#tw tragedy
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“wherever did that beautiful smile of yours go?” “It died…with him.”
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I'm writing an AU fic where there is a tragedy that I undo. Because there isn't this tragedy, this character is not the bitter and selfish and somewhat toxic they are, which is something interesting to explore, but now I don't know how to give them character arcs and character development because I don't know what internal problems of them to solve. Do you have any advice for me?
Fan-Fiction: Undoing a Character Arc from Tragedy
I think it's important to remember that tragedy isn't the only way to give someone an internal conflict. In fact, most internal conflict does not stem from tragedy.
Internal conflict is just a problem within one's self that must be solved. This can be literally any internal problem:
-- feeling like they don't belong -- feeling like they need to prove their worth -- being unhappy in their current situation -- being stuck in a rut in life -- fear of failure -- trapped choosing between freedom and duty -- feeling conflicted morally, spiritually, or politically -- feeling conflicted in love -- struggling with societal or familial expectations -- struggling with self-esteem
I think you get the idea. In any case, the goal is to look at these types of internal conflicts (as opposed to ones that stem from tragedy) and see which make the most sense for this character based on their canon backstory and other canon events. Odds are there are a lot already built-in that you can use. Or, you may be able to reverse engineer one that makes sense (but hasn't been acknowledged in canon) based on past events.
Have fun with your story!
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toxic-sugar-piie · 1 month
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Мне очень тяжело писать данное сообщение на публику, но я обязана сказать вам, какой пиздец сейчас произошел. Вы о нем возможно знаете. Знакомый торговый центр, который находится в Красногорске на метро Мякинино был захвачен терр0ристами. Сейчас каждый новостной паблик только и кишит этими новостями и только.
Я это пишу даже не потому хочу что-то левое высрать, а потому что я сама блять чуть там не оказалась.
Я собиралась до вечера сидеть в институте и работать над учебными анимациями по МХ2, но так уж вышло, что мне надо было срочно забрать заказ в виде наушников из пункта выдачи в торговом центре, который был неподалеку от самого места будущего инцидента. Меня кроме не покидало странное ощущение того, что в торговом центре странная обстановка, будто что-то странное произойдет (я к этому всему подведу). И я туда поперлась. Я взяла заказ и поехала к себе на хату в Одинцово (недалеко с Красногорском). И уже спустя какое-то время, когда я решаюсь опубликовать пост о новом приобретении - тут же пишут о том что началась strel'ba по людям в ТЦ, в котором я должна была быть, но не пошла из-за своей инициативы, выбрала чуть ближе место. И у меня не то что шок, а то что все время я была рядом с тем местом, и кроме того, у меня были планы посетить данное место со своим парнем.
Но если бы я там оказалась бы в нужное время, то цена бы за такой поход стоил мне ценой жизни
До этого, очень символично, но в этот же день утром мне снился странный силуэт, который пытался меня пройти вместе с ним, но он настолько был нереалистичен и пугал своим шумом, что я прямо в самом сне пыталась противостоять и истерить. Как оказалось, рядом находилась моя мама и она испугалась моей реакции. Везде я видела крики, кровь и искажения, будто что-то пытается просочиться сквозь настоящее пространство. Я не понимала к чему был данный сон - единственное, я сама испугалась того, что я увидела и долго плакала.
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я это зарисовала для одногруппницы и скинула это маме
И хоть все прошло, но мое состояние сейчас по сей время грустное. Я испытала куча спектров эмоции из-за этой ситуации.. В том плане, что в той ситуации в ТЦ - люди были абсолютно одни, пострадавших судя по всему намного больше. Люди буквально ради того чтобы сходить на развлекательное шоу - ушли на убой. Их никто не защитил. Охрана там была повержена мгновенно, а убийцы как неожиданно - скрылись. Уголовка то есть, она висит, а вот кто вернет жизни тем людям, которые невинно были подстрелены или убиты?
И самое страшное что это еще не все, и что подобное может случится с каждым, зная что происходит в мире из-за одного лишь деда за диктаторским столом. И люди, которые не видели реалий, не видели собственными глазами см3рть - будут до конца шутить, а некоторые даже защищать т3рр0р (были и такие, как раз из-за этой ситуации вспомнила еще и про них). Они будут делать любую хуйню до тех пор пока сами не настигнуть подобной же участи. Тогда даже без слов, будут одни слезы у тех людей, которые попал в подобную ситуацию. Особенно rте, кто "НЕ В ТЕМЕ" И "НЕ КАСАЕТСЯ ПОЛИТИКИ" - ЭТО ИХ ТОЖЕ КАСАЕТСЯ
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и единственное чего нам стоит делать - это держаться вместе и думать о своей семье и близких в первую очередь, а лучше уезжать отсюда. мне к сожалению, в месте где все лето по моей хате пытались несколько раз ебнуть ПВО-шкой - мне некуда уже деться
я надеюсь что тамблер не забанит мой аккаунт за провакационную тему которую никто не любит обсасывать. но мне страшно теперь выходить как-либо, мне не до смеха от того что происходит
плюс я не хочу думать о депрессивных мыслях и касаться как-либо новостей так как я сильно эмоциональна и мои нервы не выдерживают. я сама год назад была выпущена из больницы, ибо чуть не sдохла прям на койке у врача по одной самой ебанутой хуйне....
