#was talking to some of my european friends the other day
licorice-lips · 1 day
Okay, so I was thinking about Snape and although I'm avoiding like hell speaking online about Harry Potter, I think it needs to be said because it falls onto the rest of fantastical literature as well, especially those stories that have parallels to fascism/nazism/colonialism in their magical world.
I'd like to start by saying I don't like Snape for a variety of reasons, some of them because of Rowling, others because of the character himself, and others because of his fans, but today I'd like to talk about how Snape's Redemption Arc actually sucks and why, and also about how we're treating redemption arcs as a whole.
Okay, so let's begin by making a sort of timeline on Snape's life: he grew up in an abusive household, suffered bullying by the Marauders through school years, bullied other students as well, called his best friend a slur, "apologized", joined a fascist hate group that actively persecuted and hurt people for things they had no control of, acted on behalf of this group for years, turned against the hate group not out of morals but because their actions began to threaten the people he cared about (like they always said they would, how shocking), bullied his teenage students as a grown adult, acted as a spy against the hate group when it came back, died.
Right, so before I dive into all those things, what we also have to add is that Art isn't made in a vacuum. Just like science can never be done by a completely neutral party, our productions of art are completely based off of our views, especially when we're talking about writing. As a writer myself, I can see exactly how my experiences as a person in the context I was born and grew up in affect my writing and my production of art.
For example, it's very common that I find enemies calling themselves by their last names in American/European fiction but in Brasil, we don't normally call people by their last names unless it's very unique and as a nickname. So when I write enemies, they always call each other by their first names, simply because it doesn't feel right to me any other way. On a more serious example, most of the countries in my fantasy books have some history of colonization or dictatorship because it's a part of my history and I feel it's impacts to this day, so it's something that reflects my own thoughts and ideas in politics.
So when we talk about Snape as a character, we cannot escape the fact that Rowling created him. And as a European author, it's more than clear —and that's especially obvious to people who suffer under colonization to this day— that Rowling has a deeply ingrained colonizer mentality. The goblins in Gringots are a clear and problematic representation of Jewish people, the domestic elves LIKING being enslaved and not changing the status quo by the end of the books, and even Hermione being ridiculed for her militancy on it — these are all representative of how Rowling views the world.
Although there's more, all of those examples make it clear that, when she looks at fascist ideology as a whole, Rowling doesn't think the ideology itself is the problem: the ending is the depiction of them getting rid of the "bad apples" instead of making the "roots of the tree" healthy again is parallel to blaming bad individuals for a system that is corrupted and therefore corrupts. So basically, what the Harry Potter books tell us by the end is that it's okay for you to perpetuate a racist system, just don't do it so openly. The problem for her is not the system, but these people she considers "bad apples" which is basically right-wing ideology.
And my problem with Snape starts here: because Rowling sees purist views as an acceptable way of thinking as long as you don't kill people because of it (because for some reason that's a step too far — but when the system oppresses, beat down, and hates on marginalized people, that's okay) — in her mind and in her writing, Snape's ideological affiliation earlier on in his life is not that big of a problem, especially when he "changes sides".
Snape's active participation in a hate group is dangerously and irresponsibly downplayed both by Rowling and by Snape's apologists and fans when this is, in reality, one of the two greatest offenses his character has to compensate for in his "Redemption Arc". So when he hesitates at nine yo to say to Lily that being a Muggleborn doesn't make a difference (even when he knows it does in a practical sense of what's happening in the Wizarding World), when he despises Petuney for being a Muggle, when he says to Lily that what he, Mulciber and their "death eaters" friends did to Mary McDonald was "just a laugh (btw, I'm sure the Marauders also think what they did was "just a laugh" as well), all of this is not only extremely reprehensible, it's the kind of thing that makes a fascist, a fascist.
And it's not that I don't believe teenagers cannot change their minds and grow with more ease than adults, it's just that this alone would've been enough grounds to understand why Snape's redemption arc sucks. His beliefs from early on, even before he goes to Hogwarts, are extremely problematic and hateful, and they uphold the very corrupted system that is perpetuated against Muggle-borns in the Wizarding World.
Then we reach the point I wanted to make: it's very clear throughout the books that child and teenager Snape struggles with feelings of deep hatred against his parents (especially his father, who's a Muggle), inadequacy in social life even among his peers (wizards and witches) and isolation, all of which make a person undeniably vulnerable to extremist ideology.
And here's my first issue with Snape and his Redemption Arc: his trauma and feelings should not be an excuse for his bad choices and yet, they are used exactly as such. Yes, Snape was an impressionable teenager and yes, he was influenced by an ideology in his desperation to fit in and find solace in a community, but that doesn't matter.
None of it matters because, at the end of the day, his actions for this ideology are just as harmful, just as awful, just as cruel, as the actions of someone who joined the Death Eaters for thoroughly believing Muggleborns were scum. He harmed people just as much as Yaxley, Mulciber, or any other Death Eater who joined Voldemort for their hatred just for his support alone.
And more than that, even if Snape was in a vulnerable state and impressionable, he was still receiving other kinds of influences, influences that were contrary to the bigotry and cruelty of Voldemort — and he still chose to ignore those influences. There was still a level of choice to what he became as a young adult.
But even if there wasn't, Snape is —or at least he should be— responsible for his own choices regardless of influence. As they say in the Kingdom of Heaven film, when you're before God and he asks you why you did something, you won't be able to say that others told you to do so or that it wasn't convenient to do the right thing — it'll not be enough. And it's not enough because your actions matter more than your intentions. Your actions will be the thing that will determine what happens next, not your intentions. It'll be actions that will shape your path and influence or directly impact the path of others around you, not your intentions.
The older I get, the more I understand the power of action and how it says more than any intention or feeling ever will. At the end of it, Snape's actions are what matters, not his feelings or intentions. But as humans, we're so prone to empathize with others that we actually believe that, because someone feels guilty or regrets the things they did, that's enough to forgive them.
We forget that it's not.
Earning forgiveness must come with 5 major steps —
Accountability — do they acknowledge the way their actions hurt us? Do they acknowledge the way they hurt us? Do they acknowledge their role in our pain?
Apologies — do they apologize? Is their apology sincere? Do they hold themselves accountable in their apologies?
Acceptance — do they feel entitled to forgiveness? Do they accept the consequences of their actions? Do they accept the boundaries you impose on the path to forgiveness?
Amends — Did they take steps to mend what's broken? Do they make choices to prevent them from doing this again? Do they try to help without crossing your boundaries?
Alteration — Did they change the behavior that hurt you? Did they take steps to improve themselves?
Those steps are fundamental in a Redemption Arc because it'll exemplify to the (young) readers what is forgivable and how forgiveness is earned, not deserved. That's what grits me the most about Snape's "Redemption Arc":
There is no accountability, at least not for joining and upholding a hate group, and we kinda get accountability for what he did in his friendship with Lily, but in a fucked up way, let's see:
It was nighttime. Lily, who was wearing a dressing gown, stood with her arms folded in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. “I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here.” “I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just – ” “Slipped out?” There was no pity in Lily’s voice. “It’s too late. I’ve made excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your precious little Death Eater friends – you see, you don’t even deny it! You don’t even deny that’s what you’re all aiming to be! You can’t wait to join You-Know-Who, can you?” He opened his mouth, but closed it without speaking. “I can’t pretend anymore. You’ve chosen your way, I’ve chosen mine.” “No – listen, I didn’t mean – ” “ – to call me Mudblood? But you call everyone of my birth Mudblood, Severus. Why should I be any different?”
It's very important to me that we dissect this piece of dialog because it shows a lot about Snape and how every time he's tried to apologize, there's no accountability.
He didn't say he's sorry he said that slur (to LILY and only Lily, might I add, when at all would've been ideal but I'll have some leniency because of the situation) — he's said he's sorry, but not for what he has done, just for Lily. He didn't take responsibility for his words as he should — he says it 'slipped out' or that 'he didn't mean, again just to LIly.
He accepted no boundaries Lily tried to impose — sleeping outside Gryffindor? Really?
Most importantly of all, he took absolutely ZERO steps to alter his behavior so that he could never harm someone again like he harmed Lily. And that's very important, I cannot begin to explain how: when we regret doing something, the most fundamental step to take in change.
Change is fundamental to forgiveness but it shouldn't be conditioned by it. If we regret doing something harmful, the first thing to do is to change our behavior. Instead, Snape not only doesn't change his problematic behavior, he doubles down on it, joining the hate group Lily pointed out as one of the main problems in why their relationship couldn't continue, acting in the name of said group for years and only backing down on it when Lily is threatened.
And that reveals something about Snape's worldview: for him, since that day he called Lily a slur, the problem wasn't that he was a bigoted piece of shit (like Lily said it was), the problem, in his head, was that he hurt Lily. And that's not true. The problem is, one hundred percent, his bigoted behavior, and Lily says as much, more than one time. He just does not listen to it. He doesn't listen to her.
More than that, though, you can try to point out that he redeems himself by acting against Voldemort but I'm sorry: what Snape did is not enough. He was part — and believed in — a hate group, it's not enough that he changes sides not because of values, but because one person who is being threatened is dear to him (which was the whole prerogative anyway so I failed to see how he's even surprised by this). You can say that this is good or honorable or "love" but it's not cute to base your entire life around one person.
It's not honorable to prioritize one person over a whole world he was threatening before and not caring at all about them. Disregarding other human beings in favor of one is not as pretty as people think it is and Snape represents this very well: it makes you bitter, it makes you become abusive, cruel, a bully to everyone else. It's not pretty, it's not understandable. Be a fucking decent human being, it's actually not that hard.
But I digress again: my point is, that just because Snape regrets the things he has done for Voldemort (not even out of morals, which drives me mad) it doesn't mean he deserves forgiveness. He doesn't and he hasn't earned it, he didn't even try. Actually, he's so stuck in his regret, he's harmful because of it: guilt is a trap, babes. It sucks you in if you let it and makes you miserable as well as anyone around you. You'll be so remorseful and yet you'll hurt people because of it.
And it's the same thing I've been saying since the beginning: we need to stop associating feelings with deserving forgiveness because you don't deserve forgiveness, you earn it. Either you earn it from someone else, from yourself, or from both, but either way, it's earned, not deserved. If I were to excuse my harmful behavior every time just because I regretted doing something instead of earning their forgiveness by taking steps to apologize to the people I've hurt, I would be compared to my father all the time. And THAT would've been an insult.
Anyway, let's just stop feeling sorry for characters, especially fascists, just because they regret something. Please, let us hold our characters accountable for the shit they've done adequately and make our writers actually put in the work to make them earn the forgiveness they crave instead of just wallowing in their own misery, stuck forever in a vortex of hurting and being hurt that sucks people in. It's not a good example for us readers, it's not a good example of behavior, it's not what a good person who did shitty things should strive to be and we shouldn't think it is.
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
That’s bullshit if I’ve heard of any (Lando Norris)
Lando finally had enough of seeing you hurt like that
Note: english is not my first language. I've been writing this one for a little bit and today felt like the day to finish it ✨️ this also felt close to home, but good to write it out, too!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader's self-doubt and low self esteem, loneliness, curse words, mentions a bad date with a rude person
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Are you sure you want me to come over?", you asked your best friend over the phone, refusing to accept that he had no better plans for his Friday night now that he was not racing.
"Is this your way of telling me you don't want to come over? Because that's fine, I'll stay in - are you going somewhere though? Like a date?", Lando said over the phoneline.
"Bold of you to assume I would have plans, and with a date nonetheless", you muttered, "all I'm saying is if you have something better to do, you should go do it!", you explained, not wanting to get into the topic too deeply.
"There's nothing better than spending time with my bestfriend! Do you need me to pick you up or do you feel comfortable driving at this time of night?", he wondered, "I'll be there in 10 then", you chatted off, ending the call.
Looking around your room, you found clothes that were both comfortable and presentable in case, with your usual luck, you were pulled over by the police and had to come out of your car.
Lando finally had some time off before the season began and he wanted to spend it with you. While you were usually able to fly out to most of the European races and even travel the long distance to other race tracks, this season you had more responsibilities to juggle between your internship, your studies and your family.
He arranged the pillows on the sofa and brought out your favourite snacks, getting his place ready while occupying the time until you rang his doorbell, walking up to the door so he could let you inside, "hey!", he greeted, excited to finally have you with him after weeks where you both had been busy.
"Hey", you said, nudging his hip slightly with yours as you went to the shoe cabinet, leaving your shoes there and putting on your slippers you kept at his house.
Following him silently to the living room, you watched him sit down as you took in the comfort his place made you feel.
"You're not okay", Lando stated, "I noticed when we were on the phone".
"So this is a pity visit?", you wondered, "That's why you called me over?", you grumbled, feeling the blush erupt on your cheeks along with a little annoyance.
"I never said that! I, I called you and then noticed you weren't okay! Scoot, scoot, I got a tray full of goodies for us to eat", Lando urged, pushing the blanket to the side so you could get in the warm cocoon he created with the soft fabric along with pillows in various shapes and sizes you had insisted he needed to make the place feel more home-y.
"Are you going to talk about what's on your mind or do you want to watch this new show in silence?", he wondered, pointing the remote at the TV.
"I don't want to talk about it, not now anyway", you grumbled, finding your perfect position as you laid against your bestfriend, his arm going around your shoulders as you snuggled your legs under the blanket.
The new show ended up involving a romantic couple which only heightened your feelings. Lately, it was all you could see. Everyone around you seemed to have something romantic going on and they were happy with it. One of your friends was even convinced that she would be proposed to within the next few months, and you were single. Soon enough after you entered these thoughts, they pulled you to questions like why won't people love me? why am I single? what is it that doesn't attract people to me? and the one that you had yet to find a proper answer to, the list becoming too long for your own good am I unlovable?
"Can we watch something else, please?", you asked after debating for a few minutes wether or not you should interrupt, "I'm sorry, but I'm not enjoying it that much", you mumbled.
"That's okay, Y/N, I'll just put on one of our reruns", he smiled, changing the streaming platform and looking for the square on the screen, "if you want to just lay here, that's fine, too", he encouraged.
"At least I'm not alone with my thoughts", you mumbled again, looking at the ceiling as Lando moved his neck to join you, "I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm here for you anyway", he squeezed your hand that found its way to his own.
"It's just, - I've been reflecting? I don't even know if that's the word, but I've been feeling lonely", you blurted, still unsure if you were voicing all of it.
Lando hummed, urging you to continue, "like, I'm craving to have somebody there for me, someone who I know is in my corner, who I feel totally comfortable with. My brother was telling me all about the stuffed bunny his girlfriend asked him to take care off! I want that with someone", you pouted.
Lando tensed, rearranging his position on the sofa to look at you softly as you kept looking at his white ceiling.
"Maybe I should be less opinionated, less vocal about what I think and feel", you mused.
You'd lose your essence, Lando thought as he heard you rant on and on about the traits you wanted to change about yourself.
"Changing something physical is harder, but maybe I can change that, right? Be a bit quieter with what I say, measure my opinions, say yes and agree with things more", you shrugged, shaking the whole thing off of your body, wanting to rid yourself of the thought, "I can't, I won't be able to do that, they'd notice it straight away", you sighed.
As the night went on, Lando quickly changing the subject, you spoke about anything that came to mind until you looked at your watch, "Fuck, it's so late, I have to go", you stood up quickly, bending to pick your slippers up from the floor when he stopped you, "stay in the guest bedroom for tonight. Sleep here", he tried.
"Is it because I said I was lonely? I was just venting it out, you don't need to worry about me being a loner", you tried your best to assure it.
"No, you muppet. I'm doing it because I don't like the idea of you having to drive all the way back at this time of night", he reasoned, getting up himself and walking with you to the guest bedroom.
"Is this still made from the last time I was here?", you wondered, looking at the sheets.
"I made it before you came here! And I've washed the sheets, thank you very much. You have a fresh bed to sleep on", he smiled charmingly.
"Thanks", you smiled back, grabbing the clothes you usually wore to sleep when you stayed over from the drawer, "those have been washed, too", he pointed, "if you need anything, I'm in my usual spot", he winked, "Good night, Y/N, sleep tight!".
"Thanks for this", you gestured, "Good night, Lando", you said before he saluted you playfully, closing the door behind him.
Using the ensuite for your night routine, you changed into the shorts and Lando's t-shirt, noticing that all of the washes had made it smell less of his cologne and more of the scented fabric softener he uses.
The t-shirt fit snug against your hips, embracing your curvy body as you got under the sheets, letting the weight of them lull you to sleep and slow down your thoughts.
Lando was driving to a restaurant he knew well enough. He had had a few dates there before, one team dinner and a few family birthdays too whenever they were in town.
But right now, he was picking you up. From a date that apparently wasn't going well since he got a text from you asking him to pick you up.
"Hey, gorgeous girl", he said once he opened the car window as he parked in front of the restaurant, thankful that it wasn't too busy and no one seemed to notice or care that he was there.
"Thanks for picking me up", you mumbled as you sat down, pulling on your seatbelt and nothing your bestfriend's gaze on you, silently questioning you.
"He was an asshole", you explained, "kept asking me if I was sure of what I was doing, if I knew any Formula One drivers - don't worry, didn't out anything - and then he just kept being rude to me, to the waiter, who was wonderful by the way".
"I didn't mean him. I don't care about him, I care about you", Lando said, driving back to his place, assuming you'd want to have someone close by that wouldn't ask too many questions.
"It was just another one where it didn't go well", you mumbled, letting your head rest on the window and looking out at the lights illuminating the city.
"Do you want to go to my place?", Lando asked, knowing you wouldn't want to be pushed about the subject, "yes, please", you said.
As soon as you got inside his place, you took your shoes off, walking up to the spare bedroom to leave your bag in there, "thank you for picking me up, you're the best, Lando", you smiled as you rested against the door frame.
"No worries, okay? Sleep tight, I have good plans for tomorrow so this will be out of your mind", he smiled a small one.
"Night night, Lando", you said back, closing the door behind you and letting the tears finally fall.
It was horrible. The way he treated other people should have been the first clue and red flag, but somehow it still surprised you how he conducted the whole date. You weren't expecting a prince or a gentleman, but you expected human decency and it turns out you were not afforded that. He kept leaving snarky comments about his exes. He was rude, sexist and definitely not your type, and after splitting the bill, you informed him that someone would come to pick you up.
Could someone be unlovable? Not worthy of love to the point where anyone they attracted to their presence just wasn't a match and they had to be content with the bare minimum?
Splashing some water on your face and wiping it with the towel, you took one good look in the mirror. It looks like it's going to be you for a while, so you might as well get used to it, Y/N.
When morning rolled around, Lando was the first to wake up, getting ready and heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of you. He wanted to make something special, because even though you had your tough shell on yesterday, he knew you were feeling it deeply and painfully.
This quest of yours was doing you more harm than good. And it wasn't helping him either. For a few years, Lando figured, he has loved you. At first, it wasn't a clear sentiment. You were best friends, obviously there was a deeper connection. But then it felt so much all the time, there was never a break for the butterflies on his stomach or for the jealous green eyed monster whenever you so much as mentioned anyone else. He wouldn't dare say it, but he's so glad your date last night sucked.
As he prepared your coffee, your footsteps approached, "Good morning", you croaked out. You looked like you hadn't slept well, which Lando figured was a given considering the heard you move a lot during the night.
"Good morning, I made this for you. The balcony had nice sunlight right now, I figured you'd enjoy breakfast there", he attempted, bringing a small smile to your lips as you thanked him for the mug, "I'll bring the rest shortly", he called.
As you looked out to the always busy streets, you took in their quickness and rush. How it was all fleeting and momentary.
Lando placed the tray on the table, arranging it so you both could reach everything.
"I heard you crying last night", he began, his fist clenched at the memory as he sat down.
"I'm fine", you shrugged.
"I don't think you are, and I don't want you to suffer, Y/N", he insisted, unusually bold considering he knew which territory he was stepping into.
"It's not easy to come to terms with the fact that I'm single and that it might look like that for a bit, and who even knows how long that 'bit' might actually be", you chuckled, looking at him expecting his understanding gaze but being face with furrowed brows instead along with a scoff. "What? It's not like I'm being unreasonable, I'm just stating the facts", you squinted.
"That's not how it works, and you know that Y/N", he sternly spoke, straightening his back and facing you completely.
It was your time to laugh and scoff a little, "unless something changes within me, I'm sure this is how I'll find myself in the foreseeable", you shock your head.
