#varian merch
whiskyarts · 7 months
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A boy and his alchemy bottles!!!
Available as a charm over on my etsy store!!!
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one-winged-dreams · 1 year
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elijahs-dumps · 2 months
The Infantilization of Wylan Van Eck (within the soc fandom)
Hi! This is my first tumbler post ever, which is like super scary I wont lie. But I've had this project I've been working on since October and I'd love to share it with people, so here goes nothing!
Infantilization or to infantilize someone means to treat them as a child or in a way that denies their maturity in age or experience, and it qualifies as a form of mental abuse. 
This treatment is common in fandoms, although it obviously isn't done in a hateful way on purpose. It’s often directed towards characters who are more innocent, more kind, or more anxious than the other characters within the universe. Or, sometimes these characters are literally just the youngest of the group. Some examples of this include, Entrapta from She-Ra and the Princesses and Power, Varian from Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, Number Five from The Umbrella Academy, Hunter from The Owl House, Little Cato from Final Space, and even Peter Parker from the MCU.
However, most of the traits found in characters that are infantilized are also traits found in neurodivergent people. These traits include, missing social cues, being easily excitable or restless, often feeling anxious hyper fixating on something (usually related to science or math), being an outcast from the rest of the group in some way, and so on and so forth. Therefore, infantilization within fandoms is pretty problematic on its own. People (usually online) think that characters with these traits should be babied or pitied or demeaned in some way, even though neurodivergent consumers usually relate to these characters because of those same traits. 
Some evidence of Wylan being infantilized can include; the fact he's only referred to as cute or synonyms to that, while the other Crows or their actors are often sexualized more. People saying or implying he's smaller, weaker, or even younger than the others. And of course, people saying Kaz and Wylan are father and son... which is something I'll come back to later.
Why Wylan?
To better understand why exactly Wylan is receiving this treatment exclusively from the fans, we need to fully analyze the Six of Crows duology, which is exactly what I did!
When we are first introduced to Wylan in chapter seven (Matthias’ POV) of the Six of Crows, we see him sitting at the table and doodling while occasionally chewing on his thumbnail. He doesn't speak until Inej voices her doubts in Wylan’s demolition abilities. Jesper says Wylan “barely knows his trade”, and Kaz mentions that Wylan is “new to the scene”. Matthias also makes a comment about how Wylan “looks like he’s about twelve”. When Jesper and Inej continue to complain about Wylan being their demo man, Kaz tells them that Wylan is doubling as their insurance policy because Wylan is Jan Van Eck’s son, the rich merchant who’s paying Kaz and his chosen crew 40 million kruge in exchange for breaking Bo Yul-Bayur out of the Ice Court. This immediately makes everyone in the room think less of Wylan because of his privileged past.
This introduction sets up Wylan to the readers. His reserved body language, along with his inexperience and Matthias’ comment about his young appearance gives the impression that Wylan is more childish than the other Crows.
In the next chapter (Jesper’s POV) as the Crows react to the reveal of Wylan’s identity, Kaz tells Wylan that he’s “passable at demo, but excellent at hostage”. Jesper calls Wylan a “baby merch” and insists that Kaz leave him behind, less he slows the crew down. Wylan is annoyed that Kaz and Jpeser are talking about him as if he isn't in the room. Then, Kaz tells Wylan that the only reason he hasn't been mugged or jumped in the three months since he left his father’s house is because Kaz placed him under Dregs protection. In fact, Jesper even says that Kaz has been “coddling Wylan”. Jesper proceeds to call Wylan useless as he and Nina belittle Wylan for living in the Barrel “by choice”. This is also where the nickname “merchling” comes from. When the group continues to go back and forth over Wylan’s skills, Kaz repeats that he’s only bringing Wylan along because he doesn’t want to leave their hostage alone in Ketterdam. This makes Wylan the only Crow that wasn’t hired for their abilities, Wylan’s passable demo skills are simply a bonus. It’s a way for Kaz to keep the crew small and avoid splitting the money even further. 
This entire exchange and interaction between our six main characters lays out the groundwork for the dynamic between Wylan and the other Crows for the majority of the first book. Everyone else in the room believes Wylan is just another spoiled rich kid. They make fun of him for his lack of street smarts, and the money he was born into. Wylan never really fights back too much when it comes to comments from the others, which just reinforces the idea that he came from a cushy lifestyle where he never had to learn how to defend himself verbally. Wylan’s inexperience and innocence is often mistaken for stupidity by the characters, and therefore the readers. 
Kaz saying, “Always hit where the mark isn’t looking.” Only for Wylan to reply with, “Who's Mark?” is a great example of this. (Still chapter eight, Jesper’s POV.)
In chapter nine (Kaz’s POV) we see how Kaz views Wylan in his inner monologue. He says Wylan seems out of his depth, and even though he’s only a year younger than Kaz (making Wylan sixteen)  he still looks like a child. Kaz describes Wylan as a silk eared puppy in a room full of fighting dogs. This pushes the concept that Wylan is more childlike than the others further onto the audience. 
Additionally, in chapter eleven (Jesper’s POV), we see Jesper quite literally call Wylan “kid” during the attack at the docks, even though they’re also only one year apart. And in chapter fifteen, Matthias refers to Wylan as “the soft one” within his own inner monologue.
Since Wylan doesn't have his own point of view chapters in the first book, the reader’s entire understanding of this character is formed through the eyes of the other Crows. So, what we’re hearing about Wylan in the first book might not be entirely accurate, which is something people often forget. Part of the reason why the fandom treats Wylan the way they do is because of the way the Crows describe and talk to him throughout the entire series, The reader learns to rely on the others’ opinions on Wylan in order to learn more about him. 
All of the evidence I have shown so far, and even some smaller things I haven't included, plants a certain mentality in the reader; Wylan doesn't have the same knowledge as the other Crows, so he must be weak and gullible. Weakness and gullibility are often traits associated with the “younger-one-of-the-group” trope, or the “Kid Trope”. So, since Wylan is displaying behaviors that we as media consumers have grown used to attaching to characters who are literal children, Wylan must be a child, or at least be treated like one. 
However, the Crows don’t treat Wylan this way because they truly believe Wylan acts like a small child, because he doesn’t. Wylan’s behavior is perfectly normal, it simply sticks out in contrast to the harsh environments all the others have been exposed to. They treat him this way throughout the book as a sort of condescending joke, they belittle him for the stereotypes surrounding his upbringing and little else.
