#typing that I panicked that it was george and had to check lmao it was sap
catzgam3rz · 4 years
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Dreamon is a bit hungry I guess (staring the Dreamon hunters & Sapnap) Dialouge from Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural - the demonic Bellaire house
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peppdream · 3 years
Just a Dream QnA [Finale]
The final answers all of us are looking forward to :)
This is the finale to my dnf fic “Just a Dream.” Please read that before seeing what’s below, because there will be many spoilers.
Thank you to all the readers that participated! Also a quick warning that this is very long, lol. Anyways, enjoy~
Let’s start off with what everyone’s wondering about… (I swear I never had any intention on making it this long, but I couldn’t help myself okay-)
urs_mmarie: imp's first impression with clay and vice versa. how did clay react to suddenly meeting imp?
multifandom_psycho: clay and imp’s reaction to waking up after the switch?
chia_aa: How did Clay and Imp react to switching back? and are they happy together? (I really hope they are oh gosh-)
ryuuisnothere: what's imp first impression of clay and vice versa? when did imp and clay realize that the switch happened? how did they react to it?
George quietly watches as the other Dream sleeps, brushing away a blonde strand of curly hair on his forehead. “The other Dream.” Just saying the words brings him such a strange feeling of awe. It was just as he expected: the other George had found the other Dream for him, and they were currently in some sort of hotel room. George’s heart still aches a little, realizing he’ll never see Dream again. All he can hope for now is that, with their successful swap, Dream will do as he promised and confess.
George’s movement, though only a gentle touch, appeared to be enough to wake the other Dream. He slowly opens his eyes, asks in his sleepy voice, “George…?” and George is hit with a full wave of adoration. His voice is just like Dream’s, but more timid. More reserved. It’s the cutest fucking thing ever.
“You are so cute,” George says as much, grinning as he props his head up on one of his arms. The other Dream gives a shy huff at George’s comment, and George feels himself melt a little at how much… quieter he is, compared to Dream. “By the way, we uh… we switched.”
It seems to take a second for his words to register, but when they do, the other Dream’s eyes snap wide open. He sits straight up, blinking with a shocked expression. “O-OH.” A beat of silence. “You’re…?”
“I’m the original,” George confirms.
Clay visibles swallows, then he’s quickly moving away from George, a pained expression on his face. “I-I, sorry, I just—” his words come out in a jumble, sounding panicked and disappointed all at once. “George and I were, I mean, the other George and I were— we were…” he holds his tongue, looking torn. “We…”
George tilts his head curiously. “Are we dating?”
A bright flush crawls up the other Dream’s cheeks, and George nearly has a heart-attack, because wow. Okay.
Apparently this Dream blushes??
“I– yes. No. Well, the other George, I guess… we were? But,” Other-Dream only blushes harder as he tries to explain, “Y-you’re him, I guess, so… yeah? Sorry, I know this sounds confusing. It’s, uh, kind of hard to explain…”
George stops him before he can move any further away from him, placing a hand on the other Dream’s waist. “Does that mean I’m allowed to do this?” he asks innocently, and raising himself so that they’re at the same height, he places a single peck on the side of Blushy-Dream’s cheek.
“Uhhhh….” Other-Dream blinks at him, his entire face a bright tomato red as he tries to compute George’s actions. “UHH???”
George giggles at his reaction. “Sorry,” he grins, “Is that not what people in a relationship do?” 
But because Shy-Dream still appears to have short-circuited from George’s kiss, George figures he’ll cut him a break and stop messing around. “I kind of got into a relationship with your other self,” George gets straight to the point. “And you’re basically him, so…” a shrug, “Go out with me?”
It takes a while, but slowly, the smallest of smiles appears on Other-Dream’s face. He rubs his eyes, still looking disbelieving. “Is this just a dream? Am I… am I dreaming?”
George takes that as a yes, and he cracks a smile. “I’m assuming your name isn’t Dream, is it?”
“I… I’m Clay,” he responds, still looking frazzled and in awe. “My name’s Clay.”
“Nice to meet you, Clay,” George greets, holding their hands together. But he doesn’t let go. “I’m George.”
“I know,” Clay replies, eyes wide, “You’re my IDOL.”
And George laughs, because he didn’t expect this. He didn’t expect Clay to be so shy and awkward and mesmerized by everything, and George was just enamoured. There was no other way to put it. Whether it be Dream or Clay, they both fascinated George equally. 
