ihumaneveryday · 10 months
Focus on the lesson. Not the issue. Cup is empty, heart is empty. By the end of this week, I am breaking free. Unburdening, lighter energy.
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sailorgoth · 5 months
I've been writing fanfic for the last few months, Loustat… yes! Some. But I didn't post anything, my medical treatment exhausted me completely. But now I think it's almost over and there are also the holidays, which have motivated me to write again. I'm thinking about publishing again on Ao3, but I confess that I'm experiencing a new hyperfocus called: SatoSugu. Oh my god, I'm so obsessed with Jujutsu Kaisen… I want to write 30000 fanfics about them. crying in shipper language but I must return to my writing and publications. I want to venture out to other sites too, to see what happens. I also need to get back to my original novel project… my god, how crazy it is to have writing as a hobby… Remember now… I promise to my friends that I will finally publish an Armandiel fanfiction for Christmas… aaaaaaaaaa going crazy
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erinnkenobi · 1 year
Yeah, reading and writing stories are my way to escape from my reality, only God knows my struggle, and my mind is unbelievable, not good thoughts, the reality that I don't wanna face, because its gonna hurt, nothing anymore seems simple, hard to find a job or to get into an university...
Always being compared with cousins or my parent's friend children, because of this and that, I'm fed up, I'm tired and lonely, my friends (if I still can claim em of it) with their own business, too busy to talk with me, and that's just fine, you know, yet it hurts when you can't count whether with them or my parents because when I try to talk with my parents, mom is always on her phone or watching TV which she doesn't want to be bothered and dad, poor dad, always working and worried about work, money or with the church, I don't blame them.
But as Tumblr is the unique platform that I feel comfortable with, I just wanted to unburden things inside my heart, which indeed helped now, and thanks for it.
I look forward to my mind's recovery, have you guys ever felt homesick even when you're inside your house? That sucks indeed as well as hating my own appearance, hate being fat, Am neither chubby nor chunky, I hope someday I'll be better.
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winewithdann · 1 year
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Close your eyes and take one deep breath. 🌬
Release the stress and negativity. Unload things from your shoulder.
Take the love and encouragement around you. And keep going. You got this! ✨☁
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luqalbuq · 2 years
Sinto que preciso me posicionar sobre o que está por vir: as eleições para presidente. O bolsonarismo foi a pior coisa que já aconteceu ao Brasil nas últimas décadas, pior que impeachment, pior que qualquer crise econômica, pois bolsonarismo é o mesmo que fascismo: se baseia no ódio e na violência para prosperar, e quando acuado, parte para o tudo ou nada, ou seja, mais violência e mais mentiras; pois se houver um segundo turno, bolsonaristas apelarão à barbárie, assim como já estão fazendo nos últimos 4 anos, só que de uma forma bem mais desesperada e portanto violenta, pois esse pessoal agora tem mais acesso às armas que antes. Não gosto muito do Lula nem do PT, gostaria mesmo que uma nova liderança de esquerda surgisse e prosperasse no cenário político nacional, mas isso, ao que tudo indica, seria pedir muito e infelizmente não temos tempo para isso. Por isso, votarei no Lula, e espero que seja a última vez, pois espero que o Bolsonaro esteja preso até as próximas eleições e assim o bolsonarismo esteja extinto até 2026. Sei que o bolsonarismo estar extinto até 2026 também é utópico demais, uma vez que eleitores do Bolsonaro não vão parar de pensar da forma que pensam atualmente duma hora pra outra, além do que, alguns deputados e senadores bolsonaristas infelizmente têm grande chance de serem eleitos nesse pleito. Acabar com esse fascismo brasileiro será um trabalho longo e árduo, e é preciso dar o primeiro passo: votando no Lula já no 1º turno, pois assim até mesmo deputados e senadores bolsonaristas dirão que as urnas eletrônicas são seguras, afinal, acabaram de se eleger por esse sistema... Se deixarmos para um 2º turno, as mesmas pessoas bolsonaristas que se elegeram no 1º poderão alegar que só o 2º foi “fraudado”, o que é uma grande mentira, mas isso mobilizará os bolsonaristas para fazerem o que fizeram os trumpistas em janeiro de 2021. Não gosto muito nem do Lula nem do PT justamente porque, ao meu ver, eles são egoístas demais para que uma nova liderança de esquerda surja no Brasil, assim como surgiu em outros países daqui da América Latina, como Petro da Colômbia e Boric do Chile, além da inabilidade inacreditável de criticar ditaduras de esquerda como Ortega na Nicarágua e Maduro na Venezuela (algo que Boric faz sem ter medo); o que o PT fez com Marina Silva (uma possível liderança de esquerda) entre 2010 e 2014 foi algo tão nojento que prometi que eu nunca votaria nesse partido. Já quebrei essa promessa no segundo turno de 2018 e terei de fazer isso de novo para acabar com o bolsonarismo. Eu até poderia votar no Ciro (uma ex-possível liderança de esquerda), mas três coisas me impedem: 1. Ele não tem chance de ir ao segundo turno, e já falei dos riscos de prolongar o bolsonarismo; 2. Ele