#vincent phantomhive x francis midford
abybweisse · 1 year
How did claudia and undy only have 2 children in like 16 or 15 years (with the undertaker= cesric theory)...?
Why stop at two?
I think I've answered something like this before, but even I would have trouble finding it now. Short answer: Because any more children would have been a bigger risk for them.
I have a theory that she only had one pregnancy (or at least only one that came to full term with live births) and that Francis/Frances is actually a younger fraternal twin.
I recall once explaining that carrying the children of a reaper would be difficult for various reasons, like 1. The queen (or someone) finding out and wanting her dead, 2. It might be physically difficult to carry the baby (or babies) to full term, and 3. There might be taboo requirements for actually giving birth to the children of a reaper -- say, that it can only happen on a Friday the 13th... which is definitely when Vincent was born.
You could try searching my blog for #thoth, because a lot of my theory on this is based on Thoth as a reference (one of many) for Undertaker.
If she only had one pregnancy, it might be that it was by accident to begin with, and neither one was sure she'd be able to bear them. There might have been various complications, kind of like how no one was sure how well Rachel and the expected baby would manage, due to her health issues (asthma). If there is a taboo requirement, then it only worked because there was a Friday the 13th coming up at a time when live births were possible. Even still, the delivery might have been slightly early or delayed, having to fall on a special, taboo day.
I'd love to get a flashback of Undertaker the day Vincent and Francis/Frances were born (if they are twins), because it might be a lot like how Vincent and Tanaka walk into the room and see Rachel with twins. The shock and awe and pride and delight! But, in Undertaker's case, also probably fear. Because what happens now? Must they hide the truth? Probably.
And, after that ordeal, they make sure to not have any more children....
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alysterafton · 1 year
Vincent Phantomhive,perda.
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Aviso: Sem final feliz, e desculpe se houver erros ortográficos.
Os corredores ecoavam os passos de Vincent, as grandes janelas permitiam a entrada dos raios de sol, logo  a sua frente estava Francis e Rachel conversando casualmente, todos estavam visitando uma nobre academia que foi criada para disciplinar as mulheres a serem ótimas damas.
Francis foi convidada para averiguar se todas estavam com boa postura e agindo de forma adequada, Vincent estava distraído em seus pensamentos, se recordando que alguém que jurou amar estava aqui também, mas por conta de alguns assuntos ele se casou com Rachel e sua amada nunca mais respondeu suas cartas. Ele não sabia se ela estava bem, se tinha se casado, talvez mudado de país, mas a carta respondeu apenas uma de suas perguntas, Vincent é tirado de seus pensamentos ao sentir alguém abraçar seu braço, era sua esposa Rachel que deu um belo sorriso antes de virar seu rosto para frente.
A porta do grande salão foi aberta, todas as damas presentes no local se levantaram e se curvaram, Francis caminhou e corrigia a postura de cada uma, muitas estavam para frente ou estavam com o corpo muito rígido, os olhos de Vincent vagaram pelo salão e não encontrou quem deveria ver. A diretora da academia cumprimentou todos e dizia o quanto estava grata por receber ambos, Vincent e Rachel ficaram no andar de cima observando como Francis aplicava seus métodos nas damas, novamente seus olhos vagaram e viram que em uma das mesas, uma cadeira estava vazia.
-Por que aquela cadeira está vazia? 
Talvez o suposto lugar seja de sua amada, mas por que ela não está ali? Mais perguntas estavam rondando em sua mente, o que Vincent mais desejava era que aquele lugar fosse de sua amada.
-Aquele lugar é da Madama [Nome], ela não estava bem a algumas semanas, nosso médico sugeriu que ela ficasse no quarto.
-Pobrezinha, ela deve estar se sentindo solitária, poderíamos vê-la? -Rachel dizia segurando as mãos com um olhar triste.
-Foi dito para ninguém entrar senhorita Rachel.
-Talvez um de nós possa, Rachel estava doente a pouco tempo, como não fico doente constantemente eu posso ir ver como ela está, eu a conheci em um evento e era ela quem desenhou a linha de brinquedos.
Vincent não se importava em ficar doente, ele apenas queria vê-la novamente mesmo que fosse a distância, ele não se importava com isso, Rachel segurava as mãos da diretora e pediu com gentileza que permitisse Vincent a vê-la, já que ambos se conheciam a anos claro que ele ficaria preocupado com sua “amiga”. A diretora pensou e concordou no final, um dos mordomos o direcionou ao quarto em que [Nome] se encontrava, ele não tinha muito tempo já que sua visita estava quase no fim, abrindo a porta e vendo o quarto todo iluminado e um tecido branco fino transparente em volta da cama.
[Nome] estava sentada numa cadeira de frente para janela, ao escutar o som da porta se fechar, ela virou o rosto para trás e se surpreendeu ao ver Vicente, virando o rosto para frente novamente e Vincent caminhou até a mesma se sentando na cadeira ao lado.
-É você mesmo? Vincent?
Ele apenas balançou a cabeça em sinal de concordância, você poderia inserir um tapa no rosto, o xingar, extravasar sua raiva nele, e Vincent não se importaria com isso, mas você apenas sorriu que o deixou em choque.
-Eu já sabia que viria me ver, já que você  e Francis foram convidados para vir à academia.
-O que aconteceu com você? Não respondia mais minhas cartas, eu pensei que tivesse ido embora ou se casado, até eu receber a carta.
[Nome] apenas sorriu e olhou nos olhos dele com leves brilhos travessos nos olhos, Vincent estava desesperado por respostas e para tê-la em seus braços novamente, ao contrário de [Nome] que estava totalmente calma e sem preocupações no momento, ou estava escondendo suas preocupações.
-Se eu respondesse suas cartas Vincent, isso não levantaria suspeitas? Todos iam se perguntar “para onde o conde está indo?” ou “por que o conde manda tantas cartas?”, isso poderia acabar com seu casamento, não concorda?
Ele ficou calado e pensativo, [Nome] estava certo, todos poderiam suspeitar de seus sumiços ou das várias cartas que seriam mandadas ou da devida falta de atenção e afeto por sua esposa. Todos da mansão achariam estranho e começariam a  investigar por  conta própria, logo descobrindo sobre sua amada e provavelmente manchando seu nome e sua reputação.