"All of those things you want to change about yourself? Or that you say you should change to make you more likeable and lovable? That's dimming your light and your spark", Lando bit back, having had enough of it, "if someone loved you after all of those changes, they wouldn't love you for who you are, they would love a fabricated version of you. You're not unlovable", he smiled at the irony of it all. How after all these years, he still hadn't plucked up the courage to tell you how he felt about you.
"How can you say that when you have everyone falling at your feet? Women see you and they're ready to have anything you'll give them! You don't have to change who you are because someone made you feel like you couldn't be loved because of who you are and what you do!", you bit back, sensing a tone in him that was unusual and certainly not comfortable.
“I just need to know who the fuck told you you don’t deserve to be loved, because I’m about to beat their asses up", Lando called, elbows supported on the chair's arms as he looked at you.
"No one's ever told me, I'm probably the one saying it to myself, the rest of the people just make me feel like I'm unlovable, so if you want to hit me, I would prefer you didn't, I bruise quite easily", you tried to joke, not wanting to let your mind wander to the parallel utopian reality where your bestfriend feels the same way about you.
"Then it's all the people that made you feel unloved", Lando said, "none of them deserved a second of your attention, but I can give them a second of mine just for that".
“That’s a lot of people you’re gonna have to beat up, then, and I’m not sure if I want to bail you out of jail for that. We can't all have full bank accounts like yours", you joked again, watching him as he kept on with the subject.
"Stop joking about this! I'm being serious with you, Y/N! You deserve all of the love in the world - and even that wouldn't be enough!", he got up.
“Please, I think we have both realised and reached the conclusion that maybe I’m just not meant to be loved", you added.
“That’s bullshit if I’ve heard of any! No one’s not meant to be loved. There’s someone out there for you, and I think I’ve made it clear that, if it’s really not anyone else, then that someone’s me”, he stopped in front of you. There it was. Out in the open for everyone to hear. His balcony was covered and closed, something he was grateful about as he confessed his love for you.
"You can't joke about this", it was your turn to mention it, getting up as he took your hand in his.
"I'm not, Y/N, I'm really not", he whispered, resting his forehead in yours.
"Kiss me", you pleaded. He was quick to comply to your request, hand cupping your cheek as he tasted the bitter coffee from your lips and felt you unravel to him in a way he didn't think was possible anymore.
"I have loved you for so long, Lando", you whispered once you pulled away for air, "and I couldn't imagine a world where anyone would love me back, let alone you", you admitted, looking into his beautiful orbs.
"You don't have to make any effort to imagine it anymore, baby. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You're so loved and I'll be damned if I don't show you how much everyday of our lives", he smiled, kissing your lips again as your hands travelled to his messy curls.
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alexiabae · 6 months
SHOOTING STAR; fridolina rolfö x fem!reader
Summary: a new scandinavian player arrives at the fc barcelona femení. or frido developing a crush on y/n.
Warnings: questioning sexuality, frido(29 years old) crushing in a young player (22 years old), slow burn, very long, +18.
Note: English is not my first language.
Tumblr media
not my gif.
Y/N Y/L/N, the revolution of Finland came to reinforce the attack in the blaugrana club. The 22 years old player, born in Helsinki and formed in the youth academy of PK-35 Vantaa, came calling the attention from various and potentially big teams. Scoring in almost every match she played for PK-35 Vantaa did not guarantee them the title league. We saw too how in the last European cup she was bright with her National team, scoring to Spain in the first seconds of the match, sadly Finland didn't pass to the next round, but Y/N earned the attention with the minutes played in only three matches.
Finally, she decided to stay another year with the team to choose for her at an early age. But this year, Y/N wanted to explore her football in another club, allowing too to PK-35 Vantaa to earn a amount of money for her departure, a win-win for everyone.
Y/N opt for Barcelona to progress. After a lot of rumours that she would sign for Olympique Lyon, Wolfsburg and the potential one, Chelsea, she finally chose the Condal team.
The Finnish girl answered beaming when the journalist asked her why she opted for Barcelona:
"Well, I chose this team basically because I'm a big fan of this team. Maybe it's a cliché but when they offer me a contract, I don't want to know about other teams. I'm a culé." She finished giggling, shrugging.
We can wait for her next chapter in Barcelona. We know for sure it's a big signing and wishing her all the best in this club.
"We have another Scandinavian on the team." Patri hummed content when Mapi finished reading the article.
"I'm happy she came here. I have followed her for a long time and I can't wait to play with her." Ingrid commented, sipping from her coffee.
"Since when?" Mapi asked, frowning. She raised her head to look at her.
Patri and Claudia shared a knowing look, suppressing a smirk.
"Since she stands out with her numbers in a small league." Ingrid explained. "Also I follow Scandinavian leagues." She shrugged.
Mapi raised an eyebrow, making Ingrid scoff.
"I watched some videos of her and she is a good player." Claudia opined, scrolling on her phone.
"Jona informed us before she will join us tomorrow, just like Frido, Lucy and Keira." Mapi commented. The rest of the players who assisted the world cup joined them that day.
They are waiting for the next training session. The team finished the Mexican preseason a few days ago, the new signing was announced when they were in Mexico, but it was a good surprise to close the preseason.
"I can't wait for them to come back." Patri said, missing her friends.
At that moment, Alexia and Jana sat down on their table. "¿De qué estamos hablando?" Alexia asked, letting her phone on the table.
"About who Patri missing Keira and Ingrid following the Scandinavian league." Mapi teases a little, earning a roll of eyes from the mentioned and a laugh from Claudia.
"I follow that league too." Alexia murmured, letting the spoon on the plate, sipping from her coffee.
Mapi scoffed. "Of course you do, it didn't surprise us." Alexia slapped her arm playfully, her friends chuckling by the interaction.
Ingrid and Alexia started a conversation about the Scandinavian league, while the others began to talk about trivial things.
"You know? You don't need to be here now." Jona joked, his arms crossed.
Alexia rolls her eyes, but remains on the spot. "I'm doing captains duty. That's all." She murmured.
"I'm not doubting that." He teased, smirking.
"You all are insufferable." Alexia muttered, leaning her back on the wall.
Jonatan laughed, patting her shoulder gently. At that moment, a new person approached the big doors, where Jonatan and Alexia were.
"Hello, Y/N! Nice to see you again." Jona greeted his new player, extending his hand and stretching it when the player accepted his hand. Y/N shyly greets him too. He patted her shoulder gently. "She is Alexia, she is here doing captains duty." He inevitably teases a little.
Y/N watched how her new captain blushed a little while trying to maintain a firm expression. "Hi. Nice to meet you." The Catalan copied her coach action and extended a hand.
The Finnish accept it, trying too to hide her excitement to see for the first time the Spanish player.
"Nice to meet you too." She cleared her throat, not liking how it sounded in another language, maybe because she isn't used to it.
Jona offered to enter the big building, one inside he started to explain some things, Alexia flying next to the new player, letting their coach give the necessary information.
"We are going to the meeting room. We will study our first opponent." He gave her a friendly smile, opening a door to his right. Jona entered where soft chats were heard.
"Come with me." Alexia gently said next to her. The Finnish follows her like a lost child, well it's how she feels now. Y/N looks to the ground, not wanting to meet the curious eyes from her new teammates. "Here." She said, sitting next to another person. Y/N looked at her and saw how the brunette patted the seat next to her left.
She sat down, letting her backpack on her feet. "Damn, you're tall." The girl next to Alexia murmured, gaining Y/N's attention. She saw how the girl next to her left smacked her arm.
"Sorry. But I'm afraid to say that you will get used to it. I'm Ingrid." Y/N let out a tiny chuckle by the other's comment.
"Hallo, I'm Y/N." The Finnish introduced herself, waving softly with her left hand to the two girls.
"María, but everyone calls me Mapi." The tattooed girl introduced herself with a cheeky smile, waving too. "By the way, this one is a big fan of you." She exposed the tall brunette, who started to blush, giving a death glare to the Spanish defender, who still has her cheeky smile.
Y/N matches Ingrid's and plays briefly with her hair, giggling awkwardly. "Thanks... You are an amazing player to play against." She awkwardly compliments, remembering the last encounter she played against Norway.
Ingrid flashed her a kind smile.
"Fan girl moment..." Mapi whispered, gasping when Ingrid smacked her again, this time hard.
Alexia gave her an apologetic smile.
Jona claps to gain their attention and once he has, the explanations start. Y/N felt lost, she barely caught anything and she felt relieved every time approach a video on the white board. Alexia notices it and resumes her in a low voice the best she can, mistaking sometimes making the brunette blush for it. Y/N appreciate her efforts, clearly she understood more now thanks to her.
"Don't worry, he will explain it again to you." Alexia shyly said to her after it finished.
Y/N sighed relief. After all, it is her first time in a team out of Finland.
"Thank you. You help me a lot." Her accent showed up, something that will occur for a while.
Alexia chuckled, finding her accent adorable, but she doesn't say anything, noticing that her new teammate is shy and she better knows how she feels.
"I'm glad. And if you need it, don't be afraid to ask." She kindly said, standing up. Y/N copied her.
Soon they are surrounded by a few of them. "Hi! I'm Aitana." A short brunette introduced herself, a gentle grin plastered on her face. And the rest followed her.
"We have another Nordic! We will soon complete the collection." The one who introduced herself with the name Patri said cheekily.
A warning by Alexia and a dissimulated laughter by their teammates, the Balear smiled to Y/N sheepishly.
Y/N chuckles. "I'm glad to contribute to the collection." She murmured, following Patri's joke.
"See Ale." Patri showed her tongue to the midfielder and passed an arm by Y/N's shoulder, surprising her, the cheerful brunette too distracted to notice it. But someone else notices.
"It's shocking at first." A strong but kind voice murmured to her side. Y/N turned to look at her, seeing one of her favourite players and not knowing if it was more shocking than Patri's affection. "I'm Caroline, but call me Caro."
Y/N saw for a few seconds the hand she extended towards her, blinking repeatedly when she awake from her brief fan state.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N." Y/N slowly said, shaking her hand kindly and repeating once again the same sentences.
"I guess you are having your fan girl moment now..." Mapi whispered to her when Patri moved out. Y/N feels a warm creep to her cheeks and sees the same cheeky smile on Mapi's face.
"Ingrid, please! Take your tamagochi to another place." Alexia intervened quickly when she noticed Y/N's behaviour. A lot of laughter was heard by this comment, Mapi frowning for the name her friend called her. Y/N bit her lip, holding a smile.
Ingrid lets the conversation with two people and approaches them with a done look. "Let's go baby." The brunette wraps an arm around Mapi's shoulder and walks with her outside, ignoring her complaints.
Alexia turned around to Y/N again. "Are you okay?" She asked, her careless side showing up.
The tall girl nods. "I am okay." She verbalise.
"Training will start soon, do you know where it is?" Mariona announced, asking later to the new girl and laughed softly when saw the thinking face. "Let's go, I will accompany you." She offered.
Y/N follows the Balear to the exit. Footsteps were heard behind them, following too but taking another way. Mariona starts a conversation, asking if everything is going well since she is in the city, when Y/N was in the middle of the explanation, someone behind them approached.
"Sorry, I forget my shin pads." A new voice for Y/N spoke. The tall blonde was trying to pass them quickly when she noticed the new face alongside Mariona, stopping herself. "Hiii! You must be Y/N, nice to meet you. I'm Frido." Her blue eyes scanned the tall young woman in front of her. She heard and read great things about this player.
Y/N nods, giving her a lipped smile. "That's me! Nice to meet you too." She murmured, waving shyly.
Frido chuckles, waving too.
Mariona started walking again, resuming the way. "Here we are." She said, making her point with a move of her hand. She opened the door. "I doubt you knew your dorsal number..." Mariona asked doubtful, Y/N confirmed it with a move of her head. "Alright, you can sit down between me and Claudia." She proposed, signaling with her index finger.
The blonde walked behind them to her cubby, searching for her shin pads that are in her backpack. Hearing how Mariona explained a few things about how some things work there. She grabs it and watches the two girls, her gaze fixing on the tall one.
"Okay. I'll let you change, I'll be waiting outside." The Balear offers, patting Y/N's shoulder. "You coming?" She asked Frido.
Frido nods. "Yeah." She smiled at Y/N before she got outside, leaning her back on the wall. Mariona copying her.
"Okay, in pairs now!" Jonatan ordered, whistling.
Y/N breath heavily, putting both hands on her knees. She looks at her surroundings, seeing how slowly they find their partner.
"¡Me voy con la nueva!" Y/N heard someone exclaim, of course not understanding anything. "Hey! Do you want to be my partner?" Her Spanish accent showed up.
"Yes." Y/N said, following the girl when she confirmed.
"By the way, I'm Ona." The freckled girl said, grinning.
For Y/N, it's a weird name, never heard it before, but she liked it. "I'm Y/N." She introduced too.
Ona indicates with her index finger to where they need to go and jogs to the other part, Y/N following behind. The rest of the training, Ona helps Y/N whatever their coach instructor them to do the next exercise.
"You are good." Ona compliments her, panting. Her hands searching support on her hips, giving her new teammate a smirk.
"Thanks. You are a difficult one to pass." The Finnish compliment her too, the warmth on her cheeks remaining from the heat.
The freckled girl chuckled, walking to grab a water bottle, grabbing another for Y/N. She throws it at her, who catches it easily.
"I want to do the next drills with you." Patri walked by their side, commenting with an amazement on her face. She gave a big sip to her water bottle.
"We need to discuss that." Another brunette comment behind Patri. She gave a warm smile to Y/N when she turned to look at her. "Claudia." She simply said, waving with a hand. Y/N reciprocates the greeting.
"Everyone here calls her Pina." Patri clarified. "I can give you some nicknames from some of us..." she thought to herself, making Y/N hold a smile.
"Leave her alone, annoying girl." A thick accent smugly said. Y/N saw Lucy Bronze pass an arm around Patri's shoulder. She can't believe she is a few centimeters from someone like her, but then she remembers that she met Alexia, Caro or Mapi.
"I'm not annoying!" Patri gasped, making Lucy laugh. "Well, we call her Lucia Roberta." The brunette said, teasing her friend. Soon, a hand flew to her head and smacked it, making the other laugh. Actually Y/N felt entertainment with them.
"She is known here by pepino." Lucy said back, laughing when saw Y/N's confused face. "It's a cucumber." She explained, seeing how she painted a smile when she understood it.
"Do you have a nickname?" Claudia asked, curious.
Before Y/N could answer, someone else did it for her. "Yeah. She is known by shooting star." Ingrid approached behind, commenting on it excitedly. When everyone turned to look at her, she blushed. "Sorry, I'm a big fan of Nordic's leagues..."
Y/N chuckles, calmly.
"That's truth?" Ona asks, curiosity written on her face.
The Finnish nodded. "It's a silly story..." she trailed off, scratching the back of her head.
"I like it!" Patri exclaimed, delighted by the nickname. Of course she notices Y/N wasn't shared, almost now, the meaning of the nickname, so the Balear brings attention to her.
"I agree with her. Actually I think it is the best nickname right now..." Claudia comments, smiling.
"Better than la reina? I doubt it..." Y/N joked lowly, making them laugh. She cleared her throat again when pronounced something in Spanish and she didn't like it.
They keep talking, making light conversation while they come back to the changing room. The little group always involves Y/N on it, even if only to say the answer with a yes or no, the tall girl felt grateful for their efforts.
Y/N trailed behind them alongside Lucy, the British keeping an eye on the new, knowing very well how she feels when you are in a new country and a different language.
"How are you feeling on your first day?" Lucy spoke, slowly. She tried to not speak fast to make the other understand her.
Y/N turned to look at her, seeing a smile on the brunette's face. "I'm feeling really good. Better than I thought..." she chuckled a little at the end.
"Why?" The defender imitates.
The Finnish bit her bottom lip, nervous. "Well... I'm afraid because I need to speak another language, learn the main one quickly and it scares me to make a mistake, even knowing that it will help me in the future... I'm around big names, players that I admired from a long time ago, I don't know... it's a lot of things. Sorry." Y/N said fast and lowly, her gaze looking everywhere but her teammate.
Lucy put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her and herself. She wears a worried look on her face. "Don't put yourself in so much pressure." She kindly said. After giving a sight, she continued speaking. "I know what you are talking about. But I don't know why, I feel you care what others think..." she said carefully, the blush on Y/N's cheeks confirm her theory. "Okay, you need to focus on yourself, they don't matter. Keep on your way without thoughts from other people getting to you." She advised the best she could, already taking the tall girl under her wing.
Y/N nods, walking again when the brunette pushes her softly towards the changing room entry.
A nervous sigh escaped from her mouth.
She jumps on her spot a few times, stretching too.
Y/N is going to be sub on right now, her first time playing on this time and in front of a big crowd.
Jona reassured her after giving his tactics to her, promising that everything will be okay. It helps her more than he expects.
Her gaze saw how the fourth referee put on the black board and showed the numbers. 17 - 20.
Oshoala jogs when she notices she is the sub off this time. Claps from the people on the stands resound in the stadium.
The forward showed a pearly smile to Y/N raising her hands at her.
The tall girl raised her hands too and they high five, Oshoala giving her some encouragement words.
Y/N ran fastly to her position, shaking some hands from her teammates, who gave her support words too. She waited for the rival goalkeeper to move on the ball again.
The goalkeeper put the ball on with a long shot, sending it to the midfield. The ball stays on the rival team but is pressured by the barça players.
Ingrid stopped the attack, passing the ball to Mapi. They will build a new attack, starting from the defenders. The Aragonese sent the ball to Ona, who ran with it and passed to Mariona.
Y/N was near her and Salma too. So she ran to the area but stopped shortly when the opponent quit off the ball from Mariona's feet.
It does not take too long to have the ball again, this time thanks to Lucy, who saw Aitana slip and pass the ball to her. Y/N's mind ran a mile per hour, creating some possible tactics to bring up. Until she found one. A risk one.
Aitana saw Y/N has someone behind her and chose to pass the ball to Caro. In Y/N's mind is needed to be right now, so she raised her hand up, she still isn't into the area, but she can win the battle with her shadow, only if the blonde trusts her.
The blue eyes focus on her and not seeing other options that are her or herself, the probabilities they scored is by Y/N, so dribbles easily the central winger and centres the ball.
Y/N knows who is behind her, so taking advantage of the stature, she catches the ball easily and dribbles it to the defender, another person shoots the ball to the goal, but of course they don't think that if they did it, the goalkeeper could catch it easily. So Y/N, who thinks about it, feint she will shoot but not, she passes the ball behind her, letting Alexia shoot it in the upper corner.
The people on the stands stood up, shouting happily. The Finnish saw how Alexia turned to look at her immediately, jogging towards her with an incredulous look.
"Why didn't you shoot?" She asked once she was near her, wrapping her left arm around her middle section, since Y/N is taller than her.
Y/N shrugged, giving her a sheepish smile.
A bunch of arms wrapped around them, jumping on their backs. A lot of compliments by them give Y/N more confidence.
Frido, is one of the few who can match Y/N's height, give her a cheeky smile, wrapping an arm on her neck and giving a strong hug, wrapping the other on Alexia's too.
"Det du har gjort gört inte alla." Frido muttered, still with the cheeky smile on her face. Clearly she said it to only Y/N, even if Alexia could hear her and don't understand her.
"I'm not like everybody." Y/N answer in English to let her captain have a concept about what their teammate said. The blonde to help Y/N get more comfortable speaks to her in her native language, since the Finnish can understand and speak to her in it too.
Frido shakes her head with her impeccable smile and jogs away, not without kissing Alexia's forehead and a pat on Y/N's shoulder.
"Next time you score, okay?" Alexia said firm, but gently.
"We are winning by three goals... but okay, barcelona mentality." Y/N murmured, going to her position and letting an amused Alexia go to hers.
After that match, where Y/N gives an assist and a goal, the team walks to the bus, since they are playing like visiting another city.
Usually Y/N sits down at the end in a corner alone, not enjoying the multitude so much. So taking her routine, she did it. She lets out a tired but content sigh when she sits down.
Her gaze focuses on her teammates who steps up in the bus, light chat. She notices how the Spanish ones wear a tired expression but always with welcome words and kind smiles. She can't imagine what they are passing right now.
"Is this seat available?" A strong Spanish accent said, breaking her thoughts. Mapi stood up in front of her, her backpack on her back and her hands in either pocket while giving her an innocent smile.
Y/N can't explain how much Mapi's constant interest in her means. The defender always has an eye on her, usually to say a funny comment.
"Ok." She agreed, moving her backpack from the next seat to her. Mapi let out a grunt, stretching her arms when she sat down. "Väsynyt?" She asked, chuckling lowly when the Aragonese looked at her confused. "Tired?" She asked this time in English.
