#ummc ekaterinburg
female-buckets · 2 years
Two members of Brittney Griner's Russian club team appeared as character witnesses in her trial Thursday, telling the judge that she has been an exemplary player and citizen during her six seasons in Russia.
UMMC Ekaterinburg teammate Evgeniya Belyakova and Maxim Ryabkov, the team's general manager, spoke during the brief afternoon court session while Griner sat in the defendants' cage not far away. Their appearance is believed to be the first in-person contact Griner has had with anyone she knows -- other than the Russian attorneys hired for her case -- since she was arrested Feb. 17 and charged with trying to smuggle drugs into the country.
"Our task today was to tell the court about her characteristics as an athlete, as a person -- tell about how she played a big role in the success of the Ekaterinburg club and Russian women's basketball as a whole," Ryabkov told reporters outside the courthouse. "Today is the first day when we have seen our basketball player since February. Thank God, she feels well, looks good."
Said Belyakova: "I can say that Brittney has always been a very good teammate, so my role here is just to be with her, to support her. We miss her very much. We miss her energy. I was very happy to see her, and I hope this trial will be over soon and with a positive outcome."
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Her lawyers have said they expect the case to last until at least early August, and defense lawyer Maria Blagovolina told Reuters she was pleased with how the Thursday session went.
"It was an extremely emotional day for Brittney, who was touched by the appearance of the club director, head physician and her teammate, who gave an extremely positive description of our client both personally and professionally," Blagovolina said.
U.S. officials and experts have said they consider the trial to be "theater" that could only have ended in a guilty verdict, as Russia seeks to trade her in either a prisoner swap or for some other concession from the United States. Sources close to Griner have described her guilty plea as a tactic, knowing that Russia would require an admission of guilt before agreeing to a negotiated release.
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bobblehatworshipper · 2 years
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Article about former Ekat players playing overseas
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thundergrace · 2 years
On February 17, 2022, WNBA superstar Brittney Griner was detained upon her arrival in Moscow. As of April 29, 2022, Griner was officially classified as a Wrongful Detention by the U.S. State Department, which signals that the U.S. government will seek to negotiate her release.
Griner is a beloved global citizen who has used her platform since her entry into the WNBA to help others. She was detained while working in Russia, where she has starred for Russian EuroLeague Club UMMC Ekaterinburg since 2016 – helping the team win four EuroLeague Women’s championships and seven Russian League championships.
Like many athletes competing in the WNBA, Griner – a two-time Olympic gold medalist – plays abroad during the WNBA offseason for the love of the sport, but also in exchange for substantially bigger contracts, which are not available to women’s basketball players in the U.S. Professional athletes never know when their careers will come to an end. They must compete today with tomorrow's financial security in mind. For more than half of the athletes in the WNBA, that means moving abroad for several months of the year.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
US basketball player Brittney Griner has pleaded guilty to drug charges in a Russian court but has denied deliberately breaking the law.
The Olympic gold medallist was detained in February at an airport near Moscow when cannabis oil vape cartridges were allegedly found in her luggage.
"I was in a rush packing and the cartridges accidentally ended up in my bag," she told the court in Khimki.
Her trial began last week on charges that could mean 10 years in jail.
Griner's wife earlier called on President Joe Biden to do "whatever is necessary" to secure her release. Mr Biden told Cherelle Griner he was working to have her freed as soon as possible.
The 31-year-old basketball star, who is accused of possessing and smuggling drugs, had already sent the president a letter saying she was "terrified [she] might be here forever".
Russian government officials have warned the US not to "make noise in public about the case". "The hype and working on the public, with all the love for this genre among modern politicians, currently only disturbs" the court process, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said.
"I'd like to plead guilty, your honour. But there was no intent. I didn't want to break the law," Brittney Griner told the court in English. In handcuffs and wearing a red T-shirt and trousers, she said she would like to give her testimony later and needed time to prepare. The trial was then adjourned for a week.
