A day in the life of someone who posts on the internet in Catalan *cue dozens of Spanish people asking "what's wrong with your mouth", ordering him to speak in Spanish or "in Christian", saying he's rude for speaking in Catalan, calling him "polaco" (derogatory Spanish word to mean a Catalan person), calling the Catalan language a dialect, saying he is possessed because he's speaking Catalan, etc*
This is a video by Sergi Mas showing some of the comments he gets on YouTube. He makes videos about mountain biking that he posts on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. And the first comment he got on his first YouTube video was already someone telling him he should do it in Spanish.
Some days ago, another creator who posts his videos in Catalan (Joan Sendra, find him on Instagram and TikTok) answered to a Spanish person who was complaining that it's rude to speak Catalan/Valencian on the internet instead of Spanish because then there's people who don't understand you (as if everyone in the world spoke Spanish lmao). Joan, who is tired of getting this kind of comments so often, answered: there are already endless videos and things to watch on the internet in Spanish. In fact, if you look for [the topic he was talking about in the video that this guy commented] all the videos are in Spanish except for mine. And yet you had to come to me, the one in Valencian, and tell me that I can't make a video in my language and that I can only make it in yours. If you don't like it, it's so easy to find another one!
However, it's not a matter of actually being interested in what's being said in a language they don't speak. It's about the imposition of the language they consider superior (Spanish) and telling speakers of the languages whose land Spain had occupied that they are useless and should be ashamed of existing in public. Well, we aren't. Like Sergi's video, don't let the comments disturb your macarrons.
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*also known as català, valencià, Valencian
reblogs are extremely encouraged to increase sample size. regardless of what choice you picked, feel free to elaborate on your relationship with this language in the tags, and remember to be respectful and mindful when commenting!
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duine-aiteach · 2 years
If any of ye have started creative endeavours in a minority language then this is a post to promote them!
Writing - fiction, non-fiction, poetry, blogs, fanfiction etc -, videos, art pieces, songs, anything! If you made it and it’s related to a language you think deserves more love then feel free to share it!
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dasloddl · 3 months
please please help
Anyone on this website study in Valencia?
Are the courses (in biology) split into Spanish and Valencian?
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Meaning that L1 and L2 for example have the same stuff they teach, just in different languages?
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/03/17 El pasado viernes salimos de viaje y paramos para tomar el típico almuerzo valenciano. Nos pusieron los clásicos cacahuetes y aceitunas. Después, yo pedí un bocadillo de bacon con pollo y mi amiguita un bocadillo de huevos fritos con lomo.
Last Friday we went on a trip and stopped to have a typical Valencian lunch. They gave us the classic peanuts and olives. Later, I ordered a bacon sandwich with chicken and my friend a sandwich of fried eggs with tenderloin.
Google Translation into French: Vendredi dernier, nous sommes partis en voyage et nous nous sommes arrêtés pour prendre un déjeuner typiquement valencien. Ils nous ont donné les arachides et les olives classiques. Plus tard, j'ai commandé un sandwich au bacon avec du poulet et mon ami un sandwich aux œufs frits avec du filet.
Google translation into Italian: Venerdì scorso siamo andati in gita e ci siamo fermati per un pranzo tipico valenciano. Ci hanno dato le classiche noccioline e olive. Più tardi ho ordinato un sandwich al bacon con pollo e il mio amico un sandwich all'uovo fritto con filetto.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Na sexta-feira passada fizemos uma viagem e paramos para um almoço típico valenciano. Eles nos deram os clássicos amendoins e azeitonas. Mais tarde, pedi um sanduíche de bacon com frango e meu amigo um sanduíche de ovo frito com lombo.
Google Translation into German: Letzten Freitag machten wir einen Ausflug und hielten für ein typisches valencianisches Mittagessen an. Sie gaben uns die klassischen Erdnüsse und Oliven. Später bestellte ich ein Bacon-Sandwich mit Hühnchen und mein Freund ein Spiegelei-Sandwich mit Filet.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të premten e kaluar shkuam në një ekskursion dhe ndaluam për një drekë tipike valenciane. Na dhanë kikirikët dhe ullinjtë klasikë. Më vonë, porosita një sanduiç me proshutë dhe pulë dhe shoku im porositi një sanduiç me vezë të skuqura dhe fileto.
