#waggle foundation
coopigeoncoo · 1 year
Hot Dish, Chapter 3: Save Room for Dessert
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Chapter Links: One, Two, Three
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura/Female Reader
Rating: Explicit. 18+
Tags: Sexual content, Exhibitionism, Chikan, Heavy Petting, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Safe Sex, Consentual Sex, Swearing, Romance, Soft Shigaraki, Posessive Shigaraki, Domestic fluff, Mutual Pining
Down on his luck and scrambling for survival, Shigaraki Tomura was just looking for a place to score a hot meal.
Instead, he ended up scoring a hot date.
--- "You want gravy?" You asked, waggling the ladle of onion sauce enticingly, some of it sloshing over the edge of the spoon and falling back into the pot with a wet squelch. Tomura glared at the chunky sauce disdainfully before closing his eyes and sighing.
"Gravy it is!" You cheer, pouring the sauce over the meat patty before passing it to him. "There you go! A hunk of meat for my favorite hunk."
--- A slow, domestic romance between a volunteer at a soup kitchen and the newly destitute leader of a notorious villain organization.
Continue reading below, or follow the link to Ao3!
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The doors of the soup kitchen were shut for the night, the last of the patrons filtering into the room.  You scanned the faces of everyone lining up, a tiny spark of hope still burning in your chest, yearning for Tenko to be among them.  
He wasn’t.  
And at this point you didn’t know why you were still hoping for him to appear.  It had been months since you’d last seen or spoken to Tenko; he’d disappeared entirely from his usual haunts and all your texts and calls were left unanswered.  The last time you’d seen him he’d mentioned that an associate of his had gone missing and he was planning on leaving town to investigate.  It was obvious from his reluctance to share major details of his life with you that he was tangled up in some illicit activities, so it was easy for your brain to conjure up a countless number of terrible fates that could have befallen him.  
Maybe he was dead in a ditch somewhere with a bullet hole in the back of his head.  Or hauled off to wherever his associate had been dragged to, never to be heard from again.  He could be in jail.  Or on the run.  
Or maybe he just didn’t want to see you again.  
It felt selfish to admit that thought hurt the most; that you were more upset at the idea of him ghosting you than you were of him actually being a ghost.  But you were.  The idea that he could willingly walk away from your burgeoning relationship without so much as a break up text really stung, especially since you had both been so serious about each other.  
Your conversations had been filled with thoughts and plans for what a future together might look like; finishing college, finding a place together, what sort of appliances you wanted for your imaginary kitchen, and how chores would be divided.  Tenko apparently hated folding clothes as much as he hated wearing them and was willing to trade just about any other job to get out of laundry duty.  All those fanciful plans had been lovingly stacked up to make a foundation that had been toppled over night; and you now stood amongst their ruins, wondering what you could possibly do with a pile of broken dreams.    
As much as you mourned the tentative future you had daydreamed about, you missed Tenko's presence all the more.  You missed his touch, his sweet words, the pure adoration in his gaze, and the long talks you'd share as you walked aimlessly about the city.  Being with him was so easy, so utterly effortless, that life without him seemed unbearably difficult.  
You'd experienced heartbreak before, but none of those previous experiences had prepared you for the all-encompassing sorrow that filled in the cracks in your heart Tenko left behind.  But you couldn't wallow in misery forever.  Your final semester of college was already well underway, and you refused to falter now with your degree so close at hand.  So you pushed all your sadness and hurt down as deep as you could and threw yourself into your studies, turning in papers double the minimum required length and crashing on the floor in your friends rooms after marathon study sessions so you wouldn't have to face sleeping alone in the bed that you and Tenko had shared.  
During the first couple of weeks Tenko had been gone you’d picked up extra shifts at the soup kitchen, hoping to increase your chances of running into him once he got back into town.  But eventually you’d been forced to drop back down to your normal shift schedule because the constant anxiety you felt waiting for him to walk through the door was wreaking havoc on your mental well-being.  Even just being in the serving line, your favorite position to work, was causing you so much agitation that you’d asked to move into the back of the house to help with food preparation and clean-up instead.  
But today one of the volunteers had called out and you’d been pulled from your back room sanctuary to once again take up your post dishing out dinner next to Kiyomi.  Despite all the feelings of despair being back in the serving line stirred up, it was nice to have the opportunity to spend time with your friend again.  
“I’m sorry he wasn’t here tonight, Sweetie,” Kiyomi said earnestly, scooping up a spoonful of peas for the last tray of the night.  
“I wasn’t expecting anything different,” you sighed dejectedly, gazing out over the sea of heads belonging to tonight’s dinner crowd.  
“Yeah, but it still sucks all the same.”  
“It does,” you acknowledge quietly, pinching the inside of your elbow to keep from crying.  “It really does.”  
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I’m sorry if these texts are bothering you.  
But it makes me feel better to send them.  So you know that I’m thinking of you.  
I’m just so worried that something might have happened to you.  
So even if you’re totally okay and just- not coming back, could you let me know that you’re okay?  Just send me a quick text back.   
Or one of those awful dog memes you love.  
Never thought I would miss those dog memes, but here I am!  
What have you done to me?  
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Even if you don’t want to be with me anymore, I still want you to be alright. 
I care about you.  
Text me if you get this. 
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I miss you.  
I wonder if, wherever you, you’re missing me too.  
I hope so.  
Is that selfish of me?  It probably is.   
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Sorry!  That was a butt text.  
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I’m graduating soon.  
My family can’t make it.  
I’ll leave you a ticket at will-call.
I hope you can come.
Seeing you again would be the best gift in the world.     
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It’s a really nice night out.  
It would have been great to go on a walk with you. 
Even though your legs are too long and I always have to rush to keep up.  
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I’m packing up stuff in my dorm room and like, there’s just so much dust somehow?  
Just big, huge piles of it every couple of feet.  
It’s so weird.  
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Well, I’m a graduate now. 
I thought I would feel different somehow?  Older?  More adult?  
But I’m just sad.  
I moved back in with my parents last week while most of my friends are moving away for their jobs.  I feel like I’m getting left behind.  
I hate feeling like this.
I know it’s just temporary, but I feel like an absolute failure.  
Do me a favor and delete these messages if you get them.  I can’t stand how whiney I am today.  
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I guess I should probably send out some resumes soon.  
I don’t want to move though.  I have so many memories here.  
But I guess the good thing about memories is that you take them with you, no matter where you go.  
Maybe it would be good to get away.  
To start fresh somewhere. 
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Oh god. 
I think my parents are having sex.  
I can hear them through the walls.  
Definitely sending out resumes tonight- I have to get out of this house.   
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what to mix w vodka
how tostop being sad after a breakup
dose orang juice stain??
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Sorry for all the late texts last night.  
Drunk me thought this was a search engine.  
I hope I didn’t bother you.  
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I still miss you.  
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Moving home had been the obvious choice considering you were currently unemployed and your student housing agreement expired the moment you walked across the stage and accepted your diploma.  Your roommate had ended up failing her final semester and you had a nagging suspicion she did it intentionally to push back having to sort through all of her accumulated junk for another year.  
It was humbling, hauling boxes back into the tiny room that you had proudly marched out of four years before, convinced that you were on the fast track to adulthood.  But here you stood again, years later, trying to come to terms with the fact that your road to success was less like the Autobahn and more like a go-kart circuit; slower than you wanted and constantly looping you back to the starting line.    
Determined to make this part of your life as temporary as possible, you’d spent countless agonizing hours entering information into online forms and attaching resumes (containing the exact information you had just typed in) to every job opening you could find, with only a handful of interviews and no call-backs to show for it.  The constant feeling of rejection was getting more difficult to bear as the weeks crawled on, especially when you’d scroll through your social media dashboards and see your friends posting selfies modeling their professional wardrobes or tagging their new coworkers in group shots from a bar after they’d clocked out for the day.  
They looked so cute in their little blazers and pencil skirts and you hadn’t even bothered to change out of pajamas today.  Or yesterday.  They were, in fact, the same pair of pajamas you’d been wearing all week.    
With a sigh, you went to like the most recent posts from one of your old high school friends who had just landed a prestigious internship when the app was overtaken by an incoming call screen.  
Not recognizing the number, you hesitantly hit the accept button and lifted the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” you answer hesitantly, fully expecting a recording to play about possibly extending your non-existent car’s warranty.  
“Hello!” A chipper voice answers back.  “Do you have some time to talk today?  Your resume came across my desk and I have to say that I’m very interested in getting you in for an interview!”  
“You are-?  I mean, of course!  Yes!  I would love that!” you stammer, diving for the backpack collecting dust at the end of your bed and pulling out a pen and notepad.  “Just give me a time and I’ll be there!”  
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In retrospect, you probably should have asked more questions about the company before blindly agreeing to travel there in person.  Like where they were located, for example. 
But you didn’t.  
So early this morning you’d gotten up, put on your most professionally coded outfit and cutest shoes, and then promptly had a small heart attack when you pulled up the address in the confirmation e-mail and realized it was in the center of Deika City.  
Deika City, which was still recovering from some sort of catastrophic event that had destroyed a fair chunk of the town.  No wonder the recruiter had acted so impressed with your resume, they probably had a ton of staff vacancies and were scrambling to fill them.  You were nothing if not desperate to move out of your parent’s house though.  So after an anxious walk to the train station, where you did your best to shake off your nerves; you scanned your train card, found the right platform, and took your first steps towards potential employment and away from the paper thin walls of your childhood home.  
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The reconstruction of Deika City had progressed at a staggeringly fast pace.  You’d expected there to be more widespread destitution, but apparently the News stations had been using significantly outdated footage for shock value because everything looked eerily normal for a town that almost stopped existing a few months ago.  Kids waited on street corners for the crosswalk to change, a florist busied himself refreshing the water his outdoor bouquets sat in, and the headquarters of Detnerat, your potential employer, loomed high over the city like a nail someone forgot to hammer down.  
You’d checked your face over with your front facing camera before silencing your phone and striding through the building door with all the confidence you could muster.  No one stopped to stare at you, so it seemed like you were doing a pretty good job of blending in so far.  The receptionist was on the phone when you approached her desk, waiting anxiously for her to end her call.  
“Thank you for your patience,” she said as she dropped the receiver into the cradle and swiveled her chair around to face you.  “Welcome to Detnerat, how may I assist you today?”
“I have an interview scheduled for eleven this morning?,” you explain, clearing your throat nervously at the end.  
“Let me just check the schedule and get you checked in,” she droned politely, fingers flying across her keyboard as a testament to her experience.  You had turned away to look at the large fountain burbling peacefully in the middle of the foyer when the receptionist shot out of her chair with a sharp intake of breath.  
“Oh my goodness!  I am so sorry!” she said while frantically bowing as she rounded the corner of the desk.  “I didn’t realize you were a VIP guest!  I have been remiss in my treatment of you!”
She looped a lanyard with a temporary ID card around your neck before pushing a large gift bag into your hands while motioning you towards the elevator doors, which opened automatically as you approached them.      
“The elevator will automatically scan and detect the security authorizations pre-programmed into the ID card around your neck and deliver you to the proper floor,” the receptionist explained as you stepped into the open car.  “I apologize again for my oversight and lack of professionalism.  I hope your interview goes well!” She called out as the doors closed, leaving you alone in the elevator.  The soft notes of a classical song started playing in an attempt to drown out the whirring of machinery as the elevator lurched into motion. 
You stared down at the card dangling around your neck as you adjusted your hold on the gift bag in your arms.  
“What the fuck is going on here?” you mutter in confusion as the elevator chimes for each floor you pass.  You’re already more than halfway up the building and have a feeling that you won’t be stopping until you reach the top floor.  
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Your suspicions had been slightly off.  The elevator hadn’t stopped at the top floor.  It had continued on past the maximum number of floors indicated by the illuminated buttons on the control panel, letting you off on some super secret unmarked penthouse level.  You’d also discovered that you didn’t have a cell signal up here when you pulled out your phone to make sure you were arriving on time, so you were fairly certain now that this was the start of the true crime documentary about your tragic disappearance and murder.  
Hopefully they’d interview Kiyomi after they fished your headless corpse out of the channel.  She would say flattering things about you and probably add some nice embellished bits to make you look extra sympathetic to the audience.   
Hesitantly, you stepped out of the elevator and made your way down the hallway you’d been deposited into, drawing closer to the massive double doors looming at the end.  All too soon you were at the end of the hallway, hand poised to knock, when the doors slowly began to swing open, a silent invitation to enter.  If you were going to be murdered tonight you were going to put up one helluva fight so the girl they cast to play you would really have a chance to flex her acting chops.  
“Hello?” You called, stepping further into the room, the plush carpet practically melting under your feet.  With tentative steps, you made your way towards the large desk poised in the middle of the room.  A high-back office chair was situated behind it, turned away from you and rocking restlessly back and forth   “I’m here for an interview?”  
“No, you’re not,” a familiar voice called out.  “An interview implies that there is a possibility that you won’t get whatever position you’re applying for.  Just name what sort of job you want and it’s yours.”  The chair quickly spun around, revealing the man who had haunted your thoughts for the past few months.  
“Tenko, ” you choked, lungs seizing as your chest clogged up with a sudden deluge of emotions. 
“Hi, Sweetheart,” he murmured, spreading his arms wide.  “Did you miss me?”  
The gift bag in your arms dropped to the ground as your hands flew up to cover your mouth, which had fallen open in shock at Tenko's dramatic reappearance.  
Brow pinching in confusion, Tenko's arms dropped back down to his lap as you remained rooted to the spot, simply staring at him with wide-eyed disbelief.  
“What’s the matter?” He asks gruffly, obviously growing uncomfortable under your unwavering gaze.  “Not happy to see me?”
“I- I thought you were dead!” you screech, and with your exclamation the emotional dam you’d been shoring up over Tenko’s absence came crumbling down.  Tears poured down your cheeks as you wailed, your chest heaving with sobs of relief.  “ I was- I was so worried about you!”  
Tenko began gliding across the room to you the moment your tears started falling, reaching your side quickly as he pulled you into his embrace, your head tucked in under his chin as he shushed you gently.  
“Hey now, it’s alright.  I’m alright.  There’s nothing to cry about.” 
“ There’s plenty to cry about!  You left me alone for months and I didn’t know if you were safe or if you were just breaking up with me-” 
“I would never break up with you,” Tenko quickly assures you, rubbing soothing circles across your shoulders as your weeping slowed down into gasping hiccups.  
