pkansa · 25 days
Vesuviate Attivo Duplex: twice the time, twice the fun
@Vesuviate_Watch Attivo Duplex: twice the time, twice the fun
If you recall, we’ve brought you word on a number of new Vesuviate releases, including the Attivo, Attivo Chronograph, and a rather lovely GMT. If you like the idea of being able to track a second time zone, but really dig the case profile of the Attivo lineup, then the Vesuviate Attivo Duplex is going to grab your attention. Continue reading Vesuviate Attivo Duplex: twice the time, twice the fun
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
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@Astro_Andreas: Most of the volcanos I have captured on camera has been in the Pacific Ring of Fire, far from anything anyone. This one is different: Mount Vesuvious near Naples in Italy. It was created by the African and Eurasian tectonic plates colliding, where a ring of volcanos formed in the south of Italy, called the Campanian volcanic arc, where Vesuvious is one of the most active and well-known of the volcanos. The soil on the slopes of the volcano are rich in minerals, where tomatoes are grown and are famous for their intense flavor. I will be looking forward to trying fresh vegetables again after 6 months on board the Space Station. On the west side of Naples is the Phlegraean Fields, which is a very active area at the moment, where the ground spews sulfur fumes and the ground has risen about 15 cm in a year. Last September the area saw around 200 earthquakes, most of them too small to do any damage, but it speaks to the amount of seismic activity in the region.
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xhyperwolfx · 1 month
Where is he...?
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'Where is he…?'
In the promise of regaining her warband, Calvina has been tracking her ex-warband comrade turned traitor Vesuvi Soulstriker for months, her trail leading her to Cantha.
Only one question remains, Where is he?
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sane-human · 2 years
What was Rome like after Pompeii died?? (Out of curiosity because you know more than me QwQ)
Ok so , I was searching about this Topic and I'm sorry but-
"June 23 – Emperor Vespasian dies of fever from diarrhea; his last words on his deathbed are: "I think I'm turning into a god." "
"August 24– Eruption of mount Vesuvius: Mount Vesuvious erupts, destroying Pompeii "
So now I can't unsee it as the ruption being explosive diarrhea-
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Other than that I found that: " According to Suetonius, Titus (the emperor at the time - fresh on the job) appointed two ex-consuls to organize and coordinate the relief effort, while personally donating large amounts of money from the imperial treasury to aid the victims of the volcano. Additionally, he visited Pompeii once after the eruption and again the following year."
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lumenations · 9 months
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Part 5 of ArtFight!!
For CanDough, Toeboat, @identityquest, @vesuvi, and @big-bee-png !!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Gotham Brodacasts: Oh no, Riddler scaped from Arkham, he is dangeorus! We are revoking all his TV priviledges and entertaiment options on general. No more game shows or trivia nights until we catch that bastard. While we wait have caution!
Riddler: *is in a hotel room in Egipt drinking his Chai and waching an egiptian gameshow* *his notebook is open in a docs fold with "what to do next?" and under is "visit the Labyrinth of Hawara", "does Egypt have supervillains?", "do I even want to be a villain?", "maybe travel to Agra", "sure as hell never going back to Gotham"* No, the answer was cleary Mount Vesuvious, you dumb fuck!
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subnautica-reviews · 5 months
My fletchinder and my maschiff are real ones. They pretty much single paw and wingedly took out the fire squad when they were 5 levels below them. Salvatore the maschiff even went as far as to cause the torkoal to flinch with like every single attack and Vesuvi the fletchinder tanked blazing torques like how i tank my dad’s lack of love for me. Absolute brilliant work from my team.
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quintessentialarts · 1 year
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I recently got some print designs to play with. I really honed in on this one detailed spot of it and had way too much fun with varieties. I'll be releasing this set soonish :3 The design features a print I'm calling Briar Rose, I made the pendant charm in pure silver. But here we have left down to right: moss aquamarine, strawberry quartz and herkimer diamond, vesuviative and pearl, amethyst, and garnet 💎
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theminiartblog · 2 years
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Attack on @vesuvi!! Hii~! 👊💥
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lovelylexis · 5 months
to erupt; explode; fulminate
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armatofu · 7 months
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 Teide (o Pic del Teide) és un estratovolcà i muntanya de Tenerife, Illes Canàries (28.27 N, 16.6 O). Amb una altitud de 3718 m sobre el nivell del mar i amb aproximadament uns 7000 m sobre el llit marí adjacent, és la muntanya més alta d'Espanya, la muntanya més alta de totes les illes atlàntiques i el tercer volcà més gran de la Terra. El Teide data de tipus d’erupcions desde el tipus estrombolià fins al tipus plinià. Aquest edifici volcànic es troba dins de l’antic edifici volcànic canyada reial el qual alberga alguns cràters d’erupcions monogenètiques com Narices del Teide que només són del tipus d'erupció hawaiana. Combinant el sistema estrombolià amb l’anterior es crea el tipus de sistema eruptiu més comú a les illes Canàries.
