#we knew him from ut but he's seeing us / kris for the first time
s-guacamolearts · 2 years
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I remembered seeing some theories about the SOUL being the same entity in both UT and DR universe so I decided to make something regarding it
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robotnik-mun · 9 months
One of the smaller, yet significant mysteries in Deltarune is whether or not Monsters are magical beings as they are in Undertale, and if Magic is even a thing outside of the Dark World.
And I can conclusively say... we need way more chapters before we can even begin to have a definite answer for this one.
The evidence we do have doesn’t paint a complete a picture and given how the writing in Deltarune and Undertale is in general, very few things can be absolutely taken at face value.
Take for example the stove top at the Dreemurr house.
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Now as we all know, in Undertale Toriel’s stove is pristine, with it being suggested she uses fire magic to cleanse it. Yet here, its dirty, or at least dirtier than it was in Undertale. So surely that would be good evidence that Toriel can’t use magic here, right?
Well, not exactly. While it is a pretty good argument for the idea that there is no magic at all for monsters in Deltarune, from another perspective it might be evidence that Toriel simply doesn’t use magic to clean the stove here. Why might that be? Well, I would theorize that she might refrain from doing so because of Kris’ presence. Whether out of fear for their safety or in an attempt to give them as much of a ‘human’ upbringing as she can.
Which may or may not be something that fuels Kris’ apparent feelings of alienation from their family and community... but we’ll see, won’t we?
Another good example of how weirdly open-ended this can be can be seen in the second hospital visit with Noelle and Rudy-
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Again- at a glance this would seem to confirm that magic might not be a thing, save for in the Dark World. But then there’s that ambiguous, interpretive syntax rising up again. Does this mean that magic isn’t real and Noelle wishes it was? Does it mean that magic is real and Noelle wishes she knew it? Does magic exist, but healing magic is a thing of fantasy?
If ‘Healing Magic’ is indeed a thing here, then you’d think Rudy wouldn’t be having his troubles. You might argue it COULD exist and whatever Rudy’s going through is beyond it, but then that’d make Noelle’s certainty that she could cure Rudy a very, very odd statement in-universe.
The Healing Magic thing gets another wrinkle in the form of this guy-
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One of the frustrating things about UT/DT’s writing is that it DOES operate on a certain level of Toon Logic. Rule of funny and all that... but at the same time it has a certain tendency towards meta-humor and deconstruction, so there’s always a good chance of something that WOULD operate under Cartoon Logic being taken literally.
So where does the Warrior fit in? When we first meet him he’s clearly been badly injured and is babbling about ‘White Mages’, the traditional healer class of RPG video games. Now he’s clearly meant to be unhinged, but the very next day we see him all healed up and no worse for wear.
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And thus the question comes up again- is he all healed up because It Is Funny, or are we to take it he really DID just heal overnight despite having both his hands in casts? Could it be the doctors really DO have the capacity to heal? Again, no idea! Rule of Comedy and Rule of Drama blurs considerably in this game. 
And then of course there are the monsters themselves- how similar are they to their UT counterparts? 
Signs would seem to point to... pretty similar! Maybe!
For example, there is Hometown’s very own cemetery.
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In Undertale it is established that the funerary practices of the monsters arose from the fact that when they die, they disintegrate into dust. The funeral ritual, as such, is to spread that dust onto an object that was of great significance to the deceased so that their essence may live on in their possessions.
This would seem to be the same case in Deltarune’s world, where the graves in the cemetery are themed around various objects, as we can see here. So, that would seem to be pretty solid evidence for the DR monsters being the same, right? Well... it’s definitely more ‘for’, but its not exactly a slam dunk. While it would strongly suggest the same thing is going on here, one might also interpret that a similar tradition of focusing on Objects of Significance arose within the culture of Monsters, even without the prerequisite of them turning to dust when they die. For all we know that when they die here, they decompose just as we do, and they are remembered by they similar reached a similar cultural point for unrelated reasons.
The biggest hint we get into the nature of monsters here comes from a few comments from a somewhat nosy rabbit child. The child in question blithely asks Kris if it hurts to be made out of blood.
