#unless that was already a popular theory which i think
tmagpposting · 3 months
So, about TMAGP Ep 4
Some theories based on this newest episode. Major spoilers under the cut, so please go listen to it first.
I know there have been a lot of popular theories up to this point that Augustus would be Jonah Magnus, and episode 4 puts a lot more evidence out there that would seem to support this idea.
Here's what I thought was relevant to this theory after listening through the episode twice this morning:
Augustus is voiced by an older man who I don't think we've ever heard before, and we've never heard Jonah's actual voice either, since he's using Elias's voice throughout all of TMA as far as I'm aware. He sounded vaguely like Jurgen Leitner to me, although I think this is just on account of the fact that the VAs sound similar and not indicative of them being the same person or being meant to voice the same character (I didn't catch who voiced him in the credits and I couldn't find it online, if you all know please tell me and I'll update this)*
The incident report is a very old document, with a writing style and tone reminiscent of the old statements/letters to Jonah in the early days of the institute. It seems like it'd be right up Jonah's alley.
The episode revolves around a man succumbing to a dark power and eventually dedicating himself to it (the freaky bloodlust violin vs the Eye) and recruiting a younger man, in this case his relative, to serve this violent power (though probably after his death in this case, unlike with Jonah), which has some parallels to Jonah's recruitment of Jon and the rest of the staff in TMA.
We don't know much about the universe of TMAGP yet, but we know there is a Magnus institute that has aldready been linked to Eye-esque characteristics like paranoia, suspicion, (fatal) curiosity, and eyes as of Ep 1. It is possible that Augustus could be a version of Jonah from the TMAGP universe, rather than the same Jonah we dealt with in TMA.
.JMJ error could stand for some combination of Jon, Martin, and Jonah's initials, given that Chester and Norris also have Jon and Martin's voices.
In the TMA finale, Jon, Martin, and Jonah (though I assumed he was dead at that time) were close to where the fears were sucked out of the world and sent somewhere else, and Jon and Martin may also have ended up in the OIAR's computers in some form.
On the other hand, here's some evidence against Jonah being Augustus:
The other Jonah theory I've seen posits that Jonah took over RedCanary's body when they went down to investigate the ruins of the magnus institute, assuming that "canaries should stay above ground" and the gory photo of eyes was meant to represent RedCanary's eyes having been ripped out and presumably replaced with Jonah's. If you interpret things this way, it makes it less likely that Jonah is in the computers, unless you think both TMA Jonah and a hypothetical TMAGP Jonah are both around at the same time, though this theory is also a little shaky itself since it seems to be based on only a couple pieces of evidence so far. I first saw a post about this from @thermodynamic-comedian though that post says she saw other people discussing it, so please lmk if you know any major contributors to this theory and I will add them in here too.**
The fact that, to take over as the Eye's pupil, it was implied that Jon had to actually kill Jonah, and he was seemingly dead as of the TMA finale. Death was usually a very hard line in TMA except for a few avatars of the End and near-deaths where characters lost some of their agency (and/or humanity depending on your interpretation) to become an avatar instead (which Jonah already was), so him being back after seemingly already having been killed off isn't super plausible unless it's revealed that he didn't actually die in the first place.
It seems like there's enough evidence at this point that this theory definitely feels viable, though there is nothing definitive that I'm aware of, and there are some things that point to other explanations.
I personally (this is now entering pure opinion territory, tread lightly) don't love the idea of Augustus being Jonah, because I'd prefer it to be someone or something new to the series or something otherwise more surprising, rather than the same central antagonist as last time. There certainly are ways they could pull this off well, and bringing him back definitely doesn't tarnish the story on its own, especially since he was a pretty great villain with a lot of his character left more or less ambiguous or untouched by TMA, but it still feels a bit like relying on nostalgia for TMA to flesh out TMAGP's plot and conflict, at least to me. However, all the evidence pointing to it being Jonah could be some kind of red herring to specifically mislead past fans of TMA and set up for a later twist, or we could just be running our minds in circles and drawing conclusions that won't turn out to be relevant to TMAGP so early on. Only time will actually tell, and regardless, I'm really eager to see what happens.
* UPDATE: Augustus is voiced by Tim Fearon, thank you to @lokicat5 for finding that out! We haven't heard him before on this podcast, so he could be either Jonah Magnus's original voice, or a new character entirely.
** UPDATE: I found and reblogged what seems to be the original theory that Jonah killed and took over RedCanary, it's by @vertigala and @doomatix, check out their post it's pretty cool.
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
Hatchetverse theory: As many have speculated, Mark Chasity from NPMD is also Mark from “Workin’ Boys” (but it’s more complicated than you might think…)
More thoughts under the keep reading, part of my #hatchetverse theory posts.
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Despite the popularity of the “Mark Chasity is Mark from Workin’ Boys” headcanon, some Starkid fans will say that there is no way Mark Chasity can be Mark from the “Workin’ Boys” (even though Curt Mega plays them both), because even if the “playing football, majoring in business, and getting struck by lightning” thing happened in a different timeline than NPMD, it still doesn’t explain how he can have Grace as a daughter in Workin’ Boys if he died years before she was born.
I, however, would like to humbly offer the following alternatives:
A) In the Workin’ Boys timeline, Mark dies after Grace is born. Depending on how old Grace’s parents were when they had Grace and got married and how old Mark was when he died (possibly just out of college), this could imply that like little Jerry in “Lumberaxe”, Grace was also born out of wedlock and Mark and Karen had her in college before they got married (though this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case as they could have just gotten married really young, and honestly, I could see that with these two. Plus I want to see the drama that would unfold within the Workin’ Boys over who gets to be Mark’s best man).
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B) I suppose it could also technically be possible Grace was never Mark’s daughter to begin with (she’s actually adopted or Karen had an affair), but nothing in NPMD implies either of these are true, and that wouldn’t explain why Grace would still have Mark’s last name in a Workin’ Boys timeline where he died before she was born (unless the family uses Karen’s last name or a new one they made up).
C) Like her daughter, Karen Chasity fell for a ghost. Or maybe they were already dating before Mark was struck by lightning. But in the NPMD timeline, after Mark dies, he (for some reason) keeps most of his normal personality and is just a normal friendly ghost. Like Max Jagerman’s ghost, people can see him, and he can interact with people. Maybe he has a personal vendetta or grudge against Henry which is why he haunts him in “Workin’ Boys”, but besides that, nothing changes. Mark is just a ghost now. Hence why Grace has a strong connection to the afterlife and is always warning people about hell (the black), and why the LIB are so focused on targeting her in NPMD: she’s technically “half-ghost”. Anyway, this could also possibly be part of why Mark wants to sell the Waylon Place (could be some afterlife business he needs to take care of).
D) In the NPMD timeline, Henry is struck by lightning and dies instead of Mark. I don’t think we see Henry or hear any mention of him in NPMD, so this is possible. In the “Workin’ Boys” timeline, Mark dies but still has Grace as his daughter due to any of the three reasons listed above.
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polyklok · 10 months
Nathan Explosion full Alphabets
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If you’re unaware, I did an headcanon request thing using these two alphabets
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It got a bit more popular than I expected and my askbox got flooded. I loved doing it! But I ended up cramming a lot in a short amount of time, so I’m just gonna finish off the alphabets for every Dethklok member. It might take awhile. If you’re getting impatient waiting to see what I said about your favorite boy, you can look up the tag “Polyklok is real” to find all my posts including the previous headcanon requests.
A for Affection-
Slightly more affectionate than you’d expect! Nathan isn’t one to show a lot of emotions or vulnerability at first. There's a good chance that you're just a fun piece of eye candy to him. He might have an arm around you when in public, but things like cuddling are reserved for after sex and after sex only.
As he starts to open up, he becomes more and more addicted to your soft touches and gentle holds. He leans into you whenever you are vaguely close to him, nuzzling his face into your neck and letting his hands settle on your hips or waist. Soon, it becomes mandatory for him to be attached to you whenever you're in the same room. Especially whilst cuddling, he is not letting go. Will carry you to the bathroom if needed, just to continue feeling your warmth.
B for Best friend-
It’s sort of stressful. Not because of Nathan specifically, but because it’s fucking Dethklok. You’re going to need to live a very private life when you’re associated with them, unless you want to be stalked and harassed daily by overly-obsessive fans. And that’s if you can even get any of them to engage with you in the first place, which is a task within itself.
IF you somehow manage to pull off the impossible, Nathan is a pretty silly dude. If he already likes you, it’s fairly easy to make him relax and laugh with you. Most of the time, the two of you will be drinking and making fun of dumb stuff until early in the morning. But he’s never gonna really open up to you. If you try to get into his personal life or mental health, he’s just gonna straight up cut you off permanently. You’re luckily you weren’t killed by Klokateers.
C for Cuddles-
Once he's settled into the relationship and comes to terms about his more unbrutal feelings for you, he quickly becomes comfortable with regular, sappy couples things like cuddling. Very comfortable.
You know those dogs who are big but think they are small? He's kinda like that. If you're lucky, he'll scoop you up first and hold you against him. If you're unlucky, he's too tired to think of such a gesture and will straight up collapse on you. While 'Death by Nathan Explosion' may seem good in theory, the truth is that you have to stick around for him, which means you can't come to peace with suffocating in his phat tits. I'm sorry. If he does lay on top of you, it's gonna have to be across your legs while you scratch his scalp; his favorite way to cuddle BTW.
D for Domestic-
Nathan is a little complicated.
On one hand, he grew up among perfect domesticity. A nice, middle-class suburban neighborhood with a hardworking Dad and a stay-at-home Mom who loved each other and him very much. He often helped his Mom with chores around the house, went fishing and hunting with his Dad, even spent time on the farm with his grandpa. Everyone was happy and life was simple. Even today, when Nathan pictures the 'perfect lifestyle', he imagines a friendly community and being a part of a couple as loving as his parents are.
But then again, he wasn't ‘happy’. He despised the white-picket fences, and gossipy neighbors, and (gag) public school. He spent his early life trying to get as far away from that as possible. He lives to buy stupidly expensive shit, destroy it in the most violent way possible, fill his nights with drugs and booze, tour around the world singing about death and destruction, be worshipped by hundreds of hot girls only to watch their faces fall as he returns to you, and then have you screaming in his bed before the sun rises. Nathan wants chaos.
Eventually, you'll find balance. He realizes he create his own version of the American dream, with you by his side as his perfect partner, his equal. He'll still be apart of Dethklok, still live in Mordhaus, still write the most disgustingly graphic songs you can think of. But he now lives day-to-day craving his morning kiss, setting aside time to have a lunch date with you, sharing a few beers rather than getting shitfaced. Nathan learns to settle down in a way that makes both sides of him happy.
E for Ending-
Aw man :/
If it’s early in the relationship, he just straight up ghosts you. He feels bad for doing it but he’s too much of a coward to do anything else. It’s probably because he realized he didn’t like you that much, you couldn’t keep up with his lifestyle, or he was simply being a horny bastard and pining after others. I love him, but he’s still a rich, sheltered douchebag.
If it’s later on…he has a really hard time coming to terms. It’s gonna have to be a mutual decision, otherwise your both gonna be stuck in a miserable relationship. Maybe he realizes that his lifestyle is unfit for long term relationships, maybe you realize that you don’t suit him as well as you used to. He’s gonna make his explanation, hear out yours, hug you goodbye, and even provide some money to help you get by. But he’s not gonna talk to you again. His heart is too tender for that.
Potentially, if you really did mean a lot to him and changed him in ways he’s now grateful for, he’ll write a brutal song for you with secretly sappy and thankful lyrics. Then you get the satisfaction of knowing that you left on the best possible terms.
F for Fiancé-
For a long time, Nathan didn’t think he ever wanted to get married. It’s just didn’t fit his image. The idea of Nathan Explosion ever being a part of a celebration for holy matrimony? No way.
But when you started to sneak your way into his heart, marriage suddenly seemed like a wonderful possibility rather than a stupid consequence of the world. He tried to fight against it, which only made the urge worse. A pair of sparkling rings, wedding bells, flowers, you in absolutely beautiful outfit- all kept haunting his mind until it felt like he was going mad. He seriously considered dropping to one knee every time you smiled or laughed.
