#vlds7 spoilers
itsiparwing · 6 years
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Mighty Atlas, who holds aloft on his shoulders the whole of Heaven.
Atlas, who props the starry sky, carrying the universe.
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heero-yuy · 6 years
The whole Shiro Adam Keith thing
(This is kinda like why I see Shiro’s and Adam’s relationship as something that was only there to shine a light on Shiro’s relationship with Keith.)
So cuz of his illness Shiro probably thought he couldn't do alot of things so he tried to break every record and do as much as he possibly can to prove it wrong, that was his way to deal with his disease. 
So when he snaps at Adam "you dont need to protect me" it's because he was probably treated as a sick and weak person all his life while trying to prove how strong he is. 
So what Adam says with all it's good intentions hits a very sensitive spot. 
Shiro doesnt want anyone to think he's weak, he wants ppl to see how strong and capable he is.  
Keith did that every single step of the way. (like remember how I was going crazy trying to figure why their mentor/mentee relationship is upside down with Keith always being the one encouraging Shiro??)
This is also why Shiro was always hiding his troubles from the team, he's probably been doing that since he was a child cuz he wanted ppl to think he's strong.  
So Adam wasn't a bad person, he apparently just never understood Shiro and how much he needed the support and the faith in him and his abilities. 
And Shiro needs to learn how to let himself be weak and accept help sometimes, that's what his journey is about. He's was probably partially only doing all that because he never really felt strong deep inside, and that's what I hope Keith helped him with
I mean Keith is the ONLY person Shiro has shown weakness with, he allows himself to be weak with Keith and receive help and get saved by him. That MEANS SO SO MUCH considering all we know know.
So like the difference between Adam and Keith is that Keith always believed Shiro can do anything. Keith worried about Shiro but he never tried to hold him back. It was always "You can do this" instead of "you probably can't do this so stand back" like Adam did (even thought it came from a good place)
Adam loves Shiro, and it hurts him to see Shiro put himself in danger. Like I completely understand him. After I actually watched the scene it's very clear to me it's not about “ur dream vs me”, it's because it's hard for him to see Shiro do this to himself over and over again, this endless chasing after “being strong and capable”. like that wasn't easy for Adam, it's like watching the person you love destroy their life without being able to do anything about that.
So I'm not surprised he had enough. But like that's the thing... 
Shiro WAS capable going on that mission. It's like... I dunno on one hand Shiro always trying to prove how strong and capable he is hurting Shiro, but like Shiro's faith in that he can do more and be more is also what brought him to where he is now despite of everything. Like...he survived. And cuz he fought for it.
And Keith was A HUGE PART OF THAT. Because when Shiro was weak he always picked him up and told him “That’s not you, you are strong and you’re gonna make it, And I will always be there waiting for you to get back (no matter how hard it might be for me)”
That’s what that episode was supposed to tell us I think.
And yeah, comparing Shiro’s significant other to Keith has no “platonic brotherly explanation”.
That is A THING
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And what I think this was all about:
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soyamamore · 6 years
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I’ve yet to see these screenshots
Hunk stop doing that to poor Keith! Also the first one looks like hunk is kissing Keith's shoulder and I wish I could edit it
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rins-rambles · 6 years
Shiro: This is homophobic.
Keith: How?
Shiro: I'm gay and this inconveniences me.
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littlespacestars · 6 years
"And no one knows it, but she...she saved me." 
Hi, I'm still processing/trying to deal with season 7, but I cannot believe how much Allura loves and cares for Shiro. Not only has she saved him multiple times, but she saw those prosthetics, thought of him, and then made him a new arm. And then she gave up the very last tie she has to Altea by throwing her tiara away for him. Now he has a piece of her with him at all times. Like, are you kidding me. ♥
That’s love, bby. They’re soulmates, I don’t make the rules. 
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lattevld · 6 years
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The space meme boyfriends reunite
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lesbianshera · 6 years
ok but this is gonna be shiro when he sees adam again
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soaked-doors · 6 years
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dreamworks im banging pots and pans together don’t let my mans die
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paladin-sheith · 6 years
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kaddos · 6 years
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sheithbeefsandwich · 6 years
What if, this season, something happens to Keith, something that has him almost dying, and it has Shiro at his side, holding onto him and crying “Please don’t go, I came back for you, I love you-”
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heero-yuy · 6 years
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havanarr · 6 years
Second Place
@jamesandkeith week Day Five / Shiro
James&Keith // 2200 Words // T // AO3
set after Voltron S7
James had escaped the battle for Earth relatively unscathed. He'd lead the MFE’s in assisting Voltron and the IGF-Atlus in their fight with Sendak. The second battle, the one with the mysterious alien technology, a ship more powerful than Voltron and twice its size, had left everyone shaken. The MFE Jets had been useless against the towering white piece of technology, barely causing more harm than a fly.