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And later expresses confusion about how humans can have skeletons while there are skeleton monsters walking around. So, this would seem to strongly indicate that, like in Undertale, Monsters are made of magic rather than flesh and blood as humans are. So naturally, a young monster would be rather confused about how that exactly works out for us.
Likewise, there is the bathroom-
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At face value this, again, would seem to indicate that monsters have... a bit more in common with us, compared to Undertale. In Undertale, monsters don’t have toilets. They don’t need ‘em (and boy they are lucky for that!). They are magical and as such do not expel waste as animal life does. So, slam dunk for Monsters Are Mundane here, right?
See, the thing is? This is the ONLY toilet we see. In the Dreemurr House. Where Kris, the only human in hometown, lives. We have yet to see any evidence that there are any other toilets in Hometown- and to be fair I can’t imagine many scenarios that could seamlessly bring us to one in a game- so maybe, rather than being more like humans, this is just evidence that the Dreemurrs had one installed for Kris’ use?
So far it would all seem to indicate that monsters are indeed like Undertale monsters... except for JUST one thing.
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This statement is perhaps the single biggest indicator of Things Being Different here we got, and its one of the biggest sticking points in the debate about Monster Nature in Deltarune. But the thing that REALLY adds to it? An unused sprite intended for Chapter 2. One that depicts Susie herself bleeding.
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Yep, you can see clear as day! Red blood, just as humans. This might have been cut from the chapter, but it’d be shortsighted to dismiss it wholesale given that it gives an insight into the direction Toby Fox was intending to go with the monsters. So, if this is anything to go by? Maybe monsters DO bleed!
Or... maybe it says something about Susie. See, as we look over the chapters we already got, it becomes clear that Susie... doesn’t exactly add up with what we typically see of monsters. She seems fairly confident that all things bleed, but then coming from a monster that’s a bit of an odd statement since monsters, if magical, explicitly DON’T bleed. She seems weirdly shy when it comes to her tail, and when you take her to the Dreemurr house she seems a bit weirded out by the presence of Gingerbread Monster cutters in Toriel’s kitchen.
They’re small things, but small components lead to a bigger picture, and its entirely possible that this is all foreshadowing to something being up with Susie in particular. What that is, I can’t really say. I’ve seen theories ranging from her growing up in a human community in an inversion to Kris to her being half-human herself. Nobody can say for sure though, much like everything else at this point. What we CAN say is that SUSIE can bleed, or was intended to have that ability. Whether that reflects on other monsters though...
Well, anyway. At the end of it? It’s all just kinda up in the air. The middle ground would be that while monsters ARE magical here, they are ‘less’ magical than Undertale monsters and as such can’t use magic even though they’re made of the stuff. We don’t see any magic being used by monsters, and it’d be an odd thing for the game if monsters could use magic with out problem in the Light World, and from a storytelling perspective it’d render some of the wonder of the Dark World less than wondrous. Magic might be real, but it can’t do any of the fantastic stuff we see in fantasy- as such healing magic and the like is a bit like science fiction, fantastical while having a loose basis in real world stuffs.
But then that leads us to the monsters themselves- more specifically it leads us to the odder monsters like Napstablook, the Hand Monster at city hall, the diamond headed guy and of course our favorite skeleton Sans. IF Monsters aren’t magical here, then those guys make virtually no sense- monsters based off animals are one thing, but skeletons? Ghosts? Giant Hands attached to a humanoid torso? Bit of a tougher sell even with the caveat of Cartoon Logic.
You might say that Kris’ search history revealing they look into books on how to do magic being another definite indicator of things, because of course that would make sense for them. They want to be like their family, so of course they would want to learn how to do magic as well... which they can’t since, well, human. But then maybe it has nothing to do with wanting to be a monster. Maybe Kris just has a legitimate interest in stage magic and legerdemain.
That’s the troublesome thing about all this. For now, at the end of it, nothing is truly conclusive, and so much of what we see is open to interpretation. Until definitive answers come, anybody can be correct about the subject.
... yeah, whole lot of words to say “I have no idea!”, but hey, at least I’ve hopefully illustrated why that is. God those chapters can’t get here fast enough.
