#uthred of bebbanburg
garunsdottir · 7 months
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three fools being fools 4/? (the last kingdom s4e01)
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brujaporfavor · 1 year
Making your adopted gay son swear not to marry a woman is KING behavior. 👑🗡️
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wackapedia · 11 months
Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts
Sihtric Kjartansson x reader
Plot: Good news: You celebrate your recent victory by challenging strangers to a drinking contest. Bad news, you turn into a whiny baby when drunk and your friends do not want to deal with it at all Wc: 793 words Warnings: drinking and being drunk, mention of fights in the battlefield, mild mention of dying. Fluff tho
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You sway in your seat as you down the rest of your ale and slam your mug against the wooden table. Your opponent, still quite sober, laughs at your poor attempt of challenging him in a drinking contest. You try to focus your sight, but it appears that there are now seven of them? "One more... I can take one more..." You were completely unintelligible at this point when you asked for another round. The observing crowd laughs. You decide to laugh along, not entirely sure what's funny. All of a sudden, their laughter halts. Someone had just walked into the alehouse.
You were sure something was still funny despite everyone else's silence as you giggled and turned to the man standing next to you; the amber hilt of his sword strapped on his back was unmistakable despite your drunken state. Your friend and lord pay off your tab and literally haul you out of your seat, carrying you back to camp.
"You celebrate better than a Dane…," he comments.
"Hmm? How do we know that?" You furrow your brows, genuinely wondering. You hiccup before continuing, "Do we know any Danes?"
Uthred sighs and hauls you higher over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The walk back to camp was short; you'd sobered up just a little to spot Osferth tending to a bowl of soup, which you hoped was for you.
You must've fallen asleep for a while because you awakened to the interior of your tent, with Uthred tapping your cheek and balancing a bowl of broth on your neck.
"Here. Feed yourself." He holds it steady and makes your hand hold a spoon.
"Ah, you sound like my father!" You pout, dropping the spoon back into the bowl.
Uthred sighs, quitting the task at hand. He calls for Finan, who happily takes over.
"This is why you shouldn't get drunk, you turn into a baby!" Finan takes a spoonful of broth, lifting it to your lips.
You keep your lips tightly shut as you pull the furs up to your face, hiding from everyone's favorite Irishman.
"And you're acting like a mother hen!" You mumble from under the covers.
He laughs with his entire chest. "Mother hen' isn't a new one, he gets that a lot.
"Come on, this will help you with tomorrow's hangover. We have to get back on the road." He chides, further proving the Mother Hen allegations. You remain under the furs, beginning to feel sleepy again. Finan calls out to you one more time, almost begging you to take just a few spoons, bargaining and negotiating like it was a battlefield. Somehow it was, with you being so difficult.
"I want Sihtric..." You slur under the sheets, walking between sleep and wakefulness. Finan doesn't respond.
"Sihtric is always so kind and gentle with me, even when I'm not drunk." You were talking to yourself at this point, slowly popping your head out of the covers, eyes closed. "He's always looking out for me without making me feel belittled. We work so well, especially on the battlefield." You sigh, thinking back to that morning's fight.
You were working through the open field after the breach at the shield wall. Standing back to back, you were absolutely lethal against your enemies, with bodies dropping quickly around the both of you. It felt comfortable to have him near you during fights. If you were to fall in battle, he would be the last thing you could see before passing. And somehow that, in itself, was your heaven, Valhalla, and paradise.
You were mumbling all of these thoughts out loud, unaware that the man himself was sitting next to you, holding the bowl of broth, red-faced and flustered. It also didn't help that three heads stacked through the tent entrance to listen in on your whole spiel about Sihtric.
".... He's easy on the eyes too. So please get Sihtric for me, Finan, before I-" You almost choked on your own tongue when you turned your head to see Sihtric. The bowl of broth must be boiling in his hands now at the heat of embarrassment and excitement coursing through his veins. The heads of Uthred, Finan, and Osferth by the tent entrance snicker to themselves as they watch the scene play out.
"Please say that again when you're sober, and then I will kiss you if you let me." Sihtric somehow recovers from his state, and finds the courage to express his feelings.
Immediately, you sat up and grabbed the bowl, slurping all of its contents messily, praying that it truly helped with hangovers so that you and Sihtric could have this conversation sober first thing tomorrow.
And that he'll make good on his promise to kiss you.
 A/N: apparently i write for TLK now too lol
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bottlesandbarricades · 10 months
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Personally, I think this plan would have worked
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myfandomprompts · 1 year
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#Uthred being a jerk to sweet Baby monk
but they still love each other at the end
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unleashthelion · 1 year
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We will return to Aethelflaed's estate, and you will rest and recover there.
Yes, lord.
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targaryen-realness · 1 year
Witchling Chapter 1
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Title: Witchling
Pairing: Osferth x Druidess!Reader
Warnings: Canon depiction of violence, mention of slavery, wounds and scars, magic, historical innacuracy (sorry medieval Scotland is not my specialty), talk about faith and christianity. The reader is fem but there is no physical description except for the fact she is a scot from the Highlands.
Summary: As they are riding away from Winchester, Osferth and Lord Uthred’s group come across a mysterious woman. She needs help but the power within her is obvious. Captivated, Osferth hopes she will stay, but as Uhtred asks her to travel with them, he cannot help but wonder what is going on in his lord’s head.