“What else was I supposed to think when I literally couldn’t get a hold of my boyfriend for months?  You didn’t return any of my calls or texts-”
“Ah, yeah,” Tenko grimaced.  “I was out in the woods for a while.  No cell reception.”
“You were in the woods for six months?” you gape incredulously.  
“No.  Just one.”
“Why didn’t you contact me after that, then?”
“I broke my phone while fighting a giant,” Tenko states.
The silence in the room was heavy as you peeled yourself out of Tenko’s embrace, leaning back to level him with a disbelieving glare.  
“A giant…broke your phone?”
“No.  It broke while I was fighting a giant.  It fell out of my pocket and smashed on a rock.  I lost the save data for nearly every mobile game I was playing.  And your phone number.  I was pretty pissed off about that.”
You rubbed at your swollen eyes with both your fists, overwhelmed and confused by all the information Tenko was offering up to you after months of radio silence.  
“And I’m supposed to believe that?”  
“Yes.  I told you before that I don’t like lying to you.  That remains as true today as it was then.”  
With an exhausted groan you turn and make your way over to a modern style loveseat set off to the side of the desk, snagging Tenko’s wrist as you pass by.  He indulges your silent request, following your lead and settling down next to you on the small couch.  Head cradled in your palms, you sigh deeply before scrubbing your hands down your face and angling your body towards Tenko. 
“Okay.  Let’s table the part with a giant for now.  You had five months to reach out to me and you didn’t.  Why?”
Tenko drummed his fingers on his thigh nervously.  “I don’t think I can really explain that without revealing some other things about myself first.  My name.  My face.  The goals I’ve been working towards,” he swallowed nervously.  “But once I do that, there isn’t any going back.”
“What do you mean?”
“You can stand up right now and walk out of this building and back to your normal life.  Volunteering at the soup kitchen, eating lunch out with your friends, spending holidays with your family.  But once I tell you about who I really am, you’ll be considered an accessory to all of my wrongdoings; held accountable for all of my crimes.  You can cut and run right now and I won’t stop you.  But once the mask comes off I can no longer let you leave, ” Tenko explains solemnly, putting a special emphasis on the last words to encourage you to read between the lines.  
You were a smart girl.  It wasn’t hard to figure out what he meant.  If you stayed here, stayed with him, that was it.  You’d be at his side or in the ground.  
“I’ve been choosing you, over and over again, for nearly a year.  There’s nothing you could tell me at this point that would steer me from my course- away from you,” you assured him, resting your hand on his thigh comfortingly. 
“We’ll see about that,” Tenko snorts incredulously as he lifts a hand to his hover above his familiar facemask.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?  This is your last chance to back out.”  
“I’m sure,” you nod emphatically.
“Alright then.  You asked for it.”
And with those words, Tenko touched his fingers down onto his facemask, which quickly began to crumble away and dissolve into ash.  Left in its place was the hauntingly familiar face of one of the most wanted men in Japan: Shigaraki Tomura.  
“Oh, thank God,” you whispered in relief, sinking down into the back of the couch.  “I’ve been waiting for you to tell me you were Shigaraki for nearly a year now.”
“Wait, you knew ?” Tomura shouted, thoroughly shocked by your nonchalance.   
“I mean, yeah?  I'm pretty sure the entire soup kitchen knows at this point.  You were pretty damn terrible about blending in- it’s hard to hide when you’re so handsome,” you say as you pat his cheek appreciatively.  
“Why didn’t you say anything?  I’ve been agonizing about revealing my identity to you since our first date!”
“It seemed like you weren’t ready for me to know, so I just decided to wait until you were ready.”  
"Is that why you never asked me to take off my mask?  Because you already knew what I looked like?"
"At first I thought you had a jaw mutation you were sensitive about or something.  But then once I realized you were like, the most wanted man in the country, I felt like you keeping it on as much as possible was probably a smart call."
Tomura threaded his hands through his hair and fell back into the cushions of the couch, laughing deliriously as you snuggled into his side, resting your head against his.  
“What a pair we make,” he grinned.  
“Yeah,” you smiled in return, threading your fingers carefully through his.  “A pretty great pair, if you ask me.”  
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"I can't believe you did this," you squeal in excitement, practically bouncing in your seat in the empty auditorium.  
"Why not?  I'm a good boyfriend," Tomura scoffed.  
"You let me think you were dead for half a year," you remind him dryly, wiggling your shoulders to sink down further into the theater seat.
"I can't believe you're still going on about that.  I apologized- "
"You told me, and I quote, 'My bad.'"
"Right, I apologized."
"You're impossible!" You groan, bumping your knees roughly into Tomura's in retribution.
"Fine!" Tomura grumbled, throwing his hands up in defeat.  "I promise to call you the next time I'm busy establishing a criminal empire." 
"That's all I ask, Dear," you smiled sweetly, patting Tomura's thigh placatingly.  His retort was cut off by the sudden dimming of the lights and a grand swelling of wind-instrument heavy classical music filling the auditorium.  You both leaned back in your seats, the chairs reclining easily, as the remaining light was finally snuffed out; blanketing the room in a thick darkness.  
Suddenly, the planetarium projector whirled to life, scattering stars throughout the air.
You couldn't stop the gasp that falls from your lips as you watch the lights twinkle above you; clusters of constellations, colorful nebulae, and swirling galaxies all dancing into creation.  They weren't the real thing, but you were still awed and humbled by the reminder of how grand existence was and how very miniscule your part in it truly is.  
Carefully, you let your hand crawl over Tomura's, gently rotating his hand in your grasp so you could weave your fingers through his.  
"They're really something, huh?" He whispered, just as enthralled by the spectacle of the night sky as you were.  Close-ups of celestial objects filled your vision, and a breathtaking shot of the Earth rotating brought a distant memory to the forefront of your mind.  
"You told me once that you wanted to give me the world.  Do you remember that?"
"Of course I remember.  I was touching your boob."
"Tomura!" You bark out, laughing as you drop your head to the side to knock roughly into his.  Tomura turns his head to the side, pressing a gentle kiss onto the tender patch of skin below your ear.
"What?  Your breasts are always noteworthy.  But yes, I remember.   And that offer still stands."
"I was just thinking that you've already fulfilled that promise."
"Oh?  Because I gave you the universe ," Tomura said, emphasizing his teasing by throwing his free arm wide and wiggling his fingers towards the light-dappled planetarium ceiling.  
"No," you giggled, burrowing your face down deeper into his shoulder into his neck.  "Because you've become my world."
"Oh," he whispered, swallowing thickly.  “I- I didn’t think lines like that worked outside of dating sims.”   
“And how’s your affection meter right now?” you giggled, nibbling on his earlobe playfully.  
“Maxed out,” he pants, squeezing your hand tightly as your tongue traced the shell of his ear.  
“Really?  I should be triggering a special event soon then, don’t you think?”
“Oh, absolutely ,” Tomura grinned, sliding out of his chair and onto the theater floor.  Worming his way between your legs, he grasps your knees with his pinkies up and spreads them as far as they would go, your thighs bumping into the arm rests of your chair.  With a devious smirk, Tomura flips your skirt up over your belly and grabs the swath of fabric covering your crotch and pulls it away from your body; closing his fist fully and gleefully watching your panties disintegrate in his grasp.
“Lay back down, Sweetheart,” Tomura cooed as he tugged your hips down to the edge of the seat, pressing kisses into the juncture of your thighs.  “I want you to look up into the sky because I’m going to make you see stars.” 
You groan, both at his pun and at the feeling of his tongue carefully lapping at your slit.  
“Oh- OH!  Fuck, Tomura, ” you moan, hips bouncing on the seat of your chair. 
“Again,” he orders.  “Say my name again.”
“Tomura,” you keen, winding your fingers into his hair to hold him in place as his mouth worked its magic on your interior spaces.  It didn’t take you long to finish under Tomura’s attentions; coming undone with a stuttering sigh while stars glimmered in your eyes.
And if you were to ask Tomura's opinion as he gazed at you, utterly enthralled by your rapture; he would say that he was pretty sure Heaven itself was reflected in his. 
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thekinkyleopard · 6 months
(Insane Clown Sneezing)
A Non-Canon Halloween Snz Fic Starring:
Alistar x Draeko x Kanai
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Drae Snz, 3-Sum, light Degradation
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Description: ICP is holding a concert on Halloween night, requirements are all attendees must be in full Clown makeup. Alistar is beyond excited to drag his two roommates with him. Although, Drae is feeling under the weather, he doesn’t wanna disappoint the joyful demon, so he tries to hide it. Which goes poorly….for him.
Author’s Notes: The season of OC Halloween fics, CONTINUES! You’re in for a treat this round 🤤 @aller-geez owns Draeko & Kanai and did the art!
Practically zipping around the house with great fervor, the red headed demon gathered anything and everything he would need. Since he bought 3 tickets to ICP, three months prior, he has been collecting all kinds of great makeup to fit the part. The band explicitly said every attendee must be dressed in clown makeup as the concert was taking place Halloween night! Al was stoked, beyond stoked, he first of all, loved Halloween. A holiday where everyone acts scary and creepy? Sign him up for everyday. However, his favorite band on his favorite holiday? It’s like he didn’t even care what happened the rest of the year! “Nai! Ko! Get in here!” He called out to his roommates from the bathroom as he set up his entire station.
“Yes, Donnie?” Kanai asked curiously as he stepped into the room. Draeko following close behind, but much, slower. Alistar noted there was a slight pink flush across the smaller’s face but thought maybe nothing of it.
“Concert time!!” He held up the palettes of white foundation with a waggle of his brows.
“But it’s not for another 4 hours?” Kanai tilted his head with slight confusion. Why would they get ready so far ahead of the event itself?
“Yeah and makeup takes a while soooo let’s get cracking!” The anti-Christ insisted, rolling his eyes and setting the stuff down onto the counter now.
“Al…I….” Draeko tried to interject, not necessarily feeling all to up to any sort of makeup. Hoping maybe he could just nap before the concert. He was feeling a tad warmer than usual.
“Nope! It’s mandatory! Don’t be a bunch of fucking squares okay?” Alistar glared now turning sharply to point an index at the both of them.
“Fine,” Draeko muttered under his breath, feeling pretty defeated by the whole day. Waking up feeling like shit on a holiday is never anyone’s favorite. Except, maybe Al.
“Okay,” The hell hound spoke flatly, shrugging his shoulders knowing it was pointless to disagree with the redhead.
“Awesome” shining a sparkling grin across his now smug face he began to blat carelessly at the white makeup onto a sponge.
Draeko quickly lifts his hands up into the air in front of him. “No worries! I can do my own,” his time at the circus proving useful as he very much was a master of a good clown look. However, he was mostly insisting because if Al go too close to his face, he’d notice for SURE he was sick. So instead he quietly painted his face as Alistar struggled to get Kanai to be still.
All in all it took the group a good few hours to get the right look they were going for. Alistar having had ti redo his own three different times trying to get it perfectly like every other fan would.
“Damn, we look fucking GOOD!” Finishing up the final touches, the Ruby eyes glaring over everyone through the mirror he slid his shirt over his head and look at himself back and forth.
“This looks fairly strange,” Kanai admitted while staring blankly at himself in the mirror.
“I think I look kind of cute,” the mutt chimed in with a softened smile, looking himself over and even adding a bit of glitter to the corners of his mouth.
“Alright let’s get on the road then shall we?” Alistar asked, walking out of the bathroom and grabbing his keys and wallet. They’d all adorned one of Al’s ICP shirts, and slicked their hair appropriately, there wasn’t much more to do.
“The venue is 20 minutes out, shouldn’t we wait til it’s closer til?” Nai chimed in yet again with a curious tone laced between his words.
“Kanai, concerts require some extra time for parking and getting wasted before the show…’Mon now,” Al had to inform his friend, shaking his head back and forth with a smirk. Almost like this was supposed to somehow be common sense to the other.
“Alright then, are you ready to go Draeko?” The hound realized the debate was worth less than the win, so he simply let it go before turning to their pet.
“Y-yeah I’m good to go,” but he was in fact not good to go. Since this morning he woke up, there’s been a terrible terrible storm brewing within his head. Like he’d slammed it into a wall several times the night before. His sinuses were stuffed, but not at the stage of leaking. Just discomfort in breathing. Truthfully on the outside, you couldn’t necessarily tell he was coming down with something soon to take him out of commission. However, he also wasn’t going to alert either of his mates, it would go one of two ways. Either A: Al would immediately want to induce his sneezing and have his way and miss the concert or B: Al gets grumpy and decides to stay home, making a mess of him later anyway when he’s not so mad. Or maybe hate fuck him. Either way, it usually ended with a dick in his ass. Willingly. He did love when either male decided to take advantage of his vulnerability.
Yet, he wasn’t willing to throw away a good experience for the Anti-Christ, knowing well how much he loved ICP. Least he hear about it for the rest of eternity. Alistar narrowed his eyes and looked the other up and down. Something was off. Definitely off.
“Mmkay…s’go!” Alistar swiftly turned on his heels and waved them to follow as he stomped his way out the door and out to his obnoxious 1977 Pontiac Firebird, black with flames all around the vehicle. The other two shuffled behind him at a medium pace before stopping a few feet from the car. He had painted ICP album covers over his windows for the concert. “Doesn’t the transportation device look great?!” He turned to look at his roommates.
“It does, Alistar, I wasn’t aware you could produce art so well,” the hound complimented his friend as he analyzed over the pieces of art work over the car now. Draeko nodded in agreement.
“I love it!” Mustering up his best fake brilliant smile he could. He wasn’t not excited about the car. Or concert. Or experience! He just wanted to lay in bed. He wanted to feel better. His body only got hotter, and heavier the more he dragged it out.
“Thank you thank you, alright, now let’s get on the road!” Alistar unlocked the vehicle and hopped into the passenger allowing Kanai to help pull the seat up to allow Draeko into the back while he road shotgun. Shutting the door behind him he looked over at Alistar.
“Are you going to get drunk tonight?” The mutt asked curiously, looking through to the red head from the rear view mirror.
“Oh, absolutely” the anti-Christ snickered, on hand on the wheel, the other fishing for his pack of cigarettes.
“Hm…what’s that like?” Kanai asked curiously, looking over at his best friend and watching him struggle to dig the pack out of his pocket.
“It’s like…I don’t know man, it depends on the person but it makes, the unhinged version of someone come out of their brain…you know? Like normally I wouldn’t fuck a human sober, but drunk? I might if I’m desperate enough,” he chuckled loudly watching the road loosely while successfully fishing his pack of cigarettes out. Kanai simply hums lowly to himself as he considers what the feeling must be like.