Griner is one of the most successful players in the women's professional league in the US, with WNBA team Phoenix Mercury. She has won WNBA and Euroleague titles as well as two Olympic golds. She had travelled to Russia to play club basketball during the off-season and has featured in EuroLeague team UMMC Ekaterinburg since 2014.
Cannabis oil is illegal in Russia, but her high-profile arrest at Sheremetyevo airport near Moscow came a week before Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Relations between the US and Russia are in a parlous state and it took several months before the Biden administration made her case a priority. A US National Security Council spokeswoman said on Thursday she was wrongfully detained by Russia under "intolerable circumstances".
Secretary of State Antony Blinken tweeted that US embassy officials had attended Thursday's hearing and had handed Griner a letter from President Biden: "We will not relent until Brittney, Paul Whelan, and all other wrongfully detained Americans are reunited with their loved ones."
Whelan is serving a 16-year jail term on spying charges rejected by his family as nonsense.
Russia has denied that the player's detention is connected to the icy diplomatic relations with the US, but John Garamendi, a member of the US Congress, warned last month that the war could exacerbate the issue. "We don't want Ms Griner to become a pawn in the political battle that's being waged throughout the world right now."
There has been speculation that even if Brittney Griner is given a jail term Russia may be prepared to exchange her or Paul Whelan for a high-profile Russian prisoner in a US jail, such as arms dealer Viktor Bout. Dubbed "Merchant of Death", Bout was jailed for 25 years after he was caught in a US sting operation in Thailand.
Cherelle Griner earlier told a rally organised by her wife's Phoenix Mercury team: "I'm frustrated that 140 days have passed since my wife has been able to speak to me, to our family and to our friends. I'm frustrated that my wife is not going to get justice."
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sanroquevsgirona · 12 days
¿Cuáles son los equipos líderes en la clasificación de la Euroliga Femenina esta temporada?
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¿Cuáles son los equipos líderes en la clasificación de la Euroliga Femenina esta temporada?
Equipos líderes Euroliga Femenina 2021
La Euroliga Femenina es la máxima competición de baloncesto a nivel de clubes en Europa, donde los mejores equipos se enfrentan en intensos partidos para alcanzar la gloria. En la edición de 2021, varios equipos destacan por su rendimiento y liderazgo en la competición.
Uno de los equipos líderes de la Euroliga Femenina en 2021 es el UMMC Ekaterinburg de Rusia. Con una plantilla repleta de talento y experiencia, este equipo ha demostrado ser un serio contendiente al título, destacando por su juego colectivo y su capacidad para imponerse ante rivales de gran calibre.
Otro equipo destacado en esta edición es el Perfumerías Avenida de España. Con un estilo de juego rápido y dinámico, las jugadoras de Avenida han sorprendido a propios y extraños con su calidad y determinación en la cancha, consolidándose como un equipo a tener en cuenta en la lucha por el campeonato.
Además, el Fenerbahçe de Turquía ha demostrado su fortaleza en la Euroliga Femenina 2021, con una plantilla equilibrada y competitiva que ha sabido enfrentar a los mejores equipos del continente con éxito, consolidándose como uno de los equipos líderes de la competición.
En definitiva, la Euroliga Femenina 2021 nos brinda emocionantes encuentros entre equipos de gran nivel, donde el talento, la estrategia y la pasión por el baloncesto se combinan para ofrecer un espectáculo deportivo de primer nivel. Los equipos líderes de esta edición nos demuestran que el baloncesto femenino está en su mejor momento y promete seguir emocionando a los aficionados en cada partido.
Clasificación actual Euroliga Femenina
La Euroliga Femenina es la máxima competición de baloncesto a nivel de clubes en Europa, y cada temporada ofrece emocionantes partidos que mantienen a los aficionados al borde de sus asientos. En la clasificación actual de la Euroliga Femenina, varios equipos destacan por su rendimiento sobresaliente en la fase de grupos.