Atès el seu historial eruptiu i la seva localització propera a centres poblats, el volcà ha estat designat com un dels 16 Volcans de la Dècada pel seu gran valor en l'estudi de la reducció de futurs desastres naturals. Es troba en repòs, amb una darrera erupció documentada l'any 1909 pel bufador subsidiari de Chinyero, al pendent oest del Teide. Altres erupcions destacades van ocórrer els anys 1704-1706 i 1798. El cim té algunes petites i actives fumaroles que emeten diòxid de sofre calent, així com d'altres gasos. Existeix una probabilitat mitjana-alta de futures erupcions, incloent el risc d'alguna d'altament perillosa del tipus piroclàstic com les dels Mont Pelée i Vesuvi. El nom Teide és una evolució castellana del nom originari Guanxe "Echeyde", anterior a la colonització castellana. Echeyde, a les llegendes Guanxes, era el nom donat al seu infern, on vivia una poderosa figura (Guayota) una mena de guardià de la porta d'aquell inframón.[cal citació]
A la prehistòria, fa uns 180 000 anys, un volcà encara més gran que el Teide va patir una explosió gegantina d'índex 7, que va fraccionar el pic deixant-lo lliscar fins al mar pel nord de l'illa, creant així les anomenades Cañadas del Teide, una gran caldera just per sobre dels 2500 m d'altitud, amb 15 km d'amplada d'est a oest i 10 km d'amplada de nord a sud. Al costat sud, els murs interns del cràter formen un penya-segat que va dels 2.715 m als 2 100 m a Guajara. El mateix cim del Teide i el bufador subsidiari anomenat Pico Viejo (3135 m),[1] tots dos al costat nord de la caldera, deriven d'erupcions que van seguir a la gran explosió prehistòrica.
El volcà i els seus voltants formen el Parc Nacional del Teide, que ha estat considerat Patrimoni de la Humanitat per la UNESCO. S'hi accedeix per una carretera pública que travessa la caldera de nord-est a sud-oest. Un telefèric surt des d'aquesta carretera a uns 2356 m i arriba gairebé al cim (3555 m). L'accés al cim és restringit, i cal un permís per ascendir els darrers 200 m. En 2016, va ser visitat per 4 079 823[2][3] visitants i turistes arribant a un rècord històric. A més és el parc nacional més visitat d'Espanya, d'Europa i actualment el novè del món.[4][5]
El Teide destaca també per gran nombre d'endemismes botànics. Plantes, com el Cytisus supranubius (Retama del Teide), l'Echium wildpretii (Tajinaste rojo); una espectacular espècie de boraginàcia que pot arribar als 3 m d'alçada, i lErysium -Scoparium, una espècie de planta roquera. Als pendents d'alçada entre 1000 i 2000 m s'hi troben boscos de Pinus canariensis (Pi Canari).
Els romans denominaven a l'illa Nivaria, per la neu del volcà. El nom actual de l'illa també guarda relació amb el volcà, atorgat pels Benehaorites (aborígens de l'illa de La Palma). "Tene-" (muntanya) "-ife" (blanca), i la posterior castellanització del nom, va provocar que s'afegís una -r enmig.
En el quadern de bitàcola de Cristòfol Colom apareix una referència al Teide en erupció.
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pkansa · 8 months
In Review: Vesuviate Attivo Chronograph
In Review: @Vesuviate_Watch Attivo Chronograph
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xhyperwolfx · 5 months
Warband Striker's Voice Actors (WIP!) Credit to Calvina: Monkey (Kubo and the Two Strings) -  Charlize Theron Vesuvi: Thor (God of War Ragnarok) - Ryan Hurst Vatui: Easter Bunny (Rise of the Guardians) - Hugh Jackman Senna: Sarah Black (Red Notice) - Gal Gadot Druxxar: Shockwave (Transformers Prime) - David Sobolov
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trekzone · 1 year
Trekzone Plays Star Trek: Bridge Commander Chapter I - Picking Up The Pieces
We begin 2023 with a new season of Trekzone Plays...