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Life with Lord Uhtred was many things but it was never boring. Osferth was watching the mountains unfurl before him as he rode toward an unknown place. They were once again leaving Winchester for the north of Wessex and once again he didn’t really know why they were departing. That was something he got used to, with time,  and the instability of this lifestyle had almost become charming. He was getting tired though, his back stiff, and his ass sore from the riding. It didn’t help that it rained all day and that in addition to the pain in his body he was now soaked to the bone. He could hear Finan speaking or screaming in the background, he didn’t know anymore. Uhtred had no intention of stopping apparently, because now they were galloping through the fields at great speed. His vision was bad to the point he could not distinguish anything that was a metre away and only the sounds of the other horses were putting him in the right direction. He was hoping, for the love of god, that they were approaching their destination and that soon he would be in a warm place, with warm food, a good drink and if possible dry clothes. 
“Why did you stop!” screamed Finan, finding himself in the same situation as Osferth. He was going to protest too but then he saw it. Saw her. You. At this very moment, he was sure of one thing, he will never forget this very moment. The rain was still pouring but Osferth thought it was now slower, so slow that the time had stopped. God had sent them an angel under the form of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. You had appeared from the river, soaked to the bone, your white dress glued to your body so much he could see your skin without trouble underneath the thin fabric. Your skin was glistening with water, your hair clad to your forehead and on your neck. But what struck him the most was your eyes, like a pit of darkness, so deep he could drown in it. He felt unable to look away, like he was staring into the void. He watched as Uhtred stepped on the ground getting off his horse and started to walk toward her. He wanted to protest somehow, to tell his lord to stay away but he could not. He watched her say something, in a language he could not understand, watched your face transform in fear and somehow rage. 
“Well lady? What are you doing here on your own?” said the lord. Osferth could hear the smirk in his voice. 
-A fucking Scot. 
-Very far away from home. 
-Very far away from home. 
-Did you get lost, little girl? 
-Not so little if you want my opinion”, one of them concluded, and Osferth suddenly had enough. 
“Stop it. She is obviously scared! And stop ogling her like that! 
-Oh baby monk, what has gotten into you?”
He didn’t answer, getting himself off his horse as well, finally touching the ground. His legs felt weak and as he approached you he felt his trust in his own body diminishing with every step. By some miracle he succeeded in taking off his coat, with the firm intention of covering you with it. He could not explain the feeling that overcame him the more he was approaching you. You looked even more splendid up close, an ethereal creature that came out of the world of the faes, a world of legend. Dangerous creatures, creatures of the devil for sure. But he swore as your eyes fell on him for the first time that you could drag him into hell right now and he would not object. Your skin was glistening with water, droplets falling from the tip of your lashes like little pearls. You looked like you were crying. He was following with his eyes the rain sliding along your skin, the way the water caressed the skin of your lips. He was in trouble. He could not help but follow another, along your neck, till it reached your breasts. He could see them very clearly. He should have had the decency to look away, to close his eyes, but he didn’t. He was in big trouble.
It was Sihtric's voice that got him out of his trance. He took his coat and placed it gently on your shoulders, careful not to scare you, but you seemed good with it. 
“Thank you” you said, surprising everyone. 
“She speaks!
-Can you believe that” 
You seemed to recoil on yourself, pulling the cloak closer. You must have been freezing, now he was able to see it, the goosebumps on your frozen skin. 
“She is gonna die from the cold.” he said, not really expecting an answer. 
“Let her die here then. She is trouble”
It wasn’t a man’s voice, and just by hearing it, Osferth felt anger course through his body. 
“No one asked” Lord Uhtred answered to Skade, the blond witch still on her horse, tied up to the one of lord Uhtred . 
He saw you move a little, your head straightening and your eyes falling on the witch. He saw your expression change, the look in your eyes getting darker. You knew she was danger, and not only because she just told everyone you should be left to die in the cold. 
“What is your name, girl?” Lord Uhtred asked, getting closer. Osferth had no other choice but to let him pass, and he regretted it instantly when he watched his lord now toe to toe with you. You were watching him intently. 
“Seer. That's all I’ve been called lately.” 
Your voice was melodious, with a heavy gaelic accent, but the words were well articulate and understandable. They sounded even better when you said them. 
“Are you a seer?
-Not really.
-Are you a witch then?
-I am nothing”
It almost broke his heart, the way you said this, because it sounded so real in your voice. He watched his lord take your face in one of his hands.
“We are taking her with us. She’ll ride with Finan.”
He could hear the almost loud “yes” form the man in question before he had to return to his horse. The disappointment that you were not riding with him was obvious but at least he will be able to watch your back for the duration of the ride. Small consolation when he thought about having your arms wrapped around him. A greater price for sure.
“We need to shelter for the night” was all Uhtred said before kicking his horse into action.
They found a hin after another hour of riding. The rain had stopped but now they were left with a strong wind that chilled their bones. He felt an immediate relief as they stepped inside. They looked like a bunch of outlaws for sure. Not trust worthy of any hin keeper or even brothel owners. He saw all the eyes turn toward them the moment the door closed behind. He even saw a man draw a dagger slowly which made him take a step back. 
“We are looking for a place to sleep and to get some food.
-We are not looking for trouble” said a man, probably the owner, stepping from the small crowd. 
“We are not either. We have silver of course”
That was enough for the crowd to return to their business, mostly their drink and plates. Uhtred made a sign to follow and they all did, even you. Finan had his hand on your shoulder to keep you walking and it was only now Osferth realised:
“You are not wearing shoes!” 
You looked at him then at your feet, and back at him. 
“You’re only finding out now” said Uhtred, mocking him. 
“He can’t take his eyes off her though.
-Probably not her feet he is looking at” 
Finan and Sihtric laughed loudly, taking you with them, leaving him deep in embarrassment. You didn’t say anything during your meal, seated next to lord Uhtred, you were swallowing spoons full of broth. 
“So where are you from exactly? 
