#vegan for the environment
aterimber · 2 months
for every animal you don't eat, i eat 20
Unless you are specifically going out and hunting down animals yourself, this is literally not how it works.
That said, you know this isn't really the 'gotcha' you think it is, right?
Choosing to be more violent isn't a good solution for anything, but it's especially whack if your only reason is to try and spite a stranger on the internet.
You might want to do some soul searching to figure out why you're so angry and full of hate.
I promise there's better ways to live. ❤
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daffodilhorizon · 4 months
It's so fucking frustrating having to constantly debunk claims that vegan alternatives are worse for the environment
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when that's not even the point of veganism. We are talking about taking a life away, just because humans have decided they are entitled to someone else's body parts. Literally ending a life because humans have deemed an non-human animal not worthy of deciding what should happen to their own body.
This is about bodily autonomy and consent. YOU, colonizer, are owed NOTHING. Nothing except that which you create belongs to you. You are not entitled to other's belongings or body parts. You are not entitled to kill others because your life is worth more. You are not special, you are not valuable, any more than the nonhuman you are killing is. It is christian religious ideology to view nonhuman animals as separate and lesser than us. Nonhumans are just as evolved as we are. They can live longer than us. They can have more senses than us. They can communicate in ways we don't understand. They contribute much more positively to their ecosystems than us. Humans are not the chosen special child of Earth who are allowed to do whatever we want because we are strong enough to massacre every other species, or even humans we deem "lesser" (such as in ongoing genocides and colonization). That is extreme right wing "Might Makes Right" ideological thinking, and is not the basis of a healthy, equitable, sustainable lifestyle or ecosystem. We are one small part of the ecosystem and colonizer mentality of kill & take has had disastrous effects on humans, ecosystems, and nonhumans. This isn't the way forward. It's backwards. Vegans are asking for everyone to stop viewing the earth and her inhabitants as things to be taken from and start viewing them in a more decolonized way. We are part of the ecosystem and we have a responsibility to foster it and tend to it as much as we can. Animal agriculture is unnatural, cruel, and unnecessary. It pollutes our air, our waters, and our soil. Cow Ranches are cutting down native indigenous forests so people can eat burgers and wear leather. And there is a dead being attached to every single one of those unnecessary purchases. A being that didn't have to die, that shouldn't have even been born into slavery in the first place. The real victim in all of this, who lose their lives and have their bodies desecrated afterwards. That's what we want to end.
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aloeverawrites · 10 months
"Western countries to cut down on their meat consumption for the benefit of the environment. Animal agriculture is a leading contributor to a number of major environmental issues, including deforestation and rising greenhouse gas emissions.
In April 2022, one study from the University of Bonn in Germany suggested that meat consumption must drop by at least 75 percent in rich countries, which are putting an unnecessary strain on the planet through a high demand for animal products. "
'If all humans consumed as much meat as Europeans or North Americans, we would certainly miss the international climate targets and many ecosystems would collapse,'"
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 30 days
Where the fuck are all the animal rights activists and vegans in the genocide Israel is commiting?
Where the fuck are all your 'exposed' posts on the war crimes?
Where are your posts advocating for human rights and a ceasefire in Gaza?
And even if you don't want to acknowledge the human lives being lost in this genocide, its not just humans living in Gaza, there are dogs and cats and birds and horses and donkeys and cattle, yet instead of advocating for any life to be protected in Gaza you're choosing to whine about the "carnists".
Israel isn't just killing human animal lives either, they are destroying the environment in Gaza as well, do you think all those bombs being dropped aren't going to have an impact on the environment? You think all the tanks and planes and drones and helicopters and ships that Israel is using are eco friendly? You think they aren't contributing to the climate crisis? Do you think Israel cares about the environmental impact of their genocide?
Why the actual fuck are almost all of you so silent?
I don't care what your reasons for opposing Israel are at this point (unless its purely racism/antisemitism), I just want more people to be talking about it and putting more pressure on everyone to do something about the genocide. I need to people to care, I need yall ARAs and vegans to actually do something that benefits EVERYONE for once.
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herbouquetreign · 1 year
Who’s big fucking idea was it to cut down all the trees to make room for factory farms and Amazon warehouses? No wonder we’re out of shape asthmatics! When people in power actually finally decide do do something about deforestation and climate change,all the trees will already be gone.