So they’d been called off. Called back to watch the rest of the fight from solid ground.
James had watched as Voltron was thrown to the ground, the Lion taking hit after hit. He’d watched as the Atlus turned into something new and unprecedented, it’s own being, bigger than Voltron. He’d watched as Voltron dealt the final blow.
He’d felt his heart speed up, his panic rise, as he realised the machine wasn’t done with them yet. Realised that there was a self destruct mechanism.
And then he’d watched as the Lions lifted the machine, the Black Lion taking the brunt of the weight beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, saving the rest of them.
And he’d felt his heart drop with the Black Lion as it plummeted, with Keith still inside, back to Earth at impossible speeds.
The Black Lion had landed the closest to the Garrison, bringing a discarded watch tower down with it. It had taken hours for rescue teams to break down the rubble and pull its Paladin out.
It took two days for all of the Paladins to return to the Garrison, the Blue Lion landing the furthest, just off the coast.
All five Paladins had been brought to the Garrison infirmary, the official line was that they were recovering well from strain and minor injuries.
James knew that was bullshit.
He'd tried to fight his way into the ward a few nights later, unable to stop himself. It had been three nights since the fight, since Keith was pulled from the debris of the Black Lion’s crash site and he’d heard nothing.
“Just let me see Kogane.” He practically spits at the security guard. He doesn't know why the Paladins needed security, why the hospital even needs it. The security guard doesn't respond to him this time, doesn't even meet his eyes. He's taller than James, broader too. No way would he get past, even if he did know the security code to the door.
“This is a restricted area.” The guard repeats slowly, as if James is stupid and not one of the best pilots the Garrison has left.
“And why is that?” He asks, leaning back slightly to look the guard in the eyes.
He could try and force his way through, try to take the guard down. But unlike the guard, he doesn't have a weapon. Or the security code. He’d probably lose any future opportunity of seeing Keith too.
“Why don’t you want us seeing the Paladins of Voltron? Is Kogane awake?” he tries instead. But he doesn't get a chance to finish before-
“Cadet!” Someone calls from behind him, he whips around, it's a trained reaction now, to a grey uniform, a head of white hair, a scar across the bridge of a nose.
Shirogane places a hand on James’ shoulder, leading him gently away. James doesn't miss the nod he gives to the guard, but he follows. Even if James doesn't like him, Shirogane is still a superior officer. They end up in the canteen, Shirogane dropping himself into a chair, looking at James expectantly until he does the same.
Shirogane’s hair is a bright, striking white now. But it doesn’t make him look older. If anything he looks just as young as the Shirogane in the photographs, just as young as the Shirogane James remembers from his early days as a cadet. He folds his arms, letting himself sit at ease. Shirogane hasn't given him an order yet.
When he'd first joined the Garrison he had admired Officer Takashi Shirogane. The Garrison’s golden boy. The best pilot in a decade. He’d hated Keith, partly for his relationship with Shirogane.
That illusion had cracked after pilot error. After Shirogane had, apparently, piloted the Kerberos mission into failure. It had cracked even more after he’d struck up a friendship with Keith. After he’d watched Keith lose himself in grief, in the despair of losing Shiro. He’d tried to help, offering Keith friendship, and then more. He’d thought it was working, Keith calmed down when they were together. Hidden behind the walls of his dorm room he was softer, vulnerable. But then he’d watched Keith throw away his place at the Garrison for Shirogane’s memory, leaving James behind too.
“Piloting Voltron,” Shiro begins, rubbing his temples with his human hand, “isn’t like piloting a fighter jet, or one of the MFE Jets. It takes your everything. It uses everything.”
“So?” He asks, trying to keep his voice even. This was the first time he’d spoken to Shirogane alone since he, Keith, and the other Paladins had returned to earth.
“So, that fight put their bodies under immense stress.” Shiro continues and James wants to stand up, knock the table between them over, grab Shirogane by the collar and shout: What about the time you put Keith under immense stress? What about the time you died, left Keith, left him here, broken without anyone to pick up the pieces?