Google Translation into Armenian: Անցյալ ուրբաթ մենք գնացինք էքսկուրսիայի և կանգ առանք տիպիկ վալենսիական ճաշի համար: Նրանք մեզ տվեցին դասական գետնանուշ և ձիթապտուղ: Ավելի ուշ ես պատվիրեցի բեկոնով և հավով սենդվիչ, իսկ ընկերս պատվիրեց տապակած ձու և ֆիլե սենդվիչ:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Миналия петък бяхме на екскурзия и спряхме за типичен валенсиански обяд. Дадоха ни класическите фъстъци и маслини. По-късно поръчах сандвич с бекон и пиле, а приятелят ми поръча сандвич с пържено яйце и филе.
Google Translation into Czech: Minulý pátek jsme byli na exkurzi a zastavili se na typický valencijský oběd. Dali nám klasické arašídy a olivy. Později jsem si objednal sendvič se slaninou a kuřecím masem a můj přítel si objednal sendvič se smaženým vejcem a filetem.
Google Translation into Croatian: Prošlog petka smo išli na izlet i stali na tipičnom valencijskom ručku. Dali su nam klasični kikiriki i masline. Kasnije sam naručio sendvič sa slaninom i piletinom, a moj prijatelj je naručio sendvič s pečenim jajima i filetima.
Google Translation into Danish Sidste fredag ​​tog vi på udflugt og stoppede for en typisk valenciansk frokost. De gav os de klassiske jordnødder og oliven. Senere bestilte jeg en bacon og kyllingesandwich, og min ven bestilte en stegt æg og filetsandwich.
Google Translation into Slovak: Minulý piatok sme išli na exkurziu a zastavili sme sa na typický valencijský obed. Dali nám klasické arašidy a olivy. Neskôr som si objednal sendvič so slaninou a kuracím mäsom a môj priateľ si objednal sendvič s vyprážaným vajcom a filetom.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prejšnji petek smo se odpravili na izlet in se ustavili na tipičnem valencijskem kosilu. Dali so nam klasične arašide in olive. Kasneje sem naročil sendvič s slanino in piščancem, moj prijatelj pa sendvič z ocvrtim jajcem in fileji.
Google Translation into Estonian: Eelmisel reedel käisime ekskursioonil ja peatusime tavalisel Valencia lõunasöögil. Nad andsid meile klassikalisi maapähkleid ja oliive. Hiljem tellisin mina peekoni ja kana võileiva ning sõbranna praemuna ja filee võileiva.
Google Translation into Suomi: Viime perjantaina menimme retkelle ja pysähdyimme tyypilliselle valencialaiselle lounaalle. He antoivat meille klassisia maapähkinöitä ja oliiveja. Myöhemmin tilasin pekoni- ja kanavoileivän ja ystäväni tilasi paistettua munaa ja fileevoileipää.
Google Translation into Greek: Την περασμένη Παρασκευή πήγαμε εκδρομή και σταματήσαμε για ένα τυπικό γεύμα της Βαλένθια. Μας έδωσαν τα κλασικά φιστίκια και ελιές. Αργότερα, παρήγγειλα ένα σάντουιτς με μπέικον και κοτόπουλο και ο φίλος μου παρήγγειλε ένα σάντουιτς με τηγανητό αυγό και φιλέτο.
Google Translation into Dutch: Afgelopen vrijdag gingen we op excursie en stopten we voor een typisch Valenciaanse lunch. Ze gaven ons de klassieke pinda's en olijven. Later bestelde ik een broodje spek en kip en mijn vriend bestelde een broodje gebakken ei en filet.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Sist fredag ​​dro vi på utflukt og stoppet for en typisk valenciansk lunsj. De ga oss de klassiske peanøtter og oliven. Senere bestilte jeg en bacon- og kyllingsandwich, og vennen min bestilte en stekt egg og filetsmørbrød.
Google Translation into Polish: W zeszły piątek wybraliśmy się na wycieczkę i zatrzymaliśmy się na typowy walencki lunch. Dali nam klasyczne orzeszki ziemne i oliwki. Później zamówiłem kanapkę z bekonem i kurczakiem, a mój przyjaciel zamówił kanapkę z jajkiem sadzonym i filetem.