“So, it’s a good feeling?” He asked cautiously, almost like he doesn’t believe that what Al described, could have a positive outcome. While the demon was lighting the stoge he pulled out and hung on his lips, he shrugged.
“Yeah, man, you can try it out tonight at the show it’ll be a good holiday to break in Nai’s first time being drunk!” Alistar cheered by holding his lit fag into the air in a fist pump before bringing it back down to his mouth.
“Drunk Kanai? That should be interesting,” Draeko giggled from the backseat, Al shining a gaze back to grin at the mutt. Their eyes locking for a moment before the demon went back to watching the road.
“Al, please open the window if you’re going to smoke…it smells horrible,” the hellion griped as he dramatically wafted the oncoming smoke back from wence it came.
“My bad,” cracking open his driver side window to redirect the fumes out the side of the car.
“Hey so, who’s opening for ICP?” Draeko asked curiously peaking through between the seats of Kanai and Alistar.
“No idea I planned to skip it at the alcohol station,” the demon snickered as his foot pressed harder on the gas. Impatient to get where they were going.
“Oh…WELL, I guess I’ll just look it up then,” Draeko rolled his duo colored eyes with a giggle.
“What is an opener, Draeko?” Kanai looked back at the mutt through the rear view mirror, who was scrolling through the Ticketmaster website on his phone.
“It’s the band that plays before the main band, sometimes there’s one or a few !” He explained with a gentle smile before he got very quiet. The motion within the car and looking at his phone made the hybrid all too aware of how god awful he felt. His stomach churned and he blinked a few times ahead of him, looking away from the screen. Kanai cocked a brow as he was still observing the smaller.
“Are you okay, Draeko?” The hound asked cautiously, curiously.
“Y-Yeah just a…” he clears his throat gently from behind a closed fist. “Car sick is all,” trying his best to shake it off.
“I have hydration up here if you would like some?” Already leaning forward to try and grab one of the many bottle littering the floor of Al’s vehicle.
“Has that bottle of water been sitting in the car for multiple days?” Drae asked almost unamused as he was sure of the answer.
“It’s quite possible,” the hound mulled over the truth of the answer, trying his best to present all the facts he was aware of about said bottle, to the mutt.
“No thanks,” he responded almost as flatly as Kanai usually would.
“Oh, okay, hopefully we will be at the venue soon, then you can have fresh hydration,” the hellion nodded simply. Alistar chuckled taking the last drag of his cigarette and tossing it out the window like a grade A dick.
“Yeah, we’ll be there in about 8 minutes,” his words came out sharply as he exhaled the last cloud of smoke from within his lungs and reached over for the volume on his radio. He has it plugged in to his phone using a cassette tape convertor. “For now let’s pre game!” The red head grinned turning the music up loudly, singing along while he drove through, switching lanes almost recklessly now that the music flowed.
“My Axe, is my buddy…I bring him when I walk…me and my axe will leave your head outlined in chalk!” Alistar now slapping to the beat on his steering wheel while the other two in the car made a quick exchange through the mirror. Glancing back at each other with their multicolored orbs, and a slight smirk on Draeko’s heated face.
“Their music is very violent!” Kanai tried to speak over the volume to which Al looked over and cocked a brow.
“What??” shouting out back towards his friend before the hound reached forward to turn the knob and decrease the volume. “Hey!” He frowned over at the other now.
“I said, their music is very violent,” repeating himself, as he was instructed by the /what?/ response from his friend.
“Duh! Humans are violent, ICP is the only REAL band out there speaking on true human impulse, sure there’s other artists that bite the brand, but THEM?” He exhaled sharply through pursed lips. “That’s real, I respect that. Humans being honest about what they are….vile, violent creatures of selfish nature,” smirking with a cocky laugh to follow before reaching the venue parking lot line. “Fuck there’s hella people…” he grumbled.
“I wouldn’t say all humans are like that by nature, Alistar,” Kanai chimed in, returning back to the previous conversation.
“Yeah, okay,” he scoffed back at the other while focusing on where the hell to even park in this shit storm of vehicles and walking attendees in full clown attire. “Oh man everyone looks so good,” the excitement rising within his voice as Draeko watched the demon practically light up like a Christmas tree.
“There’s a sufficient parking space, Al,” the hound pointed toward an empty spot, the red head spotting it quickly and making his way in, aligning the vehicle before tossing it in park.
“Good eye, Nai! Alright let’s get fuckin stupid!” Al flung open his door and hopped out the car, pushing his seat up for Draeko to get out. Now that they were finally here, the mutt was finding it harder and harder to ignore the shitty feeling that was burning inside of his body. He wobbled getting out of the car and tagging slowly behind the two demons as they made their way through the lot and into the venue entrance, standing in line. He felt woozy and his nose was starting to feel familiarly uncomfortable. God, why today? Why did this have to happen today of all days?
Kanai was quietly observing the other attendees of the concert, obviously and shamelessly looking them up and down, despite the weird looks he got. Alistar was busy eyeing down the security, and the line to get inside while Draeko continued to try and avoid facing either, behind them. He felt his nose starting to unleash a downpour, and this was already going to cause a huge issue.
If his nose leaked, his makeup would run. However, if he rubbed his nose, his makeup would get smudged. It was a double edged sword he wasn’t sure how to approach. They got closer and closer to the front of the line and he was teetering on the edge of release. “Okay almost there, I got our tickets,” Al said taking his cell phone out and pulling up the proof as they got up to the scanner.
“K,” the guard said after checking the validity of Al’s QR code. The three of them slid past and the red head immediately eyed the bar. “Time to get fucking wastedddddd,” he cheered throwing his hands up into the air as he grabbed both Drae and Kanai’s wrists.
“Oh…uh..Al, I’ll meet you guys there I have to pee,” he lied through his teeth and the demon could have easily sussed that out but amongst the fellow clowns, juggalos and decorated venue it was hard for him to spend even a second paying attention.
“Alright cub…sounds good,” releasing the smaller’s wrist, bobbing his head back and forth to see the assortment of beverages and whether or not there would be, event particular specific drinks available. You know like an ‘ICP’ drink; Ice, Cognac, Pineapple. Or something clever at the least. Draeko sniffled lowly under the many sounds echoing within the building, the sound muffled in space as the mutt slunk away to the bathroom, yes, but not to pee. The little mutt slammed into a stall and began to blow through his nose, and mouth in a pixie like fit.
“Ihh’gxxnt’iiew! Hh’NDK! K’GNSH!” He tried to reserve himself at the very slightest, covering his mouth with his open palms only finding smears of white makeup and saliva left behind when he looked down. “Hhnnn…” he groaned with discomfort. “Hihhh’GXXT!” Another lurching the base of his core, spraying across the bathroom stall, a sheen layer of saliva glossing his lips. He wiped at them subconsciously.
“Bless you!” Someone called out from within the space of the bathroom. Not a voice he’d ever heard, so he assumed just a stranger trying to be empathetic. However, it made him blush none the less.
“Th-thank you!” He called back with a slight smile on his face, happy to see that humanity wasnt all bad. Suddenly, he reached in his back pocket for his cell. Turning on the front facing camera he looked over his makeup and frowned as half the white foundation used around his lips and chin had been smeared off now. Hm. This is exactly what he was afraid of. Worse yet, it looks like he’s been just going around sucking dick or something. This wouldn’t do. He couldn’t let them see him like this.
He stuffed his phone back in his pocket, grabbed a few handfuls of toilet paper, also shoved them in his pocket and walked out of the bathroom. Looking around he saw the merch table which was a steady way across from the bar, it would be perfect. He could already see the back of their heads, slamming down shots. Draeko skittered into the merch line, trying to see if by chance, they were selling face paint. His orbs scanning over the many items available he saw it. A cheap clown makeup set for sale…$30?! Jesus…how do these people sleep at night. Regardless of the ridiculously inflated price, he would just have to pay it if he wanted to keep his secret under wraps. His eyes heavy as he swayed in the line, trying to keep himself from blacking out under the pressure pounding inside his head.
On the other side of the venue was Alistar, and Kanai, with a round of 15 shots in front of them both. They were 5 shots each in, already.
“I don’t understand why humans make those movements and faces when they drink these? They’re quite delightful..” the hound spoke while holding one up to the other in a cheers, before knocking it back without a flinch.
“No, cause seriously, I fucking love rotten veggies and fruits, Alcohol is ours right? Dad did that? My dad…not yours…” chuckling with a slight slur to his inflection and Kanai cranked an eyebrow and thought about it.
“Logically you would think, however, wasn’t your uncle the one who could turn water into wine? Is that not alcohol?” Back to this age old question; is alcohol of the devil? Or God’s creation. A question they’d had for a long time since coming to earth.
“Yeah but that’s pussy alcohol, Uncle J couldn’t turn water into fuckin Jack Daniels,” pointing to his best friend with a very serious index finger.
“You make a point,” tipping his head, Kanai considered this before throwing back, another shot. “I think this should be my last then,” he spoke easily after swallowing down the mess of liquor.
“There’s…1,2…345678….1011…14 shots left!” The red head exclaimed before pounding another back himself. “13 shots left!” He corrected himself immediately with a side smirk.
“Okay, Al, but I won’t be held responsible for who or what I may do with that much alcohol in my vessel tonight,” shrugging his shoulders, the demon divided the rest in half. Swiftly without much hesitation, both of them began to toss each one into their mouths.
“Oh I’m counting on it, buddy, Sincerely am,” the crimson eyed demon grinned ear to ear, the makeup only making him look more sinister as he did so. Al followed swiftly behind, drinking each shot back with ease before there was nothing more than a graveyard of empty glass. “Shall we find our pet then? Get a good spot in the crowd?” Kanai began to slowly feel the dawn of alcohol dusting over him and he nodded, in a quiet response while following behind the red head. Alistar was adamantly searching for the smaller, a bit different in this dark and crowded setting.
Draeko was purposefully stuffed behind a corner trying to replace the makeup he smudged before he could be seen again. Luckily, as cheap as the set looked, it didn’t take much product to get him covered up again. He slammed the compact shut and stuffed it in his pocket before looking himself over in his camera. “Okay…everything is fine,” sighing with slight relief but that was far and few in between, because the heat of the added bodies against his own feverish one was starting to make him weak in the knees. Fighting back against the slow deterioration of his skeletal structure and well being, Draeko stepped out from his cover and began his own search for the two men he came with.
It was only a few moments before he saw the tall demons, scanning the packed crowd for, presumably, him. Locking eyes with Kanai, he smiled and waved his hand weakly, flagging them over, Drae was already in the middle of the crowd by the time they made it to each other. “Hey squirt,” Al ruffled the smaller’s already messy with thick gel, hair. Slightly regretting having done so.
“Hey, get your drink on?” Trying to remain casual, collected while speaking to the two demons.
“Yuuuuup, can already feel it, ‘hat bout you Nai?” The hound was looking very intently at the small mutt, studying, analyzing his face. Something was up, he could tell by just how casual the other was trying to be, it more or less made it obvious.
“JUGGALOOOSSSS AND JUGGALETTES! NOW PRESENTING OUR MAIN COURSE, INSANE. CLOWN. POSSEE!” And as the crowd began to shove and push at the three of them, it broke their conversation and caused Al to wobble aimlessly back and forth. “Whoa fuck, let’s try to get to the front,” gripping both of his mates by their wrists again he shoveled them through the crowd so the demon could get as close as possible, managing to get them to the barricade. “Fuck yes,” his hands clasped the metal as his bright eyes stared with amazement up ahead.
Draeko started to sniffle and snub quietly, trying to hide behind the tall red head in secret. He could tell Kanai was on to him but he wasn’t able to hold back his worsening symptoms. As the lights dimmed, and gave him a slight advantage, he rubbed his throbbing nose on the back of his hand, impatiently throwing it in tight, rough circles and once again, smudging his makeup. As the music began to blare and the intro started to play, Al watched closely for Violent J, and Shaggy to run up on stage.
Kanai was not paying any sort of attention to the stage set, or even the excitement in his friend’s face. No he was much more intrigued by the little mutt stuffed between them, trying to keep his face from hidden few. Reaching downward, slowly with alcohol oozing past his usually respectful demeanor, the hound gripped Draeko’s chin and slowly turned his head. Now facing each other, he could see the dripping line of snot reflect off the flashing lights of the stage, which seemed to fuel something deadly inside of him. He cocked an eyebrow.
Draeko looked up at Kanai with an essence of innocence, though he was taken by surprise when the hound lifted his face. “Don’t tell…” he mouthed and pleaded with watering eyes, before he realized there was something sinister living behind Nai’s gaze. Drae swallowed. Sniffling weakly. Kanai smirked simply, his index finger now traveling down the other’s chin to his chest before gripping his shirt tightly and pulling him into his chest. Leaning his large body he whispered into the back of Alistar’s ear.
“Our pet has been hiding a secret from us,” and even though, his favorite band was finally playing, the music was bumping and the vibes were almost immaculate enough to immerse the red head. He slowly, eerily, turned on his heels and looked directly downward to see the sniveling male tucked into Kanai’s chest. He looked up now at his friend with a smirk.
“Oh?” He mouthed unable to be heard. Without much movement from either of the two larger, Kanai simply continued to hold that slanted grin across his normally stoic face. With a sharp, almost violent twist, he turned the small mutt to face Al, and with an aggressive grasp of his open hand, turned Draeko’s jaw upward to expose him.
His makeup was smeared around his nose and mouth, nostrils exposed and visibly chapped, his lips quivered as tear stained, white cheeks bursted into flames of embarrassment. How could Kanai expose him like this ? He felt more than vulnerable in this current state, but as his head was turned into an upward position to look up at Al, it also opened him up to the photic pressure of stage lights. The flashing of the stage decor proving to be too much, and his small frame shook before he finally lost control. “Ehh’Gxxtch! GSH’IEw!” It hit Alistar across the neck by surprise, the other not quite tall enough to decorate his perfectly dressed face.
“Oh Ho? Good eye,” The red head spoke out loud, though it seemed to be eaten by the sounds of ‘In My Room’ playing loudly amongst them, Kanai could read lip his best friend, loud and clear. “Shall we?” Raising a mischievously red brow. He was met with a hungry, almost darkened gaze from the other’s heterochromiatic orbs. Wasting no time the two each took one of Draeko’s sweating palms and rushed him through the side of the crowd, crimson eyes scanning every and any venue available to turn their pet inside out.
“Backstage?” Kanai pointed toward the far left area, guarded by two large men but Al smirked devilishly before nodding back behind to his friend.
