#watson guptill
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Book 309
Dustcovers: The Collected Sandman Covers 1989-1997
Dave McKean with Neil Gaiman
Watson-Guptill Publications 1997
From a purely marketing standpoint, the decision to have multi-media artist Dave McKean create the covers for The Sandman was inspired. The covers spoke to an entirely different kind of aesthetic that attracted an audience outside of the usual readers of comic books. There was no other book on the shelves that looked even vaguely similar. They stood out. They implied an experience that was deeper, more intuitive and psychological. From an artistic standpoint, they are beautiful and filled with mysteries.
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tomoleary · 3 months
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Gray Morrow - Original Art for How to Draw Comic Book Heroes and Villains (Watson-Guptill, 1995).
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spaceintruderdetector · 9 months
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The DC Comics Guide To Coloring And Lettering Comics Chiarello, Klein, Steranko ( Watson Guptill Publications) : sid : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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sofiarojass11 · 2 months
Semana 3: Dibujo de línea, cuadrado, cubo y su aplicación.
Lámina 1: módulos abstractos, con un patrón en cuadrado
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Lámina 2: Variantes de construcción de la forma geométrica.
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Lámina 3: 50 elementos cúbicos y aplicaciones y usando paralelas.
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Referencias: Boceto Dibujo de Líneas a mano alzada: https://vimeo.com/217277325 (Enlaces a un sitio externo.)Enlaces a un sitio externo.
Baskinger, Mark y Bardel, William. (2013). Drawing ideas. A hand-drawn approach for better design. Watson Guptill. ESP.DT 0113
Ching, Francis D.K. [Ching, Frank] y Juroszek, Steven P. (2012). Dibujo y proyecto [Design drawing]. Gustavo Gili. ESPT.DT 0072
Hanks, Kurt / Belliston, Larry. (2008). Rapid viz. A new method for the rapid visualization of ideas Course Technology . ESPT.DT 0086
Reflexión: Este ejercicio nos ayuda entender los elementos bidimensionales tanto como los tridimensionales que es muy importante para todas las carreras de diseño saber estas bases. Son técnicas esenciales porque enseñan la expresión y representación visual y gráfica.
Esto sí es importante en la profesión de espacio porque es esencial saber como darles uso a todo esto. También los cubos son bases a muchas cosas que se hacen en las carreras de diseño.
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jawhip5 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Creative Watercolor Book By Jose M. Par Ramon Vintage DIY Paperback.
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hollyoxleylevel5 · 11 months
Aagaard, J. (2019). Salad On A Plate. [Online Image]. Available from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/salad-on-a-plate-2097090/. [Accessed 19 April 2023] 
Adobe creative (n.d.). My Creative type. [Online]. Available from: https://mycreativetype.com/share/dreamer/. [Accessed 18 May 2023] 
Allcott, G. (2016). How to be a productivity Ninja. 6th Edition. London: Icon books. 
Datalands. (2023). Datalands. [Online]. Available from: https://datalands.co/. [Accessed 14 May 2023] 
Boltneva, V. (2018). Green Leafy Vegetable Dish in Gray Steel Bowl With Fork. [Online Image]. Available from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-leafy-vegetable-dish-in-gray-steel-bowl-with-fork-842571/. [Accessed 19 April 2023] 
Cats Coming. (2016). Bowl of Vegetable Salad. [Online Image]. Available from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/bowl-of-vegetable-salad-406152/. [Accessed 19 April 2023]   
  Choquette, W. (2019). Cooked Food in Stainless Steel Plate. [Online Image]. Available from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cooked-food-in-stainless-steel-plate-2641886/. [Accessed 19 April 2023] 
Clockify. (2023). The 26 most effective time management techniques. [Online]. Available from: https://clockify.me/time-management-techniques/. [Accessed 19 May 2023] 
Coolor. (n.d.). Orange Colour Palette. [Online]. Available from: https://coolors.co/palette/fff200-ffe600-ffd900-ffcc00-ffbf00-ffb300-ffa600-ff9900-ff8c00-ff8000/. [Accessed 17 April 2023] 
Datalands. (2023). Datalands. [Online]. Available from: https://datalands.co/. [Accessed 14 May 2023] 
Danilevich, O. (2020). School Utensils Flatlay. [Online image]. Available from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/school-utensils-flatlay-5088023/. [Accessed 30 May 2023] 
Feisner E A, and Reed R. (2016). Color studies. Third edition. New York: Bloomsbury. 