En la cima de la tabla se encuentran equipos reconocidos por su dominio en el baloncesto europeo, como el UMMC Ekaterinburg de Rusia, que cuenta con un plantel lleno de estrellas y una larga historia de éxito en la competición. Le siguen de cerca otros equipos poderosos como el Fenerbahçe Öznur Kablo de Turquía y el Dynamo Kursk, también de Rusia, que han demostrado una gran calidad en la cancha.
Sin embargo, la Euroliga Femenina también es conocida por sus sorpresas y la competencia feroz entre los equipos. Equipos menos tradicionales, pero igualmente talentosos, han logrado posicionarse en la parte alta de la clasificación, desafiando las expectativas. Este equilibrio entre los equipos establecidos y los aspirantes emergentes hace que cada partido sea impredecible y emocionante para los espectadores.
A medida que avanza la temporada, la clasificación de la Euroliga Femenina seguirá evolucionando, con equipos luchando por asegurar su lugar en los playoffs y aspirando a levantar el prestigioso trofeo al final de la campaña. Los aficionados al baloncesto pueden esperar más acción y emoción en los próximos encuentros, mientras los equipos compiten por la gloria en la Euroliga Femenina.
Primer lugar equipos Euroliga Femenina
El primer lugar en la Euroliga Femenina es el máximo galardón que un equipo de baloncesto femenino puede alcanzar en Europa. Este prestigioso torneo reúne a los mejores equipos de baloncesto femenino del continente, compitiendo en emocionantes partidos que cautivan a los aficionados de todo el mundo.
Para llegar a lo más alto y coronarse como campeón de la Euroliga Femenina, un equipo debe demostrar su talento, habilidades y determinación en cada encuentro. El camino hacia la victoria está lleno de desafíos, desde enfrentarse a rivales poderosos hasta superar obstáculos en el camino.
El equipo que logra posicionarse en el primer lugar de la Euroliga Femenina no solo se lleva el título y el reconocimiento de la afición, sino que también deja una huella imborrable en la historia del baloncesto femenino europeo. Las jugadoras, el cuerpo técnico y la afición celebran juntos esta hazaña, fruto del esfuerzo, la dedicación y la pasión por este deporte.
Cada año, la Euroliga Femenina nos brinda emocionantes partidos, sorpresas y momentos inolvidables que hacen vibrar a los amantes del baloncesto. El primer lugar en este torneo es un logro que merece ser celebrado y admirado, pues representa la excelencia deportiva y el espíritu de superación que caracteriza a este apasionante deporte. ¡Que viva el baloncesto femenino y sus campeonas de la Euroliga!
Lista equipos destacados Euroliga Femenina
La Euroliga Femenina es una de las competiciones más importantes en el baloncesto femenino a nivel europeo. En ella participan equipos de alto nivel que ofrecen un espectáculo emocionante y lleno de talento en cada partido.
Entre los equipos destacados de la Euroliga Femenina se encuentran el UMMC Ekaterimburgo, un equipo ruso que ha dominado la competición en los últimos años con su plantilla repleta de estrellas internacionales. Otro equipo a tener en cuenta es el Fenerbahçe, de Turquía, que siempre se sitúa en las primeras posiciones gracias a su juego colectivo y su calidad individual.
El Perfumerías Avenida, de España, es otro de los equipos que destacan en la Euroliga Femenina, con una gran afición detrás y un equipo competitivo que ha llegado lejos en la competición en varias ocasiones. El Dinamo Kursk, también de Rusia, es otro equipo a tener en cuenta, con jugadoras de gran talento que lo convierten en un rival temible para cualquier equipo.
Estos son solo algunos de los equipos destacados en la Euroliga Femenina, donde el nivel de juego es extraordinario y la emoción está garantizada en cada encuentro. Seguir a estos equipos es seguir el mejor baloncesto femenino europeo, lleno de pasión y espectáculo en cada cancha.
