#virgil can't help that he's pReTtY
skeletinmoss · 3 months
@harmonialcollisions here's the dragon Virgil au
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One of my unfinished works. A little fanfic named Mercenary dragon. (it's not in english)
Virgil is a dragon, and like any dragon he likes pretty things especially gold. He found a way to get gold pretty easily: work for humans. Most paying jobs is assassinating requests and for a dragon they are pretty easy to do. Same was supposed to be when he accepted a request to kill the prince. The problem Virgil didn't account for was that Prince triggered his "pretty thing" reflex.
Now he is stuck. He can't finish the job because he can't damage the pretty thing. Doesn't help that Prince is irritatingly oblivious to the whole situation.
Roman thinks Virgil is a knight hired to protect him from a planned assassination. Yes, he has wings, and fangs, and magic and constantly drinks potions to keep a more human appearance. But hey, he's just cursed, it would be rude to point out. He's still a hero who saved him, so Roman has to be polite to him. Besides he's kinda good looking
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Okay wait I have a prompt!!! If you wanna So I've been reading a lot of fics recently that are in space aus, with the whole humans are deathworlders concept (idk how this is common across my fandoms but it is so I'm binging them lol). And I had an idea based on recent irl events. – anon (long ask, cut for brevity)
inspired by my lovely @ghostofasecretary who has trained all of our friend group to look for hypermobility on account of our schlorpy joints :)
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none
Pairings: loosely implied analogical i guess, but as with most of my shit can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count; 1809
Remus glances up to see Virgil staring at Logan like his abdomen has spontaneously ruptured. He sees Roman out of the corner of his eye do the same. Virgil swallows heavily. "L," he says slowly, "what the fuck is wrong with your arms?" "Nothing is wrong with my arms, what are you talking about?" "Elbows don't bend like that!" Ah. So there was something wrong. Remus was right. Take that, human etiquette manual. Wait, shit, something's wrong with Logan.
Roman clicks at Remus as he comes onto the lab floor. Remus clicks back as he logs onto his station, sighing as he looks at the absolute mess someone's fucking made of the logs—seriously, it's only been one quarter cycle, how are they this fucked up already?—and Roman immediately leans over to see what he's sighing at.
"Wait, what's that?"
"Some xetron made an absolute fucking disaster out of the hadron logs."
Roman winces in sympathy and his carapace shifts. "Are you gonna do yours before you clean that up, or—?"
The last part of his question gest interrupted when Logan comes onto the floor, waving a brief hello with his fingers instead of his antenna—because humans don't have antennae, which was a pretty sharp learning curve for both of them when they'd been so confused as to why this human was refusing to talk to them or even show his feelings, they'd had a few apologetic shifts before Logan realized what was going on and explained everything—and raising an eyebrow when he noticed them clustered around Remus's station.
"Is there something wrong?"
"The shift before us messed up their hadron logs."
Logan rolls his eyes. "You'd think that for life forms insistent that their gravitational curves made them more naturally prepared for graviton scans, they'd have a better sense of how to record them properly."
"You're spellcasting on the acolytes, Logan."
Logan frowns, glancing at his tablet, before the equivalent phrase pings on the screen and he hums. "Ah, I see. Yes, well, if you'd like my help at any point, I only have the routine gamma sweeps to do this shift, so I should be amenable."
"Oh, I can do it, it's just a pain in my thorax."
Roman chuckles and heads back to his own station, probably to sneakily-not-so-sneakily ask some of the others on the shift who are fucking competent what the fuck happened. Remus gets himself ready to dive into the long and tedious work of redoing the spin increments and calculating the proper uncertainties for the right variables—honestly, do they even look at the readouts? It has the layout right there! And it's not like the other logs are invisible! Just look at the rows two microns above the empty one you're supposed to be filling out!—and manages to sink into a rhythm for the first half of the shift. Granted, he's absolutely muttering about how stupid it is that they aren't even calculating the basic momentum, let alone the angular velocity to account for the other celestial bodies in the middle of the waveforms, but it's fine, and Roman keeps up his running commentary of the molecular analysis machine that takes its sweet-ass time to do even the most basic of scans, and every so often he'll hear a small huff from Logan as he corrects their probe's trajectory, but for the most part, the lab is a quiet and serene place to be.
God, he can't wait until he gets rotated back to the engineering department full-time.
Like, yeah, he likes spending time with his brother, and the human's cool—he's really funny when he lets himself be, like his wit is drying than the mountain deserts on Cre-Ativa, and his facial expressions are fucking plat when their superiors are being xetrons, but there's only so much he can take of this quiet where not much happens. And he has to deal with the idiots who don't know how to format hadron logs correctly. This is the third time he's had to correct a typo that's rendered the rest of the calculations useless.
"I'm honestly about to recommend them for a review of the training course, that's how fucking serious this is."
"Maybe there's something wrong with how the keyboard is adapted for their limbs?"
"That would explain some of the typos, not all of them. And it definitely wouldn't explain why there's a massive formatting change about halfway through."
"Perhaps there's a shorthand they're using for some of the notes that we don't know about, and they're forgetting to correct them at the end of their shift."
"Yeah, but then they should tell us that, instead of—" Roman trails off and Remus looks up.
Logan is…stretching, yes, that's the right word. His limbs are extended over his head and his back is arched, but his upper limbs are…bending. Not like the way they normally bend, they're bending…too much? Not enough? The wrong way? Yeah, that's it. The wrong way.
Logan notices they've gone quiet and looks over. "Is there something wrong?"
"You're, uh," Remus stammers, "are you—okay?"
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine, what is it?"
"Nothing, nothing."
He and Roman exchange a look—the first rule in the human etiquette training manual was if they get weird, just roll with it for a reason—and get back to minding their own business. Admittedly, some of the errors do make more sense now that he's looking at it like it's some kind of shorthand he doesn't know yet, but that wouldn't explain why some of these variables are straight-up wrong and why they wouldn't bother to tell him what the shorthand is so that he's not trying to do the work of two shifts in the time of one.
Something he does appreciate is that the way the shifts in the lab are set up, opposed to engineering, is that sometimes there will be people whose shifts halfway overlap with theirs. So there's always at least one set of people that are staying in the lab while a changeover is happening and then there's not that risk that the equipment will be left unattended. Apparently they learned that lesson the hard way when the molecular exhibitor decided to go into overload in the five minutes where there wasn't anyone logged in, and nearly destroyed the matter wave projector on the station next to it. The justification was in the name of safety, but really everyone knows it's just so the higher-ups know exactly who to blame when shit goes awry.
Whatever the case may be, the door slides open to reveal the other human down here, Virgil, yawning as he makes his way over to his station.
"Hello, hello, everyone."
"Hi, Virgil!"
Virgil winces. "You are way too chipper this early in the morning."
"It's past the circadian half cycle, Virgil."
"Yeah, and?"
"I'm afraid you're going to have to acclimate to your schedule on your own time," Logan says, stretching again, "even though I'm sure your caffeine tolerance has—what? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Remus glances up to see Virgil staring at Logan like his abdomen has spontaneously ruptured. He sees Roman out of the corner of his eye do the same. Virgil swallows heavily.
"L," he says slowly, "what the fuck is wrong with your arms?"
"Nothing is wrong with my arms, what are you talking about?"
"Elbows don't bend like that!"
Ah. So there was something wrong. Remus was right. Take that, human etiquette manual.
Wait, shit, something's wrong with Logan.
"Logan? Do we need to take you to medbay?" Roman's already rushing out from behind his station. "There's a pack in the corner, I can—"
"Oh, for—relax, all of you, I'm fine."
"Uh-huh, yeah, fine, that's what I'd describe elbows that bend all schlorpy as, yeah," Virgil says, "what the—does that not hurt?"
"What? No, it doesn't hurt, look, your joints—"
"My joints suck ass but at least they're fucking bending the amount they're supposed to!"
Remus isn't quite sure how human joints are capable of such a surprising and invasive act, but never let it be said he's not curious. "Your joints are capable of performing anal suction?"
"What the fuck? No! It's a turn of phrase!"
"Oh. Disappointing."
"Ignore him," Roman says, "Logan, are you sure you're—"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine, I'm just—oh," he mumbles, prodding at his tablet, "what's the word for this in Common?"
"There's no word for schlorpy elbows, Logan—"
"Yes, there is!" He pokes around for a few more seconds before he lets out a noise of triumph and says something that the translators don't translate.
"It's what?" Virgil just shakes his head when Logan tries again. "I don't know what that means, bud."
Logan sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, let me try it this way. What's it called when you are in a state of heightened energy and it leads to outbursts of things like running around, or talking too loudly, or being high-strung?"
"Remus," Roman offers helpfully.
"No, Roman."
"Are you talking about being excitable?"
"No, there's a specific word for it. It also serves as a prefix for being too much of something, or an overabundance of something."
"Too much—do you mean the word hyper?"
"Yes! Yes, that's it. And then what's the name of the thing that some people hang over cribs that have little stars or animals?"
Virgil stares at Logan for another moment. "You mean a baby mobile?"
"Yes, but only the second word."
"Yes, that's it. Then put the two words together—"
"There were probably so many other ways you could've said you were hypermobile, L, I'm just gonna put that out there—"
"Well, it got you to guess it, didn't it?"
"It's too fucking early for this shit."
"Again, it is afternoon—"
"Shut up."
Roman looks back and forth between the two humans, still twitching as though he's going to be asked to sprint for the medbay at a moment's notice. "So…is Logan…are you alright?"
"Yes, for the fourth time, I'm fine. Virgil's just a little excitable, that's all."
"You try being normal when joints are doing unexpected things," Virgil mumbles, more to his caf than anything else, but he reaches behind himself to pat Roman's carapace. "He's fine, his body just does that."
"But you said it bends the wrong way, how is that fine?"
"There is a thing known as hypermobility," Logan says, "it…oh, dear, it basically means that certain joints will bend…more."
"He's not hurt, that's pretty much all I know."
Roman looks like he's about to protest but Remus just clicks at him. They exchange another look as the humans settle back to work.
Humans are weird, just gotta roll with it.
These hadron logs, on the other hand—
"I'm gonna punt these flimflobbers into the next star we see."
"Can I help? They fucked up the carbon dating program as well."
"How do you fuck that up?"
"Ask them, not me!"
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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whorekneecentral · 8 months
Prompt 61 with big virg “more please”
They have pretty rough sex (cough cough) include size kink and just big virg being big virg
And he makes reader squirt for the first time, and then wants her to squirt again and again and again.
- vvd anon
girl imma have to skip over that last bit because it makes me giggle lmao // prompt: “more please”
Virg came home upset; the match hadn't gone the way they expected. He finds you in the kitchen, you smile as your husband walks over to you.
"Hi my love," you rest your hands on his face. "You okay?"
The man grumbles some sort of a response and before you could ask the next question, his arms wrapped around you and you quickly wrapped your legs around his middle. He carried you to the bedroom, kicking the door shut before he dropped you on the bed. 
He had settled between your legs, one hand roaming your bare thigh as you pulled him down by his chain to kiss him. Your boyfriend lets you kiss him, pushing against you and your back arches just a bit, Virgil managing to pull your shirt up. 
You mumble a no when he pulls away, moving to kiss down your neck and chest, finding his way along your stomach to between your legs. He needed to talk, he doesn't need to talk his anger out like this.
He leaves a few marks and kisses along the inside of your thigh, his arm hooked under your thighs, hands on your hips and fingers trailing along the hem of your panties. He lets you take him little by little, pulling out almost all the way each time before finally pushing into you all the way. He's in charge and you both know it, letting him set the pace; slow and steady and it was driving you insane. 
You didn’t want slow, you wanted it hard and messy, the type of fuck where you couldn’t keep your hands off each other. 
“Virg,” you whine, a hand reaches to rest on his hand that’s on your hip. “More please.” 
“Do you?” He hums, moving a little faster. 
You know giving him attitude won’t help but you can’t help but roll your eyes, “more than that.” 
“Needy,” he calls, pulling you closer by your legs. 