-Eu não me importaria com isso, eu só precisava de você ao meu lado, eu só pensava em você todo esse tempo, que deveríamos ter nos casado ou fugido naquela época.
-Se tivéssemos fugido, sua reputação teria sido arruinada, e não teria o posto de cão de guarda, sei como está, você deveria ter esquecido de mim, teria sido menos doloroso para você… para nós, assim você não me veria morrer…
Algumas lágrimas escorriam pelo rosto de [Nome], Vincent as limpou e logo a abraçou, seu coração batia rápido mas em segundo os batimentos cardíacos ficaram sincronizados, o fato de saber que sua amada estava a beira da forte o deixava sem rumo. Ambos não se viam a anos e agora não poderiam  se ver como Vincent  planejava.
-Meu amor, não diga isso, tais palavras machucam meu coração.
-Vincent querido, viva por mim, tente ser feliz mesmo que seja pensamentos em nossos momentos felizes.
Vincent podia sentir o corpo de sua amada ficando leve, seu coração batia rápido e lágrimas estavam ao redor de seus olhos, sua respiração estava ficando ofegante a cada segundo, sem perceber lágrimas escorriam pelo rosto de Vincent.
-Não me deixe de novo meu amor, eu te imploro.
-Me desculpe querido, terei que te deixar novamente…eu te amo…
Essas foram as últimas palavras de sua amada, o corpo de [Nome] ficou mole, a mão que segurava o colete de Vincent se soltou e a cabeça caiu para trás, várias lágrima escorriam pelo rosto, abraçando o corpo de sua amada sem vida enquanto se lamentava, muitas almas gêmeas são impedidas que viver uma com a outra para a eternidade.
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Lucia Moriarty: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found.
Vincent & Francis Phantomhive: You’re doing great, sweetie.
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leekingsman · 4 years
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I think, though the remote possibility that Undertaker is the father of Frances and Vincent Phantomhive and that he had an affair with Claudia would be glorious,
Vincent and Frances Phantomhive
Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford
Claudia and Frances Phantomhive
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tiffany-s-boudoir · 2 years
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Full animated diaporama version
Warning:turn on the sound🔈, angst
Background music : Agnes Obel « Arches »
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dqrkncss666 · 2 years
~Spring evening play~
Based on @tiffany-s-boudoir​ animation that I have to admit was so simple yet so inspiring that brought to my mind a whole story~! I hope you will all enjoy~
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It was a dazzling Spring evening. The trees were green as emeralds, as refreshing air coaxed between them mixing the aroma of the flowers along with it. A variety of flowers had bloomed around the garden. Two children were playing around the trees; hide and seek. A boy and a girl; the Phantomhive siblings.
The boy had navy blue hair like the midnight sky and blue eyes like gems. He was wearing a blue outfit with white socks and black shoes. The girl, on the other hand, didn't look at all like her brother. Her hair was not blue or black. It was the lightest shade of brown giving the effect of white. Her facial features looked like the beauty of a white angel. Inhuman but beautiful either way. She was wearing a pink flowy dress with brown boots. They were playing for hours. They started with hide and seek, then they chased each other around tripping and falling on the grass making their clothes dishevelled. "Mama is gonna be mad now!" Frances shouted at her older brother. Vincent laughed nervously trying to clean up the dirt from his clothing. "I hope she won't notice." "We are talking about our Mother, Vincent! Her eyes are like the ones of a rabbit! She sees and notices everything!" Frances stood up from the grass and scolded him. "You really like Mother's reputation, don't you?" Vincent teased her. "I want to be like Mama once I grow up!" Frances lightly pushed him. Vincent giggled and picked her up spinning her in the air. Frances couldn't help but giggle. "Frances! Let's go to that tree! I heard there is a birds nest up there!" Vincent set her back on the grass. "Where did you hear that?" Frances looked at him. "I heard Tanaka talking with the gardener about it!" Vincent ran over to a tall tree. The children looked up as wind blew through the trees leaves. Vincent tried to spot the bird nest and once he did he pointed it out for his sister. "Up there! I am gonna climb up there!" "No, I will!" Frances shouted and ran to the tree trunk. Vincent did the same and started climbing the tree with his sister. The nest wasn't far up the tree, but it was high up and dangerous. Vincent gave up halfway and went back down looking up at his sister.
She was very strong and brave for her age. She spent a lot of time with her mother, sitting on her lap while she worked on her desk. Frances observed each movement. How she signed the papers and how perfectly she wrote on the documents with cursive writing. They practised dancing together and fencing. Frances was a quick learner and once she had mastered the basic moves their fights would even go around the manor. Mother and daughter having the best time together.  
"Frances be careful!" Vincent shouted up to her. Frances reached the nest and took a look at the babies inside it. "Vincent! There are babies inside it! Four of them!" she giggled. "Really? I wish I could see them!" Vincent laughed. Frances started to make her way back down the tree but she lost her balance slipping off the tree's limb. Vincent covered his eyes as Frances screamed in terror. A black shadow in the speed of light someone could say helped her to grip the trees limb again. "Frances!!! Are you okay?" Vincent uncovered his eyes and looked up. Frances was looking at where the shadow left. She saw it. She felt hands gripping her leg pushing her back up. Her brother's voice snapped her out. "I am fine! I am coming down now!" She finally reached the ground and Vincent hugged her tightly. "I am grateful you are okay!" he sighed in relief. Frances didn't pay him attention she was trying to find where the shadow went.
Just then a feminine voice was heard from the path that was in the garden. A woman with blue hair just like the midnight sky; just like her son. Her aura was strong even from afar you could see she was an Aristocrat and a powerful one. Her face was all delicate but still managed to look strict. She was wearing a tirquaz evening gown and she was holding a red parasol. Vincent and Frances brought her that parasol for her birthday. "Vincent! Frances!" she shouted again. "Oh no, Its mother!" Vincent ran towards her and stopped in the middle of the path. "Come on Frances stop staring at nothing! Coming mother!" Frances quickly grabbed her brother's hand as they both walked towards their mother. Frances left her brother's hand and gripped her mother's gown. "My, look at you both! Where have you been! Your clothes are all covered in dirt!" she looked at Vincent. He rubbed his neck nervously. "Big story, could we go back and I will tell you." She grabbed Frances hand and gestured at Vincent to walk beside her. "Let's go back now." Frances looked once more back at where she had seen the shadow but still nothing. She sighed and looked in front of her again.