Posiciones Euroliga Femenina mujeres.
En la Euroliga Femenina de baloncesto, las posiciones son un reflejo del desempeño de los equipos a lo largo de la temporada. Cada partido disputado es crucial para determinar la ubicación de cada equipo en la tabla de clasificación. Las posiciones en la Euroliga Femenina no solo afectan el orgullo y la reputación de los equipos, sino que también tienen un impacto directo en su camino hacia los playoffs y, en última instancia, hacia el codiciado título.
Los equipos líderes en las posiciones de la Euroliga Femenina suelen ser aquellos con un rendimiento consistente en la cancha, ya sea en defensa, ataque o en general. Estos equipos a menudo cuentan con jugadoras talentosas y experimentadas que pueden marcar la diferencia en cualquier partido. Sin embargo, el mundo del baloncesto femenino también está lleno de sorpresas, y a veces vemos cómo equipos menos favorecidos logran ascender en las posiciones y desafiar a los favoritos.
Las posiciones en la Euroliga Femenina son un aspecto fundamental de la competición, ya que determinan no solo la clasificación de los equipos, sino también sus enfrentamientos en los playoffs. Los equipos luchan con determinación por cada victoria para mejorar su posición y acercarse al objetivo final: levantar el trofeo de campeón de la Euroliga Femenina. Cada partido es una oportunidad para avanzar en la tabla de posiciones y acercarse más al sueño de la gloria en el baloncesto femenino europeo.
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creatiview · 1 year
[ad_1] Brittney Griner, the American basketball star detained in Moscow on allegations of drug smuggling, will remain in custody for at least two more months, Russian media reported Thursday."The court granted the request of the investigation and extended the period of detention of the US citizen Griner until May 19," a Russian court spokesperson told the Kremlin-controlled press agency TASS.The outlet Mash also reported the news, sharing a video on Telegram showing Griner, 31, walking down a hallway with two guards.A person close to the matter told BuzzFeed News Griner was OK and has been meeting regularly with her Russian legal team while in detention. The investigation is still ongoing, and a trial date has not been set, the person said.If the investigation isn't complete by May, whether she will continue to be detained pending trial will be reassessed then.A State Department spokesperson told BuzzFeed News, "We are closely engaged on this case and in frequent contact with Brittney Griner’s legal team."The arrest of the WNBA star and two-time Olympic Gold medalist was first reported on March 5, but Rep. Colin Allred of Texas, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has said she was arrested on Feb. 17.She was detained after customs officials allegedly found cartridges of hashish oil in her luggage at an airport outside Moscow. She could face up to 10 years in prison.Griner is a member of the Phoenix Mercury but had been playing in the off-season for Russia's UMMC Ekaterinburg team.TASS quoted Ekaterina Kalugina with Moscow's Public Monitoring Commission, a group that observes prison conditions, as saying she had met with Griner.According to Kalugina, the US consul has not met with Griner, but the State Department spokesperson said it's because the Russians have not allowed this."We insist the Russian government provide consular access to all U.S. citizens detained in Russia, including those in pre-trial detention, as Brittney Griner is," the spokesperson said."We have repeatedly asked for consular access to these detainees and have consistently been denied access," the spokesperson said. "Russia must abide by its legal obligations and allow us to provide consular services for US citizens detained in Russia."Kalugina said Griner was calm and had been reading books while in detention, but had struggled with the size of the beds because she is almost 7 feet tall.Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said he is limited in what he can say publicly about Griner's case due to privacy considerations, but that US officials will provide "every possible assistance" to any American detained abroad.Griner's wife, Cherelle, has asked for privacy as the family works to bring her home.It's believed that officials and Griner's family are being strategically silent in order to avoid making her a high-profile prisoner whom the Russians will want to keep as a political pawn as the West sanctions the country over its invasion of Ukraine.Jason Rezaian, the Washington Post reporter who was detained in Iran for 18 months, told CNN he suspected that Griner, like him, was being held on trumped-up charges."It's the most audacious hostage-taking by a state imaginable," Rezaian said. [ad_2] Source link
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karen-anti-r-cml · 1 year
February 17, 2022: Brittney Griner, 8 time WNBA All-Star arrived in Russia to play for the Russian Basketball Team UMMC Ekaterinburg.