Finally, you get what you want, his hips hitting the back of your thighs, he leans over you and your arms are pinned above your head, both legs up on his shoulders now.
He can't help but notice how small you look under him; between that and the angle was enough to push you both over the edge.
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itsgrimeytime · 6 months
The Nurse (Part Fourteen) || Rick Grimes (TWD)
Part: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...
Taglist: @strnqer @1985bitch @curlycarley @imaginemyfavoritefics @crazytxgradstudent @addisonnie @whos6claire @taylvvrr @quicksilversg1rl @catt-leya @1tsk1tty @hopefulatrocity @fuseburner @idkseraphine @emo-potato-virgil @mcuclintasha @8crazy-freak8 @peepeepoopoobutt @crazyunsexycool @alixxhere @allthetroubleiveseen @dxrkymxrchy @taylormarieee @maackiimoo
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
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Summary: Before all this, you were a nurse. A nurse who had patients, one of which was a man in a coma. A sheriff, you think, it was all kinda fuzzy now. When it all went sideways, you set up what you could for the man - but had to leave. You’d always wondered where he’d ended up; until in your search of shelter, you run into a familiar face.
TWS: mentions of death, survival instinct, injury pain, gun violence (just violence in general), gunshot wounds, swearing, and all things typical of TWD.
[[A/N: I just thought he looked pretty here tbh. So, that's my reasoning. Hope you enjoy lovelies !! Thanks for reading !!!]]
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Something was bothering you, you laid in your bed at night -staring up at the ceiling like it would help you eventually get to sleep. It didn't, nothing did.
You were up and walking before you could think any different, feet dragging along the concrete, as you stepped outside -eyes a wonder as you peered out into what you recognized to be the early mornings.
You remembered why, as you sat out there -chill making goosebumps all along your arms, why you knew such an arbitrary feeling.
It was after your first ever shift as a nurse, you'd been on trauma which was packed full almost every hour. You didn't have a break until 2 am the next day, and when you finally left the third day, it was early.
You spun around in a circle, breathing in the fresh air like it was water and you were in the desert. It kinda felt like that. Your friend, you couldn't remember their name now, had laughed and joined you.
"Freedom!" you yelled out, and took a big swig of your coffee -more of a habit at this point.
"How much coffee have you had?" she asked, swinging the keys around her fingers, eyebrows furrowed.
"Too much," you answered and got into the car.
You sighed, rubbing your arms up and down your sides -the chill of the night was strong then. It was something you felt comfortable with, even despite your lack of sleep -you knew these mornings. They were familiar.
Your eyes landed along the fence, watching the walkers -a few of them seemed to sense you, even from far away. Head tilted, skin decomposed, jaw thrashing you merely looked, eyes lashing along the skin. There was something in you merely disgusted that you were used to them, used to it all.
You remembered the first time you'd ever seen one, scared and curious all in one. And the second, the fear, the grief, the loss-
And then they were everywhere. Everywhere you looked.
You startled in place, something shocked in your bones, and you matched his eyes. It was Rick, wondrously tired Rick with a heavy sort of look in his blue eyes, curls a bit off, and voice a grumble in his throat.
"Hey," you finally responded, tightening your arms over your sides -the chill shaking through your bones, "-you okay?"
"'Could ask you the same," he echoed trailing near you for a second, eyes lingering on your arms -where you rubbed absentmindedly, "-Ya cold?"
"You're not?" you laughed, slightly.
"'Can fix it," he muttered, slowly -sleep slurred and something in your heart warmed, "-C'mere."
You moved to him, and he, with ease, wrapped around your back -strong arms meeting around your waist and head nudged on top of your own. He pressed a simple kiss to the top of your head, rubbing into your hair with his chin -sleepily.
"Better?" he asked.
"Better," you hummed, gathering your arms onto his, "-always better."
"What are ya doin' up?"
"Can't sleep," you answered, dancing with his sort of gentle sway, "-I just... Every time I close my eyes, I see..."
You fell silent, you didn't need to finish it. He knew.
"Y'er not there anymore," he hummed, pushing his lips to kiss your head again -tightening his arms just slightly, "-I'll do whatever you need for me to prove it to ya."
"I know I am," you sighed into the press of his lips, "-I just keep thinking that he might... that he might come back."
"If he does," Rick echoed, something cold and distant, "-you're not alone. I won't let 'im touch ya, or anyone."
"Rick, you can't-" you started, turning towards him in your grip, "-you can't promise that."
He looked at you for a foggy moment, soft eyes bubbling over your skin, a gentle sort of gaze fuzzy -something flashed in his eyes, "You think he's really coming back, don't ya?"
He could read you like a book, you couldn't sleep -all you could think about was him coming back and taking what he would've earlier. If you hadn't stepped up, what he would've taken, all the lives-
Something in your stomach twisted.
"He's not finished here," you echoed, a little lost, "-I just. I know he isn't and I'm..." Scared, your brain finished.
He'd take you first, you just knew it. Kill you in front of everybody or make you watch, it was personal. So, so personal.
"Stop thinkin' too hard," he hummed, using his hands to wipe away the creases along your eyebrows, "-I can see it."
"I can't," you frowned, "-I can't get it out of my head."
He frowned for a moment, before leaning forward, kissing your cheeks with languid little movements -eyes piercing over your face.
"I wish I could make ya feel better," he spoke genuinely, in the low timber of the early morning, "-I wish so badly I could help you. Take it all away."
"Rick," you breathed out, smiley, "-whatever you're doing it's not working."
"Sure 'bout that?" He asked, kissing over your pulse -racing in your chest, he certainly could feel it, "'Cause I think it's helpin'."
You laughed, moving your chin to give him more access -eager to feel the burn of the stubble on your skin. Anywhere. It's like you remember him for every second he wasn't there -wonderful sort of buzz, "Can't argue with that one, Sheriff."
He laughed, a light press of his lips to your jaw, "Look at me, darlin'."
And so, you did.
Rick held your chin with his hand -gentle with calloused fingertips, "I won't let 'im hurt you."
"Rick..." you echoed.
"No, I," he spoke, cradling your face, "-I need ya to know. I know you said you can't let me, but you have to know that I can't let you."
"Let me what?"
"Do it again," he hummed, something far off and distant, "-ya can't do it again. Sacrifice yourself, I won't- Look, I can't."
You frowned, cradling your fingertips under his cheekbones, "I'm right here."
"I know," he grumbled, "-I know."
You took your hands to trail over his skin dusting along the stubble, holding his face in your hands -you spoke what you felt, "I love you."
"I love you too," he echoed, soft and slow -you watched the words rumble out of his lips, "-so much."
"So much," you smiled, leaning your head forward onto his shoulder -warmth taking over your skin, you distantly wished you could stay here forever. You yawned into his skin, and you knew he felt it.
"C'mon, darlin'," he pulled you back but didn't let go of your hand -intertwining your fingers, "-let's go to bed."
"I can't," you resisted, "-I can't sleep without the-"
"You're not goin' alone," he hummed, "-come lay with me."
You laughed, a bit in disbelief, "In the prison bed?"
"Yeah," he smiled, pulling you further, "-'m sure we can both fit. Not like I want ya too far anyway."
You laughed harder, "Whatever you say, cowboy. I'm not gonna complain-"
"Good," he grumbled out and guided you back inside.
The peace was good while it lasted...
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anxiousgaypanicking · 2 months
Moxiety (Patton x Virgil) Kinktober 2023 Day Eight: Breeding Warnings: sex, breeding, overstimulation, hickeys
Patton's big hands hold firm to Virgil's thighs, keeping them spread wide open. As his callouses rub over Virgil's skin, the latter can't help but shiver.
"Feel good?" Patton teases, which makes Virgil frown, tucking his face into his shoulder to hide his blush, as he mutters a bitter, incoherent response. The sight of Virgil shyly hiding his countenance makes Patton huff out a soft laugh.
"Here I am, generous enough to breed you full, and I don't even get to see your pretty smile?" Patton then says, voice playful, though his words only serve to embarrass Virgil further. "Let me see you, please. I won't continue until you do."
Not that they'd started much. Virgil had foolishly hoped for a quick fuck, neglecting the fact that Patton loved to take his sweet time peppering kisses and touching Virgil's body until Virgil 's begging for him to get to the actual sex. This time was no different, though Patton's drawn-out affection felt more humiliating in this moment, seeing as Virgil had approached Patton asking for something he hadn't before.
In a moment of vulnerability, he'd confessed his own breeding kink, and asked with a red face and darting eyes if Patton would consider indulging him.
And of course, Patton had said yes! And had been playing the part rather well.
Virgil just wishes they could move a little faster!
Slowly, Virgil moves his face from his shoulder, making bitter glaring eye contact with Patton, who smiles affectionately when he sees him.
"There we go," Patton praises, cupping Virgil's face with one of his hands. "My good boy."
Virgil shifts at the praise, glancing away as he licks his lips, before going "can you hurry up, please?"
Patton laughs softly, before leaning over Virgil in order to kiss at the latter’s neck, as his hand rubs over Virgil’s stomach, before wrapping around Virgil’s leaking cock. The feeling of his shaft suddenly being grabbed and stroked slowly has Virgil moaning immediately, arms stretched above his head.
“Is this fast enough for you?” Patton coos, very slowly working his big hand over Virgil’s comparably smaller cock, until Virgil is leaking into his palm.
But despite how good this felt, they both know what Virgil really wanted. And so Patton pulls his hands away after just a few seconds of pleasure, leaving Virgil whining and squirming beneath him.
He’s quickly silenced by Patton’s hands on his hips however, pulling them up off the mattress, before a bottle of lube is being pressed up against his hole and suddenly squeezed, making Virgil gasp and cry out a curse as excess is poured into him.
His blunt nails dig into the pillows above him, only easing once the bottle is tossed away and Patton’s thumbs once again push into his plump thighs, rubbing at the fat.
“There,” Patton muses, sounding a mixture of soft, and proud of himself. “Now it’s like you’ve produced slick all on your own.”
Virgil lets out a trembling moan at Patton’s words, flushing dark red as one of Patton’s fingers circle his hole, pushing two of his fingers in only briefly before pulling them out again, watching as Virgil’s hole clenches around nothing. Laughing under his breath, Patton backs up just enough to unzip his khakis, and pull his cock out.
Virgil watches with wide eyes as Patton reaches for the bottle of lube, pouring the rest over his shaft until the bottle is crushed, and then guiding Virgil’s legs to wrap around his waist.
Pale hands dig into Patton’s shoulders as Virgil reaches for him, gripping hard to his polo as he feels the tip of Patton’s cock push against his hole.
“Ready, love?” Patton murmurs, sweet as ever.
Virgil can only moan in response, eyes pressing shut as Patton slowly pushes into him, thick cock filling Virgil near instantly. The pads of Virgil’s fingers press into Patton’s shoulders as he pulls him closer, perhaps hoping that clinging tighter to Patton will get the rest of his cock inside faster.
“There we go,” Patton whispers, as his cock slides halfway in. “You’re doing so good. You were made for me, Virgil, and this is proof.” Patton’s soft lips hover against the corner of Virgil’s mouth, trail down his cheek, and pause just above Virgil’s earlobe. His hot breath fans against Virgil’s skin, so intimate it makes Virgil shiver.
“I’m going to breed you so full,” Patton says, and Virgil’s head falls back with pleasure as Patton’s hips press flush against his ass. “Going to pump you full of come. Do you want that, Virgil?”
“Y- yes,” Virgil stammers, embarrassed.
“What do you want?”
Patton pulls away to fully admire Virgil’s twisted face, brows furrowed and nose scrunched with a mixture of humiliation and bitterness at the question, but a bit of gentle prompting from Patton has Virgil turning his face to the side, and muttering something unintelligible.
Patton smiles at the muffled sounds. “I can’t hear you.”
With a bit more bile, Virgil turns back to Patton, gritting “I want you to… breed me full.”
“There we go! Good boy!”
Patton pulls him into a kiss before Virgil can even think about uttering a disgruntled comment, trapping his tongue in a brief war with Patton’s own, before Patton shamelessly pushes his tongue past Virgil’s lips, tasting him fully as his hips slowly begin to move.
