#tw femicide
wordsmithic · 13 days
This popular Greek song is a response to the more recent femicide in Greece
Let the state tremble, let the roads be closed May whoever dares to raise a hand tremble They take our carefreeness by force They planted fear in us but wings grew And every minute of almost every day We mourn a daughter sister and mother In one night they make us vanish Anyone silent is an accomplice, as they eradicate us For those nights when I walked alone At the sight of a figure my blood freezes For all the hands that grip keys We all become a fist! You have no right over my body, You don't have a say in where I go and what I do Pain and violence are not love We all respond if you touch one And if you didn't pay attention to these lyrics They say that I am still here by pure chance In fury I sing, hear me all The city burn if I don't come home
My name is Anissa, Caroline, and Eleni I was killed by the system that launders them (our criminals) I am Jevrie, Zaki, Maria Nektaria, Anthe, Zoe, Adamantia In my name write news, history
For those nights when I walked alone At the sight of a figure my blood freezes For all the hands that grip keys We all become a fist! You have no right over my body, You don't have a say in where I go and what I do Pain and violence are not love We all respond if you touch one
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
I've seen a lot of (usually white) feminists talk about how western/European women should also replicate/do '4B' as well just as Korean women have -without recognizing or understanding the context with which 4B arose.
The current very right-wing South Korean President, Yoon Suk Yeol, is very much responsible for continuing to put the health, well-being, as well as safety of Korean women at risk. Whether it be through him vehemently stating gender discrimination no longer exists to attempting to abolish the ONLY organizing that focuses on supporting women -the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.
He has also only added a handful of women into his cabinet AFTER he was criticized for not having done so in the first place. When he was elected back in 2022, my solidarity has and will always remain with women and folks who experience marginalization in South Korea, such as those in the LGBTQIA+ and disability community, among many. I will, nor should NO ONE ever forget how this man campaigned/how he was elected in mass by misogynistic men.
President Yoon Suk Yeol also remarked about creating incentives for MEN by lowering their mandatory military service if they have more children with their wives... needless to say, 4B is specific to the lived experiences and realities of living under patriarchy in South Korea in many elements of her daily life. I stumbled on this video on my fyp, and this Creator gives SO much great context to 4B, and for those who can watch/listen I highly recommend this video as a start to understanding Korean feminism.
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jellyfishfem · 2 months
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Vienna: 5 women found dead in the span of a day.
4 women and a girl were found dead in Vienna. On Friday night, 3 women were found in a red light club in Vienna-Brigittenau. They had massive cut and stab wounds. A suspect was found. Before that, a 51 year old woman and her 13 year old daughter were found dead in their flat in Vienna-Landstrasse. Cause of death coud have been blunt force.
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ciderjacks · 3 months
it’s odd how with every other kind of bigotry, when a famous person is called out its usually over like. a few shitty tweets from 2014. But when it comes to misogyny/sexism it’s always like “yeah uh so he sex trafficked multiple underage women, killed his girlfriend, and raped his elderly mother. He’s been openly saying he hates women for years now and his whole platform is about hating women, but we sort of thought it was funny so we didn’t pay attention to it. Oops! He is still sort of funny though haha” And the guy still gets more sympathy than an otherwise harmless celeb who made a homophobic joke on Twitter at age 12.
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killed-by-choice · 4 months
Swati Jamdare, 26 (India 2017)
Abortion in India disproportionately kills thousands of girls, so in an effort to end sex-discrimination abortions, the Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994 was passed, making it illegal to run sex-determination testing before birth. Abortion itself still legal in India, and it still continues to kill thousands of girls daily.
An abortionist in Sangli was a key suspect in a mass femicide ring. Starting in 2009, Babasaheb Khidrapure carried out illegal sex-determination testing and killed unborn baby girls for money. His wife knew what he was doing and begged him to stop his crime spree, but she didn’t call the police because she was afraid of what he would do to her as revenge. The crimes went unnoticed until Khidrapure conducted an abortion on 26-year-old Swati Jamdare.
