#vela diaz
sail-southern · 3 days
Youth Movement for Quantum Racing || Scuttlebutt Sailing News
The most successful TP52 team in the history of the 52 SUPER SERIES has a new look for the 2024 season as Victor Diaz De Leon has been appointed Quantum Racing skipper to lead a youth movement for the 5-event schedule.
Continuing the initiative launched last year by team owner Doug De Vos to provide younger sailors with experience and learning at the highest level of grand prix racing, four new athletes will also join Diaz de Leon.
Among the new talent will be the circuit’s first female navigator, Evelyn Hull. The other new team members getting ready for the season to start are Nevin Snow who will be strategist, Ian Liberty trimmer and Alex Sinclair mid bow.
The selected new athletes have already been put through their paces during a tuning and training week on the Bay of Palma last month when the team worked alongside Tony Langley’s new Gladiator, which was previously Alegre.
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Pressmare.it’s Perspective…
LiveSailDie’s Coverage…
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hauntedstarlighttiger · 10 months
Amor casi imposible (Marco Diaz y TN)
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Narra la Narradora
Cuando esta tierra era más joven Existían dos almas gemelas que se querían
Pero al crecer su amor decidieron estar juntos pero había una regla que no podían romper
Que un mortal y un ser de muerte estén juntos
Por culpa de esa regla uno salió lastimado y para eso no existe cura
Xxx:Y el otro mami que pasó con el otro
Xxx:Solo se despidieron
Xxx:Por qué esa eran las reglas ahora me dejas terminar
Xxx:Si mami
Luego de eso se despidieron así se creó esa regla para que ningún mortal o ningún muerto volviera a pasar lo mismo que esto
Pero esa regla no aplico con dos personas
Y así empieza nuestra historia
Narra la Narradora Era un día especial para toda la ciudad de México era el día más festivo de la ciudad era día de los muertos por que según los muertos visitaban a los vivos
Cada cierto tiempo pero lo que no sabían era que esos relatos eran ciertos abajo de México existe el mundo de los Muertos y cada cierto tiempo los muertos podían salir en el mundo de los vivos para parecerse a los demás
Para camuflarse con los que se disfrazan de Brujas,Calaveras entre otras cosas
En el mundo de los Muertos
Narra Marco
Esta es la primera vez que voy a subir al mundo de los mortales hace mucho tiempo que no sabía nada de cómo es el mundo de los mortales
Mejor me apuro tengo que ir a la ciudad de aquí para qué nos digan cómo son las reglas
Star:Marco vamos que si no vamos a tiempo no vamos a poder escuchar las reglas
Marco:Si Star ya voy
De pasar un poco de tiempo caminando llegamos a la escuela donde nos explicaran cómo vas en esa primera vez saliendo al mundo de los muertos
Maestre D:Escuchen bien estas son las primeras reglas que tienen que respetar para poder ir al mundo de los mortales
1-Jamas acercarse a un mortal 2-Nunca revelar lo que eres 3-Nunca enamorarse de un mortal
Maestra D:Si voy a ser rápido les voy hacer un resumen de porque no puede Enamorarse de un mortal
Hace tiempo una mortal y un catrín se enamoraron pero había una regla
Que era jamás pero jamás enamorarse de un mortal no obedecieron las reglas los dos
Por culpa de eso uno salió lastimado la humana tuvo que despedirse del catrín para así mántener a salvo al catrín
Y desde ese momento se creó está regla
“Por qué siento que e escuchado esto antes”
“Tal vez... Solo es mi imaginación.. si eso”
Star:Marco despierta
Marco:Mmm mandé Star
Star:Es que ya vamos a ir al mundo de los mortales y te quedaste como congelado cuando escuchaste la historia
Marco:No es nada Star eso solo que
Star:¿Es solo qué?
Marco:Nada olvidalo
En el mundo de los Mortales
Narra TN
Hoy iba a ser día de los muertos es la festividad más genial de aquí de México estoy tan emocionada
Y se preguntarán porque es porque según dicen que nuestros ancestros o mis tatarabuelos van a venir desde el mundo de los muertos
Visitaban a los vivos no se camuflaban de ellos para poder un día por lo menos estar entre los vivos y eso es lo que emociona tanto pero según mi mamá solo es un mito pero yo no creo eso
María:Hija baja a comer
TN:Ya voy
María:Voy a salir a trabajar en la panadería así saldré hasta tarde entendido
TN:Pero Mamá es día de muertos
María:Lo se así que quiero que tú vayas al panteón dónde vas a poner los altares a nuestros ancestros y a tus tatarabuelos
TN:Ok Mamá
Después de comer
TN:Mamá ya me voy
María:Ok pero cuídate si
En el panteón
TN:*Bueno primero compro el pan de muertos 5 velas tacos, mole, enchiladas, pozole y sopa con refresco si así*hay
Pero hay ahora que pasó
TN:!Hay¡ Perdón ¿estás bien?
Xxx:Si no te preocupes
TN:En serio lo lamento déjame ayudarte a levantar
TN:No hay problema hay no me e presentado me llamo TN y tu
Marco:Mucho gusto me llamo Marco
TN:Oye tú eres nuevo aquí
Marco:*!Hay¡ Se me olvidó que estoy en el mundo de los vivos*Eeh si soy nuevo aquí
TN:A bueno ven*dije agarrandole la mano*
Lo lleve al centro de la ciudad para que viera el esplendor de México en estas épocas
TN:A poco no se ve genial
Marco:Vaya que a cambiado*dijo susurrando*
TN:¿Qué dijiste?
Marco:Na-ada*dijo nervioso*
Narra Marco
Tengo que tener más cuidado no quiero que me descubra si lo hace no volveré a subir al mundo de los mortales
TN:Hay caramba casi se me olvida
TN:Tengo que ir a poner ofrendas para mis ancestros*dijo la chica contenta*creo que te veré luego supongo
Espera por que estoy emocionado por eso
TN:Adiós*dijo mientras se alejaba*
Vaya que chica pero tengo que regresar con Star además como será que me vio si según los humanos no pueden vernos bueno eso creo
Star:!Marco¡ hasta que al fin te encuentro vamos donde están nuestros padres*dijo Star preocupada de no llegar a verlos*
Marco:Si vamos
Star:Espera por que estas sudando y algo sonrojado
Espera... ¿!Qué!?
Marco:Ya va-mmonos quieres
Star:!Hay¡ ya está bien solo preguntaba
Con TN
Narra TN
No sabía que había habían llegado nuevas personas a la ciudad
Después de comprar las cosas
TN:Bueno ya está las velas, el pan, sus comidas favoritas, las cervezas o aguas y sus fotos
Vaya pareciera que nunca se fueron aún los puedo sentir como si estuvieran aquí
Se me salió una lágrima de tristeza pero luego sonreí
TN:Los extraño mucho
Pero suena mi celular era mi Mamá
En la llamada Mamá Mari
¿Ya pusiste las cosas?
TN Si Mamá ya solo falta el caminito De flores
Mamá Mari
Ok en un rato voy Si quieres puedes ir a ver el carnaval Pero no quiero que llegues tarde a Casa ¿Ok?
¡Gracias! Ama la quiero Y si no llegare a casa tarde
Mamá Mari
Esta bien cuidate hija
Si ama la quiero
Fin de la llamada
TN:Bueno entonces a distraerse
Con Marco
Narra Marco
Star:Marco ya llegamos
Marco:No Star si espera
Ya habíamos llegado al Panteón donde de seguro estaba nuestros padres
Marco:Ahora si ya llegamos
Pero antes de que Star entrara vi a !Tn¡ hay no no
Agarre a Star rápido de la mano antes de que entrará y la oculte conmigo
Star:Marco ¿qué haces?*diji susurrando*
Marco:Espera si*dije susurrando tambien*
Luego la vi salir
Marco:Uff eso estuvo cerca
Hay no que voy a hacer....
Marco:Star te lo puedo explicar*dije asustado*
Star:Te escucho
Marco:Bueno veras...
Nota de la Autora:Este es otro de mis borradores espero que les guste
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knario47 · 4 months
Tagoror de historia y tradiciones
Los guanches navegaban en barcos de drago, ha vuelto a poner de actualidad una incógnita que sigue sin resolverse: ¿son los indígenas canarios los únicos habitantes de un archipiélago del planeta que no navegaban? Entre otros datos, cita el documento notarial de 1525 incluido en el libro Testamentos de canarios, gomeros y herreños (1506-1550) (2018) [1], por el que se obliga “al canario Pedro Luis” a pagar cierta cantidad de monedas de oro “por una barca de drago” que había comprado. “Corrobora fehacientemente lo que narraba Torriani acerca de la navegación de los antiguos canarios en embarcaciones construidas con troncos de drago”, insiste.(Francisco García Talavera)
"Si quieres construir un barco, no empieces por buscar madera, cortar tablas o distribuir el trabajo. Evoca primero en los hombres y mujeres el anhelo del mar libre y ancho".
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Un texto encontrado a finales del siglo XVI indica que nuestros ancestros, hacían barcos del tronco de drago, que lo cavaban entero y después le ponían lastre de piedra y navegaban con remos y con vela de palma alrededor de la costa de la isla de Gran Canaria y que también tenían por costumbre pasar a Tenerife y a Fuerteventura, donde según relata el ingeniero Torriani, solían robarse entre ellos. Personalmente creo que navegaban y una vez invadidos por los castellanos, transmitieron ese recuerdo de padres a hijos sobre un conocimiento antiguo de la navegación que posteriormente se perdió. Torriani hace mención sobre tres tipos de navegación: una navegación costera, circundando la isla de Gran Canaria, que pudo facilitar los contactos especialmente en zonas de orografía más abrupta como las costas Norte, Oeste y Suroeste de la isla. Una navegación desde la isla de Fuerteventura a Gran Canaria, Y una ruta desde Gran Canaria hasta Tenerife.
Gadifer de la Salle , realizó una estancia de 11 días en el puerto de Arguineguín Chico y poblado de Arguineguín, el cual pudo haber tenido unas 400 casas , donde se refleja que los antiguos pobladores de las islas tenían claro conocimiento del uso de las lanchas. Comenta Gadifer que envió a la ciudad el bote de la barcaza, para recoger algunas cosas que los isleños les habían prometido; pero les tendieron una emboscada y asaltaron a sus gentes para quitarles el bote; y todos los hombres de Gadifer fueron heridos, y que los canarios les quitaron tres barricas llenas de agua y dos remos y un cable, y de repente entraron en la mar para cogerlos. Hannibal, el bastardo de Gadifer, cogió un remo en su mano y no los dejó acercarse y se largó muy lejos en la mar Luego también tenemos constancia de cuando Jean de Béthencourt , viniendo de Fuerteventura, intentó en Octubre de 1405 un desembarco en el puerto de Arguineguín Chico desde su galera con dos botes , siendo donde atacados por los antiguos canarios y perdieron hombres y lo que es más significativo, uno de los botes, teniendo que retirarse.
