#ursan the swimmer
doodlinglina · 8 months
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Breathing life into this old blog by making a shitpost of a fanart. Yep, sounds like me.
Anyways a young skekSa has to eventually learn that her other half got all the navigational skills in the divorce and might have to rely on other methods to make that seafaring dream a reality. Like having an actual sea-monster as your ship.
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Inspired by one of @skekheck ‘s @tdc-incorrect-quotes
SkekSa isn’t happy about Ursan’s lack of communication
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Tae: Hey Captain, can I go out to sea?
SkekSa: What did the Swimmer say?
Tae: She said no.
SkekSa: So why are ye askin' me?
Tae: Because she’s not the boss of you.
SkekSa, internally: It’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap.
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kiraleestudios · 2 years
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I’m not dead, but have some self indulgent Nat/me X UrSan the Swimmer
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
So it’s a bit of Skeksis lore that they lost some vital attribute when they split from the urRu that hampers their chosen area of expertise
It’s most obvious with the Scientist where he’s got enough smarts to do mad science but struggles with coming up with ideas on his own. Once someone points him in a direction, he can get going.
Which is a good segue to skekSa the Mariner since I’m pretty sure she lost any navigational ability to urSan the Swimmer.
urSan’s biggest thing aside from swimming is drawing maps of everywhere she’s been.
In the YA novels that skekSa appeared most in, she needed EVERY Sifan navigator to help her flee the continent. And when that fell through she tried to steal urSan’s maps. (Did urSan swim across an entire ocean? Wow.)
No wonder she prefers living ships. It’s navigational easy mode.
And to take this to comedic exaggeration levels… no wonder she hates the castle! It’s described as labyrinthine in the movie novelization.
I can just imagine her getting lost on the way to dinner one too many times and deciding enough is enough. Screw this castle, she’s going to go live on a boat!
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candythemew · 3 years
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Probably never gonna 100% finish this with lineart color and stuff, but it came out,
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ommiotta · 3 years
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The four horsemen of rebellion.
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corantus · 4 years
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thinking about her..
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fishfingies · 3 years
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need to sketch sasan or ill die
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galaxy98 · 3 years
SaSan Week
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Throughout the history of Thra, some Skeksis and Mystics would leave an impression on certain clans. For the Stonewood, it was the Archer and the Hunter. For the Dousan, it was the Heretic and the Wanderer. But there was no other pair that had ever came close to the amount of intrigue and mystery than the Sifans and their connection with the Mariner and the Swimmer. The impact they left on the clan and their culture is so well known that many hope to achieve that level of success. But what happens when the two of them are alone with themselves. The Hunter and the Archer have an animosity with each other and none of them would hesitate to kill the other if they had the chance. The Heretic and the Wanderer have both grown to love each other, despite the shortcomings they had to deal with due to their impulses. But for these two specifically......well....the answer is somewhere in the middle.
Why did I create this ship week?
For those who may not be familiar with me, I’ve somewhat been championing the inclusion of SkekSa and UrSan in particular for 2 reasons
1. They have very little canon material, which makes them ripe with story potential
2. Same thing as #1 except it’s related to fanon
It’s because of this, I decided make the foundation of this ship week to be centered around interpretation and scenarios. Which leads to the next point.
Day 1/Calming Tides: We’ll start things off with something a little bit simple. “Calming Tides” is where any participant could create any fluff/wholesome scenario involving these two. I like to think that when the both of them unwind for the day, they get the chance to meet each other for the evening. Maybe they catch up on certain things that happened in their lives? Maybe they exchange gifts? Either way, the sky is the limit. Or in this case, the sea.
Day 2/Humor: While one could argue that their relationship is a very serious commitment, it it very likely that these two engaged in pranks or clap-backs with each other. Especially when said relationship is in an “off” period.
Day 3/Singing Time: Singing isn’t exactly the core trait of their identity. But when they show off such talent, they are bound to excel at it. Whether it be from singing shanties to their fellow crewmen, or singing a song in a language that was once thought to be forgotten.
Day 4/Oasis: This day, specifically, is for any participant to place the emphasis on the atmosphere in their work. For example, SkekSa and UrSan dancing on top of the Vassa as the clouds clear the night sky. Or, SkekSa and UrSan resting on the sands of Cera-Na as the three suns set.