Google Translation into Romanian: Vinerea trecută am fost într-o excursie și ne-am oprit pentru un prânz tipic valencian. Ne-au dat clasicele arahide și măsline. Mai târziu, am comandat un sandviș cu slănină și pui, iar prietenul meu a comandat un sandviș cu ou prăjit și filet.
Google Translation into Russian: В прошлую пятницу мы отправились на экскурсию и остановились на типичный валенсийский обед. Они дали нам классический арахис и оливки. Позже я заказал бутерброд с беконом и курицей, а мой друг заказал бутерброд с жареным яйцом и филе.
Google Translation into Serbian: Прошлог петка смо отишли ​​на екскурзију и свратили на типичан валенсијски ручак. Дали су нам класични кикирики и маслине. Касније сам наручио сендвич са сланином и пилетином, а мој пријатељ је наручио сендвич са печеним јајима и филетом.
Google Translation into Swedish: I fredags åkte vi på utflykt och stannade till för en typisk valenciansk lunch. De gav oss de klassiska jordnötterna och oliverna. Senare beställde jag en bacon- och kycklingmacka och min vän beställde en stekt ägg och filsmörgås.
Google Translation into Turkish: Geçen Cuma bir geziye çıktık ve tipik bir Valensiya öğle yemeği için durduk. Bize klasik fıstık ve zeytin verdiler. Daha sonra pastırma ve tavuklu sandviç sipariş ettim ve arkadaşım kızarmış yumurta ve fileto sandviç sipariş etti.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Минулої п’ятниці ми поїхали на екскурсію та зупинилися на типовий валенсійський обід. Нам дали класичний арахіс і оливки. Пізніше я замовив бутерброд з беконом і куркою, а мій друг замовив сендвіч зі смаженим яйцем і філе.
Google Translation into Arabic: يوم الجمعة الماضي ذهبنا في رحلة وتوقفنا لتناول غداء نموذجي في منطقة فالنسيا. أعطونا الفول السوداني والزيتون الكلاسيكي. في وقت لاحق ، طلبت شطيرة لحم الخنزير المقدد والدجاج وطلب صديقي بيض مقلي وشطيرة فيليه.
Google Translation into Bengali: গত শুক্রবার আমরা একটি ভ্রমণে গিয়েছিলাম এবং একটি সাধারণ ভ্যালেন্সিয়ান লাঞ্চের জন্য থামলাম। তারা আমাদের ক্লাসিক চিনাবাদাম এবং জলপাই দিয়েছিল। পরে, আমি একটি বেকন এবং মুরগির স্যান্ডউইচ অর্ডার করেছিলাম এবং আমার বন্ধু একটি ভাজা ডিম এবং ফাইলেট স্যান্ডউইচ অর্ডার করেছিল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 上周五我们进行了短途旅行,并停下来享用典型的巴伦西亚午餐。 他们给了我们经典的花生和橄榄。 后来,我点了培根鸡肉三明治,朋友点了煎蛋菲力三明治。
Google Translation into Korean: 지난 ��요일에 우리는 소풍을 갔고 전형적인 발렌시아식 점심을 먹으러 들렀습니다. 그들은 우리에게 고전적인 땅콩과 올리브를 주었습니다. 나중에 나는 베이컨 치킨 샌드위치를 ​​주문했고 친구는 계란 후라이와 필레 샌드위치를 ​​주문했다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: ביום שישי האחרון יצאנו לטיול ועצרנו לארוחת צהריים ולנסיה טיפוסית. הם נתנו לנו את הבוטנים והזיתים הקלאסיים. מאוחר יותר, הזמנתי כריך בייקון ועוף וחבר שלי הזמין כריך ביצה מטוגנת ופילה.
Google Translation into Hindi: पिछले शुक्रवार को हम एक भ्रमण पर गए और एक विशिष्ट वैलेंसियन लंच के लिए रुके। उन्होंने हमें क्लासिक मूँगफली और जैतून दिए। बाद में, मैंने एक बेकन और चिकन सैंडविच का ऑर्डर दिया और मेरे दोस्त ने एक तले हुए अंडे और फ़िले सैंडविच का ऑर्डर दिया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Jumat lalu kami bertamasya dan berhenti untuk makan siang khas Valencia. Mereka memberi kami kacang dan zaitun klasik. Kemudian, saya memesan sandwich bacon dan ayam dan teman saya memesan sandwich telur dan filet goreng.