One day, you’re randomly swooped off to Georgia, on the ranch which is parents moved after Florida went to shit due to his political pursuit (we don’t talk about that). It’s the first time you formally meet them both but they’re already so glad to meet you; Nathan has said a lot over the phone and they know you make him happy. One night, during the visit, Nathan goes outside with his father, just the two of them. He asks his Dad when he knew he wanted to marry his Mom. They have a long talk about commitment, patience, love and life. That’s when he makes up his mind.
He proposes a week later and only cries a little when you say yes.
G for Gentle-
Nathan is huge. I don’t care how tall or wide you are, he’s bigger. And as much as he loves the size difference, his brain doesn’t really register that fact fully. He’ll squeeze with realizing he’s crushing you, wrap himself around you until you overheat, and occasionally fully consume you in his cuddles, as I’ve said before. It’s rare that he actually hurts you, it’s more annoying than anything. Just mention it and he’ll let up immediately with a small “Sorry.”
It’s similar in the emotional department. He's very blunt and, while he means well, it can cause some hiccups in your communication. He's never malicious but he often forgets to filter himself or add cushioning to his words, which might caused some hurt feelings. If it's a heated moment, he'll straight up walk away to give himself some time to breathe, think, reevaluate, and then go apologize to you so a solution can be figured out.
H for Hugs-
For a while, you thought Nathan hated hugs. And he sort of did. He never initiated them. He saw a full-body, front-facing hug as a way to greet his parents and...not much else. He also thought having to ask for a hug was embarrassing. Early on, if he's feeling touchy, he'll settle for groping at or leaning into you.
But he came around very quickly as soon as you fully embraced him. Just 30 seconds of your arms completely wrapped around him has him addicted and now he initiates them whenever you have a few passing minutes of free time. Still doesn’t like asking for them, though, he just does it and it’ll sometimes scares you.
I for I Love You-
If you say it to him, he’ll do the whole “I mrgghmrhyou too” thing. It’s gonna be a while until he completes the sentence, he’s stubborn. He’s knows he loves you and he knows that you know that he loves you but the words just seem so big, too big for him to say out loud.
But they’re not too big for Drunk Nathan! You’re helping him into bed after he’s had a long night filled with booze, swatting away his wandering hands from your body. You tug away his boots and jeans so he’s not too uncomfortable while he sleeps. “Thanks babe,” He mutters, head buried in a pillow, “I love you. So fucking much.” You pause, surprised grin spreading across your face as he promptly rolls over and falls asleep.
With time, the words will come out more and more clearly until he’s giving the casual “Love you.” Every morning and night, not even thinking much of it. But you’ll always remember the first time he said it to you, even if he doesn’t.
J for Jealousy-
He thinks jealousy is such an ugly look. He’s had girlfriends like that, obsessed with him and surveilling every single thing he does. It was awful. And he doesn’t want to be like that, especially not to you! So he tries; he really tries to be cool and levelheaded and to trust you completely. And he does trust you!
But he does not trust a room full of douchebags who think it’s alright to try and talk up his S/O! His chest burns with anger every time a creep stares you down or blatantly flirts. In public, he’ll stand right behind you and watch the entire room over your shoulder with the deadliest glare on his face. He totally fails at trying to be subtle about it. He can’t stand the thought that other people are having the same thoughts that he does about you. If you call him out on his jealousy, he’ll grumble and look away with an embarrassed blush.
Once you get home from some sort of social event, one where too many eyes happened to be staring at your body, he attached to you. He’s groping at and leaning into you, trying to consume you in his touch just to remind you that you’re his.
K for Kisses-
His kissing? Pretty good. He’s a bit rough, but he’s definitely not a bad kisser, especially if you’re into getting rough. He likes to keep his hands busy on your body when he kisses you and he groans against your lips if you ever start to mess with his hair. Very good experience.
He can make you go dizzy with a deep kiss or leave you quivering from a make out session without even blinking. What drives him crazy are soft, quick, passing kisses that you plant on him. A peck on his lips, face, or anywhere else will leave him blushing like a madman. He has no idea how something so simple makes him so flustered but he enjoys the feeling of butterflies in his stomach, wants you to do it more and more! He never gets sick of your small kisses.
L for Little Ones-
In the small community in Florida he grew up in, everyone knew everyone, which meant that all his stuck-up, judgmental neighbors knew how weird he was. Even though his parents were always supportive of him, that didn't stop fucking Cathy from down the street riding his ass at every block party. To avoid all the stupid questions and potentially beating up old people, he settled to hang out with all the kids during social gatherings. They were fascinated by his huge figure, alternative style, and gravely voice. He'd often find himself wrestling off tons of giggling toddlers, all with a huge smile on his face from the playfulness. This was a long way to say he's great with kids.
Kid's bring out Nathan's silly side. He's willing to drop his ego and act a little dumb just to make sure they have a good time; He'll roughhouse or play pretend or take a conversation about fictional dinosaur characters very seriously. It's honestly so adorable to see. As for having children? The thought scares him, he could name millions of protentional disasters just from the concept. But, if it's a serious want of yours, he'll consider it.
M for Morning-
Nathan thrives off of routine. He wakes up around noon and will not start his day off until he gets a morning kiss from you. He will sit in bed and pout until you finally peck his lips with a “Good Morning”.
After that, it’s pretty simple. At some in the relationship, the two of you have grown accustomed to each other’s procedures and habits, so you do practically everything in-sync. Most of the time, while getting ready, there’s a pleasant conversation that Nathan has grown to look forward to. Sometimes it discussing the day’s plans, sometimes it’s swapping the dreams had last night, or sometimes it’s just you reprimanding him for leaving such obvious bruises on your neck. No matter what, he’s happy he gets at least some time with you in his very busy schedule.
Despite what you might think, Nathan prefers to snack over the day than to have a large breakfast/lunch. Whether you follow suit or not, there will be some point where the two of you part ways so get can get work done, usually a meeting or early band practice. But before you go off to do your own thing, he always takes a moment to look into you eyes and share a small “Love You.”
N for Night-
Nathan stays up late. He’s a total night owl, always has been. In some cases, he’ll be partying and drinking his weight in booze. But most nights, he just wants to get work done, usually writing lyrics. Either way, he insists you go to bed before him and he’ll join you later. If he has been partying extra hard, it’s up to you that he actually makes it to bed. That’s if he goes to bed at all; he definitely pulls a few all-nighters every now and then.
At around 12-3 AM, you’ll wake up to the bed shifting and groaning under his weight. He’s stripped down to his boxers, he smells of either beer or chips, and he’s shushing you to stay asleep. He doesn’t mean to wake you up almost every night, but it’s sort of inevitable. Either way, he’ll kiss your forehead and gladly accept it when you eventually come crawling into his side.
O for Open-
At the beginning, it is absolutely minimal. It’s almost sad how little he’s willing to open up to you. Anytime the two of you talk, his answers are gonna be almost complete one-worded. Every date you go on a date, it’s exclusively for press and/or so he can get his dick wet afterwards. He truly believes that you’re only interested in him for his fame. He’s not mad about it, but he’s accepted it as the truth, so he doesn’t bother putting in any effort to actually engage with you.
But, over time, his heart will soften up and he realizes that-holy shit-he actually likes you and wants to be genuine with you. It starts out slow, like actually telling you about his day rather than just saying “Fine” or asking you questions about the side of your life that doesn’t revolve around him. He grows into admitting he cares about you or letting you in on band-business that’s supposed to be private. You can tell he fully trusts you when he’s willing to break down, let you comfort him while he cries, confess his weaknesses and allow you hear them because he knows that you won’t leave him for them. Then, and only then, does he realize how much he values you.
P for Patience-
It’s no secret that Nathan is a bit of a brat, or at the very least, a diva. It’s nowhere to the extent of his other bandmates (cough cough Skwisgaar) but he can certainly be picky or, yes, impatient at times. When it comes to small, inconvenient things, his anger is quick to spark up. It’s more so frustration than anything else, but he is still very clearly pissed off when something isn’t going how he wanted it to.
With you? He tries so hard to be levelheaded and cool. He’s willing to talk about it and work out solutions. But he has a tendency to just simmer in his own exasperation, especially when it’s something that has to just be dealt with rather than solved. A lot of the time, if he finds himself growing with anger, he will straight up walk away. It may seem disrespectful to you, but he’s just trying to keep himself from yelling or saying something stupid. He cannot lose you to an argument like that. Once he’s cooled down, he’ll return, apologize, and reaffirms that you’re okay with whatever is going on. Nathan really does want what’s best for you, no matter how angry he’s feeling in the moment.
Q for Quizzes-
Nathan wants to remember everything! He tries so hard to keep track of every little thing you say or do just because you’re so precious to him! But, more often than not, his brain will betray him and he’ll draw a blank when trying to decipher things about you. It’s not just you, he doesn’t have the most reliable memory in general. But he feels like such a bad boyfriend for not knowing things that should be obvious, like your birthday or favorite food.
At some point, he starts writing things down in his notebook. The very same notebook that holds reminders, inspiration, and lyrics for Dethklok songs. Every time you make a small comment that might be useful to him later, he quickly jots it down. It’s a little funny, right next to song titles like “Burn The Earth” and “Guts Punch Balls Throw-Up” he has little notes like “Favorite Flavor is strawberry :)”
BTW, you’re never allowed to see the notebook because you might also see notes such as “Looked super pretty this Sunday, made me happy” and how embarrassing would that be?
R for Remember-
It was such a quiet day. Nothing particularly exciting was happening, nothing particularly awful, either. He had spent hours sorting through paperwork, his brain still hurting with legal terms and signatures. Now, it was late afternoon, and the two of you were spending time on the couch.
By “spending time”, I mean he was writing lyrics, you were reading a book, and a large plate of French fries sat in the middle. Everything was so still. Occasionally you’d flip the page and grab a fry or he’d grumble and scribble something down. But besides that, perfect tranquility.
Until you decided you needed a drink. You left the room for a second, only a second, to grab a water or soda or beer. You just…got up and left. Like a normal person. But immediately, as soon as you were out of his presence, Nathan felt unnerved. The entire balance of the room shifted without you on a couch cushion beside him. He stared, dumbfounded, at the doorway as though you had abandoned him. He just missed you so much.
Less than three minutes later, you were back, with a drink in either hand. You place one by him, kissed his cheek in a way that made his heart flutter, and returned to your spot as though nothing had happened. Technically, nothing had happened, but those less-than-three-minutes had struck Nathan as so wrong, that when you returned, he was so, so internally grateful to have you there with him.
It was in that moment that Nathan realized how much he loved you, how important you were to him, how he couldn’t stand to be without you for a second. Even if the evening continued without him saying a word.
S for Security-
Yes, very much so.
Nathan fully believes that you’re “brutal as hell” and fully capable with handling whatever life throws at you. It’s one of the reasons he loves you! But he still acts so protective of you, he thinks that’s how a ‘good boyfriend’ should act (raised on traditional values and all). It’s adorable, how he insists on being your guard dog in public or carrying stuff you could’ve gotten yourself. It’s his own form of chivalry.
However, in a situation where your life is genuinely at stake, he freaks the fuck out. Adrenalin kicks in, he hyper-focuses on getting you out of there, even over his own safety. Remember when he saved Toki whilst Mordhaus was burning down? He’s not even blinking until he knows your secure, preferably in his arms. Afterwards, he’s pressed into you, rocking back and forth, sobbing that he could’ve lost you. He never wants to feel that way again.
If you were to protect him, potentially from rapid fans, he…Well, Nathan finds it hot. I’ll get more info this later, but Nathan thinks aggression is a very good look on you. He obviously wants to keep you out of harm’s way, but he might just let you yell for a little bit just to enjoy the image.