Amazing how everyone cares about the environment until eating less animal products or none at all comes into the picture. Or cutting down on flight travel,or even searching which websites that are ethical to shop from. Bc Amazon isn’t!recycling isn’t good enough bc consumerism leads to vast amounts of waste that recycling plants can’t even keep up with anymore (not saying you shouldn’t do it even though) Drinking from a silicone or steel straw isn’t enough. Wear reef friendly sunscreen to stop the bleaching of coral reefs,and don’t litter our oceans. Stop eating shit with palm oil in it bc it causes deforestation! Switch to bamboo instead of plastic or paper products (tooth and hair brush,toilet paper etc.) thrift locally. Tons of people don’t want their old shit that you will!
You can start on voting these fuckers that don’t care about anyone but their rich buddies,out. Bc I have news for you,they’re the ones that keep letting corporations destroy our planet.And they’re the ones spending your taxes on lavish items and vacations while you can barely buy a new toothbrush.
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jmtorres · 2 years
jfc they're doing "vegan" cashmere as well as "vegan" leather now. cashmere doesn't cause the animal to die???? it's shearing like wool, just very fine soft fiber
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and what pray tell is "vegan" cashmere
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plastic, plastic, recycled plastic, stretchy plastic, and a touch more stretchy plastic.
it's just about fuckin red heart
if you care about the environment at least go for bamboo rayon??? like it's chemically beat to hell and gone to make it smooth but it at least came from a plant not crude oil.
eta: in case anyone is stumbling across the original post and not a reblog somehow: I don't blame people who are vegan for this and it's kind of shitty to see so much hatefulness towards vegans in the notes. I blame corporate marketing for co-opting the term vegan and polluting its meaning.
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penpolyon · 2 years
I credible interview of Joshua Katcher, writer, small business owner, vegan cheese maker and vegan fashion activists. Very good an newanced discussion on the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion, puts into perspective the impacts of leather and wool industry compared to vegan alternatives. Talks about the future of sustainable fashion, and the role of fashion in society and to our wellbeing as an artform.
Highly recommend it to some of the people who have been asking me about sustainable and vegan fashion lately if they have access to Spotify.
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acti-veg · 4 months
According to one analysis of wool production in Australia, by far the world’s top exporter, the wool required to make one knit sweater is responsible for 27 times more greenhouse gases than a comparable Australian cotton sweater, and requires 247 times more land. Sheep farming threatens native species around the world, from koalas in Australia to sage grouse in the US.
Domesticated sheep in the American West have, as my colleague Paige Vega has reported, been implicated in mass die-offs of their wild cousins, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, through the spread of the lethal pathogen Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae.
Ruminant farming’s hunger for land has made it a prime engine for colonial expansion around the world; we see this in Brazil, for example, where cattle ranching is driving illegal seizures of Indigenous land. Sheep brought by colonists to Australia “immediately trampled and destroyed all of the native yams and edible vegetables that Aboriginal people had.
The land that Aboriginal people never ceded was taken for pastoral practices,” said Emma Hakansson, the Australia-based founding director of Collective Fashion Justice, which advocates for what she calls a “total ethics” fashion system: one that’s fair to people, animals, and the planet. “Animal-derived materials in particular are a focus for us because it’s in those supply chains that all three of those groups are consistently harmed.”
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ecologydyke · 1 year
begging pleading for people to use their critical thinking skills when it comes to the environment. way too many people have this idea:
climate change isn’t real = wrong and bad
climate change is real = correct and good
and while yes, denying climate change *is* wrong and bad, that doesn’t mean you should immediately trust everyone who says climate change is real.
ecofacism is a really concerning trend i see, especially among the younger generation because of how undeniable climate change has become to us. facists are taking advantage of the existential despair that’s rising in young people due to the climate crisis to indoctrinate them into their ideology. the most important thing to remember about ecofacists is that *they don’t actually care about the environment.* it’s a front to make facism more palatable to people who are concerned about the climate. it’s so so so important to learn how to recognize ecofacist talking points because i see them repeated by people who otherwise wouldn’t be described as a facist and it’s very concerning.
if someone says climate change is due to overpopulation, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says climate change is due to immigration, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says climate change is a necessary purge of humankind, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says all humans are inherently evil and deserve to die, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
if someone says that we are the virus, that’s an ecofacist talking point.