Their stomachs are pressed flat together, the hair on Patton’s stomach tickling Virgil’s relatively barer skin, though that sensation is quickly forgotten as Patton’s cock thrusts forward and right back inside of Virgil, causing Virgil to break away from the kiss with a gasp, spit dribbling down his chin. He wraps his arms tighter around Patton’s neck, and in return Patton holds tight to Virgil’s hips, as though they’re joined in a perverted embrace.
He thrusts slowly into Virgil, though Virgil isn’t sure whether Patton’s doing it on purpose to tease him, or if he’s genuinely attempting to ease them both into this. Regardless, Virgil feels tortured by his pace, and if it weren’t for Patton’s lips brushing over his neck, he’d be begging for more.
Teeth nip at Virgil’s pale jugular, light and questioning, but Virgil just cocks his head to the side in response, sucking in a sharp breath as Patton accepts the invitation with a firm bite, sucking hard on the skin until they’re both confident a dark hickey will form.
“Going to breed you,” Patton breathes, before kissing Virgil’s skin briefly, interrupting his affection to continue mumbling “going to stuff you full. You’re all mine, Virgil, all mine.”
“God!” Virgil groans, head thrown back. They’d hardly started, and he felt like he was losing his mind.
Patton sucks another mark into Virgil’s flesh, closer to his jaw. Virgil feels his body heat up at the idea of the others seeing, and asking questions about it, but still he moans. He pulls Patton even closer.
“Please,” he pleads, though he’s not even sure what he’s asking for.
Patton’s big hands massage Virgil’s hips and upper thighs, squeezing his fat love-handles before gliding up his sides, and running back down to his hips, of which he holds so tight Virgil feels as though he might have bruises in the shape of Patton’s hands afterwards.
His thrusts speed up inside of Virgil, causing Virgil to jolt with each thrust into him. A steady moan spills from his lips as Patton kisses down his neck and over his collarbone.
Until finally the tip of Patton’s cock slams into his prostate, making Virgil suddenly cry out in pleasure, digging his nails into Patton’s shirt.
“There!” Virgil begs, a pretty, red blush enveloping his features. “Right there, please! Oh, please, please, please!” 
"Please what, Virgil?" Patton urges him. "Use your words." 
The sheer grit in which Patton commands him makes Virgil feel like a doll, helpless to do anything but obey, but happy to do such anyway, despite the pit of humiliation sitting in his stomach, further fueling his arousal. It has Virgil sucking in desperate mouthfuls of air as Patton's thrusts speed up, only serving to make talking a bigger challenge. A glance towards Patton's face reveals his amused, gleaming eyes, as he purposefully works to make Virgil struggle. Virgil groans as he meets Patton's intense gaze, feeling flush. 
"Please-" Virgil stammers, unable to catch his breath, "please- breed me. Please- I need it, I-" 
"Shh," Patton soothes, mockingly, before sucking another deep hickey. "You'll get it. I won't deprive you." 
He lets out a soft moan against Virgil's skin, making Virgil shudder with glee. 
Heat overwhelms Virgil's body as Patton thrusts into his prostate, fucking into it over and over until he's trembling on the brink of an orgasm. Patton's thick cock stretches him open just right, adding to his ultimate pleasure. 
Furthermore, Patton slides one of his big hands between their stomachs to grab and stroke Virgil's cock, working it steadily and lovingly between his fingers, sliding his palm up, then back to the hilt, and then back up again. He sets a rhythm with his rubbing until cute cries are spilling from Virgil's gritted teeth, as the latter attempts to bite back his louder moans of overwhelming delight. 
"Close," Virgil eventually gasps, holding to Patton as tightly as he can. He may be able to hold back for a few minutes, but not forever. Not with how well Patton is handling him. He hears Patton laugh softly from where his face is buried in the skin of Virgil's neck, mouthing over unmarked skin as though it's unclaimed territory. 
"My good boy," he whispers, so quiet Virgil can barely hear. "Be good and come for me." 
Patton's fingers squeeze around Virgil's shaft, urging him to do as he's told and come, which Virgil does in just a few more strokes, making a mess between the two of them with a loud cry. His head is thrown back onto the pillows, giving Patton a clear view of Virgil's neck, littered with hickeys.
Patton slows down inside of Virgil only briefly, giving him a few seconds to catch his breath, before his thrusts start back up again. 
Blearily, Virgil whimpers "what- what?"
"Oh, baby," Patton coos, the pet name making Virgil flush a dark red. "You didn't think we were done, did you? I haven't bred you, yet! How am I going to stuff you full if I haven't even came?" 
Virgil moans at his words, cursing in between his pants. Before he can respond though, Patton is thrusting harder into him, slamming into his prostate so suddenly Virgil can't help but cry out in overstimulation, cock twitching between his legs. 
Patton leans down so they're pressed firmly against each other, trapping Virgil's cock between their pudgy stomachs as Patton kisses Virgil again, gently scratching at Virgil's scalp as his cock slides repeatedly in and out of Virgil, earning overwhelmed cries and moans as Virgil's prostate is abused. 
Thighs shaking, Virgil squeezes them around Patton's waist, pulling him closer despite his body's shaking sensitivity. 
"Come in me!" Virgil pleads, slinging his forearm over his face to hide his no-doubt pathetic expression. "Breed me! Please!" 
His cock is rubbed against Patton's stomach, smeared in his own come as Patton's cock fucks harder into him, making him gasp as he digs his nails hard into Patton's back and shoulders. If they weren't protected by the thin fabric he was wearing, his skin would no doubt be pierced. 
Patton suddenly groans, pulling Virgil's head back in order to bury his face in Virgil's neck. 
"Going to fill you up," Patton huffs, voice sweet but decently excited, making Virgil feel equally as anticipatory. "Going to stuff you full. I wish we had a plug nearby; I'd keep you plugged up all night. Would you like that? Being plugged full of my come?" 
Virgil whines at the question, pushing his hands over his face. 
Immediately, Patton tsks. "Bad boy. Don't you want to be bred? Don't you? If you don't answer me-" Patton's thrusts slow, and he begins to pull his cock out, "-I'll just have to come over you instead. Make an even bigger mess on your stomach, instead of pumping my come inside of it." 
"No!" Virgil pleads, before hesitantly pulling his hands away. "Please- please, Patton!" 
"So nice," Patton coos, ignoring him. "Such a nice, polite boy. Are you sweet, Virgil? A sweetheart who wants to be bred full?" 
Humiliation creeps through Virgil's veins, and seem to go straight to his leaking cock. 
"My sweet boy. My good boy." 
Virgil lets out a soft sob of pleasure as Patton continues to thrust into him, though he's growing noticeably sloppy. He moans, before pressing his lips against Virgil's earlobe, kissing it gingerly, before whispering "I'm close, Virgil. I'm going to fill you up." 
Virgil wraps his arms tightly around Patton, only responding with an embarrassingly desperate "please!"
And Virgil needn't plead any further. 
Patton comes with a pleased groan into Virgil's ear, come spurting into Virgil's hole, properly filling him like he promised he would. Patton fucks Virgil gently through his orgasm, and is pleased when Virgil comes too (he's always found it cute when their orgasms lined up!) but is careful not to let any of his come be pushed out. He's equally as careful as he leans back and slowly pulls out, even lifting Virgil's hips up to prevent spillage. 
With one of his arms wrapped around Virgil's midsection, his other hand lightly gropes at Virgil's pudgy stomach, smiling wide. 
"There we go," Patton breaths, face flushed as he attempts to catch his breath. "Bred properly! How do you feel?" 
"Good," Virgil responds, huffing slightly. There's a bit of silence between them, before Virgil eventually mumbles "thanks, I guess." 
His gratitude makes Patton smile cheekily, as he leans down immediately to smother Virgil in kisses. And despite Virgil squirming slightly, he eventually resigns himself to being on the receiving end of a kiss-attack, letting himself pull Patton close as he relishes in the feeling of being delightfully stuffed full. 
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pencilpat · 27 days
Dukeceitbrainrot here on anon. Do you have any ripe headcanons for Janus/Remus? 💛💚
Who am I fooling, we have so many that I can't even write them all out in one place without overwhelming myself! Here's some juicy ones though, just for you. @dukeceitbrainrot
Janus and Remus both have really bad abandonment issues, both from things Thomas has been through as well as losing Virgil from such a previously tight knit group. They cling to each other very, very hard. They fell in love out of necessity, out of proximity, out of 'you are the only one left for me,' but they still love, love, love.
They both watch a lot of horror films, sure, but their tastes are completely different. While Janus would bring things like Run. or Us to movie night, Remus will bring things like Slaughtered Vomit Dolls or Cannibal Holocaust and spend the whole film infodumping about the horrific backstories and crimes involved. Janus sits there utterly horrified the whole time, but he lets Remus have his fun nonetheless.
Remus eats a lot of weird stuff that's very bad for his health (I headcanon that he has the disorder pica among his menagerie) and Janus has to help him quell those compulsions in any way he can. That resulted in Janus learning to bake and cook creations that look or feel in texture exactly like the things Remus would want to eat. Such as sugar glass for that nasty glass swallowing habit, or fondant to replace fancy soaps. Janus once created candy that looks and feels like razor blades, just for him.
They are SO 'horrible beast and enabling owner' coded okay, "I don't know, I just let him play," and all else are you kidding me?? Janus enables the chaos for his own amusement and Remus's antics are an endless source of entertainment for him. Janus can be pretty easily grossed out, but it's creates flabbergasted affection towards Remus more than anything else.
A bit nsfw, skip if you need to. But their sex isn't actually as weird as you'd expect from Remus. He's a lot softer and sweeter to people he genuinely loves. He gets worried when he loves someone, will he scare them off, will he make them hate him like most others have, will they be just like the others? Their opinion actually matters to him, which is bizarre and terrifying for him to deal with. Janus is very good at reassuring him and keeping him close and safe when emotions do interfere with their encounters. Remus needs a lot of aftercare most of the time, he's very prone to those rushes of negative emotions following sex.
Remus gets injured a lot, either from fights with Roman or his own tendencies to step on/into his own weapons. Janus knows very basic field first aid because of this, and has to patch him up while chastising him pretty much 6 out of 7 days of the week.
Janus has really bad days sometimes, where his responsibilities and his role as Denial crash onto him like a train. He's hiding so much, holding so much back and away from the others. It's a taxing task. Remus shows a surprisingly strong soft side on those nights, caring for and comforting Janus through every trauma reaction he may have, be it screaming, crying, scratching at himself, etc etc. It can be really rough for both of them, but Janus is always incredibly grateful to Remus for staying with him through it, despite.
Remus does not care whether Janus likes affection or not, he WILL be being kissed and laid on and grabbed and tackled and shoved into Remus's chest 24 hours 7 days a week and he is not allowed to complain.
Shockingly domestic, sweet couple. always baking or gardening together or sitting on the sofa together doing nothing at all. The only difference is that There Is An Eyeball On The Coffee Table or Remus Filled That Pot With Human Waste So I Cannot Use It or other bizarre inclusions of disgusting things among their neat little domestic life.
Remus is a coffee drinker, Janus is a tea drinker. There are many arguments over this. 200 dead, 5000 injured.
Janus likes to try and plan civil, nice dates in The Mindpalace for them, but Remus always fucks it up in some horrific way, intentionally. What is love worth if it cannot flourish in chaos, huh Janus? Huh??
That's all for now, I love these two idiots so much
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part-time-zombie · 1 month
I might have a theory about why virgil hates janus so much...
(this is a bit lengthy but i still wanted to throw it out there...)
So it's pretty clear that the hatred is mostly one-sided (pun not intended), as virgil shows open contempt for janus while janus only mostly teases virgil, so whatever happened between them is something janus has more or less moved past by now while virgil is still sore about it after all this time.
I think what happened occurred immediately after aa, when the core sides accepted virgil into the group and he told them his name. If we go by the idea that janus is like a counterpart to patton, a moral guide/mentor, then he would have been the one in charge of the dark sides, taking care of them and offering them support and direction when no one else would.