-And why were you on that road”
You looked around, careful, and your eyes darted a bit too long on the blond witch. You finally settled them back on your plate. 
“Slave traders”
The silence at the table was heavy but you kept going. 
“I was on my way back to my home. When my brother and I were attacked. They killed him and took me”
He was breathless but it was nothing compared to the haunting look in your eyes. 
“Do you know the men that attacked you? Who were they?”
It was a simple question, but Osferth knew it was hiding more than just politeness or concern from his lord. Before he met them, Finan and Uhtred had been enslaved. They had been set free by Ragnar, Uhtred’s brother under the order of king Alfred. Lord Uhtred had also that ability to attract every runts in need of a home that he came across. He smiled at the possibility you might be staying with them. 
“One is a scot, named Alasdair. I know he is from Aberlemno. The other one was a dane. Gorn I think. There was a third one, but he is already dead. 
-They are not asking the right questions”
It was Skade speaking now. She leaned on the table, her eyes reflecting light in an unnatural way. Osferth could not argue, she was truly beautiful. But he knew she was sent by the devil himself. You let your spoon fall on your plate with a thud and straighten your spine. 
“I killed that third man and left. I jumped into a river and hoped I drowned before they could find me. But obviously the gods have other plans. I am still alive and I found you, instead. And I know you are not slave traders.”
No one said anything, but he could see the emotion in Finan’s eyes. Sihtric looked at you too, with maybe a bit more caution. 
“You are not a christian then?” Lord Uhtred asked, smiling. 
You sized him up and simply said:
“Probably as christian as you.”
Osferth could not help the laugh that escaped him, thankfully he was not alone as the two other men tried to regain their seriousness. 
“Do you pray to the same gods as me? 
-I do not. I practise the ancestral religion of the highlands. 
-You speak the Saxon tongue yet.
-My clan has ressources. I was educated in Latin, and also ancient Greek. Not that I remember any.
-How long have you been away from your home?”
You lifted your shoulders. 
“I don’t know how much time has passed since I’ve been enslaved. Maybe a few months, maybe more. Alasdair decided to not sell me right away. He kept me for himself. 
-Why? You are young and beautiful. You must cost a lot of silver.”
You snorted but did not deny that. 
“I have other” you marked a pause like you were looking for a specific word, “talents that he deemed more useful than the silver he could have collected by simply selling me. 
-You are a Seer?”
You moved your head taking a sip of your drink. 
“And other things. It is not my specialty but it happens.
-You are a druidess” said Finan so low Osferth almost did not hear it. 
“In formation, but yes. 
-In formation? 
-It’s a long process. Nineteen years to be more precise. 
-And you’ve been doing that since? 
-I was eleven. So it has been a while now.”
Your eyes trailed on him, and he stopped breathing. You watched his reaction intently, and he understood why. He was obviously the most christian of them all. Suddenly the cross around his neck felt heavy. He should have said something, he felt like he had to, but when you smiled at him gently, he kept quiet. 
“Thank you for helping me. You did not have to, but you still did. I will not bother you any longer.”
You started to raise from your spot, but the hand of Uhtred kept you seated. 
“Where are you going? 
-Leaving? Obviously? 
-How? You do not have any silver, any horse, any idea where you are. You do not even have clothes.”
You looked down at yourself and sighed. You wanted to protest obviously, but you weren’t stupid. Osferth could see you knew he was right. 
“I have nothing to give you in exchange. And I won’t sleep with you for help.”
It was Uhtred that laughed first, then everyone followed except for Osferth. He was still watching you, transfixed by the reflection of the candle light on your cheeks. 
“No one will make you do things you don’t want to. Especially not this. 
-But when you want to, you know where to find me”
Osferth made a noise of disapproval at Finan’s remark, but you smiled and his heart shattered for you. 
“Thank you my lord. I will not forget it”
Osferth watched his lord smile, but he could see that there was something else. A secret intent in his eyes. And this is when Osferth realised that there were now two witches at this table. They ended up leaving the dinner room for the bedrooms that were available. You disappeared from his sight and soon he could not find you anywhere. 
“Where is the seer? 
-She left to get a bath boy, are you going to follow her there too? 
-I haven’t done anything! Stop!”
Finan laughed and raised his hands in a sign of surrender. 
“I am just saying that she is quite a beautiful creature. Those witches, I am telling you, they are blessed by the gods they pray to. I haven’t met one that wasn't beautiful. 
-She is”, simply answered Osferth letting himself fall in the bed. But there was more behind his words. He knew it. 
He could not sleep, and as Sihtric already was deep in slumber and Finan had rolled on his belly already snoring , he decided to go for a walk. He did not know where he was going but when he heard a noise at the end of the corridor he simply followed. There was no one around, but the door was slightly opened. Curiosity was a bad thing,he knew that, but he was thanking god with so much ardour at this very moment. You rose from the big wooden tub. You were naked, your skin glowing from the  weak light in the room. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes travelled along your back. Scars, old and new, lacered your body, and he knew they were from whiplash. He had never wanted revenge in his life until this very moment. He thought to himself that if you came across the people that did this, he hoped to have the opportunity to kill them. Maybe you would kill them yourself. But that was not the only marks that punctuated your skin. He could also see older scars, that did not seem to be accidents. They were forming shapes, symboles, and he realised that they were probably linked to your magic practices. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn’t see you turn around to look at him. 
“Come in. I’m not gonna eat you”
He froze and almost combust on the spot. 
“I’m sorry my lady. I just wanted -
-It’s okay. I was finished.”
You grabbed a robe and draped yourself in it. You opened the door finally coming face to face with him. 
“Lord Uhtred gave me clothes, I just have to put them on and I’ll be ready. Was I too long?”