(Maria Gomez Diaz)
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joestars502 · 2 years
14 Vosotros sois la luz del mundo; una ciudad asentada sobre un monte no se puede esconder. 15 Ni se enciende una vela y se pone debajo de un almud, sino sobre el candelero, y alumbra a todos los que están en casa.  Mateo 5:14-15
Escuchar la letra de Gente Luminosa,
Me quedo con quién me cuida, Me quedo con quién me valora, Con quién me hace reír Y ríe conmigo da igual la hora, Me quedo con quién escucha atentamente mi desahogo Con quién procura mi bien, Con quién se queda a pesar de todo, Me quedo con quién me pide, Ponme un WhatsApp cuándo llegues, Y se alegra más que yo, Si tuve un golpe de suerte, Me quedo con esa magia, De una lágrima compartida, Me quedo con quién me ayudó, A encontrar aquella salida, Qué guapa es, La gente luminosa La que baila porque sí, La que sonríe a todas horas, Con la que respiras lento La que te regala tiempo, Y si un día no lo tiene lo fabrica para ti, Me quedo con quién enciende Bombillas en mi camino, Saca lo bueno de mí, Y me hace sentirme vivo,
Qué guapa es, La gente luminosa, Esa que no se preocupa de la marca de tu ropa La que pone a la alegría, Siempre en su menú del día, Gente que ilumina el mundo Gente guapa cómo tú, Gente que hace lo que sientan aunque sea temblando Que le saca la lengua a la vida, sin hacer daño, Y si sube la marea no va a soltar tu mano Gente que ahuyenta las nubes negras, Porque tiene el poder de la luz,
Gente que ilumina el mundo, Gente guapa cómo tú, Gente que tiene el poder de la luz
La letra de esta canción es una oda a las personas a las que la vida les da la misma dosis de hiel y sal que a ti, pero que deciden que eso no les va amargar la dulzura ni oscurecer un alma llena de luz, con mucha vibra positiva.  (Maria Carricas)
La gente tóxica y oscura mejor dejarla aparte.  Nos tenemos que rodear de gente luminosa, de gente que ayude, que aporte…así todo será más fácil. (Juanma Diaz)
Una canción con la que canta a todas aquellas personas que tienen un don para arreglar cualquier día oscuro y convertirlo en un día lleno de luz.  (José Miguel Ponce)
Decía Albert Einstein que la oscuridad, en realidad, no existe. Comentaba que la oscuridad no es más que la ausencia de luz, y ello, es lo que ocurre en ocasiones en muchas de las personas que nos rodean.  No sabemos por qué, pero todos disponemos de amigos o familiares que, ante cualquier situación complicada, solo saben traernos aún más negatividad. Son incapaces de aportar estrategias, soluciones y aún menos, apoyo.   Todos sabemos también que este tipo de personas no suelen abundar en el día a día.  Amigos, familiares así no llenan los dedos de una mano, y por ello, hemos de protegernos en cierta manera de esos otros que solo saben pintar nuestros días de gris, y nuestras esperanzas de incertezas.
El cristiano debería ser una persona luminosa, que lleva la luz, ¡siempre da luz!  Una luz que no es suya, pero es el regalo de Dios, es el regalo de Jesús.  Y nosotros llevamos esta luz adelante.   Si el cristiano apaga esta luz, su vida no tiene sentido: es un cristiano de nombre solamente, que no lleva luz, una vida sin sentido.
Todos nosotros bautizados somos discípulos misioneros y estamos llamados a convertirnos en el mundo en un evangelio viviente: con una vida santa daremos “sabor” en los diversos ambientes y los defenderemos de la corrupción, como hace la sal; y llevaremos la luz de Cristo con el testimonio de una caridad genuina.
Si los cristianos perdemos sabor, y apagamos nuestra presencia de sal y de luz, perdemos la eficacia.  ¡Pero qué bonita es esta misión de dar luz al mundo! Pero es una misión que nosotros tenemos.  ¡Es bonita!  Es también muy bonito conservar la luz que hemos recibido de Jesús. Custodiarla. Conservarla.
En contexto de la Palabra de Dios:
Todos hemos escuchado el dicho popular: Candil de la calle, oscuridad de su casa, y eso se dice cuando una persona es amable, alegre, dispuesto a ayudar, con todos menos con su propia familia. Tenemos que tener claro que no se trata de ser tinieblas en la calle y solamente luz en la casa, no se trata de tener buenas actitudes solamente con nuestra familia, ser cristiano significa tener buenas actitudes con todas las personas comenzando en nuestro hogar.
Dios les dice que ellos son la luz del mundo. No les dice que deben ser la luz o que deben brillar más, sino que ya son la luz.   En el momento en que las personas creen en la Luz (Jesús), ellos mismos se convierten en hijos de la Luz.   Por supuesto, los creyentes no tienen ninguna fuente de luz en sí mismos.  Pero más bien como la luna refleja el sol, nosotros reflejamos la luz de Jesús en el mundo que nos rodea.   Nosotros, simplemente viviendo vidas santas en palabra y obra, esforzándonos por ser como nuestro Salvador, resplandecemos la luz de Cristo a toda la gente que nos rodea.
Y en Juan 12:35-37
Jesús entonces les dijo: Todavía, por un poco de tiempo, la luz estará entre vosotros. Caminad mientras tenéis la luz, para que no os sorprendan las tinieblas; el que anda en la oscuridad no sabe adónde va. Mientras tenéis la luz, creed en la luz, para que seáis hijos de la luz.  Estas cosas hablaron Jesús, y se fue y se ocultó de ellos. Pero, aunque había hecho tantas señales delante de ellos, no creían en El.
Jesús exponía constantemente a los fariseos; podía ver sus corazones y leía regularmente sus pensamientos.   Hay varias ocasiones en las que Jesús les dice lo que están pensando y así expone el hecho de que Él podía ver sus malos pensamientos.   Los fariseos estaban desesperadamente asustados de la multitud y por lo tanto no actuaron, pero eventualmente, llegaron al punto en que Jesús los había sido expuesto a tal grado que correr y esconderse ya no eran opciones. Los colocaron en un rincón y finalmente decidieron que ya era suficiente y volvieron a pelear.   El problema era simple: la luz era demasiado brillante y querían recuperar la oscuridad.  Así es como funciona el pecado; prospera en la oscuridad. 
¿Estás reflejando la luz de Cristo en el mundo que te rodea?
A manera de conclusión, como discípulos de Cristo, el cual es la luz.  Hemos sido llamados para manifestar el camino del Señor, a los que no le conocen.   Esta es la palabra del evangelio; porque somos portadores de la luz ya que somos portadores de la palabra de Jesús que es la luz, y debemos ser luz en medio de las tinieblas.
Debemos dar testimonio de lo que somos en Cristo Jesús. 
Efesios 5: 8-9
"Porque en otro tiempo erais tinieblas, más ahora sois luz en el Señor; andad como hijos de luz (porque el fruto del Espíritu es en toda bondad, justicia y verdad."   Así como la luz natural del sol nos da vida y vigor a nuestro cuerpo humano. También la luz de Dios nos da el gozo y la fortaleza que necesita nuestra alma y nuestro espíritu. La luz de Dios es su presencia y el efecto de la misma. Sí Cristo lo es en nosotros; entonces actuaremos como la luz que este mundo necesita.
Porque el Señor dice en su palabra que somos luz en medio de tinieblas porque aquellos que le siguen deben manifestar la luz que es Cristo, como con el mismo carácter del Señor. Pero si no hacemos una diferencia entre las tinieblas y la luz, con nuestra manera de obrar entonces no manifestamos la luz.
1 Juan 2:9
"El que dice que está en la luz, y aborrece a su hermano, está aún en tinieblas."
Solamente podemos iluminar a las personas estando bajo la presencia del Señor. 
Esa luz nuestra, que es Cristo en nosotros, es el resultado de que Cristo está en nosotros.  El fruto del Espíritu santo también es la palabra del evangelio que compartimos.   Esto hace que las personas se fijen en lo que hacemos; los hombres han de ver nuestras buenas obras porque hemos de alumbrar en todo tiempo.   Con nuestras buenas obras de esta manera las personas reconocerán que hay un Dios; y esa será su gloria.   Una vez esparcida la palabra del evangelio debemos mostrar obras que confirmen esa palabra.
Entonces, que nos queda por hacer, es ser GENTE LUMINOSA Y GUAPA
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
..y hablando de FUTBOL (donde en el fútbol ESPAÑOL han muerto en los últimos años IV o 4 futbolistas en Activo con nombre muy reveladores así como con hechos futbolísticos como son PUERTA cuya novia "20 años" MAYOR fue Embarazada a su entierro con camiseta de GSUS=JESUS..o Dani JArQUE capitán d ESPANYOL d Barcelona q hablaba con su novia EMBARAZADA desde FLORENCIA=Baptisterio de SAN JUAN con el JUICIO FINAL y PUERTAS DEL PARAISO..naciendo su hija minutos antes q marcara un gol uruguayo IVAN alonso..
