#vader: also we shouldn't use it against alderaan because that won't achieve anything. princess leia is too hardcore and you're all fools
anghraine · 2 years
I was revising and thinking about some of Anakin/Vader’s scenes with Tarkin in ANH, and I think there’s an interesting detail in there with regard to them and the Death Star.
When Tarkin threatens to destroy Alderaan, Leia appears to give up the Rebellion’s base, and Tarkin says:
“You see, Lord Vader, she can be reasonable.”
That’s a kind of weird remark, if you think about it. It might just be an empty rhetorical flourish, of course, but to me, it sounds more like a gloating “I told you so.” If that’s the case, it implies a separate conversation about holding Alderaan over Leia’s head, in which they disagreed.
Later, when it turns out that Leia lied, Tarkin is shocked!! and outraged!!! and Vader twists the knife by saying:
“I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion.”
Speaking of I-told-you-sos.
So they definitely seem to have disagreed about this. It’s not like Vader is on the side of the angels here; he ruthlessly works to recover the plans, stands by while the Death Star kills millions of people, and defends it in battle. At the same time, when you consider his earlier open contempt for what he terms “this technological terror,” it is intriguing that he finds reasons to voice opposition.
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