я хочу чтобы все были аккуратными и ближайшее время где-то 2 недели никто из домой, уезжал, потому что вряд ли что-то хорошее будет впереди. не забывайте что на носу все еще voina
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frostbite-yinny · 7 months
...Do you have any mons that are eligible to work as service mons?
Well hello there! Sadly, we don't have many that are already trained, but we do have a few that are fit to be sent to training ^^ I am guessing you are looking for an emotional support service mon so I will not be recommending any Pokemon that are too young and eggs as you are looking for a Pokemon fit to work;
Nameless Jolteon; You met this little gal already. She was an Eevee up until this morning when an asshat very valued customer came, looking like he was looking to adopt and made her evolve before leaving this fine establishment. She is having a little trouble adjusting to her new body as this was quite a sudden change. She is a very sweet and caring Pokemon, she is also quite mature and level-headed. I'm sure she would make a great service mon.
DaisyCream the alolan sandslash; She is calm, she is collected and she is the perfect lap Pokemon. She would be a great companion for you as she is low-energy and great at figuring out peoples emotions. She has been discharged early from her job in construction because of a work-related injury that affected her back. She is definitely not fit for battle and can suffer weather-related aches. But it doesn't lower her quality of life so there is nothing to worry about ^^
Hardhat the parasect; This little fella here is the only pokemon that is actually emotional service mon trained. He was some kid's service mon and helped her until her last breath. the parents couldn't bear to keep him around so he ended up here. He has all the golden qualities you would want from a service mon and his experience is just a plus. A little disclaimer is that he likes digging and especially enjoy eating roots, so you need to train him out of raiding your garden. And now a few more calm and level-headed pokemon that could be good candidates; Mummbles the boldore, Greedent, Biscuit the perrserker, Clown the pansear and a quagsire Hope that I could be of help!
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numerousbees1106 · 3 months
Today, while I was at school, my cat tragically and suddenly passed away.
I will be taking a while to process this and will likely not be participating in Febuwhump.
Thank you for your consideration.
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brimeyer · 2 years
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✘ ╱ emmy rossum + cis female + she her ╾ better keep an eye on BRIANNA MEYER whenever they are around. Shady gossip describes the THIRTY TWO year old as MOODY + SUSPICIOUS, close sources say they’re LOYAL + COMPASSIONATE. Can be easily found in HAPPY PAWS ANIMAL CLINIC working as VETERINARY
Name : Brianna Claire Meyer
Age / d. o. b. : june 30th , 1989 ( 32 )
Gender & pronouns : Cis - Female ; She / Her
Sexuality : Bisexual
Hometown : NYC
Affiliation :  Civilian
Job position : Veterinary
Education : Graduated with a BVM&S
Relationship status : Single
Children : N/A one dog
Positive traits : Loyal, compassionate, nurturing, gentle, goofy.
Negative traits : Moody, suspicious, secretive, clingy, emotional.
tw : death tw: tragedy tw: depression tw:grief
Only daughter in a middle class family, Brianna was raised with comfort but also learned that she could give back to the community or her friends. It wouldn’t be weird that she would give away some gloves or even her toys to kids that couldn’t have one. She was a kind, sometimes a little shy girl, but no one could deny that she had a big heart.
However, her life turn a tragic turn when she lost both of her parents in the 9/11. She was only 12 and saw herself orphan and all alone in the world. Social service was able to contact her only living grandmother, and she moved from NYC to live with her. The first weeks were a bit awkward, Brianna would still adapt to a new routine, new school, new friends, and also getting to know her grandmother. It was thanks to her that she got her second name, Claire, and with her she started falling in love with animals.
Her grandmother had one grumpy cat and a very energetic dog. For a while the little dog was the only being that enocuraged her to leave the bed while she was still mourning the death of her parents. And through that same bonding with the dog, Brianna got to know her grandmother, and they started growing closer.