I personally hold onto the idea that janus was the one to hide the dark sides away, presumably around the time thomas (and by extension the sides) were growing and developing. As patton learned what is considered good and bad, he felt pressured to keep thomas as good as possible. Unfortunately for him, some sides of thomas embody traits that would qualify as "bad": lying, worrying, having/expressing darker thoughts. I imagine that this is around the point that thomas's creativity split, a total rejection of "forbidden thoughts". Patton wanted to convince himself and the world that thomas was wholly good, which would involve pretending that these sides didn't exist.
Janus understood this for was it was: lying. Patton was lying about these "bad" sides so he could feel good about himself, and janus decided to give patton what he wanted. He removed himself and the others from the picture, letting patton keep pretending. Anytime a dark side returned after that, it was usually a challenge against his idea of good and bad, often at a point where thomas is willing or able to learn/challenge what he knows about himself.
Anxiety started showing up when thomas made videos with the sides. Thomas was willing to work with and learn more about the facets of his identity, which can be a scary concept for most people, so it was an easy way for anxiety to appear.
Janus, while originally on board with the idea of thomas learning about the dark sides, began to reconsider things. He saw what had happened before, how the dichotomy of "good vs. bad" was so strong and so strict that it actually split a side for the sake of it. He knew that the core sides were so consumed by the idea of a black-and-white ethical mentality that anything that threatened their beliefs would be rejected and silenced. He didn't want that to happen to virgil too, not if he could help it.
So he told virgil not to interact with them anymore, warned him about how they would never accept him completely and that he could never be anything more than a villain to them. It worked, for a while. Virgil became standoff-ish towards the core sides and eventually ducked out, only for them to then come looking for him.
Hearing the core sides apologize to him, knowing that they truly do accept and appreciate him, it had virgil second-guessing everything that janus had told him about them. If they accepted him this completely and this easily, then maybe janus was wrong. Maybe he was lying to him about them.
That's when virgil joined the core sides, telling them his name and leaving the dark sides behind. He felt betrayed and lied to, and rejected janus in favor of something more "good".
Janus could only watch from the sidelines, knowing virgil didn't want him anymore. He only wanted to protect him, but all he did was drive him away. All that was left to do was to break the whole system. If this entire ordeal was the result of pattons adherence to the idea of "good vs evil" then it was about time he really put that idea to the test. You can't reject the bad sides if no sides are bad.
(tldr: janus thought he was the marlin to virgils nemo, but virgil saw janus as his the mother gothel to his rapunzel)
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Merry Holidays everyone!
Another Asides has been posted so here's my thoughts again. (No screenshots this time because I'm at work)
I love the detail about him being slightly drunk
The lean when he popped up was amazing
Can you tell that I really love Janus?
I loved the newest sweater designs, they are amazing
Virgil has the nonbinary colors on, I love it
Logan is such a mom, I love him
'Molt Wine? I'm not sharing, I'm just showing' or whatever he said
You want me to destroy my knew box?
Ooo Daddy~ (please don't-)
I think giving Remus an airfryer is a pretty smart gift. He loves food and burning shit
Remus' little Mr. Fuzzy is so adorable :>
I want one!!!
Virgil's gift to Logan is so smart and cute and well thought out and perfect for angst at first
"Give it a read, I'm sure you'll find SOMETHING you like" OH REALLY?? LIKE A CLUE!?
You're doing great Logan :)
Loga giving Roman a crisp $20 is perfect and I think I was in the stream when he said that
Replacing Andrew Jackson with Roman was so nice of Logan
Janus giggling is so cute
Roman having Janus is smart
I love both gift because Janus really needed that
And the way Virgil reacted was amazing too
What if Roman's bitchslap was so hard, it pushed Janus back to the wall and he fell. Then Remus is like UH OH SPAGHETTIOS! Let me help you up :{D But he doesn't move his hands at all but you hear something being stretched out (and maybe a belt buckle or something) then Janus is just like '... I'd rather stay on the floor Dear, thank you though Remus" while everyone else groans (I should really be in the writer's room, I'm so hilarious)
Mr. Fuzzy doesn't like being dropped :D
Karrot King
I love the little end card
C!Thomas is so cute and 'But what's the message?'Nico is killing me. YOU KNOW THR MESSAGE YOU CAN SEE IT IN HIS EYES THE MESSAGE IS I LOVE YOU NICO FLORES!!
Drunk Janus is <33
Can't wait for the next episode that's gonna be the final part 1 HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE MR. SANDERS
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typically-untypical · 4 months
The Saint and the Manipulator
AU: Vampires
CW: Biting
WC: 1,962
Date: 12/14/2023
"Look at him Jannie, he just looks cute enough to eat," Patton cooed, watching the man at the bar mixing drinks for other people. His fingers were long, almost spider like and his shirt was wide enough at the neck to show off his warm flesh.
"Patience," Janus hissed, drawing a line from Patton's neck to his chin. For the past few months he had been talking with the bartender, slowly getting him to open up to the ideas of the occult. It hadn't been hard, Virgil was apparently an avid conspiracy theorist and so when Janus started spouting off about Vampires, the bartender had listened with rapt attention. Everything working out in their favor, Janus was enjoying Virgil's company and Virgil seemed excited by the possibility of something so macabre. It had been a long road preparing the human, but everything was going according to plan. Janus had to move one more piece into play, Patton. His husband was a joy and a sweetheart, full of wonder for the world around him. Unfortunately, as a vampire, Patton had a thirst that couldn't be satiated. Unlike most stories, vampires weren't reckless killing machines, at least not all of them. Much like humans, they had the capacity to be evil or kind and though Janus didn't believe such labels were helpful, he did hope others understood, as a human he could be far crueler than he actually was. Patton, on the other hand, was far kinder than most humans Janus met.
"Oh I hope we get his consent, I would love to have him as part of our family."
Patton was probably a big reason why Janus was the way he was. Being such a kind and open hearted man, even as a vampire he wouldn't drink from someone he didn't have permission from. The first time he had drank from Janus he had begged, pleaded in a dark alley. Janus had only been so gracious to shut him up, but when Patton had finished drinking the smile on his face had been captivating. He had complimented Janus' health and given him advice for his future. It had been such a strange encounter that Janus had gone back again and again until they were linked. Vampires could get blood from any random humans, but it wasn't nearly as fulfilling as blood from someone bound to a vampire. If a human agreed, their soul could be intertwined, giving them the life span to stay by the vampire's side while also promising their health to the vampire. This bond was a neigh unbreakable, which meant one couldn't go into it lightly. Janus had given his life to Patton over a century ago, but Patton's hunger continued to grow. This was his way of helping his husband. He had been laying the groundwork to woo the bartender. He would later take on the role of manipulative villain, but he would do anything for Patton's sake.
"Last call, you two," Virgil said, walking over to their table and leaving the bar unattended. It seemed like most of the regulars had already cleared out leaving only a few stragglers behind.
"I think we're good in terms of alcohol, but might we have a conversation once you're off work? Patton and I are curious about a few things." Not a lie, not the truth.
"Oh, so this is the infamous Patton," Virgil held out his hand. "Jay has told me a lot about you, give him a few drinks and he actually can't shut the fuck up about you. I've been curious." 
Patton giggled, covering his mouth to hide his fangs. "You are a sweet talker. He has mentioned you a lot as well. I think he and I are going to have to have a stern talking to because he undersold how pretty you are."
Virgil blushed, heat and blood rising to his face. "Well, that's good to hear. I have to start cleaning the bar, but I'll tell the others you're walking me to my car, that way they should leave you be even after we close."
"Thanks Kiddo." Virgil raised his eyebrow at that but didn't say anything as he started walking away.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Patton grabbed Janus' leg trying to control his obvious giddiness. "He's handsome, and that voice, and that smell." Patton seemed to melt a bit and Janus wrapped his arms around his husband, pulling him close. 
"Yes, I'm aware he's pretty. I figured he was just your type."
Patton giggled, "Why because I like dramatic emos who hide their true feelings with sarcastic quips?"
Janus pretended to look offended as he put his hand to his chest. Patton only laughed, leaning up to kiss Janus' chin. "I love you," he whispered.
Janus would never admit that he melted a bit too, returning Patton's kiss. "You are too saccharine for your own good." He kissed Patton's neck, desperately trying not to be obvious about their love and affection for one another. He didn't need Virgil's coworkers to think they were sketchy, lecherous, or anything of the sort. They needed to be seen as a good couple, and good tippers.
It was less than an hour before Virgil and the others had the place cleaned up and shut down. He started walking toward them and the two got out of their chairs, putting them up on the tables like they had seen the others do. 
"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Virgil asked, after walking them both out locking the door behind him. "You're not going to proposition me into your harem are you, Jay?" He asked teasingly, causing Janus to roll his eyes. That wasn't what he was planning on doing but he also understood that it almost seemed like that was exactly what he was doing. He was asking Virgil to potentially be a blood donor for Patton for the rest of his life, but all in due time.
"Actually, I wanted to tell you a secret, Pat, darling, would you like to show him your teeth?"
Patton looked to Janus for confirmation before he opened his mouth, allowing his fangs to slide out. Virgil's mouth fell, and he floundered for words. Janus let him process, making sure that he and Patton were at least 5 feet away so Virgil could feel like he could escape. No one could truly escape a vampire, but Patton also wasn't a hunter.
"Alright, so those are either really expensive, or..." He looked at Janus as if hoping to hear that it was all a lie, that Janus was playing a prank. 
"I am fully human, but my husband..." Janus allowed his sentence to taper off, allowing Virgil to fill in the rest. 
"He's a vampire, and you... you knew?"
"That's why I was so knowledgeable about them." Janus pulled Patton into him and as expected, Patton nuzzled his neck gently. "You're not in any danger from him, Patton is very sweet and never drinks from someone unless he has permission. However, it is an experience."
Janus watched as Virgil swallowed, looking over to his car before taking a step forward. "So vampires are real? You aren't just fucking with me? You do seem to like to do that." Virgil countered and Janus nodded.
"An unfortunate trait of mine, but I'm sure Patton would be happy to demonstrate as long as you don't mind watching. It can get a bit... intense." There was a bout of silence, the three of them standing there waiting for Virgil to make a move. Finally he nodded.
"Yeah, yeah, okay. I need to see this to believe it."
"Are you sure kiddo? You don't have to believe if you want. You could pretend it was a bad dream and go on with your life."
At Patton's suggestion, Virgil shook his head furiously, something Janus also expected. Virgil had anxiety and though he managed it well while he was bartending a discovery like this would haunt him for the rest of his life if he didn't verify it was fake. Then again, finding out it was real would most likely shake him to his core. He would come to them more often for comfort and Janus and Patton would both be waiting with open arms; Patton because he was kind, and Janus because he knew it would be a way to get Virgil to trust them. No other reason.
"Alright, if you're sure." Janus felt Patton shift, hands gently wrapping around his face was Patton looked at him. "May I?" He asked in the sweetest voice. He always started this the same way and it felt like a ritual at this point. 
"Always," Janus whispered in response, getting to see Patton's soft shy smile before his head was tilted to the side. Patton didn't just sink his teeth in. He kissed at Janus' neck, sucked a small bruise on the crook to bring the blood to the surface. Then he bit down. It was a brief moment of pain followed by a flood of endorphins. He felt like he was floating, like the whole world disappeared beneath his feet. Janus reached out for Patton, clinging to his arms, fighting the sounds that desperately bubbled from his chest. He was partially aware that Virgil was still here, was still watching them and that was not the thing to think about right now. He moaned out the bartender’s name softly before Patton pulled back, kissing his neck and sealing the wound. He left only a hickey behind. 
Vaguely, he could hear Patton speaking and Virgil was saying something as well. This had been the risk of going this route, letting the two of them talk alone. However, if Patton and Virgil were going to fall in love they needed to actually like each other. He was being swept off his feet, cradled in the strong arms of his husband. 