The aura of the garden shifted a black figure in black clothing appearing on the grass. He was pale and white long messed up hair blew through the wind. He looked at the three people walking back at the manor. Oh, how he wanted to talk to those children and hold that woman once more in his arms. He softly smiled, lifted his hand and, shyly someone could say, he waved back at them whispering as he looked at the small girl that looked a lot like him. "Careful next time sweetie... Don't scare me like that." and with that, he disappeared once more in thin air leaving behind him no clue of his sudden appearance. Like he had never been there, to begin with...
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Claudia Phantomhive headcanons
I know this is late but here it is @midnight-in-town! :)
- As the Queen’s Watchdog, Claudia is composed, ice-cold, efficient, and deadly. Her associates know her as the fiercely clever, terrifically independent swordswoman with an even sharper wit. The Undertaker knows that behind closed doors, this blue rose is actually quite affable, with a sterling sense of humor that has just the right amount of cheek and saucy wit.
- Despite her strength and self-sufficiency, Claudia is delicately feminine and always insists on looking immaculately put together. (“Don’t you know? There is power in beauty. It may not have the sharp edge of the sword or the sudden death of a bullet but you must not forget—beauty has toppled empires and started entire wars. It has destroyed, cultivated, maimed, and ruined kings, princes, and sovereigns alike. Those who overlook beauty as a superfluous trifle are the same ones who have lost their battles to me.”)
- The very first time she met the Undertaker, she made him laugh using just one line.
- Eventually, the Undertaker became so intrigued by this elusively charming young woman he purposely interfered in one of her cases, just so he could have a chance to talk with her honestly and without precedence. Needless to say, Claudia was not pleased. Or:
“Ah, I’ll admit, perhaps my actions were a bit hasty—“
“My not-so-dear Undertaker, you let a rogue assassin escape. The same rogue assassin who attempted to murder the prince of Wales, poison the duke of Marlborough, and burn down an entire marquessate.”
“Why, you do have to admire his ambition, don’t you?”
[cue fight scene and Undertaker falling head over heels in love]
- Claudia’s favorite scent is that of fresh violets—the kind that grow wild in the secret wood just outside Lancashire—with the morning dew still clinging onto their indigo petals.
- Her mother died of septicemia following the birth of Claudia’s younger brother. The boy only lived for six months before he too passed away—this time from scarlet fever. 
- Claudia wears a blue butterfly pin in her hair. The pin is made of tungsten, an incredibly hard and rare earth metal. If she’s ever in a tight situation, the pin can be used as a dagger to slice and dice her enemies, giving her enough time to escape.
- Even though Claudia was a woman, she was allowed to keep her family’s surname because of her connections to the queen and her duties as watchdog.
- Her “official” husband was a wealthy businessman who was part of the gentry but not the aristocracy. They had a polite working relationship though it was mainly a marriage of convenience—Claudia needed to marry for the sake of respectability and her husband, while rich, desired a title and a place in the House of Lords.
- Claudia and the Undertaker like to tell jokes in German just to see how long they can stretch out a pun before it becomes ridiculous.
- Claudia once visited the Undertaker on a particularly rainy day and fell ill. She spent the night with him wrapped up in blankets, drinking tea from glass beakers, while the Undertaker entertained her by telling wildly random stories and selective gossip he heard from the prostitutes in the streets. That was also the night Undertaker got those signature braids in his hair: while the Undertaker was lying next to her she just picked up a few strands of his hair and began braiding. The Undertaker never took them out.
- One Christmas Claudia gave the Undertaker a Grecian funeral urn as a joke but he thought it was the best present he’d ever received and promptly began storing his cookies in there.
- During Claudia’s tenure as watchdog the Aristocrats of Evil used to meet at the Phantomhive country manse once a week to exchange information and play poker. Just a group of the most notorious men and women in the entire world, sitting around a velvet card table while Tanaka dealt the cards and they played outrageously complex games of poker and blackjack. The air would be thick with cigar smoke, women’s perfume, and the scent of decades old bourbon.
- Claudia liked to collect hand painted teacups from all around the globe. Hence why Phantomhive Manor is chock full of porcelain tea sets and why Ciel never uses the same teacup twice.
- It was Tanaka who taught Claudia the art of the sword and, as she improved, their sparring sessions would invariably leave the training room, with servants just nonchalantly moving out of the way as Tanaka and Claudia dueled across the hallway, down the stairwell, and into the dining room.
- Claudia read Norse mythology to Vincent and Francis when they were children. (The illustrations in the book were watercolors done by the Undertaker.)
- The Undertaker’s favorite thing about Claudia are her hands—soft, delicately boned with slim, agile fingers and sharp, femme fatale nails. She wore no jewelry save for a simple diamond band on her ring finger. She, in turn, loved combing her fingers through the Undertaker’s hair.
- Claudia almost signed a marriage contract between Francis and Aleistor Chamber before meeting the viscount’s only son and heir and deciding that her daughter might actually kill the overly loquacious and flamboyant boy if she ever had to talk to him, never mind living with him.  
- Claudia once had to go undercover as a carriage salesman named Ted.
- Claudia and the Undertaker used to ice skate on the Thames when it froze over during the winter. This would always have to be at night when no one was there and the Undertaker would perform a series of ridiculous tricks while Claudia pelted him with snowballs.
- She is an avid amateur art historian with a special interest in landscapes and aquatic paintings.
- The Undertaker oversaw Claudia’s funeral. Her body is preserved in a marble mausoleum located underground, beneath the Phantomhive family plot. The scent of dried violets and orange blossoms permeate the dark, still air as the Undertaker makes it a priority to replace all the flowers in the mausoleum once every month.