cometeu um suicídio político tão escabroso nos últimos meses que vai ficar bem difícil de eu votar nele em qualquer outra eleição; 3. Sinceramente, eu já não ia muito com a cara dele antes, uma vez que ele parece um Bolsonaro de centro-esquerda: brigão, teimoso, arrogante... Mas o projeto de país que ele tem é tão factível, especialmente na área da educação, que eu poderia ignorar a personalidade do Ciro, mas depois desse ano, será difícil de eu votar nele no futuro. E pensar que o Ciro poderia ter sido eleito em 2018 no lugar do Bolsonaro me faz pensar se ele ficaria flertando nesse meio tempo com a extrema-direita assim como ele faz agora. E o Ciro poderia ter sido eleito se o PT tivesse apoiado a candidatura dele... mas, de novo, o PT foi egoísta e teimoso ao promover a candidatura do Haddad mesmo com todas as pesquisas dizendo que o PT não tinha chance alguma de ganhar do Bolsonaro, mas o Ciro ganharia em todos os cenários de segundo turno ante o atual presidente. Assim como PT entrou totalmente errado na disputa de 2018, promovendo o Lula quando obviamente ele seria impugnado por causa dos processos da Lava-Jato (que depois foram justamente anuladas), o Ciro faz o mesmo hoje, se alinhando e aproximando da extrema-direita ao tentar tirar votos de Lula ao invés de tentar uma frente ampla a favor da democracia e contra o fascismo que o Bolsonaro promove diariamente.
I feel like I need to take a stand on what's to come: the presidential elections. Bolsonarism was the worst thing that has ever happened to Brazil in recent decades, worse than impeachment, worse than any economic crisis, because bolsonarismo is the same as fascism: it is based on hatred and violence to prosper, and when cornered, it goes to all or nothing, that is, more violence and more lies; because if there is a second round, bolsonaristas will resort to barbarism, as they have been doing for the last 4 years, only in a much more desperate and therefore violent way, as these people now have more access to weapons than before. I don't really like Lula or the PT, I would really like a new left-wing leadership to emerge and prosper in the national political scenario, but that, apparently, would be asking too much and unfortunately we don't have time for that. Therefore, I will vote for Lula, and I hope it will be the last time, because I hope Bolsonaro will be in prison until the next elections and so Bolsonarism will be extinct by 2026. I know that bolsonarismo being extinct by 2026 is also too utopian, since Bolsonaro voters will not stop thinking the way they currently think, in addition to that, some bolsonarista deputies and senators unfortunately have a great chance of being elected in that lawsuit. Ending this Brazilian fascism will be a long and hard work, and the first step must be taken: voting for Lula in the 1st round, because that way even Bolsonarist deputies and senators will say that electronic voting machines are safe, after all, they have just been elected. by this system... If we leave it for a 2nd round, the same bolsonaristas people who were elected in the 1st will be able to claim that only the 2nd was "frauded", which is a big lie, but this will mobilize the bolsonaristas to do what they did the Trumpists in January 2021. I don't really like Lula or the PT, precisely because, in my view, they are too selfish for a new left-wing leadership to emerge in Brazil, as it did in other countries here in Latin America, such as Petro from Colombia and Boric from Chile. , in addition to the unbelievable inability to criticize leftist dictatorships like Ortega in Nicaragua and Maduro in Venezuela (something Boric does without fear); what the PT did to Marina Silva (a possible left-wing leader) between 2010 and 2014 was something so disgusting that I promised I would never vote for that party. I already broke that promise in the second round of 2018 and I will have to do it again to end Bolsonarismo. I could even vote for Ciro (a possible former leftist leader), but three things stop me: 1. He doesn't have a chance to go to the second round, and I've already mentioned the risks of prolonging Bolsonarism; 2. He's committed such a lurid political suicide in the last few months that it's going to be pretty hard for me to vote for him in any other election; 3. Honestly, I didn't like him much before, since he looks like a center-left Bolsonaro: quarrelsome, stubborn, arrogant... But the country project he has is so doable, especially in the area of education, that I could ignore Ciro's personality, but after this year, it will be difficult for me to vote for him in the future. And to think that Ciro could have been elected in 2018 in place of Bolsonaro makes me wonder if he would be flirting with the far right in the meantime as he is doing now. And Ciro could have been elected if the PT had supported his candidacy... but, again, the PT was selfish and stubborn in promoting Haddad's candidacy even with all the polls saying that the PT had no chance of winning Bolsonaro, but Ciro would win in all second round scenarios against the current president. Just as PT got totally wrong in the 2018 dispute, promoting Lula when obviously he would be challenged because of the Lava-Jato lawsuits (which were later justly annulled), Ciro does the same today, aligning himself and approaching the extreme right. by trying to take votes away from Lula instead of holding a broad front in favor of democracy and against the fascism that Bolsonaro promotes every day.