Day 5/Open Heart: Open Heart is for scenarios in the angst or bittersweet variety. Sometimes, there comes a point where certain feelings just come out. Whether through fighting, contentious debating over what they think is best for the gelfling, or having to deal with the self-loathing, there comes a time when they just need each other and nobody else. Let’s say if UrSan finds SkekSa in drunken state. For the Swimmer, it either means that a crew member of hers had died, dealing with the complications of the Skeksis court, or just having a bad day in general. All it takes is for UrSan to tuck her under arms and then....SkekSa would just let it all out.
Day 6/Past, Present, Future, or What If?: According to Mother Aughra, there are multiple timelines and scenarios that could constantly change. In the case of Day 6, participants are given a choice to pick a certain time in their relationship or possibly choose the wildcard choice with the “What If?”. Like what if SkekSa joined with UrSan in the rebellion? What if UrSan became the Master and SkekSa became the Empress?
Day 7/”To be I instead of we”: As we close off SaSan Week, we conclude this day with SkekSa and UrSan in their true UrSkek form. This is like Day 6, except it deals a lot with their “complete” identity.  Because there’s a reason as to why she gravitate towards Sifan culture. SaSan sees her own culture as monolithic and something that crushes any kind of freedom that comes in their path. It’s very likely that she is ashamed of the fact that she is an UrSkek. Almost to the point to where it becomes self-loathing. Being separated was once thought to be the best thing to ever happen to them, because they finally get to carve their own path. But in the end, they are two halves of the same soul. SaSan can’t change being a UrSkek, but she is still her own individual, regardless of norms. Individuality is everything people, myself included, strive to achieve in the world. But so is loving others and learning how to love yourself.
-When participating in the ship week, remember to use the #sasanweek and current year, or tag @sasanweek​
-You are allowed to use a medium of your choosing. I’ll even likely take a one-shot comic or an audio clip
-Trigger warnings are necessary depending on the work. Especially when it concerns Day 5.
-Outright NSFW is not allowed
If you have any additional questions that you would like to ask me, then DM me @simkim704​ and we’ll sort things out from there.
Thank You and I can’t wait to see what this fandom comes up with!
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Flames of the Dark Crystal spoilers ahead!!!
So in Flames of the Dark Crystal, UrSan lives; although the book says ‘skekSa the Mariner was no more’, UrSan said SkekSa was merely trapped. So hopefully not dead in the end. Nope. Just a time-out for her to cool down.
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So, even though you have broken my heart yet again, I wanted to say, in another life, I would have really just liked doing cartography and stargazing with you.
-UrSan the Swimmer
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troutpopulation · 4 years
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i got inspired
mystics + environment adaptations
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envyamairu · 3 years
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An UrSan and SkekSa DTIYS entry for Instagram!
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holic-user · 3 years
For the SaSan shippers
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urskekyagvi · 3 years
SaSan Week
It was meant to be spring; you couldn't tell from these cold, snowy heights, but it was meant to be spring. The suns shone a little more brightly and warmer than usual above, but that was barely something in comparison to the icy chill of the wind that beat about the stones.
Nonetheless, there were things to be done. The Waystar trees gleamed even more than ever in the sun, so much so that urSan had to shield her eyes at times from the intensity with one hand while her other three worked. Beside her was a basket, and in the snowbank beside it laid a few tools for gardening: trowels, shovels, and a pair of tree shears for pruning.
Spring meant it was time to tend to the Waystar Grove. It was an annual ritual, pruning the shining branches and removing any parasites that may be buried too near to the roots. Whatever she found there she was always sure to remove with care, and place in her basket filled with straw and dirt, that the little things might stay warm until she moved them to the pine forests lower down. There, they could find better homes for themselves, without damaging the beacon trees so many relied upon.
A task, but a worthwhile one. Someone had to tend to them, and as she lived closest, she felt that this was the least she could do: ensuring the grove continued to thrive.
urSan was clipping away at a dying branch when the noise of scissors working at bark became underlined by something else. She paused, tilting her head to listen. Those were certainly footsteps, heavy, crushing their way through the snow towards her home.
She was lucky that sound carried so well up here. She knew exactly who that was. Quickly she gathered up her things, hid them in the snow, and ducked behind a tree. Then she watched and waited silently.
Someone soon arrived to the place where she had been not a moment before. The unexpected guest looked around at the glowing trees, hot breath flowing out from between sharp teeth each time she scowled or warmed her hands. Not gelfling. Not exactly a friend, but no enemy, either.
A skeksis. Her skeksis.
SkekSa the Mariner glowered at the circle of trees one last time before calling:
"urSan! I know you're here. I need a new map. The old one you gave me is outdated, and some of these coral reefs and sandbanks you marked have chang-"
She hadn't time to finish her sentence, because then something flew out from amongst the trees and hit her square in the shoulder. SkekSa jumped, quickly turning to get a look at her attacker only moments after urSan hid herself again. She moved through the snow quietly, chuckling; perhaps this unexpected visit would prove amusing after all.