Swati’s illegal testing showed that she was having a daughter. Khidrapure performed the abortion and killed Swati along with her daughter on February 28, 2017. Police were then finally alerted to the crime spree that had already killed so many.
Police raided the facility and discovered no less than 19 dead baby girls nearby. The investigation continued and at least 14 criminals involved were arrested.
When his wife had previously confronted him about what he had done, Khidrapure tried to excuse the killings. He stated that “it (abortion) was not a crime” and actually claimed to have been helping poor families. Apparently killing girls and women was his idea of helping.
Activists condemned the killings as rampant female feticide and followed the case. Even if Khidrapure will be preventing from killing more victims, it’s already too late for Swati Jamdare and her child.
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zozo-01 · 8 months
girl who fucked around
[made quinn into a toxic brown boy]
and found out
[wanting to make a fic about south asian woman are always balancing between being a "wife" and being "themselves" and if they veer too far in either direction, they'll get killed for it]
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ashtray-girl · 5 months
il fatto che abbiano ritrovato il corpo in una zona che bene o male conosco, il fatto che lui sia ancora latitante (se non si è ammazzato nel frattempo), il fatto che lei fosse così giovane e ad un passo dalla laurea, il fatto che avesse perso la madre di recente, ma soprattutto il fatto che si sapeva fin dall'inizio che sarebbe andata così...
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stars-and-soda · 3 months
Hating all men is dumb and usually only ends in hurting already marginalized men but really tired of white people in developed countries talk about how avoiding men is discriminatory and even violent. As someone indigenous, I'm trying not to be murdered.
"Women have wronged you too" cool, are Indigenous women 400 times more likely to be killed because of women murdering us? Yes, women can kill but the reality is the far majority of femicides are done by men let's be for real
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ph4os · 5 months
So... this is a serious post which however may touch the sensitivity of many people, which is why, before reading, I warn you that I will talk about feminicide, harassment and stalking. I also put a divider right under these warnings to prevent someone who hasn't read this first part from reading something and feeling triggered while scrolling.
Today in Italy, after exactly a week, the body of a girl who disappeared together with her ex was finally found. The killer's lawyer (that's still at large, supposedly in AUSTRIA) said that this murder was not premeditated, that he loved her because "he always made biscuits for her". [Do you know where the fuck you can put those shitty biscuits? I'll tell you, up your ass.] The truth was that he didn't love her, he was obsessed with her. He was jealous of her. He was jealous of the fact that yesterday she would graduate while he didn't, he was out of class and would probably never get the degree. He was jealous that she was able to make a life without him. The killer's acquaintances, his family, are filling the newspapers saying that he was a very good boy. Now I have to ask myself something: men always justify themselves by saying "not all men" that "men who do these things stand out, you can see when a man is dangerous". So why, every time something like this happens, the people around the killer always say that he was a "good guy, polite and with sound principles"? Do you realize the bullshit you're talking about? Do you see the inconsistencies or am I the crazy one? You know what else is absurd? The fact that the media continues to use photos of the two of them together, from when they were engaged. It's crazy that they refer to him as her ex. He's not her ex. He is her killer. He is a MURDERER, a fugitive, an outlaw. NOT. HER. EX. It's a horrible thing to say, but part of me wants him to kill himself too, because people like that don't deserve to be in the world and I know for a fact that if they ever catch him, he'll be out of prison after a couple of years for good conduct and, consequently, Giulia will never have the justice she deserves.
Three hours after this news another very similar one arrived: another woman, a nurse, was shot by her husband who was jealous because she was very good at her job and very well liked by patients.