Your voice was so melodious, your accent, he could listen to you all day and night. He saw the smirk that grew on your lips as you spoke. You knew he wasn’t there because you took too long in your bath. He felt himself blush and simply nodded. He turned around fast when you dropped the robe to start getting dressed. 
“What is your name? I did not ask you earlier? 
-Osferth, my lady. I am simply called Osferth. 
-Well Osferth, nice to meet you. I am Y/n.”
He could not help the smile that crossed his face when you pronounced his name. He turned around, and you were finally dressed. You were wearing a long and fitting dress with a large slit on your right leg, that let you see a pair of pants underneath. 
“Nice to meet you, lady Y/n”
You smiled at him and he could not help but smile back even more.  
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lasaraconor · 1 year
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henrycavillary · 1 year
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ALEXANDER DREYMON as UHTRED The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die (2023) dir. Edward Bazalgette
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holyterrainn · 1 year
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garunsdottir · 8 months
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three fools being fools 3/? (the last kingdom: seven kings must die)
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hc-geralt-23 · 1 year
hi love, saw you asked for scenarios so i was wondering if you could maybe write about uhtred with a really clumsy reader like he's always patching her up after she gets injured and he scolds her a lot but she's just really calm and it's whatever to her
Title: The Clumsy Love
Uhtred was a fierce warrior, feared by many. He had fought in countless battles and had scars to prove it. But there was one thing that made him feel vulnerable, and that was his love for a clumsy reader.
She was always tripping over her own feet, bumping into things, and getting herself into trouble. Uhtred would often find himself patching her up after she got injured, scolding her for being so careless.
But she was always calm, never getting upset or flustered. It was as if she accepted her clumsiness as a part of who she was.
One day, Uhtred was out hunting when he heard a loud scream. He rushed back to the camp to find his love lying on the ground, clutching her ankle.
"What happened?" Uhtred asked, kneeling down beside her.
"I tripped over a rock," she said, wincing in pain.
Uhtred sighed, shaking his head. "You need to be more careful," he scolded her, as he began to examine her ankle.
"I know," she said, smiling up at him. "But accidents happen."
Uhtred couldn't help but smile back at her. Despite her clumsiness, he loved her more than anything in the world.
As he wrapped her ankle in a bandage, he realized that her clumsiness was just a small part of who she was. She was kind, intelligent, and brave. And he wouldn't want her any other way.
From that day on, Uhtred stopped scolding her for her clumsiness. Instead, he embraced it, knowing that it was just a part of the woman he loved.
Together, they faced many challenges, but they always did it with a smile on their faces. For Uhtred, there was nothing more beautiful than the clumsy love he shared with his reader.
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sttdevilish · 1 year
Osferth x f!reader
English is not even my second lenguage is probably the third so I'm sorry FOR EVERY WORD I PUT ON THIS FIC.
The second apology on advance is cuz i didn't even finish the third season so im writing about CRUMBS AND IMAGINATION so if you see something off is because most of the time they are talking I'm looking at Osferth not to the subtitles.
Probably this is gonna be like four chapters but i don't promise anything :2 i hope u guys like it <3
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Being in Winchester was not like you though, at least not as an independent woman, neither if you were Dane and Uthred's sister too, you always hear the Saxons say that when you were on Wessex with Uthred and the boys.
Uthred was always protective with you, even if you were a warrior like him, Finan, Sihtric or like Halig was, you were his sister first and that was all that matter when people insult you or were being creepy, mostly men. Now remembering last night, when all of us were on the alehouse and an old man approached on your side of the table, you were in silence listening to the story that your brother was telling when the man started to said that you were a Dane whore that was with them just because they probably hump you for some silver and saying that you didn't belong to Wessex, noticing how they all stop talking to stare at the man, Uhtred getting up from his chair when the man repeated that you were just a whore.
Answering to the old man that you were more warrior than all of Wessex or him could ever be and not only a whore, advertising that he should watch his tongue and walk away from your side, replying by trying to pour his ale on you, not fast enough even for Uthred that raised his hand to pull his sword, you push the man with your hands and punch him, when the man tried to give the same punch to you, Uthred tried to stop him with the others, that didn't happen, pulling the man by his neck and pushing him to the table, you take out the dagger on your thigh, pointing at his neck. The man started apologizing as fast as he could when you pressed the dagger on the skin, letting him go when he whined with pain, kicking on his ass out of the alehouse.
Still immersed in your thoughts about last night, you didn't see the person who suddenly stopped in front of you, getting your head smacked on his arm and having you almost on the ground. Furrowing your browns and letting go a loud groan and facing him to start complaining, you looked up at him, your first thought was why his hair was so ugly looking and the second if you should hit him for stopping even if you were not paying attention in front of you.
He widened his eyes at staring at you, opening his mouth to say an apology that never came out of him before you started talking, your familiar loud voice making Uthred smile even if you didn't have seen I'm behind you.
"Fuck, you retarded ugly hair, why you stop in the middle of the street?" Getting closer and tilting your head, your eyes moving to his clothes and to the cross on his neck, seeing clearly now that it was a monk. Seeing how his hands went up to still want to apology even if you were crushing his words with yours, noticing his cheeks starting to get on a pink tone and looking up behind you when others spoke.
"Y/N! Where were you ?" Uhtred talked behind your back, moving your attention to him, the monk at your side passing his eyes from you to Uthred again and sighing a moan. 
"With woman, why you are talking with a monk? This stupid is literally in the middle of the street." Arching one of your eyebrows and shaking your head slightly, you glanced at the taller boy in front of you before moving to face your brother.
