#tw: xenophobia
hepbaestus · 14 days
What Quackity talked about during his 10/04/24 livestream:
QSMP is not closing.
From this point on, he is no longer a part of the administration or the face of the project because he's being doxxed; the fact that the tweets garnered a lot of likes and he's been receiving death threats and due to that he doesn't feel physically safe because of it.
He explains a bit more about himself; how he's a very private person and that he's made sure to have a separation between work and home life.
He's learned a lot about his mistakes (gives an example of delegating a lot of management onto one person)
He talked about the xenophobia that the Brasilians faced and how it wasn't a specific announcement (he apologised for it)
These matters are being dealt with by the proper authorities.
He cannot talk about it because of this ^^^
He ends with a speech about how he loves the project.
He asks people to stop making theories about how he's creating tension with other creators on the project.
Moving forward, Quackity says that we'll see the changes soon, actions have been taken, and he reiterates him leaving the administration of the project.
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apersonwholikeslotus · 10 months
Accidents happen, don't they?
Characters: Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland
Warnings: Talk of xenophobia, colonization, arson, and intrusive thoughts
Notes: I'm ok i promise, i very rarely write truly unhinged stuff and this really isn't that bad. It is all under a cut for a reason though, and i am only posting it for @the-heaminator. I wrote this forever ago, and i don't feel like editing it so whatever it is, it is.
Dylan's life had been hell since the Romans showed up.
It had gotten marginally better, then worse, so much worse. The damn Germanic tribes that showed up were worse than the Romans, they didn't just want to conquer the area they wanted everyone else gone. They wanted everything for themselves. The anger he felt at being called a stranger on his own land was worse than anything else, everyone he knew was gone 'England' taking their place. The first time he met William he thought maybe they could work things out, maybe they could agree to leave each other alone. That couldn't happen either though could it? The Englishman was no better than the tribes that had come, he was the same, he was worse. And he was proud of being worse, he took Wales, then Scotland, and Ireland. He took a third of the world, disposing of anyone who got in his way.
Dylan eventually decided he had to agree with William or get out of his way, agreeing and at least being seen, even if it was barely, was better then being pushed off to the side completely. That's not how it worked though? Even if you did everything in your power to corporate, he still treated you like trash. The flag of the United Kingdom, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. No Wales in sight.
Dylan remembered Angus leaving back in 1607, he couldn't deal with William anymore. He went to Jamestown, Dylan had wanted to leave but both of them couldn't go. 'Go Angus, I'll be fine' Why did he tell him to go? Dylan questioned everyday why he didn't instead.
Then one day James Cook was leaving, Dylan didn't tell anyone. He didn't utter a word to a soul, he left a note. Hidden enough that it wouldn't be found immediately, clear enough that someone would find it in a few days. He sailed around the world for three years; he felt the most free he had been in over a thousand years. No one could find him, especially William. When the time came that he had to go home, he didn't want to. Three years, everyone on the voyage was exhausted and homesick. Dylan wanted to stay out there, he wanted to keep sailing and never have to return to London; never have to return to the beck and call of England. He seriously considered hopping off at a random port, far away from Europe. If he hid well enough it would take decades for anyone to find him, the empire was expanding though. The crown would find him eventually, and the punishment would not be something that made it worth it.
Angus had gotten too close to Alfred, enough that the small boy called him dad, William found a way to have him locked up for seven years. Seven years because a colony called someone besides England dad. Seven years in prison, on top of being suddenly separated from... from his own child, then the Darien Scheme failing: Angus hadn't always been an alcoholic. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Dylan didn't want to imagine what decades of disappearing would be punished with, if a three letter word from a toddler meant that much.
Three years was bad enough, he got back to a scolding from someone half his age. Then the King was mad at him, Dylan swore this many people had never even paid attention to him before. William was snappier at him after all of that, he never gave him a break. Said he had to make up for galavanting across the world instead of tending to his duties as an independent nation. Dylan had to stop himself from laughing in his half-brother's face; Wales? An independent nation? Why had no one informed him that he was one?