Still, like I said, the Crows’ mindset on Wylan is all the reader is exposed to for the entire first book, so the reader will subconsciously assume Wylan must be doing something to earn this odd treatment from the others. Sometimes readers don’t understand that it is not Wylan’s wealthy and sheltered background that makes him different, it’s the fact that the others are all criminals, murderers, soldiers, and convicts. Wylan is the only “normal” Crow on a very surface level, so his innocence is bound to stick out more.
As the first book continues, we see that there’s more to Wylan’s past than he lets on. We see first hand how smart and capable Wylan truly is, as his character grows with the story. It begins in the fight at the docks in chapter eleven, where Wylan uses his own flash bombs to help Jesper out.  In chapter thirteen, Wylan openly questions and even challenges Kaz after he throws Oomen overboard, which shows great courage on Wylan’s part. This pattern of questioning Kaz when no one else really does is a common theme when it comes to Wylan. We also see Wylan explain who Pekka Rollins is to Matthias in chapter fifteen. This shows that he’s not completely incompetent, and is at least somewhat aware of what goes on in the Barrel. Then, in chapter seventeen (Jesper’s POV), Wylan expresses his natural curiosity and desire for knowledge about anything, from the mechanics of the Ice Court moat to the design of Jesper’s guns. All of this builds to chapter twenty-two, where the Crows are attacked on the ice by Grisha who were sent by the Shu, dosed on parem. Wylan does a lot of heavy lifting in this fight with his bombs, and everyone is impressed. Jesper even makes a comment about how Wylan’s “earned his keep” now. 
Small moments like this that showcase Wylan’s natural resourcefulness and strength are crucial to communicating with the readers that the Crows were wrong about Wylan in the beginning. As Wylan’s true nature begins to develop further throughout the first book, we slowly see the Crows and their attitude towards Wylan change. It becomes more positive. In the future, when Wylan makes an ignorant comment, the others don’t poke fun at him as much. They’ll tell him to be quiet at most.
By the final climax of Six of Crows, chapter forty-six (Kaz’s POV), we find out Wylan cannot read. Jan Van Eck is open about his hatred and mistreatment of his son. When Jesper jumps to Wylan’s defense, he goes as far as to say Wylan is smarter than most of the others put together. Jesper is in love with Wylan at this point in the story, so his words might be a little exaggerated. But there’s still truth to them. This entire scene serves as evidence that Jesper and the other Crows have realized Wylan’s intelligence and worth, so they don’t even think twice when they find out Wylan can’t read or write. 
If all the Crows’ preconceived notions about Wylan were proven wrong before the end of the first book, then why does the fandom still view Wylan in such a problematic way? 
Blame Booktok
This is all mainly tied to modern day book consumption, and the obsession with “tropes”. Online reading communities such as “Booktok” or “Bookstagram” have normalized interpreting even the most complex characters through simple archetypes. This is something all six crows are a victim of, in fact, most characters within all kinds of media are. 
A good example of this within Six of Crows is Kaz Brekker himself. Kaz, within “Booktok”, is often lumped together with several other male YA love interests in books, like Aaron Warner or Cardan Greenbriar . They all usually share very few qualities, like having violent tendencies, being extremely protective of their loved ones, and acting cold or mysterious towards others. Regardless of the fact that all these characters are so complex and different, from their relationship dynamics, to their morals, to their backstories,  readers still often view them as one in the same because of videos online pointing out very minute similarities. A broader example I would use is the way the Hunger Games series was often marketed and discussed as if the love triangle between Peeta, Gale, and Katniss was the main focus of the story. But really it was just a subplot to a more serious and heavy narrative.
People will often focus too much on singular tropes because it makes books easily identifiable and marketable in this new era of self-publishing and online purchasing. It’s easier to judge a book by its cover if you have a broad sense of what might be inside based on the small character details or scenarios other readers liked from it. But what does that have to do with Wylan? 
Well, because people often talk about books or even whole genres on a surface level, they also discuss characters on a surface level. This lazy form of consumption is what often leads to mischaracterization. People can obviously understand complex characters like Wylan, so it’s not a question of intelligence. Fans online are just used to discussing things within books fandoms in such a simple way and viewing a character through the lens of one trope. They’ll put the character in a box, and Wylan just so happens to check all the boxes for a character who would be infantilized. Even though there are interesting things about Wylan besides his “innocence”, people are less inclined to talk about it. In short, viewing Wylan as just another character who falls under the category of a simple stereotype is easier than including and discussing his nuances. 
So who is at fault?
When it comes to talking about a more harmful fandom behavior, like infantilization, it’s important to keep an open mind. Sometimes, it’s the creator’s fault for writing a character in a problematic way, not the fandom’s fault for interpreting it that way. So, is Leigh Bardugo at fault here for writing Wylan in this light? Or is it the fandom’s fault for not looking past the obvious parts of a character? 
I don’t think it was Leigh Bardugo’s fault. If you take the second book, Crooked Kingdom, into account then you can clearly see that the way Wylan is disrespected in the first book is something he’s dealt with his whole life, especially from his father. Wylan has been taught to believe that his reading disability makes him useless as an heir, and as a human being all together. This is one of the reasons why we never see Wylan truly snap back in an aggressive way in Six of Crows when the others insult and belittle him. A big part of Wylan thinks that the others are right about him being useless. Obviously, Wylan couldn’t have had his own POV chapters in Six of Crows, because then that would spoil his father’s true motives. However, I think the fact we didn't get to see his point of view in the first book serves another purpose. Wylan’s low self-esteem is definitely a major thing he needs to overcome in his personal story within Crooked Kingdom. So for the readers to fully understand this, we needed to view Wylan from an outside perspective. First, we get to view him as the other Crows do, as someone sheltered and weak who’s in way over his head. Then, we get to see why Wylan is the way he is. I think this sort of reverse style of character writing is really interesting and more fun to read. But still, not every reader accepted Wylan just because the Crows started to warm up to him. So by extension, this is also why Wylan is one of the most hated Crows. Nevertheless, I think the way Leigh Bardugo chose to write Wylan is inevitable for the story and vital to his character! It wouldn't feel the same if we didn't get to see how the others viewed him first. 
The fault lies with the fandom when it comes to Wylan’s infantilization. But, are people online really just lazy when it comes to discussing characters, or is something bigger at play here? I think it’s both. People do misinterpret Wylan’s strong and resilient character because of laziness and the normalization of oversimplification and overconsumption within the book community. But this treatment is also rooted in subconscious ableism. To better explain what subconscious ableism truly is, I’ll be taking a deeper look at a specific dynamic.