Brianna spent her teenager years and the first years of her adulthood with her mother. Because of her love for animals, she decided to become a veterinary and her biggest dream was  to open a clinic where anyone in need could get all the assistance and help without paying a small fortune for it. 
During the Uni years, Brianna worked on the small clinic at the town, and it was there where she learned how to handle animals during the consults, and it was also the place where she performed her first surgeries. After she gratuated, the owner of the clinic hired her, as he didn’t want to lose a professional who was both kind to the animals and their tutors.
Live was good. She took care of her grandmother Claire, had a job that she loved and friends all around. Of course, there were a few guys that broke her heart, but she focused on the greatest things in her life and moved on from all those heart breakers.
In 2019 she suffered the second biggest blow in her life. Her grandmother passed away. Although it was a peaceful passing, Brianna found herself all alone in the world again, and this time she had no one to count on. Not even the fact that her grandmother left all she had for her, Brianna couldn’t see herself living on that small town anymore.
On that same year, Brianna sold everything she had, quited her job and moved back to NYC. Again, she took some time to adapt into the new city, and routine, but the depression took way longer to come through, and she didn’t have the energy and will to do anything.
Brianna was at the right place at the right time when she met Nikolai. It was like two lost souls finding the way to each other. She took noticed that he was in a dark place in his life, and despite all the pain she was feeling, she put them aside and helped the man seeing his issues on a different perspective. It didn’t take long till Brianna started seeing him like the big brother she didn’t have, and sometimes he was like a father figure in her life.
She adopted one dog, bought a small place and started on a job hunt. Brianna wanted to keep helping animals, and once Nikolai learned about it, he made a really indecent proposal. At first she refused to accept from him a large amount of money to open the practice. But then, she remembered of her old self, full of dreams to open her own clinic to help all people and animals. 
Happy Paws Animal Clinic was settled with all the money she had to invest, and thanks to the generous donation from Nikolai, the clinic has the top equipaments on veterinarian techology. From small procedures to complex surgeries, Brianna is able to offer complete support for all the animals. Not in her wildest dreams, she’d believe she had the resources to also have a Animal Shelter attached to the Clinic, where she works for free at least one day per week, offering all the services for the people that can’t afford. She also treats stray dogs, and while they can’t find their final homes with new familes, they are all well treated at the shelter. Only for that, she’s eternally grateful for the angel in her life personated in the man of Nikolai Erykssen.
While she’s at the top in her professional life, her personal life isn’t the smooth. Yes, she has friends and hangs out once in a while, but lately her favorite weekend idea is spending at home, with the company of her dog and watching trash movies online.
Friends: Even though her trust doesn’t come easily, once you earn it you have a die or ride, most loyal friend in your life.
Exes: Why not? Most of them are trash, but perhaps there were a few that ended in good terms? 
Childhood friends: Since she’s back to NYC, there would be a chance she re-connected with some of her old friends.
Lover: Love is in the air. Brianna is a hopeless romantic, and she’ll deny it a hundred times, but she really is. Her heart is out of service for now, as she fully devoted to her clinic at the moment, but if the right person shows up, it would be hard to say no to it.
Mentor/Big Brother Figure/Father Figure: Her guardian angel. She admires him deeply, and she’s very grateful to have found him when she needed the most. @erykssen​
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alien-insomniac-05 · 1 year
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So I found these photos looking up a place called Go Bananas after seeing a video on a tragedy that occurred there
I would put it under the liminal space hashtag cause I feel it fits but idk if that would be disrespectful since it may come across as “owo aesthetic”
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cracklewink · 2 months
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Harmony Syndrome Part 5/5
The last chapter of my mlp infection AU! Thank you to everyone who followed along. Some final thoughts on my twitter @cracklewink if anyone's interested : )
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howlingtothevoid · 2 months
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Begging God to fix you!
(And other tales about religious trauma)
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sophsicle · 3 months
one of the reasons that happy endings r not 4 me is that when people say "happy ending" it almost always means married with kids and. quite frankly. id rather they die.
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achillean-knight · 4 months
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Tween Boy Grief/Emotional Portrayal Q's
Anonymous asked: Do you have any tips for writing a young character with avoidance tendencies who lost someone to [tragedy]? My character is a tween boy who lost his older brother, but he's the type of person to shove his negative feelings away and fill his time doing things he enjoys and keep him busy to avoid thinking about them. Because of these specifics I'm having trouble finding advice
This actually falls into the category of questions I don't usualanswer on the blog, as outlined in my ask policies linked at the bottom of almost every ask. Part of the reason I don't answer them is the same reason why you can't find specific information about it elsewhere: everyone and every situation is different. While there can certainly be typical responses, behaviors, methods of coping, etc., how any specific person handles something like grief is dependent upon a whole mountain of variables: personality, mental health, experience, support system, and variables related to the specific situation like: What was the other person like? How close were they? How long had they known each other? What was their status at the time of the tragedy? Was this expected or unexpected? For how long? How long ago did it happen? What else was lost?