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deltaruminations · 1 year
i didn’t want to keep reblogging that ch.1 game over post over and over so here are some more comments from other users that i thought were really cool and wanted to share/expand on
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Gaster knowing personally of Chara when they died is something i hadn't really considered in any depth and it's SO interesting and i can't stop thinking about it now
my current (admittedly convoluted) line of thinking is that G originated in the Deltarune universe, and his strong desire to un-doom its timeline is motivated in part because it's his home and he feels a sense of duty (maybe because of past actions) to the people in it -- especially the kids, maybe kris in particular (again, for any number of possible Reasons). i think Egg as a symbol of young, vulnerable life being given out to teenagers represents a gesture of nurturing (even if a very weird/unsettling one from the recipient's POV lol), and when we consider the repeated references to eggs not hatching...
so from there, if we hold that G hopped over to UT at some point (maybe with the "followers"? maybe to flee the Roaring?), and was royal scientist when chara was still alive... holy shit dude.
given just the sheer similarities between kris & chara (and especially if we believe kris & chara to be instances of the same character "model"), the idea that he was able to see kris alive "again" in some form before having to experience their terrible death and the fall of "darkness" a second time... i could see that driving him to a point where he might just feel like he has nothing left to lose, you know?
idk there’s so much i’d like to say but i feel like i’m veering a little too far into speculative fanfic territory whenever i start getting into it. but imo the G/chara parallels definitely seem to be there thematically and i think there’s potential for narrative significance to it as well (is G maybe taking extra interest in Kris in Deltarune the game in part due to what he saw happen to chara in undertale, and/or his particular sympathy for chara because of how his own well-meaning past choices led to harm like theirs did, and/or how his own inaction/indecision in the Undertale universe factored into them making their big mistakes in the first place? is anything about that ethically fraught from kris deltarune’s POV???)
@abandoned-quiche & @torchiiko
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one of the things i find so interesting is that he doesn't just say they're wonderful — those statements are among the very few times he ever breaks from his "script." they’re among the only moments of spontaneity we see from him in the whole introduction sequence.
if you pick someone else’s name, even "sans" or "papyrus" or "asgore" or "gerson," he just says HM WHAT A COWINKYDINK. and if you give one of the kids’ names to the vessel alone, he responds similarly neutrally, as if he knows that because you’re giving that name to the "character," you already have some amount of meta knowledge and therefore have already "met" them as a character. he even said on twitter that he knew we were looking for him — he knows we’ve played undertale, and that might be why he’s seeking us out in the first place.
possible masking for personal reasons aside, if we consider that we’re participants in a "survey" or test case, that kind of neutrality is both polite & professional and necessary. whatever biases he personally has, he needs to minimize his betrayal of them, because that could influence the behavior he seems to be attempting to study. and if he’s aware of our (from his POV) tremendous metaphysical power and knowledge, then i think he might be just as skeptical of us as we are of him.
and yet, if you give yourself one of the main lightner kids’ names, he seemingly assumes it really is a coincidence and he just completely breaks. he is so excited for you to meet Kris, Noelle, and Susie for what he thinks is the first time that he can’t stop himself from telling us how very, very wonderful he thinks they are. it’s like he pauses from taking a note, looks up from his clipboard, and says, "NOELLE, YOU SAY. I HAPPEN TO KNOW OF A NOELLE MYSELF." he doesn’t just like these kids, he likes them so much that despite his best efforts he just can’t hide it.
the only other seemingly spontaneous moments occur when we give ourselves his name (discussed below) or when we give the vessel and creator identical names ("OF COURSE OF COURSE. OF COURSE THEY ARE THE SAME.").
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YES the name thing is something i’ve been thinking about a lot too.
to explain that more for anyone who’s unfamiliar: in the intro/"GONERMAKER," G ends the survey session as soon as the last letter of his name ("GASTER") is typed. he doesn’t wait for you to submit it, and he doesn’t ask you to change it to something else, he fully just takes the player out of the session. as soon as he sees his full name, he removes you (and, it’s worth noting, himself) from the situation.
this could be taken many ways, but i definitely think "startled" is accurate regardless of anything else. beyond that, it could be skepticism wrt your meta knowledge of him, as discussed before, but we’ve also established that he knows we likely know who he is. he knows we were looking for him. i also don’t think such spontaneity and haste would be expected to follow from skepticism, frustration, or fatigue alone.