"Ahh, yes. But I'm happy with the first three points." She commented, putting both hands on her mouth and hiding a yawn.
Her eyes move apart when Mapi grabs her phone. She saw how Ingrid was sitting next to Frido, both of them giving their backs. Still, Y/N can see their profiles. She didn't know why, but seeing Frido's constant smile make her relax. She noticed the last couple days, how calm she felt around the tall blonde. She leaned her head, relaxing and while her mind was flying away from there, her gaze was still on the tall blonde.
"When do you have your fly?" Mapi interrupted the silence, making Y/N think about it.
"At 18:45. I landed tonight." Y/N murmured, in a sleepy tone.
"I don't know if someone explains the rules when it is a national camp, but when you are in the place or city, you write a text to the group chat." The defender says.
Y/N frowns. "Why?" She asks confused.
"Because we can sleep better. It's a simple emoji to let the others know." Mapi explains, shrugging.
"If I forget about it... I've been in trouble?" She asks, unsure.
Mapi chuckles. "At first not. Only it counts after a few months."
They keep talking a lot more, starting for a simple conversation to know each other better. That's it until Lucy and Claudia had another plan.
"Hola amigas." Lucy said, smiling. Her voice changed to pronounce it correctly. She sits down in the row before them, Claudia sitting next to Mapi.
"What do you want?" Mapi asks directly, giving her an inquisitive look.
Lucy rolls her eyes. "Can I be friendly?"
"No." Claudia and Mapi answered at the same time, making Y/N giggles and Lucy gaps.
"Well, for your interest, me and Claudia want to play cards, but anyone else wants to play. So... do you two want?" The British asked, leaning her chin on the back seat.
Y/N shrugged and looked at Mapi, letting her decide the final choice. The Spanish defender sighed and looked briefly at Y/N. "Bring your ass here, Bronze. I will kick your ass."
Lucy squeals excited, sitting in front of them and Claudia doing the same. "Also, please repeat the word ass once again." She teased, making Mapi throw something at her.
The four keep playing until they go to the airport, the two pairs winning a few of them and Lucy and Mapi with a constant challenge.
This time, Mapi sat down with Ingrid after she asked if it was okay to wander by herself, something Y/N reassured her until the defender went out with an unsure look, making the Finnish laugh by her behaviour.
"Seems we will be together on this fly." Someone comments behind her, when Y/N was putting her suitcase up. She recognised the voice.
"Weird not seeing you with Ingrid." Y/N teases a little, sitting near the window.
Frido chuckles, copying what Y/N did before with her suitcase. "She prefers another right now." She dramatically said, throwing herself in the seat next to Y/N giving a cheeky smile when this one let out a muffled laugh.
"Är jag ditt sista alternativ då?" She feigned being offended, doing emphasis putting a hand on her chest.
"Ei koskaan." Frido said in a thinking face, remembering some Finnish words.
Y/N opens her eyes surprised. She didn't think that Frido knew Finnish or remember some words. "You said that to everybody?" She whispers, leaning to her a little to pretend nobody could hear her.
The blonde giggles. "Only cute people like you." Her blue eyes scanned her expression, biting her contagious smile.
Frido looks stunned by the screen of her phone, not believing what she is watching.
She found herself alone in her bedroom and seeing she has some free time, decided to put herself the Finland's match. The Nordic country was losing but not for too much, only 0-1 giving the advantage to Canada.
And then, without waiting for it, Y/N scored from the midfielder in a hard shoot. Nobody could guess she will be doing that, apparently the Canadian players are in their position, but clearly she was wrong. Frido saw how all Finnish players throw themselves on Y/N, hugging and cheering her proudly.
The Swedish know how lucky her team club has to have someone like her. And Finland too, standing out.
A knock interrupted her thoughts, humming a coming to whatever it is. She saw how Magda and Stina walked inside, the forward sitting on her bed next to her and watching whatever Frido is seeing.
"A match? Who is it?" Stina asked curiously, trying to decipher the opponents.
"Finland and Canada" Frido mumbled. "You lost one of the best goals." Also she comments, a concentration face looking at the screen.
Magda sat down to her other side and looked briefly at the device. "Not for being disrespectful... but since are you interested in that match?"
It's that comment that makes her lose her concentration, not knowing very well but starting feeling nervous. She cleared her throat.
"Well... my new teammate is Finnish and Ingrid always praises her football. I saw her during training and in a match and I can say how good she is... I wanted to see how she plays with her national team and it's a wonderful player." Frido says with a hint of admiration, something Magda catches quickly.
The defender hummed and stayed looking at her for a few seconds, trying to read her features and she noticed it's been a long time since she looked like that. If Stina notices it too, she looks or acts distracted.
"Whoa! She scored that?!" Stina exclaimed when they put again the repetition from Y/N's goal. Magda looked again at the screen and got really impressed by that goal.
"Já! That's an amazing goal..." Magda whispered, hearing Frido giggles by their comments.
They stayed watching the game a little more before they went to training, they came back from Spain the same day they had the match. Then, they will be traveling to Italy in a few days.
Before Frido left her phone in her bedroom, she congratulated Y/N by her goal, feeling a little weird. Usually she is always congratulated when her teammates did an amazing match, but with the tall girl, it's a different feeling. She pushed it away in her mind and went outside where Stina started singing loudly in the form of protest by Frido's delay.
When she comes back to her bedroom and sees her phone, a lot of notifications appear on her screen. The majority of the group chat about her club, so she pressed it, taking her to the top when it started. Ingrid was the first, sending a video. Showing Y/N beautiful goal. The others comments were from the others complimenting her, laughing in a few of them by their antics.
Then, after she wrote an answer and exited from the group, saw Y/N text her back. She pressed her chat.
Another tall ^^
Thank you, it came naturally I guess.
By the way I watched the highlights and it was a great match, I'm sure Sweden will pass to the next round. 💪
Frido typed a few words back, the smile never leaving her face.
"Recently you are smiling a lot more... everything is going good, uhh?" Stina entered with Nathalie, who is Frido's roommate. The tall blonde raised her head and saw the teasing smirk on Stina's face.
"Perfect..." Frido muttered, rolling her eyes and giving a sarcastic smile, matching her words.
Stina doesn't wait for that answer at all. "What? Are you two still together, right?" She asks, confused.
"Yes, we are." Frido said in a low voice, type said person. Her eyes read what he said and her mind was very distracted.
Nathalie and Stina exchange a look. The forward decided to let that conversation in another moment and alone. So she kissed her head, since the barça player was sitting on the bed and walked away after saying goodbye to the other roommate.
"I'm going to talk with Aurora." Nathalie informed her, giving a sympathetic look, even if the tall blonde wasn't looking at her.
Frido hummed an affirmation and laid down and thinking how fucked she is right now.
"BONDING TIME TONIGHT!" Patri shouted in the changing room after the last practice that day.
Cheering was heard, matching her enthusiasm. It's been a long time since they had one. Actually it's the first one in this season.
Y/N watch with a smile how they started to speak loudly, proposing some games and films to see. Her Spanish is better, she understood more than she speaks. Sure it helps when Mapi is basically speaking it all the time next to her, only switching to English when Y/N really struggled to understand.
"We are going to go for you and come with us, okay?" Mapi approached Y/N and leaned on the wall next to her, crossing her arms.
"Do I have a choice?" She inevitably joked, already loving the bond they created.
Mapi smiled sarcastically and shook her head. "And less if Ingrid is involved." Y/N chuckles, conscious about the admiration that the tall brunette felt about her, she can't believe someone like Ingrid feels like that towards her, but she feels grateful.
"I'm going with you two for Ingrid, you knew it right?" The Finnish said, standing up and looking down at Mapi.
"Of course." The defender muttered, patting her shoulder gently. "Be ready, I have enough with that one." She grumpily said, making Y/N laugh quietly.
When the forward starts to walk to the exit after saying goodbye to a few of them, Alexia stopped her.
"Are you going to be okay going with them?" She asks kindly, knowing very well how Mapi sometimes could be overwhelming.
Y/N nods, smiling. "Yeah."
Alexia smiled too and parted away, going to their respective apartments.
The time she has free time, the group chat can't stop sounding, a lot of texts coming from her teammates proposing things to do or simply texting about what they can bring tonight.
Y/N relaxed reading her book she started the first of that month until she needed to start to be ready. She decided on something comfortable and light, since still in Barcelona the weather is warm, something Y/N doesn't get used to.
Mapi texted her like an hour before, warning her she needed to be ready for her sake, knowing very well that Ingrid could still be choosing the outfit. So the Finnish got ready in time and waited patiently in her balcony, seeing the sun get down and appreciating the sunset, taking some photos and sending it to her family.
"Wow, you look like another person." Mapi whistled when she saw her coming out from her building.
Y/N blushed and avoided their gazes, gaining the soft chuckle of Mapi when she entered.
"Quiero decir, que estás muy guapa con ese look." Mapi chose to say it in Spanish, her voice sounding more soft. Clearly Y/N doesn't understand her and Ingrid translates it.
The shade of the colour of her cheeks turns more crimson while she whispered a thank you and watched the city by the window. The striker heard how the couple kept a small conversation, or better say, Mapi whining and begging about next time Ingrid doesn't take too long to get prepared, to which the Norwegian didn't promise anything with a teasing smirk, for Mapi desperation.
After they parked the car, they got to the building, got to the elevator and the couple were begging Y/N to take a photo with them, the three approached Patri's door where they could hear some commotion.
"¿Cásate conmigo?" Patri says in a shocked face, looking up and down at Y/N, making this one continuing blushing, fortunately for the Balear, Y/N doesn't understand her, but the pair behind her were another case. They laughed and started making fun of the midfielder.
Mapi put a hand in Y/N back and pushed her softly into the apartment through Patri whining and cursing.
"This is going to be fun..." the defender muttered at Ingrid with a smirk.
Y/N saw how Claudia is walking towards them and asking Patri why she has that look on her face, in which Mapi gladly explained in detail what happened. The Finnish is still lost, but she is guessing that soon she will find out. So she walked guided by Mapi where a big group were sitting or standing up while they talked.
"Great! We are the last one, again!" The Aragonese let out a sarcastic comment and went towards Marta and Irene, joining the improvised defender squad.
Ingrid huffed and muttered something Y/N could understand because she had some knowledge in Norwegian and laughed quietly, sharing a look with the brunette.
"She is lucky that I love her..." Ingrid commented jokingly at Y/N.
"Next time Y/N is coming with me." Someone else comments behind them while putting a hand in her shoulder and squeezing it.
Lucy gave her a warm smile and hugged her. "Good luck with that one." Ingrid said pointing with her head to where Mapi is sharing the recent behaviour of her teammate with a smirk.
The British snorted. "I can deal with her. By the way, you look stunning, I'm regretting being taken now..." Y/N hit her arm softly, gaining Lucy's laugh. Ingrid rolled her eyes but a smile remained on her face.
"I heard you." Keira emerged from the kitchen and wore a teasing look that was directed to Lucy. She stood next to them with her arms crossed.
"Babe... look at her." Lucy whispered like if the other two weren't there. The defender after the hug remained an arm around her shoulder, so it can't be unnoticed by Y/N.
The midfielder did what Lucy said and moved her gaze towards the tall girl. Her jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes going up and down, like Patri did before.
Keira blushed, making her girlfriend laugh for her reaction. Y/N actually finds it funny and adorable for her part.
"Shut up." Keira muttered and pushed her.
"Everyone!" For Keira's luck, Patri calls to gain their attention. She put herself in front of the TV. "Okay, we will start now since we all are here. Please, go to sit down while me and some of you bring the snack." The Balear announces, walking to the kitchen with some of them going with her, Y/N excusing the three to help her, her nature of helping people wanting to show up.
But Lucy has another plan and with a smile grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Nop. You are the new one. Keira here can go to help her favourite person." The defender gave a cheeky smile to the British midfielder, who rolled her eyes but didn't say anything and went to the kitchen, whispering some cursing to her girlfriend.
"You are so mean to her." Ingrid teases, starting to walk to an empty couch but getting distracted soon when she sees her tall blonde friend.
Lucy follows Ingrid still with the hold in Y/N wrist. The defender sat down, bringing Y/N to sit down next to her.
"Do you see how hot Y/N looked?" The thick accent from Lucy interrupted the conversation between the nordics.
Y/N rolls her eyes and blush when felt the blue eyes fix her eyes on her. The Finnish cleared her throat and punched softly to Lucy.
Frido noticed how she held her breath for a moment. Her gaze looks over her features, and she can't avoid how beautiful Y/N looks.
"Lucy's right. You look... beautiful." The Swedish decided to change the last word for that one, but internally agreeing with her friend that she looks hot.
The striker gave her a shy smile, seeing how her coloured eyes lost the battle with her pupils. Y/N read about the symptoms when someone likes the person they see, and that's one of them.
The visual contact finished when Ingrid sat down between Frido and Y/N, the last one moving her eyes awkwardly for the room, looking at Lucy when she heard how the other let out a soft laugh.
"What?" Y/N asked lowly.
Lucy shrugs and passes an arm around her shoulder while giving a sip to her cup. Before Y/N could ask again, Mapi threw herself at them, gaining the protest from Ingrid and Lucy.
"Do you think I didn't sit down here?" Mapi asks rhetorically.
"You need to learn to be away from her..." Lucy muttered, looking at the TV waiting for Patri to put the chosen film. But her smirk betrayed her.
Mapi frowned and sat down better between Ingrid and Y/N. "And let you win? Never, Y/N has better taste."
The laugh that let out Lucy make the attention brought to them and muffled the gasp Ingrid let out. Y/N hold her laugh, not thinking that the last comment was directed towards her and not her girlfriend, guessing too that Lucy had the same thought.
"It's amazing how she passed to tease me about my admiration for her to be the only one fighting by her attention." Ingrid muttered, crossing her arms and feigning being offended.
Mapi turned to look at her with a sheepish smile and threw her arms around her neck, kissing her head a few times. Y/N let out the laughter she held when Mapi didn't deny it, joining Lucy.
Frido's eyes brightened when she heard her laugh. The blonde was laughing too, but slowly it died to enjoy and contemplate her. The loud chat when the defender explains what happened was muffled by her melodic laugh.
But soon got interrupted when someone yelled to shut them up and pay attention to the film. Her blue eyes scanned a few more moments on her figure and then fixed it on the TV. The place where she was sitting was full, five of them sitting there, even if Mapi was more laying in Ingrid's lap, still she is on the sofa, putting more distance between her and Y/N.
The first film passed with all of them in silence, maybe some comments with the near person, but mostly they are paying attention. When it finishes, some of them take the opportunity to go to the bathroom, something Y/N did. She walked quickly to it when Aitana got out.
The blonde thought twice before she stood up and walked to the bathroom, waiting outside. She knew it was a riskier move, but Frido felt like a magnet when it comes to Y/N. She just wanted to have some little time alone with her.
When Y/N opened the door, she felt surprised to see her standing there, a shy look on her face. She stopped in the entry, her hand leaning on the frame.
"Hallo..." Frido lowly said, putting both hands on her pant's pocket.
Y/N felt goosebumps when she heard that simple word with her Swedish accent. "Hey." She greeted her too, crossing her arms. Frido could hear how some of them were getting near them and not wanting to go without exchanging some more words with her, in a bold move, she quit off her hands from her pockets and kindly pushed Y/N inside of the bathroom, again. She closes the door softly.
"Sorry about that..." Frido apologizes when notices what she did. She cleared her throat awkwardly. "Just wanted to pass some time with you." She confessed, a little embarrassed to say it loud.
The Finnish's heart softens up to see the blonde like that. Y/N didn't know what force made her do the next move, but she grabbed her face between her hands and smashed her lips on hers.
Frido's eyes opened, but relaxed considerably after processing what Y/N did. Her hands came back to her waist but this time it remained there. The kiss is short and awkward. Y/N was going to apologise once they separated, but Frido has another plan and decides to muffle the apologies with her mouth.
This time the blonde deepened it, kissing her with conviction. Her grip on her waist tightening and bringing her closer to her. Y/N's hands proceed to lose on her blonde hair, pushing softly towards her. Once again they separated, this time for air. With every kiss, their mind got more fuzzy and their lips more swollen. It's when Y/N let out a low moan that Frido got braver and kissed her vehemently, turned on only to hear her doing that. She pushed her a little too hard on the bathroom door, biting her bottom lip in the process and sneak in her tongue in her mouth.
Maybe they are in their world at this moment, but the others heard the noise provoked by Frido unintentionally and some of them went to investigate.
The girls separated abruptly when someone from outside knocked. They look at each other alarmed. "Hey! Everything okay?" Alexia asks.
Frido whispered something at Y/N in Swedish, this one nodded with her head slowly. They fully separate this time, even if neither of them wanted. The Finnish fix the blonde hair with a smile, seeing how her cheeks change of colour. She saw too how swollen her lips looked, she imagined her lips matched hers.
"Sorry! I'm helping Y/N to find her earrings." Frido lied, she opened the door and showing it to Alexia and Patri with a convincing smile. The blonde extended it to Y/N.
"Shit, for a moment we worried." Patri muttered.
The four walked back to the living room, going to where they previously sat down. Lucy was talking with the couple until Y/N removed her legs from the spot where she was sitting, a pout making her way on her face. It was before she started to protest that she noticed something. The British opened her mouth to speak, but nothing was saying. However she gave her a smirk and resumed the conversation with the other two.
The days passed, Frido and Y/N started to share some kisses in the changing room behind their teammates back. Their bond is getting stronger by the time, sharing moments outside the pitch too. Frido always has a plan to spend more time with the Finnish girl, at the same time the nights for her turned a war in her head. She is enjoying her time with Y/N, but the reality is far away from the truth.
It showed after a month how the darkness down her crystal eyes deeper with every day passed. The first ones in notices of course were Y/N and Ingrid, but the blonde always replied with a cheeky smile and saying she is okay. Frido knew when she realised what happened, she was screwed up. Plus, it is her first time with a woman, going through a simple crush in the past to actually kiss one.
It's a lot right now.
A hand on her chin made her break the train of thought and raised her head to see the guilty or the saviour.
"Jag kan höra dina tankar på långt håll." Y/N said with a sad smile. She knows something happened and feels she has a big part in it.
Frido shakes her head and reassures her that it is okay. Not wanting to bring her to her intern problem. "I need to be quieter I guess." She joked, standing up and grabbing the hand resting in her chin with hers, walking to a quieter place, before she inspected the area to see if some of them were paying attention.
"You don't need to worry about me, kärlek." Frido whispered in her mouth once she closed the door, pressing Y/N's back on the wall, putting both hands on her sides.
Y/N smiled when she heard how the blonde called her, putting her hands behind her back and giving her an innocent gesture. "Then, don't give me a reason for it." She teased her a little, giggling when Frido started trickling briefly her sides.
Her lips ghosted Y/N's and was the Finnish who closed the gap when grabbed her collar with her hands and smashed their lips.
"Jag älskar att du alltid initierar kyssen." Frido muttered, to later kiss her fervently.
"You do it on purpose to be me who kisses you first." Y/N muttered too once they separated from the intense moment.
"My fault." Frido innocently said, pecking her nose. "By the way, I have a plan to spend this afternoon together... are you in?" She asks, hopefully the other confirms it.
Y/N did like she is thinking about it, pretending. "Depends... What place is it?"
"The beach. I never went with you. So I thought is a good idea." Frido revealed, shrugging with a hopeful smile. "Do you go since you are here?"
"I went once time with Lucy and Mapi. And both of them finished in the sea..." Y/N commented, her gaze fixed on the wall remembering the moment, making the blonde chuckles lowly. "So... I'm in, you are lucky."
Frido give her a beaming smile and didn't lose more time to kiss her, knowing very well if they are disappeared for a few more minutes, their teammates would suspect and get to find them.
"We need to come back..." The blue eyed girl comments, pecking a few more times her lips, bringing both hands to her cheeks this time, making Y/N to put her hands on her waist, caressing her sides.
With the promise to see the other later, they separated. Y/N going first to the, now, full room. The coincidence that her cubby is next to Frido made her very happy. But the constant reminder that Lucy is too, even if they are separate by say person.
"What?" Y/N asked when she passed in front of the defender and hear how she snorted, stopping on her tracks to look at her inquisitive and crossing her arms.
Lucy is sitting on her cubby, a smug smirk plastered on her face while she is saving her shoes in her training bag.
"Nothing..." She hummed, winking at her and her attention coming back to the previous thing.
"Olet outo..." She murmured and went to her seat, sighing.
"I don't know what you said, but it's rude." Lucy points with her index finger at her.
