#tumblr writers
angelasscribbles · 2 days
Writing is exactly like this
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Writer's Corner
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threewordusername · 2 days
i wrap my arms around your chest,
leaning over you, resting my chin
atop your head. i lay a kiss on that
same spot, and watch you diligently.
you scribble away at your desk,
drowning out the room
with the distinct sound of
pencil meeting paper.
subtle rays of light streak
through the window;
motes of dust dance gently.
i long to go back to those days,
waking up to you at first sight.
now, we don't even
know each other.
"the study."
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rileyh20 · 3 days
Me trying to hide from my duties as a writer:
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slayingfiction · 3 days
Vibrant Alternatives for Movement Verbs
Writing a novel involves more than just crafting a compelling story. The language you use plays a critical role in engaging your reader and enriching your narrative. A common pitfall for many writers is the repetitive use of verbs like “go” or “went.” To help you diversify your vocabulary and add depth to your writing, here are some dynamic alternatives:
Perfect for describing journeys, whether they are short trips or long voyages. It adds a sense of adventure to your narrative.
This versatile verb can be used for physical movement from one location to another, adding a general sense of action.
Ideal for continuing action in a story, especially when moving towards a specific aim or along a set path.
Use this when you want to evoke progress or forward movement, adding a dynamic layer to your storytelling.
Specific Movements: Walk, Run, Jog, Dash
Each of these offers a clear picture of the speed and style of movement, allowing you to create more vivid scenes.
Modes of Transport: Drive, Ride, Fly, Sail
When characters use vehicles or animals to move, these verbs can specify the mode of transportation, enhancing clarity and immersion.
This implies leaving a place with purpose, which can be particularly useful in scenes of separation or transition.
A casual yet descriptive way to indicate direction, often used in spoken language within dialogues.
For a grander scale of travel, “journey” implies a significant undertaking, enriching the narrative with a sense of scale and importance.
To wander is to move without a fixed path. It’s great for scenes where characters are exploring or lost.
Useful in stories involving large-scale movements or seasonal changes, especially in historical or environmental contexts.
When you want to describe a leisurely or aimless path, “meander” evokes a gentle, wandering pace.
This suggests a challenging and lengthy travel, often on foot, perfect for adventure or survival stories.
To roam means to move freely, ideal for characters that are free-spirited or in expansive settings.
Leisurely Paces: Stroll, Saunter, Amble, Perambulate
Each of these terms paints a picture of a calm, relaxed walk, adding a poetic touch to your scenes.
Using these verbs can transform your narrative from mundane to vivid, providing your readers with a clearer image of your characters’ actions and settings. Don’t hesitate to experiment with these alternatives to find the perfect fit for your story’s tone and pace.
Happy Writing!
For more fun content, visit our Slaying Fiction website!
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writing-unrequited · 18 hours
It is hard to be found when no one is looking for you. Get lost in a forest and no one would know. But, it is hard to get lost when someone is there at your side to strengthen you and guide you.
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canmore-elblood · 2 days
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As humans, we constantly strive for perfection in every aspect of our lives, be it our careers, homes, or relationships. However, it's important to remember that perfection is unattainable. Rather than striving for an unachievable ideal, let's focus on progress, growth, and self-improvement. Only then can we truly find happiness and fulfilment in our lives.
Let's cherish the journey of self-improvement and transform our negative habits into positive ones. Let's also extend our hand to others who may be struggling along the way, and offer them a helping hand to get back on track.
Life is a beautiful journey that deserves to be enjoyed to the fullest. Remember to take breaks and indulge in activities that bring you joy, without succumbing to exhaustion. Prioritize your well-being by getting enough rest and finding ways to work smarter, not harder. By doing so, you'll be able to accomplish your tasks and pursue your passions with renewed energy and enthusiasm. a journal write about your feelings release your tension, and negative emotions in small doses and don’t wait until it turns into burnout and depression.
Have a great week and make the most of your time by focusing on what truly matters. Stay motivated and keep pushing forward, because I promise you that all your efforts will be worth it in the end. Believe in yourself and keep shining! ✨✨
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bihudson · 4 months
Siempre que tengo el corazón roto, vengo a Tumblr.
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reidiot · 10 months
don't fucking interrupt me when i'm reading my x reader fics it's rude
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liesandnights · 5 months
My version of flirting is looking at someone I find attractive multiple times and hoping they're braver than me.
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jgmartin · 10 months
me, after clearing my schedule to write:
uhhhh it was raining... and dark (and also night) and um... cold i guess?? anyway, something dramatic~ happened
me, stuck in traffic on my way to work:
Rain tumbled through midnight leaves, casting the forest in liquid moonlight. A low growl shook the horizon. Death had come.