PERSONALLY i believe that confronting his own name brings up deep discomfort for him (for, again, whatever Reasons). just seeing it causes him to panic. it causes him to break beyond affection for certain kids and even grief/disappointment after a game over. whatever it stirs in him makes him feel so exposed that he can’t even allow us to be present for it. note that while he doesn’t return us to menu/title after dying, he does that exact thing in response to seeing his name.
maybe interesting to note, "WINGDINGS" and the like don’t cause any particular reaction. it’s just "GASTER" that sets him off.
the survey sequence in general is very very interesting. why does G even give us a character creator in the first place? i know everyone’s already talked about "choices don’t matter" with the discarding from a thematic perspective but could there be narrative/characterization potentials as well? if G’s trying to help the player, his collaborator & participant, feel comfortable, what does the offer of a customized "vessel" say about what he values, what makes him feel comfortable or uneasy?
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one-mopeyboi · 2 years
Actual Predictions for Chapter 3
This list will be checked off with a correct ✅, incorrect ❌ or partially ✴️ when Chapter 3 actually releases.
Lore (Dark World)
- Let’s start simple. The “ruler” of this Dark World will be called Rook after the chess piece.
- Rook is not affiliated or related to the Spade family at all.
- The shadow crystal holder is called Mike.
- Mike isn’t impossible to beat without Seam’s mentioned Shadow Mantle, he’s just more difficult than Jevil.
- There will be dialogue differences during the Mike encounter if the Dealmaker is equipped on someone.
- We will get a purple soul mechanic.
- Rook knew Mike.
- Susie gets to become Susiezilla for a little bit as an action special.
- Toriel is a party member
- Toriel will wear something close to her UT outfit but not exactly the same.
- She knows a non-lethal fire spell and can learn a lethal one in a Weird Route.
- Toby/The Annoying Dog will appear to kick Your ass again in some way.
- If reloading from a Snowgrave save file, Ralsei would have thawed the frozen Darkners with his magic.
- Ralsei will speak directly with You if You do the Weird Route. Not Kris, I mean You.
- Starwalker and Nubert will appear again. An explanation as to why is that they are stickers on Kris’ phone, and Kris takes their phone with them everywhere so that’s why they can be in all the Dark Worlds.
- The merchant for this chapter will be “the little green lizard” and he is PISSED at Kris for dropping him a lot.
- After the Living Room fountain is sealed and whatever on Kris’s mind is (at least partially) resolved, Kris will shock their mother by declaring that they need to go to church and bring Susie all the while refusing to take their horned headband off. Cue Chapter 4.
Lore (Light World)
- Deltarune! Undyne does not like anime. A headcanon of mine is that Undertale! Undyne didn’t like anime at first, but she liked Alphys, and over time she fell in love with it as she did her.
- Undyne will call for backup once finding a whole fountain in the living room floor. It is likely that nobody came.
- We will get more lore as to King’s, Queen’s and Rouxls’ almighty triangle of divorce.
- Papyrus My Beloved, but as a 11 year old.
- Asgore will show up in person to give Rudy flowers at the Hospital.
- Mayor Holiday makes an appearance.
- …what if both of those aforementioned events happened at the same time.
- Asriel will call home, but we will not see his face.
- Susie will get a proper meal that isn’t chalk or moss or apple shampoo.
- Susie will speak to Noelle more.
- Tea will heal more HP, signifying a closer relationship between two characters. Ralsei Tea can heal more IF the Player allows Kris to become less dismissive or Ralsei on their own accord.
- The ButtsPie will be a healing item ; 300HP for the entire party. It is just that mighty and awe inspiring.
- We will get the SkyMantle in this chapter (it’s a scrapped/hidden item in Chapter 2 that protects against “Holy” attacks… might be useful for Chapter 4)
- We will get the option to trade in Dealmaker, Jevilstail ie, for their Darkner forms. While not beneficial for gameplay, it might be nice for Jevil to see Seam again, or Spamton to make up with the Addisons, and so on and so forth.