"Ja kysyminen ja vastaaminen välttelyillä on myös." Y/N laughed quietly when saw her confused face, returning to her task of removing her shoelaces.
"What that mean?" She asks, this time inquisitive and narrowing her eyes. "Frido please, can you translate for me what she said?" Lucy like a child say.
The Swedish acted normal and asked for Y/N to repeat it. "Sorry, Lu. I can't understand what she is saying. My level in Finnish is limited." She gave at her friend an apologetic smile.
Lucy huffed and turned to look at Y/N finding a smug expression. "It isn't over." She stood up and messing up with Y/N hair, she contentedly went away when Y/N whined.
The kisses and the touches were more prominent. The wish for more than that increases. And it happening right now.
For their luck, they are roommates in this trip. It's a Champions League game. Frido was in top of Y/N, not surprising for the second one. She knew that the blonde loves be dominant, even if her aura didn't demit it.
Sloppy kisses, hands traveling by their bodies, the sound escaping from the mouths it's not enough anymore. With the little sanity Y/N feels in that moment, she pushed Frido's chest softly, opening her dilated eyes.
Frido frowned and opened them too, a confuse gesture crossing on her features. "Everything okay?" She whispers in a husky tone, her lips ghosting Y/N's.
"Yeah, yeah..." Y/N confirmed immediately. "But tomorrow we have a game and we can't do this..." She trailed off, reminding her the match.
Frido groaned, completely obvious at the fact, forgetting about it and pushed it behind her head the moment her lips found her comfort place.
"You are right..." She muttered, removing herself between her legs and laying down next to her, and letting out a frustrated sigh.
Y/N grabs her hand and caress her palm with her thumb, gaining her attention. "We can do it after it's over..." She suggests, a shy expression replacing the last one.
It's melt her heart every time Frido sees her shy side, that it's every day but with the trust she is gaining with their teammates, it less and less.
"Sorry, I don't want pressure you. It's the last thing I want to do. I just... I want feel you more." Frido confessed, her cheeks red, this time for a different reason. "Please, don't try to do it for me. We will do it when both of us feel ready." She said, caressing with her free hand her cheek, her eyes getting lost in hers.
"I want the kiss you promise me." Frido whispered in her ear when they come back to the changing room after they finished the match.
Y/N turned to look at her, still sipping from her water bottle. "Here?" She jokes, laughing quietly by her reaction.
"I see the hat-trick you scored give you some confidence..." Frido muttered, slapping her butt and going to where Ingrid is, not without giving her a teasing smirk.
"Damn Frido, let something for us." Claudia jokingly said, making who hear her laugh. Y/N made a funny face, don't understanding the comment.
Exchange Frido got pallid, swallowing hard and praying no one say something else. Ingrid notices her change and before she could ask her, someone else spoke.
"Do you not have enough?" Patri follows her friend's game, oblivious about the current situation for the blonde.
Y/N get rigid. She isn't a fool to hear the implication in that comment, but enough for Frido to play with her. She turns to look at her and saw how the Swedish cowardly look at the floor, ashamed. While they laugh about an innocent situation, Y/N excuses herself, starting to feel dizzy and betrayed.
She soon is a sea of tears, closing carefully the door to protect herself from them, hiding the pain she is feeling. She slipped slowly to the floor, hugging herself and buried her face.
Soft knocks were heard, startling Y/N. "It's me." She relaxed when heard the voice. In a trembling voice give permission to enter. Lucy opened it and her heart shattered when saw her state. Immediately she got in and closed the door, bending down and hugged her, letting Y/N soak her freshly clothes. The brunette catches what happened in the first moment, noticing the looks and in a short period of time, their swollen red lips. She cursed herself to believe Y/N knew the blonde's status, clearly not.
Lucy let Y/N cry, her hand caressing her back up and down without the necessity to say something to comfort her, because the truth is however you say now, it still would hurt. So she chose the silence and be there for her.
Her phone vibrate, cursing once again while grab it with a hand, the nickname she typed at her girlfriend showing on her screen.
"Where are you? We can't find you or Y/N. Is she with you?" Keira's worried voice greet her.
"I'm with her." Lucy muttered, hearing how the midfielder let out a relief sigh, she proceed to add before the other could. "Give me some more minutes and we will be there." She begged her, knowing her voice sounding serious, something unusual on her, make Keira help her immediately.
"Okay. We have five minutes before we need to go. I can give you that." Keira informed her. Lucy replied a short answer and they hung up.
"How do you know?" Y/N asked in a hoarse voice, raising her head to look at her.
"Because I have eyes on my face." She simply answered, not liking how bloodshot her eyes seem.
"The others have too..." Y/N whispered, her gaze going to the floor while her mind fly to another part.
"Well, I'm more clever than the rest." She heard how Y/N let out a tiny laugh, making Lucy cheer mentally. Feigning been offended by her laugh, she added. "What? I feel insulted if you think someone else here is smarter than me." It made Y/N laugh more, Lucy painting a smile this time, gladly she made her forget momentarily about the situation.
"We need to go, right?" Y/N asked after her laugh died.
The British nodded with a sad smile while put a lock of her hair behind her ear. She extended her hands towards hers when she stood up, Y/N accepting it. While Y/N opened the door, for their luck no one is there, Lucy take advantage of it and sent a quick text to Ingrid:
Please, don't let Frido get near Y/N. I can't tell you the reason because it isn't my business, thank you x.
Lucy save her phone and grabbing her hand, lead the way outside, hearing more near their voices. Y/N hang down her head, embarrassed for her behaviour. The defender notices how Mapi walked to them with a worry expression, her eyes remaining on Y/N, but Lucy stopped her and when the Spanish looked at her questioning, Lucy shakes her head, muttering this isn't the moment.
Alexia notices immediately when she put a foot there something happened. Seeing how Frido sat down with her head low and Ingrid by her side caressing her back, indicating something it's off. But her worry intensifies when Y/N entered on her peripheral vision and saw her dry stained red cheeks. So when Lucy is shaking her head at Mapi, she grabbed her things and went towards the three.
"I'm going to the bus, come with me." Alexia protectively put an arm around Y/N's shoulder and walked with her outside, not letting room for the defenders to complain. The brunette, who is a little short alongside her new teammate, take her quickly to the bus, apologies escaping from her mouth when the people waiting for a photo or an autograph couldn't have it. The loud screams were muffled once they entered the bus, Alexia remembering the spot usually her new friend takes, she put her way to that direction. "Here, sit down." She offered with a kind smile.
"Gracias..." Y/N muttered, still not liking how her voice sounded in Spanish and it worsen with the voice she has now.
Alexia messed up Y/N's half wet hair and sit down next to her. "You played amazingly. I can't believe you don't come here before." She tried to put on a subject and since she isn't so good with the emotions, she chose to speak about she loves.
Y/N painted a sad smile. "I'm playing well because I have amazing people that help me play like that." She awkwardly said, seeing how Alexia gave her a sincere smile.
Soon, more screams were heard and slowly they climb up and started to sit down, giving a quick look to where they are and respecting their space, mostly Y/N's space.
When Frido get in, her eyes immediately went to the back seat bus and saw how distractedly Y/N looks at the window. She let out a sad sigh and feel ashamed when her eyes finds Alexia's one, seeing the hardness on them. She knows that look, but never been the one to receive it. She swallows and sit down to the front rows, grabbing immediately her headphones and blaming herself.
The days passed and Frido tried to speak with Y/N, but this one always walk past her, making her heart shatter with every step she takes. After the success, the next day Frido spoke with her boyfriend and tell everything.
She blames herself even more when he didn't got angry with her, with pain he said that some day he would forget her, but right now he can't. He texted Ingrid when he walked out from the place he thought was his home, because he didn't talk about the place or city, is the person crying disconsolate who he is referring.
The Norwegian went fastly to her place, finding a broken mess who can't stop to blaming herself. That afternoon she found out what truly happened that last half month. She knew Frido did badly, but she is her friend and always will be there for the good or bad.
It's there too when Lucy or even her own girlfriend push away Frido when she tried to speak with the Finnish, something she didn't get surprised knowing their behaviour. Maybe the surprise came when Alexia joined them, a stoic face and simple cold word make Frido ran.
"Before you judge, try to know the other part too." Ingrid angrily said at them, mostly to her captain, before she follows her friend. Caro following her too.
Caro leaned on a table with her arms crossed while see how Ingrid consolate her friend. When her national teammate sat down with Frido while side hug her, the Norwegian decided to speak.
"We don't know what exactly happened," Caro started, gaining their attention. "but I personally don't judge you. They didn't know anything too, specially Mapi or Alexia, the rest try to comprehend what happened, but we didn't know." She tried her best to comfort Frido.
The Swedish wipes the tears from her eyes and let out a chuckle. "Consoling it's not your big virtue."
Caro chuckled too, shrugging. "I guess it isn't."
The next few days Frido decided to give some space at Y/N, try to the situation calm down. It's difficult for her, like the serious mistake she made and caused pain to one of the best people she met. So when she entered in the changing room where Y/N is there, starting to smile whatever Patri is saying at her, Frido didn't know what force make her to change her steps and directed towards her. Their eyes meeting a brief moment, until Y/N moves her gaze and tried to not pay attention at her. But Frido has enough, she needed to let out what has inside of her.
"I don't know what I have to do to explain everything." She started, not caring about the surprise on Patri's face. Y/N froze on her spot, her back facing the tall blonde. "I don't care if they found out what the reason is. I'm sorry Y/N, I made a big mistake. I played with you and I played with the person I shared my life and thought he was the only one," Frido wipes aggressively her wet cheeks, the only sound of the big room her broken voice. "I thought I have a good life with a wonderful guy by my side, sharing moments, complicity, vulnerability... Ups and downs. He always support me in every decision I took." She explained briefly, Y/N turning slowly towards her, not liking at all the state she is, but let her get her chest off from everything, so she stayed quiet. "Then, you approached. I heard things about you, watched some videos about how easily you scored, thanks at Ingrid of course. I can't believe how adorable you looked the first day. Lost and always with a shy smile. And it didn't surprise me when Alexia went to your rescue, she is who can understand you better in some ways." Frido gave a quick look at her captain, who has teary eyes and give her a nod.
"After that day, we started talk, little conversations that turned long and deep ones. You don't know it, but you help me too. I was feeling homesick and speak with you in my language help me. I know I needed tell you about my relationship, but I was selfish and wanted you entirely for myself. I'm sorry." Frido finished to say, soft sobs escaping from her mouth while she hides her face between her hands, broken.
Ingrid was to step where she is and take her to a quiet place, but saw how Y/N anticipate and get towards the blonde.
The Finnish removed her hands gently from her face and wipe carefully her cheeks. She didn't know what to say, so she wraps her arms around her shoulders and hugged her. Instinctively Frido wraps her arms around her waist and leaned her head on hers, more tears escaping from her eyes.
"I-I'm s-sorry." The blonde lowly said, hiccuping.
Y/N raised the trophy in the air, gaining the screams from her teammates and the people who traveled to the stadium to support them. She can't describe the adrenaline she is feeling right now.
After they made a round to raise it, they walked around the stadium to thanks the people, letting them know is for them too. They took a lot of photos with the trophy too.
Before Y/N follows some teammates inside to translate the party there, she poses with the champions league cup and the award she received for being the MVP that match.
"Jag är väldigt stolt över dig." A whisper from behind make Y/N jump a little on her spot, turning to see a Frido laughing by her reaction. Y/N whined, smacking her arm playfully. "Before you go with Jonatan to give the press conference you deserve. Make me the favor to take some photos with me?" She asked hopefully, a cheeky grin on her face when Y/N nods.
"Of course, idiot." Y/N chuckles to grab the cup, extending it at her too. The blonde accepting it and both of them grabbing the cup, posed with it with happy smiles on their faces.
For Frido's surprise, Y/N kissed her cheek sweetly. It's only for the photo, but they knew what it means for them. When the forward separated, Frido can't hold not to look at her, a loving face showing the love she felt for her.
"You need change your expression or you would break the internet." Y/N teases, poking her cheek where a dimple is showing there.
Frido leaned more on her, their noses touching and their lips to centimeters, her eyes traveling from her mouth to her eyes. "I don't care." She whispered, licking her lips.
A throat behind the phone cleared. They pair look at her and saw her cheeks, making them laugh. Alexia rolled her eyes. "I suggest you two save it for another moment, where people can't see you." She warned, depositing the phone in Frido's hand. "By the way, we need to go." She said at Y/N.
When Y/N started to follow Alexia, Frido gives the cup at Marta and grabs Y/N's wrist gently, turning her body towards her. "Do you mind if I break the internet?" She knows that Y/N didn't care because they talk about it, if not, she never would that in public.
Y/N bit her lower lip, suppressing a smile. She brings her hands to Frido's cheeks and slowly brought her face to hers, but not closing the gap. "If you want break it, you need take the lead."
"Gladly." She muttered, before she smashed her lips on hers.
Alexia frowned when didn't hear steps coming behind her and turned to look to find the couple showing their love publicly. "Great, they can't hide it like everyone." She muttered, but a smirk approached in her face, seeing how her teammates ran to them and jump happily.
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ham1lton · 7 days
summer came like cinnamon (so sweet)
pairing(s): logan sargeant x reader. oscar piastri x reader.
warnings: mentions of mental health, dieting, fractured friendships and constant mention of jim’s ice cream parlour. also different povs, it goes through the minds of all three of the main characters.
summary: after their rookie season, in a bid to repair their friendship, the two drivers decide to take their new paycheques and go explore the sun, sea and sands of greece. what they didn’t anticipate was to bump into you.
wordcount: 5.6k
author’s note: this is my first semi-interactive fic, please give it some love <3 any major issues in travelling and stuff like in terms of logistics? please ignore. also let me know who you’re planning on choosing. team oscar or team logan?
— wanna be updated on the next parts? join my taglist! —
— part one of the summer lovin’ series. —
[ i ain’t a kid no more / we’ll never be those kids again ]
logan didn’t know why he was so overwhelmed with anxiety, when he knocked on oscar’s door on that rainy thursday night.
this was his oscar, the oscar that had practically grown up with him. the one who knew how he liked his toast and that he was fond of a burger with all the extras. that he had a scar on his left ankle from when he was a kid and wrestled with his brother after watching too much wwe.
ever since he had signed to williams and oscar had been a mclaren driver, they had hardly talked in comparison to their pre-formula one days. when he had crashed out during a race, he half expected oscar to text him or come knocking on his hotel door.
he didn’t. logan pretended he wasn’t surprised.
fuck it. bite the bullet. he lifted his hand high and knocked on the door. three quick taps in succession.
“one moment!” oscar called from inside. logan would wait, even if that old lady from room 135 kept looking at him like he was an intruder. maybe he was. he hadn’t been in oscar’s room for a while.
oscar opened the door with messy hair and a shirt that had been clearly shoved on before he opened the door.
“logan? hi.” oscar swallowed. the awkwardness in the space between the two of them felt heavy. “you okay mate?”
“yeah! yeah.” logan fake laughed, rubbing his sweaty palms against his jeans. “just wanted to come see you.”
“i’m here.” oscar grinned, with no teeth, at his own joke. “wanna come in?”
“sure. kinda awkward talking in the hallway anyways. that old lady is about five minutes from calling the cops on me.”
“oh that’s just brenda.” oscar said after leaning out and getting a glance at the woman, who waved at him. he waved back. “she’s harmless.”
logan followed oscar into his room. it was bigger than his and he didn’t know if feeling jealous was appropriate. he had felt many emotions when it came to oscar; happy, sad, angry, and others. he didn’t want jealousy to join the list.
“sorry, my room is a mess. i wasn’t expecting company.” oscar laughed with no heart behind it as he sat down on his unmade bed. “take a seat logan, you’re giving me anxiety just standing around.”
logan immediately sits down on the desk chair.
“so, what are your plans for the summer?”
“mine?” oscar thinks to himself. “probably just to go see my family and my friends back home.”
“i was thinking maybe we could, i don’t know.” logan bites his lip anxiously. “do something together?”
“like what?” oscar is curious now, his eyes focused.
“maybe go on that european holiday we always talked about? we have the money now and no parents to tell us no like last time.” logan speaks in a rush. “but obviously if you say no, dude that’s totally fine.”
logan looks at oscar, who’s actually considering it? he thinks to himself for a moment before turning to logan.
“how many days?”
“as long as you’d like.”
“where would we go?”
“anywhere you’d want.”
“make a decision, logan. i’ll say yes or no.”
“we always wanted to go to greece? how about there? maybe for three weeks?”
“we should go for a month. we can travel.”
wait. so that means? oscar’s face is still impassive. he doesn’t say yes or no, but he is still considering it. that’s a positive.
“that’s fine. i’m flexible.”
“i’ll plan it.” oscar nods.
“so is that a yes?”
“obviously.” oscar finally smiles, open and dazzling. logan grins too, allowing himself to bask in the approval. he was almost 67% sure that oscar would say no. he’d already done the maths, but it wasn’t his strongest subject anyways.
“i’ll text you the details.” oscar nods and logan gets up, running a hand through his hair. giddy with happiness that he’ll finally win his best friend back. this’ll be the trip that heals them. that heals him.
oscar gets stressed when he’s not in charge. everything has to go through him. the plans, the schedule and especially the driving. he’s never liked being in the passenger seat. his hands get fidgety and he doesn’t know how to calm them down.
he’s lucky that logan is all too happy to sit in it, his eyes focused on making the perfect road trip playlist. for some reason, they’d decided to drive from london all the way down to munich.
they’d already driven down from london and through the eurotunnel and took a break sightseeing in france - which oscar had already scheduled for. they ate their weight in croissants. they ate steak and frites. logan had bought them matching ‘i ♥︎ paris’ t-shirts and oscar rolled his eyes but packed it neatly in his suitcase anyways.
they hadn’t talked about anything other than surface level topics. logan talking about his favourite sports teams, them both discussing the grid and plans for the upcoming season and the usual small talk about their family’s wellbeings.
they didn’t talk about how they ignored each other unless a camera necessitated a conversation. they didn’t talk about logan’s bad season. they stayed up till stupid hours watching badly dubbed french movies and ordering takeout.
they drove to germany, dropped off their rental car and then got a plane from munich to athens. it wasn’t very long at all but logan still curled up against the window and tried to sleep. they were both connected to the spotify account on logan’s phone - logan using his headphones and oscar with his airpods. their road trip playlist still playing.
oscar didn’t know why he didn’t take them out, even when the playlist inevitably repeated itself.
they’d been in athens all of two days when they met you. logan had gone an insanely bright red when he’d forgotten his sunscreen had ran out. oscar laughed at first but then ran to the nearest pharmacy to grab emergency sunscreen and aloe vera for the both of them.
after slathering themselves, they’d decided to seek refuge in a small ice cream store. despite the hot weather, the store was almost completely empty besides the two of them and you. you were fiddling with your phone in the corner as you attempted to hook it up to the speakers.
“fuck’s sake!” you shout quietly, frustratingly trying to make it work. “i can’t do this shift without any music. my thoughts’ll drive me insane.”
“um?” oscar breaks the awkward silence. you jump and turn around. the first thing that they both notice is that you’re pretty. really pretty. even in the unflattering oversized neon green work t-shirt.
“sorry! sorry! i apologise. i didn’t think anyone was in the shop. please forgive me.” you look flustered as you move to quickly wash your hands and dry them. “what would you both like today?”
to be honest, logan hadn’t been thinking about the ice cream. oscar didn’t need to think, he was going to get his usual order.
“can i get two scoops of mint chocolate chip?”
“oh that’s disgusting. i forgot that you eat that.” logan shakes his head in shock.
“it’s good. you’re just a hater.” oscar rolls his eyes. “stick to your boring vanilla.”
“it’s a classic!” logan turns to you and asks for two scoops of vanilla and one scoop of mango. you smile and begin to start their orders.
“you guys aren’t from around here, are you?” you ask.
“nah. the accents give it away?” logan laughs as he slings an arm around oscar’s shoulder. oscar rolls his eyes again but makes no move to push him away.
“yeah. a little bit.” you pinch your fingers together as you say it. “i’m not really from here either.”
“no?” oscar replies this time, curious.
“international student. this was one of the few places that’d hire me with my insane schedule. i’m lucky i have the next month off, thankfully.”
“aren’t you going back home?”
“i could if i wasn’t scheduled to work here practically every day for the next month.” you finish logan’s order and move on to oscar’s. you shrug. “and i need the money. the job could be worse really, i just wish the speaker fucking worked and the air conditioning. luckily i stand close to the ice cream.”
