ilylola · 1 year
horikoshi’s ^.^ artsyle will forever be my favorite
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myheromedia · 11 months
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NEW Volume 38 Extra - Tokoyami and Dark Shadow
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anamiableavocado · 1 year
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ivrket · 6 months
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Found a bunch of my old doodles :))
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just read the newest mha chapter, and a lot happened... but a key moment for me was
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But his reaction after finding out it was an illusion from Camie... >still sad though, because Hawks prolly had such an impact on him<
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random-jot · 2 years
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A little Tokoyami & Kaminari riding in Fatgum is something that can actually be so personal
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eldritchdeceit · 6 months
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emo boyfriends ⛓️🖤🥀
(happy birthday tokoyami!! 🖤)
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I know Tokoyami was chosen by Hawks because they’re literally “birds of a feather” but you know what pairing I think has even more substantial and interesting parallels?
Hawks and Uraraka
Two heroes who “aren’t great against power types” and have powers that utilize flight of themselves and several smaller pieces.
But more interestingly, two people who became heroes to save their parent(s) from abject poverty.
Obviously Uraraka’s parents are loving and non-abusive unlike Hawks’ upbringing. But it’s still at least implied that they use food and social interactions as a coping mechanism and both look up to someone chasing All Might. They use that person as an icon to guide them, dedicating themselves to protecting that person’s legacy.
For Uraraka that’s Deku and for Hawks that’s Endeavor. Both even give speeches on the optimism needed to change hero society surrounding the war arc.
Even the advice Hawks gives Tokoyami slots pretty well into what Uraraka needs to hear post fighting Bakugou.
“It’s great that you’re putting in effort to cover your weak points, like short-distance combat, but you shouldn’t neglect improving on your strong points either… There’s no need for you to be confined to the ground.”
Though Uraraka’s relationship with Toga is a lot more intricate and twisted than that of Twice and Hawks, they’re predicated on seeing the good in villains - two characters built on the philosophy of doing what’s right by noting the best in people.
Seeing how devastated Uraraka is at the war and the death of innocents and heroes alike - seeing her not fall to cynicism despite that would be especially interesting if Hawks was her mentor because he always knew about this side of herodom - he’s the poster child of it, he’s killed lord knows how many people but he’s still hopeful.
Or maybe that’s just me.
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uraraka colorization (Ch. 322) by @hexamendle. used with permission.
hawks coloration (Ch. 316) by @ambslumia on instagram. used with permission.
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM Manga Update 221 Review: Epicenter
So, let's keep this summary short. We get Psykos's backstory as a series of flashbacks in which she goes round recruiting others to their cause, expounding on her successes to an unenthusiastic Fubuki. She researches the 'third eye' ability to enable her to see into the future and succeeds. What she sees leaves her so disturbed that she decides that the best thing to do with the verminous mass that is humanity is to eliminate it altogether. The sight of her initial freak out segues into her freaking out as she faces Fubuki in the battlefield, only to collapse... she really was running on fumes. Fubuki catches her and muses what it was that Psykos had seen back there, and an image and words come to her head, unbidden. The vision vanishes nearly as quickly as it comes leaving a shaken Fubuki wondering what she saw. It's God (no ID) but she has no way of knowing that.
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One thing is clear to Fubuki: she has to get Pyskos to talk, cost what it may. She barges into the visitation and orders it stopped, saying that with the prisoner list now published, Tatsumaki was sure to come along to kill Psykos and it's in everyone's best interest to leave as quickly as they can.
Right on cue, Tatsumaki breaks into the holding cell and makes a credible show of trying to kill Psykos, and launches the Tsukoyomi rep into the nearest wall. The Tsukoyomi representative isn't phased and gets up. He launches a counter attack and in the melee, Saitama, who has just been standing there, falls into a crevasse that opens up under his feet. Ironic, given that Fubuki had just been praising him for being an ascended one similar to Garou, whose strength she was glad to have.
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We end the chapter with Saitama surrounded by demon-level monsters, who, glad of having had their containment fail, are also glad of this free snack before they break out properly and kill all the humans there. Saitama's more glad than worried as it means he can justify keeping pets after all.
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Again that issue of balance
Right from the first chapter when Vaccineman declared humanity a pestilence that was killing the Earth, to Dr Genus talking about God giving every creature a limit so as to maintain its purpose, to even Blast's advice to Tatsumaki, which both nearly got her killed and saved her life in the same night, balance, that idea of all things having their proper place, is something that comes up repeatedly in the story.
Once again, the issue of balance is back. A young Psykos looked at the future and realised that humanity was utterly out of control. By our very natures, we seem bound to commit overreach without considering the future. Normal people encountering this reality go organise. Less-normal ones already committed to subjugating humanity take it one step further.
