#twenty eight
kissoflightning · 6 months
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amandajasmine · 4 months
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caseyyyjonesss · 2 months
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Are you really getting closer to 30 if you didn’t spend your birthday night in and take selfies like a fool?😂
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lisiya-gori · 9 months
the older I get the more horrified I am by the way everyone treats natasha
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moontos · 6 months
i'm so wrong, i'm so wrong...
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hold-the-fjord · 2 years
gods below us she rolled 28 persuasion for getting her monkey a gun
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aroace-cat-lady · 9 months
I tried to say "twenty to eight" like six times and my brain just refused.
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babylaurent · 1 year
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Trilogy 🤍✨
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dinosaurchurch · 2 years
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So it’s been another year, another trip around the sun. Twenty-nine doesn’t feel much different than twenty-eight but I’m heading in with a much better state of mind. I’m looking up instead of down.
It’s strange of me to say that I’m almost thirty, seems like I never would’ve gotten here when I was just entering my twenties. Hard for me to say this decade is almost here and gone, time definitely seems to fly. There’s been one hell of a learning curve of who I am and where I want to be.
Life certainly has had its rocky parts but it wouldn’t be a journey without some sort of conflict to overcome. I almost enjoy the sense of calm after overcoming each and every roadblock I’ve faced thus far even if it takes a long while for some of them. Some I’m sure is a once-in-a-lifetime event, half of it almost seems surreal at this point like some sort of fleeting dream but it definitely happened.
I’m looking forward to entering the last year of my twenties. Putting the past behind me and trucking forward is what I’ll be doing heading into thirty. It’s been hard fighting the internal battles I’ve had but I’ve regained my confidence and that’s definitely one positive thing I’ve got under my belt turning the page on another year.
I’ve changed as a person, I’ve matured enough to know what I want, what needs to stay, and what needs to go as tough as that may be. Cutting down on the stress and the things that induced a lot of my anxieties was probably the biggest things I worked on over the past year. Looking out for me and having to let go of what costs it might have for others to stick to my boundaries instead of bending was a hard pill to swallow. The blow back from that was harsh but I’m not here for the short term - I’m looking out for not only me in the present but also future me.
I had to pick myself back up from one of the worst lows in my life over the course of twenty-eight. I’ll be damned if I’m going back there. Saying I won against my depression is one hell of an accomplishment but I’m stubborn and tenacious as all hell.
The past year was tough but I’m tougher.
Cheers. Onto twenty-nine.
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Angstpril Day 28
Alt. Broken
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Phantoms of Glory
I finally find myself by Anakin and Padme, who are fighting side by side, taking shelter from the tipped-over cart. “I thought I’d be seeing you any moment,” Anakin remarks, deflecting another blaster bolt. “Want to take over for me?”
I step into position to cover for Padme as she continues firing at the droids without question. I don’t ask what he’s doing – it doesn’t matter anyway. Anakin steps behind us, scanning the arena.
I focus my attention on the battle and taking out any unlucky droid that dares fire out direction. Across the arena, I spot one of the pieces from Obi-Wan’s smashed pole lifting off the ground and moves towards one of the doorways where the droids are pouring into the arena. Anakin’s doing. Smart. It’ll slow them down. Give us more time.
Except that’s when it happens. I feel a ripple through the Force. Something is wrong, very, very wrong. Someone is… someone’s dying. And it’s not the numerous Jedi who have already fallen, it’s…
The pain that flares through my mind and the Force is excruciating and I fall to my knees, gasping. “Master,” I whisper, faintly, pressing a hand to my chest. It feels like something was just ripped out of it and if I didn’t know better, I would swear it was. I don’t register dropping my lightsaber, only that it’s not in my hand anymore. It feels like something is crushing my chest so I can’t breathe, the knowledge of what just happened hammering at my mind over and over.