Griner was arrested and jailed after Russian Federal Customs Service discovered vape cartridges containing... Marijuana concentrate hashish oil in her luggage.
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March 22nd: U.S. Officials were 1st allowed to meet with her.
May 17th : NBA commissioner Adam Silver announced he and WNBA commissioner Cathy Engelbert were working to secure Griner's release.
June 26th: Finally, after month of extending her pretrial and keeping her in Prison she appeared in court and her criminal trial was set for July 1st.
July 1st: Griner officially began her criminal trial on Marijuana charges. She told the court she understood the charges but declined to immediately comment on them.
July 7th: She pleaded guilty to drug charges... Marijuana, but said she was not trying to break the law.
July 14th: Two Russian Character Witnesses testified on her behalf. Maxim Rybakov, Director of the UMMC Ekaterinburg and Evgeniia Beliakova on of her Teammates.
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July 17th: CNN reported President Biden and his Team offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms dealer for Griner and Paul Whelan, a former U.S. Marine, turned Corporate Security Director
Antony Blinken, Secretary of State said publicly the U.S. government had put a "substantial proposal on the table" but did not confirm the reports regarding Bout.
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August 4th: Griner was sentenced to 9 years in a penal colony and fined just over $16,000 USD... Because of Marijuana.
August 13th: putin officials confirmed they were negotiating with the Biden Administration regarding a potential prisoner swap involving Bout that could bring Griner home, they did not mention Paul Whelan.
August 15th: Griner's defense team filed an appeal. They argued her punishment was "excessive." Which obviously it was... 9 years for Marijuana.
October 25th: The appeal was rejected.
November 9th: She was transferred to a Russian penal colony, location unknown.
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December 1st: Biden's Officials and putin's agreed to a 1 for 1 exchange.
December 9th: A plane landed at Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas.
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Brittney Griner's ordeal is finally over and she's home safe for Holidays with Family and Friends
Paul Whelan, who in 2020 was convicted on espionage charges and sentenced to 16-years in a penal colony.
putin and his officials refused to release Whelan. Hopefully in the future he will come home, but for now remember he was a United States Marine, a Warrior trained for this kind of adversity.
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opedguy · 1 year
Movement in Brittney Griner’s Release
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com),j Nov. 18, 2022.--Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rybakov said today that there’s more movement for a prisoner swap to get 32-year-old WNBA star Brittney Griner from a Russian penal colony and possibly 52-year-old former Marine Paul Whelan, imprisoned for spying since 2018.  President Joe Biden, busy prosecuting his proxy war against the Kremlin using Ukrainian troops, has made discussions to get Griner out next to impossible. Talk recently about moving the Ukraine War to the peace table has improved Brittney’s chances of getting out of prison. Griner was arrested Feb. 17 in Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport en rout to playing for the Russian women’s basketball team UMMC Ekaterinburg.  Airport authorities four cannabis laced vape-cartridges in Brittney’s luggage.  When she went to trial in Moscow July 1, Birttney’s Russian attorneys said he accidentally put vape-cartridges in her luggage.
Griner offered evidence in her trial that the State of Arizona issued her a medical marijuana to deal with basketball-related injuries, proving Aug. 4 at her conviction that her cannabis possession was no accident. U.S. officials, including Biden, 59-year-old Secretary of State Antony Blinken and 45-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan all say Brittney was “wrongfully detained” antagonizing Russian authorities. Kremlin Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Brittney was not wrongfully detained under strict Russian drug laws.  Today’s blackout on Biden’s national security team suggests that something, as Rybakov said, could be improving.  Former New Mexico Gov. and U.N. Amb. Bill Richardson, 75, said he thought Brittney could be out by year’s end.  Richardson has no secret information only a hunch based on freeing foreign prisoners in the past.