Foster, M. (2000) Get everything done - and still have time to play. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 
Game House Original Stories. (2019) Home. Delicious World - Cooking game. [Mobile App]. [Accessed 14 April 2023] 
Gertz, M. (2016). 13 Artists Who Turned Ocean Trash Into Amazing Art. Time. 8 June. [Online]. Available from: https://time.com/4358434/world-oceans-day-art-marine-plastic/. [Accessed 17 May 2023] 
Google. (n.d.) Material Design. [Online]. Available from: https://m1.material.io/#introduction-principles/. [Accessed 29 May 2023] 
Google. (n.d.) Layout- Structure. [Online]. Available from: https://m1.material.io/layout/structure.html#. [Accessed 29 May 2023] 
Google. (n.d.). Google Translate. [Online]. Available from: https://translate.google.co.uk/?sl=en&tl=la&text=Balanced&op=translate/. [Accessed 31 May 2023] 
Gregoire, C. (2019). We All Have a Creative Type. [Online]. Available from: https://creativecloud.adobe.com/discover/article/we-all-have-a-creative-type/. [Accessed 18 May 2023] 
Ho, L. (2023). The Importance of Time Management: 6 Ways It Matters. [Online]. Available from: https://www.lifehack.org/692542/the-importance-of-time-management/. [Accessed 16 May 2023] 
Holmes, N. (1984). Designer's guide to creating charts and diagrams. New York: Watson-Guptill Publication. 
Icons 8. (n.d.). Help Icons. [Online]. Available from: https://icons8.com/icons/set/help/. [Accessed 29 May 2023]. 
Ideo. (2016). Mondays, Redesigned. [Online]. Available from: https://www.ideo.com/blog/mondays-redesigned/. [29 May 2023]. 
JAN N G U Y E N. (2017). Cooked Seafoods. [Online Image]. Available from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cooked-seafoods-699953/. [Accessed 19 April 2023] 
Jay, R. (2001). Time Management. Oxford: Capstone Express 
Jones, H. (2022). How To Find the Right Time Management Method for You. [Online]. Available from: https://www.calendar.com/blog/how-to-find-the-right-time-management-method-for-you/. [Accessed 19 May 2023] 
Khongchum, C. (2019). Close Up Photo of Stacked Pancakes. [Online Image]. Available from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-stacked-pancakes-2280545/. [Accessed 19 April 2023]   
Krum, R. (2014). Cool Infographics : Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design. [ebook]. Indianapolis, Indiana : John Wiley & Sons. Available from: https://web.p.ebscohost.com/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook/bmxlYmtfXzY1NDgzMl9fQU41?sid=27d29fec-1651-4a74-b0d3-0daa0cbc9018@redis&vid=0&format=EB&lpid=lp_57&rid=0/. [Accessed 14 May 2023] 
Lupi, G. and Posavec, S. (2016). Dear data. London: Particular Books. 
Martin, L. (n.d.). What are the different time management styles?. [Online]. Available from: https://www.timedoctor.com/blog/time-management-styles/#list/. [Accessed 19 May 2023] 
Meta. (2023). Home page. Instagram. [mobile app]. [Accessed 21 May 2023] 
Office Create Corp. (2015). Home. Cooking Mama: Let's Cook!. [Mobile App]. [Accessed 14 April 2023] 
Roos, D. (2016) Don’t read this book: Time management for creative people. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers. 