“what do you study?”
“best place for that is probably here.”
“yes. i don’t know why but ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to come to greece and study here. this is the less glamorous side of it but i’m here doing what i love.”
“that’s all that matters right?” logan chimes in. you nod as you scan their orders into your till.
“that’ll be €7.62.” you say. “cash or card?”
“cash.” oscar says as he pulls out his wallet. he’s infinitely glad he’d prepared and went to the cash exchange in london before he’d left. logan doesn’t even bother to offer, he picks up his ice cream and starts to eat it.
oscar hands you the cash as logan moves to a booth right by the open door to take advantage of the breeze. you count back the change and place it right in his hand. his heart doubles a beat as your hands touch for a moment but the moment is broken as your phone suddenly decides that now is the time to work.
the speakers start blaring natasha bedingfield’s ‘pocketful of sunshine’. you curse, close the till with your hip and turn to fiddle with the playlist.
oscar thinks he’s a little in love.
logan knows that oscar likes you, which is a problem because he likes you too.
this road trip was supposed to be about finding themselves, not finding you. yet, when they find themselves back in your ice cream store the next few days, it’s no coincidence.
“you’re back again! the american and australian.” on day four, you’re not alone this time. you have a colleague, a girl who’s slightly older than you. she smirks at the two of them like she knows a secret they don’t know. “i’m not the only international one here!”
the speakers seem to work normally today, playing elton john as you hum along with it. your colleague decides that it’s time to take her lunch break, slipping off her apron and leaving the three of you to it.
“same thing as every day? or are we changing it up?”
“what do you recommend?” logan asks earnestly. he’s not losing oscar to you, maybe if he charms you enough, you’ll pick him. he doubts you will.
“everything is good here but if you really want my opinion? the chocolate fudge is a real crowd pleaser.”
“i’ll take two scoops of that and oscar’ll just have mint chocolate.” logan pulls out his wallet, opens it to find a mix of euros in there. he takes a moment to pick at the right change when you shake your head at him.
“no, it’s fine. it’s on the house today. i’m in a good mood.”
“a lot of reasons. you know what? i forgot that i didn’t even introduce myself. i’m y/n.”
“we know.” oscar is amused.
“how? are you psychic? i used to know a psychic once and i also watched that’s so raven. great show.”
“your name badge.” logan nods at your shirt as he eats a spoonful of ice cream. you were right, it’s amazing. not too sickly but just the right amount of chocolate.
“oh.” you bite your lip in embarrassment as oscar takes his ice cream.
“i’m oscar and the american is logan.” logan smiles and waves his free hand at you. “is the shop always this empty?”
“no. it’s really busy after school and at peak times. you just always come quite early. lucky. it’s hell in here when it’s busy.” you seem relieved for the topic change. “you both here on holiday?”
“yeah. a break from our jobs.”
“lucky. my best friend is back home and i wish she was with me. she’s planning on coming up at some point thankfully. i hate being here without all my friends.”
“i can be your friend.” logan says. then he immediately regrets it. what if you think that he’s a weirdo? but when your face lights up, he realises that regret was a fleeting feeling.
“i’d love that. let me take your number. one of the guys from my class is hosting a beach party tonight if you both wanna come.”
logan looks at oscar who shrugs as if to say ‘i don’t mind if you don’t’. logan turns back to you, who is the middle of unlocking your phone and grins.
“we’ll be there.”
he types his number in your phone and sends a message to himself to save yours.
“i’ll text you the details.”
the speaker interrupts the moment that you have as it starts to malfunction. you curse again and throw your hands up in annoyance.
“stupid fucking speaker! so stupid!”
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the party is already well underway, when oscar and logan arrive. logan didn’t bother with buttoning up his shirt. he wasn’t necessarily the most confident man in the world but he was comfortable with his nakedness in a way that oscar didn’t think he’d ever be. oscar was in a undershirt with a loose overshirt.
you finally make your way over to them, panting slightly. you’re wearing a plain white bikini with an open oversized orange and yellow patterned hawaiian shirt. your hair is free from the bun they’ve seen you in work with. you smile, easy and happy.
“my two favourite customers!” you sling an arm around the two of them, hugging them so close that they can smell your perfume. “come on, let me introduce you to the five other people i know.”
you lead them down to the bonfire, where three girls and two other guys are crowded around. they cheer when you arrive with the two of them.
“guys, this is oscar and logan.” they wave politely. “oscar and logan, this is anya, jerome, alex, sienna and jaya.”
the group all cheer and welcome the two guys. it’s clear that everyone is already buzzed. oscar has never really been a big drinker so he declines a beer when offered. logan shotguns it, the residue dripping down his face. you laugh and attempt to wipe it off his face. logan goes lax in your touch and oscar can’t watch anymore.
the speaker that someone played is playing shakira as the two of you giggle in your own little world. oscar turns to jerome? or was it alex? and starts a conversation. talking about some footy game that they were watching earlier. oscar is about as into football as the next guy, but he really needs to focus on something else besides the two of you.
oscar knew that logan had always harboured some sort of inferiority complex when it came to the two of them, but logan had something that oscar doesn’t think he’d ever have - being genuinely likeable.
oscar knew he’d have to win because no one would support him as a loser. logan is just likeable regardless of what position he’s in - an underdog if he loses and a force of nature when he wins.
likeable gets the girl.
you decide to walk the two of them to the end of the beach. the night is inky black and the only light is the remnants of the bonfire you’d lit earlier. logan is buzzed, oscar is distant and you’re still vibrating from the fact that logan made the two of you run into the cold water with him in the middle of the night.
“tonight was fun! i’m glad you were both able to make it!” you lean in and hug them both goodbye. logan swears you’d lingered a little longer while hugging him. “i’ll see you both at jim’s ice cream?”
“what is that?” logan asks bluntly. oscar elbows him lightly, not hard enough to cause damage but just enough to wind him slightly.
“the ice cream parlour she works at dumbass.” he turns to you. “we’ll see you there”
“well, i do work there. so yeah.” you laugh. all twinkly and bright. then you’re waving and jogging back to your friends. oscar watches logan look at you and sighs.
“come on man, let’s get you back.”
logan wakes up with a hangover the next morning. oscar is a good friend and runs to the continental free breakfast and sneaks him out some waffles, croissants and eggs. he walks to the pharmacy again, paying for some ibuprofen (at least he hopes that’s what it is) with his cash and runs to the corner store to grab some extra snacks.
logan’s eyes are wide with both joy and disbelief. joy that something is there for his splitting headache and disbelief that oscar would do that for him. oscar feels a little ball of guilt unravelling inside. how bad had he let their friendship become?
they spend the day inside for the most part. watching television together. then they go outside to the pool, logan immediately jumps in but oscar sits on the side. he pulls out his phone and scrolls through the texts that he’s been ignoring. the ones from some friends, his mum, and you?
it’s not a coincidence right? that you spent the whole evening with logan and text him the next day?
he holds the phone close to his chest. he doesn’t want logan seeing this. he doesn’t know why that is. he quickly texts you back. then logan shouts.
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“hey oscar! come in! the water is gorgeous.”
oscar grins and slips into the water, keeping his shirt on.
the two of them end up at the steak restaurant together that night. they’re both dressed as nicely as possible. oscar in a nice sweater and logan in a dress shirt. the maître d’ smiled knowingly at the two of them and led them to their table.
“he thinks we’re together.” oscar whispers to logan.
“are we not?”
“we are in the literal sense. i meant in the romantic, relationship sort of sense.” logan laughs and bats his eyelashes all coy.
“oh no! oscar are you breaking up with me?”
“obviously. i’m leaving you for my secretary.” oscar’s deadpan voice just makes logan laugh harder.
“i knew it, that skank! i’ll get him fired.” oscar laughs too, breaking out into an easy smile that comes easily when logan’s around.
the sounds of the restaurant move around the two of them as they peruse the menu for a long time. it’s been a while with no conversation when oscar bites the bullet and brings it up.
“hey.” logan looks up. “i’m sorry.”
“for the secretary? don’t be. i’m running away with the pool boy.” oscar shakes his head, smiling.
“no.” oscar says. “for what happened. letting our friendship fall to the sidelines. i didn’t mean it but it didn’t excuse it. i really do like being your friend logan. i wouldn’t jeopardise that.”
logan is silent. oscar wonders if he’s crossed some unspoken line. he bites the inside of his cheek and looks at the wall of the restaurant’s decor. it’s all dark in here. would it kill them to buy some light bulbs? he understands its for ‘ambiance’ and that shit but he’s worried that he won’t be able to find his steak in the darkness.
“i was gonna say i was sorry. i thought it was my fault. that you didn’t want to be friends with,” he cuts himself off, laughing awkwardly. “a loser.”
“no. that wasn’t it. you’re not a loser, not to me.”
“i am. that’s a fact. it’s okay. you’re very nice for that but, it’s just not true.” logan swallows thickly. “now, should i get potatoes or fries as my sides?”
oscar doesn’t comment on logan’s facial expression, that he looks like he’s holding it together by a thread. he knew emotional vulnerability took a lot out of him but it was harder on the person who admitted failure.
“potatoes.” logan grins and nods before calling over the waiter.
the next time you saw the two guys was two days after the bonfire party. they came in laughing at a joke that had happened way before they had even walked in. you find yourself standing up as soon as they enter.
“hi! y/n!” logan’s smile is always wide and happy to see you. oscar’s smile is muted but it’s still sweet. “what would you recommend for me? i liked the chocolate fudge.”
“hmm,” you think, running your hand along the counter. “we have a new flavour, chocolate covered raspberry? it’s quite popular. i think you’d like it.”
“i trust your judgement, ice cream girl.”
you crack a smile at the nickname, the smile so big that it momentarily hurts your face for a moment. you turn to oscar.
“and what about you?”
“same as usual, two scoops of vanilla.”
you nod, getting to work on the ice creams. you even offer to pay for them but they argue, threatening to shove it all in the tip jar anyway. oscar pays and when your back is turned, logan shoves twice the amount into the tip jar.
“wanna sit with us in the booth today y/n?” logan asks, taking a spoonful of his ice cream. “it’s not like anyones here.”
oscar looks up at you with his wide eyes, not really eating his ice cream. he just swirls it, until it turns into a sort of thick soup. you shrug and slide into the booth across from the two of them. you don’t have anything else to do and if a customer does decide to walk in? well, you’ll just slide back behind the counter.
“so, what’s your plan for the future?” logan grins. “and i know it’s the worst possible question to ask any young person but i’m curious. what’s the goal? is there one? it’s okay if there isn’t.”
“dream is to become an archeologist and backup plan? i don’t know. work in an office or something? maybe teaching. i haven’t thought that far ahead just yet.” you bite your lip and look out the window for a second. the day is hot, and you’re stuck inside. “what about you two? what do you do?”
“we uh, we drive.” logan looks at oscar.
“oh like uber? cool.”
“yeah, isn’t it?” oscar smiles at you.
“i still haven’t gotten my licence just yet. taxis aren’t too expensive and public transport is decent. also everywhere i need to be is pretty much walkable.” you smile at them. “have you visited all the touristy places yet?”
“not everywhere but we’re here for a while. we’re going to travel to santorini, mykonos and corfu. i’ve already planned them out.” oscar swallows his bite of ice cream. “scheduled to the exact moment we get there and get back.”
“an exotic european vacation.” you grin, waggling your eyebrows. logan laughs despite the joke not being very funny. “i’m jealous.”
“you could come with us.” oscar blurts out, his cheeks pinkening. “you’re probably busy though right? don’t worry about it. it’s weird.”
“no, no. it’s not. it’s very sweet and tempting.” you look outside the window again. “i’m not free for the whole time, but, definitely i could join you for a week? jim won’t care.”
“jim’s a real person?” logan asks, eyes wide. you laugh.
“yeah! he’s british actually. came over here when he retired and bought this place. he was one of the few people that’d hire me. my mum’s british.” you nod. “it’s a pretty decent job. if you ignore these hideous uniforms.”
you pull on the neon jim’s ice cream parlour shirt, face crumpling in disgust.
“you look good.” logan says, shyly, as he tongues the last of his ice cream. “this is good too. the ice cream. i knew i trusted you for a reason.”
santorini is exactly like the instagram photos. well, despite being slightly too hot, a little less vibrant and he’s here with you and logan. logan has kept his shirt on this time, a loose linen blue one with a pair of shorts and flip flops. you’re dressed in a white skirt, a cropped tank top with a massive handbag.
oscar wants to do something crazy, like reach out and hold your hand or put his arm around your shoulders. he doesn’t because he’s not insane but he thinks about it for a solid moment. thinks about the way you’d curl into him or the way your shampoo would smell. he shakes his head.
“you don’t like it?” the two of you turn to look at him. fantastic. now he looks weird. his eyes widen.
“no, no! i love it. it’s lovely.” he reaches into his pocket, shaking hands grabbing his phone as he takes a picture. “i was thinking about the best angle to take this picture for my mum.”
“i’ll take a photo of you against the backdrop? maybe the both of you. your mum might like that. logan said you two were childhood best friends right?”
oscar nods. at least you bought his story. he stands against the barrier and smiles, awkwardly. he’s sure that all the other tourists are looking at him and thinking ‘what a weirdo, his crush on her is so obvious. she wants his best friend clearly, why even try?’
after a moment, logan stands next to him. logan dissipates the awkwardness with a wave of his hand and the two of them fall into an easy grin. when logan leans in and tells a joke, oscar finds himself laughing loudly with the click of your camera as background noise.
he sends it to his mother later on, when he’s in his hotel room with logan snoring in the room across from him. she texts him back quickly.
— from mum.
well, it looks like you’re having fun honey!
— to mum.
yeah, i am.
it doesn’t even feel like a lie when he messages her back in the cooling heat.
it’s three days into the trip and two weeks into knowing the guys that you realise that you have a crush. it’s only a small inkling but you know it’s serious because no matter how much you try to dissuade it, it keeps popping up.
when you’re eating, when you’re brushing your teeth and even when you’re picking your outfit with him in mind. does he like blue? is he more of a yellow guy? or is it pink that’ll catch his eye?
the three of you head to a restaurant that night. it’s a seafood place, the three of you laughing and joking about something you’d seen earlier. they look good. smell good too. they even argue over who’s going to pay for the meal and look at you like you’ve got three heads when you offer to pay.
“it’s fine y/n, you’re a student.” oscar says, smiling as logan gives up. he pays quickly, all cash with no fuss. “we can get it.”
“ubering must make you a lot of money.”
“yeah. something like that.” he smiles again. this time with no teeth as he gets the receipt.
logan goes to bed early that night, citing something about his family being desperate to check up on him. it leaves just the two of you outside in the corfu evening air.
“want to go for a walk?” you ask, looking at him earnestly.
“yeah. sure.” he’s trying not to be too eager. not to scare you off. the two of you start walking down the street.
“i always like to go for a slow walk after a big dinner. i feel like it probably helps with digestion.” you speak quietly, as if not to disturb the silence of the street. he likes your voice and is willing to listen at any volume you decide.
“i think it does. i try not to eat too much.” oscar responds, shoving a jittery hand in his pocket. “i can’t gain any weight for my job.”
“yeah, logan said. that’s weird. what kind of uber driver has a weight limit?” he shrugs and smiles. “do you miss australia?”
“sometimes. i’m used to travelling though. i’ve done it for so long.” he looks at you. “what about you? do you miss your home?”
“eh, i wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. i wanted to remake myself. i was gonna do it all y’know? a name change and everything.” you look up at the stars for a moment. “i didn’t go through with it. even if i changed my name, i’d still be y/n really. inside.”
“i get that. i think.” oscar looks at the gorgeous landscape in front of him. he ignores all the people milling around the two of you. to him it’s just you, him and the view. “so, y/n-“
your phone interrupts him. a loud, obnoxious ringing noise. you mouth an apology at him when you look at the caller id.
“sorry, it’s my best friend. she wouldn’t call me if it wasn’t important. she’s more of a texter anyways. do you mind?” you point at your phone. he shakes his head with a smile. you disappear to take your call and he finds a bench to sit on. he leans back, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
what was he thinking? asking you out? thank god the world or fate or god or whoever is in charge, stopped him before he made the biggest mistake of his life. you liked logan and he didn’t blame you. he really, truly didn’t.
when you come back, you ask him what he was going to ask. he shrugs. it wasn’t important anyways, he says. he asks what happened with your friend and listens you chatter all the way back about your friend’s current work drama.
the next morning, logan and you head down to breakfast together. it’s a continental breakfast that the hotel offer. it’s good, with a wide spread of toast, pancakes, omelettes, cereal, fruit and sausages. you load up your plate, happy to get food for free even though technically you paid for it.
logan’s plate is smaller. you think about what they said earlier about weight limits and feel a pang of sympathy. i mean, your job was not very well paid but at least it gave you freedom in your spare time to do and eat whatever you want.
“is oscar not coming?” you ask, forking a fluffy piece of omelette and hash browns in your mouth. it’s gorgeous and you’re hungry.
“nah. he’s not feeling too good. i’ll bring him some breakfast in a bit.” logan methodically goes through his breakfast. slow, small bites and chews it for as long as possible. “wanna go for a swim later? it’s hot as hell outside. i feel my skin melting off.”
“you are going a little red.” you tease. he smiles again, shyly. his face does go red when you lean forward and press your cold cup against his cheek. “a little better?”
“it’d be better if you’d go swimming with me.” he smiles.
“of course i will. can’t leave you by yourself. who knows what’ll happen.” he laughs this time. “now wanna try some of this omelette?”
he sits politely as you lean over and feed him a forkful of the spinach and cheese omelette. for a moment, the two of you look into each other's eyes as you feed him. he turns away as soon as it’s okay and chews the bite.
“yeah. yeah. it’s good.” he smiles at you. “let me just get some more water for us, be back in a moment.”
“is it getting too hot for you?” you tease.
“a little.” he sheepishly grins again. “let me cool down.”
it’s your last day with the two of the guys before they drop you back off at the bus stop to go back to athens. your heart is still pinching at the thought of leaving, but you decide your last day can’t be in vain. they’ll be going home soon so it’ll be the best time to admit what you already knew. what you had known for the whole time.
you’d been on the phone with your best friend who had helped you to write a pros and cons list.
— pros - you could be a girlfriend to a great guy. you would be happy. you would have a rich boyfriend (your bff added that). you could touch them in any way they’d let you. you could sleep together. you could also sleep together (bff again). you would have a great time. you would have fun. would it improve your life? potentially.
— cons - they could say no and you’d have to jump off a cliff. they could be dating each other and you’d be embarrassed that you didn’t figure it out. they could laugh at you. they could be disgusted. they could be nice about it and gently let you down. they’re not even from anywhere close to greece. it’d be a long distance relationship. could you even deal with that?
you shake your head and lift your hand up to his bedroom door. the wood is cold under your knuckles. the world still moves around you, tourists laughing in their rooms and people walking around. their voices murmuring.
as your hand hovered there, you thought for a moment. about how this could change everything. was it too soon? too risky? then you remembered, it’s now or never.
take the plunge and with that, you knock.
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liked by anyaaaa, alexjohnson and 183 others.
yourusername: this summer is going well. made two new friends, spent half of my savings and made some new memories and isn’t that what life is all about?
anyaaaa: when are you coming back? miss u girl!!
-> yourusername: soon! i just need to figure something out first.
-> anyaaaa: you’ll figure it out. you always do. can’t wait till you come back <33
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taglist: @decafmickey @nichmeddar @casperlikej @purplephantomwolf @cuteskz @booksandflowrs @mxdi0 @alexmarie29 @luckyladycreator2 @23victoria @molten-m122 @evie-119 (want to be removed? or wondering why you weren’t tagged? check your tag settings or send me an ask!)
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Your recent post mentioning the merits of country-wide bilingualism reminded me of something: One of my friends in secondary school (in mid 00s NL) was involved in something like a model European Parliament or European debate programme, where once a year representative students from EU countries would meet up somewhere and debate stuff.
Everyone at this event could speak English + their own language, and perhaps some German or French. That is, except for the UK delegation*. So what invariably happened is that on Day 1 everyone would talk shit (during free time) in their own language about the other countries, except the UK delegation could not, because everyone understood them.** On Day 2, countries with similar languages, (e.g. Benelux/Germany/Denmark/Sweden, Portugal/Spain/Italy/France) would band together and talk shit with each other, still in their own languages but they'd be mutually intelligible. And finally on Day 3 these groups built bridges between each other using their limited knowledge of French/German/Latin/Ancient Greek to make one supergroup just to talk shit about the UKers because they were the only ones who didn't understand any other language (and Day 2 attempts at inclusion were met with demands that English would be easier for everyone).
