had got it after all those mako baths and trainings. Neila had trained her ass to where she was standing.
The ride could have been worse if the airscrew hadn’t plunged the snarky remarks of Reno about the unnecessary presence of a SOLDIER around. 
Tseng just became lost into some mission reports or files just after Reno had taken the helicopter off, , whilst Neila had brought some book with her to read at the back seats calmly.  
After almost six hours of riding, Tseng took control of the chopper. “The last sighting of Hideki was of him heading to the mountains. Some trail must have been left behind. Find him and recover the files he has stolen. Then put them back into the Shinra Manor” He repeated the main parts of their mission.. 
“Gotcha.” Reno confirmed, stepping to the doors, while Neila gave just a nod as acknowledge.
“Don’t get yourselves into fights. Discretion, Reno!” Tseng called the red-haired Turk out.” is a must.” He still didn’t understand why Veld had chosen him for this mission. Other Turks would have been more suitable for this task, but Veld suspected Avalanche had something to do with it. Furthermore, the stolen goods were important classified op about secret experiments, which had been made years ago. He guessed the third in command Turk was the best option at his boss’ eyes. 
Tseng would retreat to Rocket Town, something about another mission of his, where he would wait till Reno notified him theirs was complete.
Jumping off, Reno and Neila fell over the rocky floor. Fresh and clean air filled their nostrils rapidly. They had landed far from the village, in the mountain chains surrounding it. 
Neila tensed up the same moment her feet touched the field. An odd grieving feeling started to overwhelm her, with a rhythmic pounding, beating softly at the sides of her head. She assumed the lack of rest was the reason behind it.    
A sour grimace appeared upon Reno’s face. He hated the countryside with all of his being. He had grown up in the slums, used to the mako steam filling the air, and although he was the first one to say the slums were garbage, Midgar felt like home, and all that rural areas with its nature and clean air sickened him. 
“ Let’s finish this fucking shit as soon as possible “ Reno said, pocketing out a cigarette, and lighting it up. Both of them strode up the hills, scouting the fields for any signs of Hideki. 
“You know smoking is bad for your health, right?” Neila spoke once she kneeled down before some footsteps. The headache fading away with each step they took farther.
“ And what?” He retorted after her irritated. She had seen him smoking several times before, often hanging out after a long day at work. What has gotten into her now?  
“ Nothing, just that is bad, I doubt Veld approves his Turks ruining their health. “ She turned her head to look at him. 
“ Lucky for you,  Veld doesn’t have a say about it.” He puffed on his cigar slowly, as a silent challenge. 
“ It’s a bad addiction. Just saying.” She wasn’t that fond of  his harsh attitude, which intimidated and annoyed her. 
“ There are worse addictions. I’ll die first working than from smoking, sweetheart. But your concern touched me.” Sarcasm in his voice, irritating Neila more. “Besides, you’re one to talk.” A SOLDIER trying to lecture him about bad addictions. He felt the urge of laughing at the occurrence. 
“ Suit yourself then.” She gave up about having a civilised conversation with the Turk. “ These footsteps… Hideki must have climbed up to the top. What do you think?” 
Reno kneeled besides her frame,invading her personal space and inspecting the trail. “ What a dimwit.” His cerulean eyes following the tracks ahead them. 
“ Excuse me?” Neila frowned at his words, and stood up on her feet again, glaring at him amazed.  The warmth his figure let off had felt so good against her bare arms.
Reno started to stride up the path, leaving her behind. “ If he’s gonna steal from Shinra, at least he could have tried not to let a sloppy trail of footsteps. Not that I’m complaining though.” He wasn’t, he rather wanted to be back in Midgar soon, but he also liked some type of challenge, not something this… simple. 
“ If you say so… Well,this way we’ll finish the mission in a record time.” 
“ Don’t get your hopes up, sweetheart. These mountains are full of monsters who have been living between mako residues for years. It will be a miracle if Hideki has not been devoured by those freaks yet. “ 
“ That’s why I’ve been deployed too? Because there are mako-contaminated monsters roaming around?” Neila guessed.
Reno didn’t answer her, and just keep on going up to the peak of the mountain, following Hideki’s clues. 
“ Now that I think about it. Does Hideki have anything to do with Wutai?” Neila asked again with curiosity. Brilliant mako eyes searching for the named man around the caves and boulders in their path. 
“ If I tell ya, I’ll have to kill ya.” A cocky smirk curled up his lips, shooting a side glare to the SOLDIER, while he threw the cigarette and stepped on it.  
“ You wouldn’t, not that you could anyway.” A loud laugh burst from him, who bent forward slightly, pulling a hand on his chest. “ What’s so funny?” 
“ Oh, sweetheart, I would, but not before enjoying other things first.” He sent a playful wink towards her, hidden intentions not that well hidden. The attraction between them wasn’t a secret though. 
“ In your dreams Reno.” Neila answered back, folding her arms and rolling her eyes. 
“ Have already done that yo.” Playfulness splattered upon all his features, and enjoying the blushing and embarrassment creeping Neila up. 
They were reaching the top without any unpleasant encounters, yet. Maybe Reno was right,and Hideki had already been eaten up. 
“ I know you’re joking, cut it off.” She ended the talk, ashamed. She would be lying if she said she didn’t think about it before. Even if Reno was insufferable most of the time, he still was attractive with his flashy red hair, blue eyes and those red marks, and without saying his strange selection of customized uniform. And his personality was tempting too, although it pushed her buttons too many times. 
“Oh? You are ashamed now? A strong SOLDIER like you? “ He carried his ironic remarks on, making her still more uncomfortable. 
“ I’m gonna make you swallow that rod of yours unless you shut up.” He was driving her up the wall. 
“ I would like to see ya trying to do it. “ The joking end up abruptly when a cry out for help crossed the air. Both of them ran up the last steps till the top, being welcomed by a hideous scene. 