No one knows the deal to get Brittney and Paul Whelan out of Russian prison but Richardson suggested it could be a two-for-two swap, using convicted Russian arms smuggler Viktor Bout and some other unnamed Russian prisoner.  When Russian prisoner former Marine Trevor Reed was released in April in another prisoner swap, Biden hoped that things would go as well for Griner.  But months of fighting the Kremlin in a bloody proxy war in Ukraine soured Putin on cutting a deal with Biden.  Recent talk of ending the conflict this week by 63-year-old Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  Gen. Mark Miley might have helped Griner’s chances of getting out of a Russian penal colony.  Talk of a new two-for-two prisoner swap renewed hopes that something could get done soon.  Richardson has been quietly working behind the scenes to help pull of the long-awaited prisoner deal.
Biden’s hostile rhetoric toward Putin at the G20 in Bali, Indonesia didn’t help Brittney’s chances of seeing the light of day.  “We have yet to arrive at a common denominator, but there is no doubt that Viktor Bout is among those discussed,” said Rybakov, reported in Russia’s Interfax News Agency.  “We are definitely counting on a positive outcome,” Rybakov said, raising new hope for Griner’s release.  Biden may have secretly promised Putin that in addition to another prisoner added into the deal, the Ukraine War may come to a close.  Miley was emphatic that the war has no military solution and both parties should jump at the chance for a political solution.  Whatever it takes to make it happen, it’s been an agonizing process for Griner’s wife Cherelle, who’s been waiting since Feb. 17 to get her back.  Moving the Ukraine War to the peace table would go a long way in making it happen.
No question that the Ukraine War stalled any concrete talks to get Griner or Whelan out of Russian prisons.  Statesmen like Richardson can only do so much when the circumstances don’t warrant negotiations.  Biden can’t tell Ukraine’s 44-yar-old President Volodymyr Zelensky that he’s still trying to crush the Russian military and expect Putin to play ball.  If Putin sees some concrete steps to end the Ukraine War, he’ll be more likely to negotiate with his American counterparts. When Reed got out in April, it was before 69-year-old Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told an audience in Ramstein, Germany that the aim of the Ukraine Wars was to degrade the Russian military to the point it could no longer wage war.   If that’s not a declaration of war, then what its?  Biden and Aiustin made the war personal, not defending Ukraine but to topple the Russian Federation.
Rybakov’s statements today suggests that there’s movement on a prisoner swap to get Brittney out of prison behind the scenes.  White House officials have been told no longer to call Brittney “wrongfully detained,” to wait-and-see whether a new two-for-two prisoner swap does the trick. Secret talk behind the scenes about de-escalating the Ukraine War may have moved the prisoner swap forward.  Why would Putin strike any deal with the U.S. while Biden supplies Ukraine unlimited cash-and-arms to destroy the Russian military.  If Americans learned anything from Britney’s ordeal, when you travel to countries like Russia don’t trying to flout their drug laws.  Weed may be no big deal in America but it’s not the Russian Federation.  Brittney’s judge wanted to hear that she didn’t understand strict Russian drug laws.  Showing there’s positive movement, White House officials have buttoned up.
About the Author    
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin  in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.  
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enaspirro · 1 year
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On July 8, 1965, the American Family Member was born in Oregon. On April 9, 1976, the Family Member was born within the United States. On June 10, 1978, the American actor was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. On October 10, 1986, the YouTuber was born in Germany. Candace Parker was born in St. Louis, Missouri on April 19, 1986. Candace Nicole Parker is her given identify, and she is 35 years previous. Candace Parker had at the very least one earlier relationship, according to CelebsCouples. Candace Nicole Parker is a WNBA participant for the Los Angeles Sparks and a Russian basketball player for UMMC Ekaterinburg. On March 29, 1967, the American baseball player was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Emily Skinner was born on November 30, 2002, in Mission Viejo, California. DJ Akademiks was born on May 17, 1991 in Jamaica. Does DJ Akademiks Have A Girlfriend? Does Darcy Lapier Have A Girlfriend?