"You're lucky, Dylan"
He could hear Molly's voice in his head. She had told him that during the great hunger, she had shown up in London solely because Angus had promised to lend her some money so she could go to the US to stay with their nephew until things got better–if they even did–. Why? He had thought to himself, because he wasn't currently starving? Because he wasn't having to flee his home? He wasn't living in his own land though was he? London wasn't his. He had been mad at her for saying that for far too long.
Dylan knew most people didn't wish for bad things to befall other people, he wasn't even sure where the idea came from. He just knew one night he was sitting in bed, the window was open blowing the curtains a little too close to a candle that sat on a table. The first thought was rational,
"I need to either blow out the candle, or close the window, or the house might burn down"
The second thought, the small voice in the back said
'Or Angus isn't home, he won't be for a long time' Dylan was almost confused himself as to where the thought might be going. 'You could get Fiachra and go on an errand, William is sleeping, if the house happened to catch on fire and he didn't get out in time, what could be done?'
Dylan wanted to say terribly that he didn't consider the thought, he wanted to say that he almost didn't get up to get his shoes and coat. He wanted to say that he wasn't in the doorway, shoes on and coat tucked under his arm; about to go get Fiachra and make something up about a late night grocery store run: before finally realizing he was insane. Half-running across the room and blowing out the candle quickly.
You can't do that. He had to say it to himself over and over and over while putting his shoes and coat back in his closet.
He had to repeat it to himself the next morning when he turned on the stove.
He had to tell it to himself the next week when they lit the fireplace for the first time in the season.
He had to remind himself whenever he lit a cigarette, and stared at the flame on the lighter a little too long.
Something in the back of his mind always said though; "accidents happen? Don't they?" 
and if a candle was forgotten, and William was asleep in his room, Alone in the house, it would be counted as an accident.
Wouldn't it?
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nachoaveragejoe234 · 2 months
Since I had to block a bozo who defends the hate of Russian civilians, (redjaybathood), here is proof of anti-Russian sentiment towards civilians, it's not propaganda and you ain't a tankie for calling it out.
OK, so I have to respond. Firstly, my criticism doesn't mean "I think Putin's behaviour is the right thing."
Let me ask you something. Why don't you lame Chinese civilians for their government? Why don't you call them names? Their leader is also a communist who threatens other countries. Why aren't Chinese civilians considered tankies? Why don't North Korean civilians get treated like they're part of the problem? Cherry picking.
Next, you're literally doing what the OP and many other people are calling out. Hating the civilians for existing and living in a dictatorship.
And since you freaked that I didnt send the links even though you can look it up yourself (meaning you're lazy), fine. Here we go. Now let's see if you try to accuse me of lying. This is the sentiment that lead to the Japanese internment camps which everyone agrees were wrong, but I know people would cheer for Russian ones. There's a LOT of Russia-bashing, believe it or not.
And serious actual hate crimes and attacks. All called "propaganda" by bigots.
That's arson if you don't speak German.
If a foreign minister needs to call you out, it's not propaganda.
NOTE: Dubs being put on hiatus, Russian non politial products like snacks and drinks being removed or given WARNINGS in stores, none of that happens to other "evil" countries like China. Selective outrage? I'd say so. And literal paragraphs about hate from the Wiki page.
