excellencyxvinx · 2 months
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Moi kochani tutaj znów Vin.
Kurcze... to już mój piąty ban i w dodatku drugi w przeciągu kilku dni :/ Mam wrażenie że ktoś musi mnie zgłaszać. Przez to wszytko ciężko jest mieć taką samą chęć prowadzenia tego konta, od razu mówię że nie odchodzę. Kocham to miejsce i nie wyobrażam sobie nie być tu obecną jednak nie wiem czy będę robić to jak dotychczas. Przykro mi jest po prostu gdy codziennie staram się nad postami i wszystkim dookoła nich, a to zaraz znika bez śladu. Mam nadzieję że rozumiecie.
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(z tego wszytkiego nawet zapomniałam zrobić ss poprzedniego konta więc dla uwagi wrzucam jeszcze popszedniego)
Więc jak to teraz będzie? Nie wiem, jeszcze nie zdecydowałam bo to wszystko świeże ale myślę że raz w tygodniu będę robić większe podsumowanie zamiast codziennych bilansów. Normalnie na dniach będę wrzucać pewnie jakieś krótsze nie wymagające posty z przemyśleniami typu shitpost lub dalej odpowiadać na wasze pytania. Co do przepisów to raczej niezmiennie, co jakiś czas będą.
Zobaczymy jednak co wyjdzie w praniu tak naprawdę. Myślę że tymczasowo będzie tak jak opisałam powyżej, a z czasem może wróci stary format bo naprawdę go lubię ale irytuję mnie to już.
Proszę was bardzo o reblogi po raz kolejny T_T Byłabym niezmiernie wdzięczna!
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twentysnoir · 2 months
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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ninakuli · 10 months
Bo Sinclair x reader
Maybe will write Lester and Vincent too!!
I just want to take care of him🥺
Special tag: @sh1n0o
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Bo wake up at the morning, he feel sick he want to throw up and he feel dizzy, but he force himself to stand up and walk, he have work to do, he won't let himself rest until he finish his ma dreams, so his hand support the wall and tumbling to the stairs, he look at the challenge and slowly go down but unfortunately he slippery, he fall down the stairs.
"Fuck..." He curse.
You hear the sound at first you suppose it's Vincent.
"Vin are you okay?" You run to the stairs then found out it's Bo.
"Omg!!! Darling are you hurt?!" You kneel down and check on him, then when you check him you feel his abnormally high body temperature.
"Fuck off don't touch me..." He push you away but strength weaker then before, you can feel.
"Honey you have high fever, just go to rest."
"I'm fine." "No you not." "I say I'm fine!!!" He yell.
"You just fucking fall down at the stairs!!" You refute.
"Then who can tak' care the gas station an' the tourists?" "Gas station I can take care and tourists Vincent can so just go to sleep!" "You can't." "Of course I can, I watch you take care the gas station so many times, I know how to do! Please just rest!" Your face full of worries.
Bo try to think about it, but his brain burned out, he can't think too much, he rub his head and try to stand up, he can't stand up without the wall support, you help him get up.
"Fuck, fine, only this time..." He whisper, he really don't like this, he hated be so weak and need help.
You assist him go back the bedroom and set well at bed.
"Wait me a second darling." You kiss his forehead and run out the bedroom, you bring the medicine, water, towel and some soup, you scooped a spoonful of soup and blow a few times then bring to his mouth.
"I can eat by myself." He snort "Come on just let me take care of you please?" He silence a moment then take a bite, you gentle smile and help him to eat, and help him take the medicine too, you lead him to lay down and put the cold wet towel on his forehead to cool down his body temperature, you kiss his temple and turn off the lights to let him sleep.
You walk to the gas station and sigh a little then start to work, you rely on your memory to take care the station, luckily today don't have any tourists at morning. It's noon, it's time for lunch, you back the house and sneak into the bedroom, Bo are sleeping but the fever don't have any appearance about turn good, you worry and put some food, water and medicine on the nightstand then go back to work.
Lester bring two tourists come, you nervously chat with them and try to allure them to the wax museum(Lester help you too), even it's difficult but you still successful and Vincent do the good job too, you check no one will bother Bo. Work gets done faster than you think, cause Lester help you so you back to house to check on Bo, you sneak to the bedroom, you touch his forehead, it's still burn but it's better than before, when you prepare go out he be pulled by Bo, he pull you under the covers with him, he hugs you tight "Don't go..." He whisper, you smile and snuggle closer then one hand around him another hand gentle comb and pet his head.
When you wake up you feel so tired and your head are hurt, you feel strange then you find out Bo are gone, you panicking and support your body from walls, tumbling to the downstairs and find Bo in the kitchen.
"Morning darlin', make your favorite breakfast." You weakly sit "Ya okay? You look not well." "I'm fine" You rub your head, Bo click his tongue and shake his head "I don' think so darlin'." You finish the meal and try to get up to do the dishes but your legs are shaking "No way..." Your face fall at the situation "Sit still I'll do the dishes." Bo take the plate to the sink and wash it, when he finished he walk to you and raised his one brow, you look at him "Fine..." You pout, then he picking you up bridal style to bedroom and bring you some medicine to take then snuggle into the covers with you, he hugs you.
"Hey thanks for tak' good care of me yesterday, now, le' me take care of you k?" You nods "Good, now rest." You feeling so tired so you fall asleep very quick, when you sleeping Bo just watching you and take care of you, he never leave.
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thewidowsghost · 1 year
Hello, Kaitlynn. I have a Skye/Daisy X reader request.
Reader is a lot like May and has taken a liking to Skye, Reader overhears the team talking about Skye (after she gets her powers) and she defends Skye. (Skye being there to hear what she says.)
Defense (Dais x Barton!Reader)
Main Masterlist
Daisy Johnson Masterlist
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Glass shatters over Skye and (Y/n)’s heads.
(Y/n) grabs her girlfriend’s hand, pulling her along.
Skye’s hands tremble, and (Y/n) leads her down one of the staircases into a dungeon like Ward’s.
(Y/n) sits Skye down on one of the beds.
“Honey, you can do this,” (Y/n) brushes a tear from Skye’s cheek as the room continues to shake. “We can do this. I believe in you.”
“I can’t,” Skye whispers. “I can’t ma-ake it stop,” Skye’s voice breaks, more tears running down her face. “Everyone is at risk.
“Honey, look at me,” (Y/n) says, moving to sit on the bed beside her lover. “Focus,” she takes Skye’s hands, brushing the tops gently with her thumbs.
“Yes, you can,” (Y/n) turns her back on her girlfriend for a moment as a sword is stabbed through the barrier (Y/n) had just put up.
“Agent Barton,” Sif yells through the barrier. “Release the girl.”
“Like hell,” (Y/n) replies.
“(Y/n), she’ll get through!” Skye says, meeting her lover’s eyes with wide eyes.
“Ignore it,” (Y/n) tells Skye, though her voice was gentle. “Remember, focus.”
The barrier breaks, and Sif steps through.
In a quick motion, Skye leans forward, grabbing (Y/n)’s ICER from her belt, shooting herself in the chest.
The quaking stops and (Y/n) tears her gaze away from Sif.
Forgetting the Asguardian, (Y/n) lunges at the bed, tapping Skye’s cheeks with a hand.