But he keeps his mouth closed. Purses his lips together, just in case the words boiling in his chest break free.
“And they need to be kept under observation.” Shiro finishes, meeting James’ gaze.
So he switches tracks “Injuries?” He asks. It's curt, straight to the point. He doesn't want to dance around the facts with Shirogane. He just wants, deserves, to know. They would have told the other Paladin’s families this information. Keith didn’t have anyone besides himself and Shirogane waiting for him.
“Keith’s injuries?” Shirogane asks, looking a little taken aback.
James nods. He doesn't dare open his mouth. Just in case some of the anger finds it's way out of his chest.
“I didn’t realise you two were so close.”
No, of course you didn’t. You were dead. It was only you dying that brought Keith to me. He wants to say. But he doesn't. Because a part of him, a tiny, nagging voice, wants to know why Shirogane doesn't know about him and Keith.
Keith had left the Garrison, disappearing into the night. James had searched for him for a while but it was like a signal that had gone dead. Like Keith had fizzled out, like his rage had finally burst and taken him with it. He’d assumed Keith had wanted to leave him, along with the Garrison. But then Keith had returned, with Shirogane,  and he’d assumed that Keith had told Shirogane everything. He hadn’t expected their friendship, their relationship, to become a secret from Shirogane.
“We were.” He says through gritted teeth. Not wanting to give Shirogane any more. Shirogane already knew so much of Keith, if this was something solely between them he wanted to keep it that way. He wanted to keep this part of Keith, the soft mummers in his ear late at night, the hands fisted in his hair, to himself.
Shiro watches him for a moment, looking him up and down, as if James’ name badge would give him a hint; James Griffin. Ex-Best friend/Boyfriend . And then Shirogane  sighs, his face softening, relaxing into that of a tired, worried, friend.
“I’m glad,” He finally says. “That he had someone looking out for him down here.”
James feels his cheeks flush, moving his gaze down to his hands, clasped in front of him on the table. He had looked out for Keith, for the months between pilot error and his disappearance. But there had been a year between that and his departure from Earth, between that and the first time Shiro returned.
“He doesn’t talk about the year I wasn’t here.” Shiro continues. “I was worried that he spent it alone.”
James can’t fight the lump building in his throat, the self loathing he'd felt when Keith had disappeared and he hadn't been able to find him. He had shared that worry. It had torn him up inside for a while. He’d been angry, at first. Angry that Keith had left without a word to him. And then worried. Worried that he was alone, that he would hurt himself, that he was dead. But then Shirogane had crashed back to Earth in an alien ship and three cadets had disappeared after breaking him out. He’d seen the footage from the break in. He’d seen the fourth member of that entourage. Had recognised the hair first, slightly too long at the back. Then the lean arms, and finally the fierce eyes peeking out from behind a bandanna.
“He did.” James says slowly, meeting Shiro’s gaze. Shiro doesn’t look surprised. Just disappointed.
He lets the confirmation sit between them, and James takes the moment to study Shirogane’s face again. The scar across his nose is deep, like the one that now sat on Keith’s cheek. He has more muscle now too, James had heard about Shirogane’s stint in Galra captivity. Maybe the scar had been gained then. Or maybe it was a newer addition.
“Keith sustained a head injury.” Shirogane finally says and James’ head jerks up, but Shirogane didn't stop there, reeling the injuries off.
“He also broke three ribs, one puncturing his lung. He’s broken a finger, the middle finger on his left hand.” It’s too methodical, James knows that if he asks him to clarify which ribs had been broken that Shirogane would be able to tell him.
“He’s been patched up, the punctured lung wasn’t as serious as it could’ve been. He’s on oxygen right now."
“The head injury?” James asks slowly. He’d heard that Keith came out of that crash unconscious. One of the pilots in his class had crashed once. He’d been knocked out, lying in the crushed jet when they found him. Head injury. He’d never returned to the Garrison.
“He was going in and out of consciousness when we brought him out of Black.” James tried not to imagine it. Keith, not all there, unable to keep his eyes open. Blood trailing down the side of his head.
“He was nauseous, confused. His pupils were different sizes.” Shirogane’s voice finally cracks on the last word, punctuating his clinical description for the first time.
“He’s sleeping now. We’re waiting for him to wake up on his own.”
James nods, unsure of what to do with the information, before standing up, the chair legs screeching against the floor behind him.
“Thank you, Commander.” He says. “Please let me know when I can see him.” He adds, before leaving.