Kaz and Wylan (are not father and son)
Despite these two characters only having a one year age gap, the fandom often views Kaz and Wylan’s relationship as one similar to a father and son dynamic. Which is understandable to a certain degree. Kaz is the very first person Wylan ever told about his reading disability. Kaz had Wylan placed under Dregs protection the minute Wylan set foot in the Barrel, which may have been for Kaz’s own selfish reason, but it still kept Wylan safe for a while. There are a couple scenes in the books where Kaz will give Wylan advice about life in general, or about having a disability, not just about being a criminal. We see Kaz take getting Wylan justice for his mother and stealing back Wylan’s inheritance very seriously. Wylan even starts to pick up some of Kaz’s mannerisms and facial expressions. All of these could be viewed as things a father and son would do, despite how small the actual age gap is. However, the fandom seems to take this relationship to the extreme, from fan fiction and fan art, to getting the characters’ actors involved. 
It’s somewhat because of very minute subconscious ableism. People naturally view Wylan as younger because of his demeanor, but also because of his disability. The opposite is true for Kaz. His physical disability makes people naturally view him as older than seventeen in their minds. This is due to long standing ableist tropes within the media. People with mental disabilities are often depicted as stupider in some way, so they need to be babied or coddled. While people with physical disabilities are often depicted as very ill, or very old. 
This might seem far fetched, but it’s true. And it’s quite obvious if you look closely enough at anything from books, to movies, to TV, to games! These are just some of the harmful stereotypes we see in our world every day, 
How to fix this issue
Now, of course people aren’t just going to stop misinterpreting characters or stop viewing them through small scale tropes all together. But keeping yourself educated and aware is a good way to stop promoting these harmful stereotypes. Listen to the voices that are being affected in these situations! In this case, it’s people with mental or physical disabilities. Be sure to take into account what they have to say on matters like this one. Allow yourself to take the criticism and learn from their experiences or feelings. It’s important to be empathetic and kind to one another, and acknowledge that sometimes we do problematic things without intending to. When talking about characters with disabilities, it’s important to remember what they represent, and the fact that you can't always say whatever you want just because the characters are fictional. 
As always, if you’re ever unsure about whether something you feel or think is harmful towards a certain community, never be afraid to ask questions and do your research!
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birb-tangleblog · 1 month
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tangledbea · 7 months
Despite your feeling towards her, do you have any merch with Cassandra?
Yep! I have some 12" dolls, a 6" doll, anytime she came in a package with other characters, I got her. I also have a single piece of series fine art that she and Rapunzel are on. I've also designed a pin with her on it, and I even Disneybounded as her, going so far as to get and repaint an owl necklace to be Owl.
I didn't always completely dislike her. I've just never been a huge fan, and the friend I was going to Disneyland with was DBing as Varian, so I figured I'd go as a series-only character rather than Rapunzel or Eugene (again).
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Acotar characters from least to most kinky? 👀 I’ve been living for your rankings
@moodymelanist I'm combining this with yours. YOU KNOW WHY
17. Amren- I'm sorry but she just does not feel exciting to me? We saw her with Varian and she's giving "50 Shades of Grey handcuff merch" and "Lights off only".
16. Jurian- 500 years as a mood ring has made him very, very quick.
15. BOTTOM OF THE LIST TO MRS. FEYRE ARCHERON- literally half the High Lords are willing to CRAWL at her feet and she spends most of ACOMAF pining over Tamlin. Offered a threesome with MR GOOD AT SEX HIMSELF HELION and says NO???? because WHY??? I've seen her fuck, the kinkiest she ever got was in the sky and it low key felt like a crime
14. Vassa- Fire in her blood but like, is also a bird most of the time so she's just not fucking very often. Seems like it would be aggressively angry though, and that's why she's above rooftop sex Feyre
13. Gwyn- Probably should be higher on this list but points for reading about smut and asking about Cassian. Learning what NOT to accept, seems like she would communicate.
12. Mor- Pillow princess. Nothing wrong with it, but that's as exciting as things ever get.
11. Elain- SORRY. I hate to do my girl like this but she can't even talk about a PERIOD without blushing. Do I think she's a secret freak? Yes. Do I think she could ever ask for what she wanted without whispering it? NO. Points for being so hot everyone is on their metaphorical knees begging for a taste.
10. Cassian- I read ACOSF. He didn't do anything groundbreaking. Most interesting thing we ever got was the information that the bat boys used to fuck in the same room. Points off for not communicating his needs during sex.
9. Tamlin- Knows where the clit is, goes down AFTER finishing. Multiple orgasms, beast form idk he deserves this spot. ANNUAL ORGY HELLO????
8. Nesta- Again, I read ACOSF. Daydreams about a threesome but gripping the headboard was as far as they ever got. Also loses points for not being honest with the person she was having sex with.
7. Tarquin- Can't prove it, but our respectful king gives off the vibes. Am aware, from cursed tags on shifting post, that my followers would let dolphin Tarquin do unspeakable things to them.
6. Rhysand- Feels like this man has had sex with men and women. Very friendly with Helion. Offered Feyre a threesome, would put all his money on his willingness to go through had she said yes. Is a crime he didn't, tbh. Seems game for anything. Down for a lot more than eating someone out in paint.
5. Emerie- Something about a woman with a sword. Something about a woman who can carry their injured pal up a mountainside. BDE. Cannot prove she's fucking wild. It's just a feeling I have.
4. Azriel- Mr. Big wingspan himself. Mr. Doesn't need poetry to get laid. Have seen zero proof of these claims so it's just the fandoms word against the text. Has been pining over one woman for 500 years, curious what sex with a man like that is like. Feels like your on your hands and knees a lot, and he's telling you not to talk.
3. Eris- FIRE. IN. HIS. BLOOD. "See how a future High Lord plays" BIG DICK, HE EXUDES IT. Mean. Would throw you against a wall. Filthiest things pour out of his mouth. Lets you spend the night, do not expect breakfast. Bruises your cervix, worth it.
2. Lucien- Mr. Fire in his blood? Mr. company at the border? Mr doesn't need to go to the pleasurehall to get laid? Participating gleefully in the annual orgy (when not forced?), only wanted to do Summer Solstice because there was a promise of sex. Libertine, laid back, fun as fuck. This man will never call you back but that's okay. You had a good enough time.