It looked like everything was going to turn okay.
multifandom_psycho: How do bad and sap react?
*on voice-call* Bad: GEORGE! Did Clay manage to change your mind…? Imp George: Nah, I don’t really feel like switching. Sapnap: Oh my god… this is so dumb. Alter, you need to stop being ridiculous and actually think about this. Bad: *hears giggles in the background* George? Is Clay with you right now? Imp George: *ignores the question* Hey look, if I can beat you two in a manhunt, you have to let me keep Clay. Bad: ...what? Sapnap: *snorts* Yeah, okay Alter, you couldn’t even defeat me 1v1. How do you expect yourself to win against both of us? Imp George: Then let’s do it, if you’re so positive you’ll win. Sapnap: Fine, whatever. You have to keep your word, okay? Imp George: I could say the same for you. Sapnap and Bad: *gets totally obliterated in a game of manhunt* Sapnap: What. GEORGE! When did you get so…? Bad: *frowning* ...George? Is that you? Imp and Clay: *breaking out into laughter*
urs_mmarie: how did twitter react to the kiss in the other universe? did imp george release a statement the day he arrived at his universe? how did ppl react?
multifandom_psycho: How did twitter react to the kiss?
AnIntrovertedDumbass: i have one question for alt george: how mad is he with other george for the huge fcking mess LMAO
Brooklynhunter: Bastard man Imposter George, what was your first reaction to the Twitter Drama?
ryuuisnothere: how did imp fix up the whole alter being caught kissing clay thing
Clay: I’m sorry, there was, uh, this picture that’s spreading around on twitter right now…  Imp George: *typing on his phone* Oh, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it. Clay: What are you writing? Imp George: *shows new tweet* 
>guys, pls stop harassing him. sure, I haven't uploaded or streamed in a while, but calm the fuck down. Yes, we are in a relationship, and you can't change that. Yes, I came to america to visit him, yes the picture is real. Stop asking. Would you rly make both of us uncomfortable over such a small issue? Please stop. Thanks.
Long story short: Imp George is anything but mad about the drama going around LOL. If anything, Alter did him a favor by pre-establishing the relationship thing. He’ll take these rumors with pride :) (credit: stole most of this from tomaye, it’s rly fitting!)
ryuuisnothere: how did sapnap explain the weird tweet that he did and how did people react to it
Sapnap: *typing a follow-up tweet* >Dream, I swear it was Bad that burned down your house, you have to believe me and george Bad: >WHAT.
Lyrealith_writes: how do clay and impy get along?
multifandom_psycho: Are imp and clay going strong? Did imp and clay have a hard time adjusting or was it natural? 
Imp George: Why are you so cute? Clay: *blushes* Wha— G-George. Imp George: *links their hands* See? So cute. Clay: *mumbles as a beet-red tomato* ...thanks. Y-you’re cute too? Imp George: *melts like icecream*
Opposites attract, what can I say.
urs_mmarie: how did imp george react to alt george using a lot(?) of his money? HAHAHA
Imp George: *checks his bank account* wHA- WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL MY MONEY?! Sapnap: oh yeah, he spent like tons of cash to go find Clay.  Imp George: *slowly drags a hand down his face, remembering how he had also spent a shitload of the other George’s money* Fuck it, you know what? I deserve this. This is karma.
ryuuisnothere: what does imp think of alter and vice versa (I bet imp is pissed at him lmao)
Alt George: He’s like, the better version of me. Dream: George… Alt George: What? It’s true, isn’t it? Dream: Better at minecraft, maybe. But he’s a shit driver. *pauses* And he doesn’t like coffee milk. Alt George: Wow. You’re right, I AM the better George.
Thal_Chandra: how did OG Bad react to his alternate self swearing?