"Let me walk you to your car. If you're okay with it, we can talk more tomorrow?" Patton was doing great. He had managed to get them an invite back. Virgil wasn't running away. Janus knew he probably needed to stay awake, to do everything he could to manage the situation, but his head felt heavy. Patton's venom was still coursing through his system, desperately pulling him into a relaxed state. Elevated heart rates meant more blood, but it also meant a higher chance of someone dying and though there were enough humans now that culling the population wouldn't have a dramatic effect, that hadn't always been the case. 
Janus had done the research, Janus knew what was needed to keep Patton safe, to keep him healthy. Janus knew why things were happening, but he couldn't access it all his brain was too fuzzy. 
"This hit you hard didn't it?" Patton whispered, "Seems like you enjoyed someone else watching you feed me." He sounded more lucid and Janus felt himself falling closer and closer to sleep. "I do really like Virgil, but I think maybe you like him a bit too." Janus felt a slight kiss on his forehead and the warmth of a blanket being pulled over him. "At least I hope you do. You deserve to have a life's companion as much as I do. I'd love to build a little commune where you could have more friends, more family." Patton pushed his hair away from his face before laying down next to Janus. 
"Rest, it's okay, honey. I can take over from here. You've done such a good job but it's my turn to care for you."
Janus finally relaxed, allowing sleep to take over. This was why he loved his husband. He was too kind for his own good.
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Over The Rainbow (3/5) - Virgil
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Virgil makes an appearance!! Sorry this one took me so long - I genuinely just kept forgetting to post it like an idiot, lol. Hope you enjoy regardless <3 TW for ableism in this chapter.
“Alright actors! Gather up here before we begin warmups today,” Their director called out as the last person arrived in the theatre, “Tech, head backstage - you’ll just be continuing what you were doing last week - actors, yes, I have role assignments for everyone!”
A cheer went through the small crowd of collage students assembled, Roman included. He’d tried pretty hard on his audition! Patton and Logan had both helped him perfect it and everything!
“I’ll leave the sheet here for you all to look at and scripts for you to collect. Once you’ve gotten your role and your script I’d like you to spend this session going through the script and marking your cues, thank you.”
Roman was one of the first people to get to the front and check for his name. When he found it he groaned. 
“I’m the lion ?” Roman sighed, “The cowardly lion ??”
“At least you're not the tin man, babe,” Remy said, mockingly patting Roman on the back with his coffee cup. Roman rolled his eyes and moved over to grab a script. Oh well, it was a little disappointing, maybe he was a little disheartened by his role in their production of The Wizard of Oz, but… it would have to do. 
Roman found a quiet spot near the wings on the stage and sat down, beginning to look through his script and mark out his lines with his red gel pen as instructed. It was about ten minutes into the task that Roman began to hear the strains of an argument from the wings. 
“We needed the orange fur, not the green,” Someone snapped.
“Well you should’ve sent someone else then,” Someone else snapped back immediately, “Considering I can’t see either of those colours.”
“Or maybe you’re just being difficult!” The first person said, voice getting just a little louder, “Since you say you can’t do literally every task I give you! It’s like you just don’t want to fucking help at all!”
“Dude it’s not my fault I have a lot of soulmates,” The second person tried to defend, “And you keep giving me colour related tasks! Not to mention I’m literally disabled - I can’t do certain things, dude.”
“What so it’s my fault then?” The first person snapped, “We wouldn’t have this problem if you could just do it right.”
Roman frowned, how rude, he thought, people can't help their soulmate colours or their disabilities!
“I- I’m not saying it’s your fault ,” The second person said, sounding uneasy, “I’m just saying it’s not mine either.”
“Oh no, totally not your fault that you’re incompetent and lazy,” The first said and Roman nearly growled. Who the fuck thought it was okay to talk to someone like that? He stood up, glancing at the director and upon finding that she wasn’t looking hurried off the stage to find whoever was having this argument.
“Excuse me,” Roman said - it certainly wasn't hard to find them, considering the argument had evolved into whisper-yelling and finger pointing, a heap of green faux-fur piled between them. Both of them looked up at him and Roman almost immediately felt as though he’d been slapped across the face.
Violet eyes .
Man, Roman really hoped the one with purple eyes wasn’t the one who’d been being a dick. 
“Hey - uh, Roman, right? You’re an actor, did you need something?” Said the other person and Roman breathed a sigh of relief, thank god his soulmate wasn’t the asshole. 
“I heard arguing, I just wanted to see what was going on, is everything okay?” Roman asked, raising an eyebrow. Purple looked embarrassed as they leant on their cane, while the other bulked. 
“Nothing major , just Virgil failing to do what I ask again .”
“I couldn’t see the goddamn colour!” ‘Virgil’ yelled, kicking the fur on the ground and storming off, Roman sighed. 
He looked back up at the asshole, raising an eyebrow, “People can’t control what colours they can see, y’know.”
“He’s lying to get out of doing the work, no-one has yellow as a colour, nor orange,” The guy rolled his eyes, “You know how those people are.”
“Those people?” Roman repeated, frowning, “No, I don’t think I do, do you care to explain?”
“I mean, you know how lazy they can be?”
“ You know- come on man, don’t make me say it.” Asshole sighed. 
Roman raised an eyebrow, “I mean, maybe re-evalute your opinions if you can’t even say them out loud, maybe think about whether that's an okay mindset to have? And for the record, yeah, people can have orange as a soulmate colour.”
Without waiting for a response, Roman huffed and walked away after Virgil. Eventually Roman found them sitting in the costume closet, hunched over and tugging at their curly white hair. Roman took a deep breath and knocked on the open door before walking in.
“Hey, are you okay?” Roman asked, they looked up with a worried look in their eyes.
“I’m fine ,” They huffed, glaring at him before looking away, “I don’t need you to save me or whatever this is.”
Roman huffed in pure confusion for a second - what did that even mean? “I’m not- I wanted to make sure you were alright since you left and he was being a total dipshit? I also wanted to, y’know, say hi, since apparently we’re soulmates?”
“Yeah, I figured,” Virgil said, glaring at him. 
“Did you dye your hair yourself?” Roman asked, regardless of their clearly hostile attitude. Their hair was mostly white, but the ends were dyed a pastel purple.
“I- yeah,” Virgil said, raising an eyebrow at him, “Why?”
“Uh- I think it looks cool?” Roman tried, “I did mine too.”
“Nice,” Virgil huffed, “...thanks, by the way, he is a dick.”
“Yeah, I got that vibe,” Roman rolled his eyes, “I’m guessing that’s not the first time?”
“Nope,” Virgil said, popping the ‘p’.
Roman frowned, going over to sit down next to Virgil - far enough away that they weren’t touching, “Have you reported it?”
“Why bother when they’re not going to do anything about it?” Virgil asked, before huffing when Roman raised a confused eyebrow, “They never do. ”
“I’ll report it,” Roman said, “And I’ll make them do something about it, I can be quite stubborn, you know.”
Rolling their eyes, Virgil stood up again and went to leave before Roman jumped up to stop them, “Wait! We’re soulmates, right?”
“Well yeah,” Virgil glared at him.
“I’m guessing you don’t know any of the others?”
“No, I haven’t met anyone else, where is this going?” Virgil stuffed their hand in their pocket, “I need to get back to what I’m supposed to be doing before Toby has another tantrum.”
Roman sighed, “I know some of the others, Green and Blue, I wanted to give you my number so… maybe we can chat? No pressure or anything, just, I wondered.”
Groaning, Virgil pulled out his phone, fiddling with it for a few seconds before handing it to Roman, “There, put your number in, on the condition that you buy me coffee after theatre.”
“Can do!” Roman said, grinning as he typed his number into the box and handed the phone back, “I’m gonna go talk to the director now.”
“I’m not gonna be able to persuade you to leave it, am I?”
“Nope, unless you want my brother to come down here and probably murder him,” Roman shrugged, Virgil looked alarmed for a second, before sighing and shaking their head. 
“You found Purple?” Patton gasped, leaning into Logan’s side as he worked on some project. The three of them were sitting on Logan’s double bed, because he was lucky enough to have a private dorm room, “Why’d you not introduce us?”
“They seem really shy,” Roman sighed, “And super standoffish, I don’t want to overwhelm them.”
“That is very considerate,” Logan told him, “And surprising, considering how excited you and Patton seem to get about almost everything.”
Roman rolled his eyes, “ Yeah I’m excited! That’s why I came here to gush about them instead of dragging them over to meet both of you at once and possibly put them off of all of us forever!”
Shrugging, Logan turned back to his work, “Fair enough.”
“Oh oh! Tell me about them!” Patton gasped, flopping onto their front so that they could look up at Roman with wide eyes, cupping their chin in their hands as they waited. Roman chuckled.
“Well… they’re tall, with hair and skin as white as snow! Their hair falls in waves and fades into a lovely lilac at the ends!” Roman said - trying to put as much poetic emphasis on the words as he could - gestures included - before giggling, “Apparently they dyed it themself - um, they like sweet coffee - they ordered a caramel macchiato with extra cream after theater, they dress mostly in black, their style seems very interesting - an even mix of emo and scene…”
Roman kept talking, repeating just about everything he had learned about their fourth soulmate from the conversation they’d had over coffee after theatre. By the time he was done, Patton seemed entirely enamoured.
“What’s purple like?” Patton asked once Roman had finished talking.
“Roman just told us all about them, were you not listening?” Logan frowned, tilting his head. 
“No no! I mean, purple, the actual colour!” Patton corrected, “What’s the colour look like?”
“Oh, well it’s kinda like, blue, but if you put pink in it.” Roman shrugged, “So kinda a warmer blue.”
“Cool!” Patton grinned, before sighing dreamily, “I can’t wait to see it, and them, oh Roman when can we meet them?”
“I was actually thinking…” Roman said, frowning at his phone, “I’ll ask them too, but I was wondering if maybe it would be better to add them to our groupchat first before we all met? So they get a chance to get used to you guys?”
Patton gasped, eyes brightening, “That’s a wonderful idea!”
It was two weeks of near constant texting and the occasional phone call before Virgil finally told them they were comfortable meeting everyone in person. Patton had been overjoyed, barely able to sit still as Roman told them both that they’d be meeting Virgil at a cafe after the rehearsal that day. 
Logan had smiled - properly - and told them he was looking forward to it, Patton had practically pulled the both of them into a hug and squeezed them tightly until Roman could barely breathe.
Later on, Roman managed to persuade Virgil to come with him to meet their other soulmates, and the plan was in motion. 
“So… um… what should I expect?” Virgil asked as they walked beside Roman, one hand stuffed in their jacket pocket and the other gripping tightly to their cane. 
“Well - Patton will probably want to hug you,” Roman chuckled, “Which you can definitely say no to - they’ll ask.”
Virgil seemed to relax minutely as Roman said that, he sighed.
“You can leave at any point,” Roman reassured, “You don’t have to stick around if you’re overwhelmed.”
Rolling his eyes, Virgil pushed their tinted glasses up their nose, “Yeah yeah, you’ve only told me two hundred times, I’ll be fine.”
“Cool, cool, right,” Roman chuckles, “Sorry.”
“You seem nervous , Princey,” Virgil smirked at him, Roman scoffed.
“Nervous? Me? Never! I don’t know such a thing!” he protested, Virgil laughed.
“Yeah yeah, you’re very brave, it’s okay,” Virgil patted him on his arm as they walked into the cafe, Roman rolled his eyes even as he held the door open. Virgil laughed, walking in before stopping in his tracks as his breath hitched and his eyes widened. 
“Woah,” Virgil whispered, “so much colour - this cafe is blue ?”
Roman chuckled, “Mhm!”
“Hey!” Patton called, waving widely from across the cafe, “Come on! Come sit! Hi!”
“Come on,” Roman said to Virgil, leading the way through the crowd over to the table in the back where Patton and Logan already sat with both Roman and Virgil’s coffee orders already on the table along with their own. Patton was so far out of their seat with excitement that they were almost standing whilst Logan was quietly telling them to calm down.
“Hello,” Virgil said as he sat down in the nearest chair, placing their cane to lean on the table, “Um, nice to properly meet you guys?”