When he gets back to his dorm room he splashes cold water on his face. It's the kind of cold that hurts. But he needs to feel it, needs to keep himself grounded. So that he can' get rid of the image of Keith, unconscious, unable to wake up, out of his head.
Keith wakes up four days later.
Shiro was the one to pass along the message. James didn’t even bother to respond, walking as fast as possible without breaking into a run.
It's late, there's barely anyone in the corridors. Shiro’s speech, the memorial service for those lost in the final battle had raised morale inside the Garrison. The other MFE Pilots and members of his class were out celebrating, reuniting with their families, thanking God that they were alive.
This time the guard at the door lets him through after a quick identity check. He makes a mental note to thank Shirogane for giving him clearance before storming through to the room marked Kogane.
The door is a ajar, and he doesn't stop, but he knocks anyway, more of a warning than a question. The walls are painted a bright white, like all the others in the Garrison. It's bare except for a bed and some medical equipment. In the dim of the evening he can make out Keith’s shape under the covers. The bandage wrapped around his head is a bright white compared to his dark hair. There's gauze , and more bandages on his arms. Wires protrude from his forearms and the back of his hands, feeding him, monitoring him. His eyes are closed in sleep, his face peaceful, relaxed.
James had only seen Keith sleep a few times before, the first time had been after an extensive underage drinking session. The second had been after a night spent together. Keith had collapsed onto him, and James had run his fingers through his hair until they were both breathing softly. The most recent had been after their kiss in the hanger. James had led Keith back to his room, and Keith had collapsed into him again, his lips trailing down the side of his neck, his hands gliding over James’ body.
He reaches out for Keith’s hair once again, carding fingers through it, careful to avoid the bandages. He’d wanted to do this since their reunion, since Keith had taken off the Paladin helmet. He’d wanted to make sure that it was really Keith, that his hair was still just as soft.
Keith’s chest comes alive at the touch, taking in a deep breath, opening his eyes slowly, squinting up at James.
“Hey sleepy.” He murmurs, keeping his voice low so as not to startle Keith.
“Hey.” Keith responds, his voice comes out rough from lack of use, but his lips turn upward in a small smile. He makes no effort to sit up, but a hand reaches for James’ latching onto his fingers.
“How are you feeling?” James asks, perching on the edge of the bed.
“Bad.” Keith croaks out and James can't help but laugh.
“Yeah, you were pretty banged up.”
Keith nods, his grip slacking.
James goes back to running his fingers through Keith’s hair. It's more intimate than they’ve been in years. They haven't had the time to discuss anything since that kiss in the back of the Garrison hanger. since that night. They’d shared a few glances, James had longed to reach out and grab Keith, give himself some reassurance that he was really there, that he was back. But he hadn’t been able to bring himself to do it.
Keith opens his eyes intermittently, sometimes he speaks, asks a question. What day is it? How long was I out? Are the others okay? Where’s Mom? The last question worries James a little, he’ll bring it up with the doctor in the morning. Most of the time the sight of James seems to be enough.
“How's… Shiro?” He asks finally, eyelids falling shut while he waits for the answer, while James shifts uncomfortably.
“He’s fine. He wasn’t hurt.” He finally says..
If the words came out abruptly Keith didn’t seem to notice.
“Thank God.” Keith says.
James didn’t respond. But he keeps running his fingers through Keith’s hair, enjoying the moment. Because he knew he’d always be second to Shirogane. And that one day he’ll lose Keith to him again.
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rins-rambles · 6 years
Lotor’s Generals No More
  This was taken from a video I saw of the exclusive SDCC trailer shown which differs from the one posted on the Dreamworks TV channel for the rest of us. This post will be focusing on Lotor’s generals specifically (because more content of them is awesome). Spoilers below.
    As Lotor readied himself to battle Voltron and ejected the girls from their Sincline ships, I was wondering what would happen to them next and what else they could provide for the story. Then someone brought up that there was an exclusive SDCC trailer, which was different than the publicly published trailer we got from Dreamworks. 
  So I’ve been looking back and forth through the scenes with the ladies in particular, (I’ll make a separate post on the differences of the two trailers later) and I wanna focus on the Galra Gals for a bit, because they’ve gotten very little screen-time and I like watching them interact with the paladins. We know that they’re still alive, and they do meet up with the paladins later in the season. However, one thing that has me worried is how they look. 