“Skye!” (Y/n) leans over her lover’s body, pulling Skye’s head into her lap. Tears fall down onto Skye’s cheeks as (Y/n) runs her fingers through Skye’s hair.
“She harmed herself,” Sif says, but (Y/n) doesn’t respond, too focused on Skye.
Coulson and May charge down the stairs.
“Even though she knew it meant giving up her freedom,” Coulson says, stepping up to Sif.
“All to save the rest of you,” Sif finishes, her gaze falling back on (Y/n) and Skye.
“Don’t you see? She wants to get better,” Coulson tells Sif.
May walks over to the bed, resting a comforting hand on (Y/n)’s shoulder.
“If you take Skye away from the people she loves,” Coulson goes on, “she’ll only get worse.”
. . .
(Y/n) is walking from Skye’s hospital bed to their shared room when she hears voices.
The remainder of the SHIELD team is cleaning up the glass while Coulson and May take Vin-Tak and Lady Sift to a place where Lady Sif can summon the Bifrost.
"Jemma . . ." Fitz begins. "Um . . . I know you feel that I could have been, uh . . . a bit more forthright -" Fitz pauses.
Jemma chuckles sarcastically, "Forthright. Fitz, as understatements go I think that qualifies as an instant classic. You lied to me."
"Okay, so now we're even," Fitz replies, putting his hands on his hips. "Could you blame me, the way you were going on about Raina, that she's a-a-a plague to be eradicated?" Fitz questions. "I -"
"Skye is my friend. She’s different," Simmons retorts.
"Oh, yeah. Like I was your friend, and then I changed?" Fitz asks. "How did you handle that?"
By this point, the two had caught the attention of Mack, Bobbi, and Hunter, and (Y/n)’s eyes had glued themselves to the scene in front of her.
"Uh, t-the point is, secrets don't help any of us," Mack says. "Y/n) and Skye should have come clean," he says.
"What, and risk being locked up like animals?" Fitz asks. "Studied? Or who knows what else? No, I wouldn't let either of them."
"Oh, you wouldn't let them," Jemma asks.
"We could have handled them," Mack says. "In a way that would have kept everyone safe."
"It wasn't fair to us, Fitz," Bobbi says softly. "We had a right to know."
"A right to know," Fitz echoes. "What - is that the same way that Sif and the Kree had a right to know?"
"I think this situation's a little bit different, mate," Hunter responds.
"No, you would have done to them exactly what Sif and the Kree wanted to," Fitz argues.
"You don't know that," Simmons says.
"Yes, I do know that!" Fitz yells. "They would - You would - You'd 'handle them'! Mack just said it! Like, uh - Skye is something to be locked away in a cage somewhere. We should be protecting her."
"No, Fitz," Mack interrupts. "We're the ones that need protection from her." Then Mack goes silent, looking over Simmons's shoulder to meet (Y/n)’s eyes.
“You do understand that she shot herself to protect us?” (Y/n)’s voice was deathly quiet, though there was no doubt that the others could hear her.
“It was only an ICER.” Simmons replies and (Y/n) lets out a laugh, and the other’s wince at the slight hysteria in the sound.
“What if Skye hadn’t known it was an ICER?” (Y/n) says, her words taking on a harsh tone. “What if it had been an actual gun? She shot herself in the -” (Y/n)’s words break as she sucks in a breath of air. “She shot herself in the heart. If that had been a real gun, she would’ve -” her voice breaks again.
Mack, Bobbi, and Hunter’s gazes fall on something behind (Y/n), and the higher level agent turns, meeting her girlfriend’s watery gaze.
Skye looks so hurt, so betrayed that (Y/n) almost doesn’t follow. Then (Y/n) metaphorically kicks herself, knowing that her lover wasn’t mad at her.
Word Count: 965 words
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cosmicqvake · 1 year
friendly reminder that the absolutely amazing, iconic, total BADASS that is melinda qiaolian may was ready to go toe-to-toe with lady sif, a literal asgardian warrior, and vin-tak, big scary blue kree man, to protect skye
mama may was NOT letting them take her daughter no matter the consequences and I love her so much for that
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skyler10fic · 9 months
You Remind Me of Someone
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By Skyler10
Summary: Carol is injured in battle, causing a bout of amnesia! There’s nothing medically accurate in this fic, but it sure makes Daisy sad. Watch her deal with her emotions while caring for her wife, and watch Carol unknowingly fall for her all over again.
For the @ficwip @ficwip5k!
Read on Ao3
It should have been me. 
That thought chilled Daisy more than the hospital air conditioner blasting purified air. Her knees bumped against the hard plastic frame of Carol’s hospital bed as she prayed for Carol to open her eyes. 
Daisy had been here before, literally and metaphorically. People had died for her, whether sacrificially or coincidentally, all her life. She’d been the motive for her serial-killing parents, a pawn in wars, a vulnerability to Shield, and a symbol others laid down their lives for, so that she could survive to complete her missions and save countless others—sometimes entire planets. 
And then she met Carol Danvers. They’d fought across the galaxy side by side, fallen in love, and returned home to earth to work for the super-agent division of Shield, led by Daisy’s adoptive parents, Phil Coulson and Melinda May. This seemed to be the solution to Daisy’s curse: followed by Death like a shadow. Carol was mortal, but only just. She aged as slowly as Daisy, had otherwise unimaginable powers, flew without the aid of tech gear, and could use light and heat at her command. She was strong in every way. 
But not even Carol Danvers could escape the effects of the amnesia-inducing Kree truncheon. The blow was meant for Daisy. In a surprise attack, Vin-Tak was not going to let another opportunity pass him by to eliminate the inhuman “abomination” his people had created. Instead, Carol had intercepted the blow with a photon blast, but she paid dearly for her actions. He hit Carol hard, and Daisy hit him harder. He was no match for their team together, and the other super-agents on the team tricked him into a containment pod. 
The team noticed Daisy and Carol weren’t celebrating. Daisy hunched over Carol, mumbling, “No! Please wake up!” Daisy remembered it like an out-of-body experience: Shield paramedics. The sirens of the emergency extract pod they had dubbed “the ambulance.” Her friends pulling her away from Carol’s body as the medics worked.  
She remembered Phil holding her and Melinda paying close attention as the Shield doctor explained Carol’s injuries: a broken arm, significant bruising, shock, and, of course, the truncheon’s trademark amnesia could be expected. Maybe more. Jemma and Fitz, the super team’s best scientists, were already exploring any possible antidote to the amnesiac powers of the truncheon if diplomacy (or threats) to Vin-Tak failed. 
Daisy had a question she was too afraid to ask the doctor, so she waited until Jemma visited that evening, interrupting Daisy’s cycle of self-blame and guilt and prayers. 
“Knock knock,” Jemma said at the open hospital room door. 
Daisy glanced up. Her voice was low and hoarse when she spoke. “Come in.” 
Jemma sat next to Daisy, and they watched Carol for a few minutes. Alive, with the steady vitals on the monitor above her bed, but unstirred by the presence of others around her.
Daisy broke the silence. “It’s because of the damage before, isn’t it?”