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angelasscribbles · 2 days
Or in my case, if I should write another chapter.....
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threewordusername · 2 days
i build upon the sacrifices
of those i relied upon.
my existence appears to be
an obligation, in which
they are no longer invested.
for those people
who have come and gone,
do not search for me -
i await the road
to eternal demise.
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Me when I hit that Creative high at 1.00 am in the morning and come up with the greatest story ever conceived...
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And then... by the time I wake up... I've FORGOTTEN ALL OF IT.
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slayingfiction · 1 year
Words to use instead of ‘said’
**Using the word ‘said’ is absolutely not a bad choice, and in fact, you will want to use it for at least 40% of all your dialogue tags. Using other words can be great, especially for description and showing emotion, but used in excess can take away or distract from the story.
Neutral: acknowledged, added, affirmed, agreed, announced, answered, appealed, articulated, attested, began, bemused, boasted, called, chimed in, claimed, clarified, commented, conceded, confided, confirmed, contended, continued, corrected, decided, declared, deflected, demurred, disclosed, disputed, emphasized, explained, expressed, finished, gloated, greeted, hinted, imitated, imparted, implied, informed, interjected, insinuated, insisted, instructed, lectured, maintained, mouthed, mused, noted, observed, offered, put forth, reassured, recited, remarked, repeated, requested, replied, revealed, shared, spoke up, stated, suggested, uttered, voiced, volunteered, vowed, went on
Persuasive: advised, appealed, asserted, assured, begged, cajoled, claimed, convinced, directed, encouraged, implored, insisted, pleaded, pressed, probed, prodded, prompted, stressed, suggested, urged
Continuously: babbled, chattered, jabbered, rambled, rattled on
Quietly: admitted, breathed, confessed, croaked, crooned, grumbled, hissed, mumbled, murmured, muttered, purred, sighed, whispered
Loudly: bellowed, blurted, boomed, cried, hollered, howled, piped, roared, screamed, screeched, shouted, shrieked, squawked, thundered, wailed, yelled, yelped
Happily/Lovingly: admired, beamed, cackled, cheered, chirped, comforted, consoled, cooed, empathized, flirted, gushed, hummed, invited, praised, proclaimed, professed, reassured, soothed, squealed, whooped
Humour: bantered, chuckled, giggled, guffawed, jested, joked, joshed
Sad: bawled, begged, bemoaned, blubbered, grieved, lamented, mewled, mourned, pleaded, sniffled, sniveled, sobbed, wailed, wept, whimpered
Frustrated: argued, bickered, chastised, complained, exasperated, groaned, huffed, protested, whinged
Anger: accused, bristled, criticized, condemned, cursed, demanded, denounced, erupted, fumed, growled, lied, nagged, ordered, provoked, raged, ranted remonstrated, retorted, scoffed, scolded, scowled, seethed, shot, snapped, snarled, sneered, spat, stormed, swore, taunted, threatened, warned
Disgust: cringed, gagged, groused, griped, grunted, mocked, rasped, sniffed, snorted
Fear: cautioned, faltered, fretted, gasped, quaked, quavered, shuddered, stammered, stuttered, trembled, warned, whimpered, whined
Excited: beamed, cheered, cried out, crowed, exclaimed, gushed, rejoiced, sang, trumpeted
Surprised: blurted, exclaimed, gasped, marveled, sputtered, yelped
Provoked: bragged, dared, gibed, goaded, insulted, jeered, lied, mimicked, nagged, pestered, provoked, quipped, ribbed, ridiculed, sassed, teased
Uncertainty/Questionned: asked, challenged, coaxed, concluded, countered, debated, doubted, entreated, guessed, hesitated, hinted, implored, inquired, objected, persuaded, petitioned, pleaded, pondered, pressed, probed, proposed, queried, questioned, quizzed, reasoned, reiterated, reported, requested, speculated, supposed, surmised, testified, theorized, verified, wondered
This is by no means a full list, but should be more than enough to get you started!
Any more words you favor? Add them in the comments!
Happy Writing :)
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brotrustmeicanwrite · 2 months
Getting two likes when you share a piece of your writing while that shit post you made at 3am gets 200 notes really is a different kind of pain. We need to reblog each others writing more. Much much more.
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itsbansheebitch · 2 months
"Character doesn't act traumatized"
The flaw with the criticism of "this character isn't acting traumatized, you need to show how this event changed them" is that a lot of people experience EXTREME traumatic events and think it's normal. Their behavior might change in subtle ways, but they mostly just continue with their life.
This is especially true in children/young characters. See example here:
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