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midnight-in-town · 6 years
I’m a believer of the UT= Cedric theory, personally. Yana seems to be a fan of the idea that boys take after their mother, and girls after their father? So if UT = Cedric = a lot like Francis. Is that why UT seems so much closer to Vincent, perhaps? Reminds him of Claudia? ^^; that also makes me imagine what UT was like before now/before he met Claudia, if Francis is supposed to be like him. Man, it makes me tear up. ;-;
Hello :3 Haha, well, I’m currently in a love/hate relationship with this theory. xD 
I mean, I like it a lot because it’s the first one I published on my blog, because it’s an interesting plot twist on many aspects and because it gives UT a name, but at the same time… at this point, with what we know, it makes theorizing about UT and the P family so much more complicated than it has to be. xDD
For example, if UT = Cedric, then…
was he Claudia’s husband? Or was he Claudia’s lover?
Because if he was her lover and she was married to another man, it makes this less complicated than him being openly in a relationship with her (since he died centuries ago and all).
I mean, we don’t know yet when UT got his scars, it’s possible it was only during or post Claudia’s time as the Watchdog, so he would probably stand out less without them and a wedding to Claudia could work in this aspect, especially since the Phantomhive family’s position in society is a special one. 
However, Yana hinted before that Claudia was Vincent and Frances’ last parent, since Tanaka is apparently the one who stepped up as the parental figure after she died, so in that case… 
did UT and Claudia have a fight at some point, about the Watchdog duty maybe, which led to UT leaving? Until he found out that she died and he was angry with himself for not being able to save her?
In the first place, I never envisioned the UT/Claudia possible romance to be something full of rainbows and singing birds. On the contrary, since it seems that she and Ciel shared some similarities… 
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…I’d rather say that, if their feelings were mutually shared, UT probably had as much trouble with Claudia as Lizzie has had with our!Ciel until now.
So anyway, once he was unable to be there for Claudia at the end, that would be when he possibly decided to stick by the Watchdog’s side and became “the Undertaker”, in order to avoid another similar situation with Claudia’s successors.
And in that case..
I’m not sure what Vincent and Frances remember about their dad (in the theory of UT = Cedric = husband), or if they even knew him at all (in caseUT = Cedric = lover)
I’m not sure what UT’s role was during Claudia’s time as the Watchdog, but it’s possible that at some point he became fed up with her job
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which led to him leaving Claudia, only to come back too late when he found out that she died/was killed, becoming the Undertaker and Vincent’s second evil noble afterwards. 
That’s why, you know, I personally find that this theory possibly fits with Yana’s concept of son => mom and daughter => dad, for UT/Frannie/Ed [x] [x]…
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…as you said, but besides that, it’s a real pain to deal with sometimes. xDD
I do think that both Vincent and Ciel remind UT of Claudia, as he expressed in ch32 or even when he said that overall, Ciel was different from his ancestors. :) I think that he could also be very fond of both Frances and Lizzie since it was hinted that they might share similar personality traits with Claudia…
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…but the Midfords are generally less involved with the Watchdog’s duty and anyway, I’m not so sure UT and Frances would or did get along very well. ^^”
Sorry for rambling, as you can see I like this theory, I’m just not sure of how it played out yet, because there are way too many possibilities and it’s annoying, haha. Anyway, UT’s character and personal story are probably on a similar level of sadness as Ciel’s, since I find they seem to parallel each other rather well for now, but we’ll have to wait some more. :/
Thanks for passing by Anon and have a nice day!
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Master List of Faustian Exchange Prompts
All prompts, used or unused, that were submitted to the Faustian Exchange! All are posted with permission. If you use someone’s prompts, please credit them for the idea and tag us if you’d like us to reblog your work!
Grelliam: The first time William calls Grelle a woman or uses her correct pronouns.
Grelle/Angelina: first kiss after a Ripper murder.
Grelle childhood fic dealing with gender confusion
Modern day Grelle after fully transitioning to female, preferably with a tongue piercing.
Madam Red/Grelle with Grelle on one knee putting Madam Red's shoe on her (to mirror the Sebastian images with Ciel).
Adult Ciel and Lizzy, portrait-style.
Sebastian spending a day off with Agni when he's recovering after the Luxury Liner arc
when each servant first begins to suspect Sebastian isn't human
Mey-rin and Ran Mao bonding after Ran Mao discovers Mey-rin also speaks Mandarin.
Sebastian teaching Shiori to dance
Sebastian playing piano with Grelle draped over the back of it like a lounge singer
Doll wearing the Weston College boys' uniform.
Crack ship- Tanaka finds out who his true love was all along, tea.
Before the murder of the Phantomhive's and the cuteness of the twins.
Grell's past life? What drove them to suicide?
The real reason Sebastian is a demon. He ate a KitKat by biting it without breaking it first.Grell's eyes.
Elizabeth being a cutie while fencing
Modern! AU with Elizabeth and Grell in the cutest dresses
D&D AU with Phantomhive twins and any other main cast on a quest causing mayhem. Are they playing D&D or are they in a D&D world? That's up to you!
Modern AU Phantomhive twins as fake paranormal investigators, claiming their caretaker Sebastian is a demon.
Sebastian/Agni bonding over taking care of their masters.
Phantomhive twins and Sebastian (and maybe Agni, Sohma, Lizzy and/or Sieglinde) as a D&D party.
Phantomhive twins OR Lizzy and Sieglinde in cute matching/contrasting outfits.
Sebastian/Agni dancing.
Claudia and Undertaker (pairing/shipping optional, and if that's so, the use of Cedric name is up to you), canonverse. Claudia questions Undertaker about his mourning lockets, and if he would one day make one of hers. Implying/asking if she is important enough for him that her death might affect him.
Sebastian brings a cat home and naturally Ciel doesn't like it. Heartbroken, Sebastian has to let the cat go. But the cat won't go. Crack/funny, either canonverse or modern AU
Ciel twins (I'll address them as Ciel and Astre for convenience), canonverse AU or modern AU, your choice. The twins, as nobles/higher status, shouldn't be alone in this part of the city, but Ciel wanted to show Astre some factories to show how confusing, messy and poluting they are, in a way to dissuade him from his wish to have a toy company of his own - something that would drive the twins apart, with different life goals. In there, they meet an orphan employed in that factory. Alois. What unfolds from there is up to you.
