#undercover cop
Julio undercover
Julio's mind raced with a mix of anticipation and apprehension as he stood on the precipice of his most daunting assignment yet. The weight of his duty hung heavy on his shoulders, but beneath the surface, a thrill pulsed through him at the thought of the challenge ahead. His Latin heritage and rugged appearance had always served him well in the field, but now, he was about to undergo a transformation unlike any he had ever experienced.
As he entered the special facility with his commanding officer, Julio's heart pounded with a potent blend of excitement and nervousness. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him as his superior outlined the procedures that would render him unrecognizable. A flurry of emotions washed over him - eagerness to prove himself, a sense of duty to combat the illicit activities plaguing the tent villages, and a tinge of trepidation at the unknown consequences of the transformation.
Days turned into weeks as Julio underwent the series of operations and injections, each one bringing him closer to his new identity. And then, the moment of awakening arrived. As consciousness slowly seeped back into his mind, Julio's eyes fluttered open to a world that was no longer familiar. The shock of his altered appearance hit him like a tidal wave, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through his veins.
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Gingerly, Julio explored his aged body, his fingers tracing the deep creases and sagging skin that now adorned his once muscular frame. The loss of his youthful vigor weighed heavily on him, replaced by a gnawing hunger and the dull ache of missing teeth. His reflection in the mirror revealed a stranger staring back at him, his once proud mustache now a patchy tuft of grey, his face weathered by time and hardship.
As Julio stared at his reflection in the mirror, a wave of disbelief crashed over him. His once youthful features were now obscured by the ravages of time, his skin weathered and lined with the passage of years. With trembling hands, he reached out tentatively, tracing the deep grooves and creases that marred his face. The sensation was surreal, his fingers encountering unfamiliar terrain where smooth skin once resided.
Gently, Julio brushed his fingers through his now sparse hair, feeling the coarse strands against his touch. Gone was the thick mane that had once framed his face, replaced by a thin, wispy covering that bore testament to the passage of time. His mustache, once a symbol of his masculinity, now hung limply from his upper lip, a faint reminder of the man he used to be.
A pang of longing gripped Julio's heart as he grappled with the reality of his altered appearance. He longed for the strength and vitality of his youth, for the ease with which his body once moved and responded to his commands. But now, every movement was a struggle, every step weighed down by the burden of age.
Despite the physical limitations imposed upon him, Julio's mind remained sharp, his resolve unshaken. Though his body may betray him, his determination burned bright within him, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf him. With each passing moment, he vowed to adapt, to overcome, to emerge victorious against all odds. For deep within him, the spirit of a warrior still raged, undaunted by the frail shell that now housed it.
Naked and vulnerable, Julio grappled with the stark reality of his transformation. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a steely resolve simmered within him. He may have aged decades in a matter of weeks, but his determination remained unyielding. With each breath, he steeled himself for the harrowing journey ahead, knowing that the fate of countless lives hung in the balance.
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s Julio acclimated to his new appearance and body, a sense of resignation settled over him. The initial shock of his transformation had given way to a grim acceptance of his new reality. His days were now spent navigating the challenges of his aged frame, each movement a reminder of the sacrifices he had made in service of his mission.
Clad in tattered, dirty clothes, Julio immersed himself in his new identity, blending seamlessly into the gritty landscape of the tent villages. His once vibrant Latin features were now obscured beneath layers of grime and weariness, his skin tone altered to match that of his new persona. Despite the discomfort and disorientation, Julio pressed on, his determination unyielding in the face of adversity.
As the date of his release into the field loomed ever closer, Julio found himself facing yet another hurdle. Personal augmentation awaited him, a necessary step to further solidify his cover and enhance his capabilities. Though apprehension gnawed at his gut, Julio knew that there was no turning back now. The success of his mission depended on his ability to embrace his new identity fully, to become the embodiment of the character he had been assigned.
With a heavy heart and a steely resolve, Julio steeled himself for the next phase of his transformation. Though the road ahead was fraught with peril, he knew that he could not afford to falter. For amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one truth remained steadfast - he was a soldier, bound by duty and honor to see his mission through to its bitter end. And so, with each passing moment, Julio drew closer to the precipice, ready to leap into the abyss and confront whatever fate awaited him on the other side.
