#victor doyle
sometranssoup · 3 months
'oh,you watched smurfs 2? Who was your favorite character? Probably clumsy or papa Smurf,right?'
Yeah... definitely.
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Still a great movie. I’ll start the Mandy Patinkin one tomorrow
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chevlvrs · 2 days
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clowncarstars · 11 months
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I will not elaborate
The template: X
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emryliz · 6 months
Ikemen villian x Ikemen vampire collaboration of liar foxes and frivolous writers
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The translation can be wrong
This is the memory a little before I met Kate.
London, the capital of the UK, governed by Queen Victoria.
In this country, there is a crown, which is a loud life downstairs.
(That is us)
Last night was a bad night.
There is no protection subject under the mission.He was killed and was thrown away in garbage.
Of course, the crime is in the hand of the crown.
Therefore, it was erased from this world.
(... It's annoying now, it's sunny today)
I got a rest for a long time and hang around the city without any good.
(... Oh, this feeling again)
Walking through a lively city can be made into a feeling that only you are separated from the world.
Depending on the crown mission, you may have to take this way.
I have died more than once or twice while being cursed with curse words.
(I got used to it for that)
(I have no regrets on the road I chose)
It's not a lie.
I abandoned my dream for a "purpose".I abandoned my calm life and became a member of the crown.
I just decided to walk in the dark.
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(Sometimes the darkness is too dark,I'm going to lose sight of myself)
I went to a familiar bookstore to deceive something.
This bookstore, which faces the passage in London, is quiet and reluctant.
(Oh, this book ... a new book came out)
(Hmm? This looks interesting too)
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???:"Yo, brother, do you like books?"
Looking at the person who heard the voice, it was in front of the bookshelf.There was a man who was there.
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The man's face is hidden in the shadow of the bookshelf and can only see the bright hair of London Blue.
London Blue Hair -colored Man:"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was very seriously looking for a book, so I'm curious."
"So, do you like books?"
(What is this guy? Even though we met for the first time, he's getting really excited...)
I stare at the back of the man who is crouching.
(He's a weird guy that makes you mad, but...)
(This guy has a strange and unpleasant smell of lies that other people don't have)
That's why I ended up answering the question out of spite.
Harrison:“…I think you like books.”
Curse, I gained the ability to see the lies of others.
The world I saw with my eyes with a lie was just more lies than I expected.
Lies to commit people, lies to sell, betrayal lies, self preservation,i was painted on such a lie, and I gradually became exhausted.
In such a situation, I suddenly picked up a book that made me feel a little lighter.
I thought the world of novels, which are made up of layers of exquisite lies to entertain people, seemed kind to me.
Harrison:"That seemed like a good lie to me."
"Everyone who writes novels is a liar, i think."
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``But, I quite like that lie.That’s it.”
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london blue colored man:"Yes, that's good."
"Certainly, as you say, the writer is just a liar."
"But, I want to think that the lie is ... kind/gentle."
That’s what I want to think.”
Harrison: "....?"
London blue haired man: ``For those of you, yes! This book is super highly recommended.”
``Good-looking, sexy, and popular with girls.It’s like a book written by a popular author.”
"Oh, just be careful because the detective who appears in the work is a bad guy."
Harrison: "Huh? Hey, wait a little ..."
I was forced to hold a book and looked at the cover.
Harrison: " "Sherlock Holmes"? "
"Hey, this is..."
(That guy was ...?)
The moment I took my eyes off him, the man was gone.
It's like a summer bar.
When I returned to Crown Castle, Victor and Will were elegantly drinking wine.
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William: "Welcome back, Harrison."
Harrison: "Ah. You're both drinking so early.Isn't it rare for you guys to drink at this hour?"
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Victor: "I was considering the incident that has happened in the last few days."
"While tasting a dripping bloody wine,"
Harrison: "…event?"
Victor: "In the vicinity of the Regent Park, It seems that a corpse with a bite on the neck was found. "/"It seems that a corpse with a bite on the neck was found near the region park."
"It's multiple, named"
Victor: "Is there a bite mark in all of the corpse?
The police seem to be calling it the "vampire murder case". "
Harrison:"Vampire is a.... fictitious creature Isn't it? "
William: "It's too early to crush the possibilities with assumptions.