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aveyna · 1 year
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My very small Varian collection.
There was absolutely no official merch for him aside from a tiny figurine, so I had to resort to making my own. The obsession has returned, so I'll be making a plushie & acrylic stands for myself.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 8 months
What if Varian made Team Awesome merch for him, Eugene, and Lance?
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jamtooast · 4 months
Christmas List 🥱
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I was tired of seeing Christmas lists on the internet titled "What To Get Your 9-13 Year Old!" and it literally just being makeup products and electronics, so I made my own-
A Christmas List for all ages, any and everyone, made by a 14 year old. Without all the beauty stuff, below is the full written list :)
•Merch For _Your/Their_ Fandom (Clothes, Dolls, Etc)
•Books (Graphic Novels, Chapter Books, Comics, Encyclopedias)
•Stuffed Animals (Wild Republic, Squishmallows, Beanie Boos)
•Board/Card Games ( Monopoly, UNO, Etc)•Cozy Clothes (Sweaters, Warm Dresses, Coats, Hats, it's cold...)
•Toys (Legos, Figurines, Dolls, You're never too old!)
•Paint Sets & Art Supplies
•Sketchbooks (Barnes & Nobles has some very pretty ones!)
•Funko Pops
•Posters (Bands, Shows, Books, Etc)
•Fun Jewelry (Beetle Earrings, Spider Necklaces)
•Video Games (Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, OMORI, Zelda, Mario, Planet Zoo)
•Rollerskates, or even Ice Skates! (It'd make for a fun winter activity ❄️)
•Concert Tickets
•Keychains (Cloris Creates has some adorable animal ones!)
•Cosplay Accessories ( I personally would love to get goggles for a Varian cosplay! )
-Feel free to add to it!-
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rocksandrobots · 1 year
Phantoms of the Past Chapter 42: Mission Possible Part 1
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"Seriously, where are you taking me?" Tadashi laughed as his brothers led him down the school hallways with a blind fold on his face.
"You'll see," Hiro said, as he opened a door.
Tadashi heard an odd humming noise, as if a generator was being turned on.
"Okay, okay. You've had your fun, but I got my finals to work on-" the blind fold was ripped off his head and he stood in front of Varian's portal. On the opposite side was a Japanese shrine. The mid morning sun streaming through the autumn leaves contrasted with afternoon sunset outside the lab's window.
"Ta-da!" Varian proclaimed as he stood proudly next to the machine.
"What's this?" Tadashi asked.
"I got the spatial portal working again!" Varian explained.
"And, to test it out, we're going to volunteer you." Hiro smugly said.
"Yeah... nooo thank you." Tadashi shook his head. "Finals are coming up and I don't want to be stranded halfway around the world."
"Not even to see Grandma?" Hiro asked.
Tadashi looked at him in surprise.
"We opened a portal to Kyoto." Varian confirmed. "It's a few blocks off from her address, I'm still going to have to tweak some things, but you could take the bus there easy."
'Really?" Tadashi said. "You mean we can just go see Baba whenever we want to?"
"So long as the authorities don't catch us, yeah." Varian replied.
Baymax waddled forward carrying a duffle bag. "We've packed you an overnight bag."
"It's already got your passport and some yen in it." Hiro said.
"Along with some clean clothes and your allergy medication." Baymax finished.
"We'll pick you up at these same coordinates Monday morning before class." Varian informed him as he ran around the lab, checking the portal's readings.
Tadashi took the duffle bag from Baymax with a disbelieving smile slowly forming on his lips. "This is for real... wait. Aren't you guys coming?"
"Someone has to stay here and work the portal. Also I may have promised Karmi that I'd help her study for her biochemistry final."
He sheepishly grinned at that statement and Tadashi flashed him a wry smile. "Finals, huh?... suuurrre. Just don't have too much fun 'studying'." He winked.
"Come off it." Hiro said as he gave his brother a playful shove.
"What about you, Varian?" Tadashi asked.
"I'd love to see Japan, and maybe next time I will, but I already promised Fred and Mole that I'd go to some sort of comic book convention with them this weekend."
"You go on and have fun." Hiro said as he led Tadashi to the portal. "And tell Baba that we love her and will see her later."
"Thanks guys. This means a lot to me." Tadashi said as he blinked back tears. "I'll see you on Monday!" He called back to them as he ran through the portal and waved them goodbye.
"Why am I here again?" Gogo asked.
"Because you wanted an excuse to get out of helping Wasabi and Honey Lemon clean HQ." Fred pointed out.
Gogo popped the bubble gum she was blowing. "Yeah, and I'm begining to regret it. Scrubbing toilets would have been better than this."
She gestured at the convention center in front of her where people were decked out in costumes and geek memorabilia.
"Oh come on Gogo. Think positive. There might be something here that you would enjoy." Varian said, as he read the itinerary. "Look, see, right here. They got sword fighting and maylee matches on the green. Now tell me, seriously, wouldn't you like to wack people up side the head with a foam club?"
"Okaay... What about kickboxing? They have a weekend long torment."
Gogo paused and seriously considered the matter. "Where's the sign up at?"
"See I told you, this would be fun." Fred gloated.
"Okay, so they got one cool thing here. Don't go off the deep end and buy me a bunch of weeb merch or something alright."
"Well of course not," A snobbish voice came from behind him. "A refined lady such yourself deserves more than cheap plastic knick knacks. Like expensive jewelry, or a mink coat."
Gogo was unamused "Mole, what did we talk about?"
"What!? I'm staying six feet away, just like you asked." Mole defended.
"What are you dressed as?" Varian asked as he took note of Mole's costume. He looked like a skunk, but Varian couldn't figure out why any one would dress as such an animal.
"I'm The White Stripe. He's the Fearless Ferret's arch nemesis. I also got the exclusive first edition Fearless Ferret comic. I'm going to get Timothy North to personally sign it!"
"No way... Timothy North is here!?" Fred gasped. "He hardly ever comes to conventions! Oh, this year's superhero convention is going to be the best!"
"Thank you, Kim, for helping me set up my table." Timothy North said, as he leaned on his cane.
"Oh no big, Mr. North." The young woman said as she placed a cardboard box upon a plastic folding table. "Ron wanted to come to the convention anyway."
"Yeah, ugh, and this way we get in free! Huff..." A young man behind her said, as he carried a stack of much heavier boxes and dumped them on to the ground. "Phew.... This is hard work. Ruffus! Hit me with a Bueno Nacho break."