Root studio, (n.d.). About. [Online]. Available from: https://rootstudio.co.uk/about/. [Accessed 14 May 2023] 
Root studio, (n.d.). RSPB. [Online]. Available from: https://rootstudio.co.uk/work/rspb/. [Accessed 14 May 2023] 
Snap Inc. (2023). Home page. Snapchat. [mobile app]. [Accessed 21 May 2023] 
Spotify AB. (2014). Home. Spotify. [Mobile app]. [Accessed 21 May 2023] 
Suleiman, A. (2022). Color Associations: A Designer's Guide to Their Significance. [Online]. Available from: https://ux4sight.com/blog/designers-guide-to-color-associations/. [Accessed 23 May 2023] 
Taciu, R. (2017). iPhone X MockUps – 9 Angles. [Mockup]. Available from: https://graphicburger.com/iphone-x-mockups-9-angles/. [Accessed 30 May 2023]. 
Team Leverage Edu. (2023). Importance of Time Management for Students. [Online]. Available from: https://leverageedu.com/blog/time-management-for-students/. [Accessed 16 May 2023] 
Touli, T. (2023a). About. [Online]. Available from: https://tinatouli.com/about/. [Accessed 25 May 2023] 
Touli, T. (2023b). Cosmos. [Online]. Available from: https://tinatouli.com/cosmos/. [Accessed 25 May 2023] 
Touli, T. (2023c). BFI Flare 2023. [Online]. Available from: https://tinatouli.com/bfi-flare-2023/. [Accessed 25 May 2023] 
Twemlow, A. (2006). What is Graphic Design for?. Hove: RotoVision. 
University of ST. Augustine for Health Science. (2019) 9 Proven Time Management Techniques and Tools. [Online]. Available from: https://www.usa.edu/blog/time-management-techniques/. [Accessed 10 May 2023] 
Van der Veer, J, and Tejada, R. (2020). Design in conservative times : in between making great things and making things great again. Netherlands: Onomatopee 
Whisk.com. (2019). Community. Whisk. [Mobile app]. [Accessed 14 April 2023] 
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ohheyidothat · 1 year
“All parts of the staghorn sumac, except the roots, can be used as both a natural dye and as a mordant. The plant is rich in tannins and can be added to other dye baths to improve light fastness. The leaves may be harvested in the summer and the bark all year round.”
-Wikipedia, which specifically sites this paragraph from “Dean, Jenny (1999). Wild Color: The Complete Guide to Making and Using Natural Dyes. New York: Watson-Guptill. p. 123. ISBN 9780823057276.”
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ASIGNACION 01.SEM. Láminas ejercicio abstracto, línea y jerarquía, láminas trama gráfica. Grafito, rapidógrafo y lapicero.
Relevancia - ¿Cómo nos ayuda el ejercicio de dibujo realizado en mi carrera? Este nos ayuda a practicar el trazado de lineas y la calidad grafica lo cual nos ayudara en un futuro a representar nuestras ideas de mejora manera.
Lógica - ¿Tiene sentido este contenido de dibujo en la profesión? Si claro, con este podemos mejorar la calidad de nuestros bocetos a futuro.
Pag. 57 Baskinger, Mark y Bardel, William. (2013). Drawing ideas. A Hand-Drawn Approach for Better Design. Watson Guptill. ESP.DT 0113
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Book 174
New Vintage Type: Classic Fonts for the Digital Age
Steven Heller & Gail Anderson
Watson-Guptill Publications 2007
As I was looking at this book, I thought to myself that I couldn’t remember a time when Steven Heller wasn’t assembling books on design and type. So I looked it up, and, for the part, that’s true. He has written, co-authored, or edited over 130 books dating back to the mid-80s. I have quite a number of them, and they’re all fantastic.
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hollyoxleylevel4 · 2 years
Imagine That. (2007). Cakes and Cookies. Suffolk: Top That
Ying, C. et al. (2015). Lucky peach : Summer 2015 : the plant kingdom. New York, NY : Lucky Peach
Good Housekeeping. (1994). Good housekeeping new step-by-step cook book. Great Britain: Ted Smart
Millon, M. and Millon, K. (1985). The taste of Britain. Exeter: Webb & Bower.
Fisher G. (1075). Alice’s Cook Book. Great Britain: Frederick Muller Limited.
