comradekatara · 3 months
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i don’t go into it explicitly in my essay so i may as well cite my armamentarium of examples here. please note that some of these examples will be pretty uncharitable towards zuko, but i figure that zuko’s actions receive enough (overly) charitable interpretations that he can stand to be criticized harshly from time to time.
when he said to aang “nice try avatar, but these little girls won’t save you,” he was being overtly infantilizing and dismissive to extremely capable girls his age in a way that emphasized their gender to diminish their capabilities. this is quite overtly misogynistic.
the way he treats katara in “the waterbending scroll” is pretty fucked up. i know that a lot of people find the way he seductively circles katara after tying her to a tree, threatening, and bribing her to be hot and even romantic, but in this scene, he is explicitly imitating ozai (we see him employ this same tactic of circling ominously with zuko in “the awakening”) to scare katara into submission. this is not only sexist in the sense that he is attempting sensuality to threaten a young girl (only a few years younger than him, but still, not great), but also just creepy and horrifying and bad in general.
“well aren’t you a big girl now?” is what he says to katara once she can finally hold her own against him in a fight. katara is only a few years younger than him, but he treats her like an incapable child, and uses that patronizing infantilisation to taunt her like he did with the kyoshi warriors. (and in fact, he continues to do so in book 3, but more on that later.)
zuko shouts “girls are crazy!” after azula manipulates him into falling into the fountain. i think this example is pretty negligible all things considered, seeing as a couple of girls did just deviously orchestrate a plot to humiliate him for kicks, but it’s at least equivalent to sokka saying “leave it to a girl to screw things up” to katara in terms of making unfair generalizations about an entire gender in the quest to insult your annoying little sister. but pretty much every sibling says something like this as a kid, so it’s pretty innocuous to me in the scheme of things.
on his date with jin, zuko remarks “you have quite an appetite for a girl.” this is obviously sexist, but it also makes me sad for what it reflects about the eating habits of every single woman he grew up around (compounded by the fact that they’re nobility and thus must adhere to strict gender roles as informed by class). i wonder if seeing jin eat was the first time he ever saw a girl actually enjoy her food.
zuko’s treatment of mai throughout all of book 3 is highly misogynistic. he expects her to coddle, comfort, and support him unconditionally while he never once considers her feelings, desires, or thoughts. i don’t even think zuko knows that mai is a human being (with a rich inner world of her own). at the beach, he behaves in a way that is controlling, jealous, volatile, and borderline abusive. he insults her, calling her dull and unfeeling; he polices the people she talks to; he feels entitled to her unconditional affection even when he treats her terribly. even when he gives her the conch shell, he asks “what? don’t girls like stuff like this?” which is incredibly patronizing and presumptuous. he demands that she act as his perfect mommygirlfriend, takes out all his frustrations and inner turmoil on her, is entirely thoughtless and inconsiderate when it comes to considering her feelings beyond giving her the most shallow, superficial gifts (and for a prince, giving someone cheap desserts and/or beach trash is not exactly a grand romantic gesture), and can’t even bring himself to break up with her face to face. mai does an incredible job of supporting zuko as best she can despite being incredibly unhappy herself and frustrated by his behavior, and somehow she is still framed by the fandom as being a bad girlfriend to zuko, when in fact the reverse is true.
zuko is also incredibly patronizing, dismissive, and downright cruel to ty lee. he basically calls her shallow, stupid, oblivious, and myopic, when of course this only betrays his own obtuse inability to read others, as ty lee is quite possibly the most perceptive, intuitive, socially clever, skilled, and brilliant character in the show. like many other characters in the show, including azula, zuko falls for ty lee’s bubbly ditz persona, and assumes that her hyperfeminine affect signifies her shallowness and stupidity. this undervaluing of femininity is of course not unique to zuko, and even the most feminist women are prone to make assumptions about people who present themselves in the way ty lee does (even katara says that ty lee doesn’t seem like a threat), which is of course also why ty lee deliberately presents herself in this way. she knows that she will be underestimated, which is all the more imperative to achieving her primary goal: survival. however, just because ty lee encourages this perception of her doesn’t mean that zuko is let off the hook for falling for it, or for being cruel to her.