There was their target, surrounded by a group of what looked like a four mutated praying mantis. Mako influence for sure. A leg and an arm had been ripped off from his body, blood gathering on the rocky land beside him. 
The bugs must have come across the man shortly before them. Unless they finished the monsters off, Hideki would be eaten and no options of getting information from him would be possible. 
Jumping out to action, Reno took his electric rod out, and Neila her sword. Although the mantis weren’t that many, the mako running through their organisms, made them stronger, and a  pain in the ass. 
If Neila remembered right from previous encounters, Mantis’ weak point was ice magic. “ Reno, back off!” She yelled out, while she gently caressed the green materia placed inside her left bracelet’s gauge.
The Turk was about to retort at her, but with his characteristic speed, he retreated back after noticing her intentions. 
The ice magic flew straight across the battlefield, hitting and freezing three of them. 
Now getting rid of the mantis should be a piece of cake.  With three frozen-up, the remaining  one didn’t stand a single chance. 
Lightning trails were drawn around the frozen monsters, followed by unpleasant cries in pain, which would have caused your ears to start bleeding.In the blink of an eye, Reno had wipe those things out with just one strike. 
“Man, I hate the bug-type monsters, I really do.” Neila murmured after taking care of the last one at Hideki’s foot. Her standard SOLDIER sword deeply impaled in its thorax, and some type of purplish blood splashed on her uniform.  
“ Well now, now… What do we have here?” Reno walked slowly, watching the almost limbless man laying down in agony. The facade he had showed previously around her, was replaced by a sadistic and cruel one, sending goosebumps down her spine. 
The SOLDIER wasn’t unaware of the inhuman things the Turks did, but she had never got the opportunity to witness one yet. 
Realization shone in the dark eyes of Hideki. “ A-a Turk!” stuttering, he dragged himself as far as he was able from Reno. “ Please! I didn’t do anything!” 
“ Of course you would say that, wouldn’t ya?”  Reno stepped onto Hideki’s stomach, pinning him down with force, not letting him more room to scape, or keep dragging on. “Now about the files you’ve stolen...Do you still have them on you or did you already give them away?
“ Reno, he’s lost too much blood. He won't…” Neila tried to say watching carefully the blood ponds. 
“ Please have mercy! I didn’t give nothing away! “ The man yelled, air leaving his lungs in short breaths. He didn’t have much time left. 
“Oh? So you still have them. “ Reno checked inside Hideki’s backpack, finding some type of old books and folders. “Who’s your contact?” 
Neila was speechless with the scene in front of her. Their target was crying and shouting due to an unbearable pain, his blood still blooming from his open cuts and lost limbs. And Reno was interrogating him not caring about his poor and bloody status. 
She had also done unnamed acts in her missions during the war time, but her work never consisted in torturing like this. 
“I don’t have a contact!” 
Reno chuckled before positioning his electric rod upon the man’s throat, as a silent threat. “ I’ll ask again idiot. Who’s your contact?” 
“Please!” an electric wave went across the injured body, more screams of pain could be heard, but soon were vanished amongst the rocky walls of the tallest mountains.
“Did ya change your mind? Or should I keep playing with you? Long time I don’t electrocute someone, I’ll be sure of making the most of it.” The Turk was smiling pleased with the sight of the man shouting. 
“Fujito! It’s Fujito!” Hideki answered. Fear could be read on his face. 
“Where?”  Reno pressed more the bar against his skin. 
“In the nearness of Wutai! Please I don’t know more, let me go!” 
A sigh escaped Reno’s mouth while he was dialing Tseng, who picked up instantly. He told Tseng all the information obtained, and after a brief minutes and a nod, Reno pocketed back his phone. 
Tseng must have given him directions.
“ Not that you would be able to reach that far… “ With a last look at Hideki, Reno stepped off of him, and walked back down the slope. “Come on sweetheart, we still have work to finish with. “ A gesture with his left hand told her it was the time to continue. 
Neila ran behind him, words caught in her throat, unable to bring them up. Some things couldn’t be approved, but work was work, and they had to do it. 
The flirtatious and cocky facade had been back on Reno’s face during the long rambling to Nibelheim. Several encounters with monsters slowed their descent.  Even though the mission had started rather earlier in the morning, when the sun hadn’t risen down yet, it was almost nightfall when they reached the village.
“ I guess we’ll have to leave things for today, don’t ya think?” 
“ Probably.” The headache had returned with every step they took. Not that it wouldn’t let her fight or keep with the mission, but it was getting tiresome now.
“I’ll notify Tseng, go ahead babe.” Reno stood outside the inn while Neila entered to ask for the room keys. The owner would be kinder to her in her second class SOLDIER uniform than to Reno with his characteristic and recognisable black suit.  
“ It was about time a SOLDIER was sent here to clean up the surroundings crawling with beasts.” The owner greeted her with a smile. 
“ Yeah, well… “ Shyness taking the best of her. She was awful at talking with strangers. 
“ Shinra booked two chambers, I guess those are yours. “ Veld must have taken care of it. The girl nodded, uncomfortable. “ Here you are. If you’re gonna clean the place, you’re gonna need a place to rest.” the keys were put on the wooden counter. 
“Thank you.” Taking the keys, she was ready to head up to the chambers, but Reno shuffled himself inside the inn, greeting the owner, whose face changed to a grimace of disgust.   
The Turks weren’t well welcomed here either. 
“ I’m exhausted sweetheart, we should go to bed. “ his arm over her shoulders, guiding her upstairs. 
“ Your key.” Neila offered the object to Reno. “ And please, hands off of me.” 
“ You’re hurting me.” A false expression of pain crossed Reno face, while he grab the key, but still refused to let her go. “ Acting all tough as if you don’t want it.” mockery present in his tone. 
“ That’s because…” 
“Don’t you dare lying to me. I’m not blind, nor I’m a fool. We’ve been toying with each other for a while.” He cut her off after a chuckle. Reno was starting to get tired of this shit. Fooling around was okay for a bit, but not for that long.  