It's not normal. It's not normal that I was molested by an eighteen year old boy wen I was in eighth grade. It's not normal that he stalked me for 2 years. It's not normal that if Covid hadn't divided us I probably wouldn't be here writing now. It is not normal that I should be afraid to go out in my city for fear of die like one of these poor women. It's not normal that my best friend, even though she's never been harassed, is still afraid to go on date a with a guy without first sending me her real-time location. It's not normal that I have to stay awake until she texts me that she's back home safe. It's not normal for both me and her to have a ready message to send to each other's parents in case one of us stops responding during a date with a man or goes out alone at night. It is not normal that none of the men I follow have never posted even a story for the International Day for Elimination of violence against women or even a message of condolence for the families of today's victims. It's not normal for me to have to fear for my safety every time I set foot outside the house.
It's not normal. I'm tired and scared of this world. I just want this to end.
"Not all men", but all women.
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heartshaped-lou · 5 months
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sugaroto · 9 months
Trigger warning: femicide, rape, transpobia, small description of dead body
It's ironic that for the Panhellenic exams the essay topic was "feminism" and in less than two months two women in Greece have been murdered
One of them, Anastazja (age 27), was probably raped and then murdered. She came from Poland to Greece to work for the summer and her body was found naked close to a lake.
I saw a man on the TV saying she had an "escort app" on her phone, as if this gives men the right to rape and murder her
The murderer was Googling shit like "how to get rid of bodies" and I think he cut/or burned her fingers so they couldn't recognize her. The authorities also found some fucked up shit on his history related to rape- porn.
I dont know much on Anna's (age 46) case but I know she was murdered cause she existed. She came in Greece from Cuba to live free and was murdered cause she was a trans woman. She was found murdered in her apartment. She was wounded probably by a knife
Also since she was found dead, she has mostly been misgendered in media as "man found dead" etc
Also since I mentioned the exams at the beginning, I should add that someone who murdered his wife some years ago was also giving those same exams
Her name was Caroline (age 20) and she was murder by her husband "who was a pilot and a good guy" in their home. She also had a newborn daughter at the time. He planned the whole thing to look like a robbery, even tied himself up and all
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thisismisogynoir · 2 days
"you can't say kill all men!!!! ☹️" oh no it's the nypd at my door! lol but srs who tf says I can't.
"but what if i said kill all women????" you don't need to say it you already do it in yk the real fucking world so shut the fuck up and let us ladies have our fun.
anyway kill all men yesterday 2024. 😘
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ciderjacks · 3 months
men never had to live thru middle school 2016 listening to all ur male peers and acquaintances and friends start talking about how they hope every woman in power gets beheaded and how they think women are inherently lesser and calling women “bitches” on the reg and saying how they’d rape and murder Hillary if they could (“leave her out back still full of cum dissected and shit”) and claiming it would be “deserved”.
and it shows.
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killed-by-choice · 2 months
Sarbjit Lall, 29 (UK 1993)
Sarbjit Lall was 18 weeks pregnant with her fourth daughter when she went to a Marie Stopes facility in Leeds. They referred her to an abortionist who would kill her along with her daughter.
The facility referred her to have a second-trimester surgical abortion performed at a hospital at the hands of abortionist Vasu Rane. Rane later told the inquest that the abortion went smoothly, but the truth was that the injuries that would kill Sarbjit had been inflicted.
Some time later, a nurse found Sarbjit hyperventilating and obviously very distressed. The nurse asked Rane and a consultant to come have a look at her, but the two of them decided there was nothing to worry about.
That was the last time Rane saw Sarbjit alive. She had been bleeding internally since the abortion because her uterus had been perforated. Sarbjit continued to bleed so massively that she had a heart attack from blood loss. An emergency hysterectomy failed to save her and she died only three days after the abortion.
After Sarbjit’s death, her husband said she decided to have the abortion after finding out the baby was a girl. She already had three daughters, ages 8, 6 and 5. This is an example of sex-discriminatory abortion, also known as sex-selective abortion or femicide. A study in 2017 analyzed data from 202 countries and found that among these, over 23 million girls were killed by this practice.