“From the amnesia when she got her powers, yes, but also whatever the Kree did to heal her while replacing her memories. It’s a theory anyway. Daisy, even if Vin-Tak reverses the amnesia or Fitz and I find a solution, it may take a while for them to come back. This isn’t like when Lady Sif recovered instantly. Carol’s memories may be spotty even after she’s healed.”
“But if neither one works…”
Jemma put her hand on Daisy’s. “We aren’t going to let that happen. She’ll come back to us. We just have to give it time.” 
Daisy took her best friend’s promise seriously, sleeping on a cot in Carol’s room and hardly leaving her side. An agreement was made with Vin-Tak, and he reversed the power of the truncheon. Watching the oddly ceremonial scene of the Kree standing over a prone and sedated Carol, Daisy could hardly breathe, waiting anxiously for Carol’s eyes to open. Daisy didn’t know, and honestly didn’t care, what Phil had promised in return. All Daisy knew was that Carol relaxed into more peaceful sleep afterward. 
The first thing Carol felt before opening her eyes was all-consuming pain. She whimpered and tried to pry open her eyes, but all she saw was a nurse in scrubs bringing her relief. The medicine fought back the pain but also kept her groggy, and she could barely form words to thank them. When they wheeled her to the bathroom, she’d go through the motions instinctually but not really processing any of it: the color of the tile, the temperature of the water at the sink, how she ended up back in bed. Even her own pale, hollow reflection was a stranger. The pattern continued like this, in and out, but she was aware of a presence always beside her. 
She remembered an older woman dying in her arms, perhaps like a mother. Another and another, in various scenes: human, alien, men, women, children… so much death. The thought that it might be her turn made something inside her scream NO. But after all this death she’d witnessed, what else was there? 
Then the pain meds hit, and she felt like she was flying, really flying. The sting of the wind and the energy it took to sustain and the way of moving her body to change direction. She knew it as if it was muscle memory. Instinct. 
If only she could fly away from this pain and the exhaustion. The care and concern of the voices around her (and lack of restraints) told her she was being treated by her own people, but she couldn’t picture the faces of her team. 
Every time pain came back, she gave up trying to puzzle it all out decided she’d rest a little longer. 
Daisy typed away at her laptop in Carol’s hospital room, on her cot with her back against the wall, positioned so she could glance up to check on Carol and her vitals from time to time. Despite being out of the field for the foreseeable future, Daisy had not slowed down on her work between nurses and doctors bustling in to look after Carol and spout instructions at Daisy before disappearing again. 
The team came to visit between missions, and tonight it was Jemma’s turn. She offered to sit with Carol while Daisy took a break. 
“You need to get out of this room,” Jemma admonished. “I can tell. It’s driving you mad being in this box.” 
Daisy had to admit Jemma was right. She rubbed her eyes with her fingertips. “It’s more the lack of answers. The doctors say Carol seems to be in a healing state. Feel her skin.” 
Daisy nodded to the exposed, slightly glowing skin on Carol’s unbroken arm. 
Avoiding the IV line, Jemma did, and just as she had suspected, it was burning hot. Carol’s power was clearly trying its best to heal her from the inside out. 
“I thought she might,” Jemma confessed. “I suggested as much to the doctors, but I didn’t know there’d be such a strong sedative effect of the combination of her powers with the IV cocktail to keep her comfortable in the meantime.” 
The IV bag still had hours of medicine left in it. The screen nearby told them Carol’s vitals remained stable, and despite the warmth of her skin, she didn’t have a fever.
“A shower would be really nice,” Daisy sighed. 
“Go! Shower, get some clean clothes, eat something that isn’t hospital food, have a walk…”  
“Okay, okay, I’m going. All of that sounds really good.” Her guilty expression as she looked to Carol prompted Jemma to lightly pull her off the cot and toward the door. Daisy gave Jemma a tired half-smile and put her laptop in her bag. 
“I’ll be back soon,” she said softly, more to Carol than Jemma. 
“Take your time!” Jemma called after her as Daisy left reluctantly. 
As much as she wanted a shower, her stomach told her food was a requirement first. She headed to the pizza shop across the street and took it to-go, eating at a picnic table with a view of the sunset over the city. One tower of Hospital Hill was dedicated to the general public, but as with most such buildings, no one suspected the other tower was reserved for the intelligence agencies, with a floor of beds specific to Shield with restricted access, even excluding those in other agencies with top security clearances. 
Still, Daisy could clock who was here for Tower One or Tower Two. She entertained herself with this game until she was done eating, then headed back to the old red-brick 1940s “factory” that held their secret base. Home.
Daisy didn’t remember falling asleep on top of the bed fully clothed, but she awoke, clutching a fresh T-shirt, all the same. She’d been searching for a specific pair of yoga pants before her involuntary nap had taken over, proving she was more tired than she thought. By the darkness outside, she’d been gone from the hospital longer than planned, so she wasn’t surprised when Jemma called, expecting her to ask about when Daisy was coming back. 
“I’m so sorry, I will be right there,” Daisy said as soon as she answered. “I just need a shower first.” 
“No, no. That’s not—” Jemma’s tone quieted Daisy’s embarrassment. “The doctor gave her a different painkiller, and it’s not causing the same sedation.” 
“Is she awake? Like really awake?” Of course, as soon as Daisy left her side, that would be when she regained full consciousness. Figures.
Jemma hesitated. “Gradually. There’s good news and, well, the news we expected. She is asking for you, but only as the woman who was there before. She knew you were there the whole time. She just can’t remember who you are, or any of us.”
Daisy’s world stopped. Carol didn’t remember her. They’d known this might be a possibility, even with Vin-Tak restoring her memory with the truncheon. 
“She will, though? She will. It just takes time, right?” Daisy gasped for air. “That’s what you said before. We just have to be patient. She’ll heal.”  
“Daisy, I need you to breathe. I think you’re having a panic attack, yeah?” 
Daisy nodded, forgetting Jemma couldn’t see her, but Jemma interpreted the silence correctly.
“Keep breathing with me. Now, here’s what we’re going to do,” Jemma said in her best gentle but firm doctor bedside-manner voice. “We’re going to let Carol adjust. Let her come back a little at a time. Right now, you’re going to take a shower, and then—only when you’re ready—you can come back here where you need to be. Is that all right?” 
“Okay, yes.” Daisy inhaled deeply, collecting herself. “I can do this.” 
“We can do this. You aren’t doing this alone. The whole team is here for you and Carol. Whatever you need.” 
What she needed was her wife back. She needed Carol to hold her and tell her everything was fine, but of course, that was the problem. 
Off the phone with Jemma, Daisy went through the motions of caring for her body, but the shower unleashed something in her that had been held back for days until it burst out in deep, heavy sobs. 
She struggled to catch her breath and slid down to the tile floor. With the safety and privacy of the water, she let all the grief and fear and trauma spill out through her gasps. She’d tried to hold it together for Carol, but now with it confirmed that Carol’s amnesia was still holding on, despite Vin-Tak reversing the effects of the truncheon, the tears were unstoppable. She thought of having to pretend Carol wasn’t her wife, to keep from drowning her with explanations, which would be terrifying to hear from a stranger. She realized Carol wouldn’t be able to say “I love you” back with any sincerity, no longer knowing who Daisy was to her.