Graver, A. and Jura, B. (2012). Best practices for graphic designers. an essential guide for understanding and applying page design principles. Massachusetts : Rockport Publsihers
Lupton, E. (2010). Thinking with type : a critical guide for designers, writers, editors, & students. 2nd ed. New York : Princeton Architectural Press
Marshall, L. (2012). How to use type. London : Laurence King
Ambrose, G. and Harris P. (2015). The Layout Book. 2nd ed. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
May, J. (2022). Vegetarian NOSH for Students: a fun student cookbook. 4th ed. Great Britain: inTRADE Ltd
May, J. (2020) NOSH for Students: A Fun Student Cookbook. Great Britain: inTRADE Ltd
Rockridge Press. (2013) Vegan cookbook for beginners. Berkeley: Rockridge Press
Pike, C. (2013) The hungry student Vegetarian Cookbook. London: Quercus Editions Ltd
Rylan Peters and smalls. (2020) The really hungry vegan student cookbook. London: Rylan Peter’s and smalls.
Shannon ,S. (2019). The Priory of the Orange Tree. London:Bloomsbury Publishing
Kidd, C. (2017). Chip Kidd work: 2007 - 2017. Book two. New York : Rizzoli
Famous Graphic Designers. (n.d.) Chip Kidd [Online]. Available from: https://www.famousgraphicdesigners.org/chip-kidd/. [Accessed 7th May 2022]
TED. (2012) The hilarious art of book design. Youtube. [Online]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC0KxNeLp1E/. [Accessed 7th May 2022]
David Mann Design (n.d.) About. [Online] Available from: http://www.davidmanndesign.co.uk/about/. [Accessed 7th May 2022]
Step up labs. (2011). Group. Settle Up. [Mobile App]. [Accessed 21st May 2022]
Splitwise. (2011). Groups. Splitwise. [Mobile App]. [Accessed 21st May 2022
Tricount. (2011). City Trip. Tricount. [Mobile App]. [Accessed 21st May 2022
Andrea Eppy. (2019). QUICK Adobe XD Beginner Tutorial: Intro Basics & Tips. Youtube. [Online] Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vhqsuSSqsQ/. [Accessed 22nd May 2022]
Adnan, E. (2016). The weight of the world. London: Serpentine Gallery.
Jacobus, M. and Twombly, C. (2016). Reading Cy Twombly : poetry in paint. Princeton : Princeton University Press.
Schulze, F. et al. (2010) Turning pages ; editorial design for print media. Berlin : Gestalten
Wilde, J. and Wilde, R. (1991) Visual literacy - a conceptual approach to graphic problem solving. New York : Watson Guptill
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Week 4 SDL
We'll be using the AUT library database to collect more data for SDL. We'll need to identify 5 written and visual assets that are relevant to the key phrases and ideas we came up with during the session. From the ten materials available, we will choose one written and one visual piece to bring to class, along with an explanation of why these sources were chosen.
Visual Materials
1. Vogue: the covers / by Dodie Kazanjian; foreword by Hamish Bowles.
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"An illustrated history of the iconic fashion magazine's cover, this book chronicles over 100 years of the images that have influenced past and present style"
Main author: Kazanjian, Dodie, 1952- (Author) Format: Book Published: New York: Abrams, 2011. Subjects:Vogue >  Illustrations.Magazine covers.Fashion photography. Language: English
2. Vers New York 1920s Art Deco poster for the trans-Atlantic liner service run by the Hamburg America shipping line
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Contributor: Lordprice Collection
Location: Hamburg Germany New York USA
3. 1920s Advertising | Vintage 1920s Wedding Gown Ad
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Dated May 26th, 1928. Titled “Pour Le Grand Jour” (“For The Big Day”) it features a collection of illustrated bridal looks, including a drop-waist gown, gorgeous cap veils and a variety of hats, all set against a classic geometric deco green and yellow colour scheme.
4. Art Deco: Why Is It The Most Popular Architectural Style?
“What comes to your mind when you think of the 1920s? For most people, the 1920s conjures up images of jazz, flappers, Old Hollywood, the Great Gatsby, and the Chrysler Building in New York City. It was a time of prosperity, exorbitant spending, and entertainment that gave rise to one of the most popular decorative arts and architecture movements — known as Art Deco.” 