"Talking about the baby monk, I should introduce you to him, this is Osferth, he wants to come with us on battles from now, well, with me. His mother was Leofric's sister, a bastard son of her." Your brother nod his head to point at him. 
"I am so sorry lady-" Finally starting to talk and trying to not sound that scared by the look you were giving to him before, you stopped him with a sarcastic laugh.
"A monk with us? What is going to do, pray to their fake God on our battles or kill Danes with that cross? Doesn't look like a pointy cross to me." Pointing with your finger at the cross and then looking at Uthred, him smirking a little before nodding at you and getting up from the stairs.
"I said he has to change that for a sword, but I'm sure you can teach a man how to kill someone with a cross if he doesn't change it for a sword." Uthred said, shrugging his shoulders and getting near to you before putting one of his hands on your shoulder, pressing on you as you make another disappointed sound to them.
"He must, we are not into babysitting, and I'm afraid not into teaching monks to kill with ugly crosses too." You furrow your eyebrows again to both of them, shaking your head and letting out a sight.
"Then I can go by your side, Lord?" The monk talked with a paused soft voice, looking only at him and deviating to look at you for a second, noticing how his hands were clenched together in front of him now and his lips were pressed.
"Yes, if my sister doesn't curse you first with her looks." Uthred laughed out loud, shaking your body by pushing your shoulder, you moved your body to escape the grab and starting to head to the stairs with the others. 
"Osferth, you maybe want to change the cross and the haircut, if you piss off my sister, I'm not going to be the one to save you from her, don't think anyone would want especially to piss her, but don't be scared, she is a good woman, just feral as my brother Ragnar too." Uthred chuckled looking at the monk scared face.⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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The old you would kill yourself if you think about how you've been doing the past months, still sometimes thinking about what was wrong about when you were supposed from the beginning to not like the monk at all. That shit was turning tables all the way, and you didn't even know how it happened or how it started. 
Maybe started when you saw the same fear in his eyes before jumping to the boat on Cookham, the same fear that you felt on your first battle, noticing how all the travel his hands were shaking onto his lap and he was about to pass out. Maybe it was when, noticing his tears of killing his first man, a bad way if you think about it because even your first kill was a clean cut in the throat, and you didn't drop a single tear. But you feel something in your chest pressing when your brother screamed at him and you screamed back at him without thinking, saying the first thing that came to your head about the monk staying at your side to not fuck the whole mission and to not being harm, just pushing Osferth behind your back after saying it and walking away with him following like a lost pup, getting to the side when you pushed your sword towards the men to kill them, sometimes moving your head back to look at his sad look, him making sure he was still alive and good by little nods to you.
"You need to stop being a crying child, Uthred or I won't always be there to kill for you, Monk, you choose to be with us, my brother doesn't need a child to protect in battle." The only words that came from your mouth when you were standing aside your horse with him in front of you once the battle finished came in a demanding tone, even if you were sure that the point was not scaring him more.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to protect me or either Uthred." Osferth give you the same sad look, his hands pressing into his back after saying to you that, knowing he probably was really sorry for bothering you at least.
 "I do not want to see you dead, my brother is starting to care for you. I don't care about having you following me like a pup if you want protection, but you need to fucking learn how to swing the sword, not like you did it there." You started to feeling the same way as your brother, but that words never come out of your mouth. Looking at him and shaking your head before you get up on your horse.
You sighed, noticing how he just nod and apologize once more in a soft voice and move his body closer to the horse, the same feeling starting to ache on your chest and even before thinking it too much, you move your hand down to his head, reaching him the top because of the high of the horse and messing his hair with your fingers.
" Don't think it too much, I would be more surprised if you have known how to fight being a little monk, I can teach you, but don't poke anyone's neck with the sword like a piece of meat again, or I gave you a stick to fight. " Moving out your hand from his hair, you kick the side of the horse with your boot to start going with the others.
He tried to hide his face with his own horse with embarrassment, noticing the warm feeling on his cheeks and his heart pounding harder on his chest by the way you touched his hair. Hearing a laugh on the other side that he identify as Finan, getting on the horse and trying not to look at him before start to following the others too.
The feeling of the cold took you out of your own thoughts, sniffing your nose and moving your shoulders, trying to get warm but still shivering. Looking aside to your horse, Osferth looked back at you, a soft smile growing.
"Are you cold, my lady?"
" All of us are cold, Osferth, obviously I am cold to the bones and my ass sores from being in this fucking horse and my head hurts from watching my brother with a foot on Valhalla and this fucking seer looking at me like a dog all the time, why you ask?"
Osferth burst out a laugh, furrowing your browns and looking in front of you at hearing a soft laugh of your brother too, Uhtred looking at both of you from the wagon, hearing Osferth's horse neigh before approaching to you, moving one of his hands to his own cloak on his shoulders, taking it off and pulling it over you. Not having enough time to react to his actions, your hands going on the cloak for a moment and sending him a glance before shaking your head, trying to deny Osferth's cloak, your own hands getting to the lace of the cloak to try to pull it off, feeling how one of his hands pressed on top of yours.
"I don't want it."
"Wear it, Y/n"
"You are deaf? I say I don't want-"
"I said you wear it, so do it." You opened your eyes to look at him in surprise, noticing how Osferth voice was now demanding it and not asking, you pressed your lips together, doing a grouting low sound on your throat and smacking his hands out of you to pull the cloak on your body, noticing that the cloak was too long and big enough to cover all of you to the foots.
"Imbecile." You said, getting again your hands on the reins and kicking with your boot on the horse to go in front of the wagon with Sihtric.