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @scalesfeathersnfur @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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Just Another Day | Or Is It?
feel free to ignore this lol, but i love your roman angst and was wondering if you’d do a part 2 to just another day ? maybe thomas gets involved ? idk, but thanks for your writing !! – anon
you want clamor? you want begging, screaming, groveling???? here it is right here right now, I'm pretty sure the fic came out ten minutes ago but the creativitwins are SO IMPORTANT to me !!! ok, getting to the point, Just Another Day is one of many incredible fics you have produced and i have a dire, extreme need for a second chapter (obviously)! maybe you have an idea for it, but maybe it's the next day, and since the others can tell that roman is so disappointed and upset, but they can't just go up to him and immediately make up for it, they come up with smaller, more gradual ways to give him something special for his birthday (ie: Patton bakes/cooks for him, Logan plans a brainstorm, Janus and/or Virgil do his makeup, and of course, obligatory cuddle ending) just a thought anyways love you love your fics have a fantastic day!!! <3 – vinbee631
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: none?
Pairings: also none
Word Count: 2140
After the...not-great birthday, it's the next day.
      When Roman wakes up, it takes him a few minutes to work out that the big, soft, warm thing he's cuddling into isn't just his blanket or something he conjured in his sleep, but Remus.
Fingers card gently through his hair, an arm squeezing him gently around the middle, and Remus's sleepy voice murmurs something like we gotta feed the Krakens.
"Wake up," Roman mumbles, swatting his side lightly, "you're still dreaming, Re."
"No, 'm not," Remus says back, shifting slightly under him, "Ollie misses you, you gotta come with me next time I feed him."
An unexpected warmth ricochets around Roman's chest. "Your Kraken misses me?"
"Well, yeah." He starts to sound more awake, one arm reaching over to the bedside table to do…something, check the time on the clock or his phone, presumably. "You're the one who spoils him with scratches and pets, of course he's gonna miss you."
"You said it helps keep him healthy!"
"Yeah, it does, but it's like brushing a cat, you don't gotta do it all the time. Plus, it helped you two bond when he was still skittish around you but now I'm pretty sure you're his favorite."
"No, Re, I'm sure you are."
Remus snorts as they sit up, the red comforter falling from their shoulders as they rub the last of the sleep from their eyes. "He has to love me 'cause I'm the one cleaning his lake and making sure he's got all the food he needs. You, on the other hand, he squirted water at me last time I said you weren't with me. He fucking adores you."
Remus squints at him like he's being purposefully obtuse, and when he realizes that no, Roman really has no idea why, he softens and ruffles his hair. "'Cause he's a creature of the Imagination, for one, and they all fucking love you, he's a creature of my Imagination, secondly, and they all get that from me, and third: it's 'cause you're Roman."
He's still fixing his damp hair when he gets back to the kitchen, having taken a quick rinse to get the smell of lake and Kraken and morning off of him after going with Remus. Ollie had, in fact, chirped and squeaked and trilled upon realizing that Roman had come with Remus and it had been simultaneously the easiest and hardest feeding they'd had in a while. Easiest because Ollie sat so perfectly as Remus checked him over, and hardest because he hadn't wanted Roman to go.
They'd persuaded him eventually by saying that Roman would come back for an entire day coming up, but he's still reeling with the aftereffects of realizing that the Kraken missed him that much.
So when he gets down to the kitchen and sees Patton there, he doesn't think much of it.
"Roman!" Patton spins around and has this bright smile on his face and Roman instinctively freezes. "The muffins are almost done!"
The oven beeps just as he finishes asking, Patton whirling back around just as quickly to pull on a pair of oven mitts and take the tray out. Roman drifts forward when he sees the steam curling up from the tops of the perfectly golden muffins, blueberries and all…oh, he can almost taste them…
But then Patton's pulling out a sieve and another bowl—oh, it's cinnamon-sugar mix, and dusting it over the tops—a noise leaves his throat before he can stop it.
Patton just giggles, looking over his shoulder. "They're not going to taste very good from all the way back there, you know."
He blinks, ready for the chide that's sure to follow, except all Patton does is wave him all the way over and gesture to the tray.
"Which one do you want?"
"A-any of them is fine, they all look great."
"I know they do, but which one do you want?"
Roman swallows warily, but points to the one in the very left corner. Patton beams and quickly slides it free onto a plate, reaching over for another dish with—fresh raspberries, for crying out loud—and then he hands the plate to Roman.
"The others will be down soon."
Roman just stares at the plate. "I can—this is mine, right?"
"Yeah, kiddo, that's all for you. Go on, you can eat. Enjoy the quiet down here while you can."
The muffin is delicious.
"Yo, Princey! Princey, wait up!"
Roman pauses, looking over his shoulder as Virgil jogs up to him. "Yeah?"
"So guess what, Dungeons and Drag Queens is out now."
Roman blinks. "It's like, fully out? Or just the first episode?"
"No, no, fully out. It's only four episodes—I know, I know," he holds up a hand when Roman squawks, "I wish it were longer too, but it makes sense."
"It makes sense, that doesn't mean I have to like it."
"Right, but hey—here's the thing: they got Brennan in drag."
Roman blinks. Then he blinks again. "Brennan. Brennan Lee Mulligan. Brennan 'I Wear the Same Five Shirts' Lee Mulligan. They got him in drag?"
"Yes, for all four episodes!" Virgil rubs his hands together. "Which got me thinking. Because obviously if Brennan's in drag, we can't just be watching in our hoodies and shit—we gotta look the part too. So—I was, um, I was thinking we could…y'know, plan out some makeup looks too?"
It's astounding to watch Virgil lose confidence halfway through a sentence, and by astounding Roman does mean devastating. "Yeah, Virgil, that sounds like a great idea."
"You mean it?"
"Yeah, I miss—"
Virgil softens when Roman cuts himself off, nudging him. "Miss what?"
"…miss doing makeup stuff with you."
"Aww, Princey," Virgil coos like he wasn't just a flustered mess too, "I miss you too. C'mon, let's get started."
"Hey," Roman asks as they set off down the hall, "what's the next season supposed to be?"
"Oh, it's another sidequest. Mentopolis."
"What's that one about?"
"It's—um, well, I think I should just show you the trailer."
Logan finds him after lunch, holding out a notebook. Roman takes it, not opening it because he's learned his lesson about doing that before Logan talks, and folds his hands over it in front of him.
"I had an idea," Logan says, that breathless smile threatening to burst all over his face, "and you're going to like it."
"The anthology series board game—you remember?" Roman nods. "I think we can play it the way we did the other one."
"Wait, the timeline one? Where we do, like, multiple runs and stuff?"
"Yes. I think if we plan it out so that we pace ourselves getting through the different stories, we might be able to get a more efficient layout."
Roman can't help the bubble of excitement. He hasn't gotten to play board games with Logan in a long time and that time stories one had been…well, one of the last things they actually did together. But he keeps himself in check. "What sort of time frame are we looking at?"
"That's the best part." Logan nods to the notebook. "There's a margin of error of about thirty minutes, but I'm pretty sure I'm close."
Roman opens the notebook. He scans the page of careful calculations, the schedule, and Logan's neat print around the edges.
His eyes widen.
"We can…we can do this any night?"
"The runs shouldn't take more than an hour or so, and we always have time after dinner before everyone goes about their evening routines, so…yes, Roman, any night you want, I'll be free to play the game."
Roman looks up, his breath in his throat, and he sees the same excitement in Logan's eyes too. "Can we start tonight?"
"I've already checked out the character builds."
"I thought you might be here, sweetie," Janus murmurs, sitting next to Roman on the large rock outcropping.
He doesn't come here often, only when he needs to sit and think by himself without needing to worry about anything in the Imagination getting out of hand. The rocks overlook the grand falls, hundreds of feet of water plummeting from the tops of one of the mountains through the forest. Small treehouses sit just off to the sides, sentry posts that are really just meant for appreciating the natural beauty up close. The water churns and thunders into the river at its base, creating a soothing rumble that acts as a pleasant white noise.
Normally, he doesn't let anyone else here, but the Imagination's let Janus through.
He sits next to Roman with a soft grunt, adjusting his legs so he won't get cramps. He can see Janus turn to look at him out of the corner of his eyes.
"This is beautiful, Roman," he says softly, "it really is."
Roman hums.
"Did you make it for any reason in particular?"
"I didn't. The Imagination did." He shuffles. "I only make some of the things in here. It does the rest."
Janus makes a small sound of understanding. The two of them watch the falls for a moment.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?"
A softer opening than he was expecting, but he knows there's no way Janus is just gonna let him dodge it. He sighs.
"Why should I have?"
"It was your birthday, Roman."
"And you're allowed to celebrate it the way you want."
"But to you, it's just another day."
"It's not," and Janus's voice gets a little firmer, "it's not just another day, because it's your birthday. We care about you, Roman—"
Roman scoffs, his laugh utterly humorless. "You can't honestly expect me to believe that."
"We do!"
"Here's a question for you," he says, turning to properly face Janus, taking him by surprise, "if yesterday wasn't my birthday, would you guys still be feeling this bad about how you treated me yesterday?"
Shock colors Janus's features and he stares dumbly at Roman. Roman raises his eyebrows, a challenge. Janus doesn't say anything. After a few moments, Roman scoffs again and turns back to the falls.
They sit in silence.
Remus tackles him to the mattress as soon as he gets down to the living room for movie night and Roman just sighs.
"Remus, your knee—"
"Oops." He snuggles down once Roman says he's in a comfortable enough position, humming. "So, Ro-bro, what are we watching?"
"Uh, anything's fine."
Remus makes a sound like a basketball shot clock running out, right in Roman's ear. "Wrong answer! What do you want to watch?"
"Anything that makes it so you don't make that sound again."
"So answer the question, I don't understand what the problem is."
Roman glances around for help—literally, anyone could suggest something and he'll say yes to get Remus to not scream in his ear again, but then Patton's grinning and snuggling on his other side, Virgil's sitting basically on top of his legs, Janus has one of his hands in his and Logan's carding his fingers through his hair.
"G-guys, what—"
"What are we watching," Logan asks in a soft voice, this isn't fair, "what do you want to watch?"
"Hm?" Janus trails his fingers lightly over his palm, that's really not fair. "What was that, sweetie?"
Using my touch-starvation against me is low, guys. Really, really low.
"…can we rewatch some of Night on Earth?"
"Great choice, kiddo," Patton says as Virgil scrolls to it, "what episode?"
"I like the underwater one."
"Ooh, great choice, Princey, that stuff is cool."
"You missed Ollie too, huh?"
"Maybe a little."
Of course, it's a little hard to focus on the screen when he's being cuddled so thoroughly, but there are worse fates, he's sure.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
Okay so here is another vvd request because well its big virg and he haunts me in my filthy dreams anyways,
Reader going to one of his practices for the first time, wearing his jersey but….
Reader always teases virg on how robbo is her fav from the liverpool squad so while they are training she goes to the bathroom, changes into a robbo jersey. Obviously to get virg mad because mad big virg is daddy big virg.
With phrases 9 “you love pissing me off, dont you?” & 40 “i’ve been holding back all the things i want to do to you”
- vvd anon
shut up you get meeeeeee // prompts: “you love pissing me off, dont you?” + “i’ve been holding back all the things i want to do to you”
Virgil had dragged you from the warmth of your bed to join him at training today, and as much as you didn't want to go, you went.
But of course, it wasn't that easy. You figured if he was gonna drag you outta bed, the very least you were gonna do is annoy him. The moment you two left him, you started on about how much you were looking forward to see Andy, how you missed him and you two hadn't hung out with them in soooo long.
The way Virgil was gripping the steering wheel was enough to tell you he was annoyed but he brushed it off.
You had on one of his shirts, the big number 4 on the back but you disappeared half way through their session. Virgil just assumed you were cold and went inside and you did but you returned a few moments later.
From the front, the top looked the exact same as the one you had one before but the back was different; the 4 had be replaced with a 26.
Virgil didn't notice the jersey change until Andy himself pointed it out. The man slinging an arm over your shoulder, "looks like I've got a new fan," he told his teammate, Virgil's brows furrowed as he looked at you two confused.
You turn to show him the 26 on your back, "you know you've always been my favourite, robbo."