T for Try-
Early in the relationship, he goes all-out with expensive gifts, extravagant dates, and big gestures. Unfortunately, it’s not necessarily because he’s trying super hard, but he thinks it’s what will keep you happy. Again, in his mind, you’re only dating Nathan Explosion for the clout and/or money, so he’s gonna give it to you.
Eventually, he learns to be more personal with you. At that point, he tries so damn hard, not at making his romantic pursuits as bold, but more so at making them perfect for you. All your dates are planned so that you have the best time you could possibly have. The gifts become symbolic and personalized in a way only the two of you understand. His gestures become slightly more private, pleasing you rather than impressing those around you. He’s slightly embarrassed at his own sappiness but seeing the glow in your eyes is so worth it.
Day to day is about the same. Nathan has put in a lot of effort making sure that the two of you have a shared schedule that works and he’s super proud of it, having the comfort of you every single day.
U for Ugly-
As I said earlier, the first ‘phase’ of your relationship with Nathan is going to be difficult. He doesn’t trust you, he’s completely unwilling to share any details he deems “personal” which is most of them, and he really only dates you to say he’s dating someone and to show you off to the paparazzi. It’s…pretty pathetic. You’re gonna need to be tough in order to fight your way through to Nathan’s heart.
Even then, he has a streak of untrustworthiness. Not necessarily from you, but his jealously and clinginess can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Not as bad as some other members though…
He’s incredibly stubborn. We’ve seen how picky he is with Dethklok’s music and that bleeds into other aspects of his life. He doesn’t enjoy sudden changes to his routine or unexpected events. He tries to be open-minded, but arguments might spark up if he’s feeling particularly hard-headed that day. Although, you are the only person he truly trusts an opinion from.
V for Vanity-
Most of the time, Nathan doesn’t really care. He likes to keep his appearance at least a bit brutal at all times, for sake of his image. His clothing is never too expensive or of high-quality. If he finds something that he likes, he buys multiples of it so he can wear it again. I’m also convinced that he dyes his hair because there’s no way it’s that black (look at his parents!). Outside of that, he’s not too concerned with how he looks.
Until he is. Every now and then, Nathan will get depressive mood for a bit and really start hating in his own appearance. He’s not in his peak physical form anymore; he’s fat and aging in a way that’s not super graceful. Online criticism of his every feature doesn’t help either. Which is why he really appreciates it when you start to love up on him, kissing random places and telling him how much you adore his body. He’ll mumble and look away and try to push you off a little bit, but his cheeks are heating up and his brain is tingling with all sorts of good feelings. Nathan loves being doted on.
W for Whole-
Like I said, Nathan likes routine. When you’re suddenly pulled out of the equation, his whole day is set off and he gets all moody until you come back. He doesn’t need to constantly be with you but he once he’s assimilated to your presence, he doesn’t ever want you to leave. At some point, deep in the relationship, you become an aspect of life to Nathan and he can’t even imagine trying to live without you.
So yes, in a sense, he’d be incomplete without you.
X for Xtra-
Even when he realizes that his relationship with you means much more than he originally realized, he still loves showing you off to cameras or at parties. With his arm around you, both wearing gorgeous outfits, he loves to show the entire world just how beautiful his S/O is and wants the world all to sob about it!
Before, pictures with his girlfriends used to be stiff and awkward. He just stood there, holding her hand maybe, whilst she posed for the camera. Now, he’s completely different. He’s wrapped around you, nuzzling into you, even smiling! The media goes crazy when he first does this with you; this is a side of him never shown to the public. It’s passionate, it’s tender, it’s so off-brand for Nathan Explosion! But he doesn’t care. He seriously gets off on the fact that you’re the only one that can make him feel this way and the only one he’ll act this way for.
Y for Yuck-
Lying. Nathan is already so guarded, so knowing that you are lying-for whatever reason- to him just cuts so deep and forgiving you will be a piece of work, if he decides to at all. Even if it’s something unpleasant, he just wishes you would talk to him and the two of you could work it out together.
After the whole “Rebecca’ incident, he can’t stand an S/O that’s too pushy or controlling of him. Who would’ve guessed, manipulating and bullying someone you’re supposed to be in a relationship with is not okay?! If you start off like this, he’s backing out immediately and probably calling you a bitch in the process. If you become worse over the course of the relationship, he might already be too far in love to realize how awful you’re being, so it’s usually his band members who are going to be calling you out on your bullshit. And there’s only a 50% chance you make it out of that alive soooooooooo….
Z for Zzz-
Nathan becomes a fucking wall when he sleeps. He’s on his back, he’s perfectly still, he’s gently snoring, and nuclear bomb couldn’t wake him up; you couldn’t even push him over you you tried. He likes to have you tucked under his arm when he gets into bed, but after he’s asleep, you could sleep directly on top of him for all he cares, he still won’t wake up. Probably would be super easy to suffocate.
Every now and then, you’ll wake up to him yelling his lungs out. Nathan is regularly frequented by prophecies nightmares and his reaction to them is not to thrash around or scream, but to just do the loudest, longest metal-growl you’ve ever heard. It’s terrifying to wake up to. Over time you’ll get used to it and begin to comfort him, usually by petting his hair and shushing him. He’s still half-asleep, so it’s not long before his eyes flutter shut once again. It becomes routine at one point.
Alright! And that’s fluff. Below there will be SMUT, including references to kink and BDSM. If you’re are sensitive to things that don’t qualify under “vanilla” sex, then this not for you babe.
A for Aftercare-
You are going to need it, babe. Nathan is prone to absolutely destroying you in the bedroom. Afterwards, though, he’s quite sweet (even if he won’t admit it). He likes to cuddle, soothing your aches and pains, kissing and fondling you gently. He’s vulnerable in this moments, exhausted from plowing you and soaking in his sentimental feelings for you. He keeps speaking to a minimum, sorry if you are into pillow talk. But he much rather care for you with actions rather than words.
If he’s feeling particularly romantic, he’ll get some Klokateers to start up a bath, completed with bubbles and scented oils. He knows it’s cheesy, but he really does have a soft spot for things like that, plus he gets an excuse to hold your naked body even longer.
B for Body Part-
He’s obsessed with you chest, no matter your gender or size. Groping with his large hands, running his fingers over your nipples to watch them perk up, leaving hickies all over. If you have boobs (or just large pecs) he loves watching them bounce while you fuck, his eyes are glued. If not, he still toys with your nipples, grinning as you whimper from the sensation. Nathan just loves your chest.
On himself; he has some lingering body issues, so he really doesn’t think to much about what he’s got going on during sex. That being said…he’s pretty proud of his dick. I’ll talk about it more during letter X but, oh lord, his cock is impressive. Nathan got some blessed genes in that department.
C for Cum-
Nathan comes in long, thick streams. He makes these beautiful grunting noises, hips thrusting forward and fists clenching onto whatever they can grab like your throat. He might just mutter some words about how filthy you are or how you drive him absolutely crazy as his cock twitches out his orgasm. As you might’ve guess, his favorite place to cum is on your chest, with you looking up at him like the god he is. Bonus points if you lick it up, he’ll get hard all over again.
D for Dirty Secret-
Obviously, like any good boyfriend, Nathan doesn’t like seeing you upset! He wants you to be happy, he wants life to be easy and good! But, whether directed at him or someone else, Nathan can’t help getting way too fucking horny when he sees you seething with anger!
When you’re voice starts getting a bit louder than necessary, you roll your eyes and furrow your brows, you throw your hands around with frustration…he is struggling to hide his boner. Something about it just makes you seem powerful and sexy to him and he feels so bad for not taking you seriously in the moment but he’s already flooded with dirty thoughts.
He would probably rather die than admit this to you, but there’s a good chance you figure it out on your own terms. If so, he will be very on board when you act just a little mean in the bedroom; pulling his hair and bossing him around, maybe even scolding him for being so turned on by your anger. Despite your love for each other, you can least pretend to be having awesome hate sex.
E for Experience-
It’s nothing to sneeze at. I imagine Nathan lost his virginity at some point in high school before he dropped out and it only went up from there. I mean…he’s a massive celebrity. He pretty much has access to all the sex he could ever want. The tricky part is catering to your needs. Before, Nathan was a bit of a selfish lover. Not awful but not super mindful about what the groupies he was banging were into. Once he’s dedicated himself to you, he realizes that really good sex requires communication. With some time and a few slightly awkward conversations, he’ll have mastered everything you could ever desire from him and it is worth it for the both of you. Nathan Explosion can fuck.
F for Favorite Position-
Including visuals from google
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“Pirate’s Bounty”
I’ll start by saying that Nathan isn’t super picky. He’s obviously not very flexible, so anything that requires some impressive stretches from him is off the table. Outside of that, he’s game. You could be face down, on top, spread out, etc. He’s happy as long as his dick is buried in you, honestly.
That being said, this is a comfortable favorite he often resorts to. It lets him see all his favorite parts of you, grab and grope whatever his hands can reach, and look you in the eyes while he degrades the hell out of you. Nathan plows away, groaning about what a slut you are as one hand holds your leg against his torso and the other squeezes your throat. There’s also a good chance you’ll have your hands tied up to the headboard while he goes at it…Ugh I’m a simp
G for Goofy-
Absolutely not.
When he’s in the zone, Nathan pretty much loses all of his humor. Sex is very serious to him, in the same way alcohol is I think, “It’s sacred.” And once he’s with you, there’s an added layer of intimacy. So, no, Nathan isn’t really going to be cracking any jokes or even acknowledging the funny circumstances that inevitably happen. He’s too caught up in, well, destroying you.
If you happen to make a joke… yikes. He is very unimpressed. He’ll probably just ignore it. If you persist, Nathan will either make you cum so hard you forget your name, let alone a joke to make. Or, he’s gonna torture the fuck out of you until your apologize and beg for his mercy. It’s a good time either way. But don’t do it again, he really will get annoyed with you.
H for Hair-
He has a deep, deep secret that he has been carrying with him ever since he started getting an allowance as a kid. He has gone through ridiculous measures to ensure that this is not exposed to the public. Nathan Explosion…Dyes his hair. Oh, the horror! Seriously though, he has routinely dyed his roots black twice and month since he was, like, 10. Naturally, mousy brown color, similar to his Mom’s.
And as soon as he started actively messing around, Nathan even dyed his pubes as well. He doesn’t shave himself completely bare, usually just trims it down to stay out of the way. I’ve heard that balls can be difficult to shave and he doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to bother. And, yes, dyed it the same black as his hair, just so groupies wouldn’t go and spread the word. Eventually, with you, he stops caring so much about downstairs and lets it grow into its natural color. It’s honestly sort of cute and he gets a bit flustered when you point it out.
I for Intimacy-
Nathan really thought that romantic, passionate sex was only for basic dildo jack-offs and that he would never, ever be so vulnerable with someone. Nathan was an idiot. Once you are in the picture, he suddenly craves to fuck you in a way that is so beautiful and emotional. He wants more than just brutality and he’s not really sure how to handle it in a way that won’t make him seem too soft (he is so, so soft for you).
After some internet research and building up his courage, Nathan takes you out on a date. And it’s perfect. Dinner and a walk and stargazing, just the two of you. Part of him feels stupid, silly for indulging in something so cliche. But that part dies completely when he sees how enchanted you are by his efforts. Its a milestone in your relationship, because the whole night is filled with him getting sentimental with you, completely focused on the time you’re spending together. He’s overwhelmed with all the love he feels for you and, for maybe the first time in his relationships, he’s completely sure that you feel the same for him. It’s a wonderful realization.
When you finally get home, you’re met with rose petals and candles and music. Nathan is slow, squeezing your body like he’ll never let go, drinking in your image and your touch, telling you how perfect you are the entire time. It’s even better when you reciprocate it all back, caught up in each other, tangled within all sorts of amazing sensations. He even starts getting teary-eyed when he finally fills you up. He loves you so much.
After that night, the two of you still have sex that is rough and/or casual fairly often. But he always makes sure to set aside time every now and then to truly make love to you. When he chooses to be, Nathan can be extremely intimate and romantic with you.
J for Jack Off-
Nathan masturbates fairly often, even when you’re available for sex. Not that he’s not interested in you, he’s just rubbing one out so he can pursue more important things at the moment and blow off some steam, thought he won’t reject a blowjob.