"She likes you, probably the only man I saw touching his breast was the first and the last, he now has no hands to touch any more..." Uhtred whisper with a soft smirk looking at the monk, looking how Osferth just sighed and his eyes wide, now noticing that, his eyes following you before looking at Uthred with a cautious look now.
"I was pushing my cloak, she would keep me alive hopefully, for you, not because she likes me, I believe it God is great."
"If you think Y/N is going to get more gods than her appreciated Freyja, yeah, you are dead before this night." Finan moved his horse closer to them, sharing a smile with Uhtred.
. . .
You glanced over and over at your brother, letting a big sigh escape before covering your face with your hands, still looking at your brother without moving or giving any attention to anything more, only the light of the campfire being able to help you stare at him in the dark. Moving your legs closer to your chest and pressing both before resting your chin on them. Hearing a sound besides you without moving your eyes of your brother, knowing by the sound of the boots trying to make the softest noise that was Osferth, seating next to you and extending his hand with a bowl in front of your face.
"He is not going anywhere, you don't need to stare at him all night, eat this." Moving the bowl closer to you, knowing that by this time he was not going to accept a no, you grabbed the bowl and moved the soup with the spoon at the side before finally look up to Osferth. His eyes seemed tired from trying not to get down to sleep, waiting for you even if you said you were going to stay up all the night to watch your brother and that they could sleep peacefully. A soft smile growing on his lips when you finally looked at him and grab the bowl, cheering in his insides.
"He's dying, and I can't do anything about it, nothing to break the curse." Your lips pressed together, clenching your jaw, the anger you were feeling coming back with your own thoughts. "I'm going to cut that bitch head and put it like a collar on my horse, maybe with that the gods would tell respond about it."
"Lord Uthred said that we can't break the curse if we kill her, even if I don't think it is a curse." 
"Say again that is not cursed when you are seeing how he is dying by nothing more than her presence, and I'm going to do two collars with both of your heads." You shake your head, getting closer to the bowl to drink the soup, drinking all of it before leaving the bowl on the side.
Osferth glanced at how your brother muttered something in his dreams, looking at you again and letting go a big sigh, his body shifting to put his back on the tree at your side.
"Lady, I'm praying for him, he is going to be okay, I know God is good, your gods too, I'm sure they want to keep him alive."
"I'm going to start prey to your God if that makes my brother well again. Freyja is just silenced every time I ask something about him, probably she is mad about that I let Skade alive in the first place, that's because she is letting the bitch kill my brother. Skade doesn't follow the natural order of gods, she must die and I would be glad to do that." 
Getting your head down and placing it on your knees, you looked at Osferth, this time giving him an ironically smile.
 "I don't know if he is going to make it to see Ragnar again, maybe when we arrive is too late."
"Lord Uthred is strong, he would see his brother again, you're helping him too, I saw the marks that you put around him on the ground and the rocks that you put in his clothes." 
The silence was not loud enough between the two of us, hearing the snorts of Finan at the side of the campfire and Uthred still muttering things while sleeping. You were now keeping your eyes on Osferth and he was doing the same to you, noticing how even in the dark, he was starting to blush when you keep your eyes on him without saying nothing but keeping a little smirk on your lips.
You put one of your hands on his face before thinking it too much, caressing his red cheek and moving your thumb against his chin, pressing the finger up to his lips before stopping yourself, for the only thing your eyes moved from theirs were for looking down to his lips, the first thought that came to your mind stepping so loud on your head that you wide your eyes open, hearing how he swallowed, now all his face was warm and red, his eyes staring at your own lips a couple of seconds before looking at your eyes again.
You pushed your legs to move and lean on him, pressing your chest with his and feeling how both sighed for air, your hands now cupping his face before pulling him up enough to bring your lips together, pressing them hard and for a short moment, Osferth making a loud sound of surprise and not moving his body at all but pressing his lips back before you moved your head, looking at each other with a surprised expression as well after breaking the kiss. 
"Good night, Osferth." Trying your best to keep calm, you mess his hair moving your hands and caressing his face, getting up and starting to go next to where your brother was sleeping without a response from him, afraid enough to look at him while you started to walk. Sitting at his side and coming back to stare at Uthred, this time your head not even thinking about the curse, just about how soft his lips felt on yours and how you wanted to make that kiss longer and keep going with more, how he didn't move an inch but kissed you back awkwardly, maybe a clumsy kiss from his part, probably his first kiss too and she didn't even ask for it, but you were not regretting anything, not with Osferth.
He was still in the same position, the warm sensation on his chest going up to his face again and again just by thinking about what happened. It was his first kiss, or at least the one that meant something to him, and he was so happy about it that he probably imagined a whole more kisses with her in the seconds after. His thoughts passing fast to surprised ones, he was already in shock by just the caressing hand on his face and he was about to whine of happiness when the kiss happened even if it was not long enough. 
Closing his eyes and resting his head on the tree, Osferth fell asleep with a big smile and the same thoughts about you kissing him.
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
How the Ragnarssons Would React to You Being a Warrior
*Warnings- talks of sex, drinking, suggestive nature, this one also has talks violence
(As always gifs are not mine and I do not claim credit for them. Thank you to the creators !)