- Susie’s axes are revealed to be hairbrushes/hair equipments in the Light World
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clorofolle · 3 years
Miscellaneous Deltarune ch. 2 thoughts under the cut because I LOVE reading these from other people
It slaps. So hard
I personally thought chapter 1 was a bit weak overall – still had loads of fun playing it, and replayed it a bunch, but it left me hoping Toby and his team would do something a little different in the next chapters. And OH BOY did they deliver with this one!!
The music!!! Is so!!! Good!!!
The characters! The dialogue! Chapter 1 got so many chuckles from me but I still feel Chapter 2 managed to be even better on this front.
The weird/snowgrave route is as disturbing as it is exciting, especially since we know there's only gonna be one ending.
The Player's relationshop with Kris is... interesting? I can't parse it. It doesn't feel in line with Toby Fox to make a game where the only moral thing to do for the in-game people is not to play it at all, like we can only do bad by possessing a kid who would be better off without us...? But also, Kris is so much their own person, I feel like I am intruding, or making them do things they wouldn't usually – even in Pacifist. Like – I wish them and Ralsei to be friends, so I make Kris hug Ralsei. But is Kris okay with that? What would have they done?
Especially since it seems like Kris doesn't like Ralsei all that much...? Kris drinking Ralsei tea is the only combination where one of the trio drinking the tea of another one restores 60hp and not 120. What's up Kris? What does he tell you while I'm not looking? You ok? You know you can talk to me, right? And that you can just. Ditch the soul for a bit if you wanna play the piano and go out with friends. Yo it's chill man
We all already knew Toby was inspired by OFF for a lot of stuff, but imho this is the first time it really shows!! Maybe because some stuff had been there even before Undertale. Queen being simply Queen, the Swatchlings have big OFF vibes... but especially the Acid Tunnel of Love! I think one of the imagery OFF fans are most familiar with is the Batter traversing these rivers of meat on a creepy duck/swan-like Pedalo. I've read some theories about how we're actually playing the Bad Guy, since we & Kris are the Knight, and will end up having to fight everyone else. While I don't think that's the case at all... I can't help but feel it would be *cool* to have a sort of Batter situation with Kris, hehe.
I think since Toby knows that by now, pretty much the whole fanbase is looking out for signs of Gaster, they might be,,, tricking us a little? I definitely thought that the man who “spoke so eloquently” and gave “blueprints” to Sweet Cap'n Cakes might've been him! Turns out it was just Roulx Kaard, who might look a bit the part but is definitely not Gaster, haha.
On the same vein... I think general fandom consensus is that Gaster is the Knight, no? The games sort of keep pointing at it. My guess is, it's gonna be more complicated. He's leading us on.
PAPYRUS. papyrus Papyrus PAPYRUS
I am so worried for that little skeleton and yet!!! so excited!!!
The fact that we couldn't see him yet gives me high hopes Toby has big plans for this Best Boy. After all he was by far the weirdest (lore-wise) character in UT, the one with the most dialogue after the Narrator, inexplicably loved by all and any fourth wall breaking anomalies (Flowey, Toby, and me <3)
Also his design was based on Dedan from OFF! What a funny piece of information. How fun that he was based off a villain. Nothing could go wrong!!!
My belief is that he's gonna be an interesting character, and we're gonna meet him in the Dark World. Fight him probably!!! But we're gonna be his friends at the end.
And last thing... Sans has not once mentioned the name Papyrus. Papyrus just. Isn't in the game so far
Which is the most troublesome thing so far,,,
Especially since. I feel there might be a thing with siblings or similar people with similar names and us players being confused about it...? Catty UT is here, but our peer and likely to be in adventures is Catti. Noelle has/had a sister we yet know nothing about, except her full name might be December. We were promised we would soon meet Suzy, yet only met Susie so far. We haven't seen Asriel in the game, but Ralsei sure looks how we imagine Asriel to, huh?
Can't wait for Toby to troll us. Sans is gonna open the door to his house like hey meet my brother. He's a little shy because he only speaks in sign language. His name is Gaster. Oh? Wasn't he who you were expecting?
and then Papyrus shows up and kicks our asses and in this other timeline he's the final boss or something and we could've never seen it coming
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lazyliars · 3 years
Very fun. I was genuinely struggling with the last boss, played it up to 1 AM last night, was about to give up and go to bed, and then...
