Reblog if you hate Vosotros
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Hola! Espero que estés bien!
Ya sé que te enfoques más bien en español neutral, pero podrías explicar cómo y cuándo usar "os" cómo lo usan en España?
Funciona cómo "te/les"?
"Espero que os tengáis éxito"?
First, vosotros/vosotras is the plural of tú in Spain - informal "you" plural... the closest equivalent I can think of for English is saying "y'all". But in general people say "you" or "you all" in translation, but I tend to say "you all" or "y'all" when I'm trying to definitely make sure people know it's plural
Second, I wouldn't necessarily say your example is wrong, but it's normally espero que tengáis éxito without the os "I hope you all are successful"... just something about the os feels off. I would read it as reflexive, and I can't 100% say it's incorrect but it doesn't feel normal
Third, os is the object pronoun for vosotros in EVERYTHING - direct objects, indirect objects, and reflexives
So let me explain...
General basic knowledge that you probably already know but I have to say it - vosotros/vosotras is only really used in Spain, but it does show up in some literature
The vosotros of today is a bit different than historical vos, don't worry about it for now unless you're getting into older literature. What you need to know about historical vos is that it originally was the precursor to usted - where Vuestra Merced "Your Lordship/Ladyship/Grace" turned into usted over time. Essentially vos USED to be used for polite 2nd person "you", and the plural vosotros "you + others" literally was "you all"
Modern vosotros/vosotras in Spain is the plural of tú and so it's "you all" informal, whereas ustedes is "you all" plural
In Latin America for the most part, ustedes is used regardless of formality for plural
Okay... so object pronoun os is used like te or les but it's used in every object pronoun situation
Direct Object Pronouns me -> yo te -> tú lo / la -> 3rd person singular los / las -> 3rd person plural nos -> nosotros, nosotras os -> vosotros, vosotras
Indirect Object Pronouns me -> yo te -> tú le -> 3rd person singular les -> 3rd person plural nos -> nosotros, nosotras os -> vosotros, vosotras
Reflexive / Pronomials me -> yo te -> tú se -> 3rd person, singular AND plural nos -> nosotros, nosotras os -> vosotros, vosotras
For direct objects - the vosotros receives the action:
Os juzgo. = I'm judging you. Os castigaron. = They punished you. Os amo mucho. = I love you all so much. Os quiero mucho. = I love you all so much.
For indirect objects - vosotros is the recipient of an action, "to whom" or "for whom" something is done:
No os creo. = I don't believe you. Os están hablando. = They're talking to you. Tenemos que deciros algo. = We have something to tell you. Os tenemos que decir algo. = We have something to tell you.
For reflexives:
¿Os estáis concentrando? = Are you concentrating? ¿No os acordáis? = Don't you remember? Podéis imaginaros... = You can imagine... Os podéis imagnar... = You can imagine...
*imaginarse is more like "to put yourself in someone else's shoes", or "to have a good imagination/understanding"... it's like imagínate tú "picture it" or "just imagine"... except in vosotros instead of tú. You also say things like me imagino "I can imagine" - it's more supposition than imagination
In English we tend to qualify "imagine" to get that point across like "you can't even imagine" or "just imagine" reads as imaginarse to me without a doubt
Note that in a reflexive, your subject and object are the same, so this is the one where you're going to have a vosotros construction
Also note for commands that are reflexive that os is used but stuck onto the verb but it is considered irregular because of the actual conjugation
marcha = leave [tú] márchate = go away [tú] marche = leave [usted] márchese = go away [usted] marchen = leave [plural / ustedes] márchense = go away [plural / ustedes] marchad = leave [vosotros] marchaos = go away [vosotros]
Note: Negative of marcharse for vosotros is no os marchéis "don't leave"
The weird one is ir vs irse where id "go" becomes idos "go away" for vosotros normal and vosotros reflexive
And the negative command is more normal (assuming you know command form of ir), since it's no os vayáis "don't leave"
So in general as long as you know how to use specific object pronouns - direct, indirect, reflexives - you can use os very easily. The ones that will probably throw you off the most are reflexives because you have to know what's reflexive and how to conjugate vosotros whereas with direct and indirect objects, you're rarely using os with a vosotros
In other words: os digo "I'm telling you" vs. me decís "you all are telling me"
It's only reflexive that uses both the os and vosotros forms at the same time: me levanto vs. os levantáis
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yhwhesmisalvacion · 1 year
🙋‍♂️ Gracia y paz a ustedes
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notebookpapers · 1 year
I know for a fact that Miles has a B in Spanish because they’re teaching that Español de España con sus vosotros y acentos colonizadores I feel it in my bones
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lotus-1313 · 1 year
Rottmnt Leo headcannon
Leo starts ranting in Spanish. Once he’s overwhelmed and tired just something setting him off (invalidation of feelings, no one trusting him) he just starts ranting in Spanish. And Donnie only knows very few words in Spanish and can’t really follow but he gets the gist of it.