Most likely he’ll be stumped with a particular song or going through some writer’s block same lmao. He’s frustrated, wracking his brain for rhymes that just don’t seem to exist, let alone fit the song he’s writing. He can’t tell if he can’t focus because he’s hard or hard because he can’t focus. Either way, his pants are straining and it’s getting difficult to ignore. A while ago, he might’ve pulled up some porn or even one of his old magazines, but he’s now think of you as he undoes his belt.
How gorgeous you looked for him a few nights ago, tears falling down your cheeks and legs shivering as he ruthlessly fucked you into, abusing your body in the most pleasurable way possible. He groans, tugging at his cock, eyes closed and wishing you were there with him now. Nothing made him cum harder that your touch.
When he’s finished, he makes a quick job of cleaning up and pulls back into his pants like nothing happened, feeling a new sense of lightness on his shoulders. Until he makes the unfortunate realization that he has to go back to working.
K for Kink-
Nathan is very, very kinky. He’s a huge fan of all things BDSM and Dom/Sub dynamics.
Knife and blood play, bondage, wax play, hair pulling, gagging, choking, edging, overstimulation, impact play, degradation, and even consensual non-con (which delves into roleplay as well).
He doesn’t even mind to be on the receiving end either, although he’s much more used to being in control. Hope you’re ready for that.
L for Location-
His bedroom. Yeah, he’s boring. Not even necessarily on the bed, but Nathan enjoys a secluded space for the two of you. If it’s at a point where you haven’t moved in, then your bedroom also works I guess.
But that’s lame so, scenario #2-
Nathan would love to fuck you as close to the ocean as possible. On the beach, on a boat, I would say a submarine but those are kinda controversial rn. He feels a deep connection to the ocean, although he can’t fully understand why. So having you there feels far more vulnerable to him than it should and he likes the intensity of it, even if you can’t feel it.
M for Motivation-
As I said earlier, seeing you get mad really does it for him. That’s what gets him the most riled up, even if he’s a tad ashamed of it.
He also loves massages. Nathan is a big dude who is constantly head banging and doesn’t have the best posture. He fucking melts when you rub his neck and shoulders and gets really excited to pay you back with some slow, hard fucking. The relief of you easing out his muscles just has him addicted.
Any revealing clothes, but particularly a low-cut shirt, especially if you happen to bend over and give him the perfect view; Nathan is drooling.
N for NO-
This goes with his ‘honesty’ thing, but Nathan hates when you fake it. He can tell instantly when you’re moans are being exaggerated, when you’re not really into something he’s doing, or if you try to fake an orgasm and it pisses him off. In your early relationship, he might begrudgingly ignore it just to get it over with. But later on, he finds it inexcusable and practically begs you to just tell him when you don’t like something. He’s a quick learner too, he’ll improve his technique and have you screaming in no time!
O for Oral-
Going DownKlok changed the history of everything forever in time.
For a while, there were very few things in this world that Nathan loved more than a blowjob from you. If you offered to suck him off, Nathan’s pants were already to his knees. No matter when or where, he’d find a way to get head. This led to a lot of risky bathroom escapes and leaving parties early. Nathan just loves a good ol’ blowey; petting your hair, looking down at you with a gaze full of lust, grumbling in pleasure as you choke.
However…I think we’re all aware of Nathan’s infamous refusal to use his own mouth on you. He somehow made himself think that doing so made him weak or submissive, probably something he heard in high school that stuck. He’ll straight up say, “Nope” when you ask and refuse to elaborate.
That is until one night, he’s stripping you’re clothing off and laying you down on his bed, giving you feverish and sloppy kisses. Your legs are wrapped around him, your face is red, and something about how gorgeous you look under him just makes him go, ‘Fuck it.’ and he dives in. Minimal thoughts, pure desperation.
And Nathan fucking loves it. He loves gripping your thighs and teasing you with his tongue and groaning against you whenever you moan his name. He’s a master at it too, knows all the perfect moves. It became a regular occurrence very quickly. Whenever you go down on him, he reciprocates. Or will just get on his knees for you at random moments purely because he loves to. Nathan’s new favorite thing is to give oral.
P for Pace-
It really depends on his mood. He can be both rough and romantic, often both at the same time. Sometimes he’ll be pounding so hard into you that your vision goes blurry; other times he will gently caress your body as he eases in and out. There’s really no definitive pace he goes for, though he is on the aggressive side more often than not in the bedroom. If he’s going to fast (or slow) for you, Nathan has no problem adjusting accordingly.
Q for Quickie-
He’s actually not a huge fan of them. He likes the concept of them, quickly and discreetly fucking each other, putting off other things just for sex. But in practice, not so much.
Rather than just enjoying it, Nathan will get stressed about his time management or wonder if something is going wrong without him there. He thrives on routine and prefers to take his time with you, so quickies just throw off his whole vibe. If anything, he’ll give you some oral and be on his way, saving the real thing for later. Even better, he’ll talk you up, telling you all the things he’s gonna do before leaving you to crave him.
R for Risk-
Nathan is very open to experimentation and is willing to try anything at least once. If he doesn’t like it, though, he’ll shut it down pretty quickly. But you don’t ever have to worry about sex being too vanilla or boring for you, Nathan is quite the adventurous type in the bedroom.
If he’s caught doing something freaky in a semi-public area with you, like a rented-out movie theatre or random bedroom during a party, he fucking dares it to be released to the press. Charles will do everything in his power to keep that from happening, for image’s sake, but Nathan is the biggest rockstar in the world. As I said earlier, he likes to show you off, and this is an extension of that. Now everyone knows how hard he fucks the gorgeous person he constantly has under his arm, what’s so embarrassing about that?
The potential risk for a pregnancy is…well, very touchy. You’d have to have a long conversation beforehand. If you don’t take precautionary measures, he will.
S for Stamina-
Nathan is a pretty big dude, and as strong as he is, not in the best physical health I must say. He has no issue getting it up again a couple more times, but with how hard he often goes, Nathan needs to take some good, long breathers. If you do plan on going at it for a while, these breaks will be full of gentle touches and praise for how well you’re doing, before he goes right back into you calling you a slut for wanting his cock so much. Ugh. If the two of you are careful, he can actually last a very long time, but there are a few certain little things you do that drive him crazy and will speed up his orgasm.
T for Toy-
A reasonable amount. Bondage equipment, whips and paddles, a few ornate knives to cause just the right amount of damage. Probably a vibrator that he tortures you with (male or female cmon now). He’s into kinky shit and kinky shit requires materials a lot of the time. I could also imagine him being really into that sex-furniture stuff, just to make things more convenient. If you ever have something you wanna try out, just ask and he’ll get it in a heartbeat. The only thing I can see him being adverse to is a dildo; you have his dick, why would you need another? Until you explain all the extra fun that can be had with it, then Nathan is on board.
U for Unfair-
Obviously with his dynamics and kinks, teasing goes along with that. He never edges you for too long, just long enough to make your eyes water and have you begging him for a desperate release. Really though, he doesn’t have nearly enough patience to edge you for hours, or hell, days but Nathan likes having a sense of control, so he still holds back when he’s feeling particularly malicious. He’ll tease you just long enough to get you to beg and then give in to you with overstimulation that’s almost worse than the teasing.
In public, he might give you some subtle pinches and gripes, hovering around you when he’s feeling frisky, but it’s nothing too blatant. If he’s desperate enough, he’ll drag you off to a slightly more private area.
V for Volume-
Nathan has a deep, gravely, sexy voice. It’d be a crime if he was silent during sex. Luckily, you get plenty of delicious growls, grunts, and groans from him. The pure bass of his voice shakes your entire skeleton when he’s real close to your ear. He does a whole lot of dirty talking too, using that same voice, degrading you to all hell while your mind in a blur of pleasure and pain. If he happens to be on the receiving end, you might be able to elicit some breathy, whimpery swears from him. While he’s not super loud volume-wise, all his noises are fucking perfect.
W for Wild Card-
My name ain’t Polyklok for no reason ffs
Pickles was totally the one to introduce him to the world of kink. He always knew he was a bit rougher than most and had some freaky fantasies, but when he and Pickles frequently messed around in the early days of Dethklok, he learned just how deep his desire for pain went.
Pickles had him tied up, hit, cut, and edged for what felt like forever. It was torture and yet Nathan always craved more of it. He felt so exposed and so safe at the same time. His exposure to BDSM was with him on the receiving end and it was perfect for him to discover just how wonderful that connection through pain was, especially with someone he trusted like Pickles.
He always has it in the back of his mind whenever he’s going at it with you, making sure that you’re feeling all the same wonderful things he felt and assuring that you are just as safe as he was. Tormenting your body is really a love language to him.
X for XRay-
Oh sweet baby satan
Nathan is hung. 8.5 Inches when fully erect and hella girthy, a slightly narrow head for your sake. The thing still somehow manages to bend upwards when he’s hard, by some miracle. He’s circumcised (look at his parents I mean-) and considerably veiny. Could’ve honestly been a porn star if the whole death metal thing didn’t work out.
Y for Yearning-
His sex drive his very high early in the relationship and eases into something more manageable within a few months. But overall, yeah, he’s quite set and you’ll certainly never feel neglected.
Depending on the damage; he might accidentally leave you untouchable for half a month due to the pure soreness. And he’ll be very apologetic. But usually, assuming injuries are kept under a certain threshold, he’ll go at it 2-4 times a week.
But his yearning can also build up. If you don’t happen to join him in travels for touring season, you’re gonna get it when he finally gets back. Both of you are gonna be completely unavailable for a few days minimum.
Z for Zzz-
Not too soon. This was pretty much all elaborated on in ‘A’, but he still cleans up and cuddles and gives you plenty of good aftercare. Once that’s all done and he’s confirmed that you feel taken care of…Nathan will sleep. If it happens to be way late at night/early in the morning, he might tough it out just to get his day started, but he’s gonna start feeling like crap by noon and probably pass out soon after that. Man needs his sleep.
I need my sleep. Dude, this took almost two months and many all-nighters. And I have so many requests…I love writing and I love the silly metal boys but…boy howdy. Thanks for reading, gorgeous.
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
What are you most controversial/unpopular OP opinions??? Sorry if it was answered before
You want me to get canceled so bad-- If I speak-- But idk, I guess I'll say the controversial opinions I can say publicly without a bunch of people coming at me!
Zo$an is a bit... Overrated? And by overrated I mean extremely/annoyingly overrated. I like the ship and its canon dynamic but I think at least 80% of the fandom portrays them in a very mischaracterized way. Not to say that... The ship is literally everywhere and the shippers always look for every little thing to prove they're canon, even if the "proof" has literally nothing to do with them. It's not that I don't enjoy the ship (although I must admit I prefer other dynamics a lot more) I just can't stand shippers that go to extremes. It's funny because I think Zo$an's dynamic is way more interesting and romantic in canon than it will ever be in the fandom. It's a bit sad, ngl. I liked them a lot at first but it got so tiring and now I am pretty exhausted from seeing it everywhere. The people force it to be more than it is when the canon is already pretty fucking great.
Adding to the Zo$san thing. I think that relationship would only work if Luffy is there somehow but it wouldn't last a day without him in the relationship. Unless there's like, a ton of character development most of these people don't make them go through.
One Piece Film Z is my worst enemy. It's such a boring movie. The only good thing is the soundtrack and maybe the suits but God watching that was torture.
Boa hate is uhhhh weird. I mean, I get why the joke about her being in love with Luffy might be annoying, but I think most of you need to learn to understand that Oda's sense of humor is sometimes a bit too exaggerated (and not funny) and it has basically nothing to do with the actual canon dynamics between characters. Boa likes Luffy because he's one of the first men who has ever treated her right, so of course she confuses that feeling with love. And of course, yeah, it isn't canon. Whatever. Just read between the lines, maybe? And also, stop using words like "pedo" to describe her because using that term so lightly about 1) a fictional character and 2) somebody who's clearly not a pedo is fucked up. Lmao. Do you even know what that word means???