Some childish part of her wanted it to be easy. That she’d walk back in the door of that hospital room and Carol would see her and instantly know. Even if it was too much to hope for that the mere sight of Daisy would bring back all of Carol’s memories, at least maybe Carol would see Daisy and instantly recognize her. Some part of her would know they were bonded for life. And still love her. 
She’d pictured a thousand ways of losing Carol. But given Daisy’s history and their shared profession, all of them assumed death. Never once did she account for having to live with a Carol who didn’t know her. But, she reminded herself, they were both alive. And Jemma was giving her hope that Carol would come back, in time. So the challenge, for however long, was clear: to start over fresh and woo her wife all over again.
Daisy sniffed and shakily stood back up in the shower. She could do this. She had survived orphanages and foster homes, homelessness and Shield training, government plots and xenophobia, space and time travel, fighting super villains and her own inner demons. Daisy Johnson, super-agent of Shield, could do anything. 
And don’t get her started on her wife’s power.
With fire in her eyes and anger at the universe fueling her determination, she packed for the hospital like she was prepping for a mission. She wore her backpack and slung her duffle bag over her shoulder, then marched out of the base and right back to Carol’s bedside.
Despite the (understandable) panic at learning she was missing her memories and wasn’t recognizing people she should, Carol relaxed as the familiar hot girl came back. Jemma had said the hot girl’s name was Daisy. Carol’s head hurt too much to decipher why this answer made Jemma nearly laugh and cry at the same time. Carol understood Daisy was her partner, but Jemma wouldn’t say more. She needed to remember on her own so they were sure the amnesia was fading. Jemma recounted what she knew of the battle that had landed her here but said Daisy would know more. 
Maybe it was the way Daisy looked at her, but something about this “partner” of hers both comforted her and made her heart race. 
“Hey,” Daisy smiled but it was so sad that Carol made it her personal mission to cheer her up. Something to focus on besides being a stranger to her own life.
“Hey,” Carol returned. “Jemma tells me that you’re Daisy, right? And we work together?”
“Yeah!” Daisy sat down on the cot. Carol realized Daisy must have been sleeping here, noticing the state of the room in a different way now. “Did Jemma tell you what we do for work?” 
Before Carol could answer, Daisy swiped a finger through the air and the door to the room shut gently but swiftly. 
Carol’s eyes lit up, but she played it safe. “She didn’t, but I can guess. We help people, maybe in ways that normal people can’t? Maybe ways that are considered… super?” 
Daisy smiled in earnest now. “Yeah, there are a few of us on our team with powers, but yours? Yours are on a whole other level. Do you remember them?”
Carol tilted her head and paused for a moment, taking in more of Daisy. She squinted, and let the loudest thought out of her head, as odd as it sounded in response. “Your hands are always cold.”
“Oh.” Daisy wasn’t expecting this answer and looked away, but confirmed, “You warm them up.” 
Carol fought the urge to vocalize how warm Daisy made her feel. If they had a workplace-appropriate relationship, she didn’t want to scare Daisy off or cross a line. 
“But you do a lot more than that,” Daisy continued. When she turned back to Carol, she stood and held out a hand. Carol took it and cautiously mirrored her, making sure to lean on the side of the bed. With one arm broken and the other attached to an IV, she couldn’t exactly catch herself if she fell. Up until today, she had been too loopy to know much beyond that her most basic needs were being taken care of and she didn’t have to fight their healing efforts. 
“Good,” Daisy praised at Carol’s steadiness. “But I want you to do more than stand. This might sound crazy, depending on how much you remember, but I want you to—” 
Carol knew where Daisy was going with this and levitated off the ground. Familiar warmth shot through her, and she let go of Daisy’s hand to fly as high as her IV would let her. It was like coming home to herself.
“It’s everything more recent that’s fuzzy.” Carol savored the moment but landed, close to Daisy. She watched the yellow, white, and purple light fade from her fingers. “The last thing I remember, I was on a space station that was about to explode. Did explode. But I’m guessing this is Earth, right? How did I get back?”
She looked at the window, the English on the signs around her, the 21st-century technology. 
“That was about five years ago,” Daisy sighed. Carol’s balance wobbled. “Let’s get you back into bed so you don’t fall over.”   
She was missing five years again . 
“Do you remember Agent Coulson?” 
Carol struggled to remember the name. “He was a friend of Fury’s?” 
“Yeah. He’s our boss. And my dad.” Daisy shrugged. “Adopted dad. It’s a complicated story.” 
Carol frowned. “I’ll remember it eventually, right?” 
Daisy hesitated, rubbing the swirl of a tattoo on her left ring finger. “Yeah, of course.” 
Carol’s eyelids grew heavy, and her head sank into the pillow. Using her powers drained her energy faster than she expected, but she fought the exhaustion. “Do you promise?” 
The question came out more childlike than intended, but Daisy simply brushed Carol’s hair back. “I promise.”
Carol’s last thought as she drifted off to sleep was that Daisy’s touch was as effective for her frightened mind as any medicine was for her aching body. 
The next few days were focused on Carol’s physical health, with the doctors taking fervent notes on how rapidly her body was healing. And if she stumbled or lost her balance, Daisy was always there to lean on, literally, as she recovered. 
They weaned Carol off the IV, and all that was left to heal were her broken arm and missing memories. Daisy and their team answered Carol’s questions with facts or light half-answers. They were advised to let Carol’s mind heal without retraumatizing her or overwhelming her, so they did their best to hide their heartache at her confusion. 
Daisy sensed Carol had a secret of her own. Carol might not remember Daisy, but Daisy knew Carol better than anyone. It killed Daisy how Carol looked at her, but for the opposite reason Daisy expected it would. Carol didn’t look at her as a stranger but with the same spark and affection as always. It just didn’t mean what it had. 
She wore that look now, as they waited in the hospital room for the nurse to summon her for her arm X-ray. With good results, her tight, stiff Shield super-cast would be replaced by a much lighter, comfortable model. Then, home. Daisy had no idea how to proceed from here. They had gotten in a rhythm in the hospital room. Not a long-term one, but for the situation, they adapted, as they always had. Now, Daisy had to figure out how to explain to Carol that they were each other’s “partners” in every sense. 
Carol was watching her, a question on her lips. Instead of asking it, she smiled and shook her head, as if dismissing the thought entirely. 
“What?” Daisy asked. “I can tell you want to say something, and it’s okay.”
Carol moved to sit on the edge of the bed, facing Daisy and cradling her cast with the other arm. Her expression flashed with a challenge. “You promise you won’t be offended?” 
“I can take it.” Daisy laughed, as amused as she was curious. 
Carol licked her lips. “Listen, I know there’s a lot of context I’m missing. So we may have been over this already. But just in case we didn’t… This is a fresh start for me, in a way. I know my memories are coming back, but it’s still made me realize that life is short, and we need to take the chance, you know? Just jump.” 
She reached out her healthy arm and Daisy took her hand. “Sorry, I’m not really following here. What are we jumping into?” 
“I don’t want to wait anymore. I don’t care what Shield rules it would be breaking.” Carol took a deep breath and shrugged her good shoulder. “I’m falling in love with you. I think we’ve have been for a long time, and maybe we were just too scared to say it. And I can tell you feel the same way. You’ve been right here the whole time. Daisy, I don’t remember much of what we’ve been through as partners on this super team, but I don’t think this is what people do when they are just coworkers.”