Joker and Beast (shipping preferred), canonverse. Back in East End, Joker tries to find a present to Beast in order to show her gratitude for the care she showed him when he fell ill.
alternatively, Joker and Beast in modern AU. Both of them and Jumbo are legally adults, but Doll, Dagger, Peter and Wendy (regardless of their real ages) are still children under institutionalization and up for adoption. In a hurt/comfort manner, big brothers fashion, Joker and Beast dealing with their fears and emotions of having their little siblings sent into foster care versus waiting a few more years to be of legal age and all of them live together in a new life, after . 
Vincent and Diederich, canonverse, brotp kind of relationship but shipping/one sided pairing is not excluded. Crack/funny. Diederich is positively shocked that Vincent would go full drag to solve a murder case of some sort. And even more shoked to see how well it makes him look.
Undertaker and Othello, canonverse. A conversation, some form of interaction, hanging out, opposing views (nothing aggressive, both seem to be very curious and open to hear other opinions even if they don't change their own). Brotp interaction between the two back in Undertaker's Shinigami days. Anything, up to your imagination. 
Sebastian and Ciel, shipping not intended. Preferrably canonverse. Sebastian thinking of how everyone else sees him as deeply caring for Ciel's wellbeing, which he does with only one intent in mind - seasoning Ciel's soul to add to the 'delicacy' level he desires. Ciel knows this, so even despite living together for three years, he knows Sebastian's 'worrying' and 'affection' are all feints. However, maybe after a particularly bad nightmare, or after Sebastian doing something kind out of apparently no reason, Ciel seems to genuinely be grateful. What are Sebastian's thoughts on this? Maybe something dark and manipulating, kind of in the league of his words in the Green Witch arc when he's burning the laboratory? Or the other way around? Your choice. What I meant with no shipping is because I would prefer if this 'affection' I mentioned wouldn't be taken by you as romantic.
Joker and Bravat Sky, canonverse AU, in which they came across each other when they were young. Bravat was a charlaton, fooling people with fake fortune readings, and they meet by: either Joker is one of the people he tries to do it; or Joker attempts to steal his money and an exchange unfolds.- “Sieglinde, modern AU, rocking Japanese street fashion” (I completely stole this suggestion from the reply post on the blog, is seemed so damn cool!)
Ciel & Astre. Either tender, or dark, whichever you prefer. If it's the later, a classical contrast image, in whichever fashion you prefer. 
Side by side, mirror reflex, bloody Ciel vs Astre, or some better idea in case you have it! 
Joker, Doll or Beast from the Circus. Just one of them, I'm naming the three so you can choose which. Modern aesthetic/fashion look for any of them.
Undertaker and a Bizarre Doll, in a sort of gothic-esque style. Maybe something with like a cameo frame-thingy around it would work if it's not too troublesome?
Cat!Ciels, chibi or otherwise, just being fluffy.  
Grell Sutcliff x Reader
William T. Spears x Reader
platonic Lizzy x Sieglinde
Grell Sutcliff
Elizabeth Midford
Soma and Agni (together)
ciel/lizzy (ship)-lizzy gives ciel a fencing lesson
lizzy/seglinde(platonic/friendship)-they have asleepover. modern AU
ciel goes christmas shopping with sebastian (no ship) (before current arc)ciel/lizzy (ship) going for a walk, holding hands
lizzy and Earl Grey dueling/about to duel
Sebastian in a seifuku (preferably pink and very cute)
ciel in a dress (again) and very annoyed about it
Ciel gets sick, and Lizzie and Soma fret over his health; Ciel is either only mentioned, or appears briefly, with the fic focusing on Lizzie and Soma's attempts to help
Before Sebastian can be summoned, Undertaker rescues Ciel (and his twin, if you want to include him) from the cult
Soma/Lizzie (ship) - AU or possibly post-canon where Lizzie is the queen's watchdog1) Vincent and Frances as children, running or playing on the lawn of the Phantomhive Estate
Lizzie and Sieglinde; Lizzie teaching Sieglinde about British fashion: showing her dresses, etc.
Lizzie and Agni practicing with swords, Agni looking impressed
Lizzie and Soma, something cute and shippy
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) taking care of each other in the cult
Astre (Our Ciel) and Alois (ship) going to a ball together
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) going on a murder case for the Queen together 
Ciel and Astre (Our Ciel) in the cult
Astre ("Ciel") and Alois (ship) doing basically anything together (modern or Victorian era)
Vincent and Diedrich (shipping optional) teasing each other/Vincent teasing Diedrich and Diedrich being angry about it
Grell goes overboard decorating the Reaper Dispatch for Christmas
Ciel finds old letters from his parents
Undertaker holds a comedy show to find the best joke out there
Anything with grell honestly I love them but specifically Grell in the Mean Girls Santa outfit
Claude dressed like Spider-Man
Madame Red and Grell actually happy 
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing or dueling. :D
Anything regarding Francis Midford and Vincent Phantomhive. Anything. 
Lizzy and real!Ciel's interactions after discovering the truth about TCT.
Fabulous Lau lowkey shipping everyone of age. EVERYONE. (The Reapers are pissed, Queen's butlers are flustered.)
Ciel and co. thinking Queen Victoria's the true enemy, then Aleistor Chamber reveals he's the main Kuro villain and that he's had a hand in every scheme thus far.
Charles Grey and Elizabeth Midford fencing!
Edward and Lizzy being dorks. Maybe Edward tearing up because his little sister's about to marry? Ahaha I'm not picky. ^^
Claudia Phantomhive, Undertaker, Vincent Phantomhive, and Francis Midford in a family portrait???
Ciel/Elizabeth going on a date
something involving the Prefects from Weston
something involving the Grim Reapers (whoever they want to pick)
Joanne Harcourt
Edward Midford
The two nine year old twins, Ciel and Astre, are having trouble sleeping. So, despite being sleep deprived, the two manage to stay up late telling stories and giggling. In their wake, they manage to catch the attention of Tanaka, who sings them to sleep. (Set in the cannon universe.)
A Hogwarts! AU, but set in Weston. The houses are the same, but it's still set in the Victorian Era.