ecofacists claim that overpopulation is causing the climate crisis. it’s not. pay attention to the particular spots in the world that have the densest populations: china, india, bangladesh, and nigeria are usually the main countries in these claims. they are targeting asian and african people and blaming them for climate change entirely, when in reality these poorer people living in very high density cities have some of the lowest carbon footprints. ecofacists will say that overpopulation is the issue in asia and africa, and while they usually don’t say this part out loud, the implied solution to the climate crisis is mass genocide against mainly black and brown people. *facism as we know it is white supremacy.* they also use a similar argument to claim that immigration is contributing to climate change, saying that (again, mostly black and brown) immigrants are causing overpopulation in “civilized” countries and that the planes and boats used to take them across the world are causing all that pollution.
ecofacists will say that floods and famine and the subsequent deaths that result from climate change are a necessary evil to keep the human race in check. again, think of who will be most affected by climate change-related disasters (who already are being affected by them). this is not a coincidence.
because they are the masterminds behind the theory that all humans are evil and should die, logically that means the ecofacists would be the ones leading the massacres and choosing which groups to eliminate. again, facism is white supremacy. they will target people of colour, disabled people, queer people, jewish people, and elderly people until only the “ideal” (read: white, abled, cishetallo) members of society are left. this is not a coincidence.
i’m using very extreme examples here obviously but that’s just to demonstrate what the goal of ecofacism is. ecofacists want to use the climate crisis to guilt trip people into giving everything up for the sake of the environment and subscribing to their racist ideals.
it’s very important to mention how rampant ecofacist ideology has become in vegan circles online. obviously there’s nothing wrong with being vegan, but ecofacist talking points are *everywhere* in online vegan communities and it’s very concerning. it’s especially common among animal rights activists (which almost always go hand in hand with veganism, although not all vegans are aras). it’s really important to keep in mind that animal rights activism and animal welfare activism are very very different - animal welfare fights for ethical treatment and slaughter of livestock, while animal rights fights for the complete eradication of animal products. the whole argument over animal welfare vs animal rights can be saved for another post but it is very, very important to recognize how animal rights activism and in many cases veganism parrots racist ecofacist ideas.
it’s really really important to acknowledge that native populations of turtle island and polynesia in particular are damaged by ecofacist ideals. a core part of animal rights activism is the push for completely criminalizing all hunting of wildlife, and who’d have thought - that is incredibly important to the indigenous way of life and forcing native people to stop hunting (*especially* inuit living in the north) is cultural genocide. ecofacism also uses the guise of conservation efforts to push native peoples off of their own land.
it’s true that human consumption can and does lead to climate change, but it isn’t poor people living in slums or even really an average western household. ecofacists put all the blame for climate change on people of colour and other marginalized communities, even when they’re the ones contributing the least to the climate crisis. while a lot of what i’m saying here is intentionally extreme to properly illustrate the point i’m trying to make, it is absolutely a thing that happens that oppressed people actually do die because of ecofacism. the el paso shooter in texas a few years ago admitted to having ecofacist ideals and that his targeting of a store frequented by mexican immigrants was not a coincidence. the shooter that killed 51 people in mosques in christchurch that same year also shared similar ecofacist beliefs.
ecofacist propaganda can be hard to spot and can even make its way to mainstream media. do you remember a couple years ago at the height of tue pandemic when major news outlets were posting videos of dolphins returning to the venecian canals? those videos were not real. they were made with the implicit message of “humans are the virus” - which is, again, an ecofacist talking point. whether the videos were created by an ecofacist or not doesn’t really matter - what matters is that they spread ecofacist propaganda *everywhere*.
it’s really important to recognize absolutist statements like “all humans are evil and should die” or “overpopulation is causing climate change” and be able to critically think about who they might be benefiting and who they might be detrimental to. there are clues in ecofacist talking points, but they’re usually hard to spot - that is the point. if you see some statement that raises a red flag, you should think about who it’s being said or implied is causing the harm, whether it’s a radicalized or oppressed group, and how they’re being portrayed by the people saying these statements. it’s also really important to think about how they propose climate change should be solved: if it involves more police, more surveillance, excluding or pushing entire groups of people out, more military action, or closing borders and denying people the freedom to move - that is an ecofacist talking point.