Carol gestured to the unmade sheets on the cot Daisy was sitting on. 
Daisy’s brain caught up with Carol’s confession. Carol didn’t remember they were married and yet felt something between them. She thought it was a forbidden coworker love. Daisy tried hard not to giggle at the bittersweet irony but couldn’t help the watery smile that bloomed. 
“You’re right. I didn’t know how to tell you—” but that sentence would remain unfinished as the nurses burst in to accompany Carol to her X-ray. Daisy would wait in the room, confession unspoken that not only was their workplace romance mutual, as Carol suspected Daisy’s answer to be, but that they had sealed the deal years ago. 
The words died on Daisy’s lips as she was left alone. She exhaled and ran a hand through her hair before retrieving her laptop. She had about a dozen emails from Jemma asking about details for Carol’s homecoming, from whether they needed to make up a guest room for Carol to what kind of cake she would like. 
Daisy had a feeling that even if Carol didn’t remember they were married, she’d be very on board with sharing a room and a bed. Mission accomplished. She’d helped Carol heal and won her all over again. It wasn’t as magical as if merely the sight of Daisy had brought back Carol’s memories, but fairytale was overrated. Eventually, the amnesia would fade and, as Carol said, this was a fresh start. 
Now just to figure out how to tell her just how correct her assessment of their feelings had been…
Carol held her hand still for the X-rays, but the best feeling in the world was getting to flex her fingers and roll her wrist around on the walk back to her hospital room. The doctor noticed. 
“Does that hurt at all? Any limits on your range of motion?” 
Carol considered his questions they approached her room. “It’s really sore, but that’s probably normal, right? From being in the cast and the bruises?” 
She tested it out, stretching as they walked through the doorway and Daisy noticed their entrance. 
The doctor took her arm and prodded, pressed, and gently moved her fingers and wrist around, telling her to say something as soon as she felt any pain. 
She stayed quiet. He stopped and watched her face for any cringe or hidden discomfort. “Actually feels good, like stretching when you’ve been in the same position too long.” 
“I’ll be right back.” He rushed out of the room and down the hall in the direction of the radiology lab they had just left. 
Carol and Daisy were alone again. 
“So, you were saying?” Carol prompted. Instead of answering, Daisy took Carol’s newly freed left hand and pressed a kiss to the back, then made a face. 
“Whatever they put on that does not taste good. Kinda metallic?” 
Carol sniffed it herself and laughed. “I’ll go wash it off. If the doctor comes back and says not to get it wet or they’ll have to keep me here another week, tell him I snuck out the back way.” 
Daisy laughed and rolled her eyes. She didn’t say anything but watched Carol closely as she walked to the ensuite. 
Carol noticed something that wouldn’t wash off. She held her hand up and looked closer. When had she gotten a tattoo? Well, that was obvious: during the five years her memory was missing. It was a flower on her left ring finger. Oddly specific placement. The stem and little leaves continued all the way around, with the petals in a circle on top, right where a diamond would traditionally be, shaped almost like a… daisy. 
Oh. OH. 
Carol rushed out of the bathroom and held out her left hand. She could hardly form words, just gaping at the grinning woman waiting for her to figure it out. 
“It’s you.” Carol’s heart raced as she looked to the flower tattoo and to Daisy, whose tears were pooling in her sparkling eyes. 
“Always,” Daisy promised, rushing to hold Carol close. Carol embraced her tightly and choked back her own tears of grief for the missing memories and for their love being more real than she imagined. 
Carol pulled back. “I’m sorry I can’t remember much.”
“It’s okay,” Daisy soothed. “Give it time.” 
“Why do I remember rain?” 
Daisy nodded in encouragement. “It was raining on our honeymoon on the day we got these.” 
Daisy held her own left hand up so Carol could see the treble clef that wove over the top of Daisy’s ring finger and around. 
“It’s beautiful,” Carol said in awe. “So I was right that we’d had that conversation before. But how? I want to know everything.” 
“Actually,” Daisy corrected with a flirtatious bat of her lashes, “we didn’t need that coworkers-to-lovers confession because we were pretty obvious from day one. You said the last thing you remembered was the exploding spaceship five years ago. I was on the closest ship, which became your extract team. We tripped pulling you in, and you landed right on top of me and made some joke about getting to know each other first or at least buying you a drink. And I did, and then we did…” 
“Wow, I moved in fast?” Carol raised an eyebrow. “Too fast?”  
“It was very mutual,” Daisy assured. “Two years later, you popped the question. We’d just finished a mission and were hiking back to the plane, alone with an amazing view, looking out over a valley and all these mountains.”
“Impressed with past me! Not bad. And you said yes?” 
Daisy gave Carol what she was fishing for. “Hell yes. And then a year later, we said for better or worse, in sickness and in health. Which is good because we’re not as indestructible as they all think.” 
The doctor interrupted again, this time trying to contain his excitement at her medical marvels.
“Agent Danvers, we have excellent news. Not only can you go home today, but you won’t need a new cast. No work yet, at least not in the field, and nothing too strenuous, but you seem to have healed yourself.” 
“Uhh… Thank you,” Carol stuttered out. She hadn’t expected that. She’d been cherishing these moments of freedom before being wrapped up in at least a brace.
He asked a few questions about her amnesia and took notes on his tablet. 
“I remember a lot more now.” Carol took her wife’s hand. This was the most unbelievable part of this whole week. Not the blue guy with a memory-erasing and -restoring truncheon. Not that she was on a Shield superhero team. It was that she’d not only fallen in love with Daisy twice now, but this incredible woman was her wife. That part seemed too good to be true. 
The doctor noted the intention behind Carol’s words and his lips turned up at the corner. “Good to hear. If you need to talk to someone, whether in neurology or psychology to process what you’ve been through, here’s the numbers to call for each.” He handed Carol a card, and she passed it to Daisy for safekeeping. 
They checked out and left the hospital together, ready to start their new chapter. 
In the early hours of the morning a week later, Carol rolled over in their bed onto her sore shoulder and the pain jolted like a lightning bolt to her brain. The last missing pieces flooded in, and in her drowsy state, it hardly registered that this wasn’t a nightmare. It was a flashback: Vin-Tak ready to steal Daisy from her, getting there too late, the impact of the truncheon, and falling with her arm at just the wrong angle. 
She whimpered and, as a defensive reflex, curled up tightly. This woke Daisy up as Carol’s knee hit her lower back. 
“Ow.” Daisy rolled over and saw Carol’s furrowed brow and tightly shut eyes. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” 
Daisy pulled Carol close, and after a minute, Carol panted and eventually relaxed. When her eyes opened, it was like a dark curtain lifted from her brain. 
“Daisy.” Carol said it with a clarity and recognition and awe that had been slowly fading in, now fully restored. “I’m back.” 
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noxi2137 · 2 months
Yo, off topic post ale widział ktoś Vin? (nie pamiętam pełnej nazwy ale chyba jakoś tak było) Szukałam jej dzisiaj na Tumblr i nie mogłam znaleźć, wie ktoś co sie stało?