I can't give you tips for writing this young character because I don't know any of that about your characters and story. Only you do. And as the writer, it's up to you to do as much general research about this topic as you can so that you know enough about it to figure out how your specific character would react in their specific situation. And even then, there's no right or wrong answer, because even two people with the exact same set of variables can behave differently. All that matters is that it makes sense for what you lay out. For example, if you don't do the work of showing how close these brothers are and what they meant to each other, you would have a difficult time convincing the reader of your character's grief. If you want to portray this character as having avoidance tendencies, you can research those generally ("avoidance behaviors" has over six-million hits on Google...) and that will help you figure out how to make that response make sense for your character.
I hope your research goes well!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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inactivegaz · 1 year
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i’m scared to see the ending, why are we pretending this is nothing?
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asoftepiloguemylove · 7 months
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Cynthia Cruz Diagnosis // David Foster Wallace // Olivia Rodrigo lacy // pinterest // Jamie Varon Does The Universe Fight For Souls To Be Together? // Ethel Cain Inbred // Chen Chen Popular Street // Meggie C. Royer Tragedies // Olivia Rodrigo making the bed // @ely-n // Mary Oliver "The Return," What Do We Know: Poems and Prose Poems // Meg Day "There's Snow in the West," Last Psalm at Sea Level
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macksartblock · 5 months
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he's okay
surely, he's okay...
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the-elusive-soleil · 4 months
Silm AU with the Feanorian death order reversed
I apologize in advance, but:
Maglor regrets the Oath and kinslaying on the voyage over. He stays aboard the ships, meaning to stow away back, but falls asleep (it's been a long day) and wakes up on fire. His brothers and father become aware of the situation when they hear the screams. Maglor's cries become a permanent echo in that area, much like Morgoth's at Lammoth.
Maedhros does not have the clearest head in the ensuing battle. He gets separated from the others and is beaten into the dust by balrogs. His family isn't even able to retrieve a body.
Feanor is very shaken and very mad. He doesn't parlay with Morgoth, not even for the Silmarils. He and his remaining people spread out across Beleriand and establish fortresses.
Things are chilly at best when the Helcaraxe group arrives thirty years later. Feanor does not yield the crown. The two groups don't fight, because Morgoth's a bigger problem, but they're not working together. Partially because Fingon refuses to speak to the Feanorians after he hears what happened to Maedhros, and Finrod won't even be near them after what they did to Maglor.
Feanor is very careful with his remaining sons.
Time goes on, the Bragollach occurs on schedule, and so does the Silmaril quest, except that C&C aren't in Nargothrond because of the Finrod-hating-them thing, so Celegorm never meets Luthien. She doesn't get Huan, but still manages just fine.
We do still eventually get to the point of "Silmaril at Doriath" + "no Girdle" + "stubborn Dior" = Second Kinslaying. But this time Celegorm's not grudge-fueled and Curufin's not having to cover for Huan and watch his back, and... Amrod and Amras die instead.
Elwing escapes to the Havens. Elured and Elurin aren't left to die, but Feanor has no interest in keeping around Sindar reminders of his dead sons. He has them sent away. (They don't know where Elwing and the Silmaril are, so ransom isn't an option.)
Then they do learn where the Silmaril is, at Sirion. They attack. Caranthir dies.
Curufin has been doing increasingly badly since Celebrimbor forswore him right before Doriath. Celegorm decides the solution is to pick up Elwing's twin sons and get Curufin to help parent them.
Feanor isn't thrilled, but he can't say no when he sees how Curufin latches on.
Love grows after between them, as little might be thought.
War of Wrath happens. Feanor keeps his tattered family out of it, but contributes weapon designs via courier. The Host uses said designs, because even if he's problematic they need this stuff.
Afterward, the claiming and theft of the Silmarils proceeds. Curufin sends the twins to Celebrimbor to preempt another rejection.
He's hollow, disillusioned, attacking the camp. The guards don't have to work very hard to kill him.
Feanor and Celegorm escape. The Silmarils burn them. Celegorm starts laughing and laughing and can't stop, and backs away...right into a chasm of fire.
Feanor flings the Silmarils after him, hating the things he chased so long at the cost of his sons, and staggers to the shore as the sea encroaches.
No one knows what happens to him.
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