As Julio stepped into the room filled with ominous machines, a shiver ran down his spine. The weight of anticipation hung heavy in the air as he settled into the chair, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The metal cap was placed on his head, and a wave of drowsiness washed over him as the sedatives took effect.
Through the haze of his consciousness, Julio listened intently to the briefing, his mind racing with the possibilities of what lay ahead. He had trained for this moment, honing his skills as a master of disguise and deception. But now, something new awaited him - the merging of his own identity with that of another.
As the machines hummed to life, Julio felt a strange sensation wash over him. Memories and experiences flooded his mind, blending seamlessly with his own. He became Mark, an army veteran hardened by years of living on the unforgiving streets. His senses sharpened, his instincts honed to a razor's edge as he embraced his new persona with a sense of grim determination.
When the machine finally stopped and Julio awoke from his slumber, he found himself transformed. He spoke with a voice that was not his own, the words rolling off his tongue with a cadence and diction foreign to his ears. Yet, amidst the disorientation, a sense of purpose burned bright within him. He was no longer Julio - he was Mark, a soldier of the streets, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay in his path.
With his final briefing complete and a few necessities in hand, Mark set out into the world, his steps sure and steady as he embarked on his mission. Though the road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, he faced it with a steely resolve born of duty and determination.
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asiansinboots · 3 months
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Do them now - in public! lol
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tasty-tiktoks · 2 months
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pyjamatranslation · 2 months
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*Your honour* He tried not to. But seriously, her face in the 3rd gif??!?!
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒅 (𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑒𝑛 #3) 🐾🦁🌷
✍🏽: 𝐆𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
Get the book! 🌟
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firestorm1991 · 1 year
You can also read it on AO3.
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intexda · 2 years
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madmanwonder · 7 days
Crossover Law and Crime: Criminal- Mafia AU & Officer- Undercover Cop AU
What does Tatsumi think about his partner in the mafia? Many call Akeno the second most scariest woman in that Mafia behind Esdeath herself. Is she friendly to you... hopefully not too much?
"I think Akeno-san is nicer than Esdeath-Sama," Tatsumi rubbed the back of his head. "She is polite and friendly to me...to a certain degree." He shuddered as he thought about the intense look he got from the unknown to him fallen angel-turned-reincarnated devil woman who got plans for him.
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Agent Lewis Part 2
Vinny Capone
As Agent Lewis awaited the final memory transfer that would complete his transformation into Vinny Capone, he found himself surrounded by the trappings of his new identity. His new suits had arrived, along with a motherlode box of cigars. He had already indulged in all of the previous cigars, despite never having smoked one before. Yet, it felt strangely natural for him, as if the act of smoking a cigar was encoded in his very being.
When the tailor arrived with the custom suits, Agent Lewis knew that this was the final piece of the puzzle. As he stood before the mirror, dressed in the finest garments money could buy, he couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. Power, money, and authority radiated from his reflection, his fat belly straining against the fabric of his tailored suit. A top hat perched atop his head, concealing his baldness, while his magnificent mustache tickled his lips and a cigar dangled effortlessly from his fingers. But it was the custom silk boxers that sent him over the edge, igniting a primal desire within him.
Unable to resist the overwhelming surge of arousal, Agent Lewis succumbed to the sensations coursing through his body. As he touched his new penis, his hands working around his protruding belly, he felt a surge of pleasure wash over him, culminating in an unexpected release. With that surge, he felt a shift within him, a transformation taking place on a deeper level. In that moment, he became Vinny Capone, embracing his new identity with a sense of fervor and abandon.
When he woke up the next day, following the final memory transfer, Agent Lewis was a distant memory. In his place stood Vinny Capone, fully immersed in his role as the Italian mob boss. Mission information flooded his mind, and he found himself internally fighting the distrust that Vinny harbored towards everyone, including his handler. But despite the internal conflict, Vinny remained resolute in his determination to carry out the mission, ready to navigate the treacherous world of organized crime with cunning and guile.
As Agent Lewis, now fully immersed in his role as Vinny, prepared to enter the field, he found himself translating every word he heard from Italian to English with ease. Fluent in Italian now, he felt a surge of confidence coursing through him. The craving for power, women, money, and control over the East Coast was overpowering, driving him forward with a singular focus.