"Oh," he laughs, "Virg's got competition." Trent chimes in, getting glare from Virgil.
The comments died down and the boys were off for the rest of the day, you and Virgil were the first two out of there and the entire drive home was quiet; and to make thing worst, you kept the jersey on.
"You love pissing me off, don't you?" Virgil asks when you two walk into the house.
Your brows furrow, looking at your husband. "What did I do, sweetheart?"
Virgil can't help but roll his eyes, pulling you to him by your jersey. One tug and the red shirt is on the floor and your husband's got you over his shoulder, carrying you up the stairs and to the bedroom.
"Virg!" You smacked his back and the man drops you on the bed, getting on top of you. "I’ve been holding back all the things i want to do to you." He whispers against your lips.
"Then don't," you reach up to close the gap between you two.
It's a fight, the two of you pulling on each other and the clothes can't come off fast enough.
Virgil leans down, your legs pressed back as he kisses you. You can feel the tip of his cock brushing over your entrance. The panties being the only thing separating you two.
The kiss is heavy, heated, pulling him closer to you despite the fact that you’re on a weird angle right now.  
Your hand slips between the two of you, pushing the lace to the side. He smiles against your lips, you can feel the tip of his cock pressed between your folds before he pushes into you.
The sound leaving your mouth was like heaven on earth to him.
Your legs over his shoulders, his hips digging into the back of your thighs with each thrust. Your hand was wrapped around his bicep, squeezing and nails digging into it.
He pushes the straps off your shoulders, tits spilling out over the top of the bra. Virgil glances down, letting you drop your legs from his shoulders. Instead, you wrap them around his waist and your husband leans down to kiss you once more, leaving a trial of marks and sloppy kisses until he reaches your tits.
There’s a faint purple mark between your tits; his favourite spot.
“You're so pretty like this,” he says.
"Shut up and fuck me, Virg." You pull him back down for another kiss.
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sanderstime · 6 months
My Favorite Headcanons
This is mostly for AU's that don't take place where they are all In the mind of the same person. A lot of them are appearance-based. This might be a ramble but yeah here. Logan: -He's the tallest of the sides. This guy in my head would be one lanky intimidating-looking mf then you turn around and find him geeking out over a jelly brand. -He likes to slick back his hair, not like completely but with a few strands left in the front... and he only doesn't style it like that when by himself or with people he trusts.
-He wears rectangular-shaped glasses.
-He's neurodiverse, I think he is very autism-coded and that's cool so why not make it fanon y'know?
-He learns how to help people through panic/anxiety attacks specifically because of meeting Virgil.
-He takes time to learn about other people's interests, or at least the basic rundown about it so he can understand and not be confused when they talk about them (Even when he refuses to participate in those interests or doesn't like them.)
-He memorized the entire history of Crofters, it's one of his special interests somehow.
-He doesn't like weddings, but he somehow ends up being the one keeping the whole event together.
-At parties, he's basically the guy who looks after everyone. Making sure everyone whose passed out didn't hit their heads, putting spare blankets over them, and driving his friends home all while mumbling what idiots they are, but endearingly.
-he likes small get-togethers with friends but not so much big parties.
-He's the kind of guy you need to warm up too, he seems standoffish at first but he truly cares and is very kind underneath the surface,
-He's *awful* at video games that aren't tetris or puzzle games, he will always lose at Mortal Kombat/Smash Bros/Ect but despite that he gets competitive. So he tries to avoid them.
-Likes to debunk cryptid/
-He's very average height. He's not really tall but he isn't tiny either.
-He has dark circles normally but he puts dark eyeshadow on top of them to hide them and because he likes how it looks.
-He has his hair dyed purple, yeah no surprise but in an AU where they don't all have the same hair... I think his should be a pretty purple color.
-Definitely utilizes his piercings. He wears black studs, and really depends but I like the idea of him having snakebites. Go full emo.
-He has freckles when he's out in the sun enough to have them.
-He's gotten each of the other sides to help him touch up his hair before. Except Remus, he knows Remus would try to dye it green.
-He has a special set of noise-cancelling headphones when he wants to be left alone and another set because he's worried he won't hear his phone going off or someone break in.
-He can't cook for shit, like he burns macaroni. He tried to put a plastic plate on an oven and he can barely make ramen. -He has a ton of blankets, one for each surface he would sit on in his home. -He owns a LOT of posters, most are of punk bands and nightmare before Christmas.
-Absolutely loves Spiders and Bats, has a pet spider duh.
-Despite talking a big game, and being into spooky things, he is a huge scaredy cat. He hides behind his hands or into the body of whoever is sitting closest to him(if he trusts them)
-Round glasses. Everyone does this already buy I love him having wire-framed glasses.
-Light brown hair. Like super light brown hair where it might as well be dirty blonde.
-Has all the freckles, the most freckles. Just give them all to him.
-He is really hard *not* to get along with, he tries to speak to everyone with kindness and treat them kindly- even if they do upset him.
-He is an excellent cook and baker, literally he makes goodies all the time and will give them away to his friends to eat.
-very supportive of his friends interests, he will be so confused but he will nod and smile and ask questions.
-He cries very easily, he'll cry at commercials, movies, shows, music videos, books, while everyone else is fine. They all support him though.
-He likes sprite. Idk he seems like a sprite guy.
-I don't have many headcanons for him
-has the most collectables or collections of any of the others.
-I imagine him being more on the shorter side but... he's pretty damn fit. Dude does morning runs while listening to Disney songs.
-Has the best voice of all the sides.
-He has a whole ass morning routine, like a special one with detailed skincare.
-Has the curliest hair of the sides
-This dude loves singing, he sings super loud while in the shower and constantly imagines himself singing in a concert. He sings any chance he can get, in the car, suggesting karaoke nights at any opportunity.
-The type of guy to sing you happy birthday everyday the week of your birthday to make you feel special.
-When he first meets people, he will often act charming and try to befriend them. Mostly just new neighbors, coworkers, ect ect. Just is a huge gentlemen.
-really only lets loose his more chaotic side when he gets to know others.
(I'll make another post with the dark sides later, but this is my thoughts here on the main four. :) )
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Oooh how about 20 with Loceit for the hurt/comfort prompts?
Also love you and can't wait to see your writing again though no pressure, take as long as you need💙💛💜💛💛💛💛💛
From these awesome hurt/comfort prompts 😊 Requests are still open 😊
Hey Starlight! It's been a long day but I hope this makes sense! 😊 Love you toooo 💛💛
I Won't Ignore You
Pairing: Loceit, platonic
Janus jumped in shock from his room as those three words reverberated around him. What the hell was going on? He had never heard pure rage come from any Side, but he wasn't concerned... No, not one bit.
He walked over to his door and leant his ear against it softly, he should be able to work out who was around pretty quickly.
There was soft humming and giggling coming from the room opposite him, that would be Patton reading the book of terrible puns that Janus made him a while back. Further away he could hear the aggressive tones of My Chemical Romance, Virgil was here... That was a surprise. He could also hear Roman loud and clear singing 'Let It Go' on repeat. He continued to listen carefully, but there were no other tell-tale signs. So that meant...
Oh no.
Janus paced his room, did he need to go and intervene? He heard some shouting and swearing earlier but he thought that was just Remus being Remus... But that... That could have only been one person. Logan.
Logan had been ignored more and more lately and Janus totally didn't feel any guilt about that at all. That incident with pulling Logan out of the video by the crook totally didn't haunt his mind continuously. He had been trying to work out a way to try and reconcile with Logan, but there hadn't been a good opportunity... but that rage and desperation he heard moments ago though, that could be a good start.
Suddenly, he heard loud stomps go past his door at an alarming rate. The swearing made it clear in an instant that it was Remus. Janus knew better than to talk to Remus when he was that angry, once Remus had turned his room into a rage room for a while, he'd be easier to approach.
The next set of noises were harder to listen to. Slow, tentative footsteps accompanied by the occasional sigh. The sound of paper tearing and muttered words before yet another door slammed shut.
'You should have known that you weren't going to be listened to again.'
That does it.
Janus opened his door with a flourish and paced over to Logan's door knocking loudly. He was greeted by a frustrated sigh as the door opened.
"Look. I don't want to talk to a- Oh... Janus?" Logan asked confused.
"Logan! Hi. Can we- can we talk?" Janus stumbled his way through the question, not in his usual suave fashion. Logan sighed and made an incredibly sarcastic 'after you' gesture. Janus stepped into the room and noticed just how drained the colour had become.
"So... I heard an altercation. I wanted to find out what happened." Janus stated bluntly and Logan raised an eyebrow incredulously.
"Why don't you just ask Remus? Or Thomas?" The bitterness when Logan uttered both of their names was enough to tell him everything.
"I wanted to hear it from you. I had a feeling that you were feeling ignored recently, and that outburst I heard just proves it." Janus removed his glove as he spoke so there could be no discrepancy that he was being genuine.
"Oh, you think? I was just trying to help Thoma be more productive and he abandons everything to go meet a guy he's just met. That's fine. His apartment can remain a mess... That d-doesn't bother me." Logan initially scoffed but his tone turned more frustrated as he spoke as his head dipped, looking at the floor. Janus stepped a little closer.
"It does bother you. That's understandable. We've both been in that position." Janus spoke softly, hoping that Logan would understand what he meant.
Logan's head raised sharply as he gazed at Janus in sympathy initially. They maintained eye contact for a few moments before Logan shook his head and stepped away, the frustration taking over.
"Can't you just- can't you just go?" Logan demanded, but in a tone that was silently pleading because he didn't want to be vulnerable yet again. Janus stepped a little closer and gestured for Logan to look at him.
"I'm not leaving you alone until I know you're okay." Janus responded softly, meaning every word.
There was a stunned silence from Logan, like he couldn't believe that someone would care that much. He chuckled monotonously as he blinked back the tears threatening to form.
"I'm afraid you will be here for quite a while then." Logan admitted and Janus smiled back in response.
"Believe me, Logan. I'm okay with thar. There's nowhere else I would rather be right now."
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Monster Under the Bed
Another edition to the Parent AU Collection, this first piece was inspired by a prompt from @sleepyvirgilprompts
Thomas bolted to Virgil’s room at his son's panicked cry. He barely managed to get the light on before racing to Virgil’s bed and scooping him up. "I've got you, buddy," he promised and sat with Virgil on his lap. "Hey," he gently peeled Virgil’s from his chest and thumbed away his tears. "What's wrong, huh?"
"There's- There's- There's a m-mon-monster under m-my be-ed," Virgil hiccuped. "I hear-heared it when I tried going to sleep. An-and I- I'm s-scared."
"That's okay. It's okay to be scared, Virgil, you did the right thing by calling for me so I can help you. Can you tell me about the sound you heard?"
"It was a scritchy-scratchy sound first," Virgil explained as he opened and closed his hand in a claw shape. "And I tried to not listen to it so I wouldn't be scared no more but I heard bomb-bomb-bomb like big footsteps and I thought it was you, but then I didn't see your shadow by my door and I did get scared."
"Ookay," Thomas nodded. "I think I know what you're hearing, but do you want to help me check under the bed, just in case? If you want to me to look by myself, that's okay too."
"I want you to look then I can look too."
"Deal." Thomas kissed Virgil on the head and set the tot down on the bed before taking the flashlight from the bedside and flicking it on. He laid down and swept the light over the floor and the few scattered items under the bed.
"Okay," he pushed himself onto his elbows. "No monsters here! Do you want to come double check?"
Virgil scooted himself off the bed and laid on the floor beside his daddy and Thomas shone the light around again.
"See anything?"
"Alirght. Want me to tell you my guess on what you heard?" Thomas asked and picked Virgil up and sat with him again on the bed.
"Is it scary?"
"I don't think it is. It's definitely not something that can hurt you."
Virgil put on a brave face and nodded. "Okay. You can tell me."
"Alright. The scritchy-scratchy noises, I think might be a mouse sneaking through the walls. I saw some food nibbled on in the kitchen so I'm pretty sure we have a little house mouse visiting us right now."