while i don’t fault zuko for this as much as i do his treatment of mai, katara, or ty lee, his lack of generosity towards azula is a problem. obviously there are extenuating factors informing why he views azula as a rival. their fractured relationship is a tragic product of ozai’s abuse, and neither zuko nor azula is entirely at fault for how they view and treat the other. but zuko never makes any attempt to understand his sister or why she behaves the way she does, and never shows her the affection or concern azula shows him (in rare but nonetheless important moments), even after she has clearly undergone a nervous breakdown before their final agni kai. i know that zuko would view azula with hostility and suspicion no matter what, and a lot of it is of course deserved, but i cannot help but wonder whether his misogyny serves to reinforce his assumption of her that she is a manipulative, hysterical, dishonest harpy whose sole purpose in life is to make him miserable. lol
zuko constantly dismisses suki throughout “the boiling rock.” when sokka first points her out, zuko frowns at the notion that sokka is suddenly going to give a girl the attention he has, up until this point, been the only one receiving. of course suki does monopolize sokka’s attention, suddenly making zuko the third wheel where he was formerly a partner, but it’s hardly suki’s fault for being sokka’s girlfriend. he only barely apologizes for burning down suki’s village (which is probably the worst thing he ever did in the entire show, btw), and basically ignores her existence throughout the rest of the episode. in “the southern raiders” he refuses to read the room and barges into sokka’s tent despite sokka and suki clearly having a romantic evening planned. suki is perfectly nice and friendly to zuko despite having absolutely no reason to forgive the guy who burned down her village, but zuko is nonetheless dismissive of her as if she isn’t even there. which is rude, but also, kind of funny, so take this one with a grain of salt because it honestly makes me laugh??
ultimately, the way zuko treats katara, not only in book 1, but up until they become friends at the end of “the southern raiders,” is genuinely egregious. despite having that incredibly meaningful moment in the catacombs together, zuko doesn’t register it as significant in the way katara does, and cannot comprehend why katara would feel particularly, personally betrayed by him compared to the rest of the group. at the beginning of the episode, zuko pushes suki out of the way from falling rocks (dismissively) and then jumps directly onto katara and rolls her away from the rocks (patronizingly) as if she is some kind of baby whose legs don’t work. when katara is rightfully pissed off that a guy she hates has pressed himself directly on top of her and won’t get off, he scoffs and says “I’ll take that as a thank you” as if she is simply a truculent, ungrateful child. he later completely invalidates katara’s feelings, following her after she leaves the group, and yells at her for her audacity (because she is still not best friends with the guy who betrayed her trust and facilitated the near murder of her best friend), and barely seems to understand the source of her rage, assuming that she is displacing her anger towards her mother’s killer onto him instead of simply acknowledging the ways in which he has tangibly harmed her. he interrupts sokka during one of the only truly happy moments in his entire miserable life to ask him to rehash the most tragic, horrific day in his whole horrifically tragic life, and in this moment he reveals that he somehow does not even know katara’s name. until sokka refers to katara by name, zuko only refers to her as “your sister” (and at no point refers to her by name throughout the show until later in this scene), dismissing katara while simultaneously begging for her approval, which he admits he doesn’t even know why he craves, as if he doesn’t even respect her as a person but simply wants her approval because her totally valid anger towards him is just a pesky irritant he wants removed. he then imposes his own desire for revenge onto katara, not even realizing that his passionate fury is a product of his own personal feelings being displaced onto katara’s parallel situation (both their mothers were killed in their place as a sacrifice), and simply assumes that katara would benefit from going on a dangerous revenge quest with him. it is only once zuko realizes the sheer extent of katara’s power and empathizes intimately with her complex feelings of rage, grief, and guilt regarding her own mother that zuko comes to respect katara deeply, and from then on out their friendship is one of mutual respect, understanding, and a deep, prevailing love. but until the antepenultimate episode of the entire show (assuming that the four parter finale counts as just one episode), zuko constantly infantilizes, patronizes, dismisses, belittles, ignores, and trivializes katara.
“zuko has no frame of reference for sexism” his uncle literally sexually harassed (and possibly even assaulted depending on how you define it) a female employee on the job (june in “bato of the water tribe,” if you’re wondering). yes zuko is rightfully appalled by that, but mostly because his uncle is displaying desire for a far younger, hotter woman, and zuko finds all displays of iroh’s desire disgusting. to say he’s in no way familiar with patriarchal logic and the mistreatment of women in society is just plain absurd, when not only do we see him mistreat women, but we also witness him witness other men mistreat women—in particular, a man whom he admires and strives to emulate in all aspects of his life.