Google Translation into Japanese: 先週の金曜日、私たちは小旅行に出かけ、典型的なバレンシアのランチを食べに行きました。 彼らは私たちに古典的なピーナッツとオリーブをくれました. その後、私はベーコンとチキンのサンドイッチを注文し、友人は目玉焼きとフィレのサンドイッチを注文しました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Өткөн жума күнү биз экскурсияга чыгып, кадимки Валенсия түшкү тамакка токтодук. Алар бизге классикалык арахис жана зайтундарды беришти. Кийинчерээк мен бекон жана тоок сэндвичине заказ бердим, ал эми досум куурулган жумуртка жана филе сэндвичине заказ берди.
Google Translation into Malay: Jumaat lalu kami pergi bersiar-siar dan berhenti untuk makan tengah hari khas Valencia. Mereka memberi kami kacang tanah dan zaitun klasik. Kemudian, saya memesan sandwic bacon dan ayam dan rakan saya memesan sandwic telur goreng dan filet.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Өнгөрсөн баасан гарагт бид аялалд явж, Валенсиагийн ердийн өдрийн хоол идэхээр зогсов. Тэд бидэнд сонгодог самар, чидун жимсийг өгсөн. Дараа нь би гахайн мах, тахианы сэндвич, найз маань шарсан өндөг, филетэй сэндвич захиалсан.
Google Translation into Nepali: गत शुक्रबार हामी भ्रमणमा गयौं र सामान्य भ्यालेन्सियन खाजाको लागि रोकियौं। तिनीहरूले हामीलाई क्लासिक मूंगफली र जैतून दिए। पछि, मैले बेकन र चिकन स्यान्डविच अर्डर गरें र मेरो साथीले फ्राइड अण्डा र फाइल स्यान्डविच अर्डर गरे।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਪਿਛਲੇ ਸ਼ੁੱਕਰਵਾਰ ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਸੈਰ-ਸਪਾਟੇ 'ਤੇ ਗਏ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਆਮ ਵੈਲੈਂਸੀਅਨ ਦੁਪਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਖਾਣੇ ਲਈ ਰੁਕੇ। ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਕਲਾਸਿਕ ਮੂੰਗਫਲੀ ਅਤੇ ਜੈਤੂਨ ਦਿੱਤੇ। ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ, ਮੈਂ ਇੱਕ ਬੇਕਨ ਅਤੇ ਚਿਕਨ ਸੈਂਡਵਿਚ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਦੋਸਤ ਨੇ ਇੱਕ ਤਲੇ ਹੋਏ ਅੰਡੇ ਅਤੇ ਫਾਈਲਟ ਸੈਂਡਵਿਚ ਦਾ ਆਰਡਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: تیره جمعه موږ په سفر لاړو او د ویلنسیا د عادي ډوډۍ لپاره ودریږو. دوی موږ ته کلاسیک مونګ او زیتون راکړل. وروسته ، ما د بیکن او چرګ سینڈوچ امر وکړ او زما ملګري د غوړ شوي هګۍ او فایلټ سینڈوچ امر وکړ.
Google Translation into Persian: جمعه گذشته ما به یک گشت و گذار رفتیم و برای یک ناهار معمولی والنسیا توقف کردیم. آنها بادام زمینی و زیتون کلاسیک را به ما دادند. بعداً ساندویچ بیکن و مرغ و دوستم ساندویچ تخم مرغ سرخ شده و فیله سفارش دادم.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Jumaah kamari urang nuluykeun hiji piknik sarta dieureunkeun pikeun dahar beurang Valencian has. Aranjeunna masihan kami kacang klasik sareng zaitun. Engké, kuring maréntahkeun sandwich Bacon jeung hayam jeung sobat maréntahkeun hiji endog goreng jeung filet sandwich.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Noong nakaraang Biyernes nagpunta kami sa isang iskursiyon at huminto para sa isang tipikal na tanghalian sa Valencia. Binigyan nila kami ng mga klasikong mani at olibo. Maya-maya, nag-order ako ng bacon at chicken sandwich at ang kaibigan ko naman ay nag-order ng fried egg at filet sandwich.