What is it? Life is sometimes something you don't think of. "/
"It's too quick to kill the possibilities with assumptions. Life sometimes happens to be unreasonable."
Harrison:"What do you think of?"
William:"I hear that vampires are creatures that live forever. Yes ..."
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"If the greats are actually vampires, do you think they would be optimistic if they were still alive?"
"If Da Vinci and Napoleon are still breathing somewhere in this world."
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Harrison: "Don't be the biggest enemy in the crown"
William:"By all means, what you want to ask is"
As usual, sighing to the elegant and pleasant self -righteous king will change the air on the spot.
Victor, a queen assistant, opened his lips with one blink.
Victor: "So, Harrison. From His Majesty to you It's a request for a mission. "
The darkness spreads again, and the footsteps trying to swallow me echo.
Still, I can't stop here and not go.
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(Until the day to achieve × ×)
Harrison: "Oh, good. But just ask the requirements."
"I have a book I want to read."
While laughing a lot, I re -held a book recommended by a man like a doubt.
It has become dirty, with this hand.
i try to put the picture in order but it doesn't go the way i want it too
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lilypixels · 6 months
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they went to costume night at club and tried out-slutting each other
close up under cut cause details do be lost
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no-side-us · 11 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - May 17
The Engineer's Thumb, Part 1 of 3
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The Naval Treaty would also count here, but although we read it before this story it was actually published a year later. I guess if I wanted to create a Watsonian reason for the discrepancy, maybe because Phelps asked for Holmes' help, Watson considered himself less the introducer and more a facilitator of the case.
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Now this is a nice change from the last mention of Watson's life after leaving Baker Street in The Stockbroker's Clerk:
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I imagine The Stockbroker's Clerk case was the impetus for Holmes and Watson seeing each other more often as is seemingly the norm in this story and the cases right before this one.
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With Dracula Daily going on right now, seeing this young man with the pale complexion and bloodstained handkerchief, I can't help but see a possible vampire victim in the same vein (heh) as Jonathan Harker, especially with how polite and apologetic he is despite having been through such a severe situation.
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Mary cameo! Once more she is not named, but it's enough for me to at least put her in the tags.
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Mr. Hatherley was just a young man, an orphan no less, starting out in his new career after having recently lost his father. There are more Jonathan parallels here than I expected.
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He then meets an older, foreign man who, despite having such emaciated features, is still quite youthful in manner! He's called Colonel Lysander Stark! That even sounds like a pastiche on Count Vlad Dracula, with the honorific and everything.
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So someone recommended young Hatherley to the Colonel, with the information that Hatherley was talented, an orphan, a bachelor, living alone, and also capable of keeping a secret. It'd have to be someone quite familiar with Hatherley, perhaps someone who's worked with him, or maybe even over him, like a former boss!
The parallel I'm talking about is to Mr. Hawkins and his letter to the Count, in case I made it too vague:
He is a young man, full of energy and talent in his own way, and of a very faithful disposition. He is discreet and silent, and has grown into manhood in my service. He shall be ready to attend on you when you will during his stay, and shall take your instructions in all matters.
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The Count never did this, but I can also very much see the Count doing this. As we know, he does like to dart around quickly when he thinks nobody is looking.
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I feel like this line speaks for itself in how easily applicable it could be to the Count, or any number of vampiric scenarios.
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The Colonel wants Hatherley to work in the middle of the night, which would result in Hatherley having to stay the night.
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And Hatherley can't refuse because he needs the money and has his career to think about.
The Engineer's Thumb was published in 1892 by the way, five years before Dracula, so this is all likely a coincidence or just some common motifs of the era. Won't stop me from seeing the parallels though.
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A passage from when Jonathan Harker first meets the Count:
The instant, however, that I had stepped over the threshold, he moved impulsively forward, and holding out his hand grasped mine with a strength which made me wince, an effect which was not lessened by the fact that it seemed as cold as ice—more like the hand of a dead than a living man.
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Just one chestnut horse? No quartet of coal-black splendid beasts? I guess not every vampire has the resources to complete the aesthetic.