“Got it,” the three approached and immediately the guards were ready to stand their ground, but one heated look from the red head and a few moments in time, Al was synced in.
“We have VIP, we are allowed back here, no one else is permitted to follow or open the dressing room lounge,” he stated the following as if the red head had been working there this whole night, and almost to confirm he had, the security both nodded their heads, stepped aside and allowed the three to pass through the curtain. Once behind the stage, there were many people buzzing about, and otherwise not paying much mind to the group. They slid their way past the hall to the dressing room with a very large star plastered on the wood of the door.
“Eh?” Raising a cocky, yet satisfied brow back at his best friend, Kanai, raised his own back in confirmation. The three of them slid inside the room, locking it closed behind as it was almost immediate that the atmosphere changed. Each demon turned to face the mutt who’s cover was now, incredibly blown.
“Ok…HGNXT! Wait…” he tried stifling the incoming brew, while also giving himself adequate time to explain himself and his disposition.
“See? Keeping secrets,” Kanai shook his head, folding his arms across his chest as the alcohol within his system began to outweigh this normally stoic, and calm demeanor. He was almost, hungry, glaring Draeko down as the mutt snuffled loudly.
“No! K’GNSH! ehh’Gxxtchh! It’d nod lig thad!” Waving his hands about himself frantically in front of his body, as he was backed into a wall by the hovering men he swallowed nervously, wiping at his nose with his sleeve.
“I don’t know….Nai…it looks like there was malice behind this decision, what do you think?” The darkness only spreading between the two, feeding off each other now. A dangerous position to be in.
“Definitely, what good was he providing by holding back on you? He knows what a delightful treat this is…” Kanai’s tone was so different, it brought chills down the hybrid’s spine, the hairs on his arms raised as the hound stepped into him. “Why would you withhold a treat from Donnie, hm? Pet?” The hellion rarely reduced him down to an owned vessel, but something about it now…was making his already reddened face hotter than before. Kanai lifted Drae’s chin with his index and thumb, pinching him with a tender squeeze as he forced his eyes up into the ceiling light.
“I-…d-didn’t— hihh’GXXTsh’iiew! H’GXTSH’ue!” It ached and itched, staring into the brightness only forced the sneezes out faster.
“Oh but you did,” Al clicked his tongue, slowly undoing his belt now with an echoing clank that bounced off the walls of the dressing room.
“Nai? Present him,” he looked over at the other, almost with boredom behind his eyes, but a much darker hint of mischief hiding within.
“Rightfully so, Donnie,” the man responded before swiftly, his hand let go of Draeko’s chin only to grip him in one swoop by the neck. His fingers tightened before forcibly dragging the mutt to his knees, turned around now so he was facing Alistar, Kanai standing behind as he forced the smaller’s face up to look at the red head.
“K’GNSH’iiew! Wait I— ehh’GXTTCH!” An assault of fine drizzle dusting the air and spaces between he and the demon. Alistar grunted like a feral animal, only wishing to have been closer to the casualty of spit.
“That’s gonna feel real good on my dick…no covering… make your hands useful,” his head nodded in the direction of the hell hound watching intently behind Draeko’s kneeling body. The pink and mint haired sniffling mess nodded, wiping his hands off at his thighs. “AHT, you can’t rub my mans dry like that…come on,” Drae whimpered with slight embarrassment, being used for their pleasure and entertainment, he wriggled helplessly for friction where he kneeled.
Cupping his hands in front of his mouth, the mutt blinked a few times, before directly looking into the light above Al. It felt like static trickling from the inside of his brain down the center of his nostrils. “H’h…”
“That’s right cub, go on,” Al bit his lower lip with anticipation, Kanai working his own belt and zipper while they waited for Draeko to blow.
“Hh’NDKT’ih! H’GXXTsh’uh! Plead….” The mutt whimpered for mercy as his eyes wept and his nose reddened. The spray came out in a quick explosion, moistening his hands, but when Al looked down he shook his head.
“More,” now the navy haired man spoke, his voice sending a chill down the center of Draeko’s spine.
“But I— Ihh’gxxnt’IIEW! Ehh’gxxtch’IEW! K’GNSH! HN’GSH!” This time a wave of messy saliva came ricocheting off his lips and into the fleshy pit of his cupped hands. Now as they glistened under the harsh lighting, the red head smirked with satisfaction.
“Much better,” Al looked up to meet his gaze to Kanai, they both grinned at each other, something Kanai never does unless…he’s being mischievous.
“Excellent work, Ko…” the hound praised the male kneeling in the middle of them. The alcohol burning in his veins as it only made him thirstier for more, dying to hear the other squealing in a puddle of his own miserable symptoms. Draeko nodded as his nose dribbled slightly, the red head reaching down to wipe it away with the back of his thumb then across the fabric of his jeans.
“There you go, cub,” smirking before he began to fully unsheathe himself from his pants and boxer briefs to expose his hard length to Draeko’s pouting and swollen mouth. His hands already reaching one to grip Kanai’s also now freed length, and Alistar’s. Twisting his body just slightly to get the right position. He started slowly slicking his salvia covered hands over each cock, squeezing as his fingers pressed tenderly into their veins.
“Hnn..hh’…” trying to fight it off as his focus was trying to make the two men feel good, though his head was forcibly shoved back, reunited with the breaking overhead light and a rough voice.
“Out with it,” Kanai licked his teeth impatiently, hips very slightly meeting each motion. His fingers tightening with the other soft strands of hair.
“H’GXTSH’ue! Hihh’GXXTsh’iiew! Hh’NDKT’ih!” Draeko sprayed a mess of saliva all over the brunt of Alistar’s well kept red bush. Droplets of spit living within the soft hairs there. The demon groaned, they both did, watching the mutt’s wet mouth pout up at them.
“You’re so god damn sexy,” Alistar growled low from within the base of his chest. “Nai? Assistance?” His gaze switched up casually to meet with the other’s equally lust filled gaze.
“My pleasure,” he responded before directly forcing Draeko’s gawked mouth forward toward Al’s twitching length. Taking the scene in at hand, Drae knew what was being demanded of him.
“H’gxNT!” Draeko ate the sneeze, stifling to keep it at bay as he then was faced with Al’s waiting length.
“Nah, give your Master a good one before you suck…go on,” he licked his lips while red orbs gazed down at him hungrily. The pink and mint haired male nodded with tears welling in his eyes while the tickling sensation of torment prickled up his sinuses, and his reddened face could hold fast no longer.
“K’GNSH’iiew!!” It blew out all over the male, and before he could even shut his lips and wipe his face clean, the demon shoved his cock clear down the hybrid’s throat, making him gag slightly at the sudden pressure.
“Gooood…don’t forget Nai…” his words came out staggered as he tried not to be selfish in this. Kanai’s thrusts getting faster as he watched the scene unfold.
“Hmm impossibly he’s doing very well…however the hand is getting almost, boring,” he considered the options as he stepped back. Drae looked up at Al, over at Kanai but inevitably his eyes rolled backward when the large hound grabbed him by his haunches and properly propped him on his knees. “I’m very interested in being inside that warm little entrance of his,” almost like a salivating dog, Kanai could no longer find the right threshold for responsibility. Ripping the male’s jeans down his ass and pooled at the ankle.
“Hnn~…” Drae moaned, but as he felt Alistar’s length slipping in and out of his throat, he found it was not a solution for the consistent itch. For the never ending boiling prickle that fought its way to the surface. “Ggg…” he gargled around the anti-Christ’s cock, whimpering when he felt Kanai push both his cheeks apart and a very warm, wet object was tickling at his hole. The hound’s mouth closing around it, sucking, and penetrating the puckered space with his tongue.
“Look at you, sicker than a dog, but still happily taking cock from your owners…..you’re such a good slut,” Al nearly purred with the words dripping off his lips, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his makeup. The white foundation starting to crack and break through the other’s furrowed brows. Draeko’s makeup long smeared a while back, but as snot and tears trickled down leaving clear streaks across patches of misused white, both the hellions found a very interestingly new Fetish on board.
“Maybe we should put Drae in makeup more often,” Al laughed. Kanai pulled back from the smaller’s ass if only to respond and align his own length as he looked up with a darkened grin.
“I like that idea…it looks…delicious while it melts off his face,” there was something behind the grey hellion’s tone. It wasn’t the usual monotonous sound, void of emotion. This was something scarier, like a creature that had been living inside him all along. Void of any consideration as he usually held, this was the sound of something sinister. Alistar chuckled, grinning deeply at the other.
“Good to see he’s still in there,” referring to the natural demon within them both. The hound nodded with an ominous grin displayed over his features, and with a quick spit into his hand, he rubbed it over his length, and without a second to consider, shoved his way past the tightened ringlet. Draeko felt himself filled to the brim, trying to keep his concentration, but he could only press his forehead to Al’s hip bone. His hand worked, and pumped, his tongue lapping and licking desperately but he was so full. His nose. His ass. His mouth. So full. He whimpered weakly and both the hellions chuckled through breathless grunts.
“H’GXTS—!” But as it was flying out mid sneeze, the demon shot his cock back down his throat to feel the tightened contraction and choking struggle of Drae’s throat around him. “G-STXH!” Gagging behind the red head’s length, drool trailing down the sides of his mouth, eyes blood shot as he rocked back and forth between his mouth and ass being filled by either demon.
“Oh this was a great idea, Nai, I’m so glad you caught on….” the anti-Christ grunted through his tense jaw, they both lifted their arms and clasped their hands together. Now both of them using the force of Drae’s holes like a seesaw as they made eye contact.
“It’s even more incredible after the beverages…” Kanai chuckled breathlessly, before grabbing his best friend by the back of the neck and pulling him in for a long heated kiss. It was a tangle, a collection of bodies, tongues and sweat. Whoever was to come in here later was going to be displeased with the musky, hot scent of sex drenching the air.
Draeko’s body trembled, and fought against the natural instinct to collapse under these two larger men but he wasn’t raised a bitch. Instead he only planted his knees harder and worked to bob his head at an increasingly noticeable speed that caused the red head to moan deeply into the navy haired man’s mouth. “H—ah…” Kanai separated their kiss only to lean back and put a ton more force behind his thrusts. Kanai’s hands gripping tightly to the mutt’s hips, digging into the flesh with possession, while Al’s hands were buried and tightly gripped to the smaller’s sweating strands of hair.
“Im gonna fucking …..bust…fuck…” Alistar grunted as his back arched, his thrusts getting desperate while Draeko’s wet face looked up with pleasing green and grey eyes. Almost begging to be filled up like a Twinkie from both ends.
“Alistar….Im…” the hound trying to get his own warning in, but at the time both demons struggled to keep their orgasms at bay, Drae, too, found himself in a particularly demanding obstacle. He needed to sneeze, again. His throat was shoved to the brim with cock, he would choke, surely. His brows folded inward and he did his best to fight against the forcible hand that just kept shoving him back down. Alistar pushed himself until no more could physically go in, and he bursted hot seed straight down the mutt’s mouth. As his orgasm rocked him, his grip loosened which gave the hybrid the perfect opportunity. He pulled his head back and out it went.
“ehh’Gxxtchh’iew!!!” There was a mixture of cum, and saliva that came out in a mistral cloud in front of him, spraying across Al’s slowly draining length, and as he watched Drae suffer with his nut leaking out his sneezing nostrils. He couldn’t help but smirk in satisfaction as well as starting to notice Kanai getting more erratic. Watching closely as well to the other’s weakened disposition. It was enough to send him over his own edge.
“Ha…hhh—…” the hell hound stammered before his ecstasy consumed him, spilling deep within Draeko’s hole, he nearly slumped over, had he not forgotten where they were.
“Fuck…we should probably clean up and get the fuck out of here before…” a jiggle of the handle, and swift knock on the door.
“Hey who the fuck is in here?” The familiar voice of Violent J could be heard by them all from outside the door.
“Holyshit…It’s J…” the redhead whispered nervously as he fixed himself, looked in the mirror and started fixing his hair as well.
“Do you plan to fuck J as well?” Kanai asked curiously, wondering why there was a sudden need to impress as he slowly pulled himself out of Draeko and began to tuck himself away.
“No….I mean….you think he would?” He turned around suddenly, almost, a little too hopeful.
“Uh…guys dod’t mead to be a bubber but we godda go home,” Draeko snuffled softly as he finally wiped at his nose, and mouth with his sleeve, though staining it with the blackened marks of makeup.
“Correct, we should get the fuck outta here,” Alistar nodded before doing a double check that everyone seemed….as decent as they could. It was pretty damn clear Draeko got his entire body defouled but Al and Kanai looked relatively normal…despite the smeared makeup from when they kissed. Regardless, Al opened the door and opened his arms wide as if he knew the two artists standing behind it.
“J! Shaggy! Nice to meet you! Big fan!” The demon winked trying to distract from the fact the other two were trying to shuffle their way out of the room.
“Who the fuck are these clowns?” Shaggy asked his musical counterpart with almost a look of pure annoyance.
“Fans?” J looked back just as confused z
“Excuse me gentlemen, sorry to bother, my friend is a big fan, but realistically we just wanted to fuck our pet back here, all is well now,” Kanai clasped his hands around each wrist of his roommates and quickly pulled them out of the dressing room, down the hall, and out the back exit toward the parking lot.
“Did they just….say..?” Shaggy turned to J both of them bewildered and confused as the three misfits made their way from the scene of the crime.
“I missed the concert….but I love cumming,” the demon shrugged. “Plus I get to hear those cute kitten sneezes all night and possibly all week, BONUS, I met the band, so how can I even be mad?” Al snorted before slinging an arm around his best friend’s shoulders. “Good game in there,”
“Agreed…however, my head is starting to hurt rather badly now…I think the alcohol may be turning sour on me,” his grey hand came up to fondle and massage at his aching temples.
“We will just stop and get another bottle, you’ll be fine…we gotta pass out candy and scare the kids anyway,” Alistar started fishing through his jeans again to find the car keys. Quickly pulling them out in order to get the vehicle unlocked.
“Al…snddfff…cad you aldo picg me ub some chiggen noodle soub?” Draeko being the first to climb back into the car, he lazily flopped against the side of the backseat, curling his legs up to his chest.
“Yeah, I can pick you up some soup, kid,” Al responded simply, getting into the driver’s seat and looking behind at the mutt through the mirror.
“Danks…” he sniffles again before they all pile their way back into the car and make way for the rest of their, sickly Halloween.