CREDITS: Story: Asja Nastasijevic 
Copyrighting: Matthew Jones 
Voice: Caleb Mertz 
Production: IK Video Prod
5. The Roaring Twenties: A History From Beginning to End
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Author: Hourly History
Published July 12th 2017 by Independently Published
Written Materials
1. The art deco house: avant-garde houses of the 1920s and 1930s / Adrian Tinniswood.
Main author: Tinniswood, Adrian, (Author) Format: Book Published: New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 2002. Subjects: Art deco (Architecture)Architecture, DomesticArchitect-designed houses Language: English
2. Graphic design: a concise history / Richard Hollis.
Summary: The story of graphic design is one of the most exciting and important in the history of 20th-century visual culture. From its roots in the development of printing, graphic design has evolved as a means of identification, information and promotion, to become a profession and discipline in its own right. This authoritative documentary history begins with the poster and goes on to chart the development of word and image in brochures and magazines, advertising, corporate identity, television and electronic media, and the impact of technical innovations such as photography and the computer. With over 800 illustrations fully integrated within the text, this indispensable account is uniquely clear, comprehensive and absorbing. Main Author: Hollis, Richard, (Author) Format: Book Published: New York: Thames and Hudson, 1994. Series: World of art. Subjects: Commercial art >  HistoryDesign >  History Language: English https://librarysearch.aut.ac.nz/vufind/Record/1134809/Description#tabnav
3. Building the skyline: the birth and growth of Manhattan's skyscrapers / Jason M. Barr.
Main Author: Barr, Jason M., (Author) Format: Ebook Published: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, [2016] Subjects: Skyscrapers >  Economic aspects >  New York (State) >  New York >  HistoryLand use, Urban >  New York (State) >  New York >  HistoryReal estate development >  New York (State) >  New York >  HistoryManhattan (New York, N.Y.) >  History Language: English
4. Immigration and the future / by Frances Kellor.
Main author: Kellor, Frances, 1873-1952, (Author) Format: Ebook Published: New York: George H. Doran Co., [1920] Series: Open Collections Program at Harvard University. Emigration and immigration. Subjects: The United States >  Emigration and immigration. Language: English
5. The jazz age: American style in the 1920s / Sarah D. Coffin and Stephen Harrison; with contributions by Emily M. Orr.
"The Jazz Age showcases developments in design, art, architecture, and technology during the ’20s and early ’30s, and places new emphasis on the United States as a vital part of the emerging marketplace for Art Deco luxury goods. Featuring hundreds of full-colour illustrations and essays by two leading historians of decorative arts, this comprehensive catalogue shows how America and the rest of the world worked to establish a new visual representation of modernity."--Publisher's website.
Main authors: Coffin, Sarah, (Author), Harrison, Stephen (Stephen G.) (Author), Orr, Emily Marshall, (Author) Format: Book Published: Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, [2017] Subjects:Art deco >  United States >  ExhibitionsModernism (Aesthetics) >  United States >  History >  20th century >  Exhibitions.Decorative arts >  United States >  History >  20th century >  Exhibitions.Decorative arts >  United States >  European influences >  ExhibitionsDecoration and ornament >  United States >  Art deco >  Exhibitions.Clothing and dress >  United States >  History >  20th century >  Exhibitions.Fashion >  United States >  History >  20th century >  Exhibitions.Jewelry >  United States >  History >  20th century >  Exhibitions.Design >  United States >  History >  20th century >  Exhibitions.Nineteen twenties >  ExhibitionsExhibition catalogs. Language: English
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islamfakrul · 2 years
Top 10 Best paint colors for attic rooms [2022]
Top 10 Best paint colors for attic rooms [2022]
1. Just Add Watercolor: Inspiration and Painting Techniques from Contemporary Artists Buy On Amazon Watson-Guptill Publications 2. Dickies Men’s 7 1/2 Ounce Twill Deluxe Long Sleeve Coverall, Dark Navy, X-Large Regular Buy On Amazon SUPERIOR COMFORT FIT: These coveralls feature a generous, roomy fit in the chest & shoulders, a bi-swing back to accommodate a full range of motion, elastic…
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jawhip5 · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Creative Watercolor Book By Jose M. Par Ramon Vintage DIY Paperback.