  Kinda baity way to word that, but let me explain. They’ve defected from Lotor and  are now either working with some rebels/with a different group (me chanting: Merla, Merla, Merla) so they get different armor, and these outfits seem to bring more of their characters out than in their old Galra armor. Although the screen is extremely bright and blurry, I think they look really badass. This is where my worry settles in. 
  They look older and more battle-weary, something we haven’t seen from them before. They’ve also ditched their Sincline armor in favor of their new alliance to whoever they’re working for now. 
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  Ezor, I couldn’t see much change in her, since the screen was too bright and she was just running towards the screen. The only real difference you can see immediately is her outfit, since it’s not a skin tight suit like Lotor’s was. But compared to her friends, her clothes look a little more flashy, but still allow her to maneuver around the field easily. 
  Zethrid and Acxa however, get subtle changes to their design, but it still says a lot on what they’ve been up to. 
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  Zethrid’s left eye is milky-white, and for an example a particular character like Toph had her eyes drawn/colored that way to show that she was blind. Knowing Zethrid, she either bit off more than she could chew, got caught off guard, or shielded one of the other two to protect them, thus loosing her eye. After that, she just has a cloak/cape, similar to what Matt wore when we first meet him again, long after he’s been part of the rebellion. She also looks scruffier as the hair around her ears looks more unkempt and longer. 
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  Acxa is also sporting new armor like her comrades and doesn’t look too different, but her hair is now shoulder length, and when we last saw her, it wasn’t even close to being that long. That’s a bad omen for the heroes. 
  This means some time has passed (looking at Kimberly for the accidental spoiler of the paladins going to sleep, and someone pointed out how the scene with everyone surrounded by the “birds” is similar to when OG Voltron met the “Goddess”). Adding to Acxa telling them in the Dreamworks trailer: “No one has seen you since your fight with Lotor”, leading Hunk to realize, “So everyone who’s been helping us thinks we’re dead”. So after the team finally recharges their lions and leaves, they get pulled into that weird vortex with the birds, and red lightning. They were probably asleep and after getting through all of it, they woke up and went about their day like nothing happened. But to their horror, a lot of time has passed for everyone else, but not fo them. 
  Like Kuron, Acxa’s hair would take months, maybe even a year to get hair that long since it started out really short. 
  Again, I hope the girls are actually teaming up with someone else like Merla because this is the second to last season, and now would be the last chances the staff can introduce new characters who’ll play a role for this season and maybe in the final season this year. It would make sense that they seek out shelter away from the Galra’s since the Blade is possibly demolished (I will get to that in the differing trailers analysis post), Sendak and Haggar would kill them on the spot, leaving them with no one else to turn to but Merla, who happily grants them a safe haven and accepts them into her ranks. 
  Even if it’s not Merla, whoever is sheltering them is going to have to play a bigger role in this season and the final one, since the ladies look like they’re going to try and become Voltron’s allies now that they’re officially cut off from Lotor. The coalition either disbanded, or got worse when Voltron suddenly vanished, so the ladies are one of the few allies who actually has the full story of what went down and know they can provide aid to Voltron. 
  Maybe they got battle weary before finding a new place to stay, or that came with their new job. Whatever the case, the bottom line is that a lot of time has passed, and if we learned anything about time passing in Voltron (Quantum Abyss, Kuron), bad things are likely to follow. 
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bluerobokitty · 6 years
I have a lot to say about this Shadam business. I feel like it’s a complicated situation that fandom is oversimplifying. That being said, I do understand the protectiveness towards Shiro. An ultimatum is killer of relationships and it’s easy to mark someone who brings one up as having selfish motives. And who the hell would wanna break up with Shiro? He’s a fantastic man who is gentle and kind and ultimately unselfish, a born leader who looks out for his troops, a dreamer who wanted nothing less than to see the stars.
We all love Shiro so much, and I don’t doubt for a single second that Adam loved him even more.
Now, we still really don’t know the context of their breakup. We see this Adam guy for a whole ten seconds and we have interviews telling us that these two were gonna tie the knot eventually. So what I have to say kinda goes off this information. So it’s not really meta because I haven’t seen the episode, I just wanted to make my two cents known. Fandom demonizing Adam for breaking up with Shiro I feel is oversimplified and unfair. I think it’s a lot more complicated than that because that’s just how life is. It can be very unfair sometimes. 