Once again complaining about Pudding hate and saying that it's stupid. I won't overanalyze because I always do it with her, but the only reason people hate her is for misogynistic reasons and because they're babying Sanji. Evil male characters are okay and hot and very traumatized but the second it's a woman she's the most evilest person ever! Because God forbid they make mistakes! Suddenly their character development isn't valid because they hurt their babygirl!
Now that we're talking about my dearest Pudding. Not tagging anybody of course, but I saw this post with so many interactions of people agreeing about Sanji considering violence as a sign of love which??? Doesn't make sense at all?? OP said it was because he couldn't tell the difference between love/abuse because of his family, but that's just... Not accurate. That could only happen if they had manipulated him into thinking abuse is a type of love, but he had healthy love growing up. Even when he was with the Vinsmokes (Sora and Reiju, I love you). And yet OP said Sanji considered Pudding's behavior flirting (wrong) and that's why he let her attack him (nope) and that it was proof of Zo$an. And okay, it's not a hugely popular theory, but a lot of people agreed with it and it bothered me a lot because it's both out of character and also using Pudding (complex female character) once again to try and prove the canon of a ship (that doesn't have anything to do with WCI either???). It just bothers me. People can perceive the story however they want but... Y'know.
OPLA isn't that good. Or good at all? I only like it because I like the cast and it's funny seeing my blorbos irl. But the script is simple and dull and just stupid most of the time. The characters are either simplified, mischaracterized, or forgotten. And tbh most of the shots are very awful and could be a lot better. The directing is also nonexistent. It's 6/10 and 3 of those points are because both the Zolu and the cast.
Apparently this is a very common theory about Nami's origins, but, uh, I don't think we need to know? What else do you need to know about her? People say she's a lost princess or something like that as if we didn't have a lost princess already (Sanji ily). Repeating the same plot would be boring and underwhelming, but also? It'd be extremely useless for the plot and it'd go against everything about Nami's story and the way Luffy reacts to it.
Luffy isn't canon aroace. In fact, the reasoning people use for him being "coded" is the same Oda uses for Zoro too and Zoro is almost never portrayed as the "idiot who doesn't know what sex is" the way Luffy often is. If you're calling Luffy canon aroace for what Oda said about him being focused on adventures, the same goes for Zoro being focused on his dream. They could be coded arospec but there's nothing confirmed and the constant discourse about it is stupid. Attacking others because of their ships just because you don't agree with them and saying it's wrong using our identity to do it is very fucked up. Especially since most of the time people complaining aren't even aroace. The only reason people do it (attacking others saying they can't ship Luffy and that it's "weird" and "wrong") is that they infantilize Luffy/Don't want him getting in between their ships (<- aroace person writing this) (also, it's very ableist since people agree on Luffy also being neurodivergent coded and treating him like a kid bc of that but this isn't about that now).
Somehow this is very common. Some fucking how. I can't believe I have to say this. I'm tired of people blaming Usopp for what happened in Water 7. Or in general hating Usopp. Actually, he's one of the best-written characters in the whole show and he's so underappreciated it's so frustrating.
Sanji's perv jokes are annoying af and we all know that, but people who hate the character and consider him a red flag for that are missing the point completely. The point being "Oda exaggerates jokes to an annoying extent and most of the time they don't even reflect the character". I understand they can make you uncomfortable (same here tbh) but reducing Sanji to only those jokes is a waste of his character. You need to take jokes less seriously.
If I see one of these "red flag OP boys" TikToks adding Law/Ace/Zoro/Sanji next to fucking Doffy I will riot. Also, stop adding Crocodile there. He's a mafioso, there's NO way he won't be a sweetheart to his lover.
Baron Omatsuri's artstyle and animation is amazing and it fits the plot and aesthetic of the movie perfectly and people saying it's ugly will forever bother me.
"Usopp is suddenly hot after timeskip!" He has always been hot what the fuck are you talking about.
People reduce Nami to her "mean"/"sarcastic" personality a lot when she's quite literally one of the most kind-hearted characters of all. That being said, morally speaking she's probably one of the worst. I could explain how that works but I don't want to do it now, the point is-- Let the girl be sweet instead of making her mean all the time. And also, let her be mean and selfish without making it her entire personality. There's something called "balance".
Film Red was kind of bad. Like, the songs are amazing (thanks, Ado) but the ending is awful and the plot is very meh. I'm only here for Uta and Shanks but the rest of the characters are just useless. I do appreciate Sanji's hair in the movie, though.
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yazthebookish · 6 months
I haven't made a fancy theory post on this because I'm not in the mood for it these days so I'll share it here until then.
Sangravah is at the Land of Dusk
Is there strong evidence for it? No.
But let's entertain it for a second.
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We already got a confirmation in ACOMAF that only one temple out of the three that had the piece of the Cauldron's feet was in the Night Court—which is Cesere.
We don't know anything about Itica but we do get a mention of Sangravah in ACOWAR
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It seems to be a place Lucien is also familiar with and Rhys owns a Sangra(vian) carpet.
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The events of Sangravah were retconned to include Rhys and Mor because they were not involved—now why would SJM need to retcon such a minor detail? Unless she forgot.
A common question about this is:
If the temple is at another Court, How did Rhys, Azriel, and Mor bypass a Court's border or why would they even bother without informing the High Lord of that Court to also spare some of his soldiers to defend the temple?
That's a logical question readers have asked unless SJM made a special exception for them, but that doesn't make sense to me because in ACOMAF she made sure Rhys stays at the border of Spring while Mor rescued Feyre because a High Lord just can't come and go as he pleases into another Court.
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And because of Gwyn's backstory, many readers including myself assumed that the temple has to be somewhere in those Courts, but again why wouldn't Rhys alert the other High Lords of an attack and none of the High Lords during their ACOWAR meeting mentioned anything about their temples being attacked (same goes for Itica).
So what if Sangravah is on a neutral land that does not belong to any Court or Kingdom (perhaps it once did).
That's why Azriel and co had to not worry about any political implications because it's not a land under any Court's jurisdiction.
So there's this little piece of evidence that I think could make this theory make a little sense (HOSAB spoilers ahead):
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The popular theory is that the Land of Dusk (Dusk Court) could be the Prison Island, which is a popular theory that could be true because it was likened to an 8th Court.
But here is something I thought of:
What if the Land of Dusk is the isle between Day and Night? The location makes sense given the name and if it exists in a near permanent-twilight the way the Night Court has the most beautiful night sky.
And after the Starborn left, there might've been something left of it if it wasn't completely destroyed. They might've had temples and palaces.
It's also a safe assumption that Sangravah's temple is located in the mountains since Gwyn says they were so remote up there and she told Hybern's soldiers the children took the mountain road to get help.
This isle also has mountains (or maybe they're hills but they look like mountains to me).
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And Gwyn mentioned something interesting.
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She enjoys the Dusk services, not here (in Velaris), she means in Sangravah.
Now why would she prefer Sangravah's Dusk services over Velaris's? It could just be because they're mostly under a mountain but I do pause at any mention of Dusk/Twilight now to think twice about it meaning.
That's a small theory for today 🤍
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ihopesocomic · 1 month
I think what a lot of people who have issues with you (aside from the youtube lion show stans) is that you dont baby people
People ask for obvious spoilers and you just say "we'll see!" (Unless its been asked several times in which case you explain that)
People try to push for bigotry to be in your comic which you wont stand for
People refuse to actually read the comic and want it explained and you have to put your foot down and tell them to read the comic
Ect ect ect ive never seen you guys get unreasonable with any messages, angry? Short? Sure some of the anons you get are like "why is hope have 3 legs?" Its completely understandable to be angry at messages like that
Yea that's pretty much the vibe we get too tbh. But we're not gonna apologize for having standards and we're not going to change how we present ourselves if it means putting in extra mental energy to be overly polite to bad faith actors or people who just simply ignore what we put out unless its addressing them personally.
You mentioning the spoilers incident is interesting because the person who brought that up would later state that spoilers weren't their issue at all, just us being "condescending" because they made the personal choice to read our neutral responses as such. Or us using 'lol' whenever we indicate we're being light hearted. Because not everybody who uses 'lol' is being snarky or rude.
Ultimately, being given the benefit of the doubt would go a long way instead of people automatically assuming we're being nasty or "unprofessional" because of things like 'they criticized something I enjoy" or "Well, I didn't like that they weren't bowled over by an ask I sent two years ago' or just anything that happened years ago LOL
Anyway. Some people may be fine with spoiling the whole story of their project, but not us. We're having a lot of fun keeping people guessing, especially if they guess correctly and their theory is proven in a future chapter. We do big high fives when that happens lol
The people who outright demand inclusion of bigotry are especially confusing because at best its people thinking our one little comic that's not-that-popular-actually constitutes as erasure of the queer/disabled struggle. And at worst it's people who somehow can't find value in entertainment unless it's misery porn. And both of these instances they claim the existence of IHS in its current form takes away from the countless already-existing content that covers both, or somehow shames people for including it in their own story when we've never said such a thing. Anything we've said either applies to us personally or we're criticizing mainstream media that takes our experiences and makes them palatable to a mainstream audience. (At it's funniest it's nerd fans who criticize our comic for being a knock-off of MP while in the same breath complain that it's not doing the same thing as MP)
And an insincere sorry in advance to people who want us to spoon-feed them information in the comic. I was under the impression that when you saw a web comic, you had intentions on reading it. Heck, we have a dub now, you don't even have to read anymore technically. But I value my time too much to explain every single detail that may go missed in a chapter. Some stuff we feel confident in our readers piecing together on their own because we respect their intelligence, and most times there's no incorrect conclusion to arrive to because leaving some things up to interpretation is better than over explaining it. But maybe I'm just a meanie. - Cat
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antipolin · 26 days
I saw your post about who you think has been cast as Sophie. Is it okay to ask for some information on this, or your theory? I hope it’s okay to ask. At this point I’ll take any crumbs, and, theories for Sophie. I’m already waiting until after the season airs to see if she shows up. I can’t watch a whole season of boring Polin just to hope for a glance of my favs. I’m planing to wait until after so everyone can tell me what eps to avoid.
I debated on answering this because it's not the blog topic here. But you're like the 3rd person this week to ask me this question (the other 2 were via DM's lol) so I guess I will. Haha.
Now, keep in mind.... This is obviously a theory, I have ZERO proof other than the hints that all seem to add up to more than a coincidence.
My theory as who is playing Sophie Beckett is Jemma Moore:
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In April of 2022, around the time the season would have been in preproduction, she posted this to her instagram (and it's mysteriously since been deleted):
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In case anyone doesn't know, Gus Gus is a Cinderella character and ofc Sophie is a Cinderella inspired story. She also, oddly posted to her instagram stories about watching A Cinderella Story around that same time. Almost like she was getting Inspired b/c you know she wears a mask in that movie....
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In June, she posted this to her stories:
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And it's worth noting that the day before this, I was informed that Nicola posted getting her 3x01 script so....
On Instagram she follows Insight Management, which is Luke's talent agency. And they follow her back. She's not their client guys. Why follow that talent agency and vice versa unless you're working closely with one of their clients longer term? Like on a popular show?
Speaking of her talent agency.... They posted the S3 poster with this caption:
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And she liked it? Which is funny b/c I checked their client list here out of curiousity. No one on their client list has been announced yet, and she's liking that post. I don't see why they would announce any clients just for playing random/unimportant characters this last minute to the show coming out, personally.
And finally, Jemma did a photoshoot within the last month that she posted to her instagram stories. She tagged a makeup artist named sarahhillmakeup on Insta. She has worked with SEVERAL Bridgerton cast ladies in press and photoshoots such as: Nicola, Hannah Dodd, Florence Hunt, Ruby Stokes, Golda Rosheuvel, Charithra Chandran They now follow each other back on Instagram.
Last last point: Also, the photoshoot Jemma was doing in the last paragraph, the set seemed to have a lot of 'art' themes to it. Like one of those hand held wooden paint pallets (or whatever they're called) and paintings on a couch, etc. And we all know who in the show Sophie's love interest is and what he's known for in the books/show.