Just imagining him going
“!Pero no importa, ¿verdad? ¡Porque es Leo! ¡Porque el es el hijo más difícil! ¡Porque Leo es la problema! ¡Porque Leo sirve para nada! ¡Porque Leo es arrogante, es impulsivo, nunca piensa en los consecuencias! ¡No importa que tengo pesadillas, no importa como yo me siento porque no es importante!” Breathing heavily with tears in his eyes. “Leo tiene una sonrisa, el dijo una broma terrible, Leo está bien. No tenemos que preocuparnos de él. Tiene una sonrisa y se está riendo, no está afectado. Acabo que no mas quire el attention.” Whispers almost like a realization dawns on him, “Because it’s not about me, right? Because, it’s never been about me.”
“But it doesn’t matter, right?! Because it's Leo! Because Leo has always been the most difficult child! Because Leo is the problem! Because Leo is useless! Because Leo is arrogant, impulsive, he never thinks of the consequences! It doesn’t matter that I have nightmares, doesn’t matter what I feel because it’s not important!”
“Leo is smiling, he told a terrible joke. He’s fine. We don’t need to worry about him, he’s smiling and laughing, he’s not affected. After all, he just wants attention.”
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
must inform that in this edition of Spanish soc. Kaz brekker is a Spaniard
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heylelumus · 7 months
kaelkoth hablando sobre los semidioses:
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yo: estos se han leído el tema de Mikhail y Nerissa a mí no me engañan
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Mikhail: por favor, sigue con los halagos 🤭
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comfymoth · 3 months
seeing “vuestro” on my assignment sheet feels so ominous, like hang on a minute now… you don’t. you don’t expect me to use that. right??
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waddei · 3 months
Spaniards be on the Kitchen cooking up the worst fucking opinion you'll ever hear on anything ever
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kotdish · 1 year
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What the fuck is French -.-
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fnibbit-fanart · 1 year
Trying some Leo angst
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Original post is from @lotus-1313 (thanks for putting this idea into my head)
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startingfires · 2 months
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we're so back
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qernn · 4 months
Cuando paso malos momentos, como esta semana, me conecto a Kaelkoth y la existencia duele un poquito menos. Sois un cielo y me encanta leeros 🥲 Dadme rol, y que nada más importe. Nada de "lo de fuera", o lo que se lleva dentro hasta que te conectas.
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viejospellejos · 2 years
esto es cine
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a-go-ni-a · 6 months
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The manhwa in Spanish!!
I wonder why the title isn't in Spanish since other countries translated it. I'll wait for a review because I wanna know if there aren't grammar mistakes, if the text looks good, etc, because Spanish isn't my first language.
I also don't know how I'll buy a comic released in Spain to be delivered to Brazil.
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grassbreads · 3 months
I've been trying busuu as an alternative to duolingo, and I mostly really like it so far, but while the default (spain) spanish course is free, the latin american spanish version is partially paywalled bc it's technically a bonus feature >:(
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