Does Charles Stauffer have a Girlfriend? However, to improve numerical precision our algorithms use Equation ( 2 ) and never Equation ( 2b ), as in Equation ( 2b ) we must divide the variables βi by ω (one other variable) to obtain the ti , that are the true variables of interest. Radiocarbon Dating in 1955. He also developed delicate radiation detectors that could use the approach. Although Libby had identified as early as 1955 the chance that this assumption was incorrect, it was not until discrepancies began to accumulate between measured ages and recognized historic dates for artefacts that it became clear that a correction would have to be utilized to radiocarbon ages to acquire calendar dates. Please tell us if you discover any details about Noah Schnapp that is out of date. I don’t know how I really feel. Please tell us if you find any details about Dean Cain that's out of date. Please let us know if you find any information about Emily Skinner that is out of date. Finding out who is dating Dean Cain is comparatively simple, but holding monitor of his flings, hookups, and breakups is harder. Try FamousDetails’ top 10 information about DJ Akademiks.
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sqyed055 · 2 years
These WNBA stars who will not return to play in Russia
These WNBA stars who will not return to play in Russia
Brittney Griner, Breanna Stewart, Courtney Vandersloot and their teammates celebrating a new Euroleague with UMMC Ekaterinburg (2003, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021). This image from April 2021 seems distant today. The first has been detained on Russian soil since February, and was sentenced to nine years in prison after the discovery, in her luggage, of cannabis oil in the cartridges of electronic…
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female-buckets · 2 years
Taurasi, Nygaard applaud UMMC Ekaterinburg director, player testifying for Brittney Griner
Phoenix Mercury guard Diana Taurasi knows what it’s like to play basketball in Russia. 
The 18-year WNBA veteran played for UMMC Ekaterinburg, Brittney Griner’s current offseason team, for 6 years. Griner has been playing with Ekaterinburg in the WNBA offseason since 2014, including two years with Taurasi. 
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Taurasi said she has a great relationship with Ekaterinburg club director Maxim Rybakov, who testified as a character witness for Griner in court on Thursday. 
Rybakov said he told the court how Griner helped the success of the Russian club and her characteristics as an athlete. 
“Max is a big thing, a big piece of Russian basketball,” Taurasi said. “He’s been in the gym at Ekat for as long as I can remember... I’m sure it meant a lot to her for them to be there, defending her character and everything she’s done for them. So, hopefully this is all trending to a place where we can get her home as quickly as possible.” 
Taurasi applauded Rybakov and Ekaterinburg player Evgenia Belyakova, who also testified as a character witness, for speaking up in court in support of Griner. 
“I played 10 years in Russia, and you don’t speak against the government, you just don’t do that,” Taurasi said. “And not only that, they just have a completely different way of looking at life.”
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dentistfory · 2 years
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whatmattered · 2 years
The WNBA star Brittney Griner is sentenced to nine years in prison by a Russian court
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A Russian court sentences WNBA star Brittney Griner to nine years for drug trafficking. MOSCOW — A Russian court found Brittney Griner guilty of drug trafficking and possession. Under public pressure to secure her release, the Biden administration tried to negotiate with Russia to free her and another imprisoned American, Paul Whelan. In a statement issued shortly after the verdict, President Biden called on Griner to sentence another reminder of what the world already knew. Russia wrongly detains Brittney, and it is unacceptable, and calls on Russia to release her immediately. So that she can be with her wife, her family, her friends, her teammates, and so on. The U.S. states oppose this practice everywhere.