So yeah...... That's my crazy conspiracy theory guys.
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gleamingtempest · 2 months
Danganronpa Despair Time - Fan Game Predictions Discourse & Relation to Danganronpa Death Order Tropes
Hey hey! In danganronpa there are characters that take up a significantly larger portion of the screentime & plot relevance when compared to other characters in the cast; this is something which is almost always universally true when applied to any fan projects which heavily follow the format of a danganronpa game. One aspect which comes with being a 'core character' is very often a tendecy for that character to not die unless it is the 1st, 5th or 6th chapter.
When people make death order predictions for fan projects like DRDT, they sometimes frame things so that characters I might consider obviously 'core characters' die in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th chapters - I am interested in hearing whether or not this is just something I overthink/others don't consciously think about or if there are people who have genuine arguments for why a character who might feel 'core' to the story in a format like this would die in a middle section rather than at the start or a later climatic point in the story.
So basically, if anyone here does believe that a 'core character' in the DRDT cast might die at some point in the middle of the story like the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th chapters, do you mind explaining to me why this is if you even think/or have thought of them as a core character?
Alternatively, if anyone would like to, I would love to see which characters other people consider 'core characters' to the DRDT cast; the ones I consider very important or obviously narratively signficant are Xander, Charles, Whit, Eden, David and Teruko.
One very popular example I've seen of this is the somewhat popular theory that Charles will die in chapter 3 because of a joke Whit made in chapter 1; I personally consider Charles an obvious longterm support character so I would be very interested in hearing people's thoughts on that.
Another thing I would like to note is that obviously, what happens in the canon games doesn't have to be universally applied to fan projects; the tropes present in them being subverted is a big part of the appeal of projects such as these actually, so I fully understand why they might not be adhered to. In this case in particular though, I think it's more of a storytelling trope in general than a danganronpa trope & it's one which is very helpful imo. It feels very awkward to me when a character which receives a lot of setup & attention dies halfway through the story - like an anticlimax in a way.
A weak example of this already happening in DRDT itself would ofc be Xander being the first victim. I would say this feels like a very traditional thing for danganronpa to do as a way to set up it's narrative; giving a character a significant portion of the screentime early on & a close connection to the protagonist so that when they die first they maintain their general importance as a figure in the story while also allowing for other character to take on a more central role in the plot going forward.
That's only one chapter though, so it's not really the strongest example haha. It'll be more obvious whether or not we're adhering to this going forward in the story I assume.
But yeah, super interested in hearing any thoughts on this! I can't say it's something I understand very well but it is something which I consider somewhat valuable for discussion. ^^
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deliicacymercy · 9 months
kobd: the wildbreak theory
So, let it be known Mercy loves this piece of shit show - only for the Stunticons and specifically Wildbreak 
He’s my favorite character ever, only because every time i see him i go: “omg same” 
HOWEVER, the Wildbreak appreciation post comes later - I got some damning proof this fucker is a KOBD child.
This is fucking long. And only me being obsessed would produce this masteriece.
Buckle up BUCKAROOS- 
So, to begin. 
The famous fan theory in Transformers is that Wildbreak is the love child of Breakdown and Knockout from TFP. 
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It’s so popular that everytime you see domestic KOBD art, there’s a good chance a tiny little Wildbreak is in there. 
Usually comes from the fact that TF:RID 2015 is a sequel series to TFP, as well as Wildbreak has an image likened to both of them. He is a Stunticon like Breakdown, but has similarities to Knockout. blah blah, someone already made a shorter post that explains the appearance factor- 
Let’s talk about Wildbreak’s Weapon. 
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Cutie pie does not get a lot of screen time, in fact, all he gets is five episodes he appears in and one dedicated to him and Dragstrip mainly.
So this episode is all we get of him + Dragstrip + Dragbreak 
In the ep, Dragstrip and Wildbreak stole Windblade’s weapon stash and are being chased down by Bee and the gang. They only get one fight scene and its as Dragbreak [Wildbreak/Dragstrip combined]. 
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So when I saw that Dragbreak had a weapon in the form of a HAMMER ON A STICK - I thought huh, sounds too good to be true.
Because isnt it funny that KOBD weapon combo would be a hammer on a stick. 
Let’s assess. aka let mercy ramble at 2am
At first im like, that couldn’t be KO’s weapon [”a shock stick”] cause his is notorious shaped like a “trident” and its extendable.
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[lol it has to be the toy model cause TFP’S LIGHTING IS SO DARK I CANT GET A GOOD SCREENSHOT OF IT] 
I sped it down by 0.25 and i see it transform into this
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this is Dragstrip’s weapon
its even seen with DRAGBREAK- 
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I even looked into the older G1 Stunticons for further reference and saw that all Stunticons had guns p much, especially Dragstrip. And I looked at G1 Wildrider and Breakdown since thats where Wildbreak’s namesake came from and...they both have guns. No hammer or staff. Which means- 
The inspo for a Hammer and Staff sounds like it came from ~~ 
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Hello everyone, welcome to half way point where Mercy acknowledges that she’s lost her fucking mind and cant stop the conspiracy theories on her fav character from a show no one watched. 
However I just like to say as a funny side note, that Wildbreak is voiced by Kakashi and Dragstrip is Brain from Pinkie & the Brain. 
Literally looking at the voice cast list for EVERYONE in this show and you’ll realize where the budget actually went. CAUSE IT WASNT TO THE WRITERS-
can u tell i love this fucking show
At first I got a wee bit scared cause Im thinking- wait, the whole episode was about them finding Windblade’s weapons stash...maybe these were Windblades weapons???
But after closer inspection:
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In fact, Wildbreak is so cute and helpful, he did a 180 for me to see front and back. uwu 
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Even Dragstrip doesnt have any that resemble his gun or retractable hammer.
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‘ o ‘ 
And for a show that loves reusing models for everything-
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(im still mad about this)
Why wouldn’t they reuse the weapon models?? ...unless they were specifically suppose to be weapons for Dragstrip and Wildbreak~
Also I was looking to see if their toys came with any weapons and- 
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they dont 
but its so funny cause now Wildbreak is the one on top LOL DSAKLFJASLD
Haaaaa, guess they are both switches--- [this isnt canon. there’s no way Wildbreak is a switch.]
Well then it comes down to if they had their weapons on them at all during the show outside of this scene then its a done deal. 
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Nope. They just come out of thin air. Thanks show. 
But Mercy- doesn’t Knockout’s staff have a “shock” ability? 
Well im glad you said that mercy, cause this fucking happens
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and it also explodes for some reason at the end of the episode?!?!??!!?!?
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So rip 
Wildbreak’s gift from his dads doesnt exist anymore. bb sad. 
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anyways thats my talk on confirmation that KOBD had a lil bb named Wildbreak and he got a combo weapon from them-
thanks for coming to the ramble!!!
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Gay Sideswipe
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redpusea · 3 months
(Thankyou @spookyghostlover for the gorgina pic.)
Hello my lovelies, I just want to talk about one of the inspirations for Stanger Things (honestly I wouldn’t recommend watching it unless you are politically informed and can approach material that contains contradictions from it’s time (eg. Power imbalances with children, women, queer folk, BIPOC, neurodivergent/differently abled etc.), even still it was painful at times so I won’t mention which show just kind of share my thoughts and what it made me think about) .
I’m currently thinking about the PAINTING and how Eleven kind of isn’t in the painting and how this might cause a realtional rift. I can see Eleven kind of feeling not part of the group and goes to see Max or continues to miss her. Or maybe the recent leak with Eleven and Mike is Mike kind of apologising for not putting in more effort to make her feel apart of the team and kind of taking her away from group activities or maybe even Eleven apologising for this kind of action too?
I can also see Mike being the one to probably get through to Henry, who is someone who hates the world because it’s wrong but Mike will be able to synthesise Henry’s feelings (I think this will happen after my previous theory about time travelling) and find a solution or at least make something matter more than destroying it all/throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Maybe even to get him on the party… (if this confuses you because you think he is entirely evil please see some of my previous posts but essentially Henry (Vecna preburns) (following explanation will be SPOILERS FROM THE PLAY so skip to next paragraph if you don't want to hear this) as a child after moving to Hawkins noticed that something was off and was also sent to the upside down (similar to Will) and when he returned was possessed (similar to Will) although he was never purged of the Mind Flayer unlike Will… Mike was also the one to get through to Will… and Mike is the heart… and popular feminist theory highlights the need for heart, the need for feeling in overthrowing oppressive systems of non-consent. So SLAY.
Dustin will probably tame a dragon and then help the team <3 because Dustin
El and Dustin relations/interactions, I don’t even know this just as an idea would be so wholesome to meeeee
Steve and Mike and Will relations/interactions also I don’t even know where to start this would be so wholesome but like paralleling Robin coming out to Steve maybe or just Steve being already cool with queerness, just yay.
Lastly, I don’t think it’s going to end with them all being in separate romantic relationships but a strong interconnected bond of friendship or at the least their romantic relationships won’t alienate each other from being friends as a group.
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atticsandwich · 9 months
i really enjoy reading through nightbringer theories that pop up either on here or on twitter. there's just something about trying to piece together scattered information from the OG game and trying to connect it with nightbringer (yes, despite some glaring retcons and plotholes) so i think i'll talk about some of my favorites
(potential spoilers ahead)
double solomon
i think this one is one of the more popular ones; that throughout nightbringer, we're interacting with two different solomon - the one from the future who followed mc, and the one from the current era. it makes sense, considering it feels like such an obvious fact-of-the-matter, not to mention the game subtly dropping hints (one of the more major ones being solomon having two different casual outfit sprites). it'll be interesting to see where they take it if it's actually canonized though, because of the implications of the other solomon not wanting mc to go back, etc.
two separate timelines
this one makes sense while also trying to patch up a lot of the plotholes, which i appreciate. basically the timeline mc is in nightbringer is not the same timeline that leads to the events of the OG game. One of the major backings of this theory is that in the OG game, seraph lucifer is shown to have visited the devildom, already after the establishment of RAD, which would mean RAD came before the celestial war. in nightbringer, however, RAD is only conceptualized after the fall of the brothers. another strong backing is the difference of how solomon gains asmodeus' pact.
admittedly this is one of those theories that try to cover up a glaring attempt at a retcon, but nonetheless, it is still interesting. to be fair, if we go all the way back to season 1 of the OG game, barbatos does do a bit of exposition regarding multiple timelines and how he has the ability to choose from them, so it is still very plausible. (more on this on the next bullet)
hoo boy. this one's a doozy. i've seen many theories about who nightbringer could be, and i think my favorite contender would be the third barbatos. in nightbringer, we are aware of at least two barbatos - the one in the future, and the one in the past. however, a third barbatos could be working in the shadows, which explains the major timeline disruptions regarding how the past events seem very different from how they were portrayed in the OG game.
this wouldn't be a new concept, either. in the OG game's lesson 16, we are sent back in time by barbatos to find out who released belphegor from the attic. we initially think that there are two mcs - the mc who gets sent back in time, and the mc who goes to the attic and belphegor kills. HOWEVER, i think a lot of people forgot the in that same instance, mc was also talking with lucifer in the common room, which was why the mc who got sent back in time avoids that area.
thirteen's older sibling who she mentions in passing and says "mysteriously vanished". we know next to nothing about them so there really is nothing to talk about but i've seen some people add her to the list of nightbringer suspects, and while i think it could be interesting, unless we get a thirteen-centric arc where she also talks about cherry, i'm not inclined to see it as a plausibility, at least yet.
it's worth mentioning though that obey me does like to tease future mainstay characters early on in the story by giving them names (e.g. mephisto being teased as early as OG season 1), but demons like astaroth have also been named but have never shown, so who knows? we might get a second reaper character in the future.
mc being the witness to the king's crucible
i haven't seen a lot of people talk about this actually, but the fact that mc was the one to accompany diavolo during the king's crucible feels very orchestrated. it's not known what the parameters are in choosing the witness, but the fact of the matter is, if anyone other than mc were the one to accompany diavolo, he wouldn't have been able to snap out of his doubts for the final trial (or at least, i very much doubt any other character would have snapped him out of it).