A mole rat popped out of his pant's pocket, gave him a thumbs up, dived back into said pocket, then scurried back out, carrying a bag of chips. He stopped at Ron's shoulder, opened the bag, and tossed a chip into his waiting mouth, before eating one for himself.
"Yummm, yup, I am so glad Bueno decided to expand into the fast food gig. Now I can have nacos on the go."
"But you already carry nacos everywhere you go?" His girlfriend said.
"Yeah, but this way it's less messy. No more cheese leaking in my pockets. Right Ruffus?"
The mole rat on his shoulder nodded enthusiastically in agreement before taking another bite out of another chip.
Kim rolled her eyes and pulled out a stuffed animal made too look like ferret. "Where you like for me to put this, Mr. North?"
"Oh you can set it anywhere. In fact, I can do the decorating. Why don't you two go and have some fun? Surely there's something here at the convention you're wanting to see?"
Kim shurgged, "I'm mainly here for Ron, and to get my mind off finals."
"Ah, college thesis time, huh?"
Kim nodded. "I have to write my doctorate's dissertation on Political Economics. Then it goes to peer review and... ugh."
Kim nervously bit her thumb. Ron placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry KP, you got this. You'll do fine. You always do. Hey, in the mean time let's check out some of these food fusion stands they got. Noodle Burger, hotdog sushi, and something called a Yaki Taco? Hmm... Oh wait! It's Teriyaki Tacos. I get it now!"
Kim gave her boyfriend a grateful smile and wrapped her arm around his waist. "Well, I am a little hungry." she admitted, as they walked over to the food court.
"Alright, game plan." Fred announced as they entered the main convention hall. "We need to get autographs from Miracle Maiden, The Fearless Ferret, and Captain Fancy, and there's already lines forming, so we need to figure out the best orde-"
"Here are your autographed memorabilia sir." A stout, bald gentleman in a tux interrupted. He was carrying arm loads of toys and merch.
"Ah, thank you Geeves." Mole said. "You can take those back to the mansion and have the rest of the day off. I shan't be needing anything more today. I believe."
"Thank you sir." The man gave a half bow to the teens, and then left.
"You cheated!" Fred whined.
Mole only rolled his eyes. "Please. I'll still get to meet everyone. I just didn't want to hold up the line. Anyways I'm heading to Timothy North's booth first." With that he waved the vintage comic book in his hand and started to walk away.
Fred was fuming. "Alright, new game plan! We need to gather all three autographs before Mole does."
"We?" Gogo echoed.
"Okay, okay, I mean 'I', now will you please help me?"
Now it was Varian's turn to roll his eyes. "Fred, I thought you and Mole weren't going to fight anymore."
"We're not fighting." Fred insisted, "I just need to collect more nerdy stuff than him so that I can rub it into his face before I can rub it into mine."
Varian and Gogo exchanged skeptic looks. Fred ignored them.
"So, Varian you got your issue of Miracle Maiden, right? Well then you get in line to meet Lima Lopes and have her sign that. Gogo, you go with Mole to and have the Fearless Ferret sign.. umm.. uhh. sign... oh have him sign your convention itinerary. And I'll have Henry Reeve sign my exclusive original Captain Fancy fancy-pants!"
He lifted up his shirt to show the comically short puffed pantaloons underneath. At least this time he had gratefully decided to wear regular jeans under them this time.
Varian sighed and gave Gogo a hapless shrug. She rolled her eyes, but followed after Mole towards the Fearless Ferret booth without further complaint.
Fred jumped for joy and rushed over to the Captain Fancy booth. Varian could see him tormenting the poor embarrassed actor with said shorts, as he neared the end of his own line.
The elderly lady sitting at the booth didn't even bother to look up from the paperwork she was signing. As Varian neared she only held out her hand expectingly, and in an annoyed voice rattled off prepared speech. "Autographs are $60 dollars, $80 for merch, no photos." 
"Umm..." Varian dug into his pocket. He was put off by the woman's demeanor but even more surprised by the price. Varian couldn't imagine paying so much for someone's signature. Not even for someone really cool, like Flynn Rider. Oh well, it was fred's money to spend, not his.
While Varian dug in his pockets for the cash Fred had given him, the woman grew impatient and started to grab the empty air repeatedly. When nothing was forthcoming, she gave a deep sigh and finally looked up. Then her eyes went wide with surprise.
"Wait.... I know you."
"You...you do?" Varian stuttered, confused. He was sure that he had never met the aging actress before.
"Yes!" She stood up suddenly and grabbed a prop spear that was on display next to her. "You are a warrior!"
"W-warrior?" Varian began to back away, but the older lady excitedly hooked her elbow around his own.
"It is written all over you. I can not tell you how refreshing it is to meet another like myself. Oooh... tell me of the battles you've been in! How many enemies have you slain?"
"Battles!?" Varian stiffened. Who was this woman? What did she know? "Umm... I'm afraid you're... you're mistaken. I've not slain anybody."
"But you have the mark?"
"The mark?"
"Yes!" She gently touched the tip of her spear to his hair stripe. Both began to glow.
Varian gluped.
Ian Williams scanned the crowd of convention goes with contempt; assessing their threat level and dismissing them almost immediately.
"You know, Kim, the Noodle Burger was too crunchy, but I think they really have something here with this Yaki Taco..."
He overheard one particularly annoying blonde haired man say just a little too loudly.
Ian rolled his eyes. That one was particularly incompetent. No, he needed an opponent that would give him a challenge. One that would put his name on the map...
That's when he spotted a familiar goggle-headed teen.
"Perfect." Ian whispered, before slipping his helmet over his head.
"I see you decided to go the minimalistic and route this year, Tim." A smiling, tall, thin man said as he leaned against a lifesize cardboard cutout of himself. Said cardboard cut was dressed in a superhero outfit with a giant letter F on the front, and was considerably younger, with less gray hair, than the real man standing beside it, but there was no mistaking that they were one in the same.
Mr. North fought back a groan. "I see you're as ostentatious as ever Hank."
The taller man gave a hearty laugh, much to Mr. North's annoyance. He then went back to manning his own booth. 
"One autograph, please." A short preteen said, as he neared the table. 
He was dressed in a skunk costume and was waving a Fearless Ferret comic. 
Behind him was an older teen. She has no costume but was wearing a pair of roller skates for some reason. She seemed totally disinterested in Mr. North and the Fearless Ferret as she popped her bubblegum. 