The End
Author’s Notes: I’m sorry I’m laaaaaaate! Truthfully I didn’t wanna post without the cover :T Geez is my bread and butter. Hope you guys enjoyed a bit of a feral Kanai 🥵
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bellygunnr · 3 months
Knight Out on Downtown Dialtown
Knight rider x Dialtown. Good fuckin' luck.
The alley behind Bunny’s burger joint is dingy. The signs plastered everywhere for people to “get their own trash” don’t make it any better. Actually, the gap between brick-and-mortar stores is surprisingly full-up with random filler, but the taped posters and graffiti can’t obscure the rank scent or the squelch of mud and refuse pounded into the cracked pavement. At the very least, it’s well lit, and the only major obstacle doubles as your destination.
A dumpster. A violet, heavily tagged dumpster, which— if the locals were to be believed— also doubled as a rental.
You hesitate, though. You lean back against your car, letting your head tilt back until the back of your helmet rests against the t-top structure. Red text appears in the corner of your visor, bringing a wry smile to your face.
This place is awful, Michael. Surely no one actually lives here?
You’re no good at texting back. “He pays rent and everything, KITT,” you say aloud.
You have to be careful not to activate the external mic. Thank GodPhone-God that Bonnie had deigned to add a toggle. Gave you and KITT some privacy while you both struggled your way through the city, whose populace was… interesting. Definitely jarring. Made you itchy, too. The racing helmet you and KITT chose is heavy and hot, the air cooling unable to keep up all of the time. And, well. You’ve both been running at orange since you rode in.
“Michael,” KITT imposes quietly. “We should find that Mr. Jade. That way, if he isn’t here, we can go to a car wash. Or a decontam chamber.”
Fuck. You unfurl yourself away from KITT’s chassis and stretch until your spine cracks. Your shuffling echoes.
The button to hit the mic takes a few chin waggles to fully depress. You hope the tell-tale clicking doesn’t tip people off anytime soon.
“Is there a Randal Jade here? Oh, that’s loud, KI—”
KITT, did you put on the amplifier, goes unspoken, because you bite your tongue. Your voice still rattles the alley, having been pitched way louder than necessary.
Yes, KITT messages plainly.
The dumpster rattles ominously. Trash goes flying as someone pops out from the top, bandaged, bloodied hands gripping the corrugated metal. KITT quickly identifies the Phonehead as a Nokia 3410 which you know is more for his benefit than yours. It just also happens to be Randal’s.
Why does he have “fuckface” scrawled on his head? KITT sends.
How the hell are you supposed to know? You’re wondering that yourself as you wait for Randal to get situated. He seems to struggle, or maybe your shouting disoriented him. Way to go, Michael.
“Um, hey there,” Randal says, slightly breathless. “I’m— I’m Randal Jade. You should just call me Randy, though. Am I in trouble?”
“No, no, no, Randy. You’re not in trouble!” You hurry to placate him for some reason. “I’m Michael Knight. I’m with the Foundation. Why don’t you, uh, come outside so we can talk?”
Randy puffs himself up slightly. Or as much as he can. He seems to be getting the shakes, propping himself up this long over the edge of the dumpster.
“Why don’t YOU come inside? So we can talk? Since this is my house and all…”
He’s got you there, KITT whispers in your ear.
You don’t honor KITT with a response. You both know that getting into that humble abode is not a fucking option.
“Do you really want me to come inside, Randy?”
Randy sighs and hefts one leg over. He falls to the ground in a heap. The thud isn’t as heavy as it probably should be.
“No, not really,” Randy says, staring up at the sky.
You approach him, offering a hand up. You’re not sure if he makes any sort of eye-contact, but his buttons and dim screen stare into your visor for what seems like an eternity before he accepts the help. The bandages are slimy against your palm. Sweat is visibly running down his neck.
KITT wordlessly provides a visual of Randy’s body and relevant vitals. Diagnosis? Some kind of terrified. He probably thinks you’re a cop.
Randy gets his feet under him, but you can’t stop yourself from giving him a pat down or hanging onto his elbows a little too long. You have a feeling if you don’t play your cards right, he’ll crumple into a wet paper ball…
If you think he is riding in my cabin, you are mistaken.
“Thanks… for that,” Randy says.
“Uh, yeah. No problem. Uh. Right. I’m Michael. From the Foundation. Apparently, you may be the only witness to a crime. I need your help.”
Randal stares up at you. He seems to shrink back slightly. You have to step back so his head doesn’t knock against your helmet as he bows it meekly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he says. “I didn’t see any crimes.”
“That’s the thing! You did! It was just a very plain-sight crime and are you actively bleeding through your bandages?”
You can’t help yourself. You’re too wound up to not notice the spreading red on his hands, even as he tries to hide them. Even KITT is highlighting the issue, which seems to be taking precedence over his distaste in being in this situation.
His hands and arms appear to be covered in bite marks. I cannot identify what from.
“When am I not bleeding through my bandages?” Randy asks, laughing a little. “You know how it is. Work runs out of first aid supplies…Just can’t keep up with PURE, UNFILTERED AVIAN RAGE. And how bad I am at wrangling them…”
He shrinks back in on himself, arms wrapped around his body, hands tucked away. His voice had swelled with momentary bravado that immediately cracked on the vowel and kept breaking all the way down.
You’re glad the helmet hides your expressions. But it also impedes your impulse control. You delicately grab Randy’s wrist and tug him toward not just yourself, but KITT, whose wheels crunch audibly against the pavement.
“Michael,” KITT says warningly.
Randy squawks and tries to bolt. You clamp down on him, and he’s not even heavy enough to pull on you.
“What— who was that?” Randy whispers.
You ignore him.
“KITT, come on. The IFAK’s still in there, right? It doesn’t even have to be inside the car—”
“I didn’t have covert murder on the list of ways I was going to die,” Randy says, “and I’m not sure if it’s better than the swans.”
“Murder? Michael, he thinks you’re going to kill him!”
“I— I’m not! Randy, who would even want to kill you?”
What is GOING ON. You didn’t even mean to say that, but Randy takes it and runs, gesturing with his free hand and mumbling incoherently. In your peripheral, you see KITT start to inch backwards, utilizing his “Silent Mode” for all it’s worth, apparently.
“KITT! Remember what you said about the public transit!” You cry out, marching after him.
“Who’s KITT?” Randy squeaks as he stumbles after you.
You debate asking why KITT even broke cover, considering their circumstances, but you have a feeling you know why. There’s no way you’re getting Randy back to the hotel on foot, after all, but both this alley-way and Randy’s, uh, eau de Desperation, will never get out of the upholstery. It’s never getting out of your clothing, either. So.
KITT makes a retching sound in your ear. New and gross. You don’t know if you should praise him for learning a new trick or scold him for making you sympathy-gag. But as you determinedly drag Randy behind you, KITT rolls to a stop and pops both doors.
“Randy—” You start.
“Kidnapping has to be, a, uh, vertical movement right? In terms of living conditions?” Randy asks.
You don’t say anything. His bandages aren’t even well-applied, really. KITT probably would have told you if he was infected, though.
Not even Devon can get you out of kidnapping and murder charges, KITT messages. It takes all of your willpower not to react.
“I never did agree to come with you,” Randy clarifies. “But we both know I’m not strong enough to get away, so why bother! This might as well happen!”
That… would make it kidnapping. You did plan on taking him to a second location. His injuries just threw you out of sorts. Even more out of sorts than you already were, and KITT’s sheer distaste for the current mission, well. Maybe you should take it from the top.
Very gently, you kneel down, clasping his hand more tightly between your own. Waterfowl, sweat, and fear would presumably be flooding your nostrils if not for the very over-engineered helmet over your head. You drag your thumb across his knuckles.
“Randy. I am serious. You can help us with this case. I just can’t let an injured man bleed out on my watch. Let me help you. So you can help us.”
Randy’s fingers wrap around yours. His free hand scrabbles at the back of his head’s paneling, apparently embarrassed by your display of chivalry. A tiny, aborted beeping sound filters out from within.
“Wow. You— you know what? Okay. Okay. I’ll go with you. If it’ll really help,” Randy says.
For some reason, you get the distinct impression he’s blushing. Maybe because his neck turns a darker pink, now that you can see it from the ground. Your pant legs are ruined, actually. Why did you do this?
Randal’s vitals have heightened. I dare say he’s attracted to you.
“You would know,” you mutter internally.
I heard that. Hurry up. This alleyway is going to ruin me.
To your surprise, Randy helps you back to your feet. The effort makes him visibly wilt and more sweat pours off of him in waves. Delicately, you nudge him over to KITT’s passenger door, which is still ajar.
“This is KITT, by the way. He’s my partner. Are you familiar with the hotel?”
Randy throws you an odd look, or what has to qualify as an odd look with a Nokia for a head. But he pries open the door and peers inside, hesitant. You cross around to the driver’s side and unceremoniously dump yourself in.
KITT’s voicebox is looking more like a face everyday.
“…Which hotel? Um, uhh…”
You decide to give him a minute while you look for the IFAK and manually take KITT out of silent mode. He gives you a low tone of reproach in your helmet, but quiets down as he apparently cottons on to how the low whine of the turbine soothes you.
“Hello, Randal,” KITT says.
Randy chirps.
“Are you— the car?”
“That is close enough for now, yes. You’re in good hands now.”
You throw a suspicious look at KITT’s vocoder, which pulses in time to his voice. He’s speaking lower and smoother than usual, and your skin prickles oddly. First, he blows cover, then he starts flirting? Maybe you’ll let him keep it up. See where it goes.
“Am- am I? Hey, maybe I should just get out and walk… I just realized your interior is REALLY clean and—”
KITT lurches forward with a rip of his engine. You snatch the steering yoke to at least pretend you’re driving before he truly hands you manual control. Sedately, you nose back out onto the streets. Dialtown traffic has wound down somewhat.
“Do not. Worry. About that,” KITT lies, in a tone of voice that says Randy should be worrying about it.
Far more kindly: “Why don’t we begin with your day? We could start with the swans.”
One of KITT’s screens starts showing a black-and-white rendition of a swan. It has a paper shredder for a head.
You should be commended for driving like nothing is wrong. You didn’t see the paper-shredder fowl when you had scoped out the park. Too busy losing it over the condition of the grass at the time (and chasing Little Billy away from KITT; he had… interesting vocabulary).
Randy sinks low into the seat to accommodate his… head. Phone. He trembles visibly, presumably in agony.
“We have time if it’s a long story,” KITT says coaxingly.
“KITT—” You start on the internal mic.
You proposed to him first. I am merely following through.
“And I’ve heard that one before…”
Randy’s hands move and writhe as he stops and starts, clearly trying to pick his way through— whatever got him into his specific mess in the first place. It’s going to be a long drive back to Uptown Dialtown.
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
group hug (extra one-shot to "(un)requited infatuation")
read the main fic HERE
pairing: peter parker x avenger! reader
summary: you and peter have finally confessed your feelings to each other courtesy of the conniving tomfoolery of sam and bucky. everything is perfect. now you just have to face the smug motherfuckers.
warnings: swearing, mentions of tall girl 2 (lowkey it was a good watch i laughed through the whole thing because it was so horrible), tony is a brony and sam is a swiftie, mentions of sex like ONCE, wanda and nat are silly silly stupid
w/c: 1.2k
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the morning after is a phrase usually reserved for regrettable one night stands and the realization that you’ve committed a heinous crime and now must go on the run. you were not expecting the morning after to be a morning tangled up in the arms of the boy who loved you, under expensive goose-down covers that a billionaire had supplied, and basking in the radiance of sunlight streaming in from your eastern facing window.
it sounded ridiculous, you knew. but one of the most horrendous days of your life had resulted in one of the most unbelievable mornings, and perhaps, an unbelievable future.
there was only one thing that could spoil your heaven—confronting the conspirators responsible for 1) having all the avengers team up to shower you in unusual amounts of affection 2) provoking peter into a fight, and 3) setting up the foundations of your new relationship.
you were not ready for that. you didn’t think you’d ever be. but for now, you could pretend a little longer.
hugging peter from behind (yes, you were the big spoon), you buried your face into his shoulder. you’d spent a good amount of time… exploring each others’ mouths… last night, and you hadn’t bothered properly changing (or stripping) into your normal sleepwear.
peter smelled like sandalwood and nutmeg and you—tucked in each others’ arms and shielded from the rest of the world between your blankets and pillows, your scent on peter was a reminder that he had already begun to find his way into your life, and that he’d be staying for a while.
peter groaned and the sheets shuffled as he rolled over to face you. never had you appreciated the sound of sheets before. it meant there was someone next to you, someone who had stayed.
“g’morning,” he murmured before promptly burying his face into your hair and falling asleep once more. you smiled into his chest, where he’d pulled you close. you’d suffocate in his shirt any time if it meant he was yours.
“g’morning!” bucky smirked, sipping his coffee while leaning against the countertop. you scowled at him. for some reason that you couldn’t quite decipher, those words did not sound nearly as pleasant coming from bucky’s mouth.
peter was still changing; he’d refused to leave the bed until after you’d gotten ready for the day and now he was lagging behind. 
“where’s spidey?” tony waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“ew, no! watching a big jealousy, testosterone fuelled showdown isn’t exactly a turn on, if you know what i mean.” you looked pointedly at bucky, who shrugged his shoulders carelessly.
sam sauntered in moments after with his arms in the air, stretching dramatically and covering his mouth as he stifled a loud yawn. he beamed as soon as he saw you.
“samuel,” you warned. “samuel wilson, do not look at me like that.”
“samuel,” he mimicked, pitching his voice up an octave. “i’m not looking at you anything but normally. you know what i am looking at?” sam waved to something behind you. “hey peter parker!” he drawled, stretching out his words. peter looked murderous, and you couldn’t really blame him.
“i swear to god, sam—”
“hey, you got the girl, right? jarvis, play ‘how you get the girl’ by taylor swift.” he threw his arm around peter’s shoulder and you were reminded of the last time you’d seen them like that, when sam and bucky had formed their evil master scheme. you shuddered. yesterday was not a day you wanted to relive.
“look man, i’m sorry. but let’s be honest, you weren’t going to do anything about it, were you? not until months later. technically none of us actually made a move. we just… we were just nicer.” sam turned to you. “not that we’re not normally nice to you. we were just extra nice, because-” sam tilted his head towards a disgruntled peter, “-of this one here.”
peter wrangled himself out of sam’s hold. he busied himself with making breakfast to avoid conversation.