“ And? You’ve got a problem with it?” swallowing the shyness, she was able to answer him. She wasn’t used to flirting , let alone a straightforward confrontation like this. For Bahamut, she had never had anything with anyone. When she was still a teenager Tseng had brought  her along to Midgar as a SOLDIER candidate. All of that romantic stuff was new for her. 
“ Don’t ya think it’s enough?” Reno had dragged her in front of him,holding her still with his hands on her shoulders, and leaned forward, blue eyes focused on hers. 
“ I doubt the corridor is the best place to discuss anything Reno.” tearing apart her gaze to the side.
“ You’re a tease.”  Reno might have been a sadistic, and might have done inexcusable things during his career, but forcing a woman was out of the question. There were some boundaries that couldn’t be crossed. 
“ It’s just that… I’ve never…” She whispered, ashamed. 
“ Ya know that I know, don’t ya?”  He had thought she wouldn’t have been that idiot to believe  that he hadn’t caught that she was inexperienced. He was a Turk for Bahamut's shake, he had been trained to pick up into people’s traits. Besides, her clumsy acts and nervous reactions at his flirting, demonstrated her innocence, anyone with two eyes would have caught it in a jiffy.    
The surprise in her features said otherwise. He let out an exasperated sigh, and released her shoulders, letting her free of his grip.It wasn’t that he was going to give up, but until she had made up her mind, he wouldn’t make a move “ It’s late and we still have a long day tomorrow. A comfy bed is waiting for us so… see ya tomorrow’s morning sweetheart. “ Giving her one of his signature smiles and shuffled to his assigned chamber.
Neila bit her lip, thoughts racing across her mind, but walked behind him and tugged his clothed arm, turning him to face her. 
His mouth slightly opened of surprise at the sudden movement she had done. This time Neila was the one leaning forward to him, her eyes sparkling with resolution.
Well, it looked like she had already made her mind up. In the blink of an eye, Reno shortened the distance till their lips meet into a sweet and naive kiss briefly.
 Once they broke apart, the smug smirk made its way back to Reno’s lips. “ See? It wasn’t that difficult.” 
“ You can’t have you mouth shut, can you?” blush drawing onto her cheeks, but her eyes were glittering more than normal. 
Reno let out a laugh, and bit his tongue to avoid saying a snarky remark before leaning down to meet her lips back again, this time into a more passionate and long kiss. After all, they’ve been playing around for weeks, it was about time.    
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rhosyn-du · 4 years
Title: A Wonderful Institution Artist: @bidnezz​ Pairings: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, various background pairings Word Count: ~53k Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, discrimination against Downworlders, reference to rape, Clave-typical homophobia, implied character death, minor character death Summary: Magnus doesn’t have time for this bullshit. Warlocks are disappearing in New York City—five people in less than three months—and Magnus is determined to find them and protect the rest of his people from whatever took them. He doesn’t have time for politics, and he certainly doesn’t have time for whatever nonsense the Clave is proposing about marrying a Shadowhunter to a Downworlder as part of the new Accords. He doesn’t really have time for a pretty Shadowhunter who’s surprisingly kind to warlock children, either, but, well, he’s always been good at multitasking.
Alec always knew he couldn’t have what he wanted, but he’s spent the nearly four years since the newly-appointed Consul recalled his parents to Idris without explanation making the best of what he can have. When life suddenly offers up almost everything Alec actually wants on a silver platter, he can’t quite bring himself to trust it, especially when it comes with a million caveats and a side of impending disaster. But he knows how to handle disasters, even if the return of the Circle on top of Clave secrets that could destroy the Accords is way beyond the disasters he’s used to fielding. Hope, on the other hand? He doesn’t know what to do with that.
This fic was created for the @malecdiscordserver​​ Mini Bang 2020.
Chapter Seven
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It took longer than Magnus would have liked to convince Ragnor to talk to the Shadowhunters. In the end, he had to point out that Ragnor would get to meet Alec (and then presumably tease Magnus mercilessly for the fact that he was still engaged) before he agreed. Still, the several trips Magnus had taken to London to cajole his friend were a great distraction from the wedding planning he and Alec had been trying to do via text, since they were both too busy with other things to meet in person.
One of those other things, in Magnus’s case, being tracking the missing warlocks. With Clary’s vision about the Circle having Dorothea, Magnus had begun to wonder if perhaps the Circle were responsible for the other warlock disappearances, as well. It was hard to know if the MO for Dot’s disappearance were the same, since it was unclear where she’d been taken, exactly, and the Circle had an obvious and clear reason for taking her when they didn’t for the other missing warlocks.
Just like with the other missing warlocks, Magnus could no longer feel Dot’s magic. Which meant that either his friend was dead, or the Circle had found some way of blocking her magic. It was a possibility Magnus had considered with the other missing warlocks, since no bodies had been found, but given that the Circle was involved, it was entirely possible that there were no bodies because those who committed the murders were keeping body parts as trophies. It wouldn’t have been the first time Magnus had seen it happen.
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Ragnor complained as they stepped out of a portal in front of the New York Institute. “Do you know how long it’s been since I last set foot in a Shadowhunter Institute? Decades at least. Maybe a century. And now I’m mixed up in Shadowhunter business again, and it’s all because I let you talk me into it.”
“You’re mixed up in Shadowhunter business again because you agreed to brew a potion for Jocelyn Fairchild,” Magnus pointed out. “That was going to come back to bite you in the ass someday with or without my help.”
“I suppose,” Ragnor said with a philosophical shrug. “But she did offer to pay me a great deal of money, and the specifics she wanted for the potion were quite interesting, not something just any warlock could pull off.”
“Ah, so she appealed to your vanity,” Magnus said. “No wonder you couldn’t turn down the job.”