Google Translation into Thai: เมื่อวันศุกร์ที่แล้วเราไปเที่ยวและแวะทานอาหารกลางวันแบบบาเลนเซีย พวกเขาให้ถั่วลิสงและมะกอกคลาสสิกแก่เรา ต่อมาฉันสั่งแซนวิชเบคอนและไก่ ส่วนเพื่อนของฉันสั่งไข่ดาวและแซนวิชเนื้อสันใน
Google Translation into Urdu: پچھلے جمعہ کو ہم گھومنے پھرنے گئے اور ایک عام ویلنسیئن لنچ کے لیے رک گئے۔ انہوں نے ہمیں کلاسک مونگ پھلی اور زیتون دیا۔ بعد میں، میں نے بیکن اور چکن سینڈوچ کا آرڈر دیا اور میرے دوست نے فرائیڈ انڈا اور فائلٹ سینڈوچ کا آرڈر دیا۔
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langsandlit · 1 year
If you’re learning Valencian-Catalan and are in dire need of content in this language, you can check out the À Punt (official Valencian TV) app and this brand new Catalan app called LaXarxa+. Both are completely free and require a quick registration!! They have a TON of content.
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Not sure if these are geolocked (I think À Punt isn’t because I used to watch it from Italy too), but you may possibly need to get a VPN.
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sparrou · 1 year
i want to fill my brain to the brim with languages
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The Linguistic Diversity of Spain
It is usually wrongfully assumed that in a country only one native language is spoken by its inhabitants. The reality, far from being that, is quite another.
We may take as an example Spain, where up to 8 languages are spoken, not by all its inhabitants, though. These languages are; Spanish, which is official in the whole country; Catalan; Valencian; Galician; Basque; Asturleonese; Aragonese and Aranese. Most of them are co-official in their respective autonomous communities, however, Asturleonese and Aragonese are not co-official, as they are only granted some protection and recognition.
Furthermore, these languages are not equally spread in the territories. Some of them are spoken by many people, whereas others are barely spoken by anyone. Catalan, for instance, is the second most spoken language in the country, behind Spanish. Up to 10 million people speak this language. Moreover, around 3.22 million people are capable of speaking Galician.
On the other hand, the least spread languages are Aragonese and Aranese. Only 10.000 people use Aragonese daily and can speak it. Although co-official, Aranese is spoken by only around 2.500 people, in the world.
Among the languages of Spain, we find 4 of them in the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger of Disappearing. These languages are Basque, Asturleonese, Aragonese and Aranese, designating Basque as "vulnerable" and the rest as "definitely endangered".
Sadly, many people usually try to impose the Spanish language, leaving co-official and regional languages aside. This is, surely, a mistake that can lead to the loss of many languages. These people argue that having two day-to-day languages can be detrimental to a child's education. In reality, it is the opposite, it is no secret that bilingualism helps brain development, among other benefits. The solution is simple, not imposing any language, and protecting the rights of the child to learn both Spanish and the co-official language of the region, if there is any.
To conclude, we must bear in mind that languages are part of our history and culture and that they deserve protection.
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samwisegamgeeee · 2 years
In order to say "yeah, right 🙄" in Valencian, which is a dialect of Catalan spoken in southeastern Spain, they say "Ta tia rosega quicos amb la figa" which means "Your aunt chews pub mix with her vagina."
When they want to say that something is really easy, like "piece of cake," they say "Puc fer-ho amb la figa a l'ull!" which means "I could do that with a vagina in my eye!"
Another one of my favorites is when you're having a really bad day: "Vaig com un cagalló per sequia..." "I'm floating like a big fat turd in an irrigation ditch..."
(ask game... send me a 🌻 and I'll tell you whatever I want)
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rukhhunter · 1 year
Hui és l'Speak Your Language Day, així que he pensat que estaria bé dir hola per aquí en valencià 👋
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18 Valencian Food with Recipes that you need to try today
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
A new rule to increment discrimination
Public healthcare is one of the places where the most Catalanophobic interactions are reported. In 4 years, more than 100 Catalan speakers have reported that they have been denied healthcare or otherwise discriminated against for speaking Catalan, or were unable to access any healthcare in Catalan in a Catalan-speaking territory.