She pulled out a copy of the convention's itinerary and, without a word, tapped the kids shoulder with it. 
The preteen grabbed it from her. "Make that two autographs, if you would." 
Mr. North forced a smile and tried to make polite conversation. 
"Ah, issue one I see. Quite the rare one." 
"The rarest." The preteen grinned. "It took forever to find a copy."
"And whom should I make it out too?" 
"Richardson Mole." 
The girl behind him gave a fake cough. 
The kid rolled his eyes. "Oh and the second one is for Fred." 
Mr. North shrugged. It was an unusual name for a girl but not unheard of. 
As he was finishing signing however, Mr. North heard a loud scream coming from the other end of the autograph booths.
Varian screamed as a giant hand made of pink glowing energy materialized out of thin air and wrapped around him. He was lifted several feet off the ground as he kicked and squirmed against the energy construct.
An evil laugh sounded from behind him and Hardlight flew onto the scene on top of his hover disk.
"It's time for Round Two, Varian." He gloated. "Let's see how well you do without your little superhero buddies to help you out."
"Oh no, you don't!" Lima yelled and hurled the prop spear at the supervillain. It glanced off the side of his helmet, cracking the dark reflective glass. As it did so, the glowing hand dissipated and Varian started to fall.
Kim witnessed the entire exchange. She didn't know any of the people involved in the fight, but as soon as she saw the boy fall she jumped into action.
She hopped up onto a stand, grabbed the end of a banner, and swung to catch the teen.
"Are you alright?" She asked as they landed safely on the floor.
"Yes... th-thank you." The boy stuttered.
"Oh, it's no big." She dismissed.
"But you could tell us why tall, dark, and glowing over there is after you," Ron said as he joined them.
"Thaaast's a long story." The teen said as she nervously shuffled his feet.
Hardlight didn't pay attention to his prey escaping his grasp. He was too busy seething at the impertinent old woman before him.
"You dare." he hissed at her.
"Oh, I dare." She smirked as she cracked her knuckles and took up a defensive position.
Hardlight wouldn't be made the fool of!
He conjured up a giant shark made of light. The convention goers screamed as the shark flew through the air, its jaws as solid as steel, chomping after them.
The old woman yelled an unintelligible battle cry, jumped up to meet the creature made of light, and wrapped her arms around the fake shark's mouth, snapping and holding its jaws shut as it tried to wiggle out of the chokehold.
Hardlight couldn't believe what was happening. "What the-"
Mr. North shared a knowing look with his friend Hank.
"Here you go, kids." He said, shoving the autographs back at the two teens. "On the house. I need to see a man about a... uh… thing."
And with that, he grabbed his cane and hobbled away quickly behind a curtain.
Hank followed after him moments later.
Gogo didn't pay any attention to the celebrities' hasty retreats. She was too busy pulling out her phone, as she skated to a more secluded spot.
'I called the gang already.' Said Fred's text.
"Ok, I'll join you shortly.' she replied back.
She skidded to a stop inside an empty panel room and pressed the button to call her super suit. She didn't notice Mole following her.
"wooo... huff... boy are you fast, dreamgirl." He huffed as he leaned against the door to catch his breath.
"Mole! What are you doing here?" She hissed.
"Uh... it's called the buddy system!" He admonished. "You need to stick with someone when there's an emergency situation. Everyone knows that duh."
Suddenly a rocket flew through the open window of the room.
"What's that?" Mole asked.
Gogo groaned.
"So let me get this straight," Kim grunted as she kicked a light creature away. This one looked like a jellyfish with stinging tentacles. "You're a superhero, and the weird glowy guy is your arch nemesis?"
"I'm not a superhero," Varian complained as he tossed a spare chimball at another jellyfish. It dissipated into fog. "My friends are the superheroes, and this guy just shows up from time to time causing trouble. I don't know what his deal is."
"Either money or ego... usually it's money," Ron commented as karate chopped a light eel in half. "Though sometimes it can be both. What I don't get is the underwater theme here. You'd think with light monsters he'd go with something more 'airy' like birds, oh, or aliens!"
Varian threw another chimball. The light squid chasing after him froze in place and then shattered on the ground. "So what about you? Are you two heroes?"
Kim seemed a little embarrassed by the insinuation. "Oh, no, not really. Just think of us as a couple of good Samaritans."
"Though, considering how many times we saved the world, we kind of are," Ron added, as Rufus hopped off his shoulder to stomp on a light crab running at his feet. "Good job buddy." He congratulated the mole rat as he scooped him up and placed him back in his pocket.
Varian threw a third chimball, this time aiming for Hardlight's energy disk. Hardlight saw it though and dodged out of the way. The chimball splattered on the ground in a sticky puddle.
"Don't think that you forgot about you." Hardlight hissed and hurled what looked like a giant pink killer whale at him. Varian stumbled back. Then suddenly Lima jumped in between him and the whale and punched the light creature in the snout.
"Arrgh! De volta às profundezas salgadas com vocês!" She yelled as she wrestled with the oversized monster.
"Wow... Grandma gots some moves." Ron commented.
Varian desperately dug into his pocket. "Uhh... guys... I think that was my last chimball."
"Look Out!"
He ducked as Kim punched another eel. She shook her hand. "These things are tougher than they look."
"It's hard-light energy," Varian explained. "It solidifies photons into hard matter using supercooled rubidium."
"Cooled?" Kim asked, picking up on the science a little bit. "I'm not a chemist, but would heat destroy them?"
"You mean like turning the heater on?" Ron asked.
"Probably something much hotter than that," Varian said.
"Like what?" Kim asked.
"Yaaahh-Hoooo! Fredzilla to the rescue!" Fred yelled as he jumped into the fray, breathing fire at the light creatures.
"Like that," Varian answered.
"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmyg-"
"Ohmygosh. You're Big Hero Six!"
Gogo sighed. "Mole."
"Well one of them at least. This Is so cool! Ugh, could you not be any more perfect?"
"What!? I'm still maintaining the six-foot rule."
Gogo rolled her eyes as she placed her helmet on her head. "Not that. You do understand that you can't tell anyone about this, right?"
"Oh.. oh, mum's the word. I promise." Mole said as he made a zipper motion over his mouth.
"Good. Then I need you to stay here where it's safe." She said as she grabbed her disks.
"Oh, b-but I want-"
"No buts. Stay." She ordered before skating away.