and finally, while this point is fairly obvious, the question “how is zuko sexist?” is just patently ridiculous for the simple fact that he was raised in an extremely patriarchal society and internalized rigid roles and hierarchies of class, race, and gender. so like, even if we didn’t have manifold examples of him behaving misogynistically in various ways across the show, he’d nonetheless be sexist because of course he is. like, real talk, what do you guys think sexism even is if not being informed by patriarchy and its assumptions? answer quickly
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samtamdan · 2 months
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zukkaart · 6 months
A brief summary of the most popular A:tLA ships
Kataang: the definition of a power couple
Sokkla: The mental image alone is lethal, unironically the sexiest ship
Zukka: grumpy x sunshine trope at its finest
Mailee: black cat x golden retriever (yes there’s a difference)
Azulaang: pure unfiltered comedic potential
Sukka: walk him like a dog sis walk him like a dog
Jetko: which one will end up dead? Tune in next week to find out
Zutara: enemies to lovers with so much angst you need to just have your emotional support snack in hand
Tyzula: me and the bad bitch I pulled by being mentally ill
Taang: one is a pacifist and the other is entirely unhinged- the world would burn
Maiko: that relationship you have in middle school with your “best friend” before you realize you’re both gay
Yukka: the single most heartbreaking ship in existence
Azutara: two chronically jealous and lethal women? no one would leave that wedding alive
Yueki: they never met but this is somehow entirely plausible
Yuetara: princess x savior trope but in the cute way not the toxic way
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umbrum77 · 3 months
zuko: its weird. you seem different? happy? Azula: you would be happy to if you got to see tylee's breasts as much as i do. zuko: oh...ok...well I meant you seemed to be ok with me being firelord, the changes to our nation and how you have grown since the war. Azula: nah its the tits.
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lanjunlazy · 5 months
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全员黑暗森林探险 (万圣节的图填上了!)
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theladysilvermoon · 8 months
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Avatar the Last Airbender graphic novels - Paperback omnibus versions
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sora-of-uranus · 2 months
The removal of the sexism pisses me off not because it just affects Sokkas character but because it has ruined almost every woman in the show.
Suki takes off her make up often, as if it isn't a large part of her cultural identity and personality, as if her being a kyoshi warior and her destinctly femenine clothes are something to be ashamed off or that hinders her. Because its only her that gets this treat amongst the warriors, and shes the only main kyoshi warrior for the audience.
Yue's entire character is removed. It is replaced with what I think is meant to be a sympathetic princess to the people, she joins the nans in the kitchens and make deserts for the children. Like a disney princess whose quirky and silly and held back only by her title of a princess. Gone is the battle between her desire to help and her duty to be a water tribe ideal woman. Gone is her realising that the best way to help her people is to not be an ideal woman, but to take action and to do what no one else can, to become one with the moon so that she can forever help not just her tribe but the entire world. It is depressing, it is deep, it isn't fair to her but when has the world ever been fair?
Katara aswell. Her bending is forever unlocked by men (Aang and Jet), her defiance of authority is lessened and her naievety is also changed. A lot of her motherhood role is also completlty gone since they have changed Sokkas sexism into elder brother smothering. Her fight with Paku holds a lot less significance since she has no RAGE behind her. No rage that has built for YEARS as time and time again people have said no to her face for being a woman, for being weak, for not being enough simply because of who she is. that doesn't exist for her anymore because the water tribes are just...nice. We see one bad person in the water tribe and its Hadoka and he's mean to sokka! Kataras rage comes from Paku saying no to her, and whilst thats swell, it changes her entire "I'm a master now" moment into just...lame girlbossery. Thats kinda how the entire last 2 episodes felt like for her character. A common girlboss character without the emotional depth to make it femenism.
I think my main issue is that both shows set themselves up as being femenist by nature. The og show wanted to tackle issues with sexism, using book 1 as its main demonstration with it, but the theme still follows throughout the narative. netflix's show outright said they were removing the sexist elements. When you place youself onto that pedastal, any sexist writing you have becomes emphasised.
The og show undoubtably has sexist moments! Irohs comments to June are the most obvious to me, a long with a couple comments from Zuko later on. You can certainly argue that the extreme lack of GOOD mother figures is an issue (Kat and Sokkas mother is dead, Zukos is 'dead', and Toph is awful and rather quite compared to her father). Theres other examples, although currently my brain cannot think of any since I don't often write indepth critisms.