Bjorn Ironside :
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- Not saying it would a requirement but . . . . you know it would definitely help your relationship if you can hold you own in battle - If you both met on the battle field fighting for the same cause UUGHHH he would be swooning - Personally I feel like y'all he would realize his feelings for you during Paris, if you were there *hint hint* - Now all this being said he would still prefer for you to stay close to his side - This man would have such a protective instinct over you I swear to the gods - Bjorn would also gift you a necklace with mjolnir as well as protective metal garb with runes of the gods blessed at Uppsala - Before every battle he wouldn't voice his worries or that he loves you he would simply place his hands on your face and rest his forehead on yours <3
Ubbe :
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- I say this with my whole chest HE IS LOOKING RESPECTFULLY - This man would see you as an equal and even ask you for battle strategies when the time comes - Whether you two are together platonic ally, romantically, etc. he would always make sure to give you something of his so you have to return it to him after the battle ("If you don't I will drag you from the halls of the gods and kill you myself" He would have that signature smirk that he got from his father lmao) - Eventually if you start giving him stuff of your own before battle he would be over the moon and you would be lucky if he doesn't propose right then and there - He is a man of words and action so directly after the fighting has ceased would search for you and then engulf you in his arms talking of how great you were and How proud the gods are of all those who fought along side y'all
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- Kinda feel like this man would be fairly indifferent. Don't get me wrong, hes proud ( a wee bit confused) such a person would choose to be with him gods he'd nearly drop over dead but other than that its business as usual - Perhaps it would allow him to feel comfy with being more rough when it comes to your sex life if you know what I mean - Now we all know that this poor man has a drinking problem annnnnd after every battle victorious or not you both will go drinking mead . . . . eventually you of course would have to cut him off - While drinking though you guys would be sloppily tending to each others wounds - Cuddlying will ensue no questions asked (he prefers being little spoon but does not mind having you laying on top of him attached like a little Koala)
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- Now lets get this all sorted Sigurd doesn't love physical confrontation unlike some of his brothers *couch* Ivar *cough* BUT he would find it so hot when you have that after battle look (as long as you're not injured of course) when you are covered in sweat and blood - Don't ask if he does though because he will fiercely deny it - Once everything is said and done you can bet he will tackle you with the most passionate hug and kisses no matter who is watching - When that is finally out of his system he'll take you to get a bath where he'll scrub you down while humming a song he can't quite remember then he will "graciously" let you clean him up too
Ivar the Boneless
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- I am going to politely say this once and I will not be repeating myself Ivar will have you on his side if you are a good fighter we all witnessed what with Bishop Heahmund - But seriously if you are true to him and loyal (though if we are being honest with each other he is just suspicious everyones loyalty no matter who they are) he really could not give a damn - Well that is what he'd tell you but every once in a while he might just bring you to where he is standing away from the battle purely for strategical reasons of course - Off the field this man will give you tips and even train with you. Teaching you how to fight like him, to be sly, to be quick, and to think on your feet - Now as amazing as this all sounds there is the downside of having to calm him down when hes angry and even fighting some of his personal battles like when someone gives him a tough time. I believe its fair to say that you can get protective over him even if he doesn't need your protection
Ragnar the Younger
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- Kinda like Bjorn I'm not gonna say its a requirement that you are fighter however you know it won't hurt you know - Now as I am sure we are all aware family is so important to Ragnar so if you are fighting for his family's cause be it Uthreds, his own, or his fathers he would already admire you - Gods if you are ever put in a positions where you saved his life hed be like well damn guess I have found the one and he would be eternally grateful - He's the type of person who would allow you to have your own life and he will have his and you both will meet in the middle and if suddenly in life you decide hey I want to be a badass warrior he would more than willing to help you train and then let you be on your merry way (he is proud of you do not worry) - After every battle cue him frantically searching the field praying to Tyr and Thor and Odin and Freyja and whoever that would listen that you were alive and when he finds you expect to his a bright smile despite his physical state
Uthred of Bebbanburg
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- He has a thing for warriors. No questions. - Uthred will playfully fight you and even jokingly challenge to draw the square for a duel. Gods help you if you accept, he will not go easy on you and if you think he would you are wrong. - If you have sworn your sword to him, he would treat you as a friend, a companion. He would even see you as someone he could trust with his life seeking you out for advice (even when he didn't need it) - Now if you had sworn your sword to someone else and you were a good warrior he will stand with you to the best of his ability. IF said person was King Alfred you and him would be attached by the hip - Idk if you all know that one scene in star wars with Kylo and Rey
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- this scene this is how you both would fight, together and in unison
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illtakeyoutowonderland · 11 months
The One (Part 5)
The one where she explained
Sihtric x Reader
Y/N had never been so happy to be able to wash herself like she was right now.
After Skade left with Haesten, she and Aethelflaed, along with Uthred and his men, had traveled to Saltwic, Aethelflaed's Mercian estate. But that took them days. Days Y/N could no longer tolerate anymore since she had never had to camp so many times in her life, let alone travel by horse. She missed cars. She even missed the bus.
She tried to stay away from everyone as she gathered her thoughts and tried to accept everything. It was hard, though. She could feel Uthred's eyes on her, and along with Finan's and Sihtric's as well. Osferth was the only one who actually talked to her. A few little comments on things, some thank you's as he brought her some food or shared some water. He was a sweet guy, Y/N liked him already, but still was torn between trying to be his friend while keeping his secret from Aethelflaed. So, she did what she did best. Stay quite and away.
But now, after a well deserved hot bath, she felt in a much better mood. She thank the universe for Aethelflaed's commodities on her house, or more like castle. She was given new and clean clothes, too. A simple dark green dress, warmth enough for this weather to her surprise. She brushed her hair and went to find her friend.
She instead found Finan and Osferth, practicing with swords and for a moment she wondered if she could ever learn. If she will ever have to. She got lost in her thoughts for a few seconds when someone from afar catch her attention. 
Sihtric was standing against the wall, not far from his friends, but paying them no attention. She felt guilty for the way she had treated him. Yes, he was infuriating, but she had let her emotions and her own problems get the best of her and she took it all on him. A man she didn't even know. 