Given that the vision she saw was divinely inspired, if God (no ID) has been talking to Psykos, why shouldn't we consider Psykos a victim who ought to go scot-free? Very simply: realising that humanity is over-using the Earth's resources and driving ruin is one thing. Deciding that the solution is to kill everyone? That's all her. God (no ID) loves to approach people who want simple, sweeping answers to complex problems. Maybe give them a tool or two. Then sit back and watch the carnage. ONE doesn't let characters who commit atrocities with God's tools go: the best he could do for Garou was a redemption equals death ending. He's not about to let Psykos go either.
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Sister Act
I thought I'd be starting with Tatsumaki asking Fubuki for help, but, momentous though that is, it's the second-most important thing I want to talk about. The first is that, whatever Tatsumaki's full reasons for wanting to save Psykos from the clutches of Tsukoyomi, those reasons are important enough for her to deliberately trash her reputation and make the Hero Association believe her to be crazy. There are sure to be severe reprecussions and she's willing to risk them. The story has been at great pains to show us how much the Hero Association relies on Tatsumaki, and how she enjoys that fact, even though she complains about being over-relied on. The last arc has shown us why the HA has such trust in Tatsumaki as we got to see just how capable, considerate, and courageous she is.
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It's also shown us that Tatsumaki isn't 100% impulsive. Wringing Psykos's neck is something she'd gladly have done over and over, but she curbed it long enough to literally wring information out of Psykos to ensure that the heroes rescued every last human held at the Monster Association.
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For Tatsumaki to throw the trust justifiably invested in her away is non-trivial. It means so much to her and she's trashing it for the sake of a villian she really would rather see dead. Is Tsukoyomi really that great a threat? Some other reason? It will be very interesting to find her reasons.
At the same time, she has arranged things so that Fubuki comes out of the situation well, being the principled hero who warned of the danger and did her best to ward off her crazy sister.
Which brings us to the next most interesting thing: Tatsumaki enlisting Fubuki's help. One thing I had feared (but would have respected) was that Tatsumaki would dismiss the help she had to receive from others -- most notably from Genos -- as a one-off, never-to-be-repeated event. Something seems to have sunk in with her to consider reaching out to her sister. Fantastic.
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I say again and again that a central tenet of ONE's writings is that 'when people do more, they get to be more, ' and I'm glad to see that it's once again on the cards. Since the sisters have long been able to build a relationship that is cordial and trusting enough for them to actually hang out, the issue Fubuki had with Tatsumaki was the latter not respecting her as a hero. And to be fair, Fubuki, with her habit of hiding behind others and only looking to punch down whether at monsters or people, was nothing to respect. Once Fubuki earned some measure of respect from her sister by coming out to do the difficult and dangerous of her own free will, the story has been able to move the hell on! Artificial espers and organised evil? Sure, bring it on! In turn, Fubuki doesn't know why her sister is doing what she is, but she trusts her sister sufficiently to work with her.
The manga edition of the Psychic Sisters arc may feature them cooperating for now but how long that cooperation lasts, given that they have different ideas of what to do with Psykos, we'll have to see.
Playing Dumb
It's hard to say how aware Saitama is at any given time as he's both extremely obtuse and extremely insightful, often within the same breath. Nice to see that someone else has been able to piece things together. Fubuki may or may not have seen Saitama take out Garou, but she saw enough of Garou both before and after he ascended into Cosmic Garou to know that he was Something Else. She's seen enough of Saitama to know that if it was going to be anybody, it'd be him, not the much-bandied around theory about it being Blast.
Saitama, is of course, nonplussed. Again with someone insisting that he defeated Garou. Again with someone praising him for just being who he is. And oh, will you look? The ground appears to have opened up. He's very unbothered by it all.
How is Saitama going to fit into all this? Well, first he's going to make some short work of some monsters. Other than that, all I'm sure of is that things are about to go sideways in a big way. Saitama on scene generally means bad news for any other heroes who are around.
Short notes
Feral Tatsumaki who never learned to eat with Western cutlery is too cute for words.
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Couldn't have happened to a nicer set of assholes: the one good thing the Tsukoyomi rep has done.
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Speaking of acquisitve bastards, I'm so glad Genos isn't here. With his acquisitiveness, the idea of artificial espers would get his attention for all the wrong reasons.
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chasing-posts · 10 months
There's something really sweet about TenTen's dream in the Tsukoyomi. Where her perfect world is that everything's the same, she just gave Gai and Lee and makeover.
A world where she would have changed nothing but a hair cut is damn near perfect.