"Ohhh," Virgil nodded. "That makes sense. But what about the big bomb-bomb-bomb noises? Did the mouse make them too?"
"I don't think so. Can you show me how you were lying when you heard them?"
Virgil clambered off of Thomas's lap and laid down on his side, curled into a little ball.
Thomas nodded. "Yeah, I think I figured it out, bud."
Virgil let out an intrigued gasp and sat up, "What is it?"
"I think you heard your heartbeat."
"But I don't have a stensa-scope!" He pointed out.
Thomas chuckled. "You're right, you don't have a stethoscope, but sometimes if you plug your ears with your hand or on your pillow and you listen you can hear your heart beating. I hear it sometimes too when I lie down like that. I bet of you lie down again and put your hand on your heart, you'll feel your heart beating at the same time you hear the bomb-bomb-bomb sound."
Virgil dropped onto his pillow and grabbed his chest, a look of concentration scrunching his face.
Thomas watched in fond amusement and Virgil sat up suddenly. "You're right! I heared it!"
"Yeah, you heard it?"
"Uh-huh! I wanna hear yours too!" Virgil announced before nearly tackling his daddy over to press his ear to Thomas's chest. "It sounds like mine!" He announced brightly before his face suddenly fell.
"Aw, buddy! What's wrong?"
"I can't hear Mommy's heartbeat too."
Thomas sighed and wrapped Virgil in a hug. "No, we can't."
"I miss her lots."
"Me too, Virge."
"Yeah, buddy?"
Virgil tightened his grip on Thomas's shirt.
"Sometimes I get scared when I go to sleep that you will die too."
Thomas took a breathe, trying to keep himself calm for Virgil’s sake. "I understand why...that's something you'd be afraid of, but you know if anything bad ever happens and I can't help you, you can always go next door to Uncle Logan's apartment, right?"
Virgil nodded. "Or make lots of noises and say 'help!' real loud and he wil come check on me."
"That's right." Thomas kissed the top of his head. "And you know how to call for help on the phone, right?"
"So even if, and that's a big if, something does happen you know where to get help and you know that there are still going to be people who will take care of you. Does that help?"
"I know there are no monsters and I know Uncle Logan will help. But can I still stay with you tonight? I don't wanna sleep all by myself now."
"Yeah, that's okay. Do you wanna stay in here or in my room?"
"I wanna stay in your room like I used to do with Mommy too."
"Okay, we can do that," Thomas agreed, pretending like he didn't feel like he'd been punched in the chest. "Tell you what, why don't you read for a little while, while I go brush my teeth and wash my face, then we can go lie down. Okay?"
"Okay," Virgil agreed easily.
"Okay." Thomas set Virgil down on his bed and kissed the top of his head.
It took all his self restraint to not run from the room as he walked away and closed the door behind him. He managed to get as far as the bathroom before breaking.
He collapsed to his knees against the sink, and tried to stifle the sob that broke from his chest with one hand clamped over his mouth.
He missed her.
He missed her so much.
She'd been his best friend for so long, the one that had kept him steady through so many things.
The one who had truly known him better than he knew himself.
The one who had helped him through coming out, even to himself.
The one who had loved him enough to offer to let him go so he could explore himself and he newly understood sexuality.
The one he didn't want to let go of even if he wasn't attracted to her in the expected ways.
How was he supposed to do any of this without her?
He knelt on the floor, gripping the counter with his forehead pressed against the cupboard beneath the sink until he could breath again and hauled himself to his feet.
He could do this.
In truth, he didn't have much say in the matter. He was a single parent now and no amount of fear of the future or disbelief in himself would change that. So he went through the motions of his own bedtime routine and returned to Virgil’s room.
He tapped lightly on the door frame before entering. "Hey, kiddo, you still wanna stay with me tonight?"
Virgil looked up, eyes glassy with sleep, and silently held out his arms.
Thomas smiled and picked him up and Virgil immediately snuggled into the crook of his neck. He carefully reached down and also snagged the bat plushie and the small throw blanket that had been tucked around Virgil on his bed and padded the short distance to his own room.
He gently tucked in Virgil, who was already asleep again, tucking his bat to his chest and draping the comfort blanket over him before bundling him with the comforter. He pressed a kiss to Virgil’s temple and watched the little boy sleep peacefully for a few moments and contemplated his own fears of one day waking and finding Virgil had passed in his sleep.
He let out a sigh. Virgil had received many traits from him. His brown eyes, his love of music and spooky season, and, unfortunately, his penchant for anxiety. Of course she'd tried to assure him otherwise, but the research said differently and he never stopped feeling guilty for it. He kissed Virgil's temple one more time before lying down himself and slowly drifted off.
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thal-ent · 5 months
Bastien and Emerens belong to @hel-phoenyx , Mika belongs to @noa-de-cajou
Tw : Talk of injuries, dysphoria, implied unwanted sexualization (very brief)
Dont look at me.
She's scared, that little girl. She's so small, so fragile. The boys her age need to protect her, shield her. But they're why she's scared, they're who she doesn't want to be seen by. They're who she wants to get away from, when they pull her blue hair.
She asked her uncle to teach her how to fight. She's barely nine, small as can be. But there's something, in her turquoise eyes, something that convince him to teach her.
She scares all the boys now, when they try to pick on her or her brother.
She's happy about it. They dont look at her anymore.
I want to be a hunter.
Her dad stops in his tracks when she tells him that, after a day with her uncle. "Why is that." he asked. "Because I want to." she anwsers. She never liked telling him everything. She doesn't like telling him it's because she feels weak if she can't protect him and their family.
He asks the trainer if he can exceptionally take in a girl.
She's the best in her group.
Stop looking at me.
They never do.
When it's not the others her age, it's the adults. They talk about that girl that started to ask to be a boy. They look at the way she - he ? - outclasses all the other kids without trying. Look at the way they grow, how their body changes.
Stop looking.
When he comes back from a hunt with two of his seniors, they all go to him. "You did it Virgil !" Says his next-door neighboor. "I always trusted you boy." the old man that often look at the forest hums. "He's the one who killed most of them, your kids are exceptionnal !" His dad is told.
They're not looking at him, too busy congratulating the others. When he knows they're not playing attention, he goes home. His coat, big and hiding as much as possible, is hung on the wall of the small house. He wanders in his own room, a luxery for most families dont have in the village.
He looks in the mirror, old and dusty, barely cleaned by the kid.
He's almost fourteen now. He still feels as lost as the little girl he was just three years ago.
He puts a sheet on the mirror, trying his best to ignore the reflexion of a stranger it gives him back.
I need to stop looking.
He almost thinks he'll be unable to see like he did before when he comes back with a bloody face just a few months after his first successful hunt. His own blood, running down the right side of his face, falling in his eye and making it impossible to open.
The nurse tells him he'll have a nasty scar, but his eye is safe. She saw him in worst shape, when he had stumbled upon a trap as a kid and almost lost his whole leg. She gives him something to stop the pain and looks at him with kindness. "We got to help each other.", she says.
Stop looking at that girl.
He doesn't say it. He never does. Just avoids their gaze, gets away.
The mirror is broken when it starts reflecting a body that is more and more unlike his. He sees a woman in the mirror. A woman that is terrified of him.
Stop looking at me.
When he's eighteen, a letter is sent to him. A school wants him to join, and they will not take no for an anwser. He accepts, knows the village has enough men to not need his help.
People at the school look at him all the time. They look at his scars, raised skin on a face that was described as "pretty" once. They look at his arms and back, the muscles impossible to miss. They look at him with a confused look when he speaks romanian or latin, the only languages he knows.
He wants them to mind their business.
His roommate leaves him alone. They hid the mirrors before he even got to the room, mumbling in a language he did not understand.
He's... Lost.
So he looks around. Tries to find what he's used to.
There's a boy from the year before him. Pale, shying away from the sun, always alone. He heard what he thinks is his name in passing, once or twice, from students that approched him. Never did he approch them first.
"Bastien". Virgil keeps an eye on him, doesn't trust what's happening around him.
He called him once, he thinks. He started being more discreet after that. He does not like those green eyes.
Yet he learns english. It's hard, but one of the two people knowing latin or romanian helped him a bit. They're short tempered and agressive, but they don't look at Virgil when they teach him.
He starts talking to his roommate, and they talk with him too. It's not much, but now he recognizes the girl from their class who's often in the room, here for the make-up abilities of her friend.
He starts talking to Bastien too.
Well, more like "Bastien asked what his problem was and now he's keeping a closer eye on him".
The year goes well, once people stopped looking.
His english gets better with the months, and soon enough he's the one teaching latin to someone Bastien knows. Soon enough, he's running each morning with two people from classes above his, sharing stories from his village with them.
They look scared, sometimes.
He still goes back at the village, when classes are not happening. He's still a hunter. He's still here to fight and protect.
Once he looks in the mirror in his room, broken pieces put back together as best as they could be.
He doesn't look at a woman. He looks at himself.
He doesn't mind being looked at, for a while. Doesn't mind when people stare at him.
He likes it, when someone looks at him. Enjoys seeing his eyes on him at the corner of his vision.
And yet, he gets looked at by a vampire. It looks at him like he's prey, like he's just here to serve it. It looks at him like he's a way to get amusement, looking at his chest and hips.
Don't look at me.
Never look at me like that.
It's dead soon after that. But Virgil lost his arm. He had to.
When Bastien sees him, he's terrorized. Doesn't understand why that was necessary. Virgil wants to reassure him, to tell him it was fine. But only an empty feeling comes to him.
Please don't look at me like that.
Bastien starts looking at him like before after a few weeks. They're friends, he thinks, hopes. Bastien's his anchor here, someone he can always find when his roommate is out with his friend. Someone he can look around with.
He knows he's in love when Mika asks him what's his deal. When they look at him with tired eyes, like it's Virgil's fault his heart tries to ruin his friendship.
Virgil's never been in love. So he keeps watching. Avoids to be seen while being looked at.
It takes months before it gets too much. Months of a new student, Tachi, mocking them. Months of Emerens, the he's been teaching latin, teasing him. Months of his hands, the one of flesh and the one of hard plastic, longing to feel the touch of Bastien's.
"Bas', can you look at me ?"
They're alone, in Virgil's dormroom. It's not uncommun for them to just sit in silence together, Bastien doodling and Virgil reading. Yet Bastien looks up from his sketchbook almost immediatly.
"What's up ?"
There's a pause. Virgil's eyes goes from Bastien's face to the ceiling.
"Nothing, sorry."
I just wanted you to look at me.
"... Uhuh. Come on, speak your mind."
"I..." He doesn't know. He wets his lips, feels blood rush to his face. "Can you... See me."
Silence, the sound of a book closing and shuffling next to Virgil. Next, Bastien's voice comes from right next to him.
"Yea I can, that's... A weird question."
"No." You don't see me, you're looking.
"No it's not weird ?"
"No ! It's..." You're just looking. "You're not seeing me. Not..."
"How can I do that then ?"
Virgil turns his head, his nose facing Bastien's, the other boy's glasses folded on the sheets as to not break them with his head turned to Virgil. He's looking at him, with squinted eyes.
"You can't even see me properly." Virgil laughs, smile growing on his face.
"Not the point. How do I look at you, Virg' ?"
It's dumb, that question. It should be easy, to just say anything, to avoid the question, to go back to their own game of tension.
But Virgil can only look at Bastien. Looks at dark, tired green eyes, looks at chapped lips, looks at a slightly disheveled uniform, looks at hands he wants to hold.
"Do what you think I want you to."
It's a plea, really.
Yet, Bastien anwsers it.
Chapped lips meets Virgil's. Soft, just a press of lips, chaste and quick as can be. Virgil's eyes closed, and he chases after Bastien's lips before he has any opportunity to say something dumb.
He feels so light, like his brain is about to explode. It's just pressing his lips to Bastien's, but if feels so... Special.
He open his eyes, and turquoise meets dark green.
You're looking.
"I love you." A whisper in the quiet room, an invitation from Bastien.
Keep looking.
"I love you too".
See me.
He kisses him again, hands finding his face to hold him in cold and warm palms.
Never stop doing that.
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