“so, we wanna know all the juicy gossip,” wanda and nat sat you down and begged for details. out of all your teammates, you knew you couldn’t stay mad at wanda and natasha. they were the people you’d confided in about peter, after all. and they’d never tried to pull something to the same extent of bucky and sam, so for that, you had to be grateful.
“okay, okay, i’ll tell you,” you caved, motioning for them to lean in. they did so eagerly. “we went to my room… he confessed his undying love for me and presented me with a bouquet of red roses… and then from underneath my bed came a barrage of spiders that climbed all over me and gave me mini hugs, and then we had really wild, nasty, loud make-up sex.”
wanda and natasha pulled back, disappointed. “i feel like half that story is true and the other half isn’t, but at the same time, i didn’t hear anything last night. but he is spiderman, so does he actually have the ability to control spiders, or something?” wanda questioned, turning to nat.
“i mean, i believe the roses thing. the kid always had a flair for the dramatic. but he doesn’t seem smooth enough to tell someone he loved them. i mean, he literally couldn’t hold a conversation with you for months.”
“i vote going to your room, the red roses, and the spider hugs are true,” wanda decided. natasha nodded in agreement.
you pursed your lips. “yes! that’s exactly it,” you lied, giving them two thumbs up. they high fived each other proudly.
“c’mon man, say something,” bucky prodded. peter was still awkwardly going through the movements of her normal morning routine, trying his best to avoid eye contact with bucky and sam. you felt a little bad for him. yesterday was mostly about targeting him and not you, and if you were upset by the matchmaking, you could only imagine how peter was feeling.
sam and bucky raised their eyebrows in surprise as peter suddenly turned around to face them. they braced themselves for an angry outburst or a yelled lecture, but instead, peter’s voice was quiet as he mumbled something unintelligible.
“huh?” bucky cupped an ear. “i’m 106, bro. you gotta speak up.”
“whampedntagrl,” peter muttered.
bucky and sam looked at each other. “a little louder, please?”
“what happened in tall girl 2,” peter hissed. bucky and sam were able to keep their composures for a grand total of four seconds before breaking into howling, drawn out laughter.
“you guuuuys!” tony squealed, clapping his hands together, delighted. “this is the power of friendship. jarvis, play the my little po-”
“alright!” you stood up. “i think it’s time-”
“-it’s time for a group hug!” tony exclaimed, excited that he was finally the one to initiate a team bonding exercise instead of steve. “bring it in, folks!”
you were squished into natasha’s side and your face was plastered into sam’s back, but as you choked through tony’s tight grip, you managed to smile. your friends were stupid, conniving, idiotic assholes. but those same friends had been the people who brought you and peter together. you hated yourself for it, but you loved these little shits.
peter parker masterlist | main masterlist
taglist: (comment to be added!)
@im-a-slut-for-fluff @bambamwolf87 @yourallihave
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foundationhq · 29 days
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DATE & TIME: MARCH 31, 2024.
DECLASSIFIED DETAILS: Director Osterholz receives word from his superiors. Although he protests, there’s no avoiding it. MTF Chi-00’s first mission is underway.
FOR PLAYERS: 𝑎𝑐𝑡  𝑖.  𝑐ℎ.  𝑖𝑖.  (𝑑𝑖𝑠)𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑦  is  live  MAR. 31,  2024. Welcome to the first official MISSION EVENT; this post is part one out of three. Please follow the OOC Requirements for activity. All players' participation is mandatory for this STORY BEAT. There are no SIDE STORIES in this chapter. Godspeed, Themis.
...𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗲 [𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘀] 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹-𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲, 𝘀𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝗻𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝘀.
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STORY BEAT; 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑂𝑛𝑒.
“Osterholz  speaking,”  the  grim-faced  director  of  Site-φ  intones,  his  index  finger  lifting  off  a  button  on  the  intercom  system  built  into  his  large  desk.  The  square  device  is  an  abnormal  growth  on  the  bright  walnut  wood,  abstractly  toy-like  in  its  retro  curves  and  pops  of  teal  plastic  against  steel.
“Already?  According  to  the  reports,  some  of  MTF  Chi-00  haven’t  done  Combat  Assessments.”
Anyone  who  would  be  foolish  to  eavesdrop  on  the  Director’s  conversation  would  find  themselves  listening  in  on  a  one-sided  conversation.  Half  of  the  audio  is  seemingly  void  of  observable  sound.  The  Foundation  isn’t  one  so  easily  spied  on,  certainly  not  for  a  project  of  this  substantial  caliber.  Cognitohazards,  like  poisons,  have  beneficial  uses  as  well.
The  Director  shrugs  back  into  his  office  chair,  the  single  comfortable  thing  in  the  suite.  Buckley  Osterholz  is  a  hardy  man,  but  his  husband  Evan’s  insistence  on  an  ergonomic  chair  convinced  him  to  reconsider  the  long  nights  at  the  office.
(You’re  not  getting  any  younger,  Buckley.  Please  get  the  chair  for  me?)
Director  Osterholz  hasn’t  seen  Evan  in  years.
Osterholz  leans  forward  in  his  chair,  irked  by  the  Voice  That  Cannot  Be  Heard.  Damn  data-pushing  bureaucrats.  His  thick  mustache  waggles  as  he  schools  himself  into  indifference.
The  Director  replies  to  the  provocation,  “My  reasoning  is  you’re  not  really  giving  your  Golden  Boy  a  chance  here  to  prep  his  team,  and  yet  you  still  want — my  apologies,  it  wasn’t  my  intention to — that won’t be necessary.  I  understand  my  position  in  Operation:  THEMIS.  I’m  just not sure  that —  Hm.  Alright.  Understood. A  helicopter  will  be  readied  by  the  thirtieth.  When  can  I  expect  my  Communications  Department  to  receive  files  from  Headquarters?”
In  48  hours.
Osterholz  withholds  a  sigh.  With  decades  of  experience  commanding  Mobile  Task  Forces,  he  knows  when  something  is  grossly  underprepared.  If  Themis  hadn’t  taken  the  position  seriously  now,  they  would  have  to  learn  on  the  job.  He  just  hated  that  the  lesson  was  to  survive.
“Right,”  the  Director  says,  “I’ll  contact  𝑆𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑡ℎ  𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟  and  Chi-00.”
He  reaches  over  and  clicks  the  button  again,  the  leftmost  in  a  row  of  five  on  the  intercom  system’s  panel.  Silence.  Absolute  silence  this  time  around.  Osterholz  finally  sighs,  slow  and  low.
(Deep  breaths,  Buckley,  deep  breaths.  You  know  what  the  Doc  said  about  your  blood  pressure.)
The  Director  unclips  his  pager  and  sends  a  mass  text  to  the  members  of  MTF  Chi-00.
𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟  𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕘  𝕠𝕟  𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙  𝟚𝟠  𝕒𝕥  𝟘𝟡𝟘𝟘.  𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕟  𝔹𝕒𝕤𝕖  𝟚𝔽.  𝕀  𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝  𝕓𝕖  𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖  𝕥𝕠  𝕠𝕓𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖.  -  𝕆.
He  sends  another  to  the  Mobile  Task  Force  Commander,  sympathizing  with  the  arduous  task  at  hand.
𝕀𝕥'𝕤  𝕤𝕙��𝕨𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖.  ℝ𝕖𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕝'𝕤  𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣.  -  𝕆.
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⒈ We will be dropping our official homebrew tabletop rpg game guide on the FoundationHQ Discord server to start building character sheets. Players must contact the admin team on the WORKSHOP channel. To create your thread, click on the spool icon on the top right of the WORKSHOP channel. Please name the thread after your muse's codename. Ping the admin team to start distributing your muse's stat attributes, choosing signature specialty and dire drawback, appointing skills, and designating a phobia.
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⒉ Do not date any new threads after MARCH 31. Players may write any backdated threads before the date, but please refrain from speculating future events. The outcome of this mission event will affect the story that comes after. Players are welcome to wrap up any threads from previous chapters. If dropping threads, please contact any thread partners to establish concluding headcanons and write up a short summative ending on the last response.
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📍 Character sheet building will be considered an interest check for the game. If a player who has not reached out for an approved hiatus does not contact the admin team to build their character sheet by APRIL 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST, they will be on activity check, no exceptions.
Mission-events are time-sensitive and requires the participation of all our players. As stated in our guidelines, we are a limited-run game. Regular inactivity will affect the group. For any questions or concerns, please contact us through 𝑆𝐶𝑖𝑃𝑁𝐸𝑇 𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡.
Thank you, and we hope everyone is having a good spring break so far!
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002yb · 1 year
From his peripheral, Dick catches sight of a familiar silhouette on the rooftops.  It’s that time between night and dawn, the sky still dark but slowly lightening as the sun starts to break the horizon.  It’s past his usual patrol time, but Dick has been staying out later lately:  walking the streets, taking the city in from its ground-level.  Can’t truly understand how to help a place like Blüdhaven without understanding its foundation, from its rusted studs to its jaded people.
There’s a lot to learn through experiencing it.  If Dick has learned anything from watching Jason bring a corrupt, misbegotten city to its knees–turning rampant crime on its head–it’s that Dick’s naivety on justice and how to protect and keep people safe was narrow-minded and woefully idealistic.
Not to say that all of Dick’s efforts have been for naught, or that Jason’s methods are gospel, it’s just–Dick is coming to be aware that he can do better.  He can make an impact if he takes a step back from going through the motions and just thinks.
There’s a lot to reevaluate:  about himself, about what he thinks is good and right; what he believes of justice, law, and order; crime and punishment.  Dick isn’t the same man he was just a week ago.  His hands are bloody now, his morals muddied.  And even in spite of that major, fundamental change, Dick’s mind is startlingly clear.
There’s no guilt weighing him down.  No remorse to make him second guess.
Dick killed a man and by doing so he saved countless more.
It’s not an empty platitude to make himself feel better.  It’s simply fact.  Dick didn’t do it for all the victims though:  past, present, future.  The Joker’s blood on his hands was solely for Jason.  An act of passion.  A promise and an oath.  A vow.  Because Jason set himself up for a heartache he wouldn’t survive by asking Bruce to choose him.  A hero will never love anything more than their cause, after all, but Dick isn’t a hero–he’s always been more monster than man, everything wicked of him held desperately back; muzzled and leashed, clipped and caged.
(But Jason came back to them screaming.  He made a monster of himself and Dick recognized him–bloody hands, red rimmed eyes, all sharp teeth as he snarled to hide a trembling lip).
This is yours.
(Jason made a city bend to him; Dick readily broke.  Knew in his heart that he wasn’t meant to fall that night on the trapeze because this is it).
It’s not the first time Dick has had to rediscover himself–his values, his morals, his priorities.  It’s part of the reason why he hasn’t gone out as Nightwing since the Joker was killed, even if it was Dick Grayson who did the killing.  The larger, more important reason is because of that shadow on the rooftop, leaning over the raised edge to watch him from up above.
Dick didn’t want to bring attention to them.  Not yet.
It’s only a matter of time before Bruce comes calling.  With how painful Jason’s recovery has been–Dick couldn’t risk it.  Had everything come to blows though, Dick would have fought.  Tooth and nail, he would have defended what is his because this is yours.
Burce has his line.
So did Dick—he just redrew it.  A slippery slope, Bruce would say; Dick doesn’t think him wrong.  His commitment isn’t so easily wavered though, even in the face of depravity.
When Dick looks up, Jason waves his fingers at him.  A cheeky waggle.  The attitude has become familiar as Jason’s condition has improved, but seeing him out of Dick’s safehouse–it’s new and promising in a way that settles something in Dick.  It was touch-and-go for too long between the injury and the trauma and the grief.  Jason is bouncing back though, just like Dick knew he would.  Because beaten or dead, Jason gets back up again.  It’s just who he is.
Although Dick made it a point of buying Jason his own clothes, Dick takes note that Jason’s chosen to come out in Dick’s colors.
This is yours, this is yours, this is yours.
Beneath that dark hood—blue.  Bright and vibrant and somehow untouched by the ugliness of this life they’re bound to.  Beautiful even when their gazes catch and Dick is offered a smile that’s nothing short of wicked, all teeth and bite and promise.
There’s no viciousness in his own expression to match.  Just a slow pull at the corner of his lips, a lopsided grin that there’s no fighting against.  Regardless of what pensiveness he felt before, Dick finds his shoulders dropping in calm, stark relief.  There’s a feeling of peace that settles over him, comforting in a way that drives away all the uncertainties that plagues him.
Jason bounces on the balls of his feet, shuffling to the side while taking Dick in–dressed similarly in civvies:  hat and hood and beat-up sneakers, bruises on swollen knuckles and a split in his lip and a bruise on his jaw.  There’s a ghost of a smile on Jason’s lips, a playful light in his eyes and a charming taunt in his expression.
Jason takes a step forward across the rooftop.  From the ground, Dick follows step-for-step, keeping an eye on him.  Watching as Jason jumps between the gaps of buildings and turning abruptly to run through alleys as Jason changes his route up above him until Dick is able to find a place with enough leverage to pull himself up to the skies alongside this mess of a man that Dick has chosen and will continue to choose.
Because this–this is his line.
When Jason looks back and sees him, he looks giddy.  Finally moving after weeks cooped up; finally free because his body isn’t shutting itself down anymore, demanding rest.
Playing chase like this still isn’t the safest idea with Jason recovering, but they keep an easy pace and Dick is never far behind.  Dick doesn’t think he could stop Jason even if he wanted to though.  It’s just–it’s been a long time since Jason has taken to the skies.  Seeing him now–Dick thinks Jason doesn’t belong anywhere more.
It doesn’t matter how Jason has tried to disassociate from them:  he’s a Robin.  Even after all this time, Dick can see it in Jason’s movements.  When he jumps, when he leaps, when he flies.  It’s in the curl of his body, the bend of his legs and the spread of his arms.  It’s the ease with which he soars and how gravity can’t seem to touch him.
Jason flits about him, running Dick in circles.  The smile that slowly lights up Jason’s face is breathtaking.  It beckons him, an unspoken call to chase.
It’s when Dick hears Jason wheeze and cough softly under his breath that Dick calls it, pulling ahead until he can grab Jason’s hand in a silent vie to stop.  Jason grimaces at him for it, but a coughing fit gets the better of him, painful and stuttered as he gasps around the pain in his throat.  Same as when they’re back home, Dick rubs Jason’s back and gives him time to settle.  Recovery is slow, but it’s happening.  Jason is healthier.  Happier, even if Jason tries hard to hold onto all of his pain.