Hardlight was not having a good time. He had expected a one-on-one battle with Varian, and maybe to have Big Hero Six show up at the last minute. He had not counted on fighting a suicidal granny with super strength and a couple of ninjas as well. He was particularly annoyed that one of those ninjas was the blonde-haired guy he had dismissed earlier. Ian hated being wrong. Hated it.
Just to rub salt into the wound, another BH6 member arrived on the scene and knocked his hover disk out from under him with a throw of her discus.
"Oooff... you think that's funny?" He grumbled as he got up. "Six against one? Well, Let me even the odds."
He pressed some buttons into his gauntlet and his light creatures disappeared. Only to be replaced by a giant pink octopus with eight fat tentacles.
"Eww. Gross." Kim complained as one of the tentacles grabbed hold of her.
"Kim!" Ron chased after her, only to get captured by the tentacles as well.
Varian and the annoying elderly lady got snatched up next.
"Hahahaha! Now, who's outnumbered?" Hardlight gloated, as another tentacle chased The Speed Queen around and Lizard Guy tried to fight off another.
"You are, foul fiend!" a voice called out.
Hardlight looked up in surprise to find a man floating in midair, seemingly without any equipment. He was dressed in an absurdly pink and purple suit, with an F on the chest and stupid-looking old-fashioned pantaloons in place of pants.
"Who the heck are you?"
"Eeeep! It's the real Captain Fancy. In the flesh!" Lizard Guy squeaked as he jumped out of the way of another tentacle.
"I knew he was real! I knew it!" A short kid dressed as a skunk yelled from the sidelines. Speed Queen nabbed him before a tentacle could grab him.
"And don't forget his friendly rival, the Fearless Ferret." Came another voice, and before Hardlight knew what was happening, another man, dressed as a ferret, snuck up behind him, grabbed one of his gauntlets, and gave him a swift kick in the side.
The gauntlet came off as Ian fell on his back with a hard grunt, and the light octopus faded away. 
"Mr. North?" Kim asked as righted herself.
The Fearless Ferret winked at her and put a finger to his lips.
"Well, it's about time you two showed up." The older woman said.
"We had to change." Captain Fancy defended as he landed. "Not everyone is as flippant about revealing their secret identities as you are, Lima."
"Oh my gosh! You're the real Miracle Maiden!" The guy dressed as a lizard yelled.
"Uh... guys... I hate to break up the superhero reunion, but the bad guy is getting away." Ron interrupted.
"I'm on it." The girl in yellow armor said. She tossed another discus and it split into two, with a rope attached in the middle, and wrapped around the fleeing supervillain.
She then started to skate over to retrieve said villain when the whole building started to shake.
"It's an earthquake!" The kid in the skunk costume screamed and the gathered crowd started to panic once more.
While the costumed heroes rushed to help people escape outside, Kim and Varian and to help the girl on skates up.
That's when thick vines burst through the ground and began to wrap around everything they could latch on to.
"Uh oh."
"What is it?" Varian asked.
"My arch-nemesis." Kim gulped.
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continentalblue · 2 years
Modern!Varian with a s/o that's into kpop and makes him learn the dances cause "omg, I just found the coolest dance. I promise it's easy" and it is not in fact easy
Blue's note: feel free to request Tangled headcanons through my askbox! They can be character or ship hc, I don't really care. I won't do adult/nonadult ships, nsfw, or ships between family. I also won't write for Varian and the Seven Kingdoms due to my unfamiliarity with it.
I used to be SO into Red Velvet and that was because I had a crush on all the girls 💀
as usual this is gender neutral
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⚗️ You loved everything about KPOP. The dances, your idol's singing voice, the way each group managed to dance cohesively
⚗️ Varian buys you your favorite group's merch, no matter how expensive it may be
⚗️ I think he'd be a pretty good dancer otherwise but he's absolutely stumped on these
⚗️"How the heck is anybody supposed to do this??" as he falls to the floor
⚗️ He thinks you look so cool doing the dance, though. He just can't keep up lol
⚗️ He would appreciate very much if you taught him step-by-step how to do the dance (but he definitely would steal a kiss or two from you)
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whiskyarts · 8 months
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flinging spaghetti at the wall with @varibean and now these two idiots work at the pizzaplex lmao
a lil' more under the cut!
So Varian's BASCIALLY a true-crime junkie but only for the Fazbear Entertainment stuff and knows literally all the lawsuits they've had, all the rumors, and has done EXTENSIVE research into the OG locations and probably has a bunch of classic merch (OG Chica is his favorite!!!)
He's STOKED about the job opening and he's like "HUGO COME GET JOBS AT THE PIZZAPLEX WITH ME", and Hugo (who literally knows nothing about Fazbear other than the surface level and face value stuff) is like "Yeah sure, working with high tech robots will look great on my college applications."
Varian works in Bonnie Bowl and the kids make comment on his "bunny teeth" and Varian's convinced that's the only reason he was stationed there (rip). At least he's weirdly good at bowling for literally no reason. "You roll the ball, you hit the pins" he says unenthusiastically as he gets a strike with no effort
Hugo's a bartender in Monty Golf 'cause he's got the FLARE to put on a little show for guests when mixing drinks
Anyway, they definitely should be fired because Varian is just there to fuck with and totally rewire the animatronics. Get his lil' hands all up in those servos. Dragging Hugo along with him
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shamanofthewilds · 2 years
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Pop Mart have released a set of blind box Warcraft figures. The box includes the figure, a stand, and a card for the character inside. The figures themselves  are a decent size and are said to be targeted toward the player base in China, but are still available in the US. WoWhead states that they sell out fast, and that resell websites like Ebay will be your best bet.
Here is a focused look at Warchief Thrall in his Doomplate armor wielding the Doomhammer! This is a nice sculpt for an orc, and it’s about time Thrall got a cute figurine! (Especially considering he still has no Cute But Deadly figure!)
They currently have: Thrall, Jaina, The Lich King, Varian, Illidan, Sylvanas and Kael’thas.
They’re very cute, and definitely should be the direction Warcraft related merch should be going!
Website: Pop Mart
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bee-snail · 1 year
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, & 23 from the TTS ask meme! (LOL that's a lot)
Ty for the ask! I really like being able to rant about TTS so don't worry, this was just perfect hehehehe
11. What is a major change (rewrite) that you would make to the canon?
Hector. My guy showed up in one (1) episode and then went "welp, I've been defeated. Guess I can't do anything about the strangers trying to steal the relic I was desperately trying to protect just one episode ago. I'll just have to chill uselessly in the forest until I'm needed for the plot again."