And I am going to assume the Colonel is a vampire, even if the next two letters contradict it. But based on this letter so far, I think I'll just get more evidence if anything.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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horrorbloodylover · 7 months
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ive seen a take on frankenstein thats truely baffled me. it's connected with 'radfems' (depressed women who hate trans people), and it seems to stem from both a misunderstanding of the text and projection.
the following will discuss spoilers for Frankenstein <3
i've screenshotted the most recent item which game on my dash (however i have seen it elsewhere, such as john green's analysis of frankenstein):
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I should first note that 'Sady Doyle' is Jude Doyle. He is a transmasucline person (he/they), but at time of writing went by the former name. Do I think this terf poster actually cares about this? No. The way this poster is using this to back their own radical feminist beliefs. I do disagree with Doyle's argument simply in the wording, and especially how this reading can lend itself to terf arguements.
One thing I believe this analysis misses is that Frankenstein is also about discovery, both in science and in exploration. The reason why Walton exists serves to underline this. This discovery is patriarchal, yes (this is why Walton writes to his sister, not a brother), but to simplify it to just a story about creation is doing a discredit to the narrative.
I also disagree with the statement that Victor imposed his will on the dead flesh. I find that Victor is a parallel, not a foil, to motherhood. It is more about the fear of both child (who they might turn out to be) and that of a parent (are you good enough for the child/can you handle it). Frankenstein is a worst case-scenario. Victor cannot handle it, not because he is a man and their is something inherit to the gender which renders them unable to be parents, but because he is young (as Shelly was), recently lost his mother, and was isolated from his family. I don't think Doyle is arguing this (as a father themselves with a husband), but that seems to be the interpretation this poster has from reading it (and others have drawn).
If Shelley was arguing that without mothers, children were lost - she might have made the monster into more of an animal like creature than human. But she didn't. She made sure to highlight his human qualities.
I'm not saying that this book is not feminist, especially considering who her mother was. The Monster does not inherently want a wife or mother, just company. With the cottagers it is then he is shown that wives bring joy and light. He begins to see as women as objects that bring happiness. It is not inherent to men, as radfems such as this poster suggested, it is a learned behavior that exists within the roots of our society. It takes Victor months to even begin to think of the brides own free-will. Elizabeth, who is the same age as Victor, does not get to go to college. She instead takes care of Ernest and William (and likely Alphonse). Elizabeth, depending on the version (whether a cousin or adopted sister) was raised to be Victor's wife. He is not happy with this, but patriarchal society has made this okay, and thus suppressed any misgivings he might have. Society has taught these men, the Monster and Victor, that they need and should want wives and that these wives should be subserviant and be the sole provider of joy. Radfems seem to believe that no, there must be something in Men's brains that make them hate women, which is simply not true (nor supported by Mary Shelley!)
Mary Wollstonecraft, mother of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, argued that women only seemed inferior to men because they lack proper education. I believe Shelley takes this further. Men are just as hysterical, needy, and idiotic as women can be. Because - guess what! We're all human. Who knew.
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
CS Lewis wrote an entire book (among a series of seven books with slightly different stories) to explain to children that even if your neighbour believed in another god than you, as long as he believed truthfully, he would go to Paradise, while a bad man, whatever the religion, would go to Hell.
He also wrote a main character being punished for having been mean to someone who deserved it, because the disproportion of the defense towards the attack made the main character the bad guy for this particular situation.
JRR Tolkien wrote thousands of pages about very different civilizations, who where each very interesting and thriving on its own, and different races or subspecies of humanoids being all as good as the other, with none superior, but each being the best at one or the other thing. And ''chill'' was a valid answer to ''what do you want to do as an adult'', as much as fighting a war or building gigantic castles. In fact, maybe more valid of an answer.
His only two evil races are formed of people who chose evil, because you don't get born evil or good, it does not depend on the people you are from.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote an autistic-coded, aroace-coded character before either words were even a thing. Said character was very respectful of women and a good friend.
Lewis Caroll created an entire litteray genre out of the desire of a little girl to hear a story. Coincidentally, the heroin is the little girl herself.
Victor Hugo wrote thousands of pages of social criticism, taking the defense of people forced into prostitution or theft because of poverty, writing the most moving tale of redemption of his century.
William Shakespeare wrote a comedy which could have seemed antisemitic until the end when he revealed the only reason the bad guy was a Jew was because the heroes wronged him for being jewish in the first place, and making a moving plea against antisemitism.