The live actions main point of sexism is its female main characters. we literally meet Yue in the kitchen! Women can be in kitchens but that is certainly a choice! Theres this strange hatred for make up aswell, yes with Suki but also with Sokka. His war paint is removed. Its like saying make up cannot be worn by strong fighters which is rather sexist. Speaking off: not putting Sokka in the kyoshi outfit is just...dumb? If you want to show him learning the style, having him wear the outfit. Its an aspect of the style and philosophy. A man wearing make up and a skirt doesn't emasculate him yet the show makes it feel that way with the refusal to do it. "Oh but then you'd have Sokka and Suki kiss in the kyoshi outfits" who cares. "it will look like lesbians" it won't. Even if it did, who cares? you can't be 'femenist' and anti-lesbian. Putting Sokka in the Kyoshi outfit, having him respect it, is just as important as having Aang learn the other elements, or Iroh creating lightning redirection. Why? because it shows a respect of culture, and how you can blend that into your own way of thinking. It's cultural extchanged based on respect.
When you name yourself femenist, yet have explicitly sexist writing, your GOING to get dogpiled with critism based on that 'femenist' msg.
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darkprince1110 · 10 months
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The fire squad all I having dinner
Tylee; this is so great 
Mai: who would’ve thought that U2 would be celebrating your 5 year anniversary
Zuko: got to say I’m a little surprised, but I’m happy for you guys
Y/n: thank you I know it doesn’t show, but coming from you fire lord that means a lot
Azula: wait a minute Zuzu what do you mean you’re surprised 
Zuko scratches his head nervously 
Zuko: I mean, U2 are well U2 are 
Tylee: interesting
Mai: your mean
Azula: oh that’s just part of our charm
Y/n; in other words deal with it
Azula & y/n laugh
Tylee: you too, are so cute together
Tylee: when did you know you were in love 
Y/n: that’s easy I knew when she said, we would dominate the Earth together
Azula: and do you remember your response?
Y/n: I don’t recall 
Azula:you cackled maniacally 
Y/n: and people don’t normally do that ?
Azula: and that’s when I knew that you were worth keeping around
Y/n maniacally cackles
Zuko: now I’m more concerned
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laconicearthling · 18 days
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Fire, water, air or wind? Are you the next avatar?🔥🌊💨🪨
Which aesthetic did you choose? Follow for more🫶🏻✨
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sortinghatchat · 8 months
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Avatar: The Last Airbender (2007) Hogwarts Houses Part 2
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comradekatara · 2 months
Zuko/ty Lee?
first of all i love that this is a ship that even exists in the first place. the two most theatrical homos of all time. i know that azula would never have allowed it, but i do actually wish that ty lee had been the one paired with zuko rather than mai, because mai is too sweet and genuine and caring and she didn’t deserve all that. but ty lee. ooohhh boy. she would’ve wielded psychological warfare the likes of which you couldn’t even begin to imagine. i’m just imagining how ty lee would’ve acted as zuko’s gf at the beach, for example. it’s so fucking funny to think about. ty lee is so clever and calculating and manipulative and zuko is just an impulsive as fuck absolute disaster who cannot lie to save his life and wears his heart on his sleeve and has never had any sort of long game even in situations where it would really behoove him to craft any sort of plan whatsoever. mai and zuko work because she is a depressed adrenaline junkie who tells it like it is and he is a miserable impulsive open wound bleeding out everywhere, so they get each other. but ty lee has never been fully honest in her life and is always looking for the nearest escape route and performs for the benefit of others for her own survival so deftly that people do not even realize that she is wearing a mask until she removes it (and even then). zuko cannot (under)stand her, and it makes sense: she is the very antithesis of who he is and what he values. their lavender marriage would be so fascinating.
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maybefalsefacts · 2 months
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Um...Where is Zukaang? Cause
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Super offended tbh
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momos-servants · 27 days
I’m sorry but sokka is no “rizzbender” we all know that boy sucks at flirting he just has a lot of people crushing on him because he’s funny and cute
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melonbandit · 10 months
random poll but i’m bored
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lovleey · 19 days
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pro-nonbender · 1 year
Imagine this totally random fanfic idea:
A Kpop girl group comprised of Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, and Suki. I see them as a 4 member group, think SISTAR or Mamamoo. Azula would obviously be the leader/lead singer , Ty Lee would be their visual, Mai would be their rapper, and Suki would be their dancer.
They would have met in school, Suki was an exchange student to the fire nations school for girls (she was presented with a Rangi scholarship through the Kyoshi warriors (a dance group maybe)) and they discovered that all of them could sing. Azula was reluctant until it was decided that she would be the leader, Ty Lee was ecstatic as this has been her dream since she was in diapers, Mai wasn’t as enthusiastic as everyone else however she loves her friends and this would give her the opportunity to spend time away from home (she ends up loving it), and Suki gets to show off her dance skills and help the others improve as well.
Obviously the industry wouldn’t be as pleasant as they would have liked, but they grow a tight bond, and are able to have fun while also showing that they can be real people and not just idols.
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