It would've been SO FUN if Hector continued to chase them down until the very end. We could've had a "Team Rocket"-esque kind of episodes with him, where he shows up to try to destroy them, is defeated, and they escape. That would've honestly been a BILLION times more entertaining to me than like 3 episodes in Tromus' place, plus it would've given us a really more interesting finale AND we would've gotten to see more of Adira, because if Hector continuously tried to chase them down through the mid-final episodes of the season, Adira would most likely travel with them to be ready to defend them whenever Hector showed up.
12. What is the biggest loose end or question that you still have?
Demanitus and Zhan Tiri's relationship.
Canon offered us a really contradictory story of them, where in one episode we hear Demanitus himself say "my pupils betrayed me and summoned the Great Demon Zhan Tiri" and in the finale, we see Zhan Tiri herself say in their flashback that "this quest for the Sundrop and Moonstone was both of ours", so... Which one was it?! Were you immediately enemies or were you partners?! Or did Demanitus initially believe Ziti was evil (assuming his pupils did betray him and summon her behind his back), only to convince her (or be convinced by her) to look for the Drops together... Only to act surprised when the literal demon did morally bad things and then did a 180, pretended he was a perfect little angel who would never ally himself to a literal demon, and sent her off to acid hell?
13. Would you want a TTS spinoff? If yes, what would it be about?
I don't think TTS would ever get a spin-off considering TTS itself is already a spin-off in a way, but I'd love to see Zhan Tiri and Demanitus' journey until the finale when he sends her away!! We'd get well-deserved lore on both of them (as well as clarification, finally!), as well as more insight on Gothel's motivations and past, and finally some focus on Sugracha and Tromus !!!!
14. What merchandise for the series would you have liked to see?
Zhan Tiri and Demanitus merch 💞
Brotherhood merch would be so cool too!!!
15. What are your feelings on the possible live-action adaptation of Tangled?
Bro, I'd definitely be down for it. I take whatever crumbs I'm given, regardless if it'll be a "bad" adaptation like Mulan or something, just because I'm that thirsty for content lmao.
21. If you're a content creator, what is your favorite piece of content you've made for TTS?
My Ziti redesign is my favorite artwork(s, since I made soooo many doodles of her ahwhehhe) and my favorite fic is Moonrise :]
23. Share an unpopular opinion about the show or the characters.
Most of the time I walk into a fic, I'm already biased. There's a select few characters I love so much I'm willing to ignore all their wrongs, and a few characters I hate so much I'm willing to amplify every little wrong thing they do by 1.000.000x. Varian, Rapunzel and Cassandra are often beloved by everybody and put into that former category I described, but for me it's a little different:
Cassandra is one of the characters I truly hate. The only characters I hate more than I hate Cassandra are Frederic and Demanitus, but even then it's by a very thin line. Rapunzel and Edmund come in a little more softly in my hatred scale, but I'm still very biased towards them and am unwilling to feel anything truly good about them unless they prove themselves worthy in the particular work I'm reading.
Regarding Cassandra: if she were to die, I'd say "Good riddance!", Because you really can't pin most of the things she did in season 3 on "Ziti's manipulation". Cassandra chose to nearly kill Calliope. Cassandra chose to Mindtrap the Brotherhood. Cassandra chose to attack Corona, even though she had absolutely zero reason to do so. Cassandra has been a true Frederic-level dickhead during the entirety of season three, and the fact she didn't receive a single, even minor punishment in the end, all because she apologized to Rapunzel, is ridiculous.
Of course there are exceptions to this "rule", but I always walk into fics with this bias of mine. There is not a single Frederic nor a single Demanitus I actually like, although Edmund, Rapunzel and Cassandra often "redeem" themselves in my eyes in a few select works. Most of the time though, they could die and I would not care less. Good riddance, pricks.
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birb-tangleblog · 1 year
Have you read the other TTS books?
Yes and no!
I own Lost Lagoon, but I’ve only read about 20 pages or so. No real reason, just having a hard time sitting down with it. I don't have Vanishing Village, (and last I checked it was a little pricey?) but I'll probably end up grabbing it eventually!
TRoFR was particularly interesting to me because of the DK lore and Edmund's inclusion in the prologue, but I really do want to read/finish the others! Just b/c I love that they feature the series characters and provide more canon-adjacent material to chew on.
As far as books go, I also own the novelization of QfaD- I was curious how it'd frame the conflict and if there'd be any extra tidbits that didn't make it into the episode. Obviously it's aimed at younger readers, but it was a cute read! It was p straightforward and I don't remember too much that was noteworthy other than (iirc) Eugene and Cass being referred to as frenemies, and Quirin's descriptions affirming that he's a brickhouse of a man/Varian looks shrimpy next to him.
(I also recently ordered a copy of Rapunzel's Guide to All Things Brave, Creative, & Fun! As more time passes since the series ending, I feel a stronger desire to collect what little merch and spinoff media there is.)
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tangledbea · 11 months
Hey! Same anon who just asked about target audience. Merch and marketing are definitely part of it, but I guess what I mean is was the actual show made to appeal to kids and not older/adult fans of the movie, even if they did get invested and end up watching because they love the franchise? Was the writing simplified (I'd say "dumbed down" except I don't really feel comfortable with saying kids are dumb) to specifically cater to kids and only kids and were the writers making an effort to be broad-strokes and free of nuance, supposedly to make the show easy for really young kids to understand? Thanks for all you do in the fandom, by the way. The conversation/engagement you cultivate with this blog having asks is really keeping it alive. There's always some kind of discussion going on so us fans have something interesting to talk about <3
Ah! Okay, this I can answer more to your satisfaction, I think!
The studio/network is the one who aimed it at kids. The writers/producers wanted it to appeal to everyone. That's why there are darker themes, big words, and big, emotional moments. The executive producer once told me that it was for Tangled fans.
I mean, the writing was simpler than older fans made it out to be. There are several things we kind of had a conniption about that they hadn't put a second thought into, such as Varian sharing a cell with Andrew, or Rapunzel's actions in the past a) altering the timeline and b) forcing Eugene's opinion to match hers by changing his attitude in the past.
So, yeah, there are ways in which it was for kids, but that was not a unanimously decided upon direction by everyone working on it.
And thanks so much! I really appreciate the kind words! ^^
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