She stood still for a few seconds, debating with herself about doing the right thing or ignore her feelings and go spend some time with Osferth. She rolled her eyes, knowing damn well she couldn't let this thing go. So, she walked up to him.
"Hey" She said softly as he realized her presence and looked at her
"Lady" He nodded at her and he watched her from head to toes and Y/N suddenly felt naked. His face showed no expression at all, but his eyes were dark and she even dared to say surprised to see her in a dress or clean, or both.
"Bet I do not look like a Dane in this dress, huh?" She awkwardly smiled and cursed herself for trying to be funny
"You do not, Lady" Sihtric said a little confused
A few awkward seconds passed, both in silence, before Y/N spoke again "So, uhm... I wanted to apologize to you"
"I think you already did, Lady" He said not looking at her "And then you went to pray for your God to give me a new brain, remember?" Ok, ouch
"Ok, so first of all, He is not my god, ok?" She exasperatly explained "And enough with the Lady thing, it's weird and my name is Y/N, not Lady " He looked at her and nodded as if to reasure her he was listening but he honestly he didn't know what to say. Sihtric was more than confused with her, she was so infuriating and could never predict her next move or words, still he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He looked over to Finan who shrugged and continue practising with Osferth. Y/N took a deep breath "What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for insulting you and slapping you the way I did" She looked everywhere else but him "It was worng of me, you don't know me and I don't know you, and I was scared... I've been scared for the past few months and I took it on you. I don't know what came over me, I'm not like that" Sihtric notice, between her rambling, how her cheeks flushed a little and a few snowflakes that got stucked on her hair. And how she tried to keep her hands busy while explaining and he couldn't think of anything else but how cute she looked "You didn't deserved that, although you were being kind of annoying, but still, I was hoping you could forgive me and like, not hate me? So, yes, I'm sorry for all that"
She didn't dare to look at him, but could feel his stare on her. When he didn't say anything she looked up and found him smirking at her and blushed even harder "I can take a punch, Lady" This time his tone was playfull, ignoring her request to stop calling her like that
"I know" She said and took a few steps closer to him "Doesn't mean you have to"
"I think I'll live" He shrugged 
"But you still do not trust me" She stated "You, Uthred nor them" Y/N pointed at Finan and Osferth who pretended not to listen to the conversation "You do not trust me"
"Skade knows you and we do not trust her"
"But I don't know her" Y/N explained "I've never seen her in my life, I swear"
"You will have to talk to Lord Uthred about that" He started to walk towards his friends
"Are you serious?" She said turning in their direction "Can't make your own opinions without Uthred around?" She snapped
"This is more that just you and me" He said sternly "She cursed us all and you want me to believe you just happened to be around?"
"Sihtric, that's enough" Finan intervined
"She is hidding something, Finan!" 
"I am not!" Sihtric scoffed at her words "I'm serious, what do you want to know? I'll tell you everything, just ask me"
"How will I know you are not lying?"
"Guess you'll have to ask and see" She shrugged
"Ok" He said and stared at her "Who are you?"
"I'm Y/N" She said annoyed, she had said this a million times
"He means where are you from, Lady" Osferth intervined calmly
"And do not say from far away" Sihtric stated before she could give them the vage answers she had been giving them for days
"Oh, uhm" She looked to the floor weighing her options, the three men waiting for her response "I do not know how to explain"
"You are really annoying you know that?" Y/N snapped at Sihtric and she could see Finan and Osferth grinning
"That's what we been trying to tell him, Lady" Finan said trying to light up the mood but failed
"Where do you come from?" Sihtric insisted "What are you doing here? What do you want?"
"I don't know, OK?!" She snapped louder than she intended, silencing the three men "I do not have a fucking clue why I am here! Wherever the fuck that is. I have no idea how the fuck I got here either, ok? I just am and you will have to fucking deal with it. And I cannot tell you where the fuck I am from because it doesn't even fucking exists yet, ok? I'm not from this time. How the fuck am I supposed to explain that, huh? You will believe I am some sort of witch, which I am not but at this very fucking moment I really wish I was so I could leave this fucking place and go back home and never see your stupid fucking face again!" She tried to hide the tears forming in her eyes, but failed enormously
"Those were a lot of fucks" Osferth said awkwardly breaking the silence she had once again created
"Yes, they were" Finan laughed loudly and the mood changed slightly "You talk to God with that mouth, Lady?" He asked jockingly
"I do not believe in God" She said wipping away the tears from her cheeks
"Then what do you believe in?" Sihtric asked, more calm than before but still wairy from her oubrust "The Gods?"
"Right now I only believe in punching you in the face for making me cry" She said softly, not entirly believing it. Finan snorted loudly and Osferth joined him in his laughter. Even Sihtric relaxed a little
"You will have to apologize again"  A small smirk started to show on his face
"You said you could take it" Y/N shrugged mocking him "And no, I don't believe in anything. I was born and raised a Christian but that didn't work out, so I have no religion now I guess"
"That's sad" Osferth said softly "What is your motivation, then if not God?"
"Men had never been my motivation for nothing, trust me" She said laughing, Finan joining her
"He is not a man, He is God" Defended Osferth
"He is a he" Y/N rolled her eyes and shrugged "That is enough menly for me"
"Lady" a new voice interrupted them and they all turned around to look at one of Aethelflaed's maiden "The Lady Aethelflaed is looking for you"
"Guess we will have to leave our theological debate for later" Y/N joked and turned to follow the woman
"Theo what?" She heard Sihtric ask and Osferth sighing heavily as she walked away with a little smile on her face
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maybe it’s just me being dumb but I couldn’t find any
TLK Æthelstan fanfiction here. May I ask you to guide me through a tumblr fancic pls 😭
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