Bandages peek out from beneath the high neck of Jason’s collar.  The laceration to his throat is still an angry sight, but when Dick pulls the material down to get a closer look, he breathes a soft sigh of relief because there’s no blood staining through layers of gauze and tape.  It’s slow progress, but they’re getting there.
It’s because Dick’s finger is right there beside Jason’s throat that he notices it–Jason swallowing.  Jason turning his head slightly away, exposing his vulnerable neck and the strong cut of his jaw.  The sky around them is a soft purple with the rising of the sun, but Jason’s cheeks are dusted pink.
The way Dick looks from Jason’s eyes to his lips and back again draws a shiver up Jason’s spine.  He leans back against the wall he’s pressed against, chest heaving until he swallows thickly and forces his breath to still.  Jason’s gaze draws down, too, and when he does Dick admires the dark fan of Jason’s lashes.  They cast soft shadows over Jason’s face, mixing with healing bruises and abrasions.
Dick doesn’t move forward although he wants to.  Has wanted to since he recognized Jason under that red hood, beneath all that righteous anger and cathartic violence.
Jason kisses him first.  A shy, gentle brush of their lips.
Dick returns it, just as soft.  He reaches up, holding the back of Jason’s neck, thumb pressing against that still healing wound that has stolen more from Jason than just his voice.  Dick caresses it gently, marveling at the way Jason trembles–near to falling apart.
Although Jason can’t voice anything, he breathes a shuddering inhale when Dick presses another kiss to his lips, lingering and tender and heartrendingly gentle.  Softer than Jason’s ever been touched before, more revered than Jason would ever dream for himself.
Dick keeps a steady hold on the side of Jason’s neck, feeling the stuttering skip of Jason’s pulse.  When Dick pulls away from him, he can feel how he takes Jason’s breath with him.  There’s no fervency when Dick kisses Jason once more, just slow and languid intimacy.  Just crowded space when Dick finally pulls away to let Jason breathe, foreheads pressed together, noses brushing.
Nothing is said, but there’s no need.  Even without words Jason has always been expressive.  Jason’s cheeks are flushed, his hands held loose on Dick’s jacket.  He reaches out and mirrors how Dick holds him, a hand cradling the side of a wounded neck, brushing along the sharp cut of a bruised jaw before Jason pulls Dick in again.  It makes Dick smile into the kiss, laugh breathless when he feels Jason smiling, too.
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Beekeeping: An Introduction to the Art and Science of Beekeeping
Beekeeping, also known as apiculture, is an ancient practice that involves the management and care of honeybees for their valuable products and services. It is an art, a science, and a rewarding hobby that has captivated humans for centuries. This article serves as an introduction to the captivating world of beekeeping, exploring its historical significance, the fascinating life of honeybees, and the basic components of starting a beekeeping venture.
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Historical Significance:
Beekeeping has a rich and storied history that dates back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, recognized the importance of bees and their honey. Honey was not only a prized sweetener but also held symbolic, medicinal, and culinary value. Throughout history, beekeeping methods and techniques have evolved, and different cultures have contributed their knowledge and practices to this timeless tradition.
The Life of Honeybees:
To understand beekeeping, it is essential to delve into the intricate lives of honeybees. Honeybees live in highly organized and complex social structures within their colonies. Each colony consists of a queen bee, worker bees, and male drones. The queen is responsible for laying eggs, while the female worker bees perform various tasks, such as foraging for nectar and pollen, nursing the brood, and building and maintaining the hive. The male drones' primary role is to mate with a queen from another colony.
Honeybees' remarkable ability to communicate through a dance-like movement known as the "waggle dance" is fascinating. This dance conveys information about the location and quality of food sources, enabling other worker bees to navigate and collect nectar and pollen efficiently.
Starting a Beekeeping Venture:
Embarking on a beekeeping journey requires careful planning, knowledge, and dedication. Here are some basic components to consider when starting a beekeeping venture:
Research and Education: Begin by educating yourself about honeybees, their behavior, and the fundamentals of beekeeping. Read books, attend workshops, and seek guidance from experienced beekeepers. Local beekeeping associations and online resources can provide valuable information to help you get started.
Hive Selection and Equipment: Choose the appropriate type of beehive for your needs. Common types include Langstroth, Top Bar, and Warre hives. Acquire essential equipment such as hive bodies, frames, foundation sheets, a smoker, a beekeeping suit, gloves, and hive tools.
Bee Colony Acquisition: Obtain bees for your hive. You can purchase a package of bees, which includes a queen and worker bees, or acquire a nucleus colony (nuc) consisting of a small, established bee colony with a queen.
Hive Placement and Management: Select a suitable location for your beehive, considering factors such as sunlight, shelter from the wind, and a water source nearby. Regular hive inspections and management tasks, such as monitoring for diseases, pests, and ensuring a sufficient supply of food, are essential for maintaining healthy colonies.
Safety and Beekeeping Practices: Beekeeping requires proper safety precautions. Be familiar with bee stings and allergy management. Wear protective gear when working with bees, and handle the bees with care and respect. Follow sustainable and ethical beekeeping practices, including avoiding unnecessary pesticide use near the hive and promoting biodiversity by providing a variety of forage sources.
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Out-of-luck Lockdown: Part 1.
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Wow...More units are here than I thought there would be.
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They just need time to prepare. Then they’ll do a huge sweep of the lab until they find what they’re looking for.
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Yo, Kaede! Shuichi!
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*Some familiar voices are heard nearby, which Kaede and Shuichi turn to see.
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How’s that new upgraded spear treatin’ ya?
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We came to help!
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Oh great, you guys are here! That’ll make things a lot easier.
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We still helping soldiers get ready. Once they done, we go into lab.
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Your friends seemed pretty insistent upon helping out. I appreciate that bond, so I decided to let them tag along.
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...If it’s all the same to you, Mrs Chairwoman...I was actually hoping that we could get a head start on the investigation by ourselves.
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Yes, myself and my two allies here are of the same mind. We’ve already set up our individual forces at each lab exit, and were hoping to explore inside as soon as possible.
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Is that so?
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Yeah. We kinda got a feel of the layout and we’re currently the only three with the map. I’m not expecting we’ll find much, but we need to get this place sorted out as much as possible. Before Zetsubou arrive.
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It’s true that we’re on a time budget. I guess we’d better let them go.
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Yeah, I trust Kuripa to stay on top of this sort of thing. Daffy as he may be, he knows when to switch into work mode.
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Psh...Thanks Boss...
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Just one more thing before we depart. What happened with Hikaru Ando?
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I can answer that.
*Setsuka joins the group.
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Doc has been detained in one of the nearby camps we set up. We’ve actually brought down Doctor Kimura to take a look at him.
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Seiko’s here?
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We might not be able to communicate with her, but we know we can trust her with this sort of thing. She’ll find a way to get that parasite out of his system safely and soundly.
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Despite our insistence that she should step back, Ms Eden Owari has decided to accompany her.
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Eden can stay. Like I said, Ando would have gotten away if it wasn’t for her.
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I suppose that’s all I needed to know. Try and get the doctor fixed up as soon as you can so we can get as much information out of him as possible.
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Will do, second Chairman.
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Catch you guys later.
*Munakata and Kaede head off, but before they can leave, Shuichi grabs Kuripa and whispers to him.
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You three seem to be getting along well.
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I’m just as surprised as you. Turns out we make a pretty good team.
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Kuripa, listen...Something doesn’t feel totally right about this whole situation. I get the feeling bad things are gonna happen soon.
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Why, because we’re winning? Makes sense. Every time we win lately, it comes at some kind of cost.
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Look, Kaede trusts you. They aren’t as much of a threat on their own, but the Monokubs still may have some tricks up their sleeve, and they’re still in there. Not to mention, Zetsubou are probably on their way.
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Please...Promise me that my and my girlfriend’s trust in you isn’t misplaced, ok? Please, make sure she stays safe.
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Of course, of course. I get why you’re saying this. I haven’t given you much reason to believe in me lately.
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But I promise I’ll protect her.
*Kuripa waggles his finger, then pursues his allies.
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[Zetsubou HQ, shortly afterwards]
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*In the main lobby of the base, Akira Tsuchiya sits lazily on the sofa, as Mikihiko barks angrily in his face. Yukari, Celeste and Tsumugi stand nearby, baring witness to this interaction.
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I think you fail to realize just how important that facility was to Zetsubou’s goals, and now the Future Foundation are clearing it out! We’ve even lost Ando, our one source of producing more parasites!
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Because of your laziness, the Future Foundation got into the lab, and our plan to brainwash the cities has gone kaput! What do you have to say for yourself!?
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Huh...!? Wait...
*Mikihiko suddenly notices something, reaching over to Akira’s ear and yanking out an earpiece. He listens to it and hears the sounds of Japanese horse racing through it.
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That’s it! I’m killing him! Lady Shirogane, permission to kill!
*Mikihiko grabs an ice pick from the table and thrusts it towards Akira’s eye, who doesn’t even flinch.
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Denied! *sigh* Mikihiko, I appreciate it, but let me take care of this.
*Tsumugi goes and stands over Akira.
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You mad at me too, lady?
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Not as mad at you as I usually would be.
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Let the Future Foundation have this victory. They haven’t stopped us. They’ve only delayed the inevitable.
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What do you mean?
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I had figured it would take a fair few more years to set up the game for Survivor. We’re going to move towards the final phase soon enough anyway.
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Once that happens, we’ll have plenty of time on our hands. All we’ll have to do is repeat our process. Capture Ando and brainwash him again.
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Besides, I’m sure the Doctor will cooperate once he finds out we have his darling daughter with us. We aren’t done and dusted just yet.
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I agree. This victory is a trifle compared to our successes over the Future Foundation.
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Still, don’t you think we’re getting a little cocky? We lost Emilia Feng and our weapon supply not too long ago. Even if we can replicate Feng’s procedure, don’t you think the numerous victory’s the Future Foundation have over us is concerning?
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I joined this group and betrayed them because I believed you had the potential to give me exactly what I want. Now there’s no going back. So don’t you go letting me down, Shirogane.
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Your feistiness is appreciated, Celeste. And believe me, I intend to reward you for it.
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For now though, Akira, keep an eye on that lab. If anything big comes up, you know what to do.
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Sure. I’ll take a look now.
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*Akira lazily gets up, steps on Mikihiko’s foot on his way past, and checks the large monitor in the corner.
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Hm...Now THIS is juicy~
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What is it Akira?
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Looks like the FF went back inside the lab to scout, see if they could find any parasites left over.
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Then just tell the Monokuma’s to tear them apart!
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I can’t. They already destroyed all our units in the lab. According to the vital signs, only the little one’s are left.
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The Monokubs?
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Yeah, those guys. Not much they can do on their own without those exisals up and running right? And that’s gonna take some time.
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Ooh...Akamatsu’s really taking this seriously. She just dipped her hand in a whole box of sludge!
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What did you just say...?
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Huh? Wh-What’s with the scary face?
*Everyone looks towards Tsumugi, concerned.
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Akira...who is in that lab? Some soldiers?
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No, not many people actually. Just three targets. Kuripa Kurafto, Kyosuke Munakata and Kaede Akamatsu.
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*Tsumugi suddenly turns her back and starts pacing back and forth, her body slightly trembling.
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M-Mugi-chan? What’s wrong?
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Lady Shirogane, are you alright? You don’t feel well?
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*Tsumugi raises her head.
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Activate the complete shutdown of the lab, enable all defense mechanisms and the plating on the large doors. Now.
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*Tsumugi’s request surprises even the stoic hacker. Everyone looks towards her with surprise.
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Just do it...! Now...!
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Lady Shirogane, if you’re hoping to trap the Future Foundation inside, wouldn’t it be best to wait until a few more soldiers step in?
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Yeah, none of the people Akira mentioned are even targets. We should wait until Kirigiri and Saihara go back inside or-
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*Everyone panics as Tsumugi suddenly screams out her command. Akira frantically goes to his monitor and types something in...However...none of the operatives realize they are being subtly watched.
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...Oh no...
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You find anything?
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Ah!? Uh...no, no, nothing here...
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...You alright?
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Yeah, I’m fine just...Just a little jumpy is all.
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It’s true that danger could be lurking around every corner. We shouldn’t let our guards down.
♪ *Hirari hirari mekuri mekuru! Sutoorii sutoorii! Kidoairaku sewashii!* ♪
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Uuuh I think that’s mine.
*Kuripa picks up his phone.
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‘Ello ello? What’s the situtation?
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Kamukura is calling you...!?
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Shirogane is activating a shutdown on the lab! Get out of there NOW or you’ll be trapped in!
*He hangs up.
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What the fresh hell?
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*As soon as the call ends, a loud alarm suddenly sounds out, and all of a sudden, heavy shielding shuts over the lab doors.
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...That’s not good...!
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We’re in trouble, aren’t we?
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meistoshi · 1 year
shipping has always been a slightly funky topic here considering the whole messing with ages thing, tho the general baseline has always been a hard no on canon pokéadults with a hand waggle on characters supposedly in satoshi's age range, depending on how another's decided to place said character's age, with the rule of thumb just being hey, ask me, it can be figured out. But Also, satoshi is Very slow to catch feelings, needing a pre-existing strong bond as foundation for even the smallest crush, bar getting insanely starstruck by battle-capacity. he's also poly & managed to catch feelings in some measure or another for at least four of his friends. but also also he refuses to even think of pursuing anything (even in the one instance he knows for certain is mutual, namely anime!serena) because. he's incapable of staying put & has basically no object permanence re people when it comes to keeping in contact. so. "people deserve better than that" n all.
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xtruss · 2 months
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The MiG-23! The MiG-23 is a variable swept wing, single-engine aircraft designed as a follow-on to the MiG-21 Fishbed. It was designed to combat a variety of US rival fighters like the McDonnell-Douglas F-4 Phantom II and Republic F-105 Thunderchief but the new General Dynamics F-111 posed a distinct threat. The Flogger is roughly 2/3 the size of the F-111, had a single-seat cockpit rather than the two-side by side cockpit of the F-111 and the Flogger carried just one engine.More than 5,000 MiG-23s of all types were built.The MiG-23 was widely exported by the Soviet Union. Among the users there was the Cuban Air Force that flew MiG-23ML/MF/BN/UB aircraft until the late 2010s
The Day A Cuban Air Force MiG-23 Pilot Defected To The US
On Mar. 20, 1991 MiG-23 pilot Orestes Lorenzo Perez circled the Naval Air Station (NAS) Key West three times, waggling the wings of his Flogger (the NATO reporting name for the MiG-23) to signal friendly intentions, hoping that no one would shoot down the Soviet-built fighter jet.