“You’re one to talk about vanity,” Ragnor said. “Do you remember that time in Sicily when—”
“Yes,” Magnus cut him off. “Far more clearly than I want to. Thank you for the reminder. I do not need a play-by-play.”
The one downside to having friends who had known you as long as Ragnor had was that they tended to remember your most embarrassing moments, not to mention bring them up with alarming frequency.
Alexander and Isabelle met the two of them in the entry of the Institute. Magnus hadn’t seen Alec in person since they’d summoned the memory demon, and he was troubled to see that Alec looked even more tired now than he had after the summoning. Magnus wondered if he’d managed to get a single full night of sleep since then.
“Alexander, Isabelle,” Magnus said, “I’d like you to meet my dear friend Ragnor Fell.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Alec said, holding out a hand.
Ragnor shook it, saying, “Indeed. Magnus has told me a great deal about you.”
“You make that sound so ominous,” Izzy said, offering her own hand. “Maybe you and I can swap stories sometime. I can tell you embarrassing things about my brother and you can tell me embarrassing things about Magnus, and we can use them for leverage later.”
Ragnor beamed. “That is quite an offer. You and I should talk.” He leaned toward Magnus and said in a stage whisper, “I think I might get along with this one.”
“Thank you for coming,” Alec said, interrupting Ragnor and Izzy’s plotting. “Clary’s with Jace in the ops center. Still no leads on the Cup or on ways to track Jocelyn, but you said you might have something?”
“I believe so,” Ragnor said, following Alec and Izzy toward the ops center. “The potion I made for Jocelyn is intended to put someone in magically-induced stasis until the spell is removed. I suggested I also make a potion to counteract the one she requested, so she could reverse the effects herself if necessary, but she told me that it was safer not to have something like that on hand and that she or Dorothea would contact me if they ever needed to reverse the effects of the potion.”
“So, you know how to wake my mom up?” asked Clary, who had caught the end of Ragnor’s explanation.
“If Jocelyn is under the effects of the potion I created for her, then yes,” Ragnor said. “Although I never made the counter-potion, as per Jocelyn’s request, I did figure out how it could be done so that I would be able to create it if she ever had the need.”
“That’s great,” Jace said, “but we still need to find Jocelyn and rescue her before we can wake her up.”
“We might be able to help with that, too,” Magnus said.
“Every potion has a magical signature,” Ragnor explained. “A combination of the ingredients used in the potion and the magic provided by the warlock who created it. Most of the time, this isn’t terribly useful, since few potions are truly unique and those of us with enough skill in potion making to actually track a potion's signature tend to brew a great many of them.”
“But the potion Ragnor made for Jocelyn is unique,” Magnus chimed in. “Not only has he never made it before or since, but he developed the formula himself.”
“Which means,” Ragnor said, “that I should be able to track any person who has drunk the potion.”
“We already tried tracking,” Jace said, shaking his head. “It doesn’t work. Wherever the Circle is holding Jocelyn, she’s not trackable.”
“Ah, but this isn’t tracking in the technical sense,” Ragnor said. “When you track, you follow the energy signature of the person you’re tracking. In this case, it’s more of finding the resonance of my own energy signature within another person. You can’t block someone from finding the resonance of their own magic the same way you can block someone from tracking another person’s energy.”
Jace stared at him. “I literally have no idea what you just said.”
“But you’re saying you can find my mother,” Clary said. “Right?”
“With time and some effort, yes,” Ragnor said, “as long as she remains under the potion’s influence.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Clary demanded. “In my vision, they were trying to wake Mom. If they succeed, then we’ll lose our best chance of finding her.”
“What we’re waiting for, Biscuit, is to have an actual plan,” Magnus explained gently. “Finding Jocelyn in this way will take a lot of energy, and as a result, it isn’t something that can be repeated quickly. If the Circle isn't keeping Jocelyn in one place—and they’d be stupid to with as many people as are trying to find the Cup—then we don’t want to try to pinpoint Jocelyn’s location until we have a plan for rescuing her.”
“If rescuing her is even our top priority,” Alec said. “We need to find the Mortal Cup before the Circle does. Jocelyn is one way to do that and keeping the Circle from torturing the information out of her is important, but it would be even better if we could find the Cup ourselves.”
“How can you say that?” Clary demanded, turning on Alec. “We can’t just leave my mother with those people. Who knows what they’ll do to her? And if she knows the location of your Cup, then rescuing her is our best chance of finding it.”
“I don’t think Alexander is suggesting we leave Jocelyn in the Circle’s hands,” Magnus said. “Just that a rescue is dangerous, and if we fail, we might only make things worse, so we should pursue other avenues of finding the Cup at the same time we work on finding a way to rescue your mother.”
“Exactly,” Alec said.
“Biscuit,” Magnus continued, “can you tell me more about this vision you had of your mother? If we can recreate the circumstances, it might give us the information we need to plan a rescue.”
“There wasn’t much,” Clary said. “Just Mom, asleep and surrounded by a sort of greenish glow. Dot was there, but she didn’t look right. Something about her face was off, but it’s all fuzzy, like a dream. And then there was the man. He was standing over my mom, talking to her, but I can’t remember what he was saying. Or maybe I couldn't hear? And then, he turned to look straight at me. I think he knew I was watching.” She shrugged helplessly. “And then I woke up.”
“What can you tell us about the man?” Ragnor asked. “He could be important.”
Magnus looked at him. “You think he could be Valentine?” It was something he’d wondered since Clary had first mentioned a man in her vision, given Jocelyn’s fear that her husband was still alive.
“I think it’s a distinct possibility,” Ragnor said. “Given what we know about Jocelyn’s disappearance and Clarissa’s parentage.”
“I don’t remember much,” Clary admitted. “I didn’t even see his face until right at the end, just the back of his head. He’s taller than Dot, I remember that.”
“This is getting us nowhere,” Alec interjected.
Magnus gave him a sharp look. “Biscuit, do you have any idea what triggered the vision?”
