#vg: fallout 4
anzellla-remade · 2 years
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( x )
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buriesitsteeth · 1 year
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playing fo4 again!
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benny100gecs · 1 year
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i'm not entirely sure... what this is. i think the idea was "make a gif of benny making awkward eye contact with you and then caption it on tumblr as 'pov you're taking too long to pick a dialogue option" so. i got lazy w the gif part so here is the still frames LMFAO
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nosferotting · 1 year
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Fallout 4 (2015)
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「ボーはおそれている」を観た。 以下ネタバレあり。
前に「哀れなるものたち」を観に行った時予告編を観て気になっていた映画。でもアリ・アスターといえば「ヘレディタリー」と「ミッドサマー」なので、ホラーがあんまり得意でない自分はどうかな…と思っていた。 というような話をXに書いていたらアリ・アスターの短編"The Trouble With Mom"というものを教えていただいて、おそらくアリ・アスターはこのテーマです、とのことだった。 まあ短編だしと軽い気持ちで見てみたら、これがものすごくよかった。自分がちょっと親(特に母親)が苦手なのが大きいとは思うけど、短編映画でこんなによかったのは久しぶりだし、今年観た映画のなかでもトップくらいによかった。短くてセリフのない映画でこれだけやるとはアリ・アスターすごいな…。
基本的にはTrouble With Momなんだけど、長いだけあって親子以外にも家族の話や、子供を持つことや、あまり自分は分からないので下手なことは言えないけど、精神的な病気やADHDというようなことも描かれていたと思う。なので入れたい要素が多すぎてこの3時間なんだろうな。
3つ目のヒッピー劇団(?)のパートは一番好きなパートだった。また別の映画の話になってしまうけど、このパートを担当したクリストバル・レオンとホアキン・コシーニャの「オオカミの家」という映画が友人に勧められて気になっていて、でも結局見れずじまいだった。本人たちの映画ではないけど、ここでその一端が見れてよかった。演劇の舞台からという導入もよかったし、書き割りのセットのような、手書きのような不思議なアニメーションはとてもよかった。この時のナレーターというか語り手はやっぱりお母さんだったのかな…? この時のホアキン・フェニックスがボーとは全くの別人という感じで、やっぱり役者さんってすごいなあと思った。目がもう全然違う。
4つ目は意外とあっさり実家に帰り着いてからのお母さん、そして父親(?)との対決、さらに初恋の終わりとなかなか盛りだくさんだった。自分的にはやはり母親との対決シーンが良かったかなあ。Trouble With Momは短篇だしセリフがなかったけど、ボーは尺もあるし台詞もあって、母親の言い分もあるのがよかったと思う。いやほんと親子とか家族ってホラー映画より怖い呪いだ…。その後の兄と父(?)のシーンといい、ここは自分の恐怖と向かい合うパートだったのかな。
5つ目、というか4つ目のパートに入れてもいいのかもしれないけど、スタジアムのシーンはまさか最後こうなるとは思わずびっくりした。恐怖と向き合ってみたけど、結局母親からは逃れられないという…。そして結末はTrouble With Momと大体同じ。
全体的に、かなり色々やりすぎにしてあって笑ってしまう感じで、ホラー要素はほとんどなくてよかった。そして単純にボーが被害者で虐げられてるだけ、とかではなく、決められないこととか、自分が悪いと思ってしまうことを悩んでいたり、母親には母親なりの自分が親からもらえなかった愛情を子供に注いでやりたいという気持ちがあったりとか、誰にでもどっちもある、あるいは色々ある悩みや考えや恐れをしっかり出しているのはよかった。 "Guilty"という言葉が劇中度々出てきたけど、これはキリスト教を信仰しているとまた意味があるのかな。自分は特に信仰はないけど、なんとなく自分が悪いと思ってしまうことがあるのでなんとも言えない気持ちになった。 色々決められなかったり、必要以上によくないことを想像してしまったり、ちょっと心配になるとすぐネットで(信頼性の低そうな情報を)検索してみたり、結構自分にも当てはまるなと思う所があった。Trouble With Momもだけど、なんだかアリ・アスターには勝手に親近感を持つなあ。
そういう人間の中の複雑な気持ちの表現が全体的にすごく過剰なので、真ん中あたりでヒッピー劇団〜アニメーションの見やすいパートを入れたのは構成として上手いなと思った。あれがなくてずっと過剰な表現続きだと疲れるし飽きてしまいそう。 ただ、アニメーションパート以外の映像や音楽、美術などはわりと普通かな…という印象だった。悪くはなかったけど…。まあそこを見る映画でもないかな。
よく「オーウェルの1984的な統制社会の恐怖を…」とか説明されるけど、結構親子、それも母と息子の話なんだよな。主人公のサムが夢と現実の区別がつかなくなっていく感じもボーにちょっと近い気がするし、父親が出てこない点も似ている気がする。 あと、ブラジルのエンドロールとボーのエンドロールが似ている気がした。どちらも暗くグレーな広い空間の真ん中に死んだ主人公がいて、その画の上にクレジットがでてくる。なんか共通するものがありそうな気がするなあ。
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自分の持っていたクレジットカードの一つがサービス終了とのことで、自動的にSaison Gold Premiumというカードに切り替わった。普段、カードの優待とかはあまり気���しないんだけど、このカードの優待で「映画のチケットがいつでも1000円」というのがあって今回それを初めて使ってみた。
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vg-mom-throwdown · 1 year
The List is Here!