...o J.A. REYES nacido en UTRERA de donde es grupo LOS MUERTOS DE CRISTO o el entrenador CAPARROS (q hizo debutar a SERGIO RAMOS, PUERTA y JESUS Navas en el SEVILLA) con el q me fotografié en bar SAN ELOY de SEVILLA día después de dar la PATADA al LEVANTE y fichar x el GRANADA=30-5-14..y REYES le dio la liga 06/07 al REAL MADRID al salir x LESIONADO BECKHAM y marcar 2 goles para remontar el del SEVILLANO "VARELA" nacido en DOS HERMANAS=FABRICA DE CONSOLADORES "FLESH-LIGHT" de un "MATRIMONIO" de TEXAS con lo q se hace MILLONARIO y da EMPLEO al distribuir para TODA EUROPA..y sin OLVIDAR a ARGENTINO AGÜERO padre del nieto de MARADONA Autor d la MANO DE DIOS a INGLATERRA en MEXICO'86 q se retiró en FC BARCELONA x problemas cardíacos marcando su último gol a REAL MADRID o CUORTOIS q se follo a la mujer de un compañero de selección BELGA y a la q DIVORCIADA de tenista Feliciano LOPEZ DIAZ-GUERRA, yo soy LOPEZ DIAZ a secas, ALBA CARRILLO le dijo q tenía la BRAGUETA MUY SUELTA O COMO TIENE Q ESTAR XQ EL SEXO ES LIBRE Y GRATIS o NO DE PUTAS O UN PODER Y TESORO DE LA MUJER LO Q FOMENTA TODO TIPO DE VICIOS Y EXCESOS COMO LA ADORACION A LA MUJER O LA IDOLATRIA EN EL MUNDO DEL ESPECTA-CULO O ENTRETENI-MIENTO)..NO olvidar q KYLIE MINOGUE cuando beso arrastrándose x el ESCENARIO DE Barcelona a Andr��s VELENCOSO (12-3-11=día posterior d TSUNAMI DE JAPON y de su 33 cumple) se fotografió con Carles PUYOL ex-capitan d FC BARCELONA (cuyo padre murió en una RETROEXCAVADORA x lo q no jugó en A CORUÑA=antípodas de la AZOTADA "CHRIST-CHURCH") y con su amigo representante de FUTBOLISTAS (junto a IVAN DE LA PEÑA=gente LOPEZ o el BUDA) JAVI PEREZ (mismo nombre q productor de ANTONIO OROZCO q murió en el Estudio tras producirle todos sus CDs o desde UN RELOJ Y UNA VELA hasta CD DESTINO) q se Mato en accidente en TREMP donde nació Miki ROQUE de REAL BETIS q murió cn 23 años de CANCER DE PELVIS (24_6_12=día d San Juan Bautista) y el diseñador ANGEL CUSTODIO=CUSTO BARCELONA
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anamakara · 4 years
*Breathe* TAKE YOUR BABYS ÒWÓ !!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
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Sorry if i don't made all ;-; and Plush i wanted to draw @maishiia Goshtsona too cause she looks so cute >W< 💚💚
So Yeah :
@sockdrawsstuff @lilythedoctor @wadehotdogman @nerdgirl113 @justfeelingblue @kokoronbain @niky-uky @pastel-crossing-ghoul @berri-star @syrcaltime @mysty-nights-and-water-ghosts @diasvelazsstuff @djstandsfordeadjockey @doritoarts @cutestknife @x-grim-xx @hotelmist @peeshathejoyful @ranze @itsameaury
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creepychippy · 4 years
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There's only so much a Girl can take before she breaks from all the Pressure- 
(Not really a Continuation Part to BWOS but rather a little Interaction-) 
( @diasvelazsstuff​ )
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padmeinwonderland · 3 years
“Um pau no cu real é chamado formalmente de cetro.”
Se você não parou ao menos UMA VEZ para gritar na almofada enquanto lia “Vermelho, Branco e Sangue Azul” da Casey McQuiston... você leu errado. Pois aqui vou apresentar todos os motivos para VBSA estar dentre os seus favoritos de 2020 – essa resenha contém SPOILERS.
Casey literalmente trouxe uma das mais fantasiosas fanfics para o mundo físico, um romance entre o príncipe da Inglaterra e o primeiro-filho dos Estados Unidos só poderia resultar em beijos proibidos à luz de velas e cartas trocadas em segredo por entre paredes. *suspiro* Mas como o nosso protagonista é nada mais e nada menos que Alex Claremont-Diaz, obviamente a história não é bem assim. Ele se viu apaixonado pelo inimigo bem no turbulento ano de reeleição da sua mãe, perto de se formar no colégio e no caos de se descobrir o que, ou quem, ele realmente é. É claro que cair junto do príncipe Henry em cima do bolo de 75 mil dólares, bem no casamento do príncipe herdeiro da Inglaterra, não estava nos seus planos. Muito menos ter que fingir ser melhor amigo do segundo na linha de sucessão para “abafar” o caso.
Para nós, fanfiqueiras de plantão, sabemos como isso termina. Em 400 páginas, Casey não só nos entrega uma deliciosa e proibida história de amor entre dois garotos. Conhecemos cada pedacinho da pessoa extraordinária que Henry é através de cada e-mail apaixonado que escreve, nos divertimos com a forma pragmática e nem um pouco fácil rs de Alex ao lidar com seus conflitos pessoais, nos sentimos mais fortes ao entrar na amizade maravilhosa de Nora e June. E por favor, não vamos esquecer do Pez, essa estrela cheia de purpurina ambulante.
Acha que acabou? Ainda temos política estadunidense, crítica à realeza inglesa, perus assassinos rsrs... e é claro, um final feliz. Sinceramente, eu se fosse você nem terminaria de ler esse post, correria para ler Vermelho, Branco e Sangue Azul.
Beijos 💙
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
Começou a carreira aos 13 anos no teatro infantil com montagens de Os Doze Trabalhos de Hércules, adaptação do livro de Monteiro Lobato, em 1983, Nossa Cidade, de 1984, e em Chapeuzinho Vermelho, com texto e direção de Maria Clara Machado, em 1985. Em 1989 estreou no teatro adulto em O Segredo de Cocachim, de Denise Crispum, que lhe valeu o Prêmio Coca-Cola. Já na televisão, sua primeira aparição não poderia ter sido mais discreta. Sua estreia deu-se na Globo, em 1986, no episódio O seqüestro de Lauro Corona, do extinto Teletema, escrito por Ricardo Linhares. Apesar de pequeno, o papel desempenhado pela atriz chamou a atenção do diretor Roberto Talma, responsável pelo seriado, que a convidou para fazer sua primeira novela, Top Model, três anos depois, em que interpretou a empregada Cida.
No cinema, seu primeiro trabalho foi no curta Vaidade, em 1990. Depois, atuou na produção americana, Manôushe, de Luiz Begazo. Ainda na década de 1990, marcou presença em mais três filmes importantes: As Meninas, adaptação cinematográfica do clássico romance de Lygia Fagundes Telles; Mandarim, filme de Júlio Bressane; e Traição, da produtora Conspiração Filmes, dirigido por José Henrique Fonseca, Arthur Fontes e Cláudio Torres. Também em 1992, com a Cia dos Atores, atuou em A Morta, de Oswald de Andrade, sob a direção de Enrique Diaz. No ano seguinte, esteve em cartaz com o texto Pianíssimo, de Tim Rescala, e recebeu os prêmios Coca-Cola e Mambembe. Só conseguiu destaque na mídia a partir de 1995, como Renata, a garota do casal Unibanco, ao lado do ator João Camargo. Foram mais de 30 campanhas em cinco anos. Desde então, com uma carreira importante consolidada no teatro, vem desenvolvendo uma trajetória notável também na telinha, onde participou de vários sucessos da teledramaturgia brasileira. Com uma interpretação maliciosa e tecnicamente precisa desempenhou papéis marcantes que provaram seu talento e versatilidade, indo da comédia ao drama.
Pelas mãos do autor Walcyr Carrasco, por exemplo, interpretou maquiavélicas vilãs e cômicas mocinhas. Em 1996, numa passagem pela dramaturgia da Rede Manchete, integrou o elenco da novela Xica da Silva, como a terrível e diabólica Violante, que lhe valeu o prêmio APCA de Melhor Atriz daquele ano. Quatro anos depois, na Globo, mais uma vez deu vida a antagonista de uma novela, ao despontar como a ardilosa Marcela de O Cravo e a Rosa. Em 2002, participou da telenovela Desejos de Mulher como Gilda. Na sequência, surpreendeu como a manicure Márcia, coprotagonista de Chocolate com Pimenta. O fato repetiria-se anos depois, quando interpretou a perua falida Olívia de Alma Gêmea.
De Walter Negrão partiu o convite para que interpretasse sua primeira protagonista em novelas, a governanta Madalena de Era Uma Vez, em 1998. Também esteve presente em diversos humorísticos como Garotas do Programa, TV Pirata, Os Normais, Os Aspones, entre outros. A partir dos anos 2000, foi dirigida por cineastas de primeira linha em filmes, como: Bossa Nova, de Bruno Barreto; Amores Possíveis, de Sandra Werneck; e Onde Anda Você?, de Sérgio Rezende. Em 2008, voltou a interpretar um papel dramático na TV ao compor o elenco da minissérie Queridos Amigos. Também nesse ano, estreou no Festival de Curitiba seu primeiro monólogo, A Ordem do Mundo, pelo qual foi indicada pela terceira vez ao Prêmio Shell na categoria de Melhor Atriz. A premiação é considerada a mais importante no teatro. O início de 2009, a trouxe de volta no especial Decamerão - A Comédia do Sexo, da Globo, que voltou a ser exibido no segundo semestre em forma de seriado. Simultaneamente, esteve em cartaz com o filme Os Normais 2. Drica é uma das fundadoras da Cia dos Atores, um dos grupos teatrais de maior destaque no país. Com a Cia participou de espetáculos como Noticias Cariocas, em 2004, O Rei da Vela, em 2000 e Melodrama, em 1999, entre outros.
Paralelamente ao trabalho junto à companhia, atuou em outras peças, como Pixinguinha, de Amir Haddad, em 1994; O Crime do Dr. Alvarenga, texto e direção de Mauro Rasi, em 1999; Vítor ou Vitória, adaptação do filme homônimo de Blake Edwards, com direção de Jorge Takla, em 2001; e Mamãe Não Pode Saber, em 2002. Em 2006, fez uma participação especial na novela Pé na Jaca, como a assessora particular da modelo Maria Bo, interpretada por Fernanda Lima. Em julho de 2010, estreou em circuito nacional o filme O Bem-Amado, no qual interpreta uma das Irmãs Cajazeiras. Meses depois, em janeiro de 2011, o filme foi exibido pela Rede Globo como uma série divida em quatro capítulos. Drica voltou à TV, já recuperada, em fevereiro de 2011, um ano após a descobrir um câncer. Ela atuou em Ti Ti Ti como a fisioterapeuta Teresa Batalha, em uma participação especial nos últimos capítulos da trama. No mesmo ano participou de 1 episódio da série A Grande Família. Em 2012, esteve na minissérie Dercy de Verdade, ela interpretou Clô Prado. No mesmo ano, voltou as novelas no remake de Guerra dos Sexos. Em 2014, entra no elenco de Doce de Mãe, interpretando Rosalinda.
Ainda em 2014, interpretou a grande vilã Cora, em Império. A atriz teve de sair da novela por problemas de saúde, sendo substituída por Marjorie Estiano, que interpretou a mesma personagem na 1ª fase da trama. Em 2015, foi confirmada como protagonista de Verdades Secretas, novela das 23h, escrita por Walcyr Carrasco, substituindo Deborah Secco.
Em 2016, esteve na minissérie Justiça, onde interpretou Vânia Ferraz, uma mulher desequilibrada e emocionalmente frágil, atuando com Antonio Calloni e Cauã Reymond. Drica foi elogiada por internautas na web. Em 2017, é escalada como protagonista ao lado de Fábio Assunção da minissérie A Fórmula. A minissérie teve repercussão negativa, e baixa audiência, sendo descartada uma segunda temporada.
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typingtess · 3 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season Eleven Rewatch:  “Commitment Issues”
The basics:  The team investigates the murder of a Naval Warfare Engineer at a poetry reading.
