#tw r slur
cowboy-robooty · 2 months
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based on when i said "I dont really like dumbasses. i think being smart is one the things I desire most in people" and then was forced to realize almost everyone im super close to has a room temperature iq
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dick-chugger · 8 months
Rob McElhenney when the podcast continues
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I never really understood whether posts like
[Description of someone that is not technically very insulting]
[Please just call me a slur instead]
were joking or not until I was talking with my mother about support needs around autism.
Mom: Well you’re more on the high-functioning end of the spectrum, like Elon Musk!
Mother dearest it would have been kinder to slap me across the face and call me a retard.
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idiot-mushroom · 11 months
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leo and donnie angst for all you fuckers
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disguisedcheezed · 1 month
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this is what the reason, by the way.
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lord-of-fidgets · 5 months
I don't care anymore.
If you use the R slur I fucking hate you
- sincerely autistic with adhd and a learning disability
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lakesbian · 27 days
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does anyone else miss rachel autism lindt right now
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theautisticfroglord · 10 months
happy disability pride month and also a reminder that the r slur IS A SLUR and is used in a derogatory way towards people with mental conditions/disabilities.
denying that it is a slur / using it in a derogatory manner is ableist.
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catversary · 8 months
worm 7.3
(tw for the r-slur)
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Taylor trying to reach out to Bitch is such a good moment. Meeting her ON her level. Not getting frustrated when she doesn't meet social cues, but instead using other ways of communication.
The whole "Bitch operates on dog psychology" hits my neurodivergent brain so well. The reason she is perceived to have "behavioral problems" - just like children do irl - is a lack of other people understanding and being forward with her. People who expect her to act like "normal", when she's an abused, powered teenager, and her mind is wired differently. She's not even aware herself that this is her "issue". I like how sympathetic her character is without the writing having to downplay her aggression.
(Eeee also Taylor trying to buy that dog psychology book T_T stop im gonna scREAM if she actually does get into dog behavior stuff to bond with Bitch more)
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tobydandelion · 7 months
[Content warning for realistic colloquial use of the r slur.]
So, I just realized/found out through studying conversations with allistics, that MOST of the time, when they say "you don't look autistic", they aren't talking about masking at all, they're saying they did not know that a 'retarded person' could be conventionally attractive.
Most allistics without a good baseline of neurodiversity believe all people with 'neurodevelopmental disorders' are just unattractive due to their genetics. That physical beauty is directly correlated with societal functionality, and the inverse must also be true, to them, due to their strange mental heuristics.
It's not a compliment about your masking, it's eugenics shit that needs shut down. It's not a cute joke. It's genocidal rhetoric.
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sydmarch · 1 year
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tags on this post that made me throw up from laughing masterpost
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antiradqueer · 7 months
Hey, I’m currently trying to leave the radqueer and transid communities. I keep wanting to go back, I keep wanting to be “the really inclusive one”. I know my time there hurt me, but I still feel like somehow they’re “not that bad” Can you send me links to some of the worst transids you have found. I know they have coined some really bad things, but I kind of need to see it with my own eyes. I’m messaging you because you’re the most well known anti-radqueer.
ive collected a bit most of these screenshots are from what we've collected for the carrd. anyone is free to add to this in the notes cus theres 100% more stuff we missed. also no spoons for ids cus theres just so many images
tw for: mentions of the r slur, antisemitism/nazis, lolishos, CSA, cults, RAMCOA, TERFs, Transphobia, racism, ableism. you get it.
these were like all the images i could fit on mobile
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see also:
warning on kandiqueer(link) / Radqueer is a cult(link) / more shitty transids(links)
non links:
the existence and acceptance of pro c (not just for the "big 3" but for murder/assault paraphilias and ones that can put ones health at risk) , transharmful etc., kandiqueer and its variants, xenosatanists, loli/shotacon, csam, adults being intimate with minors/animals etc.
radqueers stealing terms or trying to claim terms are part of their shit (despite outcry from the communities surrounding said terms): transrace (adoptees), transabled/BIID, chronosian, aldernic, transgender, transpecies, etc.
the constant comparing of paraphilia, disability, race, age, etc. to gender and being trans/queer and the basically piggy backing off queer/disabled etc. communities
the large overlap of "youth liberation" and lolishos/pro cs
the sheer amount of "noone will accept you but us"
defending blackface, racefaking, disability faking, racist/ableist stereotypes, etc.
the constant harassment of not just anyone who doesn't like them but those who are in their community who question or criticise anything rq. and the harassment of ex radqueers, which goes from anonymous threats all the way to claiming their trauma from being rq isnt real.
the activity that goes on in the background outside tumblr (like discord) where alot of illegal material is being traded aswell as grooming and pressuring minors to send images of themselves, and very likely alot more im not remembering
aaaaaand if theres anymore ill add it later either by edit or by reblog. again. feel free to add anything in the notes cus it helps. especially image ids cus i can not do those rn or at all.
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vcnillazelda · 1 year
alejandro isn’t spanish u retard he’s mexican. he isn’t even in the same army as the 141? you’re so painfully stupid. PLAY A VIDEO GAME INSTEAD OF WRITING STUPID WRONG FANFICS ABT IT U FAG
wow. ty for this lovely message and for correcting me about alejandro’s nationality, i’ll be sure to fix that. i have played the game; and when i write characters in bulk i expect them to read it in context with the character. for example:
simon - 141
alejandro - los vaqueros/ghost team.
please learn to be a decent human being and leave my blog alone as you’re causing unneeded and unnecessary negativity. you clearly don’t want to consume fanfiction so why are you in the x reader tag?
(also if you have problems with my work, take it up in my dms. i will make these hateful comments public, but i never make dms public so if you don’t want me to expose the piece of shit you are don’t do this)
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
I’m not sure if the turtles know this or if anyone has already given you this idea, but rats have very bad eyesight - almost enough to be considered blind. For a short term but satisfying revenge they could cut Splinter’s whiskers off in sleep. He would literally be crippled for awhile.
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donnie knew this information, but so did splinter, and splints has a way of hurting them, even if it isn’t physical.
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assiraphales · 8 months
life lesson to all the future trolls out there on sending anon hate: maybe don’t comment on op’s posts with the same slur you used on anon <3
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zebulontheplanet · 6 months
My thoughts on reclaiming the r slur as a intellectually disabled and autistic person.
I do not believe in reclaiming it. Why would you even want to reclaim it? Often, people who say they can reclaim it have their own opinions. They say because they were called it they can. However, my insight on it is that why would you want to reclaim it?
The r slur has been a slur to dehumanize and insult those with intellectual disabilities. It was even a diagnosis at a time and was used to say we were less. We weren’t human. We couldn’t make decisions of our own.
Ask yourself this if you’re thinking of reclaiming it. Who are you harming by using that word? Yourself? Other people? The answer is usually yes because the word is derogatory. There is no way to say it that isn’t derogatory towards someone or yourself. So why use it?
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