Brooklynhunter: How did Alt universe Bad react when finding out his other version swore?
ryuuisnothere: what does the prime dream team think of goodboyhalo and him cursing lmao
Bad: Wait. I did WHAT now???! Alt George: *laughs* Yeah, your other self swears, Bad. Sapnap: NO WAYYY! AHAHAHAHAHA Bad: WHAT. You’re kidding me? Why would the other me swear? Dream: Oh my GOD, for real?! What did he say? Alt George: Well, on the first say the swap happened, he asked me “who the fu—” Bad: GEORGE, NO, L-LANGUAGE! Sapnap: *snickering* Should we start calling you Goodboyhalo now? Since you don’t even swear… Bad: nO, oh my goodness… >n<
urs_mmarie: will the bbh that curses use muffin now or smth? LMAO
Bad: Oh my god, you’re such a potato. Imp George: *snorts* WhaT. Clay: *frowning* Potato? Bad: Yeah! That’s what I said! Sapnap: I preferred muffin over this.
Lyrealith_writes: DNF relationship reveal in the prime universe????
multifandom_psycho: do dream and alt come out?
Dream: Do you want to tell everyone about us…? Alt George: I… I dunno. I mean, we don’t have to say anything, do we? Dream: *nods* It’s up to you, George. I’m fine with whatever.  Alt George: But, what if we slip up on-stream? Or something? Dream: *shrugs* People will just believe what they’ve always believed. Alt George: *hesitating* But… I think I’m okay. With telling everyone about us. Dream: ...okay. How do you want to do it? Alt George: *uncertainly* ...tiktok.
(Yes, I’m looking at you Orientali. Now this is canon in my head too, thank you. Ref to this fic)
Lyrealith_writes: are they ever going to try and switch again or will they just remember each other fondly?
*on video-call* Alt George: Do you ever think about him? Dream: Who? Alt George: You know… the other me. Dream: *hums, eyes averted* Yeah, of… of course I do. *looks at George* Don’t you still think about the other me, too? Alt George: Yeah. *pause* I miss having a nice Dream to talk to. Dream: *wheezes in laughter* Geoooorge… Alt George: *smiles* I’m just kidding. Dream: *still wheezing* Yeah, I miss having a rude George to talk to too. Alt George: uhm… thanks?? I think?
multifandom_psycho: does clay start playing minecraft with imp?
chia_aa: Does Clay now play Minecraft with Imp?
ryuuisnothere: is clay as good as dream at Minecraft or does he suck (no offense bro) 
Sapnap: How are you actually BETTER at minecraft than Alter?! Clay: *embarrassed giggling* Am I really? Imp George: *nodding* Tons better. Be our fourth hunter, Clay. Clay: * silent gasp* What? Are you… are you sure??? Bad: Oh my potato, YES! You should join us Clay!!  If you call out to George during the manhunt, he might actually stop for you! Imp George: *blinks, stumbling* N-no, I wouldn’t... Sapnap: He HESITATED!!
multifandom_psycho: where were the first dates?
Dream: Our first date has to be in minecraft. Imp George: Yes, our first date has to be a minecraft date. Alter and Clay be looking at each other like: *what is wrong with these two*
esomettin: well i seriously want to know what imp george thought when he came out to dream about his feelings? i personally think that he was being kinda selfish and he shoulve been thinking before acting. idk if he did, but if he did plsss explain what was going tru his mind.
Imp George: I was just being honest. He asked, and I gave him an answer. Dream: I was JOKING. Imp George: ...so? Would you have preferred it if I lied? Dream: *scrunches up his eyebrows* Imp George: *grins back* Look, I wasn’t expecting anything back from you. I know you’re into the other George, okay? I just didn’t see any point in pretending you weren’t attractive. Because you are. Dream: Oh my god. Imp George: *shrugs* And it all ended up alright, didn’t it? That’s the moral of the story, guys. You should always confess your feelings, even if you know you’ll get flat-out rejected. Dream: ...you’re gonna cause broken hearts everywhere, George. Imp George: Honesty is the best policy.
esomettin: i would like to ask sapnap will he marry me pls thank u<3 this is a really important question btw please add this in i really need to know like literally
Prime Sapnap: yES. Other Sapnap: What? NO. They asked ME. And my answer is yes— Prime Sapnap: Um, exCUSE ME. They were clearly referring to the original. Which is ME. Other Sapnap: Uhm, and how can you be so sure? They didn’t even specify. Prime Sapnap: Well… it was implied. Other Sapnap: Uh-huh. Real smart of you, oRigINaL Sapnap. Prime Sapnap: Look, I’m tired of seeing Dream and George be all sappy with each other, okay? I NEED to get into a relationship ASAP before I vomit out my guts— Other Sapnap: Uh, have you even SEEN my world’s George and Clay? They are so ughckk— ALL. The TIME. Prime Sapnap: … Other Sapnap: … Prime Sapnap: Sorry esomettin, I think I just found my soulmate— Other Sapnap: Other me, let’s get married now.