Written by:  Jordana Lewis Jaffe wrote or co-wrote wrote or co-wrote "Honor", "Patriot Acts", "Dead Body Politic", "Paper Soldiers", "Unwritten Rule", "Big Brother", "Iron Curtain Rising", "Exposure", "Savior Faire", "Beacon", "Defectors", "Exchange Rate", "Black Market", "Payback", "Battle Scars", "Mountebank", "Vendetta", "Where Everybody Knows Your Name", "Pro Se" "Heist", "Born to Run" and "Provenance" (the episode that introduced Katherine Casillas).
Directed by:  James Hanlon who directed "War Cries", "The Grey Man", "Kolcheck, A", "Driving Miss Diaz", "Command and Control" (number 150), "Angels and Daemons", "Where There’s Smoke", "Black Market", "Tidings We Bring", "Can I Get a Witness?", "Cac Tu Nhan", "A Diamond in the Rough", "Into the Breach" and "Human Resources".
Guest stars of note:  Moon Bloodgood is in two episodes in a row as Katherine Casillas, Marsha Thomason returns from last season’s holiday episode “Joyride” as NCIS Special Agent Nicole DeChamps and Dawn Noel returns from “Provenance” as LAPD Officer Jessica Cole.  Phillip Garcia as Miguel Vela, Rima Rajan as Daisy Patel, Mary-Pat Green as Carla and Angela Trimbur as Janice Eckhart.
Our heroes: Should have figured this out earlier.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Looking for Anna and some help from Nell. Sam:  According to Katherine, likes Katherine.  A lot. Kensi:  Strategically moving a knife fight into a pool. Deeks:  Loves salty bookstore lady Carla. Eric:  Bad at social cues. Nell:  Willing to help Callen look for Anna. Hetty:  Not today.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Having a moment with Nell until Eric showed up. Sam:  Finds social clubs pretentious, complete waste of money and time. Kensi:   Would like all their cases to start in pleasant situations like poetry readings and cello concerts. Deeks:  Feels he should be offended by Carla’s anti-hippie feelings. Eric:  Ruining the Callen-Nell moment. Nell:  Having a moment with Callen ruined by Eric. Hetty:  Nope, not today.
Who's down with OTP:  The OTP of note in this episode was Sam and Katherine.  There were some bumps along the way but things were better at the end.
Who's down with BrOTP:  The real BrOTP here was DeChamps with the team – she is a great recurring character with real chemistry as a friend with Sam.  
Any pressing need for a young FBI Agent:  Only of DeChamps wanted a partner for the day.
Who is running the team this week?  Callen.  On and off the books (with Nell).
Fashion review:  Blue button-down shirt for Callen.  Black tee for Sam.  Kensi has a white tee-shirt under an olive-green zip-up sweater.  Deeks is wearing a blue henley under a tan suede trucker jacket with a shearling collar.  Red pullover sweater for Eric after wearing a dark blue tee and black work-out shorts to start the day and for his mid-day workout.  Blue and red floral blouse with a dark green jumper.
Music:  “The Number 4” by Khruangbin is playing at the poetry reading.
Any notable cut scene: No.
Quote:  Katherine:  “I'm just glad you didn't show me any special treatment there today.” Sam:  “Special treatment. And why would I go and do that?” Katherine:  “Oh, because you like me.” Sam:  “Do I?” Katherine:  “ A lot.” Sam:  “Oh, really?” Katherine:  “Definitely. I can see it all over your face.” Sam:  “Oh. Is that so?” Katherine:  “Like, all over it. And you want to know if I'm free for dinner.” Sam:  “For dinner. When is that? “ Katherine:  “Tonight.”
Anything else:  The previously-s are Callen and Sam talking about Anna, Callen finding Anna on a security camera, Eric under attack in San Francisco, Sam meeting Katherine.  A busy previously offering.
At a poetry reading in a bookstore, one of the poets finishes her reading and makes her way to the back of the store.  There is a long, long line for the restroom.  The poet, Janice Eckhart, is talking with those waiting.  But she really needs to use the restroom.  After knocking on the door, she lets herself in.  A man on his knees is bent over the toilet.  He’s not vomiting, he’s dead, strangled.
Early the following morning, Nell is burning files in the burn room.  Callen joins Nell, asking what’s she doing.  She’s evasive.  When Nell asks why Callen is in early, he’s evasive.  Callen thinks Nell is trying to blow him off.  “Because I am.  I definitely am.”   Not taking the hint, Callen asks for a favor.  Nell has had her quota of burning incriminating evidence. 
Callen asks Nell to help him find Anna.  There was a triple homicide in Barcelona.  Assuring Nell Anna wasn’t a victim, he wants to make sure she’s OK.  And maybe not involved.  Nell is on-board but worried that she may not find Anna.
Since it is leg-day, Eric is in early to work out.  He broke up the Callen-Nell moment and feels badly about it.  Eric’s watch starts beeping.  Saying he doesn’t want to ruin the moment the three of them are having, Eric isn’t answering.  Callen assures Eric the three of them are not having a moment, Callen and Nell were, one he “clearly murdered.”  They have a case.  Admitting he’s bad at social cues, Eric is going to gather the team.
Kensi and Deeks arrive in Ops.  When Eric sets up the case at a poetry reading, Kensi wishes all their cases started at poetry readings of cello concerts – something pleasant.  “Oh, wait for it,” Nell says.  “And we’re back,” Kensi and Deeks say simultaneously when they learn about the murder.  The dead man is Michael Carpenter, former active-duty Naval Warfare Engineer, current private sector software engineer at Go-Go-Go.  They don’t have much else on Carpenter.  
Nell goes off script.  She learned Go-Go-Go is funded by the same Chinese Shell Corporation that was behind Logic Wide.  Eric is nervous suddenly, though he keeps saying “cool.”  With Callen and Sam going to Go-Go-Go, Kensi and Deeks are on their way to the crime scene.  Nell apologizes to Eric.  She wasn’t sure how to tell him – she found out during the briefing – and decided to just rip the Band-Aid off.  
At Go-Go-Go, there is a very open office design.  A number of people are working at desks, non-office chairs, a beanbag and a couch.  Miguel Vela, the man in charge, is willing to speak to Callen and Sam.  He orders his staff to go outside for while – “get your vitamin D and gets those 10,000 steps in” – while he talks to NCIS.  Callen says they are there to talk about Michael Carpenter.  Vela calls him the “punk” who skipped work.  When Callen explains why Carpenter skipped work, Vela is stunned.  
Callen asks about what Carpenter was working on at Go-Go-Go   Vela said nothing, same answer for what they do at Go-Go-Go – nothing.  Sam pushes.  Vela talks about algorithms but goes back to nothing.  Pointing out the large office space they’re in and nice offices in Venice along with the VC funding from China, Sam thinks it is something.  Vela assures them his company is building a better search engine.  “He didn’t die because of us.”
At the poetry book store, Kensi and Deeks introduce themselves to Carla, the bookstore manager.  She is not a fan of the poetry reading.  Or the people at the poetry reading – “pretentious hippies with tattoos in languages they don’t speak.”  Deeks gives her the eye, asking if any of the poets seemed capable of killing Carpenter.  No, they lacked the original idea to kill someone and “the cajones to take someone’s life.”  Kensi asks Carla for an alibi.  Offended, she tells Kensi she was working crowd control – “you can never trust a hippie.”  Deeks feels he should be offended.  She also has a security tape that will prove her innocence. As they walk to the security area, Kensi doesn’t know what to make of Carla.  Deeks loves her.
Callen asks Vela how is what Go-Go-Go doing that’s any different than Google.  Vela tries to pass it off as subtle and highly technical – things Callen and Sam wouldn’t understand.  That’s fine with Nicole DeChamps as she joins the conversation.  Callen and Sam are pleased to see her.  Vela is not when DeChamps says the search engine is probably what got Carpenter killed.
Moving their conversation from the work area to a conference room, DeChamps explains what Vela was doing.  Project Dragonfly was being built by Google for the Chinese government.  Was being the key word since it was being built to give the Chinese government the personal data of every person doing a search.  Looking up the wrong information could get a citizen arrested – or worse.  Protests against Google because of their cooperation with the Chinese government caused the company to kill the project.  China is paying Go-Go-Go to pick up Project Dragonfly’s work.  Vela wants to talk to his lawyer.  Sam thinks that because he doesn’t want to “Go-Go-Go to jail.”  Sam couldn’t help himself.
While Vela goes to call his lawyer, DeChamps tells Callen and Sam she got the info on Go-Go-Go from a DoD connection.  She was able to trace the funding from China to Go-Go-Go.  She probably isn’t the only person to figure out the connection.  That may be what got Carpenter killed.  Vela, on hold, assures NCIS he did nothing illegal and his company did nothing Illegal.
Eric has switched from leg day to “everything must hurt day” when Nell finds him in the gym.  He’s riding an exercise bike like Lance Armstrong because “I’m dealing with stuff now.”   Nell thinks getting the bad guys may be the best way to work through stuff.
Callen, Sam and DeChamps get some lunch from a food truck.  She hasn’t seen them for months but they say nothing new is going on.  Figuring she can’t get them to talk about themselves, she asks Sam about Callen.  Callen is trying to commit to something for once.  Sam says a sports team so DeChamps knows that means a woman.  Asking Callen about Sam, Sam announces it is time to go back to the case.  Callen agrees.  
DeChamps wants a rain check on all things Sam Hanna.  She was working the connection between Go-Go-Go and the Chinese government when she heard about the murder so she drove up from San Diego.  Sam wonders if some of the Google protestors figured another march wouldn’t work with Go-Go-Go and took out one of the engineers.  If Carpenter told the wrong person about what Go-Go-Go was doing, that person could have killed him or told someone who killed him.  While the Go-Go-Go search engine would be illegal in the US, it isn’t illegal to build it for China.
While Kensi reviews the security video, Deeks asks Carla how many books does she read a week.  Since this is a criminal investigation, Carla isn’t comfortable answering a personal question.  Deeks asks for a guestimate.  “Four or five a week if my allergies are in check and there’s a new John Oliver waiting for me back home.”  If the Dodgers are winning, she’s flying with six or seven books along with the return of both the McRib and her estranged daughter.  Less than three, her mother-in-law is in town.  Kensi is listening to all this, entertained and appalled.
Carla points herself out on the screen, walking through a “hotbed of stoners, hippies and CBD enthusiasts.”  The three sees Carpenter walking in with a woman.   All agree he doesn’t fit in with the stoners, hippies and CBD enthusiasts.  Deeks and Carla say at the same time “and who is that girl he’s with?”  Deeks makes a face, Carla says she reads a lot of mystery novels.