The mourning process had never suited the Spare. He had lost everything, and he knew nothing would ever change that fact. So, despite the world around him urging him to cry, he decides to stand strong. Ciel would be. So he figured he could too. // (Please contact me if I need to specify anything. I'm not that great at writing prompts!)1. Modern! AU. The main characters, but dabbing with fidget spinners everywhere. // 2. Super edgy and dramatic™ drawing of Ciel. // 3. A headshot of Ciel and his brother.
Grell dressed as madam red
soma eating curry
gregory violet dressed as undertaker.
Claudia/Undertaker going on a picnic inside a red cave.
Sebastian being Madam Red butler, where Madam Red sold her soul to him for giving birth and raising a child until 18 years old.
Grell baking a cake, and ruining her clothes in the process.
Sebastian getting a birthday surprise from his mother, where she gets him 100 cats, and Ciel gets furious.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.1.Undertaker painting Ciel wearing a violet dress and eating cake.
Undertaker and Claudia decorating a Christmas Tree.
Undertaker wearing Lizzy's clothes.
Undertaker decorating Ciel's mansion with his own style. Ciel gets angry.
Gregory Violet falling in love with Lizzy. He writes her a secret message, and watches her reading the letter.
Grell wearing Ciel's dress, he had worn in the party where he meets Viscount of Druitt.
Viscount of Druitt has a half-demon sister. With Undertaker and her, he goes ice-skating.
anonymous prompts
Modern AU, somehow, Drocell's sessions with a therapist, confronting what he has and doesn't have of his humanity
Sebastian and Agni trying to outdo each other as butlers, friendly competition that's really just thinly veiled flirting
Mindless fluff, Ciel and Elizabeth shopping for holiday presents for family and household
Grell in a green witch arc dress (but properly fitted)
The twins dressed as the prince and the pauper style aesthetic
The twins modeling on the cover of vogue
Cielois (ship) having tea, playing chess, and/or cuddling while reading in the library
Our!Alois and Real!Alois meeting
Lizzie throwing Alois a birthday party bc she finds out he doesn't really have any friends
Alois Trancy, Lizzie being a bad*ss
Fem!Grell in a nice dress
Undertaker babysitting the twins
Diederich babysitting Vincent while he was sick at Weston School.
Sebastian taking care of a stubborn, sick Ciel who refuses to stay in bed (bonus points if you add angst)
Sebastian carrying Ciel is something always good to see.
Ciel messily trying to decorate a cake (bonus points if you add Sebastian looking both amused and disappointed)
Undertaker and Grell braiding each other's hair.
Lizzy helps Ciel with his studies (ship optional)
Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard preparing dinner without Sebastian
Sieglinde Sullivan and Lizzy discussing about Ciel's work over tea-Lizzy with her hair down
Grey in Weston College uniform
Real Ciel picking flowers with his twin
The household having to take care of Pluto until Sebastian returns home
Ciel being mistaken for a girl by a group of ladies who decide to pamper him
Grell getting lost in the city and being adopted by a group of kids- Grell and/or Undertaker  enjoying a train ride
GrellxUndertaker - Grell lying on the autopsy table trying to flirt with Undertaker 
Ciel wandering the city in commoners clothes, maybe with a group of children 
Vincents life as queen's watch dog
Shinigami dispatch life
Twin ciel angst
Sieglinde (maybe with wolfram)
Shinigami Dispatch/ or trio (william, grell, ronald), or just grell or ronald
Anything Alois related
Madame red and Grell
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abybweisse · 2 years
How do you headcanon undertaker and cloudia's relationship? you have pretty much convinced me about undertaker=cedric theory😂and if it turns out to be true it has to be the epitome of gothic romance
Cloudy x Undie
Idk that I have too many headcanons about their relationship, but I definitely have several ideas, many of which I have posted before. Maybe try the shipping tags at the bottom of this post to find some of those old posts?
Over the years, I've come up with different approaches to their relationship, and I've changed some views regarding their personalities. I used to always see Undertaker as the goofball and Cloudia/Claudia as the no-nonsense sort. But Yana-san's old tweet about inheritance started to make me rethink things.
Now I see Cloudia/Claudia as the one full of laughter and even prankish jokes, which Vincent picks up from her... and Undertaker as once being very stoic and proper, which would have been picked up by Francis/Frances. After she dies, Undertaker adopts part of her personality, maybe as a coping mechanism. I'll get to that a bit more later.
Here are some canon-based ideas:
She's very willful, and she knows what he is and what dangers there would be to having his kids, but she's willing to take the chances. Even Vincent says, in the bonus chapter "With Father", that the Phantomhive women are strong-willed; so much so that even though he'd sometimes wished he'd had a daughter, he's kind of glad he didn't. I assume he's talking about both his sister and his mother.
She might even choose to have his kids as a big F U to the crown. Our earl says children aren't the tools of their parents, but this series shows us that's exactly how many parents in the series have been using their children. And Yana-san says everyone has a dark/evil streak, and the Phantomhives seem to have an even wider streak than most. So... Cloudia/Claudia might have wanted to have his kids, specifically his, because of their potential to... what? Take down the queen? Idk, but the various opportunities for using her own children are numerous.
But she'd also want to protect her children as much as possible, particularly while they are young, and that might include things like not advertising they are his, as well as keeping him at a slight distance from his own children. Making him seem like a visitor and friend of the family instead of their father. A bit like scenes we've had of him and the twin brothers; he acts like he's not related and doesn't want to step over familial boundaries (like in that photo scene), but he will do as Mr. Pitt says, for the sake of a good photograph. There, he's filling a role typically held by a family member or by a nanny. (I have an old post about child photography practices during the Victorian era.)
Then again, his children probably knew he was their father. Maybe not right away, but they found out, which is why Undertaker now teases "Lady Francis Phantomhive" about him recalling her birth like it was yesterday, and she's sweating. No one else in the room would know... unless Tanaka was also present. I expect Tanaka would know very well. Vincent and Francis/Frances grew up with Tanaka as their main caretaker, according to Yana-san's old tweet about dark/evil streaks. She even suggests that Tanaka must have quite the wide dark/evil streak, but then she zips-up... not wanting to spoil something about Tanaka....