The Marie Stopes facility claimed that Sarbjit lied to them and said that she wanted the abortion because she thought the baby would “force her to give up her job as a financial controller and create financial problems” as well as cause depression. (There is no evidence that she was referred to or examined by a mental health professional to evaluate her risk of depression.)
Marie Stopes refused to accept any responsibility for Sarbjit’s death or the sex-discriminatory abortion referral. The facility claimed that they only made the referral because Sarbjit was a liar and the facility’s manager even went as far as to claim that Sarbjit’s death was due to an illegal abortion because of the exact wording used in the 1967 Abortion Act (which actually made abortion essentially legal on demand by definition health and mental health reasons so loosely that anyone could qualify) didn’t specifically say that sex-discriminatory abortion was a legal reason.
During the inquest, Rane claimed to have not been told the reasons for the abortion performed that day and stated “I believed it was a perfectly routine termination for proper medical reasons.” But second-trimester abortions are not routinely for medical reasons. Even training programs for abortionists admit that the most common reason by far for second-trimester abortions are that the client did not realize she was pregnant sooner (71%). Maternal health is almost never given as a reason, and no abortion is ever medically necessary past 20 weeks, when an induced delivery or C-section would be faster and safer.
Sarbjit was killed in May of 1993. The inquest did not give a verdict until the next year, when her death was declared to have been by misadventure. The coroner stated, “I have not throughout the inquiry exposed any evidence of any lack of care on the part of any involved agencies.” He was later criticized in a letter to the editor of The Independent for his comments about Sarbjit being “devious and dishonest” instead of focusing on the fact that the abortionist said a woman with massive internal bleeding had “nothing to worry about” and left her to bleed to death. Sarbjit’s family was considering legal action at publishing time.
Sarbjit was far from the only client to be killed by the Marie Stopes abortion corporation. Others include Sharon Michelle Bagg, 15-year-old Alesha Thomas, Aisha Chithira, Delta Poke and “Marcie Roe.”
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zozo-01 · 8 months
so... say more about your darlin and quinn - cashandprizes
I CAN AND I WILL!!!! everyone knows that the most toxic relationship a brown girl can get into (that isnt a white guy) is another brown boy
(just some context warnings: this talks about femicide that's prominent in a lot of south asia + when i refer to 'brown people', i'm talking about south asian peoples)
aighty? aighty, LETS GO LEXI!!!
for starters, this all was born out of me wanting to make quinn a brown guy, specifically a pakistani boy from lahore. why? because pakistani men are the actual worst (i am a pakistani girl, don't fight me on that) and people from lahore ARE THE WORST!!!! (says the girl from karachi)
ANYWHO!!! as i made clear from everything, my darlin' is also a pakistani girl and she's the daughter of immigrants so you know she got that trauma in herrrr.
(this concept can work with quinn and darlin being from any part of south asia, and while this concept does lead to a fem! darlin' story, i will be keeping darlin' gn for this lil idea posty post)
there's something so personal about darlin' being raised as the only pakistani/south asian family in dahlia and missing that relationship they had with their culture, only to meet this connection that they were robbed of during their teen years. someone to speak their language with or share food with. all that fun stuff.
for my non-south asian peeps, an honour killing is a thing where when a brown man's ego is hurt because of a brown woman, he'd go and kill them to "maintain his honour." it's honestly disgusting and gross and it's something that touches the lives of all of us.
how does this fit into darlin's and quinn's relationship???
a vampire proposal comes with an understanding that their partnership will become a maker/progeny. and the best way to make someone say yes is in front of other people. and quinn had thought he'd broken darlin enough to make them say yes because he was their only option.
which is why he's so furious when they say no in front of all of his vampire buddies.
thus to rid this stain on his 'honour', his izzat, he has to kill them.
and darlin accepts their fate, because for south asians, death is the only way to escape an abusive fate.
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