When Callen, Sam and DeChamps walk into Ops, Nell has the driver’s license of Daisy Patel up on the big screen.  Callen asks about Eric who is “feeling big feelings in the gym,” according to Nell.  Sam bring DeChamps up to speed with Eric’s problems.  Nell reports that Patel is a dental hygienist by day, environmental activist by night.  DeChamps thinks she’s the wrong kind of activist may have branched out or spoke to other activist friends.  Kensi and Deeks have Patel in the boat shed.
Reviewing her Facebook posts, Kensi knows Patel cares about the planet.  Patel is teary-eyed as she is being questioned.  Deeks reviews all her protesting and organizing activities.  She is worried that activism is why she’s in the boat shed.  “I thought I was helping you figure out who killed Michael.”  She’s angry she’s a suspect because she cares about the environment.
Deeks asks what Patel knows about Carpenter’s work.  She knows nothing.  There were non-disclosure agreements making his work confidential.  What she does know is that Carpenter was proud of what he was doing.  He worked long hours and worked hard – he believed in what they were building.  
Leaving Patel in interrogation, Kensi and Deeks have a conversation in the hall.  They find it odd that Carpenter believed in denying Chinese citizens basic human rights.  Patel, they believe, is not involved in his death.  Talking to Callen, Sam and DeChamps on the plasma, Kensi and Deeks review what they learned.  Sam is eliminating Vela, who seemed genuinely upset that Carpenter was killed.  Nell arrives with news of a Go-Go-Go advisor – Katherine Casillas.
Enjoying her midday coffee and what looks like a mimosa at a fancy social club, Callen Sam and DeChamps join Katherine at her large corner table.  Sam is anti-social clubs.  DeChamps is entertained by the Sam and Katherine show.  Callen introduces “insurance magnate and apparently the most connected person in the world” Katherine to DeChamps.  
Confirming she sits on the board of Go-Go-Go, she thinks she’d be a bad board member if she didn’t know what they were doing for China.  Vela called her about the murder – a murder Katherine isn’t sure is connected to his work.  Raising her voice, DeChamps disagrees.  When Katherine asks DeChamps to lower her voice, DeChamps gets louder – there is nothing to hide, after all.  Katherine stands behind what the company is building 100%.  Sam is really disappointed.
Eric is bench pressing when Kensi and Deeks ask him to help in them in Ops.  “I’m not really in the headspace for this.”  Kensi calls him a narcissist who is neglecting his job.  He stinks, literally.  Eric finally agrees.  Kensi yells “get!” and Eric gets to the showers to clean-up and go to work.  Deeks tells Kensi he doesn’t like it when she talks to people like that.  She’s surprised.  He asks her to tell him to shave and cut his hair.  When she does, Deeks tells her “I freakin’ love it.”
A distracted Sam tries to push away his relationship with Katherine. As Callen gets the car, DeChamps wants to know why Katherine disappointed Sam.   Sam was bothered that Katherine wasn’t the person he thought she was. DeChamps said that’s the problem with their jobs.
In Ops, Eric is brought up to speed just in time for a 9-1-1 call to come across their computers from Go-Go-Go.  Eric updates Callen, Sam and DeChamps.  At Go-Go-Go, the place has been trashed, several staffers roughed up.  LAPD tells Sam that a masked, armed man and woman raided the offices.  They stole all the hard drives and kidnapped Vela.  Carpenter’s death, now Vela’s kidnapping – this is just the beginning.  DeChamps can’t wait to hear Katherine’s story.
In the boat shed, Callen is willing to interrogate Katherine but Sam is up to it.  DeChamps really wants to do it but Sam turns her down – she can’t have all the fun.  Callen thinks if DeChamps had all the fun, she’d never leave.  She isn’t leaving San Diego for LA.  Callen and Sam go in together.
Talking to “Agent Hanna”, Katherine thinks NCIS isn’t seeing the whole picture and she isn’t doing their work for them.  She gives them the runaround and Sam isn’t having it.  The case is bigger than the three people in the room.  She wants them to see the forest for the trees.  Callen and Sam leave.
Walking with Kensi and Deeks, Nell has done a deep dive on Katherine, Miguel and the rest of the Go-Go-Go staffers.  Nobody has any connections or sympathies for the Chinese government.  Kensi thinks greed is a good reason.  Nell looked into the money – it isn’t much.  There is funding but it is “child’s play” compared to what everyone was making at their old jobs.  People took pay cuts to work at Go-Go-Go.  They have no equity in the company either.  Everyone knew each other in the company – grad school or past employers.  They are all connected.
In Ops, Eric has security footage of Miguel’s kidnapping.  He was stuffed into the trunk of a Lexus SUV registered to an Abdul Khan, a Saudi national.  
DeChamps joins Callen and Sam in interrogation.  After calling Saudi Arabia “a little too hot and socially repressive” for her,  Callen asks Katherine what she knows about the kidnapping.  Sam pushes Katherine to tell the truth.  She states clearly the company did nothing wrong.  The Chinese spoke to the Saudis about the search engine.  The Saudis wanted in but Go-Go-Go said no.  They were threatened but kept saying no.  Sam is furious – she should have told them.  She promises Sam she has her reasons and that they’re “legit.”
Callen, Sam and DeChamps think Katherine’s story makes sense.  Explains why Carpenter was killed.  And Sam knows once Vela explains how the algorithm works, he’s of no use to the Saudis.
Kensi and Deeks are chasing the Lexis SUV.  This is high end SUV chase action.  At one point, Kensi loses the SUV.  Deeks is about to lose his lunch as Kensi makes some wild turns to find the Lexus.  Eric is tracking it for them.  Nell takes over the directions, finding a way to cut off the Lexus.  Kensi does, causing the Lexus to flip.  The driver and his passenger are dead, no Miguel.  
Nell finds Khan owns a home in Hancock Park.  Vela could be at the home.  The team is meeting at the house to see if Khan is there.  Satellite heat sensors are not registering anyone in the house but as Kensi picks the lock on the front gate, the team hears people talking.  Getting on the property and to the house, Callen and Sam go to right as Kensi, Deeks and DeChamps go left.  Callen and Sam see several people dunking Vela’s head into the swimming pool.
DeChamps followed by Kensi climbs over a wall to get to the other side of the pool.  They can hear Khan’s men demanding the software.  Callen sees a pair of guards not far from the pool. On his command, the team starts the rescue.  Deeks gets a runner.  Callen and Sam fight with the disarmed bodyguards.  As Kensi starts to pat down the sole woman, the woman pulls a knife and starts fighting with Kensi.   Deeks watches as the two go into the pool.  A sleeper hold in the pool ends that fight in Kensi’s favor.
With both Kensi and Vela wrapped in towels, Vela confirms Go-Go-Go is working for China.  They are likely taking dirty money.  He knows it looks bad but it wasn’t illegal.  Katherine knows that.  The technology is fake – it does not work.  When Google shut down Project Dragonfly, Vela knew China wasn’t going to stop.  Putting together a group of people he knew he could trust, Vela underbid his competitors and got the contract to build the search engine.  Everything they’ve built for China doesn’t work unless you’re searching from a government IP address.  It looks to the government as if Go-Go-Go’s search engine is legit but it isn’t.
Vela couldn’t tell anyone because he hasn’t delivered the software to China yet.  They have to keep up the façade until they make the delivery.  “Michael Carpenter died a hero,” Callen tells the others.  Vela agrees.  Sam asks about Katherine.  The idea for doing all this was hers.
The team is at the bar with DeChamps toasting doing good work, using technology for the right reasons and the best team in town.  DeChamps asks Sam to dinner.  Just as he’s about to politely decline, she tells him to leave and go after Katherine.  Nell pulls Callen aside.  The triple homicide in Barcelona is connected to several other killings across Europe.  Reviewing the footage, Nell isn’t sure it is Anna in the surveillance tape.  Callen is.
At the boat shed, Katherine is in the main room being watched by a guard.  Sam relieves the guard.  Katherine and Sam apologize at the same time.  She is grateful she was not shown any special treatment.  Sam doesn’t understand why Katherine would think she merited special treatment.  “You like me.  A lot,” is her reply.  She sees it all over her face.  Also all over her face – that he wants to take her to dinner.  Sam thinks this is his lucky day, with a hint of sarcasm.  “We’ll see about that,” Katherine tells him.
What head canon can be formed from here:   The case of the week here would have been more interesting if the team would have figured out that a Navy Warfare Engineer with an environmentalist girlfriend, a handpicked group of friends working with Sam’s soon to be girlfriend probably weren’t selling out the human rights of a nation.  They seemed almost intentionally clueless about the case.
Mary-Pat Green, salty bookstore manager Carla, is something this show does well.  They find an actor who can take their part and make it something more.  She was there to move the storyline along.  The writing was fine but she sold the hell out of it.
Episode number:  Episode 14 of season 11, 254th overall.
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greystokesurf · 3 years
Our hearts go out to the family of Katherine Díaz. RIP Katherine.
For english readers:
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natura-rp · 4 years
Minor Houses: Corinth
Playable Minor Houses Located on Corinth
Please keep in mind that the mythos attached to each house describe a general ethnicity for the overall family, though those ethnicities do no actually exist in Athena. Marriages, birth children, and adoption make it easier to bring more ethnicities into the houses, but we are not tolerating the whitewashing of minor houses. If you need help finding a playby, there will be a list of face claim suggestions provided on the canon list.
House Ayizan | Sworn to House Ladon Senate Representative is Minister of Agriculture Name based on Haitian mythos
The Ayizan family has long-established roots on Corinth, tracing back to the colonization of the planet. They are a well respected family with a large swath of land on which the Khandava University sits. The Ayizan family pours their wealth into research projects involving a breadth of topics, including terraforming research and agricultural genetics, at the school.
Portrayal Suggestions: Tyson Beckford, Isha Blaaker, Ysaunny Brito, Yaris Cedano, Salomon Diaz, Dilone, Winston Duke, Jourdan Dunn, Jean Elie, Rome Flynn, Jharrel Jerome, Aube Jolicoeur, Sessilee Lopez, Melodie Monrose, Lineisy Montero, Rafael Pérez, Joan Smalls, Arlenis Sosa, Arlenis Sosa, Tessa Thompson, Jasmine Tookes, Michael Ward, Jeneil Williams, Letitia Wright
House Caishen | Sworn to House Lazarevic Senate Representative is Minister of Treasury Name based on Chinese mythos
The Caishen family acts as the primary liaison between the Lazarevici and the Sikandars in all matters of the mining industry. They own equity in most of the major terra victus companies run by civilians and consortium members alike. The power of the Caishen family is in flux due to the recent terra victus boom on Tartarus.
NOTE: The eldest daughter of House Caishen is married to Devraj Sikandar, together they have one son. 