My friend qualified for this thing 3 years in a row and it happened every time without fail. It made us all wonder if this is what happens in the actual EU parliament as well.
*afaik there were only English people in the UK delegations.
** The Irish delegation was able to talk shit about the English by speaking Irish or English with extra thick accents that were impenetrable to others, allowing them into the European alliance. One year someone from Ireland was caught passing info to the UK and Ireland was booted, a huge scandal that no one expected and the word "ierlandverrader" (portmanteau of ireland and land traitor) became a meme among my friends for a while.
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Vikings (TV) Masterlist
my requests for vikings are currently partially OPEN! please only request imagines, and not oneshots. for those waiting for a continuation of ‘searching home’ or ‘unexpected’ i am so sorry... finishing those two is going to take me a while :/
hmu/msg me to be added to a taglist!
main masterlist | request guidelines
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heorte til heorte
(msg me to be added to the taglist!)
relationship: athelstan x alethia stahl (oc) | summary: alethia wanted to go home, to return to her family. instead, she finds herself in ninth-century england. not speaking the language, and still processing the grief of her other life, she searches for an anchor - athelstan. | tags: angst, fluff, timetravel
masterlist | preview | read on ao3
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No romantic relationships // character x character
Queendom - relationship: Lagertha x Aslaug | summary: They’ve both loved and they’ve both lost. Perhaps it was time that their hearts warmed again. | tags: angst, fluff
The Lothbroks, aka, the European version of the Kardashians - relationships: none | summary: When Barbie Murray time travels, she finds out that pink isn’t available in Viking times. Luckily, her new besties all understand that boobs are the best and slay (literally?!) with her. | tags: crack, fluff, timetravel
I may be a bimbo, but I’m not stupid - relationships: slight oc/ oc | summary: Ivar kills Sigurd in a fit of rage, but Barbie isn't so quick to forgive cruelness. | tags: angst, crack, timetravel
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1st gen Vikings
Strange Woman  relationship: Rollo x timetraveler!reader | summary: The woman that appeared out of nowhere could be oh so dangerous, but even a stupid man would know that she was fascinating. | tags: fluff, timetravel
Friend of Thor - relationship: rollo x timetraveler!asgardian!reader | summary: The reader, a fellow Asgardian and friend of Thor and the new King of Asgard, Brunnhilde, falls through worlds as the new guardian of the Bifrost tampers with the magic. | tags: crack, fluff, timetravel
And the Gods wished they were me - relationship: Judith x viking!gn!reader | summary: Judith knows she should not mourn Athelstan. Nor should she even look at Norse heathens. She does both anyway, because Judith was named after a woman that had only rage and death, and she cannot escape her fate. | tags: angst, fluff
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Ubbe Ragnarsson
Another day / part 2 - relationship: Ubbe x reader | prompt: we live to fight another day. | tags: angst
Oldest - relationship: Ubbe x timetraveler!reader; platonic!Ivar x reader | summary:  It seems that few things change about being the oldest sibling, no matter which place – or time | tags: fluff, timetravel, slight angst
Yggdrasil relationship: Ubbe x reader; platonic!Ivar x reader; dad!Harald x reader | summary:  How can you tell your father what happened to you when he’d done it to so many others. | tags: angst, dark/gory
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Hvitserk 'Whiteshirt' Ragnarsson
Hvitserksdottir - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “I think we need to talk about the fact that I’m in love with you and also that I’m pregnant.” | tags: angst, fluff
Floki’s Cabin - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | prompt: “Just trust me. Please. | tags: angst
Searching Home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 - relationships: Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader | summary: When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | tags: angst, fluff, dark/gory, timetravel
Neither - relationship: genderfluid!reader x Hvitserk | Summary: Hvitserk finds out about genderfluidity and accepts he might not be completely straight | tags: fluff, timetravel
Law of conservation - relationship: Hvitserk x reader | summary: You’ve been working as a tutor at your high school for about a year now. When your parents throw a barbecue party for your new neighbors, their mother Aslaug asks you to tutor her son Hvitserk, who is already a notorious flirt at his school. | tags: fluff
Sandcastles - relationship: platonic!hvitserk x timetraveler!reader | summary: reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | tags: fluff, timetravel
When in Bali... -  relationships: hvitserk x reader, ivar x freydís, sigurd x oc | summary: You were supposed to go to Bali with your partner for your one-year anniversary. Instead, you’re there alone, heartbroken. Will reuniting with a friend you know from a summer vacation in elementary school be able to fix it? | tags: fluff
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Ivar 'the Boneless' Ragnarsson
Unholy Matrimony - A Sham in Four Acts / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 - relationship: Ivar x reader | prompt: I’ve learnt to love you. | tags: angst, fluff smut
Insatiable Little Heathens  - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: drabble, for all of y’all who wanted more of Unholy Matrimony | tags: fluff
Resolve - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: Ivar’s legs hurt but he’s so fucking thickheaded | tags: fluff
My kind of witch - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: You wake up in an unfamiliar bed. The man with blazing blue eyes fascinates you as soon as you see him and as you realize the struggles he faces every day, your admiration for him grows into something more. | tags: fluff, timetravel
Red - relationship: ivar x reader | summary: Ivar finally meets his match. | tags: smut, dark/gory
Serve - relationship: sub!ivar x buff!reader | summary: Ivar keeps teasing you. You finally have enough and give him a taste of his own medicine | tags: smut
Searching home / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 -  relationships: Hvitserk x reader; Ivar x reader |  summary: When you stumble upon the ancient Spanish city of Algeciras, it takes you some time to realize that you’ve traveled through time. While that is terrible luck, a merchant couple takes you in. But your peace only lasts so long. | tags: angst, fluff, smut, dark/gory, timetravel
Totally artistic -  relationship: ivar x reader | summary: When inspiration hits, you can’t stop it | tags: fluff
Sandcastles - relationship: platonic!hvitserk, ivar x timetraveler!reader | summary: reader builds sandcastles, Ivar doesn’t get it and Hvitserk loves the idea of it | tags: fluff, timetravel
Brother - relationships: ivar x reader, hvitserk & reader, reader & oc | summary: You left your home and your brother behind for a reason. Now, a man is causing trouble at the borders of Kattegat, and as Ivar's queen, you take justice into your own hands. | tags: fluff
Unexpected / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 - relationship: ivar x thrall!reader | summary: Ivar finally decides to fuck the slave he’s been eyeing for so long, but when his angry side slips out, things take a turn for the wholly unexpected. | tags: smut
Tarot -  relationships: ivar x reader, hvitserk & reader | summary: Your day at the fair has been pretty slow – until a client like no other shows up. | tags: fluff
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How the Vikings would react to an accidental time traveler and a quiz to see if you’d survive: https://uquiz.com/dVXpgW
Ragnarssons (+Gyda): First Kiss
Social Media 
How the Vikings would react to guns and snapchat filters 
How the Vikings would react to modern dancing 
How the Vikings would react to modern music, and what they’d like
How the Vikings would react to modern concepts of astronomy and space 
How the Vikings react to modern haircare 
Vikings and Astrology
How Vikings would react to THEM timetraveling
Vikings + getting sick 
Vikings + Halloween 
Vikings + realizing you’re pregnant
Vikings characters + how they'd react to finding Accidental Time Traveler crying somewhere and not knowing why 
Vikings + you on your period  (+ more hcs about Ivar)
Vikings + Legos
Vikings + reader being much less stressed in their time
Vikings + single mother
Vikings + Gender Neutral Thor
Vikings + modern food
Vikings + touch avoidant cuddler
Vikings + Kids
Vikings + their history
Ragnarssons + being possesive
Vikings + Maleficent/Fae!reader
Vikings + curls and afros
Vikings + sleeping habits
Vikings + contortionist/super flexible reader
Vikings as modern!uni students
Vikings + affectionate drunk!reader
timetraveling!Vikings + modern tv/movies
Vikings + gen z slang
Vikings + curly haired kids
timetraveling!Vikings + Christmas
Vikings + eras other than their own
Vikings + ivar being remembered/famous
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Sister's Best Friend -P.G
I have been dreaming a lot of doing Latina!Reader, I am a bit afraid tho, because I don't know if you guys will like this. I made this with a Venezuelan!Reader in mind, since there aren't a lot of fics of venezuelans!reader, I always see mexican, argentinian, colombian, brazilian (american and european as well) and I wanted to give this a try.
It isn't too much tho, I just put reader a nationality and played with her accent, maybe in the future go in deeper with Gavi's reaction of having a Latina girlfriend. Hope you guys like it! I would appreciate if you leave some feedback!
This is a bit shitty
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Summary: You're Aurora's best friend and Gavi is crazy for you
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It all had started when Aurora invited you over at her house for a college project. It wasn't the first time Aurora invited you over. But it was the first time Gavi was around.
Gavi was crazy to meet you mostly because nine out of ten times, his sister and parents were talking about you and stories the fourth of you had shared. Gavi's not gonna lie, he felt desplazed for a bit.
You having inside jokes with his family, made him want to get to know you and see what's the fuss about. He was confused, he knew and get along with all of his sister's friends. You must have been someone knew.
And you were.
Aurora confirmed his suspicion when he suddenly asked who you were.
"She's the new girl on college I talked about" She replied "Se nota que me escuchas cuando hablo" (It shows you do listen to me when I speak) Aurora complained
"Ajá... ¿Y?" Gavi rolled his eyes a bit ignoring his sister statement "¿Qué más?"
"She's new here, in general. She comes from Venezuela, moved in ten months ago, she has been my friend ever since I met her, she's so cool, Pablito. You'll like her"
"Yeah? Sure" Gavi raised his eyebrows and walked away
And that's how we came into the meeting day. You were laughing with Belén, Aurora's mother about a funny anecdote it happened to you while younger back home.
"Y naguará, no" You covered your face with your hands while Aurora and her mom laughed "I can't..." You were blushing of embarassement a bit when you heard footsteps
"Mamá, que-" Gavi had came in, just in a Barcelona shorts and a white shirt, his phone in his hand as he stared at you with wide eyes
You shut your mouth, looking at the boy as well with a light smile on, meanwhile his face was covered with a frown
"Hi" You had said shyly waving and Gavi swore he had never heard something more angelic than your voice
"Pablito!" Aurora exclaimed coming over to you and hug you "She's Y/N Y/L/N. My new best friend!" She squeezed you making you smile and hug her back "Y/N/N, this is my lil bro, Pablo"
"Un placer" You said extending your hand to him
He quickly got a hold of himself, grabbing your hand and stepping forward to give you two kisses on each cheek, his other hand rested lightly on your waist
"Igualmente" (Likewise) He had said with a smirk "Aurora doesn't stop talking about you, I'm happy I finally got to met the amazing Y/N" You blushed
"Thank you. I can say the same thing, you know... I think I already knew you before meeting you" He laughed
"Sólo le dije como te orinaste los pantalones en tercer grado" (I just told her how you peed your pants in third grade)
"Sabemos que jamás hice tal cosa... No en tercer grado por lo menos" (We know I never did such a thing... Not in third grade at least) He said making the three of you laugh
"In second grade too, right?"
"Oh c'mon, girl. Leave your brother alone and let's go do the project. I feel like it's going to be demasiado largo para nuestro gusto, so ¡vamonos!" You grabbed her shoulders and pushed her into her room
"¡Y/N!" Pablo called you before you could dissapear from the room
"What?" You turned around
"You like Doritos?" You nod several times "I'll take you some in a few" He smiled and you smiled back at him
"Gracias" You said softly
"There are no Doritos for me?" Aurora asked in disbelief
"There are" He said "But you have to look them for yourself, I won't bring you anything" Pablo replied as if it was the most obvious thing ever causing you to laugh
"Why?!" She asked as you pushed her onto her room
"Because she's pretty!" He said from downstairs as you stood there impressed and Aurora laughed at your shocked expression
And that was the beggining of you and Gavi.
You couldn't lie, el chamo was truly beautiful, he always took up on making you laugh and chatting with you about anything. Mostly of your life, he wanted to get to know you and everytime you tried to bring the convo onto him, he'd answer your questions but eventually turn it around to you, ending into telling him stories from your time in Venezuela, what you did as little and going as far to ask for your Uni stuffs even if he doesn't understand anything about Statistics
"La malta con una empanada de carne mechada y con salsa de ajo es lo mejor de la vida... Y ni hablemos de la arepa con suero" (Malta with a shredded meat empanada and garlic sauce is the best thing in life... And let's not talk about the arepa with whey) You always tell him making a smile appear on his face
He has been spending every time possible off with you, he even stole your phone number from Aurora's phone, winning a smack from his sister and watching you give a little pinch on Aurora's arm
"¡Ow, bruja!"
"Let him" You had said smiling
Because yes, you were also gone for your best's friend's brother, but you couldn't help it. It has been four months since you've met Pablo and they were the best four months ever.
Aurora often liked to make fun of the two of you, obviously into each other but not making any move. Instead of being mad, she definitely liked the idea of you dating her little brother.
You ignore her comments, even tho he gave you the impression, you didn't know if he liked you back. And you weren't going to make things awkward in between the two and currently three of you because of that.
You were chatting with Aurora and some of Pablo friends like Pedri, Ansu, they have came from training and all decided to spend a nice evening and also two of Pablo's childhood friends, meanwhile you were studying and chatting around with Aurora.
You laughed at something Ansu had said
"¿Qué? Mano, ¿Que webona' es esa, ah? La coña 'ta burda e' loca, 'sie carajo" (What? Bro, what the hell is that, eh? The girl is out of this world, fucking hell) You reply shaking your head
"For real, Y/N!"
"Pero explica bien la vaina, que fue lo que pasó. Pasito a pasito" (But you've got to explain yourself properly, everything that happened. Step by step)
"¿Suave, suavecito?" One of Pablo's friends, Diego, chimmed getting a smile out of you
"Well, I didn't say it with that purpose but it does go well" The guys laughed.
As Ansu started telling once more from the beggining his story with this girl, you felt an arm wrap around you waist and the other under your knees.
You turned your head to the side and looked to find Pablo, lifting you from your spot that was next to his, to pull you right next to him, without any kind of space. He also grabbed the chair and pulled it closer to him.
"Why?" That's all you asked softly
"You were too far away" Pablo replied audible enough for the two of you, you blushed and leaned a bit into him.
You kept on listening Ansu, the guys sharing your statement and telling him it was the best if he left her.
"Y/N/N" Aurora called for you "Go and bring us some snacks?"
"This isn't my house" You replied.
"Of course it is! Just go inside and grab some snacks for us to eat"
"Why don't you just go?" You ask "I'm way too comfortable here"
"You're younger!" She exclaims as you roll your eyes, standing up
"I'll come with you" Pablo said "I can help you with the drinks"
Both of you entered the house, you went to grab the snacks as Pablo grabbed a Coca-Cola and a few vases, when his phone dinged.
"Aurora asks if you can do the bread and Nutella thing" He asks as you sigh
"Tú hermana jode mucho a veces" (Your sister is annoying sometimes) You said making Gavi laugh.
You went to look for the bread and the Nutella, cutting them and filling them up with the cacao. You were done with your job but you filled a spoon full of Nutella
"¿Quieres?" (Want some?) You offered him a light smile as he shook his head
"Cómelo tú" He smiled putting the Nutella away and helping you clean the little utensils you used.
Once you were done, you washed the spoon and faced Gavi only for him to laugh a little
"Please don't tell me I have chocolate all over my face" You begged covering your mouth with your hand
"Only here" He pointed at his lips the place
"Here?" He shook his head "Here?" He shook his head once more "Here?" He shook his head "Ajá, ¿Y en dónde es la vaina pues?" (And where's the thing then?) You ask making him laugh
"Can I?" You nod watching him step closer to you, he lifted one of his hand in your cheek lightly, caressing it with his thumb, your eyes locked with his.
His other hand came up to your face as well with this one, he swept his thumb over your bottom lip "Done" He whispered licking his thumb quickly.
But none of you bothered to move away from the other, instead you keep leaning in "Can I?" Pablo asked once more this time with different meaning.
You smiled and nodding soon you feel his lips locking yours in a kiss.
"You taste like cacao" He whispered above your lips and pecking them several times, you laughed looking down at the floor but felt how Gavi's hands lifted your head making you look at him once more "I loved that"
You smiled, this time leaning up to kiss him wrapping your arms around his torso
"You don't know how much I wanted to do this ever since I met you" He whispered once more in between kisses
"Glad to know feeling was mutual" You giggled
"Go out on a date with me?" Kiss "Please"
"Joder, claro que sí" You kissed him once more
"¡Ay, Ave María purísima!" You heard someone say instantly separating from each other. Aurora was standing there with a big smile on "First kissing picture, I love it!" She said excited "Took you long guys!" She said coming over and grabbing the Coca-Cola, the bread and the snacks. "Leave you guys alone to keep doing your thing" she winked
"That was awkward" You murmur feeling Pablo smile and nod
"So.... When are you free?"
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philyaoi · 4 days
mr. pote please explain shoe ig story for the ignorant (me)
not much to explain other than. dan posted an instagram story of their shoes pressed together
ok i guess ill share a LITTLE context. around late january to early february 2023 was when dan was having a mini-break from touring for philly's bday before he had to hit the road for the non-uk european shows. the thing is, there were kind of a lot of complications happening wrt tickets, especially problems surrounding the iceland show, which dan had hyped up as where he was going to end the tour, and pj even mentioned on stream that he and sophie would possibly meet dan and phil there and have essentially a double date holiday! the day before the Shoe Pic, dan had announced that the iceland show was cancelled. he posted the cancellation on his story in icelandic, here is the english translation:
Sorry for the frozen people. Couldn't bring this show to your island this trip, that's all I can say for now. It's on my bucket list to be with you one day. I'll see you then.
he then posted an ig story where he seemed to be out on a walk that was quite self-deprecating on the fact that no one takes him seriously "in life, business, or the industry." it was just a bummer day for dan. so a few twitter phannies (back when there was a Little peace) thought to make an encouraging hashtag for dan, #weloveyoudan to show some appreciation for him when he really seemed to need it! (this also spawned an in-joke hashtag my good friend @editingz0ne made, #giveamazingphilnukes, that phil tweeted about 💀)
so the next day, when dnp had both posted while at an apex legends esports competition thing, we all kinda inferred that this was a lil date, possibly as another phil bday present (still his bday week) or as a lil gift to cheer dan up, or both! and then. he posted the fuckin shoe pic.
listen. idk how to explain it. it just. felt like something so weirdly intimate? like, no idea what the context is, other than theyre sitting in the back of a cab and took a photo of their shoes pressed together. and like one is clearly phil's shoe and the other clearly dan's shoe, and i assume theyre the same shoe size (do not tell me wikifeet ppl i dont need to know) and so they just. fit perfectly together. and all this was after the harrowing previous day, and after all that dan just decided to let us in on this picture that is so silly and not really anything and yet feels so personal? its like when we hear their alien language in the texting vids, or that they get fries every saturday and call it "fry-day". like its not a bit its not playing up a dynamic for a camera its just. THEM! its just them!!!!!!!! anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk on the dan and phil shoe photo taken on february 5th, 2023 by dan howell.
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septembriseur · 4 months
The other day I was talking to a friend who's a Muslim activist, and I made the connection between Amitav Ghosh's analysis of the climate crisis and my feelings about the genocide in Gaza and, more broadly, to the enforcement and regulation of inequality in our current moment. Ghosh refers to the way that we are living in the climate crisis as "the great derangement." There is a kind of collective madness, he argues, in the fact that we all know that climate change is happening and why it is happening and that every day we contribute to it happening, and yet at the same time climate change appears almost nowhere in our culture. We don't talk about it. We don't engage with it. Engaging it with would mean acknowledging that the premises on which our society is built are false and unsustainable. And the genocide in Gaza functions in a similar way: we know that it is happening and yet we don't talk about it or engage with it because it exposes the falseness and unsustainability of the premises of our society (premises that in this case include human rights).
I think that a lot of the things that Ghosh says illuminate how these two derangements are actually the same derangement, the derangement of what people in the environmental humanities have started calling the plantationocene. This has to do with a world ecology that sustains a hegemonic elite (and Eurocentric) modernity through the breakdown and (re)circulation of everything that is deemed to belong to the non- or subhuman. The world of the plantationocene is one that has always been defined by the ability of hegemonic power to treat both ("sub")human and nonhuman populations as interchangeable resources that can be deployed whenever and wherever they are most profitable to hegemonic powers: vide the relocation of African slaves and South Asian laborers, the disastrous ecological reshapings of colonized territories to better produce an elite European modernity.