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helianthus21 · 1 year
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dhmoraj · 9 months
**2023 ki sabse aane vali bollywood aur hollywood filmen**
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2023 mein kai aisi bollywood aur hollywood filmen release hone wali hain jinke bare mein ham sab utsahit hain. yahan kuchh sabse aane vali filmon ki jankari di gai hai:
**bollywood filmen**
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* **bachchan panday:** yah film superhit 1978 ki film "don" ki remake hai. is film mein shahrukh khan, katrina kaif aur john abraham lead role mein hain. film 16 december, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
* **hrithik roshan ki next film:** hrithik roshan ki next film ka title abhi tak nishchit nahin hai, lekin yah film 10 march, 2023 ko release hone wali hai. is film mein hrithik roshan ke sath sanaya mirza lead role mein hain.
* **taran adarsh ki next film:** taran adarsh ki next film "vikram vedha" ka sequel hai. is film mein taran adarsh, vidyut jamwal aur rashmika mandanna lead role mein hain. film 30 september, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
* **salman khan ki next film:** salman khan ki next film "tiger 3" hai. is film mein salman khan ke sath katrina kaif lead role mein hain. film 21 april, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
* **akshay kumar ki next film:** akshay kumar ki next film "raksha bandhan" hai. is film mein akshay kumar ke sath sara ali khan lead role mein hain. film 11 august, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
**hollywood filmen**
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* **avatar 2:** yah film 2009 ki superhit film "avatar" ka sequel hai. is film mein sam walters, zoe saldana aur sigourney weaver lead role mein hain. film 16 december, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
* **the batman:** yah film batman ke bare mein hai. is film mein robert patton batman ka role nibhayenge. film 4 march, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
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* **black panther: wakanda forever:** yah film 2018 ki superhit film "black panther" ka sequel hai. is film mein chadwick boseman batman ka role nibhayenge. film 11 november, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
* **ant-man and the wasp: quantumania:** yah film ant-man aur wasp ke bare mein hai. is film mein paul rudd ant-man ka role nibhayenge aur elizabeth olsen wasp ka role nibhayenge. film 17 february, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
* **guardians of the galaxy vol. 3:** yah film guardians of the galaxy ke bare mein hai. is film mein chris pratt, zoe saldana, vin diesel aur chris hemsworth lead role mein hain. film 5 may, 2023 ko release hone wali hai.
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ye 2023 mein release hone wali kuchh sabse aane vali bollywood aur hollywood filmen hain. inmein se aap kis film ko dekhne ka sabse jyada intezar kar rahe hain?
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oneiriad · 1 year
אני כל כך שמחה לשמוע שאת לוקחת רעיונות לכתיבה
Nie Huaisang & Wen Kexing, בבקשה
Wen Kexing var rasende.
Hvor vovede de her grågrønne, grumsede knoldesparkere at slæbe afsted med ham, som om han ikke var Spøgelsesdalens frygtindgydende høvding. Som om han var en simpel stratenrøver eller voldtægtsforbryder, bagbundet og afvæbnet og helt og aldeles ydmyget.
Hvor vovede de?! Hvor kunne de? De var så tydeligt ikke andet end en flok lavtrangerende soldater, simple tølpere, og alligevel havde de hakket hans vifte midtover og nærmest brækket hans ben.
Selv en førsteklasses kampsportsmand som hans A-Xu ville ikke ha' kunne overvinde ham så let. Hvor vovede denne flok bøller...?!
Og for hvad? Hvad havde han gjort dem? Budt på en omgang vin til hele skænkestuen for at fejre brevet fra hans A-Xu og bedt dem skåle for Wen den Gavmilde som tak? Og hvad var takken? Sabelraslen og vold?
Hvor vovede de???!!!
Hvor vovede de slæbe ham afsted af den her møgbeskidte jordvej og ud til lejren med de grønne telte og de fremmedartede bannere, som han med vilje var gået langt uden om på vej ind i byen. Han kendte ingen kampsportssekt med det tyrehoved-lignende symbol og han havde andre og bedre ting at lave i dag.
Tølperne slæbte ham gennem teltlejren, direkte hen til det største telt.
"Højtærede sektleder Nie?" kom det fra bøllernes chef. "Vi har pågrebet en mand i byen."
Wen Kexing bandede da de smed ham ind i teltet. Til sin overraskelse landede han blødt, så han nær ikke havde præsteret at rulle og komme på benene af bar overraskelse.
Han gloede olmt på - og det var så også en overraskelse. Hvis bøllerne var noget at gå efter, skulle man ha' forventet at deres chef var en kriger, høj og bredskuldret og intimiderende. Spirrevippen som tittede nervøst på ham henover kanten af sin vifte passede lige så dårligt ind som det bløde tæppe under hans fødder eller de to unge piger, som var stoppet med deres musiceren ved hans bratte ankomst.
"Jeg var ikke klar over, at vi var blevet hyret til vagttjeneste, Kaptajn," sagde spirrevippen efter at have kigget på ham lidt. "Betaler magistraten godt?"
"Sektleder Nie, vi tog selv initiativ til at arrestere denne slyngel," erklærede kaptajnen og skød brystet frem.
"Aha. Og hvilken forbrydelse har denne herre begået, Kaptajn? For det må jo være grelt. Lidt lommetyveri kunne I jo bare have overladt til portvagten."
"Han sagde, at han var en Wen!"
"Javel ja. Er det korrekt, hr.? Hedder De Wen?"
"Wen Kexing," og han rankede ryggen og sendte bøllekaptajnen et vredt blik. "Ikke at jeg aner hvorfor mit navn skal lægges mig til last på denne måde! Overfaldet på åben gade! Se dog på mit tøj!"
"Og det var alt, Kaptajn?"
"Er det ikke nok, sektleder?"
Spirrevippen sukkede og foldede sin vifte.
"To spørgsmål, Hr. Wen. For det første - siger navnet Wen Ruohan Dem noget?"
"Aldrig hørt om manden."
"Og deres slægt?"
"Mine forældre kom fra Lægedalen."
"Den er jeg desværre ikke bekendt med. Som De måske kan gætte, så er vi ikke lokale, og der virker til at være sket en beklagelig misforståelse. Kaptajn!"
"Vi er langt fra både Det Urene Rige og Den Natløse Stad - og det kan godt være, at alle der hed Wen derhjemme skiftede navn eller flyttede væk for år tilbage. Men her er det bare et navn. Og I kan ikke gå og overfalde tilfældige almindelige mennesker bare fordi de hedder det. Forstået?"
Wen Kexing blev egentlig bare mere forvirret. Spirrevippen havde virket så blød og harmløs, men hans stemme...
"Og få så det gudebindende reb af ham! Det er da at overdrive. Manden er jo tydeligvis ikke kultiveret, så hvad skal det til for?"
"Han slog nu godt fra sig," brummede kaptajnen, men adlød. Ikke at Wen Kexing værdigede ham et blik, for hvor vovede spirrevippen!!! Ikke kultiveret? Ham?! Han havde mere dannelse i sin lillefinger end denne...
"Så' det godt! Du og din enhed har latrintjeneste den næste måned. Et ord til og I kommer til at hænge på et halvt års gravvagt når vi kommer hjem!"
Bøllerne fortrak og spirrevippen gik hen til Wen Kexing og bukkede høfligt. Åh tak, så nu var man pludselig høflig.