Clary chewed her lip, looking nervous.
“It’s all right,” Jace told her. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out together.”
“I think it might have to do with my necklace,” Clary said finally. “When Mom gave it to me, she told me that if I needed her, I should hold it and think of her, and when I woke up from the dream, I’m pretty sure I was holding it.”
“You were,” Izzy told her. “It caught my attention, which is why I didn’t manage to move out of the way before you smacked into me.”
“Right,” Clary said, with a nervous smile. “Did I ever apologize for that?”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Izzy said, waving her off. “You can’t help what you do when you’re asleep, and anyway, I should have been paying better attention.”
“Biscuit, may I see your necklace?” Magnus asked.
Clary nodded, pulling the cord over her head and handing it to him.
Magnus could feel the pulse of the deep purple crystal in his hand, a very familiar sort of magic.
“This is a portal shard,” he announced. “These are rare, and this one doesn’t feel...right, exactly. If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think it was from another world, but I can’t imagine where Jocelyn would have gotten her hands on such a thing.”
“Another world?” Clary asked, startled.
“There are many worlds, Biscuit,” Magnus answered distractedly, still wrapped up in examining the portal shard. “Some similar to ours, some quite different. It’s possible for some to travel between them.”
“Travel between the worlds is usually a seelie thing,” Izzy explained. “I don’t know much about it—they’re very secretive—but I’ve overheard some things.”
“It’s possible,” Magnus said slowly, “that if Jocelyn holds another shard of the same portal, the two can act as a sort of viewing portal between Clary and Jocelyn.”
“So I really did see my mother,” Clary said.
“Hold on,” Jace said. “If there are two of these things, and it goes both ways, does that mean that Valentine could be using the other shard to spy on Clary?”
“Theoretically, yes,” Magnus said. “But this shard is tied to Clary. I can’t use it on my own, for example. I expect the other shard is similarly tied to Jocelyn.”
“But a powerful enough warlock might be able to change that,” Ragnor said, “and we know that Valentine has Dorothea.”
Magnus shook his head. “Dot couldn’t do it. There are very few warlocks who could, alone. It would require both immense power and a comprehensive working knowledge of portals.”
“So, you’re saying that you’re the only one who could do it,” Ragnor said, grinning. “What was that you were saying earlier about vanity?”
“I did not ask for commentary,” Magnus said, scowling at his friend. He turned back to the Shadowhunters. “I think it might be best if I held onto this for the time being. I can keep it from being used to spy on us, and Clary and I can work together to do some reconnaissance of Jocelyn’s whereabouts using the portal shard.”
“What if Mom wakes up and needs to get a hold of me?” Clary asked. “Shouldn’t I have the portal shard then?”
“If Jocelyn wakes up while she’s still in the Circle’s custody, we don’t want her contacting you,” Alec said bluntly. “If that happens, the Circle is going to be using everything in their power to get Jocelyn to reveal the location of the Cup, and that includes you. It’s too risky.”
He turned to Magnus. “Are you sure it’s safe for you to keep it?”
Magnus gave him a soft smile. “I appreciate the concern, Alexander, but I won’t be in any danger. I intend to keep this highly warded when we aren’t using it.”
“As long as you’re sure it’s safe,” Alec said. “We could keep it here at the Institute, in a locked vault where there wouldn’t be anything for the Circle to spy on even if they did figure out a way to use it.”
“I appreciate the offer, but it’s entirely unnecessary. And I’d like to take a closer look at the portal shard before Clary starts actively working with it, anyway. The better we know how it works, the better our chances of using it to find the information we need.”
“All right,” Alec agreed. “In the meantime, we’ll keep looking for the Mortal Cup.” He looked at Clary. “If you remember anything at all—”
“I’ll tell you immediately,” Clary finished in a manner that made it clear they’d had this exchange many times already.
“While Magnus is working with the shard, I’ll start gathering the things I need to track Jocelyn’s potion,” Ragnor said. “As well as the ingredients for the counter-potion, as I assume we’ll want to wake her once we’ve rescued her.”
“We can do that together,” Magnus said quickly, ignoring Ragnor’s look of surprise. “If we were able to figure out you were the one who made the potion for Jocelyn, then Valentine could, as well, especially if Dorothea knew.” He ignored the stab of pain at the thought of Dot being tortured at the hands of the Circle, and continued, “You could be a target.”
“I’ve managed to keep myself alive this long, old friend,” Ragnor said dismissively. “I don’t think you need to worry about me.”
Need to or not, Magnus did. With warlocks missing and the Circle taking Dot, it was hard not to be protective of his friends.
“Have you found out anything else about the other missing warlocks?” Izzy asked, following his train of thought.
Magnus shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. I’ve shared what little I found with Alexander, and he’s returned the favor, but even between the two of us, there’s just been very little to find.”
“I want to take another look at the Clave files on the missing warlocks,” Alec said. “This time with Dot included. If the other warlocks were taken by the Circle, maybe we’ll find a common thread by including her that we missed before.”
“That’s a good thought,” Magnus said. “I’m hoping that perhaps if Clary can use the portal shard to see Jocelyn’s surroundings, she might be able to find out if the Circle is keeping any of the other missing warlocks there. I know it’s a long shot, but she saw Dot before, so there’s a chance the Circle is keeping warlocks close by, whatever they might be using them for.”
“And if the Circle is keeping the other missing warlocks in the same location they’re keeping Jocelyn and Dot,” Ragnor said, “we might be able to include them in our rescue plan. Depending on how Valentine has them restrained.”
Magnus nodded. “That was my thought, too. If we’re very lucky, we might be able to rescue more than just Jocelyn and Dot.”
“All right,” Alec said, “we’ve all got our assignments. Izzy, I’ll meet you in my office in a few minutes to go over those warlock files. Jace, can you take Clary through some more training with a blade? Her defense is still shaky, and if we’re mounting a rescue, it needs to be solid.”