To challenge what is happening in Gaza requires a challenge to several key principles of this world: that hegemonic elite modernity (which Israel has always formed a part of, as one can easily see by glancing at attempts to define the "Global North") has the right to regulate populations as it sees fit; that this regulation of populations is right because the sub-/nonhuman does not possess an unquantifiable wholeness that can be damaged or destroyed through civil destruction and forced relocation (i.e. it makes no difference to resettle indigenous peoples of the Americas or to transport South Asian laborers to islands halfway around the world, because their interchangeability means that nothing important is lost in the process— no more than transporting a plant to a different continent entails a loss or damage to the plant or botanical world); that the sub-/nonhuman exists as a resource to fuel, produce, and sustain hegemonic elite modernity, and can be simply wiped out if it becomes inconvenient or counterproductive to that modernity.
If you start to pursue these ideas, you realize that the genocide in Gaza is enmeshed in the "border crisis" and "refugee crisis" in Europe and the U.S.; you realize that all of these are enmeshed in your ability to walk into a superstore and purchase cheap consumer goods produced and assembled under inhuman conditions; it is enmeshed in everything you touch. And it becomes so overwhelming that you simply do not know how to think about it, because the suffering and the culpability for the suffering become so vast.
But we cannot let ourselves perpetuate this derangement. We have to look straight at the fact that it is absolutely insane that Gaza is no longer even the top headline on news sites. It is absolutely insane that Americans and Europeans (and even some Israelis!) can walk around and go through their days and not think about it at all. It is absolutely insane that we know what is happening and don't act. And I think that a lot of what Ghosh writes in The Great Derangement about the nature of contemporary politics explains why we don't act— but we have to live in the dissonance and tension of how absolutely insane it is that we don't act. We can't let the derangement trap us inside of it.
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lukall705 · 3 months
Young Love [chapter 1]
This is a chuuya x reader x dazai fanfic! yay>_<
Btw Y/N is afab Non-binary and uses They/them
Also Finnish Y/N 😼
I suck at writing fanfics but i'm trying best and if you wanna read the chapers i've made so far then they are on my wattpad:D
~Y/N POV:~
Finally, after 13 long hours i'm finally in Japan to start my new life! it feels so good to finally get to start a new life away from my family and old friends or more like classmates since i can't think of any of them as friends anymore.
As i step out of the airport i sit down on a bench outside and call for a taxi to come and get me. as i wait for my taxi, i scroll through old pictures of me and my classmates, "..why can't i just be happy like i was back then..?" i mumble to myself.
after about 20 minutes the taxi comes and i go inside it.
"To (college name) please" i say in Japanese to the taxi driver and he starts driving.
while on the way i admirer the city of Yokohama.
"are you a foreigner?" the taxi driver asks me "ah, yes i am" i answer him "this is actually my first time traveling outside of Europa" i say.
"are you European?" the taxi driver asks me "yeah, i'm from Finland"(or whatever country your from) i answer him, and the driver only nods and keeps driving me.
When we get to the college i thank him and pay "bye have a good day!" the driver says before driving of.
"..i'm all on my own now.." i mumble to myself again as i start walking inside the building. while i walk to the principles office i see some people whispering to each other and i'm guessing they are talking about how i look so different from them, it wouldn't be the first time.
while in my thoughts i accidentally bump into someone "oh sorry.." i say, and hear the person huff "whatever" they say and walk way. 'what the fuck did i do' i think to myself. i watch as the ginger haired boy walks over to some other boy with brunet hair thats much taller then him 'that must be his friend or something' i think to myself again.
when i get to the principles office i knock on the door and wait.
"come in!" i hear a woman say from the inside.
"You must be Y/N! am i right?" she asks in a happy voice "uh.. yeah i am" i say back "you must be nervous" she says to me in a calm voice while i keep quiet "theres no need to worry, you'll fit in just fine" she says. 'yeah right, there were just some students back talking me, and i made someone mad, i'm defiantly gonna fit in' i think to myself "..okay.." i say
After she tells me about all of my classes she gives me the keys to my dorm "just know you're gonna have two room mates!" she says as i leave the room.
'Room number 567? that means its on the 5th floor..' i think to myself and start walking to the elevator.
theres a note on the elevator door that says 'out of order' 'great, just my lucky day' i think and start walking up the stairs.
once at the top i start panting a lot "jeez.. that was harder then i thought.." i say to myself.
"543.. 544.. 545.." i look at all of the doors trying to find my own. "here it is!" i say while i start to unlock the door.
"DAZAI WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HAIR BRUSH!?!?" is the first thing i hear when i open the door 'oh lord' "calm down dear, its just a hair brush" says the same brunet from earlier while getting choked by the ginger 'what did i just walk in on' "this is kinda kinky not gonna lie-" the brunet says before the ginger lets go of him. "perv.." mumbles the ginger before he sees me.
"who the fuck are you?" he asks and i freeze "oh! i think thats our new room mate chuuya!" the brunet says excitedly "oh yeah, we were getting a new room mate, thats why we had to clean the guest room" the ginger says in a bit calmer voice now.
i study the boys features carefully.. they are quite pretty both of them, the brunet boy has bandages covering his arm, legs and neck, weird.. the ginger boy has some cute freckles covering his face and one blue and one brown eye. 
"you just gonna stand there like an idiot or introduce yourself to us?" the ginger asks in an annoyed tone. 
"a-ah! i-i'm Y/N..!" 'FUCK WHY DID I HAVE TO START STUTTERING RIGHT NOW!?' i think while dying inside.
"i'm guessing you aren't from Japan, right?" the brunet asks.
"..yeah.. i'm Finnish.." i say.
"i can tell" the ginger says.
'what the fuck is that supposed to mean!?' 
"chuuya, i'm pretty sure thats offensive to say" the brunet says. "HUH!?" the ginger seems shocked. 
"by the way i'm Dazai Osamu" the brunet says " and this here is my boyfriend, Chuuya Nakahara!" he say happily. 
"you shouldn't say that we are boyfriends to them! what if they are homophobic, dumbass!?" Chuuya say in a more irritated voice.
"..its fine.. i'm also a part of the community.." i say an they just look at me. i start to feel pretty weird and think that they are jugging me. i feel like i want to cry but i hold it in as to not make a fool out of myself.
"follow me and i'll show you your room!" Dazai says happily and grabs my hand. i flinch a bit at the contact but don't do anything to not seem like a bother.
"heres your new room!" he says and pushes me into the room closing the door 'finally he left me alone,..' i think while looking around the room, its quite big, probably bigger then my old room back.. home.. i feel sad thinking about my "home".. it never really felt like a home or a safe place for me.. all i can remember are bad times from when my parents yelled at me and said they were gonna hit me.
i wipe a tear that was running down my cheek and start unpacking my stuff.
"..this is gonna be a long night.." i sigh.
(authors note: i'll try to update this as much as i can since i'm busy with school stuff:) there might be a bit of smut in the next chapter;
Please don't steal this (nobody is gonna do that anyway) and i won't post the next chapter for a while so just read it on my wattpad. it might take me like months to post more chapters since i might forget lol) 
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gilbirda · 3 months
My (subjective) thoughts on how to survive corporate hell while being younger than 30
I'm 27 and I've been working in corporate office job since I was 23 and I have some advice for any youngster out there feeling unsure if they can even make it in office corporate jobs while being younger than 40.
Don't reveal info about yourself. Craft a superficial version of yourself you can share with peers. Pick a hobby or two and repeat the same speech about what you do for fun. Points if you do something people would remember - everyone says sports and/or traveling. Say something original, but safe.
Your company is not your family. You don't owe them a minute more or less than what says in your contract. You are not less if you refuse to work unpaid extra hours. If they demand that of you, get that in writing and take that shit straight to HR.
Know your rights. If you have paid time off, you are entitled to those days off. I'm european so I have a lot of them, and my company is ALWAYS asking me if "I'm sure I can leave my team down for so long". Bitch I can take the days off whenever I want, is my right. The fact that I'm not taking them in the busiest times is a courtesy.
Be careful with what you say. Everyone will be nice, but not everyone is your friend. Some people would sell you for a potato chip, and finding out who would is vital for your survival. (Hint: if someone spills tea about other people to you, they will spill YOUR tea to other people).
Offices are just like high school. Rumors can and will spread like wildfire.
Another "high school" office cliché: cliques. Yes. Same dynamics will form and identifying them will make things easier. My favorite clique to observe is the people that are shooting for the stars and are always around the Biggest Boss licking their shoes. They will also be the first to speak about how a company project improves their personal life because their personal life and work life is one and the same and they ADORE the company.
Being young can play to your advantage. You are fresh and new, and most of the corporate toxic behaviors won't apply to you by default - but Watch Out, they will also underestimate you and dismiss your opinions. Is a constant battle and a delicate dance.
You Will Be Adopted. That's fact. Be quick to learn who exactly is trying to put you under their wing, and if you are comfortable with that dynamic. It mostly depends on what kind of career you want to make in the company - want to climb higher? Stick with the boot lickers (they will introduce you to Important People); want to be up to date with all the gossip? Attach yourself to the Nice Lady Everyone Tell Their Secrets To. Etc.
I cannot stress this enough: Don't say names. On top of everything else in this list, don't say a single name unless you are absolutely sure you are in a safe space. Names have power, and if you complain about someone and say their name, that will have consequences. Maybe that person will learn you are talking shit, or maybe you will unknowingly make a political stance depending on who you are complaining about, maybe you are implying someone is bad at their job.
Don't assume that young people are your friend. This is a tough one I had to learn, but at the end of the day we are all surviving. Other young people will understand you and stick with you, but if an opportunity opens they will take it without saying goodbye. Or they have other priorities and career expectations and just... not be your friend after all. Not because you are also younger than 30 it means you are besties.
You will be bombarded with boomers and gen Xers talking about "the old days" and "how before things were better". That if you "just worked hard enough the company repays you" and such. Ignore them. Corporate job is not what it was, this isn't the old days anymore. Getting in is not as easy and it used to be, the salary doesn't last as much as it used to be and the productivity demanded is higher than ever. Ignore them. Most of them have been pushing buttons for 30 years and wouldn't understand the hellscape the world is becoming in the last 20 years.
You have to accept the reality that none of your 45+ years old coworkers are as qualified as you. The requirements for regular entry level corporate jobs now are insane, and "back in the day" you just had to show up and have a nice smile. Yes, it sucks. Yes, higher ups are the least qualified. Crazy.
Learn how to talk corporate. Learn how to say no, how to set down boundaries, how to politely ask for help. Normal people talk will instantly work against you because you are young. Talk like them and they'll listen.
This got away from me but eh.
Disclaimer this is just based on my experience and my culture - I live in Spain, Europe. I tried to keep this general, but I understand there's a bunch of social dances and understandings that are unique to my culture and may not apply to other people.
I am also autistic and I understand that it affects how I experience social contracts and behaviors.
This is just the bunch of rules I live by and I'm doing my best at surviving. I'm not a corporate rat and if I didn't need money to exist I would definitely quit, but I can't deny I have learned a lot.
If someone has more advice to add please do!
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thesirencult · 8 months
Your choices are yours because they will impact YOUR LIFE. Not mommy's life or daddy's life, not your gossiping loving neighbour's life and certainly not your second cousin's ex girlfriend's sister's best friend's life. YOUR LIFE, is the one that will be impacted by the path you choose to follow.
Yes, I know. All of us up to some point wanted our parent's to be proud. Even people who hide it deep inside want to succeed just to get the "I'm proud of you" talk from their father. Guess what though ? Even though most people want their parents to be proud of them and follow their guidance, 95% of people are not truly happy in their life. This also goes for people who are trying to please their social circle or go and do what society deems "right". They are stuck in unloving marriages, work like slaves and go home only to plop on the couch and proceed to spend 6 hours on their phone watching other people live their dreams. That's a side picture I painted...
My dad wanted me to be a lawyer. When I chose to study History & Philosophy Of Science he was shocked. Why ? Cause that meant something to him. He has always idolized lawyers. He does not see that the ones who make it are extremely passionate and ambitious. I know that my dad still hopes I will one day get into law school. Sometimes he catches me working on my laptop and he sighs out loud (Eastern European Father ✅) and says "Everything is okay but you didn't get a law degree.". I'm like bitch stfu. I make my own money, I'm building streams of income that will allow me to be financially independent and to live wherever I want, what are you talking about ? The crazy thing is that my father was a business owner and always pushed me towards entrepreneurship! Even he did not escape the dogma of our society. Why would I do "The monk who sold his Ferrari" in reverse. Leave my passion and life's calling behind and move overseas to work in corporate America to have my soul sucked. He then laughs and proceeds to tell me a story about one of his friends who is loaded and his father always wanted him to be a doctor and made remarks all the time, even when he signed million $ checks !
If you know what you want to go after, you are lucky. Most people end up in sticky situations because they had no direction. They follow others' directions causing them to be unhappy and resentful. I made my choice because I loved my parents and I didn't want to have resentment towards them when I was waiting for my welfare check. No one can guarantee you will find a job easily in this day and age. I believe that social sciences are much more important than our technocratic society makes them to be. They are the backbone of our civilization. I could never become a doctor even though I respect and appreciate them for their service. Same goes for police officers. I have friends who are in the force and they are amazing, sweet and true heroes but I could not be like them and they could not do what I do.
Forgive your parents. Most of them are trying to protect us from a crazy world but sometimes they harm us more in the process. Listen to the elders when they speak but learn to logically reason within.
Being an astrologer and helping people uncover their purpose is very liberating. It makes you realize how our world was shaped so the best would come on top. You have all the tools, make the best out of them and go after your goals.
Because in the end, you'll be proud of yourself.
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bellascool · 1 year
Hey! An enemies to lovers with gavi?
thanks for requesting bae 💕
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request on my profile
posted : 14/02/23 (European date)
He hates you so why does he keeps stopping you from fucking other guys?
WARNINGS : cussing, slightly sexual content (smut)
"Can't you just shut the fuck up for once?" Pablo said to you as you were talking to your friend Pedri
"Mind your own damn business Gavira, I'm talking to my friend" you replied back giving him a death stare which caused him to loudly sigh
You and Pablo actually hated each other. It started in high school when that bitch always made fun of you for the slightest reason.
At first you didn't pay attention but then, it became really annoying having to listen to him judge you all day.
"Y/n are you listening to me?" Pedri asked next to you
"Oh uh no sorry I was thinking of something else" you apologized
"Of course she didn't listen, she never does" the golden boy said next to you
"Shut up no one asked" you replied with the same attitude
"I asked if you wanted to come to my friend's party tonight?" Pedri asked smiling
"Oh sure, I mean I really need to chill out if you know what I mean" you playfully said as you both laughed, Pablo didn't say anything this time which was weird
"Nice, now I have to be seen with a bitch who just wants to be fucked all night by some random dudes" he finally said making you mad
"Oh my god! Can't you just shut the fuck up for once, like LITERALLY. I fuck who I want you ain't my dad" you almost yelled before getting up and leaving the backyard still angry
He definitely crossed the line.
You put on your red dress who revealed your perfect curves, it was short but still comfortable enough to wear it. You did your makeup and put on some red lipstick, wanted to look as slutty as possible just to make Pablo mad.
After finishing your makeup and putting on your heels, you grabbed your purse and went outside where Pedri and Pablo were waiting for you, parked in front of your apartment.
You hopped in the back and kissed Pedri's cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.
"Thanks for inviting me again!" you said while doing a little dance
"You're so embarrassing" the young boy said making Pedri laugh while he drove to the place
"Shut up or I'll kiss you everywhere so you have lipstick marks" you jokingly threatened
"Do it and you'll never be able to see the light again" he threatened back with a smirk
"Bet." you were about to kiss his cheek but Pedri had to interrupt
"I'm sorry to interrupt but we're there" he said while getting out of the car followed by you and the other bitch
It was a big ass luxury mansion, you could hear people laughing and music from there.
"I'm going to meet my people, I just know it!" you said before entering the mansion while dancing with your shoulders
You immediately went to the kitchen to grab a drink but bumped into someone who spilled some of their drink on your covered chest
"Gosh I'm so sorry I didn't see you!" it was a tall man, he was really good looking, dark skinned, tall, perfect face features "please let me help you dry yourself" he apologized again
"It's fine, I should've looked where I was walking. I'm Y/n by the way" you said with a smile which he returned
"I'm Jude, nice to meet you" he had a british accent  which made you go crazy down here
He finally took your hand and went to a door next to the living room. It was the bathroom.
"Sit on the sink while I help you dry your pretty dress" he said with a smirk, you could already feel your panties get soaked while you did what he asked
"By the way I like your ring" you randomly said, cursing yourself for being so embarrassing
"Thanks beautiful" he replied back after grabbing a little towel and getting in front of you, gently pulling your legs apart so he can stand between them
Your breath was heavier and you could feel a tension when he started to slowly dry your skin, his eyes looked in your covered chest.
You didn't even notice you both leaning in but as you were about to kiss, the door swung open, making you stop what you started.
"I can't believe it! While Pedri and I were searching everywhere for you, you were getting fucked in the bathroom!" you recognized Pablo's voice and it made you 100 times angrier
You stood up, grabbed Jude's hand and walked past him, not giving a single look in his direction.
"I fuck who I want!" you yelled before going to the kitchen with your new friend "I'm sorry about him, he's always like that" you apologized
"It's fine, he's probably just protective" the man said behind you
You grabbed drinks for both of you as you started a deep conversation, feeling a gaze on your back.
Minutes passed and many, many drinks were consumed, everything was fine until Jude suddenly sighed
"y/n, you're a beautiful person like really but I don't think that I should be the one talking with you right now" he said before pointing Pablo who looked at you with a strange look.
It was a mix of anger, sadness and jealousy?
Nah you're crazy y/n, you thought to yourself.
I mean, he's Pablo Gavi, THE Pablo Gavi who absolutely hates you.
You turned to Jude and smiled a little before wrapping your arms around his neck while his found a way around your waist.
You finally pulled off and he left not before saying goodbye.
Man, you really loved talking to him and now you were all alone.
Not knowing what else to do, you poured yourself a drink, then a second, a third and-
Oh well you didn't even count anymore, all you knew was that you were drunk as fuck.
You started dancing with random people before bumping into a chest.
"Oh no not again" you mumbled as you tried to go away but stopped when you recognized the scent of the person you hated
"Y/n, there you are" he said grabbing firmly your waist
He looked as drunk as you were but you didn't care.
You both smiled to each other as you bounced your hips to the beat.
Pablo squeezed your hips, pulling you closer to him so your bodies were now glued.
Your arms around his neck, you gently put your head on his shoulder, still dancing.
"You look pretty y'know" he started with a smirk making you look at him
"You think so?" you asked with the same tone
"Your dress fits you perfectly but.." he marked a pause to slowly lick his lips, you could already feel yourself getting wet "you'd look even prettier without" he whispered in your ear making you shiver
"You should see to know" you whispered back
He didn't even hesitate to press his lips against yours, ruining your lipstick as his tongue found a way to meet yours.
The kiss was heated and soon enough, you felt something poke your lower stomach.
You broke the kiss, smirking as you took his hand and went outside.
The fresh air hit your face, helping you sober up but you still didn't regret kissing him.
You both stopped and you quickly ordered an uber since you weren't in the state to drive.
You leaned against the wall, still holding hands.
"Did you mean it?" you asked, turning your head to see him as he did the same
"Mean what?"
"All the messed up things you said to me" your question made him sigh as he looked down
"Y'know, I never meant anything, I guess I was just too scared to admit that I loved someone" he said not proud of himself
"You love me?" you asked confused
"How can I not love you?" he looked deep into your eyes
You smiled and leaned over to connect your lips but broke it before it could become heated.
Your uber arrived and you both hoped in the back of the car.
His hand was on your thigh and his pinky finger kept stroking it, slowly going upward.
As soon as you closed the door of your apartment, he pinned you on the wall, pressing his wet lips against yours as you put your arms around his neck.
His hands found a way to your hips, giving them a squeeze, making you jump and wrap your legs around his waist.
He didn't wast any time and went to your room, closing the door with his foot.
If anyone told you 2 days ago that you would be making out with your enemy, you would have laughed in their face.
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
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you met a woman from a penpal website and began to form a relationship with her, until you suddenly got comfortable with her and began to share fantasies that she had also dreamt of.
pairings | prisoner!dark!natasha x fem!reader
warnings | 18+ MINORS DNI! online talking, prisoner!natasha, dirty talking (online), rough sex on the couch, strap-on (used), pet names, dark!natasha, and daddy kink.
word count | 3.5k 
notes | this was anon requested and i hope this satisfies you, nonnon! i’m so sorry if it’s too late :( i am doing my best to get all of your requests. enjoy though!