"Tillad mig at præsentere mig, hr. Jeg hedder Nie Huaisang og undskylder dybt for den beklagelige misforståelse og mine mænds opførsel. Som et lille plaster på såret må De virkelig gøre mig den ære at være min gæst - i hvert fald indtil vi kan få repareret Deres tøj. Piger! Gå ud og bed tjenerne gøre et varmt bad klar og finde noget tøj der kan passe Hr. Wen. Ja, jeg ville tilbyde noget af mit eget, men De er vist en anelse for bredskuldret," og han rakte hånden ud for at børste lidt vejstøv af Wen Kexings dragt.
Da han trak hånden tilbage var der en dråbe blod på den.
"Åh, De er jo såret. Altså, de brutale typer vi holder os. Lad mig?" og han rakte hånden frem, åben, som om han bad om tilladelse til at tage hans puls.
Wen Kexing besluttede sig for at gøre gode miner til slet spil og lagde sin hånd i Nie Huaisangs.
I næste sekund spilede han øjnene op og måtte nærmest bide sig selv i tungen for ikke at stønne. Den unge mand tog ikke hans puls - han skubbede energi ind i ham, så rent og glødende og frydefuldt, at ingen kampsportskunstners qi kunne sammenlignes. Det var som flydende sollys, der smuttede ind under huden på ham, kærtegnede hans meridianbaner og udglattede hver en skramme og hvert et blåt mærke undervejs.
Da Nie Huaisang slap hans hånd stod Wen Kexing tilbage med følelsen af lige at ha' haft et af sit livs bedste orgasmer.
"Ja, De må undskylde. Min storebror var altid ganske fortvivlet over hvor ukultiveret jeg er, men lidt basal feltmedicin fik han da banket ind i knolden på mig. Lidt vin, gode herre, så vi kan få tiden til at gå behageligt indtil Deres bad er klar?"
Wen Kexing fandt et smil frem og takkede ja. Hans næste brev til A-Xu ville bestemt ikke blive kedeligt.
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ligapediaslot · 9 days
John Cena Benarkan Vin Diesel dan Dwayne Johnson Berselisih
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Ligapedia.news - Dua bintang Fast and Furious, Vin Diesel dan Dwayne Johnson, selama ini dikabarkan berselisih. Kabar itu nampaknya benar, setelah rekan mereka, John Cena, memberi konfirmasinya. "Ya, memang ada rumor itu, aku tidak bisa membantahnya. Ada dua pria alfa yang sangat dominan di mana harusnya cuma ada satu saja," kata John Cena dalam siniar bersama Dax Shepard. Meski memastikan perselisihan itu, John Cena tidak membeberkan lebih lanjut terkait detail masalah yang terjadi antara Vin Diesel dan "The Rock." John Cena sendiri merasa bersyukur dilibatkan dalam proyek film Fast and Furious, dan melihat kesempatan itu sebagai sebuah undangan dari sebuah keluarga. "Aku diundang ke rumah orang, dikenalkan pada keluarganya yang tak pernah melihat orang-orang dari penampilan fisiknya. Aku sudah cukup bersyukur dengan apa yang mereka berikan kepadaku. Aku hanya ingin menampilkan yang terbaik yang aku bisa," kata John Cena. Dwayne Johnson sendiri kembali terlibat dalam seri Fast Furious, Fast X: Part II. Dalam kicauannya di media sosial X, Dwayne Johnson mengatakan telah menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan Vin Diesel. "Pada musim panas kemarin, Vin dan aku sudah menyelesaikan masalah kami. Kita akan memimpin dengan persaudaraan dan mengatasi masalah dengan selalu mementingkan (proyek Fast and Furious), karakter dan fans yang kami cintai," tulis Dwayne Johnson. Seri The Fast and the Furious pertama meluncur pada 2001, dibintangi oleh Paul Walker, Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, dan Jordane Brewster. Dwayne Johnson sendiri pertama kali bergabung dalam film laga yang menampilkan mobil-mobil super itu pada tahun 2011, lewat Fast Five. Read the full article
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thewidowsghost · 2 years
Anon asked:
Hello, Kaitlynn. I have a Skye/Daisy X reader request.
Reader is a lot like May and has taken a liking to Skye, Reader overhears the team talking about Skye (after she gets her powers) and she defends Skye. (Skye being there to hear what she says.)
Warnings: Angst, Shooting One’s Self (non-lethal)
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Glass shatters over Skye and (Y/n)’s heads.
(Y/n) grabs her girlfriend’s hand, pulling her along.
Skye’s hands tremble, and (Y/n) leads her down one of the staircases into a dungeon like Ward’s.
(Y/n) sits Skye down on one of the beds.
“Honey, you can do this,” (Y/n) brushes a tear from Skye’s cheek as the room continues to shake. “We can do this. I believe in you.”
“I can’t,” Skye whispers. “I can’t ma-ake it stop,” Skye’s voice breaks, more tears running down her face. “Everyone is at risk.
“Honey, look at me,” (Y/n) says, moving to sit on the bed beside her lover. “Focus,” she takes Skye’s hands, brushing the tops gently with her thumbs.
“Yes, you can,” (Y/n) turns her back on her girlfriend for a moment as a sword is stabbed through the barrier (Y/n) had just put up.
“Agent Barton,” Sif yells through the barrier. “Release the girl.”
“Like hell,” (Y/n) replies.
“(Y/n), she’ll get through!” Skye says, meeting her love’s eyes with wide eyes.
“Ignore it,” (Y/n) tells Skye, though her voice was gentle. “Remember, focus.”
The barrier breaks, and Sif steps through.
In a quick motion, Skye leans forward, grabbing (Y/n)’s ICER from her belt, shooting herself in the chest.
The quaking stops and (Y/n) tears her gaze away from Sif.
Forgetting the Asguardian, (Y/n) lunges at the bed, tapping Skye’s cheeks with a hand.
“Skye!” (Y/n) leans over her love’s body, pulling Skye’s head into her lap. Tears fall down onto Skye’s cheeks as (Y/n) runs her fingers through Skye’s hair.
“She harmed herself,” Sif says, but (Y/n) doesn’t respond, too focused on Skye.
Coulson and May charge down the stairs.
“Even though she knew it meant giving up her freedom,” Coulson says, stepping up to Sif.
“All to save the rest of you,” Sif finishes, her gaze falling back on (Y/n) and Skye.
“Don’t you see? She wants to get better,” Coulson tells Sif.
May walks over to the bed, resting a comforting hand on (Y/n)’s shoulder.
“If you take Skye away from the people she loves,” Coulson goes on, “she’ll only get worse.”
. . .
(Y/n) is walking from Skye’s hospital bed to their shared room when she hears voices.
The remainder of the SHIELD team is cleaning up the glass while Coulson and May take Vin-Tak and Lady Sift to a place where Lady Sif can summon the Bifrost.
"Jemma . . ." Fitz begins. "Um . . . I know you feel that I could have been, uh . . . a bit more forthright -" Fitz pauses.
Jemma chuckles sarcastically, "Forthright. Fitz, as understatements go I think that qualifies as an instant classic. You lied to me."
"Okay, so now we're even," Fitz replies, putting his hands on his hips. "Could you blame me, the way you were going on about Raina, that she's a-a-a plague to be eradicated?" Fitz questions. "I -"
"Skye is my friend. She’s different," Simmons retorts.