From disabled people who only speak Catalan being refused any medical attention unless they speak Spanish (which they don't know how to speak), to a man calling the ambulance but the healthcare worker who answers the phone spends the time scolding the caller for not speaking Spanish instead of calling for the urgently-needed ambulance, to many, many, many, many, many, many doctors telling patients "either you speak in Spanish or you leave", and many others given choices that link their language to shame: "would you rather speak Catalan or your son get cured?", "do you want to speak Catalan or do you want a vaccine appointment?", or being told "[derrogatory/infantilizing word for "woman"], you're making me waste time" for seeking medical attention as a Catalan-speaker.
Lack of access to healthcare is a systemic problem for Catalan people, who are often forced to use Spanish if we want medical treatment in our own country.
People should have the right to access public services (that they pay for with their own tax money) in the language of the country. Can you imagine an English speaker in England not being able to see any doctor or nurse who can attend them in English? Or in French in France, or German in Germany? It doesn't happen because speakers of the dominant language have the State on their side, but Catalan speakers have the Spanish (and French, in the case of Northern Catalonia) Government actively working against us.
And, more than anywhere else, in a moment of great vulnerability like the medical setting, it's very important that patients can speak their own language and not have to worry about translating concepts, they need to have the confidence to speak clearly on what happens to them and be focused on the issue, not on word choice or accent of this second language. Even less be worried about possibly facing discrimination for it.
The new rule:
The new Government of the Valencian Country (a coalition of the right-wing party PP and the fascist party Vox, both Spanish supremacist parties who make the hatred against Catalan/Valencian one of their main campaign points) has announced yet another way to increment that discrimination.
Until now, to decide who to hire for public jobs, there was a system of points, where each kind of certificate and qualification gave you some points. Speaking the local language (Valencian/Catalan) was already not a requisite —legally creating the situation where doctors and nurses can not know any of the language spoken in the place where they work. But, until now, speaking the local language at least gave some extra points.
Now, this new Spanish supremacist regional government has decided that knowing Valencian in the Valencian Country to work in a job with public interaction is worth less than speaking any language of an independent EU state. This means that you get more points for speaking, for example, Latvian, Swedish, Maltese, Slovak or Lithuanian, than for speaking the language of the place where you will be working and where you will be talking to people.
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My full respect for speakers of all these languages, but (as an example) a hypothetical Estonian speaker who you might never even encounter in a Valencian town should not be worth more than the very real Valencian speakers that you will surely encounter working in the Valencian Country.
This rule is another step to legally protect systemic discrimination and to make it continue in the future.
Note: Valencian and Catalan are two names for the same language. They're being used interchangeably.
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dgarquitecto · 1 year
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DG #estudio uplifts 19th-century #house in the heart of #valencian neighborhood Three of its spaces were found in an optimal state of conservation and later uplifted by the team: the dining room with a beautiful Nolla floor, the living room with moldings that stand out, and the study area where paintings by Antonio Cortina welcome owners upon entry. ‘The main requirement of the clients, which we shared with them from the beginning, has been to maintain all these original elements, transforming the spaces #minimally to ensure that the house adapts to the new times, with new facilities, open #spaces and all the comforts of a current #home . Arquitectura y diseño interior @dg_arquitecto_estudio Construye @at4_grupo . . . #architecture #architecturelovers #architecturephotography #architecturedesign #architecturedaily #archdaily #architecture_hunter #archdesign #architects #interiordesign #interior #dreamhouse #fineinteriors #muyad #kntxtr #apartment #apartmenttherapy #house #housedesign #renovation #livingroom #livingdesign #dgestudio (en Valencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSKUNCPOmH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artsystargazer · 11 months
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dorian and orym in fallero suits 🩵💚
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racewinnerbatmav · 5 months
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pretty boy <3 // valencia 23 sprint
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:{ This post has been translated form Kantonian to Unovan using Poryphone™ translation technology and Poryphone™ speech to text }:
Fire ice and thunder will you just hold still? I know i know you don't have to bite me just stay like that a second and it will be done with! You want to look your best don't you? I'm sure you want out of this place as much as I want you gone so just let me- there. See that wasn't so bad now was it? Now you'll look all pretty and giftwrapped. hopefully he agrees.
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