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When I heard of this website called Pen Pal from my friends, I was sketched up. I wasn’t the type of person who would message someone from the internet–let alone a stranger who could break into your house if they had your address. You can’t trust the internet these days. The only reason why I know this website is because of the lack of relationships that I have never gone through in my life. Although I did have a few crushes, they liked me back, but eventually, it turned into nothing like a cloud of dust. Did I want to be in a relationship? Sure, sometimes.
Okay maybe.
Anyway, I was scanning through the website and saw some of the inmates who seemed desperate as I was. These people, specifically women, wouldn’t pass my age. That didn’t matter though, I’d still like anyone even though they weren’t my age. No one caught my interest, especially with their boring information about themselves. Looking for a babe, I want someone who could send me nudes, if you got tits then ur good. This is the information that I don’t need, they are too forward. If you want to speak eloquently about railing someone, you might as well do it in the second stage of dating.
Until I see a profile that did catch my interest. Natasha Romanoff, 36 years old. “I like making new friends.”
She’s a real eye-catcher.
And, she’s not your typical American, she looked too European to be American. Perhaps she was Russian and possibly was born from there, unless I may have assumed it in a wrong way. I decided to click on her profile and gave her a small greeting message.
Me: hey! :D
I didn’t wait much for her reply since I had Calculus homework that I had to do, so I grabbed my pencil and went back to studying. It was almost midnight when she replied, and I was tireless when I received her message.
NatsRomanoff: Hey there :) what suddenly brings you here?
What suddenly brings you here, I thought as I read that message. I could say: nothing much, I just want to say you’re really pretty or I want you to lick my neck with your devilish tongue so that I could be compelled to you. Although the second option was too forward, too soon. I decided to type something else.
Me: my friends told me about this website, idk why. i think it’s because they think i’m pretty lonely, plus it’s also fun. as they said.
NatsRomanoff: Hahaha, that seems cute. I hope the people here doesn’t scare you off unless you’re only talking to one person.
Me: i only plan to talk to one person and hopefully that’s you
NatsRomanoff: You must be adorable, what’s your name?
Should I give her a piece of information about myself? Would it be risky enough to say my name and let her rattle all over me? Or would I not let her in and continue on with my basic life? Yes, basic. My life in the outside world isn’t as fun as it seems. I go to school, learn a few things, have my piano lessons, and come back home with a gaunt look on my face that wasn’t too inviting. Go on, tell her! My head won’t stop telling me to do so, my fingers are on the keyboard as I try to think of any other names that I would use.
Me: Y/N. you?
NatsRomanoff: Pretty name :) Natasha, even though you can see that in my bio.
Me: sorry. i was trying to be formal lol
NatsRomanoff: What’s your sexuality? I don’t want to assume that you’re a girl or a boy, or neither.
Me: i’m a girl!
NatsRomanoff: Cute :) so can I call you a pretty girl then?
I try my hardest not to form a smile or a significant sparkling feeling inside of me as I know that I could fall for someone on the internet in less than a month. But heck, I blushed hard.
Me: yes, why not haha
NatsRomanoff: :)) how old are you, pretty girl?
Me: I’m nineteen, almost twenty in two months!
NatsRomanoff: That’s cute, really adorable I’m gonna be honest. You don’t mind talking to someone older, yeah?
I put my laptop away for a short minute and thought long and hard about our age difference. We were seventeen years apart, she’s almost two decades older than me and I have this sort of romanticization of being with older people. They bring so much comfort to you that you ought to believe that they will always protect you and be more mature than you are, so that’s probably the reason why I love being in that type of situation in the first place. Though, I could never be in one. My parents would kill me.
But they aren’t here, so…
Me: not at all. :)
NatsRomanoff: I’d ask if you could send me a photo of you, but you can’t do that here.
Me: Well, when do you get out of prison?
NatsRomanoff: Two years, pretty girl. Why? Care to visit a poor old woman like me? :)
Me: aren’t we friends?
NatsRomanoff: Of course, we are. I’d like to see you someday, hoping you wouldn’t run off.
Me: why would you say that? lol
NatsRomanoff: Aren’t you scared that I’m some old woman who is a prisoner? You don’t know my crimes.
Me: do you want to tell them to me?
NatsRomanoff: I’d keep it a secret for now :) but, I’d like to see you someday. Anyway, I have to go. Can I talk to you again tomorrow? Pretty girl? :(
The real deal question was: why wasn’t I scared? Why was I willing enough to give myself to a prisoner? I wouldn’t know what she has done, I wouldn’t know anything about her. But she seemed so kind enough that she doesn’t give me the peevish and creepy vibes that I’d always feel when it comes to other people–especially her age. I bit my inner cheek and thought about what to type with her calling me a pretty girl. Referring to me as one even though I hardly believe in such a name like that.
Me: of course, tasha! goodnight :)
NatsRomanoff: Goodnight, pretty girl.
The next few days went pretty smoothly and ambling. It felt like I was in this word heaven as I called it whenever I would be talking to Natasha. Perhaps paradise would be a fitting term for our messages. My friends knew about Natasha, they even told me to flirt a little. But I gave them a hint that I wasn’t ready for anything like that, knowing what they were trying to tell me. Natasha knew a few facts about me that I told her a few days ago. And she gave me small pieces of information about her too, which made me admire her more. Before she got arrested, she was working at a bar and would spend her quality time at the library, telling me that she had a spot that is now taken by everyone else. I told her that I also like reading and that’s how we mostly connect; we send each other book recommendations. Apparently, she likes The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, she said the book reminded me of her–even though that was a little confusing on why. I told her about the book called The Price of Salt because of my age difference with Natasha. She said she had read that one, and we both laughed about it.
NatsRomanoff: You seem like such a smart girl for your age :) What school are you going to?
I read her message, again and again, thinking if I should tell her what school I’m attending. My friends told me not to give any information that would lead to my address, but it’s Natasha, right? She wouldn’t hurt me, even though I’d only known her for five days. Plus, she constantly reminds me that I don’t have to say anything that would offend me.
Me: columbia University, i have a scholarship. :)
NatsRomanoff: You must be academically inclined then :) Love smart girls like you.
Me: lol what does that mean?
NatsRomanoff: I’m sure you know what I’m trying to say.
No, I don’t know what she’s trying to imply–does that make me feel stupid?
Me: anyway, i have to do some reading before i go to bed :(
NatsRomanoff: Aw, come on :( I want to talk to you some more, stay here baby.
I almost threw my laptop in the air as I read that word. Baby, I thought with a whimsical smile on my face. She’s getting into me. I imagine her being in my bed right at this moment, her hand on my knee as she tells me so many stories about herself before her life in prison. Touch me, Natasha. Put your hand on my core, massage it and tell me how much I can be yours. Whisper into my ear and tell me that I’m the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen, that you have to eat. That lewd thought quickly went away when I received another message from her.
NatsRomanoff: Can I call you baby?
Me: of course, you can.
NatsRomanoff: Good. I love us being friends, I haven’t talked to anyone like this in such a long time. I understand if you’re tired, I’ll message you soon. Goodnight, baby girl :)
Days have turned into weeks, weeks have turned into months, and I’ve caught myself falling in love with Natasha Romanoff, not knowing her criminal record or her basic life. Just a small fact about herself that she rarely tells me since she stated that she’s more interested in my life than hers. I didn’t mind, it’s not like I could ask her again, but it did get me wondering why on earth she wasn’t telling me in the first place?
I was lying down on my couch with a book sprawled all over my face, just like how I’d be in bed whenever I think about Natasha. We’ve said some dirty text to each other, but not in a way that we tell our fantasies to one another. I like to imagine a lot, it’s like I make them into my own little world and I drag her through it–let her know what I like and don’t like. I’ve never told anyone about my fantasy, nor hers. I guess we were practically the same people.
NatsRomanoff: I have something to tell you, but promise you won’t freak out.
Why would I freak out? Is she going to say something intense that would scare me off? There’s nothing that could scare me off when it’s only from her, or maybe that’s how submissive and giving I am.
Me: shoot.
NatsRomanoff: I have this fantasy of breaking into your house and watching you sleep. If not asleep, then you’d be standing there with a frightened look on your face. I would touch you without your consent and quiet you down since you’re a bad kitty. Is it okay if I say I want to touch you without your permission? How about if I slip my fingers inside of you without your permission? Would you still allow me? Just tell me to back off, I obviously won’t do anything if you say no. Think of it as a kink.
I felt myself beginning to get wet as I read through the whole message from her. She makes my body tremble with the need for her touch, how much I crave for her fingers or her tongue to lather up all over my skin. My face began to heat up like a kettle, my toes were curling against the sheets, and my hands were sweating as well as my forehead. I wanted what she wanted, I fantasized about it long before she did. Unless she has done it first, I wouldn’t really care. The fact that we share the same thought probably meant how much we are connected. I typed fast and sent it, moaning quietly with the raging thought of her breaking into my house with a threatening look on her face.
Me: that’s really hot, tash…
NatsRomanoff: Do you want that to happen, little girl?
Call me that again, call me your little girl, Natasha. I promise that I can be good to you, I’ll suck your thumb for you and kiss your neck, I’ll let you open me up and take me until I’m bursting into tears, you only know how to make my world shatter. You know.
Me: yes.
NatsRomanoff: Call me Daddy, baby.
Me: Daddy.
NatsRomanoff: You love Daddy?
Me: yes.
NatsRomanoff: I have a strap-on in my cell, did you know that? Before you, I’d fuck girls with it. And now whenever I see that toy, I just want to use it on you so badly. I bet your pussy is tight, are you a virgin?
To her disappointment, I wasn’t. I’ve had sex with a girl twice, but it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Losing your virginity should be special, and it wasn’t. As much as I want to say it felt nice, it’s not as good as I thought it would be. Or maybe, I was expecting an older person willing to take me instead. Could that be Natasha when she comes out in two years? I can’t wait any longer, I could feel my legs opening up for her.
Me: i’ve had sex before :( is that okay with you?
NatsRomanoff: That’s okay baby. I’m a little disappointed that you’ve had sex, but it’s alright. Promise me no one else will touch your pussy except me. Promise me.
Me: i promise.
NatsRomanoff: I love you, little girl. Can’t wait to see you.
That was her final message before she went offline, and it made my eyes quirk in confusion. Can’t wait to see you. Was there a possible chance that she escaped from prison and broke into my home, fulfilling our fantasies of one another? Couldn’t be true, she wouldn’t do such a thing.
I decided to close my laptop and turned off my lamp, my body shifting against the mattress while I had my legs pressed hard against each other–shamefully trying to get some friction that would make me think of her lewdly once more as my nipples started to perk with the chill thought.
I tried texting Natasha over and over again for a whole week, but she never responded. It took me time to realize that maybe she has met someone else who was willing to give themselves to her, to be much more open when it comes to sex. Was it because I was not a virgin? Did she shame me for that? Or maybe, just maybe, she has escaped prison and is finding my location?
Stupid, stupid thoughts. She wouldn’t know my location, but I’ve given her a hint now since I went to Columbia University. It’s not that I was frightened, maybe a little, but it was because I don’t know anything much about her that she’s capable enough to hurt me.
I tried surpassing the thought and went back home soundly with my keys jangling on my bag, it was attached to the metal zipper. Except that, the door was unlocked, which gave me a thought of someone breaking in. Could it be Natasha? Was she fulfilling the fantasies that we’ve created together? I shook my head and walked to the apartment–getting a different feeling from the atmosphere. Everything seemed normal, perhaps I might’ve forgotten to lock my home. I dropped my schoolbag on the ground and removed my jacket, the hair on my skin getting sensitive because of the cold mystic air from the outside of my window. I turned around and almost stumbled on the couch when suddenly I saw a figure who was standing in front of me, I didn’t know who it was.
“What the fuck?!” I exclaimed, stepping away from the redhead woman–who’s honestly very daunting–as I tried to find a piece of glass or any object that would be my self-defense. Instead, she gives me an evil smirk and wraps her free arm around my neck, pulling me close to her until I realize who this person was.
This was, in fact, Natasha Romanoff. She has escaped prison.
I didn’t even give her my address.
“Shh,” she coos over and over again, cupping my face tightly. I do admit I was trying to free myself from her, but she was so strong. “You’re so beautiful in real life, and so tiny. C’mere, don’t be scared. It’s me, Natasha, why are you trying to fret me?”
“L-Let me go!” I said, kicking off my feet.
“Shh, stop baby stop…”
“No!” I screamed kicking my feet again, my hands trying to push her chest. But God forbid, she was undeniably strong. Her arms were wrapped around my torso like it was a life sentence, I kept screaming until I felt her hand smack against my left cheek–making me whimper aloud.
“If you scream again,” she breathes heavily and nips on my earlobe so that I could feel her warm breath–my core is beginning to pool with wetness. “I will cut your tongue out. You better stay fucking quiet.”
She never let go of my body and instead, kissed me hard on the lips. It felt consensual since I let her do it, and I almost melted from the kiss that I wasn’t expecting from her. Her mouth felt warm and cooled my lips, and I realized how we were both famished for our lips to touch. I never thought about it happening this way, though it felt romantic and incredibly arousing as she kisses my lips hard and passionate. I was desperate for her not to pull away, but she did with a pant.
“Gonna fulfill that fantasy we both wanted,” she whispers with a low grunt, pushing me to the couch while unbuckling her belt. “I have my fat cock with me, and I know how much you’re going to like it. So better yet open your legs and show me that pretty pussy of yours.”
I did not waste time removing my pants and snapping my legs together as the air hit my wet cunt. She sees the action and furrows her eyebrows, her hands in between my knees as she pushes them away, departing if you have a deeper term. Her eyes were so dark that you couldn’t see much green in them and her mouth was foaming when my bare cunt was shown, my clit beating hard.
“Gonna give yourself to me, m’kay? Gonna fucking ruin this hole until you’re mine. In fact, I’ll have to hurt you if you disobey me. Might as well break your legs so that you could never run off from me, understood?”
A sharp slap made contact with my inner thigh as I gasped out in pain, mostly pleasure. She watches my lips being bitten by me and almost wanted her dildo pressed against my mouth, slithering herself in until she fucks my mouth as if it was the gaping hole of my vagina. I was ready–so ready–to submit myself to her, to make her smack me until I bled. I wanted her to do everything she wanted, let alone if she had to take me in the ass. I stare at her and notice how hungry she was for my pussy, please just fuck me.
She pulls down her pants and I see a dark purple dildo that looked insanely big for my preferred size. I looked at her with horror but she was smiling down at me, meaningless to say I have no way out. She brings the tip to my entrance and thrusts inside of me with one go, my mouth screaming in pain and pleasure. In an instant, my hand was around her neck and I felt her mouth kissing mine again–though this one was a sloppier one.
“Fuck,” she murmurs more to herself, enjoying the sight of her cock fully inside of my cunt. “Look at you, taking a prisoner’s dick. Ya like that, don’t you baby? Want me to fuck you on this couch?”
I nodded.
She snaps her hips into me, making the couch squeak with how forceful it was. I was moaning with each thrust, my chest burning up at how fast the pace was going–I couldn’t take it, she was so big. Yet, I didn’t care. I wanted her to do this to me, I wanted her to take me until I’ve become such a slut for her that everyone would know who I belonged to. She buries her face into the crook of my neck as I hear her let out a whiny moan.
“Oh, baby! Mmph, you fucking feel so good…” she pushes my hair away from my face to take a better look at me, and she chuckles. Fucking chuckles. “You are a slut, aren’t you? Tell me you’re my whore baby, come on–tell Daddy.”
“I-I’m–” my breath hitches as I felt my breasts bouncing up and down with the speed of her shallow thrusts. I’ve grown wetter than I imagined. “I’m your whore, Daddy…”
“Daddy is crazy ‘bout you,” she sniffs into my neck heavily that I practically heard it. “Gonna make this pussy mine. I’ll make sure of it.”
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this was insanely hot for me i’m sorry
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kittylv · 4 months
Ok so this acc was not made for me to make posts but I think it's needed for me talk about this whole Ni-ki smut situation.
So we actually had two people that were writing smut about him to finally realise their mistakes, so that's good, but sadly there's still some out there who are still writing..now I saw A LOT of people use the excuse "but no one cared when people were writing smut for Jungwon and Sunoo when they just turned 18" see that's when some of you missed the point, we're not picking who to protect, but we're making sure it doesn't happen again, since it already happened to Jungwon and Sunoo, and those are protecting Ni-ki and writing smut about the other members are not hypocrites, smut about idols in general can give you the ick BUT there's a difference, one is CHILD porn and the other is just written of legal idols, it's still fucked up (had to change since people didn't understand my point) to write sex stories about them without knowing if they're comfortable with ir or without their permission, bc lemme tell yall that you go on a lawsuit, they can easily sue you, and if they asked or showed that they don't like it and you're still doing it, hope you know you're doing harassment at this point.
Another excuse that was used is "but ni-ki is Japanese and the legal age in Japan in 18, the korean one can't be used on him" you have to be either a whole child or someone who knows nothing about laws, but it's okay lemme explain it! For example I live in UK but I'm 3 different ethnicities, but since I'm in uk I have to follow their laws, since laws in different countries are different it would be weird for me to just follow the laws is Turkey while being in uk, the moment you step foot in a different country, the laws in there apply to you, you legally transported there which means you let them know you're gonna follow their rules even if it's just for a day, so same goes for Ni-ki, for example he won't be able to drink alcohol in Korea bc he's still a minor, in America as well, but if he went to Japan or any European country, he can freely drink alcohol, does that help now? Hope that made some you realise that your excuse makes no sense.
Now to the last point..as much as I dislike Ni-ki smut PLEASE refrain yourself from sending death threats or even worse wishing for those writers to get r@ped, as someone who's a victim of r3pe please don't say those things, it doesn't make you any better, best way is to report the acc and posts, telling them to kts won't help and you're wasting your breath, bc like I said, two of those writers stopped, and how? By getting explained how messed up their works are, ik it's sad that they didn't realise it at the start, but honestly it's better late than ever atp, bc lemme remind you, on Ao3 there's almost 300 smut posts about riki, and those started since he was 15 and most of them are him getting shipped with the other members, even the adult ones, and those people just don't stop, can we really go to them and hold them at a gunpoint and tell them to stop? No, sadly all we can do is report but it doesn't matter bc they'll keep going, I talked with my friend for DAYS before his bday about how I wished he just stayed 17 so that people wouldn't sexualise him, it's really sad.
Anyways thank you if you read the whole thing 🫶
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
what relationship headcanons do you think gavi would have ?
I'm not english and being honest, the way, you, my dear anon, asked me this, made me wonder a bit... But I got your point and this is it☺️
Gavi Dating
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Ok, we have to have clear something.
I feel like when Gavi falls in love... He falls hard
So he's ready to do everything for his partners happiness and well being
Love language is definitely touching
Hand holding, arm around the shoulder pulling her close to him, hand on her thigh
Neither much nor little
Isn't the type of going out so much, rather stays in
Either just him and his partner or with family or friends
I also feel like, yes, the first thing Gavi would be attracted to would be his partners outside beauty
But eventually after getting to know her better, he would be head over heels for other aspects of her
He probably would fall even before starting the relationship
Would talk about her to his parents and teammates a lot
He would also surprise her with flowers randomly, getting her a nice present or anything. He would like to spoil his partner
Because he feels like she deserves it
If his partner doesn't know how to cook, then he would try his best and learn for the two of them.
You can't always eat junky food, even if you want to
But if his partner does know how to cook, he would annoy her by stealing some food, distracting her while frying something or something among the lines
I feel like he would love first, but won't actually say it first
He can be everything but he can get also nervous
And that would be one of those times
Although he says it
He also shows it
Sends good morning, good evening, through-the-day and good night texts
He would always think of his partner
If she has a drivers licence
He's the passenger princess
Until he gets his, then its his partners turn to be passenger princess
And sometimes rotating to both be passenger princesses
He would love to gossip with his partner
About everything and everyone
If his partner is Latina, he wouldn't have any problem speaking Spanish all day and teaching some Spaniard slang
If she's Spaniard then ¡Hostia tía, joder!
If she's European/American he would love to teach her some Spanish words and would learn her language
He wouldn't like the fact, his girl is too pretty and attracts every male's attention
If she's stressed he would do a spa-day care for the two of them
He would let himself be babied by his girl too
He would be her best friend, partner in crime and lover
All in one
And he would be the best
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride
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