"Oh, yeah. Like I was your friend, and then I changed?" Fitz asks. "How did you handle that?"
By this point, the two had caught the attention of Mack, Bobbi, and Hunter, and (Y/n)’s eyes had glued themselves to the scene in front of her.
"Uh, t-the point is, secrets don't help any of us," Mack says. "Y/n) and Skye should have come clean," he says.
"What, and risk being locked up like animals?" Fitz asks. "Studied? Or who knows what else? No, I wouldn't let either of them."
"Oh, you wouldn't let them," Jemma asks.
"We could have handled them," Mack says. "In a way that would have kept everyone safe."
"It wasn't fair to us, Fitz," Bobbi says softly. "We had a right to know."
"A right to know," Fitz echoes. "What - is that the same way that Sif and the Kree had a right to know?"
"I think this situation's a little bit different, mate," Hunter responds.
"No, you would have done to them exactly what Sif and the Kree wanted to," Fitz argues.
"You don't know that," Simmons says.
"Yes, I do know that!" Fitz yells. "They would - You would - You'd 'handle them'! Mack just said it! Like, uh - Skye is something to be locked away in a cage somewhere. We should be protecting her."
"No, Fitz," Mack interrupts. "We're the ones that need protection from her." Then Mack goes silent, looking over Simmons's shoulder to meet (Y/n)’s eyes.
“You do understand that she shot herself to protect us?” (Y/n)’s voice was deathly quiet, though there was no doubt that the others could hear her.
“It was only an ICER.” Simmons replies and (Y/n) lets out a laugh, and the other’s wince at the slight hysteria in the sound.
“What if Skye hadn’t known it was an ICER?” (Y/n) says, her words taking on a harsh tone. “What if it had been an actual gun? She shot herself in the -” (Y/n)’s words break as she sucks in a breath of air. “She shot herself in the heart. If that had been a real gun, she would’ve been gone -” her voice breaks again.
Mack, Bobbi, and Hunter’s gazes fall on something behind (Y/n), and the higher level agent turns, meeting her girlfriend’s watery gaze.
Skye looks so hurt, so betrayed that (Y/n) almost doesn’t follow. Then (Y/n) metaphorically kicks herself, knowing that her love wasn’t mad at her.
Word Count: 965 words
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milly54321 · 29 days
Druga część miodowego
Minęło 6xgodzin i wylądowaliśmy, Faustyna z gniewam poszła po zawizke a my i Yuu spokojnie, gdy ją odebraliśmy poszliśmy obrazu na dwór. Ledwo wyszliśmy a Yuu się Jarał, potem polsziśmy do hotelu czy tam noclegu nie mam pojęcia rozpakowaliśmy się a dalej niewiedzielismy co robić
Yan- Co robimy?
Yuu- Chodzmy pozwoedzać!
Yan- Okej
Poszliśmy pozwiedzać, ale jeszcze poszliśmy na lody i zgadnijcie kogo tam zauważyliśmy.... Faustyne
Faustyn- Znowu wy!?!? Nie wierzę! Vi-
Vin- Nie Faustyna! Nie będę uciekał bo Ty tak chcesz,!
Faustyna- Fuckin dick
Yuu wziął banan gruszka a ja cutryna jabko, moim zdaniem banan jabko było by lepsze. Ale cóż to Ameryka jest pełna cudów jak to mówią!
Yan- mam ochotę na inne~
Yuu- Hm..
Yuu wypluł loda i był cały czerwony jak bluza Torda
Yan- Pfft! Żartuje
Yuu- Mam nadzieje
Yan- Hahahah!!!!
Cos tam porobiliśmy, o 22:59 wróciliśmy do domu, dziwnym trafem Yuu nie był zmęczony, ja tak samo
Yuu-.Co robimy?
Yan- Wiem~
Yuu- Chcesz tego?
Yuu- ... okej
Popchnolem Yuu na łózko a ten się zaczerwienił, I rozrebalismy się i wsoczylismy pod kołdrę... nie chcę tego mówić ale następnego ranka Yuu mocno głową bolala
Pt3 wkrótce ( Jebane lenistwo)
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Gyu Vin
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Jméno postavy: Kim Gyuvin Pozice: Student Ročník: 1. ročník právnické fakulty Národnost: Amerika/Hawaj
Backstory: Gyuvin se narodil se zlatou lžící v puse, rozmazlenost byla skoro jeho druhé jméno. Známí zazobaní hoteliéři měli vše na co si člověk jenom vzpomněl, či ukázal. Bylo to skoro až ironické, jak moc zbožňoval život, který si sám vlastně nevybral. Hoteliérské akce na další Havajském souostroví, přesně to bylo něco co se bez jeho rodičů jednoduše neobešlo. Nos nahoře a usmívat se, tak zněly Gyuvinovy povinnosti na takových akcích. Ale i hezkým časům je konec, i když velmi diskutabilně. Gyuvin a jeho problémová parta přátel ostatních Havajských hoteliéru byli posláni studovat do Koreje. Nebyl to úplně trest, ale pro lidi tak moc deformované penězi to bylo živoucí peklo. Najednou neměli uklízečky ani kuchaře, pouze vzrůstající čísla na jejich účtech. Říká se tomu deformace povoláním a oni jsou doslova “deformovaní fakani”.
Facebook: Kim Gyuvin
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thearcherlex · 2 months
Jeśli ktokolwiek z moich przyjaciół i bliskich kiedyś przeczyta to, co tu piszę - tak strasznie was przepraszam. Wydaje mi się, że przestaje panować nad własnymi myślami i dopiero ból pozwala mi odczuwać emocje, których do tej pory nie doświadczałam. Zazdrość, zemsta, gniew, to wszystko do tej pory było mi tak absurdalnie obce. Chciałabym powiedzieć, że czuję pustkę, ale to kłamstwo. Czuję tyle rzeczy na raz, że nie wiem już na czym się skupić, Xilius, Lauravin, Morrai i Taenaran, Martylda i jej wioska, Riel oraz jego i Vina rodzina. Cyric. Jest tyle rzeczy i jedyną dobrą jest przyjaźń, która się wzmacnia i uczucie, które rośnie między mną i Vinem - ale moi przyjaciele cierpią, a Vin umiera. Umiera. U m i e r a. Cyric nie musi mówić, żebym słyszała w głowie miliony głosów, ale jestem pewna, że gdyby mógł czytać mi w myślach (a może może?), to byłby zachwycony tym co dzieje się w mojej głowie. Mogę zrzucić to na niego, tak będzie łatwiej, przecież nikt nie usłyszy, jeśli on zaprzeczy. ale Lauravinie, zostań. jeszcze cię nie poznałam. Jeszcze nie skończyłam.
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vinkreutzer · 2 months
Engelsk vin - en introduktion
Engelsk vin er ikke nyt på markedet, men kvalitet og mængde er højere end nogensinde. I dag i København med stor smagning på den Engelske ambassade af flere førende producenter. Tak for invitationen til Wines of Great Britain og Den Britiske Ambassade i København. Mit første møde med engelsk vin var i et klasselokale i London, hvor vi havde en smagedag inden eksamen på WSET level 3. Jeg havde en…
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