What the pair were really like together is harder to say. Given my newer ideas about their personalities, she gave him something to smile and laugh about, while he tried his best to be a voice of reason and warning. That's backed up by the scenes where he's fiddling with the lockets and talking to himself about all the warnings he gave (presumably to the more recent generations of Phantomhives, at least). We've also seen him warning our earl (appropriately in ch13) about being "collared" by the queen (and that ring).
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Likely, there were many times where the two of them had arguments, much like the brother and sister later, like the one shown in ch132. Vincent makes a serious statement but in a somewhat blasé fashion, prompting his sister to get angry and accuse him of always being this way.
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I can imagine Undertaker giving Cloudia/Claudia a withering stare whenever she doesn't take something (like the queen/crown) seriously enough... if he's not whipping out his scythe much like Francis/Frances does her sword. Not like Undertaker would actually hurt her (just like Francis/Frances wouldn't actually hurt her brother), but it could be for show. Reminds me of ch142, when Undertaker does exactly that to show Othello he's done laughing and being deadly serious now.
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After she dies, Undertaker "adopts" some of her personality, and it largely serves as a coping mechanism. Either her love of jokes completely brushed off on him... or his cinematic records have been altered! There are two ways I could see this latter case happening: 1. He was attacked by her cinematic records and they got to him, a bit like Thomas' cinematic records getting to William in the reaper OVA, or 2. It's on purpose; he managed to manipulate his own cinematic records with snippets of hers.
It could also be that he's simply craving jokes from others because she's not there anymore to provide them. Instead of "adopting" part of her personality, he might just feel like he's left with a hole to fill, and laughter fills it... but only briefly.
As far as how romantic they were with each other? I'll leave that to the cosplay and fanfic scenarios. It's fun to think about, and I've written some of those scenarios, but at this point I have no major ideas about it. Maybe he surprised her with futuristic gizmos... or whisked her away to foreign lands to soak up some sun and culture. Who knows?
But I suspect their relationship got strained, probably having to do with her role as queen's watchdog. Maybe her plans for their children in all of this. He might have decided to distance himself after a while, but then when she dies, he returns (beside himself with grief and regret) and offers to help Vincent. This would kind of parallel Cedric of Rotherwood disowning his son, Wilfred of Ivanhoe (whose mother is dead), for being loyal to King Richard... but they eventually reconcile.
I definitely think Undertaker would love to break the ties between the Phantomhive family and the crown. There's that scene in ch13, and he doesn't seem too pleased about real Ciel later saying (ch151) he will eventually have to present himself to the queen and fulfill his role as watchdog.
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abybweisse · 2 years
Here's an idea: Francis vs Frances
Let's say, for discussion's sake, that she's really Vincent's younger fraternal twin, making symbolic sense of Vincent being a Gemini ♊️.
Then it's possible that Cloudia/Claudia actually already knew she was having twins. Perhaps Undertaker, with his soul-seeing reaper abilities, could even tell there were two? But perhaps he couldn't tell much else, and she thought she was having two boys and had already selected their names.
Then, when their daughter was born, they ended up keeping the masculine spelling: Francis.
This is just pure speculation, at this point (because it could still be Yana-san's misunderstanding or even just a translation issue), but... thoughts?
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leekingsman · 4 years
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I think Lizzy's ship and our Ciel is the most magnificent, sad and romantic that I consider in the series, that is to say she fell in love with him and recent to the new manga where the real ciel phantomhive returns the situation is so chaotic between the two, I just hope there is a moment between them bittersweet and dramatic
Frances Midford and Undertaker
Vincent and Frances Phantomhive
Claudia and Frances Phantomhive
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leekingsman · 4 years
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The Upper Phantomhives
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tiffany-s-boudoir · 2 years
Vincent, Frances, Claudia… (Almost) Normal life.
It took me ages !…. But it’s finally here !… First animation of Claudia and her children, enjoy !
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abybweisse · 2 years
How do you think undertaker reacted when he found out claudia is pregnant?🕳
I vaguely recall an ask like that from many months ago. I wish I knew how I had tagged it, besides the character names. 😆
Anyway, I have a much more detailed answer this time around.
Cedric, I’m pregnant 🤰🏻
I imagine he felt a combination of emotions: surprise, love and happiness, scheming slyness, worry, fear….
Since we don’t know for sure that he’d ever had children with a human before, he could have been surprised it was possible. But, even if he had sired kids with a human before, it’s always a bit of a surprise to find out your partner is pregnant, isn’t it? I’m not sure if Frances/Francis is a younger twin or was born from a later pregnancy, but even if she was a later pregnancy, Undertaker might still be a bit surprised at the news.
At least a part of him should be elated at the news, right? “I’m going to be a… father?! 😃” He might think about how much he loves her, how much he will love his children, cooing and laughing babies, babies crawling around and later going pitter-patter on the tiled floors, what he wants to show them/teach them, all the stereotypically happy experiences for new parents as they watch their kids grow and learn.
As a reaper who has tried (and failed) to destroy the reaper organization before — and might be trying again — this presents an interesting opportunity for him. He and Cloudia/Claudia might both realize the potential of — sadly — using their children in some way to achieve their goals. It’s also possible that they disagree on those goals. This could lead to arguments….
He might dote on her and try to make sure she’s okay and comfortable. There are a lot of emotions going on with that, too. Mostly a sense of worry. Not only does any pregnancy present dangers to mother and child, and the Victorian era had a high mortality rate for not just newborns and infants but also new mothers, but bearing the children of a reaper might come along with its own set of complications. Like I’ve said before (particularly in my Undertaker || Thoth posts), it might be necessary for these babies to be born on certain days, especially taboo days, like a Friday the 13th. Who knows, the pregnancy itself (conception) might not be possible unless there’s an acceptable delivery date roughly 9mo away. It’s also possible that her children were born a bit premature just because that’s when the only Friday the 13th was going to fall during the gestation period. As they grow, he might worry about the little things: scraped knees, arguments between siblings, that sort of thing. Small things that generally resolve over time.