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sobasluuurp · 2 years
354 has me being such a JUMBLED MESS
Because Endeavor and Hawks is the obvious choice for countering AFO, both in terms of writing and in-universe strategy. They’re Japan’s top heroes. The only two people who stand even a CHANCE of defeating someone as powerful as AFO (besides Deku, who’s busy elsewhere). But neither one of them are up to the task. Hawks is a shell of his former self and Endeavor is not only leagues behind the former Number One Hero, but also preoccupied with his past mistakes to stay out of AFO’s traps. So of course, Hawks plans to put all his eggs in one basket and launch himself and Endeavor straight at AFO with all their strength and pray that it’ll be enough. A heroic sacrifice that might seem like the heroes’ best option to those in the strategy meeting and to fans who expect to see Endeavor and Hawks’ arcs to end with atonement through death. It could all wrap up with a nice little bow, because that’s what makes sense.
But real battlefields don’t work that way. And neither does Class A. The “right people” are not always where they need to be. Sometimes it really is side characters who happen to be on the right battlefield at the right time. So Jiro and Tokoyami entering the fray with such a massive villain as AFO gives so much vibrancy and life to the story. Their arcs have had no connection so far. No narrative foil or shared history. But Jiro has an ideal niche quirk for countering AFO’s mask, so that doesn’t matter. She barges in with an attack and talks shit because she has more than enough motivation to want AFO gone and believes she can help. Tokoyami swoops in because he cares about his mentor and has a plenty strong quirk himself that can add a whole new dynamic to the fight. 
Who cares if they’re not a conventional choice of rivals for the Demon Lord? Who cares if they don’t have any narrative reason for needing to be there? They are heroes who want to protect their loves ones and strike down a great evil. And. 
When Horikoshi brings random chance and happenstance into BNHA. 
Kick his ass, kids. He deserves it. 
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tsukuyomirises · 1 year
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Tokoyami’s/Tsukuyomi’s Stoic Death Glare(MHA,S6./E5: The Thrill of Destruction)   
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myheromedia · 11 months
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Rockstar 🎸
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porgatino · 1 year
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Drew this for his birthday 🖤
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amive2567 · 1 year
A/N: So this piece is for Meg. It turned out a bit cheesy, and you're nickname is thunderbird, hopefully you don't cringe.
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you both bonded through the knowledge of astrology and your love for classic literature
he enjoys how similar you are to each other and that he doesn’t have to change for you, and he feels so comfortable with you
He will be the most loyal and kindes boyfriend you ever had/will have 
He is a hopeless romantic and will make you feel like the queen you are
he admires how you always bail people out of their stupid shit
Your short story:
The rain pounded on your window. You watched the droplets chase each other down to the windowsill. The book on your lap was completely forgotten by now since Tokoyami scratched your scalp and calmed you down. "My thunderbird, you truly look lovely this evening" he whispered in your ear. You chuckled. "I wear my sweatpants and a hoodie, my makeup is removed and my hair is messy. How can I be pretty?" Tokoyami locked at you in shock and shook his head. "Beloved, you always look stunning to me. I truly fell for you." Your cheeks heated up, and you hid your face behind your book. "Please stop it." If you were ice, you would've probably melted. He stopped scratching your scalp and went on to braid your ponytail.
After some moments of quietness, you jolted up. "We haven't been to the planetarium in ages, right?" Your bird boyfriend was so startled that he was only able to nod. You jumped up, changed your clothes immediately, collected your purse, and put on your shoes. "You want to go now?" he asked, a little bit dense. "Yes of course. Now get going the last performance is in half an hour." you hurried. He rushed to get ready, so you were able to catch the last performance.
"What made you think of going to the planetarium?" he asked while you were running to the station. "We haven't been there in ages, and since we were so occupied with school, I thought I would take you out on a date. A spontaneous one." You wheezed. Your hero-boyfriend was capable of running this far, but you were just a computer scientist with little endurance. The train could already be seen, and Tokoyami sprinted foreward to keep the door open for you. Exhausted, you stepped into the vehicle, the door immediately closed, and you drove off.
Tokoyami sprinted to the entrance and booked the last tickets for the evening performance. "Have a nice time!" chirped the lady at the counter. You joined your boyfriend at the entrance, and you both entered the performance just in time. "The universe, endless expanses, were always fascinating in today's performance we want to introduce you to the origin and the planet and stars. Now lean back and enjoy." The room grew dark, and you began to cuddle into each other. "It all began with the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago…." You focussed on the huge fireball in the air as Tokoyami whispered into your ear. "It doesn't matter to me how the universe originated. I just know that you are my universe."
Your special something: 🎧 A Playlist: Your relationship with Tokoyami Fumikage 🎧
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