Jane Austen wrote her heroins to be every girl of her era: one strong and witty, one just a hopeless romantic, one pragmatic and determined to marry well, one past her prime with low self-esteem learning to love herself... and none of them are put down compared to the others. Each has her own qualities and her own flaws and each deserves happiness.
Jack London gave a voice to native people of the arctic circle and wrote moving testimonies of a now-extinct world, the ''wild'' of Alaska and Canada. He wrote about hierarchical dispositions and behaviours in sledgedogs packs way before the whole ''alpha/omega'' bullshit went by and destroyed our understanding of dogs. Denounced white bad men as well as put native people as heroes or positive supporting characters.
But sure. The past is a dark place and only bigots ever populated the earth (particularly the *spits* christian ones) before the modern era set everybody free and more tolerant.
This is totally vagueposting to the people who told me (on another website) that we were soooo lucky that Netflix and Disney were starting to get inclusive because there never had been any tolerance in the world before today, that autistic kids and gay people were left to die in the woods or stoned to death and all white people from before the 70 were inherently sexist and racist.
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fieldtomatoes · 1 year
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symbiotic relationship
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sillypenguinwitch · 9 months
isaac's books in heartstopper s2
episode 1:
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Tillie Walden: I Love This Part
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Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé: Ace of Spades
episode 2:
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Nina LaCour: We Are Okay
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Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest
episode 3:
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Ocean Vuong: Night Sky with Exit Wounds (the one he is carrying under his arm, I'm assuming that's his and not for the display?)
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has read: Ritch C. Savin-Williams: Bi: Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid, and Nonbinary Youth
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Emily Henry: Book Lovers
episode 4:
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Victor Hugo: Les Misérables
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Antoine De Saint-Exupéry: The Little Prince
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Kate Chopin: The Awakening
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Nina LaCour: We Are Okay (again)
episode 5:
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Albert Camus: The Outsider
episode 6:
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Martin Handford: Where's Wally? The Great Picture Hunt
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Meredith Russo: Birthday
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Jules Verne: Around the World in Eighty Days
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Sara Pennypacker: Pax Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret, Sophie Mas: How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are ? ? ? Damian Dibben: The Color Storm Alice Oseman: Loveless Susan Stokes-Chapman: Pandora Katy Hessel: The Story of Art Without Men ? Evelyn Waugh: Rossetti Arthur Conan Doyle: The Hound of the Baskervilles A.O. Scott: Better Living Through Criticism ?: Then We Came to an End (?) Ruth Millington: Muse Dr. Jaqui Lewis: Fierce Love Charlotte Van Den Broek: Bold Ventures - Thirteen Tales of Architectural Tragedy ?
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Richard Siken: Crush
episode 7:
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Garrard Conley: Boy Erased
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George Matthew Johnson: All Boys Aren't Blue
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Samra Habib: We Have Always Been Here
episode 8:
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Akemi Dawn Bowman: Summer Bird Blue
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Angela Chen: Ace
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Truham school library pride display (seen in ep. 3 and 8):
top to bottom, left to right: Angela Chen: Ace Andrew Holleran: The Kingdom of Sand Mary Jean Chan and Andrew McMillan: 100 Queer Poems Scott Stuart: My Shadow Is Pink Lotte Jeffs: My Magic Family Tucker Shaw: When You Call My Name Ritch C. Savin-Williams: Bi - Pansexual, Fluid, Nonbinary and Fluid Youth Alok Vaid-Menon: Beyond the Gender Binary George M. Johnson: All Boys Aren’t Blue Mason Deaver: I Wish You All the Best Alex Gino: George Melissa
on top of shelves (left to right): Kevin Van Whye: Nate Plus One Xixi Tian: This Place is Still Beautiful Becky Albertalli: Leah on the Offbeat Mya-Rose Craig: Birdgirl Bernardine Evaristo: Girl, Woman, Other Connie Glynn: Princess Ever After Saundra Mitchell: The Prom
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Charlie's choice at Shakespeare and Co (ep. 6): Allan Hollinghurst: The Swimming Pool Library
That's it for now.