“You got it,” Jace said, holding out a hand for Clary. She took it and followed him out of the ops center.
“Magnus,” Alec said, softer now. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” He glanced at Ragnor. “If you don’t mind, Mr. Fell.”
“Not at all, Mr. Lightwood,” Ragnor said, eyes dancing with amusement at the formality. “I actually haven’t had much chance to visit the New York Institute, and I was hoping to get a better look at some of the architecture. I can meet you outside when you’re done,” he told Magnus. 
“I won’t be long,” Magnus promised. He managed to refrain from telling Ragnor to be careful, but just barely. Obviously, the man wasn’t going to be abducted right outside an Institute full of Shadowhunters, well within range of their security cameras. Just from where he was standing, Magnus could see half the perimeter of the Institute on the screens that lined the room.
Magnus let Alec pull him into an empty corridor just off the ops room. It wasn’t entirely private, but it wasn’t exactly public either.
“I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing,” Alec told him. “You look tired.”
Magnus chuckled. “Exactly what every man wants to hear from his intended. No,” he held up a hand as Alec opened his mouth, presumably to apologize, “I’m joking, Alexander. I am tired. Between the Circle and trying to track down missing warlocks, not to mention wedding planning, I haven’t had much time to myself lately.”
Alec watched him cautiously. “Well, I apologize for my part in that, for what it’s worth. If there’s anything I can do—”
“If you think you look less tired than I feel, you clearly haven’t stopped to look in a mirror lately,” Magnus told him.
“Oh, so it’s okay for you to comment on my looks, but not for me to comment on yours?” Alec teased.
“You may feel free to comment on my looks as often as you like, providing you limit yourself to compliments.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Alec said drily. “At least you won’t have to worry about the wedding in a few days,” he added hesitantly.
“I suppose I won’t,” Magnus agreed with forced lightness. “I don’t suppose you’ve reconsidered your position on the matter?”
“I���ve reconsidered it a hundred times,” Alec admitted, sagging against the nearest wall, “but I keep coming to the same decision.” He caught Magnus’s eyes, held them in that way only he could. “But I don’t want to force you into anything. If you don’t want to marry me, then just say so.”
Magnus sighed. “You make it sound so easy. Like that wouldn’t cause a million other problems.” He smiled then, despite himself. “I suppose that means we’re getting married in two days.”
Alec relaxed then, for the first time since Magnus had arrived at the Institute. “I suppose we are. At least we’ll have each other to lean on if arguments during the rehearsal tomorrow get too heated.”
“Don’t remind me,” Magnus said. “I genuinely can’t think of anything worse than the prospect of spending an afternoon with a bunch of Clave and Downworld leaders arguing over my wedding.”
“Tell me about it,” Alec agreed. “But, really, you’re all right?” he asked, returning to the original topic of conversation.
“I’m fine, Alexander,” Magnus assured him, and it was almost true. Just knowing that Alec worried about him helped ease some of his stress. “I promise I’ll get some rest after the wedding. And after we find the Mortal Cup and rescue Dorothea and Jocelyn Fairchild,” he added. “And find the other missing warlocks and defeat the Circle.”
“So, you’re not planning to sleep this year, is what you’re saying,” Alec said with a chuckle.
“It feels like that,” Magnus agreed.
Magnus found Ragnor examining the series of flying buttresses on the east side of the Institute.
“Is there something special about these particular buttresses?” Magnus asked. “Or is this just your weird obsession with the things again.”
“They’re slightly uneven on this side,” Ragnor said. “They shouldn’t be, especially since this is a new world building and so can’t be more than a couple centuries old. Sloppy, really.”
“I’m sure the Clave would be happy to receive your critique on their building,” Magnus said drily.
“Just because you’re feeling tetchy doesn’t mean you need to belittle my hobbies,” Ragnor told him. “You’ve been brooding all day. Tell me what’s wrong. Is this about Dorothea?”
“That’s part of it,” Magnus admitted. “And just, everything.” He looked up, trying to find the unevenness in the flying buttresses, but couldn’t. He clearly didn’t have the kind of eye for architecture Ragnor did.
“I’m getting married,” Magnus said finally.
“Oh, are you?” Ragnor asked in mock surprise. “I hadn’t heard.”
“No, I mean I’m actually getting married,” Magnus said. “To Alexander. In two days.”
“There’s still time to get out of it,” Ragnor told him. “I know you. You’ve gotten yourself out of more dire situations with far less time to spare.”
“But I’m not going to,” Magnus said. “Not this time.”
“Ah,” Ragnor said, and really, that summed it up quite nicely didn’t it?
“I have no idea what I’m doing,” Magnus admitted. “With any of this. I’m used to being at my best in the middle of a disaster, and here I find myself in the middle of multiple disasters piled on top of each other, and I feel completely off my game.”
Ragnor made a thoughtful noise, then said, “Well I can think of one solution to that.”
“What’s that?” Magnus asked warily.
“Obviously, what you need is a party,” Ragnor said, as though it were a silly thing for Magnus to even ask. “They always cheer you up.”
Magnus frowned. “I’m not sure this is the best time for—”
“No,” Ragnor interrupted. “No arguments. I’m throwing you a bachelor party, and that’s the end of it.”
“A bachelor party? Ragnor, I’m getting married in two days."”
“Then I’ll have to plan quickly,” Ragnor said. “Since I don’t have time to find another venue, we’ll have to use Pandemonium. And I can get Cat to help me send out invitations. She’s so much better at remembering who might currently hate you than I am.”
“I’m really not sure a bachelor party is the best idea,” Magnus said, unconvinced.
“Well, it’s a good thing you’re not planning it then,” Ragnor told him. “Now, come on. I’ve got too much to do to waste time staring at buttresses all day.”
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“That,” Alec said, dropping into the softest chair in his office, “was an actual nightmare.” 