awareness of who mc is
if we take the double solomon theory as true, then that would mean current-era solomon knows of our status as a future being. aside from him, we also know that michael is aware of who we are and when we came from, although we do not know the extent of his knowledge. however, there are possibly three more characters who are also aware of the time displacement - barbatos, by proxy of his time magic, and both the demon lord and the celestial father himself.
this ties back to the king's crucible - i've seen a few people theorize on this too, but i also think mc being the chosen witness was orchestrated by the demon lord, who knew that mc knew how to help diavolo pass the trial. of course, this is a longshot, and there's little evidence backing this outside of speculation, but the convenience of it all is way too on the nose for it not to be mere coincidence.
adam's prophecy
this one's pretty straightforward - mc being the prophesized catalyst that frees adam's soul from being bound to the devildom means that this entire thing has been orchestrated by nightbringer since the literal creation of man
truthfully i have nothing else to say about this but 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 talk about a fixation. nightbringer my nd comrade......(?)
why barbatos dislikes solomon
this one ties in to real-life myth, but it is heavily implied that solomon is a parallel to real-life king solomon (who is also known as king solomon the wise, solomon's exact title), who enslaved demons for his own personal gain. there's a lot more around the connection of the two, and it's way too long for me to go into detail here, but it would make sense nonetheless why barbatos dislikes him and why diavolo explicity states in the OG game that he does not trust the guy. it's interesting though because we know that barbatos was the one who taught solomon magic, so it might've been a case of the student's thirst for power and knowledge overcoming rationality. maybe.
michael being a delusional obsessed freakezoid
listen. this is just me airing out how much i dislike michael in nightbringer LMFAO it's obvious that by the time of the OG game, he's changed a lot and even sees mc as a pure soul. but like. c'mon dude. falsifying a threat of war? threatening mc? like do we even know if the celestial father really pardoned the brothers. because like, lilith's already dead why would u expect them to go running back to the arms of the thing that caused her death 😵‍💫😵‍💫 ALL WHILE MASQUERADING AS RAPHAEL TOO. THE NERVE OF THIS GUY??? poor raph didn't even consent to have his form be used. michael u WEIRDO!
anyways that's all the energy i have to type. if i get to read more interesting theories maybe i'll do a follow up (or if any of the ones we have become canon)
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jammatown919 · 1 year
The Difference Between Penny and Pyrrha
So I got into an argument recently in which someone compared the deaths of Penny and Pyrrha in a claim that the revival theories were stupid, so here’s an overview of why I think comparing Penny and Pyrrha’s deaths actually highlights why Penny’s story should not end the same way as Pyrrha’s. 
Also, if you’re thinking of responding with anything that boils down to “I personally don’t like the outcome you’re suggesting therefore you’re delusional but no I will not counter your actual argument”, kindly don’t! I find those arguments tiresome and pointless and will not be responding to them. 
First up is their respective fairy tale allusions. Pyrrha’s allusion is Achilles. She is the literal representation of a tragic hero who is doomed to die. That is, ultimately, her purpose in the story. Pyrrha existed to be a heroic sacrifice. Penny’s fairy tale allusion, however, is Pinnochio, who gets brought back to life more than once. In the original story, Pinnochio is killed by hanging. Penny is killed by the strings of her weapon. Both are later revived. In the popularized Disney version of the story, Pinnochio is killed after an encounter with Monstro after rescuing his father. In V8, while Penny never directly encounters Monstra, Monstra is part of the catalyst of V8′s events, and Penny is killed an attempt to save others by getting the powers away from Cinder. Thing is, Pinnochio is brought back to life as a reward for his heroism. Specifically, he is brought back to life by the Blue Fairy, who Winter seems to allude to at this point in the story. Winter is central to a large portion of the theories involving Penny’s return due to on-screen clues. 
Essentially, Pyrrha was doomed to die by the nature of her allusion. Penny’s points to revival. 
Second, the fact that one character actually got some kind of pay off to the buildup of her relationships and one did not. Pyrrha’s most central relationship throughout the volumes she was alive is with Jaune. She actually gets a moment with this special, important person in her life before she dies. Penny, on the other hand, dies in the arms of someone who is arguably the least close to her out of the entire group (other than like, Ren, who never talks to her if memory serves), separated from her father and believing her best friend is already dead. And yes, Penny does get a moment with Winter, but as has been pointed out by other users, the relationship between those two so far has been more about Winter’s development than Penny’s. It feels less like a satisfying pay off to one of Penny’s relationships and more like Penny is being treated as a stepping-stone in the journey of a character who has been less central to the plot than her up until that point (not to say that Winter isn’t an important character, but Penny was far more set up to be a big deal). Unless of course both journeys are intended to continue, intertwined with one another. 
Third, why would they have Jaune go through another arc of being traumatized about not being able to save someone unless he was going to be instrumental in the furthering of this unfinished plot thread? Jaune has already gone through having to come to terms with not being able to save someone and moving on from that and saving others wherever he can. Redoing this arc just repeats what we’ve already seen from him. Even if he moves past it by saving someone else, we’ve already seen that from him after saving Weiss and it adds nothing new to his character. However, I could absolutely see them doing this with Jaune specifically if Penny’s method of survival relied on him being there and her having access to his Semblance, and if he was going to be instrumental in saving a person who he thought he had already failed to save. 
Fourth, Pyrrha’s story serves to highlight that heroic sacrifices of one’s life are BAD. Pyrrha accomplishes nothing but her own death. She doesn’t save Beacon. She doesn’t stop Cinder. She doesn’t protect anyone. Her death is a giant flag waving in the air saying, “DO NOT DO THIS”. Why would they then turn around and frame a heroic sacrifice as a good thing? Unless they were going to have it become a situation in which the person doing the sacrificing can actually be around to learn her lesson that throwing her away her life is never a good option. 
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Speaking of fetishization and all that jazz, recently the term fujoshi came up in real life for me and a friend asked me what it meant. For transparency I’m only 25, didn’t really fall into fandom until covid. Essentially I said it was a japanese term sometimes used in fandom so it depends who you ask. It could be 
Rotten women: this is the most technical translation and I’m pretty sure the actual word is a pun about rotten eggs or something. It means rotten as in spoiled, as in “spoiled for marriage” 
A derogatory term for women who are ruined for marriage because they like gay porn 
Women who likes gays porn 
Women who like BL/boy love. The male equivalent is fudanshi. BL is gay mlm romance genre for manga. GL is for girl love, but I think GL is less popular of a genre/not really a thing. I’m pretty sure the porn equivalent is yaoi for gay porn and yuri for lesbian porn(still talking about manga/anime) but I could be wrong. BL and yaoi might mean the same thing I’m not sure. The important part here is fujoshi is for women who like BL and fudanshi is for men who like BL. This is the most correct term unless someone is trying to use it as an insult. I’m pretty sure this is what comes up when you google it. 
Straight women who fetishizes gay men
Transphobic term for a trans man that actually just a “straight women who fetishes gay men” 
(me still talking to my friend) 
Now if you’re wondering why all this exists we need to go back to the early 2000s and I’m pretty sure 4chan. If I’m right, fujoshi already meant rotten women and was used to describe a woman who was ruined for marriage, but around this time it started being used specifically against women for liking gay porn/ BL manga. An intersection of misogyny and homophobia where women aren’t just ruined by jacking off, but even more ruined if they jack off to gay porn. Oh no the horror! How will women ever marry straight men if she masturbated to gay men? She is now ruined for straight men. I find this whole thing absurd, but honestly I forget that people “aren’t supposed to even masturbate” before marriage. Got to keep yourself completely pure I guess. Like I understand the concept of not having sex before marriage(even if I really don’t agree) because I grew up hearing that but the idea that you shouldn’t even masturbate or you’ll be ruined is so stupid to me it makes my brain short circuit. And of course it's misogynistic as all hell. At this time it's a Japanese term used in Japan against Japanese women and it's later reclaimed by Japanese women. Reclaimed as in “wait you guys can have porn and be horny but we can’t!? Well fuck you then I am rotten woman and you can go fuck yourself” At least thats what I think they mean when they say its a “reclaimed word” All I know is that its a misogynist term used against japanese women then reclaimed by said women. This is when “it just means women who like BL definition starts” 
Short time later it slowly but surely gets used in western fandom by people(mostly women) who ship mlm and by women who like BL and in the latter case it literally means that. This is when “it means a woman who fetishes gay men '' crops up Now I wasn't around at this time and there's a lot of mud throwing and shit when people talk about early tumblr and shipping culture. From what I can tell lots of time it was just used as an insult against people who shipped gay stuff, but there were women who would act gross towards gay men. My opinion is that is kinda like lesbian porn. I don’t give shit if someone like lesbian porn. I give a shit if someone is gross to me personally, like a guy wanting to watch me giss my friend, but its non of my business what kinda porn someone likes. What a weird thing to give a fuck about. And shipping isn’t even always porn! Lots of times its just porn, but lots of times its just about the most interesting relationship on screen which normally isn’t the romantic one. I have a whole theory that the most popular ships being between friendships not romantic leads is because romantic story lines aren’t great. Take zuko and katara vs aang and katara. Zuko and katara have a whole arc where they learn to trust each other and we see their relationship grow and change, but with aang and katara we mostly only watch them crushing on each other which is just not as interesting. 
I said more about how the term gets pretty transphobic and how fetishization is a good criticism lots of times but i’m pretty sure I’m out of words lol 
腐女子 is a pun on 婦女子. They're both 'fujoshi'. The 'fu' character means 'rotten' or 'fermented' as in tofu: 豆腐.
English-speaking antis are just morons about language along with everything else and completely misrepresent this word.
Yeah, it was 2chan crying that girls liked something other than them and then women being like "Joke's on you: I'm proud of that".
(In general, insecure douchebags dislike their partners masturbating because they foolishly assume that if a partner has zero experience, they won't be measuring the douchebag against anything. In reality, you can tell if sex was bad without anything to compare it to.)
BL is a genre term for m/m stuff aimed at an assumed female audience. It tends towards romances, but that's not the definition AFAIK. I imagine that women who like gei komi probably also call themselves fujoshi, but the point of the 'fudanshi' term is to denote men who like the "for girls" stuff, not just gei komi.
Is GL used much? I usually see queer women using 'yuri' to talk about f/f manga.
You can drop that "porn equivalent" nonsense though. Aside from some English-language fanfic, there has not been a consistent terminology for softcore vs. hardcore. Both 'BL' and 'yuri' can cover the full spectrum of content.
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blazehedgehog · 8 months
Thoughts on the twitter clones popping up because El*n is destroying twitter? Hive was hilariously shortlived. But do you think Mastodon, Cohost, or Bluesky have what it takes to replace twitter?
I think a lot of them are dumb and greedy. The way people so willingly flock to anything even remotely promising is depressing, even when it's a pretty much open fact that monsters are behind them.
Like, Threads. Threads sucks! It's by Facebook! You know, Mark Zuckerberg, the dude who literally had to go before congress and explain himself because they were stealing and selling so much of your personal data without your permission? Because, by the way: That's not supposed to happen. You're supposed to care about that. You can't just be like "oh well they have my data already, may as well ignore it". That's a bad thing to just let happen!
This is the guy who invented the "pivot to video" concept that decimated an entire industry of writers who were now expected to produce videos, all because Facebook was dramatically faking viewership numbers in a bid to lure in more advertisers. He runs a site that was proud to accept and promote insane fringe theories and undoubtedly contributed to the attempted coup of the United States Government on January 6th 2020. That Facebook. That Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah. They're behind Threads.
Or what about Bluesky? Everybody hated Jack Dorsey when he was running Twitter, so much so that they basically forced him out of the company. Now he's behind Bluesky, a website that is literally just Twitter 2, which openly admits he's feeding and selling all of your personal data to machine learning databases (like ChatGPT or Midjourney).