All of these are civilians who are being treated like shit on the ASSUMPTION that if you're Russian, you must hate peace. Dictators are not the people. People are brainwashed. You don't have the right to judge the peopleof a dictatorship because they aren't born evil, they're taught to obey the dictator. It happened with Hitler. It happened with Stalin. It happened with Mussolini. It happened with Pol Pot. It happened with Milosevic. It happened with Hirohito. It happens with Xi. It happens with Kim Jong Un. Why is it that when it happens with Putin, and ONLY with Putin, are the civilians suddenly just as problematic as the leader? You can't judge an entire nationality based on a select number of people you've seen who agree (or pretend to agree, as many may not actually agree but pretend. If all you view them as is cowards, but you don't hold the same values to other citizens of dictatorships, you are in fact, a BIGOT and it's not problematic or propaganda or false to say so. I made myself very clear. If you still disagree that's your problem and you are a toxic person. Jesus fucking Christ)
Tell me again how being Russian automatically makes you a bad person and how civilians aren't victims just because they are living in a corrupt country. You judge the entire population based on what fringe nationalists and some brainwashed people say. Blanket statements about an entire nationality or race are NOT okay. Peoplewho criticizes this aren't automatically pro-tyranny. Not that you care or believe that.
As a bonus, let's talk about how America and Canada (my country) used to HATE UKRAINE, and they had Ukrainian internment camps.
Your reaction to this should NOT be "I don't think Ukrainians deserve peace". BOTH RUSSIA AND UKRAINE DESERVE PEACE AND TO BE FREE FROM HATE. THE HATE GOES IN ALL DIRECTIONS. THAT'S THE REASON WAR IS A THING. PUTIN NEEDS TO STOP FIGHTING. PEOPLE NEED TO STOP JUDGING CITIZENS OF A DICTATORSHIP FOR BEING FROM A DICTATORSHIP. THE MORE RUSSIANS THAT CALL OUT PUTIN ANY WAY THEY CAN THE BETTER. ALL OF THESE STATEMENTS CAN AND SHOULD CO-EXIST AND I YOU DON'T THINK SO, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. "BUT THEIR LEADER!" "BUT I'M UKRAINIAN" "BUT LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY" "SHUT UP TANKIE" "ORC/RUZZIAN AREN'T SLURS THEY'RE TRUE". ARE NOT EXCUSES. The orcs and Ruzzians are Putin and his lackeys, not the people who live in said tyrant's cities. Obviously people should help Ukraine, that's absolutely fine. But people should not do or say anything the people above have said. It's pretty easy to find out of touch comments on Twitter and Quora that blanket the entire population as the same "evil commie tankie orc zombies". People calling out this stuff aren't trying to make a competition of "who has it worse" when in fact war harms EVERYONE.
That's all I can say. Don't like this? Then you should really think.
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michellemouse · 14 hours
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afoolandathief · 1 year
they're basically already married
The pistol fired again.
“Buzzy, you won’t believe it, I shot off his hat!”
Buzz released the still-gasping man’s throat and glanced at Leech. Overalls Two was on the floor, crawling backward from Leech.
“You’re Russian?”
Leech was fully awake now.
Buzz nodded. Leech frowned.
“Why didn’t ya tell me?”
“Didn’t think it was important,” he said. He really didn’t.
Leech stared at his knees like they had personally wronged him.
“Well I could, I don’t know, get you — tea, or somethin’,” he said. “What do Russians like?”
“Don’t drink tea much, anymore,” he said, because he really didn’t.
“Huh,” Leech said.
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princesssarisa · 1 year
I'm not even taking part in Dracula Daily, nor have I ever read the original novel (just an adaptation of it in middle school). But I find the discourse very interesting about the killing of vampire-Lucy, the prospect of killing Mina if she becomes a vampire, and Jonathan's secret resolve to join her in vampirism instead. The issue of staking a loved one-turned-vampire (especially a man staking his fiancée or wife) is obviously divisive and creates strong emotional responses. On one end, we have people arguing "Lucy's suitors never really loved her, only the idea of her, and they murder her when she's not pure enough for them anymore," while on the other end people are claiming "Jonathan is willing to let Mina suffer for eternity and become a monster too rather than let her go."
This clearly stems from some ambiguity about the nature of vampires in the Dracula-verse. As a vampire, are you still "you" – still the same person, just corrupted – or is it more like a demon possessing your corpse? If it's the latter, is your consciousness still there too, separate from the vampire and helplessly watching its evil deeds, or does the vampire completely take over? Can a vampire choose to still be a moral person and avoid killing people – e.g. only drink animal blood, or just the smallest, most harmless amounts of human blood at a time – or are they innately evil and destined to kill? Is the life of a vampire a life of suffering, or is the vampire perfectly content, with only outsiders deciding that its death will be "mercy" because it will send its human soul to heaven?