also, i should mention that not everyone who spreads these types of ideas are ecofacists. in fact, i think most of them aren’t, or at least fully. ecofacism is just the most covert form of facist propaganda right now and it’s very easy to fall into the idea that all humans should die or whatever, no matter if you subscribe to the racist implications of that or not. just please be aware of how ecofacism manifests and how easily it spreads online - don’t be afraid to point out when you think someone is unintentionally spreading racist rhetoric, and be self-critical of what the implications of some of the things you might be saying have. critical thinking wasn’t taught in school just so you could figure out if the curtains were blue or not - it affects everything.
some articles about this topic that i like a lot
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wachinyeya · 17 days
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hearthoof · 4 months
i hope nonvegans realize i couldnt care less about what other animals do. i dont care if herbivores eat other animals sometimes. i dont care that carnivores need meat to survive. wild animals are gonna wild animal. that is completely understandable to me. why the hell should i care? i cant reason with wild animals. im trying to reason with human beings.
i want human beings to stop exploiting animals. wild animals can do whatever the hell they want because they need to for survival.
do nonvegans ever feel silly after they confidently express the idea that vegans somehow care about what wild animals do?
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vegan-nom-noms · 3 months
Can’t be vegan? Go vegetarian.
Can’t be vegetarian? Do meatless Mondays.
Trying your hardest (whatever that may be) to help animals and the environment is far better than sitting on the sidelines and watching it burn.
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reasonsforhope · 17 days
"A global shift to a mostly plant-based “flexitarian” diet could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help restrict global heating to 1.5C, a new study shows.
Previous research has warned how emissions from food alone at current rates will propel the world past this key international target.
But the new research, published in the Science Advances journal, shows how that could be prevented by widespread adoption of a flexitarian diet based around reducing meat consumption and adding more plant-based food.
“A shift toward healthy diets would not only benefit the people, the land and food systems,” said Florian Humpenöder, a study author and senior scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, “but also would have an impact on the total economy in terms of how fast emissions need to be reduced.” ...
The researchers found that adopting a flexitarian diet could lower methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture and lower the impacts of food production on water, nitrogen and biodiversity. This in turn could reduce the economic costs related to human health and ecosystem degradation and cut GHG emissions pricing, or what it costs to mitigate carbon, by 43% in 2050.
The dietary shift models also show limiting peak warming to about 1.5C can be achieved by 2045 with less carbon dioxide removal, compared with if we maintain our current diets.
“It’s important to stress that flexitarian is not vegetarian and not vegan,” Humpenöder says. “It’s less livestock products, especially in high-income regions, and the diet is based on what would be the best diet for human health.”
In the US, agriculture accounts for more than 10% of total GHG emissions. Most of it comes from livestock. Reducing meat consumption can free up agricultural land used for livestock production, which in turn can lower methane emissions. A potent greenhouse gas, methane is mainly expelled from cows and other animals raised for livestock. Animal production is the primary contributor to air quality-related health impacts from US food systems.
“This paper further confirms what other studies have shown, which is that if we change our diets to a more flexitarian type, we can greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Jason Hill, a professor in the University of Minnesota’s department of bioproducts and biosystems engineering.
According to the study authors, one way to achieve a shift toward healthier diets is through price-based incentives, such as putting taxes on the highest-emitting animal products, including beef and lamb. Another option is informing consumers about environmental consequences of high meat consumption."
-via The Guardian, March 27, 2024
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aloeverawrites · 4 months
“Oxfam’s research shows that the ultra-rich are the biggest individual contributors to the climate crisis.
The richest billionaires, through their polluting investments, are emitting a million times more carbon than the average person.
The wealthiest 1 percent of humanity are responsible for twice as many emissions as the poorest 50 percent and by 2030, their carbon footprints are set to be 30 times greater than the level compatible with the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.”
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
They really fucking made up overpopulation so that rich people could claim the existence of poor people was harming them and now people who don't understand why "vegan leather"(plastic) is worse for the environment then real leather (not plastic) promote it.
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dreamy-sucide-pact · 3 months
so so so so unbelievably frustrating when 'environmental activists' will refute or ignore the farming industry. i have a friend who's incredibly involved in stopping climate change, say that they don't drink soy milk because it's "killing the amazon" even though more than 80% of soy goes to feeding cows, chickens, etc. and then they simply ignore it and get mad at me for being right. its making me so annoyed, it's like there's this sort of stigma/hatred towards being plant-based or simply avoiding animal products to the point where facts are being denied. its so annoying !!
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