And then there was probably a sense of true fear for all their lives. Dread. I do think that part of the target 🎯 on Cloudia/Claudia’s back would have something to do with bearing the children of a reaper. He’s likely had a target on him ever since he deserted his post (if not since he first turned against the organization). He would fear similar targets on the backs of his children, and that alone could lose him sleep. Everyone worries about the safety of their loved ones, but some people have cause to truly fear for their safety, and Undertaker should be one of them. Not only are these the children of a reaper and human, but one or the other will become the next watchdog for the queen. More cause for trepidation.
Cloudia/Claudia is gone when Vincent is only 15; I expect she didn’t die from natural causes… not even close. She leaves behind two kids who need guidance and protection. I imagine that Undertaker watched a lot of their growing-up from the shadows, a bit like how Undertaker and real Ciel got to see some of what our earl and Sebastian were up to with the circus, Weston, etc. And he might have visited from time to time or helped them in unexpected ways (like the first Miracle of the Sapphires??).
But when their mother died, that’s probably when he came back into their lives in a big way. Looks like Frances/Francis did not appreciate his direct involvement nearly as much as Vincent did, and I get that from the awkward exchange between father and daughter in ch151. In that scene, Undertaker comes off as playfully teasing his grownup kid, and she comes off as resentful that he even exists. That’s my take, anyway. She’s bitter. Perhaps, part of that is anger that Undertaker wasn’t there in time to save Vincent. She might still be angry over her mother’s death, too, for all we know. There could even be a layer of “We didn’t ask to be born” underneath all that. Depends on just how much she knows. She wasn’t on the scene when Undertaker told our earl and Sebastian that he can’t stand to lose another Phantomhive. Notice, in ch151, he calls her Lady Phantomhive, even though she has taken her husband’s surname, Midford. Which means he doesn’t want to lose her, either.
And that’s something interesting about learning you are about to become a parent. It’s not just the wave of emotions that initially wash over you. Less immediate are all the emotions you deal with as the knowledge hits that this is a long term investment. You will be dealing with these mixed emotions for years. Their whole lives. As a reaper, he probably expects to witness their entire lives, as well as their deaths.
So, there might even be an early sense of eventual loss and grief. A sense that only grows over time. And even worse after their mother dies. Worse still, after Vincent’s death. It could become debilitating.
But… with his abilities as a reaper… he has developed this strange hope for the remaining Phantomhives….
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dqrkncss666 · 3 years
~~~ Death babysitting ~~~
Undertaker was sitting in his Funeral Parlor, working on a corpse from the latest murder assigned to the Queen's Watchdog. A knock was heard on the front door and the mortician without taking his eyes off his work answered "Come in~".
Two children, a girl and a boy, more specifically Lady Frances and Lord Vincent Phantomhive, run inside the Funeral Parlor and without hesitation jumped on the Undertaker's back. Their mother walked slowly in the parlor with a smile on her face. Lady Frances and Lord Vincent laughed as the Undertaker fell down from the weight.
"Now now kids, you don't want to hurt him" said their Mother , Claudia Phantomhive, as she picked up Vincent .
"I want to bake him" said Frances as the Undertaker picked her up and stood back up.
"Lady Frances you wound me~" grinned the Mortician.
"Frannie don't be so mean " said Claudia.
"My dear Undertaker I would like to ask you a favour. "
The silver haired man had a confused expression on his face as he saw Claudia's face having that wicked grin. She continued speaking.
" I would like you to take care of Vincent and Frances for me today, they didn't want to stay in the manor-" she was cut off by Vincent that spoke with a smile:
"Just admit it Mommy, you like to see him suffer!"
Both Vincent and Frances giggled. The Undertaker's grin widened.
"Vincent don't expose your mother like that~ ".
Claudia sighed " AND for that as well" she chuckled.
"Mama, his hair is a mess " Frances pointed out as she started making a small braid with the Mortician's hair.
Claudia smiled: "It seems you all get along pretty well, I have important work to take care of, Frannie please, don't bake him".
Lady Frances nodded.
She placed Vincent back down.
"And Vincent don't torture him" she said and winked at Vincent as she waved goodbye and closed the door behind her.
"I do not approve of that wink" admitted the Undertaker.
~ ~ ~ After a while ~ ~ ~
" Are you done yet Lady Frances?" asked the Undertaker that was now sitting on the floor.
"Not really " giggled Frances as she brushed the Mortician's hair.
"Vinnie can you bring me a hair clip?" required Frances as she continued to brush the Undertaker's hair.
"There you go " Vincent gave to Frances a pink hair clip and she placed it on the Undertaker's hair.
They both laughed at how hilarious the Undertaker looked at the end.
"He looks like a princess! " laughed out Vincent.
"Mama has to see this!" said Frances that was now laughing on the floor.
The Undertaker stood up and picked both of them up. Then he placed them on a nearby coffin to sit.
"Your mom doesn't need to see this." the Undertaker said with an amused smile on his face.
"All this laughing made me hungry!" admitted Vincent.
"Yes very hungry!" agreed Frances.
"Hmmm~ " the Undertaker went behind his desk and called out for the kids to come.
"I have made some of my special cookies~ " grinned the Mortician as he picked up the jar. Both of Vincent and Frances faces lit up and run behind the desk. The three of them sat there and ate some cookies.
"Why are they shaped like bones? " Frances broke the silence. The Undertaker giggled.
"Because I like to tease your mother~ she gets really mad whenever I give her these cookies " Frances didn't completely understand but Vincent sure did, he was laughing with the Undertaker as they were eating their cookies. Time passed by quickly and the three of them fell asleep behind the desk with The Undertaker as their pillow.
It started to get dark outside when a knock at the door was heard. She knocked again before she entered the Funeral Parlor. Claudia looked around the room. She soon checked behind the desk and a warm, sweet smile crossed her face at the sight of the three people that she cared for the most having fallen asleep in a big hug.
She sat next to them and carefully poked Undertaker's cheek careful not to wake Vincent and Frances up. When the Undertaker woke up and smiled to her, she said in a low voice:
"What a lovely little Princess!".
The Undertaker chuckled and whispered: "Thanks to Lady Frances."
Soon after, Undertaker, without hesitation, pulled Claudia by her hand in the family hug. Claudia whispered with a smile on her face:
"A bit aggressive don't you think?"
The Undertaker embraced the three of them and whispered back, after a moment.
"Not at all, I would actually call it 'A loving family hug' dear ~."
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