We’ve gone through all your submissions and picked out the 64 characters that will fight for the title of Best VG Mom! Down below is all the match-ups that will take place, but they haven’t been placed on a bracket up. We tried to keep all match-ups as fair as possible, but please give us feedback if you feel like some of them are unfair. We wanna keep this fun for all, no matter how big or small the game might be. Please take a look! - 🐟
Meta Knight (Kirby) Vs. Olimar (Pikmin)
Ender Dragon (Minecraft) Vs. Minecraft Chicken (Minecraft)
All PC Moms (Pokemon) Vs. Your Mom (Animal Crossing)
Lusamine (Pokemon SM) Vs. Melony (Pokemon SWSH)
Hinawa (Mother 3) Vs. Ness’ Mom (Earthbound)
Persephone (Hades) Vs. Nyx (Hades)
Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) Vs. Honey Queen (Super Mario Galaxy)
Yayoi Dojima (Yakuza) vs. Yumi Sawamura (Yakuza)
Thora West (Slime Rancher) Vs. Grimora (Inscryption)
Among Us Crewmate (Among Us) vs. Mama Rabbit (The Man in the Window)
Queen (Deltarune) Vs. GLaDOS (Portal)
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Mommy Mearest (Friday Night Funkin)
Yoshi (Super Mario) Vs. Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Crono’s Mom (Crono Trigger) Vs. Isaac’s Mom (The Binding of Isaac)
5-Volt (WarioWare) Vs. Mrs. Sanderson (Chibi-Robo)
Lumera (Fire Emblem) Vs. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Kyra (Our Life) Vs. Niko’s Mom (OneShot)
Cubone’s Mom (Pokemon) Vs. Kangaskhan (Pokemon)
Urbosa (Legends of Zelda) Vs. Impa (Legends of Zelda)
Milla Vodello (Psychonauts) Vs. Vanilla the Rabbit (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Joyce Price (Life is Strange) Vs. Lisa Johnson-Fisher (Sally Face)
Ei/Raiden Shogun (Genshin Impact) Vs. Cloud Retainer (Genshin Impact)
Freya (God of War) Vs. Morrigan (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Naru (Ori and The Blind Forest) Vs. Masked Songbird (Songbird Symphony)
The Night Mother (Skyrim) Vs. Sole Survivor (Fallout 4)
Kara (Detroit Become Human) Vs. M (Xenoblade 3)
Mother Brain (Metroid) Vs. Lisa Tepes (Castlevania)
Ballora (Sister Location) Vs. Isa (Minecraft: Story Mode)
Sonic Boom (Skylanders) Vs. Worried Mother (Miitopia)
The Queen of all Cosmos (Katamari Damacy) Vs. Hitomi Sagan (Ai: The Somnium FIle)
Justine Courtney (Ace Attorney) Vs. Link’s Grandma (LOZ Wind Waker)
Cooking Mama (Cooking Mama) Vs. Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil Village)
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tuesday again 10/18/22
look i originally typed "placeholder" which somehow typo'd into "placegilder" and now i'm fascinated by what that concept could possibly be
Romance Without Finance, covered? by? Charlie Parker. for something by one of the founding fathers of bebop it's remarkably difficult to find info on this song.
"wait a minute kay we didn't know you knew anything about jazz" i don't! just enough to be dangerous!
it's been stuck in my head bc of the lyrics
You so great and you so fine You ain't got no money you can't be mine It ain't no joke to be stone broke Baby you know I ain't lying when I say Romance without finance is a nuisance Please please baby give me some gold
cheers i'll drink to that bro
sat by a river and read one and a half chapters of Mervyn Peake's Titus Groan, bc people keep telling me i would like Gormenghast and this is the first book in the trilogy. after which i threw it in my bag and forgot about it for the rest of the week. this is not a dunk on the book this is just how distractible i am. the style/voice/etc of Mervyn Peake could diplomatically be described as an acquired taste. not sure if i've acquired that taste yet. not that i am unfamiliar with a longwinded fantasy, i've just been reading very short things lately and am experiencing some whiplash.