I don't know what happened, but something clicked in my brain? Suddenly I was perfectly dodging attacks and had the pattern LOCKED down?? I was having such a miserable time right until then. Then out of nowhere I started seeing the freaking code and owned it.
Spoiler-laden thoughts under the cut.
So Kris opened a dark fountain in their house, right? That's what happened?
Setting aside the obvious "What the hell does it mean for a fountain to exist in the Light world" question, does that imply that they're the Knight? Probably not, right, because the King and The Queen would have recognized them...
I'm still on my crack theory that Papyrus is the knight. Think about it! He just arrived to town, and this business with the dark fountains only started recently iirc? And in UT, Papyrus wants to join the royal guard... in other words, a knight.
And considering the Lightners that have entered the Dark World so far seem to be ones facing serious emotional issues (Susie feeling like she'll always be "the bad guy", Noelle's difficulties speaking up for herself and dealing with her family life crumbling, Berdly's superiority/inferiority stemming from skewed self-perception, the myriad things going on with Kris...)
Papyrus just moved to a new place, and doesn't seem to want to leave the house. It's not hard to imagine a person struggling with the loneliness that comes from a situation like that.
The allure of being a powerful, influential figure in the Dark World would make sense.
That ties Sans into this weirdness, which in turn gets us a little bit closer to whatever the hell Gaster has to do with everything.
...or maybe not.
Theories aside, I really loved the cyber-city as a setting. I was skeptical at first because I usually dislike "electric" themed worlds, just, aesthetics wise, but they knocked it out of the park. I especially liked the glitchy garbage heap part.
The enemies were cool and adorable, the Werewires as a standout were creepy and awesome. Also liked the mechanics of the Butlers.
For characters? I liked the Susie and Noelle-budding romance, it was cute. The ferris wheel was such a good sequence.
I liked Noelle in general. Not too many specifics, I just liked the way they handled her.
AND BERDLY. Goddamn it. As soon as I saw him in the dark world, I fucking KNEW he would be my favorite by the end of the chapter because Toby Fox does not do things half-assed and I'm a sucker for character development. But Yeah no, I really, really liked Berdly's arc.
This wasn't as much of a Susie-heavy chapter as the last, but the developments she did have were nice. Her excitement at seeing Lancer was so sweet! And at the ending, I took her to the bunker, where two other kids were there, and one off-handedly said something mean about Kris and she stepped in and scared them off and then checked on Kris like... 🥺
And Ralsei. Ralsei... Gonna be honest, I was super sus of him at the start of the chapter, and still kinda am, but in a different way now. He DEFINITELY knows more than he's letting on, but whereas at the start of the chapter I was getting almost... idk, smug vibes? Now I feel pretty confident that he's more in the vein of "doing what he thinks is best" type beat. Still sus, and I still wonder what he talks to Kris about when the player's perspective shifts to Susie in both chapters... but I don't think he's a villain-in-disguise. At least, not intentionally.
There's still a lot of mysteries surrounding him that might point to something more sinister, but... yeah, idk. I think part of my initial hesitance was because I was still adjusting to his goat-face after having replayed ch. 1 with the covered bird-ish face.
Also the Swan-boat scene was soooooooooooo cute.
The big plot still remains obscured, but what with "the roaring" being name-dropped, we have some sort of endgame we could potentially ascribe to the Knight, but no motivations to couple with it yet...
I really hope in chapter 3 we get to see them. Maybe not like, ACTUALLY see them, but hear them speak, get a feel for their voice and what they're like...
ANYWAYS. tldr, Deltarune ch. 2 was very good, just as good as ch. 1 in my opinion. Now, the waiting game begins for chapter 3.
OH. Also, I am absolutely OBSESSED with the Snowgrave route. Hooooooly shit. Just... wow. I need to watch a full playthrough before I make any judgements about what it says for the story, but what I've seen so far...
It seems like a deadly reminder that the events of the Dark World DO have consequences for the Light World. It may feel like fantasy, but it can easily twist out into reality, in drastic and horrifying ways.
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