Sar – my master was like my very own mother. Not the same home understanding acceptance way that Shmi was. But – but she was my teacher. And now…
Anakin steps in front of me suddenly, lightsaber raised in front of him. Somewhere through the blur of horror and pain and raw shock, the knowledge that he’s covering for me settles on. I froze up. I could have died, but he saved me. Even while I stumbled and froze, and –
She’s gone. I’m supposed to let go, but I can feel the place in my mind acutely where our bond was ripped lose. It’s not supposed to hurt. That’s why Jedi have so many bonds, so the loss of one hardly affects them. So why does it feel like something dug its claws in and ripped something lose, like Ashla.exe has stopped functioning?
The thrumming presence that was Master Sar Labooda just poofed out and gone. From the Force and my life forever. And leaving her padawan here, alone. Everything else is trying to readjust and shift around to take its place. Why do people always act like the lack of a presence in your mind – even if it was shielded before – doesn’t hurt?
I can’t comprehend it, how someone else in my life could just be gone or understand what exactly that means.
My master is –
She’s gone.
She is dead, like so many of the friends Anakin and I had back on Tatooine and like Qui-Gon and she’s not coming back.
I came here to save Obi-Wan and – and I only got my own master killed.
It doesn’t seem real. It can’t be. She was just here, and we were laughing and joking together, and I know if let a strange sense of finality before we left for Naboo, but it doesn’t make sense because – because she can’t be gone.
It feels like something inside me is irreparably broken and shattered and gone.
I can’t breathe.
Through the heat of the planet and the smell of smoke and fire and burned flesh from the battle and the dead I know there are others out there I need to get up and fight for, but I can’t.
My master is gone and she’s not coming back, and I’ve lost her to, and I never got to thank her for everything she did for me, and I don’t even know if she cared about me.
“Ashla!” Someone is calling me, touching my shoulder, and there’s blaster shots right next to me and I find that I don’t even care. Would it be so bad to die here with my master?
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
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names-daily · 2 months
Twenty eight
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q-o-s · 4 months
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mooahxx · 4 months
So, twenty eight years old... I can't believe I lived so much. And I can't believe my youth is ending... But let's talk about it.
Well, for my age I'm good, actually. I think I would love having a good abyss right now and a fat ass, but I'm *still* good. Of course not having a active sex life and not taking contraceptive "helped". But one think that it's impossible to deceive is the aging. I mean, aging freaks you out, I must say. And it's terrifying. I mean, everything is terrifying right now. I tend to not think about it too much to not have a existencial crisis, but life is crazy at this age. And everything start to function lazier than before. And it's really the time you realize your body is starting to be different from what it used too. And for that, you start to go to the doctor with more frequency as well.
Your clothes, oh my God. You start to wear different numbers. Sometimes you still use your "always" number, but that doesn't seem like before. And you stuck between thinking you're hot or just over your normal weight... And it's weird. Sometimes is hot, but most of the time is weird. My advice is, shape your abyss and go for a walk everyday (this one I do).
The skin... I think this is THE WORSE one. Oh my God, look I'm black, people say I don't look my age, but even tho I'm crazy about my face. Like, I still look young but my skin is giving up on me. Like I said, the fuckin aging. TERRIFYING.
About life, well I think this is personal. I mean, I'm not in the place I wanted to be. So, if it's happening to you, don't look at other people' life because it'll upset you. Take a time from ig, and just live your own life. That's what I'm doing, one step at a time. The important thing is not giving up or stop fighting for what you want.
Well, 28 is saying goodbye... And now I have only 1 year until being an old lady. haha But, it's what it's. Let's see what life is going to bring to me and what the future looks like.
But, don't worry. If you're not at this age, just live your life to the fullest. And if you're passing by this age, just live it. Life is hard sometimes, but we are who we are. You'll learn that the process of love your own self is forever, because physically and psychologically we're always going to change. So learn how to love yourself in all of those phases. But don't stress yourself too. If you don't like the way you are now, just change it. But do what makes you happy.
Well, now I think I'm ready for 29. I mean, it's not that I can do something about it, right?! Haha
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aztr0punk · 5 months
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