Then there are other ethical questions. Should a vampire be staked before it can kill anyone, or does a vampire who hasn't taken a life not "deserve" to die? Is it a matter of punishing the vampire, or is it about protecting others and freeing the vampire's human soul? Does anyone have the right to commit a "mercy kill" when (as in Lucy's case) the victim neither requests nor consents to it? Is mercy killing ever acceptable at all, or is it a bad concept?
Another part of the problem is that apparently, this book presupposes the existence of the Christian God – since crosses and Communion wafers repel the vampires – and a Christian afterlife, but not all the readers share that faith. The belief that staking the vampire will send the "real" person to heaven makes the act very different than if you assume you're snuffing them out of existence, or if there's any uncertainty.
Add to this the association of a vampire's bloodsucking with sex (hence the claims that this book is really about "fear of female sexuality" and that the staking of Lucy represents "an honor killing"), the phallic nature of the stake (hence the readings of Lucy's death as a symbolic "corrective rape"), the concept of the vampire as a racist/xenophobic symbol of "the Other" (thus some people read "staking a loved one" as "killing her because she defies cultural norms" and/or as "killing her because she's been tainted by sex with a filthy foreigner"), and the parallels between a vampire transformation and chronic illness or a personality-changing mental disorder ("So is Stoker promoting euthanasia for people like me?").
Should all those things be considered, or does only the "undead bloodsucking monster" factor really matter?
It's no wonder the issue is so divisive!
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richmond-rex · 2 years
Ok, but this ‘narrative of national grievance’ reflecting contempt for ‘out-groups’ and hostility to cultural change spoused by Philippa Gregory and other Ricardian novelists explains so much about radical Ricardians. This is from John Ashdown-Hill’s biography of Eleanor Butler (the ‘true’ Yorkist queen in his opinion):
She is, in her own way, a key figure of English history, a veritable 'Cleopatra's nose'. If her marriage to Edward IV had been acknowledged in her lifetime, if she had actually been enthroned and crowned as England's queen-consort, all subsequent history must have been different. The house of York might still have been reigning today, in a separate kingdom, never united to Scotland. The despotic, paranoid Tudors would have remained unheard of outside their native Wales. Enormous consequences would flow from all this. The English Reformation, which sprang from Henry VIII's dynastic and financial crises, and was neither generally desired nor supported by the English populace, have preserved to the present day their unrivalled cultural heritage. No Tudors would mean no Stuarts; no Civil War; no Oliver Cromwell. The story goes on and on. 
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fracturedxpieces · 1 year
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Continue send your hate, i only laugh harder
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thrill-seeker-if · 2 years
Hey guys, really important. I know we're talking about how bad genshin is right now but i've gotten like two or three asks mentioning 'you expect diversity from the Chinese?' or how the chinese screw things up.
I'm not going to answer anything like that. If you don't like the game, that's okay. I'd rather hear the features you don't like. But I won't at ALL support any kind of idea of just saying xenophobic things. Again. Whatever opinions you have on that sort of thing, I really don't care. I'm not gonna spread any kind of thing like that. i am deleting those asks.