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god we love a font. GOD we love a series of covers that link together. these come to me courtesy of a very nice old man's moving sale, which i happened upon in august? early september? at the end of the day when everything was free. ended up dumping the milk crate of tools in my trunk into the trunk proper and carrying off an overflowing milk crate of paperbacks like this.
three! tv shows i like are dropping on a weekly basis im in hog heaven (andor, the vampires, chainsaw man)!!!
instead we're going to talk about Werewolf By Night, which was Fine. it's a little marvel halloween special starring one of the eleventy billion comics characters you've never heard of, directed by their longtime composer Michael Giacchino.
i am going to damn it with lukewarm praise and say it's Fine! it's automatically in the top tier marvel products for me bc the fact it is so clearly filmed on a soundstage works in its favor, bc it is one big nod to classic horror. not a pastiche, not a love letter, but many many many visual references. there was only one Joss Whedon Humor Marvel Moment (TM) which i appreciated. i have spent far, far worse hours with this franchise.
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excellent opening credits tho. not worth watching if you're a classic horror fan bc it will probably infuriate you, maybe worth watching if you've dropped off the marvel bandwagon and want to check and see if you still like it or not. this is up there with winter soldier for me as far as like. coherence of artistic vision and the ability to confidently tell one story, and it's still Just Okay as a whole.
this was originally going to be a diatribe about human experimentation in fallout 4. yes yes we all know the vaults are human experiments. that's not what i'm talking about. i would like them to connect the dots between pre-war people vanishing off the street for military human experimentation and post-war vanishing off the street for...industry? experimentation a little more explicitly.
INSTEAD, i did something i never do, which was look for a game to play specifically for the tuesdaypost bc i wanted to talk about something in this slot. so off i went to the New & Noteworthy page.
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i played The Looker, which is a parody of awardwinning but insufferable puzzle game The Witness. i have not played The Witness bc i find it insufferable, but i have watched roommates play through chunks of it. The Looker is insufferable in a different way, where (spoilers behind rot13)
vg vf na ubhe ybat ohvyqhc gb n pbpx naq onyyf wbxr.
some of the puzzles are genuinely clever. the laser unfolding in a long sequence that felt like a real life hour made me cackle.
i don't know who this streamer is, or if he's secretly garbage or anything, but this video does contain some of the best bits of the game
it's about an hour and a half and it's free, what more could you want? the way its mechanics unfold is a successful parody of the highbrow puzzle game genre as a whole (imo), not just The Witness, so if you play this without knowing anything about The Witness do report back in pls
making fallow week. lots of things simmering away in the background, not a lot of photogenic things happening, many things that are easier to explain as a whole once they're done.
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leviiackrman · 2 years
1, 8, 13 and 21 for the VG asks! 💜
1. First game you played obsessively?
Uhhh mario kart lmao. I used to not be able to sleep because I was so excited to play it haha!
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?
Rarest game? I honestly have no clue I’m v stock-standard w my collection haha, tho I have some limited edition sims 3 expansion packs if that counts lmao. Most expensive would probably be The Last of Us 2 because I got the preorder thingy!
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?
Far Cry or Fallout... I have fallout 4 and new vegas but haven’t played either yet… far cry I just have no interest in sadly
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?
Pppfftttt MINECRAFT! Or gta, but I enjoy watching my sister play gta more than playing it myself if I’m honest
Fun Video Game Asks
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krankittoeleven · 1 year
VG: 2, 12, 31!
Thanks for the ask!
2. Game(s) you are currently playing.
I have very complex rituals where I am playing something like 10 games at a time but only focusing on 1 or 2 until I finish. 😅 Right now those two are Red Dead Redemption 2 and AC Odyssey (I played as Kass at launch, now I'm playing as Alexios), but there are a bunch of other games I started that are getting ignored at the moment. And then there's Fallout 4 and AC Valhalla both of which I constantly jump back into.
12. A character you particularly like in the game you are currently playing.
Well, in breaking from my tradition of being completely entranced by side characters with 5 minutes of screen time, I quiet like both Arthur Morgan and Alexios.
31. Someone has never played a video game before but is open to trying any genre. What game would you recommend as their first?
Every game I think of is a fave but probably not a good place to start for a first game. Lol. Screw it...it says any genre...im going with my horror roots...Eternal Darkness, Shadow Man or Dead Space. All 3 are good for the scares, the story and the music.
