No one fucking cares how romantic, loving, or honest you are if you're ugly.
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sadc0keh0e · 2 years
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feeling-humans · 1 year
Why does no one understand that my yearning for love is not a light feeling, is eating me alive and I can't take it lightly.
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moonfacade · 11 months
I've never been the pretty one.
I think it's pretty clear when men look to my friends like they want to fuck them as I'm left in the dust thinking, will I ever be good enough?
I see it in their eyes
They never gaze mine as I see them time and time again checking out my pretty friends and smile to them.
I see them looking but never in my direction, like a cover of a book that doesn't attract their attention.
I wasn't blessed.
I guess I was never meant to be seen as attractive.
I thought maybe my personality or witty humour could get me noticed
But, no.
Men want someone they can imagine in their bed, not someone to make them laugh or to be their friend.
I've accepted my fate that I'll never be the pretty one.
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bitchy-bi-trash · 6 months
Hating myself is as close as I'll ever come to loving myself.
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dk-thrive · 2 months
One feels one’s own decay and it’s hard to believe it’s not visible and a turn-off.
— Sheila Heti, Alphabetical Diaries (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, February 6, 2024)
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depressedgirl94 · 1 year
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mrrowie · 8 months
I'll never be hot or sexy
I don't have the qualities and honestly that makes me so sad
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not-yet-human · 11 months
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green-sky-garden · 3 months
There were days when I felt so much love inside to give, but there was no one to receive.
I was so alone for so long, and now I am desperate.
I am ready to do anything for some physical/emotional connection. 
I am ready to say whatever you like to hear and do whatever you want to  do.
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delilahcopperspoonfed · 2 months
There's probably nothing worse than knowing that you're ugly
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lazarus-james · 2 years
being unattractive
one of the despairing things about not being attractive is lapping up scraps of attention. falling for someone because they reply to your messages and laugh at your jokes.
the moment they show you any type of affection, you’re done. your heart is theirs. you bitterly glare down at the pitter patter in your chest when you talk to them. because you know it’s so easy for you to love others, but somehow it’s so hard for others to love you.
you get used to the words, “i like you, but not like that.” and that’s ok. you’re fine. you’re used to being their friend. always the friend. friendship and platonic relationships are important! they’re equally valuable and shouldn’t be considered lesser. you know this. you know.
but it doesn’t hurt any less when they say, “i don’t really see you like that.” and now you’ve irrevocably changed a fundamental truth of your friendship. you never started being their friend wanting more, but it happens. they’re nice, you love them.
how many times do you need to hear "i think we’re better as friends” before you stop being honest. what’s the point in telling them. it’s better to pine in silence.
and you sound like some salty incel who’s “friendzoned.” but that’s not it. you loved them as a friend, and you just wanted to see if there was more to it, more to you both. but if you tell anyone, all they’ll see is how you selflishly ruined a friendship.
red flags piling up.
you love, and you love, and you love, because you believe someday maybe someone will love you back.
but it gets tiring.
you’re exhausted.
but still you hope. you tell them. maybe this time will be different. maybe the phone calls counted in days rather than hours mean something. maybe the heart reacts and emojis exchanged between you both actually mean just that. so you confess, you tear your heart from it’s shell, and lay it out for them to see.
their reply starts with, “I’m sorry,”
everything after that goes blurry.
“i understand,” you say, because you do. you know you’re not attractive. you know their friendship is worth it’s weight in gold, so it’s fine. you will love them anyway, just not as your dreams had wished.
you try to maintain the friendship, you’re just as present, just as loving, but somehow it fizzles away. perhaps they enjoyed the attention you bestowed on them, but the moment it needed reciprocity, they realised they could only take but not give.
the friendship dies. you used to talk to them every day. it’s a 3-5 business day wait on replies now.
and you’ve done it again. you fell for someone because they showed you the smallest iota of attention, they cared about your passions, you shared in-jokes with them. you confessed. and the friendship self-destructed in slow-motion.
time passes.
then you make a new friend.
and you’re tired, but you hope.
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moon-mxlk · 1 year
I wish I could be the ethereal being he wants.
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killedbymylove · 2 years
It actually already hurts to death seeing any guy that i find nice because i immediately think: "Oh that's another one who wouldn't want me." There's absolutely no boy who ever liked me back. Absolutely no one.
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feeling-humans · 11 months
I carry with me so much shame, so much pain...
I fear I am more grief than human.
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fandomssaremysoul · 2 years
I think being unattractive counts as trauma :/
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