Sorry about the ones i couldn't identify and sorry if i missed any! Might try and do some of the ones in Isaac's room later but that'll take a minute
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Alastor Moody
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“Frankenstein is story of patriarchy gone haywire. It is about the failure and breakdown of violence and science, tools and rules, when confronted with the brute power of procreation; the terror, which every mother must someday face, of creating a new person with no way of knowing what havoc you may have unleashed upon the world. In the founding myths of patriarchy, men impose their will on the dead organic matter of the world, creating order and safety and civilization. In Shelley's story, Victor Frankenstein imposes his will on dead matter, and the dead matter gets pissed.
Aristotle insisted that men were the superior and flawless part of any child's conception; ‘it is impossible for the female to generate an animal from itself alone,’ he said, ‘for the process in question was seen to involve the male quality [of soul].’ Without that male quality, a woman's child ‘will no better than a corpse or part of a corpse.’ Yet in Frankenstein, it's a male who tries to reproduce without a woman—who dreams of creating a ‘perfect’ creature, without female interference. And his creation is, literally, a corpse that walks; it is dead, hideous. Shelley was the daughter of two philosophers; there's every reason to believe she knew she was being subversive. Her masterwork argues that it's male arrogance, not female weakness, which creates monsters.”
-Sady Doyle, Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers
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meetinginsamarra · 1 year
My Fave Sherlock BBC tropes - Casefics
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Around mid-month I’ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP on AO3.
Okay, so there are obviously a lot of Sherlock fics where a case gets solved. Here, I only include the especially plotty ones.
“The Case of the Green Gown” by splix
...Watson had at that time deserted me for a wife, the only selfish action which I can recall in our association. I was alone.  -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier
(Please ignore this useless summary! This is hands down the most complex but still completely logical casefic I’ve ever read. Layers upon layers of stunning reveals, intriguing case and beautiful characterization of our beloved. Awesome!)
“Ten Days” (part 1 of “The Fallen” series) by Engazed @engazed​
Sherlock Holmes has been dead for forty months, and John is at last beginning to live his life again. But just when he believes he might be happy, his world crashes back down around him.
John is named a missing person. Someone is pointing DI Lestrade in the wrong direction. And as the days pass, his situation only grows more dire. It seems like the disappearance of his best friend is the only thing that can bring Sherlock Holmes back from the dead.
“The Slash Man” (part 2 of “The Fallen” series) by Engazed @engazed
After ten days of unspeakable torture at the hands of Sherlock's worst enemies, John Watson has returned to Baker Street to live with a man whose death, no matter how fake, still haunts him. But his recovery is not easy, his friendship with Sherlock is strained, and a dangerous but hidden menace continues to threaten them both.
(”Blackbird, Fly” is part 3 and currently a WIP)
“The Green Blade” by verityburns @verity-burns​
As a serial killer hits the headlines, the police are out of their depth and the next victim is out of time. With faith in Sherlock Holmes at an all time low, this is a case which will push loyalties to the limit...
“A Goose Quill Dipped in Venom” by Polyphony
Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, is called in to a very ordinary although brutal murder. Something is badly out of tune with the whole scenario and Sherlock finds himself becoming more and more obsessed with the crime - and also with the victim.
“The Iceman cometh” by Polyphony
Title from the Eugene O'Neill play of the same name. An intriguing puzzle tempts Sherlock to accept Victor Trevor's invitation to the French Riviera, but all is not what it seems. Frustrated by the case and increasingly concerned about an absent John, Sherlock uncovers far more than he was meant to and is forced to become a fugitive, pursued by those on both sides of the law, as he fights for his freedom and the lives of all those around him.
“The Edinburgh Problem” (part 1 of “Scotland series”) by snorklepie @snorklepie
“A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery.” John said drily. “Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!”
After he separates from Mary, John returns to Baker Street. Following a request for help from Sherlock's cousin Violet, the detective and his blogger take a trip to Edinburgh. John discovers more about the Holmes family and Sherlock than he bargained for, but tries not to run screaming.
“October to Hogmanay” (part 2 of “Scotland series”) by snorklepie @snorklepie
“What are we, now?” John mused aloud, once they were in a cab heading back to Baker street. It was a cool, damp afternoon and Sherlock was studying the passers-by with detached interest. He glanced over at John with a raised eyebrow, his fingers idly worrying at one of the buttons on his coat.
“Nothing seems quite right. What would you call me, if somebody asked?” John waved a hand vaguely at the space between them. “What do we call… this?”