First of all, these two weren’t just boyfriends. They were going to get engaged, they were going to get married one day. They were in it for the long haul. They probably lived together, paid bills together, they were literally building a life together, marriage was just gonna give them tax breaks and make it nice and official. Rocks on their fingers to make all the neighbors jelly. And when your relationship is that deep, that long term like till death do you part shit, it’s even more complicated. Because at that point, every decision you make not only affects you, but your partner alongside you. That’s why communication is so important, why compromises make and break relationships, why people constantly talk about meeting in the middle.
Unfortunately, life is complicated and rude and there are times where you can’t meet in the middle, and a sacrifice has to be made. And for some people that sacrifice can be just too much to ask, no matter how much you love a person.
Let me tell you a little personal story. If you’re a bro of mine, you already know this but for those who don’t know: for the past year, my husband has been away overseas. He left for Korea July of 2017 while I stayed in the States with our daughter. Long story short, it has been a very long, very rough year. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss him, and some days it gets so bad that I don’t even feel like getting out of bed. It literally feels like grief, and I’ve experienced loss, too. Due to time differences, I only really get to speak to him over Xbox on the weekends and even then for a few hours that feel much too short. There was even a point last winter where we became a bit distant from each other because it was too much.
Keep in mind that going to Korea for a year was something he volunteered to do. He was very unhappy being stationed in the States, he wanted a new base overseas. And in order to be guaranteed an overseas base, he would have to be away from his family for a year on an unaccompanied tour (where your dependents are not with you) in South Korea.
Last Christmas, there was an accident. He was hospitalized for a month with a traumatic brain injury. Due to me not having a passport and some other bureaucratic complications, I could not go to him to be by his side when he needed me the most.
Yes, I supported his decision to go. Didn’t make it any less rough. Didn’t prevent the fights we’ve had about this, the feelings of resentment and abandonment because at the end of the day, we’re just flawed human beings. And no amount of loving each other keeps those flaws from seeping in. Love can only repair those damages to a stronger foundation.
Adam’s response to Shiro going to Kerberos is an honest and human one. He cannot be blamed for his self-preservation. Some people are simply not made for this life. They don’t have it in them to make such sacrifices. Divorces in the military are high for this very reason, a lot of spouses just can’t handle their loved ones being away for six months to a year at a time with minimal contact. Hell, on particularly bad days, I don’t know how I have it in me to deal with my husband being away for so long. Just the other day, I learned that due to complications with our daughter’s medical clearance to our next duty station, he’s being delayed for another several weeks. He was supposed to be flying back home this coming Tuesday. How am I supposed to take that?
It’s hard. It’s so, so hard. It really is like grief.
Choosing to support my husband in this is my choice but one that comes at a great cost and a bit of regret, and I don’t blame a single person who takes one look at this life and says “nope”. And for Adam, that was too much. It was just simply too much.
Neither of them are at fault here. This was just an unfortunate case of where meeting in the middle isn’t good enough. I feel like Adam knew Shiro would never give up his dream of going to space, so he ended the relationship on his terms instead of waiting to hear the horrible news that his future husband that he had every intention of getting engaged to and marrying had died (and would you look at that). Or maybe he was that desperate to keep Shiro by his side no matter what. And he probably did feel like Shiro was choosing his career over him and not considering his feelings at all (I’ve certainly felt that way with this whole Korea business). And in the end, Adam responded the only way he knew how: an ultimatum.
People have said they are uncomfortable with the ultimatum, and they would be right. But this is an uncomfortable, messy situation. It’s the type of situation that has no happy ending, not without considerable cost and someone getting hurt. Life is uncomfortable and messy. Them’s the breaks.
Neither Shiro or Adam are wrong in this situation, and they are both justified in how they feel. No one is saying you have to like that things turned out that way, because it’s not a good situation. It’s not a comfortable situation. It’s not something you should like or be comfortable with. You can be angry that Adam presented Shiro this ultimatum and that’s justified, too. But you should also be fair. Some relationships, no matter how much love is involved, just aren’t meant to be. Sometimes, things just don’t work out. 
The ultimate theme of Voltron is about love, and we’ve already seen in Zaggar what happens when love is taken too far, when it hurts more than it heals. Shiro and Adam probably both walked away from their relationship hurting and resentful, believing the other to be selfish and that’s why it all fell apart. I just hope maybe S7 will give them the closure a deep relationship such as theirs needs.
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youarenoking · 6 years
" Keith was different this season y'all don't know your own characters because he ain't like that"
B!tch I don't know you but I call that character development. He isn't going to behave like a teenager for his whole life.Keith is officially an adult and he is acting like one and like the leader he is. I'm proud of Keith in S7 .
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