SkekSa soon recovered from the initial shock and spun about, glaring at the trees as if they were an audience laughing at her. She bared her fangs.
"urSan! Show yoursel-"
SkekSa saw a snowball flying out of the brightness and straight towards her face. She barely ducked in time, but not enough; it knocked her hat clean off. That did it. She dropped all guises of formality, now too indignant to care.
"If it's a snowball fight you want," she growled, crouching and scooping snow into her claws, "then a snowball fight you shall get."
She stood with the snow packed in hand, wary for any sign of movement. There!- Something crunching through the snow. SkekSa threw her snowball with as much force as she could muster in the direction of the sound. It hit against something, and soon out of the brightness another snowball came hurling back in retaliation: it had begun!
Snowballs flew through the air on both sides, crashing into the trees, into their shoulders, sides, chests, arms- until both were thoroughly coated in the stuff. urSan's blue mane was littered with snowflakes, and underneath all of the white on SkekSa only flashes of her true colors could be seen. Warm steam flowed between teeth and out of nostrils as they snarled and laughed, until the air was filled with the clouds of their breath.
urSan barely dodged a snowball heading her way right before she tossed the one in her hand- it flew, hard and fast, towards her opponent. SkekSa hadn't a chance. She was stooping, preparing her next attack, and unfortunately stood right when it neared her-
It must have been packed too tightly. It hit SkekSa square in the side of her face, and her neck turned entirely the other way upon impact. urSan felt the pain mirrored in her own face. She gasped, watching the grey blood dripping down from her left nostril to stain the snow below her. She touched the wound gingerly, then looked between her bloodied fingers and SkekSa's inert form upon the snow.
"SkekSa!" She gasped, inundated with guilt.
SkekSa did not respond. The wind whipped at her clothing, red and blue flowing against the white. urSan rushed over and collected her in her arms- called her name again- but still the Mariner did not respond.
Warm tears rushed down urSan's face, mingling with the blood and melting the snow stuck to her skin. SkekSa's head was turned to the side, her eyes closed, blood as deep red as the darkest rubies running from her beak and into the snow beneath her head. Two of urSan's arms remained wrapped about her waist as the other two reached to cradle her Other's head tenderly.
"SkekSa," she breathed, "SkekSa, dear one, I am so sor-"
Wait...what was SkekSa's talon doing? It was reaching into the snow-
A freezing white chilled urSan's vision. She sputtered, shocked beyond measure, dropping SkekSa to wipe away the snow in her eyes. She heard laughter, and when her vision was clear she saw SkekSa before her, sitting up and cackling like a demon.
SkekSa slapped her thigh a few good times until she regained some calm. She turned towards urSan again, blood running down her face; but she was grinning, showing each sharp tooth, and her eyes were bright.
urSan realized then what had happened. All of the guilt, fear, and sadness were gone in an instant, melting away like snow under the fires of her rage.
"You! You...!" That was all she could get out, so great was her anger.
SkekSa only smiled all the brighter.
"What did you expect? I'm a skeksis, after all."
urSan had nothing to say to that. Her rage slowly faded, easing out of her the longer she looked at that smile. It was so warm, familiar, unconcerned at urSan's brief wrath as if she knew it would fade quickly and all would be forgiven; of course she was right. urSan let out the last reserves of her anger with a sigh and helped SkekSa to her feet.
"Alright, you've won. Come inside and we'll get cleaned up, and perhaps I can draw out a map for you over a hot cup of ta."
SkekSa pulled a handkerchief out of a pocket and held it up to her nose.
"Sounds just fine. These bones could use the warmth of a hearth and some hospitality."
urSan knew this to be truth; her own bones ached considerably, but it wasn't necessarily painful. That was what being near SkekSa was simply like; as if the sea was bearing down on you as you swam against the current, though in the end you knew you couldn't help but succumb.
And succumb she did: SkekSa was in her hut, wrapped in blankets before the hearth, a warm cup of ta between her hands as urSan worked on the map at her table. Occasionally she would quip something about how "the sandbars better be listed this time," or some other nonsense, and then urSan would silence her with a gentle brush of her hand against her feathers. The vibrations from the purrs she emitted sank into her bones, soothing the ache.
For now at least, she could enjoy this. Even if she knew it would not last; the pain ebbed and flowed with the tides, and SkekSa was a wild thing without master; but at least she returned to her for now.
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