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ponchizs · 1 year
next time some random american in internet tells me not to speak "taco bell" while speaking in spanish I'm going kill somebody
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skyhawkstragedy · 2 years
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yes let’s fight racism with MORE RACISM y’all on twitter ain’t slick
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allabtmimi · 2 years
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look who’s joining the infinite tour! only NAKAJIMA ASAMI (MIMI), who is the MAIN DANCER of FLORA. i’ve heard whispers that the 24 year old is pretty INDEPENDENT but lowkey REBELLIOUS. also, doesn’t she remind you of MYOUI MINA?
hey, i’m brianna and this is my spoiled, selfish daughter asami. my blog is under construction. should be done by tomorrow so i apologize for the mess but here’s the vital information for her below!
name: nakajima asami stage name: mimi birthday: december 2, 1997 - 24 years old, sagittarius  positions: main dancer and sub vocalist of flora
born in osaka, japan but moved to new york city at the age of 3 when her father got a work transfer
came from an upper class background and since she was the only child, all of her family’s money was spent on her
a lot of that money went into dance lessons. she began taking ballet and contemporary lessons at 4
started going as ‘mimi’ in grade school because people were xenophobic and she didn’t want to keep explaining her name, accent, and background to everyone
she got a confidence boost in middle school and decided to torment the people who once tormented to her. she blossomed into a queen bee after that, always expecting to be adored and be the best
unfortunately, her reign of terror in the states didn’t last for long because her father received another work transfer. this time, to seoul at the age of 14
this time however, mimi entered her new surroundings with confidence and ferocity, easily gaining status as her new school’s it girl
at 15, she was scouted by new star entertainment after one of her dance recitals. obviously, she agreed. a possibility of fame and being adored? uh yes.
she trained for nearly two years before debuting as the main dancer and sub vocalist of flora
gives off main slayer energy because of her dancing. she may not be the best vocalist in a group that really highlights vocals but she knows she’s eye-catching with her stage presence
obsessed with social media, she gets a rush of serotonin from the likes and comments
gives no shits and is unafraid of putting people in their place, even if it’s given her a reputation of being a more “diva” idol
wasn’t raised with the restrictions of someone who was raised in japan or korea would have. she definitely is a new york girl at heart. so she parties, she’s a bit more shameless, she loves to have fun
not a raging bitch but she will always put herself first
is protective of her flora members and will throw a bitch fit if anyone ever upsets them
very very bi and very very not shy. she loves to flirt and get a reaction out of people
was never super close to her parents but ever since debuting, she rarely talks to them unless it’s to pout to dad about money
loves to be spoiled
7 rings by ariana grande plays in the background (that’s her theme song)
can speak japanese, english, and korean
is currently blonde because i’m on my knees for icsm mina
possible plots: best friend, party friends, someone she corrupts, hookups, exes, idols she admires, someone who looks out for her or vice versa, mortal enemy, pr relationship, i’m just throwing stuff out but i’m open!
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kimtaegis · 1 year
its a little hypocritical to ask them not to perform when most governments are currently like this. The US, South Korea, India, all of Europe. Even reading a lot of the misguided articles (the guardian for example) where you can tell that the west’s prejudice and racism skew their perception. Because out of the 6500 people that passed over the course of a decade, 34 people were construction workers. take something like the US funding weaponry in Israel and prolonging their evil in Syria, or the war in Libya, or Iraq; all of which were spearheaded by the us but conveniently placed under false pretense of “aid”.
i understand looking at this in one way. When we hear the words “abuse” and “human right” we get very disheartened (and rightfully so). But whilst y’all r doing this, be sensitive to the people that are from these places like they are sensitive to the citizens of the US 💜
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You’re alright love! You’ve made a very important point that I only very shortly tried to hint at in my last ask response regarding the matter. To hear your input on it is super helpful to me, a European, to consider and better understand all the aspects that play into the ongoing controversies. I feel like it gets harder and harder to access neutral, unbiased information to anything at this point. I’m not informed enough about the majority of what you mentioned, so all I can really say is that I can empathise with your anger and that you definitely made me think even more about this aspect. It makes me look a little differently on the whole jungkook performance as well, since you’ve been talking about the citizens; I think it’s important to remember that it might not be a good thing to generalise what the government says and does and believes onto the whole population (as many seem to especially do when it comes to non-Western countries…); it seems kind of unfair to me to deny all the fans in these countries a concert or performance of their favourite artists, I don’t know. Anyways, thank you lots for your input!
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