#vestiges bnha
habken · 23 days
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I had a vision
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ofa-on-crack · 5 months
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It's been awhile fellow people.
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obsessed4evver · 9 months
*Izuku gaining the quirks of the past users of OFA*
In the Vestige Void:
Banjo: Hey! How come he gets all the cool shit?
Yoichi: I don’t fucking know? He was quirkless so-
Yagi’s vestige: *making hand movements indicating to himself*
Nana: Toshi was quirkless when I passed on OFA. How come he didn’t get our quirks like Ninth?
Hikage: Probably because he’s All For One’s son, just a thought.
En: That you know of.
Yoichi: Fuck you all. Third, put up the GODDAMN CONSPIRACY BOARD-
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doodlejoops · 1 year
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OFA 2nd User just got real hot and I’m in pieces
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stealthsuitdeku · 4 months
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meanwhile in tomurafo vestige world:
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Tomura: Oh by God! It's Danger sense guy with a chair!!!!!
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shih-coulda-had-it · 5 months
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yoichi's nat 20 with the charisma check
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amaranthdahlia · 1 month
who broke it - silly ofa users animatic yayy
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eyesoffthemaud · 2 years
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gvenevera · 1 year
Once again, I am thinking of Nana’s line
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So even if I die one of these days,
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We can always meet again
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Within One For All.
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Romantic, right?
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greenhappyseed · 21 days
MHA 419 leak reactions (real ones this time!)
AFO yells at armless child Izuku in the mind palace. That tracks.
Attacking Tomura’s psychological scars allowed AFO to re-emerge. This also tracks. If heart is power, and a scarred, fractured, walled-off interior allows for AFO’s control, then yeah, Izuku cracking “Tomura’s” armor inadvertently allowed AFO to take over the mind palace.
Oh but AFO just has to get one last jab in against Tomura, so of course he monologues about how Tomura never made a decision for himself in his whole life. Which isn’t ENTIRELY true — AFO couldn’t control young Tenko’s desire to be a hero to Mikkun and Tomo-chan…and to the League of Villains.
We do learn that AFO encouraged Tenko’s conception so he could get his perfect successor, which is just so Enji Todoroki of him.
AFO was close enough to touch baby Tenko (!!!) because he stole candy a quirk from the baby. Then AFO waited years to make Kotaro think Tenko was quirkless before implanting Decay, which is itself engineered from a quirk that could both disintegrate AND reconstruct. Boy does THAT sound like a copy of Overhaul (who was an orphan that AFO was oddly familiar with and knew by name….)
We get both a hero name (Gaen) AND real name for En (Tayutai)! No idea what they mean — Google Translate and Jsho are giving inconsistent answers — but I’m excited to find out when official translations are released!
“Tomura Shigaraki” decays and Izuku is ejected from the mind palace. But AFO doesn’t get his brother back. He says Yoichi is gone. Ruh-roh! He also says Decay and the hatred are gone. And he hears a mysterious echo. Hmm, what could be echoing inside AFO’s mind???
Izuku, now in the real world, tries to stop AFO (who is piloting Shigaraki’s meat suit). But IZUKU DISCOVERS HIS ARMS ARE GONE???? I mean, it’s not shocking bc Horikoshi has hinted at it for forever, but inneresting that either (1) the mind palace and real world ARE entertwined; or (2) AFO took Izuku’s arms as soon as he emerged in the real world. I think it’s the former, which opens the door to some fun shenanigans. I.e., what can the heroes do in the mind palace to harm AFO?
AFO taunts Izuku and says that he “from the start had nothing” … EXCEPT FOR REAL FRIENDS THAT COME TO HIS RESCUE!!!! Sero holds back AFO, proving once again that AFO has a weakness for sticky things like tape and, uh, Mineta’s balls.
Ojiro and Sato are close behind, helping Sero hold off AFO. Of course, Izuku says, “You’re safe” because he doesn’t stop thinking of others even after he lost his actual arms. How did Sero, Ojiro, and Sato get to Mt Fuji so fast?
Clearly, something happened with him, Mic, and Kurogiri, and they’re able to use/control Warp Gate. I am hyped and ready for this flashback, please give the Rooftop Trio 2-3 good chapters.
ALSO. Am I the only one curious that Aizawa is in proximity to AFO, and AFO always wanted Erasure? Aizawa has fought multiple Nomu and the entire League at one time or another, but he’s never been near AFO. Then again, Aizawa can’t fight with Erasure himself, so perhaps AFO taking it can get Aizawa into the mind palace……
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mamapyjama · 1 year
I woke up thinking about vestige Katsuki casually having a chat with vestige All Might. WHAT THE DUCK was happening there if not something seriously fruity and why did we not circle back to it once we’d got over the fact that his heart had exploded?!
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What must non-bkdks think is going on? I’m not even sure if we’ve fully discussed what is going on? Whyyy would he have a vestige if he doesn’t have OFA?
It’s not ghosts because a) ghosts haven’t been introduced as a concept in-universe and b) AM is there and he ain’t dead.
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SO WHAT IS HAPPENING? Did we just totally overlook the fact that Hori made it canon that Katsuki either has OFA or just has access to the vestige realm for reasons unknown?
Also why is he fully clothed and able to speak, when poor Izuku spent every vestige scene nude and mute? And why is the background white not black? Vestige purgatory? A vestige waiting room?
I feel like when you suddenly realise you haven’t studied and the class has all moved on to new topics and you’ve somehow missed a key, fundamental part of how The Whole Thing works.
If anyone has meta on this please point me towards it because at this point I’m—
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Edit 19.01.23: before anyone else tells me he had OFA in the movie, I know. 😙 I wrote a whole ‘nother bit about it here:
Edit 21.01.23: added All Might’s vestige for reference. ✌️
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mettywiththenotes · 3 months
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I love this because Kudou's telling the others what to do, giving out orders like the rebel leader he was in life, and then he just turns to Yoichi with the softest look on his face. Then back into Serious Battle Mode
We know Kudou isn't good with feelings and stuff. Like he said, they didn't really have time for that when he was alive. So he just looks to Yoichi with this expression and says he's leaving it to him. It's not a teary emotional goodbye but it's his version of a goodbye and that means something to Yoichi
Also you could see this as like a reverse of how their roles began, in a way. Yoichi died and left Kudou with OFA. Now Kudou is going to let himself shatter and is leaving Yoichi with OFA
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poppy5991 · 2 months
Mina: We were watching this show on tv last night about medieval medicine and they used to diagnose you with ghosts in your blood. Can you believe that? Crazy, right?
Deku: *sweats nervously*
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bakudekublogblog · 3 months
the vestiges having access to all of izuku’s memories has so much good bkdk fanfic potential omg
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saltytearsofjoy · 5 months
Do you think child AFO didn’t understand the permanence of death because the people he killed would (usually, if he stole their quirks) continue to exist as vestiges in his mind. And when he killed Yoichi, he didn’t expect himself to mourn because he was so used to having a stronger, more forced connection with people after death. It just didn’t occur to him that he wanted more than to make Yoichi submit to him (submission being. death.), he wanted Yoichi to live and be attached to him forever
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seagreenstardust · 3 months
Yoichi calling Kudou “My Hero”
Kudou smirking as he uses Kacchan to finally get Izuku to listen to him
Izuku not wanting to let go of One For All, not because it’s strong or because he’ll be Quirkless again but because All Might gave it to him so it’s precious to him BABY
The vestiges taking the fight inside of Shigaraki, meaning we might get vestige Izuku and vestige Kacchan
I loved it. Everything about it.
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