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Table with the partinioning of the TREE-WOOD-FOREST semantic domain.
Georgakopoulos, Thanasis & Stéphane Polis. 2018. The semantic map model: State of the art and future avenues for linguistic research. Language and Linguistics Compass 12(2). e12270. https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12270.
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blnxpc · 5 months
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mr-entj · 1 year
which things you dislike the most about each mbti personality type? what are the things you think should be improved of their natural tendencies?
Related answers:
1) welcome back! You were missed! 2) Do you think certain MBTI types are prone to certain problematic behaviors and 3) if so which ones really bother you or you dislike?
As an ENTJ what do you appreciate about the other MBTI types?
By perceiving function:
High Ne (ENFP, ENTP, INFP, INTP): Flaky and unreliable. Struggles with consistency, follow through, and discipline. Prone to being impractical and unrealistic. Quitters.
High Se (ESFP, ESTP, ISFP, ISTP): Short-sighted and superficial. Struggles with seeing the big picture and underlying connections. Prone to optimizing for short-term benefits over long-term gains. Reckless.
High Ni (INTJ, INFJ, ENTJ, ENFJ): Vague and unrealistic. Struggles with concrete details and constraints needed to make their ideas work. Prone to perfectionism and delusions of grandeur. Know-it-alls.
High Si (ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ): Concrete and rigid. Struggles with deviating from tried and true methods. Prone to dismissing novel ideas as unrealistic, annoying, and unwelcomed; risk averse to a fault. Killjoys.
By judging function:
High Fe (ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ): Scripted and impersonal. Struggles with nuance, exceptions, and subjectivity to standard and expected behaviors ('social norms'). Prone to passive aggression and messiah complexes. Pushovers.
High Fi (INFP, ISFP, ENFP, ESFP): Subjective and rigid. Struggles with compromise and perceiving everything systematic as an attack on individuality, freedom, and creativity. Prone to martyr complexes. Victims.
High Te (ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, INTJ): Systematic and impersonal. Struggles with nuance, exceptions, subjectivity to standard thinking ('common sense') and the unpredictable things that make humans-- human. Prone to impatience. Bulldozers.
High Ti (INTP, ISTP, ENTP, ESTP): Nuanced and chaotic. Struggles with creating scalable, standardized, and automated systems that work for the majority of people. Prone to overcomplicating everything. Trolls.
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superlinguo · 11 months
Hello Grambank! A new typological database of 2,467 language varieties
Grambank has been many years in the making, and is now publically available!
The team coded 195 features for 2,467 language varieties, and made this data publically available as part of the Cross-Linguistic Linked Data-project (CLLD). They plan to continue to release new versions with new languages and features in the future. 
Below are maps for two features I’ve selected that show very different distribution across the world’s languages. The first map codes for whether there are prepositions (in yellow), and we can see really clear clustering of them in Europe, South East Asia and Africa. Languages without prepositions might have postpostions or use some other strategy. The second map shows languages with an existential verb (e.g. there *is* an existential verb, in yellow), we see a different distribution.
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What makes Grambank particularly interesting as a user is that there is extensive public documentation of processes and terminology on a companion GitHub site. They also have been very systematic selecting values and coding for them for all the sources that they have. This is a different approach to that taken for the World Atlas of Linguistic Structures (WALS), which has been the go-to resource for the last two decades. In WALS a single author would collate information on a sample of languages for a feature they were interested in, while in Grambank a single coder would add information on all 195 features for a single grammar they were entering data for. 
I’m very happy that Lamjung Yolmo is included in the set of languages in Grambank, with coding values taken from my 2016 grammar of the language. Thanks to the transparent approach to coding in this project, you can not only see the values that the coding team assigned, but the pages of the reference work that the information was sourced from.
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libertynstyle · 8 months
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mistype360 · 29 days
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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sleepy-vix · 9 months
Hey tumblr, please give me moots who love the following:
(btw im always updating this lolhdbxj)
-project sekai/colourful stage
-bungo stray dogs !!!
-banana fish
-jujutsu kaisen
-link click (its so underrated pls where yall lc fans at??)
-Moriarty the patriot
-CHERRY CRUSH webtoon by yemsao
-the case study of vanitas (i kin domi and hate towards her will not be recieved kindly :))
-genshin impact !!
-honkai starrail
-indie games (little nightmares, omori, etc- even tho i havent played it myself i want to be moots with yall :( )
-the secret history by donna tartt
-if we were villains by m.l rio
-six of crows + crooked kingdom (ive only wwatched s1 of the series though + i've read shado and bone trilogy but not king of scars duology yet. tho ive also read hell bent and ninth house by leigh bardugo!)
-manga in general (especially shonen and/or obscure mangas or horror mangas)
-tamen de gushi and/or other GL webcomics
-NANA (i havent watched or read yet but i love the characters alrdy)
-sk8 the infinity (my fav is miya)
-typology (mbti, etc.) (i suck at it tho i just think its fun and interesting to research when im super bored- im not an expert lmao)
-chainsaw man (my fav character is angel devil)
-horimiya (i love Yuki Yoshikawa)
-poetry/philosophy/shakespeare (im not a bardhead or anything but i do love having mutuals that are interested in these things)
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grainelevator · 6 months
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Highway overpasses
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emmaklee · 7 months
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brass knuckles typology
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rainytypology · 2 months
MBTI Color Palettes
Just color palettes I associate with each type. Just for fun.
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MBTI notes
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A semantic map of the knowledge domain - different types of knowing/not knowing. Figure 1.2 on page 9 in:
Sjöberg, Anna. 2023. Knowledge predication: A semantic typology. Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University. https://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-221698.
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sp6ghetti · 1 year
Enneatype 5 summarised!!