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pinercafe · 2 years
Fallout 3 nexus surigcal mask
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Member, Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Society of Asia.Founding Member, Singapore Hepatobiliary Association.Adjunct Assistant Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.Director and Senior Consultant (Nexus Surgical Associates).Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas. Pancreaticoduodenectomy, Distal Pancreatectomy, Segmental Pancreatectomy, Total Pancreatectomy and Transduodenal Resection of the Papilla of Vater.Update on pancreas cancer-The European Pancreatic Cancer Research Cooperative (EPC-RC2) Low, Akhil Chopra, Gilberto Lopes, Steven G. Lee, Vikneswari Rajasegaran, Wei Liu, Shane Goh, Jing H. Lim, Arnoud Boot, Elizabeth Lee, Cedric C.-Y. Whole exome sequencing identifies clinically relevant mutational signatures in resected hepatocellular carcinoma.YF Soh, Kow AW, KY Wong, Bei W, CY Chan, KH Liau, CK Ho. Perioperative Outcome of Laparoscopic and Open Distal Pancreatectomy: Our Institution’s 5 year experience.Is pancreaticoduodenectomy justified in elderly patients? AWC Kow, NA Sadayan, A Ernest, B Wang, CY Chan, CK Ho, LH Liau.Kow AW, Wang B, Wong D, Sundeep PJ, Chan CY, Ho CK, Liau KH. Using percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopic lithotripsy for intrahepatic calculus in hostile abdomen.Surgery for perforated small bowel malignancy: A single institution’s experience over 4 years.Emergency surgery for jejunal diverticulosis: our experience and review of literature.A case of gastric bronchogenic cyst in Singapore with multiple intrigues.Is Transurethral Catheterisation the Ideal Method of Bladder Drainage? A Survey of Patient SatisfactionWith Indwelling Transurethral Urinary Catheters.KH Liau, Khin Thanda Aung, N Chua, CK Ho, CY Chan, A Kow, E Arul, SJ Chia Outcome of a Strategy to Reduce Surgical Site Infection in a Tertiary-Care Hospital.
Pancreatic tuberculosis mimicking pancreatic carcinoma: series of three cases.Emergency colorectal resections in Asian octogenarians: factors impacting surgical outcome.Soumen Das De, Alfred Wei Cheah Kow, Kui Hin Liau, Khong Hee Lim and Choon Kiat Ho. Novel approach to laparoscopic resection of tumours of the distal pancreas.An audit of ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a Singapore institution:Īre we ready for day-case laparoscopic cholecystectomy?Ĭhieh Kow AW, Tan A, Chan SP, Lee SF, Chan CY, Liau KH, Kiat Ho C.Kow AW, Chan SP, Earnest A, Chan CY, Lim K, Chong SY, Lim KH, Ho CK, Chew SP, Liau KH. Striving for a better operative outcome: 101 Pancreaticoduodenectomies.Emergency Hartmann’s procedure: morbidity, mortality and reversal rates among Asians.Müller MW, Friess H, Leitzbach S, Michalski CW, Berberat P, Ceyhan GO, Hinz U, Ho CK, Köninger J, Kleeff J, Büchler MW. Perioperative and follow-up results after central pancreatic head resection (Berne technique) in a consecutive series of patients with chronic pancreatitis.Guo XZ, Xu JH, Liu MP, Kleeff J, Ho CK, Ren LN, Li HY, Koniger J, Cui ZM, Wang D, Wu CY, Zhao JJ, Friess H KA11 inhibits anchorage-dependent and independent pancreatic cancer cell growth.Mirizzi syndrome: a diagnostic and operative challenge.Laparoscopic exploration can salvage failed endoscopic bile duct stone extraction.Tan KK, Shelat VG, Liau KH, Chan CY, Ho CK. Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration: our first 50 cases.Ho CK, Lee CW, Lu J, Wu J, Chan CY, Homer-Vanniasinkam S, Chao AK New Hope for an old cure: a pilot animal study on selective venesection in attenuating the systemic effects of ischaemic-reperfusion injury.Starting a laparoscopic hepatectomy programme.CT Heng, KH Liau, CK Ho, CY Chan, M Wong, SP Chew
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buriesitsteeth · 3 years
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benny100gecs · 1 year
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i forgot this in my drafts lol. og post is on my instaaaagrraaam AND IT GOT 3K LIKES ???? I DIDNT NOTICE THAT UNTIL NOW???? LMFAO. it was drawn to the song wet by dazey and the scouts hehe
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miragesbian · 3 years
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asher, before the war; 1. 10. 2075, her birthday; 11. 14. 2076, going to the park; 4.23.2073, waiting for Nate to pick her up for their date; 10.23.2077, waiting to go to the park with her boys, only to be interrupted by the bomb siren
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mnikhowozu · 4 years
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basil linwood, sole survivor
“…the war goes on—an ache in the bones, an ache in the gut, an ache in the heart.”
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damnelves · 7 years
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would you risk your life for your fellow man?
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I'm so much trash
I love it
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