“I don’t know,” Magnus said leaning against the closest bookshelf, “at least we managed to keep that seelie knight from coming to blows with your mother over the symbology of flower arrangements.” 
Alec looked up at him. He suspected Magnus chose leaning over sitting because the leather pants he was wearing were too tight for sitting to be comfortable. Not that Alec had spent the entirety of their wedding rehearsal trying not to stare or anything.
“Considering how I feel about my mother right now, I’m not sure that goes into the plus column,” Alec said. 
“I’m pretty sure having a fight break out at your wedding rehearsal is some sort of terrible omen,” Magnus told him. “It seems like it should be an omen.” 
“If we really want to talk about luck,” Alec said, “I think the biggest win here is that I didn’t hit anyone.” 
Magnus laughed, head tilted back in a way that emphasized the open neckline of his shirt and the several necklaces that drew attention to his well-defined chest. Now that they weren’t surrounded by dignitaries and his entire family, Alec decided it was okay for him to stare just a little. 
“You can see why I had my reservations about a marriage as a means of solidifying the Accords now, though,” Magnus said. “What with the fact that we had to prevent at least three murders just at the rehearsal.” 
“That I can understand,” Alec said. “Obviously, not all the dignitaries are going to get along. That’s why the Clave and the Downworld took time to select their representatives so carefully, to avoid that kind of thing between the two people actually getting married. I spent hours talking to Consul Penhallow and the rest of the Council before they chose me. I’m sure you must have gone through a similar vetting process.” He allowed himself a small smile. “And they came up with the two of us, which tells me the selection process was pretty good. I never imagined I’d get matched with someone I get along with as well as I do with you.” 
“I suppose that’s true,” Magnus said, staring at something on the bookshelf, although what he could find interesting in a shelf full of books on the history of the Clave’s legal system, Alec couldn’t imagine.
“I have to admit, when I first heard about this idea, I certainly never imagined that I would be marrying someone like you.” 
“What did you imagine?” Alec couldn’t help asking. He’d wondered before, of course, but he’d never been brave enough to ask. 
“An unmitigated disaster involving people who were not me,” Magnus said with an exhausted smile. “I guess that just goes to show that my imagination can’t be trusted to predict the future.” 
“You’re not alone in that,” Alec agreed. Which was a shame, because his imagination was giving him some very lovely ideas about Magnus’s leather-clad thighs just at the moment.
It took Alec a few seconds to realize that Magnus had said something, and he’d missed it entirely. “Sorry, what? My mind was wandering.” 
“I can’t blame you after the afternoon we’ve both just had,” Magnus said, but there was a certain sharpness in his smile that made Alec wonder if Magnus suspected exactly where his mind had wandered. 
“I was just asking what you had imagined,” Magnus said. “You told me a bit about why you volunteered to be a part of this marriage and you did mention that I wasn’t what you expected, but I’m curious about how exactly I defy your expectations.” 
“I imagined a stranger,” Alec told him, deciding honesty was the best way to go. If this marriage was going to work, if there were any possibility that there could be more between the two of them than politics and the beginnings of friendship they already had, then he had to be as honest as possible. “And someone who believed that this union could be a genuine bridge of peace between the Clave and the Downworld. I imagined someone who had as little chance of marrying for love as I did. Someone who wouldn’t care if I could never love her.” 
“That’s...quite sad, actually,” Magnus said. “I can understand giving up on love. Obviously, since I did for so long. But to assume you were always destined for a loveless marriage is just... I don’t know.” He smiled wanly. “But perhaps that’s why I’ve never been married, despite living as long as I have.” 
“What, never?” Alec asked, surprised. 
Magnus shook his head. “Don’t sound so shocked. I know what the Clave thinks of me, but I’m not the sort of man who just gets married on a whim.” 
“That’s not what I meant,” Alec said. “It’s just, I haven’t known you long, but I’ve seen you with your friends and with orphan children you barely know and... You have so much love to give, Magnus. I’m just surprised that you’ve never found someone to share your life with.” 
“Wait until you know me a little longer, Alexander,” Magnus said, and there was no mistaking the hint of bitterness and hurt under his smile. Alec wanted to find the people who put it there and punch every single one of them in the face. “I’m sure the reason why will become clear to you.”
Alec shook his head. “I don't think so.”
“But weren't we just discussing how none of this has gone the way you imagined?” Magnus countered.
“Yeah, but that's different,” Alec said. “You aren't at all what I imagined because you're more than I could have hoped for in every way.” He felt ridiculous even saying it out loud. Magnus had to know that already.
“Here I was thinking the same thing about you,” Magnus said. This smile, though small, was entirely genuine, and Alec didn't know what to do with it.
“Things will be different after tomorrow,” Magnus said.
“Some will,” Alec agreed. “But we'll still have all of the same problems to face that we do today. Well, minus the wedding planning, but I'm sure there will be disputes between Shadowhunters and Downworlders that will replace them.”
“Do you really think people will come to us with disputes?” Magnus asked in surprise.
“You don't?” Alec said. “I mean, they're supposed to already, with you being High Warlock and me as Head of the Institute. This is the kind of thing that should be falling on our plates already.”
“But it doesn't, for the most part,” Magnus pointed out. “And there's a reason for that. Downworlders don't trust Shadowhunters, and vice versa. Our marriage isn't going to change that.”
“Not immediately, no,” Alec agreed, “but we can work toward building that trust. Now that I'm officially Head of the Institute, I can even be more open about it. I have so many ideas— But those are problems for after the wedding.”
“I look forward to hearing them,” Magnus said. “But you're right. Let's just focus on getting through the wedding for now.”
Alec rose to set the stack of papers he'd be holding from the rehearsal on the desk. “This is all so surreal,” he said. “It's hard to believe that a day from now, we’ll be married.”
“Not just for us, either,” Magnus said. “I'm pretty sure half the Downworlders planning to attend are doing so just because they'd never believe I married a Shadowhunter unless they saw it with their own eyes.”
