#vs the sharp often caustic very angry person in canon who climbs through a window to confront a monster out of sheer stubbornness
thedreadvampy · 3 years
ok I mean I'm back on my bullshit vis a vis the ways that fandoms tend to conflate desexualised fumbling uwu cuteness and fatness, specifically although not exclusively in men
like when a character is canonically cute and awkward and nerdy/dorky and a Cinnamon Roll, fan depictions tend to choose that character to be the Token Fat Person in their headcanon (and also usually white) or choose to exaggerate their curves if they have a canon appearance that isn't fat
and when a character is canonically fat, fandom tends to characterise them as shy, sweet, desexualised, cute and dorky, and ignore the parts of the character that are rude, angry, sexual, confident etc
and idk I just happen to think. there's something of a pattern which. falls along the same image a lot of media puts out about far people, particularly fat men, being nonsexual, degendered and nonthreatening/amusingly awkward. idk I'm most of the way asleep so I think half this thought process is missing
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