Portrayal Suggestions: Hu Bing, Jing Boran, Gemma Chan, Estelle Chen, Tony Chung, Jin Dachuan, Shawn Dou, Pan Haowen, Sui He, Sissi Hou, Philip Huang, Xiao Wen Ju, Du Juan, Mae Mei Lapres, Zhao Lei, Daniel Liu, Silvia Liu, Ni Ni, Adam Pu, Huang Shixin, Fei Fei Sun, Liu Wen, Ming Xi, Hao Yun Xiang, Xin Xie
CLAIMED: House Haya | Sworn to House Sikandar Name based on Mesopotamian mythos ***opportunities to join the family are available when the board opens***
The Haya family was responsible for creating the Haya Model-X spaceship, infamously known as the most devastating attack spacecraft utilized during The Great War. It is no longer being manufactured, however the Haya family continues to expand their spacecraft production business by focusing on public transports, private shipping vessels, and luxury spaceships.
NOTE: The adopted son of House Haya is berothed to Durga Sikandar.
Portrayal Suggestions: Akın Akınözü, Engin Akyürek, Cyrus Amini, Shademaneh Atashinmehr, Esra Bilgiç, Nazanin Boniadi, Hamid Fadaei, Faranoush Hamidian, Farzan Majafi, Arash Marandi, Medalion Rahimi, Irina Sharipova, Ramina Torabi, Özge Törer, Ali Yagci
CLAIMED: House Maurnan | Sworn to House Sikandar Name based on Gothic mythos ***opportunities to join the family are available when the board opens***
Included in the spate of newly titled houses after the Great War, the Maurnan family proved their worth and loyalty to the Sikandars by intercepting coded communication during the conflict. Though once a family of modest origins, the Maurnans have carefully maneuvered their way into elevated society with knowledge and information as their specialty of choice. Whether through politicking, espionage, or hacking, they conceal their more unscrupulous methods behind a surgically crafted public image of charity and philanthropy.
Portrayal Suggestions: Melissa Anderson, Devon Aoki, Nadja Auermann, Paul Boche, Selle Coskun, Wojtek Czerski, Gerhard Freidl, Patrycja Gardygajlo, Amalie Gassman, Michael Gstoettner, Patrick Kafka, Zlata Mangafic, Dominique Melchior, Kati Nescher, Andreja Pejić, Kinga Rajzak, Serge Rigvava, Julian Schneyder, Werner Schreyer, Tim Schuhmacher, Helena Severin, Cate Underwood, Karolina Waz
House Serapis | Sworn to House Sikandar Name based on Egyptian mythos
The Serapis family repurposed their large space station during The Great War to be an apolitical field hospital, earning it the respect and admiration of most of the noble families both during and after the war. Today it continues to be a state-of-the-art teaching hospital and research facility studying the effects of different atmospheres on the body while attracting the top minds in the medical field, regardless of political affiliation.
NOTE: One of the Serapis sons is married to Vela Ladon.
Portrayal Suggestions: Sonia Ben Ammar, Nora Attal, Rania Benchegra, Imaan Hammam, Habiba El Kobrossy, Rami Malek, Malika El Malhousi, Mena Massoud, Yasmine Al Massri, Omar Metwally, Azza Slimene, Ramy Youssef
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neilarmstrong · 7 years
Some Latino/a Astronauts to know
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Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez - Flew on Soyuz 38 in 1980. First Latin American in space as well as the first person of African descent in space.
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Ellen Ochoa - Flew on the space shuttle Discovery in 1993. First and currently only Latina to have gone to space.
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Franklin Chang Diaz - First flew on the space shuttle Columbia in 1986. Of Chinese and Costa Rican descent, he is the fist Costa Rican in space and the record holder for the most spaceflights (seven.)
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Jose Hernandez - Flew on the space shuttle Discovery in 2009. The son of migrant farm workers, he is the most recent latino to fly to space. (go gauchos!)
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Rodolfo Neri Vela - Flew on the space shuttle Atlantis in 1985. First Mexican in space.
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Carlos Noriega - First flew on the space shuttle Atlantis in 1997. First Peruvian born astronaut.
191 notes · View notes
tasksweekly · 5 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 620+ Salvadoran faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Dina Posada (1946) Salvadoran - poet.
Paula Heredia (1957) Salvadoran - filmmaker.
Jacinta Escudos (1961) Salvadoran - writer.
Isabel Ruiz López (1966) Salvadoran - tv presenter.
Christy Turlington (1969) Salvadoran / English - model and filmmaker.
Tatiana Huezo (1972) Salvadoran - director.
Jorgelina Cerritos (1974) Salvadoran - actress, playwright, and poet.
Martina Topley-Bird (1975) Salvadoran, Seminole / African-American - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, bassist, drummer, ukulele player, and tambourine player.
Carla Vila (1975) Salvadoran - actress.
Milena Mayorga (1976) Salvadoran / Venezuelan - model, tv host, and Miss Universe El Salvador 1996.
Malin Arvidsson (1978) Salvadoran - actress.
Elena Villatoro (1979) Salvadoran - tv host.
Mari Possa (1980) Salvadoran - pornographic actress and reality tv personality.
Luciana Sandoval (1980) Salvadoran - tv presenter, dancer, and model.
Elisa Sandoval (1980) Salvadoran - Miss El Salvador 2002.
Marcela Zamora (1980) Salvadoran - filmmaker.
Vanesa Tomasino (1981) Salvadoran - actress.
Maria Elisa Parker (1981) Salvadoran - tv host and social media influencer.
Alicia Vela-Bailey (1982) Salvadoran / English, Irish, Scottish, German - actress and stuntwoman.
Karla Cubias (1983) Afro Salvadoran - singer.
Lucía Parker (1983) Salvadoran - singer.
Roxana Webb (1984) Salvadoran - tv presenter and radio host.
Marcella Arguello (1985) Salvadoran - comedian.
Lissette Rodríguez (1985) Salvadoran - Miss El Salvador 2007.
Gabriela Mejia (1985) Salvadoran - Miss El Salvador 2004.
Mayra Aldana (1986) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2011.
Rebeca Moreno (1986) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2008.
Caro Sandoval (1986) Salvadoran - instagrammer (carosandovaltv).
Irma Dimas (1986) Salvadoran - model and Miss El Salvador 2005.
Sabi / Jenice Dena Portlock (1987) Salvadoran / African-American - singer-songwriter, actress, and dancer.
Michelle Quick (1987) Salvadoran - reality tv star.
Lorena Menjivar (1987) Salvadoran - tv host.
Mayella Mena (1988) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2009.
Ana Villafañe (1989) Salvadoran / Cuban - actress and singer.
Michelle Melhado (1989) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2007.
Ximena Alexandra Paredes (1989) Salvadoran - instagrammer.
Sonia Cruz (1990) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2010.
Majo Alger (1990) Salvadoran - tv host.
Gabriela Gavidia (1990) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2008.
Elisa Hernandez (1990) Salvadoran - tv host.
Angie Keilhauer (1991) Salvadoran - singer-songwriter.
Alba Delgado (1991) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2013.
Elena Tedesco (1991) Salvadoran / Italian - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2009.
Marisela Demontecristo / Marisela de Montecristo (1992) Salvadoran - model, actress, tv presenter, Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2018, and Nuestra Belleza Latina 2013.
Allison Iraheta (1992) Salvadoran - singer and guitarist.
Paola Orantes (1992) Salvadoran - tv host and radio host.
Irene Castillo (1992) Salvadoran - tv host.
Cecilia Ayala (1992) Salvadoran - model and tv host.
Ana Yancy Clavel (1992) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2012.
Marisol Gomez (1992) Salvadoran - tv host.
Cáthia / Catherine Ochoa (1993) Salvadoran - singer.
Patricia Murillo (1993) Salvadoran [Pipil] - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2014.
Larissa Vega / Larissa Graniello / Larissa Vega Graniello (1993) Salvadoran - model, tv host, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2014.
Alejandra Ochoa (1993) Salvadoran - model, tv presenter, and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2011.
Pamela Zelaya (1993) Salvadoran - tv host.
Brenda Contreras (1993) Salvadoran - instagrammer (brendacontreras9).
Denyse Tontz (1994) Salvadoran / Irish, possibly other - actress and singer-songwriter.
Idubina Rivas / Fátima Idubina Rivas Opico (1994) Salvadoran - model, Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2015, and Reinado de El Salvador 2013.
Paola Ayala / Paola Vanessa Ayala Hernandez (1994) Salvadoran - model, tv host, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2013.
Stephanie Del Cid (1995) Salvadoran - tv host and radio host.
Ana Cortez (1995) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2016.
Linda Cruz (1995) Salvadoran - tv host.
Alisson Abarca (1996) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2017.
Jackie Figueroa (1996) Salvadoran - instagrammer (jfigggs).
Norma Villeda (1996) Salvadoran - reality tv star.
Fatima Cruz / Fatima Yajaira Garcia Cruz (2000) Salvadoran - model and Reina de Quezaltepeque 2018.
Marcela Santamaria (?) Salvadoran - actress, model, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2015.
Georgina Gonzalez (?) Salvadoran - model and Miss Earth El Salvador 2014.
Maria Luisa Vicuña (?) Salvadoran [Colombian] - model, tv host, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2012.
Marcela Castro (?) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2011.
Gabriela Molina (?) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2010.
Elizabeth Espinosa (?) Salvadoran / Mexican - tv presenter.
Olga Aguilar (?) Salvadoran - actress.
Elena Diaz (?) Salvadoran, Spanish - actress.
Fatima Molina (?) Salvadoran - Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2017.
Eleonora Carrillo / Eleonora Beatrice Carrillo Alamanni (?) Salvadoran / Italian - model, actress, and Miss Universe El Salvador 1995.
Chicatronica / Patricia Chica (?) Salvadoran - director, producer, writer, international speaker, and master networker.
Jess Imme (?) Salvadoran - singer and musician.
Natalia del Riego (?) Salvadoran, Mexican - actress.
Laura Issela (?) Salvadoran - model (Instagram: isselamed).
Andrea Ventura (?) Salvadoran - model (Instagram: andreventu).
Larissa Aguirre (?) Salvadoran - model (instagram: lnaguirre).
Zully Rodriguez (?) Salvadoran - tv presenter (Instagram: zullyrodriguezm).
Katherine Estrada (?) Salvadoran - beauty pageant contestant and model (Instagram: estrk89 and kathestt).
Larissa Aguirre (?) Salvadoran - model (Instagram: aguirrelarissae).
Elizabeth Cader (?) Salvadoran - Miss International El Salvador 2016 (Instagram: elizabethcader)
Francesca Miranda (?) Salvadoran - fashion designer.
Ana Miriam Cortez Duran (?) Salvadoran - beauty pageant contestant.
Fátima Cuéllar Molina (?) Salvadoran - Miss World El Salvador 2017.
F - Athletes:
Cecilia Sosa (1948) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Rosario Martínez (1948) Salvadoran - shot putter.
Carmen Ferracuti (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
María Moreño (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Rosa Hasbún (1952) Colombian, Salvadoran - swimmer.