Perez said he borrowed the aircraft from the Cuban government. He didn’t know a single word in English, he said. But he was escaping Cuba for freedom.
As explained in an extensive piece appeared on The Ledger, Perez, a former Cuban Air Force pilot has received a lot of attention since his escape and daring flight back to Cuba to rescue his family. He even wrote a book about his journey in 1994.
His friends called his daring rescue a suicide mission. He was risking his life and the lives of his wife and two sons, but he said it was worth it because they were pursuing their dreams.
While serving in the Cuban Air Force, Perez earned a scholarship to attend flight school in the Soviet Union, where he learned to fly a small Czechoslovakian Aero L-29 Delfin two-seat jet trainer and a MiG-21. He was part of the Cuban forces sent to Angola to support that country’s Marxist government.
He deployed a second time to the Soviet Union and then he and his family finally returned to Cuba where he was assigned to Santa Clara Air Base, about 165 miles east of Havana.
What he found was a country littered with propaganda and so oppressed by the government that his family knew there was only one thing for him to do — try to escape.
From Cuba to Key West
So, on Mar. 20, 1991, Perez said goodbye to his wife, Victoria, promising to return for her and their two sons. She had to pretend that she knew nothing of Perez’s escape plan. She prayed that her husband would make it to the US and to freedom.
During a training mission that day, Perez flew the MiG-23 from Cuba to Key West. When he finally landed undetected by American radar, speaking in Spanish, he told the pilot who met him on the ground that he was seeking political asylum.
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Orestes Lorenzo Perez’s MiG-23 at NAS Key West
Perez said once the pilot understood, they shook hands and the pilot said, “Welcome to the United States.” He was immediately flown to Washington, DC, for a briefing and to receive paperwork. Once he was granted political asylum, he started campaigning to get his family out of Cuba. His wife and two sons were issued US visas, but the Cuban government wouldn’t let them leave.
Perez said the government put surveillance on them. His family lived under constant watch for 21 months, while Perez campaigned across the US to try to gain their freedom, he said.
Then-President George H. W. Bush directed a speech to the Cuban government, asking Fidel Castro to let Perez’s family go. But Castro refused so Perez had to think of a better plan. The only way to rescue them would be to fly back in an airplane.
Through a human rights organization founded by a Cuban political prisoner, called the Valladares Foundation, Perez learned that a 1961 Cessna 310 was for sale. With help from a donation the foundation agreed to pay the $30,000 to purchase it for his rescue attempt.
Cuban Air Force MiG-23 Pilot Who Defected to the US Brings His Family to America
Although he took flying lessons and received his pilot license in Virginia, he had very little experience flying the Cessna before his rescue attempt. Perez had only landed the small plane once, with a co-pilot.
But at exactly 5:07 p.m. on Dec. 19, 1992, Perez left from the Florida Keys, flying low across the ocean. His wife was given a note to meet him at a location about 165 miles from her home in Havana. Perez didn’t know whether she would be there with the boys, or if he would make it to the spot before the Cuban government saw him, but he had to try.
Flying less than 100 feet above the ocean, Perez came over cliffs on the Cuban coastline and saw his wife and sons wearing bright orange T-shirts, just as he had asked them to do. Perez landed the Cessna about 10 yards from a pickup truck, turned the plane around, hurried his family inside and flew away.
When he landed in Marathon less than two hours later, he felt a sense of relief. Perez is one of only a handful of Cuban military pilots to defect to the US during the Cold War. Perez and his family became all American citizens.
The MiG-23 was returned to Cuba shortly after Perez gained political asylum and the Cessna was destroyed in a hurricane.
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Orestes Lorenzo Perez after landing at NAS Key West
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bellygunnr · 1 year
KR spoilers for "Chariot of Gold." Kitt and Bonnie come to terms.
Bonnie arranged her tools. She organized them alphabetically, by size, by function, and by color, rending the functionality of her garage asunder. A plain black box leers at her from her work table, unmoved, sealed, and untouched. Within it lies her reason for working, secondary only to the binder of papers stamped with the Foundation Knight.
The sound of tires shuffling against metal draws her attention. Her grip loosens on the handful of ten millimeter wrenches she'd been fussing with, causing them to slide to the floor with a clatter. She flinches at the sound.
Tires shuffle again, back and forth, giving the sleek black car nestled in the rear of the semi-trailer a nervous appearance. She watches his steering yoke waggle back and forth through the windshield.
"Yeah, Kitt?"
His wheels should be chocked in place. He trembles violently in time with the semi as it crosses over broken asphalt. Her skin crawls with the unseen gaze of the car.
"When will we be installing the new component?"
He speaks softly. The gentleness is not lost on her, so different from his confident inquisitiveness. She can tell he doesn't want to overstep-- but what is there to overstep?
He didn't do anything wrong.
"…I'm sorry, Kitt," Bonnie says.
"You didn't do anything--" Kitt starts.
"Yes, I did, Kitt. And I know you've forgiven me, and I'm very grateful, but it's still-- it's hard, Kitt," she wrenches out. "I never want to do that to you again."
Before she can think better of it, she pulls the metal tabs keeping the box together. The lid falls open, revealing a knot of plastic that she delicately pulls apart. The component within-- a security upgrade.
Kitt pops open his door without a word.
Bonnie lingers at his side.
"I'm scared, too, Bonnie," Kitt says, just as she pulls open the door handle.
His cabin, usually so inviting and familiar, terrifies her. Only the gently pulsing light indicating his voice encourages her to slide into the driver's seat, already warm to the touch.
"But I know it will never happen again. It was not your fault. But the logic loop may never go away."
Bonnie swallows against a lump in her throat. Her hands shake as she unseals the control panel beneath Kitt's dash, lowering it slowly to the floor with her fingertips. Here, everything. The three daughter cards that support the microprocessor.
They'd shocked her as she ripped them out.
"You can do it, Bonnie," Kitt says gently.
"You're scared?" She asks.
Kitt's CRT monitors warm up slowly. Instructions and blueprints coax her into beginning the arduous process of modification.
"It is the only… reasonable… conclusion to the kind of processes I have been experiencing. I do not relish it, nor do I enjoy it. Emotions are beyond my scope. What use is a car that gets scared? Angry?"
His voice is a soothing vibration from the speakers. Her fingers memorize the texture of hard plastic and high-end alloy as she draws measurements and ideas.
"It's okay to be scared," Bonnie murmurs.
There's a brain inches from her hands. She's lobotomized him once. There's a person she can cut holes into and solder new connections and thread wires through. Blood and wine and electricity flows beyond her vision, a nervous system only she understands.
And is that not the issue?
"We can be scared together," she says.
"I have found that things are easier to face with a friend," Kitt says thoughtfully. "But is it alright that I feel?"
Bonnie breathes in, holds it within her chest.
"Always, Kitt."
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Security Corp
I'm in the kitchen getting breakfast together for the girls, and we live in a beach house l brought when it was just Ashley Lynn and l, Jayce (Ashley Lynn’s Daddy), redid the house for our family. Trooper has been staying with me now, helping me with the girls. Angel Savannah is in his arms this morning. “Are you ready for the new case” I nodded at him, “Yes, it’s a street racer driver. We were in contact to keep an eye on him” Trooper knew my father suckered me back into the family business as we heard the front door. “McKenzie Grace,” I looked at him l heard Cooper and Brody coming in. “I’m in the kitchen. What do you want now” Brody comes into the kitchen.
“You lost something,” Ashley Lynn giggles, her arm around Brody's neck. She is happy to see her Uncle Brody. “Have you talked to Pete?” I nod at him. “He will be watching the girls for me tonight so l can work; he said you want a tattoo, you better make an appointment” I smirked at my older brother. He puts Ashley Lynn down as she puts out the swear jar for my brothers; they always make sure they have money when they come into the house. Ashley Lynn wanted to put the money into her foundation. Daddy comes in, kissing his girls as he grabs and stares at me.
I have been trying to get in touch with Jayce Caelan, and Jayce Alexander l needed to talk to them about the situation with the girls. I needed help with them, but l haven’t gotten a response either. Daddy held on to me for a minute. “You know the family will help you when you need help.” Marie comes in. “Sorry McKenzie, I'm late l had to bring my grandson” Ashley Lynn went to greet him along with Angel Savannah. “It's fine, Marie. I told you this is your family.” Marie smile at my Daddy. “Good to see you, Mr. Ward. You did an amazing job with McKenzie” He chuckles. “I had a wonderful woman that helped me. She is standing in front of me,” Marie winked; she knew Daddy couldn’t do without her with me; the boys were very different. I needed a woman touch along with Granny helping also. Ashley Lynn and Angel Savannah are patting my hip. “Can we bake cookies tonight” I bend down to the girl's level? “Marie and Uncle Pete will be with you tonight l have to work with Uncle Brody” The girls knew the rules and how to protect themselves better than my brother Pete. Sometimes l worry about him; Daddy told me he could kick ass and also learn how to shoot; I shake my head, ignoring my father. He growls again.
“She is going to make me find someone that can handle her” Granny start to laugh. “Donovan Alden Ward, don’t you threaten my only granddaughter” She is waggling her finger at him. He stares at me, talking to someone he can’t see. He can’t stand that many units come over to see what’s happening on the deck; he doesn’t like that I’m the ex-wife of Master Gunnery Sergeant. Trooper was standing there with me; he knew that Trooper would fuck someone up over his goddaughters and me. Brody comes outside to sit on the chair with a drink and looks at me. “What the fuck are you doing, McKenzie Grace? You are coming back to work for Pops and Dalton. Why did you hate when you broke up with Jayce Alexander” l gave my brother Brody my middle finger about what he said; Granny shook her head at me before Daddy came into the kitchen. He heard something said to me, so he knew l would give my brother sass. He snaps his fingers at the both of us. “Enough; McKenzie Grace is taking this case. She can handle a street driver Dalton, Greyson, and Brody are with you. And Brody, you better stop fighting with your little sister l taught you better than fucking shit.” Brody knew to back down when Daddy was pissed off; we all did.
“Alright, Pops, l do have McKenzie’s ass like always,” Brody winked at me, and l rolled my eyes at him. “McKenzie Grace, tell me about your client, please” I stood there with a file in my hand. “His name is Xavier Sevalk; he has been a street driver since he was a teenager; his sponsors have asked us to help out” Daddy nodded at me. “McKenzie, you know what to do; by the way, that guy James is part of his pit crew. He was a Navy Seal. This way, your brother is with you. He can protect you if needed, along with Dalton and Greyson” Daddy stood up, nodding at everyone as he left, and Dalton and Greyson followed Daddy like always. Brody sat there with me. “You know what to do, McKenzie Grace, be safe” #TBC
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cynfinnegan · 3 years
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coolcarsnews · 3 years
Pet of the Month: Chloë, 13-year-old Maltese mix, In Need of Tumor Removal Surgery
Pet of the Month: Chloë, 13-year-old Maltese mix, In Need of Tumor Removal Surgery
ICanHasCheezburger? is proud to present and partner with The Waggle Foundation, in a Pet of the Month initiative.  Each month, we will be featuring a pet in critical need and needs financial help to survive. We will share their story, their adorable photos, and their journey with the help of unbelievably kind strangers.  The Waggle Foundation is a unique crowd-funding platform. Their mission is…
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udon-udon · 6 years
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A lonely udon dons on yaoi hands and is looking for another udon 
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okay so- this might be a kind of weird request? im not sure but uh i fall asleep while listening to music
and since suit saeran decides to just full on make a dramatic entrance every 2 hours, imagine we would be sleeping and theres just the weirdest video you have ever seen playing on our phone
so i was curious how suit saeran would react to that?? because imagine we would be sleeping and theres just our phone sitting beside us on the bed, suit just enters the room as usual and just hears something along the lines of "Honey bees would communicate through a series of dance moves" just imagine how confused he would be
Suit Saeran absolutely does have this hot and heavy desire for barging into your space without much warning, as he likes catching you off guard. He doesn’t want you feeling safe and secure, his goal being to shake the very foundation Ray has established to make you comfortable with him. And when he is courteous enough to knock, it’s only a banging with the intent to make you jump out of your skin at the ready for his arrival.
Saeran is very invasive to say the least, and with his ability to watch you all day and night on that camera, things are only escalated. If he catches you sleeping while monitoring it, so cutely tucked into those rosey scented and putridly pink sheets, he’s going to come in and disrupt your peace.
Why should you get to rest as he’s worked to the bone? He can only imagine you pulling this “stunt” on Ray as well, like that night he sung you a lullaby knowing he wasn’t allowed any shut eye himself.
He decides he’s going to take out his anger on you. That’s what you’re in there for now, right? You’re his little rag doll, and he’s allowed to toss you around in your toy box as he pleases.
Doing what he does best, Saeran barges in, opening that door to your room with a loud “bang!”. Immediately he starts his usual spewing, excited to watch you spring up a mile high out of shock.
“Hey, toy! I opened up a chatroom ten minutes ago and you never responded to me!”
You didn’t move a single muscle.
“Huh?! Oh..don’t tell me you value your life that little. Don’t you understand what will happen if you don’t entertain me?”
On his end of the camera feed, he could see your phone was on a pillow, propped so you could see it as you were laying down. But now that he’s stomped his way over to you? It’s worse than he could see at the angle the camera is positioned at.
You have earbuds in, preventing you from hearing him and waking, watching something. His brows furrow as he leans in close to get a better look at your screen, noting that he should also cut off your access to all other apps. And oh, what’s this? You appear to be watching something to do with bees, the video zoomed in on a few buzzing around a field of brightly colored flowers.
Missing Ray, your little flower prince, aren’t you? He steals one of your ear buds to listen in, and like the dumb rock you are, you’re still sound asleep. The audio plays, a female with a gentle voice delivering information.
“Honeybees have evolved an extraordinary form of communication known as the "waggle" dance. It is highly symbolic-…”-pbs.org
What the hell? You fell asleep to this load of-
He shakes you violently, and naturally this time you do jolt up and look at him, dazed and confused. Saeran demands an explanation, and you give him one to the best of your ability.
“Well, I like to fall asleep to music. It’s just something that’s become a habit to help drown out noise and such…it looks like the videos ended up jumping around to this bee documentary thanks to auto play.”
He teases you, trying to get to you as he works around the notion that you’ve actually just been watching random things that remind you of your long forgotten lover. Treat the situation as an awkward moment to have a laugh over later, confusion written all over Saeran’s face as he tries to take such a silly thing and turn it into a bigger event.
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