Marijuana card
Griner's defense team notes that he has a medical marijuana card in Arizona to help him cope with injuries sustain during years of competition. They also noted that basketball star-ball was prescribe marijuana for medical purposes by an American doctor to treat chronic pain during the off-season. And that she had still failed a drug test. In his final statement to the judge, Griner reiterated that she had never had the right to break any law or hurt anyone. She is excused to her Russian teammates for any damage she caused; she could have caused, adding that it is my second home and everything I wanted to won the championships and made them proud. In his closing remarks to the judge on Thursday, he alluded to political pawns and politics, but I know that everyone is talking about political pawns, but i hope that it is far from this room audience, & quotation; she said. Here is a brief summary of Griner & as of February 17th, Griner is being held at L' Sheremetyevo International Airport, outside Moscow, May 3rd. U.S. Ambassador to Russia John J. Sullivan calls Griner a "the currency exchange" middle of discussions a possible exchange of prisoners 1 July. Prosecutors open their case in court at the beginning of trial 7 July. Griner pleads guilty to drug charges while l'd talks prisoner exchange Grandit  July 27. Griner, testifies that he has inadvertently brought in July 27th. He offered Russia an agreement to release Griner and another imprisoned American, Paul WhelanAug. She played for UMMC Ekaterinburg, a Russian team owned by Iskander Makhmudov.
Cathy Engelbert and NBA
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WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert talks to the media In a statement on Thursday, WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert and NBA Commissioner Adam Silver stated that the verdict and sentence are as follows" unwarranted and unfortunate, but not unexpected. "The WNBA and NBA 'l' commitment to its safe return did not falter. And we hope that we are nearing the end of this process of bringing the BG back to the U.S. Dozens of human rights groups including the Human Rights Campaign. The National Organization for Women and the LGBTQ National Working Group wrote a letter to President Biden this summer. Urging him to address his case as a matter of urgency. Read the full article
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sportspirit · 2 years
Brittney Griner sentenced to nine years in Russian prison on drug charges after guilty verdict
A Russian court has sentenced Phoenix Mercury star Brittney Griner to nine years in prison for drug smuggling and possession charges, according to a report from ESPN investigative reporter T.J. Quinn.
In addition to the nine-year prison sentence, Griner has been fined 1 million rubbles, the equivalent of roughly $16,500.
As noted by Quinn, Griner's sentencing ends the first chapter of her detainment in Russia, which began when customs service officials said they found vape cartridges containing hashish oil in Griner's luggage at the Sheremetyevo airport.
Since February, Griner has been detained in Russia, causing multitudes of figures in the sports world to call for her safe return home to the United States.
Griner, 31, was selected first overall in the 2013 WNBA Draft by the Mercury. Since 2014, she has spent WNBA offseasons playing for the Russian club UMMC Ekaterinburg, located in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
She is charged with attempting to smuggle illegal narcotics into Russia upon her return into the country.
While Griner now faces a nine-year sentence in prison, some legal experts view the verdict as a formality. The length of her detainment will presumably be determined by diplomatic negotiations of a prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia.
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kokchapress · 2 years
بریتنی گرینر بسکتبالیست آمریکایی که در روسیه دستگیر شده بود محکوم شد
بریتنی گرینر بسکتبالیست آمریکایی که در روسیه دستگیر شده بود محکوم شد
بریتنی گرینر بسکتبالیست زن آمریکایی که در روسیه دستگیر شده بود به ۹ سال زندان محکوم شد. گرینر همچنین ۱ میلیون روبل جریمه خواهد پرداخت. بریتنی گرینر که در روسیه به دلیل نگهداری مواد مخدر دستگیر شده بود، توسط دادگاه روسیه به ۹ سال زندان و یک میلیون روبل جریمه نقدی محکوم شد. گرینر ۳۱ ساله که برای فینیکس مرکوری در لیگ بسکتبال زنان آمریکا (WNBA) و برای باشگاه روسیه UMMC Ekaterinburg در دوران وقفه WNBA…
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