They also openly have settings for whether or not you want to see racist and bigoted content, which actually means being a Nazi on Bluesky is totally okay! They're going to welcome those people with open arms! They're just going to give you a setting to hide them instead of, you know, eradicating them off the platform like cockroaches. But it means Bluesky allows them, marks them, and lets them freely indoctrinate more people into becoming literal murderers.
Remember Hive? Remember how many people FLOODED to Hive and it was discovered they had an eensy weensy teeny tiny security flaw that allowed anyone to both edit and delete any post on the entire platform? Hive said they were going down "for a couple days" to fix it and ended up being down for six months. Also, the developers behind Hive actively hid their identities this entire time! Even before they were popular! There was no way to be sure who was EVER running that service! People were joking that it was a CIA operation! Who knows!
People are trading one dumpster fire for another with these places. You might be escaping the stupidity of Elon Musk but you're still digging deeper, not out of the hole. Every single option is going to lead to more regret and misery eventually.
Even Cohost isn't perfect! And I like Cohost! It's a lot more like Tumblr used to be in the early days. And Cohost is a lot more grassroots than any of these other services, they're a lot more open with whether or not the service is going to survive, but that's also because they respect the poster, respect their data, and just want to make a cool place to hang out at. Out of all the places to spring up during Twitter's death march, Cohost is where I've been posting.
But I heard someone say that Cohost is a very "holistic" approach to posting, and that's true. It's the social media website version being a vegan. It's all kale and chia seeds.
Cohost has no recommendation algorithm. It does not tell you who is following who. It does not offer numbers to tell you how many likes or shares a post has, or who liked or shared it. Everything you do on that site exists in a near-total vacuum unless you specifically put in the work and go looking for it. On some level it's admirable, because they don't want people developing the same competitive, toxic habits of only posting to "do numbers."
But also it sucks because, like, there's no way to identify and reference notable posts, nor see who your mutuals are. The only way to find friends through other friends is if they share one of their posts. And once a post falls out of favor, it's basically lost in the void to all those except a chosen few who remember how to speak its name.
But the vibes at Cohost are... good. I guess. It feels much more like everybody knows everybody. One good post will come across the feed and it feels like the whole dang website shares it that day.
But I would like a little bit of numbers. As a treat. Just because we can subsist on tofu does not mean we do not also deserve a nice, juicy hamburger too.
There's also Mastodon, and I have a friend who really liked Mastodon and wanted it to succeed, but I also heard it described as "the linux of social media" and that's exactly why I'd never use it as my primary platform. It's supposed to be decentralized, making it more diverse and easier for sub-communities to exist within the network, but last I checked, it just made it a pain in the ass to actually follow people that were on different networks than you.
Each one had a different compatibility song and dance you had to do in order for you to follow them from your network. Didn't like it. The whole federated platform feels like slightly too much work to use.
I will probably keep posting on Twitter until the last ember burns out. But I am believing more and more that what Elon is doing to Twitter is deliberate murder in order to deplatform his enemies. He's an idiot, don't get me wrong, but he's also doing things that are deliberately malicious "for the lulz." I'm sure he thinks he can rebuild Twitter into whatever he wants because he's just that rich and smart so he's willing to gut it from the inside out first.
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imthepunchlord · 2 months
Kalos needed a win more than the other gens, let's be real.
It did!
Like, XY over all were fun, but you could feel they were incomplete. This is the Gen where the enhanced version (or sequels) felt incredibly absent and Kalos needed more umph. For the game that led us into the 3D, it got the short end of the stick. So it really does need this.
And I think this works out overall. We were ALL dreading the "faithful" BW remakes. And I wasn't that all excited for Let's Go Jhoto, though I found this was the least likely option. So Legends Z-A was a very pleasant surprise. And it's coming out next year at an unknown time! It's got time to cook! Well, assuming they didn't start development recently. Hopefully it's further along than recently started. Either way, it's really good they took a break this year, I got plenty of Pokemon games to replay, and some fan games to play, and I'm just going to curiously keep an eye out for news. And hope the earliest release will be November as then it'll be kinda close to getting a 2 year development, cause the more time to cook the better. I am good waiting for games, I'd rather a finished product than a rushed one.
And by the teaser, there's so much curiosity over it.
Is it really going to be set in the past and a prequel? Or is it going to be more modern-future and a sequel? Helping with the construction of Lumoise City to me leans more past but we'll see. I also wonder if we'll see a Pokemon version of Napoleon as he was the one who wanted Paris reconstructed.
And learning that, apparently, it's entirely set in Lumiose City is going to be interesting to see how that works. Will there be biomes? Or will the Lumiose Catacombs (that it should have) be used as places to catch wild pokemon? And how are we going to play a role in the city reconstruction? It's a different theme and set up to be sure, one I am curious about.
Also, with Mega Evolution coming back (which was my favorite of the gimmicks), I do wonder if this means we'll get more Megas over regional and convergent forms, which I would be a little bummed about, but its cool to get more Megas.
And we'll finally see the Mega Kalos Starters! And maybe Flygon will get a Mega finally! And I know some wanted to Mega Dragonite and we did see Dragonair in the trailer so that's a possibility.
And then there's the fun of the starter speculation, assuming we'll still get a shuffled up trio. Which so far this is the most popular theory I think:
Tumblr media
Which does have some merit, as two are based on French royalty/leaders, and Torchic can be tied to the Gallic Rooster.
The only thing to clash is chances are good we'll get Megas for them over regional evolution, and we already got Mega Blaziken. They may prefer to do a whole new trio. Torchic is also a bit of an odd one out as there are 2 specifically based on French royalty and Torchic isn't, unless there is a French royal it could be tied to. Charlemagne is the only other iconic French royal I can think of, but I don't know enough specific details about him outside he unified the Franks and was the first King of France, but maybe Blaziken could work off him?
Either way, I am very curious, a little excited and hopeful, though more cautious optimistic. I am hoping this game will have enough time to cook. I do love Pokemon and I want to see this franchise thrive and be the best it can be. So I am curiously excited for us to revisit Kalos soon and see how it's going to go.
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pyro-madder · 19 days
bb thoughts and headcanons : second batch, for djura's clique and then some. because i don't think any of them were powder kegs actually, or rather...
1) Unless this is translation shenanigans, we are only told Djura was "known through his contact with" the late Kegs, and if he was the last of them perhaps the game would have insisted on it just a bit more ?? Regardless, my take is that he was training under them, but Old Yharnam happened before he could earn the title in full. oopsie
2) Now for his 3 companions, in the order in which I think he met them :
Jozef : first of all, the reason I go for him for the alleged third companion is that I would much, much rather use an already existing NPC (especially an obscure one I can develop) than make up a new guy from scratch, and the charred set alone makes him our best lead, even with everything else I will discuss below.
So - he's a variant of hostile "Izzy's Admirer" hunters, all wearing the charred set and wielding the beastclaw... BUUUT considering it's on another beastclaw user that you loot the badge for Oto's workshop - the Kegs' predecessors - I suppose Oto and Izzy were collaborating to an extent ? With Archibald as well, considering both he and Izzy worked on DarkBeast material... unless, on the opposite, that made them rivals... but I'm straying here --
Headcanoning that Oto lived to see his workshop become the Kegs and that the latter respected him greatly - Djura included - it makes it possible to be a follower of both Izzy and the Kegs. However Jozef may wear the charred set, but he doesn't use any firearms, so he probably wasn't a Keg at all. However² nothing specified Djura's companions had to be Kegs, and were rather more likely followers of his philosophy. So my Jozef ends up a bit of a swiss army knife - an early Church recruit to serve with Loran's tomb prospectors, a hunter partaking in Izzy's experiments with beasthood, a friend to Oto and the Kegs, not much older than Djura, present for Old Yharnam but ultimately Taken By The Dungeons.
Djura's disciple, henceforth Ysle (old english for "ash", or so i've read) : I fully believe him sharing facedata with Simon was devs laziness, and I don't blame them for it - Simon has half his face hidden the entire time you know him and Ysle is not only hooded, but also not exactly easy to look at up close in-game. I joked about them being twins, but then thought it could actually work and went with it. Ysle would've started off as a Harrowed alongside Simon, and the two would not hesitate to "switch" to trick others and gain further information on the job. At some point Ysle would take interest in the Kegs' craftsmanship, but would only join Djura after the burning, both for said craftsmanship and ideology : I like the theory that it was the Church that poisoned Old Y to begin with to popularize ministration, and who better suited than Simon to find that out... he'd relay the discovery to Ysle and both would turn against the Church, even apart.
I was convinced Simon was not already dead in the Nightmare due to his opening lines to the player ("must've taken a wrong turn somewhere then // we're more alike than you think", to me it implies he came in deliberately rather than upon death). However I had come to the conclusion that those who end up in the nightmare/dream upon death don't age (Maria), unlike those who were brought in (Gehrman), but the twins' facedata makes them look young compared to Dju and most of all Brador whom I believe them to be contemporary of (edit 17/04 : the Bowblades's desc also reminds us that Simon was one of the first Church hunters)... either way, they were Taken By The Horrors roughly around the same period, but unlike Simon, Ysle eventually lost himself in his duty to protect the beasts and cannot be engaged with anymore.
Djura's ally, henceforth Brandr (old norse for "fire", or so i've read) : last one met, last one standing. My headcanons for him were built on two sources : Oodle's Must we burn it all which I absolutely recommend if you aren't put off by his ship with Dju, and the unused "Old Yharnam survivor" NPC whose dialogue I would've loved to hear in-game. So, Brandr - not a Keg, perhaps not a hunter at all before the burning happened, merely a local who's probably two steps removed from beasthood at all times, was stumbled upon by Djura once the latter returned to the scene of the crime and they struck a deal. fellas is it gay to remain by the side of a self-exiled man you know (participated in what) took everything from you
3) Still raking my brain over how the Kegs were branded heretics. I'd wager the Church conveniently blacklisted them after using them to do their dirty work, but on what account ? Of course they could have just made up anything, but they actually have groundwork here. I don't think it was protecting the beasts as I believe this was specific to Djura and a few others, not something that applied to the Kegs as a whole. Could it have been their connection to Izzy, whose weapon, filed under Church weapons in the Hunter's Dream storage box, is sealed within remote tombs and whose hunter tool deemed "forbidden" ? It's not too far-fetched to assume they and their followers also experimented with beast blood pellets, which are banned by the Church as well.
Let's compare with another craftsman... strangely enough, Tonitrus is listed under the (Hunter's) workshop weapons in the Dream's storage box , despite Archibald being explicitely stated to be part of the Church's workshop... Likely stationned in Yahar'gul, a secret faction of the Church, considering that's where you loot the thing to begin with, alongside many bolt papers dropped by the snatchers, and that you find a copy wielded by a Yahar'gul hunter. Right next to Old Yharnam too, with Paarl's arena considered within the latter. Despite his focus on electricity rather than bestiality, it sounds like Archibald might still have been on thin ice considering his title of "eccentric" and the fact his badge was crafted in secret.
The Beast Roar is cast by human vocal cords. The unused NPC tells us that in Old Yharnam's folklore, beast is the true form of man. The bestial hunter of Oto's workshop bears the same rune that Laurence was branded with in his pursuit of controlling beasthood... but was ultimately forbidden as well.
Perhaps the Church simply desired monopoly over research on beasthood...
a tl;dr (believe me, i needed it too) :
Oto : craftsman & hunter whose workshop would become the Powder Kegs, a rolemodel to Djura
Izzy : craftsperson, hunter and friend to Oto and the Kegs, who understood and explored the inherent beastly nature of man
Jozef : tomb prospector hunter, follower of Izzy and friend to Oto and the Kegs, a bit of a tutor to Djura
Djura : Keg in-training & hunter, understood the real nature of beasts and further connected the dots post-burning through each of his companions
Brandr : actual Old Yharnam local, believes in the inherent beastly nature of man, agreed to cooperate with Djura to defend what little remained
Ysle : hunter, former Harrowed, would have been a Keg in-training if the burning hadn't happened first, only Djura remained to teach him their skills
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