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hollyoxleylevel5 · 11 months
Illustrated Graphs
When exploring ways to show information I found this Illustrated graph that represents change of money in a current account.
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I like how they have started with a basic curve graph to show the increase and decrease of money. However, instead of leaving the Graph as a simple line, they have used the curve as a starting point of a illustration. By combining the graph with an illustration they have made the information look fun and engaging. I like how the illustration links to the information that is shown. This makes the hidden information easy to understand because the illustration informs the reader of the subject.
This research has shown me that the graphs do not need to look boring. I can use the basic graph to build an image or illustration. This makes the information look more engaging. It will also link the information with the content of my process book.
Holmes, N. (1984). Designer's guide to creating charts and diagrams. New York: Watson-Guptill Publication.
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ruiln2001blo · 2 years
Analysis of Visual Producer: James Montgomery Flagg
The artist that I have chosen who’s work relates to my project and who’s style I actually quite enjoy and will be referencing for my illustrations in the graphic media project is James Montgomery Flagg.
Flagg was born in 1877 in New York, he was an American illustrator, portrait artist and poster designer who already quite well known before the war is commonly attributed to probably his most famous illustration of Uncle Sam, a character used for WW1 recruitment posters.
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I WANT YOU FOR U.S.ARMY, Flagg, 1917, chromolithograph on paper, 100.4 x 73.8 cm
Flagg began selling his work at the age of twelve to St. Nicholas, a children’s magazine, over time his illustrations were collected and documented.
Whilst already being aware of some of his work, it wasn’t until I began this project did I become aware of the illustrator behind them. Whilst looking for reference material in the Uni library I came across a book simply titled: James Montgomery Flagg. By Susan Meyer. With his most well known image adorning the front cover.
Flagg produced a large number of posters for the US military advertising the US Marines, urging young people to join the US Army during WWI and WWII, urging people to buy war bonds, etc.
Many military posters during this time were predatory, they were designed to convince young people to join or invest in the military by portraying war as something righteous, that by partaking you are going to be a hero or by instigating or fuelling hatred towards those the US were opposed to and Flagg’s were no exception to this.
The nationalism and romanticization of war shown in his work was a major factor in the stylistic direction of my graphic media project, I hope to portray a believe-able and convincing campaign that can fill onlookers with a sense of national pride that upon realizing, they might feel a little ashamed of.
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Jap, You’re Next!, Flagg, 1944, chromolithograph on paper, 50.5 x 35.5
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 Travel? Adventure? Answer - Join the Marines!, Flagg,1917,  lithograph, color ; 101 x 70 cm
Flagg made many non-military illustrations and maintained his track record of illustrating for magazines, for example his covers for Life magazine, Judge magazine, and various other magazines.
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The World: Good Versus Evil, Flagg, 1908, Ink and watercolor on board,  23 x 17-1/2 inches (58.4 x 44.5 cm)
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Start something, Flagg,1919, Ink and Watercolour on canvas, dimensions unknown
The propaganda illustrations that Flagg produced for the US Military are a good example of how a government or individual can prey on nationalism or sway people’s ideas so that they favour a certain political agenda, these same tendencies towards preying on individuals pride or insecurities are something I wish to explore in my graphic media project and to study for my research into populism and propaganda.
James Montgomery Flagg 2022. Britannica Academic. Retrieved 4 May 2022, from https://academic.eb.com/levels/collegiate/article/James-Montgomery-Flagg/34465
Flagg, J.M. and Meyer, S.E. (1974) James Montgomery Flagg. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications.
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universitybookstore · 4 years
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New from Watson Guptill and famed Taiwanese fashion artist and illustrator Amily Shen, her very first coloring book, Wonderland: A Coloring Book Inspired by Alice’s Adventures.
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