Donatella Ferracuti (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
María Castro (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Celia Jokisch (1954) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Kriscia García (1963) Salvadoran - long-distance runner.
Maureen Kaila Vergara (1964) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Elizabeth Zaragoza (1968) Salvadoran - long-distance runner.
Arely Franco (1968) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Ingrid González (1971) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Ivis Martínez (1971) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Eva Dimas (1973) Salvadoran - weightlifter.
Nancy Guillén (1976) Salvadoran - hammer thrower.
Saraí Mendoza (1977) Salvadoran - judoka.
Íngrid Medrano (1979) Salvadoran - wrestler.
Luisa Maida (1979) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Patricia Rivas (1980) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Cristina López (1982) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Evelyn García (1982) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Golda Marcus (1983) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Liz Cruz (1985) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Camila Vargas Palomo (1986) Salvadoran - rower.
Lilian Castro (1986) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Laura Molina (1986) Salvadoran - volleyball player.
Verónica Colindres (1986) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Melissa Mikec (1987) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Damaris Quéles (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Xenia Estrada (1990) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Gladys Landaverde (1990) Salvadoran - middle-distance runner.
Karen Elizabeth Landaverde (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Pamela Benítez (1991) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Francisca González (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Yesenia Miranda (1994) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Beatriz Flamenco (1995) Salvadoran - hurdler.
Rebeca Quinteros (1997) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Celina Márquez (1999) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Benjamín Solís Menéndez (1932) Salvadoran - pianist, organist, composer, and choir director.
Alfonso Quijada Urías (1940) Salvadoran - poet and author.
Mario Bencastro (1949) Salvadoran - novelist and painter.
Imanol Uribe (1950) Salvadoran [Basque] - director and screenwriter.
Álvaro Torres (1954) Salvadoran - singer-songwriter.
German Cáceres (1954) Salvadoran - composer and musical conductor.
Miguel Huezo Mixco (1954) Salvadoran - poet.
Bobby Rivas (1957) Salvadoran / Nicaraguan - actor, singer, musician, and composer.
Armando Molina (1957) Salvadoran - actor and writer.
Horacio Castellanos Moya (1957) Salvadoran - writer and journalist.
Gustavo Manzur (1959) Salvadoran - wrestler.
Carlos Ernesto García (1960) Salvadoran - writer, journalist, and poet.
Maurice Benard (1963) Salvadoran, Nicaraguan - actor.
Fernando del Valle (1964) Salvadoran / Hungarian Jewish - singer.
Marito Rivera / Mario Antonio Rivera Molina (1964) Salvadoran - singer-songwriter and pianist.
DJ Keoki / Keoki Franconi / George Lopez (1966) Salvadoran - musician, DJ, and producer.
Joey Castillo (1966) Salvadoran - drummer-songwriter, percussionist, pianist, keyboardist, violinist, and theremin player.
Gerardo Parker (1966) Salvadoran - singer and tv presenter.
Carlos Colón-Quintana (1966) Salvadoran - composer and choir director.
Louis Alberto Campos (1967) Salvadoran - entertainment personality (The Fabulous Wonder Twins), actor, and model.
Carlos Eduardo Campos (1967) Salvadoran - entertainment personality (The Fabulous Wonder Twins), actor, and model.
Otoniel Guevara (1967) Salvadoran - journalist and poet.
William Archila (1968) Salvadoran - poet and writer.
Pete Sandoval (1969) Salvadoran - drummer, pianist, and keyboardist.
Luis Alvarenga (1969) Salvadoran - writer.
Rolando Molina (1971) Salvadoran - actor.
Fernando Palomo (1972) Salvadoran - tv presenter.
T-Bone / Rene Francisco Sotomayor (1973) Salvadoran / Nicaraguan - rapper and beatboxer.
Efren Ramirez / Efrain Ramirez (1973) Salvadoran / Mexican - actor and DJ.
Rafa Guillén (1974) Salvadoran - singer.
Carlos Artiga (1975) Salvadoran - tv presenter and radio host.
Hiroyuki Ikeuchi (1976) Salvadoran / Japanese - actor.
JD Pardo / J.D. Pardo / Jorge Daniel Pardo (1980) Salvadoran / Argentinian - actor and model.
Ed Weeks / Edward Egerton Weeks (1980) Salvadoran / Unspecified - actor, comedian, producer, and writer.
Arquímedes Reyes (1981) Salvadoran - singer and guitarist.
Adrian Bellani / Gerardo Celasco (1982) Salvadoran, Italian - actor.
Papa A.P. (1982) Salvadoran - singer and producer.
J. R. Martinez (1983) Salvadoran - actor and motivational speaker.
Jorge Iraheta (1983) Salvadoran - youtuber (Cy's Planet).
Francisco Caceres (1984) Salvadoran - tv host and producer.
Hjalmar Olmedo (1987) Salvadoran - reality tv star.
Jay Mendoza (1989) Salvadoran - Internet personality (Instagram: jaymendoza)
Simon Dicastro (1991) Salvadoran - rapper.
Joaquin Martir (1991) Salvadoran - youtuber (PurpleRodri).
Luis Fernando Flores Alvarado (1993) Salvadoran - youtuber (Fernanfloo).
CuriosoBen (1993) Salvadoran - youtuber (CuriosoBen).
José Barahona Rais (1994) Salvadoran - tv host.
Ivan Bustillo (1994) Salvadoran - youtuber (Little Viejo).
Kevin Hernández (1997) Salvadoran - actor.
Ever Pineda (1997) Salvadoran - funimate star.
Junior Amaya (1999) Salvadoran - instagrammer (juniorzofficial).
Diego Velázquez (2001) Salvadoran - actor.
Dante Escalon (2002) Salvadoran - TikTok star.
Julio Torres (?) Salvadoran - actor, comedian, and writer.
Brian Quijada (?) Salvadoran - actor, playwright, musician, and solo performer.
Cesar Ventura (?) Salvadoran - actor.
Brian Molina / Brian Francisco Molina (?) Salvadoran / Irish - actor.
Jose Antonio Pineda (?) Salvadoran - actor, author, and poet.
Carlos Barrios (?) Salvadoran - artist.
El Florido Flores (?) Salvadoran - singer.
Pablo Rosales (?) Salvadoran - singer (Radicales51).
Rene Castillo (?) Salvadoran - bassist (Radicales51).
Dennis Antillón (?) Salvadoran - guitarist (Radicales51).
Erick Argueta (?) Salvadoran - drummer (Radicales51).
Ricardo Escobar (?) Salvadoran - keyboardist (Radicales51).
Omnionn (?) Salvadoran - musician and producer.
Debil Estar (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Victor el Lunatiko (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Crooked Stilo / Los Chuekos).
Johnny Lopez  (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Crooked Stilo / Los Chuekos).
Mario Roberto Zuñiga (?) Salvadoran - musician and orchestral director.
Fat Lui (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Jose B. Gonzalez (?) Salvadoran - poet.
Danny Torres (?) Salvadoran - producer.
Heinz Kobernik (?) Salvadoran / German - director and cinematographer.
Marcos Villatoro (?) Salvadoran - writer.
Cruz Control (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Douglas Dinamico (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Piocha / Jorge Manuel (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Mecate).
Neto / Ernesto Asecas (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Mecate).
Lady / Jose Manuel (?) Salvadoran - singer (Mecate).
Pino / Enrique Salopino (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Mecate).
Kalimba / Carlos Alfredo (?) Salvadoran - drummer (Mecate).
Eric Roberto Zaragoza (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
Manuel Lopez (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
Jose Gonzalez (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
William Hernandez (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
Pablo Milla (?) Salvadoran - actor.
William Armando (?) Salvadoran - actor.
Curly / Curly Velasquez (?) Salvadoran - internet personality.
Calix Quan (?) Salvadoran, Chinese -  model (Instagram: keelix).
Shaka (?) Salvadoran - musician (Shaka y Dres).
Dres (?) Salvadoran - musician (Shaka y Dres).
Alfredo Garcia (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Luis Garcia (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Emesson Ortiz (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Vladimir Diaz (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Diego Selva (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Luis Selva (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Rodrigo Moran (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Ángel Hernández (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Carlos Cornejor "El Gato" (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Juan Jose Larios (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Hector Mojica (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Rodrigo de Leon (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Boby Lover (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Manuel Merino "Pitu" (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Alexis ¨Pana¨ Hernández (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Alex Huezo (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Maurio Hernández (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Aldo Merino (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Chumpito (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Conejo (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Desol Martínez (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Nacael Martínez (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Victor Damian (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Julio García (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Ricardo Farfán (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
David Bonilla (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Adonaldo Arias (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Dannyxstarx / Danny Díaz (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Mario Córdova (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Debil Estar (?) Salvadoran - musician (Pescozada).
Fat Lui (?) Salvadoran - musician (Pescozada).
Omnionn (?) Salvadoran - musician (Pescozada).
M - Athletes:
Helio Castro (1919) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Andrés Amador (1924) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Mario Aguilar (1925) Salvadoran - sailor.
Tomás Vilanova (1925) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Conrado Miranda (1928) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Antonio Valencia (1929) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Eduardo Pineda (1931) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Mario Váldez (1931) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Roberto García (1937) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Raúl Corcio Zavaleta (1937) Salvadoran - footballer.
Saúl Molina (1938) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Bolaños (1939) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Guillermo Castro (1940) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edgardo Martínez (1940) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gualberto Fernández (1941) Salvadoran - footballer.
David Miranda (1942) Salvadoran - cyclist
Mauricio Ernesto González (1942) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Luis Rosales (1943) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Mario Flores (1943) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Mariona (1943) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Manzano (1943) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Santos (1944) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Mauricio Alonso Rodríguez (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Ruano (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
David Arnoldo Cabrera (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alfredo Cubías (1945) Salvadoran - runner.
Mauricio Jubis (1945) Salvadoran - athlete.
Jorge Vásquez (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Cruz (1946) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Tomás Pineda (1946) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Búcaroa (1946) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Cabezas (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Manuel Cañadas (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Portillo (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Astacio (1947) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Ricardo Martínez (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Mena Laguán (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Sergio Hasbún (1947) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Óscar Emigdio Benítez (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Molina (1948) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Ricardo Soundy (1948) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
José Manuel Angel (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Genaro Sermeño (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ernesto Aparicio (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alberto Fay (1948) Salvadoran [Uruguayan] - footballer.
Juan Ramón Martínez (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Silvio Aquino (1949) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Hasbún (1949) Salvadoran - athlete.
Francisco Funes (1950) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Juan Ramón Paredes (1950) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Recinos (1950) Salvadoran - footballer.