Following the collapse of the Vesuvi star, the U.S.S. Dauntless is tasked with aid supply missions to the outlying colonies. As they proceed, the ship comes under assault from two Romulan warbirds…
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fardell24b · 1 year
The Power of the Doctor Live Reactions
Power of the Doctor
Hijacked ship...
Cybermasters on a Space Train...
The Doctor, Yaz and Dan!
Cargo over passengers?
Train going faster.
That makes no sense...
Siberia 1916
London 2022
Tegan in the Carpathians
4 Decades vs 3
Dan Leaving?
At least he isn't like Clara...
A Dalek meaning no harm?
Extra planet?
St Petersburg 1916
Second moon?
TARDIS on second planet.
Another TARDIS (of the same TARDIS?)
Is that a good idea.
Cloister Bell
Sentient energy
Tegan and Ace
The Master?
Erased from existence?
Ship crashing into planet?
The Master is up to something. (When is he isn't?)
Static - related to the regeneration?
Obviously in Vesuvious.
Dalek drill
Uh oh!
Gold bullets not working!
The Doctor captured by the Daleks!
Yas trying to fly the TARDIS...
St. Petersburg
Not really a 'fam' Master.
Forced regeneration.
Didn't work.
Did work.
Not forever.
Ace and Tegan
Tegan helping Kate.
Dhawan!Theta on planet.
Yas and TARDIS left.
Bradley! CBaker! Davison! McGann! McCoy!
Back to Vinder
Definitely an extreme circumstance.
Ace in the TARDIS.
Of course she would remember Adric...
Nitro 9
Hurry Tegan!
Still Whittaker
Not like Borg assimilation.
Tegan and Kate in the TARDIS.
The Master,,,
The Cyberplanet forwards 106 years and freezing the volcanos.
The Master in the TARDIS.
Careful Yas!
Are you sure?
Regeneration imminent.
Back in Sheffeild?
Graham and Dan
Doctor Anonymous
Just outside the TARDIS.
Not Gatwa, but Tennant
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nncastle · 3 years
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June 22, 2021 :: I had visited Pompeii three times, but never Herculaneum. This time I made it a priority to stop at this ongoing excavation site. Recent discoveries have unearthed ancient fast food joints and loads of skeletons in the cellars. At first archaeologists thought people had escaped, but it turns out that they hid in the cellars where many were robbed. Yes, you heard that right. Evidence suggests that thugs barricaded basement doors and let in fleeing families only when they gave over their money and jewels. Humans!!! * eyeroll * 
Either way, they all died together, clutching their wealth. I was shocked to discover that jewelry actually survived as did wood! Many of the houses have their original wooden doors, shelves, furniture, and beams. Herculaneum is more intimate than Pompeii. Seeing the deposits of tufa up close with Vesuvius and the modern city looming above was something else. One day the modern buildings will be buried too. This is what happens in the shadow of volcanoes.
I especially loved the mosaics that remain in many of the outdoor courtyards. In a blacksmith shop a candelabra he was fixing was found along with all of his tools. The people in this city were not as well off as in Pompeii and signs of their work and daily lives are everywhere. The baths were stunning with locker rooms for both men and women. 
I wish the heat hadn’t been so insufferable when we were there. I truly picked the worst week to travel to Italy...but we trudged on. 
I took sooo many pictures! I may post some for FREE download on Pixabay at some point. 
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Like the nearby city of Pompeii, Herculaneum is famous as one of the few ancient cities to be preserved more or less intact, with no later accretions or modifications. The thick layer of ash that blanketed the town also protected it against looting and the elements. Unlike Pompeii, the mainly pyroclastic material that covered Herculaneum carbonized and preserved more wood in objects such as roofs, beds, and doors, as well as other organic-based materials such as food and papyrus.The traditional story is that the city was rediscovered by chance in 1709, during the digging of a well. Remnants of the city, however, were already found during earlier earthworks. In the first years after its rediscovery, tunnels were dug at the site by treasure hunters, and many artifacts were removed. Regular excavations began in 1738, and have continued ever since, albeit intermittently. Today, only part of the ancient site has been excavated, and attention and funds have shifted to the preservation of the already excavated parts of the city, rather than focusing on uncovering more areas.
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During the pandemic, there have been many reports of looting and graffiti on the site. Quite sad. 
All images ©2021 Narcisse Navarre. Do not use without my permission.
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