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ningunaescritora · 11 months
¿Qué prefieres?
No sé cuánto tiempo llevo trotando,
Me queman las piernas y el aire me falta;
Dejé de contar kilómetros y medir el tiempo.
No sé desde cuándo prefiero trotar a escribir,
Dejar caer las palabras a través de mis dedos
En lugar de forzar mi cuerpo a mantenerse.
Sí sé el motivo de mantener que caer.
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jmg1008 · 1 year
La verdad de nosotros es algo que muy pocas personas saben o siquiera se llega a saber, las verdades, lo que verdaderamente somos alguien en algún momento tendrá que saberlo?, es necesario?
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theancientpandah · 1 year
It All Starts Somewhere
Well, so let's start with my childhood. It was a normal one, nothing special but the fact I was an only child, maybe it's only me, but I've never felt much lonely, despite the fact that I was, but it was not a big problem. Since I was a kid, making friends was very hard, I was a fat kid, a nerd, and all the things that will certainly get you bullied, in my case only a few nicknames, nothing aggressive like physical violence or anything likewise.
I always like to read and for that, I need to thank my father, he was the one to show me the world hidden in those pages. It was a good life, nothing really really bad, some crushes that never went on.
All of my problems would have started like a roundhouse kick at my nose from nowhere when I was about to turn 14;
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bolafunmi · 1 year
Iya mi
Your name is like Portuguese bread
It's tough to chew and hard to swallow
I've picked this poem up and dropped
Picked and dropped
Picked and dropped like the men in my life
I cannot ever tell you about
I am afraid to ask for you
It feels wrong to demand you from you
Like demanding God to show up
Or Mr President after another kidnap
But this is Nigeria, silence is the only answer
Iya mi
Days have passed with me in a foreign land
It feels like the world is upside down
Yesterday I was called a thief
My bags invaded with utter carelessness
Garri and maggi dancing on my wooden floor
While the missing bag rests in the belly of waste bin
behind the blinking street lights
Iya mi
I know you are doing your best to survive
But how long are we to wait for your battle to end
When at 69, pleasure is far from you
I am weary for you
Not sad, not bitter, just weak
I know not how to give you joy
If I attempt to light you up
I may burn the what's left of you
Oh iya mi
I heard your voice last night
It lacked the will to be
I wish you rest and peace
But again, maybe that's the name we call death
How can I wish you death
Your breasts are yet to feed me
Nor mine you
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bereaving · 1 year
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Pain is what made me a sister warrior
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tomurakii · 5 months
I know I have a semi-popular post about how Gale would not have made a good teacher and that's why I'm so happy that it does happen canonically. It shows so much growth in him: not only does he learn to love himself regardless of his magic ability, that love extends to others. He can now educate students in the field of magic that has always clearly been his true favourite without being "irked by their ineptitude". He shares the art he loves and his enthusiasm, talent, and newfound patience make him a great teacher. With Tav by his side he becomes a happier, less guarded, more caring person and I can't think of anything better for him.
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ohlexa · 1 year
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You are my cinema, I could watch you forever
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tervaneula · 2 months
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A happy (!!) sassy elf for @beeceit ilysmmm thank you again for commissioning me, I loved drawing him I LOVE HIM SM
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k-wame · 5 months
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Bartłomiej Deklewa as Niko & Jan Salasinski as Igor Tymczenko Absolute Beginners (Absolutni Debiutanci) · S1·EP4
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luqalbuq · 18 days
É estranho, mas semana passada ainda tinha praia na frente da cidade (Na verdade, tinha bem mais pedras do que praia). E eu nunca tinha visto isso acontecer, normalmente a essa altura, o rio já deveria ter subido a ponto de cobrir totalmente a praia. Dizem que é efeito do el niño, mas sinto que é mais grave do que só isso...
It's strange, but last week there was still a beach in front of the city (In fact, there were a lot of rocks than the beach itself). And I had never seen this happen, normally by now, the river should have risen to the point of completely covering the beach. They say it's the effect of el niño, but I feel like it's more serious than just that…
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computerkit · 3 months
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i think victim could be fixed by 100% real jaw power 5-8 seconds just once.
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