Before he could be introduced into the field, his handler had one final task for him. "Vinny" walked down the hall with a short gait, smoking a cigar, the motion feeling entirely natural to him now. This was how he walked, talked, and thought. He entered a secure room, unsure what he was doing. The door opened to see the real Vinny Capone, shackled. and their eyes met in shock.
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Agent Lewis, now fully realizing the extent of his transformation, struggled to comprehend that he was face-to-face with his enemy. But as he studied the real Vinny Capone, shackled in a prison jumpsuit and slightly sedated, he couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between them. They looked like clones, a testament to the success of the transformation process.
With a mixture of awe and apprehension, Agent Lewis approached the real Vinny, ready to engage in conversation. Despite the tension hanging in the air, there was a sense of understanding between them. They were two sides of the same coin, each driven by their own desires and motivations. As they began to talk, Agent Lewis realized that this encounter would be the ultimate test of his abilities as Vinny Capone, the Italian mob boss.
After spending a few hours conversing and indulging in cigars with the real Vinny Capone, Agent Lewis, now fully embracing his role, felt even more confident in his ability to assume the life of Vinny. This wasn't just a temporary stand-in; it was real. As he left the facility, he was handed Vinny's guns and possessions, items that had been taken from him when he was arrested. Oddly enough, "Vinny" remembered the details of his own arrest all too well, a testament to the depth of the memory alterations.
Accompanied by his bodyguards, who were also undercover agents, Agent Lewis, now fully immersed in his new identity, exited the facility. With each step, he felt a sense of transformation taking place within him. Part of Agent Lewis was left behind in that facility, replaced by the persona of Vinny Capone, America's most feared mob boss.
As he stepped out into the world, ready to navigate the treacherous waters of organized crime, Agent Lewis knew that there was no turning back. He was Vinny Capone now, and he was prepared to wield his newfound power with cunning and ruthlessness, determined to leave his mark on the criminal underworld.
Life as Vinny:
As a few weeks passed, Agent Lewis, now fully entrenched in his role as Vinny Capone, found himself navigating the intricate webs of the criminal underworld with skill and finesse. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities, and Vinny seized them with calculated precision.
He forged alliances with other powerful figures in the mob, leveraging his newfound influence to expand his territory and solidify his control over the East Coast. His reputation as a ruthless and cunning leader grew with each passing day, instilling fear and respect in equal measure among his rivals and subordinates alike.
Despite the inherent dangers of his new life, Agent Lewis, now fully committed to his mission, embraced the thrill of living on the edge. He moved through the shadows with the confidence of a man who knew he was destined for greatness, his every action calculated to further his goals and cement his legacy.
But amidst the chaos and danger of his new existence, Agent Lewis occasionally found himself grappling with moments of doubt and uncertainty. The memories of his former life as an undercover agent lingered in the recesses of his mind, a constant reminder of the high stakes of his mission and the sacrifices he had made to assume the identity of Vinny Capone.
Yet, with each passing day, Agent Lewis grew more adept at compartmentalizing his emotions and suppressing his former self. He had become Vinny Capone, and there was no room for doubt or hesitation in his world of power and influence.
As the weeks turned into months, Agent Lewis, now fully immersed in his new identity, continued to rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld, his ambitions know no bounds. With every move he made, he edged closer to achieving his ultimate goal: bringing down the very organization he had infiltrated from within. And with each passing day, the line between Agent Lewis and Vinny Capone blurred further, until they were indistinguishable from one another in the eyes of the world.
As Agent Lewis continued to embrace his new identity as Vinny Capone, he found himself reveling in the sensations and perks that came with it. The feel of the cigar between his fingers, the weight of his large belly, the tickle of his mustache on his lips – it all seemed to suit him perfectly. He relished the fine clothes that adorned his frame, the attention of women who were drawn to his power and wealth. Even his small dick size didn't bother him; in his world, dominance came from more than just physical attributes.