TheLapisWolf200: What was the reason of the swap? [A/N: I’m assuming the question is directed to the reason for the initial swap]
Alt George: I still dunno for sure. But… it helped me recognize my feelings, I guess? Dream: *intertwining their hands* It was the same for me. Imp George: *smirks fondly* I got to meet Dream. And because of him… *elbows* I met this cutie too. Clay: *blushing* G-George… Imp George: And with the extra addition, the George Gang is now better than ever. *smiles, turning to his friends* I’d say we’ve become a better team after all this, haven’t we?
A more coherent answer: Because of Imp’s status, he separated himself from his friends and became a lonely person (which is why he acts the way he does). The reason for the swap as dictated by the universe (or the fanfic gods?? lol) was actually for his sake, and it was Alt’s job to find Clay so that he and Imp could meet when they swapped back.
[And in case the question was directed to the reason for the final swap-back] The criteria was for both parties to “be prepared” for the swap-back. This not only meant both parties had to be willing to return, but that they both had to accomplish their respective goals. For Alt it was finding Clay, for Imp it was to look and learn from the Dream Team’s teamwork and realize he needed to apply it to his own world when he returned.
So basically… romance was never the goal of the swap LOL. Neither was kissing. The characters chose that path for themselves. Hope this helped explain some things!
Brooklynhunter: Clay, what did/do you think of the personality change of Imp George?
ryuuisnothere: what would clay say the main difference between alt and imp is
Clay: Hm, he’s… *pauses to think* He’s exactly how he’s like in videos. Imp George: And how am I like in videos? Clay: *scrunches eyebrows* ...Cocky and confident. Imp George: *smirks* You got it. Clay: ...and brave, and thoughtful, and caring— Imp George: *shushes, face turning pink* No. Stop it.
Brooklynhunter: Alt universe Sapnap and Bad, you didn't have as much interaction with Imp George but what were your impressions of him?
Bad: I think he was kind of shy at first, but he opened up more after we did that first manhunt together— Sapnap: He is so goddamn COCKY.  Bad: Wah- LANguage! Sapnap: We only let him win one manhunt, and he was rubbing it into our faces for the rest of the entire week! Bad: ...you’re just mad that there’s a George out there who’s better than you at minecraft? Sapnap: ...no. Dream: *snickering* He totally is.
Brooklynhunter: And finally, Clay’s mom. What was your initial reaction to finding out Random Old Friend Of Clay turned out to be Pretty Famous and also find that out from the hundreds of pictures of him and your son Kissing on social media?
Clay’s Mom: welcome to the family :)
chia_aa: Oh! and what is everyone's clothing choice? I'm curious on what style of clothing each character has, like would Alt and Imp have similar tastes in clothing? That also applies to Clay and Dream!
Dream: Hoodie and jeans. Alter George: *rolls eyes* So basic. Dream: You just wear t-shirts all the time! Alter George: A-and sweaters! Clay: *shyly raises hand* Jackets…? Sometimes hoodies. No green ones though. Imp George: *steps onto the stage, ears-pierced, hands in pockets* Gaze and be amazed, plebs.
Okay but like, for real now. I like to differentiate Dream and Clay by green vs yellow hoodie. For the Georges, I initially did not have any sort of way to separate them BUT. This amazing fanart has now become my new canon (for imp George, at least), so you can refer to that for an idea of what I’m thinking of :) (It’s a shame I’m only thinking about this now, since I absolutely would’ve inserted a passage about Imp roasting George’s closet if I could LOL)
Other Sapnap: *gags* Prime Sapnap: They’re so gross. Other Sapnap: Yeah, agreed. Other Bad: Their PDA can be a bit much at times. Prime Bad: But, I think they’re kind of cute…? Other Bad: You’re a potato. Prime Bad: Wha- H-HEY! exCUSE YOU.
And that’s everything! That was a lot of fun, haha xD Thank you again for all the love and support you guys gave this story, I’m know I’m gonna miss writing it a ton <3 Have a wonderful day, and happy dreams!
Additional questions after the deadline:
Georges interactions with one another / Dreams interacting with one another
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