Abel Muñoz (1951) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Mauricio Alvarenga (1951) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Francisco Jovel (1951) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Quintanilla (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ernesto Durón (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Ramón Fagoaga (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Vilanova (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Juan Ramón Sánchez (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Mario Martínez (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
Fausto Omar Vásquez (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Luis Rugamas (1953) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eduardo Ramos (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
José Alvarado (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Luis Ramírez Zapata (1954) Salvadoran - footballer.
Cesar Acevedo (1954) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rubén Guerrero (1954) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Norberto Huezo (1956) Salvadoran - footballer.
Guillermo Ragazzone (1956) Salvadoran [Italian] - footballer.
Mauricio Alfaro (1956) Salvadoran - footballer.
Joaquín Ventura (1956) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Osorto (1957) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Ángel Díaz (1957) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Castillo (1957) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mágico González (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eduardo Hernández (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ever Hernández (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Aldo Salandra (1958) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Carlos Antonio Meléndez (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Rodríguez (1959) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Coreas Privado (1960) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Guevara Mora (1961) Salvadoran - footballer.
Efraín Burgos (1961) Salvadoran - footballer.
Joaquín Canales (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Julio Palacios Lozano (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rubén Guevara (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Raúl Antonio García (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin Portillo (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Campos (1962) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Juan Vargas (1963) Salvadoran - judoka.
Hugo Pérez  (1963) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Antonio Ulloa (1963) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Coreas (1963) Salvadoran - footballer.
Antonio García Prieto (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Washington de la Cruz (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edgar Henríquez (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Abrego (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Leonel Cárcamo (1965) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marlon Menjívar (1965) Salvadoran - footballer.
Giovanni Trigueros (1966) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Castro Borja (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Wilfredo Iraheta (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Herbert Rodríguez (1967) Salvadoran - athlete.
Milton Meléndez (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Salguero (1967) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Waldir Guerra (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Nildeson / Nildeson da Silva Melo (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Cienfuegos (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Mayén Meza (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Douglas Vidal Jiménez (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Miranda (1968) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Guillermo Rivera (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Celio Rodríguez (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Erber Burgos (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Guillermo García (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Raúl Díaz Arce (1970) Salvadoran - footballer.
Angelo Iannuzzelli (1970) Salvadoran - athlete.
Adolfo Menéndez (1970) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Ramírez (1970) Salvadoran - judoka.
William Osorio (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Hernández (1971) Salvadoran - retired boxer.
Henry Martínez (1971) Salvadoran - boxer.
Álvaro Misael Alfaro (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Elias Guevara (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Humberto Rodríguez (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Renderos Iraheta (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ruben Benitez (1972) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Emiliano Pedrozo (1972) Salvadoran - footballer.
Elías Montes (1973) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Ángel Soriano (1973) Salvadoran - footballer.
Roberto Guadalupe Martínez (1973) Salvadoran - footballer.
Santos Rivera (1974) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Vladimir Cubías (1974) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edgardo Antonio Serpas (1974) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Ronald Cerritos (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Adonai Martínez (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Abraham Monterrosa (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Cortez (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Tobar (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Joel Aguilar (1975) Salvadoran - referee.
José Alexander Amaya (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Erick Dowson Prado (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Santos Cabrera (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Velásquez (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Melvin Barrera (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Williams Reyes (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Héctor Canjura (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ernesto Góchez (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Torres (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Angel Moreno (1977) Salvadoran - judoka.
Juan Carlos Panameño (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Domingo Álvarez (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin González (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Lazo Cruz (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Suriano (1978) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Ramiro Carballo (1978) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Cristian Edgardo Álvarez (1978) Salvadoran - footballer.
Héctor Ávalos (1978) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Fuentes (1978) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Quijano (1979) Afro Salvadoran - footballer.
Rudis Corrales (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Merino (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Elenilson Sánchez (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dagoberto Portillo (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Selvin Zelaya (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Arturo Albarrán (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eliseo Salamanca (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Jiménez (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Navarro (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Morale (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Ernesto Barrientos (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Orlando Martínez Peña (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Deris Umanzor (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Gómez (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Roberto Figueroa (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edward Cocherari (1980) Salvadoran / Argentinian Jewish - footballer.
Álex Erazo (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan José Gómez (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Alvarado (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Montes (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Campos (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Cañadas (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Yovani Humberto Romero (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Anaya (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin Miranda (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Fidel Mondragón (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Messias (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Emerson Umaña (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ramón Martínez de Paz (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dony Valle (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Antonio Torres (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gilberto Murgas (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luís Castro (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Menjívar (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Selvin Bonifacio Zepeda (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Manuel González Hernández (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ivan Menjivar (1982) Salvadoran - mixed martial artist.
Kristhian Ramón Reyes (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Ayala (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alfonso Alberto Perla Fuentes (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rolando Torres (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Francisco Jovel Navas (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Jovel Álvarez (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Diego Mejía (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ramón Sánchez (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Josué Galdámez (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Milton Guerra (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Emerson Véliz (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Carlos Moscoso (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Vicente Melgar (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin González (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Otoniel Carranza (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Armando Romero (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Leonel Guevara (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Enllelbert González (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Manuel Carranza Murillo (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Medrano (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Campos (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Walter Soto (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eliseo Quintanilla (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Manuel de Jesús López (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Merlos (1983) Salvadoran - athlete.
Christian Sánchez (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Franklin Cisneros (1983) Salvadoran - judoka.
Anibal Oswaldo Parada Najarro (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Roger Huerta (1983) Salvadoran / Mexican - mixed martial artist.
Edwin Figueroa (1984) Salvadoran - mixed martial artist.
Christian Castillo (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Darwin Ronolbin Sanchez (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Reynaldo Antonio Hernández (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Escobar (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Mira (1984) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Mario Aguilar (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Carrillo (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Carlos Alas (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Kevin Baldemar Moreno (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Fuentes (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dennis Alas (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ronald Pimentel (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Manfredi Portillo Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Noé Melgar (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Javier Moisés Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Figueroa (1985) Salvadoran - judoka.
Julio Enrique Martínez (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Miguel Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Arturo Álvarez (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jonathan Barrios (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Aparicio (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Takeshi Fujiwara (1985) Salvadoran / Japanese - sprinter.
Henry Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - goalkeeper.
Reymundo Romero (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rubén Quijada (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Díaz Rodríguez (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Osael Romero (1986) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Guillermo Antonio Parada (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Cristian Esnal (1986) Salvadoran / Afro Uruguayan - footballer.
Dennis Salinas (1986) Salvadoran - goalkeeper.
Rafael Arévalo (1986) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Ernesto Ochoa (1986) Salvadoran [Basque] - footballer.
Manuel Salazar (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Ulloa (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Samuel Castillo (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Calderón Anaya (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Derby Carrillo (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Christian Javier Bautista (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Orellana (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Wilfredo Contreras (1987) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Shawn Martin (1987) Nicaraguan [Salvadoran] - footballer.
Herber Barrera (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Henríquez (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Danny Torres (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ronald Villalta (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Moisés Girón (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Anibal Echeverria (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ibsen Castro (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Felipe Enrique Amaya (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Junior Burgos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Benji Villalobos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Ramírez (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Miguel Granadino (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rodolfo Zelaya (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Turcios (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rúsvel Saravia (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
César Larios (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Néstor Renderos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Benjamín Durán (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Burgos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marlon Trejo (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Josué Flores (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Tejeda (1988) Salvadoran / Uruguayan - footballer.
Enmanuel Quintanilla (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Julio Salamanca (1989) Salvadoran - weightlifter.
Emerson Hernández (1989) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Raúl Antonio Coreas (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Milton Molina (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Morán (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Iván Mancía (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Isidro Gutiérrez (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Alas (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gerson Mayen (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Léster Blanco (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Umanzor (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Napoleón Baires (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Andrés Flores (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Darwin Bonilla (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Arévalo (1990) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Henry Escobar (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Christopher Ramírez (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin Sánchez (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Pablo Punyed (1990) Salvadoran, Nicaraguan - footballer.
Nelson Bonilla (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Richard Menjívar (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Fabricio Alfaro (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jonathan Águila (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gilberto Baires (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Maldonado (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Herbert Sosa (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Diego Cuéllar (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Andrea Flores (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Ulloa (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Xavier García (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
David Rugamas (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Méndoza (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Cerén (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Irvin Valdez (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Monterrosa (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Victor García (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Irvin Herrera (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Kevin Santamaría (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dustin Corea (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Diego Turcios (1992) Salvadoran - judoka.
Rafael Alfaro (1992) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Enrique Arathoon (1992) Salvadoran - sailor.
Marvin Iraheta (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Larín (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dustin Corea (1992) Salvadoran, Nicaraguan - footballer.
Joaquin Rivas (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Justin Portillo (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Tomás Granitto (1993) Salvadoran, Argentinian - footballer.
Roberto López (1993) Salvadoran - rower.
Marlón Cornejo (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Maikon Orellana (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jairo Henríquez (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Lemus (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Lopez (1994) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Juan Herrera-Perla (1994) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rommel Mejía (1994) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Baumgartner (1994) Salvadoran / Swiss - footballer.
José Ángel Peña (1994) Salvadoran - footballer.
Romilio Hernandez (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Bryan Tamacas (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Narciso Orellana (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Andrés Flores Jaco (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Denis Pineda (1996) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Barahona (1996) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Acosta (1996) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Roberto Domínguez (1997) Salvadoran - footballer.
Natán Rivera (1998) Salvadoran - athlete.
Nelson Blanco (1999) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexis Cerritos (2000) Salvadoran - footballer.
Tomas Romero (2000) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alejandro Cabrera (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Antonio Ferracuti (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Tomás Rengifo (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Ricardo Tomasino (?) Salvadoran - footballer.
Piero Ferracuti (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Reynaldo Patiño (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Jorge Jiménez (?) Salvadoran - archer.
Fredy López (?) Salvadoran - judoka.
Jesse Rodriguez (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Miguel Angel Deras (?)  Salvadoran - footballer.
Eduardo "Volkswagen" Hernández (?) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Montoya (?) Salvadoran - footballer.
Xemi the Two-Spirit / Xemi Manibusan / Xemiyulu Manibusan (?) Salvadoran [Pipil] - Trans Female, Non-Binary, and Two-Spirit (She/Her/Her’s) - actor and writer.
Linda Arsenio (1978) Salvadoran / Yugoslavian - actress and model. - Acts primarily in Indian films where she plays South Indian characters when she is not Indian.
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anamakara · 4 years
Hey Gand ,
I just wanted to made some Doodless of interacttions with goshtsonas hihihihi ^^
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@wadehotdogman (Dexter)
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@diasvelazsstuff (Vela)
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@lilythedoctor (Lily)
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@actually-karp (Laundin, sorry idk how it's say 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。, but he's so cute aaa)
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@syrcaltime (Clare)
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@yourfriendmystery (Rodney Dunts)
Hope you like It UwU
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