(”Savage Music, Sombre Light” is part 3 and currently a WIP)
“Periodic Tales -series” (18 fics) by 7PercentSolution @7-percent​
Lots of science, lots of case fic! This is Sherlock as chemist, using the periodic table of elements for many different reasons. Each story is centred around one particular element, in two parts. One focuses on aspects of Sherlock's childhood and events in his life; the other part shows how that has influenced his abilities as the world's only consulting detective, demonstrated through a case fic that shows off his deducing skills.
(most of Seven’s fics could be put onto this list btw, but I’ll add only one more)
“Devonshire Squires” (part 8 of “Fallen Angel” - series) by 7PercentSolution @7-percent
Post THE/Pre So3, John and Sherlock try to rebuild bridges, but a demanding case challenges both of their assumptions about what happened to the other one during the hiatus. Lestrade tries to play peacemaker, but Mycroft's meddling is counter-productive. Case fic, sickfic and angst all rolled into one misery-laden ball of reading pleasure
“Midnight Blue Serenity” by BeautifulFiction @the-pen-pot​
“This was like nothing John had ever thought to associate with Sherlock: stubble, skin-tight jeans and three small silver rings gleaming at the crest of one ear. It was unbelievable, like stepping into an alternative universe, and John couldn't stop staring.”
When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
“The Adventure of the Body Snatchers” by dioscureantwins
“Body snatchers,” whispered a girl. “Oh, Mr Holmes. Oh, Davey…” Her eyes watered and with heaving shoulders she buried her face into her neighbour’s overcoat.
Sherlock looked perplexed. “Is this one of those pop culture things?” he asked the room at large.
John nodded and drank the last of his tea while his flatmate rolled his eyes before leaping to his feet.
“Right. I can’t think with so much stupidity in the room.” He began making shooing motions at the distraught girl and the boy who sat comforting her as well as the others. “Everybody out. John and I don’t have time for this nonsense. Out, out, all of you.”
“The Moonlight and the Frost” by CaitlinFairchild
“And once again, you think you know what’s best for me.”
John rises from the chair, the anger and frustration and hurt overwhelming him, bursting out of every pore, and he doesn’t even know for sure that it’s Sherlock he’s angry at, really, but the only reason he tied himself to Mary in the first place is because the person he really loved left him behind, and the woman he married once sat in the shadows above a darkened swimming pool and aimed a sniper rifle at his heart and later shot his best friend in cold blood and cuckolded him and just gave birth to a child that wasn’t his and right now he just can’t do this, he just fucking can’t do this anymore.
John has to somehow rebuild his life in the wake of Mary's betrayal and Sherlock's deceptions.
“Sketchy” by serpentynka
What (and who) will be left when nobody cares about your Work? A slow-burn fic with cases, places, mistaken identities, unfair choices, essential changes, violent feels, blatant lies, fearless portraiture, family secrets, high-risk bespoke gifts, durable friendships, bedtime stories, foreign travel and tongues, sickness (and health), and the significance of things which are slow to unfurl -- but cannot be ignored. Oh, and...porn.
“All the best and brightest creatures” by wordstrings
Sherlock sent Jim Moriarty to prison for killing Carl Powers at age ten. This is the story of the consequences.
“The adventure of the silver scars” by tangledblue
“All this does not mean that I’m not still basically pissed off with you. I’m very pissed off, and it will come out now and then.” –His Last Vow   It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
“Major Pieces” by Lindentreeisle (Captainblue)
Sherlock knew that he could thoroughly rely upon John Watson's moral sense. And that's why he knew that Lestrade was wrong, wrong, wrong.
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lilypixels · 1 month
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OC Evolution Tag
I was tagged by @rollingsim and @simmingonthelow so I went scavenging through the depths of my blog to find pics of Victor through years
This covers 2019-present (tho a pic for 2023 is missing...but it was same as basically all years prior) tbh he hasn't changed a whole lot until recently
Now he has body freckles (based off a singular pic on pinterest), custom tattoo setup ive mashed together which is more in line with mental canon, I've changed skin used, recently found new hair thats more what ive always wanted (i mirrored it and think i might edit it more to be longer) among various smaller tweaks ! who knows what the future may hold for further evolutions
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