With each passing day, Agent Lewis noticed how the room would shift when he entered, the air thickening with a mix of reverence and fear. His presence commanded attention, and he wielded it with a sense of authority that he had never experienced before. Communication with his handler became increasingly sparse and cryptic, a sign of the deepening isolation that came with his newfound power.
Meanwhile, his bodyguards, also deep undercover, faced their own moral dilemmas. Were they going to stick to the original plan of bringing down the organization from within, or were they becoming too entangled in the world of Vinny Capone to remember their true mission? It was a question that weighed heavily on Agent Lewis's mind as he navigated the treacherous waters of organized crime, his every move scrutinized by both his allies and adversaries alike.
Yet, despite the mounting complexities of his situation, Agent Lewis remained resolute in his determination to see his mission through to the end. Whether he was Vinny Capone or Agent Lewis, one thing was certain – he would stop at nothing to dismantle the organization that had wreaked havoc on so many lives. But as the lines between his two identities continued to blur, he couldn't help but wonder where his true allegiance lay and what sacrifices he would ultimately have to make to achieve his goal.
As one year passed since assuming the persona of Vinny Capone, Agent Lewis found himself deeply entrenched in the inner workings of the criminal organization. He had meticulously identified all the key players critical to bringing down the syndicate, but he knew that dismantling Vinny's organization wouldn't be enough to eradicate organized crime entirely. Another group would inevitably rise to take its place, perpetuating the cycle of corruption and violence.
Part one here https://www.tumblr.com/dcigar/744504830862737408/agent-lewis-pt-1-agent-lewis-awoke-with-a-start
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"PROFESSOR FINED $50 FOR FORTUNE-TELLING," Toronto Star. October 9, 1913. Page 5. --- Policewoman Was Told That She Would Be Married Twice. ---- "He told me I was going to be married twice," said Miss Minty, of the Police Department, to Judge Morgan, in the Sessions. She appeared as a Crown witness in the case of Prof. Edward O'Brien, who was charged with fortune-telling.
"He told me that I would have six children, one of whom would die in infancy," continued Miss Minty, "and that I would live some time in New York."
"Are you married yet?" enquired
Judge Morgan. "No," blushing, replied the police-woman.
"He told me I would have made a good professional nurse or even a doctor."
"What did you pay him?" asked the court.
"One dollar."
"All of which is perfect nonsense," said his Honor. "If you were not sent there by the Police Department, I would think you were a bigger fool than he was."
More wonderful things Mr. O'Brien is said to have told Miss Minty, and before she had finished the court-room was convulsed.
"At the time he told me he could tell the past, present, and future, and read my hand with the aid of a magnifying glass."
A book was exhibited with a number of signatures of people who had visited the forecaster of events.
"I never thought there were so many fools in Toronto," remarked Judge Morgan, after looking through the volume. "Do these people pay a dollar for this folly?"
"Not I, but the Supreme Being can tell fortunes," quoth the professor in his defence "The hand is an open book. I have studied this palmistry from A to Z. I told her there was probability she might win under a different flag. Palmistry does not pretend to go into the future. It only tells the probabilities."
Prof. O'Brien was fined $50.
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joefiorello · 1 year
Max Payne chic at Zara
Max Payne chic at Zara
I found this ensemble displayed in Zara at IFC, Hong Kong and immediately realized something…. where have I see this outfit before? Oh yeah, that’s right… Zara: Fast Fashion x slow motion shoot outs Max Payne, rogue cop out for justice.  For those that don’t know who Max Payne is, he’s the lead character of the video game that helped put Rockstar Games (maker of Grand Theft Auto) on the map.…
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echofades · 2 months
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NCIS: HAWAI'I | 3.04 Dead On Arrival | Promo Photos
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steelthroat · 3 months
The Autobot high command: Optimus, you were supposed to spy on the Decepticons, not play-fight with them, frag them, and then give them sex-ed classes and improve their morale
Optimus: I'm single-handedly ending the war.You don't get to complain about the way I choose to do so.
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pyjamatranslation · 2 months
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"Right there" 🙌 "You're just like me"
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movieposters1 · 6 months
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firestorm1991 · 2 years
Finally, after editing several stories and getting everything moved to AO3, I’m able to get back to work on my stories. Hope you enjoy the chapter.
You can also read it on AO3.
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