Alec grinned at him, leaning back against the desk. “I think it's probably the same for a lot of the Clave. And I think a few are coming just so they can be properly offended.”
“Now that gives me something to really look forward to,” Magnus said. “Offending uptight Shadowhunters is practically a hobby. Do you think they’re more offended that you're marrying a man or a warlock? I want to make sure I cause the maximum amount of offense with my existence.”
“I'm sure there are plenty of people who will be offended by both,” Alec assured him. He shook his head. “I can't believe the first time I ever kiss another man, it's going to be in front of half the Clave.”
Magnus went very still in that way that Alec was coming to realize meant he was genuinely surprised.
“But,” Magnus said slowly, “you've kissed women before.” It wasn't a question, although it really should have been.
“I've never had much interest in kissing women,” Alec told him. It was the closest he'd ever gotten to saying the words out loud, even if Izzy had guessed years ago.
“Alexander,” Magnus’s face was serious as he stepped away from the bookcase and into Alec's personal space, “we don't have to do this. There's still time to call off the wedding. I'm willing to take the blame. I can make up an excuse the Spiral Council will believe, and I'm sure the Clave would be more than happy to blame me. You don't have to do this.”
Alec felt like his insides were folding in on themselves. He'd known Magnus had reservations about their marriage. Magnus had been open about it from the beginning. But he'd never thought this was what would make Magnus decide to back out.
“My inexperience bothers you that much?” Alec managed to force out through the tightness that threatened to close his throat entirely. He realized in that moment just how invested he’d let himself become. In this marriage. In Magnus. Because right now he didn't care what any of this meant for the Accords or the future of the Shadow World. He only cared that Magnus didn't want him.
“It bothers me that you're willing to give up so much for the sake of the Clave,” Magnus said. “Alexander, look at me.”
When Alec didn't move, Magnus cupped Alec's jaw in his palm and tilted his face up to meet his eyes.
“I'm sorry,” Alec said, unable to keep the tremor out of his voice, “that I'm not what you expected when you agreed to this marriage. I should've told you sooner, but I didn't think—”
“You are exactly what I expected,” Magnus told him fiercely, “and everything I wanted when I volunteered.” And Alec didn't know how that could possibly be true, but there was no mistaking the absolute sincerity in Magnus's eyes.
“But you deserve better than to give away your first kiss as part of some political spectacle,” Magnus continued. “You’re so ready to give yourself away, for the Clave, for your ideals, for your family. But, Alexander, you deserve to keep some things for yourself.”
It was so close to what Izzy had said to him, but now, with Magnus's hand on his cheek and standing at close in those sinful leather pants, Alec could finally admit what he wanted for himself.
“Okay,” Alec breathed.
Alec nodded, then leaned forward. He moved slowly, giving Magnus plenty of time to move away if he wanted to, and he saw the instant Magnus realized his intention, Magnus's eyes fluttering closed and lips parting.
Alec let his own eyes fall shut, one hand coming to rest on Magnus's waist as their lips brushed softly. It should have been awkward. Alec was acting entirely on instinct, and he was pretty sure kissing required actual skill, but Magnus's mouth moved against his own in perfect rhythm, like they'd done this a thousand times.
After a few seconds, Alec allowed himself to get bolder, deepening the kiss and flicking his tongue out to trace Magnus's lower lip. Magnus made a noise of approval, and Alec pulled him closer, reveling in the hard planes of Magnus's body against his, the heat of Magnus's skin through the silk beneath his thumb, the curve of Magnus's leather-clad hip beneath his fingers.
It wasn't until Alec realized he'd backed Magnus up against his desk and was about ten seconds from begging to find out if it was possible to remove those leather pants with his teeth that he broke the kiss. They stared at each other for a long moment, both breathing heavily, Alec’s hand curled into the silk of Magnus's shirt, Magnus's fingers tangled in Alec's hair.
“If you kiss me like that tomorrow,” Magnus said breathlessly, “I think we can offend a number of people.”
Alec shook his head. “That’s not for other people.”
Magnus grinned, disentangling his fingers from Alec’s hair and trailing them down his shoulder. “Well, I’m sure we can find another way to properly offend them.”
“I have faith in us,” Alec said with mock solemnity, causing Magnus to chuckle.
“As much as I hate to go,” Magnus said, moving back a step, “Ragnor will kill me if I miss my own bachelor party, and I’m already running late due to the necessity of not killing anyone during the rehearsal. Will you walk me out?”
Alec nodded. “A bachelor party?” he asked as they moved toward the front of the Institute. He supposed that would explain the leather pants. “Aren’t those more of a mundane thing?”
“Parties,” Magnus told him, “are a Downworlder thing. Surely you must have read that in all of those Clave files.”
“Sure,” Alec said, “but I’ve learned those aren’t always trustworthy when it comes to Downworlders. I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” he added with mock sincerity, “but the Clave has a few prejudices when it comes to Downworlders.”
“That’s certainly news to me,” Magnus said.
Although he didn’t need to, Alec followed Magnus outside. He didn’t feel quite right saying goodbye with guards standing around listening.
“Have fun at your party,” he said, not quite sure what else to say, or where they even stood after that kiss.
“Oh, I intend to,” Magnus told him. Then he paused, giving Alec a considering look. “Would you like to join me?”
“At your bachelor party? Aren’t those traditionally supposed to be spent away from the person you’re marrying?”
Magnus smiled at him fondly. “I don’t think anything about our marriage could really be called traditional, do you?”
“I guess not.”
Magnus held out a hand. “What do you say?”
Alec stared at the offered hand a long moment. He should stay and make sure everything was ready for the wedding tomorrow, finish going over those patrol reports he hadn’t gotten to before the rehearsal, maybe even do some patrolling himself to clear his mind.
With a shy smile, he took Magnus’s hand. The Institute would be fine without him for a few hours.
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