Core type-  Passion: avarice. E5s are cautious and value anonymity with what they share in order to maintain the peace and calmness they worked hard to achieve. They need this space to consume information about the world without having to participate in it. Fixation: stinginess. They have a huge thirst for knowledge, usually this will accompany knowledge on how to strategically control their environment. Trap: observer. The e5s fascination with the world comes from a place of anxiety. They want to know everything about life while refusing to really live it. Defence mechanism: isolation. To avoid emptiness and keep their self image of being knowledgeable, they isolate themselves from any painful or intense emotions. Instead they want to focus on their knowledge in hope to completely remove these thoughts. Virtue: detachment. To relieve themselves from their isolation, they will need to detach from their hiding place, experience the world and let go of the anonymity they so crave.  Key traits: The centrality of thinking, emotional detachment and feelinglessness, fear of engulfment, autonomy and self-sufficiency, hypersensitivity.
Subtypes-  Self preservation [sp]: Sp5s build clear walls around themselves to protect their safe space. They have a strong need for things like boundaries and dislike surprises and intrusions. Once they feel as though these boundaries are crossed, they rely on their safe space to retreat to. They generally strongly value control. Sexual [sx]: Sx5s are often more artistic than the other subtypes. They want to find the perfect partner they can share every part of themselves with. Even the parts they’ve suppressed for a long time. Because of this, they are often disappointed in the people they trusted in to be like this perfect person for them. Social [so]: So5s have this same desire to be able to share their ideas and thoughts with others, but this is much more group focused for them. They want to find people who they share interests with and bring them together. They are more obvious in their search for knowledge, but focus less on truly shutting themselves off.
Contradictions-  ESFJ, ENFJ, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESTJ, ENTJ, ISFP, INFP, ISFJ The main contradiction in e5 is extroversion. E5 is a very reclusive type, they tend to observe instead of participate and try. This contradicts with the inherent external involvement of any cognitively extroverted type. The second is partially the feeling dichotomy, this is due to their emotional isolation. The sensation dichotomy is also considered to be debatable due to e5s abstract thought process.  Types you might want to look into if you are on this list are e3, e4, e6, e7 and e9.
Compatible types- Self preservation: ISTP, INTP, ISTJ, INTJ Sexual: INFJ, INTP, INTJ Social: INTP, INTJ
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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ISFJ | The Defender
ISFJs also known as 'The Protectors,' are dependable, considerate and far from pushovers. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility. They aren’t afraid to weather tough storms if it means they are protecting the people they care about. ISFJs have a homely feel about them; they're the type of person to make you instantly feel comfortable. Like you're home.
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subconsciousmysteries · 9 months
"Integration is healthy and disintegration is unhealthy" is an overly simplistic, spiritual bypassing view to throw in the bin. I'm going to invite you to view it in a different way.
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Integration is your heaven. Your light. It represents what you aspire to embody, but feel scared to embody, or cannot seem to embody no matter how hard you try. You do not have enough personal development, insight or healing to embody your integration type properly. False security is when you embody your integration type in a shallow way. You indulge in your integration type without having done enough healing to make the transformation secure, deep-rooted and long-term. You're reaching up to heaven but your roots don't reach down to hell, and so your extension is very short-lived. The excess branches you have grown to reach up to your integration type quickly die or worse, get infected, as your root system down in hell is not strong enough to sustain the tree. After periods of false security you are left with a lot of trauma, a big mess in your life, and you get pulled right back into your disintegration type's grip. You indeed can integrate in an unhealthy way... and you can also disintegrate in a healthy way. Keep reading.
Disintegration is your hell. It represents your natural stress response, your toxic coping mechanism, the thing you just really hate in yourself and in other people, your default way of overcompensating for your core type's missing pieces, your darkness. Inside your disintegration type is a wealth of secrets and wisdom that you need to uncover, including your wounded inner child. When we analyze our disintegration type and our own personal disintegration experiences, we learn a lot about ourselves. We can only learn what we are missing and what we need to work on from our disintegration type, not from our integration type. Healthy disintegration provides us the necessary foundation that we need in order to reach up towards our integration type. Disintegration is not something to be resisted the same way that cleaning your room and doing exercise is not something to be resisted just because it doesn't feel good. Conscious Disintegration is an essential part of shadow work. It is what Carl Jung would call "making the unconscious conscious".
Integration and disintegration are definitely not the same. But they are also not black and white, "one is good and the other is bad". If you view it this way you are bound to bypass your necessary shadow work and end up in a cycle of false security and extreme disintegration.
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blnxpc · 4 months
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雨 = rain
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chynglvies · 6 months
what Ni is NOT
a lot of people in the community get Ni wrong. and i totally get that because Ni is often talked about in a super vague, weirdly prophetic light. which it is NOT.
Ni does NOT mean you can’t make connections between ideas
Ni does NOT mean you only see one truth
Ni is NOT a predictive function
all Ni is, is intuition as it makes sense to you personally. Ne, looks at the outside data and expands on that, Ni looks at the outside data and puts it in their internal framework. that’s the only difference. that Ni is personal and Ne is less personal when dealing with the abstract.
the combination of Se and Ni can come across as Ne because the user takes the tangible details and then subconsciously adds them to their mental framework. the way i personally decide between Ne and Ni is often based on this, idea. that Ni tends to be a more subconscious process, often with the user struggling to explain where the conclusion came from. Ne tends to be an obvious process. i have never once had to question where an Ne user got their idea from, because they often talk through their process unknowingly.
but just because you can’t fully understand it does NOT make Ni a sort of prophetic function. never was and never will be. it’s just the process of boiling